Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and La

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240709

and traditions that we had perhaps come to take for granted. >> house committee members applauded the ruling. vice chair liz cheney tweeting, the investigation is firing on all cylinders and the truth will come out. the case is likely now destined for the supreme court. cnn's jessica schneider in washington this morning in washington starts us off with more. >> reporter: christine and laura, a second loss for trump to keep his white house records out of the hands of the january 6th committee. the d.c. federal appeals court refusing to agree with trump's claims that his assertion of executive privilege over those documents should prevail when the current president joe biden has waived the privilege. the three judges saying that trump just hasn't advanced any arguments that would warrant the documents being held back when the current president has said they should be given over to the committee. and this decision means the committee is one step closer to obtaining hundreds of pages of records from trump's white house stemming from those days surrounding january 6th. that includes white house call logs, visitor logs, even handwritten notes and drafts of presidential speeches on january 6th. so, the next hurdle here could be the supreme court. the appeals court has said the documents will be held back for 14 days while trump's legal team asks the supreme court to take the case up. the trump spokesperson saying that is exactly what they will do, tweeting this. saying, this case was always destined for the supreme court. president trump's duty to defend the constitution and the office of the presidency continues. but the supreme court doesn't necessarily have to take up this case. and if they don't, this ruling would stand, and trump's lords wo -- records would ultimately be released to the committee. it will be several weeks before we know exactly what the supreme court would do here. christine and laura? >> jessica, thank you for that. important health news this morning. older teens are eligible now for covid booster shots and federal health officials are recommending they get them right now. get them right away. the fda authorized the pfizer vaccine booster in teens age 16 and 17. a short time later, the cdc made it an official recommendation. >> an fda official noted new evidence that vaccine effectiveness is waning after the second dose for adults and older teens. and that a booster helps provide continued protection. with more holiday gatherings coming up now, officials are strongly recommending boosters for everyone, even using poetry to make the point. >> we have a pretty bad time happening right now with the delta variant. once again, cases going up, hospitalizations going up, deaths going up. so if you haven't yet got that booster and you are six months away from pfizer or moderna or two months away for j&j, don't wait. this is the moment. christmas is coming. the geese are getting fat. don't wait for your booster. go and get that. >> more now from senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen. >> christine, laura, the u.s. food and drug administration has authorized the pfizer booster for people ages 16 and 17. so 16 and 17-year-olds who got the pfizer vaccine to begin with, six months after their second shot, they would then be eligible to get a booster with pfizer. let's take a look at some numbers. once this goes through, 2.6 million u.s. teens will be eligible for a booster. already 141 million adults are eligible. now, for adults, they can do a mix and matcha approach to boosters, get a different booster shot than the shots that they got initially. but for 16 and 17-year-olds who got pfizer, they do need to get pfizer as their booster. christine, laura? >> all right, elizabeth, thank you for that. it is time for three questions in three minutes. so let's bring in dr. ali raja, professor of emergency medicine at harvard medical school and vice chair of emergency medicine at mass general ral. doctor, so nice to have you. so, the fda and cdc both now endorsing booster shots for teens 16 to 17. i wonder, though, how do you view this sort of 180-degree turn, i feel, we have seen now on boosters? we went from saying, if you're healthy, especially younger and healthy, you don't have to rush out to get a booster. to now everyone needs to rush out to get a booster including these teenagers. what happened to the whole concern about myocarditis, which i had understood was the reason there was that hesitation on boosters for young kids? >> you know, that's actually a really good question. now, the fact is we've learned a lot about myocarditis over the past many months since we had the vaccines out. and what we have seen is that the vast majority of cases of myocarditis, and there's only been a few, have been mild and self-limiting. but what's happened is we have seen that myocarditis is actually a much bigger risk when you actually get covid itself. so it's a really easy choice between the two. >> it just seems like the time, though, for kids to get the boosters was before thanksgiving, before they were going to see grandma, and now we're heading into christmas. i mean, i hope they get them now, but the data on parents not getting these boosters is not great. >> yeah, with the hesitancy among parents still. >> yeah. >> based on the data you've seen thus far this week, how confident should people feel their booster shot will stand up to omicron, doctor? >> you know, the booster shots have actually shown pretty good data. they just came out over the past couple of days. what was concerning is that the initial two-shot doses of moderna and pfizer really showed a lot of decreased effectiveness against omicron, like 25 times less than with the original variant. but the boosters bring that level of protection right back up to where we were months ago with just the two shots and the original variant. they should feel confident with the boosters. >> doctor, as we see more people heading indoors, more people eating in indoor restaurants, the holidays are here, cases are already up and we are not even at christmas and new year's eve yet. but cases are up across the country. how do we prepare for this type of winter surge? >> i completely agree. i'm worried that we'll see a surge, and actually i start today see it during my shift in the e.r. this week. i've seen a lot more cases of covid and other respiratory illnesses than i have seen during my shift in the past, especially more than last year, exactly because of the reason you said. people are indoors, we're not wearing masks, we're gathering. we have this need to get together especially for the holidays. but especially during the holidays we need to stay safe. so if you're not boosted, get and make sure you wear your masks. get rapid tests for gatherings. please try to stay as safe as possible. hospitals are already overcrowded right now. >> i feel like that message is it getting through. we know the daily vaccination, 457,000 daily initiating vaccines, that's up 39% from last month. so people, people i think are hearing the message. >> slowly but surely. >> dr. ali raja, thank you so much. nice to see you this morning. to this story now. a wave of brazen store robberies has c.e.o.s pleading with the congress for help. san francisco, los angeles, chicago among the cities that have seen these smash-and-grab mob attacks, targeting upscale retailers like snnordstrom and louis vuitton, big box stores and drugstores. best buy, home depot and cvs a mng many retail leaders sent a letter to congress asking lawmakers to take action, passing the integrity, notification and fairness in online retail market places. that measure would make it easier for consumers to identify exactly who they are buying from. makes it harder for criminals to hide behind fake identities as they try to sell that stolen merchandise online, right? so, choke off the market for the stuff that the criminals are stealing. after several best buy outlets in minnesota were looted on black friday, the company is implementing adequate security measures to safeguard employees and shoppers. the retail industry is struggling to handle this escalation in organized -- it's very organized theft here. the national retail federation says robberies has jumped nearly 60% from 2015. costs stores $719,000 per $1 billion in sales. all right, coming up for you, jussie smollett found guilty of lying to police about staging that hate crime. we're going to walk you through the sentencing he's facing next. and gripping eyewitness testimony from the girlfriend of daunte wright. >> it was a video to see what happened. i was delirious. i was just screaming, they just shot him. they shot him. firefighter maggie gronewald knows how to handle dry weather... ...and dry, cracked skin. new gold bond advanced healing oiment. restore healthy skin, with no sticky feeling. gold bond. champion your skin. at intra-cellular therapie we're inspired by our circle. a circle that includes our researchers, driven by our award-winning science, who uncover new medicines to treat mental illness. it includes the compassionate healthcare professionals, the dedicated social workers, and the supportive peer counselors we work with to help improve - and even change - people's lives. moving from mental illness to mental wellness starts in our circle. this is intra-cellular therapies. when it comes to autism, finding the right words can be tough. finding understanding doesn't have to be. we can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. go to hi. so you're the scientist here. does my aveeno® daily moisturizer really make my dry skin healthier in one day? 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>> all right, adrienne, thank you so much. rapper travis scott says he's been on an emotional roller coaster after the crowd was crushed during his concert. scott denies hearing the panicked cries of fans. >> people said they collectively, they collectively heard folks screaming, help, every time you stopped a song to get your attention. did you hear any of those screams? >> no, man. you know, it's so crazy because i'm that artist, too. any time you can't hear something like that, you want to stop the show. i stopped like a couple times to make sure everybody was okay. and i just really just go off the fans' energy as a collective, call and response. i just didn't hear that. >> scott addressed the raging culture his concerts have been known for. some are blamed for the deaths and injuries. he says raging is about letting go and having fun. more than 140 lawsuits have been filed since the astroworld tragedy. my question is why did he stop the show a couple times? what was happening that caused him to stop, and then what was the signal -- >> the ambulance on the scene was a clue. still ahead for you, a tragedy in mexico as a tractor-trailer crashed. leaves more than 50 migrants dead and hundreds injured. and the assurances president biden gave ukraine's president as szelensky tries to fend off russian invasion. i brought in ensure max protein, with t thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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>> all right, matt, thank you for that. a's by i day of working the phones for president biden. the president reassured ukraine's president zelensky that the u.s. has his back as ukraine tries to fend off a russian invasion. mr. biden also held a separate call thursday with the bucharest nine, a group of nato members on europe's eastern edge near russia. let's go live to kiev with cnn's matthew chance. did president zelensky hear everything he needed to hear from president biden? >> reporter: well, i mean, publicly the ukrainians are thanking the united states and president biden in particular for his continued support of ukrainian sovereignty, and ukraine's territorial integrity. but behind the scenes you get a sense talking to officials in ukrainian government there is a little bit of frustration that's creeping in. for instance, on the call yesterday, last night here local time, president biden briefing president zelensky about the content of his video conference with vladimir putin. the russian president a few days before. he set out the kind of tough sanctions that we heard so much about that the united states and others would impose on russia if russia were to take the step of invading again ukraine. but officials who are familiar with the telephone conversation told me that president zelensky wanted more than that. he didn't just want prospective sanctions, as he called them. he wanted sanction to be implemented now with a delayed implementation and with the ability to lift them if russia, in his words, behaves well. and so a little bit of frustration about that. a little bit of frustration that ukraine has not got the weapons yet despite tens of thousands of russians, russian troops building up near his borders. christine? >> matthew chance, thank you so much for that in kiev. doing everything they can to keep biden ambassadors out of posts. what is cruz's motive? ♪ i see them bloom ♪ ♪ for me and you ♪ ♪ and i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ a rich life is about more than just money. that's why at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner so you can build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. 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>> let's bring in bloomberg national political correspondent emma kenery in washington. nice to see you this morning. you know, it looks like this case is headed to the supreme court next. some of the language in last night's ruling, though, is devastating to other people who are trying to dodge the house select committee subpoenas right now. >> absolutely. and thanks for having me. this was a really big blow for the trump administration, the former trump administration, and a big win for the january 6 committee. the three-judge panel ruled that there was no legal reason for trump's argument, and that as you had said, they are critically important documents. trump has two weeks to appeal the ruling. he has said he will appeal to the supreme court. but if he does, if that ultimately fails, it will affect not only him, but others like steve bannon, mark meadows who are also trying to claim executive privilege. >> yeah, it's not at all clear the supreme court will take it up, which means that this decision, this 68-page decision is the law of the land and will stand. i also want to ask about some other news on capitol hill, emma. the senate voting 59-35 to create this fast-track process, that essentially allows the democrats and the democrats alone to raise the federal debt limit as early as next week. now, 14 republicans cross over the aisle to vote with the democrats just in favor of the fast-track process. i'm actually in favor of upping the debt limit. what do they get out of that? >> yeah, i think that the way you put it is perfect. this is all political. no one wants -- democrats nor republicans want the debt ceiling to be surpassed. essentially like you said, the gop voted to break the filibuster on a bill that would exempt the debt ceiling from the filibuster when, instead, they could have just broke the filibuster on the debt ceiling bill. >> yeah. >> it's really a round about way of doing it and it's a way for them to -- >> i think your shot is frozen, emma. if you can hear us -- >> what do they get out of that? what do they get out of passing this bill, aligning with the democrats on that, without actually raising the debt limit? they think they save face on that perhaps. maybe. it doesn't seem like that does them any favors. >> all right, emma, are you there? >> there you are. let me ask you about the interesting bipartisanship quickly between joe manchin and gop senators. they're trying to work around ted cruz. ted cruz who is doing everything he can to block the president's ambassador nominees, i mean, he's literally keeping american ambassadors from going around the world to promote american interests, promote democracy. >> right. >> will the senate find a work around? can they get around ted cruz? >> yeah, i think one of the things that's really interesting about this is you even have high profile republicans like senator john cornyn saying this isn't right. you know, people have pointed out specifically, you know, china, india, japan, a lot of our key, key allies, people -- countries we work very closely with are still -- do not have an ambassador. there are 54 that were approved by the committee. only six have been confirmed. many of these are very uncontroversial. they could be passed by a simple voice vote. >> never a dull moment on capitol hill. >> maybe get three or five at a time and find a way to get this process going a little more quickly. emma kenery, so nice to see you at bloomberg. thank you very much. all right. a strong labor market pushing jobless claims to the lowest levels in 52 years. first-time claims for unemployment benefits fell to 184,000 last week. employers are trying to attract and retain staff. they are not -- not doing layoffs. and workers have plenty of jobs to choose from. at the same time, the biden administration is bracing for the latest inflation report that comes out in just a couple hours, less than three hours. president biden assured americans that price increases for energy and goods were starting to ease. we'll get a read of november very soon here. the other part of the covid economy, returning to the office, wall street firms jeffries is now telling everyone stay home. stop virtually all travel. no more social events after dozens of its employees tested positive for covid-19. jeffries bringing back its mask mandate for all of its offices and anyone who want to enter any office needs a booster shot by the end of january. wells fargo and citi have also said no holiday parties. the new protocols highlight the challenge that businesses face trying to get employees back to the office after almost two years. and lyft employees now have one more year to work remotely. lyft did not cite the omicron variant. instead pointing to the flexibility that lyft employees want. a spokesperson said lyft's offices are set to reopen in february as planned. staffers still have the option to work from home for all of 2022. google and uber have pose poened their office plans indefinitely. >> everyone wants flexible. >> yeah. a programming note for you this weekend. it's that time of year when the stars come out to honor some of humanity's best. now more than ever the world needs heroes. join anderson cooper and kelly ripa as they name the 2021 hero of the year. cnn's all-star tributes sunday 8:00 eastern on cnn. ♪ ♪ kiss the people you love. mark this moment in time, and celebrate every kiss. get zero down special financing with the kay jewelers credit card. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit it's another day. and anything could happen. it could be the day you welcome 1,200 guests and all their devices. or it could be the day there's a cyberthreat. only comcast business' secure network solutions give you the power of sd-wan and advanced security integrated on our activecore platform so you can control your network from anywhere, anytime. it's network management redefined. every day in business is a big day. we'll keep you ready for what's next. comcast business powering possibilities. welcome back. so, it has not been a good week for england's prime minister boris johnson who is now denying allegations that his staff broke any health rules by attending parties at 10 downing street during the winter of 2020, while the rest of the country was on lockdown. he's also being held to account for not keeping accurate records of political donations. all of this while he's trying to implement new covid restrictions, and has a new baby at home. cnn's salma abdelaziz joins us from 10 downing street. salma, good morning. what is the prime minister's response? how is he pushing back? >> reporter: it's a tough week for the prime minister, no question about it, laura. even from his own public. and a new baby. right now what we're looking at is an internal investigation. two incidents being investigated right now that happened at 10 downing street. one at the end of november where prime minister boris johnson allegedly gave an impromptu speech during a christmas party. the second on december 18th. both of those incidents taking place during a lockdown. police have spoken on this. they say they are not investigating it at this time, but they are waiting for officials to give them more information if and when it does come to light. but already in the court of public opinion, the prime minister has lost. and i'll tell you why. it is very hard for any member of the public to believe that multiple parties could have occurred right behind me here at the prime minister's residence and offices by his own staff during a lockdown, and somehow the prime minister would not know about it. so we're going to see what happens now as prime minister boris johnson quite literally fights for his survival. crucially he's going to be doing that within his own party, the conservative party. the question is will they continue to back him through yet another scandal? because this is not the prime minister's first scandal. he's actually earned the nickname for it. teflon toris because of their ability to withstand one scandal after another. everyone will tell you he has nine lives. the question, he's running out of chances because his mps begin to feel pressure at home from their own constituents, feel their own political seats are threatened. that's when you could see a c change, the tide turn and the no confidence vote. >> thank you. back here in the u.s. severe storms are expected across the southwest. the threat of a tornado called nocturnal tornadoes developing tonight into saturday morning. here's derek van dam. >> that's right, christine and laura. a multifaceted storm sweeping through the country in the next 36 hours. we have 10 million americans under some sort of winter weather alert from the central plains to the upper midwest. we are anticipating a swath of 6 to 10 inches of snow. cheyenne, the heaviest snow across southern portions of minnesota as well as central and northern wisconsin right where the low pressure system starts to pivot and rotate across the region giving us our longest duration snowfall event. the other facet to the storm is the severe weather threat. in fact, the storm prediction center has expanded its enhanced risk of severe storms with our greatest probability of strong tornadoes tonight. that being overnight from louisville to nashville as well as memphis and little rock. keep an eye to the sky anywhere from the lower mississippi valley right through the ohio river valley. back to you. >> all right. that's your weather. here's your business for this friday morning. let's get a check on global markets. you can see asia markets closed lower. europe has opened very slightly lower. but on wall street, stock index futures are leaning up a little bit. if was a down day, mostly down day for stocks on thursday. the dow flat after an 1100 point rally. remember earlier this week, a big start to the week. the nasdaq and s&p 500 snapped a three-day winning streak there. stocks pausing from that powerful early week rally. today the focus shifts back to inflation. the consumer price index for november is due in just a few hours. prices rose 6.2% in october compared to the prior year. thus the biggest annual increase in 30 years. so what do economists expected to? they're forecasting annual inflation at 6.8% in november. that would be the biggest yearly increase since may of 1982. it's numbers like these that have the fed now on inflation watch, poised to roll back covid stimulus even faster than planned, and begin raising interest rates to prevent this strong economy from overheating. more evidence of labor's new found leverage. [ cheers and applause ] >> for the first time, a union has won the right to represent u.s. starbucks workers. the vote to unionize at a shop in buffalo, new york, passed by 19-8 margin. the vote at a second store failed, and the results of a third shop were inconclusive. starbucks is down playing the significance of its loss after a major effort to convince its employees that they were better off without a union. the effort to organize starbucks employees has been closely watched nationally. the company has 235,000 employees across nearly 9,000 u.s. stores, with none of them until now unionized. all right. the football world is mourning the loss of the man considered one of the best wide receivers in denver broncos history. carolyn with the bleacher report. hi, carolyn. >> hi, christine. this is a shocking story and sad story. demaryius thomas known by all as a man who was a leader, who was mentally and physically tough, he played ten seasons in the nfl. in fact, he announced his retirement just a couple months ago. he was only 33 years old and was still wearing the details around his passing. he was found outside his home in atlanta yesterday. police say preliminary information points to a medical issue as the cause for death. investigators say they have no reason to believe otherwise, at least at this point in time. the four-time pro bowler spent parts of nine seasons with denver before retiring as a jet back in june. he won the super bowl with denver back in 2015. in a statement, the broncos say they are devastated and completely heartbroken. the team says demaryius' humility, warmth, kindness and infectious smile will always be remembered by those who knew him and loved him. payton manning won the super bowl with thomas in 2015. he treated my kids like they were his own. he was at a charity event. i texted with d.t. on tuesday. he was talking about a touchdown audible we called in arizona back in 2014. absolutely devastated. and in 2015, president barack obama commuted the sentence of thomas's mother and grandmother sentenced to lengthy prison sentences on drug charges when he was 11 years old. he would have turned 34 on christmas day. this is a story that we're going to learn more about as it continues to develop, as it shocked everybody overnight. meantime, i want to transition here to show you what happened last night in the nfl. thursday night football, the vikings coming into last night's game with the steelers having lost four of their last six including a heartbreaker, the previous win to the lions sunday. minnesota starting strong at home, 29-0. in the third gavin cook had 150 rushing yards in the first half. after returning from injuries. so you're thinking they have this one in the bag. but the steelers would score three touchdowns in a five-minute span to come back, two of them courtesy of harris. pittsburgh putting themselves in position to tie. the pass was incomplete, so minnesota escapes with 36-28 win, all but one of the vikings games this season have been decided by eight points or less. so they love to sweat, but getting it done. purdue ranked number one in college basketball the first time in program history. after their game at rutgers, listen to the final seconds as called by the rutgers radio team. >> inside williams with 7. one on one with amori. gets inside, pults it up and in. get it to harper with three. with two, with one. harper for the win. got it! >> let's go! rutgers! let's go! >> the game winner at the buzzer! >> let's go! >> fans wasting no time to celebrate rutgers first win against a top ranked win. 70-68. we missed plays like this. >> it's going to be a great weekend for some football, too. what's your favorite game to watch this weekend for the nfl? >> you know, there's so much to watch, christine. really i'm interested in the playoff race right now. i cannot believe that the patriots are at the top of the conference. so things are getting hot as the super bowl nears. >> packers/bears my household. what we watch. carolyn, thank you. thanks for joining us. i'm christine romans. "new day" is next. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. good morning to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. it is friday. it's december 10th. i'm john berman with brianna keilar. go army, beat navy. >> indeed. this morning, donald trump is running out o

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December 10th , 10 , Friday December 10th , Everyone , President , Everybody , U S , Trump , Laura Jarrett , New York , Thanks , Start , Battle , Christine Romans , Around The World , 00 , 5 , Records , Documents , Committee , Notes , Part , Events , Fragility , Memos , Plea , Writing , White House , Institutions , Quote , Federal Appeals Court , January 6 , 6 , Case , Investigation , Ruling , Liz Cheney Tweeting , Members , Truth , Firing , House Committee , Traditions , Cylinders , Christine And Laura , Supreme Court , More , Cnn , Loss , Hands , Jessica Schneider , January 6th Committee , In Washington , January 6th , Joe Biden , Executive Privilege , Claims , Privilege , Judges , Assertion , Hasn T , Three , Decision , Arguments , Step , Hundreds , Pages , One , Appeals Court , Speeches , Visitor Logs , Call Logs , Hurdle , Drafts , Saying , Spokesperson , Team , Duty , 14 , Office , Presidency , Constitution , Supreme Court Doesn T , And Trump S Lords Wo , Officials , Teens , Booster Shots , Covid 19 , Health , Health News , Evidence , Pfizer , Vaccine Booster , Official , Recommendation , Vaccine Effectiveness , Fda , Cdc , 17 , 16 , Booster , Adults , Point , Protection , Boosters , Holiday Gatherings , Dose , Poetry , Cases , Haven T , Deaths , Moderna , Hospitalizations , Delta Variant , Six , Geese , Elizabeth Cohen , Christmas , Fat , Don T , Don T Wait , J , Two , People , Shot , Vaccine , Numbers , Look , 141 Million , 2 6 Million , Shots , Mix , Approach , Matcha , Got Pfizer , Who , Doctor , Ali Raja , Emergency Medicine , Questions , Both , Professor , Dr , Harvard Medical School , Mass General Ral , Sort , 180 , Myocarditis , Reason , Kids , Concern , Teenagers , Hesitation , Question , Vaccines , Fact , Lot , Majority , Few , Risk , Self Limiting , Choice , Data , Parents , Grandma , Hesitancy , Booster Shot , Omicron , Doses , Times , Variant , Effectiveness , Level , 25 , Country , Holidays , Restaurants , Type , It , Shift , Illnesses , Surge , E R , Masks , Safe , Need , Message , Hospitals , Vaccination , Gatherings , Story , Store , Robberies , Wave , 457000 , 39 , Help , Cities , Congress , Mob Attacks , Chicago , Ceos , Retailers , San Francisco , Snnordstrom , Los Angeles , Integrity , Letter , Action , Drugstores , Retail Leaders , Big Box Stores , Notification , Lawmakers , Fairness , Mng , Home Depot , Louis Vuitton , Cvs , Best Buy , Criminals , Consumers , Market , Retail Market Places , Measure , Merchandise , Identities , Stuff , Employees , Company , Minnesota , Retail Industry , Shoppers , Security Measures , Outlets , Escalation , Black Friday , Stealing , Jussie Smollett , Stores , Right , Sales , Theft , National Retail Federation , 19000 , Billion , 2015 , 60 , 1 Billion , 719000 , Daunte Wright , Hate Crime , Girlfriend , Sentencing , Staging , Eyewitness Testimony , Video , Weather , Skin , Bond , Maggie Gronewald , Healing Oiment , Circle , Feeling , Science , Researchers , Restore Healthy , Intra Cellular Therapie , Lives , Peer Counselors , Healthcare , Medicines , Social Workers , Mental Illness , Professionals , Mental Illness To Wellness , World , Finding Understanding Doesn T , Words , Millions , Therapies , Autism , Kinder , Autism Spectrum , Autismspeaks Org , Daily , Moisturizer , Scientist , Prebiotic Oat Formula , Aveeno , True Jen , Daily Moisture , Face , Nature Tm , Everything , Ray , Vacations , Diabetes , No , Glucose Levels , Mystery , A1c , Libre 2 , 2 , Visit Freestylelibre Us For Rob , Symptoms , Go Away , Constipation , Linzess , Signs , Discomfort , Bloating , Yess , Belly Pain , Laxative , Feelings , Ibs C , Bowel Movements , Symptoms Belly Pain , Children , Bowel Blockage , Side Effects , Diarrhea , Side Effect , Stomach Pain , Pain , Stools , Area , Swelling , Gas , Ibs C , Heartburn , Anna , Abbvie , It Starts , Night , Reality , Dream , Ironwood , Sleep , Acid , Nexium 24hr , 24 , Night Protection , Felony Sentencing , Jury , Lawsuit , Staging A , Verdict , Police Investigation , Counts , Disorderly Conduct , Omar Jimenez , Cost , Nine , Five , Dan Webb , Brothers , Jurors , Police , Prosecution , Osundaiaro , Victim , Battery , Something , Defense , Oath , Innocence , Any , Smollett , Nothing , Lying , January 2019 , 2019 , City , Defense Team , Motions Hearing , Appeal , Side , Sentencing Process , 100 , Crime , Money , Litigation , Front , Officer , Trial , Police Officer , Testimony , Killing , Car , Gun , Taser , Minneapolis , Traffic Stop , Adrienne Broadus , Shooting , Name , Reporter , Courtroom , Dating , Alayna Albrecht Payton , Course , Video Scene , Body Cam , Driving , Vehicle , Lens , Chest , Gasping , Um , Injuries , Surgery , Air , Jaw , Breaths , The End , Body Camera Video , Aftermath , Life , Ten , Anyone , Presence , Defense Attorney , Aid , Mistrial Saying , Wall , Death , Claim , Judge , Guilt , Contrast , Proof , Travis Scott , Mistrial , Request , Roller Coaster , Fans , Concert , Folks Screaming , Song , Crowd , Cries , Man , Show , Attention , Artist , Screams , Select Committee Subpoenas , Energy , Response , Concerts , Collective , Culture , Tragedy , Lawsuits , Stop , Is , Fun , Astroworld , 140 , Ukraine , Southern Mexico , Tractor Trailer , Signal , Scene , Ambulance , Clue , Assurances , 50 , Invasion , Russian , Szelensky , Protein , Nutrients , Sugar , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Dreams , Van , Same , Way , Vans , Upfitted , Mercedes Benz , 120 , Business , Businesses , Comcast Business , Gift , Deal , Savings Sale , Prepaid Card , Bundles , 500 , Network , Possibilities , Internet , Gig Speeds , Voice , Savings , Price Guarantee , 64 99 , 4 99 , Migrants , Journey , Reminder , Morning , Dangers , 54 , Border , State , Matt Rivers , Chiapa Which Borders Guatemala , Mexico City , Dozens , Some , Result , Trailer , Journey North , Traffic Accident , Foreign Minister , Of Mexico , Condolences , Countries , Citizens , Crash , Accident , Number , Bodies , Traffic Accidents , Example , International Organization For Migration , Report , Rides , 650 , 2014 , Zelensky , Group , Call , Back , Phones , Mr , Bucharest Nine , Nato , Matthew Chance , Biden , On Europe S , Let S Go , Kiev , Eastern Edge , Bit , Frustration , Government , Sense , Scenes , Biden In Particular , Support , Sovereignty , Sanctions , Kind , Video Conference , Instance , Content , Biden Briefing , Vladimir Putin , Others , Telephone Conversation , Ability , Sanction , Implementation , Borders , Tens , Weapons , Thousands , Troops , Russians , Ted Cruz , Ambassadors , Motive , Posts , Owner , Investor , Me And You , What A Wonderful World Rich Life , At Vanguard , Future , Vanguard , Vo , Imbruvica , Cll , Prescription Medicine , Thanks To Imbruvica , 1 , Problems , Infections , Therapy , Blood Thinners , Chills , Fevers , Infection , Heart Rhythm Problems , Cancers , Confusion , High Blood Pressure , Blood Counts , Heart Failure , Kidney Failure , Weakness , Decrease , Heart Disease , Tumor Lysis , Irregular Heartbeat , Heart Problems , Seizure , Fluids , Bleeding , Experts , Windshield , Service , Safelite , My Truck Is Livelihood , Girl , Singers , Safelite Repair , Place , Emergen C , Breaking Point , Rhythm , Blend , Best , Eye , Sources , Stories , Yes , 32 , Event , Conference , Taiwan , Beijing , Authoritarianism , Leaders , Move , Summit , Themes , Summit For Democracy , Senator , Corruption , Human Rights , Funeral , Washington National Cathedral , Bob Dole , War Veteran Lying In State , Students , History , Capitol Rotunda Thursday , Jigiant , Age , Suit , Biden Remembering Him , Four , 98 , One On , John Hagins , Attack , Neck , Mass School Shooting , Snapchat Disrupting , Florida , Seven , 19 , Winter Break , Authorities , Class , Campus , Aeronautical University Planned , Investigators , Computer , Charges , Custody , Files , Babies , Arkansas , Duggar , Child Pornography , 18 , Letitia James , Statement , James , Governor , Bid , Kathy Hochul , A Run For Second Term , Democratic , Prison , 20 , Blow , Investigations , Deposition , Job , Sake , Logs , Wraps , Host , Secret , Capitol , Predicate , Nation , 68 , Committee Members , Materials , Advisers , Role , Branches , Executive Branch , Branch , Court Of Appeals , Argument , Step In , Earth , Bloomberg National Political , Correspondent Emma Kenery , Supreme Court Next , House , Language , Last Night S Ruling , Win , Administration , Panel , Mark Meadows , Steve Bannon , Senate , Emma , News , Voting , Capitol Hill , Law Of The Land , 35 , 59 , Process , Debt , Republicans , Democrats , Favor , Limit , Aisle , Debt Limit , Wants , Filibuster , Debt Ceiling , Bill , Gop , Debt Ceiling Bill , Round , Favors , Senators , Bipartisanship , Ambassador Nominees , Joe Manchin , Things , Work , Democracy , Interests , Profile , Key , Isn T Right , John Cornyn , India , Allies , Japan , China , Many , Voice Vote , Ambassador , Labor Market , Bloomberg , Staff , Employers , Levels , Retain , Unemployment Benefits , 184000 , 52 , Workers , Inflation Report , Price Increases , Layoffs , Jobs , Goods , Home , Economy , Read , Travel , Wall Street Firms Jeffries , Offices , Holiday Parties , Mask Mandate , Citi , Wells Fargo , Lyft , Challenge , Protocols , Google , Staffers , Flexibility , Uber , Option , Pose , 2022 , 2022 Google , Hero Of The Year , Stars , Kelly Ripa , Programming Note , Office Plans , Anderson Cooper , Humanity , Heroes , 2021 , All Star Tributes Sunday 8 , 8 , Financing , Credit Card , Kiss , Jewelers , Kay , Zero , Visit Freestylelibre Us , Network Solutions , Guests , Anything , Devices , Cyberthreat , Power , Sd Wan , 1200 , Security , Big Day , Activecore Platform , Anywhere , Network Management , Business Powering Possibilities , Boris Johnson , Parties , Allegations , Rest , Health Rules , Downing Street , England , 10 Downing Street , 2020 , Baby , Lockdown , Covid Restrictions , Donations , Salma Abdelaziz , Public , Incidents , Speech , November , Second On December 18th , December 18th , Court Of Public Opinion , Information , Member , Residence , Conservative Party , Survival , Fights , Scandal , Another , Nickname , Teflon Toris , Mps , Ac Change , Pressure , Chances , Constituents , Seats , Nine Lives , Storms , Threat , Tornadoes , Confidence Vote , Southwest , Tornado , Storm , Winter Weather , Derek Van Dam , 36 , 10 Million , Snow , Swath , Plains , Portions , Cheyenne , Upper Midwest , Storm Prediction Center , Facet , Pressure System , Region , Northern Wisconsin , Probability , Being , Sky , Lower Mississippi Valley , Ohio River Valley , Memphis , Little Rock , Stocks , Markets , Stock Index Futures , Check , Down Day , Wall Street , Asia Markets Closed Lower , Winning Streak , Point Rally , Rally , Focus , Dow , S P 500 , Nasdaq , 1100 , Inflation , Economists , Consumer Price Index , Prices , Increase , 30 , 6 2 , Inflation Watch , May , Fed , May Of 1982 , 6 8 , 1982 , Leverage , Labor , Interest Rates , Overheating , Cheers , Applause , Starbucks , Vote , Time , Shop , Union , Margin , Buffalo , Results , Effort , Significance , 9000 , 235000 , Football World , Carolyn , Bleacher Report , None , Receivers , Denver Broncos , Demaryius Thomas , Leader , Retirement , Nfl , Hi , Seasons , 33 , Details , Information Points , Passing , Cause , Issue , Atlanta , Super Bowl , Pro Bowler , Jet Back , Broncos , Denver , Kindness , Humility , Smile , Warmth , Payton Manning , Barack Obama , Charity Event , Sentence , Touchdown , We , D T , On Tuesday , Arizona , Prison Sentences , Drug Charges , Grandmother , Mother , Thomas , 34 , 11 , Game , Steelers , Thursday Night Football , Heartbreaker , Last Night , Lions Sunday , Touchdowns , Half , Bag , Gavin Cook , Harris , 29 , 150 , 0 , Games , Pass , Season , Position , Tie , Pittsburgh , 28 , Rutgers , Points , Sweat , Purdue , College Basketball , Eight , It Up , Rutgers Radio Team , Harper , Inside Williams , Amori , Pults , 7 , Top , Winner , Let S Go , Buzzer , Weekend , Football , 70 , Household , Playoff Race , Patriots , Packers , Recording Artist , Recording , Elodia , Tools , Projectup , Viewers , O , All Around The World , John Berman , Brianna Keilar , Go Army , Beat Navy ,

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Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans And Laura Jarrett 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240709

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and traditions that we had perhaps come to take for granted. >> house committee members applauded the ruling. vice chair liz cheney tweeting, the investigation is firing on all cylinders and the truth will come out. the case is likely now destined for the supreme court. cnn's jessica schneider in washington this morning in washington starts us off with more. >> reporter: christine and laura, a second loss for trump to keep his white house records out of the hands of the january 6th committee. the d.c. federal appeals court refusing to agree with trump's claims that his assertion of executive privilege over those documents should prevail when the current president joe biden has waived the privilege. the three judges saying that trump just hasn't advanced any arguments that would warrant the documents being held back when the current president has said they should be given over to the committee. and this decision means the committee is one step closer to obtaining hundreds of pages of records from trump's white house stemming from those days surrounding january 6th. that includes white house call logs, visitor logs, even handwritten notes and drafts of presidential speeches on january 6th. so, the next hurdle here could be the supreme court. the appeals court has said the documents will be held back for 14 days while trump's legal team asks the supreme court to take the case up. the trump spokesperson saying that is exactly what they will do, tweeting this. saying, this case was always destined for the supreme court. president trump's duty to defend the constitution and the office of the presidency continues. but the supreme court doesn't necessarily have to take up this case. and if they don't, this ruling would stand, and trump's lords wo -- records would ultimately be released to the committee. it will be several weeks before we know exactly what the supreme court would do here. christine and laura? >> jessica, thank you for that. important health news this morning. older teens are eligible now for covid booster shots and federal health officials are recommending they get them right now. get them right away. the fda authorized the pfizer vaccine booster in teens age 16 and 17. a short time later, the cdc made it an official recommendation. >> an fda official noted new evidence that vaccine effectiveness is waning after the second dose for adults and older teens. and that a booster helps provide continued protection. with more holiday gatherings coming up now, officials are strongly recommending boosters for everyone, even using poetry to make the point. >> we have a pretty bad time happening right now with the delta variant. once again, cases going up, hospitalizations going up, deaths going up. so if you haven't yet got that booster and you are six months away from pfizer or moderna or two months away for j&j, don't wait. this is the moment. christmas is coming. the geese are getting fat. don't wait for your booster. go and get that. >> more now from senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen. >> christine, laura, the u.s. food and drug administration has authorized the pfizer booster for people ages 16 and 17. so 16 and 17-year-olds who got the pfizer vaccine to begin with, six months after their second shot, they would then be eligible to get a booster with pfizer. let's take a look at some numbers. once this goes through, 2.6 million u.s. teens will be eligible for a booster. already 141 million adults are eligible. now, for adults, they can do a mix and matcha approach to boosters, get a different booster shot than the shots that they got initially. but for 16 and 17-year-olds who got pfizer, they do need to get pfizer as their booster. christine, laura? >> all right, elizabeth, thank you for that. it is time for three questions in three minutes. so let's bring in dr. ali raja, professor of emergency medicine at harvard medical school and vice chair of emergency medicine at mass general ral. doctor, so nice to have you. so, the fda and cdc both now endorsing booster shots for teens 16 to 17. i wonder, though, how do you view this sort of 180-degree turn, i feel, we have seen now on boosters? we went from saying, if you're healthy, especially younger and healthy, you don't have to rush out to get a booster. to now everyone needs to rush out to get a booster including these teenagers. what happened to the whole concern about myocarditis, which i had understood was the reason there was that hesitation on boosters for young kids? >> you know, that's actually a really good question. now, the fact is we've learned a lot about myocarditis over the past many months since we had the vaccines out. and what we have seen is that the vast majority of cases of myocarditis, and there's only been a few, have been mild and self-limiting. but what's happened is we have seen that myocarditis is actually a much bigger risk when you actually get covid itself. so it's a really easy choice between the two. >> it just seems like the time, though, for kids to get the boosters was before thanksgiving, before they were going to see grandma, and now we're heading into christmas. i mean, i hope they get them now, but the data on parents not getting these boosters is not great. >> yeah, with the hesitancy among parents still. >> yeah. >> based on the data you've seen thus far this week, how confident should people feel their booster shot will stand up to omicron, doctor? >> you know, the booster shots have actually shown pretty good data. they just came out over the past couple of days. what was concerning is that the initial two-shot doses of moderna and pfizer really showed a lot of decreased effectiveness against omicron, like 25 times less than with the original variant. but the boosters bring that level of protection right back up to where we were months ago with just the two shots and the original variant. they should feel confident with the boosters. >> doctor, as we see more people heading indoors, more people eating in indoor restaurants, the holidays are here, cases are already up and we are not even at christmas and new year's eve yet. but cases are up across the country. how do we prepare for this type of winter surge? >> i completely agree. i'm worried that we'll see a surge, and actually i start today see it during my shift in the e.r. this week. i've seen a lot more cases of covid and other respiratory illnesses than i have seen during my shift in the past, especially more than last year, exactly because of the reason you said. people are indoors, we're not wearing masks, we're gathering. we have this need to get together especially for the holidays. but especially during the holidays we need to stay safe. so if you're not boosted, get and make sure you wear your masks. get rapid tests for gatherings. please try to stay as safe as possible. hospitals are already overcrowded right now. >> i feel like that message is it getting through. we know the daily vaccination, 457,000 daily initiating vaccines, that's up 39% from last month. so people, people i think are hearing the message. >> slowly but surely. >> dr. ali raja, thank you so much. nice to see you this morning. to this story now. a wave of brazen store robberies has c.e.o.s pleading with the congress for help. san francisco, los angeles, chicago among the cities that have seen these smash-and-grab mob attacks, targeting upscale retailers like snnordstrom and louis vuitton, big box stores and drugstores. best buy, home depot and cvs a mng many retail leaders sent a letter to congress asking lawmakers to take action, passing the integrity, notification and fairness in online retail market places. that measure would make it easier for consumers to identify exactly who they are buying from. makes it harder for criminals to hide behind fake identities as they try to sell that stolen merchandise online, right? so, choke off the market for the stuff that the criminals are stealing. after several best buy outlets in minnesota were looted on black friday, the company is implementing adequate security measures to safeguard employees and shoppers. the retail industry is struggling to handle this escalation in organized -- it's very organized theft here. the national retail federation says robberies has jumped nearly 60% from 2015. costs stores $719,000 per $1 billion in sales. all right, coming up for you, jussie smollett found guilty of lying to police about staging that hate crime. we're going to walk you through the sentencing he's facing next. and gripping eyewitness testimony from the girlfriend of daunte wright. >> it was a video to see what happened. i was delirious. i was just screaming, they just shot him. they shot him. firefighter maggie gronewald knows how to handle dry weather... ...and dry, cracked skin. new gold bond advanced healing oiment. restore healthy skin, with no sticky feeling. gold bond. champion your skin. at intra-cellular therapie we're inspired by our circle. a circle that includes our researchers, driven by our award-winning science, who uncover new medicines to treat mental illness. it includes the compassionate healthcare professionals, the dedicated social workers, and the supportive peer counselors we work with to help improve - and even change - people's lives. moving from mental illness to mental wellness starts in our circle. this is intra-cellular therapies. when it comes to autism, finding the right words can be tough. finding understanding doesn't have to be. we can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. go to hi. so you're the scientist here. does my aveeno® daily moisturizer really make my dry skin healthier in one day? 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>> all right, adrienne, thank you so much. rapper travis scott says he's been on an emotional roller coaster after the crowd was crushed during his concert. scott denies hearing the panicked cries of fans. >> people said they collectively, they collectively heard folks screaming, help, every time you stopped a song to get your attention. did you hear any of those screams? >> no, man. you know, it's so crazy because i'm that artist, too. any time you can't hear something like that, you want to stop the show. i stopped like a couple times to make sure everybody was okay. and i just really just go off the fans' energy as a collective, call and response. i just didn't hear that. >> scott addressed the raging culture his concerts have been known for. some are blamed for the deaths and injuries. he says raging is about letting go and having fun. more than 140 lawsuits have been filed since the astroworld tragedy. my question is why did he stop the show a couple times? what was happening that caused him to stop, and then what was the signal -- >> the ambulance on the scene was a clue. still ahead for you, a tragedy in mexico as a tractor-trailer crashed. leaves more than 50 migrants dead and hundreds injured. and the assurances president biden gave ukraine's president as szelensky tries to fend off russian invasion. i brought in ensure max protein, with t thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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>> all right, matt, thank you for that. a's by i day of working the phones for president biden. the president reassured ukraine's president zelensky that the u.s. has his back as ukraine tries to fend off a russian invasion. mr. biden also held a separate call thursday with the bucharest nine, a group of nato members on europe's eastern edge near russia. let's go live to kiev with cnn's matthew chance. did president zelensky hear everything he needed to hear from president biden? >> reporter: well, i mean, publicly the ukrainians are thanking the united states and president biden in particular for his continued support of ukrainian sovereignty, and ukraine's territorial integrity. but behind the scenes you get a sense talking to officials in ukrainian government there is a little bit of frustration that's creeping in. for instance, on the call yesterday, last night here local time, president biden briefing president zelensky about the content of his video conference with vladimir putin. the russian president a few days before. he set out the kind of tough sanctions that we heard so much about that the united states and others would impose on russia if russia were to take the step of invading again ukraine. but officials who are familiar with the telephone conversation told me that president zelensky wanted more than that. he didn't just want prospective sanctions, as he called them. he wanted sanction to be implemented now with a delayed implementation and with the ability to lift them if russia, in his words, behaves well. and so a little bit of frustration about that. a little bit of frustration that ukraine has not got the weapons yet despite tens of thousands of russians, russian troops building up near his borders. christine? >> matthew chance, thank you so much for that in kiev. doing everything they can to keep biden ambassadors out of posts. what is cruz's motive? ♪ i see them bloom ♪ ♪ for me and you ♪ ♪ and i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ a rich life is about more than just money. that's why at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner so you can build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. 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>> let's bring in bloomberg national political correspondent emma kenery in washington. nice to see you this morning. you know, it looks like this case is headed to the supreme court next. some of the language in last night's ruling, though, is devastating to other people who are trying to dodge the house select committee subpoenas right now. >> absolutely. and thanks for having me. this was a really big blow for the trump administration, the former trump administration, and a big win for the january 6 committee. the three-judge panel ruled that there was no legal reason for trump's argument, and that as you had said, they are critically important documents. trump has two weeks to appeal the ruling. he has said he will appeal to the supreme court. but if he does, if that ultimately fails, it will affect not only him, but others like steve bannon, mark meadows who are also trying to claim executive privilege. >> yeah, it's not at all clear the supreme court will take it up, which means that this decision, this 68-page decision is the law of the land and will stand. i also want to ask about some other news on capitol hill, emma. the senate voting 59-35 to create this fast-track process, that essentially allows the democrats and the democrats alone to raise the federal debt limit as early as next week. now, 14 republicans cross over the aisle to vote with the democrats just in favor of the fast-track process. i'm actually in favor of upping the debt limit. what do they get out of that? >> yeah, i think that the way you put it is perfect. this is all political. no one wants -- democrats nor republicans want the debt ceiling to be surpassed. essentially like you said, the gop voted to break the filibuster on a bill that would exempt the debt ceiling from the filibuster when, instead, they could have just broke the filibuster on the debt ceiling bill. >> yeah. >> it's really a round about way of doing it and it's a way for them to -- >> i think your shot is frozen, emma. if you can hear us -- >> what do they get out of that? what do they get out of passing this bill, aligning with the democrats on that, without actually raising the debt limit? they think they save face on that perhaps. maybe. it doesn't seem like that does them any favors. >> all right, emma, are you there? >> there you are. let me ask you about the interesting bipartisanship quickly between joe manchin and gop senators. they're trying to work around ted cruz. ted cruz who is doing everything he can to block the president's ambassador nominees, i mean, he's literally keeping american ambassadors from going around the world to promote american interests, promote democracy. >> right. >> will the senate find a work around? can they get around ted cruz? >> yeah, i think one of the things that's really interesting about this is you even have high profile republicans like senator john cornyn saying this isn't right. you know, people have pointed out specifically, you know, china, india, japan, a lot of our key, key allies, people -- countries we work very closely with are still -- do not have an ambassador. there are 54 that were approved by the committee. only six have been confirmed. many of these are very uncontroversial. they could be passed by a simple voice vote. >> never a dull moment on capitol hill. >> maybe get three or five at a time and find a way to get this process going a little more quickly. emma kenery, so nice to see you at bloomberg. thank you very much. all right. a strong labor market pushing jobless claims to the lowest levels in 52 years. first-time claims for unemployment benefits fell to 184,000 last week. employers are trying to attract and retain staff. they are not -- not doing layoffs. and workers have plenty of jobs to choose from. at the same time, the biden administration is bracing for the latest inflation report that comes out in just a couple hours, less than three hours. president biden assured americans that price increases for energy and goods were starting to ease. we'll get a read of november very soon here. the other part of the covid economy, returning to the office, wall street firms jeffries is now telling everyone stay home. stop virtually all travel. no more social events after dozens of its employees tested positive for covid-19. jeffries bringing back its mask mandate for all of its offices and anyone who want to enter any office needs a booster shot by the end of january. wells fargo and citi have also said no holiday parties. the new protocols highlight the challenge that businesses face trying to get employees back to the office after almost two years. and lyft employees now have one more year to work remotely. lyft did not cite the omicron variant. instead pointing to the flexibility that lyft employees want. a spokesperson said lyft's offices are set to reopen in february as planned. staffers still have the option to work from home for all of 2022. google and uber have pose poened their office plans indefinitely. >> everyone wants flexible. >> yeah. a programming note for you this weekend. it's that time of year when the stars come out to honor some of humanity's best. now more than ever the world needs heroes. join anderson cooper and kelly ripa as they name the 2021 hero of the year. cnn's all-star tributes sunday 8:00 eastern on cnn. ♪ ♪ kiss the people you love. mark this moment in time, and celebrate every kiss. get zero down special financing with the kay jewelers credit card. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit it's another day. and anything could happen. it could be the day you welcome 1,200 guests and all their devices. or it could be the day there's a cyberthreat. only comcast business' secure network solutions give you the power of sd-wan and advanced security integrated on our activecore platform so you can control your network from anywhere, anytime. it's network management redefined. every day in business is a big day. we'll keep you ready for what's next. comcast business powering possibilities. welcome back. so, it has not been a good week for england's prime minister boris johnson who is now denying allegations that his staff broke any health rules by attending parties at 10 downing street during the winter of 2020, while the rest of the country was on lockdown. he's also being held to account for not keeping accurate records of political donations. all of this while he's trying to implement new covid restrictions, and has a new baby at home. cnn's salma abdelaziz joins us from 10 downing street. salma, good morning. what is the prime minister's response? how is he pushing back? >> reporter: it's a tough week for the prime minister, no question about it, laura. even from his own public. and a new baby. right now what we're looking at is an internal investigation. two incidents being investigated right now that happened at 10 downing street. one at the end of november where prime minister boris johnson allegedly gave an impromptu speech during a christmas party. the second on december 18th. both of those incidents taking place during a lockdown. police have spoken on this. they say they are not investigating it at this time, but they are waiting for officials to give them more information if and when it does come to light. but already in the court of public opinion, the prime minister has lost. and i'll tell you why. it is very hard for any member of the public to believe that multiple parties could have occurred right behind me here at the prime minister's residence and offices by his own staff during a lockdown, and somehow the prime minister would not know about it. so we're going to see what happens now as prime minister boris johnson quite literally fights for his survival. crucially he's going to be doing that within his own party, the conservative party. the question is will they continue to back him through yet another scandal? because this is not the prime minister's first scandal. he's actually earned the nickname for it. teflon toris because of their ability to withstand one scandal after another. everyone will tell you he has nine lives. the question, he's running out of chances because his mps begin to feel pressure at home from their own constituents, feel their own political seats are threatened. that's when you could see a c change, the tide turn and the no confidence vote. >> thank you. back here in the u.s. severe storms are expected across the southwest. the threat of a tornado called nocturnal tornadoes developing tonight into saturday morning. here's derek van dam. >> that's right, christine and laura. a multifaceted storm sweeping through the country in the next 36 hours. we have 10 million americans under some sort of winter weather alert from the central plains to the upper midwest. we are anticipating a swath of 6 to 10 inches of snow. cheyenne, the heaviest snow across southern portions of minnesota as well as central and northern wisconsin right where the low pressure system starts to pivot and rotate across the region giving us our longest duration snowfall event. the other facet to the storm is the severe weather threat. in fact, the storm prediction center has expanded its enhanced risk of severe storms with our greatest probability of strong tornadoes tonight. that being overnight from louisville to nashville as well as memphis and little rock. keep an eye to the sky anywhere from the lower mississippi valley right through the ohio river valley. back to you. >> all right. that's your weather. here's your business for this friday morning. let's get a check on global markets. you can see asia markets closed lower. europe has opened very slightly lower. but on wall street, stock index futures are leaning up a little bit. if was a down day, mostly down day for stocks on thursday. the dow flat after an 1100 point rally. remember earlier this week, a big start to the week. the nasdaq and s&p 500 snapped a three-day winning streak there. stocks pausing from that powerful early week rally. today the focus shifts back to inflation. the consumer price index for november is due in just a few hours. prices rose 6.2% in october compared to the prior year. thus the biggest annual increase in 30 years. so what do economists expected to? they're forecasting annual inflation at 6.8% in november. that would be the biggest yearly increase since may of 1982. it's numbers like these that have the fed now on inflation watch, poised to roll back covid stimulus even faster than planned, and begin raising interest rates to prevent this strong economy from overheating. more evidence of labor's new found leverage. [ cheers and applause ] >> for the first time, a union has won the right to represent u.s. starbucks workers. the vote to unionize at a shop in buffalo, new york, passed by 19-8 margin. the vote at a second store failed, and the results of a third shop were inconclusive. starbucks is down playing the significance of its loss after a major effort to convince its employees that they were better off without a union. the effort to organize starbucks employees has been closely watched nationally. the company has 235,000 employees across nearly 9,000 u.s. stores, with none of them until now unionized. all right. the football world is mourning the loss of the man considered one of the best wide receivers in denver broncos history. carolyn with the bleacher report. hi, carolyn. >> hi, christine. this is a shocking story and sad story. demaryius thomas known by all as a man who was a leader, who was mentally and physically tough, he played ten seasons in the nfl. in fact, he announced his retirement just a couple months ago. he was only 33 years old and was still wearing the details around his passing. he was found outside his home in atlanta yesterday. police say preliminary information points to a medical issue as the cause for death. investigators say they have no reason to believe otherwise, at least at this point in time. the four-time pro bowler spent parts of nine seasons with denver before retiring as a jet back in june. he won the super bowl with denver back in 2015. in a statement, the broncos say they are devastated and completely heartbroken. the team says demaryius' humility, warmth, kindness and infectious smile will always be remembered by those who knew him and loved him. payton manning won the super bowl with thomas in 2015. he treated my kids like they were his own. he was at a charity event. i texted with d.t. on tuesday. he was talking about a touchdown audible we called in arizona back in 2014. absolutely devastated. and in 2015, president barack obama commuted the sentence of thomas's mother and grandmother sentenced to lengthy prison sentences on drug charges when he was 11 years old. he would have turned 34 on christmas day. this is a story that we're going to learn more about as it continues to develop, as it shocked everybody overnight. meantime, i want to transition here to show you what happened last night in the nfl. thursday night football, the vikings coming into last night's game with the steelers having lost four of their last six including a heartbreaker, the previous win to the lions sunday. minnesota starting strong at home, 29-0. in the third gavin cook had 150 rushing yards in the first half. after returning from injuries. so you're thinking they have this one in the bag. but the steelers would score three touchdowns in a five-minute span to come back, two of them courtesy of harris. pittsburgh putting themselves in position to tie. the pass was incomplete, so minnesota escapes with 36-28 win, all but one of the vikings games this season have been decided by eight points or less. so they love to sweat, but getting it done. purdue ranked number one in college basketball the first time in program history. after their game at rutgers, listen to the final seconds as called by the rutgers radio team. >> inside williams with 7. one on one with amori. gets inside, pults it up and in. get it to harper with three. with two, with one. harper for the win. got it! >> let's go! rutgers! let's go! >> the game winner at the buzzer! >> let's go! >> fans wasting no time to celebrate rutgers first win against a top ranked win. 70-68. we missed plays like this. >> it's going to be a great weekend for some football, too. what's your favorite game to watch this weekend for the nfl? >> you know, there's so much to watch, christine. really i'm interested in the playoff race right now. i cannot believe that the patriots are at the top of the conference. so things are getting hot as the super bowl nears. >> packers/bears my household. what we watch. carolyn, thank you. thanks for joining us. i'm christine romans. "new day" is next. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. good morning to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. it is friday. it's december 10th. i'm john berman with brianna keilar. go army, beat navy. >> indeed. this morning, donald trump is running out o

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Intra Cellular Therapie , Lives , Peer Counselors , Healthcare , Medicines , Social Workers , Mental Illness , Professionals , Mental Illness To Wellness , World , Finding Understanding Doesn T , Words , Millions , Therapies , Autism , Kinder , Autism Spectrum , Autismspeaks Org , Daily , Moisturizer , Scientist , Prebiotic Oat Formula , Aveeno , True Jen , Daily Moisture , Face , Nature Tm , Everything , Ray , Vacations , Diabetes , No , Glucose Levels , Mystery , A1c , Libre 2 , 2 , Visit Freestylelibre Us For Rob , Symptoms , Go Away , Constipation , Linzess , Signs , Discomfort , Bloating , Yess , Belly Pain , Laxative , Feelings , Ibs C , Bowel Movements , Symptoms Belly Pain , Children , Bowel Blockage , Side Effects , Diarrhea , Side Effect , Stomach Pain , Pain , Stools , Area , Swelling , Gas , Ibs C , Heartburn , Anna , Abbvie , It Starts , Night , Reality , Dream , Ironwood , Sleep , Acid , Nexium 24hr , 24 , Night Protection , Felony Sentencing , Jury , Lawsuit , Staging A 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Accidents , Example , International Organization For Migration , Report , Rides , 650 , 2014 , Zelensky , Group , Call , Back , Phones , Mr , Bucharest Nine , Nato , Matthew Chance , Biden , On Europe S , Let S Go , Kiev , Eastern Edge , Bit , Frustration , Government , Sense , Scenes , Biden In Particular , Support , Sovereignty , Sanctions , Kind , Video Conference , Instance , Content , Biden Briefing , Vladimir Putin , Others , Telephone Conversation , Ability , Sanction , Implementation , Borders , Tens , Weapons , Thousands , Troops , Russians , Ted Cruz , Ambassadors , Motive , Posts , Owner , Investor , Me And You , What A Wonderful World Rich Life , At Vanguard , Future , Vanguard , Vo , Imbruvica , Cll , Prescription Medicine , Thanks To Imbruvica , 1 , Problems , Infections , Therapy , Blood Thinners , Chills , Fevers , Infection , Heart Rhythm Problems , Cancers , Confusion , High Blood Pressure , Blood Counts , Heart Failure , Kidney Failure , Weakness , Decrease , Heart Disease , Tumor Lysis , Irregular Heartbeat , Heart Problems , Seizure , Fluids , Bleeding , Experts , Windshield , Service , Safelite , My Truck Is Livelihood , Girl , Singers , Safelite Repair , Place , Emergen C , Breaking Point , Rhythm , Blend , Best , Eye , Sources , Stories , Yes , 32 , Event , Conference , Taiwan , Beijing , Authoritarianism , Leaders , Move , Summit , Themes , Summit For Democracy , Senator , Corruption , Human Rights , Funeral , Washington National Cathedral , Bob Dole , War Veteran Lying In State , Students , History , Capitol Rotunda Thursday , Jigiant , Age , Suit , Biden Remembering Him , Four , 98 , One On , John Hagins , Attack , Neck , Mass School Shooting , Snapchat Disrupting , Florida , Seven , 19 , Winter Break , Authorities , Class , Campus , Aeronautical University Planned , Investigators , Computer , Charges , Custody , Files , Babies , Arkansas , Duggar , Child Pornography , 18 , Letitia James , Statement , James , Governor , Bid , Kathy Hochul , A Run For Second Term , Democratic , Prison , 20 , Blow , Investigations , Deposition , Job , Sake , Logs , Wraps , Host , Secret , Capitol , Predicate , Nation , 68 , Committee Members , Materials , Advisers , Role , Branches , Executive Branch , Branch , Court Of Appeals , Argument , Step In , Earth , Bloomberg National Political , Correspondent Emma Kenery , Supreme Court Next , House , Language , Last Night S Ruling , Win , Administration , Panel , Mark Meadows , Steve Bannon , Senate , Emma , News , Voting , Capitol Hill , Law Of The Land , 35 , 59 , Process , Debt , Republicans , Democrats , Favor , Limit , Aisle , Debt Limit , Wants , Filibuster , Debt Ceiling , Bill , Gop , Debt Ceiling Bill , Round , Favors , Senators , Bipartisanship , Ambassador Nominees , Joe Manchin , Things , Work , Democracy , Interests , Profile , Key , Isn T Right , John Cornyn , India , Allies , Japan , China , Many , Voice Vote , Ambassador , Labor Market , Bloomberg , Staff , Employers , Levels , Retain , Unemployment Benefits , 184000 , 52 , Workers , Inflation Report , Price Increases , Layoffs , Jobs , Goods , Home , Economy , Read , Travel , Wall Street Firms Jeffries , Offices , Holiday Parties , Mask Mandate , Citi , Wells Fargo , Lyft , Challenge , Protocols , Google , Staffers , Flexibility , Uber , Option , Pose , 2022 , 2022 Google , Hero Of The Year , Stars , Kelly Ripa , Programming Note , Office Plans , Anderson Cooper , Humanity , Heroes , 2021 , All Star Tributes Sunday 8 , 8 , Financing , Credit Card , Kiss , Jewelers , Kay , Zero , Visit Freestylelibre Us , Network Solutions , Guests , Anything , Devices , Cyberthreat , Power , Sd Wan , 1200 , Security , Big Day , Activecore Platform , Anywhere , Network Management , Business Powering Possibilities , Boris Johnson , Parties , Allegations , Rest , Health Rules , Downing Street , England , 10 Downing Street , 2020 , Baby , Lockdown , Covid Restrictions , Donations , Salma Abdelaziz , Public , Incidents , Speech , November , Second On December 18th , December 18th , Court Of Public Opinion , Information , Member , Residence , Conservative Party , Survival , Fights , Scandal , Another , Nickname , Teflon Toris , Mps , Ac Change , Pressure , Chances , Constituents , Seats , Nine Lives , Storms , Threat , Tornadoes , Confidence Vote , Southwest , Tornado , Storm , Winter Weather , Derek Van Dam , 36 , 10 Million , Snow , Swath , Plains , Portions , Cheyenne , Upper Midwest , Storm Prediction Center , Facet , Pressure System , Region , Northern Wisconsin , Probability , Being , Sky , Lower Mississippi Valley , Ohio River Valley , Memphis , Little Rock , Stocks , Markets , Stock Index Futures , Check , Down Day , Wall Street , Asia Markets Closed Lower , Winning Streak , Point Rally , Rally , Focus , Dow , S P 500 , Nasdaq , 1100 , Inflation , Economists , Consumer Price Index , Prices , Increase , 30 , 6 2 , Inflation Watch , May , Fed , May Of 1982 , 6 8 , 1982 , Leverage , Labor , Interest Rates , Overheating , Cheers , Applause , Starbucks , Vote , Time , Shop , Union , Margin , Buffalo , Results , Effort , Significance , 9000 , 235000 , Football World , Carolyn , Bleacher Report , None , Receivers , Denver Broncos , Demaryius Thomas , Leader , Retirement , Nfl , Hi , Seasons , 33 , Details , Information Points , Passing , Cause , Issue , Atlanta , Super Bowl , Pro Bowler , Jet Back , Broncos , Denver , Kindness , Humility , Smile , Warmth , Payton Manning , Barack Obama , Charity Event , Sentence , Touchdown , We , D T , On Tuesday , Arizona , Prison Sentences , Drug Charges , Grandmother , Mother , Thomas , 34 , 11 , Game , Steelers , Thursday Night Football , Heartbreaker , Last Night , Lions Sunday , Touchdowns , Half , Bag , Gavin Cook , Harris , 29 , 150 , 0 , Games , Pass , Season , Position , Tie , Pittsburgh , 28 , Rutgers , Points , Sweat , Purdue , College Basketball , Eight , It Up , Rutgers Radio Team , Harper , Inside Williams , Amori , Pults , 7 , Top , Winner , Let S Go , Buzzer , Weekend , Football , 70 , Household , Playoff Race , Patriots , Packers , Recording Artist , Recording , Elodia , Tools , Projectup , Viewers , O , All Around The World , John Berman , Brianna Keilar , Go Army , Beat Navy ,

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