Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim S

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

but new york city is moving ahead for now with the new year's eve celebration in times square. there ill with be fewer people, all must be vaccinated and masked, it is important to note so far we have not seen a dramatic spike, though, thank goodness, in hospitalizations from the variant. and the data show omicron cases seem for the most part to be lesshospitals are preparing for staffing shortages. they say healthcare workers who test positive but are asymptomatic can shorten their isolation period. the white house is lifting the travel restrictions on eight countries in southern africa. we're covering all of the travel headlines with our aviation correspondent pete muntean at reagan national. joe jonhns joins us at the whit house. this just came, what is the news from the biden administration? >> you got it there. eight african countries, you know, this travel ban went into effect on november 29th. we're told the president is expected to lift that travel ban as of 12:01 a.m. on december 31st. so what that means is people traveling here to the united states from eight african countries, including south africa and botswana, now will be able to come into the country after that date. so what has changed, authorities say, a couple of thinthings according to jeremy diamond. they made progress understanding the variant and also apparently the existing vaccines work, especially for people who have gotten the booster. so we're told that the president is expected to lift those restrictions, which were quite controversial when they went in, of course. expected to lift those on december 31st, that is 12:01 a.m. back to you. >> joe, thanks for that reporting. pete, to you, i woke up to the news of the canceled flights and i thought is it going to be my family. that's what every family is thinking this morning. how many are going to be canceled? >> reporter: about 450 flights in total in the u.s. today. and airlines say it is because of the uptick in cases that has caused its ranks, staffing numbers to go down and now it had to cancel all of these flights. 170 flight cancellations at united. 130 at delta airlines. we obtained this memo last night saying this was all because of issues with its flight crews and also with its operational staff. now, united airlines in a statement said we have unfortunately had to cancel some flights and are notifying impacted customers in advance of coming to the airport. it says we're sorry for the disruption and our working hard to rebook as many people as possible and get them on their way for the holidays. this comes at a time when there are really long lines at airports across the country. this has kicked off a week ago, we see 2 million people each day for about a week. and may just be the start. the tsa says it is going to screen about another 20 million people between now and january 3rd when everyone begins coming home all at once, poppy. >> i hope, pete, that they get another flights and get to be with loved ones this holiday. thank you for the reporting. and joe johns too at the white house. the cdc is changing the rules for healthcare workers who test positive for covid-19. the cdc says those who are asymptomatic can now return to work after seven days of isolation instead of ten if they test negative. let's go to elizabeth cohen with the development. it is interesting this is the same thing that for example delta airlines is asking the cdc to apply more broadly to them. when you have people isolated for ten days, it means fewer days they can go to work. >> that's right. if they're not sick, if they don't feel ill or if they're just mildly symptomatic, which could be the case for quite a few people, with omicron, do they really need to stay out of work? let's take a look at what cdc is telling healthcare workers, poppy. what they're saying is that if you're asymptomatic or just a little bit sick and getting better, you can isolate for just seven days as long as you have a negative test at the end of the seven days, down from ten to seven. what is interesting is that the cdc is giving hospitals the power to declare, we'll go with a contingency plan because things are so bad. we'll make it five days and no tests necessary for people who are asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic and improving. if things get really bad, hospitals can declare they need a crisis plan, which has no restrictions. it put aus a lot of power into hands of the hospitals. >> you also have some new reporting on a new drug to prevent -- is it prevent or treat covid-19? >> it is actually to prevent covid-19. people are thinking, wait a minute. that's what the vaccines do. it is true. vaccines do that beautifully for the vast majority of people. but, poppy, there are immune compromised people, you know them, i know them, there is 7 million of them in the u.s., they have cancer, had a kidney transplant or some other transplant. the vaccines didn't always work very well for them. they found it didn't boost their antibodies it didn't get their antibodies to levels they needed to be at. diane baron lives in florida, she has cancer, she found after three doses no detectible antibodies to covid-19, even after three doses of the vaccine. diane ellis is a kidney transplant recipient in arkansas, three doses, no detectible antibodies, same for candy johnson in virginia who has a kidney transplant. the list goes on and on. this drug does prevent -- clinical trials shows it does prevent covid-19 for these folks. there is a catch. the u.s. government only ordered enough for one-tenth of the 7 million people. let's look at the numbers. 7 million people as i said are eligible for this drug. the u.s. government has contracted for only 700,000 doses. a source of mine in the u.s. government says they will be getting more, but right now that is all they have contracted for. one medical system in massachusetts telling me that with the initial shipment that went out this week, they're only going to be able to treat 1% of their eligible patients, patients who need this drug. >> it is great news to have something that works. but, again, this is a lesson in getting in front of things, right, instead of being reactive. let's hope they get many more doses soon. thank you so much. in another major development in the last 24 hours, you saw it live on the air yesterday afternoon, former police officer kimberly potter convicted. she will spend christmas behind bars after being found guilty on two counts of manslaughter in the fatal shooting of 20-year-old daunte wright. potter killed him in april after she claimed she mistook her gun for her taser. she faces up to 15 years in prison. adrienne broaddus joins me now from minneapolis. we heard from some of the family members. what are they telling you? >> reporter: good morning to you, poppy. relieved. the journey to this guilty verdict from members of the jury, who is checkered with anxiety, suspense, and at times agony. you likely remember katie brian, the mother of daunte wright, was the first to testify. many days she was inside of the courtroom reliving each moment as evidence was introduced, body camera video and still photos showing what happened that day. but this morning, the family is relieved and minnesota's attorney general keith ellison has a strong message for members of law enforcement, he spoke yesterday and you heard him live on our air, talk about accountability, but he also said to members of law enforcement, do not be discouraged. >> your profession is held accountable. it does not diminish you. in fact, it shows, it shows the whole world that those of you who enforce the law are also willing to live by it. >> i'm still going to always stand on accountability. i think, again, justice would be daunte being home. justice would be no more names being yelled on our streets, and until that happens, and we don't have to fight anymore, that's when true justice will be. but right now we're going to accept accountability. >> reporter: the last person you heard from there was katie bryant, the mother of daunte wright. i also heard from people in the community, some of the same folks who pushed for kimberly potter to be fired. and they described the feeling as a peaceful sadness. yes, they're happy there was accountability. but at the same time there is still this heavy sadness surrounding the community and kim potter's family as we move toward the christmas holiday. poppy? >> adrienne broaddus reporting for us in minneapolis. thank you. let me bring in to talk about this and look at the big picture here, lapd police sergeant sheryl dorsey. you, i think both of you were surprised at the guilty verdict on both counts. why? >> well, i thought it was going to be a hung jury based on some of the questions that were coming forward from the jury and great deference is always given it a police officer's version of events. while i'm surprised, i think it was the right verdict and this will hopefully send a message to officers and give them pause when they decide to use deadly force rather than some other option that is available. >> you remember, mayor, what attorney general ellison said yesterday in that press conference following the verdict to all police officers watching, we hold you in high regard, but we also hold you to very high standards. the question remains what will the sentence be? she faced 15 year on the first degree manslaughter count, ten year on the second, i believe they will run concurrently. typically the state guidelines would allow for a sentence between 6 to 8 years, but prosecution is pushing for blakely factors, meaning aggravating circumstances to increase that sentence. they were successful in doing that for derek chauvin. do you think they'll have success this time? >> i think it is going to be hard in this case. chauvin was a different case. with potter you had someone who had never been accused of excessive force, you know, no problems on the job. you know, the heightened sentencing guidelines i don't know if it fits. and with respect to the age, i feel daunte wright's family, this was a tragedy, but everyone involved, defense and the prosecution, says it was a tragic accident. and when the attorney general says, you know, we hold you in high regard, that really goes against what happened in the courtroom where the prosecutors called the police officers liars. so i think there is a lot to balance when you look at a sentencing and i would not be surprised if the prosecutors gave an olive branch and did not go for very, very high sentencing. >> sergeant dorsey, a lot of the messages i've been receiving from people on social media or, you know, contacts of mine, have said this may not have happened, you know, even three years ago, five years ago, that something has changed, not only -- but across the country in terms of accountability. and we had a criminal defense attorney say she believed that there would have been a full acquittal of kim potter just a few years ago. do you believe that this represents more broad accountability across the country? >> it is certainly a great first step and i think the reason that this would not have happened or is inconceivable is because we didn't want to think that police officers lie about use of force and deadly use of force and while i believe they could not convuince a jury this was intentional. i'm here to tell you, it is inconceivable to think that kim potter looked down her arm and the barrel of her gun and she aligned her sights like we're trained and taught to do like she did for 26 years and not know she was looking down the barrel of a glock and not a yellow plastic taser. it is inconceivable. >> legal analysts and defense attorney mark o'meara said something interesting that caught my eye that he believes potter's reaction seems to stem from implicit bias. and he talked about police departments needing to truly train law enforcement to rethink their perspective here. we all heard what she testified and said, you know, this was a mistake that she had mistaken her taser for her gun. do you think that this is a question of insufficient training? or better screening or also training on -- more training on implicit bias? >> i think there needs to be more training on implicit bias. whether she may have saw a taser or a gun, she shouldn't had to have seen anything. she had a trainee making a stop for a stop she said she would not make, except for the trainee stopped daunte for that air freshener. the defense attorney said but for daunte's resisting arest this wouldn't have happened. but for her -- she could have said no, we don't stop people for air fresheners in this jurisdiction and she didn't. that's where the bias comes in, i believe. >> such an important point. thank you, both, very, very much. stephanie rawlings-blake, cheryl dorsey, happy holidays. still to come, the supreme court is considering wading into the insurrection investigation as former president trump appeals to the high court to try to keep his white house documents under wraps. plus, as you make plans to gather for the holidays, travel or maybe hunker down, we ask doctors your most pressing questions on how to stay safe from the omicron variant. and in the midst of the pandemic, some celebrations around the world have pressed on, including the original christmas capital bethlehem. you see it there. they still held that celebration, a little bit quieter than usual, but not a silent night the ♪ ♪ you are my fire ♪ ♪ the one desire ♪ ♪ you are, you are, ♪ ♪ don't wanna hear you say... ♪ ♪ ♪ i want it that way ♪ my family's been devastated by covid-19. and we're not alone. we've all had to find new ways to keep going. and cue has made that easier. with cue, you get lab-quality covid-19 test results in just 20 minutes. speed and accuracy. it's just for the nba; it's for you too. cue health. the official covid-19 home test of the nba. go cue. go you. ♪ this holiday, let them shine like never before. ♪ this is how we shine. ♪ find the perfect gift at zales. the diamond store. johnson & johnson is the world's largest healthcare company. building a future where cancers can be cured. strokes can be reversed. joints can be 3-d printed. and there isn't one definition of what well feels like. there are millions. we're using our world to make your world a world of well. former president trump is now asking the supreme court to help him keep his white house documents out of the hands of the house select committee investigating the insurrection. right now the court is considering if they will even take up his appeal hours after trump's request was filed, the january 6th committee asked the justices to make a decision quickly on whether or not to grant scertiorari and consider the case. it seems that this is a stall tactic, and the president asking though the court actually a very important question and that is how far does executive privilege extend when you're out of office, and the committee wants the could court to decide soon if they're going to consider it. >> that's right. so, poppy this are two parts of the government that were fully on board in having these documents from the trump white house get into the hands of the house select committee. those were congress, and then the biden presidency. the biden presidency, the white house currently was saying these do documents can be turned over, they will become available to the public because of the way our national archives works. but trump realized this as his team was reviewing thousands of pages of documents from his white house. he sued and that put a pause on everything. so as this has gone through the court system, he's blocked the house from getting access to these documents. now, he is holding up everything he's doing in court, that has caused a total holdup on about 700 or more pages of documents that were key to january 6th as far as what we know about them so far. that's things like call logs, visitors schedules, about who was coming to the white house on january 6th. notes from top officials like his chief of staff about january 6 th, drafts of speeches, all kinds of crucial things the house select committee hasn't been able to see as they investigate election fraud and the insurrection and things they want to see and ask people about what is in those documents, what other people saw, what they were writing about. and that is a really important thing to remember here. this case before the supreme court is about privilege, about documents. those are some esoteric ideas. what it really is, it is about witnesses and it is about progress of the committee and how they can go. and we know the house is on a ticking clock with elections coming up in november. >> for sure. cai caitlin, thank you so much. let me bring in asha rangappa. what do you think? just to be clear, these are not trump documents. these are the public documents, first and foremost. but the supreme court is never actually weighed in on executive privilege when a president is out of office. with nixon, he was in office. so you think the court takes it up? >> i think it is unlikely. they shouldn't. even if they were to take up the case, they would need to still grant an emergency injunction to prevent this particular group of documents from going to the committee. and trump has to show that the law is clearly on his side to get this emergency stay, which he can't do because he's actually present a very novel constitutional question. on top of that, the supreme court here has a very well reasoned and lengthy opinion by the appellate court which has addressed every single one of trump's arguments and rejected every single one. so, you know, they have the legal rational that has been laid out already. and just for the big picture, this is a situation where the executive branch and congress are in agreement. and the dispute here is between a current and former member of congress. when the wtwo branchs are in agreement, a court is loathe to butt in. that's what the court is asking him to do. to say he has an argument would call into question the precedent that we have one president at a time. >> i think it was the 6 8-page opinion from the justices on the court of appeals and thi think was unanimous, we'll see if the court takes it up. if it does, how significant is this beyond what trump wants here? beyond this committee? this would set quite a precedent for future administrations. >> yeah. and the ripple effect would be into both democratic and republican administrations. but for the committee itself, they are acting on the assumption essentially that congress will switch hands in 2022. and that means by then house speaker can kevin mccarthy would dissolve the committee or defame it in a significant way. they're moving on a timetable here to release some kind of final report. and if the appeals -- if the supreme court doesn't take up the appeal, that gives them way more time to produce our report. if it doesn't, it means that the committee has to move faster. one thing we know about this committee, they're incredibly thorough and they have been finding and producing information about what happened that day. that's despite the fact that some of the most big name trump aides refused to cooperate with the committee. and the latest on that is that jim jordan, scott peters, both don't want to -- both have refused requests from the committee to sit down and offer information. i don't think that's going to stop them at all. i think now the bigger question is, you know, does the committee subpoena sitting members of congress. >> asha, just one big picture question here i kept thinking about is, look, this is the roberts court. and as much as this term may have waded into key social and political issues, guns, abortion, i do wonder given what you said about this appellate court decision if they will be hesitant to take up this case, given the politics of it all. >> well, poppy, i think that's great consideration, but more so it is a really weak case. you know, the court is very loathe to pronounce on constitutional matters, unless it is a really pressing question that needs to be resolved. and this is really just, you know, trump saying i know better than the current president. that's really what his argument comes down to. and i think given that the court has traditionally really deferred to the executive branch in matters pertaining to, you know, article two power and prerogatives, this would be -- it would be very unusual for them to insert themselves in this particular factual and legal scenarios. >> and roberts has said over and over again, we are not a political court. daniel, final thoughts on how this plays up in terms of the other, you know, you got obviously other challenges to this committee in terms of people saying we're not going to talk to you. >> i mean, i think we're looking at the committee going into some murky waters, which i'm not -- i've been talking with historians on this. i'm not clear how common it is for members of congress to be subpoenaed by committees. it is actually pretty common in our nation's history that they can -- that they're requested to testify or participate in some kind of committee like this and then refuse. i think what we're going to see is just a lot more stone walling by some of the most big name trump allies. and that is not going to hinder the investigation overall. but it is going to put the country into a situation where there are members of congress who are fighting legal battles with each other. there is nothing that we have seen so far that has shown that any of the trump allies or aides who have refused to comply are going to change their minds dramatically in the next few months. >> thank you. well, coming up next, you probably, like all of us, probably have questions about omicron. doctors will answer your questions, the best masks and how to host activities and nonboosted family members. representing the connection you share. forever connected. the perfect gift to give this holiday. exclusively at kay. there's a different way to treat hiv. it's once-monthly injectable cabenuva. cabenuva is the only once-a-month, complete hiv treatment for adults who are undetectable. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider once a month. hiv pills aren't on my mind. i love being able to pick up and go. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems,...and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. with once-a-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. ask your doctor about once-monthly cabenuva. is now a good time for a flare-up? 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>> i don't think you need to test if you've been vaccinated and boosted and everyone that you're gathering with in a moderately sized group like that, i don't think you need to test. you could test today and feel confident and tomorrow it shows up that you're positive. the best protection, which is being vaxxed and boosted. >> here is the next question. my friend wants to visit us over the holiday, but only received the j&j shot. is that okay? >> well, you know, the j&j shot has probably shown to be the least effective in protecting people against covid. if they got the j&j shot months ago without getting boosted, in my opinion, they're probably not protected and it is unsafe for them and for everybody else to gather with them. that's the only shot they had, they had it months ago. >> just remind people, i think if you had the j&j vaccine you can get the other boosters, right? >> absolutely. the j&j vaccine, two months after that shot, you can get any booster. it is highly recommended to get the mrna, the pfizer or moderna, though. >> here's another question. when should you be getting your booster at this point? should you get your booster six months after the second shot or after the two weeks following the second shot. it is confusing. >> well, you should get the booster -- if you've gotten pfizer or moderna, get your booster six months after that second shot. if you got the j&j vaccine, two months after that shot you can get it. >> okay. what should people do who have unvaccinated family members to help protect them? >> they should convince them to get vaccinated. that's the most important thing. obviously they should not go to large gatherings, they should wear masks, they should protect themselves, right, from going out. and this is a highly contagious variant. but, again, the best thing they can do for a family member as difficult as it is is to try to talk to them in a welcoming way that vaccination is the best protection for them. >> here is a final question, from many of us, and some of our team members and viewers asking this, is it safe to go to religious gatherings such as christmas service at church? my family, we have a 3-year-old, he's not -- can't be vaccinated. we love our church. we decided to stay home this holiday. but we wish we could be there if he was vaccinated we probably would be. what do you tell people? >> well, what i'm telling them is there are many factors to consider. first of all, if you are vaccinated and boosted, it is relatively safe for you to go to large gatherings. you have to consider religious services as that. however, with omicron, it is very contagious. you should think twice. if you're unvaccinated, i would definitely not go to a religious service or a large gathering of any type. hopefully some churches made some changes -- >> they have. >> yeah. and that would be helpful. and it is all about mitigated risks and it is a personal choice. if you want to protect yourself and those that you love and you're vaccinated and boosted, it is probably relatively safe, but with omicron, it is not 100% guarantee at all. >> and mask up for sure. dr. rodriguez, thank you so much. >> thank you, merry christmas. >> merry christmas. still ahead, two election officials in georgia say their lives have been turned upside down by election lies. and they blame rudy giuliani in a new lawsuit. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? 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>> yeah, not really a centrist but in the middle of the squeeze. >> that's what i mean. this squeeze. >> he's still the first life long republican governor ever elected in georgia. but at the same time, he's got to look to his left, stacey abrams is a titan of georgia politics and the right with david perdue this iconic figure in georgia gop and now david perdue has opened his campaign based on that big lie. he filed a lawsuit alleging aall sorts of unsubstantiated claims about fulton county ballot counting, he said he wouldn't have certified the election and said he would have called a special session to investigate ballot claims which we know there is no evidence to support. he's open with this. and governor brian kemp, former state elections official, can only sort of point to that law that we were just talking about, to say that georgia has tightened its election restrictions and answered some of the issues that republicans keep bringing up, even though, again, there is no evidence of any sort of rampant fraud. >> thank goodness you're on. we'll be having you on a lot between now and the elections. greg, thanks very much. >> thank you. up next, the white house told us to wait. that reports on inflation were just transitory. remember that word? as new data comes in, the picture is not changing very much. prices are not dropping. how the omicron variant affects all of this too. my family's been devastated by covid-19. and we're not alone. we've all had to find new ways to keep going. and cue has made that easier. with cue, you get lab-quality covid-19 test results in just 20 minutes. speed and accuracy. it's just for the nba; it's for you too. cue health. the official covid-19 home test of the nba. go cue. go you. ho ho ho! not again. oh no. for the gifts you won't forget. the mercedes-benz winter event. get a credit toward your first month's payment on select models. did you know there are surfaces in your home that look clean but a closer look shows there are often layers of invisible dirt left behind. try mr. clean magic eraser for a deep down hygienic clean. magic eraser removes the messes you can see as well as more of the dirt and grime you don't. all you do is wet, squeeze and start erasing dirt and grime all around the house and try magic eraser sheets for a deep clean in hard to reach places that you can toss when your done. mr. clean magic eraser. for a deep down hygienic clean all around the house. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom for me and you ♪ (music) ♪ so i think to myself ♪ ♪ oh what a wonderful world ♪ prices on pretty much everything, they keep going up. household essentials, groceries, gas, those prices rising rapidly in the past few months causing worries and financial stress for so many people, especially this holiday season. more news on inflation this week, the bureau of economic analysis says the key measure rose 5.7% in november, making it the fastest increase in the consumer spending price index in nearly 40 years. katherine rampel from "the washington post" and our political commentator. good to have you. >> great to join you. >> so inflation has not grown this fast since i was born, literally. that's how long it has been. so is it here to stay? >> i mean, that's the important question, right. if i knew the answer to that question, i would be a very, very rich woman. the real issue is that it looks like the forces behind inflation early on were, as you pointed out earlier, transitory. they were the result of reopening pains, that everybody wanted to start buying things at the same time and the global supply chains were not prepared, they were still quite fragile and dealing with factory closures and port congestion and other problems. and it looked like those kinds of bottlenecks would clear pretty quickly. that hasn't happened. and that hasn't happened for a number of reasons. of course we've had several new variants, two in particular that have been problematic since some of those forecasts were made, which have continued to make those supply chains very complicated and entangled. and they've also shifted what kinds of things we spend money on. americans have a lot of cash to spend, but they're still a little hesitant to travel, to go to concerts, dine out, et cetera, so they're buying more stuff, more physical goods. i would's those physical goods that are having trouble getting through those supply chains. all this means this has stuck around for a lot longer. >> the word transitory. i think jerome powell was right when he said it's time to retire that word. the bigger sort of political context here if you will and the hang-up for the biden administration on the build back better agenda is manchin, senator manchin consistently saying inflation, inflation, inflation. but when you look at most economists, their read is, look, because spending is so spread out over a matter of years it won't have a significant impact on inflation. you wrote about this. is that your read as well? >> yeah. i think both republicans and democrats are basically wrong when they talk about what role build back better would or could play when it comes to inflation. the white house has sometimes said this will help bring prices down. republicans have said this will jack prices up. the reality is the bill, even as large as it is, would probably have little to negligible effect on prices either way. there are some parts of it that would contribute to inflation and some that would do the opposite. but really, when we're talking about this bill, we should be talking about it's more direct effects, is it a good idea to expand the safety net in the various ways the bill would? is it a good idea to tackle climate change the way the bill would? that seems to me to be the more important set of questions when you're talk about whether this legislation is a good idea. >> i wonder how you think that covid, not just omicron, but covid in general in these last two years have most fundamentally shaped our economy. like, there have to be things that we have changed about how we live. you laid out some of them, how much stuff people are buying, that maybe will have a longer lasting impact on this economy. >> well, beyond consumer habits, which may or may not be temporary, right, maybe will permanently change the kinds of stuff we buy, i think the real question mark has to do with housing, right. have we permanently changed the kinds of homes we want to live in and how long our commutes are, will people be more willing or able to work remotely, for example, at least in some kinds of work, and as a result that will change their tastes in housing. so that's a big question mark going forward, and we don't know how much of the huge growth in housing prices in the past couple years will persist. but, you know, people have also shifted their preferences about work, how much they work, what kinds of jobs they're willing to take and what kinds of tradeoffs they're willing to make with other priorities in their lives, including their family life. so there are a lot of ways in which people have re-evaluated their goals, their living situations, and their jobs, and we don't know exactly how that will shape up in the year ahead. >> such a great point. good to have you. happy holidays. love the tree. love the yankees ornament next to you. i see that. katherine rampe lell, thank you. >> thank you. as doctors work to stop new cases of covid, only one of the monoclonal antibodies on the market works against the new strain. we'll tell you which one next. ♪"you are the reason" by calum scott♪ to all the kisses... ...that led... this one. celebrate every kiss, with kay. every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities.

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Everyone , Country , Cases , Covid 19 , Rise , Poppy Harlow , 2020 , Flights , Delta Airlines , Spike , Staffing Shortages , Infections , Omicron Variant , Number , Hundreds , 182000 , Saw , Increase , Washington D C , New York , 386 , 34 , People , Wall , Celebration , Though , Thank Goodness , Times Square , Healthcare Workers , Data , Variant , Lesshospitals , Hospitalizations , Part , Show Omicron , White House , Countries , Asymptomatic , Pete Muntean , Travel Restrictions , Headlines , Southern Africa , Eight , News , Travel Ban , Effect , Administration , Reagan National , Joe Jonhns , November 29th , 29 , President , On December 31st , 31 , 01 , December 31st , 12 , United States , South Africa , Botswana , Authorities Say , Vaccines , Booster , Thinthings , Couple , Jeremy Diamond , Restrictions , Course , Family , Reporting , Many , Thanks , Reporter , Staffing Numbers , Uptick , Ranks , 450 , Flight Cancellations , Memo , Flights 170 , United 130 , 130 , 170 , United Airlines , Working , Statement , Issues , Staff , Customers , Airport , Flight Crews , Advance , Disruption , Way , Holidays , Lines , Airports , Tsa , Start , 2 Million , 20 Million , January 3rd , Holiday , Cdc , Home , Rules , Joe Johns , Loved Ones , 3 , Ten , Let S Go , Isolation , Elizabeth Cohen , 19 , Seven , Thing , Development , Example , Case , Poppy , Saying , Work , Take A Look , Hospitals , Test , Things , Power , Contingency Plan , Improving , Five , Lot , Drug , Hands , Crisis Plan , Aus , Prevent , Thinking , Majority , Antibodies , Cancer , Didn T , Kidney Transplant , Transplant , 7 Million , Doses , Diane Baron , Levels , Florida , Three , Vaccine , Candy Johnson , Kidney Transplant Recipient , Diane Ellis , Virginia , Arkansas , Folks , Government , List , Catch , On And , Trials , Source , 700000 , One , Patients , Shipment , System , Massachusetts , 1 , Something , Lesson , Front , Kimberly Potter , Counts , Air , Manslaughter , Bars , Shooting , 24 , Two , Gun , Taser , Daunte Wright , Prison , Adrienne Broaddus , 15 , 20 , Some , Members , Verdict , Family Members , Journey , Relieved , In Minneapolis , Courtroom , Jury , Brian Kemp , Times , First , Suspense , Anxiety , Evidence , Keith Ellison , Photos , Video , Body Camera , Minnesota , Accountability , Law Enforcement , Message , Law , World , Fact , Profession , Accountable , Justice , Names , Streets , Daunte Being Home , Bryant , Community , Sadness , Feeling , Yes , Kim Potter , Adrienne Broaddus Reporting , Sergeant Dorsey , The Big Picture , Lapd , Both , Questions , Hung Jury , Force , Officers , Events , Deference , Version , Police Officers , Option , Press Conference , Mayor , Attorney General Ellison , Question , Sentence , Count , Second , Standards , Degree , State , Prosecution , Guidelines , Blakely Factors , Circumstances , Derek Chauvin , 8 , 6 , Success , Someone , Potter , Problems , Sentencing Guidelines , Job , Age , Respect , Defense , Tragedy , Accident , Sentencing , Prosecutors , Olive Branch , Liars , Social Media , Contacts , Messages , Mine , Terms , Acquittal , Criminal Defense Attorney , Reason , Step , Is , Use , Barrel , Arm , Glock , Sights , 26 , Bias , Reaction , Mark O Meara , Analysts , Eye , Mistake , Perspective , Police Departments , Training , Screening , Trainee , Stop , She Shouldn T , Anything , Wouldn T Have , Air Freshener , Stopped Daunte , Don T , Point , Air Fresheners , No , Jurisdiction , Cheryl Dorsey , Stephanie Rawlings Blake , Documents , Supreme Court , President Trump Appeals , High Court , Insurrection Investigation , Plans , Wading , Wraps , Plus , Doctors , Safe , Celebrations , Down , On , Pandemic , Midst , Original Christmas Capital Bethlehem , Bit , Fire , Desire , Don T Wanna , Cue , Ways , Test Results , Speed , Accuracy , Cue Health , Home Test , Nba , Go Cue , Gift , Zales , Store , Healthcare Company , Johnson , Cancers , Where , Strokes , Joints , Isn T One , Definition , Building A Future , Well , Millions , Appellate Court , President Trump , House Select Committee Investigating The Insurrection , January 6th Committee , Appeal , Justices , Request , Whether , Decision , January 6th , Executive Privilege , Stall Tactic , Committee , Parts , Office , Presidency , Congress , Biden , Over , House , Pages , Works , Team , Reviewing Thousands , Because , Court System , Archives , Access , Put A Pause On Everything , Everything , 700 , Officials , Speeches , Who , Call Logs , Chief Of Staff , Visitors Schedules , Drafts , Th , Notes , January 6 Th , Kinds , House Select Committee Hasn T , Election Fraud , Insurrection , Writing , Privilege , Ideas , Witnesses , Progress , Elections , Ticking Clock , Cai Caitlin , Asha Rangappa , Sure , Emergency Injunction , Shouldn T , Nixon , Trump , Side , Group , Emergency Stay , Single , Opinion , Arguments , Top , Executive Branch , Situation , Agreement , Rational , Member , Dispute , Argument , Wtwo Branchs , Precedent , Thi Think , Administrations , Ripple Effect , Beyond , Republican , Assumption , Committee Itself , House Speaker , 2022 , It , Kind , Appeals , Supreme Court Doesn T , Timetable , Report , Final , Kevin Mccarthy , It Doesn T , Aides , Information , Name , Latest , Finding , Scott Peters , Jim Jordan , Requests , Offer , Committee Subpoena , Term , Picture Question , Roberts Court , Guns , Politics , Appellate Court Decision , Abortion , More , Consideration , Matters , Prerogatives , Article , Other , Thoughts , Scenarios , Daniel , Waters , Challenges , Nation , Committees , Historians , History , Investigation , Big Name Trump Allies , Nothing , Each Other , Any , Battles , Allies , Minds , Coming Up , Masks , Activities , All Of Us , Nonboosted , Connection , With Kay , Injectable Cabenuva , Hiv , Adults , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Hiv Treatment , Healthcare Provider , Injections , Me Undetectable , Side Effects , Reactions , Symptoms , Liver Problems , Medicines , Ingredients , Depression 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Spread Accusations , Victims , Pro Trump Media Universe , Recount , Rhetoric , Midterms , Election Field , Endorsement , Election Integrity , Donald Trump , Length , Purporting , Ballot Drop Boxes , Change , State Legislature , Obstacles , Ballot Box , Push , Democrats , Legislation , County , 38 , Voters , Georgia Democrats , Voter , Money , Resources , Education , Amounts , Vote , Plan , Concern , Regime , Avenues , Governor , Turnout , There , Race , Stacey Abrams , Purdue , Senator , Squeeze , Centrist , Center , Life , Middle , Left , Figure , Campaign , David Perdue , Titan Of Georgia Politics , Georgia Gop , Ballot Claims , Ballot Counting , Fulton County , Claims , Special Session , Aall Sorts , State Elections Official , Sort , Up , Fraud , Up Next , Inflation , Prices , Word , Picture , Ho , Surfaces , Month , Models , Credit , Payment , Mercedes Benz Winter Event , Oh No , Mr , Magic Eraser , Dirt , Grime , Look , Invisible Dirt , Deep Down Hygienic , Clean , Done , Places , 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow And Jim Sciutto 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

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but new york city is moving ahead for now with the new year's eve celebration in times square. there ill with be fewer people, all must be vaccinated and masked, it is important to note so far we have not seen a dramatic spike, though, thank goodness, in hospitalizations from the variant. and the data show omicron cases seem for the most part to be lesshospitals are preparing for staffing shortages. they say healthcare workers who test positive but are asymptomatic can shorten their isolation period. the white house is lifting the travel restrictions on eight countries in southern africa. we're covering all of the travel headlines with our aviation correspondent pete muntean at reagan national. joe jonhns joins us at the whit house. this just came, what is the news from the biden administration? >> you got it there. eight african countries, you know, this travel ban went into effect on november 29th. we're told the president is expected to lift that travel ban as of 12:01 a.m. on december 31st. so what that means is people traveling here to the united states from eight african countries, including south africa and botswana, now will be able to come into the country after that date. so what has changed, authorities say, a couple of thinthings according to jeremy diamond. they made progress understanding the variant and also apparently the existing vaccines work, especially for people who have gotten the booster. so we're told that the president is expected to lift those restrictions, which were quite controversial when they went in, of course. expected to lift those on december 31st, that is 12:01 a.m. back to you. >> joe, thanks for that reporting. pete, to you, i woke up to the news of the canceled flights and i thought is it going to be my family. that's what every family is thinking this morning. how many are going to be canceled? >> reporter: about 450 flights in total in the u.s. today. and airlines say it is because of the uptick in cases that has caused its ranks, staffing numbers to go down and now it had to cancel all of these flights. 170 flight cancellations at united. 130 at delta airlines. we obtained this memo last night saying this was all because of issues with its flight crews and also with its operational staff. now, united airlines in a statement said we have unfortunately had to cancel some flights and are notifying impacted customers in advance of coming to the airport. it says we're sorry for the disruption and our working hard to rebook as many people as possible and get them on their way for the holidays. this comes at a time when there are really long lines at airports across the country. this has kicked off a week ago, we see 2 million people each day for about a week. and may just be the start. the tsa says it is going to screen about another 20 million people between now and january 3rd when everyone begins coming home all at once, poppy. >> i hope, pete, that they get another flights and get to be with loved ones this holiday. thank you for the reporting. and joe johns too at the white house. the cdc is changing the rules for healthcare workers who test positive for covid-19. the cdc says those who are asymptomatic can now return to work after seven days of isolation instead of ten if they test negative. let's go to elizabeth cohen with the development. it is interesting this is the same thing that for example delta airlines is asking the cdc to apply more broadly to them. when you have people isolated for ten days, it means fewer days they can go to work. >> that's right. if they're not sick, if they don't feel ill or if they're just mildly symptomatic, which could be the case for quite a few people, with omicron, do they really need to stay out of work? let's take a look at what cdc is telling healthcare workers, poppy. what they're saying is that if you're asymptomatic or just a little bit sick and getting better, you can isolate for just seven days as long as you have a negative test at the end of the seven days, down from ten to seven. what is interesting is that the cdc is giving hospitals the power to declare, we'll go with a contingency plan because things are so bad. we'll make it five days and no tests necessary for people who are asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic and improving. if things get really bad, hospitals can declare they need a crisis plan, which has no restrictions. it put aus a lot of power into hands of the hospitals. >> you also have some new reporting on a new drug to prevent -- is it prevent or treat covid-19? >> it is actually to prevent covid-19. people are thinking, wait a minute. that's what the vaccines do. it is true. vaccines do that beautifully for the vast majority of people. but, poppy, there are immune compromised people, you know them, i know them, there is 7 million of them in the u.s., they have cancer, had a kidney transplant or some other transplant. the vaccines didn't always work very well for them. they found it didn't boost their antibodies it didn't get their antibodies to levels they needed to be at. diane baron lives in florida, she has cancer, she found after three doses no detectible antibodies to covid-19, even after three doses of the vaccine. diane ellis is a kidney transplant recipient in arkansas, three doses, no detectible antibodies, same for candy johnson in virginia who has a kidney transplant. the list goes on and on. this drug does prevent -- clinical trials shows it does prevent covid-19 for these folks. there is a catch. the u.s. government only ordered enough for one-tenth of the 7 million people. let's look at the numbers. 7 million people as i said are eligible for this drug. the u.s. government has contracted for only 700,000 doses. a source of mine in the u.s. government says they will be getting more, but right now that is all they have contracted for. one medical system in massachusetts telling me that with the initial shipment that went out this week, they're only going to be able to treat 1% of their eligible patients, patients who need this drug. >> it is great news to have something that works. but, again, this is a lesson in getting in front of things, right, instead of being reactive. let's hope they get many more doses soon. thank you so much. in another major development in the last 24 hours, you saw it live on the air yesterday afternoon, former police officer kimberly potter convicted. she will spend christmas behind bars after being found guilty on two counts of manslaughter in the fatal shooting of 20-year-old daunte wright. potter killed him in april after she claimed she mistook her gun for her taser. she faces up to 15 years in prison. adrienne broaddus joins me now from minneapolis. we heard from some of the family members. what are they telling you? >> reporter: good morning to you, poppy. relieved. the journey to this guilty verdict from members of the jury, who is checkered with anxiety, suspense, and at times agony. you likely remember katie brian, the mother of daunte wright, was the first to testify. many days she was inside of the courtroom reliving each moment as evidence was introduced, body camera video and still photos showing what happened that day. but this morning, the family is relieved and minnesota's attorney general keith ellison has a strong message for members of law enforcement, he spoke yesterday and you heard him live on our air, talk about accountability, but he also said to members of law enforcement, do not be discouraged. >> your profession is held accountable. it does not diminish you. in fact, it shows, it shows the whole world that those of you who enforce the law are also willing to live by it. >> i'm still going to always stand on accountability. i think, again, justice would be daunte being home. justice would be no more names being yelled on our streets, and until that happens, and we don't have to fight anymore, that's when true justice will be. but right now we're going to accept accountability. >> reporter: the last person you heard from there was katie bryant, the mother of daunte wright. i also heard from people in the community, some of the same folks who pushed for kimberly potter to be fired. and they described the feeling as a peaceful sadness. yes, they're happy there was accountability. but at the same time there is still this heavy sadness surrounding the community and kim potter's family as we move toward the christmas holiday. poppy? >> adrienne broaddus reporting for us in minneapolis. thank you. let me bring in to talk about this and look at the big picture here, lapd police sergeant sheryl dorsey. you, i think both of you were surprised at the guilty verdict on both counts. why? >> well, i thought it was going to be a hung jury based on some of the questions that were coming forward from the jury and great deference is always given it a police officer's version of events. while i'm surprised, i think it was the right verdict and this will hopefully send a message to officers and give them pause when they decide to use deadly force rather than some other option that is available. >> you remember, mayor, what attorney general ellison said yesterday in that press conference following the verdict to all police officers watching, we hold you in high regard, but we also hold you to very high standards. the question remains what will the sentence be? she faced 15 year on the first degree manslaughter count, ten year on the second, i believe they will run concurrently. typically the state guidelines would allow for a sentence between 6 to 8 years, but prosecution is pushing for blakely factors, meaning aggravating circumstances to increase that sentence. they were successful in doing that for derek chauvin. do you think they'll have success this time? >> i think it is going to be hard in this case. chauvin was a different case. with potter you had someone who had never been accused of excessive force, you know, no problems on the job. you know, the heightened sentencing guidelines i don't know if it fits. and with respect to the age, i feel daunte wright's family, this was a tragedy, but everyone involved, defense and the prosecution, says it was a tragic accident. and when the attorney general says, you know, we hold you in high regard, that really goes against what happened in the courtroom where the prosecutors called the police officers liars. so i think there is a lot to balance when you look at a sentencing and i would not be surprised if the prosecutors gave an olive branch and did not go for very, very high sentencing. >> sergeant dorsey, a lot of the messages i've been receiving from people on social media or, you know, contacts of mine, have said this may not have happened, you know, even three years ago, five years ago, that something has changed, not only -- but across the country in terms of accountability. and we had a criminal defense attorney say she believed that there would have been a full acquittal of kim potter just a few years ago. do you believe that this represents more broad accountability across the country? >> it is certainly a great first step and i think the reason that this would not have happened or is inconceivable is because we didn't want to think that police officers lie about use of force and deadly use of force and while i believe they could not convuince a jury this was intentional. i'm here to tell you, it is inconceivable to think that kim potter looked down her arm and the barrel of her gun and she aligned her sights like we're trained and taught to do like she did for 26 years and not know she was looking down the barrel of a glock and not a yellow plastic taser. it is inconceivable. >> legal analysts and defense attorney mark o'meara said something interesting that caught my eye that he believes potter's reaction seems to stem from implicit bias. and he talked about police departments needing to truly train law enforcement to rethink their perspective here. we all heard what she testified and said, you know, this was a mistake that she had mistaken her taser for her gun. do you think that this is a question of insufficient training? or better screening or also training on -- more training on implicit bias? >> i think there needs to be more training on implicit bias. whether she may have saw a taser or a gun, she shouldn't had to have seen anything. she had a trainee making a stop for a stop she said she would not make, except for the trainee stopped daunte for that air freshener. the defense attorney said but for daunte's resisting arest this wouldn't have happened. but for her -- she could have said no, we don't stop people for air fresheners in this jurisdiction and she didn't. that's where the bias comes in, i believe. >> such an important point. thank you, both, very, very much. stephanie rawlings-blake, cheryl dorsey, happy holidays. still to come, the supreme court is considering wading into the insurrection investigation as former president trump appeals to the high court to try to keep his white house documents under wraps. plus, as you make plans to gather for the holidays, travel or maybe hunker down, we ask doctors your most pressing questions on how to stay safe from the omicron variant. and in the midst of the pandemic, some celebrations around the world have pressed on, including the original christmas capital bethlehem. you see it there. they still held that celebration, a little bit quieter than usual, but not a silent night the ♪ ♪ you are my fire ♪ ♪ the one desire ♪ ♪ you are, you are, ♪ ♪ don't wanna hear you say... ♪ ♪ ♪ i want it that way ♪ my family's been devastated by covid-19. and we're not alone. we've all had to find new ways to keep going. and cue has made that easier. with cue, you get lab-quality covid-19 test results in just 20 minutes. speed and accuracy. it's just for the nba; it's for you too. cue health. the official covid-19 home test of the nba. go cue. go you. ♪ this holiday, let them shine like never before. ♪ this is how we shine. ♪ find the perfect gift at zales. the diamond store. johnson & johnson is the world's largest healthcare company. building a future where cancers can be cured. strokes can be reversed. joints can be 3-d printed. and there isn't one definition of what well feels like. there are millions. we're using our world to make your world a world of well. former president trump is now asking the supreme court to help him keep his white house documents out of the hands of the house select committee investigating the insurrection. right now the court is considering if they will even take up his appeal hours after trump's request was filed, the january 6th committee asked the justices to make a decision quickly on whether or not to grant scertiorari and consider the case. it seems that this is a stall tactic, and the president asking though the court actually a very important question and that is how far does executive privilege extend when you're out of office, and the committee wants the could court to decide soon if they're going to consider it. >> that's right. so, poppy this are two parts of the government that were fully on board in having these documents from the trump white house get into the hands of the house select committee. those were congress, and then the biden presidency. the biden presidency, the white house currently was saying these do documents can be turned over, they will become available to the public because of the way our national archives works. but trump realized this as his team was reviewing thousands of pages of documents from his white house. he sued and that put a pause on everything. so as this has gone through the court system, he's blocked the house from getting access to these documents. now, he is holding up everything he's doing in court, that has caused a total holdup on about 700 or more pages of documents that were key to january 6th as far as what we know about them so far. that's things like call logs, visitors schedules, about who was coming to the white house on january 6th. notes from top officials like his chief of staff about january 6 th, drafts of speeches, all kinds of crucial things the house select committee hasn't been able to see as they investigate election fraud and the insurrection and things they want to see and ask people about what is in those documents, what other people saw, what they were writing about. and that is a really important thing to remember here. this case before the supreme court is about privilege, about documents. those are some esoteric ideas. what it really is, it is about witnesses and it is about progress of the committee and how they can go. and we know the house is on a ticking clock with elections coming up in november. >> for sure. cai caitlin, thank you so much. let me bring in asha rangappa. what do you think? just to be clear, these are not trump documents. these are the public documents, first and foremost. but the supreme court is never actually weighed in on executive privilege when a president is out of office. with nixon, he was in office. so you think the court takes it up? >> i think it is unlikely. they shouldn't. even if they were to take up the case, they would need to still grant an emergency injunction to prevent this particular group of documents from going to the committee. and trump has to show that the law is clearly on his side to get this emergency stay, which he can't do because he's actually present a very novel constitutional question. on top of that, the supreme court here has a very well reasoned and lengthy opinion by the appellate court which has addressed every single one of trump's arguments and rejected every single one. so, you know, they have the legal rational that has been laid out already. and just for the big picture, this is a situation where the executive branch and congress are in agreement. and the dispute here is between a current and former member of congress. when the wtwo branchs are in agreement, a court is loathe to butt in. that's what the court is asking him to do. to say he has an argument would call into question the precedent that we have one president at a time. >> i think it was the 6 8-page opinion from the justices on the court of appeals and thi think was unanimous, we'll see if the court takes it up. if it does, how significant is this beyond what trump wants here? beyond this committee? this would set quite a precedent for future administrations. >> yeah. and the ripple effect would be into both democratic and republican administrations. but for the committee itself, they are acting on the assumption essentially that congress will switch hands in 2022. and that means by then house speaker can kevin mccarthy would dissolve the committee or defame it in a significant way. they're moving on a timetable here to release some kind of final report. and if the appeals -- if the supreme court doesn't take up the appeal, that gives them way more time to produce our report. if it doesn't, it means that the committee has to move faster. one thing we know about this committee, they're incredibly thorough and they have been finding and producing information about what happened that day. that's despite the fact that some of the most big name trump aides refused to cooperate with the committee. and the latest on that is that jim jordan, scott peters, both don't want to -- both have refused requests from the committee to sit down and offer information. i don't think that's going to stop them at all. i think now the bigger question is, you know, does the committee subpoena sitting members of congress. >> asha, just one big picture question here i kept thinking about is, look, this is the roberts court. and as much as this term may have waded into key social and political issues, guns, abortion, i do wonder given what you said about this appellate court decision if they will be hesitant to take up this case, given the politics of it all. >> well, poppy, i think that's great consideration, but more so it is a really weak case. you know, the court is very loathe to pronounce on constitutional matters, unless it is a really pressing question that needs to be resolved. and this is really just, you know, trump saying i know better than the current president. that's really what his argument comes down to. and i think given that the court has traditionally really deferred to the executive branch in matters pertaining to, you know, article two power and prerogatives, this would be -- it would be very unusual for them to insert themselves in this particular factual and legal scenarios. >> and roberts has said over and over again, we are not a political court. daniel, final thoughts on how this plays up in terms of the other, you know, you got obviously other challenges to this committee in terms of people saying we're not going to talk to you. >> i mean, i think we're looking at the committee going into some murky waters, which i'm not -- i've been talking with historians on this. i'm not clear how common it is for members of congress to be subpoenaed by committees. it is actually pretty common in our nation's history that they can -- that they're requested to testify or participate in some kind of committee like this and then refuse. i think what we're going to see is just a lot more stone walling by some of the most big name trump allies. and that is not going to hinder the investigation overall. but it is going to put the country into a situation where there are members of congress who are fighting legal battles with each other. there is nothing that we have seen so far that has shown that any of the trump allies or aides who have refused to comply are going to change their minds dramatically in the next few months. >> thank you. well, coming up next, you probably, like all of us, probably have questions about omicron. doctors will answer your questions, the best masks and how to host activities and nonboosted family members. representing the connection you share. forever connected. the perfect gift to give this holiday. exclusively at kay. there's a different way to treat hiv. it's once-monthly injectable cabenuva. cabenuva is the only once-a-month, complete hiv treatment for adults who are undetectable. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider once a month. hiv pills aren't on my mind. i love being able to pick up and go. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems,...and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. with once-a-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. ask your doctor about once-monthly cabenuva. is now a good time for a flare-up? 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>> i don't think you need to test if you've been vaccinated and boosted and everyone that you're gathering with in a moderately sized group like that, i don't think you need to test. you could test today and feel confident and tomorrow it shows up that you're positive. the best protection, which is being vaxxed and boosted. >> here is the next question. my friend wants to visit us over the holiday, but only received the j&j shot. is that okay? >> well, you know, the j&j shot has probably shown to be the least effective in protecting people against covid. if they got the j&j shot months ago without getting boosted, in my opinion, they're probably not protected and it is unsafe for them and for everybody else to gather with them. that's the only shot they had, they had it months ago. >> just remind people, i think if you had the j&j vaccine you can get the other boosters, right? >> absolutely. the j&j vaccine, two months after that shot, you can get any booster. it is highly recommended to get the mrna, the pfizer or moderna, though. >> here's another question. when should you be getting your booster at this point? should you get your booster six months after the second shot or after the two weeks following the second shot. it is confusing. >> well, you should get the booster -- if you've gotten pfizer or moderna, get your booster six months after that second shot. if you got the j&j vaccine, two months after that shot you can get it. >> okay. what should people do who have unvaccinated family members to help protect them? >> they should convince them to get vaccinated. that's the most important thing. obviously they should not go to large gatherings, they should wear masks, they should protect themselves, right, from going out. and this is a highly contagious variant. but, again, the best thing they can do for a family member as difficult as it is is to try to talk to them in a welcoming way that vaccination is the best protection for them. >> here is a final question, from many of us, and some of our team members and viewers asking this, is it safe to go to religious gatherings such as christmas service at church? my family, we have a 3-year-old, he's not -- can't be vaccinated. we love our church. we decided to stay home this holiday. but we wish we could be there if he was vaccinated we probably would be. what do you tell people? >> well, what i'm telling them is there are many factors to consider. first of all, if you are vaccinated and boosted, it is relatively safe for you to go to large gatherings. you have to consider religious services as that. however, with omicron, it is very contagious. you should think twice. if you're unvaccinated, i would definitely not go to a religious service or a large gathering of any type. hopefully some churches made some changes -- >> they have. >> yeah. and that would be helpful. and it is all about mitigated risks and it is a personal choice. if you want to protect yourself and those that you love and you're vaccinated and boosted, it is probably relatively safe, but with omicron, it is not 100% guarantee at all. >> and mask up for sure. dr. rodriguez, thank you so much. >> thank you, merry christmas. >> merry christmas. still ahead, two election officials in georgia say their lives have been turned upside down by election lies. and they blame rudy giuliani in a new lawsuit. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? 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>> yeah, not really a centrist but in the middle of the squeeze. >> that's what i mean. this squeeze. >> he's still the first life long republican governor ever elected in georgia. but at the same time, he's got to look to his left, stacey abrams is a titan of georgia politics and the right with david perdue this iconic figure in georgia gop and now david perdue has opened his campaign based on that big lie. he filed a lawsuit alleging aall sorts of unsubstantiated claims about fulton county ballot counting, he said he wouldn't have certified the election and said he would have called a special session to investigate ballot claims which we know there is no evidence to support. he's open with this. and governor brian kemp, former state elections official, can only sort of point to that law that we were just talking about, to say that georgia has tightened its election restrictions and answered some of the issues that republicans keep bringing up, even though, again, there is no evidence of any sort of rampant fraud. >> thank goodness you're on. we'll be having you on a lot between now and the elections. greg, thanks very much. >> thank you. up next, the white house told us to wait. that reports on inflation were just transitory. remember that word? as new data comes in, the picture is not changing very much. prices are not dropping. how the omicron variant affects all of this too. my family's been devastated by covid-19. and we're not alone. we've all had to find new ways to keep going. and cue has made that easier. with cue, you get lab-quality covid-19 test results in just 20 minutes. speed and accuracy. it's just for the nba; it's for you too. cue health. the official covid-19 home test of the nba. go cue. go you. ho ho ho! not again. oh no. for the gifts you won't forget. the mercedes-benz winter event. get a credit toward your first month's payment on select models. did you know there are surfaces in your home that look clean but a closer look shows there are often layers of invisible dirt left behind. try mr. clean magic eraser for a deep down hygienic clean. magic eraser removes the messes you can see as well as more of the dirt and grime you don't. all you do is wet, squeeze and start erasing dirt and grime all around the house and try magic eraser sheets for a deep clean in hard to reach places that you can toss when your done. mr. clean magic eraser. for a deep down hygienic clean all around the house. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom for me and you ♪ (music) ♪ so i think to myself ♪ ♪ oh what a wonderful world ♪ prices on pretty much everything, they keep going up. household essentials, groceries, gas, those prices rising rapidly in the past few months causing worries and financial stress for so many people, especially this holiday season. more news on inflation this week, the bureau of economic analysis says the key measure rose 5.7% in november, making it the fastest increase in the consumer spending price index in nearly 40 years. katherine rampel from "the washington post" and our political commentator. good to have you. >> great to join you. >> so inflation has not grown this fast since i was born, literally. that's how long it has been. so is it here to stay? >> i mean, that's the important question, right. if i knew the answer to that question, i would be a very, very rich woman. the real issue is that it looks like the forces behind inflation early on were, as you pointed out earlier, transitory. they were the result of reopening pains, that everybody wanted to start buying things at the same time and the global supply chains were not prepared, they were still quite fragile and dealing with factory closures and port congestion and other problems. and it looked like those kinds of bottlenecks would clear pretty quickly. that hasn't happened. and that hasn't happened for a number of reasons. of course we've had several new variants, two in particular that have been problematic since some of those forecasts were made, which have continued to make those supply chains very complicated and entangled. and they've also shifted what kinds of things we spend money on. americans have a lot of cash to spend, but they're still a little hesitant to travel, to go to concerts, dine out, et cetera, so they're buying more stuff, more physical goods. i would's those physical goods that are having trouble getting through those supply chains. all this means this has stuck around for a lot longer. >> the word transitory. i think jerome powell was right when he said it's time to retire that word. the bigger sort of political context here if you will and the hang-up for the biden administration on the build back better agenda is manchin, senator manchin consistently saying inflation, inflation, inflation. but when you look at most economists, their read is, look, because spending is so spread out over a matter of years it won't have a significant impact on inflation. you wrote about this. is that your read as well? >> yeah. i think both republicans and democrats are basically wrong when they talk about what role build back better would or could play when it comes to inflation. the white house has sometimes said this will help bring prices down. republicans have said this will jack prices up. the reality is the bill, even as large as it is, would probably have little to negligible effect on prices either way. there are some parts of it that would contribute to inflation and some that would do the opposite. but really, when we're talking about this bill, we should be talking about it's more direct effects, is it a good idea to expand the safety net in the various ways the bill would? is it a good idea to tackle climate change the way the bill would? that seems to me to be the more important set of questions when you're talk about whether this legislation is a good idea. >> i wonder how you think that covid, not just omicron, but covid in general in these last two years have most fundamentally shaped our economy. like, there have to be things that we have changed about how we live. you laid out some of them, how much stuff people are buying, that maybe will have a longer lasting impact on this economy. >> well, beyond consumer habits, which may or may not be temporary, right, maybe will permanently change the kinds of stuff we buy, i think the real question mark has to do with housing, right. have we permanently changed the kinds of homes we want to live in and how long our commutes are, will people be more willing or able to work remotely, for example, at least in some kinds of work, and as a result that will change their tastes in housing. so that's a big question mark going forward, and we don't know how much of the huge growth in housing prices in the past couple years will persist. but, you know, people have also shifted their preferences about work, how much they work, what kinds of jobs they're willing to take and what kinds of tradeoffs they're willing to make with other priorities in their lives, including their family life. so there are a lot of ways in which people have re-evaluated their goals, their living situations, and their jobs, and we don't know exactly how that will shape up in the year ahead. >> such a great point. good to have you. happy holidays. love the tree. love the yankees ornament next to you. i see that. katherine rampe lell, thank you. >> thank you. as doctors work to stop new cases of covid, only one of the monoclonal antibodies on the market works against the new strain. we'll tell you which one next. ♪"you are the reason" by calum scott♪ to all the kisses... ...that led... this one. celebrate every kiss, with kay. every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities.

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Taser , Daunte Wright , Prison , Adrienne Broaddus , 15 , 20 , Some , Members , Verdict , Family Members , Journey , Relieved , In Minneapolis , Courtroom , Jury , Brian Kemp , Times , First , Suspense , Anxiety , Evidence , Keith Ellison , Photos , Video , Body Camera , Minnesota , Accountability , Law Enforcement , Message , Law , World , Fact , Profession , Accountable , Justice , Names , Streets , Daunte Being Home , Bryant , Community , Sadness , Feeling , Yes , Kim Potter , Adrienne Broaddus Reporting , Sergeant Dorsey , The Big Picture , Lapd , Both , Questions , Hung Jury , Force , Officers , Events , Deference , Version , Police Officers , Option , Press Conference , Mayor , Attorney General Ellison , Question , Sentence , Count , Second , Standards , Degree , State , Prosecution , Guidelines , Blakely Factors , Circumstances , Derek Chauvin , 8 , 6 , Success , Someone , Potter , Problems , Sentencing Guidelines , Job , Age , Respect , Defense , Tragedy , Accident , Sentencing , Prosecutors , Olive Branch , Liars , Social Media , Contacts , Messages , Mine , Terms , Acquittal , Criminal Defense Attorney , Reason , Step , Is , Use , Barrel , Arm , Glock , Sights , 26 , Bias , Reaction , Mark O Meara , Analysts , Eye , Mistake , Perspective , Police Departments , Training , Screening , Trainee , Stop , She Shouldn T , Anything , Wouldn T Have , Air Freshener , Stopped Daunte , Don T , Point , Air Fresheners , No , Jurisdiction , Cheryl Dorsey , Stephanie Rawlings Blake , Documents , Supreme Court , President Trump Appeals , High Court , Insurrection Investigation , Plans , Wading , Wraps , Plus , Doctors , Safe , Celebrations , Down , On , Pandemic , Midst , Original Christmas Capital Bethlehem , Bit , Fire , Desire , Don T Wanna , Cue , Ways , Test Results , Speed , Accuracy , Cue Health , Home Test , Nba , Go Cue , Gift , Zales , Store , Healthcare Company , Johnson , Cancers , Where , Strokes , Joints , Isn T One , Definition , Building A Future , Well , Millions , Appellate Court , President Trump , House Select Committee Investigating The Insurrection , January 6th Committee , Appeal , Justices , Request , Whether , Decision , January 6th , Executive Privilege , Stall Tactic , Committee , Parts , Office , Presidency , Congress , Biden , Over , House , Pages , Works , Team , Reviewing Thousands , Because , Court System , Archives , Access , Put A Pause On Everything , Everything , 700 , Officials , Speeches , Who , Call Logs , Chief Of Staff , Visitors Schedules , Drafts , Th , Notes , January 6 Th , Kinds , House Select Committee Hasn T , Election Fraud , Insurrection , Writing , Privilege , Ideas , Witnesses , Progress , Elections , Ticking Clock , Cai Caitlin , Asha Rangappa , Sure , Emergency Injunction , Shouldn T , Nixon , Trump , Side , Group , Emergency Stay , Single , Opinion , Arguments , Top , Executive Branch , Situation , Agreement , Rational , Member , Dispute , Argument , Wtwo Branchs , Precedent , Thi Think , Administrations , Ripple Effect , Beyond , Republican , Assumption , Committee Itself , House Speaker , 2022 , It , Kind , Appeals , Supreme Court Doesn T , Timetable , Report , Final , Kevin Mccarthy , It Doesn T , Aides , Information , Name , Latest , Finding , Scott Peters , Jim Jordan , Requests , Offer , Committee Subpoena , Term , Picture Question , Roberts Court , Guns , Politics , Appellate Court Decision , Abortion , More , Consideration , Matters , Prerogatives , Article , Other , Thoughts , Scenarios , Daniel , Waters , Challenges , Nation , Committees , Historians , History , Investigation , Big Name Trump Allies , Nothing , Each Other , Any , Battles , Allies , Minds , Coming Up , Masks , Activities , All Of Us , Nonboosted , Connection , With Kay , Injectable Cabenuva , Hiv , Adults , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Hiv Treatment , Healthcare Provider , Injections , Me Undetectable , Side Effects , Reactions , Symptoms , Liver Problems , Medicines , Ingredients , Depression , Help , Doctor , Injection Site Reactions , Mental Health Concerns , Pregnancy , Breastfeeding , Fever , Tiredness , Crohn S , Treatment Appointments , Flare Up , Moderate , Risk , Inflammation , Medication , Flight , Intestine , Uc , Surface , Ulcerative Colitis , Stelara , Relief , Pres , Infection , Serious , Treatment , Skin Growths , Sores , Brain Condition , Tb , Lung Inflammation , Remission , Cost Support Options , Janssen , Health Experts , Surge , Dr , Jorge Rodriguez , Scrambling , Table , Viewer Questions , Board Certified , Internal Medicine Specialist , Six Vaxxed , Six , Protection , Shot , Friend , Least , Everybody , Only , Boosters , Or Moderna , Mrna , Pfizer , Moderna , Gatherings , Family Member , Vaccination , Service , Team Members , It Safe , Church , Viewers , Factors , Services , Changes , Churches , Risks , Type , Gathering , Merry Christmas , Choice , Guarantee , 100 , Election , Lawsuit , Georgia , Lives , Rudy Giuliani , Wish List Event , Sanctuary , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Lincoln , Limu Emu , Doug , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Gasps , Pay , Theaters , Spider Man , 17 , December 17th , Love , Don T Take Ozempic , A1c , Type 2 Diabetes , Zone , Ring , 2 , Game , Weight , Oh , Cv Risk , Heart Disease , 7 , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Type 1 Diabetes , Isn T , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Stroke , Heart Attack , Death , Reuse , Needles , Share , Pens , Vision Problems , Lump , Stomach Pain , Stop Ozempic , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Swelling , Neck , Pancreatitis , Provider , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Health Care Provider , Sulfonylurea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Nausea , Dehydration , Prescription , Football , 5 , 25 , Line , Season , Billions , Fate , Connections , Nfl , Line Touchdown , Cisco , Gifts , Son , Text Alert , Bi , Beth , Election Workers , Reputations , Tv Network , Lawyer , Wing , One America News , Walgreens , Big Lie , Greg Bluesteen , The Atlanta Journal Constitution , Supporters , Lies , Spread Accusations , Victims , Pro Trump Media Universe , Recount , Rhetoric , Midterms , Election Field , Endorsement , Election Integrity , Donald Trump , Length , Purporting , Ballot Drop Boxes , Change , State Legislature , Obstacles , Ballot Box , Push , Democrats , Legislation , County , 38 , Voters , Georgia Democrats , Voter , Money , Resources , Education , Amounts , Vote , Plan , Concern , Regime , Avenues , Governor , Turnout , There , Race , Stacey Abrams , Purdue , Senator , Squeeze , Centrist , Center , Life , Middle , Left , Figure , Campaign , David Perdue , Titan Of Georgia Politics , Georgia Gop , Ballot Claims , Ballot Counting , Fulton County , Claims , Special Session , Aall Sorts , State Elections Official , Sort , Up , Fraud , Up Next , Inflation , Prices , Word , Picture , Ho , Surfaces , Month , Models , Credit , Payment , Mercedes Benz Winter Event , Oh No , Mr , Magic Eraser , Dirt , Grime , Look , Invisible Dirt , Deep Down Hygienic , Clean , Done , Places , Magic Eraser Sheets , Me And You , Trees , Green Red , What A Wonderful World , Holiday Season , Stress , Worries , Groceries , Household Essentials , Gas , Measure Rose , Consumer Spending Price Index , Katherine Rampel , Bureau Of Economic Analysis , The Washington Post , 40 , 5 7 , Commentator , Fast , Result , Issue , Forces , Answer , Pains , Woman , Were , Reopening , Transitory , Congestion , Supply Chains , Dealing , Factory Closures , Variants , Hasn T , Particular , Reasons , Bottlenecks , Forecasts , Spend , Cash , Stuff , Goods , Concerts , Trouble , Physical Goods , Dine Out , Et Cetera , Jerome Powell , Hang Up , Context , Read , Economists , Spending , Build , Agenda , Manchin , Senator Manchin , Impact , Matter , Role Build , Bill , Reality , Idea , Effects , Opposite , Safety Net , Set , Climate Change , Economy , General , Buying , Consumer Habits , Housing , Commutes , Question Mark , Homes , Housing Prices , Growth , Tastes , Forward , Big Question Mark , Jobs , Family Life , Priorities , Tradeoffs , Preferences , Situations , Tree , Goals , Yankees , Ornament , Katherine Rampe Lell , Monoclonal Antibodies , Market , Strain , Kisses , Led , Calum Scott , Kiss , Network , Small Business , Flexibility , Comcast Business Mobile , Nationwide 5g , Contract , Business , Internet , Match Data Options , Mix , Fees , 0 , 30 , Four , Possibilities , Comcast Business ,

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