Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240709 : com

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240709

and jake sullivan, the national security adviser, said they are going to stay in touch with their russian counterparts to go through detail by detail what the consequences would be if russia did invade ukraine. >> kaitlan collins, thanks. let's bring in under secretary of state for political affairs, victoria newland. secretary newland, thanks for joining us this afternoon. national security adviser jake sullivan told reporters that the u.s. does not think that president putin has yet made a decision on whether to invade ukraine. why not? >> well, among other things, i think that president putin wanted to talk to president biden, wanted to better understand where we are and where our allies are on some of these issues. and that was why it was extremely important for our president and for other leaders in europe to be very clear about the extreme consequences that will result for russia if they move aggressively against ukraine again. >> in the previous hour, we interviewed congressman mike turner of ohio, he's on the house intelligence committee. and he said a lot of the threatened steps in terms of lethal aid for ukraine in terms of sending u.s. troops to allied countries, in terms of having sanctions ready, that all sounded good but sounded too much in the future. that these things should be happening now. why, in fact, are they not happening now to deter putin from the invasion? >> jake, what is happening now is intensive consultations with our allies and partners on the kind of response that could come immediately and in a very painful way should putin move. and then to put those things in the window so putin can see them and so that his people can also understand that this highly unnecessary war will not only be bloody, it will also be extremely painfully economically for the average russian and the russian state. >> a half dozen sources tell cnn the biden administration is considering evacuating u.s. citizens from ukraine should russia actually invade. how many americans are we talking about? do we know how many american citizens are legal permanent residents are in ukraine? >> the number of americans in ukraine fluctuates around christmastime. we tend to have more as people come to visit. there are also a number of dual nationals, but, you know, it's in the 10,000 to 15,000 person range. but obviously with regard to any kind of military contingency, we also have to be thinking ahead and not be caught flat-footed. >> would that evacuation process happen immediately after an invasion? is there some specific place where those citizens and dual citizens and legal permanent residents should go? should they all go to odessa? what's the plan? >> as has happened in the past, jake, if we are concerned about imminent hostilities in ukraine, we will begin warning u.s. citizens as we do all around the world, as we are currently in ethiopia, as we did months and months ahead of the evacuation in afghanistan that it's time for them to find their way home. >> this afternoon you testified that the u.s. is watching for the potential that russia could invade ukraine through belarus sch is just north of ukraine or russia might mask its forces as belarusian forces. is putin using the russian/ukrainian border as somewhat of a smoke screen? >> russia currently has forces on three sides of ukraine, which is not a scenario we've seen before. some 100,000 troops now with an estimated plan for almost double that. and as you know, belarus has a very long border with ukraine. what we have not yet seen, but which we could see are u.s. forces coming down towards ukraine from belarus or, as i said today, masking as belarusian forces. we've seen the increasing dependence that belarusian president lukashenko has on putin, so putin could demand that he return the favor. >> it's only been a few months since the chaotic u.s. withdrawal from afghanistan. if the u.s. ends up sending troops to ukraine in any way, as advisers, trainers or whatever, how concerned are you that we could be watching a repeat of afghanistan in our near future? >> jake, that's four levels of hypothetical that i'm not going to go into, but what i will say is that the u.s. has provided some $450 million this year alone in security support for ukraine. and they are going to need that if they are confronting russian forces, and they are a very strong security partner of ours because our commitment to their sovereignty and territorial integrity and independence is unwavering. >> under secretary victoria newland, thank you. let's discuss with my team here. julie, let me start with you. national security adviser jake sullivan told reporters today the u.s. does not believe that putin's mind has been made up about invading ukraine. you've covered putin for years. do you think that's true, and is this somebody whose mind can be changed by the threat of serious action by the u.s. and nato? >> well, as we saw with the first time he invaded ukraine in 2014 when he illegally annexed crimea and started this drawn out conflict in the eastern part of ukraine he tends to make his decisions quite quickly in a kind of knee-jerk manner. i think he is, as is his want, weighing his options and we'll know if he has decided to invade ukraine when he invades ukraine. that's how we'll know he's decided. >> evan, you wrote a great biography on joe biden. how momentous was this conversation today for joe biden? this is somebody who has been a little bit more hawkish than his former boss president obama, not in terms of direct military confrontation, but in terms of more direct aid to the ukrainians, et cetera, twhen comes to putin. >> part of this is that he has a fundamental lack of trust in vladimir putin's intentions. his word. there's this famous moment which we sometimes recall when joe biden visited vladimir putin at the kremlin and said i looked into his eyes and he didn't -- you don't have a soul is what he said. you don't say that to that many foreign leaders. a decade later here they are facing this moment of incredible negative potential. this could put a cloud over the biden administration. they are trying to prevent this from becoming a catastrophe but it's not a case in which he's working with somebody who we trust who he can say let's try to work around the edges. he's fundamentally trying to threaten a guy without doing it as directly as a threat might sound. >> that's interesting because a top bush official said on this show a few years ago that they wished they had stood up to putin more after he took away part gaffof georgia, the countr georgia. biden was almost suggesting today that we're going to -- i'm going to be tougher against you than obama was when he said we're going to do things we didn't do in 2014. >> it is interesting that jake sullivan mentioned what obama did and didn't do in 2014 because the point man on ukraine under the obama administration was none other than joe biden. and he was intimately involved in managing the ukraine portfolio after the invasion of 2014. i think the georgia analogy is an apt one. you have the russians, the foreign minister of russia, sergey lavrov, saying this could be like georgia for you guys and what happened then was russia turned up the pressure with troops on the border handing out russian passports to people in georgia across the border and turned up the pressure so high that the georgians inevitably stumbled, shot at some peace keepers and gave them the pretext to invade. lavrov is overtly warning, we can try doing this thing again. so i think that's the reason georgia in 2008 and what could have been done then is on people's minds. >> although i think it's pretty clear that u.s. troops are off the table for joe biden, don't you think? >> that's absolutely right. one of the things, even though you hear him making tough statements, joe biden has been very skeptical about the application of american force. specific ally troops on the ground in ukraine. in 2014, i traveled there with him and he talked about the conversations he had with ukrainian officials where he said in effect we're not going to be putting troops here. and they weren't happy about it. so this is consistent with his broader approach. he does not want to extend american forces more than he has to so the goal now is to try to use these other tools, financial instruments, sanctions, other ways you may get the russians to change their behavior. >> to that end, you know, he just ended one war, right? he just took americans out -- american forces out of afghanistan. starting another one in a foreign country that a lot of americans, i think, couldn't locate on a map, would not really be in keeping with that mission. the other thing is that it highlights how absurd this crisis is and how much it is a product of putin's paranoid imagination. he imagines that nato troops on the ground in ukraine, that american rockets are in ukraine pointed at russia and they're not. none of that is true. nobody was talking about admitting ukraine to nato. nato doesn't really want ukraine and putin is saying but give me a legally binding guarantee that you won't do it and is creating all of this over something that isn't happening. if that makes sense. >> yeah, no, absolutely. it does seem to me like this will be a test of the biden doctrine. biden is somebody who has been very skeptical of the use of american force when it comes to afghanistan, when it comes to iraq, when it comes to ukraine. not that the u.s. military couldn't accomplish the mission. just that it's -- you know, this isn't world war ii. >> right. exactly. and also this is a proof of his ability to read the other person across the table and figure out what is actually going to pick the lot. julia has written about vladimir putin's paranoia. that's the central ingredient here. what joe biden had to do was get him to understand, the united states is not seeking to invade russia any time soon. and i know that can sound like a thing that we don't even need to announce, but if you are vp everywhere, insulated, tut off from a lot of information, that's something you need to hear from an american president. >> great to have you here. appreciate it. coming up, new details about just how sick donald trump was with covid revealed by his own chief of staff. we'll talk to a top trump official who was there. plus, dramatic moments with the actor on the stand. the tense moments in the jussie smollett trial as the defense rests. stay with us. no family needed. 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>> absolutely. that's a bigger deal. much more dramatic. just two months ago we saw natural gas prices hit a seven-year high. there were all these worries about a shortage of natural gas and what we've seen and you can see it on that chart is they're down by 40%. 40% in two months. now natural gas is still up sharply on the year but finally been knocked down. this is mostly due to mother nature. families haven't had to crank up the heat as much as usual because temperatures have actually been warmer than usual. so that has lowered demand. also we've seen stronger production of natural gas. this has allowed inventory levels to get back to normal levels and it's reduced those fears about natural gas and running out of supply. but, jake, we have to point out the obvious. it's early. winter hasn't even officially begun yet. so if we do see temperatures drop and stay low, we could see natural gas move up. big picture, jake, i do think that there is some positive news, some glimmers of hope for inflation weary americans. >> let's discuss with my panel. jackie gus ie gusinich. happy burth day. >> thank you. >> will this be enough, the small reduction in gas prices? >> you have to look at what's going to happen week after week, right? one week of relief, twwhen it comes to gas prices isn't going to be enough if come february your heating prices are through the roof. if wages are up, it doesn't -- you don't really break even if all the everything else is more expensive. it cuts into money you can save. so it, i think it's too soon to tell and they can message as much as they would like but until things actually stabilize and come down, it's going to be problematic for them and for their allies in the house and senate. >> in the previous hour, congressman mike turner of ohio, the number two republican on the house intelligence committee told me he would be interested in taking the number one job now that devin nunes, the ranking republican on intelligence is going to become ceo of this trump media and technology group, whatever it this is. but what's so amazing about this is nunes was in line to be the next chairman of the house ways and means committee. explain to our viewers how big of a gig that is that nunes is walking away from. >> it's one of the most prestigious committees in the house. it has, you know, purse string power. it has power in general. it has control over tax policy. you see how influential the ways and means committee has been over the course of biden's agenda just this year. the current chairman neill is one of the top negotiators in the house in terms of what has gone into build back better. >> he can kill something with a wave of the hand. >> he can. >> that's the kind of power that nunes would have had. it's something -- even when you are a rank and file member, you really fight to get on ways and means. it's very exclusive committee. and so it's just shocking that someone who was in line, knowing that republicans are favored to win the house, would decide that they have other priorities. >> what do you make of it? >> famously paul ryan wanted to be ways and means chair more than speaker. that was seen as a more appealing role. people wait ten years -- >> he'd probably still be in congress if he'd done that. >> people wait 10, 20 years for that kind of a role. it's indicative of the decline of congress. they ceded a lot of the power of the purse. they've cedede war powers to the executive branch and the house in particular kind of looks like a crazy town these days with some of the members, the discussions being had. i can see why it's not as appealing. for devin nunes, i think he'll look back and regret this decision and realize he could have had a bigger stake in u.s. history had he stayed on ways and means and not gone to this upstart venture. >> one of the reasons might be that they are redistricting in california and they might have made his district, which is a pretty strong republican district into a more competitive one but they haven't made any final plans out there. so how much do you think that was a factor? >> i'm not one of the people lamenting or sourful that nunes is leaving the congress. >> i didn't hear any, for the record. >> it shows you the bizarre world we live in. i'm sure -- it's the bizarre world that we live in where going off and running a start-up media company is more important than being the most powerful tax writer and trade negotiator in congress. and so i think what we're seeing is on behalf of the republicans, they just -- the republicans in congress, the elected leadership seem to be afraid of the population they're supposed to be governing. they're afraid of donald trump. this fear about all of them in how they engage the national politics, and they would rather be outside throwing bricks than inside building a house that everybody can live in. >> it's certainly easier, right? than actually legislating. >> jackie, we've been getting more details about trump's coronavirus diagnosis from mark meadows. first we learned trump tested positive before the debate against biden. now we know that trump's blood oxygen level dipped to dangerously low levels and the white house tried to hide all of this. are you surprised? >> i think there was a lot of reporting at the time. the white house was trying to say that it wasn't true. that a lot of this was happening. but the fact of the matter is that the american people deserved to know what was happening with the president's health. for so many reasons. and his obsession with not looking weak apparently trumped everything. alyssa can speak more to it than i can because she was there and can probably explain what the thinking was, but it certainly seems like his personal -- you saw the doctor even lied for him. >> yeah. >> his personal feelings really outplayed what the country -- the best interest of the country. >> you were here last week expressing outrage this was hidden from the american people, hidden from you, even though you were the communications director. meadows said he arranged for four dosed of the monoclonal antibody drug to be sent to the white house in secret. he got approval for the president to receive the treatment. we have reporting that trump is not happy with meadows about revealing all of this. why do you think meadows is doing this? >> well, what i am most stunned by is the commander in chief, anyone in the chain of command or line of succession, their health is not just about their health. it's the public's information as implications for the whole nation. for some reason some around president trump did not understand that. back when this was taking place. i do recall that day extremely well when we were told he is in bad shape. the president is not doing well. i stood out to walk to -- >> this is after it's been revealed? >> it had been public the night before, and seeing him walk, i feared for his well-being and if he'd even make it. he's an older man. to hear all this in retrospect, why did we not tell the public that. there's no justification. there's no good rationale and i'm not surprised that former president trump is disappointed to hear it. he doesn't like to look weak. he was very sick as are millions of americans who get covid. >> that was the thing. there was some speculation when he had covid that perhaps it would change his mind and the messaging he was putting out into the world might change, and it didn't. the fact this could have been a teachable moment was squandered as so many americans were sick and dying from the coronavirus. >> this is indicative of how they see the world and do their politics. they have this vision of america that's so brittle that we can't take the truth about the president being sick. americans can take it. we're a strong enough country we can figure it out. this sinnis indicative of how t goench. are we going to hide from the things that are going to make the country stronger and face our flaws or have the courage to stand up and fight for the things? >> it's notable that we should note that when biden went to get -- i think it was a colonoscopy and he was under that they did the whole thing where the vice president kamala harris took control and she was in charge and not only did trump have a colonoscopy we've learned and did not do that with mike pence, he was really in bad shape, i mean, luckily he survived, but he was in bad shape and they didn't do that with the vice president, which would have been appropriate. >> right. and they did not make clear to the american public and to the press how in bad of shape he was, which shows all these institutional norms, these steps of being transparent, about the office and the most powerful person in the country, that the trump presidency, the trump administration decided not to do that the whole way through. >> i remember saying to the president and his team at the time, benjamin netanyahu is wearing a mask, vladimir putin is wearing a mask. it's not weak. it's doing leadership. that position didn't prevail but people were telling him that. >> thanks one and all for being here. new data just released on how effective the covid vaccine is against the new omicron variant. stay with us. i got the awesome new iphone 13 pro and airpods, and t-mobile is paying for them both! and this is for new and existing customers. upgrade to the iphone 13 pro and airpods both on us. only at t-mobile. ♪day to night to morning,♪ ♪keep with me in the moment♪ ♪i'd let you had i known it, why don't you say so?♪ ♪didn't even notice,♪ ♪no punches left to roll with♪ ♪you got to keep me focused♪ serena: it's my 3:10 no-exit-in-sight migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. to see my ancestors' photos was just breathtaking. wow, look at all those! what'd you find? 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>> that's right. i just got off the phone with the lead researcher in south africa on this study. and he said, look, what our study showed is that, first of all, small study, and it was in a lab, but this suggests that this is an escape variant. this is a variant that knows how to some extent outwit the vaccine, but he said he feels pretty confident that if you are fully vaccinated, you will -- that this vaccine will -- that the vaccines will help protect against severe disease. and that's what we look for vaccines to do. he said significant protection. that's what he expects from the vaccine against this variant. now will it protect you from getting infected and a little bit sick? he is not as confident on that. he doesn't think that's necessarily going to happen. but he does think that even with this variant that people who are fully vaccinated will get significant protection. it's interesting, jake, because they don't have pfizer as a booster in south africa so he couldn't test it that way but he did say that he thinks the booster would be even better. would give even more protection. >> what about people who have already had coronavirus? >> right. so he said that what he found was that people who had coronavirus and got vaccinated, that that was better. that that was really a good situation to be in. so again, this variant, it knows how to be an escape artist to some extent. it's giving a challenge to the vaccine much more so than the delta variant did, but he still is confident that vaccination will provide significant protection to people against severe disease. still has more studies to do, but that's what he is thinking based on this one small study in the lab. >> a new axios/ipsos poll found only 1 in 4 americans are planning to cancel travel plans. only 1 in 4 canceling indoor dining. i heard this and we don't know that omicron is more dangerous. is it really wrong that so few folks are planning to changing their plans or their behavior? >> jake, that's a great question and i think the answer is, it's not really so much about whether or not you travel. it's about the precautions that you take. so let's go through what those precautions are. first of all, the cdc is clear, if you are not vaccinated, you should not be traveling. it is not safe for you. it is not safe for other people. and when you do travel, you need to wear a mask, whether it's at the airport or on a train or in an airplane and also protect immunecompromised family members. i think we forget about this group way too much. folks with cancer, other people. protect them. make sure that you're wearing a mask around them. take other precautions with them. they are very vulnerable. >> elizabeth cohen, thanks so much. jussie smollett, the actor accused of staging a hate crime against himself was on the stand again today. where things got a little tense. stay with us. mobile app so you can quickly check the markets? 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>> you've got that right, jake. yesterday smollett was on the stand. this is the second day on the stand. he spilled a lot of his personal and intimate details. today it was fireworks in the courtroom because the prosecutor was cross-examining him. now as you know, smollett is facing six counts for disorderly conduct for allegedly planning and participating in his own fake hate crime. and then saying it was perpetrated by trump supporters and then lying to police. those are the allegations against him which he has repeatedly refuted saying that he is innocent of the charges. smollett said it was his former trainer and trainer's brother, the osundairos. the prosecutor was trying to find inconsistencies in his story and make those very clear to the jury. and here's how he did it in one instance. he talked about what the osundairos testified under oath. yes, indeed, it was jussie smollett who planned this and that they were simply carrying out an attack that they were paid for. the prosecutors focused in on this particular inconsistency. it has to do with that noose. we all saw that video when police came in of the noose around jussie smollett's neck the night that he says he was attacked. the prosecutor said, why did you or did you take this noose off and then put it back on so that you could dishevel the noose make it look like there was. he said i took it off and put it aside and put it back on when police arrived because i was told by one of my colleagues that i needed to preserve the evidence. so prosecutors then said to him, well, then how do you explain this particular thing that you told abc's "good morning america." >> so when the police came, i kept the clothes on. i kept the rope. >> so you had the rope on the entire time? >> it wasn't like wrapped around but, yeah it was around because i wanted them to see. i wanted them to see what this was. >> he simply acknowledged that he did say that in the interview but it was inconsistent with what he said on the stand and the prosecutors said that was an inconsistency he could not explain. >> sara sidner, thanks so much. the progressive push to change the supreme court is getting more attention today. the bipartisan commission established by president biden to look at reforming the supreme court unanimously voted to adopt its final recommendations this afternoon but progressive democrats might be a bit disappointed. a draft of the report shows intense disagreement over the idea of adding more seats to the high court. supreme court analyst joan joins us. the draft of this report is nearly 300 pages long. what are the main things we should be paying attention to here. >> okay. on the court expansion question, which is why this commission was set up because this was president biden's compromise. a commission rather than saying he supported court expansion or what some call court packing. profound disagreement on that. essentially a nonstart are. term limits. there was some bipartisan support for term limits like 18-year terms. but that's a really practical problem for them. how would they roll them out and also there's a constitutional problem. >> you have to amend the constitution. >> the constitution says that a justice is appointed for life, conserved for good behavior and the only time a justice could be removed is through impeachment. exactly how would justices cycle in and out. so those were the two big ones. but then the panel also looked at things like court transparency, recusals, when the justices might have a conflict of interest and not tell anyone anything. so even though they couldn't even agree on whether there's a legitimacy problem with the supreme court right now, they put a lot of issues on the table on those 300 pages. >> do we know why the commission doesn't seem to be making any concrete recommendations? >> it says that wasn't part of its charge. as you probably remember when president biden set it up, he initially said he was going to ask for recommendations but then in april when the commission was established, then 36 members, they finished with 34 members, their charge was not to make recommendations, and i think that's because they weren't going to be able to make recommendations, frankly. >> and the report was put together by a commission of legal experts appointed by president biden. what's the real world impact of their conclusions, do you think? >> to do anything really big and substantive you'd need congress and the president. there's no real buy in from joe biden to change things or from the majority in congress. but, jake, you know who this could change slightly? nine people on the supreme court. they could look at this and look at some of the issues raised about mysterious late night orders, lack of transparency on issues and they could actually maybe start addressing those things internally. for example, one issue that was raised was the fact the justices do not abide by an ethics code, at least formally, that lower court judges have. and they might internally start to think about actually having an ethics code. that at least is formalized for them. >> joan, thanks so much. coming up, dozens killed. houses buried under ash. thousands of innocent people displaced after a massive volcano eruption. that's next. r bath, it fits your high standards. why have over two million people welcomed bath fitter into their homes? 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Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240709

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and jake sullivan, the national security adviser, said they are going to stay in touch with their russian counterparts to go through detail by detail what the consequences would be if russia did invade ukraine. >> kaitlan collins, thanks. let's bring in under secretary of state for political affairs, victoria newland. secretary newland, thanks for joining us this afternoon. national security adviser jake sullivan told reporters that the u.s. does not think that president putin has yet made a decision on whether to invade ukraine. why not? >> well, among other things, i think that president putin wanted to talk to president biden, wanted to better understand where we are and where our allies are on some of these issues. and that was why it was extremely important for our president and for other leaders in europe to be very clear about the extreme consequences that will result for russia if they move aggressively against ukraine again. >> in the previous hour, we interviewed congressman mike turner of ohio, he's on the house intelligence committee. and he said a lot of the threatened steps in terms of lethal aid for ukraine in terms of sending u.s. troops to allied countries, in terms of having sanctions ready, that all sounded good but sounded too much in the future. that these things should be happening now. why, in fact, are they not happening now to deter putin from the invasion? >> jake, what is happening now is intensive consultations with our allies and partners on the kind of response that could come immediately and in a very painful way should putin move. and then to put those things in the window so putin can see them and so that his people can also understand that this highly unnecessary war will not only be bloody, it will also be extremely painfully economically for the average russian and the russian state. >> a half dozen sources tell cnn the biden administration is considering evacuating u.s. citizens from ukraine should russia actually invade. how many americans are we talking about? do we know how many american citizens are legal permanent residents are in ukraine? >> the number of americans in ukraine fluctuates around christmastime. we tend to have more as people come to visit. there are also a number of dual nationals, but, you know, it's in the 10,000 to 15,000 person range. but obviously with regard to any kind of military contingency, we also have to be thinking ahead and not be caught flat-footed. >> would that evacuation process happen immediately after an invasion? is there some specific place where those citizens and dual citizens and legal permanent residents should go? should they all go to odessa? what's the plan? >> as has happened in the past, jake, if we are concerned about imminent hostilities in ukraine, we will begin warning u.s. citizens as we do all around the world, as we are currently in ethiopia, as we did months and months ahead of the evacuation in afghanistan that it's time for them to find their way home. >> this afternoon you testified that the u.s. is watching for the potential that russia could invade ukraine through belarus sch is just north of ukraine or russia might mask its forces as belarusian forces. is putin using the russian/ukrainian border as somewhat of a smoke screen? >> russia currently has forces on three sides of ukraine, which is not a scenario we've seen before. some 100,000 troops now with an estimated plan for almost double that. and as you know, belarus has a very long border with ukraine. what we have not yet seen, but which we could see are u.s. forces coming down towards ukraine from belarus or, as i said today, masking as belarusian forces. we've seen the increasing dependence that belarusian president lukashenko has on putin, so putin could demand that he return the favor. >> it's only been a few months since the chaotic u.s. withdrawal from afghanistan. if the u.s. ends up sending troops to ukraine in any way, as advisers, trainers or whatever, how concerned are you that we could be watching a repeat of afghanistan in our near future? >> jake, that's four levels of hypothetical that i'm not going to go into, but what i will say is that the u.s. has provided some $450 million this year alone in security support for ukraine. and they are going to need that if they are confronting russian forces, and they are a very strong security partner of ours because our commitment to their sovereignty and territorial integrity and independence is unwavering. >> under secretary victoria newland, thank you. let's discuss with my team here. julie, let me start with you. national security adviser jake sullivan told reporters today the u.s. does not believe that putin's mind has been made up about invading ukraine. you've covered putin for years. do you think that's true, and is this somebody whose mind can be changed by the threat of serious action by the u.s. and nato? >> well, as we saw with the first time he invaded ukraine in 2014 when he illegally annexed crimea and started this drawn out conflict in the eastern part of ukraine he tends to make his decisions quite quickly in a kind of knee-jerk manner. i think he is, as is his want, weighing his options and we'll know if he has decided to invade ukraine when he invades ukraine. that's how we'll know he's decided. >> evan, you wrote a great biography on joe biden. how momentous was this conversation today for joe biden? this is somebody who has been a little bit more hawkish than his former boss president obama, not in terms of direct military confrontation, but in terms of more direct aid to the ukrainians, et cetera, twhen comes to putin. >> part of this is that he has a fundamental lack of trust in vladimir putin's intentions. his word. there's this famous moment which we sometimes recall when joe biden visited vladimir putin at the kremlin and said i looked into his eyes and he didn't -- you don't have a soul is what he said. you don't say that to that many foreign leaders. a decade later here they are facing this moment of incredible negative potential. this could put a cloud over the biden administration. they are trying to prevent this from becoming a catastrophe but it's not a case in which he's working with somebody who we trust who he can say let's try to work around the edges. he's fundamentally trying to threaten a guy without doing it as directly as a threat might sound. >> that's interesting because a top bush official said on this show a few years ago that they wished they had stood up to putin more after he took away part gaffof georgia, the countr georgia. biden was almost suggesting today that we're going to -- i'm going to be tougher against you than obama was when he said we're going to do things we didn't do in 2014. >> it is interesting that jake sullivan mentioned what obama did and didn't do in 2014 because the point man on ukraine under the obama administration was none other than joe biden. and he was intimately involved in managing the ukraine portfolio after the invasion of 2014. i think the georgia analogy is an apt one. you have the russians, the foreign minister of russia, sergey lavrov, saying this could be like georgia for you guys and what happened then was russia turned up the pressure with troops on the border handing out russian passports to people in georgia across the border and turned up the pressure so high that the georgians inevitably stumbled, shot at some peace keepers and gave them the pretext to invade. lavrov is overtly warning, we can try doing this thing again. so i think that's the reason georgia in 2008 and what could have been done then is on people's minds. >> although i think it's pretty clear that u.s. troops are off the table for joe biden, don't you think? >> that's absolutely right. one of the things, even though you hear him making tough statements, joe biden has been very skeptical about the application of american force. specific ally troops on the ground in ukraine. in 2014, i traveled there with him and he talked about the conversations he had with ukrainian officials where he said in effect we're not going to be putting troops here. and they weren't happy about it. so this is consistent with his broader approach. he does not want to extend american forces more than he has to so the goal now is to try to use these other tools, financial instruments, sanctions, other ways you may get the russians to change their behavior. >> to that end, you know, he just ended one war, right? he just took americans out -- american forces out of afghanistan. starting another one in a foreign country that a lot of americans, i think, couldn't locate on a map, would not really be in keeping with that mission. the other thing is that it highlights how absurd this crisis is and how much it is a product of putin's paranoid imagination. he imagines that nato troops on the ground in ukraine, that american rockets are in ukraine pointed at russia and they're not. none of that is true. nobody was talking about admitting ukraine to nato. nato doesn't really want ukraine and putin is saying but give me a legally binding guarantee that you won't do it and is creating all of this over something that isn't happening. if that makes sense. >> yeah, no, absolutely. it does seem to me like this will be a test of the biden doctrine. biden is somebody who has been very skeptical of the use of american force when it comes to afghanistan, when it comes to iraq, when it comes to ukraine. not that the u.s. military couldn't accomplish the mission. just that it's -- you know, this isn't world war ii. >> right. exactly. and also this is a proof of his ability to read the other person across the table and figure out what is actually going to pick the lot. julia has written about vladimir putin's paranoia. that's the central ingredient here. what joe biden had to do was get him to understand, the united states is not seeking to invade russia any time soon. and i know that can sound like a thing that we don't even need to announce, but if you are vp everywhere, insulated, tut off from a lot of information, that's something you need to hear from an american president. >> great to have you here. appreciate it. coming up, new details about just how sick donald trump was with covid revealed by his own chief of staff. we'll talk to a top trump official who was there. plus, dramatic moments with the actor on the stand. the tense moments in the jussie smollett trial as the defense rests. stay with us. no family needed. 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>> absolutely. that's a bigger deal. much more dramatic. just two months ago we saw natural gas prices hit a seven-year high. there were all these worries about a shortage of natural gas and what we've seen and you can see it on that chart is they're down by 40%. 40% in two months. now natural gas is still up sharply on the year but finally been knocked down. this is mostly due to mother nature. families haven't had to crank up the heat as much as usual because temperatures have actually been warmer than usual. so that has lowered demand. also we've seen stronger production of natural gas. this has allowed inventory levels to get back to normal levels and it's reduced those fears about natural gas and running out of supply. but, jake, we have to point out the obvious. it's early. winter hasn't even officially begun yet. so if we do see temperatures drop and stay low, we could see natural gas move up. big picture, jake, i do think that there is some positive news, some glimmers of hope for inflation weary americans. >> let's discuss with my panel. jackie gus ie gusinich. happy burth day. >> thank you. >> will this be enough, the small reduction in gas prices? >> you have to look at what's going to happen week after week, right? one week of relief, twwhen it comes to gas prices isn't going to be enough if come february your heating prices are through the roof. if wages are up, it doesn't -- you don't really break even if all the everything else is more expensive. it cuts into money you can save. so it, i think it's too soon to tell and they can message as much as they would like but until things actually stabilize and come down, it's going to be problematic for them and for their allies in the house and senate. >> in the previous hour, congressman mike turner of ohio, the number two republican on the house intelligence committee told me he would be interested in taking the number one job now that devin nunes, the ranking republican on intelligence is going to become ceo of this trump media and technology group, whatever it this is. but what's so amazing about this is nunes was in line to be the next chairman of the house ways and means committee. explain to our viewers how big of a gig that is that nunes is walking away from. >> it's one of the most prestigious committees in the house. it has, you know, purse string power. it has power in general. it has control over tax policy. you see how influential the ways and means committee has been over the course of biden's agenda just this year. the current chairman neill is one of the top negotiators in the house in terms of what has gone into build back better. >> he can kill something with a wave of the hand. >> he can. >> that's the kind of power that nunes would have had. it's something -- even when you are a rank and file member, you really fight to get on ways and means. it's very exclusive committee. and so it's just shocking that someone who was in line, knowing that republicans are favored to win the house, would decide that they have other priorities. >> what do you make of it? >> famously paul ryan wanted to be ways and means chair more than speaker. that was seen as a more appealing role. people wait ten years -- >> he'd probably still be in congress if he'd done that. >> people wait 10, 20 years for that kind of a role. it's indicative of the decline of congress. they ceded a lot of the power of the purse. they've cedede war powers to the executive branch and the house in particular kind of looks like a crazy town these days with some of the members, the discussions being had. i can see why it's not as appealing. for devin nunes, i think he'll look back and regret this decision and realize he could have had a bigger stake in u.s. history had he stayed on ways and means and not gone to this upstart venture. >> one of the reasons might be that they are redistricting in california and they might have made his district, which is a pretty strong republican district into a more competitive one but they haven't made any final plans out there. so how much do you think that was a factor? >> i'm not one of the people lamenting or sourful that nunes is leaving the congress. >> i didn't hear any, for the record. >> it shows you the bizarre world we live in. i'm sure -- it's the bizarre world that we live in where going off and running a start-up media company is more important than being the most powerful tax writer and trade negotiator in congress. and so i think what we're seeing is on behalf of the republicans, they just -- the republicans in congress, the elected leadership seem to be afraid of the population they're supposed to be governing. they're afraid of donald trump. this fear about all of them in how they engage the national politics, and they would rather be outside throwing bricks than inside building a house that everybody can live in. >> it's certainly easier, right? than actually legislating. >> jackie, we've been getting more details about trump's coronavirus diagnosis from mark meadows. first we learned trump tested positive before the debate against biden. now we know that trump's blood oxygen level dipped to dangerously low levels and the white house tried to hide all of this. are you surprised? >> i think there was a lot of reporting at the time. the white house was trying to say that it wasn't true. that a lot of this was happening. but the fact of the matter is that the american people deserved to know what was happening with the president's health. for so many reasons. and his obsession with not looking weak apparently trumped everything. alyssa can speak more to it than i can because she was there and can probably explain what the thinking was, but it certainly seems like his personal -- you saw the doctor even lied for him. >> yeah. >> his personal feelings really outplayed what the country -- the best interest of the country. >> you were here last week expressing outrage this was hidden from the american people, hidden from you, even though you were the communications director. meadows said he arranged for four dosed of the monoclonal antibody drug to be sent to the white house in secret. he got approval for the president to receive the treatment. we have reporting that trump is not happy with meadows about revealing all of this. why do you think meadows is doing this? >> well, what i am most stunned by is the commander in chief, anyone in the chain of command or line of succession, their health is not just about their health. it's the public's information as implications for the whole nation. for some reason some around president trump did not understand that. back when this was taking place. i do recall that day extremely well when we were told he is in bad shape. the president is not doing well. i stood out to walk to -- >> this is after it's been revealed? >> it had been public the night before, and seeing him walk, i feared for his well-being and if he'd even make it. he's an older man. to hear all this in retrospect, why did we not tell the public that. there's no justification. there's no good rationale and i'm not surprised that former president trump is disappointed to hear it. he doesn't like to look weak. he was very sick as are millions of americans who get covid. >> that was the thing. there was some speculation when he had covid that perhaps it would change his mind and the messaging he was putting out into the world might change, and it didn't. the fact this could have been a teachable moment was squandered as so many americans were sick and dying from the coronavirus. >> this is indicative of how they see the world and do their politics. they have this vision of america that's so brittle that we can't take the truth about the president being sick. americans can take it. we're a strong enough country we can figure it out. this sinnis indicative of how t goench. are we going to hide from the things that are going to make the country stronger and face our flaws or have the courage to stand up and fight for the things? >> it's notable that we should note that when biden went to get -- i think it was a colonoscopy and he was under that they did the whole thing where the vice president kamala harris took control and she was in charge and not only did trump have a colonoscopy we've learned and did not do that with mike pence, he was really in bad shape, i mean, luckily he survived, but he was in bad shape and they didn't do that with the vice president, which would have been appropriate. >> right. and they did not make clear to the american public and to the press how in bad of shape he was, which shows all these institutional norms, these steps of being transparent, about the office and the most powerful person in the country, that the trump presidency, the trump administration decided not to do that the whole way through. >> i remember saying to the president and his team at the time, benjamin netanyahu is wearing a mask, vladimir putin is wearing a mask. it's not weak. it's doing leadership. that position didn't prevail but people were telling him that. >> thanks one and all for being here. new data just released on how effective the covid vaccine is against the new omicron variant. stay with us. i got the awesome new iphone 13 pro and airpods, and t-mobile is paying for them both! and this is for new and existing customers. upgrade to the iphone 13 pro and airpods both on us. only at t-mobile. ♪day to night to morning,♪ ♪keep with me in the moment♪ ♪i'd let you had i known it, why don't you say so?♪ ♪didn't even notice,♪ ♪no punches left to roll with♪ ♪you got to keep me focused♪ serena: it's my 3:10 no-exit-in-sight migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. to see my ancestors' photos was just breathtaking. wow, look at all those! what'd you find? 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>> that's right. i just got off the phone with the lead researcher in south africa on this study. and he said, look, what our study showed is that, first of all, small study, and it was in a lab, but this suggests that this is an escape variant. this is a variant that knows how to some extent outwit the vaccine, but he said he feels pretty confident that if you are fully vaccinated, you will -- that this vaccine will -- that the vaccines will help protect against severe disease. and that's what we look for vaccines to do. he said significant protection. that's what he expects from the vaccine against this variant. now will it protect you from getting infected and a little bit sick? he is not as confident on that. he doesn't think that's necessarily going to happen. but he does think that even with this variant that people who are fully vaccinated will get significant protection. it's interesting, jake, because they don't have pfizer as a booster in south africa so he couldn't test it that way but he did say that he thinks the booster would be even better. would give even more protection. >> what about people who have already had coronavirus? >> right. so he said that what he found was that people who had coronavirus and got vaccinated, that that was better. that that was really a good situation to be in. so again, this variant, it knows how to be an escape artist to some extent. it's giving a challenge to the vaccine much more so than the delta variant did, but he still is confident that vaccination will provide significant protection to people against severe disease. still has more studies to do, but that's what he is thinking based on this one small study in the lab. >> a new axios/ipsos poll found only 1 in 4 americans are planning to cancel travel plans. only 1 in 4 canceling indoor dining. i heard this and we don't know that omicron is more dangerous. is it really wrong that so few folks are planning to changing their plans or their behavior? >> jake, that's a great question and i think the answer is, it's not really so much about whether or not you travel. it's about the precautions that you take. so let's go through what those precautions are. first of all, the cdc is clear, if you are not vaccinated, you should not be traveling. it is not safe for you. it is not safe for other people. and when you do travel, you need to wear a mask, whether it's at the airport or on a train or in an airplane and also protect immunecompromised family members. i think we forget about this group way too much. folks with cancer, other people. protect them. make sure that you're wearing a mask around them. take other precautions with them. they are very vulnerable. >> elizabeth cohen, thanks so much. jussie smollett, the actor accused of staging a hate crime against himself was on the stand again today. where things got a little tense. stay with us. mobile app so you can quickly check the markets? 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>> you've got that right, jake. yesterday smollett was on the stand. this is the second day on the stand. he spilled a lot of his personal and intimate details. today it was fireworks in the courtroom because the prosecutor was cross-examining him. now as you know, smollett is facing six counts for disorderly conduct for allegedly planning and participating in his own fake hate crime. and then saying it was perpetrated by trump supporters and then lying to police. those are the allegations against him which he has repeatedly refuted saying that he is innocent of the charges. smollett said it was his former trainer and trainer's brother, the osundairos. the prosecutor was trying to find inconsistencies in his story and make those very clear to the jury. and here's how he did it in one instance. he talked about what the osundairos testified under oath. yes, indeed, it was jussie smollett who planned this and that they were simply carrying out an attack that they were paid for. the prosecutors focused in on this particular inconsistency. it has to do with that noose. we all saw that video when police came in of the noose around jussie smollett's neck the night that he says he was attacked. the prosecutor said, why did you or did you take this noose off and then put it back on so that you could dishevel the noose make it look like there was. he said i took it off and put it aside and put it back on when police arrived because i was told by one of my colleagues that i needed to preserve the evidence. so prosecutors then said to him, well, then how do you explain this particular thing that you told abc's "good morning america." >> so when the police came, i kept the clothes on. i kept the rope. >> so you had the rope on the entire time? >> it wasn't like wrapped around but, yeah it was around because i wanted them to see. i wanted them to see what this was. >> he simply acknowledged that he did say that in the interview but it was inconsistent with what he said on the stand and the prosecutors said that was an inconsistency he could not explain. >> sara sidner, thanks so much. the progressive push to change the supreme court is getting more attention today. the bipartisan commission established by president biden to look at reforming the supreme court unanimously voted to adopt its final recommendations this afternoon but progressive democrats might be a bit disappointed. a draft of the report shows intense disagreement over the idea of adding more seats to the high court. supreme court analyst joan joins us. the draft of this report is nearly 300 pages long. what are the main things we should be paying attention to here. >> okay. on the court expansion question, which is why this commission was set up because this was president biden's compromise. a commission rather than saying he supported court expansion or what some call court packing. profound disagreement on that. essentially a nonstart are. term limits. there was some bipartisan support for term limits like 18-year terms. but that's a really practical problem for them. how would they roll them out and also there's a constitutional problem. >> you have to amend the constitution. >> the constitution says that a justice is appointed for life, conserved for good behavior and the only time a justice could be removed is through impeachment. exactly how would justices cycle in and out. so those were the two big ones. but then the panel also looked at things like court transparency, recusals, when the justices might have a conflict of interest and not tell anyone anything. so even though they couldn't even agree on whether there's a legitimacy problem with the supreme court right now, they put a lot of issues on the table on those 300 pages. >> do we know why the commission doesn't seem to be making any concrete recommendations? >> it says that wasn't part of its charge. as you probably remember when president biden set it up, he initially said he was going to ask for recommendations but then in april when the commission was established, then 36 members, they finished with 34 members, their charge was not to make recommendations, and i think that's because they weren't going to be able to make recommendations, frankly. >> and the report was put together by a commission of legal experts appointed by president biden. what's the real world impact of their conclusions, do you think? >> to do anything really big and substantive you'd need congress and the president. there's no real buy in from joe biden to change things or from the majority in congress. but, jake, you know who this could change slightly? nine people on the supreme court. they could look at this and look at some of the issues raised about mysterious late night orders, lack of transparency on issues and they could actually maybe start addressing those things internally. for example, one issue that was raised was the fact the justices do not abide by an ethics code, at least formally, that lower court judges have. and they might internally start to think about actually having an ethics code. that at least is formalized for them. >> joan, thanks so much. coming up, dozens killed. houses buried under ash. thousands of innocent people displaced after a massive volcano eruption. that's next. r bath, it fits your high standards. why have over two million people welcomed bath fitter into their homes? 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, Evacuation Process , Military Contingency , Regard , Plan , Place , Odessa , Afghanistan , Home , Evacuation , Hostilities , All Around The World , Ethiopia , Forces , Potential , Sch , Sides , Scenario , Smoke Screen , Belarusian , Ukrainian Border , 100000 , Border , Lukashenko Has On Putin , Masking , Dependence , Favor , Advisers , Trainers , Repeat , Withdrawal , Levels , 450 Million , 50 Million , Four , Commitment , Security Support , Security Partner , Sovereignty , Mind , Team , Integrity , Independence , Julie , Somebody , Threat , Nato , Action , Time , Ukraine , Part , Want , Conflict , Decisions , Manner , Crimea , Options , Biography , Evan , Ukrainians , Twhen , Military Confrontation , Et Cetera , Lack , Intentions , Word , Eyes , Trust , Kremlin , Soul , Cloud , It , Case , Catastrophe , Edges , Guy , Official , Show , Gaffof Georgia , Bush , Countr Georgia , Didn T , Man , None , Portfolio , Georgia Analogy , One , Pressure , Passports , Foreign Minister , Guys , Sergey Lavrov , Thing , Reason , Georgians , Peace Keepers , Warning , Pretext , Table , Minds , Don T You , 2008 , Officials , Ground , Statements , Effect , American Force , Application , Ally , Goal , Ways , Instruments , Approach , Tools , Country , Behavior , Map , U S Military Couldn T , Mission , Keeping , Product , Crisis , Imagination , Rockets , Doesn T , Nobody , Guarantee , Binding , Wall , Something , Isn T , Test , Biden Doctrine , Use , Sense , Isn T World War Ii , It S , Proof , Iraq , Person , Ability , Paranoia , Ingredient , Julia , Details , Information , Insulated , Coming Up , Everywhere , Vp , Tut Off , Jussie Smollett , Defense , Donald Trump , Trial , Actor , Covid , Chief Of Staff , The Stand , Stay , Family , Turkey , Mom Vo , Vo , Switch , Dad Vo , 00 , 200 , Limu Emu , Doug , World , Help , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Spider Bite , Superpowers , Gasps , Pay , Spider Man , Theaters December 17th , December 17th , 17 , Stars , Sha Bop , Alexa , Song , I Only Have Eyes For You , Journey , Business , Ride , Advisor , Challenges , Tech Solutions , Technologies , Customers , Nothing , Dell , Relief , Pump , Money Lead , Minor , Report , Gasoline Prices , Natural Gas Prices , Gas , Gallon , Peak , Price , Energy Prices , Matt Egan , 3 35 , 4 , 40 , 35 , Trend , Barrels , Rumors , Oil Prices , Oil , Nation , Move , Glass , Lag , Strategic Petroleum Reserve , 10 , Factor , Fears , Average , Direction , Seven , Worries , Economy , Natural Gas , Deal , Decline , Home Heating Costs , Sign , Chart , Winter , High , Shortage , Families Haven T , Temperatures , Heat , Mother Nature , Inventory Levels , Supply , Production , Demand , News , Big Picture , Low , Winter Hasn T , Glimmers , Obvious , Hope , Panel , Jackie Gus , Ie Gusinich , Gas Prices , Reduction , Twwhen , Everything , Money , Prices , Heating Prices , Roof , Wages , Message , Senate , Devin Nunes , Media , Republican , Technology Group , Job , House Intelligence Committee , Republican On Intelligence , Ceo , Ranking , Line , Gig , Chairman , Viewers , Is Nunes , House Ways And Means Committee , Power , In The House , Committees , Tax Policy , Purse String Power , General , Neill , Build , Negotiators , Agenda , Committee , Member , Hand , Wave , File , Republicans , Someone , Role , Speaker , Priorities , Paul Ryan , Contempt Of Congress , Purse , Cedede War Powers , Ten , 20 , Members , Looks , Executive Branch , Discussions , Crazy Town , District , Reasons , Stake , Upstart Venture , California , Plans , Sourful , Media Company , Record , Negotiator , Tax Writer , Leadership , Behalf , Population , Fear , Politics , Everybody , Inside Building A House , Bricks , Mark Meadows , Blood Oxygen Level , Diagnosis , Debate , Matter , Wasn T True , Reporting , Health , Alyssa , Obsession , Doctor , Feelings , Thinking , Outrage , Interest , Personal , Meadows , Trump , Treatment , Monoclonal Antibody Drug , Communications Director , Dosed , Approval , Public , Anyone , Commander , Command , Chain , Chief , Succession , Shape , Implications , Well Being , Retrospect , Justification , Rationale , Speculation , Get Covid , Millions , It Didn T , Messaging , Vision , Truth , Sick , Courage , Sinnis , Flaws , How T Goench , Charge , Kamala Harris , Colonoscopy , Mike Pence , Press , Presidency , Norms , Mask , Data , Position , Doing Leadership , Benjamin Netanyahu , Vaccine , T Mobile , Both , Airpods , Omicron Variant , Iphone 13 Pro , 13 , Why Don T , Punches , Migraine Medicine , Ubrelvy , Migraine , Serena , Dose , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Tracks , 3 , Pill , Nausea , Side Effects , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Older Medicines , Cause , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Cgrp Protein , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Photos , County Of Macomb , Ancestors , Wow , Gift , Lorraine Banks , Michigan , Oh My Goodness , Anything , Tradition , Tis , Season , Sleigh , Cadillac , Cadillac Showroom , Shipping Manager , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Candidates , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Find Themself , Credit , Internet Service , Internet , Emergency Broadband Benefit Program , Xfinity , 50 , 0 , Program , Store , Call , Equipment , Value , Click , Xfinity Mobile , 5 , 15 , Vaccines , Elizabeth Cohen , Question , Answer , Health Lead , Researchers , Glimpse , Insight , South Africa , Study , Lead Researcher , Phone , Pfizer , Variant , Lab , Extent , Escape Variant , Protection , Disease , Don T Have Pfizer , Booster , Situation , Escape Artist , Vaccination , Studies , Challenge , Delta , Travel Plans , Poll , Ipsos , Axios , 1 , Planning , Folks , Omicron , Dining , Precautions , Cdc , Let S Go , Group , Travel , Airport , Airplane , Train , Family Members , Cancer , Immunecompromised , Hate Crime , The Stand Again Today , Accused Of Staging A , Tense , Thinkorswim , Mobile App , Markets , Flight , Dashboard , Risk , Mobile , One Last Look , Set , App , Smart , Investing Style , Tony Cooper , Hi , My Name , Coverage , Exciting Medicare Advantage , Premiums , Original Medicare , Prescription Drugs , Hospital , Doctor Office Visits , Cost , Deductible , Medicare Supplement Plan , Each , Prescription Drug Coverage , Deductibles , Coinsurance , Take A Look At Humana S Medicare Advantage , Hospitals , 2020 , Humana , Prescription Drug , Prescription Costs , Sneakers , Fitness , 8400 , 400 , Hearing , Dental , Copay , Telehealth , Zero , Decision Guide , Network , Facts , Obligation , Areas , Screen , Prescriptions , Human Way , Healthcare , Lead , Testimony , Police , Prosecutors , Accusations , Questions , Former , Sara Sidner , Empire , Chicago , Prosecutor , Yesterday Smollett , Courtroom , Stand , Cross Examination , Counts , Fireworks , Disorderly Conduct , Allegations , Supporters , Charges , Trainer , Inconsistencies , Story , Brother , The Osundairos , Attack , Instance , Jury , Oath , Osundairos , Yes , Noose , Inconsistency , Video , Saw , Neck , Colleagues , Evidence , It Wasn T Like Wrapped , Rope , Clothes , Abc , Good Morning America , Interview , Commission , Progressive Push To Change The Supreme Court , Attention , Recommendations , Draft , Disagreement , Seats , Bit , High Court , Analyst Joan , Idea , Progressive Democrats , Pages , Court , Compromise , Expansion Question , 300 , Term Limits , Support , Court Expansion , Call Court Packing , Nonstart , 18 , Problem , Justice , Constitution , Life , Recusals , Impeachment , Cycle , Big Ones , Justices , Commission Doesn T , Legitimacy , Conflict Of Interest , Wasn T , 36 , Experts , Impact , 34 , Conclusions , Majority , Nine , Issue , Transparency , Example , Orders , Ethics Code , Lower Court , Joan , Judges , Dozens , Homes , Thousands , Houses , High Standards , Volcano Eruption , Bath Fitter , Ash , R Bath , Two Million , Family Plans , Consultation , Bathfitter Com , Chloe , 25 , Stove , Views , Peaks , Cocoa , Sunny Vrbo , Ski Chalet , Grandpa , Retirement , Ski Lessons , Ski Out , Biktarvy , H I V , Adults , Vrbo , Lab Test , Amount , Research , Cure , Virus , Liver Problems , Kidney Problems , Buildup , Sex , Can , Kidney Failure , Lactic Acid , Rifampin , Dofetilide , Medicines , Kidney , Hepatitis , Breastfeeding , Diarrhea , Headache , Hepatitis B , Heart , On Unsweetened Lipton , Care , Lipton , Sippin , Start Sippin , Stop Chuggin , Layers , Rescue Workers , Indonesia , Point , Survivors , Rescuers , Eruption , Paula Hancocks , Couple , Hot Ash , Teams , Volcano , Rescue , Weather , Winds , Serarch , Heavy Rain , Efforts , Rivers , Search And Rescue , Hot Lava , Bridge , Debris , Images , Rooftops , Villages , Hardened Ash , Chance , Escape , Vehicles , Many , Lava , Safety , Burns , Injuries , It Wasn T , Volcanos , Schools , Touring , Area , Operation , Government , Veterans , Attack On Pearl Harbor , Marking Today S 80th An Verse Ary , Up Next , Yep , 80 , Subways , Ads , Jerseys , Space , Turkey Cali Fresh , Go Long Italian , Bmt , Dianne , Daybed , Family Room Slash Gym , Bedroom Slash Music Studio , Panic Room , Basement Slash , Family Needs , Yoga Shanti Slash , The Living Room , Slash Classroom , Vacation , Em Up , Up Light , Songs , In The Dark , Up , I M On Fire So Light , 80th Anniversary , Japanese , Department Of Veterans Affairs , Passing Anniversary , Infamy , A Million , Navy , Machinist , Making , Hero S , Jack Holder , Eight , Fighters , Radio Man , David Russell , Navy Machine , Frank , Uss Oklahoma , Cass Phillips , Flying Boat , 101 , Bombers , Hawaii , American Airlines , 63 , Transport Planes , Organizers , Pacific , 97 , Honor , In My Wildest Dreams , Words , Daughter , Homage , Ship , Horror , Sunken Uss Arizona , Sailors , Ira , 1000 , Visit , Go Fund , Generation , The Bottom Of My Heart , 000 , 6000 , World War Ii Memorial Here , First Lady , Flowers , Father , Trip , Essence , Navy Signalman , Hawaii Returns , 12 , 93 , Humanity , Best , Heroes , Kelly Ripa , Anderson Cooper , 100 , Eastern On Cnn , Hero Of The Year , 15th Annual All Star Tribute , 8 , Episode , Podcasts , Watching , Situation Room , Wolf Blitzer , Punishment , Video Faceoff , Tamping , Massacre , Now Tha , 6 , January 6 ,

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