Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240709

hospitalizations worldwide -- nationwide, rather. spearheading legislation in congress for three decades, we look back at the legacy of one of america's post powerful politicians, senator harry reid. they promised to protect women's rights. the new taliban law restricts them even more. >> announcer: live from london, this is "cnn newsroom" with max foster. it's wednesday, december the 29th. our new worries over the omicron surge could make weeks ahead difficult for hospital workers across the united states. joe biden's covid team says the country is in for a tough january. >> i suspect by the end of january things will peak, and there's no question that january will be filled with a lot of short-term challenges, hospital beds shortages, it's tough to handle this many cases at once. but i think if there is a silver lining, it's that when it comes out fast it's likely to go down even more quickly. >> well, the u.s. is averaging more than 265,000 cases a day over the past week. according to the centers for disease control and prevention, the omicron variant accounts for nearly 60% of new cases. the food and drug administration is taking a closer look at the effectiveness of at-home antigen tests which may be less sensitive to picking up the omicron variant. dr. anthony fauci says the tests are still beneficial, though. >> the tests are still worthwhile. don't let anybody think the fda was saying the tests are no longer good. they're less sensitive now -- they never were 100% sensitive, the antigen test. everybody knew that. what the fda is saying today is that when you look at omicron and its ability to detect omicron, some of the tests have a diminution further of the sensitivity, but they still say the tests are useful and should be used. >> well, the cdc reports the number of americans getting their boosters has fallen off, but still many people are getting their boosters than are finishing their initial round of vaccinations. u.s. health officials are facing criticism for cutting the isolation time meanwhile for people recovering from covid from ten days to five. president biden's chief medical adviser is trying to ease concerns. >> there is the danger that there will be so many people who are being isolated who are asymptomatic for the full ten days, that you could have a major negative impact on our ability to keep society running. so the decision was made, although it's not completely risk-free, of saying, let's get that cut in half so that we can have 50%, namely, half of the ten days, and 50% of that time people can actually be out with a mask in society. the reason the cdc gives is not because there's a shortage of tests. >> well, there is really no part of the u.s. that is being spared from the omicron surge. florida's health department says cases quadrupled last week, and according to the cdc, christmas eve marked a new record with more than 32,000 new infections. more people are testing positive for the virus in new york city. the health department reports close to 20% of all tests are coming back positive on average over the past week. public schools in the city are scheduled to reopen on january 3rd, but one expert says with the screaming level of transmission, new york should push that back by at least two weeks. the omicron surge is taking a a harsh toll on children across the u.s. pushing hospital admissions to near record levels. cnn's elizabeth cohen has that story. >> the number of children in the hospital with covid-19 has gone up dramatically recently. the numbers are still small, but there is a sharp increase. so much so that we're near the record peak of pediatric hospitalizations for the pandemic. let's take a look at the numbers. the week of december 20th, 305 children were admitted to the hospital on average per day. that's very close to the pandemic record which was the week of august 29th when 342 children were being admitted per day. now, there is a lot we don't know about omicron, but right now it doesn't seem like this variant is any more dangerous to children than any of the other variants, like delta. but here's the problem. omicron is so transmissible, such a large number of children are getting infected, a certain percentage of them are going to end up in the hospital and a small percentage of a large number can still be a significant number. and here's what's really causing this problem. if you look at children ages 5 to 11, only 14% of them are fully vaccinated and they've been eligible for vaccination for two months now. if you look at adolescents ages 12 to 17, 53% of them are fully vaccinated. so as the number of childhood hospitalizations for covid-19 is going up, all the more reason the parents really need to get their children vaccinated. back to you. ahead of the u.s. vaccine education center in philadelphia says not getting kids immunized against covid is like playing russian roulette. they agree vaccines are effective to protect children. when parents wait until the children get sick, it can be too late. >> if you look at the children that need to be sick enough that they need to come into the hospital, the vast majority of them are either partially vaccinated, unvaccinated, or have an immunocompromising condition even though they did the best they could and got their vaccine. so the same rules that apply to adults where you're much more likely to be very sick apply to children. >> what we are seeing is real-time evidence of how effective vaccines are. we've so far only seen -- since we started vaccinating children, one fully vaccinated child in the hospital was with multiple co-morbidities and risk factors. 75% of cases and 50% of hospitalizations currently are children under the age of 5. so children that aren't even eligible to be vaccinated yet. >> this was hard enough last year when we didn't have a vaccine. now we have a vaccine that can prevent all this suffering and hospitalization. and i.c.u. admissions. the job of the parent is to put the children in the safest position possible. that's what these vaccines do. >> cases around the globe, we'll head to beijing later this hour for you. today, though, we are also looking back on the lives of two reknowned americans. legendary coach and iconic broadcaster john madden died on tuesday. madden was beloved for his gregarious style, his voice and personality redefined sports commentary. we'll hear from one of madden's colleagues, bob costas about his legacy. politics tributes are pouring in for a titan of the u.s. senate. former democratic majority leader from nevada harry reid died at the age of 82 following a bout of bpancreatic cancer. as soon as you discover you have something on your pancreas, you're dead. he went into remission and lived a few more years. cnn's dana bash looks back at his life and his legacy. >> reporter: he led democrats in the senate for a decade, but harry reid called one of his pro proudest accomplishments encouraging barack obama to run. >> i called him into my office and said you should take a look at it. he was stunned because i was the first one that ever suggested it to him. it was one of the most moving phone calls i ever received. he said, you're the reason i'm here. >> reporter: he spearheaded epic legislative battles like obamacare with the scrappy style he learned during his impoverished childhood. reid was born, shaped and scarred shaped like nevada. essentially a truck stop outside las vegas. he grew up in a shack with no running water where this trailer now sits. he took us there in 2006. his mother did laundry for the local brothels. his dad always looking for work as a miner. both drank heavily. during that 2006 visit to search light, he casually pointed out where his father took his own life at 58 years old. >> this house right here, that last room is the bedroom where he killed himself. >> reporter: he fought his way out of poverty as a boxer. as a politician, he was never afraid to punch below the belt. he even took on the mob as a young politician in las vegas. >> a wide variety of adjectives have been written about you. >> some good, some bad. >> reporter: let me read a few. scrappy, tough, blunt, canny behind the scenes mastermind, ruthless. all those fair? >> well, that's what people think. if that's what they think, they're entitled to their opinion. >> reporter: as senate democratic leader, reid was a polarizing figure. they argued a lot of gridlock stemmed from his tactics. >> seeing the turning of the tide. >> reporter: he revelled in playing the bad guy. calling george w. bush a loser and liar long before politicians used those "l" words. >> i don't care. i don't want to be somebody i'm not. >> reporter: during the trump presidency, however, he changed his tune about bush. >> in hindsight, i wish every day for a george bush again. i think that he and i had our differences, but no one ever questioned his patriotism. there was no question in my mind that george bush would be babe ruth in this league that he's in with donald trump. donald trump wouldn't make the team. >> reporter: in 2012 he used the senate floor to accuse mitt romney of not paying his taxes even though he had no evidence. >> he's refused to release his tax returns as we know. let him prove that he has paid taxes, because he hasn't. no, i don't regret that at all. >> reporter: some people called it mccarthy-ite. >> well, they can call it whatever they want. >> reporter: years later reid did ask to meet with romney to make amends. >> we shook hands, put this behind us. >> reporter: why was it important to tie up that loose end? >> i always do that with everybody. >> reporter: reid not out of fear, but affection. he told colleagues he loved them, even in public. >> i love you, john kerry. >> reporter: he had a story book romance with wife landra, his high school sweetheart. the two converted to mormonism when they married. >> she looked so good. >> reporter: that's amazing. >> that is true. >> reporter: in january 2015, reid, a workout addict who ran numerous marathons had a brutal exercise accident that left him severely bruised and blind in one eye. it cemented his decision to retire. a few years later he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. the effects of chemo made it hard for him to walk. we went to see him in las vegas. >> that's one of my keepsakes from donald trump. >> reporter: never any complaints. >> i'm doing fine. i'm busy. i work quite hard. >> reporter: reid was an unlikely political leader in today's media age. soft-spoken and gaff prone. but he played the inside game like no one could. >> i didn't make it in life because my ethnic prowess. i didn't make it because of my good looks. i didn't make it because i'm a genius. i made it because i worked hard. one of the things i hope that people look back at me and say, if harry reid can make it, i can. flags at the u.s. capitol are lowered to half-staff on behalf of reid. chuck schumer tweeted he was tough as nails, strong, but caring and compassionate. he used those boxing instincts to fiercely fight those who were hurting the poor and middle class. reid played an immense role during the obama administration. >> it was essential for barack obama to have harry reid as a partner during the debate over the affordable care act. obamacare would not have happened without the legislative wizardry of harry reid. and barack obama is not the only president to have benefited from harry reid. george w. bush, and there is no love lost between those men. george w. bush and harry reid worked together to deal with the great recession. it was a democratic congress that passed the bush administration's approach to the great recession, and harry reid was there doing what he felt was necessary for the nation at a very difficult time. >> president joe biden called reid one of the all-time great senate majority leaders, and for harry it wasn't about power for power sake. it was about the power to do right for the people. on tuesday, barack obama shared a recent letter he sent to reid. i wouldn't have president been president had it not been for your encourage 789 and support. i wouldn't have got done most of what i got done without your skill and determination. and republican house speaker boehner said, i am sad, but grateful for the friendship i had with harry. we disagreed on many things, sometimes famously, but we were always honest with each other. we are also getting more reaction from the sports world as it mourns the loss of john madden. the national football league announced his death on tuesday at the age of 85. for more than 20 years madden provided boisterous commentary for four major networks. and won 16 emmy's along the way as well. and he lent his name to video games, becoming a name sake of the hugely successful madden series. long-time sportscaster bob costas was just 27 when madden started as a broadcaster. he says, the larger than life madden became more than a coach or commentator, but a part of american culture. >> he was utterly unique. never anybody else like him before, and i guarantee you since. bill belichick put it well recently when he said from a mile away he'd never be confused with anyone else. anyone under the age of 50 has no real firsthand recollection of john madden the coach. but if you said to a 12-year-old kid today, john madden passed away, that would have an impact on that kid. he or she knows who john madden is. the word legendary or iconic, those words are thrown around too loosely especially in sports. but they both certainly applied to him. >> well, nfl commissioner roger goodell is honoring madden saying, quote, nobody loved football more than coach. he was football. he was an incredible sounding board to me and so many others. there will never be another john madden and we'll forever be indebted to him for all he did to make football and the nfl what it is today. still ahead, the omicron variant is sending covid cases soaring in many parts of europe. how countries are responding to the latest surge. plus 13 million people are under strict stay-at-home orders as china ramps up efforts to could be tan an outbreak. a live report from beijing for you ahead. grab mucinex all-. and get back to your rhythm. ♪ the relief you need. the cash you want. does your plug-in fade too fast? try febreze fade defy plug. it has built-in technology to digitally control how much scent is released to smell first day fresh for 50 days. la la la la la. do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? qunol sleep formula combines 5 key nutrients that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up refreshed. the brand i trust is qunol. tony here from taking to the streets to talk about credit. can you repair your credit yourself? yes. -great. how? uhhh... how long does credit repair take? i don't know, like 10 years. what? are you insane? what's a good credit score? go. 600. maybe if you're trying to pay thousands extra in interest rates. cut the confusion, get started with a free credit evaluation at blendjet's holiday sale is on now for the #1 gift this holiday season, the blendjet 2 portable blender. it packs the power of a big blender on the go, and it crushes right through ice. just drop in your favorite ingredients, even frozen fruit, and make a smoothie any time, anywhere. blendjet cleans itself. just add a drop of soap, water, and blend. recharge quickly with any usb port. order now on and get our best deal ever! the omicron variant is fueling a staggering wave of infections across parts of europe. take a look at this map. countries in dark red are seeing case rise by 50% or more in the past week compared to the week before. at least five countries, including france and spain, reported record-high new infections on tuesday. and in china, authorities are tightening lockdown rules in the city of xi'an hoping to contain a local covid vaccine outbreak. the city's 13 million residents are under strict stay-at-home orders. they can only go out for testing. cnn's steven zhang is standing by with details. first let's go to melissa in paris. these really are frightening numbers. it's really about the effect on hospitals at this point, isn't it? >> reporter: that's right, max. world health organization is already worried here in europe there are massive rises are quite extraordinary. we haven't seen anything like it in previous waves. will have an impact across the continent, severely tested. i am here in paris where they expect more people. measures were announced monday night. the prime minister stopped short of announcing a curfew or lockdown that would do so much harm to an economy damaged already by this. decisions all aimed at trying to get the numbers down, among them reducing numbers between the next jab. seeing greater numbers of people coming in to get vaccinated. and the figures are astonishing. 179,000 new cases here in france over a 24-hour period. that is the latest record set only yesterday, smashing the previous record that was only on saturday, max, of 100,000 people diagnosed with covid over the course of a 24-hour period. we simply hadn't seen anything like it before. it is those staggering increases that are leading across europe to worries about what that's going to mean for health care systems across the continent, especially with staff getting sick as well, max. >> melissa in paris, thank you. steven, very strict lockdown measures in this infection program in xi'an. it is still spreading. what does that tell us? >> reporter: that's right. also the situation feels like deja vu from what we saw in wuhan, growing complaints of residents about lack of access to food items, for instance. that, of course, is in sharp contrast to state media's portrayal of delivery of daily necessity items to families throughout the city by the government. the situation has been made worse by tightened regulations in the city. last week each household was allowed to send out one representative every other day to do grocery shopping. and that, quote, unquote privilege was suspended as authorities tried to further restrict the movement of people to stop the community spread of this virus as you refer to. that, of course, is very much because of the beijing leadership's insistence on covid policy. that is also why authorities are doubling down on mass testing, mass quarantine, harsher lockdown measures as well. the numbers are grim by chinese standards, reaching -- almost reaching a thousand cases in the past 2 1/2 weeks. that's why they are starting another round of city wide testing just today, trying to really flush out the remaining cases, if you will. cases are stabilizing and this outbreak could be ending soon in a month or so. that obviously is cold comfort for millions of residents who are trying to survive now enduring increasingly hard conditions, max. >> steve and melissa, thank you both. the u.s. state department said some citizens overseas can return to the u.s. with expired passports due to the pandemic. however, there are several conditions that apply. americans who meet that criteria will be allowed to come back to the u.s. or u.s. territory until the end of march 2022. as of monday, because of obtaining a new u.s. passport went from $110 to $130 for a ten-year document. airlines are continuing to see unruly passengers on u.s. flights. a tennessee woman turned herself in to the fbi on tuesday after she was accused of assaulting two flight attend ants on board a spirit airlines flight last month. according to the criminal complaint, she allegedly consumed too much alcohol, became disruptive, was seen vaping on the flight and making inappropriate advances towards other passengers. when the flight attendants asked her to switch seats, she allegedly rushed toward the cabin door. it took two flight attendants and another passenger to subdue her till the plane landed. so far parts of u.s. breaking records is disrupting holiday plans. this video shot by andrew near lake tahoe in california. shows just how heavy the snow has been falling. breaking a 50-year record. his family was planning to leave the day after christmas, but the last we heard they were still snowed in. meteorologist pedram javaheri has the latest on the winter weather in the u.s. >> max, what a setup across the western united states. parts of at least 13 states underneath these winter weather alerts. of course you expect snow across the higher elevations in the winter season. we have that covered. notice parts of southern california, southern arizona, these areas have been in a drought situation, of course, and one of the driest in the nation. they are now the wettest in the nation for the month of december. as of 27th of december statewide, the sierra snow pack over 150% for the date here, an incredible set up. you look for april 1st, as of the first of april, about 50% of what is normal. anywhere you look at it, we're in a surplus for sierra which is good news for the drought situation. it speaks to how dry this region has been. the drought continues, and is still significant by and large across much of southern california. you'll notice, yes, downtown los angeles, a couple of days of rainy weather, you believe it, this area, southern california in l.a. in particular, some 200% of the norm for the month of december for rainfall is concerned. that is pretty good news there as well. that's the western u.s. look at the eastern u.s. look at the record warmth in place there. temps widespread into the 70s and 80s. you'd expect in the month of april. in the month of may. happening in late december. atlanta, into macon, houston airport, temperatures in the middle 80s, well above 20 degrees above the average this time of year. and galveston, six times in the month of december, galveston, texas, exceeded 80 degrees. that almost never happens. the all-time warmest temperature occurred on tuesday with a high at 82 degrees. that's for the month of december, of course. notice this. warmth began to be shunted a little farther toward the east the next cupouple of days as we usher in the new year friday night into saturday morning. below average temperatures in store towards the eastern half of the u.s. before we get there, though, chance for severe weather. watching portions of the southeast general into northern mississippi, northern alabama, southern areas of tennessee. level one to five. some large hail possible with these storms into wednesday. max? >> thank you, pedram. amid push back from the biden administration, the january 6 house committee is standing down on requests for some documents of the trump white house. we'll have the details from washington. and amid russia's troop movements, they'll meet to discuss. a live report from moscow ahead. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. welcome back. we're following new developments in the house committee's investigation into the january 6 attack on the u.s. capitol, including a possible time frame for an interim report. cnn's whitney wild has the details from washington. >> reporter: the house select committee investigating january 6 has paired back its request. the biden administration said in some cases they are just not relevant to the investigation. in other cases the committee is deferring its request after the administration decided they are highly sensitive and originated outside the white house in the executive branch. these are the kinds of developments that show the committee is still working at warp speed to collect and analyze as much information as possible for what now seems to be a likely interim report issued over the summer with a possibility of a full report sometime in the fall. the committee is entering a new more public phase with plans for public hearings sometime in 2022. meanwhile, a conservative judge in d.c. appointed by former president trump has said a conspiracy case against members of the proud boys can move forward. in a 43-page ruling, the judge said the alleged crimes could not be considered protected first amendment speech. in washington, i'm whitney wild. hong kong pro-democracy outlet stand news announced it will shutdown less than 12 hours after a police raid of its offices. hundreds of police officers swarmed the company headquarters collecting boxes of evidence. at least seven staff and associates of the outlet were arrested earlier today suspected of conspiracy to publish seditious material. as a blanket charge being used to restrict media freedoms in that city. one of russia's most respected human rights organizations has been ordered to shutdown. the supreme court ruled memorial international has broken the country's foreign agent law. the group says the real reason is the kremlin doesn't approve of this work which includes documenting the abuses of the stalin era. supporters outside the court shouted shame, shame. seven people were reportedly detained. the u.s. and russian officials are set to hold security talks on january the 10th. there had been tensions over thousands of russian troops amassed at the ukrainian border. now moscow wants guarantees nato will not expand eastwards or allow ukraine to join the alliance. for more on this, nic robertson joins us from moscow. pretty promising they are talking and focus less on the military movements here. >> reporter: indeed. we have heard from russian deputy foreign minister today saying they will have the russian delegation going to the meeting with u.s. officials, have a inter-departmental component to it. he noted as well that would have a significant representation from russia's ministry of defense to negotiate those security guarantees about this eastward expansion of nato that russia perceives and sees as a threat to its national security. so the emphasis does shift a diplomatic track, but even on that diplomatic track, russia's position is it's going to have a strong military component. u.s. is saying, look, its way of dealing with russia and also this is nato's way of dealing with russia is through deterrence and diplomacy. that's what u.s. officials are saying. both nato and u.s. officials also saying that, you know, russia is putting its concerns on the table. they'll put their concerns on the table, and there may not be a meeting of minds on all issues. there may be some agreement, but there also may be some differences of opinion. and, you know, from russia's perspective, it's really looking for clarity. it doesn't like, in the context of nato and ukraine, an ambiguity that both sides can agree to differ. it wants clarity. it wants nato to say it's in a legally binding form and the u.s. to provide the impetus to nato to do it in a legally binding way that nato will not put troops or military equipment in ukraine, and that it won't accept ukraine as a member of nato. so there are ambiguities that could emerge in those talks, and it's hard to see how that's going to sit well with russia. this is a diplomatic track, but it's still all about the military. >> in terms of those military movement, what are we looking at now? because obviously there were some withdrawals, but there are some troops left there. what specifically are you looking at in terms of, you know, what the wider world should be alerted to? >> reporter: clarity, clarity that those troops russia said have gone back to base have gone back. clarity on whether or not they took the military hardware with them. when russia went through a military buildup close to the border with ukraine earlier in the year and scaled back after the military exercises that it said were pre-planned and on its own territory, that it's perfectly at liberty to do, which is the same situation that exists now. again, training that was planned on russian territory and from russia's perspective, even if it's close to the border with ukraine, this is a russian issue, russian sovereignty, and the west should not have a say and a view in this. but after that buildup earlier in the year, russia left behind heavy equipment that was used in the training, military equipment that would be useful for military advance in ukraine. the concern would be having these 10,000 troops that have gone back to their bases, have they left that equipment there, what are the other tens of thousands of troops still doing there? are they still doing their military training? how much hardware do they have with them? what does this look like? does it look like a force is drawing down or one that's actually still prepared ask capable of an incursion into ukraine? >> okay, nic in monscow, thank you. we'll be watching close. we are watching another story in the middle east. the palestinian president had a meeting with an israeli official. abbas met the first time in a decade. followed up by u.s. national security adviser jake sullivan. let's bring in julian live for us. the optics here, the fact they're meeting, a lot of focus is on that. what do you understand the substance of that meeting? >> reporter: max, we've heard both from defense minister benny gandt, also the palestinian minister as well, the head of civilian affairs talking about what was going on in that meeting. so benny gandt, the defense minister, saying it was about continuing advancing confidence measures in economic civilian areas and the shared interests in security cooperation, maintaining regional stability and the like for israelis and palestinians. from the palestinian perspective, they were talking about the importance of creating a political horizon that leads to a political solution. and also de-escalating some of the tensions that we've seen rising in the west bank between palestinians and israeli settlors. i should, of course, emphasize this isn't a resumption of peace talks. it's very, very unlikely that this is going to pave the way for any such resumption. the peace process is -- will continue to be that way especially with right-wing members of the coalition in israel including naftali bennett dead set against peace talks and conciliatory concessions. it was also to help bolster the position of mahmoud abbas, the palestinian authoritarian president and diminish hamas that controls the gaza strip. and the only person, the only game in town, the only person the i raise >>s and the u.s. can do businessness with. i should note pretty much everyone in the palestinian side of things outside of abbas's fatah party has come out against the meeting saying it is effectively normalizing relations with israel and under monterey baying the palestinian's position. and shows the u.s. is re-engaged in the situation here as well, max, and ensuring there are further conversations going on to try to de-escalate tensions a little bit. >> elliott, thank you. still to come, an unimaginable loss. the parents of a teenage girl killed by a stray police bullet speaking out about the tragedy. blendjet's holiday sale is on now for the #1 gift this holiday season, the blendjet 2 portable blender. it packs the power of a big blender on the go, and it crushes right through ice. just drop in your favorite ingredients, even frozen fruit, and make a smoothie any time, anywhere. blendjet cleans itself. just add a drop of soap, water, and blend. recharge quickly with any usb port. order now on and get our best deal ever! when you have xfinity xfi, you have peace of mind built in at no extra cost. advanced security helps keep your family protected online. pause wifi whenever for ultimate control with the xfinity app. and family-safe browsing gives parents one less thing to worry about. security, control and peace of mind. with xfinity xfi, it's all built in at no extra cost. the parents of a 14-year-old girl shot and killed by los angeles police are speaking out about their devastating loss. the girl was in the dressing room with her mother when a stray bullet hit her. on tuesday, her mother broke down in tears describing the moment her daughter died in her arms. cnn's josh campbell has the story. warning, some of the footage we are about to show is disturbing. >> reporter: at an emotional press conference, valentina peralta's mother spoke about holding her daughter during the shooting. >> translator: we heard screaming. we sat down and we hugged each other. when something hit my daughter and it threw us to the ground, she died in my arms. police say they believe valentina was hit by a bullet that ricochetted off the tile floor and entered a dressing room wall. >> reporter: as officers pursued a suspect who allegedly assaulted several women, valentina's mother had one of the attorneys benjamin crump detailing a statement what she remembered that day. >> all of a sudden we felt an explosion that threw us both to the ground. that's when i saw white powder coming out of valentina's body as she started having convulsions. i had no idea she had been shot. her body went limp. >> reporter: valentina died from a gunshot wound to the chest. the l.a.p.d. released edited body camera footage, radio calls, 911 transmissions and store surveillance videos showing the assault in progress and calls of a possible shooting. >> suspect is still at the location. be advised there are customers and employees hiding inside the location. >> reporter: the footage shows officers arriving at the scene, then moving up an heescalator gs drawn and a woman on the ground after she was repeatedly hit by a bike lock. one officer fired three shots killing the suspect. officers search the scene. they say after the shooting they found valentina in the dressing room. >> unbeknownst to officers a 14-year-old girl was in the dressing room out of view. >> reporter: valentina's father breaking down talking about valentina's life saying she wanted to go to college to become an engineer. >> she had dreams. >> reporter: valentina's father said they want justice. what is justice? >> trying to examine and investigate thoroughly. they want to see accountability. >> reporter: josh campbell, cnn, los angeles. we have new details on the funeral of the late south african archbishop desmond tutu. according to his 230u7bfoundati wanted the cheapest availability coffin and a bouquet of car nations for his family. he will lie in state two days instead of one to accommodate more mourners. let's bring in cnn's larry madowo. very much speaking to the life he lived. >> reporter: absolutely, max. the foundations are saying desmond tutu left clear instructions about his funeral. he didn't want any ostentatious funeral. and only the car nations from his family be at st. george's cathedral, asking people who wanted to donate, to donate to the legacy foundation and not buy more flowers. the funeral will have 100 people because of current covid restrictions in south africa. one moment from 1958 is getting new attention. it speaks to the man he was where he saved a police from suddenly being lynched from an angry mob. they were able to save the man. the arch, as he was called, went back to the young man and said this is not the right thing to do. tutu had been talking about why this was such a powerful moment for her. >> there were so many things striking about it. he had the courage to go into the crowd and say, no, this is not how we do it. but the other is that those young people listened, right. that there was a dignity in our struggle that these young people, they could have said, who are you to tell us about these people who are selling us out? but there was still that respect for him and the other clergy. >> reporter: south africans truly respected him. he will be -- his ashes will be interred at st. george's cathedral. this used to be called the people's cathedral during the apartheid years when he preached there. it will take place new year's day. that will be his final journey, max. >> larry, we thank you. this just in to cnn. novak djokovic has withdrawn from the atp cup in sydney, australia. they didn't provide a reason why the world number one dropped out. the tennis star has been cagey about his covid vaccination status in the past. the atp cup schedules begin this saturday. we'll continue to follow this and bring you more details as we get them. now, the taliban are now imposing a new restriction, which further curbs women's rights in afghanistan. the details and a live report next. behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? qunol sleep formula combines 5 key nutrients that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up refreshed. the brand i trust is qunol. with mucinex all-in-one you've got powerful relief from your worst cold and flu symptoms. so when you need to show your cold who's boss, grab mucinex all-in-one... and get back to your rhythm. ♪ the relief you need. the cash you want. the taliban are further restricting afghan women as they target travel. they say women are banned from taking long distance trips on their own and will have to be accompanied by a male relative if they travel more than 45 miles. cnn's arwa damon joins us. this is shocking, but it comes after a long line of other restrictions. >> reporter: and sadly, max, really no great big surprise, especially when it comes to a number of issues that afghanistan was progressing along, not to mention it being a n nascent democracy. a number of brave and prominent voices joining those ranks. right now we are seeing all of that significantly rolled back with a number of different decisions that the taliban has been putting into place. this just really being the last of them. previous to all of this, we have the issue of, you know, women -- girls being allowed to go to school to continue on to higher education, and that's not possible for the vast majority of young women within the country. you also have women who have been told that they can't yet go back to work. the taliban continuously saying all of these rules and regulations are really meant to be protecting afghanistan's women and girls. but this is very reminiscent of the taliban of 20 years ago. add on to all of this, of course, you have the ministry of women's affairs that was effectively shutdown, transformed into what is known as the ministry of virtue and vice. this is a ministry that the taliban had 20 years ago, and it was greatly feared. its operatives were tasked with basically roaming the streets and punishing anyone who did not adhere to their rules. and also in the last few days, the taliban went on to further, you know, erode these gains that the country had been making by dismissing the electoral commission, the ministry of peace, the ministry of parliament, saying that these institutions were no longer needed now that the taliban was in power. so you can imagine if you are an afghan stuck in afghanistan right now, you're just watching everything being taken away from you, especially if you're a woman, max. >> okay, arwa, thank you. the new year is around the corner and the future is in sight. in virginia the past is being dug up literally. state officials are delicately cataloging and preserving the contents of a time capsule. the second one to be opened from the year soon after the american civil war. some of the artifacts include a masonic symbol, coins, a magazine clipping about abraham lincoln's funeral, a richmond directory and a bible. it was buried at the former site of robert e. lee, confederate monument removed following racial protests. scientists are peeling back another layer of history with new information on the first, now using noninvasive digital scanning, they've been able to get a glimpse behind,ing beneath the face mask and bandages of the 3500-year-old mummy. there were no suggestions of injuries or the cause of death, but high rhyroglyphics suggest t was damaged by tomb raiders. thanks for joining us on "cnn newsroom." i'm max foster. "early start" is next with laura jarrett and paula reid. you're watching cnn. in a 21 month study, scientists proved that rid- x reduces up to 20% of waste build up every month. take the pressure off with rid-x. a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? zicam is the #1 cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! blendjet's holiday sale is on now for the #1 gift this holiday season, the blendjet 2 portable blender. it packs the power of a big blender on the go, and it crushes right through ice. just drop in your favorite ingredients, even frozen fruit, and make a smoothie any time, anywhere. blendjet cleans itself. just add a drop of soap, water, and blend. recharge quickly with any usb port. order now on and get our best deal ever! moving is a handful. no kidding! fortunately, xfinity makes moving easy. easy? -easy? switch your xfinity services to your new address online in about a minute. that was easy. i know, right? and even save with special offers just for movers. really? yep! so while you handle that, you can keep your internet and all those shows you love, and save money while you're at it with special offers just for movers at back at the peak. two variants converging for a major setback in the fight against covid. and remembering two american icons. the country is mourning the loss of long time senator harry reid and football coach and broadcaster john madden. >> such a loss this morning. it is december 29, 5:00 a.m. here in new york. thanks so much for getting an early start with us. i'm laura jarrett. hi, paula. >> hi. i'm paula reid in for christine

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Place , Pandemic , Max Foster In London , Viewers , United States , Hello , All Around The World , Cnn Newsroom , Two , Cases , Anyone , Record , Infections , Kids , Child Hospitalizations , Omicron Fuels , Peak , Three , Harry Reid , All In One , Politicians , Legacy , Congress , Legislation , One , Law , Announcer , Taliban , Women S Rights , London , Omicron Surge , Worries , Hospital Workers , Max Foster , 29 , Wednesday December The 29th , Country , Question , Lot , Things , Joe Biden , Hospital Beds Shortages , Covid Team , Challenges , The End , Silver Lining , 265000 , Look , Centers For Disease Control And Prevention , Food And Drug Administration , Accounts , Effectiveness , Omicron , Home Antigen , 60 , Tests , Omicron Variant , Anybody , Don T , Dr , Anthony Fauci , Everybody , Some , Ability , Now , Antigen Test , 100 , People , Number , Reknowned Americans , Boosters , Sensitivity , Diminution , Covid , Concerns , Round , Vaccinations , Health Officials , Criticism , Adviser , Five , Ten , Impact , Danger , Negative , Decision , Saying , Half , Cut , Society Running , 50 , Part , Reason , Shortage , Mask , Society , Virus , Testing Positive , New York City , Health Department , Florida , Christmas Eve , 32000 , City , Schools , Screaming Level , Transmission , Average , Expert , January 3rd , 20 , 3 , Children , Cnn , Story , Hospital Admissions , Levels , Elizabeth Cohen , Numbers , Hospital , Hospitalizations , Increase , Take A Look , 19 , 305 , December 20th , August 29th , 342 , Problem , Variant , Variants , Delta , Percentage , 5 , Childhood Hospitalizations , Vaccination , Adolescents , 14 , 53 , 17 , 12 , 11 , Parents , Philadelphia , Vaccine Education Center , Vaccines , Russian Roulette , Rules , Vaccine , Best , Condition , Majority , Unvaccinated , Evidence , Age , Child , Risk , Co Morbidities , Aren T , 75 , Hospitalization , Admissions , Parent , Job , Suffering , Icu , Coach , Position , Globe , Lives , John Madden , Bob Costas , Broadcaster , Colleagues , Style , Personality , Voice , Sports Commentary , Beloved , Politics , Majority Leader , Tributes , Titan , Bout , U S Senate , Nevada , Bpancreatic Cancer , Democratic , 82 , Reporter , Something , Life , Dana Bash , Pancreas , Remission , Barack Obama , Office , Accomplishments , Wasn T , Phone Calls , He Spearheaded Epic Legislative Battles Like Obamacare , Running Water , Childhood , Trailer , Las Vegas , Truck Stop , Shack , Work , Mother , Father , Brothels , Laundry , Miner , Visit , Dad , 2006 , Way , House , Room , Bedroom , Boxer , Poverty , 58 , Mob , Politician , Variety , Good , Belt , Adjectives , Bad , Opinion , Few , Mastermind , Fair , Senate Democratic Leader , Behind The Scenes , Blunt , Tough , Canny , Ruthless , Scrappy , Figure , Tactics , Gridlock , Turning Of The Tide , Bad Guy , Words , George W Bush A Loser , Presidency , Somebody , Liar , Tune , Hindsight , Don T Care , Differences , Mind , No One , League , Patriotism , Babe Ruth , Wouldn T , Donald Trump , Taxes , Floor , Tax Returns , Team , Mitt Romney , 2012 , He Hasn T , It Mccarthy Ite , Hands , End , Amends , Reid Not Out , Public , Affection , Fear , Story Book Romance , High School Sweetheart , I Love You , John Kerry , Wife Landra , Marathons , January 2015 , 2015 , Exercise Accident , Effects , Pancreatic Cancer , Blind , Eye , Chemo , Complaints , Leader , Keepsakes , Looks , Game , Prowess , Genius , Say , U S Capitol , Flags , Boxing Instincts , Half Staff , Behalf , Nails , Chuck Schumer , Administration , Partner , Poor , Essential , Debate , Middle Class , Role , President , Love , Wizardry , Men , Obamacare , Affordable Care Act , Democratic Congress , Recession , Approach , Power , Nation , On Tuesday , Majority Leaders , Reid One , Harry , Power Sake , Support , Letter , Determination , Skill , Republican , House Speaker Boehner , 789 , Loss , Each Other , Reaction , Friendship , Sports World , National Football League , Death , Name , Commentary , Video Games , Sake , Networks , Emmy , 16 , Four , 85 , Commentator , Series , American Culture , 27 , Bill Belichick , Anyone Else , Recollection , Kid , Who , Football , Roger Goodell , Unquote Privilege , Sports , Word , Iconic , Nobody , Others , Report , Countries , Outbreak , Europe , Orders , Parts , Surge , Beijing , Efforts , China , Plus 13 Million , Rhythm , Cash , Relief , Plug In , Grab Mucinex , Scent , Technology , Febreze Fade Defy Plug , La , Brand , Nutrients , Qunol , Qunol Sleep Formula , Streets , Credit , Creditrepair Com , Tony , Credit Repair , Yes , Credit Score , Uhhh , Go 600 , 10 , Confusion , Thousands , Interest Rates , Credit Evaluation , 600 , Blendjet , Holiday Sale , Holiday Season , Blender , Gift , Ice , Fruit , Ingredients , Anywhere , Smoothie , Blender On The Go , 2 , 1 , Deal , Blend , Water , Drop , Soap , Usb Port , Wave , Case , Authorities , More , Map , Red , France , Spain , Residents , Testing , Covid Vaccine Outbreak , Lockdown Rules , Xi An , Steven Zhang Is Standing , 13 Million , Details , Hospitals , It , That S Right , Effect , Isn T , Rises , Point , First Let S Go To Melissa In Paris , World Health Organization , We Haven T , Paris , Continent , Anything , Waves , Decisions , Curfew , Measures , Prime Minister , Lockdown , Harm , Economy , Monday Night , Figures , Jab , 24 , 179000 , Course , Increases , 100000 , Staff , Lockdown Measures , Health Care Systems , Sick , Melissa , Steven , Situation , Infection Program , Deja Vu , Contrast , Families , Portrayal , Instance , Food Items , Items , Lack , Access , Delivery , Necessity , State Media , Wuhan , In The City , Household , Grocery Shopping , Representative , Government , Leadership , Movement , Covid Policy , Community Spread , Insistence , Mass Quarantine , Chinese Standards , 2 1 , A Thousand , Millions , Comfort , Conditions , Citizens , Passports , Steve , U S State Department , Territory , Passport , Criteria , 2022 , 30 , 130 , 110 , March 2022 , Woman , Passengers , Spirit Airlines , Flights , Document , Tennessee , Fbi , Flight Attendants , Complaint , Flight , Advances , Vaping , Disruptive , Alcohol , Seats , Records , Passenger , Plane , Holiday Plans , Video , Cabin , Door , Andrew , Last , Family , Snow , Pedram Javaheri , Planning , Winter Weather , Falling , Southern California , Lake Tahoe , Winter Season , Western United States , Setup , Winter Weather Alerts , Elevations , 13 , Areas , Drought Situation , Notice , Driest , Snow Pack , Wettest , Sierra , Southern Arizona , 27th Of December Statewide , 27th Of December , 150 , News , Surplus , Set , April 1st , Downtown Los Angeles , Weather , Drought , Couple , Southern California In L A Particular , Region , 200 , Warmth , December , Eastern U S , Month Of May , Rainfall , The 70s And 80s , 80 , 70 , Times , Galveston , Atlanta , Houston Airport , Macon , Six , Temperature , East , Little , Cupouple , Texas , Temperatures , Store , Portions , Chance , Northern Alabama , Southeast General Into Northern Mississippi , Pedram , Storms , Level , Hail , Amid Push , Russia , Troop Movements , Requests , House Committee , Documents , White House , Washington , 6 , January 6 , Moscow , Recording , Elodia , 10 Million , Students , Recording Artist , Internet , Comcast , Projectup , 1 Billion , Billion , Tools , Possibilities , Developments , The House Select Committee Investigating January 6 , Investigation , Frame , Attack , Whitney Wild , Committee , Request , Information , Executive Branch , Warp Speed , Kinds , Judge , Plans , Possibility , Summer , Phase , Hearings , 2022 Meanwhile , Conspiracy , Members , Former , Crimes , D C , Boys , Ruling , First Amendment Speech , Appointed , 43 , Outlet Stand News , Offices , Police Officers , Police Raid , Company Headquarters , Boxes , I M Whitney Wild , Hundreds , Hong Kong , Outlet , Human Rights Organizations , Associates , Blanket Charge , Media Freedoms , Seditious Material , Seven , Doesn T , Shutdown , Group , Agent , Abuses , Supreme Court Ruled Memorial International , Kremlin , Officials , Troops , Tensions , Shame , Security Talks , Court , Supporters , Stalin Era , January The 10th , Nato , Border , Ukraine , Now Moscow , Alliance , Nic Robertson , Meeting , Foreign Minister , Movements , Delegation , Security , Expansion , Component , Representation , Ministry Of Defense , Track , Threat , Emphasis , Dealing , Military Component , Deterrence , Diplomacy , Issues , Table , Minds , Agreement , Clarity , Perspective , It Doesn T Like , Context , Sides , Military Equipment , Form , Impetus , Ambiguities , Military , Talks , Member , World , Terms , Withdrawals , Military Movement , Whether , Military Hardware , Military Buildup , Base , Exercises , Liberty , Issue , View , Training , West , Buildup , Sovereignty , Equipment , Concern , Military Advance , Bases , 10000 , Tens Of Thousands , Force , Military Training , Hardware , Ask , Nic In Monscow , Incursion , Palestinian , The Middle East , Mahmoud Abbas , Official , U S National Security , Israeli , Jake Sullivan , Benny Gandt , Optics , Julian , Fact , Focus , Substance , Confidence , Affairs , Head , Horizon , Interests , Like , Stability , Security Cooperation , Solution , Importance , Palestinians , Israelis , Peace Talks , De Escalating , Settlors , Isn T A Resumption , West Bank , Resumption , Coalition , Peace Process Is , Naftali Bennett , Dead Set , Hamas , Concessions , Help , Gaza Strip , Person , Everyone , Side , Fatah Party , Town , Businessness , Relations , Conversations , The Palestinian , Monterey Baying , Girl , Bullet , Police , Bit , Tragedy , Elliott , Cost , Peace Of Mind , Xfinity Xfi , Thing , Xfinity , Family Safe Browsing , Control , Pause Wifi , Old Girl , Dressing Room , Footage , Daughter , Arms , Show , Tears , Warning , Josh Campbell , Valentina Peralta , Ground , Shooting , Press Conference , Translator , Suspect , Women , Officers , Tile Floor , Hit , Wall , Explosion , Body , Benjamin Crump , Statement , Powder , Both , Idea , Radio Calls , Convulsions , Shot , Limp , Chest , Gunshot Wound , Body Camera Footage , Lapd , Location , Videos , Progress , Employees , Calls , Customers , Assault , 911 , Scene , Bike Lock , Heescalator Gs , Officer , Valentina , Shots , Unbeknownst , Justice , College , Engineer , Dreams , Desmond Tutu , Funeral , Accountability , South African , State , Car Nations , Bouquet , Availability Coffin , 230u7bfoundati , 230 , Foundations , Larry Madowo , Mourners , Instructions , Cathedral , Nations , Car , George , Legacy Foundation , Man , Restrictions , Attention , Flowers , 1958 , Arch , Courage , Other , Crowd , Struggle , Dignity , Respect , Clergy , Ashes , George S Cathedral , Interred At St , Atp , Journey , Sydney , Novak Djokovic , Tennis Star , Vaccination Status , Schedules , Australia , Brain Performance , Women S Rights In Afghanistan , Restriction , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Neuriva Plus , Neuriva , Cold , Symptoms , Flu , Boss , Mucinex , Trips , Relative , Arwa Damon , Line , 45 , Surprise , Afghanistan , Democracy , Voices , Ranks , Girls , Education , Ministry Of Women S Affairs , Ministry Of Virtue , Add , Ministry , Operatives , Vice , Electoral Commission , Gains , Making , Institutions , Ministry Of Parliament , Ministry Of Peace , Stuck , State Officials , Everything , Sight , Corner , Okay , Virginia , Contents , Artifacts , Time Capsule , Coins , American Civil War , Masonic Symbol , Magazine Clipping , Directory , Site , Abraham Lincoln S Funeral , Confederate Monument , Richmond , A Bible , Robert E Lee , Scientists , First , Scanning , Layer , History , Protests , Peeling , Glimpse Behind , Ing , Mummy , Bandages , Cause , Injuries , Suggestions , High Rhyroglyphics , 3500 , Thanks , Tomb Raiders , Early Start , Laura Jarrett , Study , Pressure , Paula Reid , Waste , Rid X , 21 , Cold Shortening Brand , It Shortens Colds , Medicine Cabinet , Love Zicam , Must , Unique Zinc Formula , Zifans , Handful , Moving , Kidding , Movers , Offers , Services , Address , Yep , Money , Save , Xfinity Com Moving , Football Coach , Fight , Setback , Remembering Two American Icons , Start , Morning , Christine , Hi , December 29 5 00 Am , 00 ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240709

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hospitalizations worldwide -- nationwide, rather. spearheading legislation in congress for three decades, we look back at the legacy of one of america's post powerful politicians, senator harry reid. they promised to protect women's rights. the new taliban law restricts them even more. >> announcer: live from london, this is "cnn newsroom" with max foster. it's wednesday, december the 29th. our new worries over the omicron surge could make weeks ahead difficult for hospital workers across the united states. joe biden's covid team says the country is in for a tough january. >> i suspect by the end of january things will peak, and there's no question that january will be filled with a lot of short-term challenges, hospital beds shortages, it's tough to handle this many cases at once. but i think if there is a silver lining, it's that when it comes out fast it's likely to go down even more quickly. >> well, the u.s. is averaging more than 265,000 cases a day over the past week. according to the centers for disease control and prevention, the omicron variant accounts for nearly 60% of new cases. the food and drug administration is taking a closer look at the effectiveness of at-home antigen tests which may be less sensitive to picking up the omicron variant. dr. anthony fauci says the tests are still beneficial, though. >> the tests are still worthwhile. don't let anybody think the fda was saying the tests are no longer good. they're less sensitive now -- they never were 100% sensitive, the antigen test. everybody knew that. what the fda is saying today is that when you look at omicron and its ability to detect omicron, some of the tests have a diminution further of the sensitivity, but they still say the tests are useful and should be used. >> well, the cdc reports the number of americans getting their boosters has fallen off, but still many people are getting their boosters than are finishing their initial round of vaccinations. u.s. health officials are facing criticism for cutting the isolation time meanwhile for people recovering from covid from ten days to five. president biden's chief medical adviser is trying to ease concerns. >> there is the danger that there will be so many people who are being isolated who are asymptomatic for the full ten days, that you could have a major negative impact on our ability to keep society running. so the decision was made, although it's not completely risk-free, of saying, let's get that cut in half so that we can have 50%, namely, half of the ten days, and 50% of that time people can actually be out with a mask in society. the reason the cdc gives is not because there's a shortage of tests. >> well, there is really no part of the u.s. that is being spared from the omicron surge. florida's health department says cases quadrupled last week, and according to the cdc, christmas eve marked a new record with more than 32,000 new infections. more people are testing positive for the virus in new york city. the health department reports close to 20% of all tests are coming back positive on average over the past week. public schools in the city are scheduled to reopen on january 3rd, but one expert says with the screaming level of transmission, new york should push that back by at least two weeks. the omicron surge is taking a a harsh toll on children across the u.s. pushing hospital admissions to near record levels. cnn's elizabeth cohen has that story. >> the number of children in the hospital with covid-19 has gone up dramatically recently. the numbers are still small, but there is a sharp increase. so much so that we're near the record peak of pediatric hospitalizations for the pandemic. let's take a look at the numbers. the week of december 20th, 305 children were admitted to the hospital on average per day. that's very close to the pandemic record which was the week of august 29th when 342 children were being admitted per day. now, there is a lot we don't know about omicron, but right now it doesn't seem like this variant is any more dangerous to children than any of the other variants, like delta. but here's the problem. omicron is so transmissible, such a large number of children are getting infected, a certain percentage of them are going to end up in the hospital and a small percentage of a large number can still be a significant number. and here's what's really causing this problem. if you look at children ages 5 to 11, only 14% of them are fully vaccinated and they've been eligible for vaccination for two months now. if you look at adolescents ages 12 to 17, 53% of them are fully vaccinated. so as the number of childhood hospitalizations for covid-19 is going up, all the more reason the parents really need to get their children vaccinated. back to you. ahead of the u.s. vaccine education center in philadelphia says not getting kids immunized against covid is like playing russian roulette. they agree vaccines are effective to protect children. when parents wait until the children get sick, it can be too late. >> if you look at the children that need to be sick enough that they need to come into the hospital, the vast majority of them are either partially vaccinated, unvaccinated, or have an immunocompromising condition even though they did the best they could and got their vaccine. so the same rules that apply to adults where you're much more likely to be very sick apply to children. >> what we are seeing is real-time evidence of how effective vaccines are. we've so far only seen -- since we started vaccinating children, one fully vaccinated child in the hospital was with multiple co-morbidities and risk factors. 75% of cases and 50% of hospitalizations currently are children under the age of 5. so children that aren't even eligible to be vaccinated yet. >> this was hard enough last year when we didn't have a vaccine. now we have a vaccine that can prevent all this suffering and hospitalization. and i.c.u. admissions. the job of the parent is to put the children in the safest position possible. that's what these vaccines do. >> cases around the globe, we'll head to beijing later this hour for you. today, though, we are also looking back on the lives of two reknowned americans. legendary coach and iconic broadcaster john madden died on tuesday. madden was beloved for his gregarious style, his voice and personality redefined sports commentary. we'll hear from one of madden's colleagues, bob costas about his legacy. politics tributes are pouring in for a titan of the u.s. senate. former democratic majority leader from nevada harry reid died at the age of 82 following a bout of bpancreatic cancer. as soon as you discover you have something on your pancreas, you're dead. he went into remission and lived a few more years. cnn's dana bash looks back at his life and his legacy. >> reporter: he led democrats in the senate for a decade, but harry reid called one of his pro proudest accomplishments encouraging barack obama to run. >> i called him into my office and said you should take a look at it. he was stunned because i was the first one that ever suggested it to him. it was one of the most moving phone calls i ever received. he said, you're the reason i'm here. >> reporter: he spearheaded epic legislative battles like obamacare with the scrappy style he learned during his impoverished childhood. reid was born, shaped and scarred shaped like nevada. essentially a truck stop outside las vegas. he grew up in a shack with no running water where this trailer now sits. he took us there in 2006. his mother did laundry for the local brothels. his dad always looking for work as a miner. both drank heavily. during that 2006 visit to search light, he casually pointed out where his father took his own life at 58 years old. >> this house right here, that last room is the bedroom where he killed himself. >> reporter: he fought his way out of poverty as a boxer. as a politician, he was never afraid to punch below the belt. he even took on the mob as a young politician in las vegas. >> a wide variety of adjectives have been written about you. >> some good, some bad. >> reporter: let me read a few. scrappy, tough, blunt, canny behind the scenes mastermind, ruthless. all those fair? >> well, that's what people think. if that's what they think, they're entitled to their opinion. >> reporter: as senate democratic leader, reid was a polarizing figure. they argued a lot of gridlock stemmed from his tactics. >> seeing the turning of the tide. >> reporter: he revelled in playing the bad guy. calling george w. bush a loser and liar long before politicians used those "l" words. >> i don't care. i don't want to be somebody i'm not. >> reporter: during the trump presidency, however, he changed his tune about bush. >> in hindsight, i wish every day for a george bush again. i think that he and i had our differences, but no one ever questioned his patriotism. there was no question in my mind that george bush would be babe ruth in this league that he's in with donald trump. donald trump wouldn't make the team. >> reporter: in 2012 he used the senate floor to accuse mitt romney of not paying his taxes even though he had no evidence. >> he's refused to release his tax returns as we know. let him prove that he has paid taxes, because he hasn't. no, i don't regret that at all. >> reporter: some people called it mccarthy-ite. >> well, they can call it whatever they want. >> reporter: years later reid did ask to meet with romney to make amends. >> we shook hands, put this behind us. >> reporter: why was it important to tie up that loose end? >> i always do that with everybody. >> reporter: reid not out of fear, but affection. he told colleagues he loved them, even in public. >> i love you, john kerry. >> reporter: he had a story book romance with wife landra, his high school sweetheart. the two converted to mormonism when they married. >> she looked so good. >> reporter: that's amazing. >> that is true. >> reporter: in january 2015, reid, a workout addict who ran numerous marathons had a brutal exercise accident that left him severely bruised and blind in one eye. it cemented his decision to retire. a few years later he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. the effects of chemo made it hard for him to walk. we went to see him in las vegas. >> that's one of my keepsakes from donald trump. >> reporter: never any complaints. >> i'm doing fine. i'm busy. i work quite hard. >> reporter: reid was an unlikely political leader in today's media age. soft-spoken and gaff prone. but he played the inside game like no one could. >> i didn't make it in life because my ethnic prowess. i didn't make it because of my good looks. i didn't make it because i'm a genius. i made it because i worked hard. one of the things i hope that people look back at me and say, if harry reid can make it, i can. flags at the u.s. capitol are lowered to half-staff on behalf of reid. chuck schumer tweeted he was tough as nails, strong, but caring and compassionate. he used those boxing instincts to fiercely fight those who were hurting the poor and middle class. reid played an immense role during the obama administration. >> it was essential for barack obama to have harry reid as a partner during the debate over the affordable care act. obamacare would not have happened without the legislative wizardry of harry reid. and barack obama is not the only president to have benefited from harry reid. george w. bush, and there is no love lost between those men. george w. bush and harry reid worked together to deal with the great recession. it was a democratic congress that passed the bush administration's approach to the great recession, and harry reid was there doing what he felt was necessary for the nation at a very difficult time. >> president joe biden called reid one of the all-time great senate majority leaders, and for harry it wasn't about power for power sake. it was about the power to do right for the people. on tuesday, barack obama shared a recent letter he sent to reid. i wouldn't have president been president had it not been for your encourage 789 and support. i wouldn't have got done most of what i got done without your skill and determination. and republican house speaker boehner said, i am sad, but grateful for the friendship i had with harry. we disagreed on many things, sometimes famously, but we were always honest with each other. we are also getting more reaction from the sports world as it mourns the loss of john madden. the national football league announced his death on tuesday at the age of 85. for more than 20 years madden provided boisterous commentary for four major networks. and won 16 emmy's along the way as well. and he lent his name to video games, becoming a name sake of the hugely successful madden series. long-time sportscaster bob costas was just 27 when madden started as a broadcaster. he says, the larger than life madden became more than a coach or commentator, but a part of american culture. >> he was utterly unique. never anybody else like him before, and i guarantee you since. bill belichick put it well recently when he said from a mile away he'd never be confused with anyone else. anyone under the age of 50 has no real firsthand recollection of john madden the coach. but if you said to a 12-year-old kid today, john madden passed away, that would have an impact on that kid. he or she knows who john madden is. the word legendary or iconic, those words are thrown around too loosely especially in sports. but they both certainly applied to him. >> well, nfl commissioner roger goodell is honoring madden saying, quote, nobody loved football more than coach. he was football. he was an incredible sounding board to me and so many others. there will never be another john madden and we'll forever be indebted to him for all he did to make football and the nfl what it is today. still ahead, the omicron variant is sending covid cases soaring in many parts of europe. how countries are responding to the latest surge. plus 13 million people are under strict stay-at-home orders as china ramps up efforts to could be tan an outbreak. a live report from beijing for you ahead. grab mucinex all-. and get back to your rhythm. ♪ the relief you need. the cash you want. does your plug-in fade too fast? try febreze fade defy plug. it has built-in technology to digitally control how much scent is released to smell first day fresh for 50 days. la la la la la. do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? qunol sleep formula combines 5 key nutrients that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up refreshed. the brand i trust is qunol. tony here from taking to the streets to talk about credit. can you repair your credit yourself? yes. -great. how? uhhh... how long does credit repair take? i don't know, like 10 years. what? are you insane? what's a good credit score? go. 600. maybe if you're trying to pay thousands extra in interest rates. cut the confusion, get started with a free credit evaluation at blendjet's holiday sale is on now for the #1 gift this holiday season, the blendjet 2 portable blender. it packs the power of a big blender on the go, and it crushes right through ice. just drop in your favorite ingredients, even frozen fruit, and make a smoothie any time, anywhere. blendjet cleans itself. just add a drop of soap, water, and blend. recharge quickly with any usb port. order now on and get our best deal ever! the omicron variant is fueling a staggering wave of infections across parts of europe. take a look at this map. countries in dark red are seeing case rise by 50% or more in the past week compared to the week before. at least five countries, including france and spain, reported record-high new infections on tuesday. and in china, authorities are tightening lockdown rules in the city of xi'an hoping to contain a local covid vaccine outbreak. the city's 13 million residents are under strict stay-at-home orders. they can only go out for testing. cnn's steven zhang is standing by with details. first let's go to melissa in paris. these really are frightening numbers. it's really about the effect on hospitals at this point, isn't it? >> reporter: that's right, max. world health organization is already worried here in europe there are massive rises are quite extraordinary. we haven't seen anything like it in previous waves. will have an impact across the continent, severely tested. i am here in paris where they expect more people. measures were announced monday night. the prime minister stopped short of announcing a curfew or lockdown that would do so much harm to an economy damaged already by this. decisions all aimed at trying to get the numbers down, among them reducing numbers between the next jab. seeing greater numbers of people coming in to get vaccinated. and the figures are astonishing. 179,000 new cases here in france over a 24-hour period. that is the latest record set only yesterday, smashing the previous record that was only on saturday, max, of 100,000 people diagnosed with covid over the course of a 24-hour period. we simply hadn't seen anything like it before. it is those staggering increases that are leading across europe to worries about what that's going to mean for health care systems across the continent, especially with staff getting sick as well, max. >> melissa in paris, thank you. steven, very strict lockdown measures in this infection program in xi'an. it is still spreading. what does that tell us? >> reporter: that's right. also the situation feels like deja vu from what we saw in wuhan, growing complaints of residents about lack of access to food items, for instance. that, of course, is in sharp contrast to state media's portrayal of delivery of daily necessity items to families throughout the city by the government. the situation has been made worse by tightened regulations in the city. last week each household was allowed to send out one representative every other day to do grocery shopping. and that, quote, unquote privilege was suspended as authorities tried to further restrict the movement of people to stop the community spread of this virus as you refer to. that, of course, is very much because of the beijing leadership's insistence on covid policy. that is also why authorities are doubling down on mass testing, mass quarantine, harsher lockdown measures as well. the numbers are grim by chinese standards, reaching -- almost reaching a thousand cases in the past 2 1/2 weeks. that's why they are starting another round of city wide testing just today, trying to really flush out the remaining cases, if you will. cases are stabilizing and this outbreak could be ending soon in a month or so. that obviously is cold comfort for millions of residents who are trying to survive now enduring increasingly hard conditions, max. >> steve and melissa, thank you both. the u.s. state department said some citizens overseas can return to the u.s. with expired passports due to the pandemic. however, there are several conditions that apply. americans who meet that criteria will be allowed to come back to the u.s. or u.s. territory until the end of march 2022. as of monday, because of obtaining a new u.s. passport went from $110 to $130 for a ten-year document. airlines are continuing to see unruly passengers on u.s. flights. a tennessee woman turned herself in to the fbi on tuesday after she was accused of assaulting two flight attend ants on board a spirit airlines flight last month. according to the criminal complaint, she allegedly consumed too much alcohol, became disruptive, was seen vaping on the flight and making inappropriate advances towards other passengers. when the flight attendants asked her to switch seats, she allegedly rushed toward the cabin door. it took two flight attendants and another passenger to subdue her till the plane landed. so far parts of u.s. breaking records is disrupting holiday plans. this video shot by andrew near lake tahoe in california. shows just how heavy the snow has been falling. breaking a 50-year record. his family was planning to leave the day after christmas, but the last we heard they were still snowed in. meteorologist pedram javaheri has the latest on the winter weather in the u.s. >> max, what a setup across the western united states. parts of at least 13 states underneath these winter weather alerts. of course you expect snow across the higher elevations in the winter season. we have that covered. notice parts of southern california, southern arizona, these areas have been in a drought situation, of course, and one of the driest in the nation. they are now the wettest in the nation for the month of december. as of 27th of december statewide, the sierra snow pack over 150% for the date here, an incredible set up. you look for april 1st, as of the first of april, about 50% of what is normal. anywhere you look at it, we're in a surplus for sierra which is good news for the drought situation. it speaks to how dry this region has been. the drought continues, and is still significant by and large across much of southern california. you'll notice, yes, downtown los angeles, a couple of days of rainy weather, you believe it, this area, southern california in l.a. in particular, some 200% of the norm for the month of december for rainfall is concerned. that is pretty good news there as well. that's the western u.s. look at the eastern u.s. look at the record warmth in place there. temps widespread into the 70s and 80s. you'd expect in the month of april. in the month of may. happening in late december. atlanta, into macon, houston airport, temperatures in the middle 80s, well above 20 degrees above the average this time of year. and galveston, six times in the month of december, galveston, texas, exceeded 80 degrees. that almost never happens. the all-time warmest temperature occurred on tuesday with a high at 82 degrees. that's for the month of december, of course. notice this. warmth began to be shunted a little farther toward the east the next cupouple of days as we usher in the new year friday night into saturday morning. below average temperatures in store towards the eastern half of the u.s. before we get there, though, chance for severe weather. watching portions of the southeast general into northern mississippi, northern alabama, southern areas of tennessee. level one to five. some large hail possible with these storms into wednesday. max? >> thank you, pedram. amid push back from the biden administration, the january 6 house committee is standing down on requests for some documents of the trump white house. we'll have the details from washington. and amid russia's troop movements, they'll meet to discuss. a live report from moscow ahead. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. welcome back. we're following new developments in the house committee's investigation into the january 6 attack on the u.s. capitol, including a possible time frame for an interim report. cnn's whitney wild has the details from washington. >> reporter: the house select committee investigating january 6 has paired back its request. the biden administration said in some cases they are just not relevant to the investigation. in other cases the committee is deferring its request after the administration decided they are highly sensitive and originated outside the white house in the executive branch. these are the kinds of developments that show the committee is still working at warp speed to collect and analyze as much information as possible for what now seems to be a likely interim report issued over the summer with a possibility of a full report sometime in the fall. the committee is entering a new more public phase with plans for public hearings sometime in 2022. meanwhile, a conservative judge in d.c. appointed by former president trump has said a conspiracy case against members of the proud boys can move forward. in a 43-page ruling, the judge said the alleged crimes could not be considered protected first amendment speech. in washington, i'm whitney wild. hong kong pro-democracy outlet stand news announced it will shutdown less than 12 hours after a police raid of its offices. hundreds of police officers swarmed the company headquarters collecting boxes of evidence. at least seven staff and associates of the outlet were arrested earlier today suspected of conspiracy to publish seditious material. as a blanket charge being used to restrict media freedoms in that city. one of russia's most respected human rights organizations has been ordered to shutdown. the supreme court ruled memorial international has broken the country's foreign agent law. the group says the real reason is the kremlin doesn't approve of this work which includes documenting the abuses of the stalin era. supporters outside the court shouted shame, shame. seven people were reportedly detained. the u.s. and russian officials are set to hold security talks on january the 10th. there had been tensions over thousands of russian troops amassed at the ukrainian border. now moscow wants guarantees nato will not expand eastwards or allow ukraine to join the alliance. for more on this, nic robertson joins us from moscow. pretty promising they are talking and focus less on the military movements here. >> reporter: indeed. we have heard from russian deputy foreign minister today saying they will have the russian delegation going to the meeting with u.s. officials, have a inter-departmental component to it. he noted as well that would have a significant representation from russia's ministry of defense to negotiate those security guarantees about this eastward expansion of nato that russia perceives and sees as a threat to its national security. so the emphasis does shift a diplomatic track, but even on that diplomatic track, russia's position is it's going to have a strong military component. u.s. is saying, look, its way of dealing with russia and also this is nato's way of dealing with russia is through deterrence and diplomacy. that's what u.s. officials are saying. both nato and u.s. officials also saying that, you know, russia is putting its concerns on the table. they'll put their concerns on the table, and there may not be a meeting of minds on all issues. there may be some agreement, but there also may be some differences of opinion. and, you know, from russia's perspective, it's really looking for clarity. it doesn't like, in the context of nato and ukraine, an ambiguity that both sides can agree to differ. it wants clarity. it wants nato to say it's in a legally binding form and the u.s. to provide the impetus to nato to do it in a legally binding way that nato will not put troops or military equipment in ukraine, and that it won't accept ukraine as a member of nato. so there are ambiguities that could emerge in those talks, and it's hard to see how that's going to sit well with russia. this is a diplomatic track, but it's still all about the military. >> in terms of those military movement, what are we looking at now? because obviously there were some withdrawals, but there are some troops left there. what specifically are you looking at in terms of, you know, what the wider world should be alerted to? >> reporter: clarity, clarity that those troops russia said have gone back to base have gone back. clarity on whether or not they took the military hardware with them. when russia went through a military buildup close to the border with ukraine earlier in the year and scaled back after the military exercises that it said were pre-planned and on its own territory, that it's perfectly at liberty to do, which is the same situation that exists now. again, training that was planned on russian territory and from russia's perspective, even if it's close to the border with ukraine, this is a russian issue, russian sovereignty, and the west should not have a say and a view in this. but after that buildup earlier in the year, russia left behind heavy equipment that was used in the training, military equipment that would be useful for military advance in ukraine. the concern would be having these 10,000 troops that have gone back to their bases, have they left that equipment there, what are the other tens of thousands of troops still doing there? are they still doing their military training? how much hardware do they have with them? what does this look like? does it look like a force is drawing down or one that's actually still prepared ask capable of an incursion into ukraine? >> okay, nic in monscow, thank you. we'll be watching close. we are watching another story in the middle east. the palestinian president had a meeting with an israeli official. abbas met the first time in a decade. followed up by u.s. national security adviser jake sullivan. let's bring in julian live for us. the optics here, the fact they're meeting, a lot of focus is on that. what do you understand the substance of that meeting? >> reporter: max, we've heard both from defense minister benny gandt, also the palestinian minister as well, the head of civilian affairs talking about what was going on in that meeting. so benny gandt, the defense minister, saying it was about continuing advancing confidence measures in economic civilian areas and the shared interests in security cooperation, maintaining regional stability and the like for israelis and palestinians. from the palestinian perspective, they were talking about the importance of creating a political horizon that leads to a political solution. and also de-escalating some of the tensions that we've seen rising in the west bank between palestinians and israeli settlors. i should, of course, emphasize this isn't a resumption of peace talks. it's very, very unlikely that this is going to pave the way for any such resumption. the peace process is -- will continue to be that way especially with right-wing members of the coalition in israel including naftali bennett dead set against peace talks and conciliatory concessions. it was also to help bolster the position of mahmoud abbas, the palestinian authoritarian president and diminish hamas that controls the gaza strip. and the only person, the only game in town, the only person the i raise >>s and the u.s. can do businessness with. i should note pretty much everyone in the palestinian side of things outside of abbas's fatah party has come out against the meeting saying it is effectively normalizing relations with israel and under monterey baying the palestinian's position. and shows the u.s. is re-engaged in the situation here as well, max, and ensuring there are further conversations going on to try to de-escalate tensions a little bit. >> elliott, thank you. still to come, an unimaginable loss. the parents of a teenage girl killed by a stray police bullet speaking out about the tragedy. blendjet's holiday sale is on now for the #1 gift this holiday season, the blendjet 2 portable blender. it packs the power of a big blender on the go, and it crushes right through ice. just drop in your favorite ingredients, even frozen fruit, and make a smoothie any time, anywhere. blendjet cleans itself. just add a drop of soap, water, and blend. recharge quickly with any usb port. order now on and get our best deal ever! when you have xfinity xfi, you have peace of mind built in at no extra cost. advanced security helps keep your family protected online. pause wifi whenever for ultimate control with the xfinity app. and family-safe browsing gives parents one less thing to worry about. security, control and peace of mind. with xfinity xfi, it's all built in at no extra cost. the parents of a 14-year-old girl shot and killed by los angeles police are speaking out about their devastating loss. the girl was in the dressing room with her mother when a stray bullet hit her. on tuesday, her mother broke down in tears describing the moment her daughter died in her arms. cnn's josh campbell has the story. warning, some of the footage we are about to show is disturbing. >> reporter: at an emotional press conference, valentina peralta's mother spoke about holding her daughter during the shooting. >> translator: we heard screaming. we sat down and we hugged each other. when something hit my daughter and it threw us to the ground, she died in my arms. police say they believe valentina was hit by a bullet that ricochetted off the tile floor and entered a dressing room wall. >> reporter: as officers pursued a suspect who allegedly assaulted several women, valentina's mother had one of the attorneys benjamin crump detailing a statement what she remembered that day. >> all of a sudden we felt an explosion that threw us both to the ground. that's when i saw white powder coming out of valentina's body as she started having convulsions. i had no idea she had been shot. her body went limp. >> reporter: valentina died from a gunshot wound to the chest. the l.a.p.d. released edited body camera footage, radio calls, 911 transmissions and store surveillance videos showing the assault in progress and calls of a possible shooting. >> suspect is still at the location. be advised there are customers and employees hiding inside the location. >> reporter: the footage shows officers arriving at the scene, then moving up an heescalator gs drawn and a woman on the ground after she was repeatedly hit by a bike lock. one officer fired three shots killing the suspect. officers search the scene. they say after the shooting they found valentina in the dressing room. >> unbeknownst to officers a 14-year-old girl was in the dressing room out of view. >> reporter: valentina's father breaking down talking about valentina's life saying she wanted to go to college to become an engineer. >> she had dreams. >> reporter: valentina's father said they want justice. what is justice? >> trying to examine and investigate thoroughly. they want to see accountability. >> reporter: josh campbell, cnn, los angeles. we have new details on the funeral of the late south african archbishop desmond tutu. according to his 230u7bfoundati wanted the cheapest availability coffin and a bouquet of car nations for his family. he will lie in state two days instead of one to accommodate more mourners. let's bring in cnn's larry madowo. very much speaking to the life he lived. >> reporter: absolutely, max. the foundations are saying desmond tutu left clear instructions about his funeral. he didn't want any ostentatious funeral. and only the car nations from his family be at st. george's cathedral, asking people who wanted to donate, to donate to the legacy foundation and not buy more flowers. the funeral will have 100 people because of current covid restrictions in south africa. one moment from 1958 is getting new attention. it speaks to the man he was where he saved a police from suddenly being lynched from an angry mob. they were able to save the man. the arch, as he was called, went back to the young man and said this is not the right thing to do. tutu had been talking about why this was such a powerful moment for her. >> there were so many things striking about it. he had the courage to go into the crowd and say, no, this is not how we do it. but the other is that those young people listened, right. that there was a dignity in our struggle that these young people, they could have said, who are you to tell us about these people who are selling us out? but there was still that respect for him and the other clergy. >> reporter: south africans truly respected him. he will be -- his ashes will be interred at st. george's cathedral. this used to be called the people's cathedral during the apartheid years when he preached there. it will take place new year's day. that will be his final journey, max. >> larry, we thank you. this just in to cnn. novak djokovic has withdrawn from the atp cup in sydney, australia. they didn't provide a reason why the world number one dropped out. the tennis star has been cagey about his covid vaccination status in the past. the atp cup schedules begin this saturday. we'll continue to follow this and bring you more details as we get them. now, the taliban are now imposing a new restriction, which further curbs women's rights in afghanistan. the details and a live report next. behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? qunol sleep formula combines 5 key nutrients that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up refreshed. the brand i trust is qunol. with mucinex all-in-one you've got powerful relief from your worst cold and flu symptoms. so when you need to show your cold who's boss, grab mucinex all-in-one... and get back to your rhythm. ♪ the relief you need. the cash you want. the taliban are further restricting afghan women as they target travel. they say women are banned from taking long distance trips on their own and will have to be accompanied by a male relative if they travel more than 45 miles. cnn's arwa damon joins us. this is shocking, but it comes after a long line of other restrictions. >> reporter: and sadly, max, really no great big surprise, especially when it comes to a number of issues that afghanistan was progressing along, not to mention it being a n nascent democracy. a number of brave and prominent voices joining those ranks. right now we are seeing all of that significantly rolled back with a number of different decisions that the taliban has been putting into place. this just really being the last of them. previous to all of this, we have the issue of, you know, women -- girls being allowed to go to school to continue on to higher education, and that's not possible for the vast majority of young women within the country. you also have women who have been told that they can't yet go back to work. the taliban continuously saying all of these rules and regulations are really meant to be protecting afghanistan's women and girls. but this is very reminiscent of the taliban of 20 years ago. add on to all of this, of course, you have the ministry of women's affairs that was effectively shutdown, transformed into what is known as the ministry of virtue and vice. this is a ministry that the taliban had 20 years ago, and it was greatly feared. its operatives were tasked with basically roaming the streets and punishing anyone who did not adhere to their rules. and also in the last few days, the taliban went on to further, you know, erode these gains that the country had been making by dismissing the electoral commission, the ministry of peace, the ministry of parliament, saying that these institutions were no longer needed now that the taliban was in power. so you can imagine if you are an afghan stuck in afghanistan right now, you're just watching everything being taken away from you, especially if you're a woman, max. >> okay, arwa, thank you. the new year is around the corner and the future is in sight. in virginia the past is being dug up literally. state officials are delicately cataloging and preserving the contents of a time capsule. the second one to be opened from the year soon after the american civil war. some of the artifacts include a masonic symbol, coins, a magazine clipping about abraham lincoln's funeral, a richmond directory and a bible. it was buried at the former site of robert e. lee, confederate monument removed following racial protests. scientists are peeling back another layer of history with new information on the first, now using noninvasive digital scanning, they've been able to get a glimpse behind,ing beneath the face mask and bandages of the 3500-year-old mummy. there were no suggestions of injuries or the cause of death, but high rhyroglyphics suggest t was damaged by tomb raiders. thanks for joining us on "cnn newsroom." i'm max foster. 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Broadcaster , Colleagues , Style , Personality , Voice , Sports Commentary , Beloved , Politics , Majority Leader , Tributes , Titan , Bout , U S Senate , Nevada , Bpancreatic Cancer , Democratic , 82 , Reporter , Something , Life , Dana Bash , Pancreas , Remission , Barack Obama , Office , Accomplishments , Wasn T , Phone Calls , He Spearheaded Epic Legislative Battles Like Obamacare , Running Water , Childhood , Trailer , Las Vegas , Truck Stop , Shack , Work , Mother , Father , Brothels , Laundry , Miner , Visit , Dad , 2006 , Way , House , Room , Bedroom , Boxer , Poverty , 58 , Mob , Politician , Variety , Good , Belt , Adjectives , Bad , Opinion , Few , Mastermind , Fair , Senate Democratic Leader , Behind The Scenes , Blunt , Tough , Canny , Ruthless , Scrappy , Figure , Tactics , Gridlock , Turning Of The Tide , Bad Guy , Words , George W Bush A Loser , Presidency , Somebody , Liar , Tune , Hindsight , Don T Care , Differences , Mind , No One , League , Patriotism , Babe Ruth , Wouldn T , Donald Trump , Taxes , Floor , Tax Returns , Team , Mitt Romney , 2012 , He Hasn T , It Mccarthy Ite , Hands , End , Amends , Reid Not Out , Public , Affection , Fear , Story Book Romance , High School Sweetheart , I Love You , John Kerry , Wife Landra , Marathons , January 2015 , 2015 , Exercise Accident , Effects , Pancreatic Cancer , Blind , Eye , Chemo , Complaints , Leader , Keepsakes , Looks , Game , Prowess , Genius , Say , U S Capitol , Flags , Boxing Instincts , Half Staff , Behalf , Nails , Chuck Schumer , Administration , Partner , Poor , Essential , Debate , Middle Class , Role , President , Love , Wizardry , Men , Obamacare , Affordable Care Act , Democratic Congress , Recession , Approach , Power , Nation , On Tuesday , Majority Leaders , Reid One , Harry , Power Sake , Support , Letter , Determination , Skill , Republican , House Speaker Boehner , 789 , Loss , Each Other , Reaction , Friendship , Sports World , National Football League , Death , Name , Commentary , Video Games , Sake , Networks , Emmy , 16 , Four , 85 , Commentator , Series , American Culture , 27 , Bill Belichick , Anyone Else , Recollection , Kid , Who , Football , Roger Goodell , Unquote Privilege , Sports , Word , Iconic , Nobody , Others , Report , Countries , Outbreak , Europe , Orders , Parts , Surge , Beijing , Efforts , China , Plus 13 Million , Rhythm , Cash , Relief , Plug In , Grab Mucinex , Scent , Technology , Febreze Fade Defy Plug , La , Brand , Nutrients , Qunol , Qunol Sleep Formula , Streets , Credit , Creditrepair Com , Tony , Credit Repair , Yes , Credit Score , Uhhh , Go 600 , 10 , Confusion , Thousands , Interest Rates , Credit Evaluation , 600 , Blendjet , Holiday Sale , Holiday Season , Blender , Gift , Ice , Fruit , Ingredients , Anywhere , Smoothie , Blender On The Go , 2 , 1 , Deal , Blend , Water , Drop , Soap , Usb Port , Wave , Case , Authorities , More , Map , Red , France , Spain , Residents , Testing , Covid Vaccine Outbreak , Lockdown Rules , Xi An , Steven Zhang Is Standing , 13 Million , Details , Hospitals , It , That S Right , Effect , Isn T , Rises , Point , First Let S Go To Melissa In Paris , World Health Organization , We Haven T , Paris , Continent , Anything , Waves , Decisions , Curfew , Measures , Prime Minister , Lockdown , Harm , Economy , Monday Night , Figures , Jab , 24 , 179000 , Course , Increases , 100000 , Staff , Lockdown Measures , Health Care Systems , Sick , Melissa , Steven , Situation , Infection Program , Deja Vu , Contrast , Families , Portrayal , Instance , Food Items , Items , Lack , Access , Delivery , Necessity , State Media , Wuhan , In The City , Household , Grocery Shopping , Representative , Government , Leadership , Movement , Covid Policy , Community Spread , Insistence , Mass Quarantine , Chinese Standards , 2 1 , A Thousand , Millions , Comfort , Conditions , Citizens , Passports , Steve , U S State Department , Territory , Passport , Criteria , 2022 , 30 , 130 , 110 , March 2022 , Woman , Passengers , Spirit Airlines , Flights , Document , Tennessee , Fbi , Flight Attendants , Complaint , Flight , Advances , Vaping , Disruptive , Alcohol , Seats , Records , Passenger , Plane , Holiday Plans , Video , Cabin , Door , Andrew , Last , Family , Snow , Pedram Javaheri , Planning , Winter Weather , Falling , Southern California , Lake Tahoe , Winter Season , Western United States , Setup , Winter Weather Alerts , Elevations , 13 , Areas , Drought Situation , Notice , Driest , Snow Pack , Wettest , Sierra , Southern Arizona , 27th Of December Statewide , 27th Of December , 150 , News , Surplus , Set , April 1st , Downtown Los Angeles , Weather , Drought , Couple , Southern California In L A Particular , Region , 200 , Warmth , December , Eastern U S , Month Of May , Rainfall , The 70s And 80s , 80 , 70 , Times , Galveston , Atlanta , Houston Airport , Macon , Six , Temperature , East , Little , Cupouple , Texas , Temperatures , Store , Portions , Chance , Northern Alabama , Southeast General Into Northern Mississippi , Pedram , Storms , Level , Hail , Amid Push , Russia , Troop Movements , Requests , House Committee , Documents , White House , Washington , 6 , January 6 , Moscow , Recording , Elodia , 10 Million , Students , Recording Artist , Internet , Comcast , Projectup , 1 Billion , Billion , Tools , Possibilities , Developments , The House Select Committee Investigating January 6 , Investigation , Frame , Attack , Whitney Wild , Committee , Request , Information , Executive Branch , Warp Speed , Kinds , Judge , Plans , Possibility , Summer , Phase , Hearings , 2022 Meanwhile , Conspiracy , Members , Former , Crimes , D C , Boys , Ruling , First Amendment Speech , Appointed , 43 , Outlet Stand News , Offices , Police Officers , Police Raid , Company Headquarters , Boxes , I M Whitney Wild , Hundreds , Hong Kong , Outlet , Human Rights Organizations , Associates , Blanket Charge , Media Freedoms , Seditious Material , Seven , Doesn T , Shutdown , Group , Agent , Abuses , Supreme Court Ruled Memorial International , Kremlin , Officials , Troops , Tensions , Shame , Security Talks , Court , Supporters , Stalin Era , January The 10th , Nato , Border , Ukraine , Now Moscow , Alliance , Nic Robertson , Meeting , Foreign Minister , Movements , Delegation , Security , Expansion , Component , Representation , Ministry Of Defense , Track , Threat , Emphasis , Dealing , Military Component , Deterrence , Diplomacy , Issues , Table , Minds , Agreement , Clarity , Perspective , It Doesn T Like , Context , Sides , Military Equipment , Form , Impetus , Ambiguities , Military , Talks , Member , World , Terms , Withdrawals , Military Movement , Whether , Military Hardware , Military Buildup , Base , Exercises , Liberty , Issue , View , Training , West , Buildup , Sovereignty , Equipment , Concern , Military Advance , Bases , 10000 , Tens Of Thousands , Force , Military Training , Hardware , Ask , Nic In Monscow , Incursion , Palestinian , The Middle East , Mahmoud Abbas , Official , U S National Security , Israeli , Jake Sullivan , Benny Gandt , Optics , Julian , Fact , Focus , Substance , Confidence , Affairs , Head , Horizon , Interests , Like , Stability , Security Cooperation , Solution , Importance , Palestinians , Israelis , Peace Talks , De Escalating , Settlors , Isn T A Resumption , West Bank , Resumption , Coalition , Peace Process Is , Naftali Bennett , Dead Set , Hamas , Concessions , Help , Gaza Strip , Person , Everyone , Side , Fatah Party , Town , Businessness , Relations , Conversations , The Palestinian , Monterey Baying , Girl , Bullet , Police , Bit , Tragedy , Elliott , Cost , Peace Of Mind , Xfinity Xfi , Thing , Xfinity , Family Safe Browsing , Control , Pause Wifi , Old Girl , Dressing Room , Footage , Daughter , Arms , Show , Tears , Warning , Josh Campbell , Valentina Peralta , Ground , Shooting , Press Conference , Translator , Suspect , Women , Officers , Tile Floor , Hit , Wall , Explosion , Body , Benjamin Crump , Statement , Powder , Both , Idea , Radio Calls , Convulsions , Shot , Limp , Chest , Gunshot Wound , Body Camera Footage , Lapd , Location , Videos , Progress , Employees , Calls , Customers , Assault , 911 , Scene , Bike Lock , Heescalator Gs , Officer , Valentina , Shots , Unbeknownst , Justice , College , Engineer , Dreams , Desmond Tutu , Funeral , Accountability , South African , State , Car Nations , Bouquet , Availability Coffin , 230u7bfoundati , 230 , Foundations , Larry Madowo , Mourners , Instructions , Cathedral , Nations , Car , George , Legacy Foundation , Man , Restrictions , Attention , Flowers , 1958 , Arch , Courage , Other , Crowd , Struggle , Dignity , Respect , Clergy , Ashes , George S Cathedral , Interred At St , Atp , Journey , Sydney , Novak Djokovic , Tennis Star , Vaccination Status , Schedules , Australia , Brain Performance , Women S Rights In Afghanistan , Restriction , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Neuriva Plus , Neuriva , Cold , Symptoms , Flu , Boss , Mucinex , Trips , Relative , Arwa Damon , Line , 45 , Surprise , Afghanistan , Democracy , Voices , Ranks , Girls , Education , Ministry Of Women S Affairs , Ministry Of Virtue , Add , Ministry , Operatives , Vice , Electoral Commission , Gains , Making , Institutions , Ministry Of Parliament , Ministry Of Peace , Stuck , State Officials , Everything , Sight , Corner , Okay , Virginia , Contents , Artifacts , Time Capsule , Coins , American Civil War , Masonic Symbol , Magazine Clipping , Directory , Site , Abraham Lincoln S Funeral , Confederate Monument , Richmond , A Bible , Robert E Lee , Scientists , First , Scanning , Layer , History , Protests , Peeling , Glimpse Behind , Ing , Mummy , Bandages , Cause , Injuries , Suggestions , High Rhyroglyphics , 3500 , Thanks , Tomb Raiders , Early Start , Laura Jarrett , Study , Pressure , Paula Reid , Waste , Rid X , 21 , Cold Shortening Brand , It Shortens Colds , Medicine Cabinet , Love Zicam , Must , Unique Zinc Formula , Zifans , Handful , Moving , Kidding , Movers , Offers , Services , Address , Yep , Money , Save , Xfinity Com Moving , Football Coach , Fight , Setback , Remembering Two American Icons , Start , Morning , Christine , Hi , December 29 5 00 Am , 00 ,

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