Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With John King 20240709

Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With John King 20240709

done, but his biggest priorities are stalled because democrats cannot work out their differences. and wall street likes the new federal reserve plan to fight inflation, but how might tim pact you? we begin though with the coronavirus and with the big question. what does the rapid spread of the omicron variant and a sudden wave of major covid disruption tell us about the winter just ahead? president biden meets with his covid team today to discuss this moment's public health triple threat, the delta variant already causing a case surge and a health care system strained. new omicron variant cases are climbing exponentially and the third piece, the flu now making an unwelcome comeback. disruption is again way too easy to find. cornell and princeton and nyu among the colleges and universities shifting back back to online learning and several broadway shows now closing for the same reason. plus, the nfl, the nba and the nhl all seeing star players sidelined and games postponed. cnn's senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen is here with us. elizabeth, new frustration and new uncertainty. >> that's and because of this uncertainty, i think that's why we're seeing people move so quickly on omicron. we keep hearing that it's causing really mostly mild disease, but, still, there's so much that we don't know about it because epidemiologists and doctors haven't been able to sort of lay eyes on it really in this country to see what it does, so i want to read something that martha polak, the.of cornell university said, about why they made their decisions about moving things online. she said while i want to provide reassurance that to date we have not seen severe illness at any of our infected students we do have a role to play in reducing the spread of the disease in the broader community, and i think she really hit the nail on the head there. omicron we're told causes more mild disease, but, still, if it spreads as quickly as we've seen in the uk and in south africa, that means it could reach lots of people. it could reach people who are immune compromised who managed to avoid delta, but if that spreads that quickly they may not manage to avoid only crop, and omicron may cause mild disease in say a healthy cornell student but could make and i mun compromised person real sick and that's one of the reasons why we're seeing this move to online learning. john? >> exports still learning about omicron. i understand there's a new study about vaccines from columbia university that raise the question how are they working or will they work with omicron? what's it saying? >> it's really quite grim, and i'll read you some quotes from the study and then i'll tell you why maybe it's not quite as grim as what it sounds like from these quotes but let's look at this. what they found in this columbia study was that omicron was markedly resistant to pfizer and to moderna and to johnson & johnson and to the astrazeneca vaccine and that omicron is now the most completely escapee. in other words, of all of the variants out there, delta and all the other ones, this one has managed to escape the vaccine more than any over. of course, you might be thinking about what about getting a booster and will that help? even a third booster shot may not adequately protection against omicron infection, but, of course, it's advisable to do so so i want to linger on that last phrase. the vaccines aren't completely effective against omicron. it might not keep you from being infected with omicron but it does have power. even two doses has some power of keeping you protected from getting very, very sick and a booster does an even better job. john? >> elizabeth cohen, grateful for the important reporting and insights. let's put tom sews to the director of the centers of infectious it is and policy in minnesota. doctor, i want to put up the map of cases across the united states, deep red, rhode island, cases are up 103% and the seven-day net average change is what it shows. if you're red or orange that means you're going up, and that's most of the country right now to. that point, dr. fauci says you should get boosted. the official government policy is fully vaccinated is two shots. listen to dr. fauci explain this is not a big deal. >> well, it's almost a semantic thing. we know what optimal is. optimal is getting a boost, so instead of worrying about what the definition of fully versus not fully, is i'm telling people if you want to be optimally protected and you're vaccinated, get boosted. >> is it semantics or bad government policy? if optimal is best and best is a booster, three shots, why is the government policy still two? >> well, i think you're going to see that change over time. we now have a much better understanding of why the booster is so important, and as elizabeth cohen said earlier in this piece, it can have a major impact potentially on whether someone has a serious illness with either delta or omicron or a more milder illness, so i'm convinced that this is just a matter of time before this change occurs. >> let's hope you're right about that. i want to pop up omicron right now. a week ago it was 0.4% of the cases in the united states and now it's 3% of the case. you can do the math and assume what's happening in the uk that this will be 6% and a week or ten days from now it will be 12 was. you heard the cornell professor. thousands of students, hundreds of students get the omicron variant. should be it walled-off nursing homes, protect the vulnerable, protect the immunocompromise and yourself and let this rip because the cases are mostly mild, or do we need to do more? >> john, we don't have a choice if this is going to rip or not. we'll see a viral blizzard over the next sticks to eight weeks. this is a highly infectious virus. almost like controlling the wind so we can do certain things like trying to close down long-term care facilities briefly from outside visitors. we can do any number of things like that, but i suspect that, a very short period of time we could be talking about millions of cases of omicron infection occurring in our communities. >> that's a sober message there. when you see, i showed a minute ago match the cases. hospitalizations run. nowhere near where they were this point last year before we had vaccines but we had nearly 70,000 americans in the hospital because of covid. a month ago that was 47,000. if you look at it from an intensive care unit, new hampshire and new mexico have half of the hospital beds are now being filled up. the surgeon general says the country everywhere needs to follow what the sports leagues do so we have a better sense of what's out there. >> kudos to the sports leagues because they are actually doing a fantastic job of surveillance testing, and the rest of the cup truckers we're driving a car down a dark road with the headlights off while looking in the rear view mirror. what we need is a well articulated long strategy. we can't keep chasing variants forever. >> is that correct, the surveillance testing point in the sense that if this is the stress on the health care system now and we don't fully understand, both really the current delta cries and the omicron growth that this system could be knocked over? >> well, i think we have to be a little bit careful here in terms of ascribing what we can do about this surge and not. number one, we have to understand what's happening with delta is already baked into the system. the next three weeks, the people who winfected with delta that will become hospitalized and seriously ill and die is already there, but i think over the course of the next two to four weeks you're going to see a war between omicron and delta deciding who is going to be the king of the viral hill, and i do believe that omicron will probably win. that does, as elizabeth cohen said earlier, has a bigger implication in terms of less severe illness. if you look at what's happening in safer tied, the morning data, shows the mum of hospitalizations and deaths are on track with what we saw with delta but what was the cases went up very quickly and came down quickly which means there's fewer deaths. i don't think we're out of the woods yet. where we've seen overlop between omicron and delta i think it will be real tough, but in the end we'll get out of this a lot quicker than we have with the month longs, five municipality long delta surge. >> to that point you're learning every day. science is evolving as we deal with this. is your advice whether it's a guy on cable television asking you a question or somebody in the grocery store, with your advice what should i do today? is it any different today than it was three weeks ago? >> no. in fact, the only thing i could say is that why not -- why it may not be different. it's a new emphasis. please, get vaccinated. we do know that in fact delta is readily hand the by being double vaccinated and your booster. we also know that with only kront data we have from israel, the initial data from south africa, you have a chance of having less severe illness if you get vaccinated so the same message other and over again. get vaccinated, get your boosters. we have only a third of americans right now who are vaccine willing. they got their first two doses. they haven't had their booster yes. that can add an additional level of protection that you need right now. >> everybody is exhausted and stressed in different ways. there's okay pressures, all passengers required to wear masks and two big ceos says that should change. listen. >> yeah. i think the case is very strong that masks don't add much, if anything, in the air cabin environment. it's very safe and very high quality compared to any other indoor setting. >> mr. parker? >> i concur. the aircraft is the safest place you can be. it's trow of all of our aircraft. they all have the hepa filters. >> do you agree with that. would you advise they end the mask mandates on plane? >> i don't agree and one of the executives walked back their comments already. number one is not all airplanes are the same. some of the older models don't have the same hepa filters that the newer models do have. number two, we've shown transmission on airplanes. it's limited and i agree that the airplane cabin environment is a better place to be in terms of air, but when you're close to people, next to people who might be infected and i believe particularly with omicron right now, you're going see transmission there. even if you only get a limited improvement in your safety with a mask, wear, it and i think it would be premature and unadvisable for the airline industry to change that right now. >> seems like common sense advice to me. doctor, thank you for your time. >> up next, no deal to pass the president's big safety net package and no deal to pass the voting rights bill. the governments end the year with a problem. crepe corrector lotion... only from gold bond. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? 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i mean, this was, again, the calling card of this president i'm not dry. know how government works. i will make it work for you. so far. >> well, so far american rescue plan act, so far bipartisan infrastructure, i mean, there have been significant legislative achievements under this president. what i think is interesting now is he's really lengthening the progressive bill of grievances against the democratic party and against this white house. you know, what happens to criminal justice reform? police reform? what happened to immigration? this adds to those kinds of grievances, and it's part of the reason why you're seeing the shift. maybe we can't do bbb but we at least have to send a signal to the base that we're willing to fight for some of these priorities. we may not be able to go no a mid-term election telling progressives, look, we got you all these things, although there's a lot of stuff in the infrastructure package that they could do, but at least we went down swing, and i think that's why they are pushing for this confined schedule for voting, even though i've not seen a convincing argument anywhere that there is a pathway to get joe manchin to yes. remember when he had the big fight with bernie sanders and the reporting was at one point he got up and did this. i'm fine with a zero as opposed to 1.7, 2 president 5 trillion, whatever. i think that's what we're seeing here >> you make a key point. significant things have been done without a doubt and some of those are still filtering in and could help the president and my question is that they promised, not their own base and promised the country which is why you get to the frustration. this is cori bush, progressive in the house. i put my reputation on the line to make it clear if we want to deliver the much-need and long overdue biden agenda we must not undermine the power of the people by placing the power at the feet of one senator, joe manchin, and because these are giant policy priorities of the progressives and a giant motivational election about the 2022 mid terms if your base says you didn't deliver on your promises, why should i point for you? >> as olivier points back, it's not just build back better. democrats close to the white house are concerned that they have not made progress on issues like voting rights which they do believe would also help to energize the base leading into the elections and not just energize them but to the point you were making earlier, these were things that president biden ran on and why voters turned out for him no 2020 for the base. they find it difficult to make that case again, that if you come out and vote for us and we have more democrats in the united states senate then we'll really get it next time. they are worried that that is not going to be an effective argument. >> the democrat, with you. things interesting, democrats seem no closer or much closer to resolving these questions about the filibuster, about how, you know, how big of a role government should be than they were at the beginning of the year, now at the end of the year including on the voting rights issue. this is jim clyburn, the number two democrats in the house saying, okay, senate democrats won't agree to change the rules. that's a silly argument because -- >> this -- remember. the moment they get to ten, republicans are going to get rid of the filibuster. >> he said if republicans win the next election they will forgot the 60-vote margin and said we need to pass. >> senator warnock gave age passed speech about voting rights and election reforms and clyburn said that if it doesn't happen this month that's okay, but it has to happen early in the new year because he says that, yes, black voters will not turn out. the base will not turn out but also he says democracy is on the line, and so if these things don't pass, then democrats and increasingly a number of local elected republicans who have been pushed out of some of their positions are worried about what this means for future elections. >> we see if pushing it into an election year usually makes it more difficult. maybe it will be a contrarian year. up next, just revealed text messages shed light on how trump allies and congress worked to undo the 2020 election. what jim jordan texted to mark meadows the day before the insurrection. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. 1, 2, 3... yay! ♪ “i got you babe” by etta james ♪ ♪ wait hold up, here it comes! alright, everybody stand up straight. okay now let me flip it. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ at intra-cellular therapies, we're inspired by our circle. a circle that includes our researchers, driven by our award-winning science, who uncover new medicines to treat mental illness. it includes the compassionate healthcare professionals, the dedicated social workers, and the supportive peer counselors we work with to help improve - and even change - people's lives. moving from mental illness to mental wellness starts in our circle. this is intra-cellular therapies. this is your home. this is your family room slash gym. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ small businesses like yours make gift-giving possible. now, comcast business has an exclusive gift for you. introducing the gift of savings sale. for a limited time, ask how to get a great deal for your business. and get up to a $500 prepaid card with select bundles when you switch to the network that can deliver gig speeds to the most businesses. or get started with internet and voice for $64.99 per month with a 2-year price guarantee. give your business the gift of savings today. comcast business. powering possibilities. breaking news just into cnn about an important witness who plans to show up tomorrow to the january 6th investigative committee, but roger stone's attorney, the longtime trump ally, says he'll invonk his fifth amendment right against self-incrimination. stone is one of the members the committee wants to talk about who planning the january 6th rally that spiraled into the insurrection at the u.s. capitol. he's going to show up, invoke his fifth amendment right, which i assume is a way after watching the steve bannon experiment and what mark meadows is in limbo about saying i'm not in contempt, i'm coming here, but i'm exercising my legal right. >> that's exactly right and the way that it t should be done. you should show up and if you have issues, fifth amendment or anything else, that's when you should invoke. it not sit back and say i don't need to appear because in my mind i have privileges. it's the right way to do it. >> does he have full standing against any questions, say i'm not going do it and what does the committee do if they want their testimony? >> there's no judge there. he can say whatever he wants in terms of invoking the fifth. if they want to challenge, it, they will have to get a judge involved but they can't compel him at that moment. now they think to give him immunity and that's something that's kind of been lurking in the background because people have not really begun to wholesale assert the fifth. immunity could be forced to compel and immunity is very dangerous it is a can taint other prosecutions. >> fascinating to watch that one play out. that's one piece of it. the committee is trying to get all the evidence it can in touch with the white house, in touch with the former president and in touch with his inner white house team who worked on the outside to bring all those people to washington. where did the money come, did they have any advance notice there might be violence, and any piece of it is what did the trump allies in congress do from election day right up to january 6th and in that regard we were talking about an unknown lawmaker who texted the former white house chief of staff mark meadows. cnn can confirm it was ohio republican jim jordan texting the then chief of staff mark meadows in the lead-up to the capitol riots. on january 5th jordan passed along a convoluted legal theory that mike pence could declare votes unconstitutional and throw them out, it's the latest detail about how trump allies in congress were part of the conspiracy to ignore the election results and find ways to keep trump in power. efforts from the justice department remained on hold. jeffrey clark wanted then president trump to name him acting attorney general and he told president trump he could then declare the election invalid. clark's deposition has been postponed for a second time over a medical issue. number one to clark, let me come back to the counsellor first. postponed for a medical issue. he's also a central witness. how long does that go on? >> well, there's a limit to how long he can keep pove ponk for a medical issue. i don't know if he has a note from his doctor and that will only work for so long unless he can show that he's in the hospital. at some point they will have to overcome that constant excuse. >> and so, again, that's somebody in the executive branch. roernl stone is a trump ale outside of government. the jordan text, we know there are half a dozen. there's great reporting today. half a dozen republican members of congress who essentially from election day up until the violence of january 6th were trying to do whatever they could. come up with all the convoluted legal arguments. how important is that to the work of this committee trying to put together the historical record? >> enormously important. it's enormously important, and one thing we've been focussing on is we've been hearing a lot about people who are coming before the committee and what we've seen is the importance of the document record, of the texts, of the memos of the things they put down on pavement maybe that's metaphorical, too. digital stuff. that's proving to be just as important. in terms of the lawmakers, i think you're referring to the "new york times" piece that details really a tremendous detail what these guys did and how far they were willing to go. i think it's enormously important. i think you've heard members of the committee say, one, we're trying to make sure this doesn't happen again, and, two, we're going to take this wherever it goes, even if it means politician some of our own mess. you saw in the aftermath of a couple of the meadows' text coming out, saw a lot of glum faces on the house republican side of the chamber and it may be sinking in that some who thought they were texting the chief of staff it's going to be revealed. >> let me just read a line from this fantastic "new york times." a half dozen right wing members became key foot soldiers in mr. trump's efforts to overturn the election. when justice department officials said they could not find evidence of widespread fraud mr. trump was unconcerned. just say the election was corrupt, leave the rest to me and "r" congressmen. that's why this is so important, number one, they hope to take power and take the majority next year and if so would be in the majority in the 2024 presidential election where if you had a similar situation, things could go differently on the hill. number two, it just gets to the fact of the octopus nature of this conspiracy. trump was trying to work inside the government. he was a racing secretaries of state and local election officials and had his republican friends in congress as a backup. >> and there's members of the public that may ask why are reporters so diligently covering the january 6th committee? why is the january 6th committee even doing what it's doing and it's because of future elections to come. it's because of the fact that these are current members of congress, more trump loyalists are running for key election positions whether it's secretaries of state, governorships, house and senate races, and they are sometimes running on platforms saying that they may not certify a future election if a democrat wins or that they wouldn't have certified the 2020 election and that's why it's so important to find out who these members are and that they are held accountable for what they are doing and also why democrats feel so urgent about the need to fortify the certification process because of the fact that in future elections to come this could happen again with maybe success. >> and, again in, jordan's care, remember the great irony. he was among republicans, when the republicans briefly entertained the notion of cooperating with the investigative committee, jordan was one of the members that speaker pelosi said no. listen to his take at the time. >> we know what this is about. this is about the democrats attacking president trump again like they have done what for five years. so we know what it's about. there's one fundamental question that i hope the democrats will actually answer and address and why wasn't there a proper security presence that day? >> that's, again, a classic. it's a classic change of subject to divert attention to somewhere else. that would have been putting him on the committee. we know he was part of the efforts to overturn the election. >> and there's questions whether they will prosecute folks like mark meadows who is being held in contempt of congress and there's pressure on joe biden to be more vocal on this issue of democracy heading into the 202 elections. >> lots of tbds. roger stone tomorrow gaurn tease a little bit of drama. safe prediction. dramatic policy shift from the federal reserve, but will it help drive down decade high prices? ♪ the one desire ♪ ♪ you are, you are, ♪ ♪ don't wanna hear you say... ♪ ♪ ♪ i want it that way ♪ [sfx: radio being tuned] welcome to allstate. ♪ [band plays] ♪ a place where everyone lives life well-protected. ♪ and even when things go a bit wrong, we've got your back. here, things work the way you wish they would. and better protection costs a whole lot less. you're in good hands with allstate. click or call for a lower auto rate today. >> man: what's my safelite story? 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>> well, john, this is a major policy shift from one of the world's most powerful institutions, and it will impact virtually all americans. to really understand it though, we have to flash back to march of 2020 when the world is falling apart. the fed came to the rescue with unprecedented support for the economy. it cranked up support for a 10 out of 10, and it worked. there was no financial crisis. credit kept flowing. there were no bankruptcies, no big bank failures, and that's a big part of the reason why this recovery is so strong, but what's interesting is that the fed is still kind of in emergency mode even though unemployment is low and inflation is high. policy support is still at like an eight. now the fed is finally recall bright for the reality of the moment. as you mentioned, that means they are going to wind down the bond-buying stimulus buying program. that makes sense because that program is only fang inflation, especially in the housing market, and they are penciling in three interest rate hikes for next year. now, that women pact everyday americans because it would raise the cost of borrowing on everything from credit cards and mortgages to auto loans and, you know, we still see borrowing dhoosts are low but it will creep higher. the bigger impact will be on the inflation front. inflation is very hot right now. consumer prices in november rose at the fastest pace in nearly 40 years. you can see from that chart that inflation is hot and it's getting hotter, and it's not just gas prices. we saw record 12-month price gains in november for full-service meals, for tools and hardware, for new cars. staggering gains. used cars up 31%, so, john, if the fed successfully tames inflation here and that's a big if, then everyday american families would see relief from all of the sticker shock and the paychecks would go a bit further and, of course, that would be great news. >> one of the bigs if and questions that we watch is the year end. matty egan, appreciate the insightful reporting. let bring the conversation back into the rome and let's listen to jerome powell announcing the big change. here's a little then and now. >> there's absolutely no sense of panic. i've explained i think several times here today that i think the best -- my best estimate is that this is something that will pass. it's really a shock to the economy that we'll pass through. inflation may be more persistent, and that may be putting inflation expectations under pressure and the risk of higher inflation becoming entrenched is increased. >> he was wrong in july. inflation was not a passing fad. >> and you've seen the white house change, you know, their language as well. instead of saying it's transitory which they did over the summer, regularly now they have pulled back on that, and they have started to -- biden has more aggressively addressed the fact that he understands that inflation sim pacting americans and saying that he's hearing that the public is upset about it and that he's trying to address it with different steps be it opening the ports more, be it what he's doing with telling the fed to prioritize this as well as him trying to argue that his package, again, which we talked about earlier this hour, the social spending package, he says would address this, but that package is going nowhere right now. >> and it's interesting to watch because, again in, boom times, presidents probably get too much credit and in tough times president gets more criticism than they deserve and something is out of control and the covid pandemic is driving the economy and if you look at our new poll, approve the president's 45% and 54% disapprove. that's a problem for the president and his party whether it's in his control or not head nothing a mid-term election year. >> and the white house has really struggled with the right tone to strike on the economy because they believe they deserve credit for the good things that are happening in the economy, but they also want to make sure that they sound like they understand inflation and that they are doing something so the messaging shift has to blame republicans more for blocking the legislation that they say would address that and face off joe manchin, even that effort to pin that on republicans becomes more difficult on the republicans. >> chairman powell has to work that covid over time fades a little bit. you're right about this covid frustration that takes different forms for different people, but it's everywhere. >> it is. >> and that's affect one of these numbers about the state of the economy. are you worried? 75% say yes. americans are worried. americans are frustrated. americans are tired. again, it's different for different people depending on what they do and where they live. it's pretty universal. >> it's amazing to see how many americans, republicans and democrats, are worn out. there is frustration every, and frustration of very different kinds. have you people who are frustrated by school closures and people from us trade by not being able to get better wages at their workplace, people frustrated with the fact that we still haven't beaten this deadly illness, all different kinds of frustrations. one interesting thing about the fed's move it's a bigger attack on inflation. if you look at the way the biden administration is trying to fix the kinks in the supply chain, that's been a factor. not just consumer demand but also the fact that the microchip shortage means used and new cars will be a lot more expensive. >> you saw that in our poll, too. it's personal. they have tried to buy something, whether it's a new car, something simple and they can't get it because it's held up in the supply change. the uk seeing a tidal wave of the omicron surge and even forcing the queen to cancel a time-honored family tradition. new gold bond pure moisture lotion. 24-hour hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. football, is a game of inches. but it's also a game, of information. because the nfl is connected. and at any moment, the fate of the season can come down to this. billions of secure connections, per second. when the game is on the line and the game is always on the line touchdown! the nfl relies on cisco. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? 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(vo) visible. switch and get up to $200, plus our best ear buds, on us. the covid case surge is global as is the debate about whether new restrictions are necessary. in europe the case count is nearly doubling ever few days. ow kourpts from around the world are covering the new developments. >> reporter: in london it feels like everyone is bracing for that tidal wave of omicron. on wednesday the uk recorded the highest number of covid cases in a single 24-hour period since the start of the pandemic, and health officials are warning that the r number for omicron is between three and five. that's why you seeing the phenomenal spread across the uk. health officials are expanding the country's booster program to make sure everyone eligible gets an invitation for the third shot by the end of the year, but many people taking precautions into their open end. everyone will be considering their christmas plans and even the queen cancelling a pre-christmas lunch with her family out of an abundance of caution. >> reporter: i'm ben wedeman in rome where a vaccination campaign has kicked off across italy for children between the ages of 5 and 11. similar campaigns began this week in spain, hungary and greece. the children here will receive the pfizer vaccine at about a third of the strength of what adults get. as of today 85% of the population of italy 12 years and above has received two doses, 63% have received a third dose. officials are hoping to keep the numbers under control as the holiday season begins and the omicron variant looms large with the government this week extending the state of emergency that went into effect at the start of the pandemic until the end of march 2022. >> reporter: i'm max foster in london. queen elizabeth has decided to cancel her traditional big family pre-christmas lunch. according to a royal source, it was a precautionary decision. they felt like it would put too many people's christmas arrangements at risk if it went ahead. they felt like it was the right thing to do. this was nothing to do with the queen's health, we're told, but it did come after england's chief medical officer gave a big warning saying people should prioritize what matters to them when considering which parties to attend over the christmas period. perhaps the queen has decided to prioritize her christmas day with immediate family which she traditionally hold at sand ringham and that will be the first event she has without prince philip. >> melania trump getting into the bloc chain world. she's initial agent an nft called melania's and it will help melania's trump's first public initiative since leaving the white house 11 months ago and part of her be better program and caroline kennedy is in line to be ambassador to australia. caroline kennedy was ambassador to japan during the obama administration and another big name michelle kwan has been nominated to be the ambassador to belize. >> 66 years after getting arrested for refusing to give up her bus seat to a white person has now had her record expunged for not giving up her seat. a look at how some families with kids with autism are finding help with cannabis. you can listen to our podcast. download "inside politics"" whenever you get your podcasts. ana cabrera pings our coverage. have a great day. y'all heard it here. if you wanna be fresh, you gotta refresh, like subway®. like the new baja steak & jack tender, thicker-cut steak and. wait sooo you're not coming out of retirement? i'm just here because subway has so much new, they bought time in this press conference to talk about it. 1, 2, 3... yay! ♪ “i got you babe” by etta james ♪ ♪ wait hold up, here it comes! alright, everybody stand up straight. okay now let me flip it. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ are the stars out tonight? 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18000 From Last Week S Labor Department Report , 18000 , 206000 , Matt Egan , Central Bank , Interest Rates , Timeline , Latest , Fed Chairman , Pandemic Stimulus Approach , Times , Institutions , Main Street , Matt , Economy , Rescue , Crisis , 10 , March Of 2020 , Credit , Recovery , Unemployment , Mode , Bank Failures , Bankruptcies , Reality , Policy Support , Stimulus Buying Program , Program , Housing Market , Credit Cards , Women Pact , Borrowing , Interest Rate Hikes , Mortgages , Cost , Loans , Penciling , Consumer Prices , Inflation Front , Pace , Chart , Borrowing Dhoosts , 40 , Cars , Price Gains , Gains , Hardware , Meals , Tools , Relief , Families , Sticker Shock , News , Bigs , Paychecks , If , 31 , Big Change , Little , Panic , Then And Now , Conversation , Jerome Powell , Matty Egan , Rome , Estimate , Inflation Expectations , Shock , Risk , Is , Passing Fad , Pacting Americans , Language , Inflation Sim , Summer , Ports , Upset , Steps , Boom Times , Presidents , Control , Pandemic , Poll , Disapprove , Criticism , 45 , 54 , Nothing , Messaging Shift , Legislation , Effort , Chairman , Numbers , Forms , Say Yes , 75 , Workplace , Wages , Trade , School Closures , Administration , Frustrations , Supply Chain , Attack , Kinks , Demand , Factor , Microchip Shortage , Queen , Tidal Wave , Omicron Surge , Family Tradition , Supply Change , Moisture , Game , Skin , Football , Hydration , Dyes , Fragrances , Parabens , Information , 24 , Billions , Fate , Line Touchdown , Connections , Cisco , Spider Bite , Superpowers , Limu Emu , Doug , Pay , Gasps , Spider Man , December 17th Hello , 17 , December 17th , Seal , Grown In Idaho , Aunt , Chloe , Family Plans , Team Up , Money , Single , Turkey , Mom Vo , Grandpa , Fire Alarm , Phone , Dad Vo , Fire Alarm Blares , 25 , Vo , Ear Buds , Switch , 200 , Case Count , Restrictions , Case Surge , Debate , Europe , London , Developments , Ow Kourpts , Warning , Start , Health Officials , Booster Program , Shot , Precautions , Invitation , Children , In Rome , Lunch , Vaccination Campaign , Abundance , Caution , Ages , Italy , Ben Wedeman , Adults , Campaigns , Population , Spain , Greece , Hungary , 85 , 11 , Holiday Season , 63 , Queen Elizabeth , State Of Emergency , Effect , Max Foster In London , 2022 Reporter , March 2022 , Decision , Source , Arrangements , Chief Medical Officer , England , Sand Ringham , Nft , Philip , Agent , Event , Bloc Chain World , Initiative , Ambassador , Caroline Kennedy , Obama , Australia , To Japan , Michelle Kwan , Bus Seat , 66 , Seat , Podcasts , Podcast , Cannabis , Kids , Finding , Autism , Ana Cabrera , Inside Politics , Subway , Retirement , Steak , Baja Steak Jack Tender , Press Conference , Stars , Sha Bop , I Only Have Eyes For You , Alexa , Song , Matrix , Serena Williams , Crohn S Disease , Stream , Moderate , Tv , Directv , Remission , Humira , Symptoms , Humira Saw , Biologic , Symptom , Infections , Have , Liver , Heart Failure , Nervous System Problems , Ability , Tuberculosis , Reactions , Blood , Lymphoma , Areas , Infection , Don T , Tb , Hepatitis B , Sores , Gastroenterologist , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Nutrients , Sugar , Retinol , Powerful , Age , Pro Plus , Neutrogena , Wrinkles Results , Concerns , Spreading Omicron Variant , New York , Icus ,

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Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With John King 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With John King 20240709

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done, but his biggest priorities are stalled because democrats cannot work out their differences. and wall street likes the new federal reserve plan to fight inflation, but how might tim pact you? we begin though with the coronavirus and with the big question. what does the rapid spread of the omicron variant and a sudden wave of major covid disruption tell us about the winter just ahead? president biden meets with his covid team today to discuss this moment's public health triple threat, the delta variant already causing a case surge and a health care system strained. new omicron variant cases are climbing exponentially and the third piece, the flu now making an unwelcome comeback. disruption is again way too easy to find. cornell and princeton and nyu among the colleges and universities shifting back back to online learning and several broadway shows now closing for the same reason. plus, the nfl, the nba and the nhl all seeing star players sidelined and games postponed. cnn's senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen is here with us. elizabeth, new frustration and new uncertainty. >> that's and because of this uncertainty, i think that's why we're seeing people move so quickly on omicron. we keep hearing that it's causing really mostly mild disease, but, still, there's so much that we don't know about it because epidemiologists and doctors haven't been able to sort of lay eyes on it really in this country to see what it does, so i want to read something that martha polak, the.of cornell university said, about why they made their decisions about moving things online. she said while i want to provide reassurance that to date we have not seen severe illness at any of our infected students we do have a role to play in reducing the spread of the disease in the broader community, and i think she really hit the nail on the head there. omicron we're told causes more mild disease, but, still, if it spreads as quickly as we've seen in the uk and in south africa, that means it could reach lots of people. it could reach people who are immune compromised who managed to avoid delta, but if that spreads that quickly they may not manage to avoid only crop, and omicron may cause mild disease in say a healthy cornell student but could make and i mun compromised person real sick and that's one of the reasons why we're seeing this move to online learning. john? >> exports still learning about omicron. i understand there's a new study about vaccines from columbia university that raise the question how are they working or will they work with omicron? what's it saying? >> it's really quite grim, and i'll read you some quotes from the study and then i'll tell you why maybe it's not quite as grim as what it sounds like from these quotes but let's look at this. what they found in this columbia study was that omicron was markedly resistant to pfizer and to moderna and to johnson & johnson and to the astrazeneca vaccine and that omicron is now the most completely escapee. in other words, of all of the variants out there, delta and all the other ones, this one has managed to escape the vaccine more than any over. of course, you might be thinking about what about getting a booster and will that help? even a third booster shot may not adequately protection against omicron infection, but, of course, it's advisable to do so so i want to linger on that last phrase. the vaccines aren't completely effective against omicron. it might not keep you from being infected with omicron but it does have power. even two doses has some power of keeping you protected from getting very, very sick and a booster does an even better job. john? >> elizabeth cohen, grateful for the important reporting and insights. let's put tom sews to the director of the centers of infectious it is and policy in minnesota. doctor, i want to put up the map of cases across the united states, deep red, rhode island, cases are up 103% and the seven-day net average change is what it shows. if you're red or orange that means you're going up, and that's most of the country right now to. that point, dr. fauci says you should get boosted. the official government policy is fully vaccinated is two shots. listen to dr. fauci explain this is not a big deal. >> well, it's almost a semantic thing. we know what optimal is. optimal is getting a boost, so instead of worrying about what the definition of fully versus not fully, is i'm telling people if you want to be optimally protected and you're vaccinated, get boosted. >> is it semantics or bad government policy? if optimal is best and best is a booster, three shots, why is the government policy still two? >> well, i think you're going to see that change over time. we now have a much better understanding of why the booster is so important, and as elizabeth cohen said earlier in this piece, it can have a major impact potentially on whether someone has a serious illness with either delta or omicron or a more milder illness, so i'm convinced that this is just a matter of time before this change occurs. >> let's hope you're right about that. i want to pop up omicron right now. a week ago it was 0.4% of the cases in the united states and now it's 3% of the case. you can do the math and assume what's happening in the uk that this will be 6% and a week or ten days from now it will be 12 was. you heard the cornell professor. thousands of students, hundreds of students get the omicron variant. should be it walled-off nursing homes, protect the vulnerable, protect the immunocompromise and yourself and let this rip because the cases are mostly mild, or do we need to do more? >> john, we don't have a choice if this is going to rip or not. we'll see a viral blizzard over the next sticks to eight weeks. this is a highly infectious virus. almost like controlling the wind so we can do certain things like trying to close down long-term care facilities briefly from outside visitors. we can do any number of things like that, but i suspect that, a very short period of time we could be talking about millions of cases of omicron infection occurring in our communities. >> that's a sober message there. when you see, i showed a minute ago match the cases. hospitalizations run. nowhere near where they were this point last year before we had vaccines but we had nearly 70,000 americans in the hospital because of covid. a month ago that was 47,000. if you look at it from an intensive care unit, new hampshire and new mexico have half of the hospital beds are now being filled up. the surgeon general says the country everywhere needs to follow what the sports leagues do so we have a better sense of what's out there. >> kudos to the sports leagues because they are actually doing a fantastic job of surveillance testing, and the rest of the cup truckers we're driving a car down a dark road with the headlights off while looking in the rear view mirror. what we need is a well articulated long strategy. we can't keep chasing variants forever. >> is that correct, the surveillance testing point in the sense that if this is the stress on the health care system now and we don't fully understand, both really the current delta cries and the omicron growth that this system could be knocked over? >> well, i think we have to be a little bit careful here in terms of ascribing what we can do about this surge and not. number one, we have to understand what's happening with delta is already baked into the system. the next three weeks, the people who winfected with delta that will become hospitalized and seriously ill and die is already there, but i think over the course of the next two to four weeks you're going to see a war between omicron and delta deciding who is going to be the king of the viral hill, and i do believe that omicron will probably win. that does, as elizabeth cohen said earlier, has a bigger implication in terms of less severe illness. if you look at what's happening in safer tied, the morning data, shows the mum of hospitalizations and deaths are on track with what we saw with delta but what was the cases went up very quickly and came down quickly which means there's fewer deaths. i don't think we're out of the woods yet. where we've seen overlop between omicron and delta i think it will be real tough, but in the end we'll get out of this a lot quicker than we have with the month longs, five municipality long delta surge. >> to that point you're learning every day. science is evolving as we deal with this. is your advice whether it's a guy on cable television asking you a question or somebody in the grocery store, with your advice what should i do today? is it any different today than it was three weeks ago? >> no. in fact, the only thing i could say is that why not -- why it may not be different. it's a new emphasis. please, get vaccinated. we do know that in fact delta is readily hand the by being double vaccinated and your booster. we also know that with only kront data we have from israel, the initial data from south africa, you have a chance of having less severe illness if you get vaccinated so the same message other and over again. get vaccinated, get your boosters. we have only a third of americans right now who are vaccine willing. they got their first two doses. they haven't had their booster yes. that can add an additional level of protection that you need right now. >> everybody is exhausted and stressed in different ways. there's okay pressures, all passengers required to wear masks and two big ceos says that should change. listen. >> yeah. i think the case is very strong that masks don't add much, if anything, in the air cabin environment. it's very safe and very high quality compared to any other indoor setting. >> mr. parker? >> i concur. the aircraft is the safest place you can be. it's trow of all of our aircraft. they all have the hepa filters. >> do you agree with that. would you advise they end the mask mandates on plane? >> i don't agree and one of the executives walked back their comments already. number one is not all airplanes are the same. some of the older models don't have the same hepa filters that the newer models do have. number two, we've shown transmission on airplanes. it's limited and i agree that the airplane cabin environment is a better place to be in terms of air, but when you're close to people, next to people who might be infected and i believe particularly with omicron right now, you're going see transmission there. even if you only get a limited improvement in your safety with a mask, wear, it and i think it would be premature and unadvisable for the airline industry to change that right now. >> seems like common sense advice to me. doctor, thank you for your time. >> up next, no deal to pass the president's big safety net package and no deal to pass the voting rights bill. the governments end the year with a problem. crepe corrector lotion... only from gold bond. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? 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i mean, this was, again, the calling card of this president i'm not dry. know how government works. i will make it work for you. so far. >> well, so far american rescue plan act, so far bipartisan infrastructure, i mean, there have been significant legislative achievements under this president. what i think is interesting now is he's really lengthening the progressive bill of grievances against the democratic party and against this white house. you know, what happens to criminal justice reform? police reform? what happened to immigration? this adds to those kinds of grievances, and it's part of the reason why you're seeing the shift. maybe we can't do bbb but we at least have to send a signal to the base that we're willing to fight for some of these priorities. we may not be able to go no a mid-term election telling progressives, look, we got you all these things, although there's a lot of stuff in the infrastructure package that they could do, but at least we went down swing, and i think that's why they are pushing for this confined schedule for voting, even though i've not seen a convincing argument anywhere that there is a pathway to get joe manchin to yes. remember when he had the big fight with bernie sanders and the reporting was at one point he got up and did this. i'm fine with a zero as opposed to 1.7, 2 president 5 trillion, whatever. i think that's what we're seeing here >> you make a key point. significant things have been done without a doubt and some of those are still filtering in and could help the president and my question is that they promised, not their own base and promised the country which is why you get to the frustration. this is cori bush, progressive in the house. i put my reputation on the line to make it clear if we want to deliver the much-need and long overdue biden agenda we must not undermine the power of the people by placing the power at the feet of one senator, joe manchin, and because these are giant policy priorities of the progressives and a giant motivational election about the 2022 mid terms if your base says you didn't deliver on your promises, why should i point for you? >> as olivier points back, it's not just build back better. democrats close to the white house are concerned that they have not made progress on issues like voting rights which they do believe would also help to energize the base leading into the elections and not just energize them but to the point you were making earlier, these were things that president biden ran on and why voters turned out for him no 2020 for the base. they find it difficult to make that case again, that if you come out and vote for us and we have more democrats in the united states senate then we'll really get it next time. they are worried that that is not going to be an effective argument. >> the democrat, with you. things interesting, democrats seem no closer or much closer to resolving these questions about the filibuster, about how, you know, how big of a role government should be than they were at the beginning of the year, now at the end of the year including on the voting rights issue. this is jim clyburn, the number two democrats in the house saying, okay, senate democrats won't agree to change the rules. that's a silly argument because -- >> this -- remember. the moment they get to ten, republicans are going to get rid of the filibuster. >> he said if republicans win the next election they will forgot the 60-vote margin and said we need to pass. >> senator warnock gave age passed speech about voting rights and election reforms and clyburn said that if it doesn't happen this month that's okay, but it has to happen early in the new year because he says that, yes, black voters will not turn out. the base will not turn out but also he says democracy is on the line, and so if these things don't pass, then democrats and increasingly a number of local elected republicans who have been pushed out of some of their positions are worried about what this means for future elections. >> we see if pushing it into an election year usually makes it more difficult. maybe it will be a contrarian year. up next, just revealed text messages shed light on how trump allies and congress worked to undo the 2020 election. what jim jordan texted to mark meadows the day before the insurrection. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. 1, 2, 3... yay! ♪ “i got you babe” by etta james ♪ ♪ wait hold up, here it comes! alright, everybody stand up straight. okay now let me flip it. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ at intra-cellular therapies, we're inspired by our circle. a circle that includes our researchers, driven by our award-winning science, who uncover new medicines to treat mental illness. it includes the compassionate healthcare professionals, the dedicated social workers, and the supportive peer counselors we work with to help improve - and even change - people's lives. moving from mental illness to mental wellness starts in our circle. this is intra-cellular therapies. this is your home. this is your family room slash gym. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ small businesses like yours make gift-giving possible. now, comcast business has an exclusive gift for you. introducing the gift of savings sale. for a limited time, ask how to get a great deal for your business. and get up to a $500 prepaid card with select bundles when you switch to the network that can deliver gig speeds to the most businesses. or get started with internet and voice for $64.99 per month with a 2-year price guarantee. give your business the gift of savings today. comcast business. powering possibilities. breaking news just into cnn about an important witness who plans to show up tomorrow to the january 6th investigative committee, but roger stone's attorney, the longtime trump ally, says he'll invonk his fifth amendment right against self-incrimination. stone is one of the members the committee wants to talk about who planning the january 6th rally that spiraled into the insurrection at the u.s. capitol. he's going to show up, invoke his fifth amendment right, which i assume is a way after watching the steve bannon experiment and what mark meadows is in limbo about saying i'm not in contempt, i'm coming here, but i'm exercising my legal right. >> that's exactly right and the way that it t should be done. you should show up and if you have issues, fifth amendment or anything else, that's when you should invoke. it not sit back and say i don't need to appear because in my mind i have privileges. it's the right way to do it. >> does he have full standing against any questions, say i'm not going do it and what does the committee do if they want their testimony? >> there's no judge there. he can say whatever he wants in terms of invoking the fifth. if they want to challenge, it, they will have to get a judge involved but they can't compel him at that moment. now they think to give him immunity and that's something that's kind of been lurking in the background because people have not really begun to wholesale assert the fifth. immunity could be forced to compel and immunity is very dangerous it is a can taint other prosecutions. >> fascinating to watch that one play out. that's one piece of it. the committee is trying to get all the evidence it can in touch with the white house, in touch with the former president and in touch with his inner white house team who worked on the outside to bring all those people to washington. where did the money come, did they have any advance notice there might be violence, and any piece of it is what did the trump allies in congress do from election day right up to january 6th and in that regard we were talking about an unknown lawmaker who texted the former white house chief of staff mark meadows. cnn can confirm it was ohio republican jim jordan texting the then chief of staff mark meadows in the lead-up to the capitol riots. on january 5th jordan passed along a convoluted legal theory that mike pence could declare votes unconstitutional and throw them out, it's the latest detail about how trump allies in congress were part of the conspiracy to ignore the election results and find ways to keep trump in power. efforts from the justice department remained on hold. jeffrey clark wanted then president trump to name him acting attorney general and he told president trump he could then declare the election invalid. clark's deposition has been postponed for a second time over a medical issue. number one to clark, let me come back to the counsellor first. postponed for a medical issue. he's also a central witness. how long does that go on? >> well, there's a limit to how long he can keep pove ponk for a medical issue. i don't know if he has a note from his doctor and that will only work for so long unless he can show that he's in the hospital. at some point they will have to overcome that constant excuse. >> and so, again, that's somebody in the executive branch. roernl stone is a trump ale outside of government. the jordan text, we know there are half a dozen. there's great reporting today. half a dozen republican members of congress who essentially from election day up until the violence of january 6th were trying to do whatever they could. come up with all the convoluted legal arguments. how important is that to the work of this committee trying to put together the historical record? >> enormously important. it's enormously important, and one thing we've been focussing on is we've been hearing a lot about people who are coming before the committee and what we've seen is the importance of the document record, of the texts, of the memos of the things they put down on pavement maybe that's metaphorical, too. digital stuff. that's proving to be just as important. in terms of the lawmakers, i think you're referring to the "new york times" piece that details really a tremendous detail what these guys did and how far they were willing to go. i think it's enormously important. i think you've heard members of the committee say, one, we're trying to make sure this doesn't happen again, and, two, we're going to take this wherever it goes, even if it means politician some of our own mess. you saw in the aftermath of a couple of the meadows' text coming out, saw a lot of glum faces on the house republican side of the chamber and it may be sinking in that some who thought they were texting the chief of staff it's going to be revealed. >> let me just read a line from this fantastic "new york times." a half dozen right wing members became key foot soldiers in mr. trump's efforts to overturn the election. when justice department officials said they could not find evidence of widespread fraud mr. trump was unconcerned. just say the election was corrupt, leave the rest to me and "r" congressmen. that's why this is so important, number one, they hope to take power and take the majority next year and if so would be in the majority in the 2024 presidential election where if you had a similar situation, things could go differently on the hill. number two, it just gets to the fact of the octopus nature of this conspiracy. trump was trying to work inside the government. he was a racing secretaries of state and local election officials and had his republican friends in congress as a backup. >> and there's members of the public that may ask why are reporters so diligently covering the january 6th committee? why is the january 6th committee even doing what it's doing and it's because of future elections to come. it's because of the fact that these are current members of congress, more trump loyalists are running for key election positions whether it's secretaries of state, governorships, house and senate races, and they are sometimes running on platforms saying that they may not certify a future election if a democrat wins or that they wouldn't have certified the 2020 election and that's why it's so important to find out who these members are and that they are held accountable for what they are doing and also why democrats feel so urgent about the need to fortify the certification process because of the fact that in future elections to come this could happen again with maybe success. >> and, again in, jordan's care, remember the great irony. he was among republicans, when the republicans briefly entertained the notion of cooperating with the investigative committee, jordan was one of the members that speaker pelosi said no. listen to his take at the time. >> we know what this is about. this is about the democrats attacking president trump again like they have done what for five years. so we know what it's about. there's one fundamental question that i hope the democrats will actually answer and address and why wasn't there a proper security presence that day? >> that's, again, a classic. it's a classic change of subject to divert attention to somewhere else. that would have been putting him on the committee. we know he was part of the efforts to overturn the election. >> and there's questions whether they will prosecute folks like mark meadows who is being held in contempt of congress and there's pressure on joe biden to be more vocal on this issue of democracy heading into the 202 elections. >> lots of tbds. roger stone tomorrow gaurn tease a little bit of drama. safe prediction. dramatic policy shift from the federal reserve, but will it help drive down decade high prices? ♪ the one desire ♪ ♪ you are, you are, ♪ ♪ don't wanna hear you say... ♪ ♪ ♪ i want it that way ♪ [sfx: radio being tuned] welcome to allstate. ♪ [band plays] ♪ a place where everyone lives life well-protected. ♪ and even when things go a bit wrong, we've got your back. here, things work the way you wish they would. and better protection costs a whole lot less. you're in good hands with allstate. click or call for a lower auto rate today. >> man: what's my safelite story? 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>> well, john, this is a major policy shift from one of the world's most powerful institutions, and it will impact virtually all americans. to really understand it though, we have to flash back to march of 2020 when the world is falling apart. the fed came to the rescue with unprecedented support for the economy. it cranked up support for a 10 out of 10, and it worked. there was no financial crisis. credit kept flowing. there were no bankruptcies, no big bank failures, and that's a big part of the reason why this recovery is so strong, but what's interesting is that the fed is still kind of in emergency mode even though unemployment is low and inflation is high. policy support is still at like an eight. now the fed is finally recall bright for the reality of the moment. as you mentioned, that means they are going to wind down the bond-buying stimulus buying program. that makes sense because that program is only fang inflation, especially in the housing market, and they are penciling in three interest rate hikes for next year. now, that women pact everyday americans because it would raise the cost of borrowing on everything from credit cards and mortgages to auto loans and, you know, we still see borrowing dhoosts are low but it will creep higher. the bigger impact will be on the inflation front. inflation is very hot right now. consumer prices in november rose at the fastest pace in nearly 40 years. you can see from that chart that inflation is hot and it's getting hotter, and it's not just gas prices. we saw record 12-month price gains in november for full-service meals, for tools and hardware, for new cars. staggering gains. used cars up 31%, so, john, if the fed successfully tames inflation here and that's a big if, then everyday american families would see relief from all of the sticker shock and the paychecks would go a bit further and, of course, that would be great news. >> one of the bigs if and questions that we watch is the year end. matty egan, appreciate the insightful reporting. let bring the conversation back into the rome and let's listen to jerome powell announcing the big change. here's a little then and now. >> there's absolutely no sense of panic. i've explained i think several times here today that i think the best -- my best estimate is that this is something that will pass. it's really a shock to the economy that we'll pass through. inflation may be more persistent, and that may be putting inflation expectations under pressure and the risk of higher inflation becoming entrenched is increased. >> he was wrong in july. inflation was not a passing fad. >> and you've seen the white house change, you know, their language as well. instead of saying it's transitory which they did over the summer, regularly now they have pulled back on that, and they have started to -- biden has more aggressively addressed the fact that he understands that inflation sim pacting americans and saying that he's hearing that the public is upset about it and that he's trying to address it with different steps be it opening the ports more, be it what he's doing with telling the fed to prioritize this as well as him trying to argue that his package, again, which we talked about earlier this hour, the social spending package, he says would address this, but that package is going nowhere right now. >> and it's interesting to watch because, again in, boom times, presidents probably get too much credit and in tough times president gets more criticism than they deserve and something is out of control and the covid pandemic is driving the economy and if you look at our new poll, approve the president's 45% and 54% disapprove. that's a problem for the president and his party whether it's in his control or not head nothing a mid-term election year. >> and the white house has really struggled with the right tone to strike on the economy because they believe they deserve credit for the good things that are happening in the economy, but they also want to make sure that they sound like they understand inflation and that they are doing something so the messaging shift has to blame republicans more for blocking the legislation that they say would address that and face off joe manchin, even that effort to pin that on republicans becomes more difficult on the republicans. >> chairman powell has to work that covid over time fades a little bit. you're right about this covid frustration that takes different forms for different people, but it's everywhere. >> it is. >> and that's affect one of these numbers about the state of the economy. are you worried? 75% say yes. americans are worried. americans are frustrated. americans are tired. again, it's different for different people depending on what they do and where they live. it's pretty universal. >> it's amazing to see how many americans, republicans and democrats, are worn out. there is frustration every, and frustration of very different kinds. have you people who are frustrated by school closures and people from us trade by not being able to get better wages at their workplace, people frustrated with the fact that we still haven't beaten this deadly illness, all different kinds of frustrations. one interesting thing about the fed's move it's a bigger attack on inflation. if you look at the way the biden administration is trying to fix the kinks in the supply chain, that's been a factor. not just consumer demand but also the fact that the microchip shortage means used and new cars will be a lot more expensive. >> you saw that in our poll, too. it's personal. they have tried to buy something, whether it's a new car, something simple and they can't get it because it's held up in the supply change. the uk seeing a tidal wave of the omicron surge and even forcing the queen to cancel a time-honored family tradition. new gold bond pure moisture lotion. 24-hour hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. football, is a game of inches. but it's also a game, of information. because the nfl is connected. and at any moment, the fate of the season can come down to this. billions of secure connections, per second. when the game is on the line and the game is always on the line touchdown! the nfl relies on cisco. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? 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(vo) visible. switch and get up to $200, plus our best ear buds, on us. the covid case surge is global as is the debate about whether new restrictions are necessary. in europe the case count is nearly doubling ever few days. ow kourpts from around the world are covering the new developments. >> reporter: in london it feels like everyone is bracing for that tidal wave of omicron. on wednesday the uk recorded the highest number of covid cases in a single 24-hour period since the start of the pandemic, and health officials are warning that the r number for omicron is between three and five. that's why you seeing the phenomenal spread across the uk. health officials are expanding the country's booster program to make sure everyone eligible gets an invitation for the third shot by the end of the year, but many people taking precautions into their open end. everyone will be considering their christmas plans and even the queen cancelling a pre-christmas lunch with her family out of an abundance of caution. >> reporter: i'm ben wedeman in rome where a vaccination campaign has kicked off across italy for children between the ages of 5 and 11. similar campaigns began this week in spain, hungary and greece. the children here will receive the pfizer vaccine at about a third of the strength of what adults get. as of today 85% of the population of italy 12 years and above has received two doses, 63% have received a third dose. officials are hoping to keep the numbers under control as the holiday season begins and the omicron variant looms large with the government this week extending the state of emergency that went into effect at the start of the pandemic until the end of march 2022. >> reporter: i'm max foster in london. queen elizabeth has decided to cancel her traditional big family pre-christmas lunch. according to a royal source, it was a precautionary decision. they felt like it would put too many people's christmas arrangements at risk if it went ahead. they felt like it was the right thing to do. this was nothing to do with the queen's health, we're told, but it did come after england's chief medical officer gave a big warning saying people should prioritize what matters to them when considering which parties to attend over the christmas period. perhaps the queen has decided to prioritize her christmas day with immediate family which she traditionally hold at sand ringham and that will be the first event she has without prince philip. >> melania trump getting into the bloc chain world. she's initial agent an nft called melania's and it will help melania's trump's first public initiative since leaving the white house 11 months ago and part of her be better program and caroline kennedy is in line to be ambassador to australia. caroline kennedy was ambassador to japan during the obama administration and another big name michelle kwan has been nominated to be the ambassador to belize. >> 66 years after getting arrested for refusing to give up her bus seat to a white person has now had her record expunged for not giving up her seat. a look at how some families with kids with autism are finding help with cannabis. you can listen to our podcast. download "inside politics"" whenever you get your podcasts. ana cabrera pings our coverage. have a great day. y'all heard it here. if you wanna be fresh, you gotta refresh, like subway®. like the new baja steak & jack tender, thicker-cut steak and. wait sooo you're not coming out of retirement? i'm just here because subway has so much new, they bought time in this press conference to talk about it. 1, 2, 3... yay! ♪ “i got you babe” by etta james ♪ ♪ wait hold up, here it comes! alright, everybody stand up straight. okay now let me flip it. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ are the stars out tonight? 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18000 From Last Week S Labor Department Report , 18000 , 206000 , Matt Egan , Central Bank , Interest Rates , Timeline , Latest , Fed Chairman , Pandemic Stimulus Approach , Times , Institutions , Main Street , Matt , Economy , Rescue , Crisis , 10 , March Of 2020 , Credit , Recovery , Unemployment , Mode , Bank Failures , Bankruptcies , Reality , Policy Support , Stimulus Buying Program , Program , Housing Market , Credit Cards , Women Pact , Borrowing , Interest Rate Hikes , Mortgages , Cost , Loans , Penciling , Consumer Prices , Inflation Front , Pace , Chart , Borrowing Dhoosts , 40 , Cars , Price Gains , Gains , Hardware , Meals , Tools , Relief , Families , Sticker Shock , News , Bigs , Paychecks , If , 31 , Big Change , Little , Panic , Then And Now , Conversation , Jerome Powell , Matty Egan , Rome , Estimate , Inflation Expectations , Shock , Risk , Is , Passing Fad , Pacting Americans , Language , Inflation Sim , Summer , Ports , Upset , Steps , Boom Times , Presidents , Control , Pandemic , Poll , Disapprove , Criticism , 45 , 54 , Nothing , Messaging Shift , Legislation , Effort , Chairman , Numbers , Forms , Say Yes , 75 , Workplace , Wages , Trade , School Closures , Administration , Frustrations , Supply Chain , Attack , Kinks , Demand , Factor , Microchip Shortage , Queen , Tidal Wave , Omicron Surge , Family Tradition , Supply Change , Moisture , Game , Skin , Football , Hydration , Dyes , Fragrances , Parabens , Information , 24 , Billions , Fate , Line Touchdown , Connections , Cisco , Spider Bite , Superpowers , Limu Emu , Doug , Pay , Gasps , Spider Man , December 17th Hello , 17 , December 17th , Seal , Grown In Idaho , Aunt , Chloe , Family Plans , Team Up , Money , Single , Turkey , Mom Vo , Grandpa , Fire Alarm , Phone , Dad Vo , Fire Alarm Blares , 25 , Vo , Ear Buds , Switch , 200 , Case Count , Restrictions , Case Surge , Debate , Europe , London , Developments , Ow Kourpts , Warning , Start , Health Officials , Booster Program , Shot , Precautions , Invitation , Children , In Rome , Lunch , Vaccination Campaign , Abundance , Caution , Ages , Italy , Ben Wedeman , Adults , Campaigns , Population , Spain , Greece , Hungary , 85 , 11 , Holiday Season , 63 , Queen Elizabeth , State Of Emergency , Effect , Max Foster In London , 2022 Reporter , March 2022 , Decision , Source , Arrangements , Chief Medical Officer , England , Sand Ringham , Nft , Philip , Agent , Event , Bloc Chain World , Initiative , Ambassador , Caroline Kennedy , Obama , Australia , To Japan , Michelle Kwan , Bus Seat , 66 , Seat , Podcasts , Podcast , Cannabis , Kids , Finding , Autism , Ana Cabrera , Inside Politics , Subway , Retirement , Steak , Baja Steak Jack Tender , Press Conference , Stars , Sha Bop , I Only Have Eyes For You , Alexa , Song , Matrix , Serena Williams , Crohn S Disease , Stream , Moderate , Tv , Directv , Remission , Humira , Symptoms , Humira Saw , Biologic , Symptom , Infections , Have , Liver , Heart Failure , Nervous System Problems , Ability , Tuberculosis , Reactions , Blood , Lymphoma , Areas , Infection , Don T , Tb , Hepatitis B , Sores , Gastroenterologist , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Nutrients , Sugar , Retinol , Powerful , Age , Pro Plus , Neutrogena , Wrinkles Results , Concerns , Spreading Omicron Variant , New York , Icus ,

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