Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

if she's on the pitch, you stay in the seat. thank you so much. "new day" continues right now. welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. it is thursday, december 9th. i was surprised by the thursday thing. >> it creeps up on you. >> one our from now, president biden kicks off a two-day democracy summit at the white house. the virtual meeting that will gather leaders from 110 countries to push back on what the biden administration warned is a global democratic recession. two nations not on the guest list, russia and china. both have attacked the biden summit. they call it hypocritical. we will bring it to you live. >> new signs of economic recovery fueling a wave of optimism throughout the country. among the reasons here, pay raises are coming down the pike. there's a radical drop in energy prices, jpmorgan made the prediction that 2022 will mark the end of the pandemic. cnn business reporter joining us now on that. hey, matt. >> reporter: good morning, guys. there have been some promising developments, including on inflation. especially with the biggest problem child of them all, energy. first, prices at the pump are ticking lower. the national average down to $3.34 a gallon. it's not cheap but a seven-week low. even more encouraging, a bigger drop ahead. the energy department's research arm is pulling for gasoline to average $3.01 in january, $2.88 for the full year next year. that is a big decline. some are wall street are calling for a bigger drop. citigroup calling for a radical drop that lowers oil below $60 a barrel. that's from 72 today. we have seen natural gas prices get cut nearly in half. that bodes very well for home heating costs. there's glimmers of hope on the supply chain front, a major driver of congestion. port congestion is easing. sky-high shipping costs are coming down. also, deliveries are speeding up, albeit from very slow levels. it may not get back to normal any time soon. here's how one economist at moody's analytics summed it up to me. i'm increasingly confident that the worst appears to be over. that's a big deal. because if the supply chain mess finally starts to get cleaned up that should take pressure off inflation. >> so, matt, one of the structural things that has happened that will take time to understand is the number of people leaving their jobs. some call it the great resignation. that reached record numbers in october. and it says something sort of specific on the macro level. what do you take from it? >> well, it really shows this job market is absolutely booming. there's 11 million job openings right now. that is just shy of the all-time record set in july. workers have all leveraged right now. and they know it. that's why they are quitting their job at a near record pace. they realize they could get another job elsewhere probably for more money, maybe better benefits, possibly more flexible working arrangements. it's like free agency season on main street, and every team is desperate for starting pitching. not just about workers quitting. look at the dramatic climb in unemployment claims. they have returned to prepandemic levels. companies are desperate to hire workers so they don't want to let go of the ones they have. unemployment is down to 4.2%. remember back at the height of covid, the unemployment rate was at nearly 15%. as you can see, that's the big spike right here. nearly 15%. 4.2%. massive decline. also, wall street is starting to feel better. there was a big scare after thanksgiving over omicron. the stock market has recovered from almost all losses. and a take from jpmorgan. they said our view is that 2022 will be the year of full global recovery, an end of the global pandemic, and a return to normal conditions we had prior to the covid-19 outbreak. brianna and john, i think that's something we can all agree we would be able to celebrate. >> i love that. i need that. but i love how you called them free agents. very good description of the job market right now. >> everyone needs starting pitcher and they're all free agents, max scherzer gets $40 million a year. it is a little bit inflationary but it is absolutely good for workers around the country. >> absolutely. couldn't agree more. >> matt, thank you. so mark meadows stopped cooperate to go litigating in just a few short days. donald trump's former chief of staff is suing the january 6th committee and nancy pelosi to block enforcement of a subpoena issued to him and to verizon for his phone records. meadows explained his sudden about-face on fox news. >> we came to the conclusion that they're still going to try to question those personal private conversations that i had with the president of the united states and other senior officials in the west wing. and quite frankly, their scope -- >> the court is going to have to determine that. >> joining us now cnn special correspondent jamie gang el and paul rosen with us. important things for mark meadows. congresswoman cheney said the committee has received a number of extremely interesting nonprivileged documents from mr. meadows. you have some new reporting. tell us what this means, extremely interesting. >> extremely interesting -- let's remember he has handed over more than 6,000 pages of documents. voluntarily. no claim of privilege. so what i'm told is in there are text messages and emails from his personal phone and personal email. that's critical. these are not white house work phones where he might be able to claim privilege. and my source told me that, quote, what they're saying is that he's, quote, exchanges texts and emails with a wide range of individuals while the attack is under way. so people are texting him, and the committee now has this. who is mark meadows with? he's with donald trump at the white house. so likely what we're seeing here are people saying, what's the president doing? why isn't he doing anything? so these are critical, critical, realtime communications the committee now has. >> any more visibility on who he is texting with? >> we don't know yet. but a lot of people had mark meadows' cell phone. a lot of reporters had mark meadows' cell phone. but let's think about who might be texting him. members of congress, rally organizers, other white house officials. so this is -- you know, he's the point person. people are not texting. donald trump doesn't text. and i think those are going to become public. >> paul, what do you think about this? >> well, it's a road map. you don't need meadows' testimony if you already have his text wall testimony in realtime of what is happening. the president said x or words to that effect. this trove of documents, text messages, when you add it to the data records they're going to get from verizon that show the identity of people if it's not clear from the texts themselves, is going to be essentially a realtime look at what was happening at the white house, at congress, at the riots, at the insurrection. now, we don't know obviously what that will prove in the end. but it certainly sounds like in realtime the president of the united states was actively engaged in conversations with the victims of and or the organizations. >> what the committee has, they have. can they ever un-have it? if meadows turned over this stuff already and now he is suing about other things. >> we don't have an immaculate do-overrule. they don't have to give it back. i suppose at some extreme a court could try to stop from publicizing it. as we know from the pentagon papers, a member of congress could go on the floor of the house of representatives and publicly share it all and would be completely be protected under speech and debate clause. there is almost zero chance that it will not end up seeing the light of day. >> there's a lot of people not cooperating close to donald trump. that seems to be the way that so many of his allies are operating near. i know you have some reporting about what's going on behind the scenes when it comes to this with the committee. >> i think there are two sets of witnesses here. there are trump loyalists who we see every day trying to defy. but there are also, i'm told by a source familiar with the committee's work, that behind the scenes they are getting a lot of cooperation from many, many witnesses that we do not know about. some are voluntary. some have been subpoenaed. and we know of about 40 subpoenas. i'm now told there are, quote, lots of subpoenas we don't know about. some are called friendly subpoenas. people who don't want it to appear they're voluntarily cooperating. give me a little cover. and i'm told there are many witnesses coming in every week and, quote, sometimes multiple a day and that when it becomes public, there will be names we recognize. >> i have two questions. when will it become public? what is the timeline here? >> i think some of this will be held until the hearings. that the committee wants to build a case and then, over several weeks, have these people. they don't want to give away the story right now. but some of it, we just reported this week, that marc short, vice president -- former vice president's mike pence's chief of staff, is cooperating. so i wouldn't be surprised if we hear little things like that along the way. >> one of the questions i have sort of bigger picture, what are the possible criminal referrals that could come from this committee? i'm not talking about contempt of congress but actual referrals having to do with the insurrection itself? >> well, that it's a challenging question. to some extent it will depend on the evidence. i think most likely it will be what i call simple criminal charges relating to d.c. law, assault, conspiracy to commit assault. we're unlikely to see broad sedition or insurrection charges because they are harder to prove. you have to prove intent to overthrow the government, which we all think is there. but you have to actually get somebody to admit to that. but it's clear as day that some of the organizers, for example, and some of the president's affiliates were part and parcel of organizing the activities of that day knowing and intending that they would end in violence. and that's, you know, conspiracy to commit assault, to beat up somebody. that's a crime. if i punch you, it's a crime. >> we don't know everyone who is talking to the committee, as you point out, jamie. but knowing what we do know, and knowing they will be recognizable names that we will find out later, do you think this committee is going to be able to paint a full picture of what actually happened, fulfill their mission? >> 80%. you won't get a full picture unless mark meadows fully testifies, unless jeffrey clark fully testifies, unless donald trump fully testified truthfully. nobody is going to get steve bannon's testimony under oath. he may go to jail for that, but we won't get it. so it will be an 80% picture. that is pretty good in u.s. government work. better than i ever did in math. >> it is a b minus. jamie and paul, thank you so much to both of you. which republicans would dare take on donald trump in 2024? >> have you considered running for president? >> stick around for mike pence's reply. >> instagram boss promising parents he will keep the site safe. we'll have live reaction from a mother of three who tkodoubts t. did the cia spy on james brown? when you really need to sleep you reach for the really good stuff. new zzzquil ultra helps you sleep better and longer when you need it most. it's non habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. new zzzquil ultra. when you really really need to sleep. 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(cheers) xfinity brought us together, after all! power your whole home this holiday with wifi speeds faster than a gig. click, call, or visit a store today. sing 2 brand-new cnn reporting this morning on the growing divide between the two most prominent leaders of the republican party, mitch mcconnell and kevin mccarthy. and looming over it all is former president trump. mel melanie zenona is joining us live. >> reporter: kevin mccarthy and mitch mcconnell have increasingly taken different positions on a number of key high-profile issues lately. the most recent example is the debt ceiling. they brokered this deal. kevin mccarthy is adamantly opposed to it. and the bipartisan infrastructure bill. mitch mcconnell voted for it. he was back home touting its benefits. and kevin mccarthy was actively urging his members to oppose it. part of the reason for the split is the different nature and makeups of the conferences. mitch mcconnell dealing with a 50-seat minority. he has been forced to cut deals. on the house side, the minority party is rarely needed for votes. the other big factor as you alluded to is donald trump. mitch mcconnell and mccarthy have completely different views about the party. they see trump as crucial to winning back the majority but winning speaker one day. they are likely to vote against the bipartisan infrastructure deal. some republicans are starting to sound the alarm about the two gop leaders being on opposite pages. listen to what a texas republican told me yesterday. he said, quote, we better stick together. it's imperative that republicans all march in one direction. this is training for, hopefully, next session. so clearly this divide between mitch mcconnell and kevin mccarthy could foreshadow governing challenges if republicans win both champ p be chambers. speaker nancy pelosi so far staying quiet on whether the house will vote on a resolution to strip republican lauren boebert of her committee assignments. it comes in response to her bigoted anti-muslim comments about ilhan omar. lauren fox and cnn reporter gabby orr. you have new reporting on what appears to actually be a split within the democrats about whether to strip these assignments. >> well, this has been the struggle about what to do about these republicans who really repeatedly make these kinds of bigoted or anti-semitic comments the last several months on capitol hill. some democrats are saying we don't want to give people any more attention. they are raising money off tweets and comments. they are getting more popular among the republican base. just stripping them of their committees, all it does is give them attention. the other side says how can we do nothing? you saw that yesterday introduced by a group of progressives saying this needed to happen, lauren boebert needed to be stripped of her committee assignments. house speaker nancy pelosi staying neutral right now, making it clear that she is not for the kinds of islamophobia that lauren boebert is spewing on the internet or talking about back home and yet making it clear to her caucus, this is a difficult moment and we're going to have to make a choice. there are some moderate democrats who do not want to take a vote on this in part because they view it as a distraction and as a slippery slope. if republicans take back the house in 2022, what they are afraid you'll see is republicans taking action against democrats at every turn if they think a democrat missteps. >> two lenses to look at this through, what's right and what will work for democrats. i think it speaks to democrats who say we need to take a stand. they have the luxury of taking a stand that maybe some of the moderates don't. >> they do. they don't have this massive figure like donald trump looming over them. so democrats are free to voice their opposition to a leader like nancy pelosi at some point. it may not go the way they want to, but they're not afraid to do that in the same way a lot of republicans are. it is interesting, as lauren notes, if republicans take the house in 2022, what are they going to do? are they going to seek revenge against every single democrat who tried to strip them of a committee post or call out language they this i is offensive. it will be a question that donald trump will be encouraging. >> lauren boebert doesn't care about having her committee assignments taken away. it isn't exactly a sanction that carries a lot with it for her. you brought up donald trump, about how republicans are beginning to position themselves for the presidential race in 2024. >> it's already happening. yes. they are self-separating into three different tiers at the moment because of the looming trump question. will he run, will he not run. we still don't know. he is definitely teasing a 2024 presidential run. the jury is still out amongst his aides and even amongst trump himself. we are seeing candidates coming out immediately and saying if donald trump runs, i'm not going to do it. i'm not going to invest in a race, put together a campaign. i'm out. others are saying if he does run, i'm still trying to make a decision. do i see a lane for myself, approaching this with a bit more open mind. then you have candidates like ran desantis, pompeo, who have notably said -- who have notably been quiet. they haven't come out and said i'm not running a trump run. they also haven't come out and said, i'm running. it's a big question. we are seeing different tiered approaches to that. >> it is like musical chairs. they're waiting for the music to stop and see if there is more than one chair, if they have to move fast on this. . >> musical chairs could end up with desantis sitting on mike pompeo's lap, which is always what happens in musical chairs. >> i can't unsee that, john berman. let's take a listen to what happened here. >> have you made any decisions about running for president? >> all our focus is on 2022. we're doing everything we can to turn back this big government agenda of the biden administration. we'll let the future take care of itself. >> if donald trump runs for president, will you still run? >> you know, our focus is on 2022. i can honestly tell you in 23rd, my family and i do what we have always done. reflect, pray and determine where we might best serve and go where we're called. >> no matter who else is in the race? >> kraecarrying on with our mus chairs, mike pence may end up with somebody on his lap. >> surprising he took the second question. it felt like he was going to walk away. because of the fact that he was in the u.s. capitol on january 6th, a day in which donald trump ordered his protesters to go to the capitol. . i think all of that, in all of those dynamics will be fascinating to watch whether or not pens jumps in this race or decides i'm going to let donald trump have it. so he's making it clear right now i'm just trying to get people elected to the house of representatives so we can take back the house, so we can take back the senate. >> i had the same reaction you had. what was it that made him want to come back and give the second nonanswer? there was something, there was something going on there. we may never know. brian lance den said republican voters want to see fighters. trump has them in a bind. yeah, he does. chris christie made the same point. he came out and said republicans who basically say i'm not going to run if donald trump runs are weak and effective and do republican voters want someone like that in the white house. it is a question worth asking. i do think at the end of the day, if you're a republican running some a primary that does not include donald trump, if you do not have his enforcement, you are facing long odds. it's not going to matter if you said you are going to run or not run. it is whether you are the rightful heir to him. . >> thank you for this game of political musical chairs. one teen's desperate struggle with social media and the drastic move she wanted to make to get away from school, her friends, and her phone. and how a car found in a creek could help solve a mystery dating back four decades. 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what was her interaction with certain apps like? >> i mean, it was pretty much all consuming. i don't think i was really -- i know i was not really aware of exactly what she was experiencing on these apps. to me i think, like most parents, i had the very basic knowledge of what these platforms, where and how these teenagers were using them. i mean, what i do know is that we were becoming increasingly concerned with just how all consuming it was becoming, how there was not really -- no in between. it was pretty much school, after school sports, hanging out with a friend, and there was social media. >> you single out snapchat as being particularly detrimental to her. why? >> i wish that i could give you some more specific answers than i'm going to be able to. i think that's one of the problems is that our teenagers, our kids, are kind of living in this secret reality that we're not very privy to. i think they're just designed in that way, especially snapchat, where things don't stay around for very long. it's designed to disappear. and not be traced. so what i can say is that i know when she using it that she w was -- became a different person at times. i would look over and know that she was using that specific app. and i would notice the change in her demeanor when she was in the partial hospitalization program, especially where she did not have access to her phone during the day. there were days that i would -- she would be one person when she got back in the car with me to ride home. and then as soon as she would take her phone out and i would look over and see she was on snapchat, and she was just a different person. >> she went to a completely different place. i know, sabine, so many parents are connecting with what you're saying. they're watching their children sometimes get lost in all of this. it's horrific, i think, if you're a parent. you have pulled her completely off social media. what would you say to other parents who are watching this and experiencing something similar? >> i would say for me i don't really believe that -- in the way that social media is designed right now, i don't really feel that there is a balance. i don't feel like there's the right amount of limitations on screen time. you know, this magical number of 30 minutes a day or an hour a day. i think that the solution is to delete the apps. >> sabine, i thank you for discussing this. this is really just the beginning of a discussion we're having about this. thank you. . >> thank you very much. up next, brand-new cnn reporting on what joe biden may not be willing to do right away if vladimir putin invades ukraine. and parents furious at school districts for keeping kids home on fridays. you're going to hear from one of the parents. one... two... whatcha got for me, whatcha got? watch those eyes... healthier is doing what you have to do while doing what you want to do. you're going to do just fine, you will. ♪ this is what healthier looks like. ♪ when love finds us, this is how we shine. 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(vo) visible. switch and get up to $200, plus our best ear buds, on us. mom, hurry! our show's gonna start soon! i promised i wouldn't miss the show and mommy always keeps her promises. oh, no! seriously? hmm! it's not the same if she's not here. oh. -what the. oh my goodness! i don't suppose you can sing, can you? ♪ the snow's comin' down ♪ -mommy? ♪ i'm watching it fall ♪ watch the full story at president biden warned vladimir putin personally of the consequences if russia moves to invade ukraine. while the administration considers a range of options, they are likely to hold off energy sanctions fearing the impact it would have on u.s. gas prices. kylie atwood is here with the administration's approach. >> reporter: the administration is multiple rounds of very severe rounds on russia. they may not do it in one swift action. they may have multiple iterations. the last resort is targeting russia's energy sector. here's why. they are fearful of the impact that could have on the international global markets on international finance and the like, and also therefore the impact there could be on u.s. domestic gas prices. and there are administration officials who say there is a direct correlation between president biden's approval ratings and what happens at the prices at the pumps. as those prices go down, approval rating goes up. if you go after the energy market, you may see them go up in the short-term. maybe a longer amount of time. there are some concerns about that. this doesn't mean they don't have any options, right? there's still a tremendous host of options. president biden said yesterday that if president putin choose to invade ukraine, which we don't know if he has chosen to do, he will face the most severe economic consequences thief they are seen. there is still a lot they can do. they can go after those close to putin, russian oligarchs, sovereign debt, russian banks. there's a whole host of options. but this energy sector is a very important one because it makes up about 40% of russia's federal government budget. so those exports, that amount of money they get from their energy and oil exports is significant. so the fact that they view this as a last resort is part of, you know, the conversation going on right now inside the biden administration as they figure out what changes they can do, what they can do alone, what they can do with european allies. >> they could really hurt russia with this. they will be shooting themselves in the foot as well if they pursue that. thanks very much. the detroit public school district is making every friday a remote learning day. no in-person school on fridays. the superintendent says the decision comes in response to, quote, the need for mental health relief, rising covid cases, and time to more thoroughly clean the schools. cnn has reached out but we did not immediately hear back. caitlyn reynolds, a single mother of a fourth grader. thanks so much for being with us. no in-person school on fridays. what was your reaction when you heard that? >> well, i was driving home from work, and i quite literally shouted, you've got to be hearing me when the automated message came through. i thought it was a regular weekly update. they were calling to let us know that school was going to be out. but i do need to say they prefaced the message by letting everybody know they were going to offer mental health to all the parents out there. so i didn't take that very lightly. i think public schools was trying to soften the blow a little bit, letting parents know they were going to go remote. in were there three explanations there. the need to more thoroughly clean the schools, rising covid cases. and they are rising in michigan. the third thing was overall mental health. do you buy any of the explanations? >> no. no, not by my means. the only explanation they gave to the parents was they needed more time to wipe things down. as far as mental health, i really think they allowed these children to go back to normal, that we wouldn't have such a need for mental health. if the teachers didn't have quite a strain on them to adhere to all of these protocols, which i do understand the protocols. kids are dirty in the wintertime. this he get sick. that's the way it is. but at the end of the day, you know, this is only going to be hurting the kids. when i was growing up, and i know when many of the listeners can say when they were growing up, is custodians came in near the end of the day, they cleaned when the kids were gone because that's when they could be the most effective. to need an entire friday, i just don't buy it. . >> i learned of this yesterday from a "new york times" story. "the times" says in the bigger picture around the country it is happening in different places because the school is having a hard time hanging onto teachers. so the districts are giving it to the teachers to try and make it easier for them, to ease their burden. what do you think of that? >> though i do know there were staffing issues last year. so, for instance, last year -- my son goes to a s.t.e.m. academy. and there was no s.t.e.m. teacher. there was no s.t.e.m. lab. so there was already one aspect of the curriculum that was gone. after the second shutdown, one of the other teachers that provided one of the extra activities, she didn't return when the kids were allowed to go back for the final time. and so the kids were having to double and triple up on gym class as their only additional outlet outside of their regular day. but i do know the union renegotiated the contracts june 30th. so this year, my son seams school in particular is particularly well staffed. i know that is not a universal thing. i know there is a desperate need for security guards in the schools. but, you know, for my son's school in particular, i could say they seem very well staffed. but i know that's not the case with every single school in the district. >> i've got to let you run. really quickly, you think this has had an impact on your son's learning, especially in math. >> he is a straight a student. math is his particular subject. at the beginning of fourth grade, he tested at a 2nd grade level. . >> caitlin, listen, i think you're going through the frustrations a lot of parents are right now. they want their students in school five days a week. be careful. get vaccinated. wear a mask. but at this point a lot of parents, most parents i think want their kids in school. thank you so much. . >> thank you. just minutes from now, president biden speaks to a global summit from the white house. live coverage right here on cnn. and did the cia spy on james brown? it might sound crazy, but is it? what happened when cnn started asking questions. ♪ ♪ ♪ i live in america ♪ ♪ before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? frustrated by the lack of news coverage about missing black people in the united states, two sisters in-law started their own nonprofit, their story is this week's impact your world. >> the black and missing foundation was started because of a necessity. there was a young lady by the name of tamika houston who went missing from our sister-in-law's hometown of spartanburg, south carolina. when she disappeared, her family struggled to garner coverage. about six months later, natalee holloway disappeared. her name and face became a household name. >> so we decided to do some research to see maybe this is an issue affecting our community. >> 30% missing persons in the united states were pernzsons of color. that number increased to 40%. yet we rarely see our people on the news. >> we help families from a through z. and that includes creating flyers and social media posts, as well as boots on the ground. >> since our inception in 2008, we have been able to bring closure to over 300 families. >> i was frantic when kennedy was missing. to have an organization that hears your pain, and can help and assist and not judge you is something that i think all families need. >> rebel wilson revealing not everyone celebrated her dramatic weight loss. >> what's your name? >> fat amy. >> oh, yeah! ♪ turn the beat around ♪ >> the "pitch perfect" star says she received pushback from her own team. >> i'm going to do this year of health. i feel like i'm really going to physically transform and change my life. and they were, like, why? why would you want to do that? because i was earning millions of dollars being, you know, the funny fat girl. the new permanent host of "jeopardy" is no one. bialik and jennings will tag team into 2022. no word on what happens after that. what you talking about, willis? >> kevin hart delivering that iconic catch phrase during abc's live revisit of "different strokes." fans got to see jennifer aniston star as blair on the new take of "the facts of life." ♪ i live in america ♪ so james brown believed the cia was spying on him about a year before his death. brown wrote in his memoir, quote, i could sense them watching me, spying on me, staking out my home. cnn's own thomas lake reports that brown may have been paranoid, but it is also possible that not all his suspicions were wrong. >> paranoid but maybe right, thomas. >> that's very possible. this all started back in 2017, when i got a phone call from a woman who said she believed brown had been murdered. and as i dug into the story, we published some of the findings, the story kept getting stranger and stranger. and it sort of veered into brown's own claim that the cia had spied on him. and this starts to look more plausible when you look at what was going on around the late '60s and into the '70s. because it all happened when martin luther king jr. was shot and killed in memphis, april 1968. brown says that, of course, it is well documented the next day -- the next night he helped to prevent rioting in boston. and he says this is when his career took this odd turn, that he felt himself under surveillance. i dug into this a lot. we know from the church committee investigations, from the 1970s, cia's program chaos, the fbi's program co-intel pro, a lot of this surveillance of black leaders was indeed occurring. and the question is, i guess, whether it can be proved with brown. the cia refuses to confirm or deny it. >> right. you actually pressed them. you sued the cia for foia, for documents. what happened? >> right. well, pardon me. so we filed this, and filed the request, and the cia does what they often do. they say we can neither confirm nor deny we have these documents. so march of this year, cnn files a lawsuit against the cia, basically demanding anything you have you got to give it to us. but the cia is holding fast to this position saying not only are we not going to give you anything, we're not even going to say whether we have it. that lawsuit is ongoing. the cia also says even admitting whether we have this could be damaging to national security. >> gosh. that is fascinating, thomas. okay, look, we know thomas, you aren't going to stop covering this story and we appreciate it. thomas link. so president biden speaking live any second now about democracy around the world. "new day" continues right now. good morning to viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm brianna keilar with john berman. it is thursday, hooray. any moment now president biden is kicking off his virtual leaders summit for democracy. this is going to feature meetings with more than 100 governments. the goal the white house says is to defend against authoritarianism, fight corruption and promote respect for human rights. >> so two countries not invited to participate, china and russia. both are working to undercut the message they call this all hypocritical. joining us now, cnn chief white house correspondent kaitlan collins. kaitlan, talk to us about this. this is something that biden has talked about for a long time. a long time. what does he want out of this? >> they want it told in person. that wasn't feasible with 110 countries, that have been invited, but ever since biden took office and before that, you've seen him frame this global conversation and a global kind of inflexion point as democracies versus these countries that are run by authoritarians. he said that we have to make a decision, you know, as a globe, of which direction we want to go in. that was a big message he took to the g-7, his first big summit in person with other world leaders, let's show other nations that democracies can work, they can put accomplishments on the table. that will be the broader conversation you see from president biden when he speaks any moment now on this. >> what do you think he'll say, even if in veiled terms, about china and russia? >> i think you've seen him working to undercut the message, having their own

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, Chief Of Staff , Verizon , Fox News , 6 , January 6th , President , Conversations , Officials , Conclusion , West Wing , Court , Jamie Gang El , Scope , Committee , Cheney , Paul Rosen , Reporting , Documents , Pages , Mr , 6000 , Text Messages , Work Phones , Emails , Privilege , Phone , Claim , Email , Quote , Saying , Range , Source , Texts , Individuals , Way , Attack , Realtime Communications The Committee , Visibility , Doing , Isn T He , Lot , Cell Phone , Reporters , Point , Person , Congress , Members , Rally Organizers , Doesn T Text , Don T Need Meadows , Public , Realtime , Text , Testimony , Wall Testimony , Road Map , Effect , Trove , Data Records , Words , Identity , Insurrection , Riots , The End , Organizations , Victims , Stuff , Do , House Of Representatives , Speech , Member , Floor , Clause , Debate , Pentagon Papers , Allies , Chance , Light , Zero , Work , Scenes , Witnesses , Loyalists , Sets , Some , Cooperation , 40 , Subpoenas , People Who Don T , Lots , 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Musical Chairs , Chairs , Chair , Approaches , Big Question , Tiered , Music , Lap , Listen , Unsee That , Focus , Decisions , Agenda , Family , Reflect , 23 , Mus Chairs , Matter , Kraecarrying , Fact , U S Capitol On January 6th , Wall , Protesters , Dynamics , Capitol , Senate , Voters , Fighters , Brian , Nonanswer , Chris Christie , Someone , Bind , Primary , Running , Odds , School On Fridays , Social Media , Car , Teen , Friends , Move , Heir , Onstar , Vehicle , First Responder , Advisor , Child , Creek , Mystery Dating , Bikes , Fire Trtruck Siren , Okay Y , Four , Son , Road , Fine , Injuries , Tech Solutions , Business , Technologies , Customers , Journey , Ride , Dell , Time , Beat , Feet , Stages , Colon Cancer , Habits , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Sizes , Walks , Stool , Dna , 92 , Risk , Results , Provider , Yep , 45 , The Show Must Go On Migraine Medicine , Ubrelvy , Migraine , Dose , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Tracks , 05 , 4 , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Pill , Cause , Older Medicines , Inhibitors , Nausea , Tiredness , Cgrp Protein , Cyp3a4 , Side Effects , Cyp3 , Heart , On Unsweetened Lipton , Lipton , Sippin , Stop Chuggin , Start Sippin , Kyle Blinkscales , Hometown , Mystery , Back , Georgia , Auburn University , 1976 , 22 , January 1976 , Human Remains , Wallet , Creek In Chambers County , White Pinto , I D , Alabama , 1974 , Leads , Georgia Bureau Of Investigation , Sifting , Hundreds , Develop , Father , 2007 , Daughter , Anxiety , Minors , Depression , Break , Institution , Out Of The Blue , School Counselor , Experience , Office , Kind , Help , Counselor , Shock , Emotions , More , Sabine , Apps , Social Media Consumption , Interaction , Consuming , Teenagers , Platforms , Knowledge , After School Sports , Snapchat , Friend , Reality , Problems , Living , Times , App , She W , Change , Program , Demeanor , Hospitalization , Children , Place , Parent , Amount , Balance , Limitations , Solution , 30 , Beginning , Discussion , Up Next , Keeping Kids Home On Fridays , School Districts , Vladimir Putin , Ukraine , Eyes , Whatcha , Healthier , Love , Asthma Attacks , Nunormal , Count , Ring , Nucala , Face , Infections , Doctor , Reactions , Breathing , Add On Injection , Asthma , Breathing Problems , Trouble , Tongue , Mouth , Swelling , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Back Pain , Infection , Fatigue , Headache , Chloe , Family Plans , Turkey , Aunt , Mom Vo , Data , Team Up , Single , Fire Alarm Blares , 1 , 25 , 5 , Fire Alarm , Grandpa , Ear Buds , Switch , 200 , 00 , Gonna , Same , Mommy , Promises , Oh My Goodness , Snow , Impact , Consequences , Options , Energy Sanctions , Gas Prices , Rounds , Approach , Swift , Kylie Atwood , Energy Sector , Markets , Like , Iterations , Finance , The Last Resort , Correlation , Domestic Gas Prices , Pumps , Approval Ratings , Host , Approval Rating , Energy Market , Concerns , Short Term , President Putin , Debt , Thief , Banks , Russian Oligarchs , Exports , Government Budget , Conversation , European , Thanks , Learning , Foot , Superintendent , Public School District , Detroit , Schools , Need , Cases , Mental Health Relief , Grader , Caitlyn Reynolds , Message , Hearing , Weekly Update , Mental Health , Everybody , Explanations , Bit , Blow , Michigan , Explanation , Teachers , Protocols , Strain , We Wouldn T , Custodians , Kids , Listeners , Wintertime , New York Times , The Times , Districts , Places , Burden , Stem Teacher , Instance , Stem Academy , Stem Lab , Staffing , Curriculum , She Didn T , Aspect , Shutdown , Gym Class , Outlet , Union , June 30th , School , Particular , My Son , Security Guards , District , Student , 2nd Grade Level , Subject , Fourth Grade , Mask , Students , Frustrations , Caitlin , Five , Coverage , Summit , Crazy , Claire , Heartburn , Nexium 24hr , Cake , 24hr , Nexium , Chocolate Cake , Acid , Night Protection , 24 , Lack , Sisters , News Coverage , Foundation , Nonprofit , Necessity , Name , Natalee Holloway , Lady , Tamika Houston , Hometown Of Spartanburg , Sister In Law , South Carolina , Six , Persons , Household Name , Research , Pernzsons , Issue , Families , Color , News , Posts , Boots , Flyers , Through Z , Inception , Closure , Kennedy , 300 , 2008 , Organization , Pain , Rebel Wilson , Star , Weight Loss , Pushback , Fat Amy , Pitch Perfect , Health , Life , Millions , Dollars Being , Word , No One , Jeopardy , Tag Team , Jennings Will , Funny Fat Girl , Bialik , Revisit , Strokes , Catch Phrase , Willis , Abc , Kevin Hart , Jennifer Aniston , Death , The Facts Of Life , Staking , Memoir , Thomas Lake , Woman , Phone Call , Suspicions , 2017 , Into Brown , Stranger , Findings , Jr , Martin Luther , Memphis , April 1968 , 1968 , 70 , Course , Career , Odd Turn , Rioting , Boston , Surveillance , Church Committee Investigations , Fbi , Program Co Intel Pro , Program Chaos , 1970 , Foia , Request , Lawsuit , Confirm , Position , Gosh , National Security , You Aren T , Thomas Link , Around The World , Brianna Keilar , Governments , Goal , Meetings , Leaders Summit For Democracy , 100 , Fight Corruption , Respect , Human Rights , Kaitlan Collins , Democracies , Inflexion Point , World Leaders , G 7 , Direction , Globe , Authoritarians , 7 , Terms , Accomplishments , Table ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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if she's on the pitch, you stay in the seat. thank you so much. "new day" continues right now. welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. it is thursday, december 9th. i was surprised by the thursday thing. >> it creeps up on you. >> one our from now, president biden kicks off a two-day democracy summit at the white house. the virtual meeting that will gather leaders from 110 countries to push back on what the biden administration warned is a global democratic recession. two nations not on the guest list, russia and china. both have attacked the biden summit. they call it hypocritical. we will bring it to you live. >> new signs of economic recovery fueling a wave of optimism throughout the country. among the reasons here, pay raises are coming down the pike. there's a radical drop in energy prices, jpmorgan made the prediction that 2022 will mark the end of the pandemic. cnn business reporter joining us now on that. hey, matt. >> reporter: good morning, guys. there have been some promising developments, including on inflation. especially with the biggest problem child of them all, energy. first, prices at the pump are ticking lower. the national average down to $3.34 a gallon. it's not cheap but a seven-week low. even more encouraging, a bigger drop ahead. the energy department's research arm is pulling for gasoline to average $3.01 in january, $2.88 for the full year next year. that is a big decline. some are wall street are calling for a bigger drop. citigroup calling for a radical drop that lowers oil below $60 a barrel. that's from 72 today. we have seen natural gas prices get cut nearly in half. that bodes very well for home heating costs. there's glimmers of hope on the supply chain front, a major driver of congestion. port congestion is easing. sky-high shipping costs are coming down. also, deliveries are speeding up, albeit from very slow levels. it may not get back to normal any time soon. here's how one economist at moody's analytics summed it up to me. i'm increasingly confident that the worst appears to be over. that's a big deal. because if the supply chain mess finally starts to get cleaned up that should take pressure off inflation. >> so, matt, one of the structural things that has happened that will take time to understand is the number of people leaving their jobs. some call it the great resignation. that reached record numbers in october. and it says something sort of specific on the macro level. what do you take from it? >> well, it really shows this job market is absolutely booming. there's 11 million job openings right now. that is just shy of the all-time record set in july. workers have all leveraged right now. and they know it. that's why they are quitting their job at a near record pace. they realize they could get another job elsewhere probably for more money, maybe better benefits, possibly more flexible working arrangements. it's like free agency season on main street, and every team is desperate for starting pitching. not just about workers quitting. look at the dramatic climb in unemployment claims. they have returned to prepandemic levels. companies are desperate to hire workers so they don't want to let go of the ones they have. unemployment is down to 4.2%. remember back at the height of covid, the unemployment rate was at nearly 15%. as you can see, that's the big spike right here. nearly 15%. 4.2%. massive decline. also, wall street is starting to feel better. there was a big scare after thanksgiving over omicron. the stock market has recovered from almost all losses. and a take from jpmorgan. they said our view is that 2022 will be the year of full global recovery, an end of the global pandemic, and a return to normal conditions we had prior to the covid-19 outbreak. brianna and john, i think that's something we can all agree we would be able to celebrate. >> i love that. i need that. but i love how you called them free agents. very good description of the job market right now. >> everyone needs starting pitcher and they're all free agents, max scherzer gets $40 million a year. it is a little bit inflationary but it is absolutely good for workers around the country. >> absolutely. couldn't agree more. >> matt, thank you. so mark meadows stopped cooperate to go litigating in just a few short days. donald trump's former chief of staff is suing the january 6th committee and nancy pelosi to block enforcement of a subpoena issued to him and to verizon for his phone records. meadows explained his sudden about-face on fox news. >> we came to the conclusion that they're still going to try to question those personal private conversations that i had with the president of the united states and other senior officials in the west wing. and quite frankly, their scope -- >> the court is going to have to determine that. >> joining us now cnn special correspondent jamie gang el and paul rosen with us. important things for mark meadows. congresswoman cheney said the committee has received a number of extremely interesting nonprivileged documents from mr. meadows. you have some new reporting. tell us what this means, extremely interesting. >> extremely interesting -- let's remember he has handed over more than 6,000 pages of documents. voluntarily. no claim of privilege. so what i'm told is in there are text messages and emails from his personal phone and personal email. that's critical. these are not white house work phones where he might be able to claim privilege. and my source told me that, quote, what they're saying is that he's, quote, exchanges texts and emails with a wide range of individuals while the attack is under way. so people are texting him, and the committee now has this. who is mark meadows with? he's with donald trump at the white house. so likely what we're seeing here are people saying, what's the president doing? why isn't he doing anything? so these are critical, critical, realtime communications the committee now has. >> any more visibility on who he is texting with? >> we don't know yet. but a lot of people had mark meadows' cell phone. a lot of reporters had mark meadows' cell phone. but let's think about who might be texting him. members of congress, rally organizers, other white house officials. so this is -- you know, he's the point person. people are not texting. donald trump doesn't text. and i think those are going to become public. >> paul, what do you think about this? >> well, it's a road map. you don't need meadows' testimony if you already have his text wall testimony in realtime of what is happening. the president said x or words to that effect. this trove of documents, text messages, when you add it to the data records they're going to get from verizon that show the identity of people if it's not clear from the texts themselves, is going to be essentially a realtime look at what was happening at the white house, at congress, at the riots, at the insurrection. now, we don't know obviously what that will prove in the end. but it certainly sounds like in realtime the president of the united states was actively engaged in conversations with the victims of and or the organizations. >> what the committee has, they have. can they ever un-have it? if meadows turned over this stuff already and now he is suing about other things. >> we don't have an immaculate do-overrule. they don't have to give it back. i suppose at some extreme a court could try to stop from publicizing it. as we know from the pentagon papers, a member of congress could go on the floor of the house of representatives and publicly share it all and would be completely be protected under speech and debate clause. there is almost zero chance that it will not end up seeing the light of day. >> there's a lot of people not cooperating close to donald trump. that seems to be the way that so many of his allies are operating near. i know you have some reporting about what's going on behind the scenes when it comes to this with the committee. >> i think there are two sets of witnesses here. there are trump loyalists who we see every day trying to defy. but there are also, i'm told by a source familiar with the committee's work, that behind the scenes they are getting a lot of cooperation from many, many witnesses that we do not know about. some are voluntary. some have been subpoenaed. and we know of about 40 subpoenas. i'm now told there are, quote, lots of subpoenas we don't know about. some are called friendly subpoenas. people who don't want it to appear they're voluntarily cooperating. give me a little cover. and i'm told there are many witnesses coming in every week and, quote, sometimes multiple a day and that when it becomes public, there will be names we recognize. >> i have two questions. when will it become public? what is the timeline here? >> i think some of this will be held until the hearings. that the committee wants to build a case and then, over several weeks, have these people. they don't want to give away the story right now. but some of it, we just reported this week, that marc short, vice president -- former vice president's mike pence's chief of staff, is cooperating. so i wouldn't be surprised if we hear little things like that along the way. >> one of the questions i have sort of bigger picture, what are the possible criminal referrals that could come from this committee? i'm not talking about contempt of congress but actual referrals having to do with the insurrection itself? >> well, that it's a challenging question. to some extent it will depend on the evidence. i think most likely it will be what i call simple criminal charges relating to d.c. law, assault, conspiracy to commit assault. we're unlikely to see broad sedition or insurrection charges because they are harder to prove. you have to prove intent to overthrow the government, which we all think is there. but you have to actually get somebody to admit to that. but it's clear as day that some of the organizers, for example, and some of the president's affiliates were part and parcel of organizing the activities of that day knowing and intending that they would end in violence. and that's, you know, conspiracy to commit assault, to beat up somebody. that's a crime. if i punch you, it's a crime. >> we don't know everyone who is talking to the committee, as you point out, jamie. but knowing what we do know, and knowing they will be recognizable names that we will find out later, do you think this committee is going to be able to paint a full picture of what actually happened, fulfill their mission? >> 80%. you won't get a full picture unless mark meadows fully testifies, unless jeffrey clark fully testifies, unless donald trump fully testified truthfully. nobody is going to get steve bannon's testimony under oath. he may go to jail for that, but we won't get it. so it will be an 80% picture. that is pretty good in u.s. government work. better than i ever did in math. >> it is a b minus. jamie and paul, thank you so much to both of you. which republicans would dare take on donald trump in 2024? >> have you considered running for president? >> stick around for mike pence's reply. >> instagram boss promising parents he will keep the site safe. we'll have live reaction from a mother of three who tkodoubts t. did the cia spy on james brown? when you really need to sleep you reach for the really good stuff. new zzzquil ultra helps you sleep better and longer when you need it most. it's non habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. new zzzquil ultra. when you really really need to sleep. 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(cheers) xfinity brought us together, after all! power your whole home this holiday with wifi speeds faster than a gig. click, call, or visit a store today. sing 2 brand-new cnn reporting this morning on the growing divide between the two most prominent leaders of the republican party, mitch mcconnell and kevin mccarthy. and looming over it all is former president trump. mel melanie zenona is joining us live. >> reporter: kevin mccarthy and mitch mcconnell have increasingly taken different positions on a number of key high-profile issues lately. the most recent example is the debt ceiling. they brokered this deal. kevin mccarthy is adamantly opposed to it. and the bipartisan infrastructure bill. mitch mcconnell voted for it. he was back home touting its benefits. and kevin mccarthy was actively urging his members to oppose it. part of the reason for the split is the different nature and makeups of the conferences. mitch mcconnell dealing with a 50-seat minority. he has been forced to cut deals. on the house side, the minority party is rarely needed for votes. the other big factor as you alluded to is donald trump. mitch mcconnell and mccarthy have completely different views about the party. they see trump as crucial to winning back the majority but winning speaker one day. they are likely to vote against the bipartisan infrastructure deal. some republicans are starting to sound the alarm about the two gop leaders being on opposite pages. listen to what a texas republican told me yesterday. he said, quote, we better stick together. it's imperative that republicans all march in one direction. this is training for, hopefully, next session. so clearly this divide between mitch mcconnell and kevin mccarthy could foreshadow governing challenges if republicans win both champ p be chambers. speaker nancy pelosi so far staying quiet on whether the house will vote on a resolution to strip republican lauren boebert of her committee assignments. it comes in response to her bigoted anti-muslim comments about ilhan omar. lauren fox and cnn reporter gabby orr. you have new reporting on what appears to actually be a split within the democrats about whether to strip these assignments. >> well, this has been the struggle about what to do about these republicans who really repeatedly make these kinds of bigoted or anti-semitic comments the last several months on capitol hill. some democrats are saying we don't want to give people any more attention. they are raising money off tweets and comments. they are getting more popular among the republican base. just stripping them of their committees, all it does is give them attention. the other side says how can we do nothing? you saw that yesterday introduced by a group of progressives saying this needed to happen, lauren boebert needed to be stripped of her committee assignments. house speaker nancy pelosi staying neutral right now, making it clear that she is not for the kinds of islamophobia that lauren boebert is spewing on the internet or talking about back home and yet making it clear to her caucus, this is a difficult moment and we're going to have to make a choice. there are some moderate democrats who do not want to take a vote on this in part because they view it as a distraction and as a slippery slope. if republicans take back the house in 2022, what they are afraid you'll see is republicans taking action against democrats at every turn if they think a democrat missteps. >> two lenses to look at this through, what's right and what will work for democrats. i think it speaks to democrats who say we need to take a stand. they have the luxury of taking a stand that maybe some of the moderates don't. >> they do. they don't have this massive figure like donald trump looming over them. so democrats are free to voice their opposition to a leader like nancy pelosi at some point. it may not go the way they want to, but they're not afraid to do that in the same way a lot of republicans are. it is interesting, as lauren notes, if republicans take the house in 2022, what are they going to do? are they going to seek revenge against every single democrat who tried to strip them of a committee post or call out language they this i is offensive. it will be a question that donald trump will be encouraging. >> lauren boebert doesn't care about having her committee assignments taken away. it isn't exactly a sanction that carries a lot with it for her. you brought up donald trump, about how republicans are beginning to position themselves for the presidential race in 2024. >> it's already happening. yes. they are self-separating into three different tiers at the moment because of the looming trump question. will he run, will he not run. we still don't know. he is definitely teasing a 2024 presidential run. the jury is still out amongst his aides and even amongst trump himself. we are seeing candidates coming out immediately and saying if donald trump runs, i'm not going to do it. i'm not going to invest in a race, put together a campaign. i'm out. others are saying if he does run, i'm still trying to make a decision. do i see a lane for myself, approaching this with a bit more open mind. then you have candidates like ran desantis, pompeo, who have notably said -- who have notably been quiet. they haven't come out and said i'm not running a trump run. they also haven't come out and said, i'm running. it's a big question. we are seeing different tiered approaches to that. >> it is like musical chairs. they're waiting for the music to stop and see if there is more than one chair, if they have to move fast on this. . >> musical chairs could end up with desantis sitting on mike pompeo's lap, which is always what happens in musical chairs. >> i can't unsee that, john berman. let's take a listen to what happened here. >> have you made any decisions about running for president? >> all our focus is on 2022. we're doing everything we can to turn back this big government agenda of the biden administration. we'll let the future take care of itself. >> if donald trump runs for president, will you still run? >> you know, our focus is on 2022. i can honestly tell you in 23rd, my family and i do what we have always done. reflect, pray and determine where we might best serve and go where we're called. >> no matter who else is in the race? >> kraecarrying on with our mus chairs, mike pence may end up with somebody on his lap. >> surprising he took the second question. it felt like he was going to walk away. because of the fact that he was in the u.s. capitol on january 6th, a day in which donald trump ordered his protesters to go to the capitol. . i think all of that, in all of those dynamics will be fascinating to watch whether or not pens jumps in this race or decides i'm going to let donald trump have it. so he's making it clear right now i'm just trying to get people elected to the house of representatives so we can take back the house, so we can take back the senate. >> i had the same reaction you had. what was it that made him want to come back and give the second nonanswer? there was something, there was something going on there. we may never know. brian lance den said republican voters want to see fighters. trump has them in a bind. yeah, he does. chris christie made the same point. he came out and said republicans who basically say i'm not going to run if donald trump runs are weak and effective and do republican voters want someone like that in the white house. it is a question worth asking. i do think at the end of the day, if you're a republican running some a primary that does not include donald trump, if you do not have his enforcement, you are facing long odds. it's not going to matter if you said you are going to run or not run. it is whether you are the rightful heir to him. . >> thank you for this game of political musical chairs. one teen's desperate struggle with social media and the drastic move she wanted to make to get away from school, her friends, and her phone. and how a car found in a creek could help solve a mystery dating back four decades. 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what was her interaction with certain apps like? >> i mean, it was pretty much all consuming. i don't think i was really -- i know i was not really aware of exactly what she was experiencing on these apps. to me i think, like most parents, i had the very basic knowledge of what these platforms, where and how these teenagers were using them. i mean, what i do know is that we were becoming increasingly concerned with just how all consuming it was becoming, how there was not really -- no in between. it was pretty much school, after school sports, hanging out with a friend, and there was social media. >> you single out snapchat as being particularly detrimental to her. why? >> i wish that i could give you some more specific answers than i'm going to be able to. i think that's one of the problems is that our teenagers, our kids, are kind of living in this secret reality that we're not very privy to. i think they're just designed in that way, especially snapchat, where things don't stay around for very long. it's designed to disappear. and not be traced. so what i can say is that i know when she using it that she w was -- became a different person at times. i would look over and know that she was using that specific app. and i would notice the change in her demeanor when she was in the partial hospitalization program, especially where she did not have access to her phone during the day. there were days that i would -- she would be one person when she got back in the car with me to ride home. and then as soon as she would take her phone out and i would look over and see she was on snapchat, and she was just a different person. >> she went to a completely different place. i know, sabine, so many parents are connecting with what you're saying. they're watching their children sometimes get lost in all of this. it's horrific, i think, if you're a parent. you have pulled her completely off social media. what would you say to other parents who are watching this and experiencing something similar? >> i would say for me i don't really believe that -- in the way that social media is designed right now, i don't really feel that there is a balance. i don't feel like there's the right amount of limitations on screen time. you know, this magical number of 30 minutes a day or an hour a day. i think that the solution is to delete the apps. >> sabine, i thank you for discussing this. this is really just the beginning of a discussion we're having about this. thank you. . >> thank you very much. up next, brand-new cnn reporting on what joe biden may not be willing to do right away if vladimir putin invades ukraine. and parents furious at school districts for keeping kids home on fridays. you're going to hear from one of the parents. one... two... whatcha got for me, whatcha got? watch those eyes... healthier is doing what you have to do while doing what you want to do. you're going to do just fine, you will. ♪ this is what healthier looks like. ♪ when love finds us, this is how we shine. 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(vo) visible. switch and get up to $200, plus our best ear buds, on us. mom, hurry! our show's gonna start soon! i promised i wouldn't miss the show and mommy always keeps her promises. oh, no! seriously? hmm! it's not the same if she's not here. oh. -what the. oh my goodness! i don't suppose you can sing, can you? ♪ the snow's comin' down ♪ -mommy? ♪ i'm watching it fall ♪ watch the full story at president biden warned vladimir putin personally of the consequences if russia moves to invade ukraine. while the administration considers a range of options, they are likely to hold off energy sanctions fearing the impact it would have on u.s. gas prices. kylie atwood is here with the administration's approach. >> reporter: the administration is multiple rounds of very severe rounds on russia. they may not do it in one swift action. they may have multiple iterations. the last resort is targeting russia's energy sector. here's why. they are fearful of the impact that could have on the international global markets on international finance and the like, and also therefore the impact there could be on u.s. domestic gas prices. and there are administration officials who say there is a direct correlation between president biden's approval ratings and what happens at the prices at the pumps. as those prices go down, approval rating goes up. if you go after the energy market, you may see them go up in the short-term. maybe a longer amount of time. there are some concerns about that. this doesn't mean they don't have any options, right? there's still a tremendous host of options. president biden said yesterday that if president putin choose to invade ukraine, which we don't know if he has chosen to do, he will face the most severe economic consequences thief they are seen. there is still a lot they can do. they can go after those close to putin, russian oligarchs, sovereign debt, russian banks. there's a whole host of options. but this energy sector is a very important one because it makes up about 40% of russia's federal government budget. so those exports, that amount of money they get from their energy and oil exports is significant. so the fact that they view this as a last resort is part of, you know, the conversation going on right now inside the biden administration as they figure out what changes they can do, what they can do alone, what they can do with european allies. >> they could really hurt russia with this. they will be shooting themselves in the foot as well if they pursue that. thanks very much. the detroit public school district is making every friday a remote learning day. no in-person school on fridays. the superintendent says the decision comes in response to, quote, the need for mental health relief, rising covid cases, and time to more thoroughly clean the schools. cnn has reached out but we did not immediately hear back. caitlyn reynolds, a single mother of a fourth grader. thanks so much for being with us. no in-person school on fridays. what was your reaction when you heard that? >> well, i was driving home from work, and i quite literally shouted, you've got to be hearing me when the automated message came through. i thought it was a regular weekly update. they were calling to let us know that school was going to be out. but i do need to say they prefaced the message by letting everybody know they were going to offer mental health to all the parents out there. so i didn't take that very lightly. i think public schools was trying to soften the blow a little bit, letting parents know they were going to go remote. in were there three explanations there. the need to more thoroughly clean the schools, rising covid cases. and they are rising in michigan. the third thing was overall mental health. do you buy any of the explanations? >> no. no, not by my means. the only explanation they gave to the parents was they needed more time to wipe things down. as far as mental health, i really think they allowed these children to go back to normal, that we wouldn't have such a need for mental health. if the teachers didn't have quite a strain on them to adhere to all of these protocols, which i do understand the protocols. kids are dirty in the wintertime. this he get sick. that's the way it is. but at the end of the day, you know, this is only going to be hurting the kids. when i was growing up, and i know when many of the listeners can say when they were growing up, is custodians came in near the end of the day, they cleaned when the kids were gone because that's when they could be the most effective. to need an entire friday, i just don't buy it. . >> i learned of this yesterday from a "new york times" story. "the times" says in the bigger picture around the country it is happening in different places because the school is having a hard time hanging onto teachers. so the districts are giving it to the teachers to try and make it easier for them, to ease their burden. what do you think of that? >> though i do know there were staffing issues last year. so, for instance, last year -- my son goes to a s.t.e.m. academy. and there was no s.t.e.m. teacher. there was no s.t.e.m. lab. so there was already one aspect of the curriculum that was gone. after the second shutdown, one of the other teachers that provided one of the extra activities, she didn't return when the kids were allowed to go back for the final time. and so the kids were having to double and triple up on gym class as their only additional outlet outside of their regular day. but i do know the union renegotiated the contracts june 30th. so this year, my son seams school in particular is particularly well staffed. i know that is not a universal thing. i know there is a desperate need for security guards in the schools. but, you know, for my son's school in particular, i could say they seem very well staffed. but i know that's not the case with every single school in the district. >> i've got to let you run. really quickly, you think this has had an impact on your son's learning, especially in math. >> he is a straight a student. math is his particular subject. at the beginning of fourth grade, he tested at a 2nd grade level. . >> caitlin, listen, i think you're going through the frustrations a lot of parents are right now. they want their students in school five days a week. be careful. get vaccinated. wear a mask. but at this point a lot of parents, most parents i think want their kids in school. thank you so much. . >> thank you. just minutes from now, president biden speaks to a global summit from the white house. live coverage right here on cnn. and did the cia spy on james brown? it might sound crazy, but is it? what happened when cnn started asking questions. ♪ ♪ ♪ i live in america ♪ ♪ before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? frustrated by the lack of news coverage about missing black people in the united states, two sisters in-law started their own nonprofit, their story is this week's impact your world. >> the black and missing foundation was started because of a necessity. there was a young lady by the name of tamika houston who went missing from our sister-in-law's hometown of spartanburg, south carolina. when she disappeared, her family struggled to garner coverage. about six months later, natalee holloway disappeared. her name and face became a household name. >> so we decided to do some research to see maybe this is an issue affecting our community. >> 30% missing persons in the united states were pernzsons of color. that number increased to 40%. yet we rarely see our people on the news. >> we help families from a through z. and that includes creating flyers and social media posts, as well as boots on the ground. >> since our inception in 2008, we have been able to bring closure to over 300 families. >> i was frantic when kennedy was missing. to have an organization that hears your pain, and can help and assist and not judge you is something that i think all families need. >> rebel wilson revealing not everyone celebrated her dramatic weight loss. >> what's your name? >> fat amy. >> oh, yeah! ♪ turn the beat around ♪ >> the "pitch perfect" star says she received pushback from her own team. >> i'm going to do this year of health. i feel like i'm really going to physically transform and change my life. and they were, like, why? why would you want to do that? because i was earning millions of dollars being, you know, the funny fat girl. the new permanent host of "jeopardy" is no one. bialik and jennings will tag team into 2022. no word on what happens after that. what you talking about, willis? >> kevin hart delivering that iconic catch phrase during abc's live revisit of "different strokes." fans got to see jennifer aniston star as blair on the new take of "the facts of life." ♪ i live in america ♪ so james brown believed the cia was spying on him about a year before his death. brown wrote in his memoir, quote, i could sense them watching me, spying on me, staking out my home. cnn's own thomas lake reports that brown may have been paranoid, but it is also possible that not all his suspicions were wrong. >> paranoid but maybe right, thomas. >> that's very possible. this all started back in 2017, when i got a phone call from a woman who said she believed brown had been murdered. and as i dug into the story, we published some of the findings, the story kept getting stranger and stranger. and it sort of veered into brown's own claim that the cia had spied on him. and this starts to look more plausible when you look at what was going on around the late '60s and into the '70s. because it all happened when martin luther king jr. was shot and killed in memphis, april 1968. brown says that, of course, it is well documented the next day -- the next night he helped to prevent rioting in boston. and he says this is when his career took this odd turn, that he felt himself under surveillance. i dug into this a lot. we know from the church committee investigations, from the 1970s, cia's program chaos, the fbi's program co-intel pro, a lot of this surveillance of black leaders was indeed occurring. and the question is, i guess, whether it can be proved with brown. the cia refuses to confirm or deny it. >> right. you actually pressed them. you sued the cia for foia, for documents. what happened? >> right. well, pardon me. so we filed this, and filed the request, and the cia does what they often do. they say we can neither confirm nor deny we have these documents. so march of this year, cnn files a lawsuit against the cia, basically demanding anything you have you got to give it to us. but the cia is holding fast to this position saying not only are we not going to give you anything, we're not even going to say whether we have it. that lawsuit is ongoing. the cia also says even admitting whether we have this could be damaging to national security. >> gosh. that is fascinating, thomas. okay, look, we know thomas, you aren't going to stop covering this story and we appreciate it. thomas link. so president biden speaking live any second now about democracy around the world. "new day" continues right now. good morning to viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm brianna keilar with john berman. it is thursday, hooray. any moment now president biden is kicking off his virtual leaders summit for democracy. this is going to feature meetings with more than 100 governments. the goal the white house says is to defend against authoritarianism, fight corruption and promote respect for human rights. >> so two countries not invited to participate, china and russia. both are working to undercut the message they call this all hypocritical. joining us now, cnn chief white house correspondent kaitlan collins. kaitlan, talk to us about this. this is something that biden has talked about for a long time. a long time. what does he want out of this? >> they want it told in person. that wasn't feasible with 110 countries, that have been invited, but ever since biden took office and before that, you've seen him frame this global conversation and a global kind of inflexion point as democracies versus these countries that are run by authoritarians. he said that we have to make a decision, you know, as a globe, of which direction we want to go in. that was a big message he took to the g-7, his first big summit in person with other world leaders, let's show other nations that democracies can work, they can put accomplishments on the table. that will be the broader conversation you see from president biden when he speaks any moment now on this. >> what do you think he'll say, even if in veiled terms, about china and russia? >> i think you've seen him working to undercut the message, having their own

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Gas Prices , Half , Home Heating Costs , Barrel , 0 , 60 , 72 , Driver , Congestion , Glimmers , Speeding Up , Shipping Costs , Port Congestion , Hope , Deliveries , Supply Chain Front , Levels , Economist , Moody S Analytics , Things , Deal , Pressure , Supply Chain Mess , Worst , People , It , Number , Record , Jobs , Numbers , Level , Specific , Resignation , Workers , Job Market , Job Openings , Record Set , 11 Million , Money , Job , Team , Benefits , Agency , Elsewhere , Pace , Arrangements , Season , Main Street , Pitching , Unemployment Claims , Go , Climb , Ones , Companies , Unemployment , Covid , Unemployment Rate , Height , Big Spike , 15 , 4 2 , Stock Market , View , Take , Losses , Scare , Omicron , Return , Conditions , Covid 19 Outbreak , 19 , Everyone , Free Agents , Pitcher , Description , Max Scherzer , 40 Million , 0 Million , Mark Meadows , Couldn T , Litigating , Donald Trump , Nancy Pelosi , Meadows , Phone Records , Enforcement , Subpoena , January 6th Committee , Chief Of Staff , Verizon , Fox News , 6 , January 6th , President , Conversations , Officials , Conclusion , West Wing , Court , Jamie Gang El , Scope , Committee , Cheney , Paul Rosen , Reporting , Documents , Pages , Mr , 6000 , Text Messages , Work Phones , Emails , Privilege , Phone , Claim , Email , Quote , Saying , Range , Source , Texts , Individuals , Way , Attack , Realtime Communications The Committee , Visibility , Doing , Isn T He , Lot , Cell Phone , Reporters , Point , Person , Congress , Members , Rally Organizers , Doesn T Text , Don T Need Meadows , Public , Realtime , Text , Testimony , Wall Testimony , Road Map , Effect , Trove , Data Records , Words , Identity , Insurrection , Riots , The End , Organizations , Victims , Stuff , Do , House Of Representatives , Speech , Member , Floor , Clause , Debate , Pentagon Papers , Allies , Chance , Light , Zero , Work , Scenes , Witnesses , Loyalists , Sets , Some , Cooperation , 40 , Subpoenas , People Who Don T , Lots , Friendly Subpoenas , Cover , Case , Questions , Names , Timeline , Hearings , Story , Marc Short , Mike Pence , Picture , Referrals , Question , Contempt Of Congress , Evidence , Extent , Assault , Conspiracy , Law , Charges , D C , Government , Somebody , Think , Intent , Sedition , Part , Example , Activities , Organizers , Parcel , Violence , Affiliates , Know , Crime , Mission , Jeffrey Clark , 80 , Nobody , Oath , Jail , Steve Bannon , Republicans , Math , 2024 , Parents , Reaction , Site , Reply , Safe , Instagram Boss , Mother , James Brown , Cia , Spy , Who , Tkodoubts T , Three , Zzzquil Ultra , Dad Vo , Speaking , Makers , Habit , Nyquil , Reason , Progress Isn T , Fun , Daring , Everything , Holiday , Zales , Store , Gift , Mom , Show , Don T Worry , Sweetie , Gig , Xfinity , Speed , Shot , Woah , Tv , Wifi , Nice , Call , Home , Whole , Click , 2 , Trump , Kevin Mccarthy , Republican Party , Mitch Mcconnell , Divide , Mel Melanie Zenona , Positions , Debt Ceiling , Issues , Infrastructure Bill , House , Split , Side , Deals , Minority Party , Nature , Minority , Conferences , Makeups , 50 , Party , Votes , Factor , Views , One Day , Infrastructure Deal , Alarm , Imperative , Training For , One Direction , Texas , Challenges , Champ P , Committee Assignments , Lauren Boebert , Response , Resolution , Be Chambers , Comments , Gabby Orr , Democrats , Lauren Fox , Ilhan Omar , Struggle , Kinds , Assignments , Capitol Hill , Attention , Committees , Tweets , Base , Nothing , Progressives , Group , House Speaker , Staying Neutral , Internet , Caucus , Islamophobia , Choice , Vote , Distraction , Slippery Slope , Action , Missteps , Lenses , Stand , Luxury , Figure , Leader , Opposition , Lauren Notes , Revenge , Care , Doesn T , Committee Post , Language , Sanction , It Isn T , Race , Trump Question , Tiers , Don T Know , Yes , Jury , Run , Candidates , Runs , Aides , Decision , Others , Lane , Campaign , Mind , They Haven T , Ran Desantis , Mike Pompeo , Musical Chairs , Chairs , Chair , Approaches , Big Question , Tiered , Music , Lap , Listen , Unsee That , Focus , Decisions , Agenda , Family , Reflect , 23 , Mus Chairs , Matter , Kraecarrying , Fact , U S Capitol On January 6th , Wall , Protesters , Dynamics , Capitol , Senate , Voters , Fighters , Brian , Nonanswer , Chris Christie , Someone , Bind , Primary , Running , Odds , School On Fridays , Social Media , Car , Teen , Friends , Move , Heir , Onstar , Vehicle , First Responder , Advisor , Child , Creek , Mystery Dating , Bikes , Fire Trtruck Siren , Okay Y , Four , Son , Road , Fine , Injuries , Tech Solutions , Business , Technologies , Customers , Journey , Ride , Dell , Time , Beat , Feet , Stages , Colon Cancer , Habits , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Sizes , Walks , Stool , Dna , 92 , Risk , Results , Provider , Yep , 45 , The Show Must Go On Migraine Medicine , Ubrelvy , Migraine , Dose , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Tracks , 05 , 4 , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Pill , Cause , Older Medicines , Inhibitors , Nausea , Tiredness , Cgrp Protein , Cyp3a4 , Side Effects , Cyp3 , Heart , On Unsweetened Lipton , Lipton , Sippin , Stop Chuggin , Start Sippin , Kyle Blinkscales , Hometown , Mystery , Back , Georgia , Auburn University , 1976 , 22 , January 1976 , Human Remains , Wallet , Creek In Chambers County , White Pinto , I D , Alabama , 1974 , Leads , Georgia Bureau Of Investigation , Sifting , Hundreds , Develop , Father , 2007 , Daughter , Anxiety , Minors , Depression , Break , Institution , Out Of The Blue , School Counselor , Experience , Office , Kind , Help , Counselor , Shock , Emotions , More , Sabine , Apps , Social Media Consumption , Interaction , Consuming , Teenagers , Platforms , Knowledge , After School Sports , Snapchat , Friend , Reality , Problems , Living , Times , App , She W , Change , Program , Demeanor , Hospitalization , Children , Place , Parent , Amount , Balance , Limitations , Solution , 30 , Beginning , Discussion , Up Next , Keeping Kids Home On Fridays , School Districts , Vladimir Putin , Ukraine , Eyes , Whatcha , Healthier , Love , Asthma Attacks , Nunormal , Count , Ring , Nucala , Face , Infections , Doctor , Reactions , Breathing , Add On Injection , Asthma , Breathing Problems , Trouble , Tongue , Mouth , Swelling , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Back Pain , Infection , Fatigue , Headache , Chloe , Family Plans , Turkey , Aunt , Mom Vo , Data , Team Up , Single , Fire Alarm Blares , 1 , 25 , 5 , Fire Alarm , Grandpa , Ear Buds , Switch , 200 , 00 , Gonna , Same , Mommy , Promises , Oh My Goodness , Snow , Impact , Consequences , Options , Energy Sanctions , Gas Prices , Rounds , Approach , Swift , Kylie Atwood , Energy Sector , Markets , Like , Iterations , Finance , The Last Resort , Correlation , Domestic Gas Prices , Pumps , Approval Ratings , Host , Approval Rating , Energy Market , Concerns , Short Term , President Putin , Debt , Thief , Banks , Russian Oligarchs , Exports , Government Budget , Conversation , European , Thanks , Learning , Foot , Superintendent , Public School District , Detroit , Schools , Need , Cases , Mental Health Relief , Grader , Caitlyn Reynolds , Message , Hearing , Weekly Update , Mental Health , Everybody , Explanations , Bit , Blow , Michigan , Explanation , Teachers , Protocols , Strain , We Wouldn T , Custodians , Kids , Listeners , Wintertime , New York Times , The Times , Districts , Places , Burden , Stem Teacher , Instance , Stem Academy , Stem Lab , Staffing , Curriculum , She Didn T , Aspect , Shutdown , Gym Class , Outlet , Union , June 30th , School , Particular , My Son , Security Guards , District , Student , 2nd Grade Level , Subject , Fourth Grade , Mask , Students , Frustrations , Caitlin , Five , Coverage , Summit , Crazy , Claire , Heartburn , Nexium 24hr , Cake , 24hr , Nexium , Chocolate Cake , Acid , Night Protection , 24 , Lack , Sisters , News Coverage , Foundation , Nonprofit , Necessity , Name , Natalee Holloway , Lady , Tamika Houston , Hometown Of Spartanburg , Sister In Law , South Carolina , Six , Persons , Household Name , Research , Pernzsons , Issue , Families , Color , News , Posts , Boots , Flyers , Through Z , Inception , Closure , Kennedy , 300 , 2008 , Organization , Pain , Rebel Wilson , Star , Weight Loss , Pushback , Fat Amy , Pitch Perfect , Health , Life , Millions , Dollars Being , Word , No One , Jeopardy , Tag Team , Jennings Will , Funny Fat Girl , Bialik , Revisit , Strokes , Catch Phrase , Willis , Abc , Kevin Hart , Jennifer Aniston , Death , The Facts Of Life , Staking , Memoir , Thomas Lake , Woman , Phone Call , Suspicions , 2017 , Into Brown , Stranger , Findings , Jr , Martin Luther , Memphis , April 1968 , 1968 , 70 , Course , Career , Odd Turn , Rioting , Boston , Surveillance , Church Committee Investigations , Fbi , Program Co Intel Pro , Program Chaos , 1970 , Foia , Request , Lawsuit , Confirm , Position , Gosh , National Security , You Aren T , Thomas Link , Around The World , Brianna Keilar , Governments , Goal , Meetings , Leaders Summit For Democracy , 100 , Fight Corruption , Respect , Human Rights , Kaitlan Collins , Democracies , Inflexion Point , World Leaders , G 7 , Direction , Globe , Authoritarians , 7 , Terms , Accomplishments , Table ,

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