Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Vi

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240709

least 40 states in addition to washington, d.c., and puerto rico. president biden's chief medical adviser dr. anthony fauci saying earlier today now is the time to get boosted because without that additional shot, you likely won't have enough protection. in addition to the omicron variant, we know delta is still the dominant strain in this country, from what we know may also be more severe than omicron. it is filling up hospitals. the majority of those folks hospitalized for covid-19 unvaccinated. a reminder, it's the pandemic of the unvaccinated. the u.s. averaging right now nearly 1,300 covid-related deaths being reported each day. in new york city, you see lines like this around the block. this is for covid testing. those lines aren't just happening here in the city either. plenty of other places around the country, let's take you though to the streets of new york city. cnn's shimon prokupecz is outside one of those testing sites. i've driven by lines like this for the last couple of days. they've really been doubling, shimon. >> reporter: yeah, they have, and people standing for hours, right? kind of reminds us of when we were out on the streets in the beginning of this and through the months and really the year of this pandemic, and now to see lines like this again, it just shows you the anxiety that people are having because of the numbers. the increase in the number of positive cases, and also people back in offices, back out living their lives are now being exposed yet again to people who are testing positive. so all of this concern is now bringing people to places like this where they're waiting, standing in line for hours to get tested. so let's look at some of those numbers. when you look at the numbers here in new york city, it's alarming for the city officials. they're saying that in just the last few days, in just three days they saw a doubling of numbers. they went from 3.9% to now over 7%, and then of course the concern over the unvaccinated and how many of them are starting to test positive. that, of course, is one of the big concerns when it relates to hospitalizations where we're seeing a steady increase but not enough of a concern yet where city officials or state officials need to take aggressive action. but it is the unvaccinated, of course, that they're worried about, and of course people all across the city are very concerned because what's starting to happen is restaurants are starting to shut down because employees are starting to test positive, and so the restaurant owners don't have the employees, the staff to keep these restaurants open. and then of course broadway, the broadway shows are being hit by some of these positive cases as cast members are starting to test positive and they're shutting down as well. >> shimon prokupecz, appreciate it. it does feel a lot like the beginning. you are right. thank you. well, christmas one week from tomorrow, the holiday travel rush already underway. cnn aviation correspondent pete muntean is at reagan national airport in arlington, virginia. things really picking up. i wonder how concerned folks are as they head to the airport today, pete. >> reporter: we'll see how this pans out, erica. you know, the tsa says it's anticipating 20 to 21 million people passengers at america's airports starting on the 23rd and lasting until january 3rd. in fact, united airlines predicts that today through next thursday will be its busiest period and that its air passenger traffic loads will be about 20% higher than what we saw during thanksgiving, which set pandemic era air travel records. the number yesterday, 2.06 million people at america's airports as the highest number we have seen since december 5th, really a sign that this holiday travel rush is kicking off a little bit early here. we will see how the rise in infections really impacts these numbers. airlines say they've seen a bit of wavering in ticket bookings since the omicron variant started to make headlines. united airline's ceo scott kirby says cancellations have gone up a little bit, but not near as much as when the delta variant period last summer. >> 2022 is still going to be a recovery year for the industry because, you know, we're not -- covid isn't over yet. covid is never going to be over, but it's still in the probably pandemic phase instead of the endemic phase. >> what's so interesting here is that the cdc is now giving out free at home coronavirus test kits to international travelers as they arrive into the united states. just a select few airports right now, dallas, chicago, miami, minneapolis, it says it could expand this program sometime soon to more airports. the cdc says it is crucial for those who are traveling internationally and coming into the u.s. to get tested three to five days after arriving in the country, but the bottom line here from the tsa, wear a mask, bring a lot of patience, and a lot of flexibility. might want to consider traveling on christmas day itself if you have not booked a ticket already, that's when passenger loads are expected to be the lowest erica. >> we'll be watching. meantime, i do want to get your take on some breaking news we're seeing. the ceo of southwest airlines we're learning has tested positive for covid. of course just days after he was testifying at that senate hearing along with other airline exec executives. they were in there. what more do we know about this? >> reporter: i was there too, erica. what's so interesting about this is that these executives testified maskless for about three hours to the senate oversight committee on airlines and the $50 billion they received from the federal government. we just learned about southwest ceo gary kelly's positive test. we have also learned that unit ceo scott kirby has tested negative. american's ceo is getting tested later on, and an executive vice president from delta airlines has also tested negative, but this is really, really interesting that this has happened after southwest ceo gary kelly made some comments about how masks, he believed weren't all that effective when you consider the clean air on board an airplane. although we've been talking to scientists about this at the start of the pandemic. they think it's part of a layered approach and this is also a federal mandate that will last until march 18, 2022. >> there was a lot of push bag on those comments and a little bit of a correction that went out too. can't help tieing the two now. pete muntean, appreciate the update. thank you. you may have heard about this viral tiktok trend warning of a nationwide violence at schools today. it sparked a number of school closures, a lot of emails. i know we got one from our superintendent, increased law enforcement presence and, frankly, concern. a lot of concern. u.s. officials dismissing the vague threats as non-credible, but the concerns remain. a number of families even keeping their kids home today. cnn's polo sandoval is here. in terms of the threats, they've said that this is vague. it's non-credible, understandably concerning, though, if it's calling for this nationwide day of violence in schools. do we know anything more about the origins, who's responsible for it? >> it's concerning especially if you're a parent too, right? tiktok for its part saying they have looked all over their platform at this point. they have found indication of these rumors that were circulating across the country that in some cases led to school closures, and we'll get to that in just a second, but they still haven't been able to pin point where this started or how it started and really who would potentially be behind it. let's get to tiktok's response if we could, at least what they said earlier this morning in reaction to obviously calls for them to do even more. tiktok writing that they have extensively and exhaustively serged for content that promotes violence at schools today. they have still found nothing, the platform goes on to write, or at least representatives for the platform, what we've found are videos discussing this rumor. local authorities, the fbi, dhs all confirmed there's no credible threat. we're working to remove alarmist warnings that violate our misinformation policy. tiktok going on to write if we did find promotion of violence on our platform they would remove and will report to law enforcement. there is a real world impact. we mentioned some schools, they really did increase the presence of law enforcement personnel on campus, and then at the same time they're also calling on platforms like tiktok to actually police themselves and track down these kiends of statements and rumors that are not credible at this point, but even the most non-credible of rumor not only leads to tremendous stress obviously for students who are just trying to wrap up their fall semester, for parents as well, and law enforcement certainly as they try to find out how this started. >> and for the school staff, it is a lot. i have to say it was an alarming email we got from our superintendent. appreciate the reporting, thank you. also with us is amy clinger, founder and director of programs for the educator school safety network. it's good to have you with us today. when we step back for a minute, and we look at as polo pointed out, it's not clear where this came from, vague, non-credible, industrial from students to parents to staff and educators and law enforcement, this had a lot of people concerned. is there a way to better police this inn your experience sm. >> well, i think there's a lot of problems associated with this. one of those is that it kind of forces us to take our eyes off the ball. so we're looking for this big nationwide sort of very vague threat, and it removes us from looking at what's happening right in front of us with the kids right in front of us in our schools. so clearly that's an issue. but i think one of the larger concerns is really for schools to be able to work proactively to be able to get kids to disclose what they know, to be able to report what they have seen and also to have a handle on, you know, those relationships with kids within their own building. social media is always a component that makes these threats even more, it exacerbates them, makes them more widespread. so we really need to be -- schools need to be looking locally, and they need to be working on being proactive to respond to these threats. >> which i understand. i wonder, too, though, about the added responsibilities on staff, on educators, right? we are now asking our teachers to do a whole lot more than educate, and so does that need to be parsed out a little bit more? yes, report the warning signs, yes, let someone know when there's a problem. but are there other factors at play here? is it -- would it be helpful to maybe take away phones during the day? i know that's hard. my high schooler needs it during the day for work, for assignments, but are we learning that maybe that's not as effective? >> i think what's really much more effective is to continue to build those collaborations between parents and staff and staunts so that we can disclose and make sure that we're coordinating our response. but i think really a lot of the answer is more training for staff that is not resolving around trying to go find social media threats but rather training to be able to identify individuals of concern, training to be able to respond to events, all events, not just active shooter events because the real danger for our students is what's happening in terms of suicide, violent behavior, drug overdoses, all the things that are happening are much more statistically likely, and we take our eyes off the ball when we get, you know, down the rabbit hole of looking into social media. as much as that is a big factor that needs to be part of that overall response. >> it's interesting because kids today are faced with so much more, right? and they have -- kids now have grown up with knowledge of not just mass shootings, but mass shootings that can happen at schools, and they see it. how much does that -- how much do you think that has impacted what they deal with on a daily basis in terms of -- it's hard enough being a kid, right? but when you're dealing with all these other factors around you, you're dealing with a pandemic, you're trying to make things work. all of that compounds itself. >> right, and that's one of the things that really concerns me is, you know, we have been studying violent threats and incidents since 2013, and we see them increasing every single year. then we have this little bit of a pause with the pandemic where schools were largely on lain, and now we're coming back from that and we're surprised that there's additional threats and incidents of violence, but yet kids have been through the stress of a pandemic, social isolation, all the disruptions and, you know, things that have happened to them, and we're bringing it back, and of course we're going to see this esca escalation. the question is what are we going to be doing about it? we can't always just be in reaction mode. we have to really start focusing on the things that are really the most dangerous and the most impactful for our kids and really start working on those things because even the threats have a cost in terms of what they do to disrupt kids, to provide -- you know, to be more stress and more trauma. so threats themselves are a problem. >> they absolutely are, and unfortunately i would imagine they can inspire other threats, right, when kids see this. >> absolutely. >> i'm wondering if you have -- pulling back, there are a lot of parent who is probably got these emails or got a robocall from their district. we need to look more at the causes of these they ings, how h do parents, do schools need to be having these conversations with kids about what can happen, how to spot it, how to report it, and how to feel safe? >> absolutely, and i think those important conversations really need to take place between parents and kids and school and the school. i think it's really important to put it in an appropriate context. you know, the statistical likelihood of a kid dying in a school shooting event, as horrific as that is, is pretty low. the statistical likelihood of a kid dying of covid is statistically pretty low, but in between those two extremes there's a lot of other things that aren't being discussed and talked about, in terms of suicidal ideations, drug adetection, medical emergencies, noncustodial parents, violent fights, all those thing, those conversations all center around if you need help, reach out. if you see something that is concerning, tell somebody, disclose. so those relationships will help to keep kids safe across that whole continuum of things that we worry about. >> it is so important to have someone they feel -- a kid feels comfortable speaking with. amy klinger great to have you with us this afternoon. thank you. >> thank you. still ahead, dr. anthony fauci warning there's virtually no protection from omicron without a booster? he's going to join me live. just ahead, we'll talk more about that and the spread of this variant just ahead. plus, members of dr. martin luther king's family now calling for a halt on celebrations on martin luther king day if congress doesn't take action on voting rights. so what would that mean and will it work in terms of getting some movement in washington? we'll ask martin luther king iii next. ll, is a game of inches. but it's also a game, of information. because the nfl is connected. and at any moment, the fate of the season can come down to this. billions of secure connections, per second. when the game is on the line and the game is always on the line touchdown! the nfl relies on cisco. ho ho ho! not again. oh no. for the gifts you won't forget. the mercedes-benz winter event. get a credit toward your first month's payment on select models. >> man: what's my safelite story? i spend a lot of time in my truck. it's my livelihood. ♪ rock music ♪ >> man: so i'm not taking any chances when something happens to it. so when my windshield cracked... my friend recommended safelite autoglass. they came right to me, with expert service where i needed it. ♪ rock music ♪ >> man: that's service i can trust... no matter what i'm hauling. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ democrats hopes of passing the build back better plan by christmas, the president is shifting his focus to voting rights bills. leading progressive democrats and activists to demand that the senate change the filibuster rule. at a commencement speech at stk state university, president biden called out republicans for stalling that voting rights legislation. >> we supported democrats fighting for voting rights bills since day one of our administration making sure we had unanimous support among democrats in the senate, which we do. each and every time it's brought up, that other team blocks the ability even to start to discuss it. that other team. it used to be called the republican party. >> the family of martin luther king jr. is now putting pressure on president biden and lawmakers to act on federal voting rights bills calling for no celebration on the mlk holiday this year january 17th without passage of this legislation. martin luther king iii and his wife andrea waters king are joining me now. it's good to have both of you with us. i heard your sister say this is not a plan not to celebrate, but it's a change in how to celebrate those accomplishments that your father made and how much more there is to do. can you explain what you would like to see if there is no legislation that has passed on january 17th this year? >> number one, what we're talking about is engagement, engagement by people calling their senators, people standing on bridges saying to the administration and congress you've todone a great job with infrastructure, now it's time to do something for the voters of america to make sure that no one's voice is not heard. we've seen since january, 33 bills passed in 19 states and so we need action and we need action right now. >> senators man chichin and sin have been pretty clear where they stand. senator sinema saying earlier this week she was concerned if they got rid of the filibuster for voting rights if republicans took control they could come back ask change things and use it in their own defense. how does that sit with you? >> well, first of all, i think it is very important to remember that the filibuster, last year we saw a lot of relics of white supremacy coming down in this nation and across the world. the filibuster is the most powerful relic of white supremacy that's still being used. it was something that stopped anti-lynching legislation. it stopped civil rights legislation. it was used to block voting rights, and this year alone it's been used twice to block voting rights, so i think it's quite clear that this procedural, it really needs to be eliminated totally and completely. >> if that doesn't change, i asked senator mazie hir ronna about this, if nothing gets done, what is your next course of action? here's what she told me. >> i am relying on the courts at this point. there are all kinds of legal challenges to the fwa law, the texas law being mounted by groups out there that have to use their time and resources, and we also have an attorney general now who's not just going to be a shill for the president but who is also fighting some of the gerrymandering and other types of bills. >> is relayingying on the court going to be effective? >> i think you have to use everything in your arsenal. the courts is one step. again, the people must continue to be heard. i believe when you look at -- i'll go back to 1964, my dad talked to president johnson after signing the civil rights act, and president johnson said, dr. king, i'd like it help you on the voting rights act, but i just don't have the currency. my father said we must precipitate a nonviolent crisis. therein came selma and selma and all the demonstrations that took place created the opportunity for voting rights bill to occur. so my point is when the people are heard from from the representatives, i think the representatives may even modify, could i say modify, but we have to continue to say this is what we want, 63% of americans want voting rights protected. >> what we have to say to both the administration and to congress, we have seen them come together, and we have seen what happens when the full power of the administration is behind an idea, and what wae're saying is that you stood for the bridges. now it's time to stand for the people, which is why we will be at several bridges starting january 15th, and ending january 17th saying that we really cannot in good faith celebrate the king holiday when there is no voting rights protections. >> and calling on others to follow that lead. real quickly before i let you both go. in terms of the president's involvement here, we just heard his words from earlier today, do you think he's engaging enough on this? has he been engaging with you? >> i think the president has certainly -- this is -- when we took and announced this a few days ago, since we have announced it, we've seen the senator now that there's a little bit of shift to focus on voting rights, and the president has announced that. so let's say we're moving in the right direction, but there still is a lot of work that has to be done. we've got to see these bills passed. >> martin luther king iii, andrea waters king, good to have both of you with us. we'll continue to follow the developments. thank you. >> thank you. just ahead, dr. anthony fauci joins us. what do you need to know today about the omicron variant, about the dominant delta variant as we're heading into the busy holiday season? he's going to tell us next. hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ tide pods ultra oxi one ups the cleaning power of liquid. can it one up whatever they're doing? for sure. seriously? one up the power of liquid, one up the toughest stains. any further questions? 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>> you know, erica, i think they will be fine. what happens when you get the two-dose shot after a period of time, the depth and the amount of protection wanes a bit, and that's the reason why at this point it's recommended if you have an mrna to get boosted six months or more after. so the booster that i spoke about at the press conference today really does bring up the level of the protection to a quite high level. and that's the reason why we are really encouraging very strongly that when you're eligible for a boost to get boosted because the data i showed indicated that particularly with omicron, that the level of protection goes really rather low in a range that may not be as protective as w we'd like. but yet when you get that boost, it goes right up there. as you said we're getting a wave of omicron coming upon the country, and we want to be optally protected. first, we've got to get the people who have not been vaccinated vaccinated. that is absolutely essential, particularly with the oncoming weeks as we get into the depth of the winter, but as i mentioned boosters are really important. >> are you concerned at all as you talk about the need to get more americans vaccinated, the cdc now recommending that an mrna vaccine, either pfizer or moderna in this country is what they would recommend over j&j. they're pulling j&j. are you concerned that that could further add to vaccine hesitancy among some people? >> you know, i don't think so. what the cdc and all of us are doing, erica, is being totally honest and transparent with the american public, and the data that's accumulated makes the cdc make an appropriate recommendation. first of all, if you only have as something that's accessible to you, if that's j&j, by all means please get vaccinated. it is always better to get vaccinated with some vaccine versus don't get vaccinated at all, but if you do have the choice for the reasons that the cdc gave that you should prefer to get an mrna vaccine over the j&j. >> when we look at booster shots, you know, it's not just folks who may have just ngottena second dose who may not yet be eligible, but children at this point are not. pfizer just said earlier today they are now testing a third dose in children under age 16. they also said that they need to test a third dose in young kids because the amount i guess the dosage that they were using they found wasn't effective. do you think this could potentially delay the vaccine for 2 to 5-year-olds? >> you know, i think out of necessity, erica, it's going to make the time frame for when we get an emergency use authorization for children that young, it will. it won't be likely until the second quarter of 2022, and we were hoping it would be in the first quarter, but at least from what pfizer is saying, by the time they get all of the necessary data and go through all of the procedure of getting an emergency use authorization, unfortunately it's not going to be until the second quarter. but you want to really get the right dose and the right regimen for the children. so although you don't like there to be a delay, you want to fete it right, and that's what they're talking about. >> better to be right always, that is always what we want. especially with kids. the cdc, dr. walensky was talking today about the successful test to stay program that they have piloted in a couple of different schools where it keeps kids in schools. it sounds like a great plan. i'm a parent of two kids, i want them in school too. do you think that districts around the country will have the resources to follow this plan? testing is still a major hurdle for a lot of people. >> yeah, and that's the reason why the administration is putting a considerable effort on really jacking up the amount of tests that will be b available t that recently had put in $7 billion to get anywhere from 200 million to 500 million tests a month available. i think with that effort and attempt to get enough tests for anytime you need a test, particularly the point of care tests where you get a result right away, we're going to go in that direction, and we're there i hope very soon. >> you know, i do want to ask you, too, we were just getting some information in here breaking news that the nfl is postponing three games due to covid-19 issues around the league. for a lot of people, this feels like deja vu all over the again. i know we have vaccines now and boosters, and that's a great thing. as we look at how this is playing out, what is your biggest concern today? >> well, my biggest concern is that we don't get people to fully appreciate why it's so important to do the things that you and i are talking around right now. we have -- we have the means. we have the capabilities of being able to control this. you know, we'd still have, erica, 50 million or more people in this country who have not yt even gotten their first vaccination. that is really unacceptable if we want to get through the challenge of a delta, which is bad enough, we're looking it straight in the face. and then over your shoulder is coming omicron. that's a very tenuous and difficult situation, so we've got to do the things that are available to us. vaccination, boosting, masking when you're in an indoor setting, prudent, careful traveling when you go going to an airport, keeping your mask on. you have to have a mask on when you're on the plane. those are the things that we've got to do, and we will be okay if we do that. >> look, there's been a lot of confusion throughout the pandemic. one of the things that's coming up repeatedly, especially this week, i know you've been asked about it a lot, but this term fully vaccinated. now that you're saying as you said today at the white house briefing, optimum protection is to be fully vaccinated but have the booster. do we need to change the definition of fully vaccinated? >> well, you know, erica, it depends on what you're using the definition for. if you're using it for whether or not someone is essentially considered complying with the importance as well as the requirement to get vaccinated for a job or for getting into college. >> right, what about protection though? i think people think of it more as protection, not as, okay, i need to have two shots to be here every day at cnn. i know that. maybe that changes in the future, maybe it doesn't. i have my booster as well, but i think for people when they think fully vaccinated it's not even so much about mplaces i can or can't go. what does fully vaccinated actually mean now? >> that's the point. that's why i say it is a bit of semantics, erica. if you're asking me as a health person, you should fget boosted because optimal protection is boosted. the legalistic aspect of the court cases that are going through with regard to osha and the requirement for vaccination, that's going to get very confusing if you change what the requirement is, so rather than get maired in legal aspect, i cn say as a health official, if you want to be optimally protected, get that boost, and don't worry about what the definition is. >> okay. so to be optimally protected we need the booster. we'll go with that since you're not the lawyer on this one. i do understand that. i do want to ask you too, this report came out from the house oversight committee today lacking at the response of the trump administration to covid, decisions that were made, efforts to block officials from speaking out, watering down guidance, testing guidance among them, and public health guy dance for political purposes. i know you've spoken about this. you spoke with my colleague dr. sanjay gupta about it, and weighed in in march about some of your experience. i just want to play part of that. >> the thing that hit me like a punch to the chest was all of a sudden he got up and said lib rat virginia, liberate michigan, and i said to myself, oh, my g goodness, what is going on here? it shocked me because it was such a jolt to what we were trying to do. >> i found a lot of what i was reading in this report brought me back to what sanjay had found in his discussions with you and others. how important is it to get this record out there, dr. fauci? >> well, it's always important, erica, to get the facts and the truth out there, and that's what that report is doing. it was unfortunate that it was not a situation where we were optimally getting the message across. and as i said in that interview with sanjay, dr. birx and i had put a lot of effort into getting a formgt out where people could address the outbreak in a way that would be optimal from a public health standpoint, and then the day after we did that, when that came out, i'll say it again as i said to sanjay, i was floored by that because that was totally counterproductive. >> you know, we're at this point now nearly two years in. i know you have got to be exhausted. so many people are, though. there is the unknown that omicron is bringing with it, the confusion about how many shots do i need to be fully protected. you did clear some of that up this afternoon, but i just wonder, there's no way to predict when this pandemic is going to be over, but given how exhausted, how worn out people are, what do you say to some of these folks who just say i can't do it anymore? i'm done. >> you have to do it, erica. i mean, everybody understands and we all have been through a two-year ordeal that is really unprecedented in the history of public health in our country. that is for sure, but we can't give in. we will win this war with this virus, but we will win it only because we apply the things that we have, the interventions. we are so fortunate that we have a highly effective and safe vaccine. we know what public health mitigations work. we have just got to hang in there. we can't give up. we're at a war. you know, if you really want to make a metaphor out of it, and you know, take an analogy, it's sort of like in the beginning of world war ii when we were losing all the battles and we were getting pushed back on the pacific front and on the europe fro front, if we had said, oh, my goodness, we're all fatigued, let's give up. that would not have been a good thing. i think we need to look at it in the fact that we are at war with a very formidable enemy. we're going to win the war because we're better than the virus. >> and we actually know what those tools are to fight it, too. it's just a matter of getting everybody to use them. dr. anthony fauci, always good to talk with you, thank you. >> thank you for having me. this just in to cnn, a judge has handed down the longest sentence yet for a capitol rioter. we'll have those details for you next. stay with us. o man, that's a whole lot of wrinkly at least my shoes look good! looking good start with bounce wrinkleguard, the megasheet designed to prevent wrinkles in the dryer. ♪ thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. ♪ be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. 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(♪ ♪) you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. tiger woods making a triumphant return today playing in his first competitive round since being seriously injured in a car crash back in february. tiger teed off at the pnc championship with his 12-year-old son charlie. cnn's nadia joining us from orlando. so, how did it go? >> well, erica, that's the beauty of the pnc championship. he gets to get out there and have some fun and get back to play in front of all of us for the first time in almost a year. there were those moments, the glimmer of the old tiger woods with the big, powerful swing he's known for but he's still recovering. he said he wanted to come back and play next to his 12-year-old son charlie. he said i'm his dad. i'm not his coach, and i'll support him in anything he wants to do in life. then i asked him a follow-up question. take a listen. >> we've seen the video of the similarities. your mannerisms and there's so many things we can point out that he has that you have. what would be something that you would say makes him a different golfer, a little bit different than you? >> i didn't have speed like that, at that age. i was probably a little taller than charlie is. that same age. i was skinny as a rail. you know, looked like a 1 iron. the way we move and push off, the way he pushes off and how i used to push off, very similar. but that's what is neat about it. >> everybody likes doting on their kids. tiger woods is no different. no timeline on when he might return to full competitive play. he says even then he'll probably come back part time. just as much as americans like to see some of their heroes sometimes fall from grace, we all love a good comeback story. >> it is an excellent point and never hurts when you throw their kids in the mix. nadia, appreciate it. kim potter took the stand recalling the moment she shot and killed daunte wright earlier this year. we have the latest for you from the minneapolis courtroom just ahead. very day can help. align contains a quality probiotic developed by gastroenterologists. it adds more good bacteria to your gut to naturally help soothe your occasional bloating, gas and abdominal discomfort. support your digestive health with align, the #1 doctor recommended probiotic. try align today. and try new align fast acting biotic gummies. helps soothe occasional digestive upsets in as little as 7 days. when you really need to sleep you reach for the really good stuff. new zzzquil ultra helps you sleep better and longer when you need it most. it's non habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. new zzzquil ultra. when you really really need to sleep. small businesses like yours make gift-giving possible. now, comcast business has an exclusive gift for you. introducing the gift of savings sale. for a limited time, ask how to get a great deal for your business. and get up to a $500 prepaid card with select bundles when you switch to the network that can deliver gig speeds to the most businesses. or get started with internet and voice for $64.99 per month with a 2-year price guarantee. give your business the gift of savings today. comcast business. powering possibilities. how not to be a hero: because that's the last thing they need you to be. you don't have to save the day. you just have to navigate the world so that a foster child isn't doing it solo. you just have to stand up for a kid who isn't fluent in bureaucracy, or maybe not in their own emotions. so show up, however you can, for the foster kids who need it most— at (vo) subaru and our retailers believe in giving back. that's why, in difficult times, we provided one hundred and fifty million meals to feeding america. and now through the subaru share the love event, we're helping even more. by the end of this year, subaru will have donated over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. this is what it means to be more than a car company. this is what it means to be subaru. in the season of giving, we want to show you how to help our top ten cnn heroes for 2021 continue their important work. >> i'm anderson cooper. each of this year's cnn heroes proves that one person can make a difference. this year we're making it easy for you to support their great work. go to click on donate beneath any 2021 top ten cnn hero to make a direct contribution to that hero's fundraiser on gofundme. you'll receive an email c confirming your donation which is tax deductible in the united states. no matter the amount you can make a big difference in helping our heroes continue their life-changing work. right now through january 3rd, your donations will be matched dollar for dollar up to a total of $500,000. cnn is proud to offer you this simple way to support each cause and celebrate all these everyday people changing the world. you can donate from your laptop, tablet or phone. go to your donation in any amount will help them help others. thank you. if you know someone who you would like to nominate to be a cnn hero, log on to and you can do that. "the lead" with jake tapper starts right now. a text message pitching an aggressive strategy to undermine american democracy. "the lead" starts right now. breaking news. we now know whose phone sent that message to mark meadows suggesting state electors or state legislators ignore the voters of three states while votes were still being counted. it turns out the phone belongs to a former member of donald trump's cabinet. and we'll tell you who in a sec. a viral blizzard. the new warning about covid as radio city cancels its christmas spectacular and times square new year's eve crowds. well, they may be next. and former police officer kim potter recalls the moment she shot and kille

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Factors , Question , Control , Back , Lack , Sort , Jury , Substance , Precision , Testimony , Aspects , Discrepancy , Prosecution , U S , Kim Potter , Defense , Trial , Elie , Alexis , Warning , Country , Omicron Variant , Top Health Expert , Quote , Cnn Newsroom , Viral Blizzard , Eshrica Hill , Biden , Chief Medical Adviser , Anthony Fauci , Addition , Shot , Washington D C , Puerto Rico , 40 , Protection , Delta , Folks , Majority , Strain , Hospitals , Pandemic , Lines , Unvaccinated , Reminder , Covid Testing , New York City , Deaths , Block , Covid 19 Unvaccinated , 19 , 1300 , City , Places , Cnn , Streets , Plenty , Testing Sites , Shimon Prokupecz , One , People , Reporter , Beginning , Kind , Number , Concern , Numbers , Cases , Wall , Increase , Offices , Anxiety , Lives , Positive , Line , Officials , Some , Course , Many , Doubling , Three , 7 , 3 9 , Concerns , Action , Hospitalizations , City Officials , State , Restaurants , Employees , Test Positive , Restaurant Owners , Staff , Cast Members , Shows , Hit , Broadway , Lot , Things , Pete Muntean , Reagan National Airport , The Holiday Travel Rush , Virginia , Arlington , United Airlines , Airports , Tsa , Fact , Airport Today , 23 , 21 Million , 3 , 20 , January 3rd , Air Passenger Traffic Loads , Air Travel Records , Sign , Rise , December 5th , 5 , 2 06 Million , Bit , Infections , Cancellations , Scott Kirby , Airlines , Ticket Bookings , Wavering , Headlines , Covid , Industry , Isn T Over , Delta Variant Period , 2022 , Phase , Cdc , Travelers , Home Coronavirus Test , Dallas , Program , Chicago , Minneapolis , Miami , Five , Mask , Flexibility , Passenger Loads , Patience , Ticket , Ceo , Erica , Breaking News , Learning , Southwest Airlines , Senate , Executives , Maskless , Airline Exec Executives , Hearing , Senate Oversight Committee On Airlines , 0 Billion , 50 Billion , Test , Executive Vice President , Unit Ceo , Government , Delta Airlines , Gary Kelly , Comments , Airplane , Masks , Air , Negative , Part , Mandate , Start , Correction , Scientists , Approach , Push Bag , Can T Help Tieing , March 18 2022 , Two , 18 , Schools , Violence , Emails , Update , Trend Warning , School Closures , Threats , Non Credible , Families , Superintendent , Law Enforcement Presence , Kids Home Today , Polo Sandoval , Terms , Calling , It , Point , Parent , Platform , Tiktok , Rumors , Anything , Second , Closures , Indication , Origins , Response , Haven T , Reaction , Writing , Nothing , Representatives , Content , Exhaustively Serged , Threat , Rumor , Warnings , Fbi , Misinformation Policy , Videos , Dhs , Law Enforcement , World , Presence , Impact , Law Enforcement Personnel , Promotion , Students , Stress , Kiends , Statements , Leads , Platforms , Campus , Parents , School Staff , Semester , Director , Amy Clinger , Email , Reporting , Programs , Polo , Educator School Safety Network , Way , Experience , Educators , Problems , Sm , Inn , Vague , Kids , Ball , Front , Eyes , Forces , Issue , Handle , Social Media , Relationships , Component , Building , Responsibilities , Teachers , Someone , More , Problem , Warning Signs , Need , Yes , Work , Schooler , Effective , Phones , Assignments , Training , Collaborations , Staunts , Answer , Events , Shooter , Individuals , Danger , Drug Overdoses , Suicide , Behavior , Down The Rabbit Hole , Factor , Shootings , Kid , Knowledge , Basis , Incidents , 2013 , Pause , Lain , Social Isolation , Disruptions , Esca Escalation , Impactful , Cost , Trauma , Causes , District , Robocall , Place , Conversations , Safe , School , Likelihood , Kid Dying In A , Context , School Shooting Event , The School , Low , Extremes , Aren T Being , Something , Thing , Help , Somebody , Emergencies , Suicidal Ideations , Center , Fights , Reach Out , Drug Adetection , Continuum , Disclose , Speaking , Amy Klinger , Booster , Dr , Variant , Martin Luther King , Plus , Members , Spread , Family , Congress , Doesn T Take Action On Voting Rights , Celebrations , Halt , Movement , Game , Information , Season , Nfl , Fate , Martin Luther King Iii Next , Ll , Billions , Connections , Line Touchdown , Cisco , Ho , Oh No , Month , Gifts , Models , Credit , Payment , Mercedes Benz Winter Event , Man , Chances , Rock Music Man , Livelihood , Story , Friend , Safelite , Truck , Windshield , Matter , Service , Expert Service , Girl , Singers , Safelite Repair , Voting Rights Bills , Progressive Democrats , Activists , Build , Focus , Filibuster Rule , Administration , Republicans , Voting Rights Legislation , Commencement Speech , Stk State University , Team , Up , Ability , Support , Legislation , Andrea Waters King , Bills , Martin Luther King Iii , Pressure , Passage , Act On Federal Voting Rights , Celebration , Lawmakers , Republican Party , Mlk Holiday This , Jr , 17 , January 17th , Plan , Both , Father , Accomplishments , Change , Sister , Number One , Job , Engagement , Voters , Senators , Infrastructure , People Standing , Voice , States , No One , 33 , Voting Rights , Senator , Filibuster , Man Chichin , Sin , White Supremacy , Relics , Sit , Relic , Rights , Nation , Courts , Kinds , Doesn T Change , Hir Ronna , Mazie , Groups , Texas Law Being , Resources , Law , Challenges , Shill , Attorney General , Fwa , Court , Relayingying , Everything , Types , Gerrymandering , Arsenal , Dad , Step , President Johnson , Civil Rights Act , Voting Rights Act , 1964 , Demonstrations , Selma , Crisis , Opportunity , Currency , 63 , Saying , Power , Bridges , Idea , Wae , Voting Rights Protections , Faith , 15 , January 15th , Lead , Others , Words , Involvement , Shift , Developments , Direction , Delta Variant , Holiday Season , Google , Liquid , Sure , Cleaning Power , Oxi , Tide Pods Ultra , T Mobile , Questions , Airpods , Let S Go , Stains , Swing , Magic , T Air , Tide Pods , Ultra Oxi , Dianne , Thholidays , 13 , Oooh , Customers , Iphone 13 Pro , Apple Tv , Uh , Experts , Effects , Well Being , Adults , Business , Expert Bookkeeper , Books , Quickbooks , I Don T , Liberty Mutual , Expert Bookkeepers , Car Insurance , Bull Rider , Live Bookkeeping , Record , Turn , Hang On , Tex , Woooooo , Wooo , Yeaa , 665 , 665 Dollars , Liberty , Pay , Small Business , Comcast Business Mobile , Network , Data , Internet , Term , Mix , Contract , Match Data Options , Fees , Nationwide 5g , Four , 0 , 30 , Possibilities , Comcast Business , Health Experts , Infectious Disease , Booster Shots , Health Leaders , Blizzard , Optimum Protection , National Institute Of Allergy And Infectious Diseases , Vaccines , Adviser , White House , Folk , Amount , Reason , Depth , Level , Mrna , Press Conference , Six , Boost , Range , First , Wave , Optally , Boosters , Winter , Pfizer , J , Mrna Vaccine , Moderna , Add , Vaccine Hesitancy , All Of Us Are Doing , Public , Recommendation , Don T , Vaccine , Reasons , Choice , Children , Dose , Dosage , 16 , Necessity , Emergency Use Authorization , Wasn T Effective , Frame , 2 , Won T , Quarter , Procedure , Regimen , Delay , Walensky , Districts , Couple , Tests , Effort , Testing , T , Hurdle , B , Result , Point Of Care , Billion , 7 Billion , 500 Million , 200 Million , News , Games , Issues , League , Deja Vu , Means , Capabilities , 50 Million , Vaccination , Challenge , Enough , Face , Situation , Shoulder , Prudent , Setting , Confusion , Airport , Plane , Definition , Briefing , Whether , Requirement , Shots , College , Importance , Changes , Doesn T , Mplaces , Well , Aspect , Health Person , Semantics , Regard , Osha , Legalistic , Health Official , Cn , Lawyer , Report , Public Health , Decisions , Testing Guidance , Efforts , Guy Dance , House Oversight Committee , Speaking Out , Watering Down Guidance , Colleague , Chest , Punch , Purposes , Sanjay Gupta , Jolt , My G Goodness , Lib Rat Virginia , Michigan , Sanjay , Facts , Discussions , Reading , Message , Interview , Truth , Birx , Health , Standpoint , Outbreak , Formgt Out , Everybody , Ordeal , History , World War Ii , Virus , Interventions , Mitigations , In The Beginning , Analogy , Battles , Fro Front , Metaphor , Europe , Pacific Front , Goodness , Enemy , Sentence , Capitol Hill Rioter , Stay , Details , Judge , Tools , O Man , Wrinkly , Wrinkles , Dryer , Shoes , Bounce Wrinkleguard , Megasheet , Women , Breast Cancer , Thousands , Taking Ibrance , Hr , Hormonal , Aromatase Inhibitor , Therapy , Men , Ibrance Plus , Disease Progression , Death , Blood Cell , Inflammation , Lungs , Side Effects , Doctor , Infection , Liver , Kidney Problems , Chills , Breathing , Signs , Breastfeeding , Chest Pain , Trouble , Cough , Fever , Home , Farmers , Forgiveness , Forgiveness Ness , Quote Today , Moderate , Bum , Woman , Farmers Policy Perks , Pa Dum , Humira , Symptoms , Crohn S Disease , Biologic , 1 , Remission , Humira Saw , Nervous System Problems , Blood , Cancers , Relief , Symptom , Have , Tuberculosis , Lymphoma , 4 , Areas , Reactions , Hepatitis B , Heart Failure , Sores , Tb , Gastroenterologist , Smiling , Smile , Aspen Dental , Everyone , Patients , Obligation , Exam , X Rays , Budget , Treatment , Payment Solutions , Book , Smiles , 800 , Police , Fire Extinguisher , Robert Scott Palmer , Prison , Person , Sentencing , Individual , Name , Florida , Ryan Nobles , Video , Police Officer , Sleuths , Plank , Capitol , January 6th Riot , January 6th , 6 , Any , Capitol Riot Defendants , 150 , Case , Defendants , District Judge , Process , Benchmark , Hook , Guilty , Tonya Chutnick , Reports , Factions , 2024 , Punishment , Ass , Transition , Police Officers , Riot , Netflix , Capitol Riot Defenders , Tiger Woods , Car Crash , Return , Ten , Stop Rybelsus , Type 2 Diabetes , Indeed Instant Match , Everywhere , Candidates , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Sulfonylurea , Blood Sugar , Sugar , Diabetes , Pill , Ways , Food , Isn T , Type 1 Diabetes , A1c , Lost , 8 , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Lump , Stomach Pain , Don T Take Rybelsus , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Swelling , Vision Problems , Pancreatitis , Provider , Blood Sugar Risk , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Nausea , Prescription , Dehydration , 10 , Healthcare Provider , Round , Tiger Woods Making A Triumphant Return Today Playing In His First Competitive , Championship , Tiger , Beauty , Son Charlie , Nadia , Orlando , 12 , All Of Us , Time , Glimmer , Big , Fun , Powerful , Listen , Life , Coach , Speed , Mannerisms , Similarities , Golfer , Age , Rail , Iron , Timeline , Play , Heroes , Grace , Love A Good Comeback Story , Probiotic , Courtroom , Stand , Latest , Gastroenterologists , Daunte Wright , Biotic Gummies , Discomfort , Gas , Gut , Bloating , Bacteria , Try Align , Upsets , Zzzquil Ultra , Stuff , Makers , Habit , Nyquil , Gift , Businesses , Savings Sale , Deal , Gig Speeds , Savings , Bundles , Prepaid Card , Price Guarantee , 00 , 4 99 , 500 , 64 99 , Hero , Foster Child Isn T , Emotions , Isn T Fluent In Bureaucracy , Foster Kids , Helpfosterchildren Com , Retailers , Subaru , Vo , Times , Love Event , Meals , Feeding America , That S Why , One Hundred And Fifty Million , Charity , Car Company , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Cnn Heroes , Each , Giving , Anderson Cooper , 2021 , Difference , Contribution , Fundraiser , Hero S , Cnnheroes Com , Donation , Donations , Tax Deductible , Gofundme , Dollar , Cause , Total , 00000 , 500000 , Phone , Tablet , Laptop , Jake Tapper , State Electors , Democracy , Strategy , Meadows , Text Message , State Legislators , Member , Votes , Cabinet , Donald Trump , Sec , Radio City , Times Square New Year S Eve Crowds , Kille ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota And Victor Blackwell 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240709

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least 40 states in addition to washington, d.c., and puerto rico. president biden's chief medical adviser dr. anthony fauci saying earlier today now is the time to get boosted because without that additional shot, you likely won't have enough protection. in addition to the omicron variant, we know delta is still the dominant strain in this country, from what we know may also be more severe than omicron. it is filling up hospitals. the majority of those folks hospitalized for covid-19 unvaccinated. a reminder, it's the pandemic of the unvaccinated. the u.s. averaging right now nearly 1,300 covid-related deaths being reported each day. in new york city, you see lines like this around the block. this is for covid testing. those lines aren't just happening here in the city either. plenty of other places around the country, let's take you though to the streets of new york city. cnn's shimon prokupecz is outside one of those testing sites. i've driven by lines like this for the last couple of days. they've really been doubling, shimon. >> reporter: yeah, they have, and people standing for hours, right? kind of reminds us of when we were out on the streets in the beginning of this and through the months and really the year of this pandemic, and now to see lines like this again, it just shows you the anxiety that people are having because of the numbers. the increase in the number of positive cases, and also people back in offices, back out living their lives are now being exposed yet again to people who are testing positive. so all of this concern is now bringing people to places like this where they're waiting, standing in line for hours to get tested. so let's look at some of those numbers. when you look at the numbers here in new york city, it's alarming for the city officials. they're saying that in just the last few days, in just three days they saw a doubling of numbers. they went from 3.9% to now over 7%, and then of course the concern over the unvaccinated and how many of them are starting to test positive. that, of course, is one of the big concerns when it relates to hospitalizations where we're seeing a steady increase but not enough of a concern yet where city officials or state officials need to take aggressive action. but it is the unvaccinated, of course, that they're worried about, and of course people all across the city are very concerned because what's starting to happen is restaurants are starting to shut down because employees are starting to test positive, and so the restaurant owners don't have the employees, the staff to keep these restaurants open. and then of course broadway, the broadway shows are being hit by some of these positive cases as cast members are starting to test positive and they're shutting down as well. >> shimon prokupecz, appreciate it. it does feel a lot like the beginning. you are right. thank you. well, christmas one week from tomorrow, the holiday travel rush already underway. cnn aviation correspondent pete muntean is at reagan national airport in arlington, virginia. things really picking up. i wonder how concerned folks are as they head to the airport today, pete. >> reporter: we'll see how this pans out, erica. you know, the tsa says it's anticipating 20 to 21 million people passengers at america's airports starting on the 23rd and lasting until january 3rd. in fact, united airlines predicts that today through next thursday will be its busiest period and that its air passenger traffic loads will be about 20% higher than what we saw during thanksgiving, which set pandemic era air travel records. the number yesterday, 2.06 million people at america's airports as the highest number we have seen since december 5th, really a sign that this holiday travel rush is kicking off a little bit early here. we will see how the rise in infections really impacts these numbers. airlines say they've seen a bit of wavering in ticket bookings since the omicron variant started to make headlines. united airline's ceo scott kirby says cancellations have gone up a little bit, but not near as much as when the delta variant period last summer. >> 2022 is still going to be a recovery year for the industry because, you know, we're not -- covid isn't over yet. covid is never going to be over, but it's still in the probably pandemic phase instead of the endemic phase. >> what's so interesting here is that the cdc is now giving out free at home coronavirus test kits to international travelers as they arrive into the united states. just a select few airports right now, dallas, chicago, miami, minneapolis, it says it could expand this program sometime soon to more airports. the cdc says it is crucial for those who are traveling internationally and coming into the u.s. to get tested three to five days after arriving in the country, but the bottom line here from the tsa, wear a mask, bring a lot of patience, and a lot of flexibility. might want to consider traveling on christmas day itself if you have not booked a ticket already, that's when passenger loads are expected to be the lowest erica. >> we'll be watching. meantime, i do want to get your take on some breaking news we're seeing. the ceo of southwest airlines we're learning has tested positive for covid. of course just days after he was testifying at that senate hearing along with other airline exec executives. they were in there. what more do we know about this? >> reporter: i was there too, erica. what's so interesting about this is that these executives testified maskless for about three hours to the senate oversight committee on airlines and the $50 billion they received from the federal government. we just learned about southwest ceo gary kelly's positive test. we have also learned that unit ceo scott kirby has tested negative. american's ceo is getting tested later on, and an executive vice president from delta airlines has also tested negative, but this is really, really interesting that this has happened after southwest ceo gary kelly made some comments about how masks, he believed weren't all that effective when you consider the clean air on board an airplane. although we've been talking to scientists about this at the start of the pandemic. they think it's part of a layered approach and this is also a federal mandate that will last until march 18, 2022. >> there was a lot of push bag on those comments and a little bit of a correction that went out too. can't help tieing the two now. pete muntean, appreciate the update. thank you. you may have heard about this viral tiktok trend warning of a nationwide violence at schools today. it sparked a number of school closures, a lot of emails. i know we got one from our superintendent, increased law enforcement presence and, frankly, concern. a lot of concern. u.s. officials dismissing the vague threats as non-credible, but the concerns remain. a number of families even keeping their kids home today. cnn's polo sandoval is here. in terms of the threats, they've said that this is vague. it's non-credible, understandably concerning, though, if it's calling for this nationwide day of violence in schools. do we know anything more about the origins, who's responsible for it? >> it's concerning especially if you're a parent too, right? tiktok for its part saying they have looked all over their platform at this point. they have found indication of these rumors that were circulating across the country that in some cases led to school closures, and we'll get to that in just a second, but they still haven't been able to pin point where this started or how it started and really who would potentially be behind it. let's get to tiktok's response if we could, at least what they said earlier this morning in reaction to obviously calls for them to do even more. tiktok writing that they have extensively and exhaustively serged for content that promotes violence at schools today. they have still found nothing, the platform goes on to write, or at least representatives for the platform, what we've found are videos discussing this rumor. local authorities, the fbi, dhs all confirmed there's no credible threat. we're working to remove alarmist warnings that violate our misinformation policy. tiktok going on to write if we did find promotion of violence on our platform they would remove and will report to law enforcement. there is a real world impact. we mentioned some schools, they really did increase the presence of law enforcement personnel on campus, and then at the same time they're also calling on platforms like tiktok to actually police themselves and track down these kiends of statements and rumors that are not credible at this point, but even the most non-credible of rumor not only leads to tremendous stress obviously for students who are just trying to wrap up their fall semester, for parents as well, and law enforcement certainly as they try to find out how this started. >> and for the school staff, it is a lot. i have to say it was an alarming email we got from our superintendent. appreciate the reporting, thank you. also with us is amy clinger, founder and director of programs for the educator school safety network. it's good to have you with us today. when we step back for a minute, and we look at as polo pointed out, it's not clear where this came from, vague, non-credible, industrial from students to parents to staff and educators and law enforcement, this had a lot of people concerned. is there a way to better police this inn your experience sm. >> well, i think there's a lot of problems associated with this. one of those is that it kind of forces us to take our eyes off the ball. so we're looking for this big nationwide sort of very vague threat, and it removes us from looking at what's happening right in front of us with the kids right in front of us in our schools. so clearly that's an issue. but i think one of the larger concerns is really for schools to be able to work proactively to be able to get kids to disclose what they know, to be able to report what they have seen and also to have a handle on, you know, those relationships with kids within their own building. social media is always a component that makes these threats even more, it exacerbates them, makes them more widespread. so we really need to be -- schools need to be looking locally, and they need to be working on being proactive to respond to these threats. >> which i understand. i wonder, too, though, about the added responsibilities on staff, on educators, right? we are now asking our teachers to do a whole lot more than educate, and so does that need to be parsed out a little bit more? yes, report the warning signs, yes, let someone know when there's a problem. but are there other factors at play here? is it -- would it be helpful to maybe take away phones during the day? i know that's hard. my high schooler needs it during the day for work, for assignments, but are we learning that maybe that's not as effective? >> i think what's really much more effective is to continue to build those collaborations between parents and staff and staunts so that we can disclose and make sure that we're coordinating our response. but i think really a lot of the answer is more training for staff that is not resolving around trying to go find social media threats but rather training to be able to identify individuals of concern, training to be able to respond to events, all events, not just active shooter events because the real danger for our students is what's happening in terms of suicide, violent behavior, drug overdoses, all the things that are happening are much more statistically likely, and we take our eyes off the ball when we get, you know, down the rabbit hole of looking into social media. as much as that is a big factor that needs to be part of that overall response. >> it's interesting because kids today are faced with so much more, right? and they have -- kids now have grown up with knowledge of not just mass shootings, but mass shootings that can happen at schools, and they see it. how much does that -- how much do you think that has impacted what they deal with on a daily basis in terms of -- it's hard enough being a kid, right? but when you're dealing with all these other factors around you, you're dealing with a pandemic, you're trying to make things work. all of that compounds itself. >> right, and that's one of the things that really concerns me is, you know, we have been studying violent threats and incidents since 2013, and we see them increasing every single year. then we have this little bit of a pause with the pandemic where schools were largely on lain, and now we're coming back from that and we're surprised that there's additional threats and incidents of violence, but yet kids have been through the stress of a pandemic, social isolation, all the disruptions and, you know, things that have happened to them, and we're bringing it back, and of course we're going to see this esca escalation. the question is what are we going to be doing about it? we can't always just be in reaction mode. we have to really start focusing on the things that are really the most dangerous and the most impactful for our kids and really start working on those things because even the threats have a cost in terms of what they do to disrupt kids, to provide -- you know, to be more stress and more trauma. so threats themselves are a problem. >> they absolutely are, and unfortunately i would imagine they can inspire other threats, right, when kids see this. >> absolutely. >> i'm wondering if you have -- pulling back, there are a lot of parent who is probably got these emails or got a robocall from their district. we need to look more at the causes of these they ings, how h do parents, do schools need to be having these conversations with kids about what can happen, how to spot it, how to report it, and how to feel safe? >> absolutely, and i think those important conversations really need to take place between parents and kids and school and the school. i think it's really important to put it in an appropriate context. you know, the statistical likelihood of a kid dying in a school shooting event, as horrific as that is, is pretty low. the statistical likelihood of a kid dying of covid is statistically pretty low, but in between those two extremes there's a lot of other things that aren't being discussed and talked about, in terms of suicidal ideations, drug adetection, medical emergencies, noncustodial parents, violent fights, all those thing, those conversations all center around if you need help, reach out. if you see something that is concerning, tell somebody, disclose. so those relationships will help to keep kids safe across that whole continuum of things that we worry about. >> it is so important to have someone they feel -- a kid feels comfortable speaking with. amy klinger great to have you with us this afternoon. thank you. >> thank you. still ahead, dr. anthony fauci warning there's virtually no protection from omicron without a booster? he's going to join me live. just ahead, we'll talk more about that and the spread of this variant just ahead. plus, members of dr. martin luther king's family now calling for a halt on celebrations on martin luther king day if congress doesn't take action on voting rights. so what would that mean and will it work in terms of getting some movement in washington? we'll ask martin luther king iii next. ll, is a game of inches. but it's also a game, of information. because the nfl is connected. and at any moment, the fate of the season can come down to this. billions of secure connections, per second. when the game is on the line and the game is always on the line touchdown! the nfl relies on cisco. ho ho ho! not again. oh no. for the gifts you won't forget. the mercedes-benz winter event. get a credit toward your first month's payment on select models. >> man: what's my safelite story? i spend a lot of time in my truck. it's my livelihood. ♪ rock music ♪ >> man: so i'm not taking any chances when something happens to it. so when my windshield cracked... my friend recommended safelite autoglass. they came right to me, with expert service where i needed it. ♪ rock music ♪ >> man: that's service i can trust... no matter what i'm hauling. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ democrats hopes of passing the build back better plan by christmas, the president is shifting his focus to voting rights bills. leading progressive democrats and activists to demand that the senate change the filibuster rule. at a commencement speech at stk state university, president biden called out republicans for stalling that voting rights legislation. >> we supported democrats fighting for voting rights bills since day one of our administration making sure we had unanimous support among democrats in the senate, which we do. each and every time it's brought up, that other team blocks the ability even to start to discuss it. that other team. it used to be called the republican party. >> the family of martin luther king jr. is now putting pressure on president biden and lawmakers to act on federal voting rights bills calling for no celebration on the mlk holiday this year january 17th without passage of this legislation. martin luther king iii and his wife andrea waters king are joining me now. it's good to have both of you with us. i heard your sister say this is not a plan not to celebrate, but it's a change in how to celebrate those accomplishments that your father made and how much more there is to do. can you explain what you would like to see if there is no legislation that has passed on january 17th this year? >> number one, what we're talking about is engagement, engagement by people calling their senators, people standing on bridges saying to the administration and congress you've todone a great job with infrastructure, now it's time to do something for the voters of america to make sure that no one's voice is not heard. we've seen since january, 33 bills passed in 19 states and so we need action and we need action right now. >> senators man chichin and sin have been pretty clear where they stand. senator sinema saying earlier this week she was concerned if they got rid of the filibuster for voting rights if republicans took control they could come back ask change things and use it in their own defense. how does that sit with you? >> well, first of all, i think it is very important to remember that the filibuster, last year we saw a lot of relics of white supremacy coming down in this nation and across the world. the filibuster is the most powerful relic of white supremacy that's still being used. it was something that stopped anti-lynching legislation. it stopped civil rights legislation. it was used to block voting rights, and this year alone it's been used twice to block voting rights, so i think it's quite clear that this procedural, it really needs to be eliminated totally and completely. >> if that doesn't change, i asked senator mazie hir ronna about this, if nothing gets done, what is your next course of action? here's what she told me. >> i am relying on the courts at this point. there are all kinds of legal challenges to the fwa law, the texas law being mounted by groups out there that have to use their time and resources, and we also have an attorney general now who's not just going to be a shill for the president but who is also fighting some of the gerrymandering and other types of bills. >> is relayingying on the court going to be effective? >> i think you have to use everything in your arsenal. the courts is one step. again, the people must continue to be heard. i believe when you look at -- i'll go back to 1964, my dad talked to president johnson after signing the civil rights act, and president johnson said, dr. king, i'd like it help you on the voting rights act, but i just don't have the currency. my father said we must precipitate a nonviolent crisis. therein came selma and selma and all the demonstrations that took place created the opportunity for voting rights bill to occur. so my point is when the people are heard from from the representatives, i think the representatives may even modify, could i say modify, but we have to continue to say this is what we want, 63% of americans want voting rights protected. >> what we have to say to both the administration and to congress, we have seen them come together, and we have seen what happens when the full power of the administration is behind an idea, and what wae're saying is that you stood for the bridges. now it's time to stand for the people, which is why we will be at several bridges starting january 15th, and ending january 17th saying that we really cannot in good faith celebrate the king holiday when there is no voting rights protections. >> and calling on others to follow that lead. real quickly before i let you both go. in terms of the president's involvement here, we just heard his words from earlier today, do you think he's engaging enough on this? has he been engaging with you? >> i think the president has certainly -- this is -- when we took and announced this a few days ago, since we have announced it, we've seen the senator now that there's a little bit of shift to focus on voting rights, and the president has announced that. so let's say we're moving in the right direction, but there still is a lot of work that has to be done. we've got to see these bills passed. >> martin luther king iii, andrea waters king, good to have both of you with us. we'll continue to follow the developments. thank you. >> thank you. just ahead, dr. anthony fauci joins us. what do you need to know today about the omicron variant, about the dominant delta variant as we're heading into the busy holiday season? he's going to tell us next. hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ tide pods ultra oxi one ups the cleaning power of liquid. can it one up whatever they're doing? for sure. seriously? one up the power of liquid, one up the toughest stains. any further questions? 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>> you know, erica, i think they will be fine. what happens when you get the two-dose shot after a period of time, the depth and the amount of protection wanes a bit, and that's the reason why at this point it's recommended if you have an mrna to get boosted six months or more after. so the booster that i spoke about at the press conference today really does bring up the level of the protection to a quite high level. and that's the reason why we are really encouraging very strongly that when you're eligible for a boost to get boosted because the data i showed indicated that particularly with omicron, that the level of protection goes really rather low in a range that may not be as protective as w we'd like. but yet when you get that boost, it goes right up there. as you said we're getting a wave of omicron coming upon the country, and we want to be optally protected. first, we've got to get the people who have not been vaccinated vaccinated. that is absolutely essential, particularly with the oncoming weeks as we get into the depth of the winter, but as i mentioned boosters are really important. >> are you concerned at all as you talk about the need to get more americans vaccinated, the cdc now recommending that an mrna vaccine, either pfizer or moderna in this country is what they would recommend over j&j. they're pulling j&j. are you concerned that that could further add to vaccine hesitancy among some people? >> you know, i don't think so. what the cdc and all of us are doing, erica, is being totally honest and transparent with the american public, and the data that's accumulated makes the cdc make an appropriate recommendation. first of all, if you only have as something that's accessible to you, if that's j&j, by all means please get vaccinated. it is always better to get vaccinated with some vaccine versus don't get vaccinated at all, but if you do have the choice for the reasons that the cdc gave that you should prefer to get an mrna vaccine over the j&j. >> when we look at booster shots, you know, it's not just folks who may have just ngottena second dose who may not yet be eligible, but children at this point are not. pfizer just said earlier today they are now testing a third dose in children under age 16. they also said that they need to test a third dose in young kids because the amount i guess the dosage that they were using they found wasn't effective. do you think this could potentially delay the vaccine for 2 to 5-year-olds? >> you know, i think out of necessity, erica, it's going to make the time frame for when we get an emergency use authorization for children that young, it will. it won't be likely until the second quarter of 2022, and we were hoping it would be in the first quarter, but at least from what pfizer is saying, by the time they get all of the necessary data and go through all of the procedure of getting an emergency use authorization, unfortunately it's not going to be until the second quarter. but you want to really get the right dose and the right regimen for the children. so although you don't like there to be a delay, you want to fete it right, and that's what they're talking about. >> better to be right always, that is always what we want. especially with kids. the cdc, dr. walensky was talking today about the successful test to stay program that they have piloted in a couple of different schools where it keeps kids in schools. it sounds like a great plan. i'm a parent of two kids, i want them in school too. do you think that districts around the country will have the resources to follow this plan? testing is still a major hurdle for a lot of people. >> yeah, and that's the reason why the administration is putting a considerable effort on really jacking up the amount of tests that will be b available t that recently had put in $7 billion to get anywhere from 200 million to 500 million tests a month available. i think with that effort and attempt to get enough tests for anytime you need a test, particularly the point of care tests where you get a result right away, we're going to go in that direction, and we're there i hope very soon. >> you know, i do want to ask you, too, we were just getting some information in here breaking news that the nfl is postponing three games due to covid-19 issues around the league. for a lot of people, this feels like deja vu all over the again. i know we have vaccines now and boosters, and that's a great thing. as we look at how this is playing out, what is your biggest concern today? >> well, my biggest concern is that we don't get people to fully appreciate why it's so important to do the things that you and i are talking around right now. we have -- we have the means. we have the capabilities of being able to control this. you know, we'd still have, erica, 50 million or more people in this country who have not yt even gotten their first vaccination. that is really unacceptable if we want to get through the challenge of a delta, which is bad enough, we're looking it straight in the face. and then over your shoulder is coming omicron. that's a very tenuous and difficult situation, so we've got to do the things that are available to us. vaccination, boosting, masking when you're in an indoor setting, prudent, careful traveling when you go going to an airport, keeping your mask on. you have to have a mask on when you're on the plane. those are the things that we've got to do, and we will be okay if we do that. >> look, there's been a lot of confusion throughout the pandemic. one of the things that's coming up repeatedly, especially this week, i know you've been asked about it a lot, but this term fully vaccinated. now that you're saying as you said today at the white house briefing, optimum protection is to be fully vaccinated but have the booster. do we need to change the definition of fully vaccinated? >> well, you know, erica, it depends on what you're using the definition for. if you're using it for whether or not someone is essentially considered complying with the importance as well as the requirement to get vaccinated for a job or for getting into college. >> right, what about protection though? i think people think of it more as protection, not as, okay, i need to have two shots to be here every day at cnn. i know that. maybe that changes in the future, maybe it doesn't. i have my booster as well, but i think for people when they think fully vaccinated it's not even so much about mplaces i can or can't go. what does fully vaccinated actually mean now? >> that's the point. that's why i say it is a bit of semantics, erica. if you're asking me as a health person, you should fget boosted because optimal protection is boosted. the legalistic aspect of the court cases that are going through with regard to osha and the requirement for vaccination, that's going to get very confusing if you change what the requirement is, so rather than get maired in legal aspect, i cn say as a health official, if you want to be optimally protected, get that boost, and don't worry about what the definition is. >> okay. so to be optimally protected we need the booster. we'll go with that since you're not the lawyer on this one. i do understand that. i do want to ask you too, this report came out from the house oversight committee today lacking at the response of the trump administration to covid, decisions that were made, efforts to block officials from speaking out, watering down guidance, testing guidance among them, and public health guy dance for political purposes. i know you've spoken about this. you spoke with my colleague dr. sanjay gupta about it, and weighed in in march about some of your experience. i just want to play part of that. >> the thing that hit me like a punch to the chest was all of a sudden he got up and said lib rat virginia, liberate michigan, and i said to myself, oh, my g goodness, what is going on here? it shocked me because it was such a jolt to what we were trying to do. >> i found a lot of what i was reading in this report brought me back to what sanjay had found in his discussions with you and others. how important is it to get this record out there, dr. fauci? >> well, it's always important, erica, to get the facts and the truth out there, and that's what that report is doing. it was unfortunate that it was not a situation where we were optimally getting the message across. and as i said in that interview with sanjay, dr. birx and i had put a lot of effort into getting a formgt out where people could address the outbreak in a way that would be optimal from a public health standpoint, and then the day after we did that, when that came out, i'll say it again as i said to sanjay, i was floored by that because that was totally counterproductive. >> you know, we're at this point now nearly two years in. i know you have got to be exhausted. so many people are, though. there is the unknown that omicron is bringing with it, the confusion about how many shots do i need to be fully protected. you did clear some of that up this afternoon, but i just wonder, there's no way to predict when this pandemic is going to be over, but given how exhausted, how worn out people are, what do you say to some of these folks who just say i can't do it anymore? i'm done. >> you have to do it, erica. i mean, everybody understands and we all have been through a two-year ordeal that is really unprecedented in the history of public health in our country. that is for sure, but we can't give in. we will win this war with this virus, but we will win it only because we apply the things that we have, the interventions. we are so fortunate that we have a highly effective and safe vaccine. we know what public health mitigations work. we have just got to hang in there. we can't give up. we're at a war. you know, if you really want to make a metaphor out of it, and you know, take an analogy, it's sort of like in the beginning of world war ii when we were losing all the battles and we were getting pushed back on the pacific front and on the europe fro front, if we had said, oh, my goodness, we're all fatigued, let's give up. that would not have been a good thing. i think we need to look at it in the fact that we are at war with a very formidable enemy. we're going to win the war because we're better than the virus. >> and we actually know what those tools are to fight it, too. it's just a matter of getting everybody to use them. dr. anthony fauci, always good to talk with you, thank you. >> thank you for having me. this just in to cnn, a judge has handed down the longest sentence yet for a capitol rioter. we'll have those details for you next. stay with us. o man, that's a whole lot of wrinkly at least my shoes look good! looking good start with bounce wrinkleguard, the megasheet designed to prevent wrinkles in the dryer. ♪ thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. ♪ be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. 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(♪ ♪) you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. tiger woods making a triumphant return today playing in his first competitive round since being seriously injured in a car crash back in february. tiger teed off at the pnc championship with his 12-year-old son charlie. cnn's nadia joining us from orlando. so, how did it go? >> well, erica, that's the beauty of the pnc championship. he gets to get out there and have some fun and get back to play in front of all of us for the first time in almost a year. there were those moments, the glimmer of the old tiger woods with the big, powerful swing he's known for but he's still recovering. he said he wanted to come back and play next to his 12-year-old son charlie. he said i'm his dad. i'm not his coach, and i'll support him in anything he wants to do in life. then i asked him a follow-up question. take a listen. >> we've seen the video of the similarities. your mannerisms and there's so many things we can point out that he has that you have. what would be something that you would say makes him a different golfer, a little bit different than you? >> i didn't have speed like that, at that age. i was probably a little taller than charlie is. that same age. i was skinny as a rail. you know, looked like a 1 iron. the way we move and push off, the way he pushes off and how i used to push off, very similar. but that's what is neat about it. >> everybody likes doting on their kids. tiger woods is no different. no timeline on when he might return to full competitive play. he says even then he'll probably come back part time. just as much as americans like to see some of their heroes sometimes fall from grace, we all love a good comeback story. >> it is an excellent point and never hurts when you throw their kids in the mix. nadia, appreciate it. kim potter took the stand recalling the moment she shot and killed daunte wright earlier this year. we have the latest for you from the minneapolis courtroom just ahead. very day can help. align contains a quality probiotic developed by gastroenterologists. it adds more good bacteria to your gut to naturally help soothe your occasional bloating, gas and abdominal discomfort. support your digestive health with align, the #1 doctor recommended probiotic. try align today. and try new align fast acting biotic gummies. helps soothe occasional digestive upsets in as little as 7 days. when you really need to sleep you reach for the really good stuff. new zzzquil ultra helps you sleep better and longer when you need it most. it's non habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. new zzzquil ultra. when you really really need to sleep. small businesses like yours make gift-giving possible. now, comcast business has an exclusive gift for you. introducing the gift of savings sale. for a limited time, ask how to get a great deal for your business. and get up to a $500 prepaid card with select bundles when you switch to the network that can deliver gig speeds to the most businesses. or get started with internet and voice for $64.99 per month with a 2-year price guarantee. give your business the gift of savings today. comcast business. powering possibilities. how not to be a hero: because that's the last thing they need you to be. you don't have to save the day. you just have to navigate the world so that a foster child isn't doing it solo. you just have to stand up for a kid who isn't fluent in bureaucracy, or maybe not in their own emotions. so show up, however you can, for the foster kids who need it most— at (vo) subaru and our retailers believe in giving back. that's why, in difficult times, we provided one hundred and fifty million meals to feeding america. and now through the subaru share the love event, we're helping even more. by the end of this year, subaru will have donated over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. this is what it means to be more than a car company. this is what it means to be subaru. in the season of giving, we want to show you how to help our top ten cnn heroes for 2021 continue their important work. >> i'm anderson cooper. each of this year's cnn heroes proves that one person can make a difference. this year we're making it easy for you to support their great work. go to click on donate beneath any 2021 top ten cnn hero to make a direct contribution to that hero's fundraiser on gofundme. you'll receive an email c confirming your donation which is tax deductible in the united states. no matter the amount you can make a big difference in helping our heroes continue their life-changing work. right now through january 3rd, your donations will be matched dollar for dollar up to a total of $500,000. cnn is proud to offer you this simple way to support each cause and celebrate all these everyday people changing the world. you can donate from your laptop, tablet or phone. go to your donation in any amount will help them help others. thank you. if you know someone who you would like to nominate to be a cnn hero, log on to and you can do that. "the lead" with jake tapper starts right now. a text message pitching an aggressive strategy to undermine american democracy. "the lead" starts right now. breaking news. we now know whose phone sent that message to mark meadows suggesting state electors or state legislators ignore the voters of three states while votes were still being counted. it turns out the phone belongs to a former member of donald trump's cabinet. and we'll tell you who in a sec. a viral blizzard. the new warning about covid as radio city cancels its christmas spectacular and times square new year's eve crowds. well, they may be next. and former police officer kim potter recalls the moment she shot and kille

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Wasn T Effective , Frame , 2 , Won T , Quarter , Procedure , Regimen , Delay , Walensky , Districts , Couple , Tests , Effort , Testing , T , Hurdle , B , Result , Point Of Care , Billion , 7 Billion , 500 Million , 200 Million , News , Games , Issues , League , Deja Vu , Means , Capabilities , 50 Million , Vaccination , Challenge , Enough , Face , Situation , Shoulder , Prudent , Setting , Confusion , Airport , Plane , Definition , Briefing , Whether , Requirement , Shots , College , Importance , Changes , Doesn T , Mplaces , Well , Aspect , Health Person , Semantics , Regard , Osha , Legalistic , Health Official , Cn , Lawyer , Report , Public Health , Decisions , Testing Guidance , Efforts , Guy Dance , House Oversight Committee , Speaking Out , Watering Down Guidance , Colleague , Chest , Punch , Purposes , Sanjay Gupta , Jolt , My G Goodness , Lib Rat Virginia , Michigan , Sanjay , Facts , Discussions , Reading , Message , Interview , Truth , Birx , Health , Standpoint , Outbreak , Formgt Out , Everybody , Ordeal , History , World War Ii , Virus , Interventions , Mitigations , In The Beginning , Analogy , Battles , Fro Front , Metaphor , Europe , Pacific Front , Goodness , Enemy , Sentence , Capitol Hill Rioter , Stay , Details , Judge , Tools , O Man , Wrinkly , Wrinkles , Dryer , Shoes , Bounce Wrinkleguard , Megasheet , Women , Breast Cancer , Thousands , Taking Ibrance , Hr , Hormonal , Aromatase Inhibitor , Therapy , Men , Ibrance Plus , Disease Progression , Death , Blood Cell , Inflammation , Lungs , Side Effects , Doctor , Infection , Liver , Kidney Problems , Chills , Breathing , Signs , Breastfeeding , Chest Pain , Trouble , Cough , Fever , Home , Farmers , Forgiveness , Forgiveness Ness , Quote Today , Moderate , Bum , Woman , Farmers Policy Perks , Pa Dum , Humira , Symptoms , Crohn S Disease , Biologic , 1 , Remission , Humira Saw , Nervous System Problems , Blood , Cancers , Relief , Symptom , Have , Tuberculosis , Lymphoma , 4 , Areas , Reactions 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Pain , Don T Take Rybelsus , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Swelling , Vision Problems , Pancreatitis , Provider , Blood Sugar Risk , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Nausea , Prescription , Dehydration , 10 , Healthcare Provider , Round , Tiger Woods Making A Triumphant Return Today Playing In His First Competitive , Championship , Tiger , Beauty , Son Charlie , Nadia , Orlando , 12 , All Of Us , Time , Glimmer , Big , Fun , Powerful , Listen , Life , Coach , Speed , Mannerisms , Similarities , Golfer , Age , Rail , Iron , Timeline , Play , Heroes , Grace , Love A Good Comeback Story , Probiotic , Courtroom , Stand , Latest , Gastroenterologists , Daunte Wright , Biotic Gummies , Discomfort , Gas , Gut , Bloating , Bacteria , Try Align , Upsets , Zzzquil Ultra , Stuff , Makers , Habit , Nyquil , Gift , Businesses , Savings Sale , Deal , Gig Speeds , Savings , Bundles , Prepaid Card , Price Guarantee , 00 , 4 99 , 500 , 64 99 , Hero , Foster Child Isn T , Emotions , Isn T Fluent In Bureaucracy , Foster Kids , Helpfosterchildren Com , Retailers , Subaru , Vo , Times , Love Event , Meals , Feeding America , That S Why , One Hundred And Fifty Million , Charity , Car Company , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Cnn Heroes , Each , Giving , Anderson Cooper , 2021 , Difference , Contribution , Fundraiser , Hero S , Cnnheroes Com , Donation , Donations , Tax Deductible , Gofundme , Dollar , Cause , Total , 00000 , 500000 , Phone , Tablet , Laptop , Jake Tapper , State Electors , Democracy , Strategy , Meadows , Text Message , State Legislators , Member , Votes , Cabinet , Donald Trump , Sec , Radio City , Times Square New Year S Eve Crowds , Kille ,

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