Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta 20240709

the damage. it spans a good number of miles. so it's a lot of ground to cover. but i did do an aerial survey yesterday, and i could tell you that the track is continuous from south of casey in fulton county all the way to at least beaver dam when we finally turned around. so the damage that we have surveyed so far indicates that the rating is at least an ef3. however, we have experts who are on the surveys right now, and also experts within the national weather service that are looking at the data and will be looking at possibly upgrading that rating as well. on behalf of the national weather service, our hearts go out to each and every person that has been affected by this tornado. and that affects us locally and across the entire weather service where we've had numerous people come to us and say how deeply sorry for everything that's happened here. but as we get more information, we will definitely release that to you. we have lots of surveys to continue to do over the next couple of days. >> is that an ef3 for mayfield? which part of the county? >> that's the highest rating that we found along the entire track in our area. our area serves parts -- and there are locations along the path, casey, dawson springs, earlyington, bremen that are definitely harder-hit areas. >> how long is that path? >> we have not figured out that because the survey's not been completed. as you go south into tennessee, that's another weather service office that is covering that. muhlenberg county. so, again, there are surveys ongoing for the last couple of days and we still have to figure out exactly how long the path is. >> we'll just take one more, and we'd say that i think it's at least a 3. and, look around, i'm not a meteorologist, but i expect we'll find it's much more severe. >> this is historic for kentucky, but are you concerned that this kind of extreme weather could be the new normal? >> right now i can't process whether this is a new normal or not. we're just trying to identify the dead, locate the living, reunite families, try to give people a place to stay and something to eat, get them their medicine, meet their needs, all the rest of it over time we can talk about. and what i'd say is please just focus on our people and the help that they need and they deserve. as we get more information, as we get concrete numbers, we will be transparent about them. we will get them to you as soon as we can. please understand we're 40 hours in, in the midst of rubble. but we're tough people. we got a ton of help. thank you to the federal government. we could not ask for a stronger response. thank you to our federal delegation. we're going to get through it and we're going to get through it together. >> what was the -- >> you've been listening to a briefing by the governor of kentucky andy beshear along with the department of homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas and the fema administrator deanne criswell. the federal government is now helping kentucky still desperately search for survivors in the rubble. i want to take you through a couple of the top lines here that we heard from the governor, saying at one point there is no lens big enough to show you the extent of the damage. you've seen it on your screen for the last 36, 38 hours. you can't quantify what's actually happening on the ground has been the word that we've heard. the governor making clear they are fully engaged in search and rescue efforts, both federal and state teams searching door to door, or in the governor's words, rubble to rubble in some cases. more than 300 national guard members are involved in those efforts. they are still hoping to find some survivors in the words of the governor, there are some miracles. there haven't been any survivors coming out of that candle factory since 3:00 a.m. yesterday morning. housing, electricity, water, these are all critical issues that the state is trying to address right now both on the federal and state level. the governor saying seven state parks are now open trying to guarantee at least two weeks of temporary housing for those who need it, and there are thousands according to the governor that will more than a thousand homes most certainly destroyed, the governor said. but making clear that the federal government and the state are doing everything in their power to help at this point in time. i want to bring in my colleague boris sanchez. he's on the ground in mayfield, kentucky. and, boris, it was what the governor said. and we talked about this before we went on air, you and i were talking back and forth about what you were seeing. there's no lens that can show the sheer extent of what you are seeing on the ground there, what the governor has seen over the course of the last couple days. when it came to the damage it didn't just take a roof off, it exploded entire homes. what was your takeaway from listening to what was a very raw, emotional, i think at times candid press conference by the governor? >> reporter: yeah. the governor becoming emotional at times. the pandemic and now this, apparently unprecedented tornado, he believes it is the longest in recorded history, more than 200 miles in the united states. the portion of the press conference that really touched me was hearing from kathy o'nan, the mayor here in mayfield, which has been described as ground zero for this set of storms. you noted, phil, what the governor said, damage in all directions as far as the eye can see. and kathy o'nan, she is from mayfield. she's been living here since 1976. she's a teacher -- was a teacher. so many of her students have been affected by this storm. she actually shared with me earlier this morning that she knows of several former students that passed away not only in that candle factory but also across town. and she stood up and described emerging from this storm finding an american flag in the debris and delicately picking it up and handing it to emergency worker who's then folded it. she took it home, and she said we may disagree, we may squabble, but we build together as americans. she said, this is what we do. a message of resilience from local and federal leaders, and also one of compassion because they don't have exact numbers for how many people still are unaccounted for. and that rings true in dawson springs, kentucky. this is what's left of that far town in western kentucky, population about 2,700. governor andy beshear telling cnn this morning that the list of people still missing is roughly eight pages long, single-spaced. we want to take you now to dawson springs. that's where we find cnn's ed lavandera. describe to us what you're seeing and what you're experiencing there. >> reporter: hey, boris. well, the search and rescue operations have continued throughout the day. the sun is close to setting once again on this small community of nearly 3,000 people. and the buzz is starting to taper off. but throughout the day we have seen search and rescue k-9 teams going through. and they have made more depressing discoveries here. the death toll in this county in hopkins county where dawson springs is was ten. we are told now by the medical examiner the death toll is now 12. this is the devastation that so many people are seeing. you might see down there at the bottom of the hill that there's a gentleman walking around. this is his home. he has lived here for 62 years. it kind of sits on a hilltop overlooking the city. a very expansive view. but that view is of all the destruction now. he told us that he is not going to rebuild, that he's simply too old for that. and throughout this neighborhood, the stories of survival are simply stunning, talking to a number of people throughout the day who described the horrific experience of getting into their basements if they had one to survive this storm. listen to one account from a gentleman we met earlier today. >> we were right down in here. so, i couldn't necessarily see the house move, but you could feel the wind coming in on top of you. >> wow. >> and when you walked out of there -- >> we didn't walk out. we had to climb out. it's totally dark, there's no power. i couldn't see anything. and the whole basement's trashed. >> so thousait's like this stor lifted up your entire foundation? >> and pushed it over there. i was thinking why is the wind blowing so hard down here? >> reporter: and, boris, we spoke with the emergency management director earlier today. he told us that at some point there were 200 people here in this community who had to be treated for different injuries. you saw that gentleman, he had a broken shoulder, debris that had collapsed on top of him. and seeing people with their arms in slings today very common as they walked through here. volunteers helping each other out. one woman we met who was trying to find medication that her son desperately needed. there was a team of volunteers going through the wreckage that you see here. but right now it's really people just processing the loss. in fact, if you look across the street here from mr. morgan's home, this home right now that is no longer there, two elderly sisters that lived together, those were two of the victims in this storm. they lived there. that is where they perished. boris, back to you. >> ed, it is just staggering, as you show us around where you are in dawson springs as we look at the background and realize, i could not see a single structure that wasn't affected by this storm. it is just a field of debris and not much else. ed lavandera, thank you for that report from dawson springs, kentucky. i now want to bring in a person who's captured so much of the stunning footage that we've been showing of the destruction here in mayfield, kentucky. it's storm chaser michael gordon. michael's actually in missouri right now. i spoke to you yesterday morning. you arrived at that candle factory here in mayfield soon after it collapsed. and you watched as rescue workers were pulling survivors out and often finding that a lot of people didn't make it out of that candle factory alive. i'm wondering what you're seeing now where you are and how you've processed everything that you've seen over the last 36, 37 hours. >> yeah. we've actually -- we're doing another full survey all the way back starting in arkansas. we've been going through, and we are starting to see devastating damage. i'm here right off of i-155 where tornado crossed i-55 and then went to 155. the damage i'm seeing is devastating. we're sad to see these communities are just -- it's heartbreaking. the power crews are out there working their tails off. and i'm seeing multiple power companies putting in new lines. they're working day and night to get power back up to these four states. like i say every time, this instance is very -- it's unexplainable. it's been an experience, a very hard learning experience for me as well to see what everybody is going through. but i see in these four states that i've been into the support from the community, volunteers, and now everything's coming together, and i think these communities will pull through. >> it will take time, michael, no question. but the foundation of rebuilding is hope and seeing so many people come out at every level, whether it's neighbor helping neighbor or organizations from local to the federal government, seeing folks lend a helping hand where it's needed, provides that glimmer to keep going to take it day by day and to rebuild stronger than before. michael gordon from missouri, thank you so much. we're going to continue covering the latest headlines from across a devastated region. stay with cnn. we're going to be right back after a quick break. 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well, for that i want to bring in one of my excellent and still new-ish colleagues reporters behind the story. this is something everyone's talking about in the democratic caucus on capitol hill, just not publicly, which i think is one of the more interesting dynamics about it. so the details that you have in this piece at least from my end were fascinating. what was kind of your takeaway in talking to the caucus about the mod right now amongst democrats when it comes to the speaker and what she may do? >> look, they have this weird mix of emotions. they are ready for the new chapter in democratic leadership, but they are also really worried about what things will look like when pelosi is gone. she is an iconic leader, but she's also a strong leader of the caucus. and even though they say they see reasons especially in the infrastructure negotiations where it seems like her control has slipped somewhat, to not have that control at all when the new leadership comes in, they're terrified of that. and given the fact that it's overtaken a lot of the parts of the democratic caucus. >> the top three leaders in the house democratic caucus are all in their 80s. they've been there for years, as the republican leadership has changed pretty much every 24 hours, to some degree. what about what's coming next? where's the caucus on that? are they settled on who would follow the speaker? >> jim clyburn, the house whip, there is some speculation that he might want to come in as an interim choice. he told me he is not planning to be speaker, he is not interested in that. so, where this likely goes to is hakeem jeffries, congressman from new york who is the fifth ranking leader in the democratic caucus at the moment, or katherine clark. she is from massachusetts. there are also some calls that pramila jayapal, she's from washington state, has been sounding like she might be interested in pursuing a s leadership spot as well. >> what are the dynamics of the last 11 months kind of top-line maybe on cable news show is this idea that speakers may be losing her grip. she's set a number of deadlines on the infrastructure. they missed those deadlines. the difference between now and 2009 and she can lose three votes now. in 2009 i think she had a 56 or 57-seat majority. >> one of the things that we've seen come up over and over during the infrastructure negotiations is that she did not have the ability to say to people the president wants this, that's why you should do it. they were not responding to that. and that's not a problem that's just from nancy pelosi. that's going to probably get worse for the next speaker or the next democratic leader. this lack of allegiance that people had to joe biden and to helping his presidency even among the house democrats in the way that she thought that they should is a really major factor. she kept saying toward the end, don't embarrass the president. that was not enough. she also, some members said to me that they felt like she wasn't fully prepared for people to not even recognize her own authority as the speaker. she's the speaker of the house, she is pretty important. and still for some of them it didn't really matter what was going on. the day of that first infrastructure vote, she left the vote open for hours and hours. and there were member who's said they would not go to the floor to vote. they refused to go when the speaker of the house said go vote. they said no. >> which we've never -- it's unfathomable in past years. however, the democratic party has also changed. most members weren't there whenever they had a democratic president before. it's a very new moment in time. it's a fascinating story, it's up on also great book, by the way. i read it over the thanksgiving break. coming up the "daily show's" exposing anti-vaxxers in, get this, blue state california. >> is this an antivaccination? >> it is not an antivax so don't go there. please don't. >> are you vaccinated? >> i am not. >> so you're antivax? >> i do not want to get the vaccination for covid. ntin to hr sensitive teeth. my patients are able to have that quality of life back. i recommend sensodyne repair and protect with deep repair. 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[uplifting music playing] ♪ i had a dream that someday ♪ ♪ i would just fly, fly away ♪ now, the antivax movement is primarily portrayed as a red state phenomenon. but as the daily show's jordan klepper found, vaccine hesitancy, covid misinformation is alive and well in one of the bluest regions in the country, southern california. take a look. >> don't you benefit from a society that supports that by getting vaccinated? >> you shouldn't be able to force that stuff on people. it's step one. >> what's step two? >> who knows. i'm not a conspiracy theorist. >> didn't they have step one with polio? >> they didn't really mandate that. people were more willing to take these shots. >> polio's mandated for students going to school. >> polio is because we know what it's done. >> don't we know what covid's done? i mean, there are 750,000 people who have a pretty good idea. what do you recommend for basic public health? >> don't watch the news because it's just brainwashing you, wash hands and nutrition. the fear is lowering your frequency. i only eat fish and only certain kind of fish. like, for example, i don't eat tuna. i actually found that out when i was trying to feed tuna to my cat and she shook her head and walked off. >> do you often take medical advice from a cat? >> general from nature. >> what do you think of the covid vaccine? >> i don't think it's a vaccine. i think it's snapping the dna in half. >> where did you hear this, a siamese cat? do you recommend people meditating, people working out in groups, eating healthy? >> definitely. >> covid vaccine? >> no. >> coffee enema? >> possibly. >> maybe on the coffee enema, definite hard no on the covid vaccine. >> no. >> joining me now is the one and only jordan klepper, contributor for "the daily show," which airs 11:00 p.m. on tcomedy central. i'm interested, what was at experience for you trying to expose the antivax movement kind of on the left in southern california? >> well, it's always good to figure out a reason to get out to los angeles and look for new work. so i appreciate that challenge. but we had actually myself and a producer, we had been out to los angeles a few weeks prior, and sort of the unsaid comments wherever we went were about this antivaccine movement within the wellness community. so for us this is a story we don't hear much about. so often you hear this reticent to indulge in a vaccine is only on the right. so we said it's about time for us to get in a plane, go to sunny, sunny california, pack the spf 700 and talk to folks and see if the wellness community has anything in common with the maga crowd. >> you spoke to a journalist who's been studying the antivaccine movement in california and how it's been driven by these people in the wellness, and i put under quotes there, wellness industry. and here's what he told you. >> you have meditations that are sold that are supposed to ward off covid. you also have different breathing techniques. some practitioners including here in los angeles teach breathing workshops because covid is a respiratory illness. so their belief is if you're breathing properly it won't affect you. >> that's a class you can pay for here? >> that is absolutely a class you can pay for. >> how many smoothies does one have to ingest to get to the point where they can completely disregard the health of the community they live in? >> in los angeles, one because they're usually $25. >> so was that the theme here, do a bunch of yoga when it comes to the pandemic that's killed 750,000 people? >> i think yoga and bone broth smoothie enemas and you've got yourself a package that's going to keep you pretty healthy for a while. what i started to see is this wellness community, and there are folks who are focused on health and helping one another, but just like any kind of community, there are people looking to take advantage of it and make money off people who need help and want to change their lives. much like what i've seen on the other side, you have folks who have ego and they think they know more than scientists. they have cultish figures and a social media bubble. >> it seems like a very similar situation, to some degree. and that extends to something we've covered a lot here, which is republican members of congress. you're thinking marjorie taylor greene or lauren boebert who have compared covid mandates to nazi germany. you also ran into that on your trip. >> i think what's interesting especially coming from germany, i think history's repeating itself right now. >> what are you saying? >> that the vaccine mandates and everything, it's turning into a police state. >> and you're equating it to world war ii-era germany? >> yes, where are your papers, where are your papers? >> but jewish people are fleeing poland because they can't get into gyms? >> that's not funny. you just didn't get the point. sorry. i'm good. bye. >> it was really tragic that interview ended right there. what are you thinking in that moment when you're getting that on camera? >> well, i'm thinking that americans lack creativity. it seems as if we can only go to one giant event for any reference point. i think we also lack any kind of historical context. and, sadly, i'm not that surprised. she's not the only person who referenced world war ii. i've been to antivax mandates in new york city, los angeles. multiple people brought that up. i think we often see our lives as one giant tragedy. and with lack of imagination, we go to the largest thing we can grab a hold of. in most people's case, that is world war ii. and they lack an understanding of what those people went through. they see themselves as going through the greatest tragedy imaginable. and for that woman that tragedy involved getting a shot to try to help her community. so, although you'll hear sometimes at wellness community hear the world or you'll hear even in the far right community we the people, you often see in order to take care of all of those people you might have to make some sort of self-sacrifice for the betterment of all. but that often seems like a step too much. so they stick with world war ii comparisons. >> yeah. the easy and completely nonlinear comparisons. jordan klepper, i always laugh like hell, but it's always an astute lens nointo our politica system. coming up, how california governor gavin newsom is trying to use the same tactics texas used against abortion to get stricter gun control. we'll explain, coming up next. ♪ your dell technologies advisor can help you find the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. ♪ thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. ♪ be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. ♪ you pour your heart into everything you do, which is a lot. so take care of that heart with lipton. because sippin' on unsweetened lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton. stop chuggin'. start sippin'. ♪ ♪ cases of anxiety in young adults are rising as experts warn of the effects on well-being caused by the pandemic. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ things you start when you're 45. coaching. new workouts. and screening for colon cancer. yep. the american cancer society recommends screening starting at age 45, instead of 50, since colon cancer is increasing in younger adults. i'm cologuard®. i'm convenient and find 92% of colon cancers... ...even in early stages. i'm for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. we now find that 85% of individual investors are interested in sustainable investing. among millennials, the interest is even stronger. ♪ one of the big trends in sustainable investing is data, and the ability to understand how sustainable your investments are. by taking that information into account, investors can make better decisions for the long term. sustainability is not about one number. it's about variables like water usage, data privacy, consumer trust, diversity, land use and conservation. all types of investors are now considering this in their investment decisions. this is not niche. one in four dollars globally is following some form of sustainable investing. with sustainable investing at this scale, there's power to change the markets and have an impact on the issues investors care about most. i am courtney thompson and we are morgan stanley. wow... that's so nice! the gift of ancestry®... is a walk through your history. do you remember who this is? where the more you discover... wow! ...the more you come together. i can see... the nose... this holiday, give the gift of family. give the gift of ancestry®. california governor gavin newsom is calling for gun legislation modelled after a controversial abortion law in texas. yes, you heard that correctly. newsom says he was outraged by a supreme court ruling friday that continues to allow private citizens to sue texas abortion providers. why not create a law based on a similar principle? only this time it would give residents legal standing to file lawsuits who manufacture or distribute firearms. if texas can ban abortion and endanger lives, california can ban deadly weapons of war and save lives. now, the governor, to be specific, calling for damages of at least $10,000 per violation. joining me now to talk about this cnn senior political analyst john avlon, cnn political commentate tomorrow margaret hoover. margaret, i want to start with you. what's your read on what governor newsom is doing here? >> their last names were not alito or thomas. look, it seems a little too cute. i understand what he's doing and he's trying to make a point. but that law in texas and mississippi, these are lawed that have passed through the legislature's lane by the governor. i don't know that governor gavin newsom can do this unilaterally. but he's trying to make a point. and he's using these preposterous vigilante laws, enforcement mechanisms to make a point that there's a double standard here. so i understand what he's doing, but it seems a little cute. >> at the very least it may force some justices to think about the underlying principle and precedent rather than just the ideological law they want to see pass in one state. >> a lot to come on this one. margaret, i have to ask you about what i thought was a very b buzzy with chris christie. he now believes, and i want to state now, believes there is no doubt he got covid from trump. he has a lot of feelings about how mark meadows handled the situation. take a listen. >> if mark meadows knew that somebody that i was sit across from for four days had a positive test, he, as the white house chief of staff, obviously the president is my friend, should've looked at me and told me that. that's obvious. but i think what's less obvious is that mark meadows saved this for his book. he saved it for a book. i went into the hospital in the intensive care unit. he didn't call and tell me. so i think that's inexcusable. >> you had always suspected that you got it from the president. is that right? >> the only reason i had suspected it was because he was the only person who i didn't know his testing regimen that i was in close contact with. all the other people we spoke about -- >> did this in fact confirm for you that you did get it from the president? >> i think that's undeniable. >> and that's new. he in the past had suspected but hadn't really confirmed it. now he has. do you have a sense of what the relationship between the former governor and the former president is, is right now? >> chris christie has a very loose definition of what a friend is. he still says donald trump is his friend after 20 years, but they haven't spoken for a year, they're not talking now. trump is really mad at him for writing chris christie's book, which is premised on the fact that trump is lying about having lost the election. so, he doesn't like chris christie at all right now because chris christie is out telling the truth is trying to debunk the conspiracy theory that donald trump won the election. so, i don't know, for chris christie, maybe that means they're friends. but, to be fair, in our discussion he said when i call him a friend it's more of a historical reference. but they're not talking and they're not close right now. >> although give it time, it always seems to come back around in the trump world to some degree. john, i want to bounce this one off you. we got news today that longtime fox anchor chris wallace is leaving the network, hears coming to cnn plus. i think it's part of a string of departures of reporters or journalists who were tied to a network where many of the voices are pr voices for the president or any number of conspiracies. what's your sense of what's happening with fox news and the direction that it's headed? >> they're purging anyone who actually acts like a journalist and tries to have fact-based arguments. it's a parallel of what's been going on in the republican party in terms of the hunting for heretics, the kicking out of the center and the elevation only of ideological absolutists for donald trump. but it's playing out in what is ostensibly a news organization but what is just a right-wing talk tv where the opinion side is unhinged from facts and anyone who has got a scintilla of courage or conscience eventually gets kicked out or heads for the exits themselves before they're pushed. >> what's your read on things, margaret? >> i don't disagree with what my husband said. but it's worth noting that within the last couple of weeks rupert murdoch made a speech really slamming trump and he saided to stop saying that he won the election. so, it's just an interesting observation in the context of what i think john characterizes correctly is there isn't a lot of space at fox news still for anybody like chris wallace. it's getting tougher, there was no place for shep smith. the serious journalists, they're feeling squeezed. so, i don't know what effort or what good rupert murdoch's speech does saying that trump is lying if the direction of the network underneath him isn't going to respond to that and take that as a direction. >> yeah. is he responsible or not? if your flagship hosts are parroting false flag conspiracy theories about january 6th, either the inmates are running the asylum or you're part of the problem or have no power in your own network. >> i don't understand the inner workings there, sometimes don't really think that i want to. but i'll congratulate you for having margaret agree with you. john avlon, margaret hoover, thanks so much, guys. >> thanks. bye. and now here's christine romans with your before the bell report. >> you're paying more for just about everything. and that's putting pressure on the principal reserve to act. november consumer prices surged 6.8% from a year ago, the biggest jump since 1982. prices for gas, shelter, food, cars, trucks, those were some of the sharpest monthly gains. it is the fed's job to fight inflation. and this week that job could get tougher. the central bank has started reducing its emergency covid support, cutting bond purchases by $15 billion a month. this week fed chief jerome powell is widely expected to accelerate that pass. powell could also hint at more aggressive interest rate hikes next year. now stocks have bounced back strongly as fears about the omicron variant fade, but investors will be listening carefully to the fed's tone this week. in new york, i'm christine romans. 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>> one, the community gave us the privilege of taking care of them. we earned their trust early on with testing, so when we came back with vaccination, they followed our lead. philadelphia, as you know, is the number one city in the united states with the highest rate of african-americans that have been vaccinated, and that is largely because of the cons consortium. i'm proud of that. we've got more work to do, and we have to keep going to the people. >> reporter: congratulations to you already, and good luck this evening. >> thank you. this is wonderful. >> reporter: phil, we have celebrities coming through that will be introduced tonight. they will walk away with $10,000 for their organization, and the leader will walk away with $100,000 to do good in their community. phil? >> what is the advantage of having these people walk down the red carpet again? >> reporter: everyone is excited to meet one another, talk to one another. now they're making their way to the ballroom for this extraordinary event, phil. >> thank you so much. and you can join anderson cooper and kelly ripa live as they name the 2021 hero of the year, the cnn heroes all-star tribute tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern on cnn. pamela brown takes over the cnn newsroom live from mayfield, kentucky right after a quick break. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash... and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit it's the season of smiling. and at aspen dental, we make it easy to gift yourself the smile you deserve. new patients, start today with a full exam and x-rays, with no obligation. if you don't have insurance, it's free. plus everyone saves 20% on their treatment plan with flexible payment solutions for every budget. we're here making smiles shine bright so you can start the new year feelin' alright. call 1-800-aspendental or book today at ♪ this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to know you have a wealth plan that covers everything that's important to you. this is what it's like to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. making sure you have the right balance of risk and reward. and helping you plan for future generations. this is "the planning effect" from fidelity. every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. a massive rescue and recovery effort now underway after violent tornadoes tore a path of destruction through eight states. >> i think it's going to be the longest and deadliest ctornado event in u.s. history. >> dozens of people still unaccounted for. the candle factory completely leveled. >> i would be down there if they would let me. i can't do anything but sit and wait. >> our tfactory was built as a

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta 20240709

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the damage. it spans a good number of miles. so it's a lot of ground to cover. but i did do an aerial survey yesterday, and i could tell you that the track is continuous from south of casey in fulton county all the way to at least beaver dam when we finally turned around. so the damage that we have surveyed so far indicates that the rating is at least an ef3. however, we have experts who are on the surveys right now, and also experts within the national weather service that are looking at the data and will be looking at possibly upgrading that rating as well. on behalf of the national weather service, our hearts go out to each and every person that has been affected by this tornado. and that affects us locally and across the entire weather service where we've had numerous people come to us and say how deeply sorry for everything that's happened here. but as we get more information, we will definitely release that to you. we have lots of surveys to continue to do over the next couple of days. >> is that an ef3 for mayfield? which part of the county? >> that's the highest rating that we found along the entire track in our area. our area serves parts -- and there are locations along the path, casey, dawson springs, earlyington, bremen that are definitely harder-hit areas. >> how long is that path? >> we have not figured out that because the survey's not been completed. as you go south into tennessee, that's another weather service office that is covering that. muhlenberg county. so, again, there are surveys ongoing for the last couple of days and we still have to figure out exactly how long the path is. >> we'll just take one more, and we'd say that i think it's at least a 3. and, look around, i'm not a meteorologist, but i expect we'll find it's much more severe. >> this is historic for kentucky, but are you concerned that this kind of extreme weather could be the new normal? >> right now i can't process whether this is a new normal or not. we're just trying to identify the dead, locate the living, reunite families, try to give people a place to stay and something to eat, get them their medicine, meet their needs, all the rest of it over time we can talk about. and what i'd say is please just focus on our people and the help that they need and they deserve. as we get more information, as we get concrete numbers, we will be transparent about them. we will get them to you as soon as we can. please understand we're 40 hours in, in the midst of rubble. but we're tough people. we got a ton of help. thank you to the federal government. we could not ask for a stronger response. thank you to our federal delegation. we're going to get through it and we're going to get through it together. >> what was the -- >> you've been listening to a briefing by the governor of kentucky andy beshear along with the department of homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas and the fema administrator deanne criswell. the federal government is now helping kentucky still desperately search for survivors in the rubble. i want to take you through a couple of the top lines here that we heard from the governor, saying at one point there is no lens big enough to show you the extent of the damage. you've seen it on your screen for the last 36, 38 hours. you can't quantify what's actually happening on the ground has been the word that we've heard. the governor making clear they are fully engaged in search and rescue efforts, both federal and state teams searching door to door, or in the governor's words, rubble to rubble in some cases. more than 300 national guard members are involved in those efforts. they are still hoping to find some survivors in the words of the governor, there are some miracles. there haven't been any survivors coming out of that candle factory since 3:00 a.m. yesterday morning. housing, electricity, water, these are all critical issues that the state is trying to address right now both on the federal and state level. the governor saying seven state parks are now open trying to guarantee at least two weeks of temporary housing for those who need it, and there are thousands according to the governor that will more than a thousand homes most certainly destroyed, the governor said. but making clear that the federal government and the state are doing everything in their power to help at this point in time. i want to bring in my colleague boris sanchez. he's on the ground in mayfield, kentucky. and, boris, it was what the governor said. and we talked about this before we went on air, you and i were talking back and forth about what you were seeing. there's no lens that can show the sheer extent of what you are seeing on the ground there, what the governor has seen over the course of the last couple days. when it came to the damage it didn't just take a roof off, it exploded entire homes. what was your takeaway from listening to what was a very raw, emotional, i think at times candid press conference by the governor? >> reporter: yeah. the governor becoming emotional at times. the pandemic and now this, apparently unprecedented tornado, he believes it is the longest in recorded history, more than 200 miles in the united states. the portion of the press conference that really touched me was hearing from kathy o'nan, the mayor here in mayfield, which has been described as ground zero for this set of storms. you noted, phil, what the governor said, damage in all directions as far as the eye can see. and kathy o'nan, she is from mayfield. she's been living here since 1976. she's a teacher -- was a teacher. so many of her students have been affected by this storm. she actually shared with me earlier this morning that she knows of several former students that passed away not only in that candle factory but also across town. and she stood up and described emerging from this storm finding an american flag in the debris and delicately picking it up and handing it to emergency worker who's then folded it. she took it home, and she said we may disagree, we may squabble, but we build together as americans. she said, this is what we do. a message of resilience from local and federal leaders, and also one of compassion because they don't have exact numbers for how many people still are unaccounted for. and that rings true in dawson springs, kentucky. this is what's left of that far town in western kentucky, population about 2,700. governor andy beshear telling cnn this morning that the list of people still missing is roughly eight pages long, single-spaced. we want to take you now to dawson springs. that's where we find cnn's ed lavandera. describe to us what you're seeing and what you're experiencing there. >> reporter: hey, boris. well, the search and rescue operations have continued throughout the day. the sun is close to setting once again on this small community of nearly 3,000 people. and the buzz is starting to taper off. but throughout the day we have seen search and rescue k-9 teams going through. and they have made more depressing discoveries here. the death toll in this county in hopkins county where dawson springs is was ten. we are told now by the medical examiner the death toll is now 12. this is the devastation that so many people are seeing. you might see down there at the bottom of the hill that there's a gentleman walking around. this is his home. he has lived here for 62 years. it kind of sits on a hilltop overlooking the city. a very expansive view. but that view is of all the destruction now. he told us that he is not going to rebuild, that he's simply too old for that. and throughout this neighborhood, the stories of survival are simply stunning, talking to a number of people throughout the day who described the horrific experience of getting into their basements if they had one to survive this storm. listen to one account from a gentleman we met earlier today. >> we were right down in here. so, i couldn't necessarily see the house move, but you could feel the wind coming in on top of you. >> wow. >> and when you walked out of there -- >> we didn't walk out. we had to climb out. it's totally dark, there's no power. i couldn't see anything. and the whole basement's trashed. >> so thousait's like this stor lifted up your entire foundation? >> and pushed it over there. i was thinking why is the wind blowing so hard down here? >> reporter: and, boris, we spoke with the emergency management director earlier today. he told us that at some point there were 200 people here in this community who had to be treated for different injuries. you saw that gentleman, he had a broken shoulder, debris that had collapsed on top of him. and seeing people with their arms in slings today very common as they walked through here. volunteers helping each other out. one woman we met who was trying to find medication that her son desperately needed. there was a team of volunteers going through the wreckage that you see here. but right now it's really people just processing the loss. in fact, if you look across the street here from mr. morgan's home, this home right now that is no longer there, two elderly sisters that lived together, those were two of the victims in this storm. they lived there. that is where they perished. boris, back to you. >> ed, it is just staggering, as you show us around where you are in dawson springs as we look at the background and realize, i could not see a single structure that wasn't affected by this storm. it is just a field of debris and not much else. ed lavandera, thank you for that report from dawson springs, kentucky. i now want to bring in a person who's captured so much of the stunning footage that we've been showing of the destruction here in mayfield, kentucky. it's storm chaser michael gordon. michael's actually in missouri right now. i spoke to you yesterday morning. you arrived at that candle factory here in mayfield soon after it collapsed. and you watched as rescue workers were pulling survivors out and often finding that a lot of people didn't make it out of that candle factory alive. i'm wondering what you're seeing now where you are and how you've processed everything that you've seen over the last 36, 37 hours. >> yeah. we've actually -- we're doing another full survey all the way back starting in arkansas. we've been going through, and we are starting to see devastating damage. i'm here right off of i-155 where tornado crossed i-55 and then went to 155. the damage i'm seeing is devastating. we're sad to see these communities are just -- it's heartbreaking. the power crews are out there working their tails off. and i'm seeing multiple power companies putting in new lines. they're working day and night to get power back up to these four states. like i say every time, this instance is very -- it's unexplainable. it's been an experience, a very hard learning experience for me as well to see what everybody is going through. but i see in these four states that i've been into the support from the community, volunteers, and now everything's coming together, and i think these communities will pull through. >> it will take time, michael, no question. but the foundation of rebuilding is hope and seeing so many people come out at every level, whether it's neighbor helping neighbor or organizations from local to the federal government, seeing folks lend a helping hand where it's needed, provides that glimmer to keep going to take it day by day and to rebuild stronger than before. michael gordon from missouri, thank you so much. we're going to continue covering the latest headlines from across a devastated region. stay with cnn. we're going to be right back after a quick break. 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well, for that i want to bring in one of my excellent and still new-ish colleagues reporters behind the story. this is something everyone's talking about in the democratic caucus on capitol hill, just not publicly, which i think is one of the more interesting dynamics about it. so the details that you have in this piece at least from my end were fascinating. what was kind of your takeaway in talking to the caucus about the mod right now amongst democrats when it comes to the speaker and what she may do? >> look, they have this weird mix of emotions. they are ready for the new chapter in democratic leadership, but they are also really worried about what things will look like when pelosi is gone. she is an iconic leader, but she's also a strong leader of the caucus. and even though they say they see reasons especially in the infrastructure negotiations where it seems like her control has slipped somewhat, to not have that control at all when the new leadership comes in, they're terrified of that. and given the fact that it's overtaken a lot of the parts of the democratic caucus. >> the top three leaders in the house democratic caucus are all in their 80s. they've been there for years, as the republican leadership has changed pretty much every 24 hours, to some degree. what about what's coming next? where's the caucus on that? are they settled on who would follow the speaker? >> jim clyburn, the house whip, there is some speculation that he might want to come in as an interim choice. he told me he is not planning to be speaker, he is not interested in that. so, where this likely goes to is hakeem jeffries, congressman from new york who is the fifth ranking leader in the democratic caucus at the moment, or katherine clark. she is from massachusetts. there are also some calls that pramila jayapal, she's from washington state, has been sounding like she might be interested in pursuing a s leadership spot as well. >> what are the dynamics of the last 11 months kind of top-line maybe on cable news show is this idea that speakers may be losing her grip. she's set a number of deadlines on the infrastructure. they missed those deadlines. the difference between now and 2009 and she can lose three votes now. in 2009 i think she had a 56 or 57-seat majority. >> one of the things that we've seen come up over and over during the infrastructure negotiations is that she did not have the ability to say to people the president wants this, that's why you should do it. they were not responding to that. and that's not a problem that's just from nancy pelosi. that's going to probably get worse for the next speaker or the next democratic leader. this lack of allegiance that people had to joe biden and to helping his presidency even among the house democrats in the way that she thought that they should is a really major factor. she kept saying toward the end, don't embarrass the president. that was not enough. she also, some members said to me that they felt like she wasn't fully prepared for people to not even recognize her own authority as the speaker. she's the speaker of the house, she is pretty important. and still for some of them it didn't really matter what was going on. the day of that first infrastructure vote, she left the vote open for hours and hours. and there were member who's said they would not go to the floor to vote. they refused to go when the speaker of the house said go vote. they said no. >> which we've never -- it's unfathomable in past years. however, the democratic party has also changed. most members weren't there whenever they had a democratic president before. it's a very new moment in time. it's a fascinating story, it's up on also great book, by the way. i read it over the thanksgiving break. coming up the "daily show's" exposing anti-vaxxers in, get this, blue state california. >> is this an antivaccination? >> it is not an antivax so don't go there. please don't. >> are you vaccinated? >> i am not. >> so you're antivax? >> i do not want to get the vaccination for covid. ntin to hr sensitive teeth. my patients are able to have that quality of life back. i recommend sensodyne repair and protect with deep repair. 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[uplifting music playing] ♪ i had a dream that someday ♪ ♪ i would just fly, fly away ♪ now, the antivax movement is primarily portrayed as a red state phenomenon. but as the daily show's jordan klepper found, vaccine hesitancy, covid misinformation is alive and well in one of the bluest regions in the country, southern california. take a look. >> don't you benefit from a society that supports that by getting vaccinated? >> you shouldn't be able to force that stuff on people. it's step one. >> what's step two? >> who knows. i'm not a conspiracy theorist. >> didn't they have step one with polio? >> they didn't really mandate that. people were more willing to take these shots. >> polio's mandated for students going to school. >> polio is because we know what it's done. >> don't we know what covid's done? i mean, there are 750,000 people who have a pretty good idea. what do you recommend for basic public health? >> don't watch the news because it's just brainwashing you, wash hands and nutrition. the fear is lowering your frequency. i only eat fish and only certain kind of fish. like, for example, i don't eat tuna. i actually found that out when i was trying to feed tuna to my cat and she shook her head and walked off. >> do you often take medical advice from a cat? >> general from nature. >> what do you think of the covid vaccine? >> i don't think it's a vaccine. i think it's snapping the dna in half. >> where did you hear this, a siamese cat? do you recommend people meditating, people working out in groups, eating healthy? >> definitely. >> covid vaccine? >> no. >> coffee enema? >> possibly. >> maybe on the coffee enema, definite hard no on the covid vaccine. >> no. >> joining me now is the one and only jordan klepper, contributor for "the daily show," which airs 11:00 p.m. on tcomedy central. i'm interested, what was at experience for you trying to expose the antivax movement kind of on the left in southern california? >> well, it's always good to figure out a reason to get out to los angeles and look for new work. so i appreciate that challenge. but we had actually myself and a producer, we had been out to los angeles a few weeks prior, and sort of the unsaid comments wherever we went were about this antivaccine movement within the wellness community. so for us this is a story we don't hear much about. so often you hear this reticent to indulge in a vaccine is only on the right. so we said it's about time for us to get in a plane, go to sunny, sunny california, pack the spf 700 and talk to folks and see if the wellness community has anything in common with the maga crowd. >> you spoke to a journalist who's been studying the antivaccine movement in california and how it's been driven by these people in the wellness, and i put under quotes there, wellness industry. and here's what he told you. >> you have meditations that are sold that are supposed to ward off covid. you also have different breathing techniques. some practitioners including here in los angeles teach breathing workshops because covid is a respiratory illness. so their belief is if you're breathing properly it won't affect you. >> that's a class you can pay for here? >> that is absolutely a class you can pay for. >> how many smoothies does one have to ingest to get to the point where they can completely disregard the health of the community they live in? >> in los angeles, one because they're usually $25. >> so was that the theme here, do a bunch of yoga when it comes to the pandemic that's killed 750,000 people? >> i think yoga and bone broth smoothie enemas and you've got yourself a package that's going to keep you pretty healthy for a while. what i started to see is this wellness community, and there are folks who are focused on health and helping one another, but just like any kind of community, there are people looking to take advantage of it and make money off people who need help and want to change their lives. much like what i've seen on the other side, you have folks who have ego and they think they know more than scientists. they have cultish figures and a social media bubble. >> it seems like a very similar situation, to some degree. and that extends to something we've covered a lot here, which is republican members of congress. you're thinking marjorie taylor greene or lauren boebert who have compared covid mandates to nazi germany. you also ran into that on your trip. >> i think what's interesting especially coming from germany, i think history's repeating itself right now. >> what are you saying? >> that the vaccine mandates and everything, it's turning into a police state. >> and you're equating it to world war ii-era germany? >> yes, where are your papers, where are your papers? >> but jewish people are fleeing poland because they can't get into gyms? >> that's not funny. you just didn't get the point. sorry. i'm good. bye. >> it was really tragic that interview ended right there. what are you thinking in that moment when you're getting that on camera? >> well, i'm thinking that americans lack creativity. it seems as if we can only go to one giant event for any reference point. i think we also lack any kind of historical context. and, sadly, i'm not that surprised. she's not the only person who referenced world war ii. i've been to antivax mandates in new york city, los angeles. multiple people brought that up. i think we often see our lives as one giant tragedy. and with lack of imagination, we go to the largest thing we can grab a hold of. in most people's case, that is world war ii. and they lack an understanding of what those people went through. they see themselves as going through the greatest tragedy imaginable. and for that woman that tragedy involved getting a shot to try to help her community. so, although you'll hear sometimes at wellness community hear the world or you'll hear even in the far right community we the people, you often see in order to take care of all of those people you might have to make some sort of self-sacrifice for the betterment of all. but that often seems like a step too much. so they stick with world war ii comparisons. >> yeah. the easy and completely nonlinear comparisons. jordan klepper, i always laugh like hell, but it's always an astute lens nointo our politica system. coming up, how california governor gavin newsom is trying to use the same tactics texas used against abortion to get stricter gun control. we'll explain, coming up next. ♪ your dell technologies advisor can help you find the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. ♪ thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. ♪ be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. ♪ you pour your heart into everything you do, which is a lot. so take care of that heart with lipton. because sippin' on unsweetened lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton. stop chuggin'. start sippin'. ♪ ♪ cases of anxiety in young adults are rising as experts warn of the effects on well-being caused by the pandemic. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ things you start when you're 45. coaching. new workouts. and screening for colon cancer. yep. the american cancer society recommends screening starting at age 45, instead of 50, since colon cancer is increasing in younger adults. i'm cologuard®. i'm convenient and find 92% of colon cancers... ...even in early stages. i'm for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. we now find that 85% of individual investors are interested in sustainable investing. among millennials, the interest is even stronger. ♪ one of the big trends in sustainable investing is data, and the ability to understand how sustainable your investments are. by taking that information into account, investors can make better decisions for the long term. sustainability is not about one number. it's about variables like water usage, data privacy, consumer trust, diversity, land use and conservation. all types of investors are now considering this in their investment decisions. this is not niche. one in four dollars globally is following some form of sustainable investing. with sustainable investing at this scale, there's power to change the markets and have an impact on the issues investors care about most. i am courtney thompson and we are morgan stanley. wow... that's so nice! the gift of ancestry®... is a walk through your history. do you remember who this is? where the more you discover... wow! ...the more you come together. i can see... the nose... this holiday, give the gift of family. give the gift of ancestry®. california governor gavin newsom is calling for gun legislation modelled after a controversial abortion law in texas. yes, you heard that correctly. newsom says he was outraged by a supreme court ruling friday that continues to allow private citizens to sue texas abortion providers. why not create a law based on a similar principle? only this time it would give residents legal standing to file lawsuits who manufacture or distribute firearms. if texas can ban abortion and endanger lives, california can ban deadly weapons of war and save lives. now, the governor, to be specific, calling for damages of at least $10,000 per violation. joining me now to talk about this cnn senior political analyst john avlon, cnn political commentate tomorrow margaret hoover. margaret, i want to start with you. what's your read on what governor newsom is doing here? >> their last names were not alito or thomas. look, it seems a little too cute. i understand what he's doing and he's trying to make a point. but that law in texas and mississippi, these are lawed that have passed through the legislature's lane by the governor. i don't know that governor gavin newsom can do this unilaterally. but he's trying to make a point. and he's using these preposterous vigilante laws, enforcement mechanisms to make a point that there's a double standard here. so i understand what he's doing, but it seems a little cute. >> at the very least it may force some justices to think about the underlying principle and precedent rather than just the ideological law they want to see pass in one state. >> a lot to come on this one. margaret, i have to ask you about what i thought was a very b buzzy with chris christie. he now believes, and i want to state now, believes there is no doubt he got covid from trump. he has a lot of feelings about how mark meadows handled the situation. take a listen. >> if mark meadows knew that somebody that i was sit across from for four days had a positive test, he, as the white house chief of staff, obviously the president is my friend, should've looked at me and told me that. that's obvious. but i think what's less obvious is that mark meadows saved this for his book. he saved it for a book. i went into the hospital in the intensive care unit. he didn't call and tell me. so i think that's inexcusable. >> you had always suspected that you got it from the president. is that right? >> the only reason i had suspected it was because he was the only person who i didn't know his testing regimen that i was in close contact with. all the other people we spoke about -- >> did this in fact confirm for you that you did get it from the president? >> i think that's undeniable. >> and that's new. he in the past had suspected but hadn't really confirmed it. now he has. do you have a sense of what the relationship between the former governor and the former president is, is right now? >> chris christie has a very loose definition of what a friend is. he still says donald trump is his friend after 20 years, but they haven't spoken for a year, they're not talking now. trump is really mad at him for writing chris christie's book, which is premised on the fact that trump is lying about having lost the election. so, he doesn't like chris christie at all right now because chris christie is out telling the truth is trying to debunk the conspiracy theory that donald trump won the election. so, i don't know, for chris christie, maybe that means they're friends. but, to be fair, in our discussion he said when i call him a friend it's more of a historical reference. but they're not talking and they're not close right now. >> although give it time, it always seems to come back around in the trump world to some degree. john, i want to bounce this one off you. we got news today that longtime fox anchor chris wallace is leaving the network, hears coming to cnn plus. i think it's part of a string of departures of reporters or journalists who were tied to a network where many of the voices are pr voices for the president or any number of conspiracies. what's your sense of what's happening with fox news and the direction that it's headed? >> they're purging anyone who actually acts like a journalist and tries to have fact-based arguments. it's a parallel of what's been going on in the republican party in terms of the hunting for heretics, the kicking out of the center and the elevation only of ideological absolutists for donald trump. but it's playing out in what is ostensibly a news organization but what is just a right-wing talk tv where the opinion side is unhinged from facts and anyone who has got a scintilla of courage or conscience eventually gets kicked out or heads for the exits themselves before they're pushed. >> what's your read on things, margaret? >> i don't disagree with what my husband said. but it's worth noting that within the last couple of weeks rupert murdoch made a speech really slamming trump and he saided to stop saying that he won the election. so, it's just an interesting observation in the context of what i think john characterizes correctly is there isn't a lot of space at fox news still for anybody like chris wallace. it's getting tougher, there was no place for shep smith. the serious journalists, they're feeling squeezed. so, i don't know what effort or what good rupert murdoch's speech does saying that trump is lying if the direction of the network underneath him isn't going to respond to that and take that as a direction. >> yeah. is he responsible or not? if your flagship hosts are parroting false flag conspiracy theories about january 6th, either the inmates are running the asylum or you're part of the problem or have no power in your own network. >> i don't understand the inner workings there, sometimes don't really think that i want to. but i'll congratulate you for having margaret agree with you. john avlon, margaret hoover, thanks so much, guys. >> thanks. bye. and now here's christine romans with your before the bell report. >> you're paying more for just about everything. and that's putting pressure on the principal reserve to act. november consumer prices surged 6.8% from a year ago, the biggest jump since 1982. prices for gas, shelter, food, cars, trucks, those were some of the sharpest monthly gains. it is the fed's job to fight inflation. and this week that job could get tougher. the central bank has started reducing its emergency covid support, cutting bond purchases by $15 billion a month. this week fed chief jerome powell is widely expected to accelerate that pass. powell could also hint at more aggressive interest rate hikes next year. now stocks have bounced back strongly as fears about the omicron variant fade, but investors will be listening carefully to the fed's tone this week. in new york, i'm christine romans. 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>> one, the community gave us the privilege of taking care of them. we earned their trust early on with testing, so when we came back with vaccination, they followed our lead. philadelphia, as you know, is the number one city in the united states with the highest rate of african-americans that have been vaccinated, and that is largely because of the cons consortium. i'm proud of that. we've got more work to do, and we have to keep going to the people. >> reporter: congratulations to you already, and good luck this evening. >> thank you. this is wonderful. >> reporter: phil, we have celebrities coming through that will be introduced tonight. they will walk away with $10,000 for their organization, and the leader will walk away with $100,000 to do good in their community. phil? >> what is the advantage of having these people walk down the red carpet again? >> reporter: everyone is excited to meet one another, talk to one another. now they're making their way to the ballroom for this extraordinary event, phil. >> thank you so much. and you can join anderson cooper and kelly ripa live as they name the 2021 hero of the year, the cnn heroes all-star tribute tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern on cnn. pamela brown takes over the cnn newsroom live from mayfield, kentucky right after a quick break. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash... and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit it's the season of smiling. and at aspen dental, we make it easy to gift yourself the smile you deserve. new patients, start today with a full exam and x-rays, with no obligation. if you don't have insurance, it's free. plus everyone saves 20% on their treatment plan with flexible payment solutions for every budget. we're here making smiles shine bright so you can start the new year feelin' alright. call 1-800-aspendental or book today at ♪ this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to know you have a wealth plan that covers everything that's important to you. this is what it's like to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. making sure you have the right balance of risk and reward. and helping you plan for future generations. this is "the planning effect" from fidelity. every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. a massive rescue and recovery effort now underway after violent tornadoes tore a path of destruction through eight states. >> i think it's going to be the longest and deadliest ctornado event in u.s. history. >> dozens of people still unaccounted for. the candle factory completely leveled. >> i would be down there if they would let me. i can't do anything but sit and wait. >> our tfactory was built as a

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Majority , Difference , 56 , 2009 , 57 , President , Problem , Ability , Lack , Joe Biden , Factor , Presidency , Allegiance , Authority , The End , Don T Embarrass , Member , Some , Infrastructure Vote , Floor , Vote Open , Go Vote , Book , Daily Show S , Exposing Anti Vaxxers In , Vaccination , Off Covid , California , Antivaccination , Antivax , Don T Go There , Ntin , Health , Patients , Marcia , Teeth , Periodontal Disease , Repair , Life , Quality , Sensodyne , Dental Implants , Solution , Clearchoice , Forde , Protein , Energy , World , Key , Thirty , Nutrients , Sugar , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Dream , Red State Phenomenon , Antivax Movement , Show , Society , Jordan Klepper , Country , Regions , Shouldn T , Take A Look , Vaccine Hesitancy , Southern California , Covid Misinformation , Polio , Step One , Didn T , Conspiracy Theorist , Stuff , Shots , 750000 , News , Public Health , Nutrition , Example , Fear , Frequency , Fish , Wash Hands , Vaccine , Cat , Advice , Head 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The People , Shot , Tragedy Imaginable , Care , Wall , Order , Comparisons , Step , Self Sacrifice , Betterment , Sort , Hell , Coming Up , Gavin Newsom , Advisor , Abortion , Texas , Gun Control , Technologies , Tactics , Dell , Tech Solutions , Nothing , Customers , Taking Ibrance , Women , Breast Cancer , Aromatase Inhibitor , Ibrance Plus , Hr , Hormonal , Men , Disease Progression , Blood Cell , Breathing , Both , Inflammation , Chest Pain , Fever , Lungs , Trouble , Cough , Liver , Breastfeeding , Heart , On Unsweetened Lipton , Lipton , Sippin , Effects , Well Being , Anxiety , Start Sippin , Stop Chuggin , Screening , Colon Cancer , Workouts , Coaching , American Cancer Society , Yep , 45 , Cancer , Colon Cancers , Results , Cologuard , Stages , 50 , 92 , Investors , Investing , Interest , Millennials , 85 , Term , Investments , Sustainability , Trends , Decisions , Conservation , Types , Investment Decisions , Variables , Data Privacy , Land Use , Water Usage , Diversity , Consumer Trust , Markets , Niche , Scale , Form , Impact , Courtney Thompson , Four Dollars , Gift , Ancestry , Holiday , Walk , Morgan Stanley , Nose , Supreme Court , Abortion Law , Citizens , Gun Legislation Modelled , Law , Principle , Lawsuits , Providers , Residents , Standing , Sue Texas Abortion , War , Firearms , Weapons , John Avlon , Save , Damages , Cnn Political Commentate , Violation , 0000 , 10000 , Margaret Hoover , Read , Names , Lawed , Little , Lane , Mississippi , Thomas , Legislature , Alito , Standard , Vigilante Laws , Enforcement Mechanisms , Justices , Doing , Precedent , Chris Christie , Very B Buzzy , Trump , Mark Meadows , Somebody , Listen , Feelings , No Doubt , Friend , Test , Obvious , Chief Of Staff , Intensive Care Unit , Hospital , Testing Regimen , Contact , Sense , Hadn T , Relationship , Donald Trump , Definition , Election , Writing , Don T Know , Conspiracy Theory , Friends , Discussion , Truth , Reference , News Today That Longtime Fox Anchor , Network , Journalists , Departures , String , Cnn Plus , Chris Wallace , Direction , Anyone , Pr Voices , Conspiracies , Fox News , Terms , Center , Heretics , Hunting , Elevation , Parallel , Arguments , Opinion Side , Talk Tv , Facts , News Organization , Absolutists , Conscience , Courage , Heads , Scintilla , Exits , Husband , Speech , Worth , Rupert Murdoch , Context , Space , Anybody , Observation , Isn T A Lot , Effort , Shep Smith , Him Isn T , Parroting , Flagship Hosts , Inmates , Conspiracy Theories , Inner Workings , Asylum , January 6th , 6 , Thanks , Guys , Prices , Pressure , Consumer , Bell , Act , Reserve , Christine Romans , 6 8 , Job , Central Bank , Inflation , Cars , Jump , Gas , Gains , Trucks , Shelter , Food , Fed , Emergency Covid Support , 1982 , Jerome Powell , Stocks , Powell , Pass , Bond , Interest Rate Hikes , 5 Billion , 15 Billion , Trade Commission , Fears , Tone , Before The Bell , Omicron Variant Fade , E Trade , Commissions , Newsletter , Account 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