Transcripts For CNN CNN Tonight 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Tonight 20240709

>> jim, thank you. . >> welcome to "cnn tionight," i am michael smerconish, merry christmas to all. although it does not feel like christmas. we are a step away from covid. new guidance on the cdc on how long those infected should stay isolated, not just healthcare workers, it's a big change so stay tuned for that. what a way to close out 2021 with an omicron bang. that brings me to our survey question tonight, which year do you think history will judge worse, 2020 or 2021? it's really a toss up for many of us, right? let us know your vote by going to my website, it's smer, we'll share the results later in the program. what will 2022 bring? can we collectively look to the new year as a nation without unity on immunity and with this virus testing us so much again, testing is still such a huge problem with the latest variant crashing down on us, something that president biden conceded on his call with governors earlier today. >> seeing how tough it was for some folks to get a test this weekend shows that we have more work to do. i know the lines have gotten very long in some states. that's why i ordered fema to set up sites with places of high demands, we wantover the counter test to 100 millions and almost 200 millions in december. it's not enough. clearly not enough. >> detection is key to prevention at america's testing capacity is not enough to match de demand. when will we catch up and as you heard the president admits there is more work to do on that front and again mentioning the government's purchase of a half billion of rapid at-home tests. they won't be available until next month, keeping countless people being sick and including loads of airline of crew members. thousands of flights had been cancelled at the busiest time of the year. our mandates for unvaccinated fl flyers are on the horizon. biden has not deemed vaccine passport necessary for domestic travels. dr. fauci sounded warm to the idea this morning. >> when you make vaccination a requirement, that's another incentive to get more people vaccinated. if you want to do that with domestic flights, that's something should be seriously considered. >> he walked it back a bit on cnn this evening. >> what i said, jim, everything that comes up as a possibility, we put it on the table and we consider it. that does not mean that it's going to be likely to happen. right now i don't think people should expect that we are going to have a requirement in domestic flights for people to be vaccinated. when i was asked that question, i gave an honest answer. it's on the table and we consider it. that does not mean it's going to happen. i doubt if we are going to see something like that in the reasonably foreseeable future. >> meanwhile with this virus exploding like wildfire, this cdc shorten its isolation period, for those tested positive for covid from ten days to five days and should continue of five more days of masking when around others. a shorten isolation period is something our first guest told us he would like to see. it's what our country needs right now and we'll tell us why. joining us is dr. jha, dean of the brown's university. to reduce the isolation given the spread of this disease, why in your expert opinion does it make sense? >> first of all, thank you for having me back, michael. >> here is why. first, we know most people who are contagious are contagious in those first five days. it does not capture everybody, most people gets in those five days. second is we know a lot of people find the ten days isolation burden enough, i am hoping this new policies does two things. you only need to isolate five days, that improves the incentive for people to get tested and isolate. the policies are pretty clear that after five days, you have to wear a mask for another five days. for the days six through ten that you would have been isolated, you still have to be wearing a mask and you have to be asymptomatic . i don't think it will contribute more spread, it's going to create incentives for more people getting tested and for people who needs to get back to their families and kids and jobs. it lets them do that as well. overall is a good policy and good balancing. >> at the end of the five-day isolation, should one need to get tested? >> actually this is something i have written about, i believe that having a rapid antigen test at the end of those five days would make a difference. because if you are negative on that that means you are no longer contagious, the cdc did not put that in. i think i don't know why they didn't exactly, my best guess is we don't have a lot of those antigen test available. i think that would be helpful. for all those exposed best practice would include a test for zar covid at day five, you think they would strengthen that recommendation? >> that's my best guest. we should not be having a shortage of tests. that's a different failure that we got to deal with. my take is we soon over the next month we'll see a lot more tests come online and at that point i hope it becomes part of the standard operating procedure framing isolation that you will need to get a negative test as well. >> dr. jha, i have a chart that summarizes where we are in comparison to a week ago. i don't know if you will be able to see it but i will read it out loud. new cases, and new deaths 17 po .7%. vac vaccine administered. can we discern whether omicron is mild to delta variant? >> a lot of it is affected by the holidays. my fear is those numbers are going to get much worse and a lot of people getting tested. all of the data whether it's new york or san francisco or london or south africa is pointing to a milder version of this disease. i don't want people to become complacent, not mild enough that if you are unvaccinated and you get affected that you will be just fine. i think vaccinated and boosted people, i think they're not going to get particularly sick. >> i feel like something has significantly change since you and i were together a couple of days ago and maybe it's just my own personal orbit but i feel like now many of us are just a degree of separation away from someone who has tested positive in a way that we were not previous, am i an outlier or the norm? >> it's definitely the norm. a week ago i got one or two phone calls from a friend of someone they knew got tested positive and now i got five or ten a day. it's spreading rapidly. that's why those case numbers are under estimating how much infections is out there. >> in terms of where we are headed in 2022, may there be a silver lining in so far as so many will soon have had it that surely we are getting to herd immunity. >> here is what i think about in the upcoming few weeks, we'll see an acceleration of infections for another week or two. it's hard to predict exactly. my hope is my mid january we'll see a peak, we start coming down, that's the experience of south africa. we are starting to see that in london and early data. by the time we get into january and february, we'll built up a lot more population and immunity, the goal is trying to build up immunity through vaccines and not through infections, omnivoricron is goi make it a real challenge. >> when is the light at the end of the tunnel, the spring or summer? >> i think it's early spring or late winter. i think january is going to be a really, really hard month. people should brace themselves for a month where a lot of people going to get infected and a lot of unvaccinated people, people who have not gotten the vaccines are going to end up getting pretty sick. it's going to be disruptive. my hope as we get into february and march, infection numbers will come way down. it starts spring and the weather also gets better, that combination, late winter and early spring should be much better. >> give me practical guidance on masking, what types of masks and what circumstances? >> i wear a mask when ever i am indoors and in public and obviously not at home. when i don't know other people's vaccine status, i wear a mask. what do i do? i think masks in two contexts. if it's something i am going to pop into a grocery store for five minutes and not super crowded, goods surgical mask, if they fit reasonably well is good. if i am going to be in a longer period of time, i was at the boston pop holiday concert for an hour and a half, everybody was wearing a mask and it was vaccines only. wore a high quality mask, n-95. if you are not sure which one to get, there is great organization called great 95. they're a buck a mask. there is a lot of good quality mask out there. i urge people to wear high quality masks any time they are in a place with a lot of people and they're indoors for extended periods of time. >> i will lean on you. >> if we are infected recently before getting boosted, when is it recommended to get boosted? looking for guidance on when, your answer? >> i say once you have recovered is perfectly safe to get a booster. obviously, if you want to wait a little bit after you recover, you have a high degree of a antibodies. as soon as you are recovered, it's safe to get that booster shot. >> one more dr. jha, here it comes. after ten full days of isolation, i am still rapid antigen by next positive of day 11. i have had three times pfizer. >> yeah, this is a good question, it's tough. the fact that you are still testing positive means you may still be contagious. what i would do is you follow the cdc guidelines and wear a mask when you are around other people and continue testing, it should turn negative in the next couple of days. you are one of the outliers who can be contagious for longer than ten days. >> final question and this time i mean it. it's from me and not social media. what if you have been exposed with someone who has now been tested positive. >> the cdc updated their guidance on that as well. if you are fully vaccinated and bo boosted, you are different than everybody else. if you are vaccinated and boosted, you do not need to go into quarantine. if you are not boosted and you are vaccinated more than six months outs or unvaccinated, you should go into quarantine for at least five days. you should then get a test. and make sure you are negative. basically it differentiate boosted people from non-boosted people. the full guidance is out from the cdc website. a lot of people have been e exposed and hard turning around and get infected themselves. >> it's a lot to comprehend. thank you for being here and shed some light on it. >> don't forget tonight's survey question, which year will history judge worse? 2020 or 2021? go to my website and cast the ballot, i will give you the results. so why are some gop governors carving out exemptions? what's the way forward and not backward, he was once on the advisory team. i will ask him next. i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. not only do centrum multigummies taste great. they help support your immune defenses, too. because a healthy life. starts with a healthy immune system. with vitamins c and d, and zinc. getting out there has never tasted so good. try centrum multigummies. i'm greg, i'm 68 years old. i do motivational speaking in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. at carvana, we treat every customer like we would treat our own moms, with care and respect. to us, the little things are the big things. which is why we do everything in our power to make buying a car an unforgettable experience. happy birthday. thank you. we treat every customer like we would treat our own moms. because that's what they deserve. you know it's just a few months ago that we saw headlines like this. florida had become the 23rd republican-led state to end pandemic unemployment benefits early. the goal was to in incecentiviz people to get back to work. some of the states incentivizing people to quit their jobs. three more states are considering the idea as well. and this could be just the beginning. joining me now is dr. zeke emanuel. unemployment benefits usually to help someone along who have lost their jobs to no fault of their own. with that prism, what do you make of this? >> i don't like this incentive at all. it biasically says people who rejecting the vaccine mainly because they are against vaccinations are doing social harm and governors are rewarding them. that's very bad sentincentive a just the opposite of what the country needs. >> what's the real purpose? do you think to undermine the president's vax mandate in the name of individual liberty? >> it's in the name of politics. no question in the present of the founding of this country, franklin, washington, and madison and hamilton would endorse this idea of liberty. liberty always involves the idea that you can do what you want as long as you don't infringe on someone else. that's not what's happening here. people who stayed unvaccinated are propagating the virus and they're going to hospitals that are over loaded if they happen to get very sick. this is not hardly individual liberty that does not affect the well-being of other people. no founding fathers would recognize this. >> i discussed with dr. jha of changing the isolation guidance of ten days to five days. >> it has the advantage of being clear mostly, i don't think it's accurate. most cases yes, they're not going to be infectious after five days but with omniicron, w don't need many cases to begin to spread. it does require a lot of people wearing n-95 and kn-95 masks constantly for another five days and we know that's not happening very conscientiously in the united states. finally there is no tests. if you can get the results back eight to ten hours at day five and thank you knew you were negative, i would feel confident with that advise. the testing problem means you are going to make the decision of done of isolation without knowing your test status. that's not a good place to be in my humble opinion. >> i also wore and i will p piggy-back on that. these are guidance for people who want to do the right thing. now it seems like it's getting a wee bit more complicated. >> oh, i agree with you. many people don't like to wear a mask and they have their mask below their nose and still using cloth masks and it's going to legitimate them, five days and i am done. they're not going to pay attention to. yeah, i am nervous about that. i understand the rational. most people are not infectious given the short incubation time. we need a lot of people back at work, we can't have the 10% not working at hospitals and airlines. safety first, we'll have events where someone who was positive who comes back to work after five days and spreads omnivore komicron, that's not very helpful. >> what's your level of optimism as we look towards 2022? >> the optimistic scenario is that we'll have a very bad january and february. remember the deaths are lagging indicator. we'll be going up for two or three more weeks pretty reliably. hospitalizations are going to go up and deaths are going to go up. that i case loads will come down. we won't get low for five or six weeks after that. i think we may then get to a point where we have continue to decline, maybe end of mayor early june. we may see more normalcy. i think a lot is going to depend upon whether there is a virus that can arise and can compete omicron. if it out competes it, we can be in for another bad year. i think that's the pessimistic scenario. omnivo omicron is the worst we have got and we were able to overcome it. a lot of people gets vaccinated and normalcy returning soon. pessimistic scenario is something that out competes omicron because it then can evade the immune system and then we are in real trouble. >> i hope the glass is half full. help me respond to social media. end mandates says stewart, let insurance company denies all covid-related claims for unvaxed patients. dr. emanuel says what? >> i am a doctor, we don't do that. we treat people regardless of their situation, you know? so we don't differentiate whether you are vaccinated or unvaccinated. we may regret the fact that you are unvaccinated but we still treat you and give you the best care. insurance companies are different things. i don't think that's the way that we should penalize people. we should do the best for them and that's push the mandates. i do think tony fauci hints that we should have it for travel. i have been calling for that since july and august. i think there are many other situations in which we can get people vaccinate dvaccinated. the vast majority of those vaccinated, they are sitting on defense. a mandate is a form of commitment for them. i am about to deal with the airline scenario next. nice to have you back dr. emanuel, appreciate it. >> thank you, michael, you are doing a great job. >> to zeke's point, would a mandate for the unvaxxed on domestic flights change the course of the virus. i will ask sarah nelson about that and the new cdc guidance recommends shorter quarantines for some americans, she's next. ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ my family's been devastated by covid-19. and we're not alone. we've all had to find new ways to keep going. and cue has made that easier. with cue, you get lab-quality covid-19 test results in just 20 minutes. speed and accuracy. it's just for the nba; it's for you too. cue health. the official covid-19 home test of the nba. go cue. go you. football, is a game of inches. but it's also a game, of information. because the nfl is connected. and at any moment, the fate of the season can come down to this. billions of secure connections, per second. when the game is on the line and the game is always on the line touchdown! the nfl relies on cisco. airlines are cancelling flights left and right due to the omicron surge. dr. fauci seems to be walking back his own belief for mandate v vaccinations. let's get some perspective from sarah nelson, thank you for coming back, i have your statement in front of me. you are pretty hot about this. tell everybody why rather than reading it out loud. >> this seems to be pushed by the airlines who were asking for a reduction in the quarantine time because of staffing shortages. the biggest concern is we are not going to pretend that we are the medical experts that we know how many days were the right number of days. what we said is we want to hear from medical professionals of what's right rather than having the thrust here of staffing flights. the airlines is saying that's the focus which concerns us very much because what the cdc says they're going to reduce from ten days to five days but only for asymptomatic with people and wearing the right kind of mask for five days following. we want to know that the airlines and rest of corporate america is focused on public health and safety and make sure they have supportive policies that help workers understand that they have the right not to come back to work if the airlines are calling them. delta announced right away, this is going to give delta more flexibility to schedule crews and we are concerned that's going to put workers in a bad position to choose whether staying home or being safe for public health or coming to work if they feel like they're going to lose their jobs if they don't. >> i can't help but to think having spoken to dr. jha and dr. emanuel if there were more tests available, a requirement would have been the end of those five days you need a test before you can end isolation. i don't know if you heard either of them say that or if you have a reaction to that observation? >> i did. we certainly believe that's a good idea. the u.k. reduced the number of quarantine day to seven only after two negative tests. we have a testing problem in this country obviously. that's part of the lodggistical problem in this country. why is it okay to have symptomatic people coming back and being infectious. we got to get through this pandemic fatigue and make good decisions of ending it and not adding to it. >> as i am watching television and these terrible stories of flights being cancelled during the holiday weekend and people being stranded and not seeing loved ones. all i can wonder whether sick passengers, in fact, i will say it more specifically, unvaccinated passengers are getting crew sick. do you have any reaction to that otherwise? >> look, of course that's happening because infectious have happened in the same rate of our community. it's not the control environment on the airlines make it any better. we have control the environment to make it any worse than traveling of course sick people have traveling and getting crews infected and those crews are taking it home to their families. crews are vaccinated with the first and second dose, maybe not boosted yet but this is still a stress and strain on them and their families and some of the reasons people are concerned about picking up that overtime hours in order to make the operation work. you know air travel is subjected to severe weather too and there is been a lot at play here. it's really made it different cul and difficult to workers to come to work. >> to button up, if you want to fly, you got to be vaccinated. >> it has been difficult because we have not track vaccinations in this country so it would be a hard logistical thing. we don't want to have it on the front line workers to make it work. i am kmicommitted to work with s government to find the means to put it in place, these conditions with the cdc resting with airlines to address staffing issues as opposed to the public health making it more important than ever that we try to mandate vaccines where ever we can so people can have that incentive to get vaccinated and we can all be safe. >> in other words, you worry that the policing responsibility would fall to your members and you don't think it's fair. >> that's not fair, that's not right and it would be a problem for airlines as well. there is not a way to track that right now. this is not something that's implemented tomorrow and actually worked and making air travels more seamless. what we know is demands came back when people started getting vaccinated and mask policies were in place. people had confidence in that. we know mandating vaccines and getting vandeccines out to peop is going to make our work space more safe and get us through this pandemic and experience the freedom we had before this pandemic. we would be focused in every way to work through those logistics because it's good public health safe initiatives. >> i think it's a great way to light a fire under the folks fannies who have not gotten vaccinated. sarah, thank you very much, i appreciate your thoughts. >> thank you, michael. have a good night, happy holidays. >> you too. >> did i go back to the office and are you still able to work from there. do you even want to go back? this covid surge asks questions of what the business world would look like in the new year. marketing professor, i will add guru and author, scott galwlowa is looking at the big picture and why this is debate working from home, he's next. 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(swords clashing) -had enough? -no... arthritis., here. aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme. let me be direct. why would you pay more than double for teeth straightening with invisalign? with smiledirectclub, you get a doctor-directed smile you love for sixty percent less. that's a lot less. like a lot. choose smile. choose direct. covid is affecting the way we work. many companies are planning to shift away from remote working and hoping to reopen in 2022, they are rethinking those plans. my next guest says can lead to long-term problems impacting of housing and romantic relationships. the author of "post-corona." he'll host our program "cnn plus" which debuts next year. i read the book and we spoke about the book. crisis like covid speeds up. trends that are already there and now exponentially so. what trends are you looking at that you think will be sped up by covid. >> you are talking about prepandemic, 25% of people working from home and now it's 75%. if you think about a real unlock and there is an opportunity, everyday we go on working from home, we get better at it and renting our human capital of organizations. you start from a place of strength, think about getting ready and getting to your office. if it's an hour each way of time, you are talking about 12 weeks of time that you have to sort of redistribute. you are talking about 20 to $30,000 corporations spend per person to bring you to this steel glass and abesto. we are coming up on this pandemic of two years and lost 800,000 people. we lost about 400,000 people to think this is just a shock. this is a structural shift, we are changing the way we interact with the professional world. >> that does not go well for the commercial real estate market, does it? >> if you want to get a group of people in denial together for dinner, invite over commercial real estates you are talking about. this is an unbelievable shift in our company. if people do what apple is suggesting and come back three days a week, most will be hybrid, we'll go back to the office not as much. you are talking about 40% of gross destruction and demand. you are talking about the gdp of jerem germany leading to one to another. san francisco registered at its lowest and is highest vacancy rates of 2020. all of that capital is pouring into residential where we are seeing double digit price increases and a low interest rate environment where we have ever seen. some is terrible to own an office building that's about to get worse and it's a great time to be in the home building business. >> how about education? >> two under my roof, one under grad and not going back on time this january. >> yeah, what we have is at nyu and harvard, we have $65,000 streaming network at this point. if you think of manufactures have innovated around format at colleges, we still have the traditional four-year degree that you have to come through the operating system of the campus and admissions to apartment that's increasing rejectionists and people are pushing back and we are beginning to unbundle the certification whether it's google, training 100,000 people with college degrees. and vocational training which we are taking seriously, you are going to see the most disruptable product in history and haltom city higher ed, covid is coming for that chin. $750,000 in the industry is about to be disrupted, that disruption iso overdue. >> tells me nyu and harvard will survive but others will fall on the waist side. >> if you can't find love in the workplace or classrooms, what's the impact? >> that's the second order effect that we are not thinking about. one and three relationships begin at work. when you no longer have that venue, what we have seen, 20% began online and now it's 40% and heading to 50%. the coefficient or mating inequality is greater online that income equality in the u.s. what we mean is a small fraction of these people on these dating sites get a disproportionate amount of the disinterest, men over the next five years, gyou are going to see only half of the men will graduate from college. the most dangerous in the world is a broke and alone young men. we are producing way too many of them. what does it mean to have big tech come into this last corner of our lives of how we form and maintain relationships. >> that's a scary thought. scott galloway, thank you very much for being here. >> thank you, michael, you double amount of times i spent with my boys, we went to soccer and michael smerconish at 9:00. >> no succession. >> that's great, you have done a great job. the pandemic is causing many of us to ignore another health crisis, addiction. we follow one mother's journey, walking away from her own life trying to save her daughter from fentanyl. you want to listen to her story and plead. other families are saving the same battle or could be in the future. she's next. d. how about a throwback? 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[ joe ] clearchoice has changed my life for the better. it's given me my health back. there's an amazing life out there if you do something for your health now. my name is douglas. i'm a writer/director and i'm still working. in the kind of work that i do, you are surrounded by people who are all younger than you. i had to get help somewhere along the line to stay competitive. i discovered prevagen. i started taking it and after a period of time, my memory improved. it was a game-changer for me. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. oh yeah, we gotta take off. you downloaded the td ameritrade mobile app? yeah, actually i'm taking one last look at my dashboard before we board... and you have thinkorswim mobile- -so i can finish analyzing the risk on this position. you two are all set. choose the app that fits your investing style. ♪ people age of 18 to 45 is not covid or car accidents or suicides. it's fentanyl overdoses. the opioid is easier to obtain and 50 times stronger than heroine. more than 92,000 die of overdoses since 2020. among the city's hardest hit, san francisco where the drug is found fertile ground among the thousands of homeless who are there. the chief medical examiner reports the city lost 516 people to fentanyl overdose in 2020 more than double the number killed by covid that year. this year is on track to see similar numbers if not worse prompting the mayor to declare a state of emergency. my next guest is a mother trying to save her daughter from this fate. the san francisco chronicle followed her month's long quest and how it took her home from the streets of her 34-year-old daughter, jessica. laura steed joins me now. what cause you to go in surearc of your daughter in san francisco. >> oh, i wanted to search for her for a while but i had no idea where she was for about nine years. i lost her younger brother to fentanyl overdose last december. and that really prompted me to start searching again for her. >> i have read the chronicle story so i know the answers to these questions. friend did computer searching and able to locate and an intersection in the tender loin where jessica was apparently known to frequent. several pictures had been taken of her there. >> when you finally got together, you shared a meal, she did drugs three times in your presence. it had to be heartbreaking. >> extremely heartbreaking. it was something i never thought i would see. >> for three and a half months owe relocated, even worked as a chef in san francisco just trying to keep yourself afloat and reach her. how close do you think you came to bringing her back and spending more time with you? >> i thought i was close once, michael. there was one particular day where she agreed to drug, to medication treatment for her addiction to fentanyl. it didn't last. jessica bounces from one situation to another rather quickly. one spot to another rather quickly and it was a fleeting moment. i pushed for it to happen again and i'll continue to push for it to happen p aagain. i'll continue to initiate conversations with her. >> what do you think of the san francisco response to your daughter and others who are like h her? >> up until just recently, i've heard there is a bigger response in the last several weeks. however, the response has been to house the ad ddicts. addiction isn't being treated as the addiction it is. mental health isn't being treated. the streets are just flooded, flooded with mentally ill people tender loin as well as flooded with open air drug dealing. dealers in broad daylight dealing right in the open. it's an epidemic there, it really is. >> you have lots of company, a lot of parents are facing the same challenges that you're facing. what is it you say to them or someone watching you and fears a son or daughter is headed in this same direction? >> keep fighting for them. keep fighting for them. speak up. speak -- [cr >> i think we lost her. we lost -- did we lose laurie? listen, the "san francisco chronical" did a hell of a job chronicling lilia. can you show the photographs that ran? the chronicle published photographs she took of her daughter and of the horror scene that she found when she went to the tender loin district in san francisco and tried to rescue her. as i said, with her last possessions and last time, she leaves her house in washington state, goes to san francisco, doesn't know if she'll even find her and then with a lot of assistance on the ground, she finds her, spends time with her, tries to bring her back from a very dark side, can't do it. imagine then when she has to go home near seattle to leave that city, leaving san francisco having just spent that time with her daughter and knowing that she hasn't been successful. she hasn't given up is the point. she hasn't given up is the point. to be continued because i'd love to return to that story. all right. we'll come back in a moment and do the results of tonight's survey question and a little bit more social media. t of firsts. 100% online car buying. car vending machines. and now, putting you in control of your financing. at carvana, get personalized terms, browse for cars that fit your budget, then customize your down payment and monthly payment. and these aren't made-up numbers. it's what you'll really pay, right down to the penny. whether you're shopping or just looking. it only takes a few seconds, and it won't affect your credit score. finally! a totally different way to finance your ride. only from carvana. the new way to buy a car. trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here, but you decide what's next. start a new day with trelegy. ♪ ...feelin' good ♪ no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at moving is a handful. no kidding! fortunately, xfinity makes moving easy. easy? 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"don lemon" begins in a minute with my friend laura coates sitting in. >> michael, great show tonight. wow, that story with that mother. that was unbelievable to hear that story. glad you shared that. important to hear it. thank you. >> laura, i wish it had a happy ending. it doesn't, at least not yet. >> there are so many people -- especially during covid. talking about the people who have had increasing amounts of addiction, of overuse, over abuse, over, you know, just unbelievable what we're seeing now and covid exacerbated so many things. these stories are important and more to come i'm sure unfortunately. >> have a good program. >> thank you. this

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Tonight 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Tonight 20240709

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>> jim, thank you. . >> welcome to "cnn tionight," i am michael smerconish, merry christmas to all. although it does not feel like christmas. we are a step away from covid. new guidance on the cdc on how long those infected should stay isolated, not just healthcare workers, it's a big change so stay tuned for that. what a way to close out 2021 with an omicron bang. that brings me to our survey question tonight, which year do you think history will judge worse, 2020 or 2021? it's really a toss up for many of us, right? let us know your vote by going to my website, it's smer, we'll share the results later in the program. what will 2022 bring? can we collectively look to the new year as a nation without unity on immunity and with this virus testing us so much again, testing is still such a huge problem with the latest variant crashing down on us, something that president biden conceded on his call with governors earlier today. >> seeing how tough it was for some folks to get a test this weekend shows that we have more work to do. i know the lines have gotten very long in some states. that's why i ordered fema to set up sites with places of high demands, we wantover the counter test to 100 millions and almost 200 millions in december. it's not enough. clearly not enough. >> detection is key to prevention at america's testing capacity is not enough to match de demand. when will we catch up and as you heard the president admits there is more work to do on that front and again mentioning the government's purchase of a half billion of rapid at-home tests. they won't be available until next month, keeping countless people being sick and including loads of airline of crew members. thousands of flights had been cancelled at the busiest time of the year. our mandates for unvaccinated fl flyers are on the horizon. biden has not deemed vaccine passport necessary for domestic travels. dr. fauci sounded warm to the idea this morning. >> when you make vaccination a requirement, that's another incentive to get more people vaccinated. if you want to do that with domestic flights, that's something should be seriously considered. >> he walked it back a bit on cnn this evening. >> what i said, jim, everything that comes up as a possibility, we put it on the table and we consider it. that does not mean that it's going to be likely to happen. right now i don't think people should expect that we are going to have a requirement in domestic flights for people to be vaccinated. when i was asked that question, i gave an honest answer. it's on the table and we consider it. that does not mean it's going to happen. i doubt if we are going to see something like that in the reasonably foreseeable future. >> meanwhile with this virus exploding like wildfire, this cdc shorten its isolation period, for those tested positive for covid from ten days to five days and should continue of five more days of masking when around others. a shorten isolation period is something our first guest told us he would like to see. it's what our country needs right now and we'll tell us why. joining us is dr. jha, dean of the brown's university. to reduce the isolation given the spread of this disease, why in your expert opinion does it make sense? >> first of all, thank you for having me back, michael. >> here is why. first, we know most people who are contagious are contagious in those first five days. it does not capture everybody, most people gets in those five days. second is we know a lot of people find the ten days isolation burden enough, i am hoping this new policies does two things. you only need to isolate five days, that improves the incentive for people to get tested and isolate. the policies are pretty clear that after five days, you have to wear a mask for another five days. for the days six through ten that you would have been isolated, you still have to be wearing a mask and you have to be asymptomatic . i don't think it will contribute more spread, it's going to create incentives for more people getting tested and for people who needs to get back to their families and kids and jobs. it lets them do that as well. overall is a good policy and good balancing. >> at the end of the five-day isolation, should one need to get tested? >> actually this is something i have written about, i believe that having a rapid antigen test at the end of those five days would make a difference. because if you are negative on that that means you are no longer contagious, the cdc did not put that in. i think i don't know why they didn't exactly, my best guess is we don't have a lot of those antigen test available. i think that would be helpful. for all those exposed best practice would include a test for zar covid at day five, you think they would strengthen that recommendation? >> that's my best guest. we should not be having a shortage of tests. that's a different failure that we got to deal with. my take is we soon over the next month we'll see a lot more tests come online and at that point i hope it becomes part of the standard operating procedure framing isolation that you will need to get a negative test as well. >> dr. jha, i have a chart that summarizes where we are in comparison to a week ago. i don't know if you will be able to see it but i will read it out loud. new cases, and new deaths 17 po .7%. vac vaccine administered. can we discern whether omicron is mild to delta variant? >> a lot of it is affected by the holidays. my fear is those numbers are going to get much worse and a lot of people getting tested. all of the data whether it's new york or san francisco or london or south africa is pointing to a milder version of this disease. i don't want people to become complacent, not mild enough that if you are unvaccinated and you get affected that you will be just fine. i think vaccinated and boosted people, i think they're not going to get particularly sick. >> i feel like something has significantly change since you and i were together a couple of days ago and maybe it's just my own personal orbit but i feel like now many of us are just a degree of separation away from someone who has tested positive in a way that we were not previous, am i an outlier or the norm? >> it's definitely the norm. a week ago i got one or two phone calls from a friend of someone they knew got tested positive and now i got five or ten a day. it's spreading rapidly. that's why those case numbers are under estimating how much infections is out there. >> in terms of where we are headed in 2022, may there be a silver lining in so far as so many will soon have had it that surely we are getting to herd immunity. >> here is what i think about in the upcoming few weeks, we'll see an acceleration of infections for another week or two. it's hard to predict exactly. my hope is my mid january we'll see a peak, we start coming down, that's the experience of south africa. we are starting to see that in london and early data. by the time we get into january and february, we'll built up a lot more population and immunity, the goal is trying to build up immunity through vaccines and not through infections, omnivoricron is goi make it a real challenge. >> when is the light at the end of the tunnel, the spring or summer? >> i think it's early spring or late winter. i think january is going to be a really, really hard month. people should brace themselves for a month where a lot of people going to get infected and a lot of unvaccinated people, people who have not gotten the vaccines are going to end up getting pretty sick. it's going to be disruptive. my hope as we get into february and march, infection numbers will come way down. it starts spring and the weather also gets better, that combination, late winter and early spring should be much better. >> give me practical guidance on masking, what types of masks and what circumstances? >> i wear a mask when ever i am indoors and in public and obviously not at home. when i don't know other people's vaccine status, i wear a mask. what do i do? i think masks in two contexts. if it's something i am going to pop into a grocery store for five minutes and not super crowded, goods surgical mask, if they fit reasonably well is good. if i am going to be in a longer period of time, i was at the boston pop holiday concert for an hour and a half, everybody was wearing a mask and it was vaccines only. wore a high quality mask, n-95. if you are not sure which one to get, there is great organization called great 95. they're a buck a mask. there is a lot of good quality mask out there. i urge people to wear high quality masks any time they are in a place with a lot of people and they're indoors for extended periods of time. >> i will lean on you. >> if we are infected recently before getting boosted, when is it recommended to get boosted? looking for guidance on when, your answer? >> i say once you have recovered is perfectly safe to get a booster. obviously, if you want to wait a little bit after you recover, you have a high degree of a antibodies. as soon as you are recovered, it's safe to get that booster shot. >> one more dr. jha, here it comes. after ten full days of isolation, i am still rapid antigen by next positive of day 11. i have had three times pfizer. >> yeah, this is a good question, it's tough. the fact that you are still testing positive means you may still be contagious. what i would do is you follow the cdc guidelines and wear a mask when you are around other people and continue testing, it should turn negative in the next couple of days. you are one of the outliers who can be contagious for longer than ten days. >> final question and this time i mean it. it's from me and not social media. what if you have been exposed with someone who has now been tested positive. >> the cdc updated their guidance on that as well. if you are fully vaccinated and bo boosted, you are different than everybody else. if you are vaccinated and boosted, you do not need to go into quarantine. if you are not boosted and you are vaccinated more than six months outs or unvaccinated, you should go into quarantine for at least five days. you should then get a test. and make sure you are negative. basically it differentiate boosted people from non-boosted people. the full guidance is out from the cdc website. a lot of people have been e exposed and hard turning around and get infected themselves. >> it's a lot to comprehend. thank you for being here and shed some light on it. >> don't forget tonight's survey question, which year will history judge worse? 2020 or 2021? go to my website and cast the ballot, i will give you the results. so why are some gop governors carving out exemptions? what's the way forward and not backward, he was once on the advisory team. i will ask him next. i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. not only do centrum multigummies taste great. they help support your immune defenses, too. because a healthy life. starts with a healthy immune system. with vitamins c and d, and zinc. getting out there has never tasted so good. try centrum multigummies. i'm greg, i'm 68 years old. i do motivational speaking in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. at carvana, we treat every customer like we would treat our own moms, with care and respect. to us, the little things are the big things. which is why we do everything in our power to make buying a car an unforgettable experience. happy birthday. thank you. we treat every customer like we would treat our own moms. because that's what they deserve. you know it's just a few months ago that we saw headlines like this. florida had become the 23rd republican-led state to end pandemic unemployment benefits early. the goal was to in incecentiviz people to get back to work. some of the states incentivizing people to quit their jobs. three more states are considering the idea as well. and this could be just the beginning. joining me now is dr. zeke emanuel. unemployment benefits usually to help someone along who have lost their jobs to no fault of their own. with that prism, what do you make of this? >> i don't like this incentive at all. it biasically says people who rejecting the vaccine mainly because they are against vaccinations are doing social harm and governors are rewarding them. that's very bad sentincentive a just the opposite of what the country needs. >> what's the real purpose? do you think to undermine the president's vax mandate in the name of individual liberty? >> it's in the name of politics. no question in the present of the founding of this country, franklin, washington, and madison and hamilton would endorse this idea of liberty. liberty always involves the idea that you can do what you want as long as you don't infringe on someone else. that's not what's happening here. people who stayed unvaccinated are propagating the virus and they're going to hospitals that are over loaded if they happen to get very sick. this is not hardly individual liberty that does not affect the well-being of other people. no founding fathers would recognize this. >> i discussed with dr. jha of changing the isolation guidance of ten days to five days. >> it has the advantage of being clear mostly, i don't think it's accurate. most cases yes, they're not going to be infectious after five days but with omniicron, w don't need many cases to begin to spread. it does require a lot of people wearing n-95 and kn-95 masks constantly for another five days and we know that's not happening very conscientiously in the united states. finally there is no tests. if you can get the results back eight to ten hours at day five and thank you knew you were negative, i would feel confident with that advise. the testing problem means you are going to make the decision of done of isolation without knowing your test status. that's not a good place to be in my humble opinion. >> i also wore and i will p piggy-back on that. these are guidance for people who want to do the right thing. now it seems like it's getting a wee bit more complicated. >> oh, i agree with you. many people don't like to wear a mask and they have their mask below their nose and still using cloth masks and it's going to legitimate them, five days and i am done. they're not going to pay attention to. yeah, i am nervous about that. i understand the rational. most people are not infectious given the short incubation time. we need a lot of people back at work, we can't have the 10% not working at hospitals and airlines. safety first, we'll have events where someone who was positive who comes back to work after five days and spreads omnivore komicron, that's not very helpful. >> what's your level of optimism as we look towards 2022? >> the optimistic scenario is that we'll have a very bad january and february. remember the deaths are lagging indicator. we'll be going up for two or three more weeks pretty reliably. hospitalizations are going to go up and deaths are going to go up. that i case loads will come down. we won't get low for five or six weeks after that. i think we may then get to a point where we have continue to decline, maybe end of mayor early june. we may see more normalcy. i think a lot is going to depend upon whether there is a virus that can arise and can compete omicron. if it out competes it, we can be in for another bad year. i think that's the pessimistic scenario. omnivo omicron is the worst we have got and we were able to overcome it. a lot of people gets vaccinated and normalcy returning soon. pessimistic scenario is something that out competes omicron because it then can evade the immune system and then we are in real trouble. >> i hope the glass is half full. help me respond to social media. end mandates says stewart, let insurance company denies all covid-related claims for unvaxed patients. dr. emanuel says what? >> i am a doctor, we don't do that. we treat people regardless of their situation, you know? so we don't differentiate whether you are vaccinated or unvaccinated. we may regret the fact that you are unvaccinated but we still treat you and give you the best care. insurance companies are different things. i don't think that's the way that we should penalize people. we should do the best for them and that's push the mandates. i do think tony fauci hints that we should have it for travel. i have been calling for that since july and august. i think there are many other situations in which we can get people vaccinate dvaccinated. the vast majority of those vaccinated, they are sitting on defense. a mandate is a form of commitment for them. i am about to deal with the airline scenario next. nice to have you back dr. emanuel, appreciate it. >> thank you, michael, you are doing a great job. >> to zeke's point, would a mandate for the unvaxxed on domestic flights change the course of the virus. i will ask sarah nelson about that and the new cdc guidance recommends shorter quarantines for some americans, she's next. ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ my family's been devastated by covid-19. and we're not alone. we've all had to find new ways to keep going. and cue has made that easier. with cue, you get lab-quality covid-19 test results in just 20 minutes. speed and accuracy. it's just for the nba; it's for you too. cue health. the official covid-19 home test of the nba. go cue. go you. football, is a game of inches. but it's also a game, of information. because the nfl is connected. and at any moment, the fate of the season can come down to this. billions of secure connections, per second. when the game is on the line and the game is always on the line touchdown! the nfl relies on cisco. airlines are cancelling flights left and right due to the omicron surge. dr. fauci seems to be walking back his own belief for mandate v vaccinations. let's get some perspective from sarah nelson, thank you for coming back, i have your statement in front of me. you are pretty hot about this. tell everybody why rather than reading it out loud. >> this seems to be pushed by the airlines who were asking for a reduction in the quarantine time because of staffing shortages. the biggest concern is we are not going to pretend that we are the medical experts that we know how many days were the right number of days. what we said is we want to hear from medical professionals of what's right rather than having the thrust here of staffing flights. the airlines is saying that's the focus which concerns us very much because what the cdc says they're going to reduce from ten days to five days but only for asymptomatic with people and wearing the right kind of mask for five days following. we want to know that the airlines and rest of corporate america is focused on public health and safety and make sure they have supportive policies that help workers understand that they have the right not to come back to work if the airlines are calling them. delta announced right away, this is going to give delta more flexibility to schedule crews and we are concerned that's going to put workers in a bad position to choose whether staying home or being safe for public health or coming to work if they feel like they're going to lose their jobs if they don't. >> i can't help but to think having spoken to dr. jha and dr. emanuel if there were more tests available, a requirement would have been the end of those five days you need a test before you can end isolation. i don't know if you heard either of them say that or if you have a reaction to that observation? >> i did. we certainly believe that's a good idea. the u.k. reduced the number of quarantine day to seven only after two negative tests. we have a testing problem in this country obviously. that's part of the lodggistical problem in this country. why is it okay to have symptomatic people coming back and being infectious. we got to get through this pandemic fatigue and make good decisions of ending it and not adding to it. >> as i am watching television and these terrible stories of flights being cancelled during the holiday weekend and people being stranded and not seeing loved ones. all i can wonder whether sick passengers, in fact, i will say it more specifically, unvaccinated passengers are getting crew sick. do you have any reaction to that otherwise? >> look, of course that's happening because infectious have happened in the same rate of our community. it's not the control environment on the airlines make it any better. we have control the environment to make it any worse than traveling of course sick people have traveling and getting crews infected and those crews are taking it home to their families. crews are vaccinated with the first and second dose, maybe not boosted yet but this is still a stress and strain on them and their families and some of the reasons people are concerned about picking up that overtime hours in order to make the operation work. you know air travel is subjected to severe weather too and there is been a lot at play here. it's really made it different cul and difficult to workers to come to work. >> to button up, if you want to fly, you got to be vaccinated. >> it has been difficult because we have not track vaccinations in this country so it would be a hard logistical thing. we don't want to have it on the front line workers to make it work. i am kmicommitted to work with s government to find the means to put it in place, these conditions with the cdc resting with airlines to address staffing issues as opposed to the public health making it more important than ever that we try to mandate vaccines where ever we can so people can have that incentive to get vaccinated and we can all be safe. >> in other words, you worry that the policing responsibility would fall to your members and you don't think it's fair. >> that's not fair, that's not right and it would be a problem for airlines as well. there is not a way to track that right now. this is not something that's implemented tomorrow and actually worked and making air travels more seamless. what we know is demands came back when people started getting vaccinated and mask policies were in place. people had confidence in that. we know mandating vaccines and getting vandeccines out to peop is going to make our work space more safe and get us through this pandemic and experience the freedom we had before this pandemic. we would be focused in every way to work through those logistics because it's good public health safe initiatives. >> i think it's a great way to light a fire under the folks fannies who have not gotten vaccinated. sarah, thank you very much, i appreciate your thoughts. >> thank you, michael. have a good night, happy holidays. >> you too. >> did i go back to the office and are you still able to work from there. do you even want to go back? this covid surge asks questions of what the business world would look like in the new year. marketing professor, i will add guru and author, scott galwlowa is looking at the big picture and why this is debate working from home, he's next. 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(swords clashing) -had enough? -no... arthritis., here. aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme. let me be direct. why would you pay more than double for teeth straightening with invisalign? with smiledirectclub, you get a doctor-directed smile you love for sixty percent less. that's a lot less. like a lot. choose smile. choose direct. covid is affecting the way we work. many companies are planning to shift away from remote working and hoping to reopen in 2022, they are rethinking those plans. my next guest says can lead to long-term problems impacting of housing and romantic relationships. the author of "post-corona." he'll host our program "cnn plus" which debuts next year. i read the book and we spoke about the book. crisis like covid speeds up. trends that are already there and now exponentially so. what trends are you looking at that you think will be sped up by covid. >> you are talking about prepandemic, 25% of people working from home and now it's 75%. if you think about a real unlock and there is an opportunity, everyday we go on working from home, we get better at it and renting our human capital of organizations. you start from a place of strength, think about getting ready and getting to your office. if it's an hour each way of time, you are talking about 12 weeks of time that you have to sort of redistribute. you are talking about 20 to $30,000 corporations spend per person to bring you to this steel glass and abesto. we are coming up on this pandemic of two years and lost 800,000 people. we lost about 400,000 people to think this is just a shock. this is a structural shift, we are changing the way we interact with the professional world. >> that does not go well for the commercial real estate market, does it? >> if you want to get a group of people in denial together for dinner, invite over commercial real estates you are talking about. this is an unbelievable shift in our company. if people do what apple is suggesting and come back three days a week, most will be hybrid, we'll go back to the office not as much. you are talking about 40% of gross destruction and demand. you are talking about the gdp of jerem germany leading to one to another. san francisco registered at its lowest and is highest vacancy rates of 2020. all of that capital is pouring into residential where we are seeing double digit price increases and a low interest rate environment where we have ever seen. some is terrible to own an office building that's about to get worse and it's a great time to be in the home building business. >> how about education? >> two under my roof, one under grad and not going back on time this january. >> yeah, what we have is at nyu and harvard, we have $65,000 streaming network at this point. if you think of manufactures have innovated around format at colleges, we still have the traditional four-year degree that you have to come through the operating system of the campus and admissions to apartment that's increasing rejectionists and people are pushing back and we are beginning to unbundle the certification whether it's google, training 100,000 people with college degrees. and vocational training which we are taking seriously, you are going to see the most disruptable product in history and haltom city higher ed, covid is coming for that chin. $750,000 in the industry is about to be disrupted, that disruption iso overdue. >> tells me nyu and harvard will survive but others will fall on the waist side. >> if you can't find love in the workplace or classrooms, what's the impact? >> that's the second order effect that we are not thinking about. one and three relationships begin at work. when you no longer have that venue, what we have seen, 20% began online and now it's 40% and heading to 50%. the coefficient or mating inequality is greater online that income equality in the u.s. what we mean is a small fraction of these people on these dating sites get a disproportionate amount of the disinterest, men over the next five years, gyou are going to see only half of the men will graduate from college. the most dangerous in the world is a broke and alone young men. we are producing way too many of them. what does it mean to have big tech come into this last corner of our lives of how we form and maintain relationships. >> that's a scary thought. scott galloway, thank you very much for being here. >> thank you, michael, you double amount of times i spent with my boys, we went to soccer and michael smerconish at 9:00. >> no succession. >> that's great, you have done a great job. the pandemic is causing many of us to ignore another health crisis, addiction. we follow one mother's journey, walking away from her own life trying to save her daughter from fentanyl. you want to listen to her story and plead. other families are saving the same battle or could be in the future. she's next. d. how about a throwback? 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>> i thought i was close once, michael. there was one particular day where she agreed to drug, to medication treatment for her addiction to fentanyl. it didn't last. jessica bounces from one situation to another rather quickly. one spot to another rather quickly and it was a fleeting moment. i pushed for it to happen again and i'll continue to push for it to happen p aagain. i'll continue to initiate conversations with her. >> what do you think of the san francisco response to your daughter and others who are like h her? >> up until just recently, i've heard there is a bigger response in the last several weeks. however, the response has been to house the ad ddicts. addiction isn't being treated as the addiction it is. mental health isn't being treated. the streets are just flooded, flooded with mentally ill people tender loin as well as flooded with open air drug dealing. dealers in broad daylight dealing right in the open. it's an epidemic there, it really is. >> you have lots of company, a lot of parents are facing the same challenges that you're facing. what is it you say to them or someone watching you and fears a son or daughter is headed in this same direction? >> keep fighting for them. keep fighting for them. speak up. speak -- [cr >> i think we lost her. we lost -- did we lose laurie? listen, the "san francisco chronical" did a hell of a job chronicling lilia. can you show the photographs that ran? the chronicle published photographs she took of her daughter and of the horror scene that she found when she went to the tender loin district in san francisco and tried to rescue her. as i said, with her last possessions and last time, she leaves her house in washington state, goes to san francisco, doesn't know if she'll even find her and then with a lot of assistance on the ground, she finds her, spends time with her, tries to bring her back from a very dark side, can't do it. imagine then when she has to go home near seattle to leave that city, leaving san francisco having just spent that time with her daughter and knowing that she hasn't been successful. she hasn't given up is the point. she hasn't given up is the point. to be continued because i'd love to return to that story. all right. we'll come back in a moment and do the results of tonight's survey question and a little bit more social media. t of firsts. 100% online car buying. car vending machines. and now, putting you in control of your financing. at carvana, get personalized terms, browse for cars that fit your budget, then customize your down payment and monthly payment. and these aren't made-up numbers. it's what you'll really pay, right down to the penny. whether you're shopping or just looking. it only takes a few seconds, and it won't affect your credit score. finally! a totally different way to finance your ride. only from carvana. the new way to buy a car. trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here, but you decide what's next. start a new day with trelegy. ♪ ...feelin' good ♪ no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at moving is a handful. no kidding! fortunately, xfinity makes moving easy. easy? 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"don lemon" begins in a minute with my friend laura coates sitting in. >> michael, great show tonight. wow, that story with that mother. that was unbelievable to hear that story. glad you shared that. important to hear it. thank you. >> laura, i wish it had a happy ending. it doesn't, at least not yet. >> there are so many people -- especially during covid. talking about the people who have had increasing amounts of addiction, of overuse, over abuse, over, you know, just unbelievable what we're seeing now and covid exacerbated so many things. these stories are important and more to come i'm sure unfortunately. >> have a good program. >> thank you. this

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Building , Home Building Business , Education , Grad , Roof , Format , Network , Me Nyu , Harvard , 5000 , 65000 , Admissions , Operating System , Colleges , Rejectionists , Campus , Apartment , Four , Training , Certification , Google , 100000 , Product , Chin , Industry , Disruption Iso , Haltom City , Disruptable , Higher Ed , 50000 , 750000 , Workplace , Side , Classrooms , Impact , Effect , Venue , 50 , Fraction , Inequality , Income Equality , Dating Sites , Mating , Coefficient , Amount , Disinterest , Gyou , Lives , College , Tech , Corner , Times , Soccer , Thought , Boys , Scott Galloway , Succession , 00 , 9 , Mother , Daughter , Addiction , Health Crisis , Journey , Story , Fentanyl , Battle , Throwback , D , Mouth , Pain , Body , Gateway , Teeth , Mess , Joe S Treatment Plan , Joe , Clearchoice , Dental Implants , My Name Is Douglas , Writer , Director , Somewhere , Game Changer , App , Risk , Td Ameritrade , Thinkorswim , Dashboard , Investing Style , Set , One Last Look , Mobile , Take Off , Car Accidents , 18 , 45 , Fentanyl Overdoses , Opioid , Suicides , Heroine , Die Of Overdoses , 92000 , City , Drug , Homeless , Ground , Hit , Chief Medical Examiner , 516 , Overdose , Track , Prompting , State Of Emergency , Streets , Jessica , Quest , San Francisco Chronicle , 34 , Laura Steed , Surearc , Nine , To Fentanyl Overdose Last December , Chronicle , Brother , Answers , Computer Searching , Intersection , Pictures , Tender Loin , Presence , Chef , Medication Treatment , Spot , It Didn T Last , Conversations , P Aagain , Response , Addiction Isn T Being , Mental Health Isn T Being , Ad Ddicts , Loin , Dealers , Challenges , Epidemic , Parents , The Open , Fighting , Direction , Son , Speak , Cr , Laurie , San Francisco Chronical , Listen , Ran , Hell , Horror Scene , The Chronicle Published , Doesn T , House , Possessions , District , Assistance , Dark Side , Seattle , Hasn T , She Hasn T Given Up , Cars , Control , Down Payment , Browse , Payment , T , Car Buying , Car Vending Machines , Financing , Budget , 100 , Aren T , Penny , Credit Score , Ride , Trelegy , Copd , Driftin , Coughing , Birds Flyin , What S Next , Medicines , Copd Medicine , Inhaler , Won T , Breathing Problems , High Blood Pressure , Rescue Inhaler , Heart Condition , Flare Ups , Lung Function , Chest Pain , Vision Changes , Stand , Thrush , Breathing , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Eye , Swelling , Tongue , Problems Urinating , Save , Trelegy Com , Handful , Moving , Kidding , Address , Services , Xfinity , Offers , Movers , Money , Internet , Xfinity Com Moving , Yep , Note , Feed , Everyone , Show , Recognition , Piece , Read , Account , Heather Knight , Twitter , Option , 36 , 64 , I Don T Know , Draw , Fan , Chaos , I Wasn T Thinkinf January 6th , Tiebreaker , Mix , Gee , Usesusan , January 6th , 6 , Laura Coates , Wow , Great Show Tonight , One More Night , Don Lemon , Overuse , It Doesn T , Amounts , Ending , More , Over , Abuse ,

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