Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709

remember what happened after 2015, after the escalator, nobody was ready for that ride. we don't know what's to come. it's like 30 seconds in a commercial or television, that's a long time, the same thing when you're waiting on an election. it's good to put the different scenarios at play. >> fun to think about it. >> amen. >> before you know it, we'll be there. >> i got to get to where i'm going as well. this is "don lemon tonight," we have been talking about threat to demock siracy. i made a commitment to you the viewer, the american people, the people we serve here to talk about the insurrection, to talk act the threat to our democracy and to do it as often as possible and a commitment to voting rights which we will get to as well. we spend a lot here talking about the threat to our democracy. it's really important. this was the week. this was the week that the curtain was pulled back and the fraud was exposed. it's like that moment in the wizard of oz where they go in, dorothy and everybody, and they pull back the curtain, and see the guy pulling the levers, the guy doing the talking, not really as scary and as big as you think he was. same tihing for this. this is when the big lie was exposed. the big lie, the ma ligament in accordance of the party's dear leader, the echo chamber, sick fan fa -- sycophants, all of them exposed. it's like an onion, let's pull back the first layer, an assault on the capitol by violent trump supporting rioters, an attempt to overturn the free and fair election, an assault on our democracy as well, all because of a lie, a big lie. none of it is true. you don't believe me? let's give you some facts. okay, there was no widespread voter fraud, people, none, zero. the associated press spent months reviewing every possible case of voter fraud in six battle ground states, every possible case, months doing it. arizona, georgia, michigan, nevada, pennsylvania, and wisconsin. gather your deniers around the television screen. call them up, tell them to watch. because guess what the associated press found in the mo months ex months examining every conceivable instance of voter fraud in those six battle ground states, they found fewer than 475. you know what that amounts to? .15% of joe biden's victory margin in those states. that handful of votes could not have changed anything. it's all a lie. but get this, meanwhile in florida, three residents of the villages, you've heard of the villages, the retirement community when the then president held the campaign rally. they were arrested on charges of voting more than once in the election. we don't know how they voted. but two are registered republicans, and all three of them have expressed support for the former president. that's according to "the washington post." so that's the quote unquote fraud of which you speak? that's the excuse for the coup attempt? the real fraud, though, is that so many people believe it. okay. now, let's peel back another layer of this. why do they believe it? why? because of the people who are selling the fraud, and they know it. the people who are saying one thing in private and another on the air. i've told you about this before, everybody before the big lie, i told you about the people who would say we come on this very network and others, talk to them before the show, see them in the green room, they would say one thing there, and they would get on air, who are you, it's a whole other person. but guess the people who are saying one thing behind closed doors in their texts and in their whatever, private conversations, and what they say on the air, guess what, they know it is a fraud too. hosts at the fox propaganda network saw exactly what was happening on january 6th, and they begged mark meadows to get the then president to put it to a stop. >> multiple fox news hosts knew the president needed to act immediately. they texted mr. meadows, and he has turned over those texts. quote mark, the president needs to tell people in the capitol to go home. this is hurting all of us. he is destroying his legacy. laura ingraham wrote. please get him on tv. destroying everything you have accomplished, brian kilmeade texted. quote, can he make a statement, ask people to leave the capitol, sean hannity urged. >> that's what they were saying in private. that's what they were texting, right? but on the air, hmm. sean hannity called for the perpetrators to be arrested and prosecuted. but he also dug into the big lie on the very night it exploded in the capitol, calling the election a train wreck, and citing millions of people, he said, don't have faith in the results, claiming quote, you can't just snap your finger and th hope that goes away after he created -- helped to create the lie. why are people so upset. why can't you just make them stop thinking that way, because you created that. and you knew it wasn't true when you were doing it. every bit of intelligence, every person that had anything to do with the election, every court, there's no fraud. but yet you are on television telling people there is fraud, and then you wonder why they're so upset because you're lying to them. and then there's larry ingram who called the assault on the capitol disgraceful, and called left wing agitators. >> i have never seen trump attendees wearing helmets, black helmets, brown helmets, black backpacks, the uniforms that you saw in some of these crowd shots. >> well, you saw it that day. this summer, she down played what we saw with our own eyes at the capitol and mocked the hero officers who risked their lives defending it. >> there was certainly a lot of violence that day but it was not a terrorist attack. it wasn't 9/11, it wasn't the worst thing that ever happened to medical care. it wasn't an insurrection. god save us from these third rate theatrics. >> gave out awards, said that they were actors, the heroes who protected our democracy. those are the facts. liz cheney tweeting today, fox news host scean hannity and laua ingraham, have reconfirmed their views that the violence was unacceptable. mark meadows turned over texts. hannity and ingramham are standing by the texts they sent to meadows january 6th urging that president trump take immediate action to stop the violence, as we know, for multiple hours president trump chose not to take the specific and immediate action many urged as a violent mob sieged and invaded the capitol, injured capitol police, and instructed congress's count of electoral votes. this was a supreme dereliction of the president's duty, and the january 6th committee is examining these issues in detail, and the idea that what we saw on january 6th was somehow not a concerted coup attempt, an attempt to overturn our free and fair election, well, that is a fraud too, on you, on we the people. we all saw it, we all saw that it was an attack on our democracy, and it didn't work that time. yet. the attack was forged in a fraudulent political ideology founded on complete bull. founded on lies. on the big lie. built on fieldty to a liar, buff treszed by the weakness of the elected officials who sent frantic texts that day when they were hiding behind the barricades, but in public, either hid the truth or shunned and purged the few in their party who were willing to telling it. the shame of this fraud will live in history. that's the best case scenario, best case. the worst, the worst case scenario is that if it happens again in the future and we'll all have to live with the consequences. that is the worst case. a lot to discuss, david axelrod, preet, i want to start with this new reporting from the "new york times." they're reporting new details tonight about how trump loyalists on capitol hill fought to keep him in power, and this is what they recount, a crisis meeting on november 9th when congressman scott perry, and jim jordan meet with mark meadows, steven miller, campaign manager bill stepien, and mcany. the group settled on a strategy that would become a blueprint for mr. trump's supporters in congress. hammer home the idea that the election was tainted, announce legal actions being taken by the campaign, and bolster the case with allegations of fraud. at a news conference later that day, mcmcananny delivered the message, jim jordan said this was about media strategy not to overturn the election. how does this sound to you, preet? >> it sounds bad. a lot of folks try to separate the events of january 6th, the insurrection that happened on january 6th, the violence that happened on january 6th from all the days that came before, and you can't do that. one of the things i think the select committee of january 6th is doing well as you pointed out in the opening is telling a story that all the things that happened from the election up until january 6th are a seamless narrative that makes sense. and so things happen on january 6th, sure, but the foundation that was laid for january 6th, you know, lay in some of the things that have just been reported by "the new york times" that you mentioned but even further back, you know, there was a plan to lay a foundation for a lie even before the election results came in, and all of that goes together. there are a lot of people who have been complicit, and what i find remarkable is we're sitting on this tv show, you know, with some understanding of what we were going to discuss, and there's breaking news still, fully eleven months and change after january 6th, that's how much information there is out there about who did what and why and for what reasons, and it's amazing that we're finding out this information so late, and one wonders how much more information we're going to find out that shows how many people should be held accountable for the activities of january 6th. >> mr. axel rod, in that vein, beyond that meeting, the times describes how members of the freedom caucus acted as foot soldiers for trump, all familiar names, by putting pressure on the justice department to investigate fraud claims, pressure state legislators to conduct audits and plot to disrupt the certification process. this was a deliberate campaign to overturn the election from the get-go. >> there's no question about it. and as preet said, it's something that the president himself was laying the groundwork for months before the election. it went into high gear after the election, and this group of six members of the house freedom cau caucus, the seditious six were very very active in trying to promote it. it's been interesting to watch the committee work because they are putting the puzzle pieces together, and there is a focus as there should be on the violence that took place at the capitol because that was historic and unthinkable. but we really should focus on what happened before. that was all in service. i don't know who thought that this was going to turn out the way it did at the capitol. i don't know. what i do know, it's very clear, they were from the start to finish, pressure congress, pressure the vice president to overturn a free and fair election, and that is the definition of a coup. one thing i want to say, don, about the, you know, we're focused on the text that the fox news personalities, and donald trump jr. sent to meadows telling him to tell the president to call off the dogs. i think that we're focusing less -- we should focus less on the people who sent the texts than the man who received them. for hours, the president of the united states sat there even as his closest, some of his closest advisers, and let's admit that the fox news people were among them, told him that he had to stop this. he did not stop this. and that's the second part of the story. >> david gur kin, he's right, david axelrod is right, it's about how trump acted. there were people there who said they tried to get him to do something to intervene, and he just sort of looked and went back to watching television and just a blink of an eye went back to watching television. these texts do offer an insight into what the president was doing that day, and how long it took him to react. >> you're absolutely right. to go back to what you said at the beginning of the program, don, what's significant here is that this really -- we've had a whole cottage industry of books which has suggested all sorts of things by the president. we haven't had things as concrete as what's coming out in these memos. i think these memos are like what you said about drawing back the curtain, and now we can see the harsh realities of what was going on. the conspiracies have not been on the left. the conspiracies have been on the right, and we now see through these text messages that it was occurring not only, you know, with the various advisers of the president all gathered around these conspiracies but they were working hand in glove with fox news, and people in fox news became their foot soldiers, an arm of the trump campaign, the trump presidency. and the frightening thing is that so far, they have gotten away with it. they're not paying a big price. they have convinced a solid majority of republicans that the election was stolen. they're going into the midterm elections next year looking like they night win. if that happens, that will confirm in the minds of the republicans and may well confirm for democrats if you lie enough, you can bully your way through it. that is really straightened for democracy. >> david, you have advised four presidents of both parties, you have witnessed fights over policy, but this is different, what happens to our democracy when one side is willing to toss out ballots or anoint electors before races or even call. >> sometimes usually in american history we have stuck together. we were under a lot of pressure to pull apart in the revolutionary war, huge pressure in the civil war, and again, pressure in the second world war and afterwards, and most of the times we held together but you always have to look at the civil war example that it can fly apart. you can have people at each other's throats. we could have a conflict over this. if our states were contiguous, if florida and texas were next to each other, i can tell you, you might be hearing a lot of cries for independence. >> i've got a lot more questions for preet and david. stay with me, we've got a lot more to talk about. i want to know wlhether you thik the next time a plot against our democracy could succeed. no w subaru is the largest automotive donor to make-a-wish and meals on wheels. and the largest corporate donor to the aspca and national park foundation. get a new subaru during the share the love event and subaru will donate two hundred and fifty dollars to charity. >> man: what's my safelite story? i spend a lot of time in my truck. it's my livelihood. ♪ rock music ♪ >> man: so i'm not taking any chances when something happens to it. so when my windshield cracked... my friend recommended safelite autoglass. they came right 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bharara, david axel rod, david gergen. should merrick garland be doing more to hold the planners and organizers of the insurrection accountable. >> we don't know what all he's doing. we don't know what's happening behind the scenes. what we know is a process that began before he even was in office was to arrest, investigate, prosecute hundreds of people who were involved in the insurrection at various levels. there is some concern that the department of justice may not be looking at the highest level individuals, mark meadows, donald trump, and others, but we don't know that because there may be a lot of things going on behind the scenes, may be evidence collected from some of the other people who have been arrested and maybe cooperating, so we don't know. the other thing by the way is, you know, two things can happen at once, the department of justice is in the business of prosecuting people and holding them accountable and that's important. they're not in the business of issuing reports about what happened. so in that regard, the 1/6 select committee remains fundamentally important, and that's why we're talking about it a lot in part because their work is public, and we hear about it, and there's information that flows and transparently becomes known to the folks who vote in elections but you need, you know, both things. you need to understand the narrative of what happened that day, make public e-mails and documents and communications as is being done including the famous power point that we haven't yet talked about. so i'm not prepared yet to judge merrick garland and what he's doing with respect to the high level folks, in connection with what a lot of people think was a seditious conspiracy, we'll hopefully know more soon. >> what do you think about the power point, apparently laying all of this out for you? >> some people have said it's under hyped and over hyped, under hyped in the sense that in a different era, people's heads would be exploding, and maybe some heads have exploded but you have a power point that's being circulated, 36 or 38 pages among high level people in the government, the chief of staff and the sitting president of the united states including talk of declaring a national emergency. what i think is most compelling about the fact that that was circulated is what action was taken about it. mark meadows' lawyer says, well, he received the power point, he didn't do anything with it. he didn't respond in any way so they produced it, by the way, and said it wasn't privileged as if they're dismissing the document, if you're the chief of staff to the president of the united states, and you get a document like that that has that kind of language in it and those kinds of proposals with it, i think you go on the record in some way to make clear you distance yourself from it. that's not something being espou espouse by you or the administration and the president, and you disclaim it, and none of that happened either, and to me that's crazy. >> david axelrod. >> i agree with preet, but i want to make a separate point based on something he said. it is astonishing to me that mark meadows turns over these 9,000 documents as he should have, and then tries to claim executive privilege and clearly what happened is he got spanked by trump for cooperating and he pulled back. but in the meantime, he's turned over some obviously revealing documents that are going to advance the investigation. but there's a larger point here that i really want to make. this democracy of ours, you were asking questions of david before. this democracy of ours we learned depends very much on the goodwill of people who hold these offices and their willingness to follow the law, rules, laws, and institutions. you know, enormous and institutions. and what's clear here is that -- and this has been true, and this is my problem with donald trump, apart from any position that he takes on an issue, he has no regard for rules and laws and enormous, and institutions. and what was going on throughout those months and on january 6th, was an effort to shred the rules and laws and enormous and institutions of our demock circumst -- democracy, and what we see now are efforts to do it over again, and learn from what happened before, and try and subvert the election processes beforehand so they don't run into these kinds of obstacles next time. this is a very very challenging moment for our democracy. people need to be aware of that. >> listen, and speaking of that, the attack on the institutions, david gergen, we talked a little bit about this, but i want you to weigh in more to dig a little bit deeper here. david axelrod said we should be focused on the man and what he did with the text messages, the propaganda machine, the former president attacked journalism because troouth was not on his side, said we were fake when we weren't. the propaganda machine at fox pushed this disinformation out on the election. they suggested it wasn't trump supporters who attacked the capitol, and yet we see those text messages imploring meadows to get trump to stop the violence, and worst of all, this is the worst part, the fraud that's being perpetrated on the american people. millions of people believe their lies. how is this ever going to be reversed david gergen. >> i don't know. don, i think this is one of the toughest questions that arises from this whole set of controversies. the disinformation campaigns work far better than anybody could have imagined. these are facts that have been before us, you know, for months now, as has been pointed out, 11 months have gone on, preet was saying this, and we still have people, people don't want vaccinations, people don't want to hear the truth. they want to believe in the other. i don't think we as a collective society know how to deal with this, unless we create or recreate a civic culture in which we all agree we have some responsibilities, as well as having the privilege of living this this country. right now we don't have that kind of civic culture. i want to make the point, don, if i might, and that is in politics, as you know so well, frequently we talk a lot about something that's happened, try to dissect with what we're doing tonight, and should be what we're doing, and i worry in politics, too, people in journalism are following what the leads were back here out front in front of the curtain. behind that curtain, there are a lot of things going on that are really quite dangerous about the future. and trying to steal our future right before our eyes. we don't have our eyes open to t but what we see is that the republicans are boroughing into various states and grabbing control of the apparatus, that could turn elections coming up, and the frightening thing is it could work. they have gotten this far. what is to say they won't continue and be successful. >> right on. you are right. david, david, and preet, i enjoyed our conversation. i hope you gentlemen come back. we would love to have you back on this network. whoever hired you guys, they're really smart people. >> thank you. >> thank you, gentlemen, i'll see you soon. >> thank you. dr. fauci is saying it's almost inevitable we'll see an omicron surge in the u.s., how is he telling everyone to prepare and stay safe. that's next. at at&t everyone gets our best deals. aren't others doing that? others say that, but not everyone gets the best deal. like what if i give you a lollipop... but then i give you our best lollipop. that's not fair. at at&t we think it's only fair that all customers get our best deals, and you get a choice of plans. she said everyone? it's not complicated. only at&t gives both new & existing customers our same best deals, like up to $1,000 off our most popular smartphones. ♪ ♪ we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a 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have dr. megan ranny, a professor of emergency medicine and the associate dean of public health at brown university. doctor, good to see you. let's talk about what dr. fauci is saying there. he said don't worry about the definition of fully vaccinated, just go get boosted because it raises the level of protection dramatically. do you think people can consider themselves fully vaccinated if they aren't boosted? >> in the face of the omicron wave, i'm not sure that they can. every day, more data is coming out, showing that two doses of pfizer or moderna don't protect, not just from symptomatic infection, but also against hospitalization, severe disease and death. if you have not gone out and gotten your booster yet, today is the time to do so. i will say i actually forced my own husband to go out and finally get his booster yesterday in anticipation of this omicron waeve hitting us over the next weeks. >> you said in anticipation of this, listen, you're out and about, you're a doctor, do this every day. we see the numbers that are coming in, right, we see the writing is on the wall, as they say, cornell has shut down their main campus after more than 900 students tested positive. many of the cases are omicron, and they are considering requiring boosters for students, but their provost today telling cnn many of the students aren't eligible for boosters, because they had their sec second shots in the last six months. do you think the booster time line should be shortened? . >> i would say at this point other countries are shortening the time line to 4 or 4 1/2 months. it certainly would make sense giving the accumulating data around omicron that shortening the time line in the states as well would make sense. there's also questions about that 12 to 16-year-old age group who have not been approved for boosters. many of those kids did get vaccinated in april and may when the vaccines became available. we're waiting for more data on them on safety and efficacy. i expect boosters for them as well are on the way. >> as i said, look, the writing is on the wall, you see covid hospitalizations up 43% just from a month ago, according to the hhs, an alarming one in six hospitals already reporting critical staffing shortages, even if omicron cases cause less severe illness, i mean, could it still end up overwhelming our health care systems, is that where we're headed? >> you know, don, our health care systems are already overwhelmed. my own hospital system today delayed or cancelled almost all l elective surgeries requiring an overnight stay and many of the day surgeries as well are being cancelled, things like gallbladders, joint surgeries, things that people have been waiting for for months. we are in the midst of a delta wave in rhode island, not yet an omicron wave, so absolutely things are going to get worse before they get better at health systems around the country, and i will say as an e.r. doc, this is the time to follow the girl scout model and be prepared, if you don't already, have rapid tests at home, ibuprofen, chicken soup, a pulse oximeter, expect over the winter holidays, you'll likely have an exposure to someone who tests positive just given the way things are going in the country, and you don't want to end up in an e.r. right now if you can help it. >> you talked about the girl scout motto, it's interesting, almost like a routine, i got up, had work meetings, coffee, did my home test, and went in for the pcr, when is the last time, it's time for another test. so how critical is testing going to be with omicron and does the u.s. have the capacity to keep up? >> we don't currently have the capacity of keeping up. i am hearing reports across the country as well as in my own state, at times, state and pharmacy testing sites are dramatically increased. people are waiting in line for 30 to 60 to even longer minutes in order to get that test. rapid tests are critical but we don't have enough of those either. that said, if you can get your hands on them, keep them around for before you have get togethers. my daughter is having a birthday party and we're going to rapid test everyone right before they walk in the door. those types of small measures will help keep you and your family a little bit safer. >> doctor, great advice. thank you very much, be safe. >> thank you. you too. new york city mayor elect adams, naming the first police commissioner, she says she's got what it takes to tackle new york's biggest problems, including an increase in violent crime. don't pay for water. pay for clean. it's got to be tide. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ whatever stereotype you're gonna try . . . . . . to put on me about having hiv isn't gonna fit. that's for sure. my name is zach and i'm on biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment . . . . . . used for hiv in certain adults. it's not a cure but with one small . . . . . . pill, biktarvy fights hiv . . . . . . to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a build-up of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding . . . . . . or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv . . . . . . keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. new york city will get its first female police commissioner next year, mayor elect adams, has picked keechant sewell to take over the nation's largest police department. cnn's jason carroll has more on sewell and what she's up against. >> reporter: keechant sewell stepped in front of cameras and made history. >> it's with a humble heart and clear eyes about the task and the challenge ahead that i accept the position of new york city police commissioner. >> sewell will be the first woman and the third african-american to become police commissioner in the department's 176-year history. >> i am mindful of the historic nature of this announcement. i bring a different perspective, committed to make sure the department looks like the city it serves, to elevate women and people of color to leadership positions. >> reporter: sewell's name a surprise to some as she was not on the short list of potential candidates. mayor elect eric adams said he made the decision to choose sewell after a nationwide search, confident she is the one with the skills to transform the nypd. >> i'm so proud this day to tear down barriers. this amazing law enforcement professional, she carried with her throughout her career a sledge hammer, and she crushed every glass ceiling that was put in her way. and today, she has crashed and destroyed the final one we need in new york city. >> reporter: sewell is a native of queens, she's 49 years old, and has spent the past 25 years in the nassau county police department, she will be the leading the police force, as the city faces an increase in violent crime. during the past two years, shootings have doubled, murders up 45%, the statistics not lost on new yorkers. >> it's really hard to love a city and have to constantly look over your back for fear of random attacks, which is nonstop. >> internally, the department grappling with challenges of its own. the nypd battling federal lawsuits, alleging gender discrimination within its ranks and thin the wake of massive protests, continuing questions about police use of force when dealing with communities of color. >> if they're going to decrease the crime rate, you know, without harming the black community as a whole, that's fine. as soon as they start targeting us, that's an. >> reporter: joist smith has worked alongside sewell and said she's up to the challenge. >> she starts ready, she begins ready because she's done the hard work and preparation that goes into being a leader in law enforcement and in the criminal justice system. >> reporter: for those question whether sewell and the department can fix what ails new york, the city's next police commissioner says this. >> if they don't believe me, tell them to talk to me in a year. >> reporter: jason carroll, cnn, new york. devastating storms in the rockies to the midwest, toppling s semitrucks, ripping off roofs. we're tracking where the danger is now. that's next. oh no. for the gifts you won't forget. the mercedes-benz winter event. get a credit toward your first month's payment on select models. ♪ thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+, 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outages because of the incredibility amounts of winds in space from california across areas of wisconsin. 300,000 customers, not people, 300,000 customers without power across this large area. at one point we had 80 million people underneath wind alerts that spanned about 2,000 miles, wisconsin, into minnesota, wind gusts still pushing 75 to 85 miles per hour. that's the storm system here. it has had a history of producing significant tornadoes and the top of the food chain, don, when it comes to a land-based system, a nontropical systems. we've seen school closed because of the winds, trucks toppled across the region. you'll notice the tornado watches across the region go on for at least the next hour and a half, two hours. this is across portions of eastern iowa into parts of wisconsin and minnesota. a confirmed tornado in minnesota in the last hour, first time in recorded history we have a tornado in minnesota in december. a level four severe weather warning in place, eastern areas of iowa, eastern wisconsin into western minnesota. this wregion, winds can continu up to 75 miles per hour. we've seen at least 19 reports of tornadoes so far in the past few hours. keep in mind we had 50-plus reports just five days ago. in the past five days, that is triple the december average, essentially three years worth of december tornadoes put into five days have taken place across the u.s. this is the concern for later tonight. >> and this is where it's usually warmer. growing up in louisiana it's december now and we're having tornadoes. thank you very much. i appreciate it. we'll check back in and see what's happening with you. the big lie exposed but the threat to democracy still as real as ever. ♪ ♪ cases of anxiety in young adults are rising as experts warn of the effects on well-being caused by the pandemic. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ - hi, i'm steve. - i'm lea. and we live in north pole, alaska. - i'm a retired school counselor. 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(music) ♪ i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ (music) ♪ i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ the january 6 committee exposing the big lie piece by piece. the d.o.j. reviewing mark meadows' criminal referral after the house votes to hold him in contempt to congress. growing concern about the fears of the omicron virus. and more than 80 million americans from the rockies to the midwest and great lake regions under high wind alerts tonight as powerful storms topple tractor trailers on the interstate, highways and spawn tornadoes. but i want to begin with the big lie and my next guest knows the big liar well. mary trump, good evening, it's good to see you. let's get right to, it okay? >> absolutely. we are learning so many details about what happened on insurrection day, 180 minutes of your uncle reveling in the destruction of the day, so many

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Wisconsin , Mo , Instance , Victory Margin , Joe Biden , 5 , 475 , Votes , Anything , States , Handful , Villages , Retirement Community , Residents , Charges , Campaign Rally , Florida , Three , Republicans , Quote Unquote Fraud , Two , Support , Voting , Washington Post , Coup , Excuse , On The Air , One , Behind Closed Doors , Guess What , Show , Others , Room , Texts , Person , Whatever , Conversations , Mark Meadows , Saw , Fox News , January 6th , Hosts , Stop , Fox Propaganda Network , 6 , Mr , Meadows , Quote Mark , Everything , Home , U S , Laura Ingraham , Tv , Legacy , Sean Hannity , Quote , Brian Kilmeade , Statement , Texting , Perpetrators , People Don T , Finger , Millions , Results , Train Wreck , Faith , Way , Wasn T , Th , Hope , Intelligence , Court , Larry Ingram Who Called The Assault , Capitol Disgraceful , Brown Helmets , Uniforms , Attendees , Helmets , Crowd Shots , Agitators , Wing , Black Backpacks , Eyes , Officers , Lives , Hero , Summer , Violence , Terrorist Attack , Care , Wasn T 9 , It Wasn T , God , 9 11 , Heroes , Gave Out Awards , Rate , Theatrics , Actors , Views , Liz Cheney Tweeting Today , Scean Hannity , Laua Ingraham , Have Reconfirmed , Donald Trump Jr , Action , Urging , Meadows January 6th , Ingramham , Pressure Congress , Count , Many , Injured Capitol Police , Mob , Sieged , Idea , Coup Attempt , January 6th Committee , Dereliction , Detail , Issues , Duty , We The People , Attack , It Didn T , Ideology , Lies , Liar , Bull , Buff Treszed , Fieldty , Public , Truth , Officials , Party , Few , Barricades , Either , Shame , Hiding , Worst , Case Scenario , David Axel Rod , Details , Preet , Reporting , Consequences , New York Times , Power , Crisis Meeting , Scott Perry , Jim Jordan , Capitol Hill , November 9th , 9 , Supporters , Group , Strategy , Bill Stepien , Blueprint , Steven Miller , Mcany , Campaign , Actions , News Conference , Mcmcananny , Allegations , Hammer , Message , Folks , Media Strategy , Me Preet 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Highway , Colorado , 125 , Tornadoes , Storm System , Upper Midwest , Area , Summer Storm , Amounts , Winter Storm , Autumn Storm , Elements , Power Outages , Areas , Space , California , 300000 , 80 Million , Wind , Western Minnesota , 75 , 2000 , 85 , System , Nontropical Systems , School , Top , The Food Chain , Tornado , Region , Trucks , Portions , Half , Eastern Iowa , Warning , Wregion , Mind , December Average , 50 , 19 , Five , Louisiana , This , Effects , Well Being , Experts , Anxiety , Pandemic , Lea , A Retired School Counselor , Art Teacher , Steve , North Pole , Alaska , Prevagen , Vision , Prescription , Hearing , Memory , Change , Hearing Aids , 10 , Healthier Brain , Push , Wish List Event , What S Going On , Sanctuary , Lift , Lincoln , Oh , Difference , Help , Downy , Opportunities , Lots , Downy Wrinkleguard , Hey Joshie , Song , Music , What A Wonderful World , Big Lie Piece By , January 6 , Contempt , Fears , Referral , House , Omicron Virus , Spawn Tornadoes , Interstate , Lake Regions , Tractor Trailers , Highways , Big Liar Well , Guest , Mary Trump , Uncle Reveling , Destruction , Learning , 180 ,

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Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709

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remember what happened after 2015, after the escalator, nobody was ready for that ride. we don't know what's to come. it's like 30 seconds in a commercial or television, that's a long time, the same thing when you're waiting on an election. it's good to put the different scenarios at play. >> fun to think about it. >> amen. >> before you know it, we'll be there. >> i got to get to where i'm going as well. this is "don lemon tonight," we have been talking about threat to demock siracy. i made a commitment to you the viewer, the american people, the people we serve here to talk about the insurrection, to talk act the threat to our democracy and to do it as often as possible and a commitment to voting rights which we will get to as well. we spend a lot here talking about the threat to our democracy. it's really important. this was the week. this was the week that the curtain was pulled back and the fraud was exposed. it's like that moment in the wizard of oz where they go in, dorothy and everybody, and they pull back the curtain, and see the guy pulling the levers, the guy doing the talking, not really as scary and as big as you think he was. same tihing for this. this is when the big lie was exposed. the big lie, the ma ligament in accordance of the party's dear leader, the echo chamber, sick fan fa -- sycophants, all of them exposed. it's like an onion, let's pull back the first layer, an assault on the capitol by violent trump supporting rioters, an attempt to overturn the free and fair election, an assault on our democracy as well, all because of a lie, a big lie. none of it is true. you don't believe me? let's give you some facts. okay, there was no widespread voter fraud, people, none, zero. the associated press spent months reviewing every possible case of voter fraud in six battle ground states, every possible case, months doing it. arizona, georgia, michigan, nevada, pennsylvania, and wisconsin. gather your deniers around the television screen. call them up, tell them to watch. because guess what the associated press found in the mo months ex months examining every conceivable instance of voter fraud in those six battle ground states, they found fewer than 475. you know what that amounts to? .15% of joe biden's victory margin in those states. that handful of votes could not have changed anything. it's all a lie. but get this, meanwhile in florida, three residents of the villages, you've heard of the villages, the retirement community when the then president held the campaign rally. they were arrested on charges of voting more than once in the election. we don't know how they voted. but two are registered republicans, and all three of them have expressed support for the former president. that's according to "the washington post." so that's the quote unquote fraud of which you speak? that's the excuse for the coup attempt? the real fraud, though, is that so many people believe it. okay. now, let's peel back another layer of this. why do they believe it? why? because of the people who are selling the fraud, and they know it. the people who are saying one thing in private and another on the air. i've told you about this before, everybody before the big lie, i told you about the people who would say we come on this very network and others, talk to them before the show, see them in the green room, they would say one thing there, and they would get on air, who are you, it's a whole other person. but guess the people who are saying one thing behind closed doors in their texts and in their whatever, private conversations, and what they say on the air, guess what, they know it is a fraud too. hosts at the fox propaganda network saw exactly what was happening on january 6th, and they begged mark meadows to get the then president to put it to a stop. >> multiple fox news hosts knew the president needed to act immediately. they texted mr. meadows, and he has turned over those texts. quote mark, the president needs to tell people in the capitol to go home. this is hurting all of us. he is destroying his legacy. laura ingraham wrote. please get him on tv. destroying everything you have accomplished, brian kilmeade texted. quote, can he make a statement, ask people to leave the capitol, sean hannity urged. >> that's what they were saying in private. that's what they were texting, right? but on the air, hmm. sean hannity called for the perpetrators to be arrested and prosecuted. but he also dug into the big lie on the very night it exploded in the capitol, calling the election a train wreck, and citing millions of people, he said, don't have faith in the results, claiming quote, you can't just snap your finger and th hope that goes away after he created -- helped to create the lie. why are people so upset. why can't you just make them stop thinking that way, because you created that. and you knew it wasn't true when you were doing it. every bit of intelligence, every person that had anything to do with the election, every court, there's no fraud. but yet you are on television telling people there is fraud, and then you wonder why they're so upset because you're lying to them. and then there's larry ingram who called the assault on the capitol disgraceful, and called left wing agitators. >> i have never seen trump attendees wearing helmets, black helmets, brown helmets, black backpacks, the uniforms that you saw in some of these crowd shots. >> well, you saw it that day. this summer, she down played what we saw with our own eyes at the capitol and mocked the hero officers who risked their lives defending it. >> there was certainly a lot of violence that day but it was not a terrorist attack. it wasn't 9/11, it wasn't the worst thing that ever happened to medical care. it wasn't an insurrection. god save us from these third rate theatrics. >> gave out awards, said that they were actors, the heroes who protected our democracy. those are the facts. liz cheney tweeting today, fox news host scean hannity and laua ingraham, have reconfirmed their views that the violence was unacceptable. mark meadows turned over texts. hannity and ingramham are standing by the texts they sent to meadows january 6th urging that president trump take immediate action to stop the violence, as we know, for multiple hours president trump chose not to take the specific and immediate action many urged as a violent mob sieged and invaded the capitol, injured capitol police, and instructed congress's count of electoral votes. this was a supreme dereliction of the president's duty, and the january 6th committee is examining these issues in detail, and the idea that what we saw on january 6th was somehow not a concerted coup attempt, an attempt to overturn our free and fair election, well, that is a fraud too, on you, on we the people. we all saw it, we all saw that it was an attack on our democracy, and it didn't work that time. yet. the attack was forged in a fraudulent political ideology founded on complete bull. founded on lies. on the big lie. built on fieldty to a liar, buff treszed by the weakness of the elected officials who sent frantic texts that day when they were hiding behind the barricades, but in public, either hid the truth or shunned and purged the few in their party who were willing to telling it. the shame of this fraud will live in history. that's the best case scenario, best case. the worst, the worst case scenario is that if it happens again in the future and we'll all have to live with the consequences. that is the worst case. a lot to discuss, david axelrod, preet, i want to start with this new reporting from the "new york times." they're reporting new details tonight about how trump loyalists on capitol hill fought to keep him in power, and this is what they recount, a crisis meeting on november 9th when congressman scott perry, and jim jordan meet with mark meadows, steven miller, campaign manager bill stepien, and mcany. the group settled on a strategy that would become a blueprint for mr. trump's supporters in congress. hammer home the idea that the election was tainted, announce legal actions being taken by the campaign, and bolster the case with allegations of fraud. at a news conference later that day, mcmcananny delivered the message, jim jordan said this was about media strategy not to overturn the election. how does this sound to you, preet? >> it sounds bad. a lot of folks try to separate the events of january 6th, the insurrection that happened on january 6th, the violence that happened on january 6th from all the days that came before, and you can't do that. one of the things i think the select committee of january 6th is doing well as you pointed out in the opening is telling a story that all the things that happened from the election up until january 6th are a seamless narrative that makes sense. and so things happen on january 6th, sure, but the foundation that was laid for january 6th, you know, lay in some of the things that have just been reported by "the new york times" that you mentioned but even further back, you know, there was a plan to lay a foundation for a lie even before the election results came in, and all of that goes together. there are a lot of people who have been complicit, and what i find remarkable is we're sitting on this tv show, you know, with some understanding of what we were going to discuss, and there's breaking news still, fully eleven months and change after january 6th, that's how much information there is out there about who did what and why and for what reasons, and it's amazing that we're finding out this information so late, and one wonders how much more information we're going to find out that shows how many people should be held accountable for the activities of january 6th. >> mr. axel rod, in that vein, beyond that meeting, the times describes how members of the freedom caucus acted as foot soldiers for trump, all familiar names, by putting pressure on the justice department to investigate fraud claims, pressure state legislators to conduct audits and plot to disrupt the certification process. this was a deliberate campaign to overturn the election from the get-go. >> there's no question about it. and as preet said, it's something that the president himself was laying the groundwork for months before the election. it went into high gear after the election, and this group of six members of the house freedom cau caucus, the seditious six were very very active in trying to promote it. it's been interesting to watch the committee work because they are putting the puzzle pieces together, and there is a focus as there should be on the violence that took place at the capitol because that was historic and unthinkable. but we really should focus on what happened before. that was all in service. i don't know who thought that this was going to turn out the way it did at the capitol. i don't know. what i do know, it's very clear, they were from the start to finish, pressure congress, pressure the vice president to overturn a free and fair election, and that is the definition of a coup. one thing i want to say, don, about the, you know, we're focused on the text that the fox news personalities, and donald trump jr. sent to meadows telling him to tell the president to call off the dogs. i think that we're focusing less -- we should focus less on the people who sent the texts than the man who received them. for hours, the president of the united states sat there even as his closest, some of his closest advisers, and let's admit that the fox news people were among them, told him that he had to stop this. he did not stop this. and that's the second part of the story. >> david gur kin, he's right, david axelrod is right, it's about how trump acted. there were people there who said they tried to get him to do something to intervene, and he just sort of looked and went back to watching television and just a blink of an eye went back to watching television. these texts do offer an insight into what the president was doing that day, and how long it took him to react. >> you're absolutely right. to go back to what you said at the beginning of the program, don, what's significant here is that this really -- we've had a whole cottage industry of books which has suggested all sorts of things by the president. we haven't had things as concrete as what's coming out in these memos. i think these memos are like what you said about drawing back the curtain, and now we can see the harsh realities of what was going on. the conspiracies have not been on the left. the conspiracies have been on the right, and we now see through these text messages that it was occurring not only, you know, with the various advisers of the president all gathered around these conspiracies but they were working hand in glove with fox news, and people in fox news became their foot soldiers, an arm of the trump campaign, the trump presidency. and the frightening thing is that so far, they have gotten away with it. they're not paying a big price. they have convinced a solid majority of republicans that the election was stolen. they're going into the midterm elections next year looking like they night win. if that happens, that will confirm in the minds of the republicans and may well confirm for democrats if you lie enough, you can bully your way through it. that is really straightened for democracy. >> david, you have advised four presidents of both parties, you have witnessed fights over policy, but this is different, what happens to our democracy when one side is willing to toss out ballots or anoint electors before races or even call. >> sometimes usually in american history we have stuck together. we were under a lot of pressure to pull apart in the revolutionary war, huge pressure in the civil war, and again, pressure in the second world war and afterwards, and most of the times we held together but you always have to look at the civil war example that it can fly apart. you can have people at each other's throats. we could have a conflict over this. if our states were contiguous, if florida and texas were next to each other, i can tell you, you might be hearing a lot of cries for independence. >> i've got a lot more questions for preet and david. stay with me, we've got a lot more to talk about. i want to know wlhether you thik the next time a plot against our democracy could succeed. no w subaru is the largest automotive donor to make-a-wish and meals on wheels. and the largest corporate donor to the aspca and national park foundation. get a new subaru during the share the love event and subaru will donate two hundred and fifty dollars to charity. >> man: what's my safelite story? i spend a lot of time in my truck. it's my livelihood. ♪ rock music ♪ >> man: so i'm not taking any chances when something happens to it. so when my windshield cracked... my friend recommended safelite autoglass. they came right 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bharara, david axel rod, david gergen. should merrick garland be doing more to hold the planners and organizers of the insurrection accountable. >> we don't know what all he's doing. we don't know what's happening behind the scenes. what we know is a process that began before he even was in office was to arrest, investigate, prosecute hundreds of people who were involved in the insurrection at various levels. there is some concern that the department of justice may not be looking at the highest level individuals, mark meadows, donald trump, and others, but we don't know that because there may be a lot of things going on behind the scenes, may be evidence collected from some of the other people who have been arrested and maybe cooperating, so we don't know. the other thing by the way is, you know, two things can happen at once, the department of justice is in the business of prosecuting people and holding them accountable and that's important. they're not in the business of issuing reports about what happened. so in that regard, the 1/6 select committee remains fundamentally important, and that's why we're talking about it a lot in part because their work is public, and we hear about it, and there's information that flows and transparently becomes known to the folks who vote in elections but you need, you know, both things. you need to understand the narrative of what happened that day, make public e-mails and documents and communications as is being done including the famous power point that we haven't yet talked about. so i'm not prepared yet to judge merrick garland and what he's doing with respect to the high level folks, in connection with what a lot of people think was a seditious conspiracy, we'll hopefully know more soon. >> what do you think about the power point, apparently laying all of this out for you? >> some people have said it's under hyped and over hyped, under hyped in the sense that in a different era, people's heads would be exploding, and maybe some heads have exploded but you have a power point that's being circulated, 36 or 38 pages among high level people in the government, the chief of staff and the sitting president of the united states including talk of declaring a national emergency. what i think is most compelling about the fact that that was circulated is what action was taken about it. mark meadows' lawyer says, well, he received the power point, he didn't do anything with it. he didn't respond in any way so they produced it, by the way, and said it wasn't privileged as if they're dismissing the document, if you're the chief of staff to the president of the united states, and you get a document like that that has that kind of language in it and those kinds of proposals with it, i think you go on the record in some way to make clear you distance yourself from it. that's not something being espou espouse by you or the administration and the president, and you disclaim it, and none of that happened either, and to me that's crazy. >> david axelrod. >> i agree with preet, but i want to make a separate point based on something he said. it is astonishing to me that mark meadows turns over these 9,000 documents as he should have, and then tries to claim executive privilege and clearly what happened is he got spanked by trump for cooperating and he pulled back. but in the meantime, he's turned over some obviously revealing documents that are going to advance the investigation. but there's a larger point here that i really want to make. this democracy of ours, you were asking questions of david before. this democracy of ours we learned depends very much on the goodwill of people who hold these offices and their willingness to follow the law, rules, laws, and institutions. you know, enormous and institutions. and what's clear here is that -- and this has been true, and this is my problem with donald trump, apart from any position that he takes on an issue, he has no regard for rules and laws and enormous, and institutions. and what was going on throughout those months and on january 6th, was an effort to shred the rules and laws and enormous and institutions of our demock circumst -- democracy, and what we see now are efforts to do it over again, and learn from what happened before, and try and subvert the election processes beforehand so they don't run into these kinds of obstacles next time. this is a very very challenging moment for our democracy. people need to be aware of that. >> listen, and speaking of that, the attack on the institutions, david gergen, we talked a little bit about this, but i want you to weigh in more to dig a little bit deeper here. david axelrod said we should be focused on the man and what he did with the text messages, the propaganda machine, the former president attacked journalism because troouth was not on his side, said we were fake when we weren't. the propaganda machine at fox pushed this disinformation out on the election. they suggested it wasn't trump supporters who attacked the capitol, and yet we see those text messages imploring meadows to get trump to stop the violence, and worst of all, this is the worst part, the fraud that's being perpetrated on the american people. millions of people believe their lies. how is this ever going to be reversed david gergen. >> i don't know. don, i think this is one of the toughest questions that arises from this whole set of controversies. the disinformation campaigns work far better than anybody could have imagined. these are facts that have been before us, you know, for months now, as has been pointed out, 11 months have gone on, preet was saying this, and we still have people, people don't want vaccinations, people don't want to hear the truth. they want to believe in the other. i don't think we as a collective society know how to deal with this, unless we create or recreate a civic culture in which we all agree we have some responsibilities, as well as having the privilege of living this this country. right now we don't have that kind of civic culture. i want to make the point, don, if i might, and that is in politics, as you know so well, frequently we talk a lot about something that's happened, try to dissect with what we're doing tonight, and should be what we're doing, and i worry in politics, too, people in journalism are following what the leads were back here out front in front of the curtain. behind that curtain, there are a lot of things going on that are really quite dangerous about the future. and trying to steal our future right before our eyes. we don't have our eyes open to t but what we see is that the republicans are boroughing into various states and grabbing control of the apparatus, that could turn elections coming up, and the frightening thing is it could work. they have gotten this far. what is to say they won't continue and be successful. >> right on. you are right. david, david, and preet, i enjoyed our conversation. i hope you gentlemen come back. we would love to have you back on this network. whoever hired you guys, they're really smart people. >> thank you. >> thank you, gentlemen, i'll see you soon. >> thank you. dr. fauci is saying it's almost inevitable we'll see an omicron surge in the u.s., how is he telling everyone to prepare and stay safe. that's next. at at&t everyone gets our best deals. aren't others doing that? others say that, but not everyone gets the best deal. like what if i give you a lollipop... but then i give you our best lollipop. that's not fair. at at&t we think it's only fair that all customers get our best deals, and you get a choice of plans. she said everyone? it's not complicated. only at&t gives both new & existing customers our same best deals, like up to $1,000 off our most popular smartphones. ♪ ♪ we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a 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have dr. megan ranny, a professor of emergency medicine and the associate dean of public health at brown university. doctor, good to see you. let's talk about what dr. fauci is saying there. he said don't worry about the definition of fully vaccinated, just go get boosted because it raises the level of protection dramatically. do you think people can consider themselves fully vaccinated if they aren't boosted? >> in the face of the omicron wave, i'm not sure that they can. every day, more data is coming out, showing that two doses of pfizer or moderna don't protect, not just from symptomatic infection, but also against hospitalization, severe disease and death. if you have not gone out and gotten your booster yet, today is the time to do so. i will say i actually forced my own husband to go out and finally get his booster yesterday in anticipation of this omicron waeve hitting us over the next weeks. >> you said in anticipation of this, listen, you're out and about, you're a doctor, do this every day. we see the numbers that are coming in, right, we see the writing is on the wall, as they say, cornell has shut down their main campus after more than 900 students tested positive. many of the cases are omicron, and they are considering requiring boosters for students, but their provost today telling cnn many of the students aren't eligible for boosters, because they had their sec second shots in the last six months. do you think the booster time line should be shortened? . >> i would say at this point other countries are shortening the time line to 4 or 4 1/2 months. it certainly would make sense giving the accumulating data around omicron that shortening the time line in the states as well would make sense. there's also questions about that 12 to 16-year-old age group who have not been approved for boosters. many of those kids did get vaccinated in april and may when the vaccines became available. we're waiting for more data on them on safety and efficacy. i expect boosters for them as well are on the way. >> as i said, look, the writing is on the wall, you see covid hospitalizations up 43% just from a month ago, according to the hhs, an alarming one in six hospitals already reporting critical staffing shortages, even if omicron cases cause less severe illness, i mean, could it still end up overwhelming our health care systems, is that where we're headed? >> you know, don, our health care systems are already overwhelmed. my own hospital system today delayed or cancelled almost all l elective surgeries requiring an overnight stay and many of the day surgeries as well are being cancelled, things like gallbladders, joint surgeries, things that people have been waiting for for months. we are in the midst of a delta wave in rhode island, not yet an omicron wave, so absolutely things are going to get worse before they get better at health systems around the country, and i will say as an e.r. doc, this is the time to follow the girl scout model and be prepared, if you don't already, have rapid tests at home, ibuprofen, chicken soup, a pulse oximeter, expect over the winter holidays, you'll likely have an exposure to someone who tests positive just given the way things are going in the country, and you don't want to end up in an e.r. right now if you can help it. >> you talked about the girl scout motto, it's interesting, almost like a routine, i got up, had work meetings, coffee, did my home test, and went in for the pcr, when is the last time, it's time for another test. so how critical is testing going to be with omicron and does the u.s. have the capacity to keep up? >> we don't currently have the capacity of keeping up. i am hearing reports across the country as well as in my own state, at times, state and pharmacy testing sites are dramatically increased. people are waiting in line for 30 to 60 to even longer minutes in order to get that test. rapid tests are critical but we don't have enough of those either. that said, if you can get your hands on them, keep them around for before you have get togethers. my daughter is having a birthday party and we're going to rapid test everyone right before they walk in the door. those types of small measures will help keep you and your family a little bit safer. >> doctor, great advice. thank you very much, be safe. >> thank you. you too. new york city mayor elect adams, naming the first police commissioner, she says she's got what it takes to tackle new york's biggest problems, including an increase in violent crime. don't pay for water. pay for clean. it's got to be tide. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ whatever stereotype you're gonna try . . . . . . to put on me about having hiv isn't gonna fit. that's for sure. my name is zach and i'm on biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment . . . . . . used for hiv in certain adults. it's not a cure but with one small . . . . . . pill, biktarvy fights hiv . . . . . . to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a build-up of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding . . . . . . or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv . . . . . . keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. new york city will get its first female police commissioner next year, mayor elect adams, has picked keechant sewell to take over the nation's largest police department. cnn's jason carroll has more on sewell and what she's up against. >> reporter: keechant sewell stepped in front of cameras and made history. >> it's with a humble heart and clear eyes about the task and the challenge ahead that i accept the position of new york city police commissioner. >> sewell will be the first woman and the third african-american to become police commissioner in the department's 176-year history. >> i am mindful of the historic nature of this announcement. i bring a different perspective, committed to make sure the department looks like the city it serves, to elevate women and people of color to leadership positions. >> reporter: sewell's name a surprise to some as she was not on the short list of potential candidates. mayor elect eric adams said he made the decision to choose sewell after a nationwide search, confident she is the one with the skills to transform the nypd. >> i'm so proud this day to tear down barriers. this amazing law enforcement professional, she carried with her throughout her career a sledge hammer, and she crushed every glass ceiling that was put in her way. and today, she has crashed and destroyed the final one we need in new york city. >> reporter: sewell is a native of queens, she's 49 years old, and has spent the past 25 years in the nassau county police department, she will be the leading the police force, as the city faces an increase in violent crime. during the past two years, shootings have doubled, murders up 45%, the statistics not lost on new yorkers. >> it's really hard to love a city and have to constantly look over your back for fear of random attacks, which is nonstop. >> internally, the department grappling with challenges of its own. the nypd battling federal lawsuits, alleging gender discrimination within its ranks and thin the wake of massive protests, continuing questions about police use of force when dealing with communities of color. >> if they're going to decrease the crime rate, you know, without harming the black community as a whole, that's fine. as soon as they start targeting us, that's an. >> reporter: joist smith has worked alongside sewell and said she's up to the challenge. >> she starts ready, she begins ready because she's done the hard work and preparation that goes into being a leader in law enforcement and in the criminal justice system. >> reporter: for those question whether sewell and the department can fix what ails new york, the city's next police commissioner says this. >> if they don't believe me, tell them to talk to me in a year. >> reporter: jason carroll, cnn, new york. devastating storms in the rockies to the midwest, toppling s semitrucks, ripping off roofs. we're tracking where the danger is now. that's next. oh no. for the gifts you won't forget. the mercedes-benz winter event. get a credit toward your first month's payment on select models. ♪ thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+, 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outages because of the incredibility amounts of winds in space from california across areas of wisconsin. 300,000 customers, not people, 300,000 customers without power across this large area. at one point we had 80 million people underneath wind alerts that spanned about 2,000 miles, wisconsin, into minnesota, wind gusts still pushing 75 to 85 miles per hour. that's the storm system here. it has had a history of producing significant tornadoes and the top of the food chain, don, when it comes to a land-based system, a nontropical systems. we've seen school closed because of the winds, trucks toppled across the region. you'll notice the tornado watches across the region go on for at least the next hour and a half, two hours. this is across portions of eastern iowa into parts of wisconsin and minnesota. a confirmed tornado in minnesota in the last hour, first time in recorded history we have a tornado in minnesota in december. a level four severe weather warning in place, eastern areas of iowa, eastern wisconsin into western minnesota. this wregion, winds can continu up to 75 miles per hour. we've seen at least 19 reports of tornadoes so far in the past few hours. keep in mind we had 50-plus reports just five days ago. in the past five days, that is triple the december average, essentially three years worth of december tornadoes put into five days have taken place across the u.s. this is the concern for later tonight. >> and this is where it's usually warmer. growing up in louisiana it's december now and we're having tornadoes. thank you very much. i appreciate it. we'll check back in and see what's happening with you. the big lie exposed but the threat to democracy still as real as ever. ♪ ♪ cases of anxiety in young adults are rising as experts warn of the effects on well-being caused by the pandemic. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ - hi, i'm steve. - i'm lea. and we live in north pole, alaska. - i'm a retired school counselor. 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(music) ♪ i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ (music) ♪ i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ the january 6 committee exposing the big lie piece by piece. the d.o.j. reviewing mark meadows' criminal referral after the house votes to hold him in contempt to congress. growing concern about the fears of the omicron virus. and more than 80 million americans from the rockies to the midwest and great lake regions under high wind alerts tonight as powerful storms topple tractor trailers on the interstate, highways and spawn tornadoes. but i want to begin with the big lie and my next guest knows the big liar well. mary trump, good evening, it's good to see you. let's get right to, it okay? >> absolutely. we are learning so many details about what happened on insurrection day, 180 minutes of your uncle reveling in the destruction of the day, so many

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, Trump Campaign , Price , Arm , Elections , Minds , Majority , Night Win , Parties , Presidents , Policy , Fights , Four , History , Electors , Side , Ballots , Races , Most , Revolutionary War , Civil War , Second World War , Questions , Each Other , Conflict , Throats , Independence , Cries , Texas , Subaru , Donor , Stay , Plot , Wlhether , No W , Meals On Wheels , Love Event , Charity , Aspca , Share , National Park Foundation , Two Hundred And Fifty Dollars , Two Hundred And Fifty , Safelite , Rock Music Man , Windshield , Chances , Livelihood , Truck , Matter , Singers , Expert Service , Safelite Repair , Girl , Friend , O Man , Wrinkly , Shoes , Bounce Wrinkleguard , Wrinkles , Sleigh , Helpers , Wishes , Dryer , Mountain , Toys , Roads , Bridges , Megasheet , Bye Mom , Everyone , Job , Homes , Anyone , Holiday Deliveries , United States Postal Service , The House , Merrick Garland , Doing , David Gergen , Planners , Organizers , He , Insurrection Accountable , Concern , Process , Levels , Office , Behind The Scenes , Hundreds , Investigate , Level , Scenes , Department Of Justice , Individuals , Evidence , Business , Prosecuting , Work , Regard , 1 6 , Documents , Communications , Vote , E Mails , Power Point , Respect , Connection , Heads , Seditious Conspiracy , Chief Of Staff , Talk , President Of The United States , Exploding , Government , Pages , 36 , 38 , Fact , Emergency , Lawyer , Document , Kind , Language , Wasn T Privileged , Kinds , Proposals , Record , Administration , Point , Executive Privilege , 9000 , Investigation , Ours , Institutions , Laws , Rules , Offices , Law , Goodwill , Willingness , Position , Problem , Issue , Effort , Efforts , Demock Circumst , Listen , Obstacles , More , Bit , Propaganda Machine , Troouth , Wasn T Trump , Disinformation , Set , Disinformation Campaigns , Controversies , Anybody , 11 , Civic Culture , Other , Vaccinations , Society , Country , Politics , Responsibilities , Leads , Front , Future , Control , Apparatus , Boroughing , Conversation , Right On , Fauci , Safe , Dr , Network , Omicron Surge , Guys , Deals , Deal , Aren T , At T , Customers , Lollipop , Choice , Plans , Car , Car Vending Machines , Both , Smartphones , Carvana , 100 , 000 , 1000 , Techno Wizardry , License Plate , Offer , Value , Spot , Buttercup , Dog , Shock , Cosentyx , Whines , Infections , Psoriasis , Tuberculosis , Risk , Ability , Doctor , Infection , Symptoms , Vaccine , Crohn S Disease , Reactions , Ray , Vacations , Diabetes , Glucose Levels , No , Libre 2 , 2 , Mystery , A1c , Visit Freestylelibre Us , Angie , Phone , Mom , Bill , Lou , Internet , Cost , 5g , Xfinity , Yep , Mobile , Smart Kid , 400 , 00 , Store , Switch Squad , Holiday Season , Savings , Go , Moon Christmas Special , Gotta , Signs , Omicron , Booster , Milestone , Booster Vaccine Regimens , Hammering , Covid Deaths , 800000 , Variant Specific Booster , Need , Arena , Unvaccinated , Megan Ranny , Booster Shot , Discussion , Public Health , Emergency Medicine , Associate Dean , Brown University , Protection , Worry , Let , Data , Moderna Don T , Face , Omicron Wave , Pfizer , Doses , Death , Husband , Hospitalization , Disease , Numbers , Anticipation , Omicron Waeve , Cases , Boosters , Writing , Students , Cornell , Campus , Provost , 900 , Time Line , Cnn , Countries , Sec , 4 1 2 , 4 , Shortening , 12 , 16 , Safety , Vaccines , Kids , Efficacy , Omicron Cases , Hospitalizations , Hospitals , Staffing Shortages , Hhs , 43 , Health Care Systems , Hospital System , Illness , Surgeries , Joint Surgeries , Gallbladders , Midst , Delta Wave , Health Systems , Doc , Girl Scout Model , E R , Rhode Island , Winter Holidays , Chicken Soup , Ibuprofen , Pulse Oximeter , Have Rapid Tests , Exposure , Someone , Routine , Girl Scout Motto , Test , Testing , Capacity , It S Time , Home Test , Work Meetings , Pcr , Coffee , State , Line , Pharmacy , Sites , 60 , Birthday Party , Hands , Daughter , Tests , Get Togethers , Order , Safer , Types , Advice , Door , Family , Measures , Elect Adams , Police Commissioner , New York City , Increase , Problems , Crime , Pay , Water , Tide , Google , Isn T Gonna Fit , Stereotype , Sure , Biktarvy , Adults , Amount , Zach , Pill , Virus , Treatment , Cure , My Name , Side Effects , Liver Problems , Kidney Problems , Lab Test , Build Up , Kidney Failure , Lactic Acid , Rifampin , Dofetilide , Breastfeeding , Kidney , Medicines , Headache , Hepatitis , Diarrhea , Nausea , Hepatitis B , Joist Smith , On Sewell , Police Department , Nation , Keechant Sewell , Jason Carroll , Challenge , Heart , New York City Police Commissioner , Cameras , Task , Woman , City , Women , Perspective , Color , Leadership Positions , Nature , Announcement , 176 , Eric Adams , List , Surprise , Candidates , Decision , Law Enforcement Professional , Barriers , Skills , Search , Nypd , Career , Glass Ceiling , Sledge Hammer , Native , Queens , 49 , 25 , Statistics , Police Force , Shootings , Murders , 45 , Attacks , Challenges , Fear , Gender Discrimination , Communities , Police , Lawsuits , Force , Protests , Crime Rate , Ranks , Wake , Community , Whole , Fine , Reporter , Criminal Justice System , Law Enforcement , Preparation , Those Question Whether Sewell , Storms , Tracking , Rockies , Danger , Roofs , Oh No , Midwest , Toppling S Semitrucks , Month , Models , Credit , Gifts , Payment , Mercedes Benz Winter Event , Taking Ibrance , Hr , Breast Cancer , Men , Aromatase Inhibitor , Thousands , Ibrance Plus , Disease Progression , Therapy , Hormonal , Blood Cell , Breathing , Liver , Lungs , Inflammation , Cough , Chest Pain , Trouble , Chills , Fever , Life , Heartburn , Zero Heartburn , Prilosecotc , Prilosec Otc , Dot Com , 24 , Retirement Income , Track , Broker , Fee , Penalties , Carl , Portfolio , Schwab Intelligent Income , Cool , Approach , Schwab , Simple , Tornado Watch , Effect , Wealth Management , Winds , Weather , Semi Trucks , Gusts , Highway , Colorado , 125 , Tornadoes , Storm System , Upper Midwest , Area , Summer Storm , Amounts , Winter Storm , Autumn Storm , Elements , Power Outages , Areas , Space , California , 300000 , 80 Million , Wind , Western Minnesota , 75 , 2000 , 85 , System , Nontropical Systems , School , Top , The Food Chain , Tornado , Region , Trucks , Portions , Half , Eastern Iowa , Warning , Wregion , Mind , December Average , 50 , 19 , Five , Louisiana , This , Effects , Well Being , Experts , Anxiety , Pandemic , Lea , A Retired School Counselor , Art Teacher , Steve , North Pole , Alaska , Prevagen , Vision , Prescription , Hearing , Memory , Change , Hearing Aids , 10 , Healthier Brain , Push , Wish List Event , What S Going On , Sanctuary , Lift , Lincoln , Oh , Difference , Help , Downy , Opportunities , Lots , Downy Wrinkleguard , Hey Joshie , Song , Music , What A Wonderful World , Big Lie Piece By , January 6 , Contempt , Fears , Referral , House , Omicron Virus , Spawn Tornadoes , Interstate , Lake Regions , Tractor Trailers , Highways , Big Liar Well , Guest , Mary Trump , Uncle Reveling , Destruction , Learning , 180 ,

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