Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

about in the fields and the farms. that gives you a sense of the scene here on the ground in mayfield. and it's not just mayfield. we just spoke with scott jennings from dawson springs. there's 100 people unaccounted for. 1,000 homes and structures in the state just destroyed. this all started friday night with these storms touching down first in arkansas. they hit a nursing home there. one person died there. the swarm of twisters then tore a path across 200 miles in kentucky. one tornado slams into a family-run candle factory in mayfield. the building was leveled. now, 110 people scheduled to work that shift, it's unclear how many people were in the building at that exact moment that it hit. rescuers crawling over the dead to get to the living. at this point, eight people were confirmed dead. eight unaccounted for. the unimaginable loss there that some had feared is terrible. but maybe not as bad as was feared before. earlier this morning, i spoke to a man whose pharmacy who has been in the family for generations, now lays in ruins. you lost your father not long ago. >> passed away from cancer in february. he was a great guy. we provided a life for me, that i've benefited from, that pharmacy. and i just had dreams of doing the same for my kids. >> your son, jonah, right? the beauty area inside was named after him. your wife named it after him. >> that's right. my wife -- my wife lost 100% of her income. she is a pharmacist of the store and she had the boutique. when my son was born, we named it shop jonah brown. and yesterday, when we were picking up, he wanted to have his picture taken on top of the rubble where the boutique was. so, she's just -- she's heart heartbroken. it's hard waking up in the morning. >> in illinois, amazon employees only had an 11-minute warning before a tornado leveled their warehouse. this morning search efforts are still under way for people who are believed to be trapped in the rubble. housing, power, water and fuel are all going to be a massive need going forward, john. >> it's such a need throughout. i do know that at least one home that didn't have water, they did get water overnight. the water is starting to come back here in maryfield. the power is still out. the traffic lights are all down. amazingly, they have gone and put up stop signs. four-way stop signs so traffic doesn't move that quickly. but they got that up in a day. tommy anderson and his family who rode out the storm in a basement bathroom as the tornado was tearing his home to slhreds. he describes what he saw, heard and felt that night. >> i watched the storm come. and then, i watched rain, lightning and stuff. and i saw when the city transformers or the electrical station, i saw when the transformers blew up. >> you saw the boom, boom. >> well, you couldn't hear necessarily the noise. but i've been in a lot of storms, ice storms. and when the transforms blow, they make a blue. it's not red, it's a blue color. i saw the blue flashes. the lights blink and all of the power goes off. within that same time, within a minute, you could feel the wind changing, the air changing. my son was with me. i said it's time for us to get in the shelter. we stepped inside the shelter. >> what kind of shelter are you talking about? >> well, it's a basement bathroom is what it is. but you know, it's against the ground or whatever. you know, the bathroom downstairs. >> how many of you were in there? >> five of us, and a cat. >> and then what? >> well, as soon as we closed the door, it tried to pull back open. we pulled it closed. and the air pressure, our ears popped. i mean, stuff started shaking and moving. we could hear the glass breaking and stuff flying around. just shaking and moving and the noise and the rumble of the wind and everything. you know, we don't have any idea what we're going to see when we come out. it lasted about two minutes at most. this was our front porch. you can see the rail and one of the columns here. our front living room. this room, our piano room. >> where is the piano now? >> it's sitting there. >> all right. >> we're hopefully, we can get it out without anymore damage tomorrow. and our kitchen here, you can see it. the windows are blown out and stuff, just crazy. and back bedroom -- >> this is a bedroom here. >> it was. >> who slept here? >> well, it was a bedroom our boys slept -- our oldest son slept there when he was at home. he has been gone for a while. he kind of let his boys take over that. >> this was a bedroom. >> yeah. on the other side, that other wall, that was another bedroom. that was our daughter's bedroom. you see the wall of it sticking out here. >> down here is the basement. inside there, the bathroom you stayed was under there. >> and there's still walls in there. >> yeah. yep. you know, our cars, our vehicles. >> you got yourself. you got your family. >> that's right. exactly right. everything else is just tough. >> a couple things i want to tell you here. they had a christmas tree inside that house, which was blown over and pushed around. they were able to get the christmas tree out and they moved it to in-laws. and that's where they plan to celebrate christmas, with the tree, that somehow survived this tornado. and one last thing about tommy, i asked to go inside the house to look at the bathroom where they rode out the storm, but tommy told me, his wife wouldn't allow it, he said, because the house looks like a tornado went through. that was nice to see. it was nice to know that he still had a sense of humor after everything that's happened to him and his family. they are all well, which is such a blessing. i want to go to polo sandoval at the scene of the amazon warehouse collapse. >> you have to see some of the images that were shot over the weekend to get a true sense of what happened here. you see how the ef-3 tornado cut through the amazon shipping center. you know dozens escaped alive. six of them did not. a 20-year-old navy veteran named clayton cope, he served his country honorably for six years and return to southwest illinois to work alongside his father as a maintenance mechanic. worked for a kaccounter that worked for amazon. he was in that warehouse on friday night. last night, they took us into their home to share a little bit about who their son was, a selfless and kind man. and his moe, carla, hanging on to so many memories, including one of the recent ones on friday, when she made a phone call to her son when he was here. and she recalls overhearing her son urging his colleagues and co-workers to seek shelter as the storm was moving in. >> in my heart, i know he went to try to warn other people to get where they needed to be. between his military training and who he was, he would have done that. no matter whether he was told to or not. that's the only thing i can hold on to. i feel he must have been trying to help someone else. >> what is it that you want to know about your son? >> i want them to know that he was a wonderful, caring person. his presence will be a huge void in so many lives. truly an amazing family. it was clear that they love their son. there's so many families that are feeling the pain. in terms of amazon, spoke to their representatives over the weekend. they are in contact with the families affected by this and hoping to help that community. >> as you said, so much loss. there's so many families like that, mourning this morning. thank you so much for that story. >> so hard to hear that. john, we have new details coming up about mark meadows' action on january 6th. who he wanted on standby to help the pro-trump people. and peloton is responding to its controversial "sex and the city" cameo with a little help from mr. big. and it's the billion dollar question. who was just chosen as "time" magazine's person of the year? to all the kisses... ...that led... this one. celebrate every kiss, with kay. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. it's my woke-up-like-this migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. don't take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? 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>> we're getting more detail about what the committee thinks mark med doadows did and what h knows about the lead-up to the riot. and the massive efforts to overturn the election. let's drill down on the first thing you mentioned. the national guard e-mail that meadows reportedly sent on january 5th. this is what the resolution says. the national guard would be present to protect pro-trump people and many more would be available on standby. that is significant because there continues to be questions about what the decisionmaking was within the white house and at the department of defense, about whether or not the national guard would be on standby within washington, what the role would be. and then, at the end of the day, the timeline between the initial request from capitol hill to d.o.d., to send the national guard to the capitol. this is giving more context to the information that the white house had and what the position was regarding the national guard the day before the riot, when we know the national guard did not end up going to the capitol until hours after the fighting began. there are other revelations here, too. it involves communications that he sent and received. here's another small glimpse of that in this 51-page revolution. it says he received text messages and e-mails for certain slates of electors to congress. a plan that one member of congress acknowledged was, quote, highly controversial. and meadows responded, i love it. we have more and more detail about the ways that meadows was trying to access every avenue possible to overturn the election. further, there's communications that meadows had with the rally organizers. specifically, on the day of the riot, as the violence is breaking out, there's a rally organizer who contacted him to say, this is getting crazy, i need guidance. these are all of the questions that the committee needs to ask. ult ultimately, in this 50-page revolution, if you look at the foo footnotes, it shows a lot of the information that the committee wants to question mark meadows about is based on information he gave to them. now, he is saying he can't provide a testimony because he is citing executive privilege. he contends this is unreasonably burdensome and this committee has no legislative purpose. an apparent flip-flop from the fact he provided all of the information to begin with. a lot more detail. this is the biggest report we've seen yet on the people that are trying to bring contempt of charges against. a ton of detail that largely was provided by mark meadows himself. >> and when it comes to the national guard and protecting the pro-trump people, it was the pro-trump people that conducted this attack. the people that needed protecting, were the people being attacked by these people. thank you for joining us. chris wallace, the long-time anchor of fox news sunday announced he is leaving the network to move to cnn's streaming service, cnn plus, where he will host a weekday show. joining us to discuss this, is cnn's chief media correspondent and anchor of reliable sources, brian stelter, and john avlon. this is news that shocked a lot of people yesterday. you reported that fox did want to keep chris wallace. but he is making the choice to leave. what does this mean? >> he is the last in a long line of journalists who walk out the door. wallace stayed for 18 years. and fox changed around him. this is increasingly the tucker carlson channel. and journalists like wallace could not abide it. he was discouraged by the documentary that carlson made last month. and he was an old-school guy. he never criticized fox. we'll see when he comes over to cnn next year if he wants to talk about his time at fox. we can all see from the outside, this network has radicalized and there's no room anymore for people like chris wallace. >> here's what he did say when he was announcing this about the editorial oversight and why he is leaving. >> 18 years ago, the bosses in fox promised me they would never interfere with a guest i booked and a question i asked. and they kept that promise. i have been free to report to the best of my ability, to cover the stories i think are important, to hold our countries leaders to account. >> what do you think of that? >> he is reflecting on the original conditions. and the environment changed around him. the news around him. a slight arm's length because of the nature of his show, being broadcast beyond the cable network. if you try to do real journalism, at a place like fox news, you're an endangered species. you're being hunted. it 's rhino hunting for the republican party. this is what we've seen from the republican party. the moderates get purged and they decide if they will jump or push. that happened to chris wallace. >> and they have options. cnn is launching the streaming service. it's a very big deal. we know that from working here. it's a very big deal. it's being kept under wraps until the first quarter of 2022. the requiring of wallace is instant for cnn. gravitas and security on the streaming service. he will be on more than once a week. that's a hint of what's to come. it's significant that wallace was willing to leave fox in the first place. >> it says a lot about what the streaming service is going to look like, because chris wallace is such a big name and big figure. i want to ask you about the new media company that the former president is starting. it's under investigation by the s.e.c. >> shares are trading. go buy a share this morning. it is -- as a market cap of $2 billion. we're seeing the trump superfans buy this stock in the hopes it will be a real company one day. there's no show for it. you go to the presentation of the s.e.c., they copy and pasted bl claims from other presentations. it's a scam until we know it's not a scam. >> this is a gamestop dynamic. this is a shell company where fools and its money are parted. i looked through the business presentation. it is absurd. it comes down from the absurd name truth social. it will be a dedicated part of free speech. you're not allowed to criticize the platform or the trumps. >> it's got a $2 billion wrtort. apparently. up next, kentucky senator rand paul is requesting federal aid for his state devastated by a deadly string of tornadoes. why does he have a history of posing help for other states? your reality check is next. in what could be a big change of plans, nancy pelosi may not be ready to say good-bye to congress just yet. we have new cnn reporting ahead. for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. ♪ ♪ (man) still asleep. (woman vo) so, where to next? (vo) reflect on the past, celebrate the future. season's greetings from audi. - san francisco can have criminal justice reform and public safety. but district attorney chesa boudin is failing on both. - the safety of san francisco is dependent upon chesa being recalled as soon as possible. - i didn't support the newsom recall but this is different. - chesa takes a very radical perspective and approach to criminal justice reform, which is having a negative impact on communities of color. - i never in a million years thought that my son, let alone any six-year-old, would be gunned down in the streets of san francisco and not get any justice. - chesa's failure has resulted in increase in crime against asian americans. - the da's office is in complete turmoil at this point. - for chesa boudin to intervene in so many cases is both bad management and dangerous for the city of san francisco. - we are for criminal justice reform. chesa's not it. recall chesa boudin now. the damage from the tornadoes here in kentucky is just so obviously devastating. you can see it everywhere you look. the need for federal aid is dire. and rand paul, his app situation to disaster relief is in the spotlight. john avlon with a reality check. >> hours after a devastating december tornado going through kentucky, causing 200 miles of construction, rand paul was asking joe biden for aid from the federal government. this is standard stuff. the kentucky center who hails from the first family of americans has a long record of posing federal ate for disaster victims, except for when it impacts his constituents. all of the reflects of a task on socialist big government spending don't seem to apply. after superstorm sandy, it was a different story. rand paul opposed relief. getting in a spat with chris christie and accusing advocates of being greedy. rand paul opposed aid for victims of maria, pearl and harvey on the gulf coast. saying this on the senate floor -- >> people here will say they have great compassion and they will help the people of puerto rico, and the people of texas and the people of florida. notice they have great compassion with someone else's money. >> that's not all. he tried to block the extension of the 9/11 victims compensation fund, oppose efforts to bolster fema disaster relief fund. and a few weeks ago, he blocked john kennedy's attempt to pass the gulf coast hurricane aid act by unanimous consent. now that kentuckians are in dire need, rand paul is singing a different tune. gone are the demands for delay and request for find the funds elsewhere. now, he wants the fed's help as fast as possible. joining him in this flip-flop is thomas massey of kentucky, boast known for his gun-toting christmas card. it exposes the callousness of calling government aid a socialist scheme. it seems to be socialism for me but not for thee, case in point. a rockefeller institute found that kentucky got billions more than n federal aid than it sent in 2018-2019. more than the blue states in the east that needed help after sandy. now would be the time for rand paul to insist that kentuckians apply for charity or reallocation of funds, rather than asking the president for help. that would be an insult to his suffering constituents right now. just like it is when senators from other states ask for help, after devastating natural disasters, which are getting worse due to the climate crisis that many still deny. it isn't complicated. it's common sense. government exists in large part to help each other in times of great need. listen to the kentucky-born abraham lincoln who believed that the object of government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done. but cannot do at all or cannot do so well for themselves, in their separate and individual capacities. that's the situation in kentucky right now, with people reeling from the deadliest tornado in state's history. they need help. that's what they will get. it's consistent with our character as a country. we come together in times of crisis, helping our fellow citizens rebuild without playing the red state/blue state political games. that's why we call it the united states of america. that's your reality check. >> that help is so needed and present, john. everywhere you look here, it's around. people just want to know that it's here, not just today and tomorrow, but they need it one week, one month from now, as well. >> that's right. here's what else to watch today -- >> we have stunning before and after photography just flattened by a tornado. and new studies of the efficacy of the vaccines against the omicron threat. because sippin' on unsweetened lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton. stop chuggin'. start sippin'. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a 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psoriasis. superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. ♪"you are the reason" by calum scott♪ to all the kisses... ...that led... this one. celebrate every kiss, with kay. welcome back. i'm john berman in mayfield, kentucky. this is cnn's special live coverage of the aftermath of these terrible tornadoes. rescue is under way after the string of tornadoes destroyed so much of this town and so many others, in a 200-mile stretch across this state. i'm joined by cnn anchor and kentucky native, pamela brown. pam, you got here saturday night, after dark. but pretty quickly after it all happened. it's been amazing to see what's changed. >> it's been remarkable. as much heartbreak, i'm swelling with pride to help with the cleanup and start rebuilding so soon after the tornado swept through this community and decimated it. it's been remarkable to see the debris they've cleaned up so far. you look around us and you think, where do you even start? let me tell you something -- so many kentuckians have come out with their john deere machinery, whatever they had at their home to get to work in whatever way they can. it's been remarkable. i've been speaking with people. and incredible stories of sur survival, of heroism. i spoke to one man, charles cheryl, who rode out the tornado in his bathtub. here's what he said. where was the bathtub? right in there? look at this. you were right in there. >> yeah. laying right there. >> right in there. what were you thinking? >> just praying. praying, you know, that god will take care of me. >> where was your family? >> they was in another house a couple blocks over. hardly did no damage there. >> you must be feeling really lucky. >> my first cousin lives across the street. he had to help get me out. >> get you out of there? >> i couldn't see. >> this almost protected you. >> the wall of this house fell on top of the tub. and it saved me from the rest of the stuff. but the house was right here. >> it was over there? >> that's foundation. it shifted all the way close to the road. it wasn't right here. this was the driveway. >> what a sight that is. rode the storm in a bathtub. you can't see it because it's covered with debris. >> there's so many stories like that. i spoke to another family. there was seven of them, all huddled in the bathroom, the bathtub. so many people, that's how they rode out this tornado. it was incredible. i was speaking to the governor of kentucky yesterday, asking him about, as you rebuild, will you be looking to rebuild with more safety shelters? he said, looklook, this was so powerful, there's no way to rebuild a structure to withstand a tornado that came through here. >> there's one sight we want to leave people with. pam and i have been talking about this. there's telephone poles that people can see in front of the post office behind us. the post office without a roof. those are new. those have gone up in the last 24 hours. there were no poles standing in this town after the tornadoes pull through. but they put a string of them up to put power and telephone back up here quickly because that's what they're doing. they're getting this place back up and running as quickly as they can. it is a sight to behold. >> it is. it certainly is. >> they can move. dozens are confirmed dead after powerful tornadoes pulled through multiple states over the weekend. and a twister touched down. eight people were confirmed dead at a candle factory. and another eight are unaccounted for, as the search efforts are under way. the january 6th committee is set to vote against mark meadows. the former chief of staff has stopped dwopting with the investigation. meadows said before the riot, he talked about using the national guard to protect, quote, pro-trump people. and now, a new oxford study shows the reduced effectiveness of the pfizer and astrazeneca vaccines against the omicron variant. getting vaccinated will help prevent serious illness and death. and pfizer says the booster increases immunity against the omicron variant. natally bennett became the first prime minister to visit the united arab emirates. it comes a year after the two nations normalized relations. and elon musk is "time's" person of the year. the space chief is driving society's most daring and disruptive transformations. he has another title, world's richest person, worth $300 billion. those are the five things you need to know for your new day. more on these stories all day on cnn and and don't forget to download the five things pad cast every morning. go to a california health official talks about the terrifying experience of being stalked and harassed by anti-vaccine activists. she is here to tell her story. we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've 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encounter she had with medical conspiracy theorists. following her to her home in her office last week. i was followed and confronted by a group that peddles medical disinformation. and is under investigation by congress for stealing millions from consumers. trump retweeted speeches by that group last year. she later learned that one of the men was armed. christina lawson joins me now, and is the managing partner and the former mayor of walnut creek, california. you had been suspicious earlier that day, after seeing a drone and a car outside of your house. you were leaving work and what happened? in first of all, thank you for having me on the program, and shaning a light used on these tactics by leaders and public servants across the country. as my son pointed out at 8:00 a.m. there was a drone over our house, i noticed something out of order at tend of my driveway. there was an unusual suv parked in an unusual direction. later that day, when i entered the parking garage, at the end of the long work day, four men jumped out of that suv, with recording equipment. a couple got behind me with recording equipment. and of course, i was terrified. >> i can only imagine. one of the men was armed, you learned, right? >> i was unaware. i learned that one of the men was armed. >> do you think this was an attempt to intimidate you essentially? >> i think it was an attempt to intimidate me. we welcome dissent. we encourage people to come and provide public comment to us. this wasn't about activism. this wasn't about trying to change my mind. it wasn't about offering a different perspective, perhaps. this really was about trying to scare me and intimidate me. and prevent us at the california medical board from doing the good work we do every day for consumers. >> yeah. i don't think following someone and confronting them in a parking garage with recording equipment is a good way to have a medical dialogue. this little harassment that we've seen during the pandemic, not just from the president of medical boards but also from doctors and nurses across the country, what does that say to you about where we are in the united states right now, experiencing something like this pandemic? >> yeah. i think that's a society-wide question we're all trying to answer, right? of course, the pandemic has caused an unbelievable amount of stress. i feel it in my family. i feel it with my colleagues at work. of course, we feel it at the medical board of california. but that doesn't mean we should resort to these sort of extremists terrorizing tactics. i believe we need to have a productive dialogue, whether it's on health policy or any other issue. >> yeah. the ceo of the national association of county and city officials say at least 300 public health department leaders have left their post since the pandemic began, impacting about 20% of americans. and in many cases, they were verbally abused, physically threatened, the personal information was shared online, the families targeted or they were attacked in their offices. is this behavior, the things you were seeing, causing other issues by having professionals and people who are good at their jobs leave their jobs because they don't want to be harassed while doing them from one moment to the next, our kids become the most important part of our lives. and even though the years pass, that never changes. we never stop worrying about them. that's why it's important to have health insurance. with covered california, we got a plan we could afford. it includes free preventive care, like cholesterol and blood-pressure checkups. because even though they grow up, they'll always be your baby. covered california. this way to health insurance. enroll by december 31st at it's time now for "the good stuff." last night, cnn named its hero of the year. >> the 2021 cnn hero of the year is -- shirley rhames. >> shirley rhames runs a non-profit called beauty to the streets transforming part of skid row into an outdoor beauty salon. cnn hero shirley rhames joins me now. a, i loved your outfit. >> he did that, did he not? i love perry meeks. >> obviously there's so much behind this. how did you start this project? what really helped you get this started? >> i think everybody knows at this point my son passed away many years ago and i broke emotionally, spiritually, and i have so much pain and later his dad lost the battle with cancer. i was trying to make sense of the pain in my life, you know what i mean, and through trying to find something to do with that pain, i found the homeless. a friend of mine, yuri asked if i'd like to feed the homeless with another nonprofit. i fell in love with the community from day one. i was like y'all look broken, just like me. let's go! you know? >> so you're out there and did the idea come to you then or how did you get the idea? because there are so many ways to help the homeless. what made you think this was something that they needed and something that could help them? >> you know, let's be clear. this is what the community wanted from me. i went out there to do just what everybody does to feed the homeless, give them their needs. they came to me with the wants. we love your hair, we love your lashes. we love your makeup. i'm like queen, i can get you some of this if you want. they were like, would you? it started very organically, something they wanted. the narrative attached to homeless makes us forget that they still want to feel inherently beautiful. so they came to me with this. that was something i had to offer. i didn't feel i had a lot to offer. with that i did. >> clearly you do. do you think it's a sense of dignity? it's not just about meeting their needs of eating and having somewhere to stay and blankets and clothing. this is a sense of dignity, when it comes to a haircut or facial. >> i think it's that and also being seen and being touched. you know what i mean? the work that we do, we physically touch their hair, we scrub their hair, hot water on their head. the desire to feel beautiful but also the desire to feel seen. for 30 minutes someone is calling their name. my team is washing their hair and we're catering to them and making life about them and i think they've just been neglected for so very long that this attention makes them feel good. i think it's a double-edged sword. i think it's also the beauty as well as just feeling good. >> what is the power of physical touch, of something like that to the people that you meet every day? >> i think that that is spiritual cpr. a lot of times we fight to save the body. give them food, shelter and clothing but physical touch is that spiritual cpr that revives the spirit inside that says someone cares about me, that says despite where i am and how i look, people love me, and i think that's something that i wasn't feeling when i was going through my hard times and one of the things that helped me was makeup. it was an adult game of make believe and i feel like that is sometimes what we do with the community. pretend. it's nothing wrong with pretending. we do it as kids all the time. >> and as adults maybe. >> and as adults, yes. >> you talked about the loss of your son and what this meant for you and where you were in that place when you went out with your friend that day, just to feed people and to be there for them. what was it like being on that stage last night when you heard anderson and kelly say your name? >> it was so surreal, but you know, more than anything, i'm just excited for the community. i'm just a messenger. i work at the pleasure of the homeless. i serve at their pleasure. i'm just a messenger and it was just so amazing to me that the world cares. i think we feel like they're a forgotten community and there's so many amazing people on that stage with me, and the fact that social media and the world chose us. they didn't choose me. they chose that community and that was heartwarming. i can't wait to go back home, i can't wait to tell them people see them and love them and care about them. >> you get $100,000 as part of the prize to expand your work. >> we do. >> yes, your group. so do you have any idea, what are you thinking? what is your vision for what you want to do with this? >> i go out on tuesdays and feed them out of the van and i always wanted an ice cream truck kind of thing to make it easier but right now unfortunately we're at a time where we're struggling to feed them. that money is going to go toward food. one thing i can say for certain, skid row will be fed from beauty to the streets for the rest of 2022. i'm a mom. as much as i'd love to be frivolous we want the people to get warm meals every day as much as we can get out there, that money is going toward food, nurturing them and just making sure that they survive another year. >> shirley raines, congratulations. >> thank you. >> this is amazing. >> thank you, queen. appreciate you. >> thank you for joining us this morning. cnn's special coverage continues right now.

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Mechanic , Friday Night , Carla , Phone Call , Memories , Ones , Moe , Heart , Colleagues , Co Workers , Someone Else , Military Training , Matter , Presence , Lives , Void , Families , In My Life , Terms , Representatives , Community , Weekend , Contact , Question Mark Meadows , Story , Details , Action , Help , Standby , Peloton , Cameo , Mr , Sex And The City , January 6th , Big , 6 , Kisses , Led , Person Of The Year , Magazine , Dollar Question , Kiss , Hello , With Kay , Cooking , Interest , Obsessed , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Idaho Potatoes , Seal , Grown In Idaho , Nausea , Don T , Tiredness , Dose , Migraine Medicine , Side Effects , Migraine , Tracks , Inhibitors , Ubrelvy , 2 , Cyp3 , Heartburn , Anna , Reality , Night , It Starts , Dream , Acid , Sleep , Nexium 24hr , 24 , Night Protection , Pandemic , Adults , Cases , Effects , Well Being , Experts , Anxiety , Sir , Discover , Baby Got Back , Unlimited Cashback Match , Immune System , Centrum Multigummies Taste Great , 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News , Last , Choice , Line , Documentary , Channel , Tucker Carlson , 18 , See , Outside , Bosses , Oversight , Stories , Question , Best , Ability , Guest , Promise , Leaders , Show , Conditions , Environment , Length , Nature , Arm , Place , Journalism , Cable Network , Endangered Species , Rhino , Hunting , Moderates , Options , Deal , Republican Party , Push , Wraps , Security , Gravitas , Wallace Is Instant , 2022 , Name , Hint , President , Media Company , Figure , Company , Investigation , Stock , Morning , Share , Trump Superfans , Shares , Market Cap , Trading , Sec , Billion , 2 Billion , Presentation , Presentations , Bl Claims , Money , Shell Company , Scam , Dynamic , The Business Presentation , Fools , Gamestop , Part , Platform , Trumps , Free Speech , Truth , Tornadoes , Rand Paul , String , Aid , History , Up Next , Plans , Reality Check , Change , Reporting , Nancy Pelosi , Doctor , Biktarvy , Treatment , H I V , Pill , Cure , Amount , Lab Test , Virus , Research , 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Coast Hurricane Aid Act , John Kennedy , Elsewhere , Callousness , Christmas Card , Fed , Thomas Massey , Gun Toting , Calling Government Aid , Case , Socialism , Scheme , Thee , Rockefeller Institute , East , 2018 , 2019 , Charity , Reallocation , Insult , Disasters , Senators , Suffering , Times , It Isn T , Abraham Lincoln , Other , Climate Crisis , Common Sense , Object , Capacities , Character , Crisis , Games , Blue State , Citizens , Playing The Red State , Vaccines , On Unsweetened Lipton , Studies , Photography , Efficacy , Omicron Threat , Sippin , Lipton , Start Sippin , Stop Chuggin , Owner , Future , Investor , Wish List Event , Sanctuary , Tools , Advice , Access , Lincoln , Vanguard , Breaking Point , Rhythm , Blend , Emergen C , Nutrients , Cosentyx , Psoriasis , Head , Toe , Skin , Infections , Tuberculosis , Risk , Symptoms , Dermatologist , Vaccine , Reactions , Infection , Crohn S Disease , World , Liberty Mutual , Liberty , Car Insurance , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Pay , Theaters , Reason , Calum Scott , December 17th , 17 , Coverage , Aftermath , John Berman , Town , Rescue , Native , Others , Saturday Night , Pam , Pamela Brown , Heartbreak , After Dark , Debris , Rebuilding , Cleanup , Pride , Something , Machinery , John Deere , Charles Cheryl , Heroism , Sur Survival , Who , Bathtub , Care , God , Cousin , The Street , Couldn T See , It Wasn T , Rest , Tub , Foundation , Road , Sight , Driveway , Governor , Seven , Safety Shelters , Structure , Looklook , Telephone Poles , Poles , Search Efforts , Twister , Pro Trump People , Chief Of Staff , Dwopting , Oxford , Death , Pfizer , Astrazeneca , Illness , Booster , Effectiveness , Omicron Variant , Immunity , Nations , Prime Minister , Relations , United Arab Emirates , Time S , Elon Musk , Natally Bennett , Space Chief , Transformations , Society , Title , 00 Billion , 300 Billion , Cast , California , Health , Activists , Experience , Talks , Car , Car Vending Machines , Carvana , Spot , License Plate , Techno Wizardry , Offer , Value , Scent , Mood , Infusions , Binders , Page , Downy , Broker , Difference , Thanks , 188 , Planning Options , Retirement Plan , Consultant , Schwab , Uh Carl , Uhhh , Planning , Immunotherapies , Combination , Cell Lung Cancer , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Chance , Gene , Alk , Egfr , Pd L1 , Fda , Positive , Spread , Problems , Yervoy , Body , Opdivo , Parts , Lead , Quiet Time , Irregular Heartbeat , Chest Pain , Constipation , Stomach Pain , Muscle Pain , Changes , Eye Problems , Memory Problems , Breath , Dizziness , Fainting , Weakness , Vomiting , Shortness , Rash , Thirst , Appetite , Urine , Confusion , Itching , Cough , Joint Pain , Nervous System Problems , Stem Cell Transplant , Organ , Fever , Flushing , Chest Radiation , Trials , Board , Conspiracy Theorists , Encounter , Group , Office , Medical Disinformation , Men , Consumers , Partner , Speeches , Millions , Christina Lawson , Work , Drone , Mayor , Walnut Creek , Tactics , Servants , Light , Program , Shaning , 00 , Suv , Parking Garage , Order , Direction , Course , Equipment , Couple , Recording Equipment , Comment , Dissent , Wasn T About Activism , Wasn T , Mind , California Medical Board , Dialogue , Someone , Doctors , Boards , Harassment , Nurses , Say , Answer , Stress , Extremists , Officials , County , Health Policy , Issue , Association , Health Department , Ceo , 300 , Offices , Post , Jobs , Professionals , Behavior , Issues , Next , Health Insurance , Blood Pressure Checkups , Preventive Care , Cholesterol , Baby , Coveredca Com , December 31st , 31 , It S Time , Hero Of The Year , Shirley Rhames , Cnn Hero Of The Year , 2021 , Beauty , Streets , Beauty Salon , Skid Row , Everybody , Outfit , Project , Perry Meeks , Dad , Battle , Homeless , Yuri , Nonprofit , Day One , Love , Let S Go , Hair , Needs , Wants , Queen , Narrative , Makeup , Lashes , Dignity , Haircut , Somewhere , Eating , Clothing , Blankets , Facial , Team , Desire , Catering , 30 , Attention , Sword , Food , Cpr , Touch , Spirit , Make , Nothing , Adult Game , Pretend , Stage , Friend , Kelly , Anderson , Messenger , Pleasure , Anything , Social Media , Heartwarming , Prize , Yes , 00000 , 100000 , Vision , Ice Cream Truck , Van , Tuesdays , Meals , Mom , Congratulations , Shirley Raines ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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about in the fields and the farms. that gives you a sense of the scene here on the ground in mayfield. and it's not just mayfield. we just spoke with scott jennings from dawson springs. there's 100 people unaccounted for. 1,000 homes and structures in the state just destroyed. this all started friday night with these storms touching down first in arkansas. they hit a nursing home there. one person died there. the swarm of twisters then tore a path across 200 miles in kentucky. one tornado slams into a family-run candle factory in mayfield. the building was leveled. now, 110 people scheduled to work that shift, it's unclear how many people were in the building at that exact moment that it hit. rescuers crawling over the dead to get to the living. at this point, eight people were confirmed dead. eight unaccounted for. the unimaginable loss there that some had feared is terrible. but maybe not as bad as was feared before. earlier this morning, i spoke to a man whose pharmacy who has been in the family for generations, now lays in ruins. you lost your father not long ago. >> passed away from cancer in february. he was a great guy. we provided a life for me, that i've benefited from, that pharmacy. and i just had dreams of doing the same for my kids. >> your son, jonah, right? the beauty area inside was named after him. your wife named it after him. >> that's right. my wife -- my wife lost 100% of her income. she is a pharmacist of the store and she had the boutique. when my son was born, we named it shop jonah brown. and yesterday, when we were picking up, he wanted to have his picture taken on top of the rubble where the boutique was. so, she's just -- she's heart heartbroken. it's hard waking up in the morning. >> in illinois, amazon employees only had an 11-minute warning before a tornado leveled their warehouse. this morning search efforts are still under way for people who are believed to be trapped in the rubble. housing, power, water and fuel are all going to be a massive need going forward, john. >> it's such a need throughout. i do know that at least one home that didn't have water, they did get water overnight. the water is starting to come back here in maryfield. the power is still out. the traffic lights are all down. amazingly, they have gone and put up stop signs. four-way stop signs so traffic doesn't move that quickly. but they got that up in a day. tommy anderson and his family who rode out the storm in a basement bathroom as the tornado was tearing his home to slhreds. he describes what he saw, heard and felt that night. >> i watched the storm come. and then, i watched rain, lightning and stuff. and i saw when the city transformers or the electrical station, i saw when the transformers blew up. >> you saw the boom, boom. >> well, you couldn't hear necessarily the noise. but i've been in a lot of storms, ice storms. and when the transforms blow, they make a blue. it's not red, it's a blue color. i saw the blue flashes. the lights blink and all of the power goes off. within that same time, within a minute, you could feel the wind changing, the air changing. my son was with me. i said it's time for us to get in the shelter. we stepped inside the shelter. >> what kind of shelter are you talking about? >> well, it's a basement bathroom is what it is. but you know, it's against the ground or whatever. you know, the bathroom downstairs. >> how many of you were in there? >> five of us, and a cat. >> and then what? >> well, as soon as we closed the door, it tried to pull back open. we pulled it closed. and the air pressure, our ears popped. i mean, stuff started shaking and moving. we could hear the glass breaking and stuff flying around. just shaking and moving and the noise and the rumble of the wind and everything. you know, we don't have any idea what we're going to see when we come out. it lasted about two minutes at most. this was our front porch. you can see the rail and one of the columns here. our front living room. this room, our piano room. >> where is the piano now? >> it's sitting there. >> all right. >> we're hopefully, we can get it out without anymore damage tomorrow. and our kitchen here, you can see it. the windows are blown out and stuff, just crazy. and back bedroom -- >> this is a bedroom here. >> it was. >> who slept here? >> well, it was a bedroom our boys slept -- our oldest son slept there when he was at home. he has been gone for a while. he kind of let his boys take over that. >> this was a bedroom. >> yeah. on the other side, that other wall, that was another bedroom. that was our daughter's bedroom. you see the wall of it sticking out here. >> down here is the basement. inside there, the bathroom you stayed was under there. >> and there's still walls in there. >> yeah. yep. you know, our cars, our vehicles. >> you got yourself. you got your family. >> that's right. exactly right. everything else is just tough. >> a couple things i want to tell you here. they had a christmas tree inside that house, which was blown over and pushed around. they were able to get the christmas tree out and they moved it to in-laws. and that's where they plan to celebrate christmas, with the tree, that somehow survived this tornado. and one last thing about tommy, i asked to go inside the house to look at the bathroom where they rode out the storm, but tommy told me, his wife wouldn't allow it, he said, because the house looks like a tornado went through. that was nice to see. it was nice to know that he still had a sense of humor after everything that's happened to him and his family. they are all well, which is such a blessing. i want to go to polo sandoval at the scene of the amazon warehouse collapse. >> you have to see some of the images that were shot over the weekend to get a true sense of what happened here. you see how the ef-3 tornado cut through the amazon shipping center. you know dozens escaped alive. six of them did not. a 20-year-old navy veteran named clayton cope, he served his country honorably for six years and return to southwest illinois to work alongside his father as a maintenance mechanic. worked for a kaccounter that worked for amazon. he was in that warehouse on friday night. last night, they took us into their home to share a little bit about who their son was, a selfless and kind man. and his moe, carla, hanging on to so many memories, including one of the recent ones on friday, when she made a phone call to her son when he was here. and she recalls overhearing her son urging his colleagues and co-workers to seek shelter as the storm was moving in. >> in my heart, i know he went to try to warn other people to get where they needed to be. between his military training and who he was, he would have done that. no matter whether he was told to or not. that's the only thing i can hold on to. i feel he must have been trying to help someone else. >> what is it that you want to know about your son? >> i want them to know that he was a wonderful, caring person. his presence will be a huge void in so many lives. truly an amazing family. it was clear that they love their son. there's so many families that are feeling the pain. in terms of amazon, spoke to their representatives over the weekend. they are in contact with the families affected by this and hoping to help that community. >> as you said, so much loss. there's so many families like that, mourning this morning. thank you so much for that story. >> so hard to hear that. john, we have new details coming up about mark meadows' action on january 6th. who he wanted on standby to help the pro-trump people. and peloton is responding to its controversial "sex and the city" cameo with a little help from mr. big. and it's the billion dollar question. who was just chosen as "time" magazine's person of the year? to all the kisses... ...that led... this one. celebrate every kiss, with kay. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. it's my woke-up-like-this migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. don't take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? 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>> we're getting more detail about what the committee thinks mark med doadows did and what h knows about the lead-up to the riot. and the massive efforts to overturn the election. let's drill down on the first thing you mentioned. the national guard e-mail that meadows reportedly sent on january 5th. this is what the resolution says. the national guard would be present to protect pro-trump people and many more would be available on standby. that is significant because there continues to be questions about what the decisionmaking was within the white house and at the department of defense, about whether or not the national guard would be on standby within washington, what the role would be. and then, at the end of the day, the timeline between the initial request from capitol hill to d.o.d., to send the national guard to the capitol. this is giving more context to the information that the white house had and what the position was regarding the national guard the day before the riot, when we know the national guard did not end up going to the capitol until hours after the fighting began. there are other revelations here, too. it involves communications that he sent and received. here's another small glimpse of that in this 51-page revolution. it says he received text messages and e-mails for certain slates of electors to congress. a plan that one member of congress acknowledged was, quote, highly controversial. and meadows responded, i love it. we have more and more detail about the ways that meadows was trying to access every avenue possible to overturn the election. further, there's communications that meadows had with the rally organizers. specifically, on the day of the riot, as the violence is breaking out, there's a rally organizer who contacted him to say, this is getting crazy, i need guidance. these are all of the questions that the committee needs to ask. ult ultimately, in this 50-page revolution, if you look at the foo footnotes, it shows a lot of the information that the committee wants to question mark meadows about is based on information he gave to them. now, he is saying he can't provide a testimony because he is citing executive privilege. he contends this is unreasonably burdensome and this committee has no legislative purpose. an apparent flip-flop from the fact he provided all of the information to begin with. a lot more detail. this is the biggest report we've seen yet on the people that are trying to bring contempt of charges against. a ton of detail that largely was provided by mark meadows himself. >> and when it comes to the national guard and protecting the pro-trump people, it was the pro-trump people that conducted this attack. the people that needed protecting, were the people being attacked by these people. thank you for joining us. chris wallace, the long-time anchor of fox news sunday announced he is leaving the network to move to cnn's streaming service, cnn plus, where he will host a weekday show. joining us to discuss this, is cnn's chief media correspondent and anchor of reliable sources, brian stelter, and john avlon. this is news that shocked a lot of people yesterday. you reported that fox did want to keep chris wallace. but he is making the choice to leave. what does this mean? >> he is the last in a long line of journalists who walk out the door. wallace stayed for 18 years. and fox changed around him. this is increasingly the tucker carlson channel. and journalists like wallace could not abide it. he was discouraged by the documentary that carlson made last month. and he was an old-school guy. he never criticized fox. we'll see when he comes over to cnn next year if he wants to talk about his time at fox. we can all see from the outside, this network has radicalized and there's no room anymore for people like chris wallace. >> here's what he did say when he was announcing this about the editorial oversight and why he is leaving. >> 18 years ago, the bosses in fox promised me they would never interfere with a guest i booked and a question i asked. and they kept that promise. i have been free to report to the best of my ability, to cover the stories i think are important, to hold our countries leaders to account. >> what do you think of that? >> he is reflecting on the original conditions. and the environment changed around him. the news around him. a slight arm's length because of the nature of his show, being broadcast beyond the cable network. if you try to do real journalism, at a place like fox news, you're an endangered species. you're being hunted. it 's rhino hunting for the republican party. this is what we've seen from the republican party. the moderates get purged and they decide if they will jump or push. that happened to chris wallace. >> and they have options. cnn is launching the streaming service. it's a very big deal. we know that from working here. it's a very big deal. it's being kept under wraps until the first quarter of 2022. the requiring of wallace is instant for cnn. gravitas and security on the streaming service. he will be on more than once a week. that's a hint of what's to come. it's significant that wallace was willing to leave fox in the first place. >> it says a lot about what the streaming service is going to look like, because chris wallace is such a big name and big figure. i want to ask you about the new media company that the former president is starting. it's under investigation by the s.e.c. >> shares are trading. go buy a share this morning. it is -- as a market cap of $2 billion. we're seeing the trump superfans buy this stock in the hopes it will be a real company one day. there's no show for it. you go to the presentation of the s.e.c., they copy and pasted bl claims from other presentations. it's a scam until we know it's not a scam. >> this is a gamestop dynamic. this is a shell company where fools and its money are parted. i looked through the business presentation. it is absurd. it comes down from the absurd name truth social. it will be a dedicated part of free speech. you're not allowed to criticize the platform or the trumps. >> it's got a $2 billion wrtort. apparently. up next, kentucky senator rand paul is requesting federal aid for his state devastated by a deadly string of tornadoes. why does he have a history of posing help for other states? your reality check is next. in what could be a big change of plans, nancy pelosi may not be ready to say good-bye to congress just yet. we have new cnn reporting ahead. for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. ♪ ♪ (man) still asleep. (woman vo) so, where to next? (vo) reflect on the past, celebrate the future. season's greetings from audi. - san francisco can have criminal justice reform and public safety. but district attorney chesa boudin is failing on both. - the safety of san francisco is dependent upon chesa being recalled as soon as possible. - i didn't support the newsom recall but this is different. - chesa takes a very radical perspective and approach to criminal justice reform, which is having a negative impact on communities of color. - i never in a million years thought that my son, let alone any six-year-old, would be gunned down in the streets of san francisco and not get any justice. - chesa's failure has resulted in increase in crime against asian americans. - the da's office is in complete turmoil at this point. - for chesa boudin to intervene in so many cases is both bad management and dangerous for the city of san francisco. - we are for criminal justice reform. chesa's not it. recall chesa boudin now. the damage from the tornadoes here in kentucky is just so obviously devastating. you can see it everywhere you look. the need for federal aid is dire. and rand paul, his app situation to disaster relief is in the spotlight. john avlon with a reality check. >> hours after a devastating december tornado going through kentucky, causing 200 miles of construction, rand paul was asking joe biden for aid from the federal government. this is standard stuff. the kentucky center who hails from the first family of americans has a long record of posing federal ate for disaster victims, except for when it impacts his constituents. all of the reflects of a task on socialist big government spending don't seem to apply. after superstorm sandy, it was a different story. rand paul opposed relief. getting in a spat with chris christie and accusing advocates of being greedy. rand paul opposed aid for victims of maria, pearl and harvey on the gulf coast. saying this on the senate floor -- >> people here will say they have great compassion and they will help the people of puerto rico, and the people of texas and the people of florida. notice they have great compassion with someone else's money. >> that's not all. he tried to block the extension of the 9/11 victims compensation fund, oppose efforts to bolster fema disaster relief fund. and a few weeks ago, he blocked john kennedy's attempt to pass the gulf coast hurricane aid act by unanimous consent. now that kentuckians are in dire need, rand paul is singing a different tune. gone are the demands for delay and request for find the funds elsewhere. now, he wants the fed's help as fast as possible. joining him in this flip-flop is thomas massey of kentucky, boast known for his gun-toting christmas card. it exposes the callousness of calling government aid a socialist scheme. it seems to be socialism for me but not for thee, case in point. a rockefeller institute found that kentucky got billions more than n federal aid than it sent in 2018-2019. more than the blue states in the east that needed help after sandy. now would be the time for rand paul to insist that kentuckians apply for charity or reallocation of funds, rather than asking the president for help. that would be an insult to his suffering constituents right now. just like it is when senators from other states ask for help, after devastating natural disasters, which are getting worse due to the climate crisis that many still deny. it isn't complicated. it's common sense. government exists in large part to help each other in times of great need. listen to the kentucky-born abraham lincoln who believed that the object of government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done. but cannot do at all or cannot do so well for themselves, in their separate and individual capacities. that's the situation in kentucky right now, with people reeling from the deadliest tornado in state's history. they need help. that's what they will get. it's consistent with our character as a country. we come together in times of crisis, helping our fellow citizens rebuild without playing the red state/blue state political games. that's why we call it the united states of america. that's your reality check. >> that help is so needed and present, john. everywhere you look here, it's around. people just want to know that it's here, not just today and tomorrow, but they need it one week, one month from now, as well. >> that's right. here's what else to watch today -- >> we have stunning before and after photography just flattened by a tornado. and new studies of the efficacy of the vaccines against the omicron threat. because sippin' on unsweetened lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton. stop chuggin'. start sippin'. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a 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psoriasis. superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. ♪"you are the reason" by calum scott♪ to all the kisses... ...that led... this one. celebrate every kiss, with kay. welcome back. i'm john berman in mayfield, kentucky. this is cnn's special live coverage of the aftermath of these terrible tornadoes. rescue is under way after the string of tornadoes destroyed so much of this town and so many others, in a 200-mile stretch across this state. i'm joined by cnn anchor and kentucky native, pamela brown. pam, you got here saturday night, after dark. but pretty quickly after it all happened. it's been amazing to see what's changed. >> it's been remarkable. as much heartbreak, i'm swelling with pride to help with the cleanup and start rebuilding so soon after the tornado swept through this community and decimated it. it's been remarkable to see the debris they've cleaned up so far. you look around us and you think, where do you even start? let me tell you something -- so many kentuckians have come out with their john deere machinery, whatever they had at their home to get to work in whatever way they can. it's been remarkable. i've been speaking with people. and incredible stories of sur survival, of heroism. i spoke to one man, charles cheryl, who rode out the tornado in his bathtub. here's what he said. where was the bathtub? right in there? look at this. you were right in there. >> yeah. laying right there. >> right in there. what were you thinking? >> just praying. praying, you know, that god will take care of me. >> where was your family? >> they was in another house a couple blocks over. hardly did no damage there. >> you must be feeling really lucky. >> my first cousin lives across the street. he had to help get me out. >> get you out of there? >> i couldn't see. >> this almost protected you. >> the wall of this house fell on top of the tub. and it saved me from the rest of the stuff. but the house was right here. >> it was over there? >> that's foundation. it shifted all the way close to the road. it wasn't right here. this was the driveway. >> what a sight that is. rode the storm in a bathtub. you can't see it because it's covered with debris. >> there's so many stories like that. i spoke to another family. there was seven of them, all huddled in the bathroom, the bathtub. so many people, that's how they rode out this tornado. it was incredible. i was speaking to the governor of kentucky yesterday, asking him about, as you rebuild, will you be looking to rebuild with more safety shelters? he said, looklook, this was so powerful, there's no way to rebuild a structure to withstand a tornado that came through here. >> there's one sight we want to leave people with. pam and i have been talking about this. there's telephone poles that people can see in front of the post office behind us. the post office without a roof. those are new. those have gone up in the last 24 hours. there were no poles standing in this town after the tornadoes pull through. but they put a string of them up to put power and telephone back up here quickly because that's what they're doing. they're getting this place back up and running as quickly as they can. it is a sight to behold. >> it is. it certainly is. >> they can move. dozens are confirmed dead after powerful tornadoes pulled through multiple states over the weekend. and a twister touched down. eight people were confirmed dead at a candle factory. and another eight are unaccounted for, as the search efforts are under way. the january 6th committee is set to vote against mark meadows. the former chief of staff has stopped dwopting with the investigation. meadows said before the riot, he talked about using the national guard to protect, quote, pro-trump people. and now, a new oxford study shows the reduced effectiveness of the pfizer and astrazeneca vaccines against the omicron variant. getting vaccinated will help prevent serious illness and death. and pfizer says the booster increases immunity against the omicron variant. natally bennett became the first prime minister to visit the united arab emirates. it comes a year after the two nations normalized relations. and elon musk is "time's" person of the year. the space chief is driving society's most daring and disruptive transformations. he has another title, world's richest person, worth $300 billion. those are the five things you need to know for your new day. more on these stories all day on cnn and and don't forget to download the five things pad cast every morning. go to a california health official talks about the terrifying experience of being stalked and harassed by anti-vaccine activists. she is here to tell her story. we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've 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system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain, nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. here's to a chance to live longer. ask your doctor about chemo-free opdivo plus yervoy. thank you to all those in our clinical trials. the president of california's medical board is sharing details of an unsettling encounter she had with medical conspiracy theorists. following her to her home in her office last week. i was followed and confronted by a group that peddles medical disinformation. and is under investigation by congress for stealing millions from consumers. trump retweeted speeches by that group last year. she later learned that one of the men was armed. christina lawson joins me now, and is the managing partner and the former mayor of walnut creek, california. you had been suspicious earlier that day, after seeing a drone and a car outside of your house. you were leaving work and what happened? in first of all, thank you for having me on the program, and shaning a light used on these tactics by leaders and public servants across the country. as my son pointed out at 8:00 a.m. there was a drone over our house, i noticed something out of order at tend of my driveway. there was an unusual suv parked in an unusual direction. later that day, when i entered the parking garage, at the end of the long work day, four men jumped out of that suv, with recording equipment. a couple got behind me with recording equipment. and of course, i was terrified. >> i can only imagine. one of the men was armed, you learned, right? >> i was unaware. i learned that one of the men was armed. >> do you think this was an attempt to intimidate you essentially? >> i think it was an attempt to intimidate me. we welcome dissent. we encourage people to come and provide public comment to us. this wasn't about activism. this wasn't about trying to change my mind. it wasn't about offering a different perspective, perhaps. this really was about trying to scare me and intimidate me. and prevent us at the california medical board from doing the good work we do every day for consumers. >> yeah. i don't think following someone and confronting them in a parking garage with recording equipment is a good way to have a medical dialogue. this little harassment that we've seen during the pandemic, not just from the president of medical boards but also from doctors and nurses across the country, what does that say to you about where we are in the united states right now, experiencing something like this pandemic? >> yeah. i think that's a society-wide question we're all trying to answer, right? of course, the pandemic has caused an unbelievable amount of stress. i feel it in my family. i feel it with my colleagues at work. of course, we feel it at the medical board of california. but that doesn't mean we should resort to these sort of extremists terrorizing tactics. i believe we need to have a productive dialogue, whether it's on health policy or any other issue. >> yeah. the ceo of the national association of county and city officials say at least 300 public health department leaders have left their post since the pandemic began, impacting about 20% of americans. and in many cases, they were verbally abused, physically threatened, the personal information was shared online, the families targeted or they were attacked in their offices. is this behavior, the things you were seeing, causing other issues by having professionals and people who are good at their jobs leave their jobs because they don't want to be harassed while doing them from one moment to the next, our kids become the most important part of our lives. and even though the years pass, that never changes. we never stop worrying about them. that's why it's important to have health insurance. with covered california, we got a plan we could afford. it includes free preventive care, like cholesterol and blood-pressure checkups. because even though they grow up, they'll always be your baby. covered california. this way to health insurance. enroll by december 31st at it's time now for "the good stuff." last night, cnn named its hero of the year. >> the 2021 cnn hero of the year is -- shirley rhames. >> shirley rhames runs a non-profit called beauty to the streets transforming part of skid row into an outdoor beauty salon. cnn hero shirley rhames joins me now. a, i loved your outfit. >> he did that, did he not? i love perry meeks. >> obviously there's so much behind this. how did you start this project? what really helped you get this started? >> i think everybody knows at this point my son passed away many years ago and i broke emotionally, spiritually, and i have so much pain and later his dad lost the battle with cancer. i was trying to make sense of the pain in my life, you know what i mean, and through trying to find something to do with that pain, i found the homeless. a friend of mine, yuri asked if i'd like to feed the homeless with another nonprofit. i fell in love with the community from day one. i was like y'all look broken, just like me. let's go! you know? >> so you're out there and did the idea come to you then or how did you get the idea? because there are so many ways to help the homeless. what made you think this was something that they needed and something that could help them? >> you know, let's be clear. this is what the community wanted from me. i went out there to do just what everybody does to feed the homeless, give them their needs. they came to me with the wants. we love your hair, we love your lashes. we love your makeup. i'm like queen, i can get you some of this if you want. they were like, would you? it started very organically, something they wanted. the narrative attached to homeless makes us forget that they still want to feel inherently beautiful. so they came to me with this. that was something i had to offer. i didn't feel i had a lot to offer. with that i did. >> clearly you do. do you think it's a sense of dignity? it's not just about meeting their needs of eating and having somewhere to stay and blankets and clothing. this is a sense of dignity, when it comes to a haircut or facial. >> i think it's that and also being seen and being touched. you know what i mean? the work that we do, we physically touch their hair, we scrub their hair, hot water on their head. the desire to feel beautiful but also the desire to feel seen. for 30 minutes someone is calling their name. my team is washing their hair and we're catering to them and making life about them and i think they've just been neglected for so very long that this attention makes them feel good. i think it's a double-edged sword. i think it's also the beauty as well as just feeling good. >> what is the power of physical touch, of something like that to the people that you meet every day? >> i think that that is spiritual cpr. a lot of times we fight to save the body. give them food, shelter and clothing but physical touch is that spiritual cpr that revives the spirit inside that says someone cares about me, that says despite where i am and how i look, people love me, and i think that's something that i wasn't feeling when i was going through my hard times and one of the things that helped me was makeup. it was an adult game of make believe and i feel like that is sometimes what we do with the community. pretend. it's nothing wrong with pretending. we do it as kids all the time. >> and as adults maybe. >> and as adults, yes. >> you talked about the loss of your son and what this meant for you and where you were in that place when you went out with your friend that day, just to feed people and to be there for them. what was it like being on that stage last night when you heard anderson and kelly say your name? >> it was so surreal, but you know, more than anything, i'm just excited for the community. i'm just a messenger. i work at the pleasure of the homeless. i serve at their pleasure. i'm just a messenger and it was just so amazing to me that the world cares. i think we feel like they're a forgotten community and there's so many amazing people on that stage with me, and the fact that social media and the world chose us. they didn't choose me. they chose that community and that was heartwarming. i can't wait to go back home, i can't wait to tell them people see them and love them and care about them. >> you get $100,000 as part of the prize to expand your work. >> we do. >> yes, your group. so do you have any idea, what are you thinking? what is your vision for what you want to do with this? >> i go out on tuesdays and feed them out of the van and i always wanted an ice cream truck kind of thing to make it easier but right now unfortunately we're at a time where we're struggling to feed them. that money is going to go toward food. one thing i can say for certain, skid row will be fed from beauty to the streets for the rest of 2022. i'm a mom. as much as i'd love to be frivolous we want the people to get warm meals every day as much as we can get out there, that money is going toward food, nurturing them and just making sure that they survive another year. >> shirley raines, congratulations. >> thank you. >> this is amazing. >> thank you, queen. appreciate you. >> thank you for joining us this morning. cnn's special coverage continues right now.

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Housing , Morning Search Efforts , Warning , Fuel , 11 , Didn T , Maryfield , Doesn T , Traffic Lights , Stop Signs , Signs , Down , Four , Basement Bathroom , Tommy Anderson , Storm , Slhreds , Stuff , Boom , City , Transformers , Station , Rain , Lightning , Lot , Ice Storms , Noise , Color , Blow , Blue , Blue Flashes , Shelter , Air Changing , Wind Changing , Lights , Kind , Bathroom , Us , Whatever , Five , Cat , Many , Door , Air Pressure , Ears , Idea , Everything , Wind , Glass , Rumble , Front , Rail , Porch , Columns , Living Room , Two , Damage , Room , Piano , Piano Room , Kitchen , Bedroom , Back , Boys , Walls , Basement , Side , Daughter , Cars , Vehicles , Yep , Things , Christmas Tree , White House , In Laws , House , Thing , Wouldn T , Tree , Well , Humor , Blessing , Amazon Warehouse Collapse , Polo Sandoval , Images , Tornado Cut , Shipping Center , Ef 3 , 3 , Country , Veteran , Clayton Cope , Six , Old Navy , 20 , Last Night , Kaccounter , Bit , Maintenance Mechanic , Friday Night , Carla , Phone Call , Memories , Ones , Moe , Heart , Colleagues , Co Workers , Someone Else , Military Training , Matter , Presence , Lives , Void , Families , In My Life , Terms , Representatives , Community , Weekend , Contact , Question Mark Meadows , Story , Details , Action , Help , Standby , Peloton , Cameo , Mr , Sex And The City , January 6th , Big , 6 , Kisses , Led , Person Of The Year , Magazine , Dollar Question , Kiss , Hello , With Kay , Cooking , Interest , Obsessed , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Idaho Potatoes , Seal , Grown In Idaho , Nausea , Don T , Tiredness , Dose , Migraine Medicine , Side Effects , Migraine , Tracks , Inhibitors , Ubrelvy , 2 , Cyp3 , Heartburn , Anna , Reality , Night , It Starts , Dream , Acid , Sleep , Nexium 24hr , 24 , Night Protection , Pandemic , Adults , Cases , Effects , Well Being , Experts , Anxiety , Sir , Discover , Baby Got Back , Unlimited Cashback Match , Immune System , Centrum Multigummies Taste Great , Defenses , Vitamins C , D , Zinc , Tom , Maggie , Retirement , Massmutual , January 6th Committee , Capitol , Attack , E Mail , Charge , Guard , Meadows , Quote , Contempt Of Congress , Detail , Riot , Efforts , Election , Document , Mark Med Doadows , What H , 51 , National Guard , Resolution , January 5th , 5 , Questions , Decisionmaking , Whether , Department Of Defense , Information , Timeline , Context , Role , The End Of Day , Request , Washington , Capitol Hill , To Dod , Position , Fighting , Revelations , Communications , Revolution , Text Messages , E Mails , Glimpse , Plan , Electors , Member , Slates , Ways , Rally Organizer , Rally Organizers , Violence , Avenue , Guidance , Foo Footnotes , Ult , Executive Privilege , Testimony , Fact , Flip Flop , Report , Contempt , Purpose , Charges , Ton , Chris Wallace , Protecting , Fox News Sunday , Cnn , Service , Anchor , Network , Weekday Show , Chief Media Correspondent , Sources , Cnn Plus , Brian Stelter , Fox , Journalists , News , Last , Choice , Line , Documentary , Channel , Tucker Carlson , 18 , See , Outside , Bosses , Oversight , Stories , Question , Best , Ability , Guest , Promise , Leaders , Show , Conditions , Environment , Length , Nature , Arm , Place , Journalism , Cable Network , Endangered Species , Rhino , Hunting , Moderates , Options , Deal , Republican Party , Push , Wraps , Security , Gravitas , Wallace Is Instant , 2022 , Name , Hint , President , Media Company , Figure , Company , Investigation , Stock , Morning , Share , Trump Superfans , Shares , Market Cap , Trading , Sec , Billion , 2 Billion , Presentation , Presentations , Bl Claims , Money , Shell Company , Scam , Dynamic , The Business Presentation , Fools , Gamestop , Part , Platform , Trumps , Free Speech , Truth , Tornadoes , Rand Paul , String , Aid , History , Up Next , Plans , Reality Check , Change , Reporting , Nancy Pelosi , Doctor , Biktarvy , Treatment , H I V , Pill , Cure , Amount , Lab Test , Virus , Research , Liver Problems , Medicines , Kidney Problems , Buildup , Sex , Kidney Failure , Lactic Acid , Can , Rifampin , Dofetilide , Diarrhea , Breastfeeding , Kidney , Headache , Hepatitis , Hepatitis B , Woman Vo , Vo , Season , Greetings , Audi , Reform , Justice , Chesa Boudin , Being , Safety , Public Safety , Both , San Francisco , Perspective , Communities , Impact , Didn T Support The Newsom , A Million , Asian Americans , Failure , Crime , Da S Office , Streets Of San Francisco , Increase , Turmoil , Management , Recall , Situation , Disaster Relief , Spotlight , App , Government , Construction , Kentucky Center , Joe Biden , Victims , Record , Constituents , Disaster , Government Spending , Task , Relief , Chris Christie , Advocates , Spat , Superstorm Sandy , Compassion , Floor , Senate , Gulf Coast , Maria , Pearl , Texas , Puerto Rico , Florida , Extension , Victims Compensation Fund , Fema Disaster Relief Fund , 9 11 , Attempt , Funds , Consent , Tune , Delay , Demands , Gulf Coast Hurricane Aid Act , John Kennedy , Elsewhere , Callousness , Christmas Card , Fed , Thomas Massey , Gun Toting , Calling Government Aid , Case , Socialism , Scheme , Thee , Rockefeller Institute , East , 2018 , 2019 , Charity , Reallocation , Insult , Disasters , Senators , Suffering , Times , It Isn T , Abraham Lincoln , Other , Climate Crisis , Common Sense , Object , Capacities , Character , Crisis , Games , Blue State , Citizens , Playing The Red State , Vaccines , On Unsweetened Lipton , Studies , Photography , Efficacy , Omicron Threat , Sippin , Lipton , Start Sippin , Stop Chuggin , Owner , Future , Investor , Wish List Event , Sanctuary , Tools , Advice , Access , Lincoln , Vanguard , Breaking Point , Rhythm , Blend , Emergen C , Nutrients , Cosentyx , Psoriasis , Head , Toe , Skin , Infections , Tuberculosis , Risk , Symptoms , Dermatologist , Vaccine , Reactions , Infection , Crohn S Disease , World , Liberty Mutual , Liberty , Car Insurance , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Pay , Theaters , Reason , Calum Scott , December 17th , 17 , Coverage , Aftermath , John Berman , Town , Rescue , Native , Others , Saturday Night , Pam , Pamela Brown , Heartbreak , After Dark , Debris , Rebuilding , Cleanup , Pride , Something , Machinery , John Deere , Charles Cheryl , Heroism , Sur Survival , Who , Bathtub , Care , God , Cousin , The Street , Couldn T See , It Wasn T , Rest , Tub , Foundation , Road , Sight , Driveway , Governor , Seven , Safety Shelters , Structure , Looklook , Telephone Poles , Poles , Search Efforts , Twister , Pro Trump People , Chief Of Staff , Dwopting , Oxford , Death , Pfizer , Astrazeneca , Illness , Booster , Effectiveness , Omicron Variant , Immunity , Nations , Prime Minister , Relations , United Arab Emirates , Time S , Elon Musk , Natally Bennett , Space Chief , Transformations , Society , Title , 00 Billion , 300 Billion , Cast , California , Health , Activists , Experience , Talks , Car , Car Vending Machines , Carvana , Spot , License Plate , Techno Wizardry , Offer , Value , Scent , Mood , Infusions , Binders , Page , Downy , Broker , Difference , Thanks , 188 , Planning Options , Retirement Plan , Consultant , Schwab , Uh Carl , Uhhh , Planning , Immunotherapies , Combination , Cell Lung Cancer , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Chance , Gene , Alk , Egfr , Pd L1 , Fda , Positive , Spread , Problems , Yervoy , Body , Opdivo , Parts , Lead , Quiet Time , Irregular Heartbeat , Chest Pain , Constipation , Stomach Pain , Muscle Pain , Changes , Eye Problems , Memory Problems , Breath , Dizziness , Fainting , Weakness , Vomiting , Shortness , Rash , Thirst , Appetite , Urine , Confusion , Itching , Cough , Joint Pain , Nervous System Problems , Stem Cell Transplant , Organ , Fever , Flushing , Chest Radiation , Trials , Board , Conspiracy Theorists , Encounter , Group , Office , Medical Disinformation , Men , Consumers , Partner , Speeches , Millions , Christina Lawson , Work , Drone , Mayor , Walnut Creek , Tactics , Servants , Light , Program , Shaning , 00 , Suv , Parking Garage , Order , Direction , Course , Equipment , Couple , Recording Equipment , Comment , Dissent , Wasn T About Activism , Wasn T , Mind , California Medical Board , Dialogue , Someone , Doctors , Boards , Harassment , Nurses , Say , Answer , Stress , Extremists , Officials , County , Health Policy , Issue , Association , Health Department , Ceo , 300 , Offices , Post , Jobs , Professionals , Behavior , Issues , Next , Health Insurance , Blood Pressure Checkups , Preventive Care , Cholesterol , Baby , Coveredca Com , December 31st , 31 , It S Time , Hero Of The Year , Shirley Rhames , Cnn Hero Of The Year , 2021 , Beauty , Streets , Beauty Salon , Skid Row , Everybody , Outfit , Project , Perry Meeks , Dad , Battle , Homeless , Yuri , Nonprofit , Day One , Love , Let S Go , Hair , Needs , Wants , Queen , Narrative , Makeup , Lashes , Dignity , Haircut , Somewhere , Eating , Clothing , Blankets , Facial , Team , Desire , Catering , 30 , Attention , Sword , Food , Cpr , Touch , Spirit , Make , Nothing , Adult Game , Pretend , Stage , Friend , Kelly , Anderson , Messenger , Pleasure , Anything , Social Media , Heartwarming , Prize , Yes , 00000 , 100000 , Vision , Ice Cream Truck , Van , Tuesdays , Meals , Mom , Congratulations , Shirley Raines ,

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