Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709

underway right now. in arkansas a tornado decimated a firsting home. in kentucky, the governor issues a state of emergency. >> we're seeing things we have never seen before. the damage is indescribable. it's changing the landscape of the city we know here in mayfield. >> president biden was briefed on the destruction, calling it an unimaginable tragedy and pledged full support for governors dealing with the disaster. allison chinchar is tracking the ongoing stores. first, to you, nadia, where we see things just flattened behind you, the destruction, tell us how people are coping. >> yesterday, summer-like temperatures, now it feels like december, winter-like weather. today, yesterday this building behind me up and running. overnight working on overtime. they were trying to get prepared for the christmas holiday that's just two weeks away. many more people in -- some 100 inside this candle factory. you really can't see anything but rubble and debris. one man described it to me, says i can't believe it. it looks like a bomb went off. that is how i could best describe this tornado that came think and leveled this factory. you know, we spoke with one man who came out. there's been so many coming out in the overnight hours, trying to find their loved once. ivy williams says he was looking for his wife. they've been married for more than 30 years, they have kids and grandkids, saying she is the sweetest woman he's ever met. he hasn't heard from her. listen to what he says happened starting about 10:00 last night. >> my wife at 10:00, she said that it's storming real bed. i said, okay. that was it, we hung up. 10:30, that when my daughter told me the rife was off the building. came on rushing over here. when i came over, it is like there, this wasn't a building. i just thought the roof was tore up. i jumped in, started helping as much as i could. i did grab two people out, one lady and a guy. from then on. i was calling my wife's name, janine williams. i doesn't get no response. i saw a guy she used to work with. that's when he told me that she was on the list, they had pulled her out, but i don't know where they took her. >> reporter: there's a lot of confusion here from people who have been stopping by trying to figure out what happened to their love ones. he says his wife's name was on a list, he was told, but he's not sure what that list means. is it the list of people who died or taken to the hospital? he just doesn't know. so he left this area early this morning, went to different hospitals. he just cal me moments ago and said i still haven't found her. have you seen her? have you heard about janine williams? unfortunately, i haven't. that is a story we have heard from so many people here, looking for one of more than 100 who are still unaccounted for. >> my gosh, that's devastating. all of it scattered, that's just a portion of the debris field was caught off by surprise, and these storms just swept through, devastating, flattening so many businesses and homes. nadia, we'll check back with you. allison chinchar, we'll talk about the weather pattern and what was experienced to what is seeming to be historic proportions. >> the storm itself has weakened some, but it's not gone entirely. we still have an ongoing threat, so isolated tornadoes, damaging winds all still possible. as the day goes on. it's a provided why swath stretching from maine all the way back to louisiana, but it's the central and southern portion we're most concerned about. we have severe thunderstorms warnings, and these are the areas we'll be most concerned about. so far, a lot of damage has already been done. over 30 tornado reports, nearly 200 severe wind reports and 20 large hail reports. that's the highest ever numb er long lif ved so this may end up being the longest track. and that's going to be something the national weather service will have to -- but it may be why the death toll turned up high. this storm in particular may be the strongest deadly u.s. days. we'll check back with us. meantime, take a look at this video here. brandon clement is a storm chaser, who captured this video. he's joining me right now on the phone. it look like a giant steamroller came on through, knocking down everything in its path except for a couple resilient buildings here. sew tell me about your experience along the way, as you were also able to capture these images? >> i started off in arkansas, waited for the tornado to come up towards the i-55 corridor. it was going through some pretty rump areas. once it crossed over interstate i-55, it crossed over about 300 yards in front of me, threw a bunch of 18 wheelers, semis, a couple different roads right there, it cuts over into tennessee, and then went into arkansas, and went to leechville. unfortunately, there was a fatality there. i talked to several people, a lot of destruction there, made my way up into the kentucky area. when i go the to mayfield, it's no comparison what i've seen so far in the path. it's complete destruction. i mean, you see 50 to 120 paths a year. this is a top two or three in the last decade. >> you say no comparison to what you have seen before. you've got doing this long enough to have some reference points to what happens to a community when tornadoes come through. give me your nivl reaction. of course, it was dark, but your initial reaction once you captured these images and see how widespread this path of destruction was, compared to what you have seen prior to this day. >> yeah, i've seen stuff like this before. it's just been a long time. 2011, we had the april 27th outbreak with the tuscaloosa ef-5, hackleberg ef-5, joplin. it's almost that level you can't tell if a t-shirt that's hanging in the tree is from that house or three houses away from it. buildings collapsed, cars thrown, the fatality count, unfortunately it's going to be one of the deadliest tornadoes in history, it's going to be one of the longest tornadoes in history. there's a chance it's an ef-5. if it is, it's the first one in a long time the first one in december. this checks so many boxes on the high end of the scale. >> brandon, i've covered a lot of tornadoes oak there from arkansas to alabama, mississippi, oklahoma, and the path of destruction is usually measured by a mile mile at a time, but when you look at the images and we're hearing the reporting from allison chinchar, multiple miles in width and path of destruction is extraordinary. oftentimes when you arrive to a scene like this, you may see people who are just picking through, nearly shell-shocked. what have been witnessed in terms of people who have responded, people who survived this storm. what are they telling you? >> everybody i have spoken to in this town so far know somebody who's been lost in the storm. they haven't even got all the names yet. it's not a very big place. the for a tail per capita for this storm, like you talk about joplin, it's a pretty large city. this is a town of 10,000 people, 10,300, something like that. it's just unbelievable how many people have died from this storm. it's about a three or four-mile stretch that it took place. it's the worst-possible scenario. it's a very intense tornado, long track, at night, very fast moving. just everything that you don't want to have as a storm chaser or meteorologist. it checks every one of those boxes that you don't want to have. it's the worst-case scenario. >> incredible. have you spoken to anyone who might be -- whether they're a first responder or helping out, or loved ones looking for loved ones. we heard from our nadia romero, who spoke with an ivy williams, who talked about looking for his wife, there's a list. her name is on the list, but he's not clear what does that name mean. what have you heard about -- from people directly about who they're looking for, or how they're assisting? >> unfortunately just a little while ago when i was flying the drone, they were pulling some bodies out, and putting them in body bags. i knew where the location was. the guy was asking me about it, and he said my sister-in-law was over there, and i just didn't know what to say to him. they wouldn't let him in. he hasn't been able to contact her. you feel helpful, you know -- people say the worst part is not knowing, and they're in that phase now. >> thank you for your perspective and by your perspective from this lens. this is what has happened to one of the many towns across six states. these images are out of mayfield kentucky, which was just hammered. thank you so much, brandon. appreciate it. we'll continue to follow this breaking sinus on these deadly tornadoes, and the widespread devastation left behind. next i'll talk with a former kentucky state representative, who was on his way back to kentucky last night, but then was diverted because of the storms. stay with us. by etta james ♪ get groceries, gifts, & more fast and easy so last minute guests are the only thing you'll be waiting on ♪ ♪ joy. fully. feel stuck with student loan debt? 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she didn't say where they went, but police was able to get the baby out of the room. >> incredible. i'm sure we'll hear more about close calls. charles booker has a story of his own. he's a former state representative in kentucky, who is right now currently running as a democrat for the u.s. senate seat against senator rand paul. he was on his way back to kentucky . >> what did you expect was happening in kentucky. >> we had been doing traveling across the country, as we were -- i was prepared to head home to my family. i saw the news developing of the storms, this incredible storm system. i was actually preparing for a weekend of events in paducah, right in the path of the storm. we were being told that not only was our ability to get to our extended family in western kentucky being delayed, but know so many of our loved ones have been lost. we know that potential close to 100 kentuckians have been lost, thousands without power. my hard goes out to my family across kentucky. >> i understand unfortunately family in louisville and the bowling green area. have you been in tough? if so, how are they doing? >> my campaign is built by kentuckians, so we have sent our team out to check in with their family, to activate plans to provide relief, which we are immediately doing, but my brother-in-law is actually in bowling green at western kentucky university. we know the storms hit there as well. we heard a student lost their life. so this has been terrifying. this really is a moment that's bigger than politics. it's about us coming together's family. we have suspended our campaign activities for this weekend and are directing all of our energy and our love to providing relief for our family right now. >> we know, of course, first responders are there in areas hard hit. mayfield is where we're looking at images right now. they're doing all they can to try to find survivors. we're hearing incredible stories of people who have survived. what do you think it will take in order to get all hands on deck from every corner of the state and beyond to try to help. so many people, when you look at how widespread this devastation is, it's just extraordinary. are you concerned at all about the resources available to try to tend to everybody's needs? >> i am deeply concerned governor beshear correctly called a state of emergency last night is calling on president biden to provide relief. i'm echoing that, what you talk about the resilience, that's kentucky. the very place i was going to have my event in kentucky, my host, i call him my brother, brian shimwell. they had turned the event space into a resource facilities for first responders, providing food, comfort and resources for those helping our lived ones. we'll get through the storm, but we need help, and i'm sending my prayers for those across the country who have been affected. >> i mean, this is colossal, what is taking place right here, but i wonder if you have concerns about how these two extraordinary event are now merging in your home state you know, six states as a whole, but we're in the middle of the pandemic. what is your your thoughts and concerns? >> these are historically challenging times. in kentucky we've been dealing with pandemic of poverty, loss, abandonment for a long time. then the bottom fell out with the pandemic, and now this historic storm that has changed lived of a lot of my loved ones forever, i'm very concerned with what this moment means. the truth of the matter is we need real investment in our infrastructure, in our commonwealth to be ready when storms hit. we need to make sure our leaders in washington are providing relief, not ignoring us like they typically do, because at this moment it's bigger than the politics. it's bigger than the lies. this is a moment we need to come together to provide relief. >> charles booker, best in your travels and all of your loved ones. especially after such a hard-hit evening and day. thank you so much. >> thank you. we've got so much more straight ahead on the deadly tornadoes and the potential for more storms moving east today. we'll bring you the latest weather forecast. stay with us. it's true jen. this prebiotic oat formula moisturizes to help prevent dry skin. impressive. aveeno® healthy. it's our nature.™ new daily moisture for face. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit look, serena williams... matrix... serena... matrix... serena... matrix... ♪ get your tv together with the best of live and on demand. introducing directv stream. my plaque psoriasis... ...the itching... the burning. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. my psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, 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dangerous system. alisyn, where is it headed? >> we just got an update a few moments ago, the storm prediction centering updated where they thing the greatest threat will be. the good news is knocks vi, huntsville have been removed, because the main tart of the storm system has been exited. atlanta now in a slight risk. sang thing for montgomery stretching almost all the way down to mobile. charlotte also looking for the potential. ice laced tornadoes, damaging winds and hail will also be factors today. we have an active tornado warning at the moment across alabama, ahead of the line. this has been a very devastating storm system already. we've had over 30 tornadoes reports, other 200 severe wind reports, and 20 large hail rots. this system spawned over 200 warnings alone. these two white lines you see here, potentially two separate attorneys that may have been on the ground for over 200 straight miles. we won't know that and confirm that until the national weather service is able to go out and survey a lot of the damage, but this is impressive. the vast majority are on the ground for less than ten minutes and go less than ten miles. some of these may have been on the ground for hours and gone 100 or 200 miles at one point which, of course, fred, is likely why the death toll is going to be rather alison, than so much more straight ahead on the damage and devastation left behind by these tornadoes. stay with us. let's break down subway's new baja chicken & bacon. look at that coverage by that pepper jack cheese on that new rotisserie style chicken then boom! here comes the new baja chipotle sauce up the gut, and... great, now i can't even see what i'm calling! save big. order through the app. who's on it with jardiance? we're 25 million prescriptions strong. we're managing type 2 diabetes... ...and heart risk. we're working up a sweat before coffee. and saying, “no thanks...” a boston cream. jardiance is a once-daily pill that can reduce the risk of cardiovascular 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easily, day or night. we're following this breaking news. powerful and deadly storms still threaten. in northeastern around saw, a tornado ripped through a nursing home. one person died and at least 20 injured. meanwhile, senate democrats are struggling to get the build back better agenda passed before christmas right now, across our shows today, we will be highlighting a few of the key issues in billed back better backing to the lawmakers and the people impacted by them. first of as of now, it's congressman, so good to see you. >> good morning. the senate parliamentary has already rejected two immigration proposals. the work bill back better act is a budget item to help improve the economy. it has relevant, it is increase the gdp by about 1.5 trillion the parliament taerp accepted that didn't qualify. the parliamentary said because it was indefinite any, it didn't qualify. we have a provision limited in scope. we're meeting the requirements to pass this through. regardless dick durbin has said he would support overall-the ruling, but senator joe manchin has been opposed to that. >> you know, we've had conversations with senator sinema, senator manchin's staff, with the senate letter, the we respect his focus on following the rules in this particular case. there is no bypassing the rules. the senate has rules to continue along the parliamentarian's ruling, where it will -- it would require ten democrats to vote against the chair's ruling, in order to reverse the chair's ruling, to get it into amendment form. then you have to go through what they'll try to remove any -- continue to provide stable labor force for our country. overall, this is good for america, fredricka. >> so if immigration does not find its way, have you talked to the white house about the next potential steps? >> there's conversations that we have. look, we passed two incredible bills out of the howls. is the modernization act, it's in the senate. we have republicans who refuse to bring it up to vote for it. republicans are obstructing immigration reform in the senate right now. we only need ten to have relief on something that all agree with, which is gives a pathway, so we can get this done. we have the citizen act, which is the comprehensive plan we're never going to stop until we help our essential workers, our dreamers, our farm workers all those who have provided a stable force right know when we're needed, when job opportunity is skyrocketed, the economy is roaring back, so we need the build back better act to help stablize the force and create more jobs. mind you, the hispanic community, we want a stable and fixed immigration system, but, you know, we also want to have money in our pocket for the child tax credit. we also want to decrease the cost. we want our seniors with hearing aids, which the build back better act will provide. >> so this build back better act is a rocket booster that will launch or middle-class families and also reducing the costs, which is child care, health care, and housing. >> congressman raul ruiz, thank you for your time. i really appreciate it. >> thank you. throughout our hours today, we're also talking to the people most impacted business these policy proposals. that bring me no damian di'az, and they formed an organization. damian, first, tell us what inspired you to start this organization? >> thanks for having us. before we get started, we would like to just mention we're fortunate to be here, but also our heart goes out to all the loved ones and people affected by this tornado going on throughout the south, but thank you again for having us today. we started out our organization about 22 months ago he at the beginning of the pandemic, march of 2020. we didn't see any representation of our back of the house community within our sector in los angeles. so we jumped to action with ten families, quickly got to about 1600 at our peak. this is just through food assistance. othon, i think i mispronounced your name earlier. i policy jesus for that. for the families that you are aiming to help in need, in huge need, describe for us what kind of needs they have. >> you know, all the families we serve are undocumented, unfortunately they fit into a system that really didn't help them out. when los angeles was shut down, like the rest of the country last march, they had no sort of income, even though they pay into the unemployment insurance system here every week. they were without any income. no stimulus checks, nothing. we have people reach out to us that we worked with for years that didn't have money to buy food for their children. that's where it came from. food security was the goal, and we've been working on that for 22 months, as damian said. >> >> damian, what these proposals in the bill mean for your efforts and your organization? >> well, this would be a godsend for all off families. as othon mentioned, they pay through the system, but receive zero of the benefits, federal stimulus, things like that. so between child care and housing especially, now that the moratorium will end in march coming up, we're afraid that people will be getting evicted. we're working hard to make sure they can catch up on back rend financially to avoid those types of things. >> othon, this started as a small venture, but i understand now you're feeding over 1,000 people. how are you able to keep up with the demand? >> initially we used our own money to buy groceries for families. quickly our friends and loved once, colleagues started donating. we applied for an llc, got our tax-exempt status as a 501 c. we previously turned our lives as consultants into a positive things. our former clients are now other ben factors, and we write every grant application that we can. the important thing, is, like damian said, we're worried about families getting evicted come the rent moratorium ending in march. >> damian, have people expressed to you what they would do if not for your organization? >> um, the easiest way to answer that question, coming directly from their mouths is we're a miracle, a godsend, the organization and the volunteers that make up our organization. when you families we serve receive our phone calls as outreach, they start crying. they literally say it's the miracle they've been praying for. so, for us to provide these types of resources is inavailable for them and their families indefinitely throughout this pandemic and onward. >> damian diaz, and othon, i know people are grateful for your generosity. thank you. >> thank you. a line of severe tornadoes leading to a path of destruction across six states. we'll bring you the latest, straight ahead. way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up 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cnn about her town's resilience in the face of devastating tragedy. >> my heart is broken, but i am watching our first responders from our community, from the county, from across the state of kentucky work so bravely to recover and rescue when they can. we ar community, we're a small community. we are a strong community and i know that in the months to come we will see the best of the people of this town. this is what we do. we take care of each other, and in bad times and in celebrating good times. >> we'll have so much more straight ahead on the deadly tornadoes and the potential for more storms moving east today. we'll bring you the latest weather forecast straight ahead. but first, this week's impact your world. >> the black and missing foundation was started because of a necessity. >> there was a young lady by the name of tamika houston who went missing from our sister-in-law's home town. when she disappeared her family struggled to garner coverage. about six months later natalee 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a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit - san francisco can have criminal justice reform and public safety. but district attorney chesa boudin is failing on both. - the safety of san francisco is dependent upon chesa being recalled as soon as possible. - i didn't support the newsom recall but this is different. - chesa takes a very radical perspective and approach to criminal justice reform, which is having a negative impact on communities of color. - i never in a million years thought that my son, let alone any six-year-old, would be gunned down in the streets of san francisco and not get any justice. - chesa's failure has resulted in increase in crime against asian americans. - the da's office is in complete turmoil at this point. - for chesa boudin to intervene in so many cases is both bad management and dangerous for the city of san francisco. - we are for criminal justice reform. chesa's not it. recall chesa boudin now. hello again every. thank you so much for joining me. i'm fredricka whitfield. we begin with breaking news. violent tornadoes tearing a path of destruction overnight across six central u.s. states's kentucky, tennessee, mississippi, arkansas, missouri and illinois. daylight revealing shocking ex-tents of the damage. dozens killed. the governor of kentucky fearing more than 70 dead in his state alone. search and rescue teams sifts throug

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Persons , Color , Household Name , 30 , Issue , Research , Mnumber , Social Media , Boots , Flyers , Posts , Through Z , 40 , Inception , Closure , 2008 , Pain , Bial , Salvation Army , Marches , Qr Code , Cnn Com Holiday , Holiday Season , Flavors , Dishes , Daybed , Family Room Slash Gym , Table , Bedroom Slash Music Studio , Slash Classroom , At T , Deals , Ish , Camera , Iphone , 13 , Family Member , Dogs , Epic , Iphone 13 Pro , Reform , Justice , Chesa Boudin , Being , Safety , Both , Public Safety , Didn T Support The Newsom , San Francisco , Son , A Million , Turmoil , Point , Increase , Crime , Failure , Da S Office , Streets Of San Francisco , Asian Americans , Cases , Management , Recall , Fredricka Whitfield , Hello Again , Ex Tents , Missouri , Search And Rescue Teams Sifts Throug ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709

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underway right now. in arkansas a tornado decimated a firsting home. in kentucky, the governor issues a state of emergency. >> we're seeing things we have never seen before. the damage is indescribable. it's changing the landscape of the city we know here in mayfield. >> president biden was briefed on the destruction, calling it an unimaginable tragedy and pledged full support for governors dealing with the disaster. allison chinchar is tracking the ongoing stores. first, to you, nadia, where we see things just flattened behind you, the destruction, tell us how people are coping. >> yesterday, summer-like temperatures, now it feels like december, winter-like weather. today, yesterday this building behind me up and running. overnight working on overtime. they were trying to get prepared for the christmas holiday that's just two weeks away. many more people in -- some 100 inside this candle factory. you really can't see anything but rubble and debris. one man described it to me, says i can't believe it. it looks like a bomb went off. that is how i could best describe this tornado that came think and leveled this factory. you know, we spoke with one man who came out. there's been so many coming out in the overnight hours, trying to find their loved once. ivy williams says he was looking for his wife. they've been married for more than 30 years, they have kids and grandkids, saying she is the sweetest woman he's ever met. he hasn't heard from her. listen to what he says happened starting about 10:00 last night. >> my wife at 10:00, she said that it's storming real bed. i said, okay. that was it, we hung up. 10:30, that when my daughter told me the rife was off the building. came on rushing over here. when i came over, it is like there, this wasn't a building. i just thought the roof was tore up. i jumped in, started helping as much as i could. i did grab two people out, one lady and a guy. from then on. i was calling my wife's name, janine williams. i doesn't get no response. i saw a guy she used to work with. that's when he told me that she was on the list, they had pulled her out, but i don't know where they took her. >> reporter: there's a lot of confusion here from people who have been stopping by trying to figure out what happened to their love ones. he says his wife's name was on a list, he was told, but he's not sure what that list means. is it the list of people who died or taken to the hospital? he just doesn't know. so he left this area early this morning, went to different hospitals. he just cal me moments ago and said i still haven't found her. have you seen her? have you heard about janine williams? unfortunately, i haven't. that is a story we have heard from so many people here, looking for one of more than 100 who are still unaccounted for. >> my gosh, that's devastating. all of it scattered, that's just a portion of the debris field was caught off by surprise, and these storms just swept through, devastating, flattening so many businesses and homes. nadia, we'll check back with you. allison chinchar, we'll talk about the weather pattern and what was experienced to what is seeming to be historic proportions. >> the storm itself has weakened some, but it's not gone entirely. we still have an ongoing threat, so isolated tornadoes, damaging winds all still possible. as the day goes on. it's a provided why swath stretching from maine all the way back to louisiana, but it's the central and southern portion we're most concerned about. we have severe thunderstorms warnings, and these are the areas we'll be most concerned about. so far, a lot of damage has already been done. over 30 tornado reports, nearly 200 severe wind reports and 20 large hail reports. that's the highest ever numb er long lif ved so this may end up being the longest track. and that's going to be something the national weather service will have to -- but it may be why the death toll turned up high. this storm in particular may be the strongest deadly u.s. days. we'll check back with us. meantime, take a look at this video here. brandon clement is a storm chaser, who captured this video. he's joining me right now on the phone. it look like a giant steamroller came on through, knocking down everything in its path except for a couple resilient buildings here. sew tell me about your experience along the way, as you were also able to capture these images? >> i started off in arkansas, waited for the tornado to come up towards the i-55 corridor. it was going through some pretty rump areas. once it crossed over interstate i-55, it crossed over about 300 yards in front of me, threw a bunch of 18 wheelers, semis, a couple different roads right there, it cuts over into tennessee, and then went into arkansas, and went to leechville. unfortunately, there was a fatality there. i talked to several people, a lot of destruction there, made my way up into the kentucky area. when i go the to mayfield, it's no comparison what i've seen so far in the path. it's complete destruction. i mean, you see 50 to 120 paths a year. this is a top two or three in the last decade. >> you say no comparison to what you have seen before. you've got doing this long enough to have some reference points to what happens to a community when tornadoes come through. give me your nivl reaction. of course, it was dark, but your initial reaction once you captured these images and see how widespread this path of destruction was, compared to what you have seen prior to this day. >> yeah, i've seen stuff like this before. it's just been a long time. 2011, we had the april 27th outbreak with the tuscaloosa ef-5, hackleberg ef-5, joplin. it's almost that level you can't tell if a t-shirt that's hanging in the tree is from that house or three houses away from it. buildings collapsed, cars thrown, the fatality count, unfortunately it's going to be one of the deadliest tornadoes in history, it's going to be one of the longest tornadoes in history. there's a chance it's an ef-5. if it is, it's the first one in a long time the first one in december. this checks so many boxes on the high end of the scale. >> brandon, i've covered a lot of tornadoes oak there from arkansas to alabama, mississippi, oklahoma, and the path of destruction is usually measured by a mile mile at a time, but when you look at the images and we're hearing the reporting from allison chinchar, multiple miles in width and path of destruction is extraordinary. oftentimes when you arrive to a scene like this, you may see people who are just picking through, nearly shell-shocked. what have been witnessed in terms of people who have responded, people who survived this storm. what are they telling you? >> everybody i have spoken to in this town so far know somebody who's been lost in the storm. they haven't even got all the names yet. it's not a very big place. the for a tail per capita for this storm, like you talk about joplin, it's a pretty large city. this is a town of 10,000 people, 10,300, something like that. it's just unbelievable how many people have died from this storm. it's about a three or four-mile stretch that it took place. it's the worst-possible scenario. it's a very intense tornado, long track, at night, very fast moving. just everything that you don't want to have as a storm chaser or meteorologist. it checks every one of those boxes that you don't want to have. it's the worst-case scenario. >> incredible. have you spoken to anyone who might be -- whether they're a first responder or helping out, or loved ones looking for loved ones. we heard from our nadia romero, who spoke with an ivy williams, who talked about looking for his wife, there's a list. her name is on the list, but he's not clear what does that name mean. what have you heard about -- from people directly about who they're looking for, or how they're assisting? >> unfortunately just a little while ago when i was flying the drone, they were pulling some bodies out, and putting them in body bags. i knew where the location was. the guy was asking me about it, and he said my sister-in-law was over there, and i just didn't know what to say to him. they wouldn't let him in. he hasn't been able to contact her. you feel helpful, you know -- people say the worst part is not knowing, and they're in that phase now. >> thank you for your perspective and by your perspective from this lens. this is what has happened to one of the many towns across six states. these images are out of mayfield kentucky, which was just hammered. thank you so much, brandon. appreciate it. we'll continue to follow this breaking sinus on these deadly tornadoes, and the widespread devastation left behind. next i'll talk with a former kentucky state representative, who was on his way back to kentucky last night, but then was diverted because of the storms. stay with us. by etta james ♪ get groceries, gifts, & more fast and easy so last minute guests are the only thing you'll be waiting on ♪ ♪ joy. fully. feel stuck with student loan debt? 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(vo) buy your car online. love it or return it. with carvana. nurse mariyam sabo knows a moment this pure... ...demands a lotion this pure. new gold bond pure moisture lotion. 24-hour hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. welcome back. we're following breaking news. powerful storms are threatening communities from texas to vermont. those same storms spawned multibalance tornadoes across six states. this is what is left of a candle factory in mayfield, kentucky. simply flattened there. the governor says more than 100 people were working at the facility. across the state, he says the death toll is expected to be at least 70 one resident tells cnn wsmv about a mother's quick action that likely saved her and her newborn. >> a girl that had a newborn, blew the roof off her house. she just so happened to wake up right before it happened, was able to get the baby out of there before it actually hit. >> reporter: did they go to the bathtub or something? >> she didn't say where they went, but police was able to get the baby out of the room. >> incredible. i'm sure we'll hear more about close calls. charles booker has a story of his own. he's a former state representative in kentucky, who is right now currently running as a democrat for the u.s. senate seat against senator rand paul. he was on his way back to kentucky . >> what did you expect was happening in kentucky. >> we had been doing traveling across the country, as we were -- i was prepared to head home to my family. i saw the news developing of the storms, this incredible storm system. i was actually preparing for a weekend of events in paducah, right in the path of the storm. we were being told that not only was our ability to get to our extended family in western kentucky being delayed, but know so many of our loved ones have been lost. we know that potential close to 100 kentuckians have been lost, thousands without power. my hard goes out to my family across kentucky. >> i understand unfortunately family in louisville and the bowling green area. have you been in tough? if so, how are they doing? >> my campaign is built by kentuckians, so we have sent our team out to check in with their family, to activate plans to provide relief, which we are immediately doing, but my brother-in-law is actually in bowling green at western kentucky university. we know the storms hit there as well. we heard a student lost their life. so this has been terrifying. this really is a moment that's bigger than politics. it's about us coming together's family. we have suspended our campaign activities for this weekend and are directing all of our energy and our love to providing relief for our family right now. >> we know, of course, first responders are there in areas hard hit. mayfield is where we're looking at images right now. they're doing all they can to try to find survivors. we're hearing incredible stories of people who have survived. what do you think it will take in order to get all hands on deck from every corner of the state and beyond to try to help. so many people, when you look at how widespread this devastation is, it's just extraordinary. are you concerned at all about the resources available to try to tend to everybody's needs? >> i am deeply concerned governor beshear correctly called a state of emergency last night is calling on president biden to provide relief. i'm echoing that, what you talk about the resilience, that's kentucky. the very place i was going to have my event in kentucky, my host, i call him my brother, brian shimwell. they had turned the event space into a resource facilities for first responders, providing food, comfort and resources for those helping our lived ones. we'll get through the storm, but we need help, and i'm sending my prayers for those across the country who have been affected. >> i mean, this is colossal, what is taking place right here, but i wonder if you have concerns about how these two extraordinary event are now merging in your home state you know, six states as a whole, but we're in the middle of the pandemic. what is your your thoughts and concerns? >> these are historically challenging times. in kentucky we've been dealing with pandemic of poverty, loss, abandonment for a long time. then the bottom fell out with the pandemic, and now this historic storm that has changed lived of a lot of my loved ones forever, i'm very concerned with what this moment means. the truth of the matter is we need real investment in our infrastructure, in our commonwealth to be ready when storms hit. we need to make sure our leaders in washington are providing relief, not ignoring us like they typically do, because at this moment it's bigger than the politics. it's bigger than the lies. this is a moment we need to come together to provide relief. >> charles booker, best in your travels and all of your loved ones. especially after such a hard-hit evening and day. thank you so much. >> thank you. we've got so much more straight ahead on the deadly tornadoes and the potential for more storms moving east today. we'll bring you the latest weather forecast. stay with us. it's true jen. this prebiotic oat formula moisturizes to help prevent dry skin. impressive. aveeno® healthy. it's our nature.™ new daily moisture for face. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit look, serena williams... matrix... serena... matrix... serena... matrix... ♪ get your tv together with the best of live and on demand. introducing directv stream. my plaque psoriasis... ...the itching... the burning. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. my psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, 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dangerous system. alisyn, where is it headed? >> we just got an update a few moments ago, the storm prediction centering updated where they thing the greatest threat will be. the good news is knocks vi, huntsville have been removed, because the main tart of the storm system has been exited. atlanta now in a slight risk. sang thing for montgomery stretching almost all the way down to mobile. charlotte also looking for the potential. ice laced tornadoes, damaging winds and hail will also be factors today. we have an active tornado warning at the moment across alabama, ahead of the line. this has been a very devastating storm system already. we've had over 30 tornadoes reports, other 200 severe wind reports, and 20 large hail rots. this system spawned over 200 warnings alone. these two white lines you see here, potentially two separate attorneys that may have been on the ground for over 200 straight miles. we won't know that and confirm that until the national weather service is able to go out and survey a lot of the damage, but this is impressive. the vast majority are on the ground for less than ten minutes and go less than ten miles. some of these may have been on the ground for hours and gone 100 or 200 miles at one point which, of course, fred, is likely why the death toll is going to be rather alison, than so much more straight ahead on the damage and devastation left behind by these tornadoes. stay with us. let's break down subway's new baja chicken & bacon. look at that coverage by that pepper jack cheese on that new rotisserie style chicken then boom! here comes the new baja chipotle sauce up the gut, and... great, now i can't even see what i'm calling! save big. order through the app. who's on it with jardiance? we're 25 million prescriptions strong. we're managing type 2 diabetes... ...and heart risk. we're working up a sweat before coffee. and saying, “no thanks...” a boston cream. jardiance is a once-daily pill that can reduce the risk of cardiovascular 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easily, day or night. we're following this breaking news. powerful and deadly storms still threaten. in northeastern around saw, a tornado ripped through a nursing home. one person died and at least 20 injured. meanwhile, senate democrats are struggling to get the build back better agenda passed before christmas right now, across our shows today, we will be highlighting a few of the key issues in billed back better backing to the lawmakers and the people impacted by them. first of as of now, it's congressman, so good to see you. >> good morning. the senate parliamentary has already rejected two immigration proposals. the work bill back better act is a budget item to help improve the economy. it has relevant, it is increase the gdp by about 1.5 trillion the parliament taerp accepted that didn't qualify. the parliamentary said because it was indefinite any, it didn't qualify. we have a provision limited in scope. we're meeting the requirements to pass this through. regardless dick durbin has said he would support overall-the ruling, but senator joe manchin has been opposed to that. >> you know, we've had conversations with senator sinema, senator manchin's staff, with the senate letter, the we respect his focus on following the rules in this particular case. there is no bypassing the rules. the senate has rules to continue along the parliamentarian's ruling, where it will -- it would require ten democrats to vote against the chair's ruling, in order to reverse the chair's ruling, to get it into amendment form. then you have to go through what they'll try to remove any -- continue to provide stable labor force for our country. overall, this is good for america, fredricka. >> so if immigration does not find its way, have you talked to the white house about the next potential steps? >> there's conversations that we have. look, we passed two incredible bills out of the howls. is the modernization act, it's in the senate. we have republicans who refuse to bring it up to vote for it. republicans are obstructing immigration reform in the senate right now. we only need ten to have relief on something that all agree with, which is gives a pathway, so we can get this done. we have the citizen act, which is the comprehensive plan we're never going to stop until we help our essential workers, our dreamers, our farm workers all those who have provided a stable force right know when we're needed, when job opportunity is skyrocketed, the economy is roaring back, so we need the build back better act to help stablize the force and create more jobs. mind you, the hispanic community, we want a stable and fixed immigration system, but, you know, we also want to have money in our pocket for the child tax credit. we also want to decrease the cost. we want our seniors with hearing aids, which the build back better act will provide. >> so this build back better act is a rocket booster that will launch or middle-class families and also reducing the costs, which is child care, health care, and housing. >> congressman raul ruiz, thank you for your time. i really appreciate it. >> thank you. throughout our hours today, we're also talking to the people most impacted business these policy proposals. that bring me no damian di'az, and they formed an organization. damian, first, tell us what inspired you to start this organization? >> thanks for having us. before we get started, we would like to just mention we're fortunate to be here, but also our heart goes out to all the loved ones and people affected by this tornado going on throughout the south, but thank you again for having us today. we started out our organization about 22 months ago he at the beginning of the pandemic, march of 2020. we didn't see any representation of our back of the house community within our sector in los angeles. so we jumped to action with ten families, quickly got to about 1600 at our peak. this is just through food assistance. othon, i think i mispronounced your name earlier. i policy jesus for that. for the families that you are aiming to help in need, in huge need, describe for us what kind of needs they have. >> you know, all the families we serve are undocumented, unfortunately they fit into a system that really didn't help them out. when los angeles was shut down, like the rest of the country last march, they had no sort of income, even though they pay into the unemployment insurance system here every week. they were without any income. no stimulus checks, nothing. we have people reach out to us that we worked with for years that didn't have money to buy food for their children. that's where it came from. food security was the goal, and we've been working on that for 22 months, as damian said. >> >> damian, what these proposals in the bill mean for your efforts and your organization? >> well, this would be a godsend for all off families. as othon mentioned, they pay through the system, but receive zero of the benefits, federal stimulus, things like that. so between child care and housing especially, now that the moratorium will end in march coming up, we're afraid that people will be getting evicted. we're working hard to make sure they can catch up on back rend financially to avoid those types of things. >> othon, this started as a small venture, but i understand now you're feeding over 1,000 people. how are you able to keep up with the demand? >> initially we used our own money to buy groceries for families. quickly our friends and loved once, colleagues started donating. we applied for an llc, got our tax-exempt status as a 501 c. we previously turned our lives as consultants into a positive things. our former clients are now other ben factors, and we write every grant application that we can. the important thing, is, like damian said, we're worried about families getting evicted come the rent moratorium ending in march. >> damian, have people expressed to you what they would do if not for your organization? >> um, the easiest way to answer that question, coming directly from their mouths is we're a miracle, a godsend, the organization and the volunteers that make up our organization. when you families we serve receive our phone calls as outreach, they start crying. they literally say it's the miracle they've been praying for. so, for us to provide these types of resources is inavailable for them and their families indefinitely throughout this pandemic and onward. >> damian diaz, and othon, i know people are grateful for your generosity. thank you. >> thank you. a line of severe tornadoes leading to a path of destruction across six states. we'll bring you the latest, straight ahead. way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up 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cnn about her town's resilience in the face of devastating tragedy. >> my heart is broken, but i am watching our first responders from our community, from the county, from across the state of kentucky work so bravely to recover and rescue when they can. we ar community, we're a small community. we are a strong community and i know that in the months to come we will see the best of the people of this town. this is what we do. we take care of each other, and in bad times and in celebrating good times. >> we'll have so much more straight ahead on the deadly tornadoes and the potential for more storms moving east today. we'll bring you the latest weather forecast straight ahead. but first, this week's impact your world. >> the black and missing foundation was started because of a necessity. >> there was a young lady by the name of tamika houston who went missing from our sister-in-law's home town. when she disappeared her family struggled to garner coverage. about six months later natalee holloway disappears. her name and face became a household name. we decided to do research to see maybe this is an issue affecting our community. 30% of missing persons in the united states were persons are color. that mnumber has since increase 40% yet we rarely see our people on the news. >> we help families from a through z. that includes creating flyers and social media posts as well as boots on the ground. since our inception in 2008, we have been able to bring closure to over 300 families. >> i was frantic when kennedy was missing's to have an organization that can feel your pain, assist and not judge you is something i think all families need. >> "impact your world" is brought to you bial salvation army. thanks to you hope marches on. scan the qr code or go to to guide you through this holiday season. ♪ fresh flavors... classic dishes... ♪ and a new seat at the table. ♪ this is your home. this is your family room slash gym. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash 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a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit - san francisco can have criminal justice reform and public safety. but district attorney chesa boudin is failing on both. - the safety of san francisco is dependent upon chesa being recalled as soon as possible. - i didn't support the newsom recall but this is different. - chesa takes a very radical perspective and approach to criminal justice reform, which is having a negative impact on communities of color. - i never in a million years thought that my son, let alone any six-year-old, would be gunned down in the streets of san francisco and not get any justice. - chesa's failure has resulted in increase in crime against asian americans. - the da's office is in complete turmoil at this point. - for chesa boudin to intervene in so many cases is both bad management and dangerous for the city of san francisco. - we are for criminal justice reform. chesa's not it. recall chesa boudin now. hello again every. thank you so much for joining me. i'm fredricka whitfield. we begin with breaking news. violent tornadoes tearing a path of destruction overnight across six central u.s. states's kentucky, tennessee, mississippi, arkansas, missouri and illinois. daylight revealing shocking ex-tents of the damage. dozens killed. the governor of kentucky fearing more than 70 dead in his state alone. search and rescue teams sifts throug

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Lawmakers , Congressman , Immigration Proposals , Act , Work Bill , Budget Item , Economy , Gdp , Taerp , 1 5 Trillion , Didn T , Provision , Dick Durbin , Scope , Requirements , Conversations , Ruling , Senator Manchin , Has , Senator Sinema , Focus , Letter , Rules , Case , Parliamentarian S Ruling , Chair , Form , Amendment , Immigration , White House , Labor Force , Fredricka , Modernization Act , Republicans , Bills , Steps , Howls , Immigration Reform , Pathway , Essential Workers , Citizen Act , Plan , Farm Workers , Done , Dreamers , Force , Back , Job Opportunity , Hispanic Community , Immigration System , Jobs , Pocket , Cost , Child Tax Credit , Hearing Aids , Seniors , Families , Rocket Booster , Child Care , Housing , Health Care , Costs , Raul Ruiz , Policy Proposals , Organization , Damian Di Az , South , Los Angeles , Representation , Beginning , Sector , 2020 , March Of 2020 , 22 , Othon , Peak , Food Assistance , Policy Jesus , 1600 , Need , Income , Unemployment Insurance System , Rest , Sort , Country Last March , Shut Down , Children , Food Security , Nothing , Stimulus Checks , Proposals , Bill , Goal , Godsend , Benefits , Stimulus , Zero , Moratorium , Back Rend , Coming Up , Types , Small Venture , Colleagues , Friends , Tax Exempt Status , Grant Application , Ben Factors , Consultants , Clients , An Llc , Lives , 501 , Rent Moratorium Ending In March , Question , Miracle , Volunteers , Mouths , Um , Phone Calls , Inavailable , Outreach , Generosity , Latest , Questions , Techno Wizardry , Spot , License Plate , Offer , Value , Moisturizer , Daily , Scientist , Odors , Spaces , Grab Febreze Small Spaces , 45 , La , Covid 19 , Febreze , 19 , You Re Not Alone , Calhope , 4673 , 833 317 4673 , 317 , 833 , Calhope Org , Midwest , Kentuckians , Director , Rescue , Mayor , History , Eastern Time , In Mayfield , 3 , My Heart Is Broken , County , Work , Each Other , World , Impact , Foundation , Necessity , Tamika Houston , Natalee Holloway , Persons , Color , Household Name , 30 , Issue , Research , Mnumber , Social Media , Boots , Flyers , Posts , Through Z , 40 , Inception , Closure , 2008 , Pain , Bial , Salvation Army , Marches , Qr Code , Cnn Com Holiday , Holiday Season , Flavors , Dishes , Daybed , Family Room Slash Gym , Table , Bedroom Slash Music Studio , Slash Classroom , At T , Deals , Ish , Camera , Iphone , 13 , Family Member , Dogs , Epic , Iphone 13 Pro , Reform , Justice , Chesa Boudin , Being , Safety , Both , Public Safety , Didn T Support The Newsom , San Francisco , Son , A Million , Turmoil , Point , Increase , Crime , Failure , Da S Office , Streets Of San Francisco , Asian Americans , Cases , Management , Recall , Fredricka Whitfield , Hello Again , Ex Tents , Missouri , Search And Rescue Teams Sifts Throug ,

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