Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

as coronavirus cases shoot up. and cases have definitely shooting up, rising a lot. cornell university encapsulate the situation. 1,000 new cases. but the president reports no severe cases among students, none. so what's the most important medical headline? a thousand new cases or no severe cases? and what's the right reaction. cornell, princeton, middlebury all moving classes online. is it necessary with almost no severe cases? several schools have issued booster shot requirements in recent weeks and others say they are thinking about it. . >> this is both flu and covid-19 cases are on the rise, which has led growing concerns that health systems may be overwhelmed this winter. coronavirus hospitalizations up 43% from a month ago. and the cdc is projecting that virus deaths will increase over the next four weeks. however, the number of fully vaccinated americans surpassed 200 million earlier this month, just over 60% of the population. in the past week, the doses being administered jumped 35% from the week before. but there are still millions who have not received a single dose, and many insist they are not going to. >> jacqueline howard with the latest on that we are seeing. >> john, health officials say they're concerned about what we could see this winter. they're concerned about a trio of illness. so we already have a delta wave right now. the delta variant causes the majority of covid-19 cases in the united states. then we have the emergence of the omicron variant. then we are seeing an increase in flu cases. delta, omicron, flu, that's where the concern is right now. when you look at the cdc's latest weekly flu report, the agency notes activity remains low nationally but continues to increase. there is this slow and steady increase in flu cases. most cases are among young people ages 5 to 24. but there has been an increase among adults. the best way to protect yourself is to get your flu shot if you haven't already. so that's where we are with flu. but when you look at covid, we're also seeing an increase in cases. here's dr. anthony fauci on how many new covid cases the u.s. records each day. >> we are already in a delta surge. i mean, the cases are going up. we have an average of about 117,000 cases. we have an increase in the percentage of hospitalizations. deaths still over a thousand. and looking over your shoulder, the omicron variant. >> so, john, you hear the omicron variant is looking of our shoulder. that's why health officials emphasize get your covid shot if you haven't already, get your flu shot if you haven't already. do we have testing capacity in place? could we see overwhelmed health systems. there's a lot of concerns right now. john, as they say, winter is coming. john. >> where have i heard that before? jacqueline howard, thank you very much for that. we will speak live with the surgeon general about what you should do and what reasonable reactions are to this. >> yeah. winter may be coming, but you wouldn't know it looking from some of the severe weather we're seeing. hurricane-force winds, fires in never-before-seen forecasts. a major cause is this record december heat. it is creating severe weather threats all across the central states. so let's check in with chad myers. this is highly unusual, and we're keeping our eye on it. >> there aren't tornados in nebraska in december. there's snow and ice storms. yesterday, nebraska, iowa, 20 reports of tornados and well over 300 reports of severe wind. more than 15 reports of hurricane-force gusts. colorado, kentucky, nebraska. and it's still blowing out there. 480,000 customers without power but mainly because of the wind gusts. we will still have wind gusts, maybe 60 or 70 miles per hour in the red zone. and then eventually we will start to move the storm to the east and warm up parts of the east coast today and spread snow into parts of new england. that's the word i should be using not tornados in december. snow into new england. the storm rolls on by. most of the accumulation will be new england and the rain showers down across the south for later on this week. brianna. . >> so just how unusual is this, chad, and what are your concerns about what we should be expecting ahead? >> the normal number of tornados in december, the average number is 23. we've already had more than 100 this december. and it's mainly because of, you know, the climate is warming. but it's also because we're in aa la nina pattern down through the rockies, and back up here. when you get the dip in the jet stream, you have a risk of tornados whether it's spring, summer, fall and now apparently winter. >> thank you so much for that, chad myers. back now to covid. it is roaring pack in pro sports. the nfl says it is seeing a substantialen increase in positive cases. one team, the cleveland browns, has 18 players on reserve covid-19 lists, and that includes the quarterback, baker mayfield. the head coach also testing positive. this as 100 players have tested positive this week alone. we should emphasize most of these cases are asymptomatic. >> as u.n. we have twice as many staff over player cases. we have seen the ratio inverted. so far more players than staff. a large percentage of asymptomatic or mild illness. . >> former general surgeon under president trump are meeting with doctors with sports leagues. part of the reason they're getting your input is because this isn't the covid of a year ago when everyone was unvaccinated. so how should they be handling this right now in pro sports and honestly other environments as well? >> as you mentioned, other environments should be paying attention to what's going on in pro sports. they are a window into the community spread. kudos to the sports leagues. they are doing a fantastic job of surveillance testing. in the rest of the country, we're driving a car down a dark road with the headlights off while looking in the rear-view mirror. we hit a bump and say, what was that. that's our surveillance system right now for covid. the nfl is testing regularly. the nba is testing regularly. the sports teams are picking up the cases because they are testing regularly. and what you're seeing is breakthrough cases as a result of this virus changing and as a result of waning immunity. the cdc, the white house, many scientists have said this, most doctors have said this, need to change the definition of fully vaccinated, especially for j&j. in the nfl and the nba and the sports leagues, we have a higher proportion of j&a recipients than anywhere. it's a good vaccine but it needs to be more than one dose. you are seeing them because largely a lot of j&j folks are well out from their first dose. they are mostly asymptomatic and mild, but they can still cause an outbreak. >> asymptomatic and mild. cornell university, right, has about a thousand new cases. you are seeing the outbreaks. but the president put out a letter saying they are seeing no severe illness. dr. adams, how does society need to look at this going forward? because these colleges are shutting down with no severe cases. i know a thousand cases is a lot of cases, but there are no severe cases. is this going to be the type of things where schools are going to keep shutting down, shutting down and shutting down, or does there need to be a new way to get through this? . >> well, i hope not. with he need a well articulated long strategy. what i think will happen, afternoon everyone gets their third dose that we will settle into a yearly pattern, the same as we do for flu. we will look and say, okay, how has this changed in the last year, and do we need to issue a new vaccine for this year. i think we have gotten to the point where enough people have had the opportunity to be vaccinated that you will see some tradeoffs we will say we have to accept some spread in between the times that we issue that yearly update. but the real fear, and i want people to understand this, we still have under 5 who can't get vaccinated, we still have immunocompromised people. now there is a shifting to milder spread. mild disease can still be deadly if it's much more contagious, especially with omicron, especially with the hospital at their capacity. >> i have a 3-year-old. i'm watching everyone get back to normal. we're trying the best we can, but we are not all vaccinated in our household, so we are dealing with that. i wonder as you talk about getting ready to act as if it's endemic like the flu. what should schools be doing, what should sporting leagues be doing as they are seeing people infected with milder versions? how do they need to be prepared. we are seeing with schools they don't know how to isolate people. a lot of them don't have the plans. . >> well, that's exactly it. we need to start thinking about this as endemic. and you are hearing the politicians start to get there. i said before, our administration wanted to declare victory over the virus. the biden administration wanted to declare victory over the virus. the virus has won. it is going to be here for a while. and we need tools for surveillance testing. we need a plan to utilize the oral antivirals that can help us. but they can't help us if we can't identify the disease. we need to change fully vaccinated to three doses so people can get to where they need to be to get to baseline. it will be like the flu shofplt once every year you will probably need an update until we can felt the world to a pays line immunity level from a prior infection or from a combination of prior infection and vaccinations. >> it seems there are easy things people can do to live with this going forward, get vaccinated, get boosted, wear masks. which is why it is so startling to hear airline executives of all people suggesting, maybe we don't need these masks after all. listen to this. >> i think the case is very strong that masks don't add much, if anything, in the air cabin environment. it's very safe and very high quality compared to any other indoor setting. >> mr. parker. >> i concur. the aircraft is a safe place you can be. >> so it's american and southwest ceos saying maybe we don't need masks at all on these airplanes. >> john, i knew you were going to play that clip. and i've got to tell you, there is no other way to put my feelings about that than it was irresponsible. it was irresponsible. it was reckless. but i want people to understand how that happened. i have testified before congress a lot. there's a lot of theater. they are trying to set you up, and you come in with your talking points. and the airline talking points appropriately had been it is one of the safest places you can be with the air exchange. these were on mannequin who weren't pulling off their masks to eat. they aren't by choice unvaccinated. you have people under 5 unvaccinated. and we also need to talk about the fact that many of these airlines aren't running these while sitting there on the ground. you can be on the plane for half the time without the filters running. and so when you're on a plane, you need to wear a mask. southwest ceo, american airlines ceo say, look, if you want to travel, we need to have these mask mandates on planes because they create a safe environment, they create confidence. these folks are making record money right now because of these mask mandates. i was disgusted when i heard that but i understood how they were set up, led into making these comments. and they need to be more careful next time. >> i'm so glad you could react to that. it causes a lot of confusion for people. dr. adams, thanks. . >> have a good day. get your booster. get your flu shot. breaking overnight, urban meyer out as head coach of the jacksonville jaguars. this scandal-plagued. >> tumultuous tenure is over after 13 games. two wins. the owner confirming he has fired the former florida and ohio state coach 11 months into a five-year deal. after deliberation over many weeks and thorough analysis of the entirety of his tenure, i am bitterly disappointed to arrive at the conclusion that an immediate change is imperative for everyone. regaining our trust and respect was essential. regrettably, it did not happen. this comes after former jags kicker told the tampa bay times he was kicked while doing warmups before the final preseason game. video emerged of a woman getting extremely close to the married meyer at a bar in columbus, ohio. and it was said he had arguments with players and coaches and suggesting they're losers while he is a winner. offensive coordinator darryl babel sunday's game with the texans. john, the first time a first-year nfl coach has not finished a season since 2007. >> how would you like to bring that owner? brings in a new coach for your franchise quarterback. this is the way you introduce the guy you want to be quarterback for the next 10, 15 years, a coach like this, a situation like this, coy. >> yeah, look, he had an incredible career both at florida and ohio state. so there was a lot of excitement with the new star quarterback, trevor lawrence. but lawrence said we can't always be in the headlines. they are, and for all the wrong reasons. >> coy wire, thank you very much. >> yeah. >> president biden's social spending plan in political peril. why democrats are shifting their focus and what they're looking at now. >> plus, we didn't know what the hell we were doing. eric trump on russian collusion. and house speaker nancy pelosi rejecting calls to ban lawmakers and their spouses from trading stocks, from trading stocks of individual companies. her stance putting her at odds with progressives. is struggling to manage your type 2 diabetes knocking you out of your zone? lowering your a1c with once-weekly ozempic® can help you get back in it. oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! my zone... lowering my a1c, cv risk, and losing some weight... now, back to the game! ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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inflation is a problem. and you can see. i'm going to show you how inflation is felt across the economy. the fed chief saying the risk issen tphrais that inflation becomes entrenched. they will tap the brakes and raise interest rates starting next year. rising interest rates matters to everyone. sit your credit car bill, car loan, home loan, refinancing, the plans that companies make because interest rates are higher. all of this is incredibly important. reaches every corner of the economy. . >> it matters to everyone. it may slow down inflation, which matters to everyone -- >> but the risk is it tips you into recession if they don't do it right. they are already behind the curve. this is a very delicate balancing act to tame inflation. what the fed does here is incredibly important in the weeks and months ahead >> no one said being fed chief was easy. >> the s&p touched a record high yesterday. usually you say we are tapping the brakes on the economy, and that would be bad news for the stock market. corporate profit margins at record highs. >> very quickly, what sunlen just reported, joe manchin coming out against the child tax credit as part of the build back better plan as written. >> this also reaches far and wide. 65 million children getting money, right, to help pay for child care, pay pore food, keep them it of poverty. in west virginia, we looked it up. 93% of west virginia children received that tax credit. that is 346,000 children getting a little extra money to help them. that stops now unless it is included in the build back better bill. it expires at the end of the year. the last checks have gone out >> christine romans, thank you very much. the world's richest free-loader, very thin skin. senator elizabeth warren firing back. and sick and tired of what is plaguing her city. >> less tolerant of all the bullshit that has destroyed our city. >> don lemon will join us with his reaction ahead. ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. 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>> well, yeah. look, there's a very important piece in the "new york times" today that gets into this and talks about a half dozen house republicans who were this "band of brothers" that helped mark meadows, donald trump's last chief of staff incite the insurrection. some of them did help organize the rally, helped feed information to donald trump about fraudulent or false charges of election fraud. and so a lot of what kinzinger alludes to is in the public record. there were members in the house from november, december, and january of 2020, 2021, who were part of trying to overturn the presidential election. and i think the january 6th committee is going to put together a lot of public information in addition to some of the private information to sort of tell that story a little more vividly. there's a lot out there already on that, john. . >> look, the question, susan, may be did they know or did they plan or did they hope the insurrection would look as it did, or were they trying to play into this funny business, for lack of a better term, in terms of what congress might do, what mike pence might do in terms of the election results? we don't know if they saw and expected the violence that we saw. >> but let's not get numb to the importance of these disclosures and things we already know. if members of congress were willing to count in its efforts to overturn a legitimate election, that seems to be pretty close to the definition of treason. and we know that even if there was not a desire or understanding that would lead to the kind of violence it did, the effort to challenge legitimate election returns without any evidence of election fraud is something we've not seen historically in this country and raises all kinds of concerns. and bennie thompson, the chairman of the january 6th committee, said they are exploring what the role of some members of congress were on that day and the efforts leading up to that day. >> so, susan, eric trump, the son of the former president, did an interview on the jay cutler podcast when he was talking about the idea of russian collusion. listen to what he said. >> we weren't smart enough to collude with russia. we didn't know what the delegate was. i remember walking up to a caucus in iowa and i looked at this young staffer and said can you tell me what a caucus is because i have no idea what the hell i'm supposed to be doing here. >> i actually remember during the mueller investigation inside trump world tell me that as a defense. >> this is a very odd defense to the allegation of collusion with a foreign power but it is consistent with what robert mueller found into the allegations of russian collusion. he said there were meetings that involved trump associates and russians that the trump team seemed open to the idea of collusion whether or not they actually followed through. . >> the correct answer, ryan lizza, isn't we weren't smart enough to do that. it is we would never do that. >> that is an excellent point. in some of the recent history with what the media got wrong in the russian story, a lot has been forgotten about what both the fbi and the media got right, when the big important thing is there was a hacking and dumping campaign by the russians that hacked into democratic emails, put them into the public domain. and the trump campaign and later administration willingly took advantage of that campaign and the additional misinformation campaign that was targeted to americans. so as susan points out, and, you know, i think eric trump is right here. they were not the -- there was a keystone cops element to the campaign and the administration but especially in 2016. and they didn't -- they weren't very sophisticated. but they did take advantage of the help that they got without pushing back on it. or as you point out, brianna, without saying no, that's not part of our -- that's not a good thing in a democracy. we don't do that. >> there is a new chapter in the back and forth between senator elizabeth warren and elon musk, tesla ceo. this is senator warren responding to the most recent jab from musk, what did he call her, senator karen. listen to what senator warren says. >> the world's richest freeloader evidently has a very thin skin. but you know the part that really makes me angry about this. it's on behalf of every public school teacher, every waitress, every computer programmer, every street cleaner who actually paid taxes. and that means they paid more than elon musk did in federal income taxes. . >> i'm not sure, susan, that either of them particularly minds this battle. >> yeah, that's right. elon musk loves publicity. we know that. this is a point elizabeth warren has been making throughout her public life about her desire to tax rich people more and tax middle income and lower income people. so i think this is maybe a case where both are happy to have the other attacking them. . >> yes, idea. susan, thank you so much. ryan, good to see you as well. up next, a shortage of workers adding fuel to the child care crisis in the u.s. why can't you find employees? >> because they can earn a lot more money working anywhere other than in child care. >> that's got to be giving you -- >> gabe cohen going behind the shortage and how parents are coping with this. >> a simple question about abortion that a medical doctor couldn't answer. ahead, dr. oz on his awkward response to when life truly begins. and you might think the music is overrated, but the deal is certainly not. bruce springsteen sells his songs for $500 million. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. so, who's it going to be? tom? could be danny. guess it's on maggie. should we have another one? talk to us about retirement today. feel comfortable about tomorrow. massmutual. it's the you are my diamond sale. get 25% off everything. ♪ this is how we shine... at zales. the diamond store. ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, now introducing ensure complete! with 30 grams of protein. it's the most joyous time of the year. especially at t-mobile! let's go to dianne. i got the awesome new iphone 13 pro and airpods, and t-mobile is paying for them both! and this is for new and existing customers. upgrade to the iphone 13 pro and airpods both on us. only at t-mobile. when a truck hit my car, the insurance company wasn't fair. i didn't know what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. i was hit by a car and needed help. i called the barnes firm, that was the best call i could've made. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible. ♪ the barnes firm injury attorneys ♪ ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ ♪ thafter my car accident, injury attorneys ♪ ♪ calli wondered what my, case was worth.million ♪ so i called the barnes firm. when that car hit my motorcycle, insurance wasn't fair. so i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. atat t bararnefirmrm, our r inry a attneysys wk hahard i could've made. atat t bararnefirmrm, to get you the best result possible. call us now and find out what your case could be worth. you u mit bebe sprisised ♪ the barnes firm injury attorneys ♪ ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ record december heat sparking extreme weather events across the united states and fueling dangerous threats from tornados, hurricane-force winds, to fires. never-before-seen forecasts with severe storms and fires across the united states. we will talk more on the significance of this ahead. it is a troubling time for the child care industry. since the pandemic, there are fewer workers, while child care costs have soared and wait lists have gotten even longer. gabe cohen joining us live with this story. what did you find as you were finding this out? >> this is becoming a pretty dire situation for the child care industry. we are seeing this competitive hiring market right now. simply put, they just can't find people. they can't find candidates. now we are seeing a ripple effect through the economy because parents who rely on those child care programs, many of them are struggling to get back to work. >> there's a crisis at early education in boston. the non-profit staff has shrunk 30%. >> why can't you find employees. >> because they can make more money working anywhere other than in child care. >> 10% have left the industry during the pandemic, driven out by closures and furloughs early on, and now wage competition. nationwide, the average child care worker makes just over $12 an hour, far less than k-12 teachers. in this competitive hiring market, other industries are raising wages to attract workers. >> this developmental time for the children is the most critical time in the human lifecycle. and yet we're competing against other minimum wage jobs. >> the american rescue plan, passed by congress in march, spent billions to keep the child care industry afloat. it helped nurture and raise wages a dollar an hour. but he works a second job at home depot. >> i was working check to check and i was getting behind on my bills. >> he is now taking 15% fewer students. >> how long could families sit on a wait list. . >> they may sit on a wait list for the better part of 2022. >> across the u.s., roughly 10% of child care programs have closed. others are downsizing. many parents are seeing prices rise and wait lists grow. >> parents, predominantly women, can't go back to work. . >> a recent survey found 84% of parents are overwhelmed by the cost of child care. and 20% have quit a job over it. for the average couple, it is 10% of their income. for single parents, it's 35%. rashawna became a stay-at-home mom when her son was born. >> the child care costs were more than we were paying in rent. i decided, hey, i have to quit my job. >> she and her husband are now trying to find day care so she can get back to work, but the wait lists are up to two years long. >> we can't find any child care. >> nearly 3 million women, including hundreds of thousands of mothers, are still out of work from the pandemic. . >> and it's really important in terms of the jobs recovery going forward. >> nila richardson is chief economist. >> president biden would invest $400 billion in child care, boosting wages, universal preschool for 3-year-olds and 4-year-olds and middleclass families pay no more than 7%. . >> parents can't pay more. early childhood educators can't make any less. it is going to take significant public funding in order to fix this program. >> look at rashawna and the career she left. >> what was the job you quit when your son was born? >> i was a preschool teacher, and i had that job for 15 years. i loved it. it was great. but i could not afford the cost of child care. >> a teacher stuck at home needed now more than ever. >> if you want us to pore into your children, you've got to give us what we need. >> now these leaders in the child care industry think build back better may be the last good chance to fix the child care industry for a long time. if the funding doesn't come through, a very serious concern that the industry may just keep imploding, brianna, and many of these problems will only get worse. >> i'm so glad you did this story. so many people are feeling this in their lives. it is a terrible big trend, and it is really coming down on women, as you point out. >> thank you. house speaker nancy pelosi defending lawmakers and their spouses who trade stocks. >> we are a free market economy. they should be able to participate in that. >> my next guest said pelosi might as well have said let them eat cake. and march thin luther king's family saying not to celebrate his legacy next month. what they are urging congress to do instead. ♪ you pour your heart into everything you do, which is a lot. so takake care of that heart with lipton. because sippin' on unsweetened lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton. stop chuggin'. start sippin'. 1, 2, 3... yay! ♪ “i got you babe” by etta james ♪ ♪ wait hold up, here it comes! alright, everybody stand up straight. okay now let me flip it. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ xfinity rewards are our way of thanking you just for being with us. enjoy rewards like sing family fun nights! rent sing for $1, then belt out all your favorite tunes from the movie with sing karaoke. plus, see sing 2 in theaters with buy-one-get-one free fandango tickets. join over a million members by signing up for free on the xfinity app. our thanks. your rewards. house speaker nancy pelosi says no to banning congressional lawmakers from trading stock. it was in response to a question about a report that found dozens of members of congress violated a law meant to stop insider trading and prevent conflicts of interest. here's what pelosi said. >> this is a free market and people -- we are a free market economy. they should be able to participate in that. >> joining us now to discuss is walter schaab, fellow at the project of government oversight, former director of the office of government ethics. you have a very strong reaction to what she said. tell us, walter. >> yeah, absolutely. i mean, she calls it a free market. but your average citizen participating in that free market doesn't have government experts providing them with routine briefings on nonpublic information that can affect the price of stocks. so i think it's an absolutely absurd comment on her part. she might as well have said let them eat cake. because the public doesn't have access to the same cake she does. >> is there any way, do you think, to separate the insider knowledge from the ability to in vest? >> well, look, often these members of congress will say i didn't tell my spouse. or i didn't tell my broker to buy those stocks. the problem is the public has no way to verify that. and the appearance that they're engaging in insider trading does as much credibility to congress as actual inside trading. the public has no way to distinguish when that's happening. >> let's talk about what prompted all of this. this was a business insider report that found 49 members of congress and 182 senior-level congressional staffers were violating what's called the stock act, which congress itself put in place about a decade ago to try to stop this kind of thing. it seems like they aren't following this at all. >> yeah. they created this rule. they passed it in 2012. it went into effect in 2015. it required prompt disclosure of stock trades so that the public could evaluate whether or not they're engaging in insider trading, instead of waiting a year or more to get to see the disclosures. but the problem is, they're not implying with it. and they're not imposing penalties when they do it. and they're not public about when they do impose penalties or waive them. there's a $200 fine for each failure to disclose, which is pretty minor for folks at this income level anyways. but they can't even bring themselves to impose the fine. >> you said they're waiving the fine in some cases, even though there are people who are, you know, going against this law? >> yeah. you know, there's supposed to be an exception for undue hardship or unusual circumstances. if you're in a coma, obviously you can't file your form. but they are accepting excuses like i forgot, i didn't know it was required, or i thought i filed it already. if you thought you filed it already, he's your waiver. they are not strictly enforcing it. the disclosure only solves one problem anyways, which is the potential for insider trading. but the public doesn't have have equal access to what congress knows so they have no way to evaluate it. you have joe manchin with significant interest in coal energy,s and yet he's the primary holdout on some of the provisions of the laws d -- the bills pending before him that would clean up the environment. maybe he believes the things in what he is saying or maybe it's profitable in what he is doing. nobody put a gun to their head and said you have to be in congress. they made a choice. they asked for great power over our lives, and now they're not even implying with the disclosure requirements they promised us they would comply with. >> they put in place themselves. walter, thank you so much. . >> thanks. a louisiana judge under fire after a home video with racist language surfaces. she's blaming a drug for using the "n" word. and then the scandal-plagued football coach, scandal after scandal this season, finally urban meyer crosses the line. the final straw. center diamond, representing the connection you share. forever connected. the perfect gift to give this holiday. exclusively at kay. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit

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Surge , Anthony Fauci , Percentage , Shoulder , Deaths , Thousand , Hospitalizations , 117000 , Covid Shot , Testing Capacity , Place , Weather , Some , Winds , Reactions , Forecasts , Surgeon General , Heat , States , Threats , Cause , Eye , Chad Myers , Tornados , Nebraska , Snow , Ice Storms , Wind , There Aren T Tornados In Nebraska December , Gusts , Yesterday , Iowa , 300 , 20 , 15 , Power , Wind Gusts , Customers , Kentucky , Colorado , 480000 , 70 , Storm , Parts , Word , New England , Red Zone , East Coast , Most , South , Rain Showers , Accumulation , Storm Rolls On By , 100 , 23 , Pattern , Warming , Climate , La Nina , Rockies , Risk , Sports , Nfl , Dip , Pack , Jet Stream , Spring , Players , Head Coach , Quarterback , Cleveland Browns , Lists , Baker Mayfield , One , 18 , Asymptomatic , Positive , Staff , Player Cases , Ratio , Everyone , Part , Sports Leagues , Doctors , Trump , Surgeon , Input , Reason , Isn T The Covid , Meeting , Environments , Unvaccinated , Attention , Job , Surveillance Testing , Say , Rest , Car , Headlights , Community Spread , Window , Road , Kudos , Bump , Rear View Mirror , Result , Testing , Sports Teams , Breakthrough , Surveillance System , Nba , Virus , Definition , Immunity , Scientists , White House , J , Folks , Vaccine , Anywhere , Proportion , J A , Outbreak , Adams , Outbreaks , Letter , Society , Things , Type , Down , Shutting Down , Strategy , Point , Same , Times , Spread , Update , Tradeoffs , Opportunity , Fear , Shifting , Best , Disease , Hospital , Capacity , 3 , Sporting Leagues , Household , Doing , Plans , Versions , Biden , Administration , Victory , Politicians , Plan , Antivirals , Tools , Shofplt , Three , World , Infection , Forward , Line Immunity Level , Vaccinations , Combination , Masks , Airline Executives , Wear , Case , Wall , Anything , Don T , In The Air Cabin Environment , Add , Aircraft , Setting , Mr , Ceos , Parker , Airplanes , Feelings , Clip , Congress , Airline Talking Points , Talking Points , Theater , Mannequin Who Weren T , They Aren T , Places , Air Exchange , Choice Unvaccinated , Plane , Mask , Fact , Ground , Aren T , Money , Record , Mask Mandates , Environment , Planes , Confidence , American Airlines , Southwest , Comments , Confusion , Led , Thanks , Flu Shot , Booster , Urban Meyer , Breaking Overnight , Tenure , Games , Wins , Jacksonville Jaguars , Two , 13 , Coach , Owner , Deal , Analysis , Ohio State , Deliberation , Entirety , Florida , Five , 11 , Conclusion , Change , Respect , Imperative , Trust , Tampa Bay Times , Jags Kicker , Woman , Video , Preseason Game , Warmups , Bar , Married Meyer , Columbus , Coaches , Winner , Arguments , Losers , Ohio , Darryl Babel Sunday , Offensive Coordinator , Season , Game , Time , Franchise Quarterback , Texans , 2007 , Career , Situation , Trevor Lawrence , Guy , Excitement , Coy , 10 , Headlines , Reasons , Coy Wire , Lawrence , Peril , Spending , Nancy Pelosi , Democrats , Hell , We Didn T Know , Calls , Eric Trump , Focus , Russian Collusion , Lawmakers , Companies , Trading Stocks , Spouses , Progressives , Stance , Odds , Don T Take Ozempic , A1c , Oh , Zone , Type 2 Diabetes , Cv Risk , 2 , Weight , 7 , Death , Events , Heart Disease , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Stroke , Heart Attack , 12 , Family , Help , Share , Isn T , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Stop Ozempic , Needles , Pens , Reuse , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , 1 , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Insulin , Blood Sugar Risk , Lump , Changes , Stomach Pain , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Vomiting , Provider , Kidney Problems , Prescription , Health Care Provider , Diarrhea , Dehydration , 25 , Vo , Phone , Row , 5g , Music , Dream , Candidates , Job Description , Indeed Instant Match , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Indeed Com Hire Snacking , Seal , Food Particles , Super Poligrip , Pieces , Mike S Denture , Nose , Air , Relief , Community Garden , Take Off 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Home Loan , Corner , It Tips , Recession , Act , Curve , Balancing , Stock Market , News , Fed Chief , S P , Build , Profit Margins , Record Highs , Child Care , Pore Food , Poverty , Pay , West Virginia , 65 Million , Children , Tax Credit , 346000 , 93 , Elizabeth Warren , Skin , Checks , Firing , Christine Romans , Bullshit , City , Don Lemon , It Wasn T Me By Shaggy , Subaru , Love , Purchases , Discover Card , Retailers , Now Subaru , Fourteen , Donor , Love Event , Aspca , Meals On Wheels , National Park Foundation , Two Hundred And Fifty Dollars , Two Hundred And Fifty , Women , Taking Ibrance , Breast Cancer , Charity , Thousands , Aromatase Inhibitor , Ibrance Plus , Hr , Disease Progression , Men , Therapy , Hormonal , Blood Cell , Doctor , Inflammation , Breathing , Both , Infections , Chest Pain , Lungs , Trouble , Cough , Information , Chills , Signs , Liver , Breastfeeding , Fever , Man , Planning Options , Binders , Broker , Page , Uh Carl , 188 , Son , House , Retirement Plan , Options , Consultant , Schwab , Uhhh , Planning , Internet , Emergency Broadband Benefit Program , Home , Program , Internet Service , Equipment , Value , Xfinity Mobile , 50 , 0 , Call , Click , Members , Insurrection , Republican , Adam Kinzinger , Committee , Role , January 6th Committee , 6 , January 6th , Senior , Analyst Ryan , Playbook , Madam Speaker , Caveat , Author , Co Author , Lessons , Bit , Piece , Talks , New York Times , Half , Band Of Brothers , Mark Meadows , Donald Trump , House Republicans , Election Fraud , Feed Information , Rally , Charges , Kinzinger , December , November , 2020 , January Of 2020 , 2021 , Question , More , Public Information , Tell , Addition , Susan , Terms , Term , Funny Business , Lack , Mike Pence , Disclosures , Violence , Election Results , Importance , Efforts , Kind , Desire , Treason , Effort , Kinds , Evidence , Returns , Chairman , Bennie Thompson , Idea , Interview , Jay Cutler , Caucus , Staffer , Delegate , Russia , Mueller Investigation Inside Trump World , Defense , Collusion , Robert Mueller , Allegations , Allegation , Meetings , Associates , Russians , Isn T We Weren , Team , Answer , Collusion Whether , Ryan Lizza , Media , Fbi , History , Thing , Campaign , Public Domain , Dumping , Hacking , Emails , Advantage , Misinformation , Points Out , Element , Keystone , 2016 , No , Our , Elon Musk , Democracy , Chapter , Tesla , Musk , Freeloader , Evidently , Jab , Karen , Computer Programmer , Waitress , Public School Teacher , Taxes , Behalf , Street Cleaner , Either , Income Taxes , Battle , Income , Publicity , Workers , Up Next , Fuel , Other , Child Care Crisis , Yes , Employees , Parents , Response , Abortion , Couldn T Answer , Oz , Hello , Bruce Springsteen , Songs , Obsessed , Big Idaho Potato Truck , 00 Million , 500 Million , Interest , Heart , Cooking , Grown In Idaho , Idaho Potatoes , Tom , Retirement , Diamond Sale , Maggie , Massmutual , Everything , Mission , Strength , Nutrition , Zales , Energy , Vitamins , Minerals , Whoo Hoo , 30 , 27 , T Mobile , Protein , Let S Go , Dianne , Iphone 13 Pro , Airpods , Insurance Company Wasn T Fair , Barnes , Truck Hit , Worth , Firm , Barnes Firm , Injury Attorneys , Accident Case , Hit , Rich Barnes , Injury , Attorneys , Car Accident , What My , Car Hit My Motorcycle , Eight Million , Eight Hundred , Atat T Bararnefirmrm , Mit Bebe Sprisised , Insurance Wasn T Fair , Inry , R , Attneysys Wk Hahard , You U , Firm Injury Attorneys , Child Care Industry , Fires , Storms , Significance , Wait Lists , Pandemic , Child Care Costs , Gabe Cohen , Hiring Market , Ripple Effect , Child Care Programs , Education , Crisis , Boston , Industry , Child , Furloughs , Closures , Wages , Industries , Child Care Worker , Competition , Teachers , Nationwide , K 12 , Rescue Plan , Billions , Human Lifecycle , Minimum Wage Jobs , Congress In March , Raise , Dollar , Nurture , Families , Wait List , Bills , Home Depot , 2022 Across , Survey , Prices , Downsizing , Can T Go Back , Couple , 84 , Rashawna , Stay At Home , Mom , Rent , Work , Day Care , Husband , Hundreds , 3 Million , Jobs Recovery , Mothers , Nila Richardson , Chief Economist , Preschool , 00 Billion , 4 , 400 Billion , Childhood , Funding , Educators , Order , Teacher , Last , Child Care Industry Think Build , Chance , Leaders , Funding Doesn T , Problems , Imploding , Free Market Economy , House Speaker , Lives , Trade Stocks , Trend , Guest , Let Them Eat Cake , March Thin Luther King , Care , On Unsweetened Lipton , Legacy , Lipton , Sippin , Takake , Start Sippin , Stop Chuggin , Hold Up , Everybody , I Got You Babe , Etta James , Sing 2 , Sing , Theaters , Tunes , Movie , Tickets , Sing Karaoke , Fandango , A Million , , App , Trading Stock , Rewards , Doesn T , Insider Trading , Law , Conflicts , Dozens , Walter Schaab , Government Oversight , Project , Office Of Government Ethics , Citizen , Briefings , Government Experts , Walter , Stocks , Access , Comment , Price , Public , Insider , Knowledge , Ability , Spouse , Trading , Credibility , Appearance , Staffers , Business Insider , Stock Act , Talk , Let , 182 , 49 , Disclosure , Stock , Effect , Rule , 2015 , 2012 , Penalties , Fine , Income Level , Failure , 00 , 200 , Exception , Form , Hardship , Circumstances , Coma , Excuses , Potential , Waiver , Coal Energy , Provisions , Laws D , Holdout , Head , Nobody , Choice , Requirements , Gun , Louisiana Judge , Fire , Home Video , Language , Surfaces , Football Coach , Scandal , Line , Straw , Drug , N , Gift , Holiday , Connection , Center Diamond , Kay , Staffing , Master , Google , Size , Visit Indeed Com Hire ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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as coronavirus cases shoot up. and cases have definitely shooting up, rising a lot. cornell university encapsulate the situation. 1,000 new cases. but the president reports no severe cases among students, none. so what's the most important medical headline? a thousand new cases or no severe cases? and what's the right reaction. cornell, princeton, middlebury all moving classes online. is it necessary with almost no severe cases? several schools have issued booster shot requirements in recent weeks and others say they are thinking about it. . >> this is both flu and covid-19 cases are on the rise, which has led growing concerns that health systems may be overwhelmed this winter. coronavirus hospitalizations up 43% from a month ago. and the cdc is projecting that virus deaths will increase over the next four weeks. however, the number of fully vaccinated americans surpassed 200 million earlier this month, just over 60% of the population. in the past week, the doses being administered jumped 35% from the week before. but there are still millions who have not received a single dose, and many insist they are not going to. >> jacqueline howard with the latest on that we are seeing. >> john, health officials say they're concerned about what we could see this winter. they're concerned about a trio of illness. so we already have a delta wave right now. the delta variant causes the majority of covid-19 cases in the united states. then we have the emergence of the omicron variant. then we are seeing an increase in flu cases. delta, omicron, flu, that's where the concern is right now. when you look at the cdc's latest weekly flu report, the agency notes activity remains low nationally but continues to increase. there is this slow and steady increase in flu cases. most cases are among young people ages 5 to 24. but there has been an increase among adults. the best way to protect yourself is to get your flu shot if you haven't already. so that's where we are with flu. but when you look at covid, we're also seeing an increase in cases. here's dr. anthony fauci on how many new covid cases the u.s. records each day. >> we are already in a delta surge. i mean, the cases are going up. we have an average of about 117,000 cases. we have an increase in the percentage of hospitalizations. deaths still over a thousand. and looking over your shoulder, the omicron variant. >> so, john, you hear the omicron variant is looking of our shoulder. that's why health officials emphasize get your covid shot if you haven't already, get your flu shot if you haven't already. do we have testing capacity in place? could we see overwhelmed health systems. there's a lot of concerns right now. john, as they say, winter is coming. john. >> where have i heard that before? jacqueline howard, thank you very much for that. we will speak live with the surgeon general about what you should do and what reasonable reactions are to this. >> yeah. winter may be coming, but you wouldn't know it looking from some of the severe weather we're seeing. hurricane-force winds, fires in never-before-seen forecasts. a major cause is this record december heat. it is creating severe weather threats all across the central states. so let's check in with chad myers. this is highly unusual, and we're keeping our eye on it. >> there aren't tornados in nebraska in december. there's snow and ice storms. yesterday, nebraska, iowa, 20 reports of tornados and well over 300 reports of severe wind. more than 15 reports of hurricane-force gusts. colorado, kentucky, nebraska. and it's still blowing out there. 480,000 customers without power but mainly because of the wind gusts. we will still have wind gusts, maybe 60 or 70 miles per hour in the red zone. and then eventually we will start to move the storm to the east and warm up parts of the east coast today and spread snow into parts of new england. that's the word i should be using not tornados in december. snow into new england. the storm rolls on by. most of the accumulation will be new england and the rain showers down across the south for later on this week. brianna. . >> so just how unusual is this, chad, and what are your concerns about what we should be expecting ahead? >> the normal number of tornados in december, the average number is 23. we've already had more than 100 this december. and it's mainly because of, you know, the climate is warming. but it's also because we're in aa la nina pattern down through the rockies, and back up here. when you get the dip in the jet stream, you have a risk of tornados whether it's spring, summer, fall and now apparently winter. >> thank you so much for that, chad myers. back now to covid. it is roaring pack in pro sports. the nfl says it is seeing a substantialen increase in positive cases. one team, the cleveland browns, has 18 players on reserve covid-19 lists, and that includes the quarterback, baker mayfield. the head coach also testing positive. this as 100 players have tested positive this week alone. we should emphasize most of these cases are asymptomatic. >> as u.n. we have twice as many staff over player cases. we have seen the ratio inverted. so far more players than staff. a large percentage of asymptomatic or mild illness. . >> former general surgeon under president trump are meeting with doctors with sports leagues. part of the reason they're getting your input is because this isn't the covid of a year ago when everyone was unvaccinated. so how should they be handling this right now in pro sports and honestly other environments as well? >> as you mentioned, other environments should be paying attention to what's going on in pro sports. they are a window into the community spread. kudos to the sports leagues. they are doing a fantastic job of surveillance testing. in the rest of the country, we're driving a car down a dark road with the headlights off while looking in the rear-view mirror. we hit a bump and say, what was that. that's our surveillance system right now for covid. the nfl is testing regularly. the nba is testing regularly. the sports teams are picking up the cases because they are testing regularly. and what you're seeing is breakthrough cases as a result of this virus changing and as a result of waning immunity. the cdc, the white house, many scientists have said this, most doctors have said this, need to change the definition of fully vaccinated, especially for j&j. in the nfl and the nba and the sports leagues, we have a higher proportion of j&a recipients than anywhere. it's a good vaccine but it needs to be more than one dose. you are seeing them because largely a lot of j&j folks are well out from their first dose. they are mostly asymptomatic and mild, but they can still cause an outbreak. >> asymptomatic and mild. cornell university, right, has about a thousand new cases. you are seeing the outbreaks. but the president put out a letter saying they are seeing no severe illness. dr. adams, how does society need to look at this going forward? because these colleges are shutting down with no severe cases. i know a thousand cases is a lot of cases, but there are no severe cases. is this going to be the type of things where schools are going to keep shutting down, shutting down and shutting down, or does there need to be a new way to get through this? . >> well, i hope not. with he need a well articulated long strategy. what i think will happen, afternoon everyone gets their third dose that we will settle into a yearly pattern, the same as we do for flu. we will look and say, okay, how has this changed in the last year, and do we need to issue a new vaccine for this year. i think we have gotten to the point where enough people have had the opportunity to be vaccinated that you will see some tradeoffs we will say we have to accept some spread in between the times that we issue that yearly update. but the real fear, and i want people to understand this, we still have under 5 who can't get vaccinated, we still have immunocompromised people. now there is a shifting to milder spread. mild disease can still be deadly if it's much more contagious, especially with omicron, especially with the hospital at their capacity. >> i have a 3-year-old. i'm watching everyone get back to normal. we're trying the best we can, but we are not all vaccinated in our household, so we are dealing with that. i wonder as you talk about getting ready to act as if it's endemic like the flu. what should schools be doing, what should sporting leagues be doing as they are seeing people infected with milder versions? how do they need to be prepared. we are seeing with schools they don't know how to isolate people. a lot of them don't have the plans. . >> well, that's exactly it. we need to start thinking about this as endemic. and you are hearing the politicians start to get there. i said before, our administration wanted to declare victory over the virus. the biden administration wanted to declare victory over the virus. the virus has won. it is going to be here for a while. and we need tools for surveillance testing. we need a plan to utilize the oral antivirals that can help us. but they can't help us if we can't identify the disease. we need to change fully vaccinated to three doses so people can get to where they need to be to get to baseline. it will be like the flu shofplt once every year you will probably need an update until we can felt the world to a pays line immunity level from a prior infection or from a combination of prior infection and vaccinations. >> it seems there are easy things people can do to live with this going forward, get vaccinated, get boosted, wear masks. which is why it is so startling to hear airline executives of all people suggesting, maybe we don't need these masks after all. listen to this. >> i think the case is very strong that masks don't add much, if anything, in the air cabin environment. it's very safe and very high quality compared to any other indoor setting. >> mr. parker. >> i concur. the aircraft is a safe place you can be. >> so it's american and southwest ceos saying maybe we don't need masks at all on these airplanes. >> john, i knew you were going to play that clip. and i've got to tell you, there is no other way to put my feelings about that than it was irresponsible. it was irresponsible. it was reckless. but i want people to understand how that happened. i have testified before congress a lot. there's a lot of theater. they are trying to set you up, and you come in with your talking points. and the airline talking points appropriately had been it is one of the safest places you can be with the air exchange. these were on mannequin who weren't pulling off their masks to eat. they aren't by choice unvaccinated. you have people under 5 unvaccinated. and we also need to talk about the fact that many of these airlines aren't running these while sitting there on the ground. you can be on the plane for half the time without the filters running. and so when you're on a plane, you need to wear a mask. southwest ceo, american airlines ceo say, look, if you want to travel, we need to have these mask mandates on planes because they create a safe environment, they create confidence. these folks are making record money right now because of these mask mandates. i was disgusted when i heard that but i understood how they were set up, led into making these comments. and they need to be more careful next time. >> i'm so glad you could react to that. it causes a lot of confusion for people. dr. adams, thanks. . >> have a good day. get your booster. get your flu shot. breaking overnight, urban meyer out as head coach of the jacksonville jaguars. this scandal-plagued. >> tumultuous tenure is over after 13 games. two wins. the owner confirming he has fired the former florida and ohio state coach 11 months into a five-year deal. after deliberation over many weeks and thorough analysis of the entirety of his tenure, i am bitterly disappointed to arrive at the conclusion that an immediate change is imperative for everyone. regaining our trust and respect was essential. regrettably, it did not happen. this comes after former jags kicker told the tampa bay times he was kicked while doing warmups before the final preseason game. video emerged of a woman getting extremely close to the married meyer at a bar in columbus, ohio. and it was said he had arguments with players and coaches and suggesting they're losers while he is a winner. offensive coordinator darryl babel sunday's game with the texans. john, the first time a first-year nfl coach has not finished a season since 2007. >> how would you like to bring that owner? brings in a new coach for your franchise quarterback. this is the way you introduce the guy you want to be quarterback for the next 10, 15 years, a coach like this, a situation like this, coy. >> yeah, look, he had an incredible career both at florida and ohio state. so there was a lot of excitement with the new star quarterback, trevor lawrence. but lawrence said we can't always be in the headlines. they are, and for all the wrong reasons. >> coy wire, thank you very much. >> yeah. >> president biden's social spending plan in political peril. why democrats are shifting their focus and what they're looking at now. >> plus, we didn't know what the hell we were doing. eric trump on russian collusion. and house speaker nancy pelosi rejecting calls to ban lawmakers and their spouses from trading stocks, from trading stocks of individual companies. her stance putting her at odds with progressives. is struggling to manage your type 2 diabetes knocking you out of your zone? lowering your a1c with once-weekly ozempic® can help you get back in it. oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! my zone... lowering my a1c, cv risk, and losing some weight... now, back to the game! ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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inflation is a problem. and you can see. i'm going to show you how inflation is felt across the economy. the fed chief saying the risk issen tphrais that inflation becomes entrenched. they will tap the brakes and raise interest rates starting next year. rising interest rates matters to everyone. sit your credit car bill, car loan, home loan, refinancing, the plans that companies make because interest rates are higher. all of this is incredibly important. reaches every corner of the economy. . >> it matters to everyone. it may slow down inflation, which matters to everyone -- >> but the risk is it tips you into recession if they don't do it right. they are already behind the curve. this is a very delicate balancing act to tame inflation. what the fed does here is incredibly important in the weeks and months ahead >> no one said being fed chief was easy. >> the s&p touched a record high yesterday. usually you say we are tapping the brakes on the economy, and that would be bad news for the stock market. corporate profit margins at record highs. >> very quickly, what sunlen just reported, joe manchin coming out against the child tax credit as part of the build back better plan as written. >> this also reaches far and wide. 65 million children getting money, right, to help pay for child care, pay pore food, keep them it of poverty. in west virginia, we looked it up. 93% of west virginia children received that tax credit. that is 346,000 children getting a little extra money to help them. that stops now unless it is included in the build back better bill. it expires at the end of the year. the last checks have gone out >> christine romans, thank you very much. the world's richest free-loader, very thin skin. senator elizabeth warren firing back. and sick and tired of what is plaguing her city. >> less tolerant of all the bullshit that has destroyed our city. >> don lemon will join us with his reaction ahead. ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. 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>> well, yeah. look, there's a very important piece in the "new york times" today that gets into this and talks about a half dozen house republicans who were this "band of brothers" that helped mark meadows, donald trump's last chief of staff incite the insurrection. some of them did help organize the rally, helped feed information to donald trump about fraudulent or false charges of election fraud. and so a lot of what kinzinger alludes to is in the public record. there were members in the house from november, december, and january of 2020, 2021, who were part of trying to overturn the presidential election. and i think the january 6th committee is going to put together a lot of public information in addition to some of the private information to sort of tell that story a little more vividly. there's a lot out there already on that, john. . >> look, the question, susan, may be did they know or did they plan or did they hope the insurrection would look as it did, or were they trying to play into this funny business, for lack of a better term, in terms of what congress might do, what mike pence might do in terms of the election results? we don't know if they saw and expected the violence that we saw. >> but let's not get numb to the importance of these disclosures and things we already know. if members of congress were willing to count in its efforts to overturn a legitimate election, that seems to be pretty close to the definition of treason. and we know that even if there was not a desire or understanding that would lead to the kind of violence it did, the effort to challenge legitimate election returns without any evidence of election fraud is something we've not seen historically in this country and raises all kinds of concerns. and bennie thompson, the chairman of the january 6th committee, said they are exploring what the role of some members of congress were on that day and the efforts leading up to that day. >> so, susan, eric trump, the son of the former president, did an interview on the jay cutler podcast when he was talking about the idea of russian collusion. listen to what he said. >> we weren't smart enough to collude with russia. we didn't know what the delegate was. i remember walking up to a caucus in iowa and i looked at this young staffer and said can you tell me what a caucus is because i have no idea what the hell i'm supposed to be doing here. >> i actually remember during the mueller investigation inside trump world tell me that as a defense. >> this is a very odd defense to the allegation of collusion with a foreign power but it is consistent with what robert mueller found into the allegations of russian collusion. he said there were meetings that involved trump associates and russians that the trump team seemed open to the idea of collusion whether or not they actually followed through. . >> the correct answer, ryan lizza, isn't we weren't smart enough to do that. it is we would never do that. >> that is an excellent point. in some of the recent history with what the media got wrong in the russian story, a lot has been forgotten about what both the fbi and the media got right, when the big important thing is there was a hacking and dumping campaign by the russians that hacked into democratic emails, put them into the public domain. and the trump campaign and later administration willingly took advantage of that campaign and the additional misinformation campaign that was targeted to americans. so as susan points out, and, you know, i think eric trump is right here. they were not the -- there was a keystone cops element to the campaign and the administration but especially in 2016. and they didn't -- they weren't very sophisticated. but they did take advantage of the help that they got without pushing back on it. or as you point out, brianna, without saying no, that's not part of our -- that's not a good thing in a democracy. we don't do that. >> there is a new chapter in the back and forth between senator elizabeth warren and elon musk, tesla ceo. this is senator warren responding to the most recent jab from musk, what did he call her, senator karen. listen to what senator warren says. >> the world's richest freeloader evidently has a very thin skin. but you know the part that really makes me angry about this. it's on behalf of every public school teacher, every waitress, every computer programmer, every street cleaner who actually paid taxes. and that means they paid more than elon musk did in federal income taxes. . >> i'm not sure, susan, that either of them particularly minds this battle. >> yeah, that's right. elon musk loves publicity. we know that. this is a point elizabeth warren has been making throughout her public life about her desire to tax rich people more and tax middle income and lower income people. so i think this is maybe a case where both are happy to have the other attacking them. . >> yes, idea. susan, thank you so much. ryan, good to see you as well. up next, a shortage of workers adding fuel to the child care crisis in the u.s. why can't you find employees? >> because they can earn a lot more money working anywhere other than in child care. >> that's got to be giving you -- >> gabe cohen going behind the shortage and how parents are coping with this. >> a simple question about abortion that a medical doctor couldn't answer. ahead, dr. oz on his awkward response to when life truly begins. and you might think the music is overrated, but the deal is certainly not. bruce springsteen sells his songs for $500 million. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. so, who's it going to be? tom? could be danny. guess it's on maggie. should we have another one? talk to us about retirement today. feel comfortable about tomorrow. massmutual. it's the you are my diamond sale. get 25% off everything. ♪ this is how we shine... at zales. the diamond store. ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, now introducing ensure complete! with 30 grams of protein. it's the most joyous time of the year. especially at t-mobile! let's go to dianne. i got the awesome new iphone 13 pro and airpods, and t-mobile is paying for them both! and this is for new and existing customers. upgrade to the iphone 13 pro and airpods both on us. only at t-mobile. when a truck hit my car, the insurance company wasn't fair. i didn't know what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. i was hit by a car and needed help. i called the barnes firm, that was the best call i could've made. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible. ♪ the barnes firm injury attorneys ♪ ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ ♪ thafter my car accident, injury attorneys ♪ ♪ calli wondered what my, case was worth.million ♪ so i called the barnes firm. when that car hit my motorcycle, insurance wasn't fair. so i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. atat t bararnefirmrm, our r inry a attneysys wk hahard i could've made. atat t bararnefirmrm, to get you the best result possible. call us now and find out what your case could be worth. you u mit bebe sprisised ♪ the barnes firm injury attorneys ♪ ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ record december heat sparking extreme weather events across the united states and fueling dangerous threats from tornados, hurricane-force winds, to fires. never-before-seen forecasts with severe storms and fires across the united states. we will talk more on the significance of this ahead. it is a troubling time for the child care industry. since the pandemic, there are fewer workers, while child care costs have soared and wait lists have gotten even longer. gabe cohen joining us live with this story. what did you find as you were finding this out? >> this is becoming a pretty dire situation for the child care industry. we are seeing this competitive hiring market right now. simply put, they just can't find people. they can't find candidates. now we are seeing a ripple effect through the economy because parents who rely on those child care programs, many of them are struggling to get back to work. >> there's a crisis at early education in boston. the non-profit staff has shrunk 30%. >> why can't you find employees. >> because they can make more money working anywhere other than in child care. >> 10% have left the industry during the pandemic, driven out by closures and furloughs early on, and now wage competition. nationwide, the average child care worker makes just over $12 an hour, far less than k-12 teachers. in this competitive hiring market, other industries are raising wages to attract workers. >> this developmental time for the children is the most critical time in the human lifecycle. and yet we're competing against other minimum wage jobs. >> the american rescue plan, passed by congress in march, spent billions to keep the child care industry afloat. it helped nurture and raise wages a dollar an hour. but he works a second job at home depot. >> i was working check to check and i was getting behind on my bills. >> he is now taking 15% fewer students. >> how long could families sit on a wait list. . >> they may sit on a wait list for the better part of 2022. >> across the u.s., roughly 10% of child care programs have closed. others are downsizing. many parents are seeing prices rise and wait lists grow. >> parents, predominantly women, can't go back to work. . >> a recent survey found 84% of parents are overwhelmed by the cost of child care. and 20% have quit a job over it. for the average couple, it is 10% of their income. for single parents, it's 35%. rashawna became a stay-at-home mom when her son was born. >> the child care costs were more than we were paying in rent. i decided, hey, i have to quit my job. >> she and her husband are now trying to find day care so she can get back to work, but the wait lists are up to two years long. >> we can't find any child care. >> nearly 3 million women, including hundreds of thousands of mothers, are still out of work from the pandemic. . >> and it's really important in terms of the jobs recovery going forward. >> nila richardson is chief economist. >> president biden would invest $400 billion in child care, boosting wages, universal preschool for 3-year-olds and 4-year-olds and middleclass families pay no more than 7%. . >> parents can't pay more. early childhood educators can't make any less. it is going to take significant public funding in order to fix this program. >> look at rashawna and the career she left. >> what was the job you quit when your son was born? >> i was a preschool teacher, and i had that job for 15 years. i loved it. it was great. but i could not afford the cost of child care. >> a teacher stuck at home needed now more than ever. >> if you want us to pore into your children, you've got to give us what we need. >> now these leaders in the child care industry think build back better may be the last good chance to fix the child care industry for a long time. if the funding doesn't come through, a very serious concern that the industry may just keep imploding, brianna, and many of these problems will only get worse. >> i'm so glad you did this story. so many people are feeling this in their lives. it is a terrible big trend, and it is really coming down on women, as you point out. >> thank you. house speaker nancy pelosi defending lawmakers and their spouses who trade stocks. >> we are a free market economy. they should be able to participate in that. >> my next guest said pelosi might as well have said let them eat cake. and march thin luther king's family saying not to celebrate his legacy next month. what they are urging congress to do instead. ♪ you pour your heart into everything you do, which is a lot. so takake care of that heart with lipton. because sippin' on unsweetened lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton. stop chuggin'. start sippin'. 1, 2, 3... yay! ♪ “i got you babe” by etta james ♪ ♪ wait hold up, here it comes! alright, everybody stand up straight. okay now let me flip it. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ xfinity rewards are our way of thanking you just for being with us. enjoy rewards like sing family fun nights! rent sing for $1, then belt out all your favorite tunes from the movie with sing karaoke. plus, see sing 2 in theaters with buy-one-get-one free fandango tickets. join over a million members by signing up for free on the xfinity app. our thanks. your rewards. house speaker nancy pelosi says no to banning congressional lawmakers from trading stock. it was in response to a question about a report that found dozens of members of congress violated a law meant to stop insider trading and prevent conflicts of interest. here's what pelosi said. >> this is a free market and people -- we are a free market economy. they should be able to participate in that. >> joining us now to discuss is walter schaab, fellow at the project of government oversight, former director of the office of government ethics. you have a very strong reaction to what she said. tell us, walter. >> yeah, absolutely. i mean, she calls it a free market. but your average citizen participating in that free market doesn't have government experts providing them with routine briefings on nonpublic information that can affect the price of stocks. so i think it's an absolutely absurd comment on her part. she might as well have said let them eat cake. because the public doesn't have access to the same cake she does. >> is there any way, do you think, to separate the insider knowledge from the ability to in vest? >> well, look, often these members of congress will say i didn't tell my spouse. or i didn't tell my broker to buy those stocks. the problem is the public has no way to verify that. and the appearance that they're engaging in insider trading does as much credibility to congress as actual inside trading. the public has no way to distinguish when that's happening. >> let's talk about what prompted all of this. this was a business insider report that found 49 members of congress and 182 senior-level congressional staffers were violating what's called the stock act, which congress itself put in place about a decade ago to try to stop this kind of thing. it seems like they aren't following this at all. >> yeah. they created this rule. they passed it in 2012. it went into effect in 2015. it required prompt disclosure of stock trades so that the public could evaluate whether or not they're engaging in insider trading, instead of waiting a year or more to get to see the disclosures. but the problem is, they're not implying with it. and they're not imposing penalties when they do it. and they're not public about when they do impose penalties or waive them. there's a $200 fine for each failure to disclose, which is pretty minor for folks at this income level anyways. but they can't even bring themselves to impose the fine. >> you said they're waiving the fine in some cases, even though there are people who are, you know, going against this law? >> yeah. you know, there's supposed to be an exception for undue hardship or unusual circumstances. if you're in a coma, obviously you can't file your form. but they are accepting excuses like i forgot, i didn't know it was required, or i thought i filed it already. if you thought you filed it already, he's your waiver. they are not strictly enforcing it. the disclosure only solves one problem anyways, which is the potential for insider trading. but the public doesn't have have equal access to what congress knows so they have no way to evaluate it. you have joe manchin with significant interest in coal energy,s and yet he's the primary holdout on some of the provisions of the laws d -- the bills pending before him that would clean up the environment. maybe he believes the things in what he is saying or maybe it's profitable in what he is doing. nobody put a gun to their head and said you have to be in congress. they made a choice. they asked for great power over our lives, and now they're not even implying with the disclosure requirements they promised us they would comply with. >> they put in place themselves. walter, thank you so much. . >> thanks. a louisiana judge under fire after a home video with racist language surfaces. she's blaming a drug for using the "n" word. and then the scandal-plagued football coach, scandal after scandal this season, finally urban meyer crosses the line. the final straw. center diamond, representing the connection you share. forever connected. the perfect gift to give this holiday. exclusively at kay. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit

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