Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240709 : com

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240709

theory that trump ally jim jordan got from a government lawyer and forwarded to meadows. jordan's office tells cnn. the committee did not reveal the names of the lawmakers texting with meadows in the lead up to january 6th, but they did put them on notice. >> indeed, some of those text messages madam speaker, came from members in the chamber right now. members who understood that a violent assault was under way at the capitol. >> reporter: today the committee met with ken klukowski, a former doj official who worked under jeffrey clark. clark pushed top brass to investigate unfounded claims of election fraud. he is in danger of being held in contempt himself. some resist. hundreds of others are cooperating, including dustin stockton. after his interview with the committee, he put much of the blame for that day on donald trump. >> the buck's got to stop at president trump. he knew better, and there's no excuse for him sending people down into that situation. >> reporter: and it appears the committee is interviewing witnesses at a rapid clip. the committee chairman bennie thompson telling us they had dozens of interviews scheduled. there are some high-profile names scheduled for depositions later this week. among them roger stone and the conspiracy theorist alex jones. the big question is, will they show up for those interviews? >> ryan nobles, thanks. let's discuss. sabrina, so senate minority leader mitch mcconnell, the republican leader of the senate, was asked yesterday about the committee's work. take a listen to what he had to say. >> i do think we're all watching, as you are, what is unfolding on the house side. and it will be interesting to reveal all the participants who were involved. >> now we should note mcconnell voted against the creation of this committee. on the other hand, he donated recently to liz cheney's campaign. she's running for re-election. the vice chair of the committee. what's the angle here? i'm not following. >> there has been an interesting split when it comes to republican leaders and their response to january 6th house ma minority leader mitch mcconnell. he's trying to downplay the events of january 6th. mcconnell, on the other hand, i think he's happy to see anything that might help diminish trump's standing within the party. remember, mcconnell has been a key target of former president trump and his allies and he hasn't exactly been at the forefront of trying to get to the bottom of january 6th, but he is aware that trump and his allies are trying to primary a lot of the types of republicans who mcconnell believes should still be serving in congress. the only challenge, of course, is that as far as republican base is concerned, there are a lot more in line with trump and, you know, his supporters or his followers than they are in line with the mcconnells and liz cheneys. >> at least as of now. charles, i want to introduce you. republican strategist. democratic congressman jamie raskin, who is on the committee, yesterday revealed another text from an unnamed republican official to then white house chief of staff mark meadows on november 4th. the day after the election. and it says, here's an aggressive strategy. why can't the states of georgia and north carolina, pennsylvania and other republican-controlled state houses declare this is bs, where conflicts and election not called that night and send their own electors to vote and have it go to the supreme court. this is -- they were still counting votes. this is the day after the election. they had all those paper ballots because of covid. and this was entirely just about stealing the election without even any evidence it was -- like here's a way to steal the election before we've counted the votes. he ended up winning north carolina, trump. >> we have an audit in texas where he won texas and we're having that conversation as well. when you speak to republicans, they had concerns about what was happening. harris county, which is texas' largest county, we had a lot of conversations around what was happening with 24-hour voting, drive-through voting if there was fraud happening how to make sure there wasn't fraud going to be happening. we had a lot of representatives stepping and trying to insert themselves in that process early on to try to make sure that the base was reassured that the process was done correctly. so i think even at the start of things they jumped out of it and were willing to engage with it. i'm not going to say throughout the entire course everything stayed above board and earnest, but at the start of it, a lot of folks were very concerned about things we were seeing, particularly from a texas perspective and our large kointss and they wanted to make sure the process was being followed through. >> this is what republicans always do. with all due respect. you don't want to align yourself with donald trump trying to steal the election. so instead you make up that there were reasons to be concerned about the election and, therefore, legitimate reasons for all this extra scrutiny. when, of course, the facts showed that the results were actually kind of above scrutiny. above reproach. >> republicans did great in texas. >> and if there were so many concerns all of those republicans who got elected in texas, you know, shouldn't be in office. and so i -- i just don't think you guys can have it both ways. you can't say there were all these legitimate problems with the election but really we're not -- >> that text itself is why so many election security experts, why democrats are increasingly concerned about, you know, fortifying the electoral count act, which is, you know, a centuries old law and essentially it would, if they are able to fortify it, it would help protect the certification process. election security experts i talked to said they are worried that there could be trump loyalists that gain power in states like georgia and then they ultimately decide that they want to send a totally different slate of electors to congress and then if there are enough republicans who we saw that more than 100 republicans voted against certification that then in a future presidential election they could decide to do that again. it's not just -- they don't even have to overturn any law. >> it's not a crazy congressman sending a text to the chief of staff. it's actually them putting pressure on the ground to election officials to do this. >> did you want to say something. >> i want to jump in because i think there's a common misconception that all of the fraud republicans allege is coming from democrats in texas. this week they found three cases of voter fraud perpetrated by republicans. so they are prosecuting them now or the state attorney general is. >> in florida, too. >> and also trump voters doing it. >> right. and the issue in texas with the concern over the electoral process was that we were doing 24-hour voting during a pandemic and didn't have enough poll watchers and election workers to oversee these ballot drop boxes in these locations. so when you are having -- >> you were really worried about this election you wouldn't be supporting those people who got elected. but you want to be saying that the election was, you know, fake and there were all these reasons -- >> i don't think the election was fake, but -- >> but you don't want the responsibility of saying that the people elected aren't legitimate. >> another issue to talk about, the times has a story out on republican governors such as south dakota's kristi nome, eagerly spending covid relief money even though they opposed the same bill. she said she decided not to refuse the money. take a listen why. >> i have had people ask me from time to time in the state, kristi, why don't you just give the federal money back? it will be spent somewhere else other than south dakota. it will be incurred by the country and our people will still suffer the consequences of that spending. >> what do you make of all of this? we're seeing more of this, people announcing projects in their congressional district that was funded by the decision they voted against. >> a number of republicans in congress who have also touted the projects that have come out of the american rescue plan or sort of tried to reap the benefits even though it was passed by democrats. all republicans opposed it. you'll see the infrastructure bill as well. there were some republicans at the state level who did welcome this assistance and i think it goes back to the idea that the impact of the pandemic is still being felt very much across the country in terms of its economic impact, the -- what we've seen with the lingering issues with inflation, supply chain on schools, hospitals. i'm not surprised a lot of republicans still feel the need to try and express support or act like they are actually benefiting from these projects or part of helping create these projects even though, of course, they'll continue to hammer president biden over the size of that bill. >> it's republicans like kristi noem and governor deucy in arizona who also said that he was going to start new broadbrand projects without really mentioning that they came from the american rescue plan. it's those republicans that chairman yarmis told me, the budget chairman in the house said that he thinks democrats need to be hammering republicans hard for not putting up the votes for those bills, but then deciding to go to the american public and tout the benefits and tout them on the stump. >> so one other thing i wanted to note is that the time person of the year is elon musk. and he was just named person of the year. senator elizabeth warren not happy about that. she said let's change the rigged tax code so the person of the year will actually pay taxes. he responded this way on twitter. you remind me of when i was a kid and my friend's aungry mom would randomly yell at everyone. i'll pay more taxes than any american in history this year. don't spend it all at once. oh, wait, you did already. this is, you know -- >> you've got to be -- he might be the richest man in the world but he has the least class of any man in the world. you have got to imagine the "time" magazine had a better role model to find. >> it's not about -- i hate to -- >> this guy has multiple sexual harassment suits against him. he's notoriously a bad employer. money doesn't mean everything. and it's just -- i find it appalling. >> it's not person we admire the most in the -- of the year. hitler was man of the year once. >> why is the important? he's rich. >> because of the innovation. if you look at senator warren's track record and compare that year to year to elon musk's, he has moved this country forward leaps and bounds more than she has. >> i don't know if that's true. >> the wealth he's generated for individuals. >> he didn't invent the electric car. >> i didn't say -- >> i've got to -- >> he also didn't invent space satellite but got a lot of government subsidies -- >> i see this is a good match for future manuals. >> thank you so much. coming up, new cnn polls revealing americans are worried about the economy and think president biden is not doing enough about it. plus, what an outbreak of covid cases among nfl players might tell us about the pandemic. thanks so much. stay with us. k cheese on that new rotisserie style chicken then boom! here comes the new baja chipotle sauce up the gut, and... great, now i can't even see what i'm calling! save big. order through the app. ♪ ♪ you are my fire ♪ ♪ the one desire ♪ ♪ you are, you are, ♪ ♪ don't wanna hear you say... ♪ ♪ ♪ i want it that way ♪ i thought i was managing my moderate to severe crohn's disease. then i realized something was missing... my symptoms were keeping me from being there for her. so, i talked to my doctor and learned humira is the #1 prescribed biologic for people with crohn's disease. humira helps people achieve remission that can last. and the 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car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. in our politics lead, a brand-new exclusive cnn poll is revealing why america seems to be souring on president biden's leadership and on the u.s. economy. despite positive news on the employment front and on wall street, for weeks we've been seeing inflation driving up the costs for nearly everything. food, gas, cars. now americans say this is a bigger problem for the economy, inflation, than covid is. let's get right to david chalian. explain where this economic anxiety is coming from. >> we asked people, all these economic issues out there, do you see it as a major problem or minor problem. look at this list, jake. you see food costs, supply chain issues, housing costs. it's all nearly 8 in 10 americans in this poll saying that's a major problem for the economy. covid-19, two-thirds of americans see that as a problem. in comparison to the rising cost issue, that's way down there. and then, of course, we see a huge majority saying the government is doing too little about inflation. 72% say that the government response to inflation is simply too little. 22% say the right amount. but only 5% say the government is doing too much. >> president biden obviously has a very ambitious agenda. do the american people feel like these policies from biden will change any of this? >> i think this may be one of the most troubling numbers in our poll for the president today. 45%, nearly half of the americans in this poll, say that biden's policies have worsened economic conditions. 30% say they've improved. 25% no effect at all. so 70% say they've worsened or no effect at all. biden's policies. you look back and compare that to obama in 2009, not nearly that bad of a score on his policies making things worse. and then if you look at how biden has handled the issues and his approval on each issue, the economy, he's way down. 45% approve of his handling of the economy. 54% disapprove. that's the same when you say about helping the middle class. there's only one issue area where he has a majority approval and that's covid-19 with 54% approval. >> that's fascinating. this is soaperi i ing -- soberi year end report card. biden's approval at 49% approval which is unchanged from last month. 51% disapprove. also the cnn poll right there. the cnn poll of polls which includes the five most recent national polls and we average those together. and that has him lower, 45% approval. 50% disapproval. at what point does the white house start freaking out because these are not positive numbers for the midterms nor for re-election, although that's a lifetime away. >> a lifetime away, but -- and even the midterms are 11 months away. you talk to white house aides as well. i don't get the sense this is a team that does a lot of freaking out, but there is clear concern. they understand the political environment as the calendar turns the page into the election year that they are standing right now and this real economic pinch that americans are feeling, it creates a real tough terrain for democrats next year. >> let's bring in kaitlan collins traveling with president biden in tornado-ravaged, kentucky. this poll is devastating for president biden. only 34% of those polled see biden as a leader. 66% say they have some doubts? as we get closer to the m midterms, what's the takeaway message for democrats? do they need to start distancing themselves from president biden? >> i think that depends on where they are, of course, jake, where they are running these races from. when it comes to the president's own poll numbers, the approval, disapproval, he has said that he stopped paying attention to those because they've changed so much. he is not paying attention to them anymore. certainly, of course, that was not top of mind for him when here in kentucky, making those tours, meeting with local leaders. but it is something for concern for democrats back in washington. for the president's political aides back at the white house. something they are tracking and monitoring closely because, of course, they are paying attention to that ahead of the midterm elections. when it comes to these numbers on the economy which has long been his strong suit of president biden's, ever since he was a candidate and when he first took office, that's probably the most concerning for them because it's matching those numbers of people's confidence in his handling of the economy with their rising concerns about inflation. about the supply chain. all of these issues that go hand in hand together and i think when you talk to aides at the white house, talk to political advisers of this president they say these aren't quick fixes. these aren't issues that can be changed quickly or this isn't something that's going to fade from people's public view or public mind. it's something that's going to stay in the forefront of the news cycle for months to come. >> beyond the midterms, there is the biden agenda. there's still that big social safety net spending bill, build back better. it's not any closer to getting passed in the senate. senator joe manchin of west virginia, democrat still not willing to say he supports it? i don't even know if that bill is going to be brought up for a vote to be quite frank any time soon. and the less popular a president is, the less of his agenda he can get through congress. >> yeah, and the white house had been tying getting that bill passed to his numbers saying they bump up veventually once they got these big pieces of his economic agenda passed. the infrastructure and now this big bill they were hoping to have passed by christmas. but despite multiple conversations between president biden and senator manchin, they have not come any closer together. and a lot of the concerns from senator manchin that he says he has about this bill are ones he's been saying and talking about for months. they've not come to any consensus on that. so the idea they're not going to get that passed by christmas seems likely. whether they try to do it in the new year and what that looks like because i think one thing the white house does recognize is the closer they get to those midterm elections, it makes it harder to pass big legislation, more untenable. they're trying to get it passed as quick as possible. i think that will be a big question because it's not just his approval. it's whether or not they can physically get it done with the votes if they, of course, lose control of the house or lose that very thin margin in the senate that they have when the vice president's tie-breaking vote come november. >> and david, how long do you think democrats have to change this narrative, to get build back better passed, to get other legislative items through the house and senate before they get clobbered? >> you usually see an electoral environment sort of start to take hold in june, july and then it's real hard. you need external number. you brought up the leadership. you said 66%. that's what the poll found of people who have reservations about his leadership. 36% of democrats say they have some doubts or reservations. he also has this issue of his home team, democrats not strongly approving of it. there's an intensity gap, a rallying around effort that needs to happen here. his legislation would help that, but it's totally stalled out at the moment and so you have democrats not nearly as enthusiastic as the president would need them to be. >> david chalian, thank you so much. appreciate it. coming up next, demanding action. parents of a former u.s. marine join us live as they demand the u.s. help free their son. he has been detained in russia for years now. stay with us. 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>> he's sick. he still has a productive cough and chest pain. pain in his chest. and he's having some kidney issues. he's drinking none potable water at the jail. in the regular barracks they're allowed to have water and boil it. but where he's at in solitary confinement, he doesn't have the ability to do that. we're not sure if that's causing the problems or not. he's sick. >> how did you find out he's going to the hospital? >> we've had no direct communications with nim 152 days since he went to the prison camp. so we send a local attorney every few weeks to meet with him to make sure he's still alive, and the ambassador's visited him twice. they try and go every other month. they drive eight hours each way to visit him and so that's -- but we learned today from the attorney who went today that he's scheduled to go to a prison hospital somewhere friday. >> right. >> tell us about your meeting with lawmakers. you met with the national security adviser jake sullivan and others. >> we met with senator cornyn. we met with sheila jackson lee. >> you're from textexas. >> we're from texas. >> our congressman phluger and kevin mccarthy. that's where we used to be so he was our representative there, but we met with them and then i'll let joey talk about the jake sullivan meeting. >> what do you need these leaders to do and what did jake sullivan have to tell you? >> first of all, we hear numerous rumors out of the russian media about what's happening. the state department and the special presidential envoy for hostage affairs, they can't tell us knhg that's happening. so we just try to talk to as many government agencies as we can to explain who trevor is. put a face on the name on the number and find out if they are doing something. and after our meeting with jake sullivan yesterday, we feel confident that the government is trying everything they can to bring him home and all agencies from the president on down are involved. and that's about all we know but we're very thankful for that meeting with him, and he was very compassionate and open with us. >> and what's the best case scenario? do the russians want a prisoner swap? what can be done? >> they do want a prisoner swap is what we hear from their media and everything. and we don't know for sure what the deal is. but if that would be the prisoner swap, we hope it comes sooner than later because we're worried about the situation with ukraine. we think that once anything happens there, it's going to be harder for trevor and paul. >> the other hostage the russians are holding. >> yes. >> trevor is not the only american being detained in a foreign country. there's a whole agency for it that you just mentioned. what do you say to your fellow family members of detainees, the welands or others? >> first of all, other families like the weland family, they gave us a lot of advice and guidance because they had -- were already in the system and you -- every country is different, but within our own country there's multiple agencies that you're deal with in these situations. and there's no real guide book on how to navigate through all those issues. you're one of the reasons we're here is that we try and find news agencies that will cover the story. and keep it in the public eye which keeps the focus on it by government officials and elected officials. >> yeah, we're going to keep covering this. i told you this during the break. i -- we covered allen gross when he was taken hostage and jailed by the cubans. there will be a day that we're covering the good news of him being released, but i know it's easy for me to say. how do you stay optimistic? how do you ckeep the faith? >> mostly when we were able to communicate with trevor, he just made it very clear that we should not worry, even though we're parents and we're going to worry. he has a really good attitude. he's strong and i just try to look to that and keep myself together. i do have bad days. and everybody does. it's not just affected me. it's his sister. our extended family. everyone. but i just have to be faithful and after like joey said, after our meeting with jake sullivan, we feel more hopeful. >> yeah, do you feel more hopeful today? >> oh, absolutely. and i try and stay focused on keeping his name out there and speaking out on his behalf. you know, to try to get him home. do everything we can. make our contacts in russia and on trevor's attitude and i know they won't want me to say this, but your training in marine boot camp is essentially prisoner of war training. that's probably what's helped him get along this far. >> i do worry about you. it's your third christmas without him and you love him so much. how are you going to celebrate christmas? and what's your message to people out there? how can viewers right now watching, how can they help? >> well, several things. go to the white and >> thank you. and send a message to the president each day and just say these basic things. bring trevor reed and paul weland home from russia. the president isn't going to see the message but he'll see i have 5,000 people do this every day. that's one of the main things. contact your congressman and senators although we have bipartisan -- one of the few things in america we have bipartisan agreement and both houses of congress to bring trevor home. there's resolutions from democrats and republicans holding hands on this issue. and so just keep calling them, keep writing them, keep sending those messages and also we're looking for letters and cards to send to him at christmas. actually, we won't be able to send them, but the ambassador hopefully will read them to him after christmas. >> that's special. and we're going to keep covering this. i hope not for much longer. god bless both of you and we're going to keep the faith. we're going to keep shining a light on this for you. >> thank you and thanks cnn. thank you all. dozens of nfl players have tested positive for covid. now the league's top doctor has just weighed in. that's next. ♪ i want my daughter riley to know about her ancestors and how important it is to know who you are and to know where you came from. doesn't that look like your papa? 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[ sighs heavily ] when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you've built with affordable coverage. right now in the health lead, you're listening live to 800 bell tolls at washington's national cathedral marking the 800,000 lives lost to coronavirus here in the united states. moments ago top nfl officials addressed a recent covid outbreak plaguing the league, including the cleveland browns star quarterback baker mayfield who was placed on the reserve covid-19 list after the head coach tested positive for covid. and this as 65 nfl players tested positive for covid this week alone. this is just testing positive. this is not hospitalizations and most are asymptomatic. let's bring in coy wire. coy, it's notable the nfl brought out its top doctor to address this uptick in cases. what did he have to say? >> yeah, uptick certainly occurring. while this is certainly about more than just the players and coaches involved, no hospitalizations have been reported in this latest wave, jake. however, remember, early november, minnesota head coach meg zimmer said that a vaccinated player on his team was rushed to the hospital after experiencing shortness of breath due to covid. the browns head coach says he feels fine. he would not comment, jake, on the status of any of his players. they'll have to produce two negative tests within a 24-hour period ahead of their game on saturday against the raiders or they'll be forced to sit out. here's dr. sills addressing this latest uptick in cases. >> as you know, we have about twice as many staff as we do players who are testing. so typically we've run a higher ratio of staff cases to player cases. we've seen that ratio inverted. far more players affected than staff. most importantly, a very, very large percentage of asymptomatic or mild illness. >> now jake, i talked to one player who said we're used to this after what they went through last year. the browns, they are accustomed to navigating this. stefanski missed the first playoff game in 18 years after testing positive for covid last season. >> it's not just the nfl with an outbreak of covid cases. >> yeah, that's right. the nba experiencing a surge in covid cases right now, jake. over the first six weeks of the season, 16 players entered the league's health and safety protocols and right now there 3r 1. that's according to cbs sports. the league postponed two chicago bulls games this week after an outbreak on the team which sidelined at least ten of its players. bucks star giannis. he is out for milwaukee's game. the lakers had to cancel their practice yesterday though they will play their game tonight. the brooklyn nets were nearly forced to cancel their game gans the raptors last night with seven players in covid protocols, including james harden. so covid cases certainly surging across pro sports even in the nhl, jake, finally here. the fourth calgary flames game was postponed after the player added seven more to their league covid protocols. that brings their total to 16. tonight's hurricane/wilds game also called off. there have been ten nhl games postponed this season, five just this week. secret documents about the jfk assassination just declassified by the government. we'll show you what they say. that's next. ak & jack tender, thicker-cut steak and. wait sooo you're not coming out of retirement? i'm just here because subway has so much new, they bought time in this press conference to talk about it. i've spent centuries evolving with the world. that's the nature of being the economy. observing investors choose assets to balance risk and reward. with one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. agile and liquid. a proven protector. an ever-evolving enabler of bold decisions. an asset more relevant than ever before. gold. your strategic advantage. ♪ ♪ ♪ (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ are the stars out tonight? 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if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. in our national lead, an escalating humanitarian and border crisis. last week the biden administration reinstated a trump-era border policy after a lower court ruling that forces migrants seeking asylum to wait in mexico until their u.s. immigration court date. this comes as thousands of migrants from central and south america are illegally crossing into a desolate area in arizona. and as priscilla alvarez reports from yuma, this is putting additional stress on already strained border patrol agents. >> reporter: it's the moment they've been waiting for. these migrants are turning themselves over to border patrol. there are no guarantees. but carlos, a migrant from venezuela, is grateful to come face to face with federal agents. this is his shot as asylum. his family back home depends on him, he says. he is one of thousands of migrants who have descended on this part of the border in the last few weeks, overwhelming border patrol and prompting the federal government to send more help. this is where migrants primarily from south america have been waiting for hours for border patrol to pick them up. an agency that's already been under immense strain. we're seeing now three border patrol vans coming to pick up these migrants and take them to the station. many say they've been waiting for hours, setting up these fires just to stay warm. the buses have come. they've just left. what's next? he says the people here have waited for years to come to the u.s. they have no other choice. >> economic and political instability in much of latin america has driven more and more migrants north. yuma has become a destination where migrants can cross easily and turn themselves in to border patrol. >> this is highly unusual. this is ground we've never really tread before. >> reporter: the yuma mayor issued a local emergency to help the situation in his city. >> this is a very out of the ordinary level of traffic for yuma. >> reporter: migrants have happened before, but now it's the remote areas like this that are being hit hard. in october, border patrol arrested nearly 22,000 people crossing an increase of 1200%. >> we're busy everywhere. we're not slow in any specific location, so when you take resources from another location, up another busy location, you're just dep pleating those resources to deal with an issue that could be dealt with through policy. >> brandon jud is the president of the border patrol union. he said smugglers and cartels contribute to the numbers. at the request of governor doug ducey, the department of public safety has deployed to monitor for criminal activity. >> out here we are watching the desert, looking for movement, looking for any signs that we have a group coming through. >> reporter: on this 75-mile stretch of the border, major cecil and his troopers try to fill in the gaps. >> we're seeing a surge of illegal drugs because border patrol is tied up and they know that man power out here is limited. >> reporter: this week the biden administration is expected to send 100 agents here. for carlos and this group of migrants, getting on the bess is the best bet for a better future. jake, you may have noticed in our story that a lot -- you may have noticed that a lot of families were carrying suitcases and luggage because these are middle class families who are flying to a nearby airport in mexico about 30 miles from where we are, and they're crossing at the border gap behind me to turn themselves over to border patrol, cutting their journey that is often months down to just days. jake? >> prescillaal var's, thank you so much. and in our national lead, a historic choice in new york, for the first time, a women will lead the largest police department. eric adams, a retired police captain announcing he is selected key chan sewell, she's the chief of detectives on long island. she spoke about the significance of her selection earlier today. >> as the first woman and only the third black person to lead the nypd in its 176-year history, i bring a different perspective. committed to make sure that the department looks like the city it serves. to all of the little girls within the sound of my voice, there is nothing you can't do and no one you can't become. >> sewell said her focus is on stopping violent crime as the city struggles with a sharp rise in gun violence and murders. the biden administration releasing secret documents today that some historians hope could provide insight into the assassination of john f. kennedy. they dug into to see if any new information is going to be revealed. >> ask not what your country can do for you -- >> reporter: the nearly 1500 documents are filled with intriguing details. a polish driver in australia saying he listened on in russian passengers taking about five soviet submarines carrying 400 to 500 soviet soldiers on the way to cuba. there was a plot to pay $100,000 to kill president kennedy. a nick waug an claiming he saw lee harvey oswald paid $65,000 by russians and endless reports like this, asking for a visa so he could go to odessa ussr. little information is entirely new to the public. many of the leads were dispensed with or disproven. >> on the fateful tragedy -- >> >> reporter: but since the warren report, every tiny bit of information pulled from the shroud of government con spearsists who believe oswald did not act alone and may be backed by russia and the mafia. >> i saw a flash of light in the bushes and then shots rang out. >> reporter: and these latest papers are fascinating serious historians even when they are aren't all about oswald. >> i learned some things today, more details about how the mafia were used in an attempt to kill castro. now i sort of understand much better the technique that would have been involved and why it was a serious effort, which did not actually succeed as we know. >> reporter: that sort of information is what has driven a lot of the secrecyarn the kennedy files as they have wanted to keep under wraps their methods and contacts used in the far-ranging investigation even d decades later. and it is worth noting that about 10,000 documents remain redacted or totally off limits. >> tom foreman, thank you so much. coming up next, a rare fish only spotted a handful of times. stay with us. no family needed. 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Contempt , Meadows , Case , Mr , Bennie Thompson , Report , Sort , Privilege , Immunity , Isn T , Department Of Justice , Joe Biden , Reporter , White House , Hasn T , Records , Subpoena , Anyone , Lawmakers , Some , On January 6th , Mike Pence , Text Messages , Documents , Worthy , 2021 , January 6th 2021 , 6 , President , Votes , Senate , Adam Schiff , Committee , Office , Lead , Cnn , Names , Jim Jordan , Theory , Text Messages Madam Speaker , Government Lawyer , Notice , Jordan , January 6th , Way , Members , Ken Klukowski , Assault , Chamber , Capitol , Jeffrey Clark , Claims , Others , Election Fraud , Danger , Hundreds , Brass , People , Dustin Stockton , Interview , Buck , Excuse , Donald Trump , Blame , Situation , Interviews , Interviewing Witnesses , Dozens , Clip , Depositions , Mitch Mcconnell , Thanks , Alex Jones , The Big Question Is , Sabrina , Roger Stone , Ryan Nobles , House , Republican , Work , Watching , Side , Liz Cheney , Hand , Re Election , Participants , Campaign , Creation , Leaders , Response , Vice Chair , Angle , House Ma , Anything , Trump , Party , Standing , Target , Events , Lot , Fraud Republicans , Allies , Congress , Types , Forefront , Bottom , Course , Line , Base , Followers , Challenge , Supporters , Mcconnells , Text , Jamie Raskin , Strategist , Democratic , Charles , Election , Chief Of Staff , States , Conflicts , Bs , State Houses , Strategy , Georgia , North Carolina , Mark Meadows On November 4th , Pennsylvania , 4 , November 4th , Covid 19 , Electors , Paper Ballots , Supreme Court , Audit , Texas , Conversation , Evidence , Concerns , Harris County , Voting , County , Conversations , Fraud , 24 , Things , Process , Representatives , Wasn T Fraud Going , Everything , Republicans , It , Perspective , Kointss , Folks , Reasons , Respect , Scrutiny , Facts , Above Reproach , Results , Problems , Shouldn T , Guys , Ways , Election Security Experts , Law , Fortifying The Electoral Count Act , Power , Loyalists , Certification Process , Certification , Slate , 100 , Something , Ground , Officials , Pressure , Cases , Wall , Voter Fraud , State Attorney General , Misconception , Florida , Three , Issue , Didn T , Concern , Pandemic , Voters , Electoral Process , Locations , Workers , Poll Watchers , Ballot Drop Boxes , Wouldn T , Fake , Bill , Aren T , Story , Governors , Times , Responsibility , Covid Relief Money , South Dakota , Kristi Nome , Why Don T , Somewhere , Money , State , Kristi Noem , Country , District , Consequences , Spending , Decision , Number , Projects , Benefits , American , Rescue Plan , Infrastructure Bill , Issues , Idea , Impact , State Level , Assistance , Terms , Inflation , Supply Chain , Support , Part , Need , Hospitals , Act , Schools , Deucy In Arizona , Size , Broadbrand Projects , Public , Budget Chairman , Bills , Yarmis , Elizabeth Warren , Elon Musk , Person Of The Year , Thing , Note , Stump , One , Mom , Friend , Taxes , Tax Code , Kid , Twitter , Aungry , 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System , Welands , Situations , Guide Book , Focus , News Agencies , Government Officials , The Public Eye , Break , Cubans , Faith , Attitude , Everybody , Sister , Contacts , Behalf , Training , Prisoner Of War Training , Boot Camp , Trevor S Attitude , Message , Viewers , House Com , Trevor Reed , Senators , Congressman , Agreement , 5000 , Houses , Messages , Resolutions , Cards , Letters , Trevor Home , Special , Both , God , League , Daughter , Ancestors , Doesn T , Papa , Grandfather , Whole , Gift , Ancestry , Season , Smiling , Smile , Exam , Patients , X Rays , Aspen Dental , Plan , Smiles , Budget , Obligation , Payment Solutions , Insurance , 20 , Book , 800 , The Sun Is Shining , Grass , Schedule , There S Heather On The Hedges , Kenny , Boy , Koi , Timber , Coverage , Small Business , Progressive , Health Lead , Tolls , Washington S National Cathedral , Lives , Coronavirus , Cleveland Browns , 800000 , Head Coach , List , Positive , Quarterback Baker Mayfield , 65 , Uptick , Hospitalizations , Coy , Asymptomatic , Coy Wire , Player , Meg Zimmer , Wave , Early November , Minnesota , Browns , Game , Coach , Tests , Any , Status , Raiders , Staff , Ratio , Player Cases , Testing , Dr , Sills , Illness , Percentage , Playoff Game , Stefanski , 18 , Surge , Protocols , Health And Safety , Cbs Sports , Nba , 16 , Six , Bucks Star Giannis , Games , Chicago Bulls , Milwaukee , Ten , Lakers , Brooklyn Nets , Practice , Game Gans The Raptors Last Night , Covid Protocols , James Harden , Seven , Sports , Fourth , League Covid Protocols , Nhl , Calgary Flames , Tonight S Hurricane Wilds Game , Jfk Assassination , Subway , Press Conference , Jack , Retirement , Steak , Ak , Gold , Assets , Investors , Nature , Reward , Element , Portfolios , Protector , Decisions , Asset , Enabler , Advantage , Stars , Sha Bop , I Only Have Eyes For You , Alexa , Song , Migraine Medicine , Migraine , Ubrelvy , Dose , Tracks , Pill , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Older Medicines , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Serena , Cause , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Nausea , Cgrp Protein , Cyp3a4 , Side Effects , Cyp3 , Magic Eraser , Deep Down Hygienic , Dirt , Grime , Squeeze , Deep Down , You Re Not Alone , Calhope , Calhope Org , 317 , 4673 , 833 , 833 317 4673 , Administration , Border , Asylum , Court , Border Policy , Crisis , Immigration , Forces , Mexico , Yuma , Migrants , Thousands , Border Patrol Agents , Stress , Central And South America , Arizona , Priscilla Alvarez , Carlos , Border Patrol , Guarantees , Face To , Venezuela , Agents , Shot , Strain , Vans , Station , Buses , Fires , Choice , Destination , Much , Latin America , Instability , Yuma Mayor , Emergency , City , Level , Traffic , Hit , October , 22000 , Location , Resources , Everywhere , Increase , 1200 , Policy , Cartels , Smugglers , Brandon Jud , Border Patrol Union , Signs , Doug Ducey , Desert , Criminal Activity , Request , Movement , Department Of Public Safety , Group , Cecil , Major , Gaps , Troopers , Drugs , 75 , Man Power , Bess , Suitcases , Best Bet For A Better Future , Journey , Crossing , Airport , Luggage , Border Gap , Time , Prescillaal Var S , Police Department , Women , Eric Adams , New York , A Retired Police Captain , Chan Sewell , Significance , Selection , Long Island , Chief Of Detectives , Department , Nypd , Girls , Woman , 176 , Voice , No One , Nothing , Sound , Rise , Crime , Murders , Gun Violence , Historians , Assassination , President Kennedy , Insight , Details , Polish Driver , Submarines , Passengers , Australia , 400 , 1500 , Nick Waug , Plot , Soldiers , Lee Harvey Oswald , Cuba , 00000 , 500 , 100000 , 65000 , Reports , Visa , Odessa Ussr , Leads , Many , Disproven , Tragedy , Warren Report , Shroud , Con Spearsists , Mafia , Shots , Papers , Bushes , Flash Of Light , Technique , Attempt , Kill Castro , Investigation , Methods , Secrecyarn The Kennedy Files , Fish , Handful , Worth , Tom Foreman , Limits , 10000 , Turkey , Mom Vo , Vo , Switch , Dad Vo , 00 , 200 , Businesses , Comcast Business , Network , Business , Internet , Prepaid Card , Savings Sale , Gig Speeds , Bundles , 4 99 , 64 99 , Price Guarantee , Savings , Possibilities , 2 , Sea World Lead , Sighting , Dive Team , Eyes , Organs , Fishes , California Coast , Monterey Bay Aquarium , Barrel Eye , Researchers , Forehead , Sightings , Orbs , Eats , Existence , 1939 , Drivers , Situation Room , Wolf Blitzer , 27000 , Referral , Mark Meadows , January 6 , Member , Bob Woodward , Health Officials , Bombshell Text ,

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Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240709

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theory that trump ally jim jordan got from a government lawyer and forwarded to meadows. jordan's office tells cnn. the committee did not reveal the names of the lawmakers texting with meadows in the lead up to january 6th, but they did put them on notice. >> indeed, some of those text messages madam speaker, came from members in the chamber right now. members who understood that a violent assault was under way at the capitol. >> reporter: today the committee met with ken klukowski, a former doj official who worked under jeffrey clark. clark pushed top brass to investigate unfounded claims of election fraud. he is in danger of being held in contempt himself. some resist. hundreds of others are cooperating, including dustin stockton. after his interview with the committee, he put much of the blame for that day on donald trump. >> the buck's got to stop at president trump. he knew better, and there's no excuse for him sending people down into that situation. >> reporter: and it appears the committee is interviewing witnesses at a rapid clip. the committee chairman bennie thompson telling us they had dozens of interviews scheduled. there are some high-profile names scheduled for depositions later this week. among them roger stone and the conspiracy theorist alex jones. the big question is, will they show up for those interviews? >> ryan nobles, thanks. let's discuss. sabrina, so senate minority leader mitch mcconnell, the republican leader of the senate, was asked yesterday about the committee's work. take a listen to what he had to say. >> i do think we're all watching, as you are, what is unfolding on the house side. and it will be interesting to reveal all the participants who were involved. >> now we should note mcconnell voted against the creation of this committee. on the other hand, he donated recently to liz cheney's campaign. she's running for re-election. the vice chair of the committee. what's the angle here? i'm not following. >> there has been an interesting split when it comes to republican leaders and their response to january 6th house ma minority leader mitch mcconnell. he's trying to downplay the events of january 6th. mcconnell, on the other hand, i think he's happy to see anything that might help diminish trump's standing within the party. remember, mcconnell has been a key target of former president trump and his allies and he hasn't exactly been at the forefront of trying to get to the bottom of january 6th, but he is aware that trump and his allies are trying to primary a lot of the types of republicans who mcconnell believes should still be serving in congress. the only challenge, of course, is that as far as republican base is concerned, there are a lot more in line with trump and, you know, his supporters or his followers than they are in line with the mcconnells and liz cheneys. >> at least as of now. charles, i want to introduce you. republican strategist. democratic congressman jamie raskin, who is on the committee, yesterday revealed another text from an unnamed republican official to then white house chief of staff mark meadows on november 4th. the day after the election. and it says, here's an aggressive strategy. why can't the states of georgia and north carolina, pennsylvania and other republican-controlled state houses declare this is bs, where conflicts and election not called that night and send their own electors to vote and have it go to the supreme court. this is -- they were still counting votes. this is the day after the election. they had all those paper ballots because of covid. and this was entirely just about stealing the election without even any evidence it was -- like here's a way to steal the election before we've counted the votes. he ended up winning north carolina, trump. >> we have an audit in texas where he won texas and we're having that conversation as well. when you speak to republicans, they had concerns about what was happening. harris county, which is texas' largest county, we had a lot of conversations around what was happening with 24-hour voting, drive-through voting if there was fraud happening how to make sure there wasn't fraud going to be happening. we had a lot of representatives stepping and trying to insert themselves in that process early on to try to make sure that the base was reassured that the process was done correctly. so i think even at the start of things they jumped out of it and were willing to engage with it. i'm not going to say throughout the entire course everything stayed above board and earnest, but at the start of it, a lot of folks were very concerned about things we were seeing, particularly from a texas perspective and our large kointss and they wanted to make sure the process was being followed through. >> this is what republicans always do. with all due respect. you don't want to align yourself with donald trump trying to steal the election. so instead you make up that there were reasons to be concerned about the election and, therefore, legitimate reasons for all this extra scrutiny. when, of course, the facts showed that the results were actually kind of above scrutiny. above reproach. >> republicans did great in texas. >> and if there were so many concerns all of those republicans who got elected in texas, you know, shouldn't be in office. and so i -- i just don't think you guys can have it both ways. you can't say there were all these legitimate problems with the election but really we're not -- >> that text itself is why so many election security experts, why democrats are increasingly concerned about, you know, fortifying the electoral count act, which is, you know, a centuries old law and essentially it would, if they are able to fortify it, it would help protect the certification process. election security experts i talked to said they are worried that there could be trump loyalists that gain power in states like georgia and then they ultimately decide that they want to send a totally different slate of electors to congress and then if there are enough republicans who we saw that more than 100 republicans voted against certification that then in a future presidential election they could decide to do that again. it's not just -- they don't even have to overturn any law. >> it's not a crazy congressman sending a text to the chief of staff. it's actually them putting pressure on the ground to election officials to do this. >> did you want to say something. >> i want to jump in because i think there's a common misconception that all of the fraud republicans allege is coming from democrats in texas. this week they found three cases of voter fraud perpetrated by republicans. so they are prosecuting them now or the state attorney general is. >> in florida, too. >> and also trump voters doing it. >> right. and the issue in texas with the concern over the electoral process was that we were doing 24-hour voting during a pandemic and didn't have enough poll watchers and election workers to oversee these ballot drop boxes in these locations. so when you are having -- >> you were really worried about this election you wouldn't be supporting those people who got elected. but you want to be saying that the election was, you know, fake and there were all these reasons -- >> i don't think the election was fake, but -- >> but you don't want the responsibility of saying that the people elected aren't legitimate. >> another issue to talk about, the times has a story out on republican governors such as south dakota's kristi nome, eagerly spending covid relief money even though they opposed the same bill. she said she decided not to refuse the money. take a listen why. >> i have had people ask me from time to time in the state, kristi, why don't you just give the federal money back? it will be spent somewhere else other than south dakota. it will be incurred by the country and our people will still suffer the consequences of that spending. >> what do you make of all of this? we're seeing more of this, people announcing projects in their congressional district that was funded by the decision they voted against. >> a number of republicans in congress who have also touted the projects that have come out of the american rescue plan or sort of tried to reap the benefits even though it was passed by democrats. all republicans opposed it. you'll see the infrastructure bill as well. there were some republicans at the state level who did welcome this assistance and i think it goes back to the idea that the impact of the pandemic is still being felt very much across the country in terms of its economic impact, the -- what we've seen with the lingering issues with inflation, supply chain on schools, hospitals. i'm not surprised a lot of republicans still feel the need to try and express support or act like they are actually benefiting from these projects or part of helping create these projects even though, of course, they'll continue to hammer president biden over the size of that bill. >> it's republicans like kristi noem and governor deucy in arizona who also said that he was going to start new broadbrand projects without really mentioning that they came from the american rescue plan. it's those republicans that chairman yarmis told me, the budget chairman in the house said that he thinks democrats need to be hammering republicans hard for not putting up the votes for those bills, but then deciding to go to the american public and tout the benefits and tout them on the stump. >> so one other thing i wanted to note is that the time person of the year is elon musk. and he was just named person of the year. senator elizabeth warren not happy about that. she said let's change the rigged tax code so the person of the year will actually pay taxes. he responded this way on twitter. you remind me of when i was a kid and my friend's aungry mom would randomly yell at everyone. i'll pay more taxes than any american in history this year. don't spend it all at once. oh, wait, you did already. this is, you know -- >> you've got to be -- he might be the richest man in the world but he has the least class of any man in the world. you have got to imagine the "time" magazine had a better role model to find. >> it's not about -- i hate to -- >> this guy has multiple sexual harassment suits against him. he's notoriously a bad employer. money doesn't mean everything. and it's just -- i find it appalling. >> it's not person we admire the most in the -- of the year. hitler was man of the year once. >> why is the important? he's rich. >> because of the innovation. if you look at senator warren's track record and compare that year to year to elon musk's, he has moved this country forward leaps and bounds more than she has. >> i don't know if that's true. >> the wealth he's generated for individuals. >> he didn't invent the electric car. >> i didn't say -- >> i've got to -- >> he also didn't invent space satellite but got a lot of government subsidies -- >> i see this is a good match for future manuals. >> thank you so much. coming up, new cnn polls revealing americans are worried about the economy and think president biden is not doing enough about it. plus, what an outbreak of covid cases among nfl players might tell us about the pandemic. thanks so much. stay with us. k cheese on that new rotisserie style chicken then boom! here comes the new baja chipotle sauce up the gut, and... great, now i can't even see what i'm calling! save big. order through the app. ♪ ♪ you are my fire ♪ ♪ the one desire ♪ ♪ you are, you are, ♪ ♪ don't wanna hear you say... ♪ ♪ ♪ i want it that way ♪ i thought i was managing my moderate to severe crohn's disease. then i realized something was missing... my symptoms were keeping me from being there for her. so, i talked to my doctor and learned humira is the #1 prescribed biologic for people with crohn's disease. humira helps people achieve remission that can last. and the 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car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. in our politics lead, a brand-new exclusive cnn poll is revealing why america seems to be souring on president biden's leadership and on the u.s. economy. despite positive news on the employment front and on wall street, for weeks we've been seeing inflation driving up the costs for nearly everything. food, gas, cars. now americans say this is a bigger problem for the economy, inflation, than covid is. let's get right to david chalian. explain where this economic anxiety is coming from. >> we asked people, all these economic issues out there, do you see it as a major problem or minor problem. look at this list, jake. you see food costs, supply chain issues, housing costs. it's all nearly 8 in 10 americans in this poll saying that's a major problem for the economy. covid-19, two-thirds of americans see that as a problem. in comparison to the rising cost issue, that's way down there. and then, of course, we see a huge majority saying the government is doing too little about inflation. 72% say that the government response to inflation is simply too little. 22% say the right amount. but only 5% say the government is doing too much. >> president biden obviously has a very ambitious agenda. do the american people feel like these policies from biden will change any of this? >> i think this may be one of the most troubling numbers in our poll for the president today. 45%, nearly half of the americans in this poll, say that biden's policies have worsened economic conditions. 30% say they've improved. 25% no effect at all. so 70% say they've worsened or no effect at all. biden's policies. you look back and compare that to obama in 2009, not nearly that bad of a score on his policies making things worse. and then if you look at how biden has handled the issues and his approval on each issue, the economy, he's way down. 45% approve of his handling of the economy. 54% disapprove. that's the same when you say about helping the middle class. there's only one issue area where he has a majority approval and that's covid-19 with 54% approval. >> that's fascinating. this is soaperi i ing -- soberi year end report card. biden's approval at 49% approval which is unchanged from last month. 51% disapprove. also the cnn poll right there. the cnn poll of polls which includes the five most recent national polls and we average those together. and that has him lower, 45% approval. 50% disapproval. at what point does the white house start freaking out because these are not positive numbers for the midterms nor for re-election, although that's a lifetime away. >> a lifetime away, but -- and even the midterms are 11 months away. you talk to white house aides as well. i don't get the sense this is a team that does a lot of freaking out, but there is clear concern. they understand the political environment as the calendar turns the page into the election year that they are standing right now and this real economic pinch that americans are feeling, it creates a real tough terrain for democrats next year. >> let's bring in kaitlan collins traveling with president biden in tornado-ravaged, kentucky. this poll is devastating for president biden. only 34% of those polled see biden as a leader. 66% say they have some doubts? as we get closer to the m midterms, what's the takeaway message for democrats? do they need to start distancing themselves from president biden? >> i think that depends on where they are, of course, jake, where they are running these races from. when it comes to the president's own poll numbers, the approval, disapproval, he has said that he stopped paying attention to those because they've changed so much. he is not paying attention to them anymore. certainly, of course, that was not top of mind for him when here in kentucky, making those tours, meeting with local leaders. but it is something for concern for democrats back in washington. for the president's political aides back at the white house. something they are tracking and monitoring closely because, of course, they are paying attention to that ahead of the midterm elections. when it comes to these numbers on the economy which has long been his strong suit of president biden's, ever since he was a candidate and when he first took office, that's probably the most concerning for them because it's matching those numbers of people's confidence in his handling of the economy with their rising concerns about inflation. about the supply chain. all of these issues that go hand in hand together and i think when you talk to aides at the white house, talk to political advisers of this president they say these aren't quick fixes. these aren't issues that can be changed quickly or this isn't something that's going to fade from people's public view or public mind. it's something that's going to stay in the forefront of the news cycle for months to come. >> beyond the midterms, there is the biden agenda. there's still that big social safety net spending bill, build back better. it's not any closer to getting passed in the senate. senator joe manchin of west virginia, democrat still not willing to say he supports it? i don't even know if that bill is going to be brought up for a vote to be quite frank any time soon. and the less popular a president is, the less of his agenda he can get through congress. >> yeah, and the white house had been tying getting that bill passed to his numbers saying they bump up veventually once they got these big pieces of his economic agenda passed. the infrastructure and now this big bill they were hoping to have passed by christmas. but despite multiple conversations between president biden and senator manchin, they have not come any closer together. and a lot of the concerns from senator manchin that he says he has about this bill are ones he's been saying and talking about for months. they've not come to any consensus on that. so the idea they're not going to get that passed by christmas seems likely. whether they try to do it in the new year and what that looks like because i think one thing the white house does recognize is the closer they get to those midterm elections, it makes it harder to pass big legislation, more untenable. they're trying to get it passed as quick as possible. i think that will be a big question because it's not just his approval. it's whether or not they can physically get it done with the votes if they, of course, lose control of the house or lose that very thin margin in the senate that they have when the vice president's tie-breaking vote come november. >> and david, how long do you think democrats have to change this narrative, to get build back better passed, to get other legislative items through the house and senate before they get clobbered? >> you usually see an electoral environment sort of start to take hold in june, july and then it's real hard. you need external number. you brought up the leadership. you said 66%. that's what the poll found of people who have reservations about his leadership. 36% of democrats say they have some doubts or reservations. he also has this issue of his home team, democrats not strongly approving of it. there's an intensity gap, a rallying around effort that needs to happen here. his legislation would help that, but it's totally stalled out at the moment and so you have democrats not nearly as enthusiastic as the president would need them to be. >> david chalian, thank you so much. appreciate it. coming up next, demanding action. parents of a former u.s. marine join us live as they demand the u.s. help free their son. he has been detained in russia for years now. stay with us. 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>> he's sick. he still has a productive cough and chest pain. pain in his chest. and he's having some kidney issues. he's drinking none potable water at the jail. in the regular barracks they're allowed to have water and boil it. but where he's at in solitary confinement, he doesn't have the ability to do that. we're not sure if that's causing the problems or not. he's sick. >> how did you find out he's going to the hospital? >> we've had no direct communications with nim 152 days since he went to the prison camp. so we send a local attorney every few weeks to meet with him to make sure he's still alive, and the ambassador's visited him twice. they try and go every other month. they drive eight hours each way to visit him and so that's -- but we learned today from the attorney who went today that he's scheduled to go to a prison hospital somewhere friday. >> right. >> tell us about your meeting with lawmakers. you met with the national security adviser jake sullivan and others. >> we met with senator cornyn. we met with sheila jackson lee. >> you're from textexas. >> we're from texas. >> our congressman phluger and kevin mccarthy. that's where we used to be so he was our representative there, but we met with them and then i'll let joey talk about the jake sullivan meeting. >> what do you need these leaders to do and what did jake sullivan have to tell you? >> first of all, we hear numerous rumors out of the russian media about what's happening. the state department and the special presidential envoy for hostage affairs, they can't tell us knhg that's happening. so we just try to talk to as many government agencies as we can to explain who trevor is. put a face on the name on the number and find out if they are doing something. and after our meeting with jake sullivan yesterday, we feel confident that the government is trying everything they can to bring him home and all agencies from the president on down are involved. and that's about all we know but we're very thankful for that meeting with him, and he was very compassionate and open with us. >> and what's the best case scenario? do the russians want a prisoner swap? what can be done? >> they do want a prisoner swap is what we hear from their media and everything. and we don't know for sure what the deal is. but if that would be the prisoner swap, we hope it comes sooner than later because we're worried about the situation with ukraine. we think that once anything happens there, it's going to be harder for trevor and paul. >> the other hostage the russians are holding. >> yes. >> trevor is not the only american being detained in a foreign country. there's a whole agency for it that you just mentioned. what do you say to your fellow family members of detainees, the welands or others? >> first of all, other families like the weland family, they gave us a lot of advice and guidance because they had -- were already in the system and you -- every country is different, but within our own country there's multiple agencies that you're deal with in these situations. and there's no real guide book on how to navigate through all those issues. you're one of the reasons we're here is that we try and find news agencies that will cover the story. and keep it in the public eye which keeps the focus on it by government officials and elected officials. >> yeah, we're going to keep covering this. i told you this during the break. i -- we covered allen gross when he was taken hostage and jailed by the cubans. there will be a day that we're covering the good news of him being released, but i know it's easy for me to say. how do you stay optimistic? how do you ckeep the faith? >> mostly when we were able to communicate with trevor, he just made it very clear that we should not worry, even though we're parents and we're going to worry. he has a really good attitude. he's strong and i just try to look to that and keep myself together. i do have bad days. and everybody does. it's not just affected me. it's his sister. our extended family. everyone. but i just have to be faithful and after like joey said, after our meeting with jake sullivan, we feel more hopeful. >> yeah, do you feel more hopeful today? >> oh, absolutely. and i try and stay focused on keeping his name out there and speaking out on his behalf. you know, to try to get him home. do everything we can. make our contacts in russia and on trevor's attitude and i know they won't want me to say this, but your training in marine boot camp is essentially prisoner of war training. that's probably what's helped him get along this far. >> i do worry about you. it's your third christmas without him and you love him so much. how are you going to celebrate christmas? and what's your message to people out there? how can viewers right now watching, how can they help? >> well, several things. go to the white and >> thank you. and send a message to the president each day and just say these basic things. bring trevor reed and paul weland home from russia. the president isn't going to see the message but he'll see i have 5,000 people do this every day. that's one of the main things. contact your congressman and senators although we have bipartisan -- one of the few things in america we have bipartisan agreement and both houses of congress to bring trevor home. there's resolutions from democrats and republicans holding hands on this issue. and so just keep calling them, keep writing them, keep sending those messages and also we're looking for letters and cards to send to him at christmas. actually, we won't be able to send them, but the ambassador hopefully will read them to him after christmas. >> that's special. and we're going to keep covering this. i hope not for much longer. god bless both of you and we're going to keep the faith. we're going to keep shining a light on this for you. >> thank you and thanks cnn. thank you all. dozens of nfl players have tested positive for covid. now the league's top doctor has just weighed in. that's next. ♪ i want my daughter riley to know about her ancestors and how important it is to know who you are and to know where you came from. doesn't that look like your papa? 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[ sighs heavily ] when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you've built with affordable coverage. right now in the health lead, you're listening live to 800 bell tolls at washington's national cathedral marking the 800,000 lives lost to coronavirus here in the united states. moments ago top nfl officials addressed a recent covid outbreak plaguing the league, including the cleveland browns star quarterback baker mayfield who was placed on the reserve covid-19 list after the head coach tested positive for covid. and this as 65 nfl players tested positive for covid this week alone. this is just testing positive. this is not hospitalizations and most are asymptomatic. let's bring in coy wire. coy, it's notable the nfl brought out its top doctor to address this uptick in cases. what did he have to say? >> yeah, uptick certainly occurring. while this is certainly about more than just the players and coaches involved, no hospitalizations have been reported in this latest wave, jake. however, remember, early november, minnesota head coach meg zimmer said that a vaccinated player on his team was rushed to the hospital after experiencing shortness of breath due to covid. the browns head coach says he feels fine. he would not comment, jake, on the status of any of his players. they'll have to produce two negative tests within a 24-hour period ahead of their game on saturday against the raiders or they'll be forced to sit out. here's dr. sills addressing this latest uptick in cases. >> as you know, we have about twice as many staff as we do players who are testing. so typically we've run a higher ratio of staff cases to player cases. we've seen that ratio inverted. far more players affected than staff. most importantly, a very, very large percentage of asymptomatic or mild illness. >> now jake, i talked to one player who said we're used to this after what they went through last year. the browns, they are accustomed to navigating this. stefanski missed the first playoff game in 18 years after testing positive for covid last season. >> it's not just the nfl with an outbreak of covid cases. >> yeah, that's right. the nba experiencing a surge in covid cases right now, jake. over the first six weeks of the season, 16 players entered the league's health and safety protocols and right now there 3r 1. that's according to cbs sports. the league postponed two chicago bulls games this week after an outbreak on the team which sidelined at least ten of its players. bucks star giannis. he is out for milwaukee's game. the lakers had to cancel their practice yesterday though they will play their game tonight. the brooklyn nets were nearly forced to cancel their game gans the raptors last night with seven players in covid protocols, including james harden. so covid cases certainly surging across pro sports even in the nhl, jake, finally here. the fourth calgary flames game was postponed after the player added seven more to their league covid protocols. that brings their total to 16. tonight's hurricane/wilds game also called off. there have been ten nhl games postponed this season, five just this week. secret documents about the jfk assassination just declassified by the government. we'll show you what they say. that's next. ak & jack tender, thicker-cut steak and. wait sooo you're not coming out of retirement? i'm just here because subway has so much new, they bought time in this press conference to talk about it. i've spent centuries evolving with the world. that's the nature of being the economy. observing investors choose assets to balance risk and reward. with one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. agile and liquid. a proven protector. an ever-evolving enabler of bold decisions. an asset more relevant than ever before. gold. your strategic advantage. ♪ ♪ ♪ (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ are the stars out tonight? 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if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. in our national lead, an escalating humanitarian and border crisis. last week the biden administration reinstated a trump-era border policy after a lower court ruling that forces migrants seeking asylum to wait in mexico until their u.s. immigration court date. this comes as thousands of migrants from central and south america are illegally crossing into a desolate area in arizona. and as priscilla alvarez reports from yuma, this is putting additional stress on already strained border patrol agents. >> reporter: it's the moment they've been waiting for. these migrants are turning themselves over to border patrol. there are no guarantees. but carlos, a migrant from venezuela, is grateful to come face to face with federal agents. this is his shot as asylum. his family back home depends on him, he says. he is one of thousands of migrants who have descended on this part of the border in the last few weeks, overwhelming border patrol and prompting the federal government to send more help. this is where migrants primarily from south america have been waiting for hours for border patrol to pick them up. an agency that's already been under immense strain. we're seeing now three border patrol vans coming to pick up these migrants and take them to the station. many say they've been waiting for hours, setting up these fires just to stay warm. the buses have come. they've just left. what's next? he says the people here have waited for years to come to the u.s. they have no other choice. >> economic and political instability in much of latin america has driven more and more migrants north. yuma has become a destination where migrants can cross easily and turn themselves in to border patrol. >> this is highly unusual. this is ground we've never really tread before. >> reporter: the yuma mayor issued a local emergency to help the situation in his city. >> this is a very out of the ordinary level of traffic for yuma. >> reporter: migrants have happened before, but now it's the remote areas like this that are being hit hard. in october, border patrol arrested nearly 22,000 people crossing an increase of 1200%. >> we're busy everywhere. we're not slow in any specific location, so when you take resources from another location, up another busy location, you're just dep pleating those resources to deal with an issue that could be dealt with through policy. >> brandon jud is the president of the border patrol union. he said smugglers and cartels contribute to the numbers. at the request of governor doug ducey, the department of public safety has deployed to monitor for criminal activity. >> out here we are watching the desert, looking for movement, looking for any signs that we have a group coming through. >> reporter: on this 75-mile stretch of the border, major cecil and his troopers try to fill in the gaps. >> we're seeing a surge of illegal drugs because border patrol is tied up and they know that man power out here is limited. >> reporter: this week the biden administration is expected to send 100 agents here. for carlos and this group of migrants, getting on the bess is the best bet for a better future. jake, you may have noticed in our story that a lot -- you may have noticed that a lot of families were carrying suitcases and luggage because these are middle class families who are flying to a nearby airport in mexico about 30 miles from where we are, and they're crossing at the border gap behind me to turn themselves over to border patrol, cutting their journey that is often months down to just days. jake? >> prescillaal var's, thank you so much. and in our national lead, a historic choice in new york, for the first time, a women will lead the largest police department. eric adams, a retired police captain announcing he is selected key chan sewell, she's the chief of detectives on long island. she spoke about the significance of her selection earlier today. >> as the first woman and only the third black person to lead the nypd in its 176-year history, i bring a different perspective. committed to make sure that the department looks like the city it serves. to all of the little girls within the sound of my voice, there is nothing you can't do and no one you can't become. >> sewell said her focus is on stopping violent crime as the city struggles with a sharp rise in gun violence and murders. the biden administration releasing secret documents today that some historians hope could provide insight into the assassination of john f. kennedy. they dug into to see if any new information is going to be revealed. >> ask not what your country can do for you -- >> reporter: the nearly 1500 documents are filled with intriguing details. a polish driver in australia saying he listened on in russian passengers taking about five soviet submarines carrying 400 to 500 soviet soldiers on the way to cuba. there was a plot to pay $100,000 to kill president kennedy. a nick waug an claiming he saw lee harvey oswald paid $65,000 by russians and endless reports like this, asking for a visa so he could go to odessa ussr. little information is entirely new to the public. many of the leads were dispensed with or disproven. >> on the fateful tragedy -- >> >> reporter: but since the warren report, every tiny bit of information pulled from the shroud of government con spearsists who believe oswald did not act alone and may be backed by russia and the mafia. >> i saw a flash of light in the bushes and then shots rang out. >> reporter: and these latest papers are fascinating serious historians even when they are aren't all about oswald. >> i learned some things today, more details about how the mafia were used in an attempt to kill castro. now i sort of understand much better the technique that would have been involved and why it was a serious effort, which did not actually succeed as we know. >> reporter: that sort of information is what has driven a lot of the secrecyarn the kennedy files as they have wanted to keep under wraps their methods and contacts used in the far-ranging investigation even d decades later. and it is worth noting that about 10,000 documents remain redacted or totally off limits. >> tom foreman, thank you so much. coming up next, a rare fish only spotted a handful of times. stay with us. no family needed. 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Vote , Popular A , Infrastructure , Pieces , Christmas , Veventually , Senator , Ones , Consensus , Legislation , Looks , Question , Control , Items , Margin , Narrative , Tie Breaking Vote Come November , Hold , July , Reservations , 36 , Home Team , Intensity Gap , 36 , Effort , Rallying , Parents , Russia , Son , Action , U S Marine , Carolers , Singing , Betttttter , Heartburn Hits , Tums Chewy Bites , Kate , Tums Vs , 1000 , 000 , Asthma , Heartburn , Bite , Bites , Yoga , Tums , Dupixent , Tums Chewy , Chewy Inside , Crunchy Outside , Du More Beginners , More , Du , Surprise Parties , Asthma Attacks , You Guys , Aww , 3 , Treatment , Steroids , Breathing Problems , Add On , Breathing , Lung Function , Help , Chest Pain , Breath , Shortness , Numbness , Asthma Treatments , Anaphylaxis , Tingling , Limbs , Rash , Don T Change , Rock Music Man , Truck , Livelihood , Safelite , Asthma Specialist , Expert Service , Chances , Service , Windshield , Kindness , Yes , Girl , Singers , 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System , Welands , Situations , Guide Book , Focus , News Agencies , Government Officials , The Public Eye , Break , Cubans , Faith , Attitude , Everybody , Sister , Contacts , Behalf , Training , Prisoner Of War Training , Boot Camp , Trevor S Attitude , Message , Viewers , House Com , Trevor Reed , Senators , Congressman , Agreement , 5000 , Houses , Messages , Resolutions , Cards , Letters , Trevor Home , Special , Both , God , League , Daughter , Ancestors , Doesn T , Papa , Grandfather , Whole , Gift , Ancestry , Season , Smiling , Smile , Exam , Patients , X Rays , Aspen Dental , Plan , Smiles , Budget , Obligation , Payment Solutions , Insurance , 20 , Book , 800 , The Sun Is Shining , Grass , Schedule , There S Heather On The Hedges , Kenny , Boy , Koi , Timber , Coverage , Small Business , Progressive , Health Lead , Tolls , Washington S National Cathedral , Lives , Coronavirus , Cleveland Browns , 800000 , Head Coach , List , Positive , Quarterback Baker Mayfield , 65 , Uptick , Hospitalizations , Coy , Asymptomatic , Coy Wire , Player , Meg Zimmer , Wave , Early November , Minnesota , Browns , Game , Coach , Tests , Any , Status , Raiders , Staff , Ratio , Player Cases , Testing , Dr , Sills , Illness , Percentage , Playoff Game , Stefanski , 18 , Surge , Protocols , Health And Safety , Cbs Sports , Nba , 16 , Six , Bucks Star Giannis , Games , Chicago Bulls , Milwaukee , Ten , Lakers , Brooklyn Nets , Practice , Game Gans The Raptors Last Night , Covid Protocols , James Harden , Seven , Sports , Fourth , League Covid Protocols , Nhl , Calgary Flames , Tonight S Hurricane Wilds Game , Jfk Assassination , Subway , Press Conference , Jack , Retirement , Steak , Ak , Gold , Assets , Investors , Nature , Reward , Element , Portfolios , Protector , Decisions , Asset , Enabler , Advantage , Stars , Sha Bop , I Only Have Eyes For You , Alexa , Song , Migraine Medicine , Migraine , Ubrelvy , Dose , Tracks , Pill , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Older Medicines 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, Troopers , Drugs , 75 , Man Power , Bess , Suitcases , Best Bet For A Better Future , Journey , Crossing , Airport , Luggage , Border Gap , Time , Prescillaal Var S , Police Department , Women , Eric Adams , New York , A Retired Police Captain , Chan Sewell , Significance , Selection , Long Island , Chief Of Detectives , Department , Nypd , Girls , Woman , 176 , Voice , No One , Nothing , Sound , Rise , Crime , Murders , Gun Violence , Historians , Assassination , President Kennedy , Insight , Details , Polish Driver , Submarines , Passengers , Australia , 400 , 1500 , Nick Waug , Plot , Soldiers , Lee Harvey Oswald , Cuba , 00000 , 500 , 100000 , 65000 , Reports , Visa , Odessa Ussr , Leads , Many , Disproven , Tragedy , Warren Report , Shroud , Con Spearsists , Mafia , Shots , Papers , Bushes , Flash Of Light , Technique , Attempt , Kill Castro , Investigation , Methods , Secrecyarn The Kennedy Files , Fish , Handful , Worth , Tom Foreman , Limits , 10000 , Turkey , Mom Vo , Vo , Switch , Dad Vo , 00 , 200 , Businesses , Comcast Business , Network , Business , Internet , Prepaid Card , Savings Sale , Gig Speeds , Bundles , 4 99 , 64 99 , Price Guarantee , Savings , Possibilities , 2 , Sea World Lead , Sighting , Dive Team , Eyes , Organs , Fishes , California Coast , Monterey Bay Aquarium , Barrel Eye , Researchers , Forehead , Sightings , Orbs , Eats , Existence , 1939 , Drivers , Situation Room , Wolf Blitzer , 27000 , Referral , Mark Meadows , January 6 , Member , Bob Woodward , Health Officials , Bombshell Text ,

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