Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

this morning, the january 6th house committee issuing more than 100 subpoenas for phone records. members are casting a wide net, many of those are targeted at former trump officials and associates and the list does include former white house chief of staff mark meadows who just informed the committee he will no longer cooperate. but committee members say meadows already turned over volumes of phone and email records including messages that were sent and received during the capitol riot. joining me now from the committee is california democratic congressman pete aguilar, the vice chair of the house democratic caucus. thank you for joining us this morning. the subpoenas for phone records from 100 people, what are you looking for? >> well, this started in august when we sent preservation letters and requests to telecom companies asking them to preserve the records of a lot of individuals. as the investigation has transpired, we have sharpened our focus. and highlighted individuals who we do think that information would be helpful from. and like you mentioned in the previous segment, this is that to/from data. this is just finding out who individuals were talking to, especially during that january 5th and january 6th time frame. >> what do you mean who people were talking to? which people and when exactly? >> well, individuals that will be helpful to our investigation, and i won't get into specifics of the investigative pieces that we have, but clearly and it has been reported that some of the individuals that are of interest and you highlighted the former chief of staff, who we are still going to move forward with the deposition later this morning, but that is important. we have been able to gather critical information to our investigation, to our legislative efforts, this was systemic. this was -- >> what was? >> this was an opportunity for these individuals to disrupt the election. and to come up with an alternate slate of electors. that is what they were focused on. >> who is this? >> individuals both in and out of government. but clearly we have been focused on individuals who have been close to the former president. that's important. it is important to our efforts, to highlight what exactly transpired. we want to get to the truth. this is an opportunity for us to continue to gather information, that we will share with the public and the american people, when it is appropriate. we're gathering that information now. >> the subpoenas, does it include people inside and outside government? >> yes. >> is mark meadows among these people? >> well, this is important information that we -- we're getting to. and so clearly that's an individual who provided a lot of information already to the committee. and so we have over 6,000 pieces of information, text messages, documents, that he was a part of that will aid in our investigative efforts. we were continuing down that path until his attorney sent this letter. >> what do you know about the content of that? what have you learned from what meadows has turned over? >> we learned information that will be helpful in our efforts. i won't get into specifics, but we have learned information, communications that he was having with members of congress, as well as individuals who were part of the planning for the january 6th rally. >> with members of congress, what do you mean? >> well, this is someone who was having conversations with individuals both in and out of government, who were part of this effort to disrupt and overturn the election. i don't think that that is unique to people outside of government, there were individuals within government, within congress, who were also having those, and this is public reporting that we're also having those conversations. >> so, by the way this has all been turned over. there is no more claim of privilege. >> it is hard to say it is a claim of privilege when he turned over information as well as wrote a book about the contents of what we're discussing. >> so you have this, this is a bird in hand here, you can't un -- you can't take it back from you if you have it. >> we have significant amounts of information that will be helpful in our investigation. >> he's not going to show up to this deposition, correct? >> that's our expectation. and it is unfortunate. >> and you have already the committee -- the committee has already voted to hold him in contempt of congress, correct? >> no. that was mr. clark. >> i'm sorry. that was clark. thank you for correcting me there. so is meadows going to be held in contempt? >> we'll see. if he doesn't show up, we'll move forward with the next process. the chairman and the vice chair cheney have been very clear that is an option on the table. if he doesn't show, that's something we'll have to move forward with. >> so you before said that mark meadows turned over communications from people in and out of government, in and out of congress, you mentioned congress. were there people in congress involved in planning the riot? >> well, public reporting indicates that there were a number of individuals, both in and out of government, who were aiding in this effort to disrupt and overturn the election. i don't think that that is unique to people out of government. we know that there were people within government, within congress, who aided in that effort. >> again, it gets to the wording here, what effort. if there is a congressional effort to overturn the election as part of the electoral college act on the votes of january 6th, that's one thing. if there is an effort by members of congress or their offices to get people inside the doors of the capitol, there is another. >> what we will discuss is the role of the department of justice is -- and this was important why we wanted mr. clark to come before us, the role that they used within the department of justice, pressure campaign, on states, on states in contested states to highlight, to produce, alternate slates of electors, all of those pieces were meant just to disrupt, just to create time so they could challenge these -- this frivolous lawsuits that continued to come during that time. all of that was done to continue to raise resources, financially, for them, but also to just disrupt and delay. >> do you think that people who engaged in that activity, would there be any criminal liability there? >> well, i'm not going to speak to that. there are a number of attorneys on our committee, adam schiff -- >> it is important. it is an important question, right? because breaking down the doors of the capitol, i see how that's a criminal activity. trying to overthrow the government, i can see how that's a criminal activity. trying to get states and their legislatures to seat a sham group of electors is unseemly, it may be gross, but i'm not sure if there is a law there. >> no, i think that's fair. and we're going down the investigative road. and i think part of what we want to highlight here is how do we protect that this doesn't happen again? and that's why this piece becomes important. producing alternate slade slate electors if they weren't successful this time, what would prevent them unless we highlight this, unless we talk about this, from doing this again? >> you keep mentioning the public reporting here. this is something else that i heard from people who have been around the committee, that a lot -- a lot of what you're looking at is the public reporting, what in the newspaper, it is on cnn. are there things in the document that go beyond the public reporting? >> yes. >> you're learning more than what has already been put out there? >> we're learning more every day. we had over 270 witness interviews that have come before us, fact witnesses, nonfact witnesses. these are individuals who were aiding in our effort and they continue to help us connect the dots to tell that full and complete story. there has been reporting, the senate produced a report, all of those were good bits of information. we need to carry that forward. we need to connect the dots more and talk about the campaign and the role and the goal that these individuals had those days. >> i understand you're not going to come out here and open your book for us and tell us everything you learned before it is all complete, but can you tell me or explain the areas in which you were finding information that hasn't already been reported? >> we have indicated that we're going to focus on the rallies of january 5th and january 6th. but we're going to talk about the resources that it took for them to put those events together. as well as everything after the election of -- the election in november. those are the -- that's the timeline that we have been focused on. and so communications, those discussions that individuals were having about the doj, the pressure campaign to states, the funding that was involved in this, all of those pieces we feel are important to tell the story about what happened on january 5th and january 6th. >> what did you learn about the money trail? >> well, it is -- it continues to be a work in progress. there are a lot of fascinating bits of information about the rally itself that we continue to learn. >> you mentioned communications, again, with members of congress. what are the plans to call members of congress to testify? >> well, we're taking it one step at a time. what i said is there are critical bits of information from both individuals in and out of government that are important. and those effort, that pressure campaign put on to disrupt and delay and overturn ultimately the election, that was their goal. and so we want to continue to get to that goal, that's going to mean talking to more individuals, hopefully willingly. we hope individuals would come forward willingly if they receive subpoenas. we don't know that. for every one individual that hasn't cooperated, there are dozens that have. >> congressman pete aguilar, thank you for coming in. instagram ceo is about to appear before a senate panel that is investigating the photo sharing app for possibly harming young people. this hearing comes one day after instagram rolled out a handful of new features designed to keep teens from falling down rabbit holes online. donie o'sullivan joining us now. donie, before we get to the hearing here, there is a new report that came out and it claims that instagram offers a drug pipeline for kids. what can you tell us about this? >> that's right, brianna. there is this tech advocacy group called the tech transparency project and they ran a pretty simple experiment on instagram. they set up some accounts. and registered them as belonging to 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17-year-olds. teenagers, young people, and after a little bit of searching for drug names, xanax, ecstasy, they were led down a line, and a ton of accounts that are openly advertising drugs, ecstasy, oxycontin, xanax, to sell to young people. instagram responding saying that sort of stuff is not allowed on their platform, but clearly this is happening on the platform. and oftentimes instagram and facebook will say, well, you know, this is really hard. it is hard to find this stuff. it is hard to stamp out this stuff. but clearly it is not that hard if somebody can run a simple experiment as a child and find this stuff so easily. brianna? >> it may not be allowed, but clearly it is allowed. that's what we're seeing here. what are you expecting to learn in this hearing today, donie? >> what is interesting about today is that it is adam mosseri, one of zuckerberg's top lieutenants, but it is very different to zuckerberg. he is seen as quite personable. it is his first time testifying before congress. and unlike zuckerberg, he hasn't got that public scrutiny that we have seen of other executives like sandberg or mark himself. even this year mosseri was honored as a co-chair of the met gala. this is going to be his first time testifying. i expect us to hear the regular kind of excuses, to be honest, saying this is hard stuff, we can't find it all, we're never going to be able to solve all our problems while also turning a multibillion dollar profit. and just one more thing i want to add, brianna, last week we reported on this show how there were ads, paid ads, running on facebook, comparing the vaccine to the holocaust and comparing covid restrictions in the u.s. to nazi germany. now, when we brought those ads to facebook's attention, they said they were against their covid misinformation policies and took them down. last night we found the same ads, the exact same ads are still running on the platform. so they're not even able to catch the stuff that has been brought to their attention that they have found is against their policies, so there is little hope, i think. i think that is quite reflective, i guess, of how lack -- how much lack of a handle they have on their platform. >> well, look, where there is a will, there is a way. donie, thank you so much for that report. really appreciate it. legal setbacks for the biden white house, why some of the president's vaccine policies are now frozen by the courts. plus, the man who says he is america's patient zero for the omicron variant. the first one identified as having omicron. he's going to share his story live. overnight, flames erupting in midtown manhattan, the christmas tree at fox headquarters set on fire. new details on the suspect ahead. before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? 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(vo) singing, or speaking. reason, or fun. daring, or thoughtful. sensitive, or strong. progress isn't either or progress is everything. so there has been another legal setback for president biden. a federal judge issuing a nationwide injunction tuesday blocking his vaccine mandate for federal contractors. this georgia judge ruled that enforcing the requirement could, quote, significantly alter their ability to perform federal contract work. this is like one of many fronts where we're seeing these mandates by the biden administration being challenged. doesn't mean that's how it is going to end up being, but in the interim here you have this. >> there are several different legal tiers here, right. there is the vaccine mandate that deals with private companies with more than 100 workers which is enforced through osha. occupation safety health sta standards. that's been challenged and suspended in a lot of places in courts. there are the direct federal employees, which my understanding is that's still in place. and then there is this middle tier, federal contractors. the companies that do work for the federal government and now that mandate has been suspended for now. i think we have a legal analyst to talk to us about this. >> a very smart one indeed. >> senior legal analyst laura coates just happened to appear -- >> like a genie. i love it. your wish is my command. >> talk to us about this. is -- are court cases going to stop, how much of the vaccine mandate ultimately do you think that these cases will impede? >> this really depends. you outlined it well in terms of the different categories. the question not whether vaccine mandates are constitutional. the supreme court already decided this, out of massachusetts, many years ago. they are. the question is how do you implement them. which departments are able to do so under which regulations and so what president biden is having to do with the department of justice is essentially defend the decision that says there are departments and agency regulations that say now is the time, we have the authority to do so, but the question is whether this is the methodology to actually use it. there has been a lot of pushback from these different organizations saying, look, you're not entitled to just simply have a blanket requirement for people to do so. even if it is constitutional, unless congress made a law that gives you the authority to do so. and in this context, you can't do it. but i think ultimately speaking at the timing of when a court will do this. and injunction means that it stops right now. but many companies have already sought to comply with this organizational requirement. but it will have a depressing effect on the number of mandates that are given, a number that are given out at the time when the omicron variant is climbing. >> what happens next? what is the timeline for all of this? >> the timeline now is, remember, this was a couple of weeks ago, last week, there was a conversation with another court that had just three or four states invoked in this. now it is a nationwide inj injunction. you have the courts saying you have to prove wrong the arguments that say you're likely to lose in court ultimately. so now the doj has got to not scramble, but create an opportunity for the courts to understand why this is a pressing matter and urge them to act swiftly. that will lead to the timeline of what the courts ultimately do. if doj is convincing this is an emergency, there will be an impact on overall society, they can really compel the courts to act swifter. otherwise, the courts are on their own timelines, and it is up for the briefing to actually say what they need to be doing and you got to prove your case. >> we have some observations from renowned political scientist ben affleck that -- >> wait, renowned. >> also asteroid expert. >> star of "armageddon." he was appearing at a virtual fund-raiser with hillary clinton, former attorney general eric holder and tracy ellis ross. and he said of gerrymandering, he said gerrymandering leads to hyperpartisan politics where special interests rule and party extremists are incentivized. he added the republicans want to dodge the consequences for their actions. >> and he's right. i used to be in the voting rights section of the department of justice. and gerrymandering is one of those areas that is really the bread and butter of civil rights work. because we know that the right to vote, and the access of the ballot box is going to determine much of democracy. and what he's alluding to is the notion if you're trying to dilute the voting power of a group of people, a language minority, a racial minority, to be able to elect a candidate of their choosing, you don't really have a good democracy. you have essentially a select few choosing for the rest of the people. and so the doj just sued texas as you know for the same reason, the voter delusion aspects of it. we talk about the consequences of one's action, this is a political statement being made that goes to what is happening in places like georgia and other states that tried to roll back voter protection and voter access. they do not believe they have the winning policies to get people to get elected. so this really, if this is the vehicle by which you're trying to secure your success at the polls, it is antithetical to the voting rights act of 1965, our feelings about democracy, it never should be the case that you cut off access because you cannot win. democracy does not require you get the person you wanted in office, it requires equal access to have the opportunity. so ben affleck, star of "armageddon" and many others, absolutely right hands down when it comes to this area. i hope it translates to congress doing more to fortify the voting rights act. >> he hates asteroids and jerry mandering. >> loves j. lo, though. >> let's do that segment next. >> okay. laura, great to see you. thank you so much. from controversial conservative lawmaker to suing cows to donald trump's social media errand boy, the truth about devin nunes' long, slow descent. and just in, a new country announces a diplomatic boycott of the beijing olympics after president biden made the move. as i o observe investors balane risk and reward, i see one elemenent securing portfolios, time after time. gold. your strategic advange. for people living with h-i-v, keep bng you. anask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. where's mom? 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(cheers) xfinity brought us together, after all! power your whole home this holiday with wifi speeds faster than a gig. click, call, or visit a store today. sing 2 just in, uk prime minister boris johnson announcing a diplomatic boycott of next year's beijing winter olympics, coming up here quickly, of course. this is something that the biden administration has announced it is already planning to do. we have cnn's ivan watson live for us with the details. you know, seems like it is a trend here, ivan. >> yeah, it does seem to be picking up steam. you had the biden administration announce on tuesday this diplomatic boycott, not sending government officials on the grounds of china's alleged human rights abuses and as jen psaki, the white house spokesperson put it, the genocide china is committing in the xinjiang region, that china vociferously denies. australia and its prime minister scott morrison, they announced today that they would be joining in this diplomatic boycott. they would not send government officials also because of disagreements over china's human rights record. and just now the uk prime minister boris johnson saying he was going to be conducting a diplomatic boycott. they say it is mostly because of covid protocols, beijing not much of a surprise doesn't like to hear this. and they responded basically saying well these government officials weren't invited anyway. that the games will be a success in beijing, and accusing the u.s. and its allies of politicizing sport. the ioc, the international olympic committee, their response has been to say this is purely a political decision on the part of governments and that the ioc is politically neutral. one final point, in 2008, then president george w. bush attended the games in beijing, along with the first lady and even his dad who was the honorary captain of the u.s. olympic team. what a difference 14 years makes. brianna? >> what a difference it makes indeed. ivan, thank you for that report. this morning, devin nunes announced he's leaving congress to work for donald trump, what should that tell you? john avlon with a reality check. >> lemmings in suicide vests. that's what congressman devin nunes once called right wing house republicans for lining up to jump off the cliff of a 2013 government shutdown over obamacare. at the time, he decried if you're not with us, you're against us mob mentality. what a difference eight years and donald trump makes. because the same guy who warned against the craziness in his party ended up enabling it as a chief congressional defender. and so a man whose leadership of the house intelligence committee provided a portrait of hyperpartisan hackry, a man known for filing frivolous lawsuits against critics including the twitter account p purporting to be his cow is now going on to his great reward. not the chairmanship of the powerful house ways and means committee, which he would be next in line if republicans win the midterms, but abruptly designing to serve as ceo of trump's phantom media business. the absurd arc of devin nunes' career is instructive. it shows how trump's cult of personality has perverted the spirit of public service inside the gop, replacing governing with grandstanding and grift. it reflect his bet that the real power inside the gop is being in trump's orbit, not doing pesky things like legislating. from this perspective, public policy is a distant third behind propaganda and profit. but it also reveals the real electoral weaknesses of being a trump toady. in california's central valley, he did it by over 70%, three times more before trump was president. but he just squeaked by with 52% of the vote in the midterms, 54% in 2020, despite raising millions of dollars. faced with redistricting which looks likely to bring more democrats into his district, nunes was go to be a tough sell to swing voters. he probably jumped before he was pushed. how big a prize is being ceo of ju trump's new social media platform? it brings the promise of c suite cash. the fact that nunes elected to congress before he was 30 has never run a tech company or any business of any kind aside from having a hand in his family's dairy, but only the best people, am i right? that's one of several absurdities behind the trump platform, not at all ironically called trump social. the company currently has a market valuation of $1.6 billion, despite having no product, users or revenue. the company's business plan projects 81 million users and 3.6 billion revenue by 2026. sound louis legit, right? that is at odds not just with the reality of the internet today, but with trump social's own terms of service. users cannot disparage, tarnish or otherwise harm in our opinion us and/or the site. anything goes as long as you don't disrupt the donald. exhibit a is trump's long advocacy for laws, exhibit b, trump's impulse to sue anyone he sees as a critic. don't strain yourself looking for consistency of principles here. but do recognize that trump's rallying cry of free speech is a self-serving big leaf to cover up their own inner snowflake. they can look to trump lawyer sydney powell's group which raised $14 million while spreading election lies and see there is still plenty of superfans left to fleece. hypocrisy and greed, grift and grandstanding, they all go together. there is a tragedy in here somewhere as well. because the descent of devin nunes shows how corrupting the current incentive structure can be, inside a political party that has become a cult of personality. the man who once decried lemmings in suicide vests ended up becoming one himself. and that's your reality check. >> the circle of life. john avlon, thank you very much for that. here's what else to watch today. so we're going to be joined by the first person identified in the united states with the case of the omicron variant. what does it feel like? 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>> yeah, it felt like a mild cold for about a day. i had light fatigue, a runny nose and a sore throat and after a day, those symptoms went away. >> so really just a cold. how were you notified or alerted to the concern over omicron? >> yeah. the department of health conducted a covid interview with me on november 29th and two days later gave me a call back saying not only did i have covid, but i'm the first person to have the variant. we went from there with contact tracing and just trying to conduct -- get as much info as we can about the variant that i was feeling and my symptoms and stuff like that. >> so you say mild case, runny nose. would you have been tested had there not been this concern surrounding the convention? >> honestly, i felt that i probably would not have gotten tested just because of how light my symptoms were. and i'm very glad that i did. and i'm glad i'm able to be here and talk about it to people who have questions and concerns about the new variant. >> you were vaccinated. >> correct. >> with? >> i had the johnson & johnson one dose in early april and then moderna booster in early november. >> so boosted in early november, which is not uninteresting. there is new data out this morning from pfizer that people with three doses of their vaccine have pretty solid protection against infection from omicron, so you were vaccinated, boosted and you still were infected. just so people know, that's a vast difference being infected than getting seriously ill. >> yes. >> your doses didn't keep you from the infection, correct? >> that is correct. yes. >> how many other people you were with at this point have been infected? >> i was with a party of 30 people and 15 tested positive. >> 15 tested positive. now, i understand it isn't clear if all 15 have omicron, but that may be because they haven't been sequenced, correct? >> that is correct. as of right now confirmed one has the -- had the variant until the -- their pcr samples are tested by their respective states. i can't confirm that. when i was talking with my department of health, it was overwhelmingly likely they also had the variant. >> so, you know, 15 out of 30, most of them vaccinated? >> all vaccinated, majority of them had the booster. >> so that's interesting. so the infection does seem that may be if they all have omicron evidence that this can spread pretty quickly, but of that group, anyone seriously sick? >> no. everybody had mild to no symptoms. >> mild to no symptoms if you are vaccinated. peter, maybe the most important question here, did you have fun at the anime conference? >> i had an absolute blast, the time of my life. >> well, good. we're glad that it was fun. you had a going away gift, a parting gift i'm not sure you were anticipating or wanted but we're glad you're healthy no adverse consequences here. everyone around you healthy too? it is not that you haven't affected anyone? >> everyone around me is doing great and i'm glad everybody is in good health. >> peter, we appreciate you talking to us. thank you so much. >> thank you. time now for five things to know for your "new day." the january 6th house committee issuing more than 100 subpoenas for phone records. many of those target ready former trump officials and associates. the list includes former white house chief of staff mark meadows who just informed the committee he will no longer be cooperating. relief for the united states as energy costs dropped significantly. warmer temperatures and increasing production sent prices lower about 40% since october for home heating oil, natural gas. prices at the pump are also stabilizing. recent drops in crude oil are showing up in gas costs. the average is now at a seven-week low. $3.34 per gallon. and new this morning, pfizer announcing that two of its covid vaccine doses may not be enough to protect against infection from omicron. but the booster shot, the third dose, they say, does neutralize it. breaking overnight, the nypd has arrested a man after a large christmas tree just outside fox headquarters in midtown manhattan went up in flames. look at that. a police source says he faces at least eight charges including arson, reckless endangerment and criminal mischief. and germany's new chancellor sworn in overnight beginning a new era for europe's largest democracy. olaf scholz succeeding angela merckle who led the country for the past 16 years. merkel received a standing ovation. >> end of an era, it has implications for what is going on in ukraine right now. those are five things to know on your "new day." more on these stories on cnn and and download the 5 things podcast every morning, go to and get it wherever you get your podcasts. the wealth of billionaires soaring during the pandemic as others fell into poverty. how do we square all of this? we'll have scott galloway joining us next. we're carvanana, the company who ininvented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? so, who's it going to be? tom? could be danny. guess it's on maggie. should we have another one? talk to us about retirement today. feel comfortable about tomorrow. massmutual. i've lost count of how many asthma attacks i've had. but my nunormal with nucala? fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection-site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. the wealth of billionaires skyrocketing during the pandemic while millions of americans fell into poverty. the wealth of corporations also rising as americans deal with higher prices, so how do you square all of this? let's talk about it with scott galloway, a professor of marketing at the nyu stearns school of business and the host of a new show focusing on business and technology on cnn plus. scott, so just explain this to us, why are we seeing this happen? >> well, first, good to be with you, brianna. a lot of it is compensation that is driven by stock awards. and we have had a record run-up and continued record run-up in the market. what you have over the last year, despite all the headline news and striketober and compensation increasing 18%, a typical worker compensation increased 4% and threw the pandemic, you've seen billionaires increase their wealth, by get this, 70% or $2 trillion. so they added the gdp of brazil to their net worth. but when the billionaire is wealthier, you don't really feel it, where as if it takes you forever to get your coffee, it is in the news. a lot of it is media coverage. there is no getting around it, in good times billionaires have done well and in bad times they have done crazy well. >> so then why are corporations complaining if their profits are soaring. >> because it is never enough. i mean, look, corporate profits are record highs. the multiples they're getting in the stock market are record highs, compensation -- ceo compensation as a percentage of average worker compensation has gone from 25 to 1, 350 to 1 over the last 40 years and corporate profits have never been higher, so it, you know, when you're faced -- you're never going to go on media or stand in front of congress and go, you know what, we're killing it and likely we should have our tax rates go up. so i would argue we kind of have been overrun when there are more paid lobbyists from amazon living in d.c. than sitting u.s. senators, when the pr communications group of facebook is greater than the newsroom at the washington post. you know, you could argue that media and journalists and government has been overrun by corporate interests. >> and the more money, the more lobbyists, right? there is also this evidence that we're seeing that companies, they aren't just raising prices to cover their costs from inflation. they're padding their margins as well. are they taking advantage of inflation to do that? >> yeah. i mean, the words there are -- we have to be careful with the words. every ceo and board is there to return to -- to create a return to their shareholders. it is their job to raise prices when they can. whether they're gouging or not, i wouldn't say so. the reality is and i sit on a bunch of corporate boards, we had a deflationary environment the last 34 years, it has been difficult to raise prices. and you can raise prices. it is striking, used car prices up 27%, the price of bacon up 20% which hurts everybody. but corporations' power to raise money because of one, supply side that is fewer products because of supply chain slowdowns and also on the demand side consumers have more money in their pockets. the result is more pricing power on behalf of consumers than ever before. which unfortunately have wiped out labor wage gains among lower and middle income workers but increased corporate profits and 90% of the shares that benefit from this margin or pricing power, the top 1%. it is sort of, again, the perfect storm of good things for the exceptionally wealthy. >> well, scott, thank you, it is wonderful to have you this morning it walk us through all of this. appreciate it. >> thank you, brianna. president biden issuing a stark warning to vladimir putin about russian aggression with you crane. b ukraine. but did it make a difference? and pfizer now says getting a booster dose of its vaccine does protect against infection from the omicron covid variant. >> are you ready to start a great career? >> safelite is now hiring. >> you will love your job. >> there's room to grow... >> ...and lots of oppoportuniti. >> so, what are you waiting for? >> apply now... >> ...and make a difference. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> man, i love that song! to run a growing business, is to be on a journey. challees. and a few surprise ♪ but wherever you are on your journey. your dell technologies advisor is here for you - with the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. ♪ say it's all right ♪ ♪ say it's all right, it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ now listen to the beat ♪ ♪ kinda pat your feet ♪ ♪ it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ oh, it's all right ♪ (vo) for fourteen years, subaru and our retailers have been sharing the love with those who need it most. now subaru is the largest automotive donor to make-a-wish and meals on wheels. and the largest corporate donor to the aspca and national park foundation. get a new subaru during the share the love event and subaru will donate two hundred and fifty dollars to charity. it is time for the good stuff. a reunion 73 years in the making. that is linda hoffman, waiting at the denver airport, to meet her older biological sister for the first time. linda and harriet carter found each other when both signed up for and found they were a 100% genetic match. their face to face meeting was delayed nearly two years by covid until yesterday. >> you do look like me. >> i do? >> yes. i can't believe how much you look like mom. >> your mom. >> our mom. >> linda's sister harriet was put up for adoption at birth. their biological parents died decades ago taking the secret of their sisterhood with them. but they found out by ancestry they were related and finally, finally had this chance for a hug. they look alike. >> they do. i love this. i'm one of two girls. i think there is nothing better than, like, sisterhood. and i think that's just a beautiful -- it is why i wanted girl children and i only have boys, but -- >> do you say that to your boys? i wanted girl children? >> it is very fun to have, like, two boys. but do you have any friends who have been reunited or -- >> you're cleaning that up right there. >> my children better not be watching. >> i'm sure you love them both equally. >> obviously. >> obviously. >> cnn's coverage continues right now. >> i'm so in trouble. good wednesday morning. i'm erica hill. >> i'm jim sciutto. we're following two developing stories this hour including the first real evidence that existing vaccines may protect against the new omicron variant. this morning, the ceo of pfizer says preliminary lab studies show that three doses of its vaccine, two shots plus the booster, are able to neutralize the new strain. that's good news. we'll have much more on that in a moment. a crucial day for the investigation into the capitol insurrection. cnn has exclusive ne

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Love Event , Share , Aspca , Meals On Wheels , National Park Foundation , Charity , Two Hundred And Fifty , Two Hundred And Fifty Dollars , Linda Hoffman , Sister , Making , Reunion , Denver Airport , 73 , Match , Meeting , Face To , Harriet Carter , Ancestry Com , Parents , Adoption , Birth , Sisterhood , Girls , Secret , Chance , Hug , Ancestry , Boys , Beautiful , Girl Children , Friends , Coverage , Erica Hill , Jim Sciutto , Vaccines , Lab Studies , Strain , Capitol Insurrection , Exclusive Ne ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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this morning, the january 6th house committee issuing more than 100 subpoenas for phone records. members are casting a wide net, many of those are targeted at former trump officials and associates and the list does include former white house chief of staff mark meadows who just informed the committee he will no longer cooperate. but committee members say meadows already turned over volumes of phone and email records including messages that were sent and received during the capitol riot. joining me now from the committee is california democratic congressman pete aguilar, the vice chair of the house democratic caucus. thank you for joining us this morning. the subpoenas for phone records from 100 people, what are you looking for? >> well, this started in august when we sent preservation letters and requests to telecom companies asking them to preserve the records of a lot of individuals. as the investigation has transpired, we have sharpened our focus. and highlighted individuals who we do think that information would be helpful from. and like you mentioned in the previous segment, this is that to/from data. this is just finding out who individuals were talking to, especially during that january 5th and january 6th time frame. >> what do you mean who people were talking to? which people and when exactly? >> well, individuals that will be helpful to our investigation, and i won't get into specifics of the investigative pieces that we have, but clearly and it has been reported that some of the individuals that are of interest and you highlighted the former chief of staff, who we are still going to move forward with the deposition later this morning, but that is important. we have been able to gather critical information to our investigation, to our legislative efforts, this was systemic. this was -- >> what was? >> this was an opportunity for these individuals to disrupt the election. and to come up with an alternate slate of electors. that is what they were focused on. >> who is this? >> individuals both in and out of government. but clearly we have been focused on individuals who have been close to the former president. that's important. it is important to our efforts, to highlight what exactly transpired. we want to get to the truth. this is an opportunity for us to continue to gather information, that we will share with the public and the american people, when it is appropriate. we're gathering that information now. >> the subpoenas, does it include people inside and outside government? >> yes. >> is mark meadows among these people? >> well, this is important information that we -- we're getting to. and so clearly that's an individual who provided a lot of information already to the committee. and so we have over 6,000 pieces of information, text messages, documents, that he was a part of that will aid in our investigative efforts. we were continuing down that path until his attorney sent this letter. >> what do you know about the content of that? what have you learned from what meadows has turned over? >> we learned information that will be helpful in our efforts. i won't get into specifics, but we have learned information, communications that he was having with members of congress, as well as individuals who were part of the planning for the january 6th rally. >> with members of congress, what do you mean? >> well, this is someone who was having conversations with individuals both in and out of government, who were part of this effort to disrupt and overturn the election. i don't think that that is unique to people outside of government, there were individuals within government, within congress, who were also having those, and this is public reporting that we're also having those conversations. >> so, by the way this has all been turned over. there is no more claim of privilege. >> it is hard to say it is a claim of privilege when he turned over information as well as wrote a book about the contents of what we're discussing. >> so you have this, this is a bird in hand here, you can't un -- you can't take it back from you if you have it. >> we have significant amounts of information that will be helpful in our investigation. >> he's not going to show up to this deposition, correct? >> that's our expectation. and it is unfortunate. >> and you have already the committee -- the committee has already voted to hold him in contempt of congress, correct? >> no. that was mr. clark. >> i'm sorry. that was clark. thank you for correcting me there. so is meadows going to be held in contempt? >> we'll see. if he doesn't show up, we'll move forward with the next process. the chairman and the vice chair cheney have been very clear that is an option on the table. if he doesn't show, that's something we'll have to move forward with. >> so you before said that mark meadows turned over communications from people in and out of government, in and out of congress, you mentioned congress. were there people in congress involved in planning the riot? >> well, public reporting indicates that there were a number of individuals, both in and out of government, who were aiding in this effort to disrupt and overturn the election. i don't think that that is unique to people out of government. we know that there were people within government, within congress, who aided in that effort. >> again, it gets to the wording here, what effort. if there is a congressional effort to overturn the election as part of the electoral college act on the votes of january 6th, that's one thing. if there is an effort by members of congress or their offices to get people inside the doors of the capitol, there is another. >> what we will discuss is the role of the department of justice is -- and this was important why we wanted mr. clark to come before us, the role that they used within the department of justice, pressure campaign, on states, on states in contested states to highlight, to produce, alternate slates of electors, all of those pieces were meant just to disrupt, just to create time so they could challenge these -- this frivolous lawsuits that continued to come during that time. all of that was done to continue to raise resources, financially, for them, but also to just disrupt and delay. >> do you think that people who engaged in that activity, would there be any criminal liability there? >> well, i'm not going to speak to that. there are a number of attorneys on our committee, adam schiff -- >> it is important. it is an important question, right? because breaking down the doors of the capitol, i see how that's a criminal activity. trying to overthrow the government, i can see how that's a criminal activity. trying to get states and their legislatures to seat a sham group of electors is unseemly, it may be gross, but i'm not sure if there is a law there. >> no, i think that's fair. and we're going down the investigative road. and i think part of what we want to highlight here is how do we protect that this doesn't happen again? and that's why this piece becomes important. producing alternate slade slate electors if they weren't successful this time, what would prevent them unless we highlight this, unless we talk about this, from doing this again? >> you keep mentioning the public reporting here. this is something else that i heard from people who have been around the committee, that a lot -- a lot of what you're looking at is the public reporting, what in the newspaper, it is on cnn. are there things in the document that go beyond the public reporting? >> yes. >> you're learning more than what has already been put out there? >> we're learning more every day. we had over 270 witness interviews that have come before us, fact witnesses, nonfact witnesses. these are individuals who were aiding in our effort and they continue to help us connect the dots to tell that full and complete story. there has been reporting, the senate produced a report, all of those were good bits of information. we need to carry that forward. we need to connect the dots more and talk about the campaign and the role and the goal that these individuals had those days. >> i understand you're not going to come out here and open your book for us and tell us everything you learned before it is all complete, but can you tell me or explain the areas in which you were finding information that hasn't already been reported? >> we have indicated that we're going to focus on the rallies of january 5th and january 6th. but we're going to talk about the resources that it took for them to put those events together. as well as everything after the election of -- the election in november. those are the -- that's the timeline that we have been focused on. and so communications, those discussions that individuals were having about the doj, the pressure campaign to states, the funding that was involved in this, all of those pieces we feel are important to tell the story about what happened on january 5th and january 6th. >> what did you learn about the money trail? >> well, it is -- it continues to be a work in progress. there are a lot of fascinating bits of information about the rally itself that we continue to learn. >> you mentioned communications, again, with members of congress. what are the plans to call members of congress to testify? >> well, we're taking it one step at a time. what i said is there are critical bits of information from both individuals in and out of government that are important. and those effort, that pressure campaign put on to disrupt and delay and overturn ultimately the election, that was their goal. and so we want to continue to get to that goal, that's going to mean talking to more individuals, hopefully willingly. we hope individuals would come forward willingly if they receive subpoenas. we don't know that. for every one individual that hasn't cooperated, there are dozens that have. >> congressman pete aguilar, thank you for coming in. instagram ceo is about to appear before a senate panel that is investigating the photo sharing app for possibly harming young people. this hearing comes one day after instagram rolled out a handful of new features designed to keep teens from falling down rabbit holes online. donie o'sullivan joining us now. donie, before we get to the hearing here, there is a new report that came out and it claims that instagram offers a drug pipeline for kids. what can you tell us about this? >> that's right, brianna. there is this tech advocacy group called the tech transparency project and they ran a pretty simple experiment on instagram. they set up some accounts. and registered them as belonging to 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17-year-olds. teenagers, young people, and after a little bit of searching for drug names, xanax, ecstasy, they were led down a line, and a ton of accounts that are openly advertising drugs, ecstasy, oxycontin, xanax, to sell to young people. instagram responding saying that sort of stuff is not allowed on their platform, but clearly this is happening on the platform. and oftentimes instagram and facebook will say, well, you know, this is really hard. it is hard to find this stuff. it is hard to stamp out this stuff. but clearly it is not that hard if somebody can run a simple experiment as a child and find this stuff so easily. brianna? >> it may not be allowed, but clearly it is allowed. that's what we're seeing here. what are you expecting to learn in this hearing today, donie? >> what is interesting about today is that it is adam mosseri, one of zuckerberg's top lieutenants, but it is very different to zuckerberg. he is seen as quite personable. it is his first time testifying before congress. and unlike zuckerberg, he hasn't got that public scrutiny that we have seen of other executives like sandberg or mark himself. even this year mosseri was honored as a co-chair of the met gala. this is going to be his first time testifying. i expect us to hear the regular kind of excuses, to be honest, saying this is hard stuff, we can't find it all, we're never going to be able to solve all our problems while also turning a multibillion dollar profit. and just one more thing i want to add, brianna, last week we reported on this show how there were ads, paid ads, running on facebook, comparing the vaccine to the holocaust and comparing covid restrictions in the u.s. to nazi germany. now, when we brought those ads to facebook's attention, they said they were against their covid misinformation policies and took them down. last night we found the same ads, the exact same ads are still running on the platform. so they're not even able to catch the stuff that has been brought to their attention that they have found is against their policies, so there is little hope, i think. i think that is quite reflective, i guess, of how lack -- how much lack of a handle they have on their platform. >> well, look, where there is a will, there is a way. donie, thank you so much for that report. really appreciate it. legal setbacks for the biden white house, why some of the president's vaccine policies are now frozen by the courts. plus, the man who says he is america's patient zero for the omicron variant. the first one identified as having omicron. he's going to share his story live. overnight, flames erupting in midtown manhattan, the christmas tree at fox headquarters set on fire. new details on the suspect ahead. before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? 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(vo) singing, or speaking. reason, or fun. daring, or thoughtful. sensitive, or strong. progress isn't either or progress is everything. so there has been another legal setback for president biden. a federal judge issuing a nationwide injunction tuesday blocking his vaccine mandate for federal contractors. this georgia judge ruled that enforcing the requirement could, quote, significantly alter their ability to perform federal contract work. this is like one of many fronts where we're seeing these mandates by the biden administration being challenged. doesn't mean that's how it is going to end up being, but in the interim here you have this. >> there are several different legal tiers here, right. there is the vaccine mandate that deals with private companies with more than 100 workers which is enforced through osha. occupation safety health sta standards. that's been challenged and suspended in a lot of places in courts. there are the direct federal employees, which my understanding is that's still in place. and then there is this middle tier, federal contractors. the companies that do work for the federal government and now that mandate has been suspended for now. i think we have a legal analyst to talk to us about this. >> a very smart one indeed. >> senior legal analyst laura coates just happened to appear -- >> like a genie. i love it. your wish is my command. >> talk to us about this. is -- are court cases going to stop, how much of the vaccine mandate ultimately do you think that these cases will impede? >> this really depends. you outlined it well in terms of the different categories. the question not whether vaccine mandates are constitutional. the supreme court already decided this, out of massachusetts, many years ago. they are. the question is how do you implement them. which departments are able to do so under which regulations and so what president biden is having to do with the department of justice is essentially defend the decision that says there are departments and agency regulations that say now is the time, we have the authority to do so, but the question is whether this is the methodology to actually use it. there has been a lot of pushback from these different organizations saying, look, you're not entitled to just simply have a blanket requirement for people to do so. even if it is constitutional, unless congress made a law that gives you the authority to do so. and in this context, you can't do it. but i think ultimately speaking at the timing of when a court will do this. and injunction means that it stops right now. but many companies have already sought to comply with this organizational requirement. but it will have a depressing effect on the number of mandates that are given, a number that are given out at the time when the omicron variant is climbing. >> what happens next? what is the timeline for all of this? >> the timeline now is, remember, this was a couple of weeks ago, last week, there was a conversation with another court that had just three or four states invoked in this. now it is a nationwide inj injunction. you have the courts saying you have to prove wrong the arguments that say you're likely to lose in court ultimately. so now the doj has got to not scramble, but create an opportunity for the courts to understand why this is a pressing matter and urge them to act swiftly. that will lead to the timeline of what the courts ultimately do. if doj is convincing this is an emergency, there will be an impact on overall society, they can really compel the courts to act swifter. otherwise, the courts are on their own timelines, and it is up for the briefing to actually say what they need to be doing and you got to prove your case. >> we have some observations from renowned political scientist ben affleck that -- >> wait, renowned. >> also asteroid expert. >> star of "armageddon." he was appearing at a virtual fund-raiser with hillary clinton, former attorney general eric holder and tracy ellis ross. and he said of gerrymandering, he said gerrymandering leads to hyperpartisan politics where special interests rule and party extremists are incentivized. he added the republicans want to dodge the consequences for their actions. >> and he's right. i used to be in the voting rights section of the department of justice. and gerrymandering is one of those areas that is really the bread and butter of civil rights work. because we know that the right to vote, and the access of the ballot box is going to determine much of democracy. and what he's alluding to is the notion if you're trying to dilute the voting power of a group of people, a language minority, a racial minority, to be able to elect a candidate of their choosing, you don't really have a good democracy. you have essentially a select few choosing for the rest of the people. and so the doj just sued texas as you know for the same reason, the voter delusion aspects of it. we talk about the consequences of one's action, this is a political statement being made that goes to what is happening in places like georgia and other states that tried to roll back voter protection and voter access. they do not believe they have the winning policies to get people to get elected. so this really, if this is the vehicle by which you're trying to secure your success at the polls, it is antithetical to the voting rights act of 1965, our feelings about democracy, it never should be the case that you cut off access because you cannot win. democracy does not require you get the person you wanted in office, it requires equal access to have the opportunity. so ben affleck, star of "armageddon" and many others, absolutely right hands down when it comes to this area. i hope it translates to congress doing more to fortify the voting rights act. >> he hates asteroids and jerry mandering. >> loves j. lo, though. >> let's do that segment next. >> okay. laura, great to see you. thank you so much. from controversial conservative lawmaker to suing cows to donald trump's social media errand boy, the truth about devin nunes' long, slow descent. and just in, a new country announces a diplomatic boycott of the beijing olympics after president biden made the move. as i o observe investors balane risk and reward, i see one elemenent securing portfolios, time after time. gold. your strategic advange. for people living with h-i-v, keep bng you. anask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. where's mom? 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(cheers) xfinity brought us together, after all! power your whole home this holiday with wifi speeds faster than a gig. click, call, or visit a store today. sing 2 just in, uk prime minister boris johnson announcing a diplomatic boycott of next year's beijing winter olympics, coming up here quickly, of course. this is something that the biden administration has announced it is already planning to do. we have cnn's ivan watson live for us with the details. you know, seems like it is a trend here, ivan. >> yeah, it does seem to be picking up steam. you had the biden administration announce on tuesday this diplomatic boycott, not sending government officials on the grounds of china's alleged human rights abuses and as jen psaki, the white house spokesperson put it, the genocide china is committing in the xinjiang region, that china vociferously denies. australia and its prime minister scott morrison, they announced today that they would be joining in this diplomatic boycott. they would not send government officials also because of disagreements over china's human rights record. and just now the uk prime minister boris johnson saying he was going to be conducting a diplomatic boycott. they say it is mostly because of covid protocols, beijing not much of a surprise doesn't like to hear this. and they responded basically saying well these government officials weren't invited anyway. that the games will be a success in beijing, and accusing the u.s. and its allies of politicizing sport. the ioc, the international olympic committee, their response has been to say this is purely a political decision on the part of governments and that the ioc is politically neutral. one final point, in 2008, then president george w. bush attended the games in beijing, along with the first lady and even his dad who was the honorary captain of the u.s. olympic team. what a difference 14 years makes. brianna? >> what a difference it makes indeed. ivan, thank you for that report. this morning, devin nunes announced he's leaving congress to work for donald trump, what should that tell you? john avlon with a reality check. >> lemmings in suicide vests. that's what congressman devin nunes once called right wing house republicans for lining up to jump off the cliff of a 2013 government shutdown over obamacare. at the time, he decried if you're not with us, you're against us mob mentality. what a difference eight years and donald trump makes. because the same guy who warned against the craziness in his party ended up enabling it as a chief congressional defender. and so a man whose leadership of the house intelligence committee provided a portrait of hyperpartisan hackry, a man known for filing frivolous lawsuits against critics including the twitter account p purporting to be his cow is now going on to his great reward. not the chairmanship of the powerful house ways and means committee, which he would be next in line if republicans win the midterms, but abruptly designing to serve as ceo of trump's phantom media business. the absurd arc of devin nunes' career is instructive. it shows how trump's cult of personality has perverted the spirit of public service inside the gop, replacing governing with grandstanding and grift. it reflect his bet that the real power inside the gop is being in trump's orbit, not doing pesky things like legislating. from this perspective, public policy is a distant third behind propaganda and profit. but it also reveals the real electoral weaknesses of being a trump toady. in california's central valley, he did it by over 70%, three times more before trump was president. but he just squeaked by with 52% of the vote in the midterms, 54% in 2020, despite raising millions of dollars. faced with redistricting which looks likely to bring more democrats into his district, nunes was go to be a tough sell to swing voters. he probably jumped before he was pushed. how big a prize is being ceo of ju trump's new social media platform? it brings the promise of c suite cash. the fact that nunes elected to congress before he was 30 has never run a tech company or any business of any kind aside from having a hand in his family's dairy, but only the best people, am i right? that's one of several absurdities behind the trump platform, not at all ironically called trump social. the company currently has a market valuation of $1.6 billion, despite having no product, users or revenue. the company's business plan projects 81 million users and 3.6 billion revenue by 2026. sound louis legit, right? that is at odds not just with the reality of the internet today, but with trump social's own terms of service. users cannot disparage, tarnish or otherwise harm in our opinion us and/or the site. anything goes as long as you don't disrupt the donald. exhibit a is trump's long advocacy for laws, exhibit b, trump's impulse to sue anyone he sees as a critic. don't strain yourself looking for consistency of principles here. but do recognize that trump's rallying cry of free speech is a self-serving big leaf to cover up their own inner snowflake. they can look to trump lawyer sydney powell's group which raised $14 million while spreading election lies and see there is still plenty of superfans left to fleece. hypocrisy and greed, grift and grandstanding, they all go together. there is a tragedy in here somewhere as well. because the descent of devin nunes shows how corrupting the current incentive structure can be, inside a political party that has become a cult of personality. the man who once decried lemmings in suicide vests ended up becoming one himself. and that's your reality check. >> the circle of life. john avlon, thank you very much for that. here's what else to watch today. so we're going to be joined by the first person identified in the united states with the case of the omicron variant. what does it feel like? 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>> yeah, it felt like a mild cold for about a day. i had light fatigue, a runny nose and a sore throat and after a day, those symptoms went away. >> so really just a cold. how were you notified or alerted to the concern over omicron? >> yeah. the department of health conducted a covid interview with me on november 29th and two days later gave me a call back saying not only did i have covid, but i'm the first person to have the variant. we went from there with contact tracing and just trying to conduct -- get as much info as we can about the variant that i was feeling and my symptoms and stuff like that. >> so you say mild case, runny nose. would you have been tested had there not been this concern surrounding the convention? >> honestly, i felt that i probably would not have gotten tested just because of how light my symptoms were. and i'm very glad that i did. and i'm glad i'm able to be here and talk about it to people who have questions and concerns about the new variant. >> you were vaccinated. >> correct. >> with? >> i had the johnson & johnson one dose in early april and then moderna booster in early november. >> so boosted in early november, which is not uninteresting. there is new data out this morning from pfizer that people with three doses of their vaccine have pretty solid protection against infection from omicron, so you were vaccinated, boosted and you still were infected. just so people know, that's a vast difference being infected than getting seriously ill. >> yes. >> your doses didn't keep you from the infection, correct? >> that is correct. yes. >> how many other people you were with at this point have been infected? >> i was with a party of 30 people and 15 tested positive. >> 15 tested positive. now, i understand it isn't clear if all 15 have omicron, but that may be because they haven't been sequenced, correct? >> that is correct. as of right now confirmed one has the -- had the variant until the -- their pcr samples are tested by their respective states. i can't confirm that. when i was talking with my department of health, it was overwhelmingly likely they also had the variant. >> so, you know, 15 out of 30, most of them vaccinated? >> all vaccinated, majority of them had the booster. >> so that's interesting. so the infection does seem that may be if they all have omicron evidence that this can spread pretty quickly, but of that group, anyone seriously sick? >> no. everybody had mild to no symptoms. >> mild to no symptoms if you are vaccinated. peter, maybe the most important question here, did you have fun at the anime conference? >> i had an absolute blast, the time of my life. >> well, good. we're glad that it was fun. you had a going away gift, a parting gift i'm not sure you were anticipating or wanted but we're glad you're healthy no adverse consequences here. everyone around you healthy too? it is not that you haven't affected anyone? >> everyone around me is doing great and i'm glad everybody is in good health. >> peter, we appreciate you talking to us. thank you so much. >> thank you. time now for five things to know for your "new day." the january 6th house committee issuing more than 100 subpoenas for phone records. many of those target ready former trump officials and associates. the list includes former white house chief of staff mark meadows who just informed the committee he will no longer be cooperating. relief for the united states as energy costs dropped significantly. warmer temperatures and increasing production sent prices lower about 40% since october for home heating oil, natural gas. prices at the pump are also stabilizing. recent drops in crude oil are showing up in gas costs. the average is now at a seven-week low. $3.34 per gallon. and new this morning, pfizer announcing that two of its covid vaccine doses may not be enough to protect against infection from omicron. but the booster shot, the third dose, they say, does neutralize it. breaking overnight, the nypd has arrested a man after a large christmas tree just outside fox headquarters in midtown manhattan went up in flames. look at that. a police source says he faces at least eight charges including arson, reckless endangerment and criminal mischief. and germany's new chancellor sworn in overnight beginning a new era for europe's largest democracy. olaf scholz succeeding angela merckle who led the country for the past 16 years. merkel received a standing ovation. >> end of an era, it has implications for what is going on in ukraine right now. those are five things to know on your "new day." more on these stories on cnn and and download the 5 things podcast every morning, go to and get it wherever you get your podcasts. the wealth of billionaires soaring during the pandemic as others fell into poverty. how do we square all of this? we'll have scott galloway joining us next. we're carvanana, the company who ininvented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? so, who's it going to be? tom? could be danny. guess it's on maggie. should we have another one? talk to us about retirement today. feel comfortable about tomorrow. massmutual. i've lost count of how many asthma attacks i've had. but my nunormal with nucala? fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection-site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. the wealth of billionaires skyrocketing during the pandemic while millions of americans fell into poverty. the wealth of corporations also rising as americans deal with higher prices, so how do you square all of this? let's talk about it with scott galloway, a professor of marketing at the nyu stearns school of business and the host of a new show focusing on business and technology on cnn plus. scott, so just explain this to us, why are we seeing this happen? >> well, first, good to be with you, brianna. a lot of it is compensation that is driven by stock awards. and we have had a record run-up and continued record run-up in the market. what you have over the last year, despite all the headline news and striketober and compensation increasing 18%, a typical worker compensation increased 4% and threw the pandemic, you've seen billionaires increase their wealth, by get this, 70% or $2 trillion. so they added the gdp of brazil to their net worth. but when the billionaire is wealthier, you don't really feel it, where as if it takes you forever to get your coffee, it is in the news. a lot of it is media coverage. there is no getting around it, in good times billionaires have done well and in bad times they have done crazy well. >> so then why are corporations complaining if their profits are soaring. >> because it is never enough. i mean, look, corporate profits are record highs. the multiples they're getting in the stock market are record highs, compensation -- ceo compensation as a percentage of average worker compensation has gone from 25 to 1, 350 to 1 over the last 40 years and corporate profits have never been higher, so it, you know, when you're faced -- you're never going to go on media or stand in front of congress and go, you know what, we're killing it and likely we should have our tax rates go up. so i would argue we kind of have been overrun when there are more paid lobbyists from amazon living in d.c. than sitting u.s. senators, when the pr communications group of facebook is greater than the newsroom at the washington post. you know, you could argue that media and journalists and government has been overrun by corporate interests. >> and the more money, the more lobbyists, right? there is also this evidence that we're seeing that companies, they aren't just raising prices to cover their costs from inflation. they're padding their margins as well. are they taking advantage of inflation to do that? >> yeah. i mean, the words there are -- we have to be careful with the words. every ceo and board is there to return to -- to create a return to their shareholders. it is their job to raise prices when they can. whether they're gouging or not, i wouldn't say so. the reality is and i sit on a bunch of corporate boards, we had a deflationary environment the last 34 years, it has been difficult to raise prices. and you can raise prices. it is striking, used car prices up 27%, the price of bacon up 20% which hurts everybody. but corporations' power to raise money because of one, supply side that is fewer products because of supply chain slowdowns and also on the demand side consumers have more money in their pockets. the result is more pricing power on behalf of consumers than ever before. which unfortunately have wiped out labor wage gains among lower and middle income workers but increased corporate profits and 90% of the shares that benefit from this margin or pricing power, the top 1%. it is sort of, again, the perfect storm of good things for the exceptionally wealthy. >> well, scott, thank you, it is wonderful to have you this morning it walk us through all of this. appreciate it. >> thank you, brianna. president biden issuing a stark warning to vladimir putin about russian aggression with you crane. b ukraine. but did it make a difference? and pfizer now says getting a booster dose of its vaccine does protect against infection from the omicron covid variant. >> are you ready to start a great career? >> safelite is now hiring. >> you will love your job. >> there's room to grow... >> ...and lots of oppoportuniti. >> so, what are you waiting for? >> apply now... >> ...and make a difference. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> man, i love that song! to run a growing business, is to be on a journey. challees. and a few surprise ♪ but wherever you are on your journey. your dell technologies advisor is here for you - with the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. ♪ say it's all right ♪ ♪ say it's all right, it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ now listen to the beat ♪ ♪ kinda pat your feet ♪ ♪ it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ oh, it's all right ♪ (vo) for fourteen years, subaru and our retailers have been sharing the love with those who need it most. now subaru is the largest automotive donor to make-a-wish and meals on wheels. and the largest corporate donor to the aspca and national park foundation. get a new subaru during the share the love event and subaru will donate two hundred and fifty dollars to charity. it is time for the good stuff. a reunion 73 years in the making. that is linda hoffman, waiting at the denver airport, to meet her older biological sister for the first time. linda and harriet carter found each other when both signed up for and found they were a 100% genetic match. their face to face meeting was delayed nearly two years by covid until yesterday. >> you do look like me. >> i do? >> yes. i can't believe how much you look like mom. >> your mom. >> our mom. >> linda's sister harriet was put up for adoption at birth. their biological parents died decades ago taking the secret of their sisterhood with them. but they found out by ancestry they were related and finally, finally had this chance for a hug. they look alike. >> they do. i love this. i'm one of two girls. i think there is nothing better than, like, sisterhood. and i think that's just a beautiful -- it is why i wanted girl children and i only have boys, but -- >> do you say that to your boys? i wanted girl children? >> it is very fun to have, like, two boys. but do you have any friends who have been reunited or -- >> you're cleaning that up right there. >> my children better not be watching. >> i'm sure you love them both equally. >> obviously. >> obviously. >> cnn's coverage continues right now. >> i'm so in trouble. good wednesday morning. i'm erica hill. >> i'm jim sciutto. we're following two developing stories this hour including the first real evidence that existing vaccines may protect against the new omicron variant. this morning, the ceo of pfizer says preliminary lab studies show that three doses of its vaccine, two shots plus the booster, are able to neutralize the new strain. that's good news. we'll have much more on that in a moment. a crucial day for the investigation into the capitol insurrection. cnn has exclusive ne

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Content , Path , Attorney , Congress , Communications , Conversations , Planning , January 6th Rally , Reporting , Effort , Way , Claim , Privilege , Book , Contents , Hand , Expectation , Bird , Amounts , Un , Mr , Contempt , Clark , Contempt Of Congress , Something , Chairman , Option , Process , Table , He Doesn T Show , Chair Cheney , Number , Riot , Both , Aiding , Thing , Votes , Offices , Act , Wording , Electoral College , One , U S , Role , Doors , Department Of Justice , Another , Capitol , States , Wall , Pressure Campaign , Pieces , Slates , Produce , Lawsuits , Resources , Delay , Question , Activity , There , Attorneys , Liability , Adam Schiff , Law , Sham Group , Legislatures , Gross , Road , Slate Electors , Piece , Doesn T , Producing Alternate Slade , Things , Newspaper , Document , Put , 270 , Report , Interviews , Story , Dots , Bits , Fact Witnesses , Nonfact Witnesses , Senate , More , Everything , Goal , Campaign , Forward , Hasn T , Areas , Rallies , Timeline , Events , Discussions , On , Money , Funding , Work In Progress , Rally , Plans , Dozens , Of Trump , Hearing , Congressman , App , Panel , Handful , Photo Sharing , Instagram , Donie O Sullivan , Teens , Features , Rabbit Holes , Kids , Drug Pipeline , Falling Down , Tech Advocacy Group , Accounts , Experiment , The Tech Transparency Project , 14 , 13 , 16 , 15 , Line , Xanax , Ecstasy , Teenagers , Drug Names , Bit , Searching , 17 , Stuff , Social Media Platform , Drugs , Sort , Ton , Oxycontin , Somebody , Running On Facebook , Child , Adam Mosseri , Zuckerberg , Donie , Time , He Hasn T , Lieutenants , Executives , Scrutiny , Kind , Sandberg , Co Chair , Gala , Excuses , Ads , Show , Problems , Add , Dollar Profit , Vaccine , Policies , Covid , Attention , Restrictions , Nazi Germany , Holocaust , Covid Misinformation , Same , Lack , Handle , Will , Hope , Man , Courts , Biden , Omicron Variant , Vaccine Policies , Patient , Plus , Setbacks , Zero , Nexium 24hr , Details , Anna , Christmas Tree , Night , Midtown Manhattan , Suspect , Sleep , Flames Erupting , Fox Headquarters Set On Fire , 24 , Reality , Heartburn , Acid , T Mobile , Night Protection , It Starts , Dream , Airpodboth , Customers , Thiss , Let S Go , Airpods , Iphone 13 Pro , Dianne , Love , Holiday , Gift , Connection , Center Diamonds , Kay , Feet , Beat , Salad , Fries , Stages , Screening , Colon Cancer , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Choice , Stool , Dna , 92 , Risk , Results , Provider , 45 , Vo , Speaking , Fun , Reason , Daring , Progress Isn T , Injunction , Judge , Setback , Vaccine Mandate , Requirement , Contractors , Fronts , Contract Work , Georgia , Ability , Quote , Companies , Mandates , Doesn T Mean , Administration , Being , Deals , Tiers , Workers , Understanding , Places , Osha , Employees , Occupation Safety Health Sta Standards , Work , Mandate , Tier , Place , Analyst , Cases , Laura Coates , Command , Wish , Is , Genie , Supreme Court , Vaccine Mandates , Terms , Categories , Decision , Departments , Regulations , Massachusetts , Authority , Blanket Requirement , Methodology , Agency , Saying , Organizations , Pushback , Court , Context , Timing , Effect , Omicron Variant Is Climbing , Conversation , Couple , Three , Four , Arguments , Society , Emergency , Matter , Impact , Runny Nose , Ben Affleck , Timelines , Briefing , Observations , Act Swifter , Armageddon , Star , Eric Holder , Expert , Fund Raiser , Renowned , Asteroid , Hillary Clinton , Tracy Ellis Ross , Consequences , Republicans , Gerrymandering , Politics , Interests , Extremists , Access , Vote , Bread , Rights , Actions , Voting Rights Section , Butter , Ballot Box , Democracy , Group , Language Minority , Choosing , Voting Power , Notion , Candidate , Action , Rest , Voter Delusion Aspects , Texas , Statement , Voter , Success , Feelings , Vehicle , Polls , Voting Rights Act Of 1965 , 1965 , Person , Office , Others , Area , Asteroids , Jerry Mandering , J Lo , Boycott , Devin Nunes , Country , Descent , Cows , Lawmaker , Social Media Errand Boy , Move , Beijing Olympics , Reward , Portfolios , Gold , Io , Investors Balane , One Elemenent , H I V , Pill , Biktarvy , Doctor , Adults , Treatment , Advange , Cure , Anask , Amount , Research , Lab Test , Virus , Can , Sex , Liver Problems , Side Effects , Medicines , Kidney Problems , Lactic Acid , Kidney Failure , Buildup , Rifampin , Dofetilide , Headache , Breastfeeding , Nausea , Kidney , Hepatitis B , Hepatitis , Diarrhea , Mom , Gig , Xfinity , Shot , Don T Worry , Speed , Sweetie , Wifi , Nice , Call , Store , Home , Woah , Tv , Whole , Click , Sing , 2 , Boris Johnson , Beijing , Course , Winter Olympics , Uk , Trend , Ivan Watson , Steam , It , Government Officials , China , Grounds , Genocide , Human Rights Abuses , Xinjiang Region , Jen Psaki , Scott Morrison , Australia , China Vociferously , Human Rights Record , Disagreements , Games , Surprise Doesn T , Weren T , Covid Protocols , Governments , Sport , Allies , Response , 2008 , Difference , George W Bush , First Lady , Dad , Captain , U S Olympic Team , Reality Check , John Avlon , Suicide Vests , Cliff , Government Shutdown , House Republicans , Lemmings , Obamacare , 2013 , Party , Guy , Mob Mentality , Defender , Craziness , Leadership , Eight , Cow , House Intelligence Committee , Critics , Account P Purporting , Portrait , Hyperpartisan Hackry , Twitter , House Ways And Means Committee , Midterms , Chairmanship , Phantom Media Business , Career , Grandstanding , Grift , Public Service , Arc , Spirit , Cult Of Personality , Gop , Power , Public Policy , Perspective , Bet , Third , Legislating , Orbit , Profit , Propaganda , Trump Toady , Weaknesses , California S Central Valley , 70 , Times , Redistricting , Dollars , Millions , District , 54 , 2020 , 52 , Big A Prize , Ceo , Voters , Ju Trump , Sell , C Suite Cash , Promise , Business , Tech Company , Dairy , Family , 30 , Company , Users , Revenue , Trump Platform , Product , Market Valuation , Absurdities , Trump Social , Business Plan , 81 Million , 1 6 Billion , 6 Billion , Odds , Sound Louis Legit , 3 6 Billion , 2026 , Internet , Site , Terms Of Service , Opinion , Tarnish , Cannot Disparage , Anyone , Anything , Advocacy , Laws , Critic , Impulse , Exhibit A , Exhibit B , Don T , Consistency , Principles , Self Serving , Sydney Powell S , Speech , Leaf , Rallying Cry , Superfans , Fleece , Inner Snowflake , 4 Million , 14 Million , Incentive Structure , Tragedy , Greed , Hypocrisy , Somewhere , Personality , Cult , The Circle Of Life , Pump , Price , Relief , Forecasters , Anime , Gas , Corner , Wish List Event , Sanctuary , Lincoln , Injectable Cabenuva , Hiv Treatment , Injections , Healthcare Provider , Me Undetectable , Reactions , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Ingredients , Symptoms , Help , Reaction , Mental Health Concerns , Depression , Pregnancy , Tiredness , Serena , Treatment Appointments , Injection Site Reactions , Fever , 10 , 3 , Migraine Medicine , Migraine , Tracks , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Older Medicines , Ubrelvy , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Cause , Inhibitors , Cgrp Protein , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Music , Ears , Reasons , Venue , Ticket , Volume , Amex Platinum , Centers For Disease Control , Infections , Peter M Er , Event , Contact Tracing Effort , Anime Convention , Mc He , New York City , Case , We Haven T , Fatigue , Cold , Nose , Sore Throat , Concern , Interview , Department Of Health , November 29th , 29 , Variant , Info , Contact Tracing , Conduct , Convention , Booster , Questions , Concerns , Johnson , Correct , Haven T , Positive , Sequenced , Pcr Samples , Most , Majority , Everybody , Omicron Evidence , Time Of My Life , Parting Gift , Away Gift , Everyone , Health , Target , Five , Energy Costs , Temperatures , Prices , Production , Gas Costs , Average , Home Heating Oil , Crude Oil , Drops , Natural Gas , 40 , Vaccine Doses , Low , 3 34 , Seven , 34 , Police Source , Flames , Charges , Fox Headquarters , Arson , Endangerment , Breaking Overnight , Nypd , Who , Chancellor , Standing Ovation , Mischief , Olaf Scholz , Europe , Angela Merckle , Merkel , Stories , Implications , Ukraine , Billionaires , Wealth , Pandemic , Poverty , Podcasts , Scott Galloway , Next , Car , License Plate , Car Vending Machines , Carvanana , Who Ininvented , Techno Wizardry , Spot , Offer , Carvana , Value , Claire , Cake , 24hr , Nexium , Chocolate Cake , Tom , Maggie , Retirement , Massmutual , Asthma Attacks , Nunormal , Add On Injection , Breathing Problems , Face , Count , Asthma , Mouth , Swelling , Nucala , Trouble , Breathing , Tongue , Shingles , Back Pain , Don T Stop Steroids , Corporations , Marketing , Professor , On Business And Technology Cnn Plus , Host , Nyu Stearns School Of Business , Let , Compensation , To Be With You , First , Stock Awards , Record , Run Up , Market , Striketober , Headline News , Worker Compensation , Gdp , Brazil , Net Worth , Trillion , 18 , 4 , 2 Trillion , Billionaire , Media Coverage , Coffee , Profits , Record Highs , Soaring , Stock Market , Percentage , Multiples , 1 , 350 , 25 , Media , Front , Higher , Tax Rates , Lobbyists , Pr Communications Group , Newsroom , Overrun , Senators , Journalists , Amazon Living In D C , Washington Post , Evidence , Inflation , Advantage , Margins , Costs , Words , Board , Return , Shareholders , Job , Boards , Gouging , Environment , Bunch , Wouldn T Say So , 34 , Car Prices , Products , Supply Side , Striking , Bacon , Supply Chain Slowdowns , 20 , 27 , Consumers , Pricing Power , Side , Result , Demand , Pockets , Behalf , Labor Wage Gains , Top 1 , Pricing , Storm , Margin , Wealthy , 90 , Warning , Crane , Aggression , B Ukraine , Vladimir Putin , Booster Dose , Room , Safelite , Lots , Oppoportuniti , Journey , Singers , Song , Growing Business , Safelite Repair , Challees , Advisor , Surprise , Dell , Nothing , Tech Solutions , Donor , Subaru , Retailers , Now Subaru , Fourteen , Love Event , Share , Aspca , Meals On Wheels , National Park Foundation , Charity , Two Hundred And Fifty , Two Hundred And Fifty Dollars , Linda Hoffman , Sister , Making , Reunion , Denver Airport , 73 , Match , Meeting , Face To , Harriet Carter , Ancestry Com , Parents , Adoption , Birth , Sisterhood , Girls , Secret , Chance , Hug , Ancestry , Boys , Beautiful , Girl Children , Friends , Coverage , Erica Hill , Jim Sciutto , Vaccines , Lab Studies , Strain , Capitol Insurrection , Exclusive Ne ,

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