Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

school closures despite a covid surge driven by the highly transmissible omicron variant. he says we're better prepared now than in the army prevaccine days of the pandemic. >> we should all be concerned about omicron, but not panicked. and, no, this is not march of 2020. 200 million people are fully vaccinated. we're prepared. we know more. we just have to stay focused. >> as for the unvaccinated, the president says it is their patriotic duty to get the shot. and he had a stark warning for those who do not. >> almost every who has died from covid-19 in the past many months has been unvaccinated. and i honest to god believe it's your patriotic duty. the choice can be a difference between life or death. please, get vaccinated. >> so the white house planned to combat the virus includes expanding testing sites across the country, distributing 500 million free at-home tests to those who request them. estates that is righting next month. deploying 1,000 service members to strained hospitals and adding new vaccination sites. while cases are skyrocketing, it is the overall hospitalization numbers that we need to keep an eye on. they are rising steadily, not yet spiking. >> joining us is professor h hazeltine. professor, thank you so much for being with us. i want to start with what i think is probably the most important development from what president biden said yesterday. his guidance to americans vaccinated and boosted, he said you can gather safely with your loved ones on this christmas holiday. how do you feel about that guidance? >> i think that's only partially correct. i think to be safe you need to be vaccinated and tested one day before you gather. the reason i say that is that this virus doesn't respond to the vaccines, the ones we've got. in fact, even after the third boost, and three months later, there's virtually no protection at least from the pfizer vaccine. so that because you're vaccinated doesn't mean you're not infecting. yes, it may protect you for some time from being hospitalized or dying, but it may not protect yo from long covid. and that is a serious issue. 10% to 20% of people. even if they're not sick, get long covid. we know in many cases it lasts more than a year. my bottom line is vaccinated plus tested means safety for your family and yourself. . >> but that is achievable. assuming you can get your hands on an instant test, which is not easy really. but if you can and you get tested, you think that you can gather safely on this holiday, even with maybe travel, you know, on train or plane or through airports. >> travel is a big question. i am concerned about how transmissible this is. and you can't be sure that everybody on that plane or on that train has been tested within 24 hours. getting together with your family, if it doesn't require being cooped up in a plane or a long period in a train, it's probably safe going to visit your family in your own car is going to be safe. but i would have serious questions about hopping on a plane in the era of omicron. >> the testing surge announced by the president yesterday, 500 million tests by sometime in january through a website, although it's a little unclear exactly how that will work, also creating new testing centers in cities including new york, how effective do you think that will be to battle the surge that we're already in. to an extent we need the tests yesterday. >> we do need these tests yesterday. and the number of tests that are being proposed is woefully in adequate. as early as september 2020 i wrote a piece for cnn as a matter of fact saying what is the way we can combat this vaccine in the an accepts of an effective vaccine? in fact, we are now there in the absence of an effective vaccine, at least as far as infection and transmission goes. the way to do that is test everybody in this country at least two or three times a week. that means billions of tests, not hundreds of millions of tests. you can also reduce the costs. the real cost should be 50 cents. 100 million similar test were sent to egypt. we could do it. we should. we are behind the curve. . >> israel announcing it is going to offer -- or actually suggest that people get a fourth shot there if you're over 60 years old. what do you think about that? >> well, the moment i saw the results of the third booster shot from the pfizer vaccine failed to protect most people after three months, i immediately sent notes to all of my friends who -- most of whom are over 60, as you might imagine, to get the fourth booster. in fact, i have my fourth booster, as does my wife. it's a very sound policy. it's the only thing i think we can do from the vaccine front right now until we either have better vaccines or better drugs. >> i will say that's not nothing though. you say it wanes after three months. but three months is three months. >> yeah. it is. . >> it counts. if you're -- i'm in the middle of -- i got boosted three weeks ago, and i feel great about the fact that i got boosted three weeks ago. and i feel i have at least some protection over this omicron surge. >> let me say is you do have still protection against hospitalization and death as far as we can tell. we don't know how long that will last. we don't know if you have protection against long covid. so it is important to get the vaccines. i don't want people to misunderstand that. vaccines are really critical possibly to save your life and those whom you love. but it isn't the panacea we thought it would be. therefore, if you're over 60, i agree with the israelis, it's time to get another shot. >> professor haseltine, thank you for being with us this morning. >> you're welcome, john. president biden says vaccinated americans can go ahead with holiday plans. but if you're wondering how to make those plans safer, let's talk to an expert. aaron teaches about infection and immunology at university of massachusetts dartmouth. we will go rapid fire here because people have a lot of questions. the first one being, if you're getting together with friends or family, what should you do? when do you test? >> yeah. good morning, erica. so if you're getting together with friends and family, testing is really about getting those rapid tests and doing it immediately before actually getting together. the day before doesn't really work with the rate at which this virus goes from nondetectable to detectable and infectious. so testing immediately before if you can get your hands on rapid tests, the day before if you can only do pcr, and turning them around in 24 hours. >> what if you're getting together with people who are not vaccinated? let's talk about children under 5 who aren't eligible for a vaccine. should you change the way you interact even if you are boosted and vaccinated? >> people have had the chance to decide what you're going to do, are you getting vaccinated, not getting vaccinated, boosted or not boosted. those people who have gotten vaccinated and boosted have tilted the odds in their favor. they may end up getting infected from this, but one of the key things is not sickness. keeping out of hospital, keeping days and days off work because you're so sick. so, yes there will be unvaccinated people at christmas, especially those that are 0 through 5 years old. the ones most at risk who have had a chance defining what risk looks like for them and what they're going to do. when we're looking at christmas gatherings it's about what your risk tolerance is right now. yes, unvaccinated people are going to be there. but you have chosen your path in regards to vaccine and how you will be protected. >> is there anything specific we should do for those who can't be vaccinated? kids can't choose whether or not they're going to be vaccinated. they don't have the option. >> i'm not dismissing the risk to those under 5. the risks are low of any poor outcomes at all. as your previous guests mention, getting together, people being primarily vaccinated have the risk of it coming in. if you put a buffer around people that are actually vulnerable, you can protect them through you being that firewall coming in. >> what about going back to school? we're seeing a lot of different approaches from different schools. what do you think would be the smartest protocol before kids go back in january? >> yeah. so schools absolutely have to go back in person in january. but you've got to go in with your eyes open based on the data that's happening or what's happening in your community in regards to infections. children and teachers and staff all need to be tested immediately prior going to school. in states like massachusetts, we rolled out the tests. but testing on the morning you're coming in or the week leading up to it will help lower it down. but then being hyper vigilant about protocols in that first week so you can adjust -- capture the risk from the holiday break and get back to school safely. >> for people who are traveling, and some folks may be traveling for christmas this weekend. but then after that for a lot of people you have a whole week off. they may have had trips planned. what should you take into account as you assess the risk? what do you need to do before you travel? >> before you travel, you know, you do owe a responsibility to society. we are not just little objects moving around by ourselves. we actually affect what happens in society. so if you are going to travel, it makes sense to test before you jump on a plane. when you're actually traveling, just make sure you're looking at the risks. and the risks are face-to-face interactions and shared air. so you can actually travel safely and defining safely as not ending up in hospital but maybe being infected. you can travel safely as long as you mind the risks, wear masks, avoid indoor crowded spaces, those types of things. >> sorry. keep that mask on, right? as long as you're on the plane and masked. should we minimize eating and drinking on the plane? . >> planes are not no risk but they are low risk due to the high quality air and filtration they have inside. a good quality mask on you. and then it comes down to the neighbor on the plane. if it's family member, you are okay. if you have a chat where person or a person that's eating beside you that can't stop talking, maybe keep your mask up for a little bit longer. >> that's the excuse people are looking for. sorry. it's covid. i'm going to stay quiet. i'm sure you're getting asked this question a lot because as an expert people want to know what are the experts doing. what are you doing this holiday? have you changed your plans? >> we haven't changed our plans too much. we have a fairly small family. i do have an elderly grandparent that is actually coming. what we have done as a family is lowered the risk this week before she arrives to make sure she's not walking into an infected household. because if she gets infected, she's the most at risk for poor outcomes. we also have rapid tests that i bought weeks ago just to make sure. it's not myself and myself family who have very good health, it's those who may not have the better health, such as her, that we are trying to protect from our gatherings. >> erin bromage, thank you. and happy holidays. >> happy holidays to you, erica. coming up, trump allies stonewalling the investigation into january 6th. michael flynn even suing the committee. what former president trump now plans to do on the one-year anniversary of the capitol insurrection. just the latest effort to rewrite history. plus -- >> did senator manchin break his commitment to you? 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>> senator manchin and i are going to get something done. >> this former democratic u.s. senator and host of the al franken podcast. senator, thank you so much for being with us. joe manchin and i are going to get something done. how right is he? >>. >> i hope he's right. this has been back and forth and up and down. it looked really bad a couple of days ago. he was on the caucus call. there are things joe is very much for, like universal pre-k, which is great stuff. joe has some good points. he doesn't want thing to stop after five years and pay another five years. that's not such a terrible concept. so i think there's some there there. and people i talk to, those who are in the call the, think there is some reason for some optimism. >> what's your advice? if they were going to listen to you, what deal would you tell the more progressive democrats at this point given how manchin feels? >> what joe was saying is what the democrats tried to do is, okay, let's put every program we want in but only pay for four years. and then we will keep paying more. but those programs will work so well that everyone will want to keep them. joe is saying let's do a few programs really well. i am imsurprised where he is coming down on the child tax credit. my goodness, west virginians could really use that. universal pre-k to me is a huge thing to do. and child care would be a huge thing to accomplish. take some victories, show people we are capable of doing those things. it is getting later and later to be able to demonstrate we can do those things before the november election. but i think it is incumbent upon us to do that. also joe is saying i would like high income people to pay more taxes. i'm for that. almost every progressive is for that. this may not be so bad if we get a few really important things done. >> i do want to ask, there are democratic members of congress heading for the hills at this point. a lot of retirements, particularly in the house of representatives. we're up to 22, 23, i've lost cost. stephanie murphy from florida in a swing district there. you know what this pore pore tends when members start voting with their feet. >> yeah. it's not good. i think there are republicans leaning, too. my sense is it's not much fun there. the republican party seem to be about one thing, which is stealing the election. there is nothing they want to get done. they just want to stop everything and they just, well, the only thing we can do right now that we want to do is figure out how to change the laws in the state so we can steal the election. that's what their party is about now. . >> on that subject, the january 6th committee has asked congressman scott perry to come in and testify willingly. he has refused. you think they should try to force him with a subpoena? >> yes. yes. they should refer him to the justice department. i've been saying for a while now that they should make criminal referrals to doj on bannon and on meadows and now on scott. they should just be doing that. there were crimes here. and i don't know what the justice department is. they may be quietly doing this stuff anyway. >> the criminal referrals they have charging him with contempt , they are considering them on referrals beyond just contempt of congress. criminal referrals on maybe financial issues with some of the fund-raising around january 6th. criminal referrals maybe on the former president himself. they say they are considering all of that. is that something that you would like to see from the committee and why? >> well, absolutely. there's a crime here, which is interfering with congress trying to do something, which is to, you know, elect the president. and that was clearly -- it's a crime. and i think it's clear that meadows, those people and the president engaged in that crime. so, yeah, i think there's the justice department should be quiet about this but they should be investigating the crimes. >> great to see you. wish we could see you in person but not these days given the situation we're in with omicron. have a wonderful holiday. >> some day this will all be behind this. >> some day. >> you have a good holiday. all right. librarians fighting back on a war on books. is there in danger in hope during the pandemic? the provocative op-ed from max boot. ♪ (man) still asleep. 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and i felt like this fall we were moving beyond that. that is the hope i talk about. i am triple vaccinated. most of my family is triple vaccinated. we thought we were getting back to a normal semblance of life and, bam, omicron is here. it is very depressing and disturbing. we had the feeling we could see light at the end of the tunnel. . >> and that feeling that it is this locomotive coming at us. again, i think so many people can identify with. when you put it out there, when you put it into words and you talk about it, does that help you in handling this anxiety and looking at where we're at to put it down on paper and really assess where you and your family stand. >> that's a great question. i haven't thought about it that way. but the answer is definitely yes. i'm a writer, so i find it tremendously helpful, my form of therapy, to put things on paper. that's been the case writing about some of the terrible things going on in u.s. politics. it helps me to put it on paper. and certainly that's true with the pandemic as well, it is certainly helpful to me to put it out there, to put my concerns and fears on the printed page or on the internet or wherever. it is hard for most ordinary people who don't have the outlet to cope with it. it is not easy with me even with this outlet >> why are you able to hold onto hope? >> i can't give up the glimmer of optimism looking at what is happening in south africa where the omicron variant came on very strong, very hard. a massive spike in cases initially. now we are already seeing that caseload begin to decline. they did not see a commensurate spike in hospitalizations and deaths the way we did with the delta variant. i'm fervently hoping this will be our experience as well. even though right now in new york where i live, we're seeing a very rammed increase with, you know, new records almost every single day of case loads. we are not seeing new hospitalizations or deaths. and i'm hoping this will be our general experience around the country. you will see the spikes around the country and caseloads. at least i'm hoping we will not see hospitalizations and deaths going up to the same level. but unfortunately you're still seeing the disruption of daily life. again, at this point i'm not that worried about the health consequences of catching covid the way i would have been two years ago before we were vaccinated. now when you are triple vaccinated i think you're in pretty good condition to resist getting sick. but you're not in any condition to force people to keep events open or to, you know, keep vacation plans. those are the things that i think are so difficult that are now in peril. >> yeah. you also note in the article you blame 100 million americans or so who still have not gotten their shot, calling them blockheads. the reality is there are likely to be a number of americans who will still refuse to get that shot. so how do you move into 2022 with that? >> you know, i honestly don't know. it's so depressing. this was one of my biggest sources of hope, the fact that we have created these incredible vaccines in record amount of time. this was a medical miracle. it has never been done. we are not taking advantage of the medicine. it's out there. anybody who wants to in the u.s. can get their shots. but you still have 40% of the population that's eligible that refuses to get vaccinated. and 70% has not yet gotten their third dose, the booster shot. so that is incredibly depressing. not only are they putting their own heating at risk, can which i guess you could argue is their own judgment call, but putting society at risk for psychological, cultural events. any return to normal is much, much harder when the number of people is so low in the united states compared to other advanced democracies. . >> max boot, always good to talk with you. really appreciated the piece. >> thanks for having me. >> happy holidays. keep the hope alive. >> you too. thank you. librarians are banning together against a push to ban books. you're going to hear directly from some of them next. a new warning about the decline of democracy from the pulitzer prize winning creator of the 1619 project. this holiday season, give your family the gift that keeps on... going? 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(all) to screening! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. librarians say efforts to ban books reflective of their diverse schools are on the rise. since september, school libraries in seven states have removed books challenged by community members. one group of librarians is fighting back. cnn's evan mcmorris san toreeo has an interesting look at all of this. >> john, good morning. if you talk to librarians that work with children's books, and i have talked to a lot of them the last couple of weeks, they get a lot of questions. is this appropriate for my kid, what is the right age for this book? they welcome questions like that. they are being vilified. i went down to texas to find out more. this is a school librarian in texas. >> why are you afraid to show your face? >> because there was a day not too long ago when i had to stop and think when they come in with handcuffs and they come in with a warrant for my arrest for alleging that i provided obscene terrible to minors, who am i going to call first. >> is across texas, protesters at school board meetings are accusing educators of forcing pornography or obscene content on children. >> this is not a political vane, this is not a witch-hunt. this is genuine concern for children. it's abuse, it is grooming behavior, predatory. . >> it is largely aimed at school libraries. and many texas politicians are on board. in october, republican state legislator matt krouse requested every school district in the state scour their libraries for a list of 850 books. >> the pattern seem to be books on lbgtqia, they may have sexual violence, survivor stories. some books about racism. >> it includes "new kid", a black student's struggles fitting in at a majority white school. "q." and "cider house rules," coming of age of a character performing abortions. ordering officials to investigate any criminal activity in public schools after complaints about two lgbtq books he said were pornographic. >> i have never experienced anything like that before where a government age or any kind of government entity was interested in specifically what kinds of books were in the library. >> the texas library association is a pretty sleepy advocacy group. but the heated rhetoric is forcing that to change. last week the group set up an anonymous hotline for librarians afraid of job consequences. >> school librarians don't go into this business to harm kids. they are working really, really hard to select books that represent everyone on their campus. >> this is happening all over the country. lgbtq and racial-themed books are facing powerful resistance. educators are being put on notice. in this is pornography, plain and simple, and it does not belong in our schools! >> just since the start of the school year, the american library association has tracked more than 230 book challenges nationwide. the ala says there's been a dramatic upparticular in challenges featuring lgbtq and racial themes. >> students like me are on how they should express themselves. >> yay. there it is. >> they are starting to fight back in a very librarian way. >> i'm going to kick this off by sending my first tweet from freedom friday account. >> unwith of the founders of the groom freaadom fighters. the grassroots way librarians under threat find and help each other. >> it's amazing how widespread the these book challenges are. people are contacting us like privately from all over the country saying can you help me. >> scared. nervous. unsure. >> afraid they will lose their job. . >> i've heard this but they >> tony: this. what do i do? >> they're facing external pressure. what if i'm called out in a board member or someone is in front of my house. >> librarians helping librarians. so librarians can get back to helping kids. >> i grew up reading trumpet of the swan and little house on the prairie. there were no, you know, hispanic girls. that's a disservice to kids. and so we work really hard as librarians to page sure that kids have books that they can see themselves in. but we also want to offer books where kids can learn about other kids's lives. >> who knows that would be something to get you demonized. >> the governor did not respond when asked what they are telling us in texas. we asked reached out to matt krouse and stopped by his office. >> do you think whether you will win or lose this? >> it is not about whether i will win or lose this. i think it is our culture and society where we have to ask yourselves what do we stand to lose if we don't correct action and course now. we can't afford as a democracy to believe anything else that will correct this. >> it is hard to put into words how strange a moment this is for school librarians. that woman you saw who was afraid to show her face because of her job consequences has added a security camera to her garage because she's afraid of what might happen if people find out about the books in her library. she told her kids it's for amazon pirates. but that's what we're dealing with right now. the conversations about books, this vilify indication, the real fear, people who teach our kids how to read. john. >> a librarian afraid to show her face. that should tell you something. this is an important nuanced look. look back, search history to find out the connotation of banning books, what that means historically. because it matters here. i really appreciate the reporting. >> thanks. >> it really does. such a great piece. in a recent interview with "the associated press", pulitzer prize winner of the "1619 project." they said we as americans are going to be severely tested in the next year or two to decide what are we willing to sacrifice to be the country that we believe that we are? joining us now kikole hannah-jones, creator of "the 1619 projects." it is thought provoking, both that and i hope you could hear evan's piece. the librarian at the end said what do we stand to lose. as you look at where we are right now, what do we stand to lose as a country by banning books by ignoring accurate history and by vilifying people who are simply trying to make reading and history and accuracy available. >>. >> thank you so much for having me on. that was a deeply disturbing piece and very important. i'm grateful that you all ran it. because we are in very dangerous times. when you have librarians -- librarians are one of our greatest public goods. these are spaces -- i wouldn't be where i am today without my public library, which allowed me as a child to go in and read about all of these different people and places and gain a different understanding of the world and my place in it and to think that that is now a dangerous profession is demonstrative that i and others are trying to call out right now. our democracy on the brink. i don't know if our institutions will hold with the voting rights, memory laws, anti critical race laws but they are really anti history laws. they are all means of stoking division and resentment. and i don't think we quite know where we're going to go at this moment >> sad i there, they seem to be working in certain communities. you also voted that we need to ask ourselves as journalist, storytellers, they're ators, if we're ringing the alarm bell in the right way. so are we? >> i think there are political journalists and others who are trying to. but i think that are far too many in our profession who are really normalizing what is happening now in an attempt to appear objective in an attempt to say, well, we're going to treat both political parties kwully when we clearly have in this moment one political party that is passing anti democratic policies, that is upholding people with authoritarianism ideas. we just saw kyle rittenhouse got a standing ovation, a young man who has killed two people. i think we as a profession have to step up. we are the firewall for this democracy. and i do not believe that firewall is holding right now. >> what is your biggest concern if we were to look at, is it the adults who are leading this charge, right, and the -- i'm always struck by and so troubled by this anger and the -- and the fact that this librarian is that group more concerning or is it the impact on this next generation, on the kids, that are not only perhaps in some instances being raised with seeing that as reactions being okay, but who are being potentially raised in a country where they're not getting the whole story and they may not even have access to a book? >> i think that is both. the immediate concern is clearly the adults who are trying to ban books, who are coming to school board meetings and threatening school boards, who are making teachers afraid to teach a more accurate history, a more accurate literature. but obviously that is also setting a very dangerous example for our youth, who then grow up to have similar ideas. the reason you ban a book is you are afraid that it will expand a child's mind, it will give a child understanding of their world. and i actually think if you look at the bans that are being -- the books that are being banned and challenged, these are books about marginalized people. these are books that give us empathy, for those in our society who are most vulnerable. and we absolutely do not want to raise children who do not have empathy for those in our society who are marginalized. because that is very dangerous and that's how we get more violence, that's how we get more laws and policies that are restrictive for people's ability to live their lives. i think both of those concerns are very serious in this moment. and we are not setting a good example for our youth right now. >> it is such a great point, such an excellent point about empathy. really good to have you with us, nikole, thank you. >> thank you so much. emergency rooms getting busier with covid cases. just ahead, you'll hear from a doctor on the front lines. and fox defending one of its hosts after dr. anthony fauci told "new day" this. >> the guy should be fired on the spot. to all the kisses... ...that led... this one. celebrate every kiss, with kay. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan th helps you build a future for those you love. vangrd. it's our holiday savings event the sleep number 360 smart bed. what if i sleep hot? 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>> fox is being supportive of watters amid this backlash and that backlash started like you said when watters was at this conservative conference and he used a kill shot metaphor to encourage students to ambush interview dr. anthony fauci. fox's support comes as you note after fauci was on this program yesterday, decrying the comments as awful and saying that this is what he believes should happen to the fox host. >> you have some guy out there saying that people should be giving me a kill shot, to ambush me. i mean, what kind of craziness is there in society these days? that's awful that he said that. and he's going to go very likely unaccountable. i mean, whatever network he's on is not going to do anything for him. that's crazy. the guy should be fired on the spot. >> and, john, in the interview, he predicted that fox would not hold watters accountable. turns out he's right. fox put out a statement yesterday defending watters saying that his words have been taken out of context. of course, that's not really true. and fox also him guest hosting a primetime news show in addition to the regular show he co-hosts called the five on fox, and i should also note that when he was co-hosting the five, he engaged in more criticism of fauci and that prompted one of his colleagues to joke that it was fauci who should be the one fired on the spot, that prompted laughter among the co-hosts there. so i think you can really say that not only is fox dismissing concerns about what watters said, but they're quite literally laughing in his face. >> look, watters was talking about ambush interviews, that was the context. it was the language he used, ambush, kill shot, dead, dead, dead, that i think fauci was responding to there. president biden commented on vaccine misinformation during his speech tuesday. taking a tough tone, oliver. >> i think this is an interesting notable moment. the president not only talking to americans who are unvaccinated and vaccinated, but also talking and addressing the people who are promoting vaccine lies. >> the unvaccinated are responsible for their own choices. those choices have been fueled by dangerous misinformation on cable tv and social media. these companies and personalities are making money, by pedaling lies and allowing misinformation that can kill their own customers and their own supporters. it is wrong. it is immoral. i call on the per veighers of these lies and misinformation to stop it, stop it now. >> strong words from the president there yesterday, but as you might predict, they're having no effect among those who have been promoting vaccine misinformation. for instance, tucker carlson last night, first few moments of the program he was trafficking in a bunch of anti-vaccine rhetoric. >> interesting, donald trump talking about the efficacy of the boosters and the vaccines and how people should take them. oliver darcy, thank you very much. >> thank you. "new day" continues right now. good morning to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. it is wednesday, december 22nd. i'm john berman. brianna is off. erica hill with me. great to have you here a

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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school closures despite a covid surge driven by the highly transmissible omicron variant. he says we're better prepared now than in the army prevaccine days of the pandemic. >> we should all be concerned about omicron, but not panicked. and, no, this is not march of 2020. 200 million people are fully vaccinated. we're prepared. we know more. we just have to stay focused. >> as for the unvaccinated, the president says it is their patriotic duty to get the shot. and he had a stark warning for those who do not. >> almost every who has died from covid-19 in the past many months has been unvaccinated. and i honest to god believe it's your patriotic duty. the choice can be a difference between life or death. please, get vaccinated. >> so the white house planned to combat the virus includes expanding testing sites across the country, distributing 500 million free at-home tests to those who request them. estates that is righting next month. deploying 1,000 service members to strained hospitals and adding new vaccination sites. while cases are skyrocketing, it is the overall hospitalization numbers that we need to keep an eye on. they are rising steadily, not yet spiking. >> joining us is professor h hazeltine. professor, thank you so much for being with us. i want to start with what i think is probably the most important development from what president biden said yesterday. his guidance to americans vaccinated and boosted, he said you can gather safely with your loved ones on this christmas holiday. how do you feel about that guidance? >> i think that's only partially correct. i think to be safe you need to be vaccinated and tested one day before you gather. the reason i say that is that this virus doesn't respond to the vaccines, the ones we've got. in fact, even after the third boost, and three months later, there's virtually no protection at least from the pfizer vaccine. so that because you're vaccinated doesn't mean you're not infecting. yes, it may protect you for some time from being hospitalized or dying, but it may not protect yo from long covid. and that is a serious issue. 10% to 20% of people. even if they're not sick, get long covid. we know in many cases it lasts more than a year. my bottom line is vaccinated plus tested means safety for your family and yourself. . >> but that is achievable. assuming you can get your hands on an instant test, which is not easy really. but if you can and you get tested, you think that you can gather safely on this holiday, even with maybe travel, you know, on train or plane or through airports. >> travel is a big question. i am concerned about how transmissible this is. and you can't be sure that everybody on that plane or on that train has been tested within 24 hours. getting together with your family, if it doesn't require being cooped up in a plane or a long period in a train, it's probably safe going to visit your family in your own car is going to be safe. but i would have serious questions about hopping on a plane in the era of omicron. >> the testing surge announced by the president yesterday, 500 million tests by sometime in january through a website, although it's a little unclear exactly how that will work, also creating new testing centers in cities including new york, how effective do you think that will be to battle the surge that we're already in. to an extent we need the tests yesterday. >> we do need these tests yesterday. and the number of tests that are being proposed is woefully in adequate. as early as september 2020 i wrote a piece for cnn as a matter of fact saying what is the way we can combat this vaccine in the an accepts of an effective vaccine? in fact, we are now there in the absence of an effective vaccine, at least as far as infection and transmission goes. the way to do that is test everybody in this country at least two or three times a week. that means billions of tests, not hundreds of millions of tests. you can also reduce the costs. the real cost should be 50 cents. 100 million similar test were sent to egypt. we could do it. we should. we are behind the curve. . >> israel announcing it is going to offer -- or actually suggest that people get a fourth shot there if you're over 60 years old. what do you think about that? >> well, the moment i saw the results of the third booster shot from the pfizer vaccine failed to protect most people after three months, i immediately sent notes to all of my friends who -- most of whom are over 60, as you might imagine, to get the fourth booster. in fact, i have my fourth booster, as does my wife. it's a very sound policy. it's the only thing i think we can do from the vaccine front right now until we either have better vaccines or better drugs. >> i will say that's not nothing though. you say it wanes after three months. but three months is three months. >> yeah. it is. . >> it counts. if you're -- i'm in the middle of -- i got boosted three weeks ago, and i feel great about the fact that i got boosted three weeks ago. and i feel i have at least some protection over this omicron surge. >> let me say is you do have still protection against hospitalization and death as far as we can tell. we don't know how long that will last. we don't know if you have protection against long covid. so it is important to get the vaccines. i don't want people to misunderstand that. vaccines are really critical possibly to save your life and those whom you love. but it isn't the panacea we thought it would be. therefore, if you're over 60, i agree with the israelis, it's time to get another shot. >> professor haseltine, thank you for being with us this morning. >> you're welcome, john. president biden says vaccinated americans can go ahead with holiday plans. but if you're wondering how to make those plans safer, let's talk to an expert. aaron teaches about infection and immunology at university of massachusetts dartmouth. we will go rapid fire here because people have a lot of questions. the first one being, if you're getting together with friends or family, what should you do? when do you test? >> yeah. good morning, erica. so if you're getting together with friends and family, testing is really about getting those rapid tests and doing it immediately before actually getting together. the day before doesn't really work with the rate at which this virus goes from nondetectable to detectable and infectious. so testing immediately before if you can get your hands on rapid tests, the day before if you can only do pcr, and turning them around in 24 hours. >> what if you're getting together with people who are not vaccinated? let's talk about children under 5 who aren't eligible for a vaccine. should you change the way you interact even if you are boosted and vaccinated? >> people have had the chance to decide what you're going to do, are you getting vaccinated, not getting vaccinated, boosted or not boosted. those people who have gotten vaccinated and boosted have tilted the odds in their favor. they may end up getting infected from this, but one of the key things is not sickness. keeping out of hospital, keeping days and days off work because you're so sick. so, yes there will be unvaccinated people at christmas, especially those that are 0 through 5 years old. the ones most at risk who have had a chance defining what risk looks like for them and what they're going to do. when we're looking at christmas gatherings it's about what your risk tolerance is right now. yes, unvaccinated people are going to be there. but you have chosen your path in regards to vaccine and how you will be protected. >> is there anything specific we should do for those who can't be vaccinated? kids can't choose whether or not they're going to be vaccinated. they don't have the option. >> i'm not dismissing the risk to those under 5. the risks are low of any poor outcomes at all. as your previous guests mention, getting together, people being primarily vaccinated have the risk of it coming in. if you put a buffer around people that are actually vulnerable, you can protect them through you being that firewall coming in. >> what about going back to school? we're seeing a lot of different approaches from different schools. what do you think would be the smartest protocol before kids go back in january? >> yeah. so schools absolutely have to go back in person in january. but you've got to go in with your eyes open based on the data that's happening or what's happening in your community in regards to infections. children and teachers and staff all need to be tested immediately prior going to school. in states like massachusetts, we rolled out the tests. but testing on the morning you're coming in or the week leading up to it will help lower it down. but then being hyper vigilant about protocols in that first week so you can adjust -- capture the risk from the holiday break and get back to school safely. >> for people who are traveling, and some folks may be traveling for christmas this weekend. but then after that for a lot of people you have a whole week off. they may have had trips planned. what should you take into account as you assess the risk? what do you need to do before you travel? >> before you travel, you know, you do owe a responsibility to society. we are not just little objects moving around by ourselves. we actually affect what happens in society. so if you are going to travel, it makes sense to test before you jump on a plane. when you're actually traveling, just make sure you're looking at the risks. and the risks are face-to-face interactions and shared air. so you can actually travel safely and defining safely as not ending up in hospital but maybe being infected. you can travel safely as long as you mind the risks, wear masks, avoid indoor crowded spaces, those types of things. >> sorry. keep that mask on, right? as long as you're on the plane and masked. should we minimize eating and drinking on the plane? . >> planes are not no risk but they are low risk due to the high quality air and filtration they have inside. a good quality mask on you. and then it comes down to the neighbor on the plane. if it's family member, you are okay. if you have a chat where person or a person that's eating beside you that can't stop talking, maybe keep your mask up for a little bit longer. >> that's the excuse people are looking for. sorry. it's covid. i'm going to stay quiet. i'm sure you're getting asked this question a lot because as an expert people want to know what are the experts doing. what are you doing this holiday? have you changed your plans? >> we haven't changed our plans too much. we have a fairly small family. i do have an elderly grandparent that is actually coming. what we have done as a family is lowered the risk this week before she arrives to make sure she's not walking into an infected household. because if she gets infected, she's the most at risk for poor outcomes. we also have rapid tests that i bought weeks ago just to make sure. it's not myself and myself family who have very good health, it's those who may not have the better health, such as her, that we are trying to protect from our gatherings. >> erin bromage, thank you. and happy holidays. >> happy holidays to you, erica. coming up, trump allies stonewalling the investigation into january 6th. michael flynn even suing the committee. what former president trump now plans to do on the one-year anniversary of the capitol insurrection. just the latest effort to rewrite history. plus -- >> did senator manchin break his commitment to you? 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>> senator manchin and i are going to get something done. >> this former democratic u.s. senator and host of the al franken podcast. senator, thank you so much for being with us. joe manchin and i are going to get something done. how right is he? >>. >> i hope he's right. this has been back and forth and up and down. it looked really bad a couple of days ago. he was on the caucus call. there are things joe is very much for, like universal pre-k, which is great stuff. joe has some good points. he doesn't want thing to stop after five years and pay another five years. that's not such a terrible concept. so i think there's some there there. and people i talk to, those who are in the call the, think there is some reason for some optimism. >> what's your advice? if they were going to listen to you, what deal would you tell the more progressive democrats at this point given how manchin feels? >> what joe was saying is what the democrats tried to do is, okay, let's put every program we want in but only pay for four years. and then we will keep paying more. but those programs will work so well that everyone will want to keep them. joe is saying let's do a few programs really well. i am imsurprised where he is coming down on the child tax credit. my goodness, west virginians could really use that. universal pre-k to me is a huge thing to do. and child care would be a huge thing to accomplish. take some victories, show people we are capable of doing those things. it is getting later and later to be able to demonstrate we can do those things before the november election. but i think it is incumbent upon us to do that. also joe is saying i would like high income people to pay more taxes. i'm for that. almost every progressive is for that. this may not be so bad if we get a few really important things done. >> i do want to ask, there are democratic members of congress heading for the hills at this point. a lot of retirements, particularly in the house of representatives. we're up to 22, 23, i've lost cost. stephanie murphy from florida in a swing district there. you know what this pore pore tends when members start voting with their feet. >> yeah. it's not good. i think there are republicans leaning, too. my sense is it's not much fun there. the republican party seem to be about one thing, which is stealing the election. there is nothing they want to get done. they just want to stop everything and they just, well, the only thing we can do right now that we want to do is figure out how to change the laws in the state so we can steal the election. that's what their party is about now. . >> on that subject, the january 6th committee has asked congressman scott perry to come in and testify willingly. he has refused. you think they should try to force him with a subpoena? >> yes. yes. they should refer him to the justice department. i've been saying for a while now that they should make criminal referrals to doj on bannon and on meadows and now on scott. they should just be doing that. there were crimes here. and i don't know what the justice department is. they may be quietly doing this stuff anyway. >> the criminal referrals they have charging him with contempt , they are considering them on referrals beyond just contempt of congress. criminal referrals on maybe financial issues with some of the fund-raising around january 6th. criminal referrals maybe on the former president himself. they say they are considering all of that. is that something that you would like to see from the committee and why? >> well, absolutely. there's a crime here, which is interfering with congress trying to do something, which is to, you know, elect the president. and that was clearly -- it's a crime. and i think it's clear that meadows, those people and the president engaged in that crime. so, yeah, i think there's the justice department should be quiet about this but they should be investigating the crimes. >> great to see you. wish we could see you in person but not these days given the situation we're in with omicron. have a wonderful holiday. >> some day this will all be behind this. >> some day. >> you have a good holiday. all right. librarians fighting back on a war on books. is there in danger in hope during the pandemic? the provocative op-ed from max boot. ♪ (man) still asleep. 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and i felt like this fall we were moving beyond that. that is the hope i talk about. i am triple vaccinated. most of my family is triple vaccinated. we thought we were getting back to a normal semblance of life and, bam, omicron is here. it is very depressing and disturbing. we had the feeling we could see light at the end of the tunnel. . >> and that feeling that it is this locomotive coming at us. again, i think so many people can identify with. when you put it out there, when you put it into words and you talk about it, does that help you in handling this anxiety and looking at where we're at to put it down on paper and really assess where you and your family stand. >> that's a great question. i haven't thought about it that way. but the answer is definitely yes. i'm a writer, so i find it tremendously helpful, my form of therapy, to put things on paper. that's been the case writing about some of the terrible things going on in u.s. politics. it helps me to put it on paper. and certainly that's true with the pandemic as well, it is certainly helpful to me to put it out there, to put my concerns and fears on the printed page or on the internet or wherever. it is hard for most ordinary people who don't have the outlet to cope with it. it is not easy with me even with this outlet >> why are you able to hold onto hope? >> i can't give up the glimmer of optimism looking at what is happening in south africa where the omicron variant came on very strong, very hard. a massive spike in cases initially. now we are already seeing that caseload begin to decline. they did not see a commensurate spike in hospitalizations and deaths the way we did with the delta variant. i'm fervently hoping this will be our experience as well. even though right now in new york where i live, we're seeing a very rammed increase with, you know, new records almost every single day of case loads. we are not seeing new hospitalizations or deaths. and i'm hoping this will be our general experience around the country. you will see the spikes around the country and caseloads. at least i'm hoping we will not see hospitalizations and deaths going up to the same level. but unfortunately you're still seeing the disruption of daily life. again, at this point i'm not that worried about the health consequences of catching covid the way i would have been two years ago before we were vaccinated. now when you are triple vaccinated i think you're in pretty good condition to resist getting sick. but you're not in any condition to force people to keep events open or to, you know, keep vacation plans. those are the things that i think are so difficult that are now in peril. >> yeah. you also note in the article you blame 100 million americans or so who still have not gotten their shot, calling them blockheads. the reality is there are likely to be a number of americans who will still refuse to get that shot. so how do you move into 2022 with that? >> you know, i honestly don't know. it's so depressing. this was one of my biggest sources of hope, the fact that we have created these incredible vaccines in record amount of time. this was a medical miracle. it has never been done. we are not taking advantage of the medicine. it's out there. anybody who wants to in the u.s. can get their shots. but you still have 40% of the population that's eligible that refuses to get vaccinated. and 70% has not yet gotten their third dose, the booster shot. so that is incredibly depressing. not only are they putting their own heating at risk, can which i guess you could argue is their own judgment call, but putting society at risk for psychological, cultural events. any return to normal is much, much harder when the number of people is so low in the united states compared to other advanced democracies. . >> max boot, always good to talk with you. really appreciated the piece. >> thanks for having me. >> happy holidays. keep the hope alive. >> you too. thank you. librarians are banning together against a push to ban books. you're going to hear directly from some of them next. a new warning about the decline of democracy from the pulitzer prize winning creator of the 1619 project. this holiday season, give your family the gift that keeps on... going? 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(all) to screening! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. librarians say efforts to ban books reflective of their diverse schools are on the rise. since september, school libraries in seven states have removed books challenged by community members. one group of librarians is fighting back. cnn's evan mcmorris san toreeo has an interesting look at all of this. >> john, good morning. if you talk to librarians that work with children's books, and i have talked to a lot of them the last couple of weeks, they get a lot of questions. is this appropriate for my kid, what is the right age for this book? they welcome questions like that. they are being vilified. i went down to texas to find out more. this is a school librarian in texas. >> why are you afraid to show your face? >> because there was a day not too long ago when i had to stop and think when they come in with handcuffs and they come in with a warrant for my arrest for alleging that i provided obscene terrible to minors, who am i going to call first. >> is across texas, protesters at school board meetings are accusing educators of forcing pornography or obscene content on children. >> this is not a political vane, this is not a witch-hunt. this is genuine concern for children. it's abuse, it is grooming behavior, predatory. . >> it is largely aimed at school libraries. and many texas politicians are on board. in october, republican state legislator matt krouse requested every school district in the state scour their libraries for a list of 850 books. >> the pattern seem to be books on lbgtqia, they may have sexual violence, survivor stories. some books about racism. >> it includes "new kid", a black student's struggles fitting in at a majority white school. "q." and "cider house rules," coming of age of a character performing abortions. ordering officials to investigate any criminal activity in public schools after complaints about two lgbtq books he said were pornographic. >> i have never experienced anything like that before where a government age or any kind of government entity was interested in specifically what kinds of books were in the library. >> the texas library association is a pretty sleepy advocacy group. but the heated rhetoric is forcing that to change. last week the group set up an anonymous hotline for librarians afraid of job consequences. >> school librarians don't go into this business to harm kids. they are working really, really hard to select books that represent everyone on their campus. >> this is happening all over the country. lgbtq and racial-themed books are facing powerful resistance. educators are being put on notice. in this is pornography, plain and simple, and it does not belong in our schools! >> just since the start of the school year, the american library association has tracked more than 230 book challenges nationwide. the ala says there's been a dramatic upparticular in challenges featuring lgbtq and racial themes. >> students like me are on how they should express themselves. >> yay. there it is. >> they are starting to fight back in a very librarian way. >> i'm going to kick this off by sending my first tweet from freedom friday account. >> unwith of the founders of the groom freaadom fighters. the grassroots way librarians under threat find and help each other. >> it's amazing how widespread the these book challenges are. people are contacting us like privately from all over the country saying can you help me. >> scared. nervous. unsure. >> afraid they will lose their job. . >> i've heard this but they >> tony: this. what do i do? >> they're facing external pressure. what if i'm called out in a board member or someone is in front of my house. >> librarians helping librarians. so librarians can get back to helping kids. >> i grew up reading trumpet of the swan and little house on the prairie. there were no, you know, hispanic girls. that's a disservice to kids. and so we work really hard as librarians to page sure that kids have books that they can see themselves in. but we also want to offer books where kids can learn about other kids's lives. >> who knows that would be something to get you demonized. >> the governor did not respond when asked what they are telling us in texas. we asked reached out to matt krouse and stopped by his office. >> do you think whether you will win or lose this? >> it is not about whether i will win or lose this. i think it is our culture and society where we have to ask yourselves what do we stand to lose if we don't correct action and course now. we can't afford as a democracy to believe anything else that will correct this. >> it is hard to put into words how strange a moment this is for school librarians. that woman you saw who was afraid to show her face because of her job consequences has added a security camera to her garage because she's afraid of what might happen if people find out about the books in her library. she told her kids it's for amazon pirates. but that's what we're dealing with right now. the conversations about books, this vilify indication, the real fear, people who teach our kids how to read. john. >> a librarian afraid to show her face. that should tell you something. this is an important nuanced look. look back, search history to find out the connotation of banning books, what that means historically. because it matters here. i really appreciate the reporting. >> thanks. >> it really does. such a great piece. in a recent interview with "the associated press", pulitzer prize winner of the "1619 project." they said we as americans are going to be severely tested in the next year or two to decide what are we willing to sacrifice to be the country that we believe that we are? joining us now kikole hannah-jones, creator of "the 1619 projects." it is thought provoking, both that and i hope you could hear evan's piece. the librarian at the end said what do we stand to lose. as you look at where we are right now, what do we stand to lose as a country by banning books by ignoring accurate history and by vilifying people who are simply trying to make reading and history and accuracy available. >>. >> thank you so much for having me on. that was a deeply disturbing piece and very important. i'm grateful that you all ran it. because we are in very dangerous times. when you have librarians -- librarians are one of our greatest public goods. these are spaces -- i wouldn't be where i am today without my public library, which allowed me as a child to go in and read about all of these different people and places and gain a different understanding of the world and my place in it and to think that that is now a dangerous profession is demonstrative that i and others are trying to call out right now. our democracy on the brink. i don't know if our institutions will hold with the voting rights, memory laws, anti critical race laws but they are really anti history laws. they are all means of stoking division and resentment. and i don't think we quite know where we're going to go at this moment >> sad i there, they seem to be working in certain communities. you also voted that we need to ask ourselves as journalist, storytellers, they're ators, if we're ringing the alarm bell in the right way. so are we? >> i think there are political journalists and others who are trying to. but i think that are far too many in our profession who are really normalizing what is happening now in an attempt to appear objective in an attempt to say, well, we're going to treat both political parties kwully when we clearly have in this moment one political party that is passing anti democratic policies, that is upholding people with authoritarianism ideas. we just saw kyle rittenhouse got a standing ovation, a young man who has killed two people. i think we as a profession have to step up. we are the firewall for this democracy. and i do not believe that firewall is holding right now. >> what is your biggest concern if we were to look at, is it the adults who are leading this charge, right, and the -- i'm always struck by and so troubled by this anger and the -- and the fact that this librarian is that group more concerning or is it the impact on this next generation, on the kids, that are not only perhaps in some instances being raised with seeing that as reactions being okay, but who are being potentially raised in a country where they're not getting the whole story and they may not even have access to a book? >> i think that is both. the immediate concern is clearly the adults who are trying to ban books, who are coming to school board meetings and threatening school boards, who are making teachers afraid to teach a more accurate history, a more accurate literature. but obviously that is also setting a very dangerous example for our youth, who then grow up to have similar ideas. the reason you ban a book is you are afraid that it will expand a child's mind, it will give a child understanding of their world. and i actually think if you look at the bans that are being -- the books that are being banned and challenged, these are books about marginalized people. these are books that give us empathy, for those in our society who are most vulnerable. and we absolutely do not want to raise children who do not have empathy for those in our society who are marginalized. because that is very dangerous and that's how we get more violence, that's how we get more laws and policies that are restrictive for people's ability to live their lives. i think both of those concerns are very serious in this moment. and we are not setting a good example for our youth right now. >> it is such a great point, such an excellent point about empathy. really good to have you with us, nikole, thank you. >> thank you so much. emergency rooms getting busier with covid cases. just ahead, you'll hear from a doctor on the front lines. and fox defending one of its hosts after dr. anthony fauci told "new day" this. >> the guy should be fired on the spot. to all the kisses... ...that led... this one. celebrate every kiss, with kay. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan th helps you build a future for those you love. vangrd. it's our holiday savings event the sleep number 360 smart bed. what if i sleep hot? 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>> fox is being supportive of watters amid this backlash and that backlash started like you said when watters was at this conservative conference and he used a kill shot metaphor to encourage students to ambush interview dr. anthony fauci. fox's support comes as you note after fauci was on this program yesterday, decrying the comments as awful and saying that this is what he believes should happen to the fox host. >> you have some guy out there saying that people should be giving me a kill shot, to ambush me. i mean, what kind of craziness is there in society these days? that's awful that he said that. and he's going to go very likely unaccountable. i mean, whatever network he's on is not going to do anything for him. that's crazy. the guy should be fired on the spot. >> and, john, in the interview, he predicted that fox would not hold watters accountable. turns out he's right. fox put out a statement yesterday defending watters saying that his words have been taken out of context. of course, that's not really true. and fox also him guest hosting a primetime news show in addition to the regular show he co-hosts called the five on fox, and i should also note that when he was co-hosting the five, he engaged in more criticism of fauci and that prompted one of his colleagues to joke that it was fauci who should be the one fired on the spot, that prompted laughter among the co-hosts there. so i think you can really say that not only is fox dismissing concerns about what watters said, but they're quite literally laughing in his face. >> look, watters was talking about ambush interviews, that was the context. it was the language he used, ambush, kill shot, dead, dead, dead, that i think fauci was responding to there. president biden commented on vaccine misinformation during his speech tuesday. taking a tough tone, oliver. >> i think this is an interesting notable moment. the president not only talking to americans who are unvaccinated and vaccinated, but also talking and addressing the people who are promoting vaccine lies. >> the unvaccinated are responsible for their own choices. those choices have been fueled by dangerous misinformation on cable tv and social media. these companies and personalities are making money, by pedaling lies and allowing misinformation that can kill their own customers and their own supporters. it is wrong. it is immoral. i call on the per veighers of these lies and misinformation to stop it, stop it now. >> strong words from the president there yesterday, but as you might predict, they're having no effect among those who have been promoting vaccine misinformation. for instance, tucker carlson last night, first few moments of the program he was trafficking in a bunch of anti-vaccine rhetoric. >> interesting, donald trump talking about the efficacy of the boosters and the vaccines and how people should take them. oliver darcy, thank you very much. >> thank you. "new day" continues right now. good morning to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. it is wednesday, december 22nd. i'm john berman. brianna is off. erica hill with me. great to have you here a

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, Crimes , Some , Just Contempt Of Congress , Issues , Fund Raising , Crime , Elect , Situation , Books , Librarians , Hope , War , Danger , Man , Max Boot , Op Ed , Woman Vo , Vo , Season , Greetings , Audi , Gift , Store , Zales , Flavors , Dishes , Seat , Table , Desire , Don T Wanna , Guest , Philosophy , German , Reality , It Pro , Evils , Torments , Worst , Concern , Anxiety , Kind , Decisions , Have , Answers , Single , Lack , Tkaeugz , Epidemiologists , Gym , Movies , Subway , Semblance , Bam , Feeling , Locomotive , Light , The End Of Tunnel , Words , Paper , Help , Answer , Haven T , Family Stand , Writer , Form , Therapy , Politics , Case Writing , Concerns , Outlet , Page , Wherever , Internet , Don T , Fears , Glimmer , Spike , South Africa , Caseload , Deaths , Hospitalizations , Experience , Delta Variant , Case , Spikes , Increase , Caseloads , Daily Life , Level , Disruption , Condition , Health Consequences , Sick , Events , Vacation Plans , Article , Peril , Shot , Them Blockheads , Amount , Sources , Don T Know , 2022 , Population , Anybody , Shots , Advantage , Medicine , Miracle , 40 , Booster Shot , Call , Dose , Judgment , Heating , 70 , Return , Psychological , Democracies , A Push To Ban Books , Democracy , Project , Creator , Decline , Pulitzer Prize , 1619 , Holiday Season , Energizer Bunny , Energizer Ultimate Lithium , Stages , Screening , Salad , Colon Cancer , Fries , Aa Battery , Snowball Splat , Windshield Wiper , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Dna , Stool , 45 , 92 , Provider , Wish List Event , Power , Sanctuary , Lincoln , Efforts , Rise , Group , Look , School Libraries , Community Members , Mcmorris San Toreeo , Seven , Book , Kid , School Librarian , Texas , Face , Handcuffs , Warrant , Arrest , Pornography , Educators , Protesters , Content , Vane , Minors , School Board , Politicians , Witch Hunt , Behavior , Grooming , Abuse , Predatory , Matt Krouse , School District , Libraries , List , 850 , Pattern , Lbgtqia , Violence , Stories , Student , Majority White School , Survivor , Racism , Struggles , New Kid , Activity , Officials , Character Performing Abortions , Q , Cider House Rules , Ordering , Complaints , Government , Pornographic , Government Entity , Rhetoric , Library , Advocacy Group , Kinds , Texas Library Association , Job Consequences , School Librarians Don T Go , Hotline , Business , Campus , Resistance , Lgbtq , The School , Start , Notice , Ala , American Library Association , 230 , Students , Challenges , Upparticular , Themes , Librarian , Tweet , Freaadom , Each Other , Fighters , Unwith , Founders , Threat , Freedom Friday Account , Book Challenges , Scared , Nervous , Unsure , Someone , Pressure , Board Member , Job , Front , My House , Girls , Disservice , Little House On The Prairie , Reading Trumpet Of The Swan , Hispanic , Lives , Office , Governor , Course , Culture , Action , Woman , School Librarians , Security Camera , Garage , Pirates , Conversations , Amazon , Fear , Indication , Connotation , Banning Books , Reporting , Interview , The Associated Press , Winner , Kikole , Hannah Jones , Projects , Evan , Accuracy , Reading , Vilifying , Ran , Child , Public Library , Goods , Profession , World , Understanding , Places , Place , Demonstrative , Others , Brink , Voting Rights , Institutions , History Laws , Resentment , Memory Laws , Anti Critical Race , Stoking Division , Communities , Journalist , Ators , Alarm Bell , Storytellers , Attempt , Journalists , Policies , Parties , Authoritarianism Ideas , Objective , Rittenhouse , Standing Ovation , Adults , Anger , Charge , Impact , Okay , Generation , Reactions , Instances , Both , Story , Example , School Boards , Literature , School Board Meetings , Youth , Ideas , Mind , Empathy , Bans , Ability , Nikole , Guy , Spot , Fox , Doctor , Anthony Fauci , Dr , Emergency Rooms , Hosts , Lines , Kiss , With Kay , Kisses , Led , Sleep Number , Holiday Savings Event , Bed , Plan , Future , Tools , Investor , Access , Owner , Th , Vangrd , 360 , Sleep , Smart Bed , No Problem , Movements , Cold , Night After , Interest , Care , Science , Plus , 500 , 48 , 00 , Home , Family Room Slash Gym , Daybed , Yoga Shanti Slash , Bedroom Slash Music Studio , The Living Room , Slash Classroom , Vacation , Panic Room , Basement Slash , Family Needs , Vrbo , Taking Ibrance , Women , Hr , Breast Cancer , Thousands , Aromatase Inhibitor , Men , Ibrance Plus , Disease Progression , Hormonal , Blood Cell , Lungs , Inflammation , Chills , Breathing , Liver , Breastfeeding , Kidney Problems , Chest Pain , Trouble , Cough , Signs , Fever , Information , Side Effects , Car Vending Machines , Company , Carvana , Techno Wizardry , License Plate , Value , Jesse Watters , Fox Host , Pink Slip , Language , Oliver Darcy , Audience , Will Fox Take The Doctor , Backlash , Comments , Support , Kill Shot Metaphor , Conference , Craziness , Context , Turns , Fox Put Out A Statement Yesterday , Primetime News Show , On Fox , Show , Criticism , Addition , Laughter , Co Hosts , Colleagues , Fox Dismissing , Ambush Interviews , Dead , Ambush , Vaccine Misinformation , Tone , Speech , Choices , Vaccine Lies , Dangerous Misinformation , Misinformation , Pedaling , Personalities , Companies , Money , Social Media , Supporters , Cable Tv , Customers , Effect , Veighers , There Yesterday , Boosters , Last Night , Trafficking , Bunch , Efficacy , Donald Trump , Interesting , Tucker Carlson ,

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