Transcripts For CNN State of the Union With Jake Tapper and

Transcripts For CNN State of the Union With Jake Tapper and Dana Bash 20240709

rising costs. >> it's a bump in the road that affects families. >> can democrats get a win on their social safety bill? i'll speak to amy klobuchar ahead. hello i'm jake tapper in washington where the state of our union is holding out hope for the missing. emergency crews in the midwest are continuing the desperate search and rescue effort through tons of wreckage, flattened homes and factories and cars that were simply tossed around after at least 30 tornadoes touchdown down across six states this weekend, kentucky, arkansas, missouri, mississippi, illinois and tennessee. dozens are feared dead and officials warn the number will almost certainly rise as rescuers continue to sift through the devastation. joining me now from the commonwealth hardest hit, kentucky governor andy beshear. governor, thanks for joining us. how many confirmed deaths do you have in kentucky? how many of your citizens are still unaccounted for? >> well, the confirmation process is slow. i can tell you from reports that i've received i know we've lost more than 80 kentuckians. that number is going to exceed more than 100. this is the deadliest tornado event we've ever had, i think the longest and deadliest tornado event in u.s. history. one of the tornados was still on the ground over 227 miles and jake, 200 were in kentucky. i've got towns that are gone that are just gone. my dad's hometown, half of it in standing. it is hard to describe. people can see tit goes on for 2 blocks. it takes us time. you think door to door to check on people and see if they're okay, there are no doors. the question is somebody in the rubble in thousands upon thousands of structures. it is devastating. >> mean while no electricity, below freezing. how are rescue efforts going. >> we have a lot of help, an amazing state of good people that have come in from other cities and towns, where they weren't hit, and so we have a lot of assistants from other states, federal partners like atf, coast guard and others are also helping but it's just massive, widespread damage makes rescue efforts a challenge. if we haven't found somebody by now, it's of really great concern. the area that was hit the hardest, mayfield, i was there yesterday, will be back to today. certainly a candle factory it will be a miracle if we pull anybody else out of that. it's now 15 feet deep of steel, cars on top of where the roof was. just tough. but our rescuers out there are incredible. they work through the night, while it was occurring, putting themselves in danger through all of yesterday, hopefully caught a few hours of sleep last night. i was at our emergency operations center beginning at 1:00 a.m., i guess yesterday, and hearing the reports coming in, moment by moment, people trapped in a basement because their house is gone, and getting people to them, just a lot of amazing efforts. >> is there a number of kentuckians who remain unaccounted for? >> again, that's region by region. i'll just say in dawson springs, again, where my family's from, a town of about 2,700, the list of unaccounted for was about eight pages single space. pretty bad. >> and many of the likely deaths are one particular candle factory. what do you know whether those workers had a chance to get to safety or if they had a plan in place? >> my understanding is that they did have a plan inside the facility, that we believe most of the workers got to what is supposed to be the safest place in the facility, but when you see the damage that this storm did, not just there, but across the area, i'm not sure there was a plan that would have worked. so we had about 110 kentuckians mainly residents of mayfield that were working in that facility, about 40 of them have been rescued and i'm not sure we're going to see another rescue. i pray for it. it would be an incredibly miracle and since 3:30 yesterday morning we found a live person. >> just a horrible experience for the good men and women and children of kentucky. governor beshear, our prayers are with you and please keep in touch, let us know if there's anything you're not getting the federal government that we can help shine a light on. >> i appreciate that, one way people can help, we have set up a fun team,, our team western kentucky relief fund managed by the state, it's going to go entirely to familied impacted in western kentucky. the first expense is likely burial but to help the families grieve. we have to be with them as they gleef and in the months and year to come we have to be with them as they rebuild. we've been hit in a way that is unimaginable. we'll get through it. we'll get through it together and rebuild. we're up, we're strong people. >> governor beshear, thank you so much. >> thank you, president biden will visit areas affected by the tornadoes and pledge to do whatever it takes to help the survivors. joining me fema administrator deanne criswell. thanks for joining us. how many people are still missing across the six states hit by the devastating tornadoes and is there a hope that some people might still be found alive in the rubble? >> good morning, jake. my prayers go out to everybody impacted. we have reports of people that are missing and unaccounted for. i don't have exact numbers. the life saving and sustaining priorities are continuing to find as many people as we can that might be trapped in this rubble. >> it's still a rescue mission, not just a recovery. there's still hope. >> i think there is still hope. we sent one of our federal urban search and rescue teams down to kentucky, they arrived through the day yesterday. they'll be able to assist the localities with their ongoing rescue efforts. there is still hope. we should continue to find as many people as we can. >> what are the state's biggest priorities? what do they need the most? >> the biggest are life-saving missions but right now we have so many people displaced as a result of these tornadoes. there's sheltering that's going to need to take place. my experience as an emergency manager has shown many people stay with friends and family. two are some that need short term sheltering and long-term assistance as they rebuild. i spoke with the president of the american red cross yesterday and talked about her efforts to support the states with their sheltering and we're continuing to work with the states on long-term housing needs. >> the governor of kentucky called this the most devastating tornado event in this state's history. how unusual is it to see a storm this powerful this late in the year? >> i think it's incredibly unusual. we do see tornadoes in december, that part is not unusual but at this magnitude i don't think we've seen one this late in the year but also this time of year. the amount of time is unprecedented. >> scientists warn extreme weather events such as this one happen more frequently as the climate continues to warm. if your agency equipped to handle this new normal? >> this is going to be our new normal and the effects wre seeing from climate change are the crisis of our generation. we're taking a lot of efforts to work with communities to reduce impacts we're seeing from the severe weather events and help to develop system wide projects that can help protect communities and so we'll continue to work on helping to reduce the impacts but we're also prepared to respond to any community that gets impacted by one of these severe events. >> administrator criswell, thanks so much and appreciate the work do you. >> thank you so much. tornadoes killed at least two people in arkansas, one of them died here at a nursing home in monette, arkansas, a nursing home horribly gadamaged. governor asa hutchinson, tell us about what you saw firsthand in your state, the devastation from the tornadoes. >> as you fly over some of the communities that are impact ed there's swathes of houses destroyed, people displaced but as you indicated the miracle in monette, arkansas, northeast part of the state, small community, a nursing home was struck. i went to the facility like heaven sucked up the roof and all the contents of it. it's a miracle with 67 residents that we only lost one there, because of the heroic efforts of the staff. and also the fact 20 minutes warning, a sign went off alerting citizens a tornado was in the vicinity and because of that, they were able to get the residents in the hallway and so preparation makes a big difference. the investments in those early warning systems saved a lot of lives in this instance. >> president biden promised to use the full force of the government to help. are you or arkansas getting the help you need? >> we are and first of all the calls from fellow governors from the public that's willing to help is heartwarming to know that this tragedy can bring people together. the president on a call with him yesterday, he pledged any support that was necessary. fema is standing ready and so we're still recovering, making sure people have a place to stay, go through the long process of rebuilding these homes for each individual citizen. it's important and the president said he would cut through any red tape to make sure that we get the disaster declaration once we get the numbers in, and justify that. >> governor hutchinson, stick around. new york mayor bill de blasio will deal with a debate on covid vaccines. and the future for 10 million kids living in poverty. will democrats deliver by christmas? we'll talk with senator amy klobuchar ahead. and this is for new and existing customers. upgrade to the iphone 13 pro and airpods both on us. only at t-mobile. before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? 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>> i don't believe it does. first of all, put it in historical perspective, never in the history of our country has government mandated the private sector to require vaccinations. it's generally been left up to the states and localities, but it has been looked at as an education effort in our school systems. to put this into the businesses does a number of things. one t hardens resistance, that's what we see in arkansas but i think across the country. secondly, the courts have struck it down, by and large, the president's mandate these mandates are unconstitutional overreaches and the courts are looking at it in that fashion. it's a little bit closer case when it comes to a city, because that's a government closest to the people. but if you're looking at 1 million employees and you get a 90% vaccination rate you have 10% which is 100,000 workers and whenever the businesses are struggling with workers, our service providers, they're providing for their fmly, you don't need to add 100,000 to the unemployed list and that would hurt us in trying to do our recovery, provide the services we need already struggling even in the health care industry, if you put that mandate in, you're going to lose some health care workers as well. so that's the reasons part of the reasons that we oppose those mandates. >> mayor de blasio? >> governor, i want to speak to this but my heart goes out to the people of arkansas. i appreciate your leadership as you're dealing with this crisis and i want you to know the people in new york city are praying for the people of arkansas right now. that things recover quickly. >> thank you. >> to the question here, governor, look, right now here's what i fear. omicron is here, it's all over the country. this variant moves fast. we have to move faster, and i'll tell you what i hear from our business community that their greatest fear is shutdowns. their greatest fear is going back to where we were in 2020 to restrictions, to people losing their livelihood. you mentioned unemployment. the greatest threat to employment right now is that the omicron variant and the cold winter months are going to super charge covid and take us backwards. so i'm going to argue to you that mandates work and it's time since i put mandates in place in new york city, starting in august, we've seen over 1 million more doses. 71% of our people fully vaccinated. a lot of those people made the decision because the mandate was there, and it was the thing that moved them, and it's keeping people alive. so i do agree with you, we have to take all of the factors into account, but we've proven that mandates work, and now we're up against a new enemy with this new variant. we've got to have a strategy to fight back. >> governor? >> well, mayor, i know that new york has challenges because of its kdensity of population perhaps other places could not have and also the success of new york is important for my country. i've got a granddaughter that's going to school in new york city but whenever you look at the vaccinations, we are in agreement, let's increase those vaccination rates, but how do you get there? and to me, we're right now dividing our country on this issue of mandates. but on the issue of vaccination by and large, republicans, democrats, everybody are together on that, and education works, and we increase that here in arkansas. i had town meetings all across the state, bringing education efforts, encouraging that, but never in history particularly with the young people, with only an emergency use authorization by the fda have we mandated that vaccine at this early stage. it's right. we need that, but we know the solution to this, which is the vaccination, if you're not vaccinated, you can socially distance. you can take the steps and private businesses should be able to make the decision themselves. many might require of their employees to be vaccinated, but let's let them make that decision and of course people can make decisions as to where they want to go, but to put the mandate in is unprecedented. it's going to cause hardship and going to cause division in our country, as you can already see and so that's the reason i think the mandates take us the wrong direction. >> governor, look, i respect the point about division of the country, something we're all grappling with and i thank you. i know you showed courage in saying that private sector employers in arkansas should have the right if they choose to put a mandate in place, i appreciate you took that stand, but i'll tell you something. you have several times said understandably, we don't have a precedent here. i agree we don't have a precedent because this is absolutely an unprecedented crisis and we're about to go into year three of this. governor, this is my fear. we thought several times we're going to leave the covid era behind. we could leave it behind in 2022 if we truly focus on vaccination and put the tough mandates in place to make sure we turn the corner. if we don't, here's what i fear. we go back to lockdowns, restrictions, we lose another year and i can tell you, for a lot of businesses, small business owners i've talked, to mom and pop stores, they can't afford to lose another year. so that's the economic side. on the human side, and i'm representing a city that's lost tens of thousands of our fellow residents, and when you talk to someone who lost a grandparent, a father, a mother, it brings home we've got to stop this thing now, and i'll tell you, i'll challenge you respectfully on this point, look at what mandates have allowed us to achieve, our schools are safe, our restaurants are thriving, broadway is back, because people go in there and they know they're safe. everyone's vaccinated, and it's actually kept them thriving while keeping the covid levels low here. why wouldn't we want that for everyone? >> governor? >> mayor, what is your vaccination rate in new york city before the mandates went into place? >> it was about 57%. >> did you get up to 90%? >> about 57% before the mandate started in august. it's about 71% now fully vaccinated all residents, that means about 1 million more doses since we put the mandates in place and we know, we saw it with our own workforce, our public workforce, a lot of them were hesitant truthfully. a lot of them needed extra incentive and reason now it's 94% of our public employees are vaccinated because of those mandates. >> okay, that's public employees. i'm talking about the private sector, though, which is a totally different issue, although i don't believe we ought to have the mandates in place, but you're able to get to a fairly high vaccination rate. people of new york understood the risk, and they've lived through it, they understand that and people in arkansas, as the risk increase, the vaccination rates increase as well. so through education, you have had a great deal of success. the mandates, though, are going to cause adverse hardship. people know what they need to do, but the mandates are going to cause consistent resistance. you're going to lose public health workers and that's what we're going to see in arkansas if we put that into place, and so the private sector can make that decision as they've done, whether they want a vaccine requirement for their employees, people are going to make good decisions on this, but let's not divide again on this, and so i hope that we can work together to increase vaccination rates. you've done a great job in the city voluntarily, but the mandates i think you'll see are going to cause even greater shar hardship and the courts are going to take a look at it. >> mayor de blasio we should note you mandated all private sector workers in new york city need to get vaccinated by december 27th, two days after christmas. should all businesses in new york city fire workers in the middle of the holidays if they refuse to get vaccinated? >> we chose the 27th mindful of course of christmas and the holiday season, jake, and the bottom line is, what we found with all the mandates, we did this with the private sector already with restaurants, indoor entertainment, fitness, and what we found is in fact, employees overwhelmingly agreed and followed through. they may not have thought they would like it originally but they ultimately chose to get that shot, and in fact realize that everyone was safe in those settings, the customers have loved to have heard this consistently from restaurant owners, they're full now. people go in confident they'll be safe so it's been very good for business. what's bad for business is the threat of potential shutdowns and restrictions. i've got business owners terrified that we're going to go back where we were. look at germany right now. look at england right now. they are going backwards fast. so i'd say to you, governor, i understand the power i agree with you, education is crucial but right now, if for example in arkansas 50% of folks fully vaccinated, that runs the huge risk of covid reasserting of hundreds or thousands of people losing their lives particularly our seniors. i hear you on the power of education but i'm challenging you on the question of time. we are running out of time. omicron coming, winter coming. we've got to do something more now. >> governor hutchinson, final thought from you? >> just a quick point and that's first of all, we should not even think about shutdowns. the businesses should not have that fear. they shouldn't have the choice of being shut down or requiring a vaccine for their employees, but secondly, it's the enforcement side. if you do not have an enforcement mechanism, then it brings disrespect for the law and it brings unfairness as to who complies and who does not comply and so for all of those reasons, it's not an option of shutdown or not, but mayor, thank you for your leadership and jake, thanks for this opportunity this debate this more th important issue. >> we can agree everyone should get vaccinated as we approach the holidays. thanks to both of you for joining us. we appreciate the civil spirited debate. coming up, the supreme court just issued a new ruling on abortion this week. what does that suggest about the future of abortion rights in the u.s.? senator amy klobuchar is next. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ it's the most joyous time of the year. especially at t-mobile! let's go to dianne. i got the awesome new iphone 13 pro and airpods, and t-mobile is paying for them both! and this is for new and existing customers. upgrade to the iphone 13 pro and airpods both on us. only at t-mobile. this is your home. this is your family room slash gym. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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(sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ ♪ alexa, play our favorite song again. ok. ♪ i only have eyes for you ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ - san francisco can have criminal justice reform and public safety. but district attorney chesa boudin is failing on both. - the safety of san francisco is dependent upon chesa being recalled as soon as possible. - i didn't support the newsom recall but this is different. - chesa takes a very radical perspective and approach to criminal justice reform, which is having a negative impact on communities of color. - i never in a million years thought that my son, let alone any six-year-old, would be gunned down in the streets of san francisco and not get any justice. - chesa's failure has resulted in increase in crime against asian americans. - the da's office is in complete turmoil at this point. - for chesa boudin to intervene in so many cases is both bad management and dangerous for the city of san francisco. - we are for criminal justice reform. chesa's not it. recall chesa boudin now. welcome back to "state of the union. i'm jake tapper. democrats are scrambling to get president biden's build back better passed. supporters of the bill say it would make historic investments to help american families. one democrat is still the big ba humbug. declining to commit to supporting it. joining to us discuss amy klobuchar of minnesota. thanks for joining us. appreciate it. >> thanks, jake. >> chuck schumer says it is 13 days away. yes or no, is this going to pass by christmas? >> we have to get this done, jake, and senator manchin is still at the negotiating table. there is no doubt about that. the reason we have to get it done is we're paying the highest prices for drugs, for prescription drugs of any country in the world yet our taxpayers have funded all this research. this is the first time we take on pharma. we're willing to do it. the republicans or not. secondly, we know we have a workforce shortage, part of what's going on with the supply chain. you have to make sure people have child care so they can get back to work, help take care of aging parents and apprenticeships. there are a bunch of people out there who are not yet back into the workforce and we need to make sure they go into jobs like in hospital area where covid still raging, making sure we've got enough truck drivers and construction workers and plumbers. that's a lot about what this bill is. >> will it pass by christmas? is it going to pass by christmas? >> i am all in on getting it done by christmas and will do everything to get it done. >> republicans asked the congressional budget office to analyze the build back better bill if key provisions the child tax credit or universal pre-k made permanent instead of being phased out after a few years. the cbo found it would add $3 trillion to the deficit. i understand democrats are pushing back because the bill as written does not make those programs permanent. >> the point what you just made is that this bill is paid for. it's paid for by taxing the wealthiest and paid for to help regular people. and all the economists have said that it doesn't make it, it's not inflationary because it's paid for. you want to make sure they're working. what's worked? i think pre-k is going to be a major part of this, this is going to be something we should keep in place. so what do you do? you can continue a lot of the tax changes we've made to pay for it. there's other tax changes we haven't touched like for instance bringing up the corporate tax rate to where it was before trump presidency, every point you bring it up if you brought it up to save 25%, that's $400 billion. that's still on the table. there are ways to pay for things going forward but right now this bill it is paid for and not inflationary. to the contrary it's going to help us with the inflation issue. >> right, so the cbo report did seem designed to get joe manchin to not support the bill. >> clearly this was where the republicans asked for this, but joe manchin is someone he gets our country. he gets the plight of so many people in west virginia, and how they've been having to pay more for prescription drug prices, a strong proponent of taking on pharma to bring down prescription drugs. >> is he on board? he has not committed to this bill and you need him. >> those negotiations are continuing. is he behind the bill that i'm leading, the freedom to vote act, so many people working on this from senator schumer to tim kaine, to senator warnock and padilla and john tester. we have to find a way to get it on the floor. >> you grilled the head of instagram over the impact on young users and the devastating impact on young girls. now you're introducing legislation to require social media companies to publicly release internal data and to cooperate with independent researchers looking into their app's impact on the republican. senator rob portman cosponsored the bill. do you have the votes to pass it? >> i think we do. there's a bipartisan movement to take this on. the interests of parents right now and social media platforms are diametrically opposed. parents want their kids doing homework, if they're going to look at tv or any content, they want them protected from bad stuff. that's not happening right now. and what we've seen with the platforms and this is what we asked the ceo of instagram is that they're putting more money into wooing teens to keep them on the site because it's a feeder group that gets addicted to their product. they see more ads and can sell more advertising. it's obvious and this includes facebo facebook, tiktok and m meta facebook owns instagram. we want to protect kids on the internet and do something about our competition policy and algorithms so we know exactly what's going on and we can have alternatives for families. >> something that happened friday that i wanted to ask you about if we can bring up the picture. you were at the funeral for former senator bob dole and you were seated, there you are, next to republican senator ted cruz, who as everybody can see is not masked. despite rules that the national cathedral requiring all guests to wear masks indoors. now you're a breast cancer survivor. you're still recovering i guess. >> i'm 100% now. >> still at risk of infection because of this fight that you won. what was going through your mind there, where ted cruz pulls up next to you and doesn't have a mask on, even nthough the rules are, you wear the masks to protect other people. >> i think people should wear masks especially when in settings when they're supposed to. i think part of our duty as civic leaders is actually to model behavior, because it's not just about masks. it's also about vaccines and ted cruz, he's gotten a vaccine. he gets that. and part of what i don't want to get lost here is why we were there. we were there to honor bob dole and his memory. bob dole was all about consensus, bringing people together, and let's not forget that. one of the things i learned at that funeral which i didn't know was that bob dole was actually strongly supportive of establishing the mlk holiday. he was supportive of civil rights legislation. he did courageous things that were against the grain when called upon. >> yes. >> in his words, he actually once said that the, when you look at these things and what's happening in our country that courage is about bringing people together. he was someone that i think we need to think about as we take on, i just watched that incredible debate you had, was we take on things in our country that we have to find consensus when we can. >> quickly if you could, the supreme court just ruled that some challenges against texas' restrictive abortion ban can proceed. the law bans abortions after six weeks before a lot of women even know they're pregnant. deputizes private citizens to enforce it. that law is allowed to remain in effect. what is your reaction? you expressed fear about what happens to roe v. wade. >> i'll quote justice roberts a conservative justice, but he seems to be appalled by what's going on with the other justices in the court and he said this. the clear purpose and actual fact of the texas law has been to nullify this court's rulings, and that when the court allows states to do that "the constitution itself becomes a solemn mockery." this law is still in effect in texas. justice kagan described it as the fabric of a women's existence, so i believe in the end based on what we heard out of the mississippi case where the real decision's going to be made about constitutionality, the texas case is going back to the lower courts, limited right to sue, but what we know is that if they decide this appears they will is that we will have no choice but to take this on state by state. i don't think that's the right way to handle this patchwork of state laws. i think the best way to avoid back alley abortions and bussing women around the country is the codify roe v. wade, put that into federal law to make sure women have a choice, to be a mom, to put a child up for adoption, or to terminate a pregnancy, that i am with 75% of americans who believe this should be a choice between a woman and her doctor. >> senator klobuchar from minnesota, thanks for being with us today. >> thank you. >> is this the way our democracy ends with a giant shrug? our nation is in danger, is anybody listening? that's next. it's the most joyous time of the year. especially at t-mobile! let's go to dianne. i got the awesome new iphone 13 pro and airpods, and t-mobile is paying for them both! and this is for new and existing customers. upgrade to the iphone 13 pro and airpods both on us. only at t-mobile. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your 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the wilder slides from fill imphilafill fill imwa power point memo wald ron says he had circulated among other allies a memo that called for trump to declare a state of national emergency because of the false if not lunatic theory wald ron was pushing that foreign actors hacked into servers to change american votes. wald ron appeared in that unhinged film by my pillow's mike lindell that prompted defamation lawsuits. >> direct access to pennsylvania voting precincts, county tabulation centers, wisconsin, michigan, nevada, arizona, georgia, all of that coming in directly from foreign countries, china being the predominant one. >> just crazy, and to reiterate, that guy had the ear of white house officials. that guy was pushing lunacy and urging them to declare a national emergency and seize ballots. on friday, trump attorney general confirmed by politico, december 31st proposes a way for vice president mike pence to not count the electoral votes for joe biden from arizona, georgia, michigan, nevada, pennsylvania and wisconsin, because she said republicans in the states were disputing their results, though as always we should note the disputes were rooted in wild and unhinged lies. ellis said "on january 6th the vice president should therefore not open any votes from the six states and instead direct a question to the legislatures of each of the states and ask them to confirm which of the two slates of electors have in fact been chosen in the manner the legislature is provided for. the question would require a response from the state legislatures which would then need to meet in an emergency electoral session." in other words, even though there were not two states of electors from every state, ellis was pushing a way for pence to push the lectures, convene and create them. five of six of the states have republican legislatures, we should note. this plan was counting on their participation. another ellis memo january 5th, the day before the insurrection, quote, the vice president should begin alphabetically in order of the states incoming first to arizona, not open the purported certification but simply count the stop at that juncture, end quote. the states would then have to act. ellis tweeted in response to the politico story she never, quote, advocated pence had the authority to overturn the election and the memo simply outlined, quote, legal theories i explored. except we know that vice president pence was being pushed to take some action like that by this man, jon eastman, another preacher of crazy election lies. >> say we're unloading the ballots from the secret folder, matching them, matching them to the unvoted voter and voila, we have enough votes to barely get over the finish line. >> just crazy. eastman claiming falsely that pence was the electoral arbiter of the votes. we know this not just from voting but donald trump's own words on january 6th. >>. jon is one of the most brilliant lawyers in the country and he looked at this and he said what an absolute disgrace this could be happening to our constitution. and he looked at mike pence, and i hope mike is going to do the right thing. i hope so, i hope so. >> it might be tempting to laugh at all of this wackiness, the nutty theories and foreign hackers and bizarre legal memos, but republican officials continue to push these lies or at the very least, most of them are not standing up against them. polling shows the majority of republican voters now believe the falsehood that the election was stolen. one of those republicans, this man, a substitute teacher from elizabeth town, pennsylvania, who attended the january 6th rally and posted on his facebook page, unfortunately a few weeds sprouted up and turned a positive event into a weak one. they looked and smelled like wheat, appeared to be wheat but were not. the enemy planted weeds in among the wheat, end quote. i'm not certain if he was suggesting the hundreds of trump supporters who have been prosecuted for attacking the capitol were not actually trump supporters but the only reason i'm mentioning him to you is mr. lindemuth ran and won the position of judge of election in elizabethtown, pennsylvania. the guy who attended the ridiculous stop the steal rally, saying he was standing for the truth to be heard. he's in charge of elections. this is happening all over the country in offices small and large from governor gubernatorial candidate carrie lake in arizona to georgia senator david perdue endorsed by trump to challenge incumbent republican brian kemp. perdue just told axios he would not have signed the state's certification of electors had he been governor. make no mistake, the folks from this movement do not believe in free and fair elections. they do not believe in your vote counting unless you vote for them. their platform is disenfranchisement and derangement. it is un-democratic and it's frankly un-american. and they're doing it right in front of all of us, right out in the open. trump once said, quote, i could stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose voters. he did try to killed democracy once and he's going to try to do it again clearly. but this time with a little help from his friends, he might actually pull it off. we'll be right back. w, that dre. her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? ("jingle bells") ♪ (doors knocking and bells ringing to the music) ♪ - [announcer] this holiday season, give the gift of grubhub. ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, now introducing ensure complete! with 30 grams of protein. this is your home. this is your family room slash gym. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ before we go, we want to take a moment to welcome the newest america of our state of the union family. grace, born to our producer cassie and husband jim. mom and baby are doing great. congratulations, cassie, she's beautiful. fareed zakaria picks it up next. thank you for watching. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ say it's all right ♪ ♪ say it's all right, it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ now listen to the beat ♪ ♪ kinda pat your feet ♪ ♪ it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ oh, it's all right ♪ the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash... and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. - san francisco can have criminal justice reform and public safety. but district attorney chesa boudin is failing on both. - the safety of san francisco is dependent upon chesa being recalled as soon as possible. - i didn't support the newsom recall but this is different. - chesa takes a very radical perspective and approach to criminal justice reform, which is having a negative impact on communities of color. - i never in a million years thought that my son, let alone any six-year-old, would be gunned down in the streets of san francisco and not get any justice. - chesa's failure has resulted in increase in crime against asian americans. - the da's office is in complete turmoil at this point. - for chesa boudin to intervene in so many cases is both bad management and dangerous for the city of san francisco. - we are for criminal justice reform. chesa's not it. recall chesa boudin now. this is gps, the global public square. welcome to all of you if the use and around the world. i'm fareed zakaria coming to you live from new york. today on the program, russia, china, iran, president biden's biggest foreign policy headaches are only getting bigger. >> democracy needs champions. >> putin puts forth red lines on ukraine. beijing reacts a

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Transcripts For CNN State Of The Union With Jake Tapper And Dana Bash 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN State of the Union With Jake Tapper and Dana Bash 20240709

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rising costs. >> it's a bump in the road that affects families. >> can democrats get a win on their social safety bill? i'll speak to amy klobuchar ahead. hello i'm jake tapper in washington where the state of our union is holding out hope for the missing. emergency crews in the midwest are continuing the desperate search and rescue effort through tons of wreckage, flattened homes and factories and cars that were simply tossed around after at least 30 tornadoes touchdown down across six states this weekend, kentucky, arkansas, missouri, mississippi, illinois and tennessee. dozens are feared dead and officials warn the number will almost certainly rise as rescuers continue to sift through the devastation. joining me now from the commonwealth hardest hit, kentucky governor andy beshear. governor, thanks for joining us. how many confirmed deaths do you have in kentucky? how many of your citizens are still unaccounted for? >> well, the confirmation process is slow. i can tell you from reports that i've received i know we've lost more than 80 kentuckians. that number is going to exceed more than 100. this is the deadliest tornado event we've ever had, i think the longest and deadliest tornado event in u.s. history. one of the tornados was still on the ground over 227 miles and jake, 200 were in kentucky. i've got towns that are gone that are just gone. my dad's hometown, half of it in standing. it is hard to describe. people can see tit goes on for 2 blocks. it takes us time. you think door to door to check on people and see if they're okay, there are no doors. the question is somebody in the rubble in thousands upon thousands of structures. it is devastating. >> mean while no electricity, below freezing. how are rescue efforts going. >> we have a lot of help, an amazing state of good people that have come in from other cities and towns, where they weren't hit, and so we have a lot of assistants from other states, federal partners like atf, coast guard and others are also helping but it's just massive, widespread damage makes rescue efforts a challenge. if we haven't found somebody by now, it's of really great concern. the area that was hit the hardest, mayfield, i was there yesterday, will be back to today. certainly a candle factory it will be a miracle if we pull anybody else out of that. it's now 15 feet deep of steel, cars on top of where the roof was. just tough. but our rescuers out there are incredible. they work through the night, while it was occurring, putting themselves in danger through all of yesterday, hopefully caught a few hours of sleep last night. i was at our emergency operations center beginning at 1:00 a.m., i guess yesterday, and hearing the reports coming in, moment by moment, people trapped in a basement because their house is gone, and getting people to them, just a lot of amazing efforts. >> is there a number of kentuckians who remain unaccounted for? >> again, that's region by region. i'll just say in dawson springs, again, where my family's from, a town of about 2,700, the list of unaccounted for was about eight pages single space. pretty bad. >> and many of the likely deaths are one particular candle factory. what do you know whether those workers had a chance to get to safety or if they had a plan in place? >> my understanding is that they did have a plan inside the facility, that we believe most of the workers got to what is supposed to be the safest place in the facility, but when you see the damage that this storm did, not just there, but across the area, i'm not sure there was a plan that would have worked. so we had about 110 kentuckians mainly residents of mayfield that were working in that facility, about 40 of them have been rescued and i'm not sure we're going to see another rescue. i pray for it. it would be an incredibly miracle and since 3:30 yesterday morning we found a live person. >> just a horrible experience for the good men and women and children of kentucky. governor beshear, our prayers are with you and please keep in touch, let us know if there's anything you're not getting the federal government that we can help shine a light on. >> i appreciate that, one way people can help, we have set up a fun team,, our team western kentucky relief fund managed by the state, it's going to go entirely to familied impacted in western kentucky. the first expense is likely burial but to help the families grieve. we have to be with them as they gleef and in the months and year to come we have to be with them as they rebuild. we've been hit in a way that is unimaginable. we'll get through it. we'll get through it together and rebuild. we're up, we're strong people. >> governor beshear, thank you so much. >> thank you, president biden will visit areas affected by the tornadoes and pledge to do whatever it takes to help the survivors. joining me fema administrator deanne criswell. thanks for joining us. how many people are still missing across the six states hit by the devastating tornadoes and is there a hope that some people might still be found alive in the rubble? >> good morning, jake. my prayers go out to everybody impacted. we have reports of people that are missing and unaccounted for. i don't have exact numbers. the life saving and sustaining priorities are continuing to find as many people as we can that might be trapped in this rubble. >> it's still a rescue mission, not just a recovery. there's still hope. >> i think there is still hope. we sent one of our federal urban search and rescue teams down to kentucky, they arrived through the day yesterday. they'll be able to assist the localities with their ongoing rescue efforts. there is still hope. we should continue to find as many people as we can. >> what are the state's biggest priorities? what do they need the most? >> the biggest are life-saving missions but right now we have so many people displaced as a result of these tornadoes. there's sheltering that's going to need to take place. my experience as an emergency manager has shown many people stay with friends and family. two are some that need short term sheltering and long-term assistance as they rebuild. i spoke with the president of the american red cross yesterday and talked about her efforts to support the states with their sheltering and we're continuing to work with the states on long-term housing needs. >> the governor of kentucky called this the most devastating tornado event in this state's history. how unusual is it to see a storm this powerful this late in the year? >> i think it's incredibly unusual. we do see tornadoes in december, that part is not unusual but at this magnitude i don't think we've seen one this late in the year but also this time of year. the amount of time is unprecedented. >> scientists warn extreme weather events such as this one happen more frequently as the climate continues to warm. if your agency equipped to handle this new normal? >> this is going to be our new normal and the effects wre seeing from climate change are the crisis of our generation. we're taking a lot of efforts to work with communities to reduce impacts we're seeing from the severe weather events and help to develop system wide projects that can help protect communities and so we'll continue to work on helping to reduce the impacts but we're also prepared to respond to any community that gets impacted by one of these severe events. >> administrator criswell, thanks so much and appreciate the work do you. >> thank you so much. tornadoes killed at least two people in arkansas, one of them died here at a nursing home in monette, arkansas, a nursing home horribly gadamaged. governor asa hutchinson, tell us about what you saw firsthand in your state, the devastation from the tornadoes. >> as you fly over some of the communities that are impact ed there's swathes of houses destroyed, people displaced but as you indicated the miracle in monette, arkansas, northeast part of the state, small community, a nursing home was struck. i went to the facility like heaven sucked up the roof and all the contents of it. it's a miracle with 67 residents that we only lost one there, because of the heroic efforts of the staff. and also the fact 20 minutes warning, a sign went off alerting citizens a tornado was in the vicinity and because of that, they were able to get the residents in the hallway and so preparation makes a big difference. the investments in those early warning systems saved a lot of lives in this instance. >> president biden promised to use the full force of the government to help. are you or arkansas getting the help you need? >> we are and first of all the calls from fellow governors from the public that's willing to help is heartwarming to know that this tragedy can bring people together. the president on a call with him yesterday, he pledged any support that was necessary. fema is standing ready and so we're still recovering, making sure people have a place to stay, go through the long process of rebuilding these homes for each individual citizen. it's important and the president said he would cut through any red tape to make sure that we get the disaster declaration once we get the numbers in, and justify that. >> governor hutchinson, stick around. new york mayor bill de blasio will deal with a debate on covid vaccines. and the future for 10 million kids living in poverty. will democrats deliver by christmas? we'll talk with senator amy klobuchar ahead. and this is for new and existing customers. upgrade to the iphone 13 pro and airpods both on us. only at t-mobile. before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? 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>> i don't believe it does. first of all, put it in historical perspective, never in the history of our country has government mandated the private sector to require vaccinations. it's generally been left up to the states and localities, but it has been looked at as an education effort in our school systems. to put this into the businesses does a number of things. one t hardens resistance, that's what we see in arkansas but i think across the country. secondly, the courts have struck it down, by and large, the president's mandate these mandates are unconstitutional overreaches and the courts are looking at it in that fashion. it's a little bit closer case when it comes to a city, because that's a government closest to the people. but if you're looking at 1 million employees and you get a 90% vaccination rate you have 10% which is 100,000 workers and whenever the businesses are struggling with workers, our service providers, they're providing for their fmly, you don't need to add 100,000 to the unemployed list and that would hurt us in trying to do our recovery, provide the services we need already struggling even in the health care industry, if you put that mandate in, you're going to lose some health care workers as well. so that's the reasons part of the reasons that we oppose those mandates. >> mayor de blasio? >> governor, i want to speak to this but my heart goes out to the people of arkansas. i appreciate your leadership as you're dealing with this crisis and i want you to know the people in new york city are praying for the people of arkansas right now. that things recover quickly. >> thank you. >> to the question here, governor, look, right now here's what i fear. omicron is here, it's all over the country. this variant moves fast. we have to move faster, and i'll tell you what i hear from our business community that their greatest fear is shutdowns. their greatest fear is going back to where we were in 2020 to restrictions, to people losing their livelihood. you mentioned unemployment. the greatest threat to employment right now is that the omicron variant and the cold winter months are going to super charge covid and take us backwards. so i'm going to argue to you that mandates work and it's time since i put mandates in place in new york city, starting in august, we've seen over 1 million more doses. 71% of our people fully vaccinated. a lot of those people made the decision because the mandate was there, and it was the thing that moved them, and it's keeping people alive. so i do agree with you, we have to take all of the factors into account, but we've proven that mandates work, and now we're up against a new enemy with this new variant. we've got to have a strategy to fight back. >> governor? >> well, mayor, i know that new york has challenges because of its kdensity of population perhaps other places could not have and also the success of new york is important for my country. i've got a granddaughter that's going to school in new york city but whenever you look at the vaccinations, we are in agreement, let's increase those vaccination rates, but how do you get there? and to me, we're right now dividing our country on this issue of mandates. but on the issue of vaccination by and large, republicans, democrats, everybody are together on that, and education works, and we increase that here in arkansas. i had town meetings all across the state, bringing education efforts, encouraging that, but never in history particularly with the young people, with only an emergency use authorization by the fda have we mandated that vaccine at this early stage. it's right. we need that, but we know the solution to this, which is the vaccination, if you're not vaccinated, you can socially distance. you can take the steps and private businesses should be able to make the decision themselves. many might require of their employees to be vaccinated, but let's let them make that decision and of course people can make decisions as to where they want to go, but to put the mandate in is unprecedented. it's going to cause hardship and going to cause division in our country, as you can already see and so that's the reason i think the mandates take us the wrong direction. >> governor, look, i respect the point about division of the country, something we're all grappling with and i thank you. i know you showed courage in saying that private sector employers in arkansas should have the right if they choose to put a mandate in place, i appreciate you took that stand, but i'll tell you something. you have several times said understandably, we don't have a precedent here. i agree we don't have a precedent because this is absolutely an unprecedented crisis and we're about to go into year three of this. governor, this is my fear. we thought several times we're going to leave the covid era behind. we could leave it behind in 2022 if we truly focus on vaccination and put the tough mandates in place to make sure we turn the corner. if we don't, here's what i fear. we go back to lockdowns, restrictions, we lose another year and i can tell you, for a lot of businesses, small business owners i've talked, to mom and pop stores, they can't afford to lose another year. so that's the economic side. on the human side, and i'm representing a city that's lost tens of thousands of our fellow residents, and when you talk to someone who lost a grandparent, a father, a mother, it brings home we've got to stop this thing now, and i'll tell you, i'll challenge you respectfully on this point, look at what mandates have allowed us to achieve, our schools are safe, our restaurants are thriving, broadway is back, because people go in there and they know they're safe. everyone's vaccinated, and it's actually kept them thriving while keeping the covid levels low here. why wouldn't we want that for everyone? >> governor? >> mayor, what is your vaccination rate in new york city before the mandates went into place? >> it was about 57%. >> did you get up to 90%? >> about 57% before the mandate started in august. it's about 71% now fully vaccinated all residents, that means about 1 million more doses since we put the mandates in place and we know, we saw it with our own workforce, our public workforce, a lot of them were hesitant truthfully. a lot of them needed extra incentive and reason now it's 94% of our public employees are vaccinated because of those mandates. >> okay, that's public employees. i'm talking about the private sector, though, which is a totally different issue, although i don't believe we ought to have the mandates in place, but you're able to get to a fairly high vaccination rate. people of new york understood the risk, and they've lived through it, they understand that and people in arkansas, as the risk increase, the vaccination rates increase as well. so through education, you have had a great deal of success. the mandates, though, are going to cause adverse hardship. people know what they need to do, but the mandates are going to cause consistent resistance. you're going to lose public health workers and that's what we're going to see in arkansas if we put that into place, and so the private sector can make that decision as they've done, whether they want a vaccine requirement for their employees, people are going to make good decisions on this, but let's not divide again on this, and so i hope that we can work together to increase vaccination rates. you've done a great job in the city voluntarily, but the mandates i think you'll see are going to cause even greater shar hardship and the courts are going to take a look at it. >> mayor de blasio we should note you mandated all private sector workers in new york city need to get vaccinated by december 27th, two days after christmas. should all businesses in new york city fire workers in the middle of the holidays if they refuse to get vaccinated? >> we chose the 27th mindful of course of christmas and the holiday season, jake, and the bottom line is, what we found with all the mandates, we did this with the private sector already with restaurants, indoor entertainment, fitness, and what we found is in fact, employees overwhelmingly agreed and followed through. they may not have thought they would like it originally but they ultimately chose to get that shot, and in fact realize that everyone was safe in those settings, the customers have loved to have heard this consistently from restaurant owners, they're full now. people go in confident they'll be safe so it's been very good for business. what's bad for business is the threat of potential shutdowns and restrictions. i've got business owners terrified that we're going to go back where we were. look at germany right now. look at england right now. they are going backwards fast. so i'd say to you, governor, i understand the power i agree with you, education is crucial but right now, if for example in arkansas 50% of folks fully vaccinated, that runs the huge risk of covid reasserting of hundreds or thousands of people losing their lives particularly our seniors. i hear you on the power of education but i'm challenging you on the question of time. we are running out of time. omicron coming, winter coming. we've got to do something more now. >> governor hutchinson, final thought from you? >> just a quick point and that's first of all, we should not even think about shutdowns. the businesses should not have that fear. they shouldn't have the choice of being shut down or requiring a vaccine for their employees, but secondly, it's the enforcement side. if you do not have an enforcement mechanism, then it brings disrespect for the law and it brings unfairness as to who complies and who does not comply and so for all of those reasons, it's not an option of shutdown or not, but mayor, thank you for your leadership and jake, thanks for this opportunity this debate this more th important issue. >> we can agree everyone should get vaccinated as we approach the holidays. thanks to both of you for joining us. we appreciate the civil spirited debate. coming up, the supreme court just issued a new ruling on abortion this week. what does that suggest about the future of abortion rights in the u.s.? senator amy klobuchar is next. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ it's the most joyous time of the year. especially at t-mobile! let's go to dianne. i got the awesome new iphone 13 pro and airpods, and t-mobile is paying for them both! and this is for new and existing customers. upgrade to the iphone 13 pro and airpods both on us. only at t-mobile. this is your home. this is your family room slash gym. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! (sighs wearily) here i'll take that! (excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. ♪ ♪ ♪ (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ are the stars out tonight? (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ ♪ alexa, play our favorite song again. ok. ♪ i only have eyes for you ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ - san francisco can have criminal justice reform and public safety. but district attorney chesa boudin is failing on both. - the safety of san francisco is dependent upon chesa being recalled as soon as possible. - i didn't support the newsom recall but this is different. - chesa takes a very radical perspective and approach to criminal justice reform, which is having a negative impact on communities of color. - i never in a million years thought that my son, let alone any six-year-old, would be gunned down in the streets of san francisco and not get any justice. - chesa's failure has resulted in increase in crime against asian americans. - the da's office is in complete turmoil at this point. - for chesa boudin to intervene in so many cases is both bad management and dangerous for the city of san francisco. - we are for criminal justice reform. chesa's not it. recall chesa boudin now. welcome back to "state of the union. i'm jake tapper. democrats are scrambling to get president biden's build back better passed. supporters of the bill say it would make historic investments to help american families. one democrat is still the big ba humbug. declining to commit to supporting it. joining to us discuss amy klobuchar of minnesota. thanks for joining us. appreciate it. >> thanks, jake. >> chuck schumer says it is 13 days away. yes or no, is this going to pass by christmas? >> we have to get this done, jake, and senator manchin is still at the negotiating table. there is no doubt about that. the reason we have to get it done is we're paying the highest prices for drugs, for prescription drugs of any country in the world yet our taxpayers have funded all this research. this is the first time we take on pharma. we're willing to do it. the republicans or not. secondly, we know we have a workforce shortage, part of what's going on with the supply chain. you have to make sure people have child care so they can get back to work, help take care of aging parents and apprenticeships. there are a bunch of people out there who are not yet back into the workforce and we need to make sure they go into jobs like in hospital area where covid still raging, making sure we've got enough truck drivers and construction workers and plumbers. that's a lot about what this bill is. >> will it pass by christmas? is it going to pass by christmas? >> i am all in on getting it done by christmas and will do everything to get it done. >> republicans asked the congressional budget office to analyze the build back better bill if key provisions the child tax credit or universal pre-k made permanent instead of being phased out after a few years. the cbo found it would add $3 trillion to the deficit. i understand democrats are pushing back because the bill as written does not make those programs permanent. >> the point what you just made is that this bill is paid for. it's paid for by taxing the wealthiest and paid for to help regular people. and all the economists have said that it doesn't make it, it's not inflationary because it's paid for. you want to make sure they're working. what's worked? i think pre-k is going to be a major part of this, this is going to be something we should keep in place. so what do you do? you can continue a lot of the tax changes we've made to pay for it. there's other tax changes we haven't touched like for instance bringing up the corporate tax rate to where it was before trump presidency, every point you bring it up if you brought it up to save 25%, that's $400 billion. that's still on the table. there are ways to pay for things going forward but right now this bill it is paid for and not inflationary. to the contrary it's going to help us with the inflation issue. >> right, so the cbo report did seem designed to get joe manchin to not support the bill. >> clearly this was where the republicans asked for this, but joe manchin is someone he gets our country. he gets the plight of so many people in west virginia, and how they've been having to pay more for prescription drug prices, a strong proponent of taking on pharma to bring down prescription drugs. >> is he on board? he has not committed to this bill and you need him. >> those negotiations are continuing. is he behind the bill that i'm leading, the freedom to vote act, so many people working on this from senator schumer to tim kaine, to senator warnock and padilla and john tester. we have to find a way to get it on the floor. >> you grilled the head of instagram over the impact on young users and the devastating impact on young girls. now you're introducing legislation to require social media companies to publicly release internal data and to cooperate with independent researchers looking into their app's impact on the republican. senator rob portman cosponsored the bill. do you have the votes to pass it? >> i think we do. there's a bipartisan movement to take this on. the interests of parents right now and social media platforms are diametrically opposed. parents want their kids doing homework, if they're going to look at tv or any content, they want them protected from bad stuff. that's not happening right now. and what we've seen with the platforms and this is what we asked the ceo of instagram is that they're putting more money into wooing teens to keep them on the site because it's a feeder group that gets addicted to their product. they see more ads and can sell more advertising. it's obvious and this includes facebo facebook, tiktok and m meta facebook owns instagram. we want to protect kids on the internet and do something about our competition policy and algorithms so we know exactly what's going on and we can have alternatives for families. >> something that happened friday that i wanted to ask you about if we can bring up the picture. you were at the funeral for former senator bob dole and you were seated, there you are, next to republican senator ted cruz, who as everybody can see is not masked. despite rules that the national cathedral requiring all guests to wear masks indoors. now you're a breast cancer survivor. you're still recovering i guess. >> i'm 100% now. >> still at risk of infection because of this fight that you won. what was going through your mind there, where ted cruz pulls up next to you and doesn't have a mask on, even nthough the rules are, you wear the masks to protect other people. >> i think people should wear masks especially when in settings when they're supposed to. i think part of our duty as civic leaders is actually to model behavior, because it's not just about masks. it's also about vaccines and ted cruz, he's gotten a vaccine. he gets that. and part of what i don't want to get lost here is why we were there. we were there to honor bob dole and his memory. bob dole was all about consensus, bringing people together, and let's not forget that. one of the things i learned at that funeral which i didn't know was that bob dole was actually strongly supportive of establishing the mlk holiday. he was supportive of civil rights legislation. he did courageous things that were against the grain when called upon. >> yes. >> in his words, he actually once said that the, when you look at these things and what's happening in our country that courage is about bringing people together. he was someone that i think we need to think about as we take on, i just watched that incredible debate you had, was we take on things in our country that we have to find consensus when we can. >> quickly if you could, the supreme court just ruled that some challenges against texas' restrictive abortion ban can proceed. the law bans abortions after six weeks before a lot of women even know they're pregnant. deputizes private citizens to enforce it. that law is allowed to remain in effect. what is your reaction? you expressed fear about what happens to roe v. wade. >> i'll quote justice roberts a conservative justice, but he seems to be appalled by what's going on with the other justices in the court and he said this. the clear purpose and actual fact of the texas law has been to nullify this court's rulings, and that when the court allows states to do that "the constitution itself becomes a solemn mockery." this law is still in effect in texas. justice kagan described it as the fabric of a women's existence, so i believe in the end based on what we heard out of the mississippi case where the real decision's going to be made about constitutionality, the texas case is going back to the lower courts, limited right to sue, but what we know is that if they decide this appears they will is that we will have no choice but to take this on state by state. i don't think that's the right way to handle this patchwork of state laws. i think the best way to avoid back alley abortions and bussing women around the country is the codify roe v. wade, put that into federal law to make sure women have a choice, to be a mom, to put a child up for adoption, or to terminate a pregnancy, that i am with 75% of americans who believe this should be a choice between a woman and her doctor. >> senator klobuchar from minnesota, thanks for being with us today. >> thank you. >> is this the way our democracy ends with a giant shrug? our nation is in danger, is anybody listening? that's next. it's the most joyous time of the year. especially at t-mobile! let's go to dianne. i got the awesome new iphone 13 pro and airpods, and t-mobile is paying for them both! and this is for new and existing customers. upgrade to the iphone 13 pro and airpods both on us. only at t-mobile. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your 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the wilder slides from fill imphilafill fill imwa power point memo wald ron says he had circulated among other allies a memo that called for trump to declare a state of national emergency because of the false if not lunatic theory wald ron was pushing that foreign actors hacked into servers to change american votes. wald ron appeared in that unhinged film by my pillow's mike lindell that prompted defamation lawsuits. >> direct access to pennsylvania voting precincts, county tabulation centers, wisconsin, michigan, nevada, arizona, georgia, all of that coming in directly from foreign countries, china being the predominant one. >> just crazy, and to reiterate, that guy had the ear of white house officials. that guy was pushing lunacy and urging them to declare a national emergency and seize ballots. on friday, trump attorney general confirmed by politico, december 31st proposes a way for vice president mike pence to not count the electoral votes for joe biden from arizona, georgia, michigan, nevada, pennsylvania and wisconsin, because she said republicans in the states were disputing their results, though as always we should note the disputes were rooted in wild and unhinged lies. ellis said "on january 6th the vice president should therefore not open any votes from the six states and instead direct a question to the legislatures of each of the states and ask them to confirm which of the two slates of electors have in fact been chosen in the manner the legislature is provided for. the question would require a response from the state legislatures which would then need to meet in an emergency electoral session." in other words, even though there were not two states of electors from every state, ellis was pushing a way for pence to push the lectures, convene and create them. five of six of the states have republican legislatures, we should note. this plan was counting on their participation. another ellis memo january 5th, the day before the insurrection, quote, the vice president should begin alphabetically in order of the states incoming first to arizona, not open the purported certification but simply count the stop at that juncture, end quote. the states would then have to act. ellis tweeted in response to the politico story she never, quote, advocated pence had the authority to overturn the election and the memo simply outlined, quote, legal theories i explored. except we know that vice president pence was being pushed to take some action like that by this man, jon eastman, another preacher of crazy election lies. >> say we're unloading the ballots from the secret folder, matching them, matching them to the unvoted voter and voila, we have enough votes to barely get over the finish line. >> just crazy. eastman claiming falsely that pence was the electoral arbiter of the votes. we know this not just from voting but donald trump's own words on january 6th. >>. jon is one of the most brilliant lawyers in the country and he looked at this and he said what an absolute disgrace this could be happening to our constitution. and he looked at mike pence, and i hope mike is going to do the right thing. i hope so, i hope so. >> it might be tempting to laugh at all of this wackiness, the nutty theories and foreign hackers and bizarre legal memos, but republican officials continue to push these lies or at the very least, most of them are not standing up against them. polling shows the majority of republican voters now believe the falsehood that the election was stolen. one of those republicans, this man, a substitute teacher from elizabeth town, pennsylvania, who attended the january 6th rally and posted on his facebook page, unfortunately a few weeds sprouted up and turned a positive event into a weak one. they looked and smelled like wheat, appeared to be wheat but were not. the enemy planted weeds in among the wheat, end quote. i'm not certain if he was suggesting the hundreds of trump supporters who have been prosecuted for attacking the capitol were not actually trump supporters but the only reason i'm mentioning him to you is mr. lindemuth ran and won the position of judge of election in elizabethtown, pennsylvania. the guy who attended the ridiculous stop the steal rally, saying he was standing for the truth to be heard. he's in charge of elections. this is happening all over the country in offices small and large from governor gubernatorial candidate carrie lake in arizona to georgia senator david perdue endorsed by trump to challenge incumbent republican brian kemp. perdue just told axios he would not have signed the state's certification of electors had he been governor. make no mistake, the folks from this movement do not believe in free and fair elections. they do not believe in your vote counting unless you vote for them. their platform is disenfranchisement and derangement. it is un-democratic and it's frankly un-american. and they're doing it right in front of all of us, right out in the open. trump once said, quote, i could stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose voters. he did try to killed democracy once and he's going to try to do it again clearly. but this time with a little help from his friends, he might actually pull it off. we'll be right back. w, that dre. her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? ("jingle bells") ♪ (doors knocking and bells ringing to the music) ♪ - [announcer] this holiday season, give the gift of grubhub. ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, now introducing ensure complete! with 30 grams of protein. this is your home. this is your family room slash gym. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ before we go, we want to take a moment to welcome the newest america of our state of the union family. grace, born to our producer cassie and husband jim. mom and baby are doing great. congratulations, cassie, she's beautiful. fareed zakaria picks it up next. thank you for watching. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ say it's all right ♪ ♪ say it's all right, it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ now listen to the beat ♪ ♪ kinda pat your feet ♪ ♪ it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ oh, it's all right ♪ the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash... and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. - san francisco can have criminal justice reform and public safety. but district attorney chesa boudin is failing on both. - the safety of san francisco is dependent upon chesa being recalled as soon as possible. - i didn't support the newsom recall but this is different. - chesa takes a very radical perspective and approach to criminal justice reform, which is having a negative impact on communities of color. - i never in a million years thought that my son, let alone any six-year-old, would be gunned down in the streets of san francisco and not get any justice. - chesa's failure has resulted in increase in crime against asian americans. - the da's office is in complete turmoil at this point. - for chesa boudin to intervene in so many cases is both bad management and dangerous for the city of san francisco. - we are for criminal justice reform. chesa's not it. recall chesa boudin now. this is gps, the global public square. welcome to all of you if the use and around the world. i'm fareed zakaria coming to you live from new york. today on the program, russia, china, iran, president biden's biggest foreign policy headaches are only getting bigger. >> democracy needs champions. >> putin puts forth red lines on ukraine. beijing reacts a

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Safelite , Story , Service , Windshield , Man , My Truck Is Livelihood , Singers , Girl , Stove , Peaks , Views , Sunny Vrbo , Ski Chalet , Cocoa , Thing , Grandpa , Retirement , Ski Lessons , Ski Out , World , Vrbo , Publisher , Author , Book , Kit , Christian , City Of San Francisco , Holiday , Charge , Hospitalizations , Restaurant , Anyone , Movie Theater , 5 , The End , Employees , Administration , Requirements , 11 , Businesses , Tate , Senate , Testing , 52 , Something , Vaccine Mandates , State Of The Union , Pandemic , Each Other , 50 , 71 , Country , Put It In Historical Perspective , Things , Sector , Vaccinations , Education Effort , School Systems , Mandate , Courts , Resistance , One T Hardens , Case , Fashion , 1 Million , Vaccination Rate , Service Providers , Fmly , 10 , 100000 , 90 , Reasons , Health Care Workers , Services , Health Care Industry , Leadership , Heart , Variant , Omicron , Fear , Restrictions , Shutdowns , Threat , Business Community , Livelihood , Unemployment , 2020 , It S Time , Employment , Decision , Factors , Enemy , Account , Challenges , Places , Population , Kdensity , Strategy , Vaccination Rates , Success , Granddaughter , Agreement , Republicans , Vaccination , Education , Issue , Works , Education Efforts , Emergency Use Authorization , Town Meetings , Solution , Stage , Fda , Course , Decisions , Steps , Reason , Division , Hardship , Point , Employers , Courage , Direction , Precedent , Times , Stand , 2022 , Three , Mom , Stores , Small Business Owners , Pop , Lockdowns , Corner , Someone , Mother , Side , Human Side , Grandparent , Tens Of Thousands , Father , Safe , Restaurants , Schools , Wouldn T , Back , Levels , Broadway , 57 , Public Workforce , Workforce , 94 , Risk , Risk Increase , Deal , Health , Vaccine Requirement , Look , Shar , Job , Fire Workers , Holidays , Middle , December 27th , 27 , Holiday Season , Fitness , Bottom Line , Indoor Entertainment , Settings , Business , Restaurant Owners , Got Business Owners , Power , Example , Germany , England , Folks , Hundreds , Seniors , Covid Reasserting , Thought , Omicron Coming , Choice , Enforcement Mechanism , Enforcement Side , Law , Shutdown , Option , Disrespect , Unfairness , Th , Opportunity , Coming Up , Supreme Court , Ruling , Abortion , Abortion Rights , Let S Go , Dianne , Family Room Slash Gym , Daybed , Yoga Shanti Slash , The Living Room , Bedroom Slash Music Studio , Panic Room , Family Needs , Vacation , Basement Slash , Slash Classroom , Protein , App , Energy , Sugar , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Stars , Nutrients , Sha Bop , I Only Have Eyes For You , Alexa , Song , Google , Justice , Reform , Chesa Boudin , Being , Public Safety , Impact , Perspective , Color , Didn T Support The Newsom , A Million , Crime , Increase , Son , Failure , Da S Office , Streets Of San Francisco , Management , Turmoil , Recall , Build , Supporters , Big Ba Humbug , Done , Minnesota , Senator Schumer , Yes , Senator Manchin , Prescription Drugs , Drugs , Doubt , Negotiating Table , Prices , On Pharma , What S Going On , Research , Taxpayers , Supply Chain , Workforce Shortage , Parents , Jobs , Child Care , Care , Apprenticeships , Aging , Bunch , Hospital Area , Construction Workers , Plumbers , Truck Drivers , It Pass , Everything , Provisions , Permanent , Congressional Budget Office , Pre K , Child Tax Credit , Deficit , Programs Permanent , Trillion , 3 Trillion , Economists , Tax Rate , Presidency , Tax , Tax Changes , Haven T , 25 , Inflation Issue , Contrary , Table , Ways , 400 Billion , 00 Billion , Report , Plight , Pharma , Prescription Drug Prices , Proponent , West Virginia , The Freedom To Vote Act , Negotiations , Tim Kaine , Warnock , Head , Floor , John Tester , Padilla , Legislation , Researchers , Girls , Instagram , Users , Data , Social Media Companies , Votes , Movement , Platforms , Rob Portman , Social Media , Interests , Homework , Content , Tv , Stuff , Feeder Group , Money , Ceo , Product , Site , Teens , Ads , Advertising , Facebook , Facebo Facebook , Competition Policy , Internet , Alternatives , Tiktok , Algorithms , Bob Dole , Ted Cruz , Funeral , Seated , Picture , Masks , Rules , Breast Cancer Survivor , Cathedral , Infection , Guests , Mind , Doesn T Have A Mask On , Fight , Behavior , Duty , Consensus , Memory , Rights , Grain , Mlk Holiday , Words , Texas , Law Bans Abortions , Abortion Ban , Deputizes , Court , Effect , Justices , Reaction , Roe V Wade , I Ll Quote Justice Roberts A Conservative , Constitution , Rulings , Purpose , Texas Law , Solemn Mockery , Fabric , Existence , Justice Kagan , On State By , Constitutionality , Sue , Back Alley Abortions , State Laws , Patchwork , Pregnancy , Child , Adoption , 75 , Democracy , Woman , Anybody Listening , Nation , Doctor , Shrug , Ray , Vacations , Diabetes , No , Glucose Levels , Mystery , Libre 2 , Baby , A1c , Eczema , Determination , Visit Freestylelibre Us , Family Business , Career , Army Vet , Dream , Astrophysicist , Desire , Engineer , Youtube , Donald Trump , Election , Conspiracy Theories , Investigations , Will , Slides , Deranged Lies , Fbi , Trump , Power Point Memo Wald Ron , Memo , Allies , Fill Imphilafill , Emergency , Servers , False , Actors , Not Lunatic Theory Wald Ron , Pennsylvania , Film , Voting Precincts , Defamation Lawsuits , Access , Mike Lindell , My Pillow , County Tabulation , Countries , Arizona , Centers , Nevada , Wisconsin , Michigan , Georgia , China , Guy , Ballots , Attorney General , Ear , Lunacy , White House , On Friday , Mike Pence , Politico , December 31st , 31 , January 6th The Vice President , Ellis , Lies , Results , Disputes , 6 , January 6th , Electors , Legislatures , Legislature , Each , Slates , Manner , State Legislatures , Response , Emergency Electoral Session , Pence , Five , Lectures , Quote , Certification , End Quote , Participation , Stop , Alphabetically , Insurrection , Order , January 5th , Theories , Authority , Act , Jon Eastman , Action , Secret Folder , Voter , Them , Finish Line , Unvoted , Jon , Disgrace , Voting , Arbiter , Lawyers , Hackers , Mike , Memos , Wackiness , Voters , Falsehood , Polling , Majority , Weeds , January 6th Rally , Page , Substitute Teacher , Elizabeth Town , Wheat , Event , Mr , Capitol , Hundreds Of Trump , Rally , Judge , Position , Lindemuth Ran , David Perdue , Elections , Offices , Truth , Carrie Lake , Brian Kemp , Mistake , Axios , Vote Counting , Platform , Disenfranchisement , Derangement , All Of Us , Front , The Open , Fifth Avenue , Reality , It Starts , W , Dre , Music , Bells , Jingle Bells , Mission , Strength , Nutrition , Announcer , Minerals , Vitamins , Gift , Whoo Hoo , Grubhub , Cassie , Grace , Husband Jim , Congratulations , Fareed Zakaria , Gps , Program , Global Public Square , Russia , Headaches , Foreign Policy , Lines , Champions , Putin , Iran , Ukraine , Beijing ,

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