Transcripts For CNN New Years Eve Live With Anderson Cooper

Transcripts For CNN New Years Eve Live With Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen 20240709

♪ tonight from new york to new orleans, from vegas to san juan, this is cnn's new year's eve live with appearances by katy perry. regina king, lessry jordan, patti labelle, sherry oterry. k.t. tunstell, kris jenner, james taylor plus more surprises and from the heart of times square, your hosts, anderson cooper and andy cohen. >> and happy new year, everyone. we are live in times square for what is going to be a very fun night. >> it is going to be a fun night. >> it's the warmest -- i don't know how many years i've been doing this. this is the warmest it has ever been. >> it feels great. >> and katy perry, regina king, william shatner. so many more surprises. now i had thought the roaring '20s would have started by now. >> the roaring '20s? >> yeah. we're in the '20s. so where -- >> that's not going to happen. you have to reset. but we made it -- >> we keep resetting. >> we made it through another year and we'll see what the next year brings. it's a greatly reduced crowd here in times square. i mean, it was reduced last year. i feel maybe it's even more reduced. >> there was no one here last year. >> really? i have no memory of it whatsoever. >> there's a hodgepodge of people here. a happy hodgepodge. >> a happy hodgepodge. i think the cdc just spins a wheel at this point and wherever it lands -- >> you had -- you -- >> i did have covid. i just got over it. i thought -- i think it was maybe the delta, so i'm going for number three. >> stop bragging. >> i'm going for number three. maybe by the time the night is over. >> glad you're okay. everybody was tested this morning. everybody got passes. so it's hopefully a very safe and it's festive. a lot of police officers here. all in a good mood. very happy mood. >> it is about to be much more festive because we're going to raise our first glass of the night. but first we need to pay tribute to the great betty white who has pased away today at age 99. >> january 17th was going to be her 100th birthday. what an incredible, incredible person and life. >> started on tv in 1939. >> started in radio. >> one of her first tv shows when the guy who was -- she was co-hosting with left, she would do like 5 1/2 hours of live television. i think it was like hollywood on tv it was called. 5 1/2 hours of live television. six days a week. for like three or four years. it's mind boggling. she was also one of the few -- one of the first women to be in control, not only on camera but behind the scenes producing her own show. >> we have two great betty white clips. one from the great sue ann n nivens. >> i want a job where i don't have to smile. i don't like smiling all the time. it's against my nature. >> sue ann, you're smiling. >> i am? right now? >> uh-huh. >> sophia, what are your doing with that heavy coat on inside the house? >> you tell me, rose. >> dorothy, was sophia naked just now or does her dress really need ironing? >> classic. >> amazing. >> betty white. >> such a lovely lady. so nice. >> lovely lady. we're going to raise our first shot of tequila in honor of betty white. now here's the thing about new year's eve. a lot of you are home tonight. not a lot of big new year's parties are happening. we want you all to celebrate with us in whatever way is your -- you're comfortable with. if it's tequila.g to be drinkin nada tequilia. this is in honor of betty white. a life well lived. >> 99 years old. >> betty white. >> cheers. >> there you go. >> there you go. number one. number one. that's not all we're going to be drinking. i've got more for you. >> really? >> yes, yes. >> as many of you who have joined us before, i don't really drink. i haven't had -- trying think the last time i've had a drink. >> dinner a couple of weeks ago and i made you get a glass of wine. >> yeah. we spent a lot of time together this year. >> we spent an inordinate amount of time together this year. >> which is lovely, especially with kids. >> so many play dates. >> i'm going to show a picture. benjamin, my son's papa just sent me this picture. this is what my son is -- my phone is all -- sorry it's like cloudy. anyway -- >> like a little new year baby. >> he's wearing a ben-me-down. >> almost all of them were ben's. >> basically all his clothes, we were at the end of a laundry cycle. anyway. >> we spent so much time together this year. we celebrated our birthdays together. >> did we really? >> yes. >> andy had a surprise birthday party. and as an afterthought he was like, why don't you -- you just come and we'll say it's yours. >> your birthday is the day after mine. >> look at the galaxy of stars. >> a momentous year because i got a birthday present from anderson. >> i did. i'm not -- i'm a terrible gift giver. it's true. >> got me a beautiful decorative box. >> it's not a decorative box. it's like a sterling silver antique -- >> it is an antique. >> i haven't seen it since. >> it's sitting on my desk. >> you have a thing of pot sitting on your desk? >> i have many things of pot on my desk. >> is that legal now? >> in february or march -- just don't read the fine print. we went to costa rica. i love an occasion to see anderson in the water. here he is hydrofoiling. he's like a translosent flash in the water. and i am cheering him on. >> so i did this for like three days. >> look how white he is. have you ever seen -- >> yeah, that is -- >> a whiter person. he thinks he's doing awful. >> i look awful doing that. >> i can't take my eyes off of you in the water. i love it. >> the thing about that, it's really fun to do. what i didn't realize is i was throwing out my back. my back has not been -- >> such a great landing. >> i've not been able to work out since february of last year because my back. >> wow. >> i worked out, but -- it's hurting a little now. thanks for asking, but -- >> i heard, i just read this. the real housewives turn 15 this year. >> they did. >> isn't that incredible? 15 years old. >> none of the women look a day over 30. >> i feel like i was one of the first to really catch onto it. >> yes, you were, like everything. kind of turning into a true crime franchise. >> how many of the housewives have now been indicted or their husbands? >> thank you. no, no. >> i'm just wondering. >> you said it's turning into true crime. >> i was making a light joke. >> i am, too. only one currently charged with anything, thank you. >> has she been convicted or he or -- >> trial in march. anyway. >> trial in march? are you going to cover that? >> no, we're not going to cover it. i just got over covid, as i said, and i will say the first time i had covid, i took the opportunity to watch "game of thrones" which i had never seen. watched the whole thing. >> hold on, stop. tell the story about when that young one went to jail and you were corresponding. >> i told that story. >> it's funny. >> teresa was in jail and when -- she had this email -- we were emailing. you have to go on a server and put your social security number -- >> corresponding with a person. >> corresponding with a prisoner, someone you know a lot about. and the subject line of every email was, it's teresa. i'm like, i know. i logged on to this special site. anyway. >> you are the only one in the danbury security prison. >> i during covid this time took the opportunity to watch three things i've never seen that i was so embarrassed that i'd never seen. "the godfather." >> i can't believe you'd never seen that. >> godfather 2 and "gone with the wind." what a joy. is there anything you've never seen that you're kind of embarrassed to admit? >> "sound of music." i've never seen "sound of music." >> i may not have seen -- >> you can take our gay cards right now. >> this is going to sound ridiculous. i always get confused between "the sound of music" and "peter pan." it's always like there's a group of children in nightshirts looking out open windows, isn't there? i feel looking out, staring out and singing? i feel it's kind of the same thing. >> all right. shng >> should we go to our fleet of corresponds around the world. >> chloe is on the ground in times square. you and i bonded when we had the whole concert in new york. you and i were just supposed to be introducing it and then the whole thing the whole thing went to pot. >> anderson, you changed my life. i think we spent four hours together. so we are bonded forever now. i'm so excited to be here in times square for the very first time myself to ring in the new year. everybody is so excited. people from all over the world. and i'm going to let you guys talk to some of them. where are you from? >> england. >> how long have you been standing out here? >> seven hours. >> who are you most excited to see? >> katy perry. >> she's going to be performing on our broadcast tonight. where are you from? >> we're from south korea. >> south korea. is this your first time here? >> no, it's not my first time but first time for -- >> are you excited? >> i'm so excited. >> and then from my home state of texas -- >> we're from brownsville, texas. >> how excited to be here? >> we're so excited. >> you're with your family. do you guys have any new year's resolutions? >> to be honest with you, no. >> and then where are you from? >> chicago. >> awesome. i love chicago. who are you most excited to see tonight? >> ashante. >> this is so exciting and anderson and andy, save me a shot because i love betty white, too. i'm going to see you all up there. >> all right. >> listen, i've got bad news for that lady from london. katy perry will be performing from vegas. >> don't be a downer. >> she's been standing there for seven hours. >> why does she have to be standing there for seven hours. it's not like there's a lot of people here. >> why don't you go ask her. let's go to richard quest at the top of the skyscraper. wow. >> hey. >> what's the outfit? >> a big apple. he's the big apple. >> i am. tonight we're about new york icons. so i am the big apple on top of the big apple. and tonight, now you're familiar with the top of hudson yard and you're familiar with this bit where, as you know, you -- >> oh, my god. that is terrifying. >> but -- >> are you afraid of heights? i could not do that. >> when you go out of the building and do the climb and walk up the building. on the outside -- >> is that really a thing? you know, my friend neil who is a lord actually, a cameraman. he bought a lordship online. >> so relatable. >> he's a camera guy but he has climbed that multiple times. richard, have you climbed that thing? >> you will have -- >> terrifying. >> you will have to wait and find out. will i do it? will i be brave enough to walk out there. >> will he do it? wow, he's edging out. hudson yard. >> that's incredible. >> richard, i'm so happy you're with us. it's our tradition. >> it is. >> you are the big apple on top of the big apple. >> just wait until you see what -- i'm going to give you a clue. what icon will i be later? >> statue of liberty. >> maybe or maybe not. could be the empire state building. >> i was going to say diane von furstenberg. richard, we'll check in with you later. >> keep your costume on. >> no, he's going to be changing. >> coming up, patti labelle is going to join us. our new year's staple. can't wait to see what she's cooking. later we'll talk to kris jenner and the captain himself, william shatner. fresh from space. >> yes. i talked to william shatner before he went to space and i had the greatest time talking to him. he's so fascinating and funny. i'm very much looking forward to that. >> throughout the show -- >> sorry. >> that's my line. throughout the show -- >> i'm feeling that thing we took a little earlier. >> that thing we took? >> that shot. >> why does it hit so fast? >> i know. >> i haven't eaten anything. >> oh, he brought baby food. pouches of baby food with him. >> this is what i eat now. >> what's fascinating about these, because my kid likes them, is that -- >> my kid likes them. really? >> it's like fruit and vegetables so you get your vegetables. >> yeah, it's like fruit and vegetables. >> this is green kale and apples. >> we have special performances inside the lightscape at brooklyn botanical. we'll be right back. >> oh, that's cool. ♪ i just heard something amazing! one medication is approved to treat and prevent migraines. nurtec is the first and only option proven to treat and prevent migraines... with one medication. onederful. one quick dissolve tablet can start fast and last. don't t t kekekekeic to nc. the most common side effects were nausea, stomach pain, and indigestion. here's to a new year with less migraine pain. happy new year from nurtec odt. growing up in a little red house, on the edge of a forest in norway, there were three things my family encouraged: kindness, honesty and hard work. over time, i've come to add a fourth: be curious. be curious about the world around us, and then go. go with an open heart, and you will find inspiration anew. viking. exploring the world in comfort. new vicks convenience pack. dayquil severe for you... and daily vicks super c for me. vicks super c is a daily supplement with vitamin c and b vitamins to help energize and replenish. dayquil severe is a max strength daytime, coughing, power through your day, medicine. new from vicks. small businesses like yours make gift-giving possible. now, comcast business has an exclusive gift for you. introducing the gift of savings sale. for a limited time, ask how to get a great deal for your business. and get up to a $500 prepaid card with select bundles when you switch to the network that can deliver gig speeds to the most businesses. or get started with internet and voice for $64.99 per month with a 2-year price guarantee. give your business the gift of savings today. comcast business. powering possibilities. ♪ and welcome back to new year's eve here live in new york's times square. >> all right. i cannot wait. randi kaye always a highlight. >> she always delivers. >> she puts the high in highlight. in years past -- >> oh, my god, randi. is that a bonfire? >> coming in hot. randi kaye in hotpants? i've seen it all. >> with the biggest glass of, i don't know what. i've never seen -- >> that's a housewives size goblet. >> all right. >> how are you doing? >> we're coming in hot. my hot pants on. i'm great. happy new year's. coming in hot. the hot pants and this is my glass of champagne but it holds an entire bottle. we are ready to get the bonfire and the beach party started. check it out. we've got a whole group of people here. and we have a bonfire and just in case things go a little crazy, we have a fireman on standby. oops. i think he forgot. i think he forgot half of his equipment. >> i don't think he forgot his equipment. >> all right. all right. >> they are going to be keeping us with some music, but let's get to the bar because we always have a lot of fun at the bar. we have a flare bar tender with us tonight. >> we sure do. this is kevin. >> how are you doing? >> light tup for us. >> i'm in the middle of making a lemon daiquiri right now. going to add the rum. this is for you. >> this is for me? okay. so i get this and my champagne? >> oh, yes you do. >> wish we could share some of this with anderson and andy. >> you could if you want. >> do you think it's okay to mix a daiquiri with champagne? is that all right? >> why not? why not? >> why not. you sound a bit like prince harry. >> yeah. i don't have his bank account. >> really? >> i think -- >> i do have more flair than prince harry. i'm going to taste this in the meantime. let's see what else you've got. >> i'm going to teach you some flair. we're going to learn some juggling. >> whoa. >> that was awesome. oh, my gosh. you're like a godzilla at the bar from what i understand. >> i'm going to show you how to breathe fire as well. >> whoa, whoa, breathe snir okay. let's do it. >> i mean -- >> whoa! that is awesome. all right. i'm going to -- >> do not try that. >> don't do that. >> okay. >> cheers. >> i'm going to take my champagne glass and head over here. we're going to go back to the group entertaining us tonight. i have a special treat for you as well. a friend of ours who came all the way from luxembourg to wish you happy new year, to anderson and andy. how do you say this in luxembourgish? [ speaking foreign language ] >> you said like 600,000 people would understand that. >> 600,000, but, yeah. >> happy new year guys. we'll see you again. >> thank you. happy new year. >> first of all, do not try that at home. not a good idea. that fireman is a trained professional. >> that's a whole other thing. >> patti labelle isn't just a legendary singer. she's a fabulous cook, and she has something wonderful worked up for us again this year. she's at her house in philly. ms. patti, wow, looking like a million dollars. look at you p. happy new year. >> hi, andy. >> don't block the blessings. >> don't block the blessings. >> how are you doing? >> i can't complain. >> we're gemini triplets, the three of us. >> yes. >> i can feel that gemini energy. >> we're all special. yes, a lot of energy. >> what are you cooking? >> hey, guys. >> what are you cooking? >> i cooked everything. i had a turkey, brisket, branzino sliders, all kinds of macaroni and cheese. patti's pies and dessert. come over and see for yourself. >> wow. >> oh, my gosh. >> yes. >> you are back performing to sold-out crowds. how happy are you to be back on the stage performing, kicking your legendary shoes off? >> i've been kicking those legendary shoes off for about 50 years now. and i kicked them off last month. actually later in the show you'll see me perform something. so stay tuned, everybody. >> we cannot wait. >> but i've been having fun, guys. and my -- >> we're going to -- >> let's remember betty white. betty white and sarah gash, okay, rest their souls. >> we were talking about betty white, but tell -- say something about sarah dash because she was your partner in labell and so incredible. >> yeah. >> what do you want people to know about her? >> i want them to know she was one of the better people in the world. she sang phenomenally, looked beautiful and her death was very sudden. so we never expected her to leave so soon but here's to her family. we love sarah dash and we love betty white. god rest their souls. >> yes. >> you are performing later tonight. you're going to do "lady marmalade." >> i can't wait. >> and "lady marmalade" was inducted into the library of congress' national recording registry this year. what did that mean to you? >> yes. it was so -- such a beautiful moment. sarah dash enjoyed it so much. i mean, for us to be inducted in that hall of fame library of congress, it was one of the most beautiful things that could have happened to us, especially before she left this world. so we're honored. >> when you have a -- >> yes, we are. >> when you first sang that, when you both first sang that, did you know the impact it was going to have? did you know the legend that it would become? >> we had no idea. we just knew -- not knowing what it meant at the time but we all know what it is. >> yes, we do. >> oh, wow. >> miss patty, you have really lived, and i want to play a game that's kind of a "watch what happens live" classic. it's called have you met them. i want to just run through various celebrities that you may or may not have met and just tell me if you have an anecdote about people you may have crossed paths with. have you ever met a member of the british royal family? >> i have never met a member of the british royal family, no. i met elton john, yeah. >> well, i mean -- >> elton john, didn't he -- he did something for you, right? didn't he play backup for you? >> he was my piano player, yeah. he was my piano player with bluesology years ago in london. he was the opening act for us, for patti labelle and the bluebells, yes. >> awesome. >> have you after. >> i want to show you something. can i show you something? >> yeah, please. >> have i ever met the pope? >>. >> yeah, have you ever met a pope. >> i have to show you, what i have to show you, they're people. my new grandbaby. can i show you my kids? my grandkids? >> of course. >> come on. there's gia. this is the little boy. my little baby boy. can you see? >> yes. >> that's roe and gia and laila. >> black tie affair. >> this is the little baby boy. >> how old is he? >> he's about a month and a half. a month and a half. >> oh, my gosh, that's amazing. >> i need that outfit. >> say hi. >> so cute. >> so cute. >> so beautiful. >> thank you, andy. congratulations. >> thank you. >> he's so good. so how late do you think you'll go tonight, patti? >> we'll go until 5:00 in the morning. we don't sleep in this house. >> what? >> we stay up playing cards and dancing all night. >> it only takes about 90 minutes in the car from new york. anderson and i might show up around 2:30. >> why don't you just come. >> i have a house full of covid-safe people. i love you guys. thank you for coming every year. >> thanks for doing it again. >> stay safe, baby. >> you, too. >> you too. all right. this is the only show tonight where you'll see kris jenner and captain kirk together. william shatner himself. >> together again. >> i love patti labelle. i love her whole house, the whole family. very nice setup. >> plus an irish bar with donie o'sullivan, next. (vo) subaru and our retailers believe in giving back. that's why, in difficult times, we provided one hundred and fifty million meals to feeding america. and now through the subaru share the love event, we're helping even more. by the end of this year, subaru will have donated over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. this is what it means to be more than a car company. this is what it means to be subaru. ♪ ♪ ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. earn about covid-19, the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. my new year's resolution is to continue on my healing journey. and make sure that i go to therapy once a week, meet with my purpose coach and continue to meditate and all that. going to continue on my healing journey. continue to be a better version of myself. >> my new year's revolution -- revolution? my new year's resolution for 2022 is to make sure that i am so, so so close to my grandchildren and my daughter. >> my new year's resolution is to get more attention. my new year's resolution is to get way more attention. >> my new year's resolution is definitely to spend more time with my family and a little more time behind the camera whether it's writing, producing. i'm very excited to explore more of that life. >> my new year's resolution is to be on time for things. but that's my resolution every year so i guess i better work on it. >> my new year's resolution is to give more compliments. every time i get a compliment it makes my day but we think nice things all the time and don't compliment people. anderson and andy, you look amazing. >> oh, you, too. look at those eyes on b.j. novak. >> talking about going to therapy and all that. >> could you tell i got martha stewart a little drunk there. she couldn't get it out. >> looked like she was having a good time. we should say we're not encouraging -- if you are -- drink only if you're at home and won't be driving, obviously, and follow all applicable state laws. >> what i like about this, we are all together. >> yes. >> you know what i mean? some of you are watching alone or with one other person. we're all here passing the time p. it's true. it's not just passing the time. don't say that. i do think there's something in this time when we've all been so separated and isolated. it's nice to have a communal event. >> this is our tradition. >> yes. and it's nice to take part in something whether you have a drink or every hour taking a shot of baby food like i am as well. donie o'sullivan who has had -- he does a lot of just incredible work in a lot of difficult places. he's in an irish pub here in new york. donie, where are you? oh, my god. look at that. >> we're on the phone. >> happy new year. >> wow. >> this is my toughest assignment yet. this, guys, is a distinct irish honor. we have printed your two heads on two creamy heads of guinness. we're here in the hudson hound bar in the west village and we're here with a master pourer of guinness. guinness is not like any other beer. is that correct? tell us why. >> i believe so. two thing comes to mind. number one, it's quality. we do over 250 quality checks from the farm before the drop of guinness even leaves the brewery at st. james' gate in dublin. in 1959, we invented nitro beer. >> so you -- most beers you can just pull the tap down, right, and hand it out and that's it. guinness is different. >> a little more finesse. >> there's a technique. >> there's some theatricality, tradition behind it. it's a two-part pour. >> you're going to show me how to pour a perfect pint of guinness and the nation of ireland is watching me. so there's a lot of pressure. you'll have to walk me through this as i do it. so we tilt the glass a little? >> we have a clean gravity glass. open the tap all the way. >> stanley tucci won't do this. >> now what do i do? keep going? >> halfway through the glass. >> my hand is shaking i'm sore nervous. >> i've got you. >> now turn the tap off. >> okay. like this. steady there. >> now do we -- what happens now. >> now it's going to settle. the nitrogen bubble is going to create that thick dense cream. >> we need to weight. 119.5 seconds. >> i don't think anderson and andy are going to give me two minutes. >> 119 seconds? >> 119econds? i don't know how irish people get drunk when they have to wait that long. this is your bar. it's been a tough year or two. 2022, you're obviously hoping it's going to be better. >> we were just on the way back. a little small sidestep here. but we know we're going to come back strong. 22 years strong. we'll be 44 years strong with a little luck. >> all right, i know -- >> donie, what street is the bar on? >> we're on hudson. >> yeah, hudson. >> we've been here since the morning. we've been drinking guinness since the morning. we're not sure. >> matter of fact, i walked by there. >> uh-oh. >> you walked by the bar on the way to the playground, andy? sure. >> did you stop off? >> okay. >> do you guys have a guinness? you do. >> yeah, we -- >> i'm embarrassed to say i've never had one. >> really? >> you're not going to like it. >> jason is going to try mine. i'm going to try yours. drink away. >> cheers. >> cheers. and i hope this year for the bar is the best year yet. >> what do you think? do you like the guinness, anderson? >> yeah, i do. it's not like beer. it's smooth. it's nice. it's actually quite lovely. yeah, i like this. >> all right. >> by the way, we had one of these -- >> oh, wait. you have what? >> what do you have, donie? >> well, the thing -- we printed your heads using this very fancy guinness technology. so if you guys send us a selfie, we'll print it. andy, take a selfie. i unblocked your number just for tonight, andy. send us -- >> thanks, donie. >> joining us to help us celebrate the new year, the queen of the jenner kardashians, kris jenner. happy new year. >> there she is. >> happy new year, kris. >> how are you doing? >> i'm so good. so glad to be with you tonight. >> how are you and the family celebrating new year's tonight? >> well, it's very quiet around here. it's just us. just a few of us celebrating and just trying to keep safe, but happy. yeah, everything is good. >> good. i never thought i would say this, but congratulations on your cover of "jingle bells" landing on spotify's top song play list last week. is there a future career for you? i loved your i love l.a. cover all those years ago. is this going to be your next phase? >> you know, i had the best time. travis barker and kourtney kardashian, it was their idea and because i'm always running around singing christmas songs. i think they just thought, if you can't beat them, join them. we had the best time recording that. and, you know, you never know. this is a precursor for next year. it's a little teaser. >> wow. you all are spreading your tentacles in so many directions. congratulations to kim on passing the baby bar exam. what did you all do to celebrate this achievement and did you ever see this coming? >> you know, finally. she tried so hard. she really was so -- she really gave all of us a real inspiration because she never gave up. and she even took it once when she had covid, which was wild. so i am really proud of her. and i am excited to see what she does next. >> it's also got to be, i mean, something that her father would also have been so proud of to see. >> i know. he would have been amazingly proud of her. i think that that was part of her drive as well because she knew that that was always the dream of his for one of his kids to follow in his footsteps. so this was such a special time. and when she said that she passed, i almost thought that i was, you know, being pranked. i thought, are you sure? is this really happening? so i'm so proud of her. and she's going to do good things. i'm excited for her. >> she will do good things. i always -- >> and who doesn't need a family lawyer? >> exactly. >> or two or three. >> everyone is talking about kim's new relationship with pete davidson. have you had the chance to spend time with them? how are they as a couple? >> you are always digging, andy. >> i know. >> you have a visitor. >> i know. she -- that's little stormy. hey, stormy. oh. you sit right here. yeah, so -- >> hi, stormy. >> next distraction. perfect. right on cue. >> kris jenner, thank you so much. have a great new year. hope you guys party late into the night. and you look like a million bucks, as always. >> we hope the next year is the best year yet for you and your family. >> thank you. well, i go to bed at 9:00, but we'll be watching you guys and watching the ball drop. thank you for having us and lots of love to you both. >> you take care. >> thank you. happy new year. >> happy new year to all of you. just ahead -- space, the final frontier. and the continuing voyage -- >> i'm so happy william shatner is joining us. >> william shatner who actually went into space this year and is going to tell use. >> he also has a spoken word album which is really great. >> you've been listening to that? >> i have. and i went back and listened to his older ones as well. right now, special shout out to our friends at the new york marriott marquis for the amazing rooftop shot. we appreciate that. we'll be right back. live in new york's times square. 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[dog barks] (both) good girl! ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ - [narrator] introducing the grubhub guarantee: our promise to deliver the food you love on time, and give you the lowest price, or you'll get $5 off your next order. some people have joint pain, plus have high blood pressure. they may not be able to take just anything for pain. that's why doctors recommend tylenol®. it won't raise blood pressure the way that advil® aleve® or motrin® sometimes can. for trusted relief, trust tylenol®. ♪ welcome back. we are live in new york's times square with andy cohen and myself. our next guest had a really amazing year. a new autobiographical album called "bill: spoken word." the third season is airing and he went to space this year on top of all. william shatner is joining us. william, thank you so much for being here. happy new year. >> happy new year to you. you guys don't look cold at all. >> it's like 50-something degrees. >> you know, mr. shatner, we lost one of the greats today, betty white. at the age of 99. i know you worked with her on "l "boston legal" and "hot in cleveland" and she brutally roasted you in your 2006 comedy central roast. do you have a favorite memory? >> i know. she was ugly. only -- i have -- i wrote to her on what was going to be her 100th birthday. and i said wait for me. i'll catch up soon. but she didn't wait. >> she was just such a remarkable person with such an extraordinary career. i mean, i think about the career you've had and this year, i mean, the spoken word album which i've listened to and gone back and listened to your other spoken word albums which is so impressive. and going into space. i was really fascinated when you got back and when you came down, a lot of people talk about, you know, oh, seeing the curvature of the earth and the smallness. you talked about kind of the blackness of space and is that what death is like. i found it really profound and moving to hear you speak about it. >> well, i was looking back as earth disappeared, and then i looked up and saw that blackness and thought that's death, and that's life. and then i was overwhelmed by a sadness for what we're doing to mother earth. so one of the resolutions or revolutions, if you wish, that we should all make is to do something to help the planet and help >> do you like new year's eve? i've always had a mixed, fraught relationship with new year's eve. i find it kind of sad at times. do you enjoy new year's eve? >> well, for example, i'm enjoying talking to you. and the moment this interview is over, i'll probably go to bed. >> that's the wisest plan i've heard tonight. >> you know, you've had such an interesting career. you've broken so many barriers. and you just went into space, of course. we want to talk to you about some of your firsts if s in you life. tell me your first thought when you were blasting off into space. >> human error. >> hoping there was no human error, i assume. >> that's right. >> who was the first big celebrity you ever met? >> probably laurence olivier. >> oh, cool. where did you meet him? >> in a bathroom. >> when did you first realize -- >> not really. not really. >> okay. >> just trying to be amusing. >> you are, you are. i've got to tell you, i've talked to you twice this year and i've enjoyed it ridiculously every time, this is the third time, i think. i just think i feel like i've rediscovered -- >> he's a fan. >> -- how much i think you're great. it tickles me pink we're doing this tonight. >> what did you think the first time you walked into a "star trek" convention? >> i was horrified. >> why? >> well, all these people, and they want you to say something. and like you guys are enduring now, although you've got structure, you look at 15,000 people and you don't know what to tell them. >> william shatner, thank you so much. have a good sleep tonight, happy new year early. >> i hope this is a great year for you, mr. shatner. i appreciate all that you've given us in this past year. thank you. >> stick around, we have special performances from katy perry and duran duran. >> we're very excited. we're going to keep the party going, performing from their new album. oh, that's it. we're going to break. all right. this is your h >> announcer: "new year's eve live" brought to you live from vrbo. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ clerk: hello, how can i? sore throat pain? ♪honey lemon♪ try vicks vapocool drops. in honey lemon chill. for fast-acting sore throat relief. wooo vaporize sore throat pain with vicks vapocool drops. every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. all right. we are live in new york's times square. it's almost 9:00 p.m. here on the east coast. >> wow. hours to go. >> we're going to keep the party going. performing "all of you," the legendary duran duran. ♪ ♪ ♪ how it kills when you ask me, am i going to stay ♪ ♪ and do i still want you baby, or was it all in play ♪ ♪ got to tell you you've got so much i don't wanna lose ♪ ♪ if i had to pick the best bit, i really could not choose ♪ ♪ i want everything, all of what you do ♪ ♪ every night, every day, i want all of you ♪ ♪ give me sacred motivation with your deeper touch ♪ ♪ talking dirty conversation, your look says so much ♪ ♪ so much more to this song's meaning, i don't have time to say ♪ ♪ hit the high note of my feeling, can't let this fade away ♪ ♪ i want everything, all of what you do ♪ ♪ every night, every day ♪ ♪ i want all of you ♪ ♪ i want everything, all of what you do ♪ ♪ every night, every day ♪ ♪ i want all of you ♪ ♪ ♪ yeah, we got history ♪ ♪ but we got mystery ♪ ♪ like the sun, like the sun, we'll burn ♪ ♪ this much we have learned ♪ ♪ like two souls among many others ♪ ♪ like the sun we'll burn ♪ ♪ in that we are moving lovers, this much we've learned ♪ ♪ two souls among many others, like the sun we'll burn ♪ ♪ i want everything, all of what you do ♪ ♪ every night, every day, i want all of you ♪ ♪ i want everything, give me everything ♪ ♪ i want everything, give me everything ♪ >> happy new year to you and your families all around the world. let's party. let's bring in style with 2022. let's crush it. happy new year. >> announcer: tonight, from new york to new orleans, from vegas to san juan, this is cnn's "new year's eve live" with appearances by katy perry, regina king, leslie jordan, amanda gorman, james taylor, plus more surprises. and now from the heart of times square, your hosts, anderson cooper and andy cohen. >> and welcome back. we're now less than three hours away from 2022. >> woo! >> wow. i mean, that was our big production? >> do you know, i went to this freakin' party store on long island the other day. i walked in. this lady, there was nothing happening in there, no music, it was just dead. and the lady is like, what do you want? she's reading a book about the holocaust at the front desk. to tell you how lively it was. she goes, what are you doing new year's eve? i go, i'm hanging out with my friend in new york city. she goes, oh, yeah? i heard it's packed. enjoy. i go, it was packed but now everyone's scattered that they got covid. she goes, that's not what i heard. enjoy. so thanks for your $3.50 thing. i knew this was not going to work. do a shot of tequila. i'm sorry. i've been holding on. >> so andy likes to do shots. we're not encouraging drinking. celebrate with us in any manner you like. what is this? >> can you imagine, reading a holocaust book at the counter of a party store? cheers. happy new year, everybody. cheers. >> wow, that was unnecessary. >> that was a lot. >> oh, my god. ny my parents are going to be joining us later on. >> are they watching us? >> they said they would be watching every second of it. before we bring in our next guest -- richard quest is scared of heights. tonight he's climbing hudson yards, a giant skyscraper in new york. >> let's go to richard. richard, what's going on where you are? >> hi, anderson and andy, hello, can you hear me? from the highest in the world. new year's eve. i can female the energy of the city. and now there's only one question that we ask. will i or won't i? >> what's he doing? >> he's climbing. >> well, would you? >> wow. we're going to get back to richard to see if he does it. our next guest is an emmy award winning actor. he can be seen in season 2 of "call me cat" in january. he's so entertaining on instagram and in real life. >> i can't believe i'm finally meeting you. >> you were here by satellite last time. >> satellite. >> i fell in love with you during the pandemic as did the entire world. >> yes, i was stuck down there in tennessee. >> we've been talking about betty white a lot. you worked with betty white. do you have a fond memory of her? >> i'll tell you the best story. betty white and i were on a series called "boston legal." and she said to me, how many did they hire you for? i said, five. she said, me too. i'm going to kill you or you're going to kill me. so the fifth episode, sure enough, she was supposed to kill me. she was supposed to hit me with a skillet. so she came in that day and she said, mr. jordan, i don't want to hit you with this skillet. i said, come here, miss white. it's not here, it's a trick skillet. i took it over and showed her it was made of rubber. but it was hard rubber. she walloped me. if you ever see the episode, i fly through the air. they had to take me to the chiropractor. >> is that true, really? >> she knocked the bejesus out of me. every time i saw her after that she would say, i'm sorry, i'm sorry. isn't she precious? she's going to be so missed. >> queen of television. >> i was from -- >> from three queens of television. >> we three queens of television are. >> you think about bea arthur. >> and then there's maude. >> the only thing that really gets me gripy usually is traffic. it's really hard, you know, when you live in los angeles. but i've also figured out a way where i can get where i need to get so i don't have to, you know, get in traffic. because that's the one thing that really -- >> i feel like you guys coordinated sweaters that would really pop on camera. you guys are really popping. i'm, like, bland. he told me i was wearing blue so i wore blue. >> how are your mom and sisters doing? >> my mom, i was with them over the holidays. we decided to go down to tidy island, this wonderful island right outside of savannah. it's the most beautiful place on earth. we just had the best christmas. >> you have twin sisters. >> identical twin sisters. they're 22 months younger than me. but we're almost like -- we're almost like triplets. we're only 22 months apart. so we look exactly alike. but they're just precious. >> what are their names? >> their names are janet ann and jana leanne. when they were little, janet, jana, janet, jana. my one sister has a mole right here so mother would pull her dress up. they would go to church and people would say, are you janet or jana? but they're adorable. and we had so much fun on tabby island. >> i want to take the opportunity of you being here to play a little game about the year 2021, okay? this is a "watch what happens live" classic. >> i'm not real good. >> agree or disagree. all we have to do is hold up our signs. so the first question, megan markle was silenced, not silenced. there can never be too many films or musicals about princess diana. three, two, one. agree or disagree? yeah, that musical was meant to be -- the dancing aids patients. >> nick ruzzo went to see it. >> it's available on netflix, torture yourself. >> if given the chance, i would date pete davidson too. agree or disagree? oh, you like a man with height. >> it has nothing to do with that. >> what does it -- oh, you like that voice? >> tattoos and dirty fingernails. i just think he has a great -- chipped teeth. >> is that on your grindr profile? >> jennifer lopez and ben affleck are meant to be together. agree or disagree? three, two, one. >> where is kit carol ann? >> after watching the beatles "get back," i still believe yoko broke them up. agree or disagree? did you see the beatles doc? it is so good. >> a friend of mine, michael lindsey hogg, shot all the footage originally. >> yes. sharing vintage thirst traps on instagram is perfectly acceptable. three, two, one. >> you're setting me up. you are setting me up. >> check it out, dirty fingernails. >> that's miami beach and i was 19 years old. >> what year is that? 1981? >> no, it would have been -- i would have been 19. so, it was '73. >> wow. >> see, people see old people and they think we always looked like this. >> you're not an old person. >> and by the way, you told a story, a lover tried to shoot you with a crossbow? >> we can't tell that, my mama is watching. but he just grazed me. >> that's good. >> jeff bezos' space shuttle actually looked like a giant penis, three, two, one, agree or disagree? oh, you can't play, newsman? oh, you disagree? what did it look like? >> it looked like a spaceship. >> it looked like a dick. >> andy is a hotter daddy than anderson. three, two, one, agree or disagree? oh, you're nice, we set you up. >> i don't know which one. >> where do you go from here, leslie, tonight? are you -- >> where is the afterparty? >> i gave all that up years ago. i've been sober for 25 years. >> that's awesome. >> i was thinking the other day i would have 4rloved this, but 5:00 in the morning you don't want to be walking the streets. >> i don't understand alcohol, i don't get the point of it, it's just messy. >> and, you know, i'm good now, probably go back to my hotel room. i've got to get up in the morning and fly somewhere. oh, back to my tv program which you have to watch. "call me cat." brilliant. starts january 9th. >> did you fly here just to be in new york? >> yes. >> have you ever been in times square, new york? >> oh, yeah. >> because i'm a lifelong new yorker. until i started working here. >> i mean have you been here on new year's eve. >> no. i kind of liked it when it was seedy. remember it was real seedy. it was like strip clubs and stuff. >> yes, we know. >> the gaiety theater. >> leslie jordan, great to see, we'll see you on instagram. >> okay. >> next, a special surprise for anderson, right after this. ♪ what if you could see the details of your great-grandparents wedding day... ...or the record that welcomed your great-grandmother to the world. your family story is waiting to be discovered, and now you can search for those fascinating details for free—at ancestry. from the very first touch, pampers, the #1 pediatrician recommended brand, helps keep baby's skin drier and healthier. so every touch will protect like the first. pampers my family's been devastated by covid-19. and we're not alone. we've all had to find new ways to keep going. and cue has made that easier. with cue, you get lab-quality covid-19 test results in just 20 minutes. speed and accuracy. it's just for the nba; it's for you too. cue health. the official covid-19 home test of the nba. go cue. go you. every year we try to exercise more, to be more social, to just relax. and eating healthy every single meal? if only it was this easy for us. and welcome back. we're live at new york's times square, a little after 9:00 p.m. >> you know what? >> what? >> thank me now. >> going to what that means. >> we're going to have another cocktail. >> by the way -- >> i brought a bar. this is a japanese spirit. this is called mu zhen. we're going to sip it. it's really light. cheers. you should have something to sip. it's low cal. >> you're just an enthusiast? >> i am. something to sip. >> it's nice. >> we're going to head somewhere where the weather is a little warmer. gary and lindsey tuchman are celebrating in san juan, puerto rico, lucky you, gary. >> i love san juan. >> hola! we are here in san juan. first things first, we've got to say it's where the pina colada was invented. that's how we're starting the party. now we're ahead of you guys. we've got it started. >> this is the eighth year in a row lindsey and i have worked together at new year's. this year, san juan, puerto rico, usa. we take a sip. salud. it's a wonderful place to be on new year's eve, anderson and andy. this is the 500th anniversary of the city of san juan. we're at a rooftop bar in old san juan. there's band playing right down the street, having a good time. we feel very safe here, very strict rules to get into this country right now. you have to be vaccinated, you have to have been tested within 48 hours. >> to get on the plane. >> we're outdoors. so it's wonderful. >> we're at a bar where people are having a good time. >> douglas' lantern. douglas is tending the bar downstairs right now. large family from three different places. puerto rico, spain, and colombia. this is the spokesperson for this large family. tell us why you've all come to this particular bar tonight. >> to celebrate and enjoy the new year and our beautiful island. >> now, people are from all over the place, spain, europe, south america, colombia. why so many countries? how do you know all these people? >> just the way the world works, just lucky. the stars aligned for the family. are you having a good night? >> we're having a great time. happy 2022, everybody. cheers, salud. >> i want to give a shoutout to medea callo, an old friend of my mom's, she's watching tonight, i texted with her earlier. a lot of friends in puerto rico. >> coming up next, richard quest is going to do a daring stunt, scaling one of manhattan's tallest buildings, looking out more than 1,000 feet over the city this new year's eve. >> this is like water. >> i know, it's really good. plus don lemon and alisyn camerota join us from new orleans. hilarity will ensue. - [narrator] introducing the grubhub guarantee: our promise to deliver the food you love on time, and give you the lowest price, or you'll get $5 off your next order. all right, we are back live in times square. >> i just drank, i don't know what that is, an entire glass. it was like water. now i realize it's all alcohol. >> good. welcome to new year's eve, everybody. do we think that kris jenner had stormy standing by for when i asked a shady question? >> she's very beautiful. >> she knows i'm going to do it and here comes stormy. we have a special correspondent who has never seen new year's eve in times square like this. this is a surprise you to, anderson. anderson, please welcome the ghost of your great great-great-grandfather, cornelius vanderbilt. wow. commodore vanderbilt. oh, my god. >> how do you do? >> it's the ghost of your great-great-grandfather. cornelius vanderbilt, what is it like being in times square, was it like when you were alive in the 1800s? >> no. what are these surrounding me? and are these partygoers? >> is there an echo? >> there's an echo because he's a ghost. it's from the past, so there's an echo. are you proud of anderson, ghost of his great-great-grandfather? are you proud of him? >> i couldn't be more proud of my great great great grandson anderson. >> is it great great or is it great great great? >> it's great great great. >> by the way, great great-great-grandfather, you look like your forehead has bruised. have you been in a ball, have you had fisticuffs with somebody? >> how did you die, commodore vanderbilt? >> well, i don't know if i can go into it on live tv, but let's say it had to do with a little bit too much partying, if you know what i mean. >> what was it, venereal? >> venereal excesses. >> some might call it syphilis. tomatoes, to-mah-toes. >> are you upset that anderson and all of your relatives squandered your great fortune? >> not all of them. >> he wrote a whole book about where the money went, following the money. >> i have one big regret and that's leaving it to the boys. i should have left the money to the women. otherwise it gets spent on gambling and parties. >> the first son did well with it. but after that -- >> is there anything else you want to say? this is the ghost of great-great-grandfather. >> no. it's very moving for me to see you here. >> oh, it is a pleasure, my dear boy. anything to support the family. >> i've only seen your statue at grand central station, which you founded and which that part of new york you used to own. >> there's a resemblance. >> we love you, ghost of anderson's great great-great-grandfather. thanks for joining us tonight. >> thank you very much, it's great to see you. you have to go back to the crypt now. wow. he's seen better days. he's in a crypt in staten island. >> i don't see the resemblance. >> the years have been difficult. >> there's a big party tonight in new orleans. cnn's don lemon. my job tonight is to get him drunk and make him giggle. look, don lemon and alisyn camerota are there, happy new year to you guys. >> listen, anderson and andy, we're so excited to see you. we have a special guest star with us. and you know, as you know, you have us here every year because we're in new orleans, every year we bring it, so roll it. >> hang on, hold on. >> roll it. >> let the good times roll. >> a mardi gras new year's parade. >> the reason we did this, anderson, you know i have a connection to new orleans and louisiana, i grew up here, and your family has connections here as well. >> okay, we're moving. >> and we're off. >> introducing fabulous, lovely and talented, very funny comedienne, chelsea sloan. welcome to cnn's "new year's eve". >> this is the third time confuse had me on, every year i think i'm going to get fired. >> you're not cool unless you're either on the verge of being canceled -- didn't you tell me i could be canceled? >> you can't be canceled, you're a gay black man. >> a lot of people have tried. oh, my god, look. >> don's outfit is already -- >> what do you think of our outfits? >> i love them. >> where in new orleans are you? >> a lot of outfit changes. >> we're in the warehouse district. >> just so nobody worries, it's a fully vaccinated event. it's invitation only. everybody here is vaccinated. you're about to see a marching band and a drum corps. >> when we're not on tv, we're wearing our masks. >> don looks fabulous, which we would expect, but alison and dulca, you guys have brought it tonight. >> don lemon is aging in reverse. don, you look 25. what did you do to yourself? >> look, look. no botox. i know you guys sneak to the botox unit. >> it's called melanin. >> it's chaos here, anderson. thank you for attempting to compliment us. >> i did noom and intermittent fasting, anderson, i heard you hurt your back and couldn't go to the gym, i did that too and i gained 30 pounds. >> i lost 30 pounds in covid. >> alisyn camerota has donna summer realness. >> truly. >> i think we have to start going. >> the lemon beads. >> and we have cnn mardi gras beads all for tonight. can we introduce you guys to the band? give us a second here. we're going to get off the float. hold on. >> oh, my god, they're doing a scene change. >> i've had a couple of tequilas. >> trying to step down. >> alisyn, go ahead and do the introduction. >> this is derek, he started it. these are the kids over here that are part of roots of music. >> hello. >> i didn't die, i didn't die. >> i can't hear alisyn. >> what's going on on this live television? >> cnn hero nominee 2009. these are the kids. >> these are all the kids, turn around and check them out, these are all of the children. 2009, alisyn, he was nominated because he keeps kids out of trouble. he teaches them music and to be part of a brass band so that they don't have enough energy to get in trouble, right? >> exactly. we teach them everything they need to know to succeed, then they'll be too tired, when they go home they go to sleep. >> you guys have something special you want to play for andy and anderson? >> yes. right now we're going to play. >> which students should we talk to? oh, hi. tell me your name. >> chelsea. >> how old are you? >> i'm 14. >> what do you play? >> the clarinet and i'm a drum major. >> tell me your name. >> toni. >> what do you play? >> the clarinet. >> very cool. what are you guys going to play for us now? >> we're ready, hit it. >> we're going to hear the marching band and send it back to you. >> we're having fun in new orleans. when you come to us next we'll be drunk on tequila, beer, and boiled crawfish. we'll send you some via satellite. anderson, andy, alysin, don. don't say reporting live from new orleans. >> one of the greatest cities in the world. >> that's your special spot. >> i love it. >> anderson's special spot. anybody who wants to know where anderson's special spot is. >> i feel like there's a double entre entrendre in there. >> that was some unedited television. are you okay? >> yeah. >> it kicked in. the moment is here. richard quest is facing his fears and scaling -- >> why am i drinking this now? >> richard, what are you doing? how are you feeling? >> as you can see, i'm now dressed, harnessed up, if you will. the skies have cleared. >> i have a feeling it's not the first time. >> you know, you didn't go for the easy one, did you? i knew you were going to go for that. ten bucks, i've just won from my husband with that one. anyway, the skies are clearing. and you'll have to excuse me. >> richard, just for those who don't know, this is a thing that people can do when they come to new york, they go to hudson yards and they go to the edge, they can pay to actually climb up the building. >> it is one of the new icons of the city. it is called the climb. and i'm just going to pop upstairs. new york is back and i've gone to the top, to the apex, to do the climb. oh, my goodness. whose idea was this? anissa, how many feet up? >> we're 1,189 feet. >> look at it. king of the world! i'm terrified of heights. my husband is behind me. what are you doing down there? >> i'm sorry, i'll catch you. >> it's just great. chris, come on. >> when you wanted a nice night out on the town, i didn't know this is what you meant. >> i know i'm tethered to the building in three or four places. and i know that i could pretty much go, ahhhh, and nothing would happen. but i'm still scared. when they said do the climb, i thought, eh. eh, i don't like heights, i won't enjoy it. but this is absolutely outstanding. the freedom of opportunity to just -- the wind. i'm starting to realize just how much we've all been through, how far we've come, how magnificent it is to be here tonight, to enjoy it. whoa! whoa, whoa. oh, my goodness. no, i'm not doing the lean. it's too -- the wind is -- it's amazing but it's terrifying. >> bend your knees. there you go. all the way down. then you're going to stick your booty out. stick your butt out. yep, yep. then straighten those legs. excellent. yes, yes! woo! we did it! >> i feel the wind is going to blow me off my feet. >> it's not going to blow you off your feet. >> i want to keep saying "king of the world." >> because you feel like king of the world up here. >> it's the buildings, it's the life, it's the jobs, it's the people, it's the loves, it's the crime. you look down and it doesn't look real. and yet i know because i've lived here for so many years what's going on. it's just amazing. just extraordinary. ♪ it's up to you, new york, new york ♪ >> oh, god. >> richard quest. i mean, i cannot -- >> i don't know what to say. >> it was the most pathetic little lean that you could possibly imagine. but for 185 bucks, doing the city climb is worth it. just to stand there and go, ahhh! >> terrifying. >> $185? that's a massage. >> a what? >> a massage. >> does that mean it's good or bad? >> andy, andy. here's the deal. andy, i will pay out of my own pocket for you and anderson to do it. >> i won't do it. i'm too afraid of heights. >> i'm too freaked out. >> it freaked me out to even see you do that, to be honest. >> mazel tov. richard quest, we love you as always and we're glad your husband did it with you, that's awesome. >> chrissy teigen checks her new year's resolutions. >> and the crowd in times square. don't go anywhere. ♪ ♪ people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... with rybelsus®. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to the possibility of lower a1c with rybelsus®. you may pay as little as $10 for up to a 3-month prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. moving is a handful. no kidding! fortunately, xfinity makes moving easy. easy? 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>> what? >> joining us here in times square -- >> he's back, bozo the clown. >> bozo. >> hey, bozo. >> wow. >> come here. hi. >> hey, bozo. >> oh, my god. >> i'm so excited to be here. >> why did you decide to ring in 2022 in the middle of times square? >> it's a whole new era. we're bringing love, light, laughter back to the world. it's going to be a beautiful 2022. >> bozo, where have you been? i feel like i grew up with you and i feel like you left for a while. >> you know, i've been traveling the universe, as you do. >> do you have a new york accent? >> i'm from all over. brooklyn, coney island mainly. how's that old wolfy blitzer? he won the grand prize game once. i just think he's a doll. >> how long does it take to do your hair, bozo? >> my hair is pretty natural. when you start losing it, you lose the best of what you got. >> you make lemons out of lemonade. >> you are full of energy. >> i have some dumb dumbs here. >> thank you. >> i've got some other presents too. >> oh, my god. >> bozo loves giving out presents. we have a giant cone. >> i only got one vintage bozo doll. it's a little scary. >> see, that's the problem. >> let's talk, bozo. let's bring it down and get real. >> it's time for the clown to make a resurgence. >> i feel like we need bozo in 2022. >> there's a lot of really beautiful clouds out there, wonderful clouds. he wrote a book called the invisible clown and i read it and now i'm learning how to be a better clown. self-improvement. look, i've been to the bozo show. so we're unboxing right now. we're influencing as we're doing this. and it's really a beautiful thing. this has not been opened. why don't you see what's in there? oh, my gosh, this is from the '60s. >> it's a bozo jump rope. and a mighty might yo-yo. >> bozo is doing a lot of charity now. this is a matching spider. with healthy humor. they go into the hospitals, they do amazing work. if you go to, you can buy a t-shirt that all of our proceeds go to >> how did we book you? i have to assume seacrest was after you. >> i'm a big fan of cnn. i love sanjay gupta. i'm a huge fan of both of you. i love the housewives. >> what do you think is the most overrated clown in pop culture? krusty? >> krusty is a good clown. it's a little grumpy. scary clowns don't laugh enough. it's all about laughing. remember, just keep laughing. >> we want to thank bozo the clown for being here. thank you so much. it's so good to see you. we'll see you soon on "watch what happens live." coming up next, patti labelle is bringing us an incredible performance. >> can i touch your nose? >> and later, a cnn reporter above las vegas. >> a special anniversary for cnn heros with our all-star tribute at the american museum of natural history and our traditional format honoring ten everyday people making a difference in the world. we made it easy for you to support any of their organizations. our long time sponsor, subaru of america, is once again generously matching your donations up to a total of $500,000. if you want to donate to some really great people who really are changing the world, go to click "donate." you can donate to any of this year's top ten heroes to make a direct contribution to their gofundme campaigns. you'll receive an email confirming your donation which is tax deductible in the united states. it's a really good cause. you can donate from your laptop, tablet, or phone. go to cnn is very proud to offer you a way to support each cause. we'll be back with more live from times square. hey, andy and anderson ac squared, i want to wish you and everyone else a wonderful, wonderful happy new year. happy 2022. >> happy new year! it's me, lala anthony wishing everyone a happy, healthy new year. >> hey, anderson and andy. happy new year from the cast of "american utopia." ready? >> happy new year. >> hello. >> it's jason. >> and caitlyn. >> 2021 has been a heck of a year. >> happy new year. >> happy new year. >> hi, anderson and andy. from my fur family and me in las vegas, i want to say. ♪ it's a new song don't you know, fresh as as the snow ♪ >> wow. >> nice. that's so cool. >> the lightning. >> i know. >> you were very freaked out by the clown. >> the clown scared me a little bit. >> i got to be honest. >> he's upset. >> yeah. >> you're upset. >> it was disturbing. i found a lot of emotions. yeah. as i said, new year's eve is fraught for me and that took me on a spiral in a different direction. >> right. >> i need to be brought back. >> yes, well, i'll bring you back. we're just about two hours out. >> that was david arquette. >> it was. >> david arquette. >> yes. >> we're about two hours out. >> he's -- >> the clown? >> yes. >> let's go to chloe in the cloud. she's live in times square with the special guest. >> hey, chloe. >> hey, guys, that by the way with bozo will go viral. another moment that should go viral, i'm here with katy. >> hi, chloe. >> hey, girl. we're stone cold sober. >> very weird. >> we're not drinking. maybe we'll come have a shot with you, andy and anderson but i have to tell you, suddenly i see the theme song to my teen years. >> i love to hear it. it's amazing. to play that song in new york when it was in "devil wears prada" and anne hathaway is strutting her stuff. >> i was anne hathaway. i worked for someone i think that movie was based on. >> that's terrifying. >> it was. i didn't get coats thrown at me but it was tough. you're going to be performing at midnight tonight. are you nervous? >> i'm a little nervous because there is quite a lot of people watching that. all over the world. which is very exciting. but i've been doing this awhile. i know what i'm doing. if i was having to speak, that would be awful but i just got to sing. >> really quick, what is your new year's resolution? >> eat more butter, wear pants less. >> eat more butter. i want her to teach us dirty scottish words. >> amazing. i promise. >> we'll teach andy and anderson some. >> i have one for you. it means turd. it is friendlier. it's joby. >> i can say that now. >> do you need a joby. >> what about skinny malik? my nanny who was scottish -- >> i knew it was going to be something so elite. your nanny. >> i had a scottish nanny. she called me a skinny malink. >> you have long legs, anderson? >> no, just like chicken legs. anyway. >> we caught up with patty labelle on her tour in nashville. here is one of her classics, anderson, watch, sweetie. watch. [ cheers ] ♪ ♪ hey sister soul sister ♪ ♪ hey, sister, go sister ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ black satin sheets where he started to freak ♪ ♪ gitchi gitchi ya-ya da-da ♪ ♪ mocca choclata ya-ya ♪ ♪ creole lady marmalade ♪ ♪ voulez-vous coucher avec mol ♪ ♪ creole lady marmalade ♪ ♪ ♪ >> happy new year. >> announcer: tonight from new york to new orleans, from veg l -- vegas to san juan, this is cnn's new year's live with performances by katy perry, james taylor, plus more surprises and now, from the heart of times square, your hosts anderson cooper and andy cohen. >> welcome back to new york times square. the last two hours of 2021. it blows -- i thought it was 9:00 like 20 minutes ago. >> i know, sweetie. that really hit you. [ laughter ] >> i mean, sweetie. >> the party store just really keeps on giving and these were $3.50 each. i am pissed about that. >> katy perry is joining to join us and james taylor broadway legend joining us later. >> patty. >> that's a big one. this is tequila. >> oh, gosh. >> cheers. >> that last -- >> here, sweetie. >> bruce -- >> the mo gin got you. >> it's like water and you drink it and you realize. >> no hangover. >> and now i'm like -- >> cheers. >> this is not a good idea. i'm just saying that now. i'm just making it clear. i don't think this is a good idea. >> bring it down. bring it home, babe. do it for america. america wants this. honestly, we've had a crap year. >> why are you shouting at me? >> because, we need it. >> oh. >> very good. >> i mean, we were saying earlier you and i spent -- oh, boy. oh, boy. you and i spent so much time together this year, mainly on play dates with our sons -- >> oh, yeah, bring up our kids now. good idea. very responsible. >> we had a moment this summer where anderson had this teddy bear and it was very life like. like you look at the bear and it changed expressions -- >> my assistant jessica got me this bear -- >> jessica, turn your tv down because you don't want to hear this story. the beer -- the bear so freaked out ben that we were sitting there -- >> we're all standing around in my house and like -- >> it was a smell. >> ben was playing with the microwave -- >> yes, we didn't think twice about it. there was a smell. >> terrible parents. >> then the microwave -- >> the bear, the bear with the batteries in it. >> he was just playing with the things. he didn't know what he was doing. >> and all of a sudden we're like what is that smell and the bear -- >> did you ever tell your assistant that? >> well, i mean -- >> well, you told her now. anyway, sorry. that seemed very expensive, that bear. >> no, it was a beautiful gift. i feel terrible. >> my highlight with ben is he started saying i love you this year. >> wyatt -- i just, in the last two weeks i've been off and it's been -- because normally i work at night in case you didn't know, and i've been able to, like, give him his bottle of milk at night and have him fall asleep on me. it's a nice 30 minutes we talk -- >> yes, bedtime. >> yeah. and -- bedtime, right. so i've always been saying i love you but i was sort of teaching it to him and he started saying i love you. the greatest -- >> ben was like i la you. we do have a very funny video of -- you know, i will say you're a great dad and you're really surprisingly great with little kids. look at him with ben. chasing him around. this is -- >> and that's -- >> that was like a saturday morning. i mean, that was -- we -- that elephant is a different toy. yes. i mean, and that's sober on your part. >> yes. yes, i'm sober all year long. >> one of my favorite things that you did this year, sober, was your interview on "60 minutes" with lady gaga and tony bennett. >> i got to do one with tony bennett for his 95th birthday he performed two concerts with lady gaga, incredible night and his family revealed earlier in the year he has dementia from alzheimer's but what is so remarkable about him, not only the life he had and career he's had and things he's done and innovations he's done but that at 95, even with dementia and the difficulty he has communicating one on one in conversations, he still knows he's tony bennett. he still knows what he does and he knows all the songs. so i had just done -- i got probably one of the greatest privileges of certainly this year if not my reporting career was to be able to spend time with him. go to his wife with his beautiful wife susan, so amazing, the love of his life and son danny and it's difficult doing interview with tony. you really can't but as soon as his intro music started to play, he comes out. he stands at the piano and the showman is back and there were no notes. no telteleprompter. let's take a look. when it was time to rehearse, something incredible happened. tony's lead musicer began playing and suddenly, the legendary showman was back. >> let someone start believing in you. ♪ let him hold out his hand ♪ ♪ let hill find you and watch what happens ♪ ♪ smile though your heart is aching ♪ ♪ smile even though it's breaking ♪ >> he had no notes, no queue cards. >>. ♪ when there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by ♪ >> we were amazed all his old songs were somehow still there. he sang an hour-long set from memory. ♪ if you just smile ♪ [ applause ] >> bravo, tony. >> thank you. >> that was incredible. you just start playing something and it's all there? >> when i start playing, tony is completely engaged and it's a whole new performance and new phrases, new, nothing short of a miracle. >> wow. >> tony bennett 95. it's unbelievable. >> the old tony bennett. >> so incredible. he and lady gaga were incredible together. she was so wonderful with him. they have a beautiful relationship. i just wish tony and his wife susan and their son danny the whole family the best this year. >> by the way, your arms look so good in that clip. >> my arms? >> yeah. >> yeah, they don't exist anymore. for parents watching this, i'm told this is a thing. do you get this -- i literally have something called -- it's usually referred to golfer's elbow from carrying my son around. >> it's new year's eve. let's not bring the people down. let's go to stephanie about to zip line. >> what is going on? >> hi, andy. yes, i'll m here. >> i'm going to kill you. >> oh my god. carrot top. >> he's afraid of heights and so we've been hanging here -- >> beautiful night. >> he's scared. >> beautiful night to zip line. [ laughter ] >> and so we've been hanging here very patiently. he came last minute, got here, did not know we were going to do zip line. >> i thought we were going to talk about betty white passing and here i am strapped to a thing. here we go. >> we can still talk about betty white. >> i got to be in a movie with betty white. she had no idea -- >> oh my gosh. the wind here is -- so what we're about to do -- >> if we don't make it, i love you guys. >> we're about to zip line over a party about 12 stories up and about to take off and he doesn't really like heights. so this should be interesting. >> neither do i. >> to ring in the new year. >> we appreciate you guys doing this. >> i want to see it. >> yeah, do it. >> i'll try to shoot both of us going down, too. are you ready, carrot top? >> let's go. >> ahh! here we go. it's about to happen. we're about to go. >> i don't want to do. >> it don't do it, carrot top. >> we believe in you carrot top. >> we believe in carrot top. >> carrot top! >> carrot top! >> oh my gosh. they are flying like "peter pan" in the sound of music. >> like white castle. >> that actually would be cool. i could do that. oh my gosh. carrot top is now beating stephanie. >> is it a race? >> isn't everything? >> wow. >> wow. >> right into the valley of a mall. [ laughter ] >> stephanie -- >> oh my god, everything went down. >> you know what, we love it. >> stephanie, thank you so much. one of our favorite things to ring in the new year is joining us now. sherry, what's on your mind tonight? >> i'm grateful to be somewhere. this is like covid roulette. >> it really is. it really is. now be honest, sherry, how has this past year been for you? >> well, it's not as bad as 2020 but i'm not going to lie, it's been rough. it's been rough. kind of lonely. a little lonely. but i got into crafting. >> nice. >> i got into arts and crafts. i didn't think i would ever be into arts and crafts but this past year made me grateful for things that brought me comfort as a kid. i remember one thing that was comforting for me as a kid when i went to the bathroom at my grand mom's house because i sat down, turned around and there she was, the toilet paper cozy. isn't she beautiful? isn't she beautiful? >> yes. >> gorgeous. >> she was supposed to decade this toilet paper, right? >> right. >> and impress guests with her refined taste but i called her friend. >> you called her what? >> friend. >> friend. >> i would put her on my lap and we would talk and talk and talk until someone knocked. guys, we would literally shoot the poop. >> wow. >> she looks like a southern bell. >> gorgeous. >> this is tatiyna. so i'm bringing back the cozy, they're not your grandmother's cozy anymore. >> you're bringing back the cozy. >> this is your mission? >> i love it. >> look at this. isn't she beautiful? i mean, come on, guys. >> yes. >> wow. >> this is christmas karen. now whatever you do, don't wish karen a happy holidays. it's merry christmas only or you can go back to where you came from. [ laughter ] >> she's got the police on speed dial and isn't wiping butt until she speaks to your manager. [ laughter ] >> she won't wear a mask. don't ask her to wear a mask but you better have your doll on a leash or she'll unleash holy hell from the seat of hoa, pta and stranger danger group on the next door app. i like to bear karen with grand mom because guys, it's what the ladies wore in france. [ laughter ] >> now, anderson, andy -- >> i mean -- >> that's what my grand mom said. that's what they wear in france. now anderson -- >> she's got a little cell phone with her. >> got what? >> she matches the tank. cell phone. >> oh, that's the tank. >> she's got the police on speed dial. anderson, andy. did you guys used to talk to your cozies when you were kids. >> no. >> no. >> because you had friends? >> yes. >> i've actually never seen a cozy. >> meet my friend. insurrection irene. isn't she beautiful? look at that gown. isn't she stunning? irene just happened to be on a sightseeing tour on the capitol when a hockey game broke out. she sleeps sound on her my pillow and collection of firearms in case intruders or peaceful protesters are passing by the house. if so, i rein is ready with a glock 43 x, a springfield hell cat -- >> wow. [ laughter ] >> she's loaded. irene? >> a ruger lcr and smith and wessen just in case critters come to take her rights away. >> do they sell these in the craft store? >> not anymore but they're gonna. now, i'll tell you guys something. if she's out of ammunition, no problem. she'll gut ya. [ laughter ] >> wow. she's got a very famous -- >> i like to pair irene -- >> she's always got the charmin hat. >> i like to pair irene with grandma's powder puffer and with grand mom's favorite edition of "people magazine." >> that's her favorite news source? >> wait a second, hi, queen. >> oh, oh, oh. >> yes. >> barbara. >> what's up, barbara? >> is that the other with un? >> oh, there is more. >> that was bruce jenner. >> and christie. >> classic. >> okay. >> wow. >> who else do we have? >> anderson, andy, this is cancelled carmen. isn't she beautiful? >> yes. >> gorgeous. >> she looks like a mauve vee star, doesn't she? >> she does. >> she has a baby face. >> doesn't she? even though the downloads, she's stunning. carmen had 11 million followers from her tiktok makeup ftutorias but lost 3 million when her eyelash extensions blinded three people on ru paul's drag race and musician boyfriend shotgun shaunscy. >> there he is. >> she lost 2 million after bullying chrissy teaguen's bassett hound pearl for posting why the long face. that wasn't nice. carmen was forced into a complete social media shut down when insensitive pics of her redressed as a mexican susshi chef in 2012. >> wow. >> yeah. >> anderson, what better pairing to help grand mom with the smooth move with the smooth taste of a cigarette? >> that's smooth. >> cradled in her favorite souvenir ashtray with her trip to boca roton. >> i'm alone a lot. >> are you? are you? >> it's okay. it's okay. because i have the cozies. guess who i have cozies for? >> who? >> us? >> us? >> come on. >> what cozies could be appropriate for us, sharon? >> i'll tell you what. andy, your cozy is located just off i-78 from the real housewives of newark new jersey. >> that's rough. >> this is cookie. >> okay. >> now, this former stripper turned candle entrepreneur is a beautiful housewife that's never done housework. she's got a lady for that. while you pee, she'll spill the tea but don't spill shade with cookie because like erica, she knows what you did in the bathroom. she has receipts. see the receipts? she's real ready for the reunion. cookie is uncoupled and her husband is doing three to five upstate for wire fraud but that's not stop thing bad barbie. she's coming out with a new cookbook called "we got beef." andy, you can read it to ben without the cuss words. >> wow. >> andy, i'll tell you something, a word of warning. >> yeah, tell me. >> cookie says she's not going home alone tonight. she's not wearing her cardboard roll. somebody is free laving. >> anderson, your mother was a woman of refined taste. >> yes, yes. >> i'm sure there was a cozy? >> you're right. >> a lot of cozies. >> this wyatt will be approaching his potty training journey -- >> true, yes. >> what better to help potty train than his own personal coach that just happens to be a royal becky of westchester shire. >> her eyes blink uncontrollably. >> she's got movement. now -- >> movement. >> now this baron is by marriage. >> by marriage. >> is the daughter of local roofing and air conditioning big bob randazzo down rhode island but unlike her royal frenemy she can't carry a tube. >> down rhode island. >> she can't carry a tune and she's performing off broadway. >> oh. >> which for young wyatt sounds like a royal flush. [ laughter ] >> wow. thank you. >> wow. >> amazing. that's gorgeous. >> sherry octerry. >> movement. so real. >> i wish i could but i got to get this tank back home. irene and i had the three bean salad at the cnn money is an object lunch so happy new year. >> i love you, sherry oterry. >> wow. >> we love you. >> and her cozies. >> cozies are back! >> 2022 is all about cozies. >> oh my gosh. >> all about cozies. >> covid cozy. >> yes. >> wow. >> unbelievable. we love you. a gift. coming up, amanda gorman youngest person to read a poem at inauguration joins us -- >> i love amanda gorman -- >> the obvious transition. >> the range. >> a performance from the kids of brooklyn. they have been amazing all night long. the kids from brooklyn's night in marching band. take a look. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (burke) this is why you want farmers claim forgiveness... [echoing] claim forgiveness-ness, your home premium won't go up just because of this. (woman) wow, that's something. (burke) you get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. [echoing] get a quote today. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ from the very first touch, pampers, the #1 pediatrician recommended brand, helps keep baby's skin drier and healthier. so every touch will protect like the first. pampers ♪ ♪ i just heard something amazing! one medication is approved to treat and prevent migraines. don't take if allergic to nurtec. the most common side effects were nausea, stomach pain, and indigestion. happy new year from nurtec odt. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. what does a foster kid need from you? to be brave. to show up. for staying connected. the questions they weren't able to ask. show up for the first day of school, the last day at their current address. for the mornings when everything's wrong. for the manicure that makes everything right, for right now. show up, however you can, for the foster kids who need it most— at all right. welcome back. >> sherry oterry. >> she's so great. >> why isn't sherry having a netflix series or something? she should have one. >> true. >> because they're showing "dianna the musical." thanks netflix. you killed it again. danci dancing aids patients on "the dancing dianna". >> let's go after netflix in 2021. >> no, i'm watching the "molly shannon show". >> hey, randy, how is it going? how is the beach party? >> our beach party is kicking off still. we're having a great time. we're making sex on the beach with kevin. >> we are making sex on the beach. >> have you had sex on a beach? is this a thing? >> with you? >> no, the drink. the drink. [ laughter ] >> okay. all right. so sex on the beach. >> doing shots. >> take notice here. oh, wait, shotskies. >> they are super hot. i know you got yours from jimmy fallon but our shotskies are much more fun. light it up. our shotskies are even hotter. whoa. so our shotskies are on water skis. kevin, let's hand them off. we'll hand off the sex on the beach shotskies to our people here. we have team anderson. let's see which one these are. these are team andy. this is team andy here. and this next is team anderson. and so the deal is whoever does the shot faster, the other one of you guys has to do the shot of tequila, which i know you have there in times square. so this is team anderson. of course, i'm on team anderson. if we do it faster, andy has to do the shot and if they do it faster, anderson has to do the shot. ready? one, two, three, go. woo! >> oh. >> yeah. >> team anderson wins. team anderson wins. >> who did it faster? >> wait, show them the size. look at that! >> let me see. let me see. so cute. all right. i'll do a shot. >> so wait -- >> twist my arm. >> andy has to do the shot. >> he just did. he did it. >> i did it. >> i know you're doing it. >> i did it. i did it. i love you had the shotski. every once night on "watch what happens live" we do a shotski. we've done one with hillary clinton. >> really. >> is there anyone that haven't done a shotski. >> people that don't drink do a water one. >> is that an option for me for the rest of the night? >> no, babe. our next guest had an incredible year. >> she impressed the world by reading a momenpoem. amanda gorman is here to read a poem for the new year and released three books this year and became first estee d estee global maker for access and social change among girls and women joining us now i'm so pleased amanda gorman is here with us. happy new year. >> it's so great to be here. how are you doing? >> i'm doing great. >> you have -- he's really good. >> i don't drink, amanda, and i'm a little tipsy, i'll say. you had such an incredible year. you and i spoke briefly after the inauguratinauguration, whic enjoyed talking to you and i mean, the year you've had when you look back on it, it's got to feel just surreal. >> oh, absolutely. and i also have to say the interview i did with you was hands down one of my favorite i've ever done. thank you for that. i feel so fortunate that i've had the type of year i've had. i also know that 2021 has been so hard for so many people and so i try to honor that in all of my poetry. gave us faith for the hurt and healing because both of those are so important. >> it's interesting. when you and i spoke about a lot of things but one of the things we spoke about was a speech impediment you have had and i had dyslexia as a kid and still struggle with stuff. and i got such a reaction from a lot of people because you don't hear often people in public life speaking about that or hear it enough. i thought it was so -- i want you to know a lot of people have come up to me and talked about that and i'm wondering how that -- how you overcome that in your -- your public readings are so extraordinary. >> that's a great question. honestly, i had to work years and years with a speech therapist for my speech in impe impediment. to this day, if i have a poem i'm reciting it and there is a sound that's particularly difficult for me, in the way that i kind of face that is looking at poetry and literature as a real source of an instrument for speech therapy so it's not me looking at myself as if i'm broken or wrong because i have a speech impediment but that experience of having a disability actually forms and strengthens my poetry to this day. >> i love that. >> we would love for you to read your new poem that you wrote for the new year. this is a special treat for us tonight. so take it away for 2022. >> will do. this is called "new days lyric." may this be the day we come together, morning we come to mend withered we come to weather, torn we come to tend, battered we come to better. tethered by this year of yearning, we are learning that though we weren't ready for this, we have been readied by it. steadily we vow that no matter how we are weighed down, we must always pay a way forward. this hope is our door, our portal, even if we never get back to normal, some day we can venture beyond it to leave the known and take the first steps so let us not return to what was normal but reach toward what is next. what was cursed we will cure, what was plagued we will prove pure, will we tend to argue, we will try to agree those fortunes sworn now the future we foresee where we weren't aware we're now awake in those moments we missed are now these moments we make, these moments we meet and our hearts once all together beating now all together beat. come look up with kindness yet for even solace can be sourced from sorrow we remember not for the sake of yesterday but to take on tomorrow we feed this old spirit in a new day's lyric in our hearts we hear it old lang sign my dear, for old lang sign be bold sang time this year be bold for when you honor yesterday tomorrow we will find know what we fought to be not be forgot nor for none. it defines us, binds us as one, come over join this day just begun for wherever we come together we will forever over overcome. >> solace can be sourced from sorrow. that was beautiful. i love that. >> you know, amanda, i love -- nowhere else would you find a poem on new year's eve and it's so important. i've talked about this before. i'm sorry if i bore people with this. i find new year's eve difficult and sad, my dad died after new year's leave and i have difficult memories with it but a poem like that, the idea of that sorrow, solace can be -- sorry, i don't want to butcher the line. can you repeat it? >> solace can be sourced from sorrow. >> yeah, solace can be sourced from sorrow. that so important on a night like this because there say will the of people watching tonight who are home alone or isolated from their families and not able to be at parties and see these images, the people, the crowds and everybody is having a good time and drinking and it's -- they feel sad and alone and i think that's such a great message for tonight. >> beautiful. beautiful. >> thank you so much, amanda gorman. >> thank you so much. >> go ahead, amanda. >> yeah, no, that's amazing. thank you for having me. bye. >> all right. i don't want to cut you short. you were going to say something. >> oh, no, i was just saying i thought what you said was beautiful and i thought it speaks to the idea should old acquaintance be forgot, why do we remember and think of the new year because we love so deeply and i think that's something to be celebrated today. thank you. >> i think that's really true. also, on a flighnight like thisy white who died just shy of her 100th birthday which would have been january 17th, it's easy to feel sadness about a loss like that and understandably but to look back on the life so many people led who have died this year and often, you know, so many people have died and there are so many families right now in sorrow for the losses from covid and other things, diseases that went untreated because of covid and i think it's so important to know that we are not alone in that grief that it's actually a bond that brings us together or should bring us together in the best of all worlds. >> exactly. >> amanda gorman, such a fan of yours and appreciate you spending time with us. >> that was very special. >> thank you. >> may this year be your best yet. coming up next, a special guest for andy and we'll back to new orleans with don and alison. ♪ ♪ this world keeps on dragging me down, i'll stand my ground ♪ ♪ and i won't back down ♪ ♪ hey baby, there ain't no easy way out ♪ ♪ hey, i'll stand my ground ♪ ♪ and i won't back ♪ >> announcer: new year's leave live with anderson cooper and andy cohen bright to you by vrbo. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ what if you could see the details of your great-grandparents wedding day... ...or the record that welcomed your great-grandmother to the world. your family story is waiting to be discovered, and now you can search for those fascinating details for free—at ancestry. do you think strength is a gift? 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(swords clashing) -had enough? -no... arthritis. here. aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme. feels so strange to say i have a parenting show. while i don't have a lot of answers, i certainly have a lot of questions and we'll try to bring you answers from people who actually do know a little bit about parenting. i was on a plane looking the parent had two little kids watching screens and i felt -- i felt morally superior. >> that's wrong. don't feel like that. >> i didn't say anything, obviously. >> that's nice. [ laughter ] >> so, i'm very excited to announce that i have a new weekly show that's going to be available on cnn plus. cnn's new streaming service debuting in 2022. my show will be called "parental guidance" or p.g. i'm seeking out parenting advice from experts as i try to navigate life as a working dad. i don't know about you -- i do know about you. i feel like i have no idea at some points what we're doing. >> we're all learning. it's a growth process. i'm excited for your new show. >> i am, too. >> that's great. a new show! >> just what i need in life. >> yes. i'm excited. >> wow, it's a podcast. >> no, it's a show on cnn plus. >> oh, my god. >> my streaming service. the kids today do streaming. the streaming service. >> i know about peacock, sweetie. >> that's right. >> yes. >> "ultimate girls trip, housewives of miami and cnn plus." let's head back to new orleans. >> the party was well underway when we were there last. back with us is don lemon, alisyn camerota. >> are you guys hammered? >> don is feeling it. >> what? what are you talking about? >> anderson, i'm going to get in trouble. i have a better name for your cnn plus show. >> ut oh. >> okay. what is it? >> it won't be the first time you've called me daddy. >> wow. [ laughter ] >> call me daddy. call me zaddy. >> call me daddy. >> it won't be the first time you've heard that or said that. [ laughter ] >> here is daddy. >> here is daddy. or no, no, no, i got a better -- >> call me zaddy. >> zaddy. anderson, i think you need to talk to the boss. >> is this on? >> it's time for us to dance before don -- >> okay. >> listen. we want you guys to do it with us. all right? so it is one -- >> okay, okay, here it is. >> three . >> it's one, two, three, and four. >> pop, booty pop, pop, pop. all right? so you got that, anderson, andy? can you do it with us? you got to do it. >> professionals. young ladies. >> calling professionals. >> here with us. >> this is sandra and nicole. tell us. >> we are a crew. every year we represent a new female musician and this year we are doing madonna. >> oh! >> show us. >> now for attention. >> you ready to dance with us? >> we're ready. >> we'll do it. come on, anderson, andy. ready. five, six, seven, eight, you got to do it. here we go. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> wow! >> woo! >> it's time for some crawfish. >> amazing. >> we got something for you. >> enough calories. >> we promised some food for you. >> what are we having? >> oh! >> okay. >> shaggy. >> is this the way -- >> the crew awfish king. >> say hi to anderson and andy. >> hi, how are you buddy? >> happy new year. >> the king of crawfish. >> thank you. >> who has the best crawfish in new orleans? >> new orleans. >> and during covid he did something extraordinary. he opened a restaurant. >> 5321 franklin avenue in new orleans. come on out and see us. >> anderson, you know gintilli and you know how to pinch the tail. >> i don't know how to do it. >> i won't say about this part. >> thank you, don. thank you. >> the tail? >> hey, i'd like to say hi to my mom and wish savannah foster a happy 50th birthday. happy new year, everyone. >> happy new year. >> my nails are too long for this. >> let me help you. >> i loveout shoutouts and spec addresses. >> trying to get the meat out. >> okay. >> whoa! whoa! she went in. >> there you go. >> oh. >> they just dump the food on the table? >> yes, it's crawfish. it's new orleans. we'll check in on you later on. i want some crawfish. i love new orleans. our next guests back, andy's parents are here. >> oh my god, hey, mom and dad. >> you guys look thrilled to be here. >> what have you been up to tonight? >> not much. [ laughter ] >> have you been watching the show at all? >> no. >> i have watched it a little. >> no. we saw a movie. >> what movie did you watch? >> a movie? >> "super nova". >> what movie? "super nova." you didn't like it? >> so depressing. >> not an uplifting movie. >> so depressing. what are you guys looking forward to this year? >> the covid disappearing and good health and travel. >> and your star on the hollywood walk. >> i'm getting a star on the hollywood -- >> you're getting a star on the hollywood walk of fame? >> yes, in february. my parents will be there god willing. i want to shut out -- >> can i go? i want to go to that. >> please come. >> dad is turning 90 this year and mom is turning 85. >> you guys look amazing. >> isn't that great? love you guys. happy new year. >> happy new year guys. >> have a shot of tequila for me. you know what i'm going to do now that you're 90 and 85? we'll do an edible together. >> oh my lord. don't do that. there is no reason to do that. [ laughter ] >> all right. love you guys. coming up, tony and grammy winner patty is here and james taylor. >> katy perry is still to come. also, i want to thank the new york marriott markey for this great shot of times square overhead. we'll be right back, guys. the party is raging in new york city. we are lit! it's happening! the roaring '20s are upon us. >> announcer: new year's eve live with anderson cooper and andy cocohen is brought to you zip recruiter. the smartest way to get hired. - [narrator] introducing the grubhub guarantee: our promise to deliver the food you love on time, and give you the lowest price, or you'll get $5 off your next order. (swords clashing) -had enough? -no... arthritis. here. aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme. [sound of lawnmower] [vocalizing] [drum sounds] [dental machine noise] looks like someone has a sweet tooth. ♪ [food sizzling] here you go buddy. thank you. ah, thank you. have a good one. you too. [singing] happy birthday curve of the cartesian plane good job. ♪ [cheering] [cheering and clapping] [sound of armor clicking] [electrical noise sound] [clicking sound] ah! yes! [laugh] you may kiss the bride. [cheering] it is about communication. i love you very much. ♪ [sound of tape application] sign up for three [sound of plane engine] ♪ we love you, mom. we love you, dad. [sound of ocean] oh my god. that's our baby girl. [sound of heartbeat on ultrasound] ♪ all right. we're back from times square counting down until 2022 comes. we're lucky to have a legend of broadway, two-time tony and grammy award winner patty lupone storing in company now. patty, we love you so much. i'm so happy to see you. i have to start, you know, patty, you've starred in six productions and you're in one now. we lost steven this year. do you have a favorite memory of him or favorite note he gave y you? >> hi, andy, hi anderson, i can't see you guys but happy new year. yes, i have several memories of notes that steve gave me and i'm trying to think of the one t that -- you know, there is one on my dressing room mirror for this production that breaks my heart now because he's gone and it was just him appreciating my attention to detail and the fact that i was a wonderful singer and coming from steve after years of other kinds of notes, i was thrilled to death. hi, you guys! hi! >> we love you. >> we're such fans of yours. how was it returning to broadway almost two years after the arrival of covid forced company to close while still in repreviews? >> oh my god. i'll drink to that. >> yes! >> it's pretty intense. >> i bet. >> it's a great company and it's a great production and we're having a ball. we're having a great time. you have to come and see it. >> we're coming. patti, one of the things people love about you besides your talent is that you have no fs left to give, basically. and so i want to play a game with you called does patti give a damn? you're always opinionated and never hold back. i want to ask you about things that happened this year and you tell me whether you give a damn. okay? do you give a damn about nicki minaj saying her cousin's friend got the vaccine and got swollen testicles? do you give a damn about that? >> well, i do give a damn because if she gives out wrong information then shame on her so i give a damn about that. swollen testicles. >> do you give a damn that britney spears is finally free of her cons conservatorship? >> yes, go britney! yes, i give a damn and if that father gets any more money, i don't know. i don't know. anyway, more. >> did you give a ddamn about te oprah, megan and harry interview? >> no, i did not give a damn. >> do you give a damn about face book changing their name to meta? [ laughter ] >> no, i do not give a damn. >> do you give a damn that pete davison is now dating kim kardashian? >> no, i do not give a damn. [ laughter ] >> i'm with you on that one, patti. >> patti, do you give a damn that the housewives turn 15 this year? >> oh, andy, i'm so sorry to say no, i don't give a damn. >> i love you, patti lupone, a legend, an icon. >> we love patti lupone. >> we love you. before we start our official countdown -- >> wait. >> here is a quick -- >> happy new year, patti. >> we'll be right back. cate katy perry performing their new song. we'll be right back. >> announcer: "new year's eve live with anderson cooper and andy cohen" is brought to you by noom. loose the weight and keep it off for good. growing up in a little red house, on the edge of a forest in norway, there were three things my family encouraged: kindness, honesty and hard work. over time, i've come to add a fourth: be curious. be curious about the world around us, and then go. go with an open heart, and you will find inspiration anew. viking. exploring the world in comfort. for people who could use a lift new neutrogena® rapid firming. a triple-lift serum with pure collagen. 92% saw visibly firmer skin in just 4 weeks. neutrogena® for people with skin. let's go down to puerto rico where they just rang in the new year. gary tuchman and his daughter lindsey are there with us. happy new year. >> we're minute away from the new year in puerto rico. this is puerto rican blend. they close down the street here. lindsey and are -- >> we'll show you what is going on down here in puerto rico. >> all right. sawn juan. the 500th birthday of san juan. that's one of the reasons we're here. this is san juan puerto rico, u usa. >> everyone is having such a great time as you can tell. and i think we're close to midnight, right? >> very close. you know what, people here have been u.s. citizens since 1917. it's easy to get here. you don't need a passport. beautiful place to be. 77 degrees fahrenheit. the tradition -- >> a tradition, a spanish tradition we have to eat 12 grapes. >> is it? cinco quatro, uno! [ cheers ] >> happy new year! >> happy new year! >> all right. >> a tradition. >> let's celebrate. >> puerto rico. >> let's celebrate with a shot of tequila. >> good luck for 2022. >> all right. >> thank you. >> happy new year. >> 2021. >> happy new year to everybody in puerto rico. >> oh my goodness. >> so great to see the island coming back. so many people are going there. tourism is coming back, it's great. >> i want to say, we just did a shot but i just want you to continue -- you didn't totally finish. >> my gosh. >> i got a dm last night i want to read to you seriously. this is from emily. she reached out to me. emily mccalister on instagram. she said i don't know if this is even possible but could tomorrow night you and anderson share a glass in honor of my husband frank mccalister that passed away in august after a battle of breast cancer. i'm currently pregnant with our first and only child, a little boy we are naming calum. he's due in march. frankie was the most selfless man i ever met even continuing to be a firefighter while going through chemo to help others while he could. i hope 2022 brings you both and your sons all the best joy this world has to offer. best, emily. >> my gosh. >> emily, this is for frank and for calum. i'll give you a little more. this is for frank but this is really also, emily, for baby calum. we love you. you're not alone. here with you. >> to all those who are feeling alone tonight or feeling scared about the new year, we're all together and we wish you the best. che cheers. >> eww! oh! >> all right. okay. >> my glasses fogged up. >> take them off, sweetie. all right. we'll keep the party going. james taylor carol king's 2010 tour is the subject of a new documentary "just call out my name" area cnn at 9:00. we're honored james taylor could join us now. hey, james taylor. i love you. >> hi, andy, good to see you again. >> great to see you. your new concert documentary with carol king premiering on cnn january 2nd. it features previously unseen footage and i'm just wondering what was your first impression about working with carol performing with her in the '70s? >> well, you know, they say about the '70s, if you can remember it, you weren't there but generally, you know, it was a thrill to meet carol and, you know, it was like, you know, finally making a connection with somebody who felt like a sister, you know. i mean, it was deep. >> i'm so obsessed with the new beetles documentary. i'm just -- i've just devoured it. you were the first non-beetle to be signed to apple records and you were in the studio when the beetles were recording the white album. what do you remember about that time? >> i just couldn't believe my luck. you know, i constantly had to pinch myself because it really -- i couldn't have imagined a better opening. it was great. >> james, i would love to know what people like you, what kind of music you listen to. i want to call james taylor mix tape. i have questions to you about what you're listening to. tell me what is your favorite s song to listen to on new year's eve? >> a few years ago, we made a holiday album and i actually, we recorded something and i got a chance to get into the tune a little bit and i love that one. it's obvious. but that -- >> classic. >> it's a classic. >> what's your favorite james taylor song? what's your favorite james taylor song? >> oh, man. you know, i guess looking back, the song i seem to perform most frequently is "caroline" and "my mind mind" proud of that. >> what is your favorite britney spears song, james taylor? [ laughter ] >> i can't pretend to have gotten too deeply into britney's catalog but i love -- [ laughter ] >> i really do -- i like "peace of me." "peace of me" is a good fight song. >> "peace of me." i love it. that's good. james taylor, thank you so much, we will be watching you and carol king on january 2nd on cnn. >> looks like an amazing film. i talked to the producer and interviewed him. thank you for joining us. sunday 9:00 p.m. eastern on cnn. joining us now one of the biggest stores on the planet, she's a new brand-new residency in las vegas. the amazing, the incredibly talented, the residency in vegas resorts world theater and february she'll host "american idol." tonight she'll perform her brand-new song on this program. katy perry is joining us. welcome. >> hey, oh, hey, katy. >> hi, guys. hey, will you save a shot of tequila for me or is there no more left? >> oh there's -- we got more tequila but we're going through it. >> you need to help me, katy, because i'm not handling this well. >> this is your first -- >> you're out of your depth standing next to andy. >> i'm so out of my depth. in so many realms, yes. >> has vegas been something that you've always wanted to do? >> yes, of course. but there is actually a funny story behind it because my aunt was a top show girl over 30 years ago and my grandma was the top seamstress for the show girls, she sewed the g strings so the girls could put their wedding rings in so they didn't get them stolen and worked at the star dust hotel, which is the exact same grounds that resorts world is build on. >> that is crazy. that is nuts. >> it's in my blood. it's in my blood. >> you love that, sweetie? >> i love that history. that's so cool. >> i know you're a huge whitney houston fan. i know that you've covered "i want to dance with somebody" for your california dreams tour. you're now covering the greatest love of all in your vegas residency, why did you decide to cover that song and i mean, whitney houston, that's a major -- those are major shoes to fill. >> yeah, i better take some steroids or something. it is one of my favorite songs because it means so much to me. it encapsulates my love for myself and my love for my daughter, daisy just born 16 months ago and the whole show -- >> my god -- >> there is a crazy narrative, yeah. you guys have kids, too. we should have a play date. >> 16 months, my son is 19 -- >> larger than life. >> my son is 19 months. i feel like this is the best age. it's so incredible. they're just becoming the people that they are. >> it's beautiful. and you just see everything through their eyes once again and everything is magic. >> yeah. >> and this show, like she's -- there is a story of -- there's like a through line of her love for me in this show but you guy haves to come to vegas. it's a massive show. it's like "honey i shrunk the kids" meets "peewee on mushrooms." can i say that? >> i heard you twerk with a giant piece of poo while you sing "california girls." how much weed did you smoke before you came up with that? [ laughter ] >> listen, andy -- >> what? >> you want to see the show but you don't want to live in my brain. [ laughter ] >> i do want to live in your brain. let me ask you a question -- >> come to vegas. >> can you finally put the rumors to rest and say who actually inspired the song "i c kissed a girl." i heart it was scarlett johansson but miley cyrus said maybe it was about her. >> i mean, there is a new moose every other month quite honestly, you know what i'm saying? >> right. [ laughter ] >> believe me, with andy cohen, i know exactly what you're saying. >> one of them. >> yeah, right. you know, i love hearing about your background because you actually grew up -- you had a very strict christian upbringing. i heard that you used to pick outside madonna concerts. how surreal is it you're doing a vegas residency and that you've been on stage being spanked by madonna? i mean, what would a young katy perry think of your vegas show? >> being spanked by madonna is like being crowned by madonna. it's a hazing. she initiated me into pop stardom. >> right. >> i got to say, katy. >> we've come a long way. yeah? >> i was dragged on stage by madonna at the barclay center, i willingly went and i embarrassed myself tremendously and i think she humped me and do you know what it's like to walk into a newsroom the day after madonna humped you on a stage? it's a difficult thing to come back from. and i did a terrible job dancing with her. >> it lives on the internet forever. >> it does and i so wanted this moment -- i love madonna as i love you and i so wanted to be that person who gets on the stage and like breaks a move and does incredibly well and i didn't. i just embarrassed myself and i'm ashamed. >> i want to talk to you about your catalog a little bit because your vegas set list includes over 20 on your greatest hits. so i just -- i'm just curious, what is your most requested song would you say? >> oh, it's either "roar" or "firework" for sure, for sure. >> what song after all this time is still the most fun to perform? >> "firework" because even if you are dragged to the concert by your girl friend, you still know the song and you still, like, go buck wild. you let it all go loose. >> it is so true. >> when "firework" plays, it's like i don't care. i'm going to give it up. [ laughter ] >> i love that. >> so true. so true. >> what stock does your husband orlando bloom's favorite? >> i want to see the show. >> let's go. >> i would love that. >> what song is your husband's favorite in the show? >> "drunk promises". >> no, no, no, no, i would actually love to see it. >> oh -- >> you'll see it tonight. tonight he'll see it? >> tonight will be his first time. yeah, we've been living in a crazy bubble trying to keep it all alive so we've been super protected living in vegas for like two and a half weeks. >> but it's actually an extraordinary time to have a child because you're able to spend so much time and be with them during this time. i think it's kind of a re -- obviously an awful time but extraordinary how you're able to spend time with your child, at least i am. >> is there a song of yours that you're the most proud of? >> a song of mine i'm the most proud of? i mean -- >> yeah. >> i guess i would say -- i don't know "by the grace of god" or even "daisies" which just came out a couple years ago. i actually put out a song two days ago called "when i'm gone." it's a dance anthem and that's exactly what i'm going to play for your guys tonight. >> yes. >> awesome. >> thank you so much. break a leg tonight from your residency and we can't wait to hear your song -- >> no, i don't want to break a leg -- [ laughter ] >> don't break a leg. coming up next. >> katy perry thank you so much. i hope to see your best year yet. >> i'm going to bring anderson and get him drunk and go to your show. >> i would love that. >> next, we'll talk to regina king. >> i'll practice. >> yeah, spank it. >> we'll be right back. of course, the final countdown to 2022. >> to help us drum in the new year, we take you to a light scape at the brooklyn botanical garden is looking pretty lit. take a look. ♪ ♪ this is your home. >> announcer: new year's eve live with anderson cooper and andy cohen is brought to you by vrbo. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ ♪ ♪ every year we try to exercise more, to be more social, to just relax. and eating healthy every single meal? 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>> okay, so new year's resolution doesn't always work out for me. >> i hear you. >> i tend -- you hear me, right? i tend to take time like a lot of us do, yeah, to just kind of reflect about the things that like really hit me that really stuck with me throughout the year and one of the things that this past two years has kind of sat with me is inclusivity and with all we've been through through the past two years, just how different we all are but the one thing that we all have in common is that we want to be seen. we all want to be included and we should be and when we are all included, things are better. things feel better. >> absolutely. >> things drink better. >> yes. >> things look better. and ironically, diajio actually is a company that actually kind of subscribes to inclusivity, too and that spirit that spirit of -- >> a spirit of progress. >> right? >> so here we are with -- okay, this is my son. this is my son. this is my son. no, this is my bonus son and this is my son 20 years we're all together this whole family of people are together because of these two and their lives together. they brought us together. and we kind of drink in the spirit of inclusivity, too. >> and progress. >> and progress. >> right there. >> cheers to that. >> so i'm drinking a little bit of -- cheers. okay. >> what are you drinking tonight? >> i -- >> oh, yes, eyes. >> i'm not really a champagne girl. i'm not a champagne girl. i'm kind of a don julio 1942 girl. >> yes, yes. >> wow. >> that would be me. >> you know, regina. >> that would be me. >> you're the highlight -- you are the best thing about this year's oscar ceremony. i mean, the show opened with this kind of single tracking shot of you making your way to the stage. how nervous were you about that? >> that performance -- you gave an incredibly powerful speech. i mean -- yeah. it was incredible. >> i was so flipping nervous. you know i want to curse right now. i was -- >> it's cable. you're allowed to. >> then you went on to host "snl." you made your "snl" hosting debut. you had a huge year. what was the most nerve wracking part of hosting "snl"? >> you know, actually they're so amazing over there. you know, there are drinks happening. little blue labels happening like what ian and brandon are drinking over there, which i truly appreciated but the thing about it is i was so in awe of what they do every single week to bring us the show that we see that i was just kind of like all right. tell me where to go. i came with some of my ideas and couple of them made it. couple of them made it. but they school you really quick. like yeah, that's not going to land so well. [ laughter ] >> by the way, i'm really excited -- >> i love that. >> -- to hear you're producing and starring in the shirley chism biopic for netflix. the first black congresswoman and first black woman to run for president. when are we going to see this on netflix? >> hopefully at the end of 2022 covid free. that part right there. >> yes, yes. >> but yeah, we're actually literally in the middle of production right now. this is the second film i've shot in the middle of production. i'm producing it with my sister rana. what are you drinking? >> don julio. >> a little bit of don julio. >> hey, regina, speaking of drinking, regina, we're approaching a very special anniversary in just a few days time. it's going to be ten years since you appeared on the most iconic episode of "watch what happens live" with your friend and 227 co-star -- >> oh my god. has it been ten years? >> it's been ten years. people are still talking about it. >> still talking about it. >> to this day, i got a text from my friend about it the other day. we have a special surprise for you. it is your "227" co-star. >> ahhhh! >> hey! >> hey! >> hey, boo. >> hey, anderson. [ laughter ] >> hey, jackie! >> jackie! [ laughter ] >> oh my god. we love you so much, jackie! >> i'm done. i'm done. >> that's my baby. >> oh my god. i love this woman. what you drinking, jack? what you drinking, jack? >> champagne. you know i got my vodka here. here my vodka. [ laughter ] >> champagne and vodka! yes. >> this is classic. [ laughter ] >> oh my god. i'm done. i love this woman. >> oh my god. >> these reunion shows are all the rage. >> oh my god. >> i'm thinking there needs to be a "22 7" reunion. >> yes. >> right now my jaws are like hurting right here. [ laughter ] >> remember, we said we don't drink on tv. remember that? we can't drink on tv. [ laughter ] >> yes, we can. >> jackie! i love you. >> i'm done. >> i'm done. >> jackie, you're very good on "days of our lives" and i'm so excited you're back playing real estate mogul paulina price. >> jackie. >> i'll call ya, later. >> i love you jackie, you're great in everything. jackie could just, you know -- >> kiss ian for me. >> oh. >> hey, anderson -- >> martini. >> can we play a game of never have i ever? la[ laughter ] >> we'll play a quick game of never have i ever. drink if you've ever done this thing. >> okay. >> never have i ever lusted after someone on "bridgerton." [ laughter ] >> drink if you've done it. okay? >> i got to go through everybody on "bridgerton." give me a second. [ laughter ] >> never have i ever had to explain whop. jackie, i know you've had to do this. yes. >> she called me -- >> anderson, wait, wait, wait. anderson, stop. your giggle -- i can't. i can't take it. i can't take the giggle. >> i don't know what is going on. i'm -- i don't know what is going on. >> it's the most hilarious joyful thing. >> like, listen, i haven't laughed all year. it's so nice to laugh with you guys and have fun and be together. >> you two are a duo for the ages. regina king lived her best life this year. jackie, i love you always. >> you guys -- you men, you women, you people -- >> "days of our lives". >> cheers, happy new year. >> thank you so much. really, made my night. >> coming up, cakaty perry is performing her new single. >> to betty white, also. >> betty white from my friend john mayer. stay with us. (man) go on, girl, go on and get help! [heartwarming music] (man) ah! 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[sound of heartbeat on ultrasound] ♪ now a tradition for a new year's eve show good night 2021. one of my son's favorite books. he says like -- he calls it moon. so this is it. >> good night oprah, megan and harry, good night miranda, charlotte and kerry. >> good night tokyo olympics, tom lady knitting in the stands, good night bernie sanders mitt tons warming hands. >> good night to my rapid test nasal swab, good night new adele album making us sob. >> good night dreaming of eating pasta with stanley, good night father, son and house of gucci. >> good night ben and j. lo reunited on a yacht, good night thinking could i win the squad game, maybe not. [ laughter ] >> good night ted lasso, i still haven't seen it, i promise i will but i don't really mean it. >> good night hot facts summer giving us hope, good night to the winter whispering nope. >> good night tim o'day starring in dune, good night 2021 moon. i love dune. >> good night season two of covid is finally done, and good night to 2021. >> amen. >> we are minutes away from our final countdown. >> 27 minutes. >> and the ball drop but before that, my good friend, the great -- >> so great. >> john mayer put together a little tribute to betty white and he sent it to us tonight. teenage it away john mayer on tour this spring. ♪ ♪ thank you for being a friend ♪ ♪ traveled down the road and back again ♪ ♪ your heart is true, you're a pal and a confidant ♪ ♪ and invited everyone you knew ♪ ♪ if you received the biggest gift would be from me and the card attached would say ♪ ♪ thank you for being a friend ♪ >> announcer: new years eve live with anderson cooper and andy cohen is brought to you by subaru. go to c nrks to gir support and celebrate 15 years of inspiring stories. meals on wheels. and the largest corporate donor to the aspca and national park foundation. get a new subaru during the share the love event and subaru will donate two hundred and fifty dollars to charity. - [narrator] introducing the grubhub guarantee: our promise to deliver the food you love on time, and give you the lowest price, or you'll get $5 off your next order. when you have xfinity xfi, you have peace of mind built in at no extra cost. advanced security helps keep your family protected online. pause wifi whenever for ultimate control with the xfinity app. and family-safe browsing gives parents one less thing to worry about. security, control and peace of mind. with xfinity xfi, it's all built in at no extra cost. how not to be a hero: because that's the last thing they need you to be. you don't have to save the day. you just have to navigate the world so that a foster child isn't doing it solo. you just have to stand up for a kid who isn't fluent in bureaucracy, or maybe not in their own emotions. so show up, however you can, for the foster kids who need it most— at all right. >> the final countdown 22 minutes to go. >> 22 minutes to go. we'll put this year to bed. you feel like this is like -- >> it's like water but it's -- i mean -- >> it's taking you to another level. >> it's -- yes. i don't know what is going on. >> richard quest is on -- >> richard ground -- richard, you're off -- i'm glad -- richard, my god. >> wow, yes. >> wow. >> yearning to breathe great, i lift my lamp. [ laughter ] [ cheers ] >> hold on. [ laughter ] >> richard quest, ted turner founded cnn in the '80s. i have to believe you're the first cnn correspondent to ever do drag. >> oh, no, oh, no. >> oh, no. >> i'm only the first one to do it publicly. [ laughter ] >> we know what she's been doing but -- [ laughter ] >> oh my god, richard, i mean, you are a vision. >> i have to say, i think the atmosphere in the square is so much better than last year, even with -- >> i totally agree. >> there was nobody here. >> no, no, that's not true. all of a sudden, there are a lot of people here. i think they -- >> last year there was nobody here. >> richard, i think they let a lot of people in. there is great service members there. >> i may never recover from this. >> i may never recover from this. >> hey, i promise you. that's all right. next year i'll do it in heels. how about that? next year in heels. >> richard, did you know in fourth grade there was a school production at my school of the mayoral race in new york that ed koch was running in and he was dating bet myerson, former misam mismiss america. in the school production i played her and a coed school, why was i playing her? >> why? [ laughter ] >> this is -- i think i'm looking quite fetching tonight. >> oh my gosh. started the fog machine. >> ryan seacrest group of losers performing behind us. i mean, with all due -- if you're been watching abc tonight, you've seen nothing. i'm sorry. >> my god. >> let's go to don and alison in new orleans. >> oh my god. oh my god. >> oh my god. >> this is off the rails. >> happy new year. >> did richard quest have -- >> a full figure? yes. >> don, what is going on? >> lady -- >> he was giving us lady liberty, he was giving us a real inclusive type of, you know, new year's eve moment. >> the last time i saw richard in that outfit it was in the pines but it was shorter. >> okay. he was giving you -- this is mo mo modest. this is a family show. >> i'm going to grab some beans. >> okay. >> okay. you going to get some? >> beads! >> show me something! [ cheers ] >> we out here! we out here. we out here. we in here. >> we got some beads for you, anderson and andy. >> he got the lemon beads for don lemlemon. >> show us something to get them. >> is this how you do this? i'm not sure. >> we have a whole show coming up after this. we have the after -- >> is that what i'm required to do? >> oh, no. >> should be drinking a lot more, later. >> she's not drinking on camera but off camera. >> anderson and andy, she is throwing them back. >> awesome music coming up. >> yeah. >> can you tell them, please, about new year's eve, what it means to you? >> so i don't feel the need to drink on new year's eve because it's such an experience. >> she got engaged and something else was her first time -- >> i got engaged to be married on new years and i had a lot of peak experiences. >> a new woman on new year's eve. >> do you have any other experiences you want to tell us about? >> the past couple years on new year's eve i've gotten a kiss from a nice boy. >> and? >> but i don't know if that's going to happen. >> okay. >> real quick. >> it's going to happen. >> anderson, andy. we had this conversation. >> yes. >> before the show a couple days ago. >> yes. >> you were visiting your family in atlanta. >> yes, i was. >> and you said you were around too many negros, i said black people or negros and you said -- >> i won't repeat that because you're going to get me cancelled. i got to buy my mama a house. i won't get messed up in these streets. >> real quick. amanda shaw here. amanda? >> happy new year. >> happy new year. >> before they get rid of us, take it away. >> tell what you're going to play. >> i don't know what's happening. >> all right. we want to keep the party going, performing a new single "when i'm gone" -- >> katy perry. >> katy perry. ♪ when i'm gone i'm never really gone ♪ ♪ you think you're moving on ♪ ♪ ♪ late nights calling me, calling me, do anything to keep me close ♪ ♪ well you should know it's gonna be gonna be so hard for you to let me go ♪ ♪ when i'm gone, i'm never really gone ♪ ♪ you think you're moven on but it won't be for long ♪ ♪ you'll see, when i'm gone i'm never really gone ♪ ♪ me on top of you, touch you like i do ♪ ♪ no, you'll never forget ♪ ♪ when i'm gone, i'm never really gone, no ones gonna feel like me ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ when i'm gone ♪ ♪ when i'm gone ♪ ♪ come on ♪ ♪ tonight ♪ ♪ you're giving me sweet, sweet ectasy ♪ ♪ yeah, you take me to utopia ♪ ♪ like erotica ♪ ♪ boy, you make me feel exotica ♪ ♪ when i feel i can't take anymore ♪ ♪ deeper and harder than ever before ♪ ♪ we go higher ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm walking on air ♪ ♪ i'm walking on air ♪ ♪ i'm walking, i'm walking on air ♪ ♪ i'm walking on air ♪ ♪ i'm walking on air ♪ ♪ tonight, tonight, tonight ♪ ♪ i'll walking on air ♪ ♪ tonight, tonight, tonight, i'm walking on air ♪ ♪ heaven is jealous of our love ♪ oh, angels are crying from up above ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm walking on air ♪ ♪ tonight i'm walking on air ♪ ♪ i'm walking on air ♪ ♪ i'm walking on, i'm walking on air tonight ♪ ♪ i'm walking on air ♪ ♪ i'm walking on air ♪ [ cheers ] >> happy new year, everybody. anderson, andy, back to you in new york. >> wow! >> wow. >> thank you, katy perry. what a journey. >> before we hit midnight. >> speaking of journey, i just got doused with confetti from the fake journey appearing on abc. if it's not steve perry, it doesn't count. >> i mean, really -- >> you get it? >>propaganda. >> that's not true. >> it's propaganda. >> settle down, sweetie. settle down. that's not true. >> no, that was not journey. >> it's journey, now. >> steve perry -- >> things change. things evolve. it's okay. it's okay. >> really? i have a face full of this crap. >> come back. come back to us. >> all right. almost midnight. we're 11 -- just 12 minutes away. i want to go to randi kaye to see how everyone is feeling in palm beach, florida. how are things on the beach? >> things on the beach are great. we're still at the bar listening to "american young" and we'll make a drink called the water fall. >> oh my goodness. >> we'll make a water fall. >> i'll lift you up. >> you're going to lift me up. okay. let do it. >> really lift me up? >> yes. >> okay. go. >> ready? [ cheers ] >> okay. >> you ready? >> all right. this is the water fall. my aim is not great at this hour of the night. oh, boy. okay. >> stop! stop! stop! >> i did the best i could. andy, i know you love the bong. let's go over to the bong. [ cheers ] >> i don't know what is going -- i don't know what -- this is not a good idea. that's not a good idea. all right. all right. >> happy new year, everybody. >> i don't condone such behavior. randi, happy new year. we wish you the best. randi is not driving home. that is for sure. an irish bar in the west village, how are things doing? >> cnn -- are you talking to me? >> you're live. >> hey, guys. >> it's anderson and andy. >> having such a good time. we weren't even listening to you guys we're having such a good time in the west village. i'm here with a couple who have traveled from ireland having a good are you having a good time in new york? >> yes. what is the highlight so far? >> the shopping is the highlight and the good food and nice drink. >> how long have you been with this guy? did he surprise you with the trip? yes, we have been together 2 1/2 years. >> do you love him? >> of course i do. >> and you? >> yes, it is a special thing. danielle, would you like to marry me? >> yes. >> i love you so much. >> aaw. >> congratulations. congratulations. and celebrations. >> you did say yes? >> yes. >> you are sure. >> all right. >> ah. donie, thank you. thank you. that is so nice. we go down to chloe in times square, and how are you doing? >> well, well, well. look at who i am here with. i am so scared. wait, who is it? ah, it's david arquette. okay. >> hey. >> all right. so you have "scream" coming out? >> yes, excited after 25 years, a new scream. >> january 14th. >> yes. >> and now i heard a rumor that the killer is actually in the poster. >> wow. that is scary. >> and it is flashing all over times square. is that true? >> well, is ate classic whodunit, and it is very exciting. >> i know, courtney cox, and nef campbell, and what was it like to get back together? >> well, we have known each other for 25 years, and so it is so great to get together, and me and courtney have a daughter together, and so it is beautiful, but, you know, we have all, and you know, grown up together. and nev has kids and it is just, it is amazing and i have two new kids with my beautiful wife christina. >> and the movie comes out january 14th, a i'm so excited that i assume that you walk around with that mask all of the time. >> that is right. >> through the airport and airport security. >> yes, i keep a sharpie on hand. >> and david, very happy new year and chloe as well. thank you for joining us. >> happy new year. >> we are in the final stretch here. >> yes, eight minutes away, and shortly, and one of my favorite moments is that like the time between five minutes to midnight, and you are mocking me in the stare. >> and the time from 11:55 and 12:10, and somebody threw up in new york, and i never came to times square and i watched it on tv, and to be here is so wonderful, and wherever you are in america or around the world, whoever you are with, and if you are alone or if you are with a pet, or whoever you with or yourself, i am glad that you are sharing the moment with us, and i wish you this new year, i hope that it is the best year yet, because it has been difficult for a lot of people. >> and you know, it has been a rough year, and it has been, and i just feel like what it has shown is that all of our ability to be resilient in whatever comes to us. >> yeah. >> we all adapt, and we change. >> and amanda gorman said in this the poem early on and i won't paraphrase her, and i will misquote her, and i don't want to misquote her, but she said that we weren't ready for it, but we adapt to it. >> we pivot and take stock of what we have and who we are, and we love the people that we are with. and i'm so grateful to be here with you. >> me, too. and i'm so grateful for all of you joining us, and we should get a glass, and raise the glass to the new year. >> you want some gin or tequila or what? >> well, we should have this devil water. >> yes. >> and his friend has come up with this. >> listen, it is the number one spirit in japan. >> is it really? >> yes, it is, and it is so great, and people in japan know exactly what it is, and it is excellent. >> thank you for joining us. >> i have to tell you something. >> anderson -- >> and it is six minutes. >> and it has been such a great joy for me to be a father with you, to be able to bond with you in a way that i never thought that i'd be able to do which is to just share our kids together and be together -- >> yeah. >> and watch you be the dad that you are, and it is to great. >> to all of those who are watching, and we wish you the best, and hope you have a great new year. i don't know, yeah. >> what is this? >> i don't know. let's listen. >> okay. well, let's, here, let's have a toast. ♪ imagine there's no heaven ♪ ♪ it's easy if you try ♪ ♪ no hell below us ♪ ♪ above us only sky ♪ ♪ imagine all the people ♪ ♪ living for today ♪ ♪ ooh ooh ♪ ♪ imagine there's no countries ♪ ♪ it isn't hard to do ♪ ♪ nothing to kill or die for ♪ ♪ and no religion too ♪ ♪ imagine all the people ♪ ♪ living life in peace ♪ ♪ ooh ooh ♪ ♪ you may say i'm a dreamer ♪ ♪ but i'm not the only one ♪ ♪ there i hope some day you will join us ♪ ♪ and the world will live as one ♪ ♪ imagine no possessions ♪ ♪ i wonder if you can ♪ ♪ no need for greed or hunger ♪ ♪ a brotherhood of man ♪ ♪ imagine all of the people ♪ ♪ sharing all the world ♪ ♪ you, you may say i'm a dreamer ♪ ♪ but i'm not the only one ♪ ♪ no i'm not the only one ♪ ♪ you may say i'm a dreamer ♪ ♪ ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ but i'm not the only one ♪ ♪ oh i hope some day you'll join us ♪ ♪ and the world will live as one ♪ >> 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 3, 2, 1 -- 1 -- ♪ ♪ ♪ start spreading the news ♪ ♪ i'm leaving today ♪ ♪ i want to be a part of it ♪ ♪ new york, new york ♪ ♪ these vagabond shoes ♪ ♪ are longing to stay ♪ ♪ right to the very heart of it ♪ ♪ new york, new york ♪ ♪ i want to wake up in a city that doesn't sleep ♪ ♪ and find i'm king of the hill ♪ ♪ top of the heap ♪ ♪ these little town blues ♪ ♪ are melting away ♪ ♪ i'll make a brand-new start of it ♪ ♪ in old new york ♪ ♪ if i can make it there ♪ ♪ i'll make it anywhere ♪ ♪ it's up to you new york ♪ ♪ new york, new york new york ♪ ♪ i want to wake up in a city that never sleeps ♪ ♪ and find that i'm a-number one ♪ ♪ top of the list ♪ ♪ king of the hill ♪ ♪ a-number one ♪ ♪ these little town blues ♪ ♪ are melting a way ♪ ♪ i'm going to make a brand-new start of it in old new york ♪ ♪ and if i can make it there ♪ ♪ i'm going to make it anywhere ♪ ♪ it's up to you new york ♪ ♪ new york, new york ♪ >> happy new year's, james. >> hey, jonathan, happy new year. you know, it has been an amazing night. >> i could not agree more. >> all of the amazing performances. >> yes, and all of the great people. >> yes. and what about that waterford crystal ball. >> oh, the ball, yeah. it is unbelievable. >> it was ball i ever dreamed of. >> yeah, it was pretty incredi-ball. >> yes. >> >> who are those guys? >> i don't know. >> all right. happy new year, everybody. 2022, don't you feel cleansed? cheers. we will do this little mini shot. >> a dance. >> let me tell you something. >> oh, please. tell us something, andy. just watching mayor de blasio doing his victory lap dance after four years of the charm of the mayor of -- >> don't you start. >> the only thing that the democrats and the republicans can agree on is what a horrible mayor he has been -- >> wow. >> so sayonara, sucker. 2022, it is a new year, and guess what, i have a feeling that i am going to be standing here speaking next year, and you know what i am not going to be looking at dancing as the scity comes aboard -- you. >> eric adams is being sworn in as we speak. >> is it happening right now? >> yes. >> as dr. martin luther king once said, the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy. we are facing challenges however tonight, we will swear in the 110th mayor of all great city. a man whose dedication and vision for this city is steadfast and unwavering. mr. mayor, would you please raise your right hand and repeat after me. >> right here. raise your right hand. >> all right. >> i, eric adams. >> i, eric adams. >> do solemnly swear. >> do solemnly swear. >> thatly support the constitution. >> that i will support the constitution. >> of the united states. >> of the united states. >> the constitution of the state of new york. >> the constitution of the state of new york. >> and the charter of the city. >> and the charter of the city. >> of new york. >> of new york. >> and i will faithfully. >> and i will faithfully. >> discharge the duties. >> discharge the duties. >> of the office. >> of the office. >> of the mayor of the city of new york. >> of the mayor of the city of new york. >> according to the best of my ability. >> to the bestf my abilities. >> so help me god. >> so help me god. >> congratulations. >> wow. >> that is eric adams. >> wow, we have a new mayor in new york city. this is so exciting. >> yes. eric adams had a fascinating career, a he retired as a captain in the police department, and he was the brooklyn borough president, and as a young man he was abused by a police department and then recruited by elders in the police force to try to change the police force and this is new york in the '70s and very different new york city police department to change the police department from the inside, and that is what he did working his way up, and so it is a whole, you know, happening in new york. >> vii have an idea -- >> chloe. >> i have a cell phone number, andy, and we will talk about that how i have it, and i think that you should run for mayor. >> i don't. i don't. >> and richard quest, i mean, you have outdone yourself. >> richard quest. >> i mean, you know -- >> i have never felt attracted to lady liberty until today. >> would you like to play with my lamp. >> yes. >> oh. >> i come bearing gifts for you all. >> okay. >> and andy, this is very special. this is for you. and a new shot glass for you. >> wow. >> look at this. new york shot glass. >> and i wanted to get the toast in, and this is the first night i have been out in seven days and i have been home with a 2-year-old and a 4-year-old in self-imposed quarantine, and so we need a shot to betty white. >> okay. we will prepare that, and listen to crowds there. and okay. >> and he crowned thy good, and told me that he would with bro herhood ♪ ♪ from sea to shining sea ♪ ♪ to shining sea ♪ i thank you lord. ♪ shining sea ♪ ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ and see them for me and you and i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ♪ i see skies of blue ♪ ♪ and clouds of white ♪ ♪ and i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ♪ the colors of the rainbow ♪ ♪ so pretty in the sky ♪ ♪ are also on the faces of the people going by ♪ ♪ i see friends shaking hands ♪ ♪ saying how do you do ♪ ♪ they are really saying ♪ ♪ i love you ♪ ♪ i hear babies crying ♪ ♪ vi wai have watched them grow♪ ♪ and i love more when i think to myself what a wonderful world ♪ ♪ yes i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ oh, yes. >> wow. what a wonderful world, indeed. we are going to take a break and give a toast to the new year. >> oh, my god, you are so drunk. >> wasted beyond belief. >> richard, you don't drink. >> no, you will gain weight. >> nothing wrong with that. >> cheers, everybody. >> happy new year. >> happy new year, everybody. >> refresh. >> the fun is still going on. >> and a surprise guest is coming up. >> i don't know who. >> yes. happy new year, everyone. >> and may 2022 bring better days and renewed hope, and good help for all. >> and salud, and faliz. >> and wishing you the happiest of new years and i wish i was there with you, and this is the year of the tiger, and so i am sending is love and happiness to the world. >> and this is chloe, and we want to wish you a happy new year. >> hey, anderson and andy, happy new year, and i hope it is your biggest and best year yet. >> i am crystal patrick. >> and joey fatone. >> and we want to wish you a happy new year. >> and hey, we are the cast of stomp in new york city, and we want to wish everybody a happy new year. (burke) i've seen this movie before. (woman) you have? (burke) sure, this is the part where all is lost and the hero searches for hope. then, a mysterious figure reminds her that she has the farmers home policy perk, guaranteed replacement cost. and that her home will be rebuilt, regardless of her limits or if the cost of materials has gone up. (woman) that's really something. (burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. wait, i didn't ruin the ending, did i? (woman) yeah, y-you did. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ my new year's resolution for everybody out there is to ignore the debt line and smoke some weed and run away from every phone call asking where you are. >> i have never ever made a new year's resolution in my entire life and nor will i this year, and i am not a new year's resolution guy and i have survived 70 years. >> my new year's resolution is to get my mother an audition on bravo. >> my new year's resolution is to have more adventure in my life and travel around the world. >> and my new year's resolution is if i said yes a lot, i would say no, and if i said no, then i would say yes. so i try to learn from the past year and take it into the current. >> my new year's resolution is to become less edgy and controversial. >> i want to get some consistently. [ laughter ] >> by the way my new year's resolution is to spend less time on instagram. >> you create a lot of content. >> well, i will create more content, but less time on the app. and mark zuckerberg, don't you mess with my mind. i know what you are doing. >> i don't know if -- >> i know what you are doing. and i have ten more minutes of this platform. and i'm going to keep going. >> no, no. >> and mark zuckerberg, you are messing with all of us. >> you are freaking out. >> how dare you. >> it is all right. >> how dare you! all right. joining us now, it is is the ghost of anderson's great, great, great grandfather, cornelius vanderbilt, and we are going to play a game, anderson. >> this started on andy's life "watch what happens" and this is the ghost of my great, great, great grandfather, and i have to say, great, great great grandfather up close. >> it is scary. >> the syphilis is scary. >> he died of syphilis, and it is painful? >> the years have not done me well dear boy. >> you are carrying around just money? >> what else would i do? i don't know anything else. >> but when you died -- >> we are going to play when cornelius vanderbilt's money -- >> when he died in 1877, 1 of every $20 in the circulation in the u.s. belonged to him. he had more money than the u.s. mint. >> yes, your money, cornelius vanderbilt. yes, you are. and cornelius vanderbilt, he is going to -- >> oh, my god. >> and he is going to tell aus fact. >> okay. >> we have to guess whether it happened in 1821 or 2021. >> okay. >> can you handle it, sweetie? >> i don't know what you are talking about, but go ahead. i have to pee so badly, and it is beyond. >> do it in your pants. >> what? >> a any fact waistline became -- >> listen to him. >> and any fact waistline was so fashionable that even men would wear corsets to achieve it. was it -- >> 1821. you get money. take some of my grand nephew's money. >> yes. >> there was a worldwide obsession with sea shanties. was it 1821 or 2021. >> what is a sea shanty. >> well, it belongs to the sea. >> sweetie, what is a sea shanty? >> 1821. >> 1821. >> it was 2021. >> what is a sea shanty? >> it is a song one would sing while they are sailing to pass the time. >> wow. that is 2021. is that like a -- >> very real. is that legal. >> this is legal tender? >> this is money from the vault of the vanderbilts. >> there is nothing there. there is not a vault of the vanderbilts. >> >> it is the inheritance. >> there is no inheritance. >> and they spent it all, commodore. >> well, i had a stash in the tomb, my boy. a glacial volcano erupted, 2021 or 1821? >> it was 2021. >> no, it is 1821. >> no, it is going back to the tomb. >> well, in the hg and hi-def, this is scary. >> and yes -- >> according to some accounts. >> one more. for the first time in history a dutch museum permanently hung pictures by women painters? >> 1821. okay. wow. >> do you to go back to the crypt at staten island. >> and this is my p.a., and he also played the gay shark, and made anderson giggle, so he is so incredible. love you, mike. happy new year. >> and how long does it take to transport yourself? >> well, millennia it seems, but -- >> i can take a piece of you? >> oh, please, yes, yes, all in the family. >> all in the family. >> oh, oh, oh. >> are we rafting out now? coming up next. okay. well, listen, it has been a great new year, anderson. i want to take you out for a drink now, and not that you need it. >> guys, this has been such a great night, and thank you for hanging out with us. >> don lemon and alisyn camerota is coming up next, and for all of you at home, and whoever you are with, and if you are alone, we are with you, and we hope this is your best year yet. thank you for joining uing us, e will see you on cnn and he will see you on bravo. we will take a break here on cnn and be right back. >> hey, anderson and andy, and hello to everyone around the world. on behalf of the bosh family, i would like to say happy new year. >> this is pamela anderson, and happy new year. >> this is englebert here, and i wanted to wish you a happy and healthy new year. >> and hello, anderson and andy, i wanted to wish you a happy new year from here to the moon. >> and it is andy rainbow wishing you a very happy new year. 2021 was a bit of a dumpster fire and let's get the hell out, and on to better thing, because 2022 is going to be amazing. >> hello, for myself and the cast of the tina turner musical on broadway, we want to wish you a happy new year. >> for all of us watching and you in the studio, we would like to wish you -- >> a happy new year! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ i always wanted to know more about my grandfather. he...was a hardworking man who came to new york from puerto rico when he was 17. with ancestry, being able to put the pieces of the puzzle together...'s amazing. it's honestly amazing. hi. i'm wolfgang puck when i started my online store wolfgang puck home i knew there would be a lot of orders to fill and i wanted them to ship out fast that's why i chose shipstation shipstation helps manage orders reduce shipping costs and print out shipping labels it's my secret ingredient shipstation the number 1 choice of online sellers and wolfgang puck go to and get 2 months free >> happy new year. >> happy new year, and we are back and celebrating the central time zone, which has not happened yet. >> it is not the new year yet. >> we are a little lit. are you lit? >> i am a little >> and you understood the assignment. i called this lady up and i said, can you do sequeins and you -- >> i wanted america to know that i am looking for a husband and i think that they got the message. >> and the girls are out. >> and you understood the assignment because you are a mix of you and me. >> well, i have done a number of outfit change, because i was the cher. >> and what about anderson and andy. >> that man was not playing. he did not like de blasio. wait, do they always swear a mayor on live television? >> i don't want to get into that, the but i thought they were amazing. >> but i like that he brought a picture of the mother in the plexiglass. i love black people. >> and we had a black people conversation and it was a little -- >> i don't want to get into trouble for that. and look. we are having so much fun, and we have having a party here, and it has bee

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The Thing , Time , Covid 19 , Opportunity , Game Of Thrones , Story , Hold On , Stop , Teresa , Email , Jail , Social Security Number , Server , Subject Line , Someone , Prisoner , Things , Site , Danbury Security Prison , Godfather , Sound Of Music , Joy , Gone With The Wind , 2 , Group , Open Windows , Nightshirts , Cards , Children , Peter Pan , Ground , Chloe , Fleet , Around The World , Shng , Concert , You Changed My Life , England , Seven , Broadcast Tonight , South Korea , Family , I M So Excited , My Home State Of Texas , Texas , Brownsville , Resolutions , Chicago , Ashante , London , Bad News , Top , Don T Say Reporting , Vegas , Let S Go To Richard Quest , Downer , Skyscraper , Why Don T You Go Ask , Outfit , Icons , God , Heights , Where , Hudson Yard , Michael Lindsey Hogg , Building , Climb , Lord , Cameraman , Outside , Richard Quest , Times , Lordship , Terrifying , Camera Guy , Wow , Edging , Tradition , Icon , Clue , Statue Of Liberty , Empire State Building , Diane Von Furstenberg , Costume , Coming Up , Staple , Space , Cooking , Funny , That S My Line , Baby Food , Fruit , Kid , Pouches , Vegetables , Performances , Apples , Kale , Lightscape , At Brooklyn Botanical , Cool , Migraines , Medication , Last , Tablet , Nurtec , Onederful , To Nc , Tt Kekekekeic , Stomach Pain , Side Effects , Migraine Pain , Nausea , Edge , Forest , Little Red House , Indigestion , Nurtec Odt , Norway , World , Work , Kindness , Honesty , Fourth , Daily Vicks , Inspiration , Comfort , Pack , Dayquil , Viking , Strength , Supplement , Medicine , Vitamin C , B Vitamins , Power , Super C , Coughing , Gift , Businesses , Comcast Business , Network , Deal , Business , Gig Speeds , Prepaid Card , Savings Sale , Bundles , 500 , 00 , Possibilities , Internet , Voice , Price Guarantee , Savings , 64 99 , 4 99 , Randi Kaye , Highlight , High , Bonfire , I Don T Know What , Coming In Hot , Hotpants , Happy New Year , Size , Goblet , Hot Pants , Champagne , Beach Party , Bottle , Pants , Equipment , Case , Crazy , Fireman On Standby , Bar , Fun , Music , Flare Bar Tender , Middle , Lemon Daiquiri , Rum , Kevin , Light Tup , Bit , Some , Harry , Daiquiri , Flair , Bank Account , Let , Gosh , Whoa , Fire , Juggling , Godzilla , Breathe Snir , Champagne Glass , Special Treat , Luxembourg , To Anderson , Language , Luxembourgish , 600000 , Idea , Fireman , Professional , Singer , Philly , Ms , Fabulous Cook , A Million , A Million Dollars , Blessings , Gemini Triplets , Gemini Energy , Energy , Special , Kinds , Branzino Sliders , Turkey , Brisket , Cheese , Crowds , Macaroni , Pies , Dessert , Shoes , Stage Performing , 50 , My , Sarah Gash , Sarah Dash , Souls , Partner , Labell , Death , Lady Marmalade , Library Of Congress , National Recording Registry , Hall Of Fame Library Congress , Impact , Legend , Know , Miss Patty , Game , Watch What Happens Live , Member , Royal Family , Celebrities , British , Anecdote , Paths , Elton John , Didn T , Backup , Didn T He , Piano Player , Bluebells , Opening Act , Pope , Baby Boy , Boy , Course , Come On , Grandbaby , Grandkids , Gia , Roe , Laila , Black Tie Affair , Half , Say Hi , Congratulations , Playing Cards , 5 , Car , 90 , Stay Safe , Donie O Sullivan , Irish Bar , Setup , Captain Kirk , Subaru , Vo , Retailers , Love Event , Meals , That S Why , Feeding America , One Hundred And Fifty Million , Charity , Car Company , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , It Wasn T Me By Shaggy , Discover Card , Purchases , 19 , Question , You Re Not Alone , Questions , Support , Calhope , Calhope Org , 317 , 4673 , 833 , 833 317 4673 , Resolution , Therapy , Coach , Healing Journey , Purpose , Version , New Year S Revolution , Attention , Grandchildren , Daughter , Producing , Writing , Compliment , Compliments , Martha Stewart , There , Novak , Drunk , B J , Won T , Driving , State Laws , Part , Event , Places , Pub , Heads , Assignment , Irish , Beer , Guinness , Master Pourer , Two Creamy Heads , West Village , Nitro Beer , Brewery , Quality , Drop , The Farm , Checks , Gate , Dublin , 1959 , 250 , Theatricality , Tap Down , Beers , Technique , Finesse , Pressure , Nation , Pint , Gravity , Ireland , Hand , All The Way , Shaking , Stanley Tucci , Think Anderson , Nitrogen Bubble , Cream , 119 5 , 119econds , 119 , What Street , Luck , Little Small Sidestep , 22 , 44 , Fact , Matter , Hudson , Playground , Uh Oh , Jason , These , Technology , Wait , A Selfie , Selfie , Donie , Queen , Jenner Kardashians , Safe , Career , Cover , Top Song Play List , Spotify , Jingle Bells , Singing Christmas Songs , Phase , Kourtney Kardashian , Travis Barker , Precursor , Directions , Teaser , Tentacles , Achievement , Baby Bar Exam , Coming , All Of Us A Real Inspiration , Father , Dream , Footsteps , Pranked , Doesn T , Family Lawyer , Chance , Relationship , Pete Davidson , Visitor , Kim , Stormy , Distraction , Hope You Guys Party , Bucks , Cue , Perfect , A Million Bucks , Love , Bed , All Of You , Care , Ball Drop , Lots , 9 , Album , Frontier , Voyage , Friends , Rooftop Shot , Listening , Ones , New York Marriott Marquis , Do It , Help , Man , Girl , Signal App , Go On , Dog , Heartwarming Music , Crash , Burke , Farmers Crashassist , Both , Bum , Farmers Policy Perks , Farmers , Auto Insurance , Pa Dum , Dog Barks , Fifteen , Food , Guarantee , Promise , Order , Price , Narrator , , Trust Tylenol , Blood Pressure , High Blood Pressure , Pain , Joint Pain , Doctors , Tylenol , Aleve , Motrin , Word , Guest , Bill , Season , Airing , Mr , Age , Greats , Cold , Boston Legal , Comedy Central Roast , Hot In Cleveland , 2006 , Wait For Me , Albums , Blackness , Smallness , Curvature Of The Earth , Earth , Saw , Thought , That S Life , Sadness , Mother Earth , Planet , Make , Revolutions , Sad , Example , Interview , Plan , Barriers , Firsts , Human Error , Celebrity , Laurence Olivier , Realize , Bathroom , Fan , Star Trek , Structure , 15000 , Sleep Tonight , Stick Around , Party , Duran , H Announcer , Vrbo , Daybed , Panic Room , Basement Slash , Yoga Shanti Slash , Slash Classroom , The Living Room , Vacation , Family Needs , Sore Throat Pain , App , Honey Lemon , Clerk , Honey Lemon Chill , Vicks Vapocool , Sore Throat Relief , Wooo Vaporize , Small Business , Service , Flexibility , Lines , Line , Data , Mix , Match Data Options , Customers , Comcast Business Mobile , Nationwide 5g , 0 , Contract , Fees , Term , East Coast , Play , Motivation , Don T You Know , Conversation , Look , Meaning , High Note , Feeling , The Sun , Others , Lovers , Families , Give Me Everything , Let S Party , All Around The World , Style , Announcer , Leslie Jordan , Amanda Gorman , Party Store , Production , Long Island , Freakin , Nothing , Book , Holocaust , Friend , 3 50 , 50 , Shots , Holocaust Book , Counter , Holding On , Manner , Parents , Second , Hudson Yards , What S Going On , Let S Go To Richard , Highest , Hello , City , New Year S Eve , Climbing , Emmy Award , Satellite , Actor , Instagram , Me Cat , Tennessee , Five , Series , Episode , Skillet , Miss , Rubber , Air , Trick Skillet , Chiropractor , Bejesus , Queens , Bea Arthur , Maude , Traffic , Don T Have To , Los Angeles , Sweaters , Mom , Sisters , Blue , Bland , Island , Place , Holidays , Christmas , Savannah , Twin Sisters , Names , Triplets , Jana Leanne , Janet , Jana , Janet Ann , Sister , Mother , Tabby Island , Mole , Church , 2021 , Signs , Megan Markle , Musicals , Musical , Films , Dancing Aids Patients , Princess Diana , Netflix , Nick Ruzzo , Height , Tattoos , Fingernails , Teeth , Grindr , Beatles , Carol Ann , Jennifer Lopez , Doc , Yoko , Footage , Sharing Vintage Thirst Traps , Dirty Fingernails , Miami Beach , 1981 , 73 , Lover , Mama , Crossbow , Space Shuttle , Jeff Bezos , Spaceship , Newsman , Penis , Daddy , Dick , Afterparty , Leslie , 25 , Alcohol , Streets , Hotel Room , 4 , Somewhere , Tv Program , Brilliant , January 9th , Stuff , Strip Clubs , Gaiety Theater , Next , Details , Record , Great Grandmother , Family Story , Ancestry , Touch , Pampers , Brand , My Family , Skin , Pediatrician , 1 , Test Results , Ways , Cue Health , Speed , Home Test , Accuracy , Go Cue , Nba , Eating , Social , Single , Cocktail , Spirit , Japanese , Mu Zhen , Sip , Enthusiast , Low Cal , San Juan , Puerto Rico , Weather , Lucky You , Gary , Lindsey Tuchman , Pina Colada , Salud , Row , Usa , Anniversary , Band , Rooftop Bar , City Of San Juan , Old San Juan , Country , Plane , Rules , Down The Street , 48 , Colombia , Spain , Lantern , Douglas , Spokesperson , All Over The Place , Europe , Countries , Works , Shoutout , Medea Callo , Mom S , Feet , Buildings , Don Lemon , Alisyn Camerota , Stunt , Manhattan , 1000 , Hilarity , Right , Welcome To New Year S Eve , Stormy Standing , Special Correspondent , Cornelius Vanderbilt , Ghost , Great Grandfather , Being , Echo , Partygoers , 1800 , Proud Of My Great Grandson Anderson , Great , Somebody , Ball , Forehead , Fisticuffs , Venereal , Partying , Venereal Excesses , Wall , Mah Toes , Relatives , It Syphilis , Great Fortune , Money , Regret , Boys , Pleasure , Gambling , My Dear Boy , Statue , Grand Central Station , Resemblance , Crypt , Ghost Of Anderson , We Love You , Staten Island , Special Guest Star , Roll It , Hang On , Reason , Let The Good Times Roll , Mardi Gras New Year S Parade , Connections , Connection , Louisiana , Eve , Comedienne , Chelsea Sloan , Gay Black Man , Verge , Outfit Changes , Outfits , Nobody , Worries , Invitation , Warehouse District , Marching Band And A Drum Corps , Masks , Dulca , Botox , Reverse , Melanin , Botox Unit , Intermittent Fasting , Chaos , Noom , Couldn T Go , Gym , Donna Summer Realness , Lemon Beads , Beads , Mardi Gras , Tequilas , Scene Change , Float , Derek , Introduction , I Didn T Die , Didn T Die , Roots , Hero , Nominee , 2009 , Trouble , Brass Band , Students , Something Special , Clarinet , Name , Toni , Drum Major , Chelsea , 14 , Marching Band , Boiled Crawfish , Alysin , Spot , Anybody , Special Spot , Cities , Double Entre Entrendre , Scaling , Fears , Skies , Ten Bucks , Ten , Husband , Who Don T Know , Clearing , Pop Upstairs , Apex , Oh My Gosh , Goodness , Anissa , 1189 , King , Chris , Night Out On The Town , Go , Ahhhh , Wind , I Don T Like Heights , Freedom , Lean , Butt Out , Booty , Knees , Legs , Yep , Loves , King Of The World , Jobs , Crime , Doesn T Look Real , Ahhh , 185 , 185 Bucks , Massage , What , 85 , Bad , Pocket , Mazel Tov , Chrissy Teigen , Don T Go , Anywhere , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , Stop Rybelsus , A1c , Majority , Blood Sugar , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Don T Take Rybelsus , 7 , Vision Problems , Lump , Reaction , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Swelling , Neck , Pancreatitis , Provider , Changes , Possibility , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Blood Sugar Risk , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 10 , 3 , Handful , Moving , Xfinity , Kidding , Movers , Offers , Services , Address , Save , Wedding , Gassy Person , Gasx , Goal , 200 , Bedroom , Stomach , Bozo The Clown , Don T You , Laughter , Light , Wolfy , Accent , Coney Island , Universe , Over , Brooklyn , Doll , Hair , Prize , It , Lemonade , Lemons , Presents , Dumbs , Scary , Cone , Clown , It S Time , Problem , Resurgence , Let S Talk , Clouds , The Invisible Clown , Bozo Show , Unboxing , Self Improvement , Bozo , Why Don T , Yo , Jump Rope , Might , 60 , T Shirt , Spider , Humor , Hospitals , Proceeds , Healthyhuman Com , Big Fan Of Cnn , Seacrest , Krusty , Pop Culture , Sanjay Gupta , Scary Clowns Don T Laugh Enough , Performance , Heros , Las Vegas , Reporter , All Star Tribute , Nose , Subaru Of America , Difference , Format , Organizations , American Museum Of Natural History , Heroes , Donations , Donate , Total , Cnnheroes Com , 00000 , 500000 , Cause , Donation , Tax Deductible , Contribution , Campaigns , Laptop , Anderson Ac Squared , Lala Anthony , Cast , Heck , American Utopia , Fur Family , Lightning , Snow , Nice , Spiral , Emotions , Direction , Let S Go To Chloe In The Cloud , David Arquette , Stone Cold Sober , Theme Song , Movie , Anne Hathaway , Song , Devil Wears Prada , Butter , Awhile , Words , Scottish , Turd , Nanny , Joby , Skinny Malik , Me A Skinny Malink , Chicken Legs , Sweetie , Cheers , Classics , Watch , Sister Soul Hey , Tour , Nashville , Go Sister Black Satin Sheets , Gitchi , Ya Da Mocca Choclata , Creole Lady Marmalade , Voulez Vous Coucher , Avec Mol , Veg L , New York Times Square , It Blows , Broadway , Mo Gin , Big One , Bruce , It Home , Hangover , Babe , Sons , Teddy Bear , Expressions , Bear , Assistant Jessica , Jessica , Tv Down , Microwave , Smell , Batteries , Assistant , Wyatt , Milk , Teaching It , Bedtime , I Love You , Greatest , Dad , La You , Video , Toy , Elephant , Tony Bennett , Lady Gaga , 95 , Dementia , Incredible Night , Concerts , Alzheimer S , Songs , Conversations , Difficulty , Innovations , Susan , Wife , Reporting Career , Privileges , Intro Music , Doing Interview , Tony , Showman , Notes , Take A Look , Piano , No Telteleprompter , Lead Musicer , Smile , Queue Cards , Sky , Applause , Set , Playing , Bravo , Miracle , Phrases , Arms , Clip , Golfer , Elbow , Zip Line , Let S Go , Carrot Top , Beautiful Night , Oh My God , Afraid Of Heights , Stories , 12 , It Don T , Going Down , Ahh , 2020 , 43 , 11 Million , 3 Million , 2 Million , 2012 , 2012 Wow Yeah , 78 , 10 Million , Billion , 1 Billion , Eight , 5321 , 92 , 77 , 1917 , 2010 , January 2nd , 70 , 16 , 1942 , 227 , 27 , Two Hundred And Fifty , Two Hundred And Fifty Dollars , 80 , 11 , 2 1 , January 14th , 55 , 8 , 6 , 110 , May 2022 , 1877 , 1821 ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Years Eve Live With Anderson Cooper And Andy Cohen 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Years Eve Live With Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen 20240709

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♪ tonight from new york to new orleans, from vegas to san juan, this is cnn's new year's eve live with appearances by katy perry. regina king, lessry jordan, patti labelle, sherry oterry. k.t. tunstell, kris jenner, james taylor plus more surprises and from the heart of times square, your hosts, anderson cooper and andy cohen. >> and happy new year, everyone. we are live in times square for what is going to be a very fun night. >> it is going to be a fun night. >> it's the warmest -- i don't know how many years i've been doing this. this is the warmest it has ever been. >> it feels great. >> and katy perry, regina king, william shatner. so many more surprises. now i had thought the roaring '20s would have started by now. >> the roaring '20s? >> yeah. we're in the '20s. so where -- >> that's not going to happen. you have to reset. but we made it -- >> we keep resetting. >> we made it through another year and we'll see what the next year brings. it's a greatly reduced crowd here in times square. i mean, it was reduced last year. i feel maybe it's even more reduced. >> there was no one here last year. >> really? i have no memory of it whatsoever. >> there's a hodgepodge of people here. a happy hodgepodge. >> a happy hodgepodge. i think the cdc just spins a wheel at this point and wherever it lands -- >> you had -- you -- >> i did have covid. i just got over it. i thought -- i think it was maybe the delta, so i'm going for number three. >> stop bragging. >> i'm going for number three. maybe by the time the night is over. >> glad you're okay. everybody was tested this morning. everybody got passes. so it's hopefully a very safe and it's festive. a lot of police officers here. all in a good mood. very happy mood. >> it is about to be much more festive because we're going to raise our first glass of the night. but first we need to pay tribute to the great betty white who has pased away today at age 99. >> january 17th was going to be her 100th birthday. what an incredible, incredible person and life. >> started on tv in 1939. >> started in radio. >> one of her first tv shows when the guy who was -- she was co-hosting with left, she would do like 5 1/2 hours of live television. i think it was like hollywood on tv it was called. 5 1/2 hours of live television. six days a week. for like three or four years. it's mind boggling. she was also one of the few -- one of the first women to be in control, not only on camera but behind the scenes producing her own show. >> we have two great betty white clips. one from the great sue ann n nivens. >> i want a job where i don't have to smile. i don't like smiling all the time. it's against my nature. >> sue ann, you're smiling. >> i am? right now? >> uh-huh. >> sophia, what are your doing with that heavy coat on inside the house? >> you tell me, rose. >> dorothy, was sophia naked just now or does her dress really need ironing? >> classic. >> amazing. >> betty white. >> such a lovely lady. so nice. >> lovely lady. we're going to raise our first shot of tequila in honor of betty white. now here's the thing about new year's eve. a lot of you are home tonight. not a lot of big new year's parties are happening. we want you all to celebrate with us in whatever way is your -- you're comfortable with. if it's tequila.g to be drinkin nada tequilia. this is in honor of betty white. a life well lived. >> 99 years old. >> betty white. >> cheers. >> there you go. >> there you go. number one. number one. that's not all we're going to be drinking. i've got more for you. >> really? >> yes, yes. >> as many of you who have joined us before, i don't really drink. i haven't had -- trying think the last time i've had a drink. >> dinner a couple of weeks ago and i made you get a glass of wine. >> yeah. we spent a lot of time together this year. >> we spent an inordinate amount of time together this year. >> which is lovely, especially with kids. >> so many play dates. >> i'm going to show a picture. benjamin, my son's papa just sent me this picture. this is what my son is -- my phone is all -- sorry it's like cloudy. anyway -- >> like a little new year baby. >> he's wearing a ben-me-down. >> almost all of them were ben's. >> basically all his clothes, we were at the end of a laundry cycle. anyway. >> we spent so much time together this year. we celebrated our birthdays together. >> did we really? >> yes. >> andy had a surprise birthday party. and as an afterthought he was like, why don't you -- you just come and we'll say it's yours. >> your birthday is the day after mine. >> look at the galaxy of stars. >> a momentous year because i got a birthday present from anderson. >> i did. i'm not -- i'm a terrible gift giver. it's true. >> got me a beautiful decorative box. >> it's not a decorative box. it's like a sterling silver antique -- >> it is an antique. >> i haven't seen it since. >> it's sitting on my desk. >> you have a thing of pot sitting on your desk? >> i have many things of pot on my desk. >> is that legal now? >> in february or march -- just don't read the fine print. we went to costa rica. i love an occasion to see anderson in the water. here he is hydrofoiling. he's like a translosent flash in the water. and i am cheering him on. >> so i did this for like three days. >> look how white he is. have you ever seen -- >> yeah, that is -- >> a whiter person. he thinks he's doing awful. >> i look awful doing that. >> i can't take my eyes off of you in the water. i love it. >> the thing about that, it's really fun to do. what i didn't realize is i was throwing out my back. my back has not been -- >> such a great landing. >> i've not been able to work out since february of last year because my back. >> wow. >> i worked out, but -- it's hurting a little now. thanks for asking, but -- >> i heard, i just read this. the real housewives turn 15 this year. >> they did. >> isn't that incredible? 15 years old. >> none of the women look a day over 30. >> i feel like i was one of the first to really catch onto it. >> yes, you were, like everything. kind of turning into a true crime franchise. >> how many of the housewives have now been indicted or their husbands? >> thank you. no, no. >> i'm just wondering. >> you said it's turning into true crime. >> i was making a light joke. >> i am, too. only one currently charged with anything, thank you. >> has she been convicted or he or -- >> trial in march. anyway. >> trial in march? are you going to cover that? >> no, we're not going to cover it. i just got over covid, as i said, and i will say the first time i had covid, i took the opportunity to watch "game of thrones" which i had never seen. watched the whole thing. >> hold on, stop. tell the story about when that young one went to jail and you were corresponding. >> i told that story. >> it's funny. >> teresa was in jail and when -- she had this email -- we were emailing. you have to go on a server and put your social security number -- >> corresponding with a person. >> corresponding with a prisoner, someone you know a lot about. and the subject line of every email was, it's teresa. i'm like, i know. i logged on to this special site. anyway. >> you are the only one in the danbury security prison. >> i during covid this time took the opportunity to watch three things i've never seen that i was so embarrassed that i'd never seen. "the godfather." >> i can't believe you'd never seen that. >> godfather 2 and "gone with the wind." what a joy. is there anything you've never seen that you're kind of embarrassed to admit? >> "sound of music." i've never seen "sound of music." >> i may not have seen -- >> you can take our gay cards right now. >> this is going to sound ridiculous. i always get confused between "the sound of music" and "peter pan." it's always like there's a group of children in nightshirts looking out open windows, isn't there? i feel looking out, staring out and singing? i feel it's kind of the same thing. >> all right. shng >> should we go to our fleet of corresponds around the world. >> chloe is on the ground in times square. you and i bonded when we had the whole concert in new york. you and i were just supposed to be introducing it and then the whole thing the whole thing went to pot. >> anderson, you changed my life. i think we spent four hours together. so we are bonded forever now. i'm so excited to be here in times square for the very first time myself to ring in the new year. everybody is so excited. people from all over the world. and i'm going to let you guys talk to some of them. where are you from? >> england. >> how long have you been standing out here? >> seven hours. >> who are you most excited to see? >> katy perry. >> she's going to be performing on our broadcast tonight. where are you from? >> we're from south korea. >> south korea. is this your first time here? >> no, it's not my first time but first time for -- >> are you excited? >> i'm so excited. >> and then from my home state of texas -- >> we're from brownsville, texas. >> how excited to be here? >> we're so excited. >> you're with your family. do you guys have any new year's resolutions? >> to be honest with you, no. >> and then where are you from? >> chicago. >> awesome. i love chicago. who are you most excited to see tonight? >> ashante. >> this is so exciting and anderson and andy, save me a shot because i love betty white, too. i'm going to see you all up there. >> all right. >> listen, i've got bad news for that lady from london. katy perry will be performing from vegas. >> don't be a downer. >> she's been standing there for seven hours. >> why does she have to be standing there for seven hours. it's not like there's a lot of people here. >> why don't you go ask her. let's go to richard quest at the top of the skyscraper. wow. >> hey. >> what's the outfit? >> a big apple. he's the big apple. >> i am. tonight we're about new york icons. so i am the big apple on top of the big apple. and tonight, now you're familiar with the top of hudson yard and you're familiar with this bit where, as you know, you -- >> oh, my god. that is terrifying. >> but -- >> are you afraid of heights? i could not do that. >> when you go out of the building and do the climb and walk up the building. on the outside -- >> is that really a thing? you know, my friend neil who is a lord actually, a cameraman. he bought a lordship online. >> so relatable. >> he's a camera guy but he has climbed that multiple times. richard, have you climbed that thing? >> you will have -- >> terrifying. >> you will have to wait and find out. will i do it? will i be brave enough to walk out there. >> will he do it? wow, he's edging out. hudson yard. >> that's incredible. >> richard, i'm so happy you're with us. it's our tradition. >> it is. >> you are the big apple on top of the big apple. >> just wait until you see what -- i'm going to give you a clue. what icon will i be later? >> statue of liberty. >> maybe or maybe not. could be the empire state building. >> i was going to say diane von furstenberg. richard, we'll check in with you later. >> keep your costume on. >> no, he's going to be changing. >> coming up, patti labelle is going to join us. our new year's staple. can't wait to see what she's cooking. later we'll talk to kris jenner and the captain himself, william shatner. fresh from space. >> yes. i talked to william shatner before he went to space and i had the greatest time talking to him. he's so fascinating and funny. i'm very much looking forward to that. >> throughout the show -- >> sorry. >> that's my line. throughout the show -- >> i'm feeling that thing we took a little earlier. >> that thing we took? >> that shot. >> why does it hit so fast? >> i know. >> i haven't eaten anything. >> oh, he brought baby food. pouches of baby food with him. >> this is what i eat now. >> what's fascinating about these, because my kid likes them, is that -- >> my kid likes them. really? >> it's like fruit and vegetables so you get your vegetables. >> yeah, it's like fruit and vegetables. >> this is green kale and apples. >> we have special performances inside the lightscape at brooklyn botanical. we'll be right back. >> oh, that's cool. ♪ i just heard something amazing! one medication is approved to treat and prevent migraines. nurtec is the first and only option proven to treat and prevent migraines... with one medication. onederful. one quick dissolve tablet can start fast and last. don't t t kekekekeic to nc. the most common side effects were nausea, stomach pain, and indigestion. here's to a new year with less migraine pain. happy new year from nurtec odt. growing up in a little red house, on the edge of a forest in norway, there were three things my family encouraged: kindness, honesty and hard work. over time, i've come to add a fourth: be curious. be curious about the world around us, and then go. go with an open heart, and you will find inspiration anew. viking. exploring the world in comfort. new vicks convenience pack. dayquil severe for you... and daily vicks super c for me. vicks super c is a daily supplement with vitamin c and b vitamins to help energize and replenish. dayquil severe is a max strength daytime, coughing, power through your day, medicine. new from vicks. small businesses like yours make gift-giving possible. now, comcast business has an exclusive gift for you. introducing the gift of savings sale. for a limited time, ask how to get a great deal for your business. and get up to a $500 prepaid card with select bundles when you switch to the network that can deliver gig speeds to the most businesses. or get started with internet and voice for $64.99 per month with a 2-year price guarantee. give your business the gift of savings today. comcast business. powering possibilities. ♪ and welcome back to new year's eve here live in new york's times square. >> all right. i cannot wait. randi kaye always a highlight. >> she always delivers. >> she puts the high in highlight. in years past -- >> oh, my god, randi. is that a bonfire? >> coming in hot. randi kaye in hotpants? i've seen it all. >> with the biggest glass of, i don't know what. i've never seen -- >> that's a housewives size goblet. >> all right. >> how are you doing? >> we're coming in hot. my hot pants on. i'm great. happy new year's. coming in hot. the hot pants and this is my glass of champagne but it holds an entire bottle. we are ready to get the bonfire and the beach party started. check it out. we've got a whole group of people here. and we have a bonfire and just in case things go a little crazy, we have a fireman on standby. oops. i think he forgot. i think he forgot half of his equipment. >> i don't think he forgot his equipment. >> all right. all right. >> they are going to be keeping us with some music, but let's get to the bar because we always have a lot of fun at the bar. we have a flare bar tender with us tonight. >> we sure do. this is kevin. >> how are you doing? >> light tup for us. >> i'm in the middle of making a lemon daiquiri right now. going to add the rum. this is for you. >> this is for me? okay. so i get this and my champagne? >> oh, yes you do. >> wish we could share some of this with anderson and andy. >> you could if you want. >> do you think it's okay to mix a daiquiri with champagne? is that all right? >> why not? why not? >> why not. you sound a bit like prince harry. >> yeah. i don't have his bank account. >> really? >> i think -- >> i do have more flair than prince harry. i'm going to taste this in the meantime. let's see what else you've got. >> i'm going to teach you some flair. we're going to learn some juggling. >> whoa. >> that was awesome. oh, my gosh. you're like a godzilla at the bar from what i understand. >> i'm going to show you how to breathe fire as well. >> whoa, whoa, breathe snir okay. let's do it. >> i mean -- >> whoa! that is awesome. all right. i'm going to -- >> do not try that. >> don't do that. >> okay. >> cheers. >> i'm going to take my champagne glass and head over here. we're going to go back to the group entertaining us tonight. i have a special treat for you as well. a friend of ours who came all the way from luxembourg to wish you happy new year, to anderson and andy. how do you say this in luxembourgish? [ speaking foreign language ] >> you said like 600,000 people would understand that. >> 600,000, but, yeah. >> happy new year guys. we'll see you again. >> thank you. happy new year. >> first of all, do not try that at home. not a good idea. that fireman is a trained professional. >> that's a whole other thing. >> patti labelle isn't just a legendary singer. she's a fabulous cook, and she has something wonderful worked up for us again this year. she's at her house in philly. ms. patti, wow, looking like a million dollars. look at you p. happy new year. >> hi, andy. >> don't block the blessings. >> don't block the blessings. >> how are you doing? >> i can't complain. >> we're gemini triplets, the three of us. >> yes. >> i can feel that gemini energy. >> we're all special. yes, a lot of energy. >> what are you cooking? >> hey, guys. >> what are you cooking? >> i cooked everything. i had a turkey, brisket, branzino sliders, all kinds of macaroni and cheese. patti's pies and dessert. come over and see for yourself. >> wow. >> oh, my gosh. >> yes. >> you are back performing to sold-out crowds. how happy are you to be back on the stage performing, kicking your legendary shoes off? >> i've been kicking those legendary shoes off for about 50 years now. and i kicked them off last month. actually later in the show you'll see me perform something. so stay tuned, everybody. >> we cannot wait. >> but i've been having fun, guys. and my -- >> we're going to -- >> let's remember betty white. betty white and sarah gash, okay, rest their souls. >> we were talking about betty white, but tell -- say something about sarah dash because she was your partner in labell and so incredible. >> yeah. >> what do you want people to know about her? >> i want them to know she was one of the better people in the world. she sang phenomenally, looked beautiful and her death was very sudden. so we never expected her to leave so soon but here's to her family. we love sarah dash and we love betty white. god rest their souls. >> yes. >> you are performing later tonight. you're going to do "lady marmalade." >> i can't wait. >> and "lady marmalade" was inducted into the library of congress' national recording registry this year. what did that mean to you? >> yes. it was so -- such a beautiful moment. sarah dash enjoyed it so much. i mean, for us to be inducted in that hall of fame library of congress, it was one of the most beautiful things that could have happened to us, especially before she left this world. so we're honored. >> when you have a -- >> yes, we are. >> when you first sang that, when you both first sang that, did you know the impact it was going to have? did you know the legend that it would become? >> we had no idea. we just knew -- not knowing what it meant at the time but we all know what it is. >> yes, we do. >> oh, wow. >> miss patty, you have really lived, and i want to play a game that's kind of a "watch what happens live" classic. it's called have you met them. i want to just run through various celebrities that you may or may not have met and just tell me if you have an anecdote about people you may have crossed paths with. have you ever met a member of the british royal family? >> i have never met a member of the british royal family, no. i met elton john, yeah. >> well, i mean -- >> elton john, didn't he -- he did something for you, right? didn't he play backup for you? >> he was my piano player, yeah. he was my piano player with bluesology years ago in london. he was the opening act for us, for patti labelle and the bluebells, yes. >> awesome. >> have you after. >> i want to show you something. can i show you something? >> yeah, please. >> have i ever met the pope? >>. >> yeah, have you ever met a pope. >> i have to show you, what i have to show you, they're people. my new grandbaby. can i show you my kids? my grandkids? >> of course. >> come on. there's gia. this is the little boy. my little baby boy. can you see? >> yes. >> that's roe and gia and laila. >> black tie affair. >> this is the little baby boy. >> how old is he? >> he's about a month and a half. a month and a half. >> oh, my gosh, that's amazing. >> i need that outfit. >> say hi. >> so cute. >> so cute. >> so beautiful. >> thank you, andy. congratulations. >> thank you. >> he's so good. so how late do you think you'll go tonight, patti? >> we'll go until 5:00 in the morning. we don't sleep in this house. >> what? >> we stay up playing cards and dancing all night. >> it only takes about 90 minutes in the car from new york. anderson and i might show up around 2:30. >> why don't you just come. >> i have a house full of covid-safe people. i love you guys. thank you for coming every year. >> thanks for doing it again. >> stay safe, baby. >> you, too. >> you too. all right. this is the only show tonight where you'll see kris jenner and captain kirk together. william shatner himself. >> together again. >> i love patti labelle. i love her whole house, the whole family. very nice setup. >> plus an irish bar with donie o'sullivan, next. (vo) subaru and our retailers believe in giving back. that's why, in difficult times, we provided one hundred and fifty million meals to feeding america. and now through the subaru share the love event, we're helping even more. by the end of this year, subaru will have donated over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. this is what it means to be more than a car company. this is what it means to be subaru. ♪ ♪ ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. earn about covid-19, the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. my new year's resolution is to continue on my healing journey. and make sure that i go to therapy once a week, meet with my purpose coach and continue to meditate and all that. going to continue on my healing journey. continue to be a better version of myself. >> my new year's revolution -- revolution? my new year's resolution for 2022 is to make sure that i am so, so so close to my grandchildren and my daughter. >> my new year's resolution is to get more attention. my new year's resolution is to get way more attention. >> my new year's resolution is definitely to spend more time with my family and a little more time behind the camera whether it's writing, producing. i'm very excited to explore more of that life. >> my new year's resolution is to be on time for things. but that's my resolution every year so i guess i better work on it. >> my new year's resolution is to give more compliments. every time i get a compliment it makes my day but we think nice things all the time and don't compliment people. anderson and andy, you look amazing. >> oh, you, too. look at those eyes on b.j. novak. >> talking about going to therapy and all that. >> could you tell i got martha stewart a little drunk there. she couldn't get it out. >> looked like she was having a good time. we should say we're not encouraging -- if you are -- drink only if you're at home and won't be driving, obviously, and follow all applicable state laws. >> what i like about this, we are all together. >> yes. >> you know what i mean? some of you are watching alone or with one other person. we're all here passing the time p. it's true. it's not just passing the time. don't say that. i do think there's something in this time when we've all been so separated and isolated. it's nice to have a communal event. >> this is our tradition. >> yes. and it's nice to take part in something whether you have a drink or every hour taking a shot of baby food like i am as well. donie o'sullivan who has had -- he does a lot of just incredible work in a lot of difficult places. he's in an irish pub here in new york. donie, where are you? oh, my god. look at that. >> we're on the phone. >> happy new year. >> wow. >> this is my toughest assignment yet. this, guys, is a distinct irish honor. we have printed your two heads on two creamy heads of guinness. we're here in the hudson hound bar in the west village and we're here with a master pourer of guinness. guinness is not like any other beer. is that correct? tell us why. >> i believe so. two thing comes to mind. number one, it's quality. we do over 250 quality checks from the farm before the drop of guinness even leaves the brewery at st. james' gate in dublin. in 1959, we invented nitro beer. >> so you -- most beers you can just pull the tap down, right, and hand it out and that's it. guinness is different. >> a little more finesse. >> there's a technique. >> there's some theatricality, tradition behind it. it's a two-part pour. >> you're going to show me how to pour a perfect pint of guinness and the nation of ireland is watching me. so there's a lot of pressure. you'll have to walk me through this as i do it. so we tilt the glass a little? >> we have a clean gravity glass. open the tap all the way. >> stanley tucci won't do this. >> now what do i do? keep going? >> halfway through the glass. >> my hand is shaking i'm sore nervous. >> i've got you. >> now turn the tap off. >> okay. like this. steady there. >> now do we -- what happens now. >> now it's going to settle. the nitrogen bubble is going to create that thick dense cream. >> we need to weight. 119.5 seconds. >> i don't think anderson and andy are going to give me two minutes. >> 119 seconds? >> 119econds? i don't know how irish people get drunk when they have to wait that long. this is your bar. it's been a tough year or two. 2022, you're obviously hoping it's going to be better. >> we were just on the way back. a little small sidestep here. but we know we're going to come back strong. 22 years strong. we'll be 44 years strong with a little luck. >> all right, i know -- >> donie, what street is the bar on? >> we're on hudson. >> yeah, hudson. >> we've been here since the morning. we've been drinking guinness since the morning. we're not sure. >> matter of fact, i walked by there. >> uh-oh. >> you walked by the bar on the way to the playground, andy? sure. >> did you stop off? >> okay. >> do you guys have a guinness? you do. >> yeah, we -- >> i'm embarrassed to say i've never had one. >> really? >> you're not going to like it. >> jason is going to try mine. i'm going to try yours. drink away. >> cheers. >> cheers. and i hope this year for the bar is the best year yet. >> what do you think? do you like the guinness, anderson? >> yeah, i do. it's not like beer. it's smooth. it's nice. it's actually quite lovely. yeah, i like this. >> all right. >> by the way, we had one of these -- >> oh, wait. you have what? >> what do you have, donie? >> well, the thing -- we printed your heads using this very fancy guinness technology. so if you guys send us a selfie, we'll print it. andy, take a selfie. i unblocked your number just for tonight, andy. send us -- >> thanks, donie. >> joining us to help us celebrate the new year, the queen of the jenner kardashians, kris jenner. happy new year. >> there she is. >> happy new year, kris. >> how are you doing? >> i'm so good. so glad to be with you tonight. >> how are you and the family celebrating new year's tonight? >> well, it's very quiet around here. it's just us. just a few of us celebrating and just trying to keep safe, but happy. yeah, everything is good. >> good. i never thought i would say this, but congratulations on your cover of "jingle bells" landing on spotify's top song play list last week. is there a future career for you? i loved your i love l.a. cover all those years ago. is this going to be your next phase? >> you know, i had the best time. travis barker and kourtney kardashian, it was their idea and because i'm always running around singing christmas songs. i think they just thought, if you can't beat them, join them. we had the best time recording that. and, you know, you never know. this is a precursor for next year. it's a little teaser. >> wow. you all are spreading your tentacles in so many directions. congratulations to kim on passing the baby bar exam. what did you all do to celebrate this achievement and did you ever see this coming? >> you know, finally. she tried so hard. she really was so -- she really gave all of us a real inspiration because she never gave up. and she even took it once when she had covid, which was wild. so i am really proud of her. and i am excited to see what she does next. >> it's also got to be, i mean, something that her father would also have been so proud of to see. >> i know. he would have been amazingly proud of her. i think that that was part of her drive as well because she knew that that was always the dream of his for one of his kids to follow in his footsteps. so this was such a special time. and when she said that she passed, i almost thought that i was, you know, being pranked. i thought, are you sure? is this really happening? so i'm so proud of her. and she's going to do good things. i'm excited for her. >> she will do good things. i always -- >> and who doesn't need a family lawyer? >> exactly. >> or two or three. >> everyone is talking about kim's new relationship with pete davidson. have you had the chance to spend time with them? how are they as a couple? >> you are always digging, andy. >> i know. >> you have a visitor. >> i know. she -- that's little stormy. hey, stormy. oh. you sit right here. yeah, so -- >> hi, stormy. >> next distraction. perfect. right on cue. >> kris jenner, thank you so much. have a great new year. hope you guys party late into the night. and you look like a million bucks, as always. >> we hope the next year is the best year yet for you and your family. >> thank you. well, i go to bed at 9:00, but we'll be watching you guys and watching the ball drop. thank you for having us and lots of love to you both. >> you take care. >> thank you. happy new year. >> happy new year to all of you. just ahead -- space, the final frontier. and the continuing voyage -- >> i'm so happy william shatner is joining us. >> william shatner who actually went into space this year and is going to tell use. >> he also has a spoken word album which is really great. >> you've been listening to that? >> i have. and i went back and listened to his older ones as well. right now, special shout out to our friends at the new york marriott marquis for the amazing rooftop shot. we appreciate that. we'll be right back. live in new york's times square. 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[dog barks] (both) good girl! ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ - [narrator] introducing the grubhub guarantee: our promise to deliver the food you love on time, and give you the lowest price, or you'll get $5 off your next order. some people have joint pain, plus have high blood pressure. they may not be able to take just anything for pain. that's why doctors recommend tylenol®. it won't raise blood pressure the way that advil® aleve® or motrin® sometimes can. for trusted relief, trust tylenol®. ♪ welcome back. we are live in new york's times square with andy cohen and myself. our next guest had a really amazing year. a new autobiographical album called "bill: spoken word." the third season is airing and he went to space this year on top of all. william shatner is joining us. william, thank you so much for being here. happy new year. >> happy new year to you. you guys don't look cold at all. >> it's like 50-something degrees. >> you know, mr. shatner, we lost one of the greats today, betty white. at the age of 99. i know you worked with her on "l "boston legal" and "hot in cleveland" and she brutally roasted you in your 2006 comedy central roast. do you have a favorite memory? >> i know. she was ugly. only -- i have -- i wrote to her on what was going to be her 100th birthday. and i said wait for me. i'll catch up soon. but she didn't wait. >> she was just such a remarkable person with such an extraordinary career. i mean, i think about the career you've had and this year, i mean, the spoken word album which i've listened to and gone back and listened to your other spoken word albums which is so impressive. and going into space. i was really fascinated when you got back and when you came down, a lot of people talk about, you know, oh, seeing the curvature of the earth and the smallness. you talked about kind of the blackness of space and is that what death is like. i found it really profound and moving to hear you speak about it. >> well, i was looking back as earth disappeared, and then i looked up and saw that blackness and thought that's death, and that's life. and then i was overwhelmed by a sadness for what we're doing to mother earth. so one of the resolutions or revolutions, if you wish, that we should all make is to do something to help the planet and help >> do you like new year's eve? i've always had a mixed, fraught relationship with new year's eve. i find it kind of sad at times. do you enjoy new year's eve? >> well, for example, i'm enjoying talking to you. and the moment this interview is over, i'll probably go to bed. >> that's the wisest plan i've heard tonight. >> you know, you've had such an interesting career. you've broken so many barriers. and you just went into space, of course. we want to talk to you about some of your firsts if s in you life. tell me your first thought when you were blasting off into space. >> human error. >> hoping there was no human error, i assume. >> that's right. >> who was the first big celebrity you ever met? >> probably laurence olivier. >> oh, cool. where did you meet him? >> in a bathroom. >> when did you first realize -- >> not really. not really. >> okay. >> just trying to be amusing. >> you are, you are. i've got to tell you, i've talked to you twice this year and i've enjoyed it ridiculously every time, this is the third time, i think. i just think i feel like i've rediscovered -- >> he's a fan. >> -- how much i think you're great. it tickles me pink we're doing this tonight. >> what did you think the first time you walked into a "star trek" convention? >> i was horrified. >> why? >> well, all these people, and they want you to say something. and like you guys are enduring now, although you've got structure, you look at 15,000 people and you don't know what to tell them. >> william shatner, thank you so much. have a good sleep tonight, happy new year early. >> i hope this is a great year for you, mr. shatner. i appreciate all that you've given us in this past year. thank you. >> stick around, we have special performances from katy perry and duran duran. >> we're very excited. we're going to keep the party going, performing from their new album. oh, that's it. we're going to break. all right. this is your h >> announcer: "new year's eve live" brought to you live from vrbo. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ clerk: hello, how can i? sore throat pain? ♪honey lemon♪ try vicks vapocool drops. in honey lemon chill. for fast-acting sore throat relief. wooo vaporize sore throat pain with vicks vapocool drops. every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. all right. we are live in new york's times square. it's almost 9:00 p.m. here on the east coast. >> wow. hours to go. >> we're going to keep the party going. performing "all of you," the legendary duran duran. ♪ ♪ ♪ how it kills when you ask me, am i going to stay ♪ ♪ and do i still want you baby, or was it all in play ♪ ♪ got to tell you you've got so much i don't wanna lose ♪ ♪ if i had to pick the best bit, i really could not choose ♪ ♪ i want everything, all of what you do ♪ ♪ every night, every day, i want all of you ♪ ♪ give me sacred motivation with your deeper touch ♪ ♪ talking dirty conversation, your look says so much ♪ ♪ so much more to this song's meaning, i don't have time to say ♪ ♪ hit the high note of my feeling, can't let this fade away ♪ ♪ i want everything, all of what you do ♪ ♪ every night, every day ♪ ♪ i want all of you ♪ ♪ i want everything, all of what you do ♪ ♪ every night, every day ♪ ♪ i want all of you ♪ ♪ ♪ yeah, we got history ♪ ♪ but we got mystery ♪ ♪ like the sun, like the sun, we'll burn ♪ ♪ this much we have learned ♪ ♪ like two souls among many others ♪ ♪ like the sun we'll burn ♪ ♪ in that we are moving lovers, this much we've learned ♪ ♪ two souls among many others, like the sun we'll burn ♪ ♪ i want everything, all of what you do ♪ ♪ every night, every day, i want all of you ♪ ♪ i want everything, give me everything ♪ ♪ i want everything, give me everything ♪ >> happy new year to you and your families all around the world. let's party. let's bring in style with 2022. let's crush it. happy new year. >> announcer: tonight, from new york to new orleans, from vegas to san juan, this is cnn's "new year's eve live" with appearances by katy perry, regina king, leslie jordan, amanda gorman, james taylor, plus more surprises. and now from the heart of times square, your hosts, anderson cooper and andy cohen. >> and welcome back. we're now less than three hours away from 2022. >> woo! >> wow. i mean, that was our big production? >> do you know, i went to this freakin' party store on long island the other day. i walked in. this lady, there was nothing happening in there, no music, it was just dead. and the lady is like, what do you want? she's reading a book about the holocaust at the front desk. to tell you how lively it was. she goes, what are you doing new year's eve? i go, i'm hanging out with my friend in new york city. she goes, oh, yeah? i heard it's packed. enjoy. i go, it was packed but now everyone's scattered that they got covid. she goes, that's not what i heard. enjoy. so thanks for your $3.50 thing. i knew this was not going to work. do a shot of tequila. i'm sorry. i've been holding on. >> so andy likes to do shots. we're not encouraging drinking. celebrate with us in any manner you like. what is this? >> can you imagine, reading a holocaust book at the counter of a party store? cheers. happy new year, everybody. cheers. >> wow, that was unnecessary. >> that was a lot. >> oh, my god. ny my parents are going to be joining us later on. >> are they watching us? >> they said they would be watching every second of it. before we bring in our next guest -- richard quest is scared of heights. tonight he's climbing hudson yards, a giant skyscraper in new york. >> let's go to richard. richard, what's going on where you are? >> hi, anderson and andy, hello, can you hear me? from the highest in the world. new year's eve. i can female the energy of the city. and now there's only one question that we ask. will i or won't i? >> what's he doing? >> he's climbing. >> well, would you? >> wow. we're going to get back to richard to see if he does it. our next guest is an emmy award winning actor. he can be seen in season 2 of "call me cat" in january. he's so entertaining on instagram and in real life. >> i can't believe i'm finally meeting you. >> you were here by satellite last time. >> satellite. >> i fell in love with you during the pandemic as did the entire world. >> yes, i was stuck down there in tennessee. >> we've been talking about betty white a lot. you worked with betty white. do you have a fond memory of her? >> i'll tell you the best story. betty white and i were on a series called "boston legal." and she said to me, how many did they hire you for? i said, five. she said, me too. i'm going to kill you or you're going to kill me. so the fifth episode, sure enough, she was supposed to kill me. she was supposed to hit me with a skillet. so she came in that day and she said, mr. jordan, i don't want to hit you with this skillet. i said, come here, miss white. it's not here, it's a trick skillet. i took it over and showed her it was made of rubber. but it was hard rubber. she walloped me. if you ever see the episode, i fly through the air. they had to take me to the chiropractor. >> is that true, really? >> she knocked the bejesus out of me. every time i saw her after that she would say, i'm sorry, i'm sorry. isn't she precious? she's going to be so missed. >> queen of television. >> i was from -- >> from three queens of television. >> we three queens of television are. >> you think about bea arthur. >> and then there's maude. >> the only thing that really gets me gripy usually is traffic. it's really hard, you know, when you live in los angeles. but i've also figured out a way where i can get where i need to get so i don't have to, you know, get in traffic. because that's the one thing that really -- >> i feel like you guys coordinated sweaters that would really pop on camera. you guys are really popping. i'm, like, bland. he told me i was wearing blue so i wore blue. >> how are your mom and sisters doing? >> my mom, i was with them over the holidays. we decided to go down to tidy island, this wonderful island right outside of savannah. it's the most beautiful place on earth. we just had the best christmas. >> you have twin sisters. >> identical twin sisters. they're 22 months younger than me. but we're almost like -- we're almost like triplets. we're only 22 months apart. so we look exactly alike. but they're just precious. >> what are their names? >> their names are janet ann and jana leanne. when they were little, janet, jana, janet, jana. my one sister has a mole right here so mother would pull her dress up. they would go to church and people would say, are you janet or jana? but they're adorable. and we had so much fun on tabby island. >> i want to take the opportunity of you being here to play a little game about the year 2021, okay? this is a "watch what happens live" classic. >> i'm not real good. >> agree or disagree. all we have to do is hold up our signs. so the first question, megan markle was silenced, not silenced. there can never be too many films or musicals about princess diana. three, two, one. agree or disagree? yeah, that musical was meant to be -- the dancing aids patients. >> nick ruzzo went to see it. >> it's available on netflix, torture yourself. >> if given the chance, i would date pete davidson too. agree or disagree? oh, you like a man with height. >> it has nothing to do with that. >> what does it -- oh, you like that voice? >> tattoos and dirty fingernails. i just think he has a great -- chipped teeth. >> is that on your grindr profile? >> jennifer lopez and ben affleck are meant to be together. agree or disagree? three, two, one. >> where is kit carol ann? >> after watching the beatles "get back," i still believe yoko broke them up. agree or disagree? did you see the beatles doc? it is so good. >> a friend of mine, michael lindsey hogg, shot all the footage originally. >> yes. sharing vintage thirst traps on instagram is perfectly acceptable. three, two, one. >> you're setting me up. you are setting me up. >> check it out, dirty fingernails. >> that's miami beach and i was 19 years old. >> what year is that? 1981? >> no, it would have been -- i would have been 19. so, it was '73. >> wow. >> see, people see old people and they think we always looked like this. >> you're not an old person. >> and by the way, you told a story, a lover tried to shoot you with a crossbow? >> we can't tell that, my mama is watching. but he just grazed me. >> that's good. >> jeff bezos' space shuttle actually looked like a giant penis, three, two, one, agree or disagree? oh, you can't play, newsman? oh, you disagree? what did it look like? >> it looked like a spaceship. >> it looked like a dick. >> andy is a hotter daddy than anderson. three, two, one, agree or disagree? oh, you're nice, we set you up. >> i don't know which one. >> where do you go from here, leslie, tonight? are you -- >> where is the afterparty? >> i gave all that up years ago. i've been sober for 25 years. >> that's awesome. >> i was thinking the other day i would have 4rloved this, but 5:00 in the morning you don't want to be walking the streets. >> i don't understand alcohol, i don't get the point of it, it's just messy. >> and, you know, i'm good now, probably go back to my hotel room. i've got to get up in the morning and fly somewhere. oh, back to my tv program which you have to watch. "call me cat." brilliant. starts january 9th. >> did you fly here just to be in new york? >> yes. >> have you ever been in times square, new york? >> oh, yeah. >> because i'm a lifelong new yorker. until i started working here. >> i mean have you been here on new year's eve. >> no. i kind of liked it when it was seedy. remember it was real seedy. it was like strip clubs and stuff. >> yes, we know. >> the gaiety theater. >> leslie jordan, great to see, we'll see you on instagram. >> okay. >> next, a special surprise for anderson, right after this. ♪ what if you could see the details of your great-grandparents wedding day... ...or the record that welcomed your great-grandmother to the world. your family story is waiting to be discovered, and now you can search for those fascinating details for free—at ancestry. from the very first touch, pampers, the #1 pediatrician recommended brand, helps keep baby's skin drier and healthier. so every touch will protect like the first. pampers my family's been devastated by covid-19. and we're not alone. we've all had to find new ways to keep going. and cue has made that easier. with cue, you get lab-quality covid-19 test results in just 20 minutes. speed and accuracy. it's just for the nba; it's for you too. cue health. the official covid-19 home test of the nba. go cue. go you. every year we try to exercise more, to be more social, to just relax. and eating healthy every single meal? if only it was this easy for us. and welcome back. we're live at new york's times square, a little after 9:00 p.m. >> you know what? >> what? >> thank me now. >> going to what that means. >> we're going to have another cocktail. >> by the way -- >> i brought a bar. this is a japanese spirit. this is called mu zhen. we're going to sip it. it's really light. cheers. you should have something to sip. it's low cal. >> you're just an enthusiast? >> i am. something to sip. >> it's nice. >> we're going to head somewhere where the weather is a little warmer. gary and lindsey tuchman are celebrating in san juan, puerto rico, lucky you, gary. >> i love san juan. >> hola! we are here in san juan. first things first, we've got to say it's where the pina colada was invented. that's how we're starting the party. now we're ahead of you guys. we've got it started. >> this is the eighth year in a row lindsey and i have worked together at new year's. this year, san juan, puerto rico, usa. we take a sip. salud. it's a wonderful place to be on new year's eve, anderson and andy. this is the 500th anniversary of the city of san juan. we're at a rooftop bar in old san juan. there's band playing right down the street, having a good time. we feel very safe here, very strict rules to get into this country right now. you have to be vaccinated, you have to have been tested within 48 hours. >> to get on the plane. >> we're outdoors. so it's wonderful. >> we're at a bar where people are having a good time. >> douglas' lantern. douglas is tending the bar downstairs right now. large family from three different places. puerto rico, spain, and colombia. this is the spokesperson for this large family. tell us why you've all come to this particular bar tonight. >> to celebrate and enjoy the new year and our beautiful island. >> now, people are from all over the place, spain, europe, south america, colombia. why so many countries? how do you know all these people? >> just the way the world works, just lucky. the stars aligned for the family. are you having a good night? >> we're having a great time. happy 2022, everybody. cheers, salud. >> i want to give a shoutout to medea callo, an old friend of my mom's, she's watching tonight, i texted with her earlier. a lot of friends in puerto rico. >> coming up next, richard quest is going to do a daring stunt, scaling one of manhattan's tallest buildings, looking out more than 1,000 feet over the city this new year's eve. >> this is like water. >> i know, it's really good. plus don lemon and alisyn camerota join us from new orleans. hilarity will ensue. - [narrator] introducing the grubhub guarantee: our promise to deliver the food you love on time, and give you the lowest price, or you'll get $5 off your next order. all right, we are back live in times square. >> i just drank, i don't know what that is, an entire glass. it was like water. now i realize it's all alcohol. >> good. welcome to new year's eve, everybody. do we think that kris jenner had stormy standing by for when i asked a shady question? >> she's very beautiful. >> she knows i'm going to do it and here comes stormy. we have a special correspondent who has never seen new year's eve in times square like this. this is a surprise you to, anderson. anderson, please welcome the ghost of your great great-great-grandfather, cornelius vanderbilt. wow. commodore vanderbilt. oh, my god. >> how do you do? >> it's the ghost of your great-great-grandfather. cornelius vanderbilt, what is it like being in times square, was it like when you were alive in the 1800s? >> no. what are these surrounding me? and are these partygoers? >> is there an echo? >> there's an echo because he's a ghost. it's from the past, so there's an echo. are you proud of anderson, ghost of his great-great-grandfather? are you proud of him? >> i couldn't be more proud of my great great great grandson anderson. >> is it great great or is it great great great? >> it's great great great. >> by the way, great great-great-grandfather, you look like your forehead has bruised. have you been in a ball, have you had fisticuffs with somebody? >> how did you die, commodore vanderbilt? >> well, i don't know if i can go into it on live tv, but let's say it had to do with a little bit too much partying, if you know what i mean. >> what was it, venereal? >> venereal excesses. >> some might call it syphilis. tomatoes, to-mah-toes. >> are you upset that anderson and all of your relatives squandered your great fortune? >> not all of them. >> he wrote a whole book about where the money went, following the money. >> i have one big regret and that's leaving it to the boys. i should have left the money to the women. otherwise it gets spent on gambling and parties. >> the first son did well with it. but after that -- >> is there anything else you want to say? this is the ghost of great-great-grandfather. >> no. it's very moving for me to see you here. >> oh, it is a pleasure, my dear boy. anything to support the family. >> i've only seen your statue at grand central station, which you founded and which that part of new york you used to own. >> there's a resemblance. >> we love you, ghost of anderson's great great-great-grandfather. thanks for joining us tonight. >> thank you very much, it's great to see you. you have to go back to the crypt now. wow. he's seen better days. he's in a crypt in staten island. >> i don't see the resemblance. >> the years have been difficult. >> there's a big party tonight in new orleans. cnn's don lemon. my job tonight is to get him drunk and make him giggle. look, don lemon and alisyn camerota are there, happy new year to you guys. >> listen, anderson and andy, we're so excited to see you. we have a special guest star with us. and you know, as you know, you have us here every year because we're in new orleans, every year we bring it, so roll it. >> hang on, hold on. >> roll it. >> let the good times roll. >> a mardi gras new year's parade. >> the reason we did this, anderson, you know i have a connection to new orleans and louisiana, i grew up here, and your family has connections here as well. >> okay, we're moving. >> and we're off. >> introducing fabulous, lovely and talented, very funny comedienne, chelsea sloan. welcome to cnn's "new year's eve". >> this is the third time confuse had me on, every year i think i'm going to get fired. >> you're not cool unless you're either on the verge of being canceled -- didn't you tell me i could be canceled? >> you can't be canceled, you're a gay black man. >> a lot of people have tried. oh, my god, look. >> don's outfit is already -- >> what do you think of our outfits? >> i love them. >> where in new orleans are you? >> a lot of outfit changes. >> we're in the warehouse district. >> just so nobody worries, it's a fully vaccinated event. it's invitation only. everybody here is vaccinated. you're about to see a marching band and a drum corps. >> when we're not on tv, we're wearing our masks. >> don looks fabulous, which we would expect, but alison and dulca, you guys have brought it tonight. >> don lemon is aging in reverse. don, you look 25. what did you do to yourself? >> look, look. no botox. i know you guys sneak to the botox unit. >> it's called melanin. >> it's chaos here, anderson. thank you for attempting to compliment us. >> i did noom and intermittent fasting, anderson, i heard you hurt your back and couldn't go to the gym, i did that too and i gained 30 pounds. >> i lost 30 pounds in covid. >> alisyn camerota has donna summer realness. >> truly. >> i think we have to start going. >> the lemon beads. >> and we have cnn mardi gras beads all for tonight. can we introduce you guys to the band? give us a second here. we're going to get off the float. hold on. >> oh, my god, they're doing a scene change. >> i've had a couple of tequilas. >> trying to step down. >> alisyn, go ahead and do the introduction. >> this is derek, he started it. these are the kids over here that are part of roots of music. >> hello. >> i didn't die, i didn't die. >> i can't hear alisyn. >> what's going on on this live television? >> cnn hero nominee 2009. these are the kids. >> these are all the kids, turn around and check them out, these are all of the children. 2009, alisyn, he was nominated because he keeps kids out of trouble. he teaches them music and to be part of a brass band so that they don't have enough energy to get in trouble, right? >> exactly. we teach them everything they need to know to succeed, then they'll be too tired, when they go home they go to sleep. >> you guys have something special you want to play for andy and anderson? >> yes. right now we're going to play. >> which students should we talk to? oh, hi. tell me your name. >> chelsea. >> how old are you? >> i'm 14. >> what do you play? >> the clarinet and i'm a drum major. >> tell me your name. >> toni. >> what do you play? >> the clarinet. >> very cool. what are you guys going to play for us now? >> we're ready, hit it. >> we're going to hear the marching band and send it back to you. >> we're having fun in new orleans. when you come to us next we'll be drunk on tequila, beer, and boiled crawfish. we'll send you some via satellite. anderson, andy, alysin, don. don't say reporting live from new orleans. >> one of the greatest cities in the world. >> that's your special spot. >> i love it. >> anderson's special spot. anybody who wants to know where anderson's special spot is. >> i feel like there's a double entre entrendre in there. >> that was some unedited television. are you okay? >> yeah. >> it kicked in. the moment is here. richard quest is facing his fears and scaling -- >> why am i drinking this now? >> richard, what are you doing? how are you feeling? >> as you can see, i'm now dressed, harnessed up, if you will. the skies have cleared. >> i have a feeling it's not the first time. >> you know, you didn't go for the easy one, did you? i knew you were going to go for that. ten bucks, i've just won from my husband with that one. anyway, the skies are clearing. and you'll have to excuse me. >> richard, just for those who don't know, this is a thing that people can do when they come to new york, they go to hudson yards and they go to the edge, they can pay to actually climb up the building. >> it is one of the new icons of the city. it is called the climb. and i'm just going to pop upstairs. new york is back and i've gone to the top, to the apex, to do the climb. oh, my goodness. whose idea was this? anissa, how many feet up? >> we're 1,189 feet. >> look at it. king of the world! i'm terrified of heights. my husband is behind me. what are you doing down there? >> i'm sorry, i'll catch you. >> it's just great. chris, come on. >> when you wanted a nice night out on the town, i didn't know this is what you meant. >> i know i'm tethered to the building in three or four places. and i know that i could pretty much go, ahhhh, and nothing would happen. but i'm still scared. when they said do the climb, i thought, eh. eh, i don't like heights, i won't enjoy it. but this is absolutely outstanding. the freedom of opportunity to just -- the wind. i'm starting to realize just how much we've all been through, how far we've come, how magnificent it is to be here tonight, to enjoy it. whoa! whoa, whoa. oh, my goodness. no, i'm not doing the lean. it's too -- the wind is -- it's amazing but it's terrifying. >> bend your knees. there you go. all the way down. then you're going to stick your booty out. stick your butt out. yep, yep. then straighten those legs. excellent. yes, yes! woo! we did it! >> i feel the wind is going to blow me off my feet. >> it's not going to blow you off your feet. >> i want to keep saying "king of the world." >> because you feel like king of the world up here. >> it's the buildings, it's the life, it's the jobs, it's the people, it's the loves, it's the crime. you look down and it doesn't look real. and yet i know because i've lived here for so many years what's going on. it's just amazing. just extraordinary. ♪ it's up to you, new york, new york ♪ >> oh, god. >> richard quest. i mean, i cannot -- >> i don't know what to say. >> it was the most pathetic little lean that you could possibly imagine. but for 185 bucks, doing the city climb is worth it. just to stand there and go, ahhh! >> terrifying. >> $185? that's a massage. >> a what? >> a massage. >> does that mean it's good or bad? >> andy, andy. here's the deal. andy, i will pay out of my own pocket for you and anderson to do it. >> i won't do it. i'm too afraid of heights. >> i'm too freaked out. >> it freaked me out to even see you do that, to be honest. >> mazel tov. richard quest, we love you as always and we're glad your husband did it with you, that's awesome. >> chrissy teigen checks her new year's resolutions. >> and the crowd in times square. don't go anywhere. ♪ ♪ people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... with rybelsus®. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to the possibility of lower a1c with rybelsus®. you may pay as little as $10 for up to a 3-month prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. moving is a handful. no kidding! fortunately, xfinity makes moving easy. easy? 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>> what? >> joining us here in times square -- >> he's back, bozo the clown. >> bozo. >> hey, bozo. >> wow. >> come here. hi. >> hey, bozo. >> oh, my god. >> i'm so excited to be here. >> why did you decide to ring in 2022 in the middle of times square? >> it's a whole new era. we're bringing love, light, laughter back to the world. it's going to be a beautiful 2022. >> bozo, where have you been? i feel like i grew up with you and i feel like you left for a while. >> you know, i've been traveling the universe, as you do. >> do you have a new york accent? >> i'm from all over. brooklyn, coney island mainly. how's that old wolfy blitzer? he won the grand prize game once. i just think he's a doll. >> how long does it take to do your hair, bozo? >> my hair is pretty natural. when you start losing it, you lose the best of what you got. >> you make lemons out of lemonade. >> you are full of energy. >> i have some dumb dumbs here. >> thank you. >> i've got some other presents too. >> oh, my god. >> bozo loves giving out presents. we have a giant cone. >> i only got one vintage bozo doll. it's a little scary. >> see, that's the problem. >> let's talk, bozo. let's bring it down and get real. >> it's time for the clown to make a resurgence. >> i feel like we need bozo in 2022. >> there's a lot of really beautiful clouds out there, wonderful clouds. he wrote a book called the invisible clown and i read it and now i'm learning how to be a better clown. self-improvement. look, i've been to the bozo show. so we're unboxing right now. we're influencing as we're doing this. and it's really a beautiful thing. this has not been opened. why don't you see what's in there? oh, my gosh, this is from the '60s. >> it's a bozo jump rope. and a mighty might yo-yo. >> bozo is doing a lot of charity now. this is a matching spider. with healthy humor. they go into the hospitals, they do amazing work. if you go to, you can buy a t-shirt that all of our proceeds go to >> how did we book you? i have to assume seacrest was after you. >> i'm a big fan of cnn. i love sanjay gupta. i'm a huge fan of both of you. i love the housewives. >> what do you think is the most overrated clown in pop culture? krusty? >> krusty is a good clown. it's a little grumpy. scary clowns don't laugh enough. it's all about laughing. remember, just keep laughing. >> we want to thank bozo the clown for being here. thank you so much. it's so good to see you. we'll see you soon on "watch what happens live." coming up next, patti labelle is bringing us an incredible performance. >> can i touch your nose? >> and later, a cnn reporter above las vegas. >> a special anniversary for cnn heros with our all-star tribute at the american museum of natural history and our traditional format honoring ten everyday people making a difference in the world. we made it easy for you to support any of their organizations. our long time sponsor, subaru of america, is once again generously matching your donations up to a total of $500,000. if you want to donate to some really great people who really are changing the world, go to click "donate." you can donate to any of this year's top ten heroes to make a direct contribution to their gofundme campaigns. you'll receive an email confirming your donation which is tax deductible in the united states. it's a really good cause. you can donate from your laptop, tablet, or phone. go to cnn is very proud to offer you a way to support each cause. we'll be back with more live from times square. hey, andy and anderson ac squared, i want to wish you and everyone else a wonderful, wonderful happy new year. happy 2022. >> happy new year! it's me, lala anthony wishing everyone a happy, healthy new year. >> hey, anderson and andy. happy new year from the cast of "american utopia." ready? >> happy new year. >> hello. >> it's jason. >> and caitlyn. >> 2021 has been a heck of a year. >> happy new year. >> happy new year. >> hi, anderson and andy. from my fur family and me in las vegas, i want to say. ♪ it's a new song don't you know, fresh as as the snow ♪ >> wow. >> nice. that's so cool. >> the lightning. >> i know. >> you were very freaked out by the clown. >> the clown scared me a little bit. >> i got to be honest. >> he's upset. >> yeah. >> you're upset. >> it was disturbing. i found a lot of emotions. yeah. as i said, new year's eve is fraught for me and that took me on a spiral in a different direction. >> right. >> i need to be brought back. >> yes, well, i'll bring you back. we're just about two hours out. >> that was david arquette. >> it was. >> david arquette. >> yes. >> we're about two hours out. >> he's -- >> the clown? >> yes. >> let's go to chloe in the cloud. she's live in times square with the special guest. >> hey, chloe. >> hey, guys, that by the way with bozo will go viral. another moment that should go viral, i'm here with katy. >> hi, chloe. >> hey, girl. we're stone cold sober. >> very weird. >> we're not drinking. maybe we'll come have a shot with you, andy and anderson but i have to tell you, suddenly i see the theme song to my teen years. >> i love to hear it. it's amazing. to play that song in new york when it was in "devil wears prada" and anne hathaway is strutting her stuff. >> i was anne hathaway. i worked for someone i think that movie was based on. >> that's terrifying. >> it was. i didn't get coats thrown at me but it was tough. you're going to be performing at midnight tonight. are you nervous? >> i'm a little nervous because there is quite a lot of people watching that. all over the world. which is very exciting. but i've been doing this awhile. i know what i'm doing. if i was having to speak, that would be awful but i just got to sing. >> really quick, what is your new year's resolution? >> eat more butter, wear pants less. >> eat more butter. i want her to teach us dirty scottish words. >> amazing. i promise. >> we'll teach andy and anderson some. >> i have one for you. it means turd. it is friendlier. it's joby. >> i can say that now. >> do you need a joby. >> what about skinny malik? my nanny who was scottish -- >> i knew it was going to be something so elite. your nanny. >> i had a scottish nanny. she called me a skinny malink. >> you have long legs, anderson? >> no, just like chicken legs. anyway. >> we caught up with patty labelle on her tour in nashville. here is one of her classics, anderson, watch, sweetie. watch. [ cheers ] ♪ ♪ hey sister soul sister ♪ ♪ hey, sister, go sister ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ black satin sheets where he started to freak ♪ ♪ gitchi gitchi ya-ya da-da ♪ ♪ mocca choclata ya-ya ♪ ♪ creole lady marmalade ♪ ♪ voulez-vous coucher avec mol ♪ ♪ creole lady marmalade ♪ ♪ ♪ >> happy new year. >> announcer: tonight from new york to new orleans, from veg l -- vegas to san juan, this is cnn's new year's live with performances by katy perry, james taylor, plus more surprises and now, from the heart of times square, your hosts anderson cooper and andy cohen. >> welcome back to new york times square. the last two hours of 2021. it blows -- i thought it was 9:00 like 20 minutes ago. >> i know, sweetie. that really hit you. [ laughter ] >> i mean, sweetie. >> the party store just really keeps on giving and these were $3.50 each. i am pissed about that. >> katy perry is joining to join us and james taylor broadway legend joining us later. >> patty. >> that's a big one. this is tequila. >> oh, gosh. >> cheers. >> that last -- >> here, sweetie. >> bruce -- >> the mo gin got you. >> it's like water and you drink it and you realize. >> no hangover. >> and now i'm like -- >> cheers. >> this is not a good idea. i'm just saying that now. i'm just making it clear. i don't think this is a good idea. >> bring it down. bring it home, babe. do it for america. america wants this. honestly, we've had a crap year. >> why are you shouting at me? >> because, we need it. >> oh. >> very good. >> i mean, we were saying earlier you and i spent -- oh, boy. oh, boy. you and i spent so much time together this year, mainly on play dates with our sons -- >> oh, yeah, bring up our kids now. good idea. very responsible. >> we had a moment this summer where anderson had this teddy bear and it was very life like. like you look at the bear and it changed expressions -- >> my assistant jessica got me this bear -- >> jessica, turn your tv down because you don't want to hear this story. the beer -- the bear so freaked out ben that we were sitting there -- >> we're all standing around in my house and like -- >> it was a smell. >> ben was playing with the microwave -- >> yes, we didn't think twice about it. there was a smell. >> terrible parents. >> then the microwave -- >> the bear, the bear with the batteries in it. >> he was just playing with the things. he didn't know what he was doing. >> and all of a sudden we're like what is that smell and the bear -- >> did you ever tell your assistant that? >> well, i mean -- >> well, you told her now. anyway, sorry. that seemed very expensive, that bear. >> no, it was a beautiful gift. i feel terrible. >> my highlight with ben is he started saying i love you this year. >> wyatt -- i just, in the last two weeks i've been off and it's been -- because normally i work at night in case you didn't know, and i've been able to, like, give him his bottle of milk at night and have him fall asleep on me. it's a nice 30 minutes we talk -- >> yes, bedtime. >> yeah. and -- bedtime, right. so i've always been saying i love you but i was sort of teaching it to him and he started saying i love you. the greatest -- >> ben was like i la you. we do have a very funny video of -- you know, i will say you're a great dad and you're really surprisingly great with little kids. look at him with ben. chasing him around. this is -- >> and that's -- >> that was like a saturday morning. i mean, that was -- we -- that elephant is a different toy. yes. i mean, and that's sober on your part. >> yes. yes, i'm sober all year long. >> one of my favorite things that you did this year, sober, was your interview on "60 minutes" with lady gaga and tony bennett. >> i got to do one with tony bennett for his 95th birthday he performed two concerts with lady gaga, incredible night and his family revealed earlier in the year he has dementia from alzheimer's but what is so remarkable about him, not only the life he had and career he's had and things he's done and innovations he's done but that at 95, even with dementia and the difficulty he has communicating one on one in conversations, he still knows he's tony bennett. he still knows what he does and he knows all the songs. so i had just done -- i got probably one of the greatest privileges of certainly this year if not my reporting career was to be able to spend time with him. go to his wife with his beautiful wife susan, so amazing, the love of his life and son danny and it's difficult doing interview with tony. you really can't but as soon as his intro music started to play, he comes out. he stands at the piano and the showman is back and there were no notes. no telteleprompter. let's take a look. when it was time to rehearse, something incredible happened. tony's lead musicer began playing and suddenly, the legendary showman was back. >> let someone start believing in you. ♪ let him hold out his hand ♪ ♪ let hill find you and watch what happens ♪ ♪ smile though your heart is aching ♪ ♪ smile even though it's breaking ♪ >> he had no notes, no queue cards. >>. ♪ when there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by ♪ >> we were amazed all his old songs were somehow still there. he sang an hour-long set from memory. ♪ if you just smile ♪ [ applause ] >> bravo, tony. >> thank you. >> that was incredible. you just start playing something and it's all there? >> when i start playing, tony is completely engaged and it's a whole new performance and new phrases, new, nothing short of a miracle. >> wow. >> tony bennett 95. it's unbelievable. >> the old tony bennett. >> so incredible. he and lady gaga were incredible together. she was so wonderful with him. they have a beautiful relationship. i just wish tony and his wife susan and their son danny the whole family the best this year. >> by the way, your arms look so good in that clip. >> my arms? >> yeah. >> yeah, they don't exist anymore. for parents watching this, i'm told this is a thing. do you get this -- i literally have something called -- it's usually referred to golfer's elbow from carrying my son around. >> it's new year's eve. let's not bring the people down. let's go to stephanie about to zip line. >> what is going on? >> hi, andy. yes, i'll m here. >> i'm going to kill you. >> oh my god. carrot top. >> he's afraid of heights and so we've been hanging here -- >> beautiful night. >> he's scared. >> beautiful night to zip line. [ laughter ] >> and so we've been hanging here very patiently. he came last minute, got here, did not know we were going to do zip line. >> i thought we were going to talk about betty white passing and here i am strapped to a thing. here we go. >> we can still talk about betty white. >> i got to be in a movie with betty white. she had no idea -- >> oh my gosh. the wind here is -- so what we're about to do -- >> if we don't make it, i love you guys. >> we're about to zip line over a party about 12 stories up and about to take off and he doesn't really like heights. so this should be interesting. >> neither do i. >> to ring in the new year. >> we appreciate you guys doing this. >> i want to see it. >> yeah, do it. >> i'll try to shoot both of us going down, too. are you ready, carrot top? >> let's go. >> ahh! here we go. it's about to happen. we're about to go. >> i don't want to do. >> it don't do it, carrot top. >> we believe in you carrot top. >> we believe in carrot top. >> carrot top! >> carrot top! >> oh my gosh. they are flying like "peter pan" in the sound of music. >> like white castle. >> that actually would be cool. i could do that. oh my gosh. carrot top is now beating stephanie. >> is it a race? >> isn't everything? >> wow. >> wow. >> right into the valley of a mall. [ laughter ] >> stephanie -- >> oh my god, everything went down. >> you know what, we love it. >> stephanie, thank you so much. one of our favorite things to ring in the new year is joining us now. sherry, what's on your mind tonight? >> i'm grateful to be somewhere. this is like covid roulette. >> it really is. it really is. now be honest, sherry, how has this past year been for you? >> well, it's not as bad as 2020 but i'm not going to lie, it's been rough. it's been rough. kind of lonely. a little lonely. but i got into crafting. >> nice. >> i got into arts and crafts. i didn't think i would ever be into arts and crafts but this past year made me grateful for things that brought me comfort as a kid. i remember one thing that was comforting for me as a kid when i went to the bathroom at my grand mom's house because i sat down, turned around and there she was, the toilet paper cozy. isn't she beautiful? isn't she beautiful? >> yes. >> gorgeous. >> she was supposed to decade this toilet paper, right? >> right. >> and impress guests with her refined taste but i called her friend. >> you called her what? >> friend. >> friend. >> i would put her on my lap and we would talk and talk and talk until someone knocked. guys, we would literally shoot the poop. >> wow. >> she looks like a southern bell. >> gorgeous. >> this is tatiyna. so i'm bringing back the cozy, they're not your grandmother's cozy anymore. >> you're bringing back the cozy. >> this is your mission? >> i love it. >> look at this. isn't she beautiful? i mean, come on, guys. >> yes. >> wow. >> this is christmas karen. now whatever you do, don't wish karen a happy holidays. it's merry christmas only or you can go back to where you came from. [ laughter ] >> she's got the police on speed dial and isn't wiping butt until she speaks to your manager. [ laughter ] >> she won't wear a mask. don't ask her to wear a mask but you better have your doll on a leash or she'll unleash holy hell from the seat of hoa, pta and stranger danger group on the next door app. i like to bear karen with grand mom because guys, it's what the ladies wore in france. [ laughter ] >> now, anderson, andy -- >> i mean -- >> that's what my grand mom said. that's what they wear in france. now anderson -- >> she's got a little cell phone with her. >> got what? >> she matches the tank. cell phone. >> oh, that's the tank. >> she's got the police on speed dial. anderson, andy. did you guys used to talk to your cozies when you were kids. >> no. >> no. >> because you had friends? >> yes. >> i've actually never seen a cozy. >> meet my friend. insurrection irene. isn't she beautiful? look at that gown. isn't she stunning? irene just happened to be on a sightseeing tour on the capitol when a hockey game broke out. she sleeps sound on her my pillow and collection of firearms in case intruders or peaceful protesters are passing by the house. if so, i rein is ready with a glock 43 x, a springfield hell cat -- >> wow. [ laughter ] >> she's loaded. irene? >> a ruger lcr and smith and wessen just in case critters come to take her rights away. >> do they sell these in the craft store? >> not anymore but they're gonna. now, i'll tell you guys something. if she's out of ammunition, no problem. she'll gut ya. [ laughter ] >> wow. she's got a very famous -- >> i like to pair irene -- >> she's always got the charmin hat. >> i like to pair irene with grandma's powder puffer and with grand mom's favorite edition of "people magazine." >> that's her favorite news source? >> wait a second, hi, queen. >> oh, oh, oh. >> yes. >> barbara. >> what's up, barbara? >> is that the other with un? >> oh, there is more. >> that was bruce jenner. >> and christie. >> classic. >> okay. >> wow. >> who else do we have? >> anderson, andy, this is cancelled carmen. isn't she beautiful? >> yes. >> gorgeous. >> she looks like a mauve vee star, doesn't she? >> she does. >> she has a baby face. >> doesn't she? even though the downloads, she's stunning. carmen had 11 million followers from her tiktok makeup ftutorias but lost 3 million when her eyelash extensions blinded three people on ru paul's drag race and musician boyfriend shotgun shaunscy. >> there he is. >> she lost 2 million after bullying chrissy teaguen's bassett hound pearl for posting why the long face. that wasn't nice. carmen was forced into a complete social media shut down when insensitive pics of her redressed as a mexican susshi chef in 2012. >> wow. >> yeah. >> anderson, what better pairing to help grand mom with the smooth move with the smooth taste of a cigarette? >> that's smooth. >> cradled in her favorite souvenir ashtray with her trip to boca roton. >> i'm alone a lot. >> are you? are you? >> it's okay. it's okay. because i have the cozies. guess who i have cozies for? >> who? >> us? >> us? >> come on. >> what cozies could be appropriate for us, sharon? >> i'll tell you what. andy, your cozy is located just off i-78 from the real housewives of newark new jersey. >> that's rough. >> this is cookie. >> okay. >> now, this former stripper turned candle entrepreneur is a beautiful housewife that's never done housework. she's got a lady for that. while you pee, she'll spill the tea but don't spill shade with cookie because like erica, she knows what you did in the bathroom. she has receipts. see the receipts? she's real ready for the reunion. cookie is uncoupled and her husband is doing three to five upstate for wire fraud but that's not stop thing bad barbie. she's coming out with a new cookbook called "we got beef." andy, you can read it to ben without the cuss words. >> wow. >> andy, i'll tell you something, a word of warning. >> yeah, tell me. >> cookie says she's not going home alone tonight. she's not wearing her cardboard roll. somebody is free laving. >> anderson, your mother was a woman of refined taste. >> yes, yes. >> i'm sure there was a cozy? >> you're right. >> a lot of cozies. >> this wyatt will be approaching his potty training journey -- >> true, yes. >> what better to help potty train than his own personal coach that just happens to be a royal becky of westchester shire. >> her eyes blink uncontrollably. >> she's got movement. now -- >> movement. >> now this baron is by marriage. >> by marriage. >> is the daughter of local roofing and air conditioning big bob randazzo down rhode island but unlike her royal frenemy she can't carry a tube. >> down rhode island. >> she can't carry a tune and she's performing off broadway. >> oh. >> which for young wyatt sounds like a royal flush. [ laughter ] >> wow. thank you. >> wow. >> amazing. that's gorgeous. >> sherry octerry. >> movement. so real. >> i wish i could but i got to get this tank back home. irene and i had the three bean salad at the cnn money is an object lunch so happy new year. >> i love you, sherry oterry. >> wow. >> we love you. >> and her cozies. >> cozies are back! >> 2022 is all about cozies. >> oh my gosh. >> all about cozies. >> covid cozy. >> yes. >> wow. >> unbelievable. we love you. a gift. coming up, amanda gorman youngest person to read a poem at inauguration joins us -- >> i love amanda gorman -- >> the obvious transition. >> the range. >> a performance from the kids of brooklyn. they have been amazing all night long. the kids from brooklyn's night in marching band. take a look. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (burke) this is why you want farmers claim forgiveness... [echoing] claim forgiveness-ness, your home premium won't go up just because of this. (woman) wow, that's something. (burke) you get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. [echoing] get a quote today. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ from the very first touch, pampers, the #1 pediatrician recommended brand, helps keep baby's skin drier and healthier. so every touch will protect like the first. pampers ♪ ♪ i just heard something amazing! one medication is approved to treat and prevent migraines. don't take if allergic to nurtec. the most common side effects were nausea, stomach pain, and indigestion. happy new year from nurtec odt. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. what does a foster kid need from you? to be brave. to show up. for staying connected. the questions they weren't able to ask. show up for the first day of school, the last day at their current address. for the mornings when everything's wrong. for the manicure that makes everything right, for right now. show up, however you can, for the foster kids who need it most— at all right. welcome back. >> sherry oterry. >> she's so great. >> why isn't sherry having a netflix series or something? she should have one. >> true. >> because they're showing "dianna the musical." thanks netflix. you killed it again. danci dancing aids patients on "the dancing dianna". >> let's go after netflix in 2021. >> no, i'm watching the "molly shannon show". >> hey, randy, how is it going? how is the beach party? >> our beach party is kicking off still. we're having a great time. we're making sex on the beach with kevin. >> we are making sex on the beach. >> have you had sex on a beach? is this a thing? >> with you? >> no, the drink. the drink. [ laughter ] >> okay. all right. so sex on the beach. >> doing shots. >> take notice here. oh, wait, shotskies. >> they are super hot. i know you got yours from jimmy fallon but our shotskies are much more fun. light it up. our shotskies are even hotter. whoa. so our shotskies are on water skis. kevin, let's hand them off. we'll hand off the sex on the beach shotskies to our people here. we have team anderson. let's see which one these are. these are team andy. this is team andy here. and this next is team anderson. and so the deal is whoever does the shot faster, the other one of you guys has to do the shot of tequila, which i know you have there in times square. so this is team anderson. of course, i'm on team anderson. if we do it faster, andy has to do the shot and if they do it faster, anderson has to do the shot. ready? one, two, three, go. woo! >> oh. >> yeah. >> team anderson wins. team anderson wins. >> who did it faster? >> wait, show them the size. look at that! >> let me see. let me see. so cute. all right. i'll do a shot. >> so wait -- >> twist my arm. >> andy has to do the shot. >> he just did. he did it. >> i did it. >> i know you're doing it. >> i did it. i did it. i love you had the shotski. every once night on "watch what happens live" we do a shotski. we've done one with hillary clinton. >> really. >> is there anyone that haven't done a shotski. >> people that don't drink do a water one. >> is that an option for me for the rest of the night? >> no, babe. our next guest had an incredible year. >> she impressed the world by reading a momenpoem. amanda gorman is here to read a poem for the new year and released three books this year and became first estee d estee global maker for access and social change among girls and women joining us now i'm so pleased amanda gorman is here with us. happy new year. >> it's so great to be here. how are you doing? >> i'm doing great. >> you have -- he's really good. >> i don't drink, amanda, and i'm a little tipsy, i'll say. you had such an incredible year. you and i spoke briefly after the inauguratinauguration, whic enjoyed talking to you and i mean, the year you've had when you look back on it, it's got to feel just surreal. >> oh, absolutely. and i also have to say the interview i did with you was hands down one of my favorite i've ever done. thank you for that. i feel so fortunate that i've had the type of year i've had. i also know that 2021 has been so hard for so many people and so i try to honor that in all of my poetry. gave us faith for the hurt and healing because both of those are so important. >> it's interesting. when you and i spoke about a lot of things but one of the things we spoke about was a speech impediment you have had and i had dyslexia as a kid and still struggle with stuff. and i got such a reaction from a lot of people because you don't hear often people in public life speaking about that or hear it enough. i thought it was so -- i want you to know a lot of people have come up to me and talked about that and i'm wondering how that -- how you overcome that in your -- your public readings are so extraordinary. >> that's a great question. honestly, i had to work years and years with a speech therapist for my speech in impe impediment. to this day, if i have a poem i'm reciting it and there is a sound that's particularly difficult for me, in the way that i kind of face that is looking at poetry and literature as a real source of an instrument for speech therapy so it's not me looking at myself as if i'm broken or wrong because i have a speech impediment but that experience of having a disability actually forms and strengthens my poetry to this day. >> i love that. >> we would love for you to read your new poem that you wrote for the new year. this is a special treat for us tonight. so take it away for 2022. >> will do. this is called "new days lyric." may this be the day we come together, morning we come to mend withered we come to weather, torn we come to tend, battered we come to better. tethered by this year of yearning, we are learning that though we weren't ready for this, we have been readied by it. steadily we vow that no matter how we are weighed down, we must always pay a way forward. this hope is our door, our portal, even if we never get back to normal, some day we can venture beyond it to leave the known and take the first steps so let us not return to what was normal but reach toward what is next. what was cursed we will cure, what was plagued we will prove pure, will we tend to argue, we will try to agree those fortunes sworn now the future we foresee where we weren't aware we're now awake in those moments we missed are now these moments we make, these moments we meet and our hearts once all together beating now all together beat. come look up with kindness yet for even solace can be sourced from sorrow we remember not for the sake of yesterday but to take on tomorrow we feed this old spirit in a new day's lyric in our hearts we hear it old lang sign my dear, for old lang sign be bold sang time this year be bold for when you honor yesterday tomorrow we will find know what we fought to be not be forgot nor for none. it defines us, binds us as one, come over join this day just begun for wherever we come together we will forever over overcome. >> solace can be sourced from sorrow. that was beautiful. i love that. >> you know, amanda, i love -- nowhere else would you find a poem on new year's eve and it's so important. i've talked about this before. i'm sorry if i bore people with this. i find new year's eve difficult and sad, my dad died after new year's leave and i have difficult memories with it but a poem like that, the idea of that sorrow, solace can be -- sorry, i don't want to butcher the line. can you repeat it? >> solace can be sourced from sorrow. >> yeah, solace can be sourced from sorrow. that so important on a night like this because there say will the of people watching tonight who are home alone or isolated from their families and not able to be at parties and see these images, the people, the crowds and everybody is having a good time and drinking and it's -- they feel sad and alone and i think that's such a great message for tonight. >> beautiful. beautiful. >> thank you so much, amanda gorman. >> thank you so much. >> go ahead, amanda. >> yeah, no, that's amazing. thank you for having me. bye. >> all right. i don't want to cut you short. you were going to say something. >> oh, no, i was just saying i thought what you said was beautiful and i thought it speaks to the idea should old acquaintance be forgot, why do we remember and think of the new year because we love so deeply and i think that's something to be celebrated today. thank you. >> i think that's really true. also, on a flighnight like thisy white who died just shy of her 100th birthday which would have been january 17th, it's easy to feel sadness about a loss like that and understandably but to look back on the life so many people led who have died this year and often, you know, so many people have died and there are so many families right now in sorrow for the losses from covid and other things, diseases that went untreated because of covid and i think it's so important to know that we are not alone in that grief that it's actually a bond that brings us together or should bring us together in the best of all worlds. >> exactly. >> amanda gorman, such a fan of yours and appreciate you spending time with us. >> that was very special. >> thank you. >> may this year be your best yet. coming up next, a special guest for andy and we'll back to new orleans with don and alison. ♪ ♪ this world keeps on dragging me down, i'll stand my ground ♪ ♪ and i won't back down ♪ ♪ hey baby, there ain't no easy way out ♪ ♪ hey, i'll stand my ground ♪ ♪ and i won't back ♪ >> announcer: new year's leave live with anderson cooper and andy cohen bright to you by vrbo. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ what if you could see the details of your great-grandparents wedding day... ...or the record that welcomed your great-grandmother to the world. your family story is waiting to be discovered, and now you can search for those fascinating details for free—at ancestry. do you think strength is a gift? 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(swords clashing) -had enough? -no... arthritis. here. aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme. feels so strange to say i have a parenting show. while i don't have a lot of answers, i certainly have a lot of questions and we'll try to bring you answers from people who actually do know a little bit about parenting. i was on a plane looking the parent had two little kids watching screens and i felt -- i felt morally superior. >> that's wrong. don't feel like that. >> i didn't say anything, obviously. >> that's nice. [ laughter ] >> so, i'm very excited to announce that i have a new weekly show that's going to be available on cnn plus. cnn's new streaming service debuting in 2022. my show will be called "parental guidance" or p.g. i'm seeking out parenting advice from experts as i try to navigate life as a working dad. i don't know about you -- i do know about you. i feel like i have no idea at some points what we're doing. >> we're all learning. it's a growth process. i'm excited for your new show. >> i am, too. >> that's great. a new show! >> just what i need in life. >> yes. i'm excited. >> wow, it's a podcast. >> no, it's a show on cnn plus. >> oh, my god. >> my streaming service. the kids today do streaming. the streaming service. >> i know about peacock, sweetie. >> that's right. >> yes. >> "ultimate girls trip, housewives of miami and cnn plus." let's head back to new orleans. >> the party was well underway when we were there last. back with us is don lemon, alisyn camerota. >> are you guys hammered? >> don is feeling it. >> what? what are you talking about? >> anderson, i'm going to get in trouble. i have a better name for your cnn plus show. >> ut oh. >> okay. what is it? >> it won't be the first time you've called me daddy. >> wow. [ laughter ] >> call me daddy. call me zaddy. >> call me daddy. >> it won't be the first time you've heard that or said that. [ laughter ] >> here is daddy. >> here is daddy. or no, no, no, i got a better -- >> call me zaddy. >> zaddy. anderson, i think you need to talk to the boss. >> is this on? >> it's time for us to dance before don -- >> okay. >> listen. we want you guys to do it with us. all right? so it is one -- >> okay, okay, here it is. >> three . >> it's one, two, three, and four. >> pop, booty pop, pop, pop. all right? so you got that, anderson, andy? can you do it with us? you got to do it. >> professionals. young ladies. >> calling professionals. >> here with us. >> this is sandra and nicole. tell us. >> we are a crew. every year we represent a new female musician and this year we are doing madonna. >> oh! >> show us. >> now for attention. >> you ready to dance with us? >> we're ready. >> we'll do it. come on, anderson, andy. ready. five, six, seven, eight, you got to do it. here we go. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> wow! >> woo! >> it's time for some crawfish. >> amazing. >> we got something for you. >> enough calories. >> we promised some food for you. >> what are we having? >> oh! >> okay. >> shaggy. >> is this the way -- >> the crew awfish king. >> say hi to anderson and andy. >> hi, how are you buddy? >> happy new year. >> the king of crawfish. >> thank you. >> who has the best crawfish in new orleans? >> new orleans. >> and during covid he did something extraordinary. he opened a restaurant. >> 5321 franklin avenue in new orleans. come on out and see us. >> anderson, you know gintilli and you know how to pinch the tail. >> i don't know how to do it. >> i won't say about this part. >> thank you, don. thank you. >> the tail? >> hey, i'd like to say hi to my mom and wish savannah foster a happy 50th birthday. happy new year, everyone. >> happy new year. >> my nails are too long for this. >> let me help you. >> i loveout shoutouts and spec addresses. >> trying to get the meat out. >> okay. >> whoa! whoa! she went in. >> there you go. >> oh. >> they just dump the food on the table? >> yes, it's crawfish. it's new orleans. we'll check in on you later on. i want some crawfish. i love new orleans. our next guests back, andy's parents are here. >> oh my god, hey, mom and dad. >> you guys look thrilled to be here. >> what have you been up to tonight? >> not much. [ laughter ] >> have you been watching the show at all? >> no. >> i have watched it a little. >> no. we saw a movie. >> what movie did you watch? >> a movie? >> "super nova". >> what movie? "super nova." you didn't like it? >> so depressing. >> not an uplifting movie. >> so depressing. what are you guys looking forward to this year? >> the covid disappearing and good health and travel. >> and your star on the hollywood walk. >> i'm getting a star on the hollywood -- >> you're getting a star on the hollywood walk of fame? >> yes, in february. my parents will be there god willing. i want to shut out -- >> can i go? i want to go to that. >> please come. >> dad is turning 90 this year and mom is turning 85. >> you guys look amazing. >> isn't that great? love you guys. happy new year. >> happy new year guys. >> have a shot of tequila for me. you know what i'm going to do now that you're 90 and 85? we'll do an edible together. >> oh my lord. don't do that. there is no reason to do that. [ laughter ] >> all right. love you guys. coming up, tony and grammy winner patty is here and james taylor. >> katy perry is still to come. also, i want to thank the new york marriott markey for this great shot of times square overhead. we'll be right back, guys. the party is raging in new york city. we are lit! it's happening! the roaring '20s are upon us. >> announcer: new year's eve live with anderson cooper and andy cocohen is brought to you zip recruiter. the smartest way to get hired. - [narrator] introducing the grubhub guarantee: our promise to deliver the food you love on time, and give you the lowest price, or you'll get $5 off your next order. (swords clashing) -had enough? -no... arthritis. here. aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme. [sound of lawnmower] [vocalizing] [drum sounds] [dental machine noise] looks like someone has a sweet tooth. ♪ [food sizzling] here you go buddy. thank you. ah, thank you. have a good one. you too. [singing] happy birthday curve of the cartesian plane good job. ♪ [cheering] [cheering and clapping] [sound of armor clicking] [electrical noise sound] [clicking sound] ah! yes! [laugh] you may kiss the bride. [cheering] it is about communication. i love you very much. ♪ [sound of tape application] sign up for three [sound of plane engine] ♪ we love you, mom. we love you, dad. [sound of ocean] oh my god. that's our baby girl. [sound of heartbeat on ultrasound] ♪ all right. we're back from times square counting down until 2022 comes. we're lucky to have a legend of broadway, two-time tony and grammy award winner patty lupone storing in company now. patty, we love you so much. i'm so happy to see you. i have to start, you know, patty, you've starred in six productions and you're in one now. we lost steven this year. do you have a favorite memory of him or favorite note he gave y you? >> hi, andy, hi anderson, i can't see you guys but happy new year. yes, i have several memories of notes that steve gave me and i'm trying to think of the one t that -- you know, there is one on my dressing room mirror for this production that breaks my heart now because he's gone and it was just him appreciating my attention to detail and the fact that i was a wonderful singer and coming from steve after years of other kinds of notes, i was thrilled to death. hi, you guys! hi! >> we love you. >> we're such fans of yours. how was it returning to broadway almost two years after the arrival of covid forced company to close while still in repreviews? >> oh my god. i'll drink to that. >> yes! >> it's pretty intense. >> i bet. >> it's a great company and it's a great production and we're having a ball. we're having a great time. you have to come and see it. >> we're coming. patti, one of the things people love about you besides your talent is that you have no fs left to give, basically. and so i want to play a game with you called does patti give a damn? you're always opinionated and never hold back. i want to ask you about things that happened this year and you tell me whether you give a damn. okay? do you give a damn about nicki minaj saying her cousin's friend got the vaccine and got swollen testicles? do you give a damn about that? >> well, i do give a damn because if she gives out wrong information then shame on her so i give a damn about that. swollen testicles. >> do you give a damn that britney spears is finally free of her cons conservatorship? >> yes, go britney! yes, i give a damn and if that father gets any more money, i don't know. i don't know. anyway, more. >> did you give a ddamn about te oprah, megan and harry interview? >> no, i did not give a damn. >> do you give a damn about face book changing their name to meta? [ laughter ] >> no, i do not give a damn. >> do you give a damn that pete davison is now dating kim kardashian? >> no, i do not give a damn. [ laughter ] >> i'm with you on that one, patti. >> patti, do you give a damn that the housewives turn 15 this year? >> oh, andy, i'm so sorry to say no, i don't give a damn. >> i love you, patti lupone, a legend, an icon. >> we love patti lupone. >> we love you. before we start our official countdown -- >> wait. >> here is a quick -- >> happy new year, patti. >> we'll be right back. cate katy perry performing their new song. we'll be right back. >> announcer: "new year's eve live with anderson cooper and andy cohen" is brought to you by noom. loose the weight and keep it off for good. growing up in a little red house, on the edge of a forest in norway, there were three things my family encouraged: kindness, honesty and hard work. over time, i've come to add a fourth: be curious. be curious about the world around us, and then go. go with an open heart, and you will find inspiration anew. viking. exploring the world in comfort. for people who could use a lift new neutrogena® rapid firming. a triple-lift serum with pure collagen. 92% saw visibly firmer skin in just 4 weeks. neutrogena® for people with skin. let's go down to puerto rico where they just rang in the new year. gary tuchman and his daughter lindsey are there with us. happy new year. >> we're minute away from the new year in puerto rico. this is puerto rican blend. they close down the street here. lindsey and are -- >> we'll show you what is going on down here in puerto rico. >> all right. sawn juan. the 500th birthday of san juan. that's one of the reasons we're here. this is san juan puerto rico, u usa. >> everyone is having such a great time as you can tell. and i think we're close to midnight, right? >> very close. you know what, people here have been u.s. citizens since 1917. it's easy to get here. you don't need a passport. beautiful place to be. 77 degrees fahrenheit. the tradition -- >> a tradition, a spanish tradition we have to eat 12 grapes. >> is it? cinco quatro, uno! [ cheers ] >> happy new year! >> happy new year! >> all right. >> a tradition. >> let's celebrate. >> puerto rico. >> let's celebrate with a shot of tequila. >> good luck for 2022. >> all right. >> thank you. >> happy new year. >> 2021. >> happy new year to everybody in puerto rico. >> oh my goodness. >> so great to see the island coming back. so many people are going there. tourism is coming back, it's great. >> i want to say, we just did a shot but i just want you to continue -- you didn't totally finish. >> my gosh. >> i got a dm last night i want to read to you seriously. this is from emily. she reached out to me. emily mccalister on instagram. she said i don't know if this is even possible but could tomorrow night you and anderson share a glass in honor of my husband frank mccalister that passed away in august after a battle of breast cancer. i'm currently pregnant with our first and only child, a little boy we are naming calum. he's due in march. frankie was the most selfless man i ever met even continuing to be a firefighter while going through chemo to help others while he could. i hope 2022 brings you both and your sons all the best joy this world has to offer. best, emily. >> my gosh. >> emily, this is for frank and for calum. i'll give you a little more. this is for frank but this is really also, emily, for baby calum. we love you. you're not alone. here with you. >> to all those who are feeling alone tonight or feeling scared about the new year, we're all together and we wish you the best. che cheers. >> eww! oh! >> all right. okay. >> my glasses fogged up. >> take them off, sweetie. all right. we'll keep the party going. james taylor carol king's 2010 tour is the subject of a new documentary "just call out my name" area cnn at 9:00. we're honored james taylor could join us now. hey, james taylor. i love you. >> hi, andy, good to see you again. >> great to see you. your new concert documentary with carol king premiering on cnn january 2nd. it features previously unseen footage and i'm just wondering what was your first impression about working with carol performing with her in the '70s? >> well, you know, they say about the '70s, if you can remember it, you weren't there but generally, you know, it was a thrill to meet carol and, you know, it was like, you know, finally making a connection with somebody who felt like a sister, you know. i mean, it was deep. >> i'm so obsessed with the new beetles documentary. i'm just -- i've just devoured it. you were the first non-beetle to be signed to apple records and you were in the studio when the beetles were recording the white album. what do you remember about that time? >> i just couldn't believe my luck. you know, i constantly had to pinch myself because it really -- i couldn't have imagined a better opening. it was great. >> james, i would love to know what people like you, what kind of music you listen to. i want to call james taylor mix tape. i have questions to you about what you're listening to. tell me what is your favorite s song to listen to on new year's eve? >> a few years ago, we made a holiday album and i actually, we recorded something and i got a chance to get into the tune a little bit and i love that one. it's obvious. but that -- >> classic. >> it's a classic. >> what's your favorite james taylor song? what's your favorite james taylor song? >> oh, man. you know, i guess looking back, the song i seem to perform most frequently is "caroline" and "my mind mind" proud of that. >> what is your favorite britney spears song, james taylor? [ laughter ] >> i can't pretend to have gotten too deeply into britney's catalog but i love -- [ laughter ] >> i really do -- i like "peace of me." "peace of me" is a good fight song. >> "peace of me." i love it. that's good. james taylor, thank you so much, we will be watching you and carol king on january 2nd on cnn. >> looks like an amazing film. i talked to the producer and interviewed him. thank you for joining us. sunday 9:00 p.m. eastern on cnn. joining us now one of the biggest stores on the planet, she's a new brand-new residency in las vegas. the amazing, the incredibly talented, the residency in vegas resorts world theater and february she'll host "american idol." tonight she'll perform her brand-new song on this program. katy perry is joining us. welcome. >> hey, oh, hey, katy. >> hi, guys. hey, will you save a shot of tequila for me or is there no more left? >> oh there's -- we got more tequila but we're going through it. >> you need to help me, katy, because i'm not handling this well. >> this is your first -- >> you're out of your depth standing next to andy. >> i'm so out of my depth. in so many realms, yes. >> has vegas been something that you've always wanted to do? >> yes, of course. but there is actually a funny story behind it because my aunt was a top show girl over 30 years ago and my grandma was the top seamstress for the show girls, she sewed the g strings so the girls could put their wedding rings in so they didn't get them stolen and worked at the star dust hotel, which is the exact same grounds that resorts world is build on. >> that is crazy. that is nuts. >> it's in my blood. it's in my blood. >> you love that, sweetie? >> i love that history. that's so cool. >> i know you're a huge whitney houston fan. i know that you've covered "i want to dance with somebody" for your california dreams tour. you're now covering the greatest love of all in your vegas residency, why did you decide to cover that song and i mean, whitney houston, that's a major -- those are major shoes to fill. >> yeah, i better take some steroids or something. it is one of my favorite songs because it means so much to me. it encapsulates my love for myself and my love for my daughter, daisy just born 16 months ago and the whole show -- >> my god -- >> there is a crazy narrative, yeah. you guys have kids, too. we should have a play date. >> 16 months, my son is 19 -- >> larger than life. >> my son is 19 months. i feel like this is the best age. it's so incredible. they're just becoming the people that they are. >> it's beautiful. and you just see everything through their eyes once again and everything is magic. >> yeah. >> and this show, like she's -- there is a story of -- there's like a through line of her love for me in this show but you guy haves to come to vegas. it's a massive show. it's like "honey i shrunk the kids" meets "peewee on mushrooms." can i say that? >> i heard you twerk with a giant piece of poo while you sing "california girls." how much weed did you smoke before you came up with that? [ laughter ] >> listen, andy -- >> what? >> you want to see the show but you don't want to live in my brain. [ laughter ] >> i do want to live in your brain. let me ask you a question -- >> come to vegas. >> can you finally put the rumors to rest and say who actually inspired the song "i c kissed a girl." i heart it was scarlett johansson but miley cyrus said maybe it was about her. >> i mean, there is a new moose every other month quite honestly, you know what i'm saying? >> right. [ laughter ] >> believe me, with andy cohen, i know exactly what you're saying. >> one of them. >> yeah, right. you know, i love hearing about your background because you actually grew up -- you had a very strict christian upbringing. i heard that you used to pick outside madonna concerts. how surreal is it you're doing a vegas residency and that you've been on stage being spanked by madonna? i mean, what would a young katy perry think of your vegas show? >> being spanked by madonna is like being crowned by madonna. it's a hazing. she initiated me into pop stardom. >> right. >> i got to say, katy. >> we've come a long way. yeah? >> i was dragged on stage by madonna at the barclay center, i willingly went and i embarrassed myself tremendously and i think she humped me and do you know what it's like to walk into a newsroom the day after madonna humped you on a stage? it's a difficult thing to come back from. and i did a terrible job dancing with her. >> it lives on the internet forever. >> it does and i so wanted this moment -- i love madonna as i love you and i so wanted to be that person who gets on the stage and like breaks a move and does incredibly well and i didn't. i just embarrassed myself and i'm ashamed. >> i want to talk to you about your catalog a little bit because your vegas set list includes over 20 on your greatest hits. so i just -- i'm just curious, what is your most requested song would you say? >> oh, it's either "roar" or "firework" for sure, for sure. >> what song after all this time is still the most fun to perform? >> "firework" because even if you are dragged to the concert by your girl friend, you still know the song and you still, like, go buck wild. you let it all go loose. >> it is so true. >> when "firework" plays, it's like i don't care. i'm going to give it up. [ laughter ] >> i love that. >> so true. so true. >> what stock does your husband orlando bloom's favorite? >> i want to see the show. >> let's go. >> i would love that. >> what song is your husband's favorite in the show? >> "drunk promises". >> no, no, no, no, i would actually love to see it. >> oh -- >> you'll see it tonight. tonight he'll see it? >> tonight will be his first time. yeah, we've been living in a crazy bubble trying to keep it all alive so we've been super protected living in vegas for like two and a half weeks. >> but it's actually an extraordinary time to have a child because you're able to spend so much time and be with them during this time. i think it's kind of a re -- obviously an awful time but extraordinary how you're able to spend time with your child, at least i am. >> is there a song of yours that you're the most proud of? >> a song of mine i'm the most proud of? i mean -- >> yeah. >> i guess i would say -- i don't know "by the grace of god" or even "daisies" which just came out a couple years ago. i actually put out a song two days ago called "when i'm gone." it's a dance anthem and that's exactly what i'm going to play for your guys tonight. >> yes. >> awesome. >> thank you so much. break a leg tonight from your residency and we can't wait to hear your song -- >> no, i don't want to break a leg -- [ laughter ] >> don't break a leg. coming up next. >> katy perry thank you so much. i hope to see your best year yet. >> i'm going to bring anderson and get him drunk and go to your show. >> i would love that. >> next, we'll talk to regina king. >> i'll practice. >> yeah, spank it. >> we'll be right back. of course, the final countdown to 2022. >> to help us drum in the new year, we take you to a light scape at the brooklyn botanical garden is looking pretty lit. take a look. ♪ ♪ this is your home. >> announcer: new year's eve live with anderson cooper and andy cohen is brought to you by vrbo. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ ♪ ♪ every year we try to exercise more, to be more social, to just relax. and eating healthy every single meal? 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>> okay, so new year's resolution doesn't always work out for me. >> i hear you. >> i tend -- you hear me, right? i tend to take time like a lot of us do, yeah, to just kind of reflect about the things that like really hit me that really stuck with me throughout the year and one of the things that this past two years has kind of sat with me is inclusivity and with all we've been through through the past two years, just how different we all are but the one thing that we all have in common is that we want to be seen. we all want to be included and we should be and when we are all included, things are better. things feel better. >> absolutely. >> things drink better. >> yes. >> things look better. and ironically, diajio actually is a company that actually kind of subscribes to inclusivity, too and that spirit that spirit of -- >> a spirit of progress. >> right? >> so here we are with -- okay, this is my son. this is my son. this is my son. no, this is my bonus son and this is my son 20 years we're all together this whole family of people are together because of these two and their lives together. they brought us together. and we kind of drink in the spirit of inclusivity, too. >> and progress. >> and progress. >> right there. >> cheers to that. >> so i'm drinking a little bit of -- cheers. okay. >> what are you drinking tonight? >> i -- >> oh, yes, eyes. >> i'm not really a champagne girl. i'm not a champagne girl. i'm kind of a don julio 1942 girl. >> yes, yes. >> wow. >> that would be me. >> you know, regina. >> that would be me. >> you're the highlight -- you are the best thing about this year's oscar ceremony. i mean, the show opened with this kind of single tracking shot of you making your way to the stage. how nervous were you about that? >> that performance -- you gave an incredibly powerful speech. i mean -- yeah. it was incredible. >> i was so flipping nervous. you know i want to curse right now. i was -- >> it's cable. you're allowed to. >> then you went on to host "snl." you made your "snl" hosting debut. you had a huge year. what was the most nerve wracking part of hosting "snl"? >> you know, actually they're so amazing over there. you know, there are drinks happening. little blue labels happening like what ian and brandon are drinking over there, which i truly appreciated but the thing about it is i was so in awe of what they do every single week to bring us the show that we see that i was just kind of like all right. tell me where to go. i came with some of my ideas and couple of them made it. couple of them made it. but they school you really quick. like yeah, that's not going to land so well. [ laughter ] >> by the way, i'm really excited -- >> i love that. >> -- to hear you're producing and starring in the shirley chism biopic for netflix. the first black congresswoman and first black woman to run for president. when are we going to see this on netflix? >> hopefully at the end of 2022 covid free. that part right there. >> yes, yes. >> but yeah, we're actually literally in the middle of production right now. this is the second film i've shot in the middle of production. i'm producing it with my sister rana. what are you drinking? >> don julio. >> a little bit of don julio. >> hey, regina, speaking of drinking, regina, we're approaching a very special anniversary in just a few days time. it's going to be ten years since you appeared on the most iconic episode of "watch what happens live" with your friend and 227 co-star -- >> oh my god. has it been ten years? >> it's been ten years. people are still talking about it. >> still talking about it. >> to this day, i got a text from my friend about it the other day. we have a special surprise for you. it is your "227" co-star. >> ahhhh! >> hey! >> hey! >> hey, boo. >> hey, anderson. [ laughter ] >> hey, jackie! >> jackie! [ laughter ] >> oh my god. we love you so much, jackie! >> i'm done. i'm done. >> that's my baby. >> oh my god. i love this woman. what you drinking, jack? what you drinking, jack? >> champagne. you know i got my vodka here. here my vodka. [ laughter ] >> champagne and vodka! yes. >> this is classic. [ laughter ] >> oh my god. i'm done. i love this woman. >> oh my god. >> these reunion shows are all the rage. >> oh my god. >> i'm thinking there needs to be a "22 7" reunion. >> yes. >> right now my jaws are like hurting right here. [ laughter ] >> remember, we said we don't drink on tv. remember that? we can't drink on tv. [ laughter ] >> yes, we can. >> jackie! i love you. >> i'm done. >> i'm done. >> jackie, you're very good on "days of our lives" and i'm so excited you're back playing real estate mogul paulina price. >> jackie. >> i'll call ya, later. >> i love you jackie, you're great in everything. jackie could just, you know -- >> kiss ian for me. >> oh. >> hey, anderson -- >> martini. >> can we play a game of never have i ever? la[ laughter ] >> we'll play a quick game of never have i ever. drink if you've ever done this thing. >> okay. >> never have i ever lusted after someone on "bridgerton." [ laughter ] >> drink if you've done it. okay? >> i got to go through everybody on "bridgerton." give me a second. [ laughter ] >> never have i ever had to explain whop. jackie, i know you've had to do this. yes. >> she called me -- >> anderson, wait, wait, wait. anderson, stop. your giggle -- i can't. i can't take it. i can't take the giggle. >> i don't know what is going on. i'm -- i don't know what is going on. >> it's the most hilarious joyful thing. >> like, listen, i haven't laughed all year. it's so nice to laugh with you guys and have fun and be together. >> you two are a duo for the ages. regina king lived her best life this year. jackie, i love you always. >> you guys -- you men, you women, you people -- >> "days of our lives". >> cheers, happy new year. >> thank you so much. really, made my night. >> coming up, cakaty perry is performing her new single. >> to betty white, also. >> betty white from my friend john mayer. stay with us. (man) go on, girl, go on and get help! [heartwarming music] (man) ah! 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[sound of heartbeat on ultrasound] ♪ now a tradition for a new year's eve show good night 2021. one of my son's favorite books. he says like -- he calls it moon. so this is it. >> good night oprah, megan and harry, good night miranda, charlotte and kerry. >> good night tokyo olympics, tom lady knitting in the stands, good night bernie sanders mitt tons warming hands. >> good night to my rapid test nasal swab, good night new adele album making us sob. >> good night dreaming of eating pasta with stanley, good night father, son and house of gucci. >> good night ben and j. lo reunited on a yacht, good night thinking could i win the squad game, maybe not. [ laughter ] >> good night ted lasso, i still haven't seen it, i promise i will but i don't really mean it. >> good night hot facts summer giving us hope, good night to the winter whispering nope. >> good night tim o'day starring in dune, good night 2021 moon. i love dune. >> good night season two of covid is finally done, and good night to 2021. >> amen. >> we are minutes away from our final countdown. >> 27 minutes. >> and the ball drop but before that, my good friend, the great -- >> so great. >> john mayer put together a little tribute to betty white and he sent it to us tonight. teenage it away john mayer on tour this spring. ♪ ♪ thank you for being a friend ♪ ♪ traveled down the road and back again ♪ ♪ your heart is true, you're a pal and a confidant ♪ ♪ and invited everyone you knew ♪ ♪ if you received the biggest gift would be from me and the card attached would say ♪ ♪ thank you for being a friend ♪ >> announcer: new years eve live with anderson cooper and andy cohen is brought to you by subaru. go to c nrks to gir support and celebrate 15 years of inspiring stories. meals on wheels. and the largest corporate donor to the aspca and national park foundation. get a new subaru during the share the love event and subaru will donate two hundred and fifty dollars to charity. - [narrator] introducing the grubhub guarantee: our promise to deliver the food you love on time, and give you the lowest price, or you'll get $5 off your next order. when you have xfinity xfi, you have peace of mind built in at no extra cost. advanced security helps keep your family protected online. pause wifi whenever for ultimate control with the xfinity app. and family-safe browsing gives parents one less thing to worry about. security, control and peace of mind. with xfinity xfi, it's all built in at no extra cost. how not to be a hero: because that's the last thing they need you to be. you don't have to save the day. you just have to navigate the world so that a foster child isn't doing it solo. you just have to stand up for a kid who isn't fluent in bureaucracy, or maybe not in their own emotions. so show up, however you can, for the foster kids who need it most— at all right. >> the final countdown 22 minutes to go. >> 22 minutes to go. we'll put this year to bed. you feel like this is like -- >> it's like water but it's -- i mean -- >> it's taking you to another level. >> it's -- yes. i don't know what is going on. >> richard quest is on -- >> richard ground -- richard, you're off -- i'm glad -- richard, my god. >> wow, yes. >> wow. >> yearning to breathe great, i lift my lamp. [ laughter ] [ cheers ] >> hold on. [ laughter ] >> richard quest, ted turner founded cnn in the '80s. i have to believe you're the first cnn correspondent to ever do drag. >> oh, no, oh, no. >> oh, no. >> i'm only the first one to do it publicly. [ laughter ] >> we know what she's been doing but -- [ laughter ] >> oh my god, richard, i mean, you are a vision. >> i have to say, i think the atmosphere in the square is so much better than last year, even with -- >> i totally agree. >> there was nobody here. >> no, no, that's not true. all of a sudden, there are a lot of people here. i think they -- >> last year there was nobody here. >> richard, i think they let a lot of people in. there is great service members there. >> i may never recover from this. >> i may never recover from this. >> hey, i promise you. that's all right. next year i'll do it in heels. how about that? next year in heels. >> richard, did you know in fourth grade there was a school production at my school of the mayoral race in new york that ed koch was running in and he was dating bet myerson, former misam mismiss america. in the school production i played her and a coed school, why was i playing her? >> why? [ laughter ] >> this is -- i think i'm looking quite fetching tonight. >> oh my gosh. started the fog machine. >> ryan seacrest group of losers performing behind us. i mean, with all due -- if you're been watching abc tonight, you've seen nothing. i'm sorry. >> my god. >> let's go to don and alison in new orleans. >> oh my god. oh my god. >> oh my god. >> this is off the rails. >> happy new year. >> did richard quest have -- >> a full figure? yes. >> don, what is going on? >> lady -- >> he was giving us lady liberty, he was giving us a real inclusive type of, you know, new year's eve moment. >> the last time i saw richard in that outfit it was in the pines but it was shorter. >> okay. he was giving you -- this is mo mo modest. this is a family show. >> i'm going to grab some beans. >> okay. >> okay. you going to get some? >> beads! >> show me something! [ cheers ] >> we out here! we out here. we out here. we in here. >> we got some beads for you, anderson and andy. >> he got the lemon beads for don lemlemon. >> show us something to get them. >> is this how you do this? i'm not sure. >> we have a whole show coming up after this. we have the after -- >> is that what i'm required to do? >> oh, no. >> should be drinking a lot more, later. >> she's not drinking on camera but off camera. >> anderson and andy, she is throwing them back. >> awesome music coming up. >> yeah. >> can you tell them, please, about new year's eve, what it means to you? >> so i don't feel the need to drink on new year's eve because it's such an experience. >> she got engaged and something else was her first time -- >> i got engaged to be married on new years and i had a lot of peak experiences. >> a new woman on new year's eve. >> do you have any other experiences you want to tell us about? >> the past couple years on new year's eve i've gotten a kiss from a nice boy. >> and? >> but i don't know if that's going to happen. >> okay. >> real quick. >> it's going to happen. >> anderson, andy. we had this conversation. >> yes. >> before the show a couple days ago. >> yes. >> you were visiting your family in atlanta. >> yes, i was. >> and you said you were around too many negros, i said black people or negros and you said -- >> i won't repeat that because you're going to get me cancelled. i got to buy my mama a house. i won't get messed up in these streets. >> real quick. amanda shaw here. amanda? >> happy new year. >> happy new year. >> before they get rid of us, take it away. >> tell what you're going to play. >> i don't know what's happening. >> all right. we want to keep the party going, performing a new single "when i'm gone" -- >> katy perry. >> katy perry. ♪ when i'm gone i'm never really gone ♪ ♪ you think you're moving on ♪ ♪ ♪ late nights calling me, calling me, do anything to keep me close ♪ ♪ well you should know it's gonna be gonna be so hard for you to let me go ♪ ♪ when i'm gone, i'm never really gone ♪ ♪ you think you're moven on but it won't be for long ♪ ♪ you'll see, when i'm gone i'm never really gone ♪ ♪ me on top of you, touch you like i do ♪ ♪ no, you'll never forget ♪ ♪ when i'm gone, i'm never really gone, no ones gonna feel like me ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ when i'm gone ♪ ♪ when i'm gone ♪ ♪ come on ♪ ♪ tonight ♪ ♪ you're giving me sweet, sweet ectasy ♪ ♪ yeah, you take me to utopia ♪ ♪ like erotica ♪ ♪ boy, you make me feel exotica ♪ ♪ when i feel i can't take anymore ♪ ♪ deeper and harder than ever before ♪ ♪ we go higher ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm walking on air ♪ ♪ i'm walking on air ♪ ♪ i'm walking, i'm walking on air ♪ ♪ i'm walking on air ♪ ♪ i'm walking on air ♪ ♪ tonight, tonight, tonight ♪ ♪ i'll walking on air ♪ ♪ tonight, tonight, tonight, i'm walking on air ♪ ♪ heaven is jealous of our love ♪ oh, angels are crying from up above ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm walking on air ♪ ♪ tonight i'm walking on air ♪ ♪ i'm walking on air ♪ ♪ i'm walking on, i'm walking on air tonight ♪ ♪ i'm walking on air ♪ ♪ i'm walking on air ♪ [ cheers ] >> happy new year, everybody. anderson, andy, back to you in new york. >> wow! >> wow. >> thank you, katy perry. what a journey. >> before we hit midnight. >> speaking of journey, i just got doused with confetti from the fake journey appearing on abc. if it's not steve perry, it doesn't count. >> i mean, really -- >> you get it? >>propaganda. >> that's not true. >> it's propaganda. >> settle down, sweetie. settle down. that's not true. >> no, that was not journey. >> it's journey, now. >> steve perry -- >> things change. things evolve. it's okay. it's okay. >> really? i have a face full of this crap. >> come back. come back to us. >> all right. almost midnight. we're 11 -- just 12 minutes away. i want to go to randi kaye to see how everyone is feeling in palm beach, florida. how are things on the beach? >> things on the beach are great. we're still at the bar listening to "american young" and we'll make a drink called the water fall. >> oh my goodness. >> we'll make a water fall. >> i'll lift you up. >> you're going to lift me up. okay. let do it. >> really lift me up? >> yes. >> okay. go. >> ready? [ cheers ] >> okay. >> you ready? >> all right. this is the water fall. my aim is not great at this hour of the night. oh, boy. okay. >> stop! stop! stop! >> i did the best i could. andy, i know you love the bong. let's go over to the bong. [ cheers ] >> i don't know what is going -- i don't know what -- this is not a good idea. that's not a good idea. all right. all right. >> happy new year, everybody. >> i don't condone such behavior. randi, happy new year. we wish you the best. randi is not driving home. that is for sure. an irish bar in the west village, how are things doing? >> cnn -- are you talking to me? >> you're live. >> hey, guys. >> it's anderson and andy. >> having such a good time. we weren't even listening to you guys we're having such a good time in the west village. i'm here with a couple who have traveled from ireland having a good are you having a good time in new york? >> yes. what is the highlight so far? >> the shopping is the highlight and the good food and nice drink. >> how long have you been with this guy? did he surprise you with the trip? yes, we have been together 2 1/2 years. >> do you love him? >> of course i do. >> and you? >> yes, it is a special thing. danielle, would you like to marry me? >> yes. >> i love you so much. >> aaw. >> congratulations. congratulations. and celebrations. >> you did say yes? >> yes. >> you are sure. >> all right. >> ah. donie, thank you. thank you. that is so nice. we go down to chloe in times square, and how are you doing? >> well, well, well. look at who i am here with. i am so scared. wait, who is it? ah, it's david arquette. okay. >> hey. >> all right. so you have "scream" coming out? >> yes, excited after 25 years, a new scream. >> january 14th. >> yes. >> and now i heard a rumor that the killer is actually in the poster. >> wow. that is scary. >> and it is flashing all over times square. is that true? >> well, is ate classic whodunit, and it is very exciting. >> i know, courtney cox, and nef campbell, and what was it like to get back together? >> well, we have known each other for 25 years, and so it is so great to get together, and me and courtney have a daughter together, and so it is beautiful, but, you know, we have all, and you know, grown up together. and nev has kids and it is just, it is amazing and i have two new kids with my beautiful wife christina. >> and the movie comes out january 14th, a i'm so excited that i assume that you walk around with that mask all of the time. >> that is right. >> through the airport and airport security. >> yes, i keep a sharpie on hand. >> and david, very happy new year and chloe as well. thank you for joining us. >> happy new year. >> we are in the final stretch here. >> yes, eight minutes away, and shortly, and one of my favorite moments is that like the time between five minutes to midnight, and you are mocking me in the stare. >> and the time from 11:55 and 12:10, and somebody threw up in new york, and i never came to times square and i watched it on tv, and to be here is so wonderful, and wherever you are in america or around the world, whoever you are with, and if you are alone or if you are with a pet, or whoever you with or yourself, i am glad that you are sharing the moment with us, and i wish you this new year, i hope that it is the best year yet, because it has been difficult for a lot of people. >> and you know, it has been a rough year, and it has been, and i just feel like what it has shown is that all of our ability to be resilient in whatever comes to us. >> yeah. >> we all adapt, and we change. >> and amanda gorman said in this the poem early on and i won't paraphrase her, and i will misquote her, and i don't want to misquote her, but she said that we weren't ready for it, but we adapt to it. >> we pivot and take stock of what we have and who we are, and we love the people that we are with. and i'm so grateful to be here with you. >> me, too. and i'm so grateful for all of you joining us, and we should get a glass, and raise the glass to the new year. >> you want some gin or tequila or what? >> well, we should have this devil water. >> yes. >> and his friend has come up with this. >> listen, it is the number one spirit in japan. >> is it really? >> yes, it is, and it is so great, and people in japan know exactly what it is, and it is excellent. >> thank you for joining us. >> i have to tell you something. >> anderson -- >> and it is six minutes. >> and it has been such a great joy for me to be a father with you, to be able to bond with you in a way that i never thought that i'd be able to do which is to just share our kids together and be together -- >> yeah. >> and watch you be the dad that you are, and it is to great. >> to all of those who are watching, and we wish you the best, and hope you have a great new year. i don't know, yeah. >> what is this? >> i don't know. let's listen. >> okay. well, let's, here, let's have a toast. ♪ imagine there's no heaven ♪ ♪ it's easy if you try ♪ ♪ no hell below us ♪ ♪ above us only sky ♪ ♪ imagine all the people ♪ ♪ living for today ♪ ♪ ooh ooh ♪ ♪ imagine there's no countries ♪ ♪ it isn't hard to do ♪ ♪ nothing to kill or die for ♪ ♪ and no religion too ♪ ♪ imagine all the people ♪ ♪ living life in peace ♪ ♪ ooh ooh ♪ ♪ you may say i'm a dreamer ♪ ♪ but i'm not the only one ♪ ♪ there i hope some day you will join us ♪ ♪ and the world will live as one ♪ ♪ imagine no possessions ♪ ♪ i wonder if you can ♪ ♪ no need for greed or hunger ♪ ♪ a brotherhood of man ♪ ♪ imagine all of the people ♪ ♪ sharing all the world ♪ ♪ you, you may say i'm a dreamer ♪ ♪ but i'm not the only one ♪ ♪ no i'm not the only one ♪ ♪ you may say i'm a dreamer ♪ ♪ ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ but i'm not the only one ♪ ♪ oh i hope some day you'll join us ♪ ♪ and the world will live as one ♪ >> 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 3, 2, 1 -- 1 -- ♪ ♪ ♪ start spreading the news ♪ ♪ i'm leaving today ♪ ♪ i want to be a part of it ♪ ♪ new york, new york ♪ ♪ these vagabond shoes ♪ ♪ are longing to stay ♪ ♪ right to the very heart of it ♪ ♪ new york, new york ♪ ♪ i want to wake up in a city that doesn't sleep ♪ ♪ and find i'm king of the hill ♪ ♪ top of the heap ♪ ♪ these little town blues ♪ ♪ are melting away ♪ ♪ i'll make a brand-new start of it ♪ ♪ in old new york ♪ ♪ if i can make it there ♪ ♪ i'll make it anywhere ♪ ♪ it's up to you new york ♪ ♪ new york, new york new york ♪ ♪ i want to wake up in a city that never sleeps ♪ ♪ and find that i'm a-number one ♪ ♪ top of the list ♪ ♪ king of the hill ♪ ♪ a-number one ♪ ♪ these little town blues ♪ ♪ are melting a way ♪ ♪ i'm going to make a brand-new start of it in old new york ♪ ♪ and if i can make it there ♪ ♪ i'm going to make it anywhere ♪ ♪ it's up to you new york ♪ ♪ new york, new york ♪ >> happy new year's, james. >> hey, jonathan, happy new year. you know, it has been an amazing night. >> i could not agree more. >> all of the amazing performances. >> yes, and all of the great people. >> yes. and what about that waterford crystal ball. >> oh, the ball, yeah. it is unbelievable. >> it was ball i ever dreamed of. >> yeah, it was pretty incredi-ball. >> yes. >> >> who are those guys? >> i don't know. >> all right. happy new year, everybody. 2022, don't you feel cleansed? cheers. we will do this little mini shot. >> a dance. >> let me tell you something. >> oh, please. tell us something, andy. just watching mayor de blasio doing his victory lap dance after four years of the charm of the mayor of -- >> don't you start. >> the only thing that the democrats and the republicans can agree on is what a horrible mayor he has been -- >> wow. >> so sayonara, sucker. 2022, it is a new year, and guess what, i have a feeling that i am going to be standing here speaking next year, and you know what i am not going to be looking at dancing as the scity comes aboard -- you. >> eric adams is being sworn in as we speak. >> is it happening right now? >> yes. >> as dr. martin luther king once said, the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy. we are facing challenges however tonight, we will swear in the 110th mayor of all great city. a man whose dedication and vision for this city is steadfast and unwavering. mr. mayor, would you please raise your right hand and repeat after me. >> right here. raise your right hand. >> all right. >> i, eric adams. >> i, eric adams. >> do solemnly swear. >> do solemnly swear. >> thatly support the constitution. >> that i will support the constitution. >> of the united states. >> of the united states. >> the constitution of the state of new york. >> the constitution of the state of new york. >> and the charter of the city. >> and the charter of the city. >> of new york. >> of new york. >> and i will faithfully. >> and i will faithfully. >> discharge the duties. >> discharge the duties. >> of the office. >> of the office. >> of the mayor of the city of new york. >> of the mayor of the city of new york. >> according to the best of my ability. >> to the bestf my abilities. >> so help me god. >> so help me god. >> congratulations. >> wow. >> that is eric adams. >> wow, we have a new mayor in new york city. this is so exciting. >> yes. eric adams had a fascinating career, a he retired as a captain in the police department, and he was the brooklyn borough president, and as a young man he was abused by a police department and then recruited by elders in the police force to try to change the police force and this is new york in the '70s and very different new york city police department to change the police department from the inside, and that is what he did working his way up, and so it is a whole, you know, happening in new york. >> vii have an idea -- >> chloe. >> i have a cell phone number, andy, and we will talk about that how i have it, and i think that you should run for mayor. >> i don't. i don't. >> and richard quest, i mean, you have outdone yourself. >> richard quest. >> i mean, you know -- >> i have never felt attracted to lady liberty until today. >> would you like to play with my lamp. >> yes. >> oh. >> i come bearing gifts for you all. >> okay. >> and andy, this is very special. this is for you. and a new shot glass for you. >> wow. >> look at this. new york shot glass. >> and i wanted to get the toast in, and this is the first night i have been out in seven days and i have been home with a 2-year-old and a 4-year-old in self-imposed quarantine, and so we need a shot to betty white. >> okay. we will prepare that, and listen to crowds there. and okay. >> and he crowned thy good, and told me that he would with bro herhood ♪ ♪ from sea to shining sea ♪ ♪ to shining sea ♪ i thank you lord. ♪ shining sea ♪ ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ and see them for me and you and i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ♪ i see skies of blue ♪ ♪ and clouds of white ♪ ♪ and i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ♪ the colors of the rainbow ♪ ♪ so pretty in the sky ♪ ♪ are also on the faces of the people going by ♪ ♪ i see friends shaking hands ♪ ♪ saying how do you do ♪ ♪ they are really saying ♪ ♪ i love you ♪ ♪ i hear babies crying ♪ ♪ vi wai have watched them grow♪ ♪ and i love more when i think to myself what a wonderful world ♪ ♪ yes i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ oh, yes. >> wow. what a wonderful world, indeed. we are going to take a break and give a toast to the new year. >> oh, my god, you are so drunk. >> wasted beyond belief. >> richard, you don't drink. >> no, you will gain weight. >> nothing wrong with that. >> cheers, everybody. >> happy new year. >> happy new year, everybody. >> refresh. >> the fun is still going on. >> and a surprise guest is coming up. >> i don't know who. >> yes. happy new year, everyone. >> and may 2022 bring better days and renewed hope, and good help for all. >> and salud, and faliz. >> and wishing you the happiest of new years and i wish i was there with you, and this is the year of the tiger, and so i am sending is love and happiness to the world. >> and this is chloe, and we want to wish you a happy new year. >> hey, anderson and andy, happy new year, and i hope it is your biggest and best year yet. >> i am crystal patrick. >> and joey fatone. >> and we want to wish you a happy new year. >> and hey, we are the cast of stomp in new york city, and we want to wish everybody a happy new year. (burke) i've seen this movie before. (woman) you have? (burke) sure, this is the part where all is lost and the hero searches for hope. then, a mysterious figure reminds her that she has the farmers home policy perk, guaranteed replacement cost. and that her home will be rebuilt, regardless of her limits or if the cost of materials has gone up. (woman) that's really something. (burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. wait, i didn't ruin the ending, did i? (woman) yeah, y-you did. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ my new year's resolution for everybody out there is to ignore the debt line and smoke some weed and run away from every phone call asking where you are. >> i have never ever made a new year's resolution in my entire life and nor will i this year, and i am not a new year's resolution guy and i have survived 70 years. >> my new year's resolution is to get my mother an audition on bravo. >> my new year's resolution is to have more adventure in my life and travel around the world. >> and my new year's resolution is if i said yes a lot, i would say no, and if i said no, then i would say yes. so i try to learn from the past year and take it into the current. >> my new year's resolution is to become less edgy and controversial. >> i want to get some consistently. [ laughter ] >> by the way my new year's resolution is to spend less time on instagram. >> you create a lot of content. >> well, i will create more content, but less time on the app. and mark zuckerberg, don't you mess with my mind. i know what you are doing. >> i don't know if -- >> i know what you are doing. and i have ten more minutes of this platform. and i'm going to keep going. >> no, no. >> and mark zuckerberg, you are messing with all of us. >> you are freaking out. >> how dare you. >> it is all right. >> how dare you! all right. joining us now, it is is the ghost of anderson's great, great, great grandfather, cornelius vanderbilt, and we are going to play a game, anderson. >> this started on andy's life "watch what happens" and this is the ghost of my great, great, great grandfather, and i have to say, great, great great grandfather up close. >> it is scary. >> the syphilis is scary. >> he died of syphilis, and it is painful? >> the years have not done me well dear boy. >> you are carrying around just money? >> what else would i do? i don't know anything else. >> but when you died -- >> we are going to play when cornelius vanderbilt's money -- >> when he died in 1877, 1 of every $20 in the circulation in the u.s. belonged to him. he had more money than the u.s. mint. >> yes, your money, cornelius vanderbilt. yes, you are. and cornelius vanderbilt, he is going to -- >> oh, my god. >> and he is going to tell aus fact. >> okay. >> we have to guess whether it happened in 1821 or 2021. >> okay. >> can you handle it, sweetie? >> i don't know what you are talking about, but go ahead. i have to pee so badly, and it is beyond. >> do it in your pants. >> what? >> a any fact waistline became -- >> listen to him. >> and any fact waistline was so fashionable that even men would wear corsets to achieve it. was it -- >> 1821. you get money. take some of my grand nephew's money. >> yes. >> there was a worldwide obsession with sea shanties. was it 1821 or 2021. >> what is a sea shanty. >> well, it belongs to the sea. >> sweetie, what is a sea shanty? >> 1821. >> 1821. >> it was 2021. >> what is a sea shanty? >> it is a song one would sing while they are sailing to pass the time. >> wow. that is 2021. is that like a -- >> very real. is that legal. >> this is legal tender? >> this is money from the vault of the vanderbilts. >> there is nothing there. there is not a vault of the vanderbilts. >> >> it is the inheritance. >> there is no inheritance. >> and they spent it all, commodore. >> well, i had a stash in the tomb, my boy. a glacial volcano erupted, 2021 or 1821? >> it was 2021. >> no, it is 1821. >> no, it is going back to the tomb. >> well, in the hg and hi-def, this is scary. >> and yes -- >> according to some accounts. >> one more. for the first time in history a dutch museum permanently hung pictures by women painters? >> 1821. okay. wow. >> do you to go back to the crypt at staten island. >> and this is my p.a., and he also played the gay shark, and made anderson giggle, so he is so incredible. love you, mike. happy new year. >> and how long does it take to transport yourself? >> well, millennia it seems, but -- >> i can take a piece of you? >> oh, please, yes, yes, all in the family. >> all in the family. >> oh, oh, oh. >> are we rafting out now? coming up next. okay. well, listen, it has been a great new year, anderson. i want to take you out for a drink now, and not that you need it. >> guys, this has been such a great night, and thank you for hanging out with us. >> don lemon and alisyn camerota is coming up next, and for all of you at home, and whoever you are with, and if you are alone, we are with you, and we hope this is your best year yet. thank you for joining uing us, e will see you on cnn and he will see you on bravo. we will take a break here on cnn and be right back. >> hey, anderson and andy, and hello to everyone around the world. on behalf of the bosh family, i would like to say happy new year. >> this is pamela anderson, and happy new year. >> this is englebert here, and i wanted to wish you a happy and healthy new year. >> and hello, anderson and andy, i wanted to wish you a happy new year from here to the moon. >> and it is andy rainbow wishing you a very happy new year. 2021 was a bit of a dumpster fire and let's get the hell out, and on to better thing, because 2022 is going to be amazing. >> hello, for myself and the cast of the tina turner musical on broadway, we want to wish you a happy new year. >> for all of us watching and you in the studio, we would like to wish you -- >> a happy new year! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ i always wanted to know more about my grandfather. he...was a hardworking man who came to new york from puerto rico when he was 17. with ancestry, being able to put the pieces of the puzzle together...'s amazing. it's honestly amazing. hi. i'm wolfgang puck when i started my online store wolfgang puck home i knew there would be a lot of orders to fill and i wanted them to ship out fast that's why i chose shipstation shipstation helps manage orders reduce shipping costs and print out shipping labels it's my secret ingredient shipstation the number 1 choice of online sellers and wolfgang puck go to and get 2 months free >> happy new year. >> happy new year, and we are back and celebrating the central time zone, which has not happened yet. >> it is not the new year yet. >> we are a little lit. are you lit? >> i am a little >> and you understood the assignment. i called this lady up and i said, can you do sequeins and you -- >> i wanted america to know that i am looking for a husband and i think that they got the message. >> and the girls are out. >> and you understood the assignment because you are a mix of you and me. >> well, i have done a number of outfit change, because i was the cher. >> and what about anderson and andy. >> that man was not playing. he did not like de blasio. wait, do they always swear a mayor on live television? >> i don't want to get into that, the but i thought they were amazing. >> but i like that he brought a picture of the mother in the plexiglass. i love black people. >> and we had a black people conversation and it was a little -- >> i don't want to get into trouble for that. and look. we are having so much fun, and we have having a party here, and it has bee

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Control , Clips , Behind The Scenes , Great Sue Ann N Nivens , Job , Nature , Uh Huh , Rose , House , Doing , Coat , Sophia , Lady , Dorothy , Amazing , Classic , Ironing , Thing , Shot , Honor , Tequila , Parties , Big New Year , Home , Lovely Lady , Way , Us , Nada Tequilia , Tequila G , Yes , Drinking , Drink , Couple , Many , Haven T , Number One , Dinner , Kids , Picture , Wine , Amount , All Over The World , Baby , Phone , Son , My Son , Papa , Benjamin , Ben , Ben Me Down , Laundry Cycle , The End , Clothes , Birthdays , Birthday Party , Afterthought , Why Don T You , Birthday , Gift Giver , Birthday Present , Decorative Box , Galaxy Of Stars , Desk , Antique , Pot , Box , Silver , My Favorite Things , Water , Fine Print , Occasion , Hydrofoiling , Costa Rica , Flash , Him , Translosent , Eyes , Little , Back , Landing , Thanks For Asking , Housewives , Isn T , First , 15 , 30 , Everything , Kind , Husbands , True Crime Franchise , True Crime , Trial , Anything , Joke , March , The Thing , Time , Covid 19 , Opportunity , Game Of Thrones , Story , Hold On , Stop , Teresa , Email , Jail , Social Security Number , Server , Subject Line , Someone , Prisoner , Things , Site , Danbury Security Prison , Godfather , Sound Of Music , Joy , Gone With The Wind , 2 , Group , Open Windows , Nightshirts , Cards , Children , Peter Pan , Ground , Chloe , Fleet , Around The World , Shng , Concert , You Changed My Life , England , Seven , Broadcast Tonight , South Korea , Family , I M So Excited , My Home State Of Texas , Texas , Brownsville , Resolutions , Chicago , Ashante , London , Bad News , Top , Don T Say Reporting , Vegas , Let S Go To Richard Quest , Downer , Skyscraper , Why Don T You Go Ask , Outfit , Icons , God , Heights , Where , Hudson Yard , Michael Lindsey Hogg , Building , Climb , Lord , Cameraman , Outside , Richard Quest , Times , Lordship , Terrifying , Camera Guy , Wow , Edging , Tradition , Icon , Clue , Statue Of Liberty , Empire State Building , Diane Von Furstenberg , Costume , Coming Up , Staple , Space , Cooking , Funny , That S My Line , Baby Food , Fruit , Kid , Pouches , Vegetables , Performances , Apples , Kale , Lightscape , At Brooklyn Botanical , Cool , Migraines , Medication , Last , Tablet , Nurtec , Onederful , To Nc , Tt Kekekekeic , Stomach Pain , Side Effects , Migraine Pain , Nausea , Edge , Forest , Little Red House , Indigestion , Nurtec Odt , Norway , World , Work , Kindness , Honesty , Fourth , Daily Vicks , Inspiration , Comfort , Pack , Dayquil , Viking , Strength , Supplement , Medicine , Vitamin C , B Vitamins , Power , Super C , Coughing , Gift , Businesses , Comcast Business , Network , Deal , Business , Gig Speeds , Prepaid Card , Savings Sale , Bundles , 500 , 00 , Possibilities , Internet , Voice , Price Guarantee , Savings , 64 99 , 4 99 , Randi Kaye , Highlight , High , Bonfire , I Don T Know What , Coming In Hot , Hotpants , Happy New Year , Size , Goblet , Hot Pants , Champagne , Beach Party , Bottle , Pants , Equipment , Case , Crazy , Fireman On Standby , Bar , Fun , Music , Flare Bar Tender , Middle , Lemon Daiquiri , Rum , Kevin , Light Tup , Bit , Some , Harry , Daiquiri , Flair , Bank Account , Let , Gosh , Whoa , Fire , Juggling , Godzilla , Breathe Snir , Champagne Glass , Special Treat , Luxembourg , To Anderson , Language , Luxembourgish , 600000 , Idea , Fireman , Professional , Singer , Philly , Ms , Fabulous Cook , A Million , A Million Dollars , Blessings , Gemini Triplets , Gemini Energy , Energy , Special , Kinds , Branzino Sliders , Turkey , Brisket , Cheese , Crowds , Macaroni , Pies , Dessert , Shoes , Stage Performing , 50 , My , Sarah Gash , Sarah Dash , Souls , Partner , Labell , Death , Lady Marmalade , Library Of Congress , National Recording Registry , Hall Of Fame Library Congress , Impact , Legend , Know , Miss Patty , Game , Watch What Happens Live , Member , Royal Family , Celebrities , British , Anecdote , Paths , Elton John , Didn T , Backup , Didn T He , Piano Player , Bluebells , Opening Act , Pope , Baby Boy , Boy , Course , Come On , Grandbaby , Grandkids , Gia , Roe , Laila , Black Tie Affair , Half , Say Hi , Congratulations , Playing Cards , 5 , Car , 90 , Stay Safe , Donie O Sullivan , Irish Bar , Setup , Captain Kirk , Subaru , Vo , Retailers , Love Event , Meals , That S Why , Feeding America , One Hundred And Fifty Million , Charity , Car Company , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , It Wasn T Me By Shaggy , Discover Card , Purchases , 19 , Question , You Re Not Alone , Questions , Support , Calhope , Calhope Org , 317 , 4673 , 833 , 833 317 4673 , Resolution , Therapy , Coach , Healing Journey , Purpose , Version , New Year S Revolution , Attention , Grandchildren , Daughter , Producing , Writing , Compliment , Compliments , Martha Stewart , There , Novak , Drunk , B J , Won T , Driving , State Laws , Part , Event , Places , Pub , Heads , Assignment , Irish , Beer , Guinness , Master Pourer , Two Creamy Heads , West Village , Nitro Beer , Brewery , Quality , Drop , The Farm , Checks , Gate , Dublin , 1959 , 250 , Theatricality , Tap Down , Beers , Technique , Finesse , Pressure , Nation , Pint , Gravity , Ireland , Hand , All The Way , Shaking , Stanley Tucci , Think Anderson , Nitrogen Bubble , Cream , 119 5 , 119econds , 119 , What Street , Luck , Little Small Sidestep , 22 , 44 , Fact , Matter , Hudson , Playground , Uh Oh , Jason , These , Technology , Wait , A Selfie , Selfie , Donie , Queen , Jenner Kardashians , Safe , Career , Cover , Top Song Play List , Spotify , Jingle Bells , Singing Christmas Songs , Phase , Kourtney Kardashian , Travis Barker , Precursor , Directions , Teaser , Tentacles , Achievement , Baby Bar Exam , Coming , All Of Us A Real Inspiration , Father , Dream , Footsteps , Pranked , Doesn T , Family Lawyer , Chance , Relationship , Pete Davidson , Visitor , Kim , Stormy , Distraction , Hope You Guys Party , Bucks , Cue , Perfect , A Million Bucks , Love , Bed , All Of You , Care , Ball Drop , Lots , 9 , Album , Frontier , Voyage , Friends , Rooftop Shot , Listening , Ones , New York Marriott Marquis , Do It , Help , Man , Girl , Signal App , Go On , Dog , Heartwarming Music , Crash , Burke , Farmers Crashassist , Both , Bum , Farmers Policy Perks , Farmers , Auto Insurance , Pa Dum , Dog Barks , Fifteen , Food , Guarantee , Promise , Order , Price , Narrator , , Trust Tylenol , Blood Pressure , High Blood Pressure , Pain , Joint Pain , Doctors , Tylenol , Aleve , Motrin , Word , Guest , Bill , Season , Airing , Mr , Age , Greats , Cold , Boston Legal , Comedy Central Roast , Hot In Cleveland , 2006 , Wait For Me , Albums , Blackness , Smallness , Curvature Of The Earth , Earth , Saw , Thought , That S Life , Sadness , Mother Earth , Planet , Make , Revolutions , Sad , Example , Interview , Plan , Barriers , Firsts , Human Error , Celebrity , Laurence Olivier , Realize , Bathroom , Fan , Star Trek , Structure , 15000 , Sleep Tonight , Stick Around , Party , Duran , H Announcer , Vrbo , Daybed , Panic Room , Basement Slash , Yoga Shanti Slash , Slash Classroom , The Living Room , Vacation , Family Needs , Sore Throat Pain , App , Honey Lemon , Clerk , Honey Lemon Chill , Vicks Vapocool , Sore Throat Relief , Wooo Vaporize , Small Business , Service , Flexibility , Lines , Line , Data , Mix , Match Data Options , Customers , Comcast Business Mobile , Nationwide 5g , 0 , Contract , Fees , Term , East Coast , Play , Motivation , Don T You Know , Conversation , Look , Meaning , High Note , Feeling , The Sun , Others , Lovers , Families , Give Me Everything , Let S Party , All Around The World , Style , Announcer , Leslie Jordan , Amanda Gorman , Party Store , Production , Long Island , Freakin , Nothing , Book , Holocaust , Friend , 3 50 , 50 , Shots , Holocaust Book , Counter , Holding On , Manner , Parents , Second , Hudson Yards , What S Going On , Let S Go To Richard , Highest , Hello , City , New Year S Eve , Climbing , Emmy Award , Satellite , Actor , Instagram , Me Cat , Tennessee , Five , Series , Episode , Skillet , Miss , Rubber , Air , Trick Skillet , Chiropractor , Bejesus , Queens , Bea Arthur , Maude , Traffic , Don T Have To , Los Angeles , Sweaters , Mom , Sisters , Blue , Bland , Island , Place , Holidays , Christmas , Savannah , Twin Sisters , Names , Triplets , Jana Leanne , Janet , Jana , Janet Ann , Sister , Mother , Tabby Island , Mole , Church , 2021 , Signs , Megan Markle , Musicals , Musical , Films , Dancing Aids Patients , Princess Diana , Netflix , Nick Ruzzo , Height , Tattoos , Fingernails , Teeth , Grindr , Beatles , Carol Ann , Jennifer Lopez , Doc , Yoko , Footage , Sharing Vintage Thirst Traps , Dirty Fingernails , Miami Beach , 1981 , 73 , Lover , Mama , Crossbow , Space Shuttle , Jeff Bezos , Spaceship , Newsman , Penis , Daddy , Dick , Afterparty , Leslie , 25 , Alcohol , Streets , Hotel Room , 4 , Somewhere , Tv Program , Brilliant , January 9th , Stuff , Strip Clubs , Gaiety Theater , Next , Details , Record , Great Grandmother , Family Story , Ancestry , Touch , Pampers , Brand , My Family , Skin , Pediatrician , 1 , Test Results , Ways , Cue Health , Speed , Home Test , Accuracy , Go Cue , Nba , Eating , Social , Single , Cocktail , Spirit , Japanese , Mu Zhen , Sip , Enthusiast , Low Cal , San Juan , Puerto Rico , Weather , Lucky You , Gary , Lindsey Tuchman , Pina Colada , Salud , Row , Usa , Anniversary , Band , Rooftop Bar , City Of San Juan , Old San Juan , Country , Plane , Rules , Down The Street , 48 , Colombia , Spain , Lantern , Douglas , Spokesperson , All Over The Place , Europe , Countries , Works , Shoutout , Medea Callo , Mom S , Feet , Buildings , Don Lemon , Alisyn Camerota , Stunt , Manhattan , 1000 , Hilarity , Right , Welcome To New Year S Eve , Stormy Standing , Special Correspondent , Cornelius Vanderbilt , Ghost , Great Grandfather , Being , Echo , Partygoers , 1800 , Proud Of My Great Grandson Anderson , Great , Somebody , Ball , Forehead , Fisticuffs , Venereal , Partying , Venereal Excesses , Wall , Mah Toes , Relatives , It Syphilis , Great Fortune , Money , Regret , Boys , Pleasure , Gambling , My Dear Boy , Statue , Grand Central Station , Resemblance , Crypt , Ghost Of Anderson , We Love You , Staten Island , Special Guest Star , Roll It , Hang On , Reason , Let The Good Times Roll , Mardi Gras New Year S Parade , Connections , Connection , Louisiana , Eve , Comedienne , Chelsea Sloan , Gay Black Man , Verge , Outfit Changes , Outfits , Nobody , Worries , Invitation , Warehouse District , Marching Band And A Drum Corps , Masks , Dulca , Botox , Reverse , Melanin , Botox Unit , Intermittent Fasting , Chaos , Noom , Couldn T Go , Gym , Donna Summer Realness , Lemon Beads , Beads , Mardi Gras , Tequilas , Scene Change , Float , Derek , Introduction , I Didn T Die , Didn T Die , Roots , Hero , Nominee , 2009 , Trouble , Brass Band , Students , Something Special , Clarinet , Name , Toni , Drum Major , Chelsea , 14 , Marching Band , Boiled Crawfish , Alysin , Spot , Anybody , Special Spot , Cities , Double Entre Entrendre , Scaling , Fears , Skies , Ten Bucks , Ten , Husband , Who Don T Know , Clearing , Pop Upstairs , Apex , Oh My Gosh , Goodness , Anissa , 1189 , King , Chris , Night Out On The Town , Go , Ahhhh , Wind , I Don T Like Heights , Freedom , Lean , Butt Out , Booty , Knees , Legs , Yep , Loves , King Of The World , Jobs , Crime , Doesn T Look Real , Ahhh , 185 , 185 Bucks , Massage , What , 85 , Bad , Pocket , Mazel Tov , Chrissy Teigen , Don T Go , Anywhere , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , Stop Rybelsus , A1c , Majority , Blood Sugar , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Don T Take Rybelsus , 7 , Vision Problems , Lump , Reaction , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Swelling , Neck , Pancreatitis , Provider , Changes , Possibility , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Blood Sugar Risk , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 10 , 3 , Handful , Moving , Xfinity , Kidding , Movers , Offers , Services , Address , Save , Wedding , Gassy Person , Gasx , Goal , 200 , Bedroom , Stomach , Bozo The Clown , Don T You , Laughter , Light , Wolfy , Accent , Coney Island , Universe , Over , Brooklyn , Doll , Hair , Prize , It , Lemonade , Lemons , Presents , Dumbs , Scary , Cone , Clown , It S Time , Problem , Resurgence , Let S Talk , Clouds , The Invisible Clown , Bozo Show , Unboxing , Self Improvement , Bozo , Why Don T , Yo , Jump Rope , Might , 60 , T Shirt , Spider , Humor , Hospitals , Proceeds , Healthyhuman Com , Big Fan Of Cnn , Seacrest , Krusty , Pop Culture , Sanjay Gupta , Scary Clowns Don T Laugh Enough , Performance , Heros , Las Vegas , Reporter , All Star Tribute , Nose , Subaru Of America , Difference , Format , Organizations , American Museum Of Natural History , Heroes , Donations , Donate , Total , Cnnheroes Com , 00000 , 500000 , Cause , Donation , Tax Deductible , Contribution , Campaigns , Laptop , Anderson Ac Squared , Lala Anthony , Cast , Heck , American Utopia , Fur Family , Lightning , Snow , Nice , Spiral , Emotions , Direction , Let S Go To Chloe In The Cloud , David Arquette , Stone Cold Sober , Theme Song , Movie , Anne Hathaway , Song , Devil Wears Prada , Butter , Awhile , Words , Scottish , Turd , Nanny , Joby , Skinny Malik , Me A Skinny Malink , Chicken Legs , Sweetie , Cheers , Classics , Watch , Sister Soul Hey , Tour , Nashville , Go Sister Black Satin Sheets , Gitchi , Ya Da Mocca Choclata , Creole Lady Marmalade , Voulez Vous Coucher , Avec Mol , Veg L , New York Times Square , It Blows , Broadway , Mo Gin , Big One , Bruce , It Home , Hangover , Babe , Sons , Teddy Bear , Expressions , Bear , Assistant Jessica , Jessica , Tv Down , Microwave , Smell , Batteries , Assistant , Wyatt , Milk , Teaching It , Bedtime , I Love You , Greatest , Dad , La You , Video , Toy , Elephant , Tony Bennett , Lady Gaga , 95 , Dementia , Incredible Night , Concerts , Alzheimer S , Songs , Conversations , Difficulty , Innovations , Susan , Wife , Reporting Career , Privileges , Intro Music , Doing Interview , Tony , Showman , Notes , Take A Look , Piano , No Telteleprompter , Lead Musicer , Smile , Queue Cards , Sky , Applause , Set , Playing , Bravo , Miracle , Phrases , Arms , Clip , Golfer , Elbow , Zip Line , Let S Go , Carrot Top , Beautiful Night , Oh My God , Afraid Of Heights , Stories , 12 , It Don T , Going Down , Ahh , 2020 , 43 , 11 Million , 3 Million , 2 Million , 2012 , 2012 Wow Yeah , 78 , 10 Million , Billion , 1 Billion , Eight , 5321 , 92 , 77 , 1917 , 2010 , January 2nd , 70 , 16 , 1942 , 227 , 27 , Two Hundred And Fifty , Two Hundred And Fifty Dollars , 80 , 11 , 2 1 , January 14th , 55 , 8 , 6 , 110 , May 2022 , 1877 , 1821 ,

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