Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240709 : compareme

Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240709

with the january 6th committee along with my colleagues ryan nobles and mike warren, we have learned that the committee subpoenaed short a few weeks ago. but that unlike some other trump officials, he's not fighting the subpoena. and, anderson, short's cooperation is a significant development because he is, as you say, a firsthand witness to so many critical events. he was with mike pence at the capitol on january 6th. he was also in the oval office on january 4th when former-president trump tried to convince pence not to certify the election results. so, um, all of these things our sources say add up to one thing. short's assistance signals a greater openness among pence's inner circle with one source telling me the committee is getting, quote, significant cooperation with team pence. just for context, short is considered one of pence's most loyal aides. it is hard to imagine that mark short would cooperate with the committee without pence's blessing. >> so, i mean, this is kind of a new divide in how the former president's team is dealing with the committee, versus the former vice president's team. what kind of information or documents would short likely be able to provide? >> absolutely. so, mark short knows what was going on in the days leading up to january 6th, like what happened in the oval office. he knows what happened at the capitol on january 6th. it's likely that mark short -- who was chief of staff to mike pence -- was not calling or texting. maybe someone like mark meadows who was chief of staff to donald trump when the riot was going on. asking him what's happening? why is -- you know, why is no one stopping this? so, short is likely to be able to provide key information about conversations, phone calls, texts. things that happened in real-time on january 6th. also, perhaps he can answer two of the most important questions the committee has. what was donald trump doing when was riot was going on? and why didn't he move more quickly to take action to stop it? >> and what are your sources telling you about the motivation behind people in pence's inner circle who are maybe cooperating? i mean, and -- and also, obviously, how the former president is either reacting or likely to react? >> right. so, the pence team motivation is interesting because we've seen pence separate himself from trump. sort of come back to trump. then, say i did the right thing on -- on january 6th. he has indicated he wants to run for president. maybe, he sees this as a way to muddy up trump, to get a different lane in the republican base. as for donald trump, let's face it. he is not going to be happy with this, to say the least. and he has a history with mark short. in fact, on january 7th, trump banned mark short from the white house because he was so angry that pence didn't do his bidding, anderson. >> jamie, stay with us. i want to bring in "washington post" associate editor bob woodward, who has written along with robert costa in their new book "peril." also, cnn political director david chalian joins us. bob, you heard jamie's report. obviously, a big part of your book was devoted to january 6th and the events that led up to it. how big a deal is it in your view mark short who is cooperating with the committee? >> you couldn't get a better source when you do these investigations, you are always looking for somebody who would be labeled the reliable witness. and mark short joined at the trump -- at the -- at the hip with pence in a very significant way. the chief of staff in this political environment is the alter ego, to a certain extent, the conscience of the principal. and i think an important element here is that pence and short share deep religious conviction. and on january 7th -- after the insurrection, the day after -- when pence certified joe biden as president and the house and the senate went through that significant really pivotal moment of saying joe biden is the president, short sent -- and -- and this is important -- pence a quote from the book of timothy from the bible. saying i have fought the good fight. i have finished my course. i have kept the faith. so, somebody like short is there at key moments, is always getting reports from pence in -- in our book if you just look under mark short and pence, you see they are together at critical moments. so this opens a big door. >> and, david, i mean, you know, as bob was saying, pence -- short has been incredibly loyal member of the pence team for years going back to the congress -- congressman pence's days in the house. is it -- i mean, it's not just, david, potentially you know his opinions that -- that he has access to. it's documents. >> yeah, there is no doubt about that. and -- and -- and at critical junctures in this timeline that the committee is putting together. i mean, who more is going to have firsthand knowledge about the pressure campaign from trump onto pence than mark short who witnessed it firsthand? i will just note your -- i'm glad you raised their history, anderson, because this gets at jamie's earlier point. it's not only hard to imagine, i -- i think it's nearly inconceivable that mark short would do this without the tacet approval of mike pence. you mentioned he was the chief of staff in the house republican conference for pence back in the very early years of the obama administration. he served with -- he served with him during the 2016 campaign when trump put pence on the ticket. and then of course, went into the white house and served as his chief of staff. this is a longtime loyal aide. he is doing this, of course, with pence's approval. it's -- it's just inconceivable to think otherwise. >> and, jamie, i mean, you have reported in the past that there are some members of the pence team who are more willing to testify than others. if mark short does indeed testify in front of the committee, are there others who would possibly follow suit? >> so, we know from reporting a couple of weeks ago that there are at least five members of pence world that the committee is interested in talking to. and one of those was greg jacob, who was pence's counsel. who was also in the oval office when trump was pressuring, um, pence. i think that there are a number of people and my reporting is that the committee is feeling more and more confident that more people from the pence inner circle will cooperate. >> bob, the fact that mark short was physically alongside then-vice president pence on january 6th as, you know, people are chanting hang mike pence, which the former president recently described as -- as, you know, a common-sense reaction because they were so upset and angry. are you surprised the committee needed a subpoena to get short to cooperate? or do you think that's part of getting him to cooperate was, look, i want to do this but you need to subpoena me? >> well, you -- you don't know the answer to that very important question. though, what -- what you do know is -- and what we tried to show in our reporting -- is that pence, though the loyal, dutiful, vice president to trump, there was always an independent streak here. and the group that jamie's referring to around pence -- a lot of lawyers, political advisers, people always saying to pence you need to strike out on your own. preserve the position you have. 61 years old now, i think. and certainly, wants to run for president, would like to be president. and -- and so, this is a -- a foot in the door. and something i -- i know if you go back to other investigations, the chief of staff is always the key person. there's no one like it. in fact, it's almost better than the spouse. it really brings you face to face with the daily forces, the -- the pressure campaign on pence was intense. and no one would know the details more than mark short. >> anderson, i would just say that pence, this year, i think about the preserve bob's talking about has been all over the map on this. it's not clear that he is positioning himself so independently of trump. i mean at one point, just in recent months, he described january 6th as just one day in history that the media's obsessed about. at other times, he's said the obvious, that he and trump are never going to see eye to eye on that day. i would imagine so. one person was inciting an incor insurrection. the other guy was hearing hang mike pence while he was presiding over ceremony ies at e capitol. but it is not yet clear exactly how pence is going to try to navigate a path forward if he does run for 2024 that is one independent of trump. we all saw his four years as that loyal vice president. it is going to be so difficult for him to have an identity apart from trump's in a republican nominating race in 2024 if that's what comes to be. >> david, you're exactly right. but -- and -- and pence was one way and the other way. he was with trump. he was defying trump. but in -- in the end, and, you no, this is the end of this ball game -- pence did the right thing. >> no doubt about it. >> he stood up to trump. and in the meetings we report with trump, it -- it was interesting. pence was always saying to trump, i'm praying for you. i continue to pray for you. and that's a signal of the religious component and it's a signal you know who you do pray for the most? the sinner. >> be interesting to know what the former president, you know, how much comfort he took in the knowledge that mike pence was praying for him. perhaps, he will write about that one day. bob woodward, jamie gangel, david chalian, thank you so much. appreciate it. coming up next, with funerals plans this weekend for those killed at oxford high, there are new developments in the case against the shooter's parents, including a search warrant executed tonight. also, this evening as russian troops build along ukraine's border, the stakes for tomorrow's biden-putin video call could not be higher. what president biden may do to try to head off a feared invasion, his options if tanks start to roll. we will talk to fareed zakaria about all that. only from discover. want your clothes to smell freshly washed all day without heavy perfumes? now they can! with downy light in-wash freshness boosters. just pour a capful of beads into your washing machine before each load. to give your laundry a light scent that lasts longer than detergent alone, with no heavy perfumes or dyes. finally, a light scent that lasts all day! new downy light, available in four naturally-inspired scents. 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>> reporter: anderson, we know that search warrant was executed for any and all electronic devices found in the home. that 65-year-old voluntarily showed up at the oakland county sheriff's department with his attorney. his attorney releasing a statement just moments ago saying his client -- the 65-year-old -- had no idea there was a warrant out for the arrests of the parents. he also said he did not help those parents evade police, and he didn't know they were arrested at his art studio. >> not guilty. >> not guilty. >> reporter: today, jennifer and james crumbley now sit in the same jail as their son. all, under close observation. the parents were arrested early-saturday morning. found in a warehouse in nearby detroit hours after they were charged with four counts, each, of involuntary manslaughter. >> if there are fugitive of justice charges that could be additionally added if they are convicted, there are actually additional points that are scored for the obstruction of justice. and so, they are likely to get higher sentences. >> reporter: prosecutors saying the crumbleys were making preparations to flee during the time they evaded capture. >> they withdrew $4,000 from an atm in rochester hills. they fled, and they -- they sought multiple attempts to hide their location and were eventually tracked down and these two individuals were found locked somewhere in a room hiding. >> reporter: a third person, the man who allowed the couple to get into the warehouse, was interviewed by the oakland sheriff's department. a search warrant was issued for electronic evidence at his home but still no word on whether he will face potential charges. >> clearly, somebody helped them into that location and made it available to them. and it was after it was publicly announced that there were warrants for them. >> reporter: both, jennifer and james crumbley have pleaded not guilty to the charges and their attorney took issue with the timeline of events laid out during their arraignment. >> the facts that -- that have been presented by miss mcdonald and her office have been cherry picked to further her narrative of making an example of mr. and mrs. crumbley. >> none of this should have happened. a 15 1/2-year-old should not be sitting in jail facing life in prison. and it could have been prevented. >> reporter: the prosecutor is still investigating the school's role in the events leading up to the shooting. >> i just think it's time we start -- stop talking about how terrible it is that we have school shootings, and look to see what we can do to actually prevent them from happening again. >> reporter: the michigan attorney general has also criticized the oxford school district's hiring of a third party to investigate the shootings and offered to help conduct a review of the events that day. meanwhile, a community is still grieving the death of four teenagers and rallying around those injured in the shootings. the detroit lions dedicating its first win of the season to all the victims. >> this game ball goes to the whole oxford community. all those who were affected. i want us to not forget these names. madisyn baldwin, hana st. juliana, justin shilling, tate myre. those names will never be forgotten. >> so, a adrienne, what more do know about the manhunt required to bring them into custody? >> anderson, it is possible they could face additional charges, for example, obstruction of justice. that is according to the state attorney general but she did underscore she is not handling this case. if those additional charges come, it will be up to the prosecutor. keep in mind, this couple is already facing a higher bond rate because of their actions. meanwhile, less than ten miles from the high school, a visitation took place earlier today for the 16-year-old who died in the patrol car on the way to the hospital. we learned a little more about tate. today, we learned he loved the holiday, especially christmas. decorating the tree, the house, and making cookies with his mom. he enjoyed grilling with his dad and shopping with his brothers. anderson. >> adrienne broaddus, appreciate it. thank you. up next, there is new details about what president biden plans to say to russia's president putin when they speak one on one tomorrow and how putin may respond. starts with a healthy immune system. with vitamins c and d, and zinc. getting out there has never tasted so good. try centrum multigummies. introducing the all-new gillettelabs with exfoliating bar. it combines shaving and gentle exfoliation into one efficient stroke, for a shave as quick and easy as washing your face. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the new sensodyne repair and protect with deep repair has the science to show that the toothpaste goes deep inside the exposed dentin to help repair sensitive teeth. my patients are able to have that quality of life back. i recommend sensodyne repair and protect with deep repair. -'s new collaboration tools made it easy for romeo and i to find the right home together. - 'cause we can see each other's favorites all in one place. - and go back and forth with comments. oh romeo, romeo, i love our new home. -, to each their home. small businesses like yours make gift-giving possible. now, comcast business has an exclusive gift for you. introducing the gift of savings sale. for a limited time, ask how to get a great deal for your business. and get up to a $500 prepaid card with select bundles when you switch to the network that can deliver gig speeds to the most businesses. or get started with internet and voice for $64.99 per month with a 2-year price guarantee. give your business the gift of savings today. comcast business. powering possibilities. senior biden administration official tells cnn president biden will warn russia's president vladimir putin tomorrow during their scheduled video call that the u.s. is prepared to impose what he called, quote, substantive economic countermeasures meant to inflict quote significant and severe economic harm on the russian economy end quote. if russia takes military action against ukraine. meanwhile, vladimir putin is expected to tell president biden that nato must not admit ukraine as a member of nato. demand he is not likely to agree to. also tonight, the white house confirmed a full diplomatic boycott of the upcoming olympics in beijing, which means u.s. athletes can compete but no one from the administration will attend the winter games which start the first week of february. joining us now to talk about it all, fareed zakaria, host of fareed fareed zakaria gps. >> so, fareed, tomorrow in that video call between president biden and vladimir putin, how much do you think will be at stake? >> this is the highest-stakes diplomacy that joe biden has conducted since he's become president. there have been big events that ever that have taken place. obviously, the collapse of kabul. the iran negotiations. but this one, biden is doing personally. and what is at stake here is that putin is testing how far he can go in intimidating ukraine and intimidating the west. biden has to try to push back in a way that is both firm but not so provocative that it precipitates the crisis that he is trying to avoid. it's a tough balance, and it's certainly as i say the high-stakes diplomacy that he has conducted personally as president. >> do you think he is really planning to invade ukraine? >> i think winston churchill had a great line about the russians in the '50s. he said they don't want war. what they want is -- are the fruits of war. what -- what putin wants is for ukraine to become much weaker, far more dependent on russia, and to never become a member of nato. so, i think this is all a series of intimidations directed at both ukraine to cripple it and at the west to say do not cross that line. do not make ukraine a member of nato. if you do, you know, i have got 175,000 troops on their border. how many do you have? >> so, it's interesting. i mean, as much as it is about ukraine, it is also about nato's power in -- in eastern europe. is that just because nato is a real sore spot for putin? i mean, the -- the idea of this alliance? >> absolutely. i remember one time when i met with him. um, he -- he had a litany of complaints about western policy. but they all centrally revolved around this idea that nato existed to defeat the soviet union during the cold war. we surrendered. the cold war is over. and yet, nato has kept expanding its borders eastward closer and closer to russia. why are you doing this? this is an existential threat to us. so, that is putin's world view. he is a -- a russian nationalist and he looks at ukraine becoming part of nato as kind of the final straw because this would bring nato right to russia's border. >> how -- i mean, what would be the process for ukraine becoming part of nato? i mean, is that really even on the table? >> well, you know, most people don't realize this but -- but nato has given ukraine a kind of a roadmap. they haven't said that ukraine will become a member but they have outlined a series of steps ukraine has to take in order to qualify. so, it -- in a sense, it's -- you know, ukraine is on a road to -- to present itself to nato for membership. no ultimate decision has been made. but that is what is worrying vladimir putin. >> so, is -- i mean, i guess u.s. levying new sanctions would be on the table and then, russia would perhaps retaliate against that? i mean, what -- what are the next steps on this? >> probably, the biggest weapon biden has is to threaten that he would cut russia off from the international financial system through a mechanism basically -- it's -- it's called swift. and, you know, if -- if the united states decides such as the power of the dollar that it will not allow you to bank in dollars, it becomes very hard for you to move money around. it becomes very hard for you to sell your oil and gas. >> i wanted to ask you about chinament you did a documentary that aired last friday. um, what did you make of the white house' announcement today that there is going to be a diplomatic boycott by the u.s. of the upcoming-winter olympics in beijing? and does that really send any kind of a message at all? >> yeah, i think it does. i think that the administration is trying to balance the reality of china as a huge power, second largest economy in the world. the united states does enormous amount of trade with -- with china. the world does an enormous amount of trade. this is a very different power than russia. this is a huge player in the international economic space and, you know, great ancient civilization. with the very important objections the biden administration has, rightly, about chinese policy and xinjiang towards the uighurs. so, it's not a full boycott. you know, that -- that has tended to also not work very well. you punish your own athletes. so they have tried to do something where no government official will go to -- to kind of grace the occasion. to -- to witness the -- the olympics. but the athletes will be allowed to compromise -- to -- to compete. i think it's a reasonable line. it -- it demonstrates that this is not just words about xinjiang. that the united states is willing to back it with actions. but it's also not, you know, it recognizes that china is a major power in the world and we are going to have to live with it. >> fareed zakaria, appreciate it. thanks, fareed. >> pleasure as always, anderson. coming up in a minute. the former president pitting republican against republican in georgia to primary the governor who wouldn't help him overturn the race that he, himself, lost there. ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? 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[school bus passing by] [kids laughing] [bikes passing] [fire truck siren] [first responder] onstar, we see them. [onstar advisor] okay. mother and child in vehicle. mother is unable to exit the vehicle. injuries are unknown. [first responder] thank you, onstar. [driver] my son, is he okay? [first responder] your son's fine. [driver] thank you. there was something in the road... [first responder] it's okay. you're safe now. our lead story tonight underscored just how much pressure the former president put on mike pence to secure his help in overturning the election, this next item details how far he is going on two other fronts. one is to put friendly state officials into office who share his election conspiracy fantasy or simply be indebted to him if he runs again. the other appears to be just plain revenge against republicans who refuse to commit a crime on his behalf, like georgia governor brian kemp who is now facing a primary challenge from former senator david perdue, egged on by the former president. just before air time, the former president endorsed perdue, and perdue in words that kind of defy irony, even as they string credulity said this. >> to fight back, we simply have to be united. unfortunately, today, we are divided and brian kemp and brad raffensperger are to blame. >> so, it's worth noting brian kemp and brad raffensperger. they did their jobs overseeing the election and certifying the outcome. both are conservative republicans who campaigned and voted for the former president. what they would not do, however, is conspire with him, which is why the former president has been encouraging perdue to launch a primary challenge and has been trashing kemp any chance he gets, including in a statement earlier today. quoting now. i can't imagine that brian kemp who's hurt election integrity in georgia so badly can do well at the ballot box, unless the election is rigged, of course. joining us now from macon, georgia, erick erickson. also, van jones, cnn political kmen d commentator and former special adviser to president obama. so, eric, is revenge a winning issue for trump loyalists in georgia? i mean, essentially, david perdue should be governor because brian kemp wouldn't interfere with the process? >> that's largely the argument they are going with. in fact, david perdue ironically today -- i actually laughed at the statement -- said that brian kemp was responsible for the loss of two senate seats in georgia. now, of course, david perdue was one of the senators who lost. probably more blame with him. i will tell you i was talking to a state legislator right before air time who told me that he and other members of the state legislature are getting phone calls from trump supporters saying if they don't come out endorse perdue, they can expect primary challenges in these newly redistribucting lines. a lot of them think maybe it's time to stand up and not do this. >> hmm. van, i guess some democrats might be relishing the idea of kind of a divisive republican gubernatorial primary in georgia but it seems to me they shouldn't because we need two functioning parties that are law-abiding and fact-based in this country. we need a healthy republican party. >> i -- i agree and -- and what saved constitutional democracy, the rule of law were two groups that don't agree on anything. one, you had a bunch of black women mostly who led the charge who -- who did unbelievable voter turnout. um, on the one hand. and then, you had conservative white men who were election officials -- mostly in the republican party -- who upheld the vote. those two forces. those liberal black women and those conservative white men are why we have continued functioning democracy in -- in this country. and yet, you see now a move to say let's repress the black vote and replace those honest conservatives with kind of pro-trump at all cost conservatives. this is a threat that we are facing now to the rule of law in this country. if you are a governor, and you are going to be replaced because you upheld the rule of law and the u.s. constitution, that is no longer a partisan issue, that's an american issue. i never thought i would be trying to defend somebody like kemp who i disagree with on everything. but a governor shouldn't be replaced and primaried for upholding rult of law. >> well, eric, it's also -- i mean, i remember the days when then-president trump liked brian kemp. i mean, he used to say great things about him. about his -- you know, he liked the way he was handling covid. he -- you know, he couldn't say enough good stuff about him. >> yeah. and you know, that's one of the ironies here. one of the few times donald trump ever attacked brine kemp pr brian kemp prior to this was he thought he opened the state too soon last year, end of april i think it was when kemp opened the state. otherwise, he endorsed kemp last go-around and has now been working people for him largely because donald trump is very transactional. he wanted brian kemp to do something. ironically, though, and just to clarify this whole conversation which makes it more ridiculous is the georgia constitution actually predicts the governor of the state of georgia from doing anything at all in an election. so they are going after kemp for not doing something in the election and the georgia constitution strictly prohibits him from doing anything whatsoever. >> but, eric, do you worry about the sustained effort by the former president? because it seems like now, there is going to be in a lot of states, folks who believe the big lie running for school boards -- not school board -- run running for election boards to -- to, you know, be ones who are in a position of certifying the next elections. >> look. i -- i get hate mail on my radio show nearly every day when i tell people the election wasn't stolen. certainly, there were irregularities. i was an elections lawyer. there always are. but it wasn't stolen. and yeah, it does trouble me that the adamantsy of the people who believe this but also i don't think they are the majority and i think to some degree, when you see president trump's polling within the republican party after january 6th, it was 90%, then 80, then 70. now, it's at 60%. time heals all these wounds and pretty soon republicans will be flirting with someone else. >> van, do you think that's true? >> well, you know, hope springs eternal. i -- we haven't seen -- we haven't seen evidence of that, yet. in other words, still the dominant force in the republican party remains donald trump. so far, there's nobody that's been able to emerge as a real contender and this is going to, in some ways, be the war to settle the score. this primary. do you have republican voters in georgia who believe in the rule of law more than they love donald trump? or not? because there's no reason to replace the sitting governor. he's as right wing as you can be. hard to find a more right-wing governor in the country than kemp. so, you can't be mad at him for anything if you are a republican voter than anything except that he didn't break the law help donald trump. >> and, van, how important is this race for stacey abrams? she's got a national profile now. she is going to be running for the governor there. there are no other primary challengers. >> well, listen. i mean, this is her moment. um, she -- look, she has gotten where she is through the dent of hard work. when the idea that you would have an african-american woman knocking on the door of being a governor in that state would have been preposterous ten years ago. even five year ago. she made it within a hair's breadth of winning last time and it's her turn and you are going to see a tremendous amount of support behind her and it's deserved. and then, what you are going to see is, though, on the republican side, is -- is she going up against kemp again? is it a rematch? or is she going up against a republican party that is more committed to donald trump than the rule of law? >> well, van jones, eric -- oh, go ahead, eric. >> real quick, that she is -- her announcement last week prompted david perdue to do this. so she is lining the chess pieces up on the board the way she wants and david perdue took her bait. >> hmm, interesting. eric, thank you so much. van jones, as well. appreciate it. a humanitarian crisis plaguing the already unstable nation of south sudan as historic floods threaten hundreds of thousands of people. cnn's clarissa ward is on the scene next. im mobile- -so i can finish analyzing the risk on this position. you two are all set. choose the app that fits your investing style. ♪ ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. ♪ ♪ cases of anxiety in young adults are rising as experts warn of the effects on well-being caused by the pandemic. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. hey, angie! you forgot your phone! hey lou! angie forget her phone again? 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have your homes been destroyed? they survived years of vicious civil war here. but these floods may pose the greatest threat, yet. they tell us their crops have been completely destroyed. so, what are you living on right now? what are you surviving on? the lilies? >> yeah. >> the lilies. the water lilies. are people getting sick from the dirty water? many people have waterborne diseases, they explain. the wells were all covered so we have to drink this water. while south sudan is no stranger to seasonal flooding, unity state hasn't been hit like this since the early 1960s. scientists say the floods have become much more intense and unpredictable in recent years, in part because of global warming. james? >> yes. >> hi, james. >> reporter: james loin is one of hundreds of thousands who have been displaced. he agrees to show us what's left of his family home. oh, my god. >> yeah. >> reporter: that's your motorcycle. >> yes. >> reporter: nothing is left except for his children's drawings on the walls. since the conflict erupted, we've never had a rest, he tells us. we've been constantly running, displaced, our children have had no relief from the dangers. now, he is forced to flee, once again. the journey to the promise of dry land is long and arduous. the lucky ones travel by boat. most swim or wade, moving slowly but purposefully through the muddy waters. some push makeshift floats piled high with family members and possessions. we come across a group of women whose raft is stuck in the mud. the men of the family norika tells us they left their home four days ago. >> have you been pushing the raft for four days? yes, they tell us. along the way, they say, their food ran out. how old is your baby? five to six months? are you worried about your children? yes, i'm worried, she says. and that's why we keep moving. they still have several miles to push before they reach this narrow strip of dry land. according to unicef, some 6,000 people have now settled here and quickly dependent on aid to survive. >> they don't have a latrine, enough food for them to eat. >> they don't have bathrooms, food? and there are more people arriving every day? >> they're going to continue to be displaced and they keep coming. >> you're obviously doing everything you can but is it enough? >> that's the reason why we're calling for donor community. to show that children get schools, health care. we prevent them to die. >> as stagnant waters continue to rise, so do diseases like diarrhea and hepatitis e. malnutrition in children is now at its highest level since 2013. those who make it all the way to the state capitol find little sanctuary. some of the main roads have been turned into waterways. car res placed by canoes. just a mile further, the ghostly remains of what was once a commercial hub. this used to be the central shopping area in town. as you can see, completely destroyed. >> according to authorities, 90% of unity state has been impacted by these floods. here the effects of climate changeerant a hypothetical problem in the future but rath arreal disaster in the present. >> we're fighting not to reach here? >> we're unable to scope with the scale of the crisis? >> we don't have a sufficient for survival. >> how much longker you cope with the situation as it stands? >> realistically, i can tell you the family, we're just worried because we're told the water will not go now. or dry up. it's going to take a while. >> they don't have long. the next rains are expected in may. and if the current waters don't reseed, the fear is that this area will be wiped off the map. dikes are being built to try and hold back the encroaching waters. but the handful of diggers are no match for the vast flooding. breaches are common, leaving many with no choice but to take matters into their own hands. hastily imprus having protection for their homes. as the waters quietly continue to rise. >> now, is this expected to be the new norm in this region? >> reporter: well, this is what has everybody so worried, anderson. because if this is the new normal, i can tell you from what we have seen, south sudan will not be able to cope. they do not have the pumps, the equipment, the infrastructure needed to deal with this kind of a crisis. what you have is compound effect, where every time another flood hits, the situation gets worse and worse. what we do know from the u.n. is africa is disproporti disproportionately effected by climate change. and sight sudan, the youngest country in the world. there are roughly 125 miles of paved road in this country, anderson. south sudan has not contributed even a fraction of global emissions and yet they are paying a very heavy toll for continued global warming. anderson. >> i'm so glad you're there. appreciate it. devyn nun ez has a new carer path. with fidelity. and with a scenario that makes it a possibility, she'll enjoy her dream right now. that's the planning effect, from fidelity. your mission: stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and take. it. on... ...with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. that's rinvoq relief. with ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints. rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious infections and blood clots, sometimes fatal, have occurred... have certain cancers, including lymphoma, and tears in the stomach or intestines, and changes in lab results. your doctor should monitor your bloodwork. tell your doctor about any infections... and if you are or may become pregnant while taking rinvoq. take on ra. talk to your rheumatologist about rinvoq relief. rinvoq. make it your mission. learn how abbvie could help you save on rinvoq. welcome. congressman nunez is leaving and they'll be aiming to launch their own social conservative media platform they're calling truth social. nunes was foreseen as one of the president's most loyal offenders during the impeachment proceedings and awarded the presidential medal of freedom two days before the capitol insurrection. following the statement confirming nunes new role, the president called him a fighter and a leader. the company he will lead faces now an investigation from the securities and exchange commissions over a financing deal. that's it for us. the news continues. let's hand it over to michael smerconish. >> this is cnn toonltd. and a note about the time slot. as you've heard chris cuomo is no longer with cnn. but our job is to continue to bring the news and that's what we'll do. and america lost one of the greats of the generation, former senate majority leader, war hero, one-time republican presidential nominee, bob dole, will lie in state thursday at the u.s. capitol. but his passing was not the passing of just one. it's a metaphor for the demize of america's productive and civilized governing class. think about it. is there a bob dole among us today in eithe

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Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240709

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with the january 6th committee along with my colleagues ryan nobles and mike warren, we have learned that the committee subpoenaed short a few weeks ago. but that unlike some other trump officials, he's not fighting the subpoena. and, anderson, short's cooperation is a significant development because he is, as you say, a firsthand witness to so many critical events. he was with mike pence at the capitol on january 6th. he was also in the oval office on january 4th when former-president trump tried to convince pence not to certify the election results. so, um, all of these things our sources say add up to one thing. short's assistance signals a greater openness among pence's inner circle with one source telling me the committee is getting, quote, significant cooperation with team pence. just for context, short is considered one of pence's most loyal aides. it is hard to imagine that mark short would cooperate with the committee without pence's blessing. >> so, i mean, this is kind of a new divide in how the former president's team is dealing with the committee, versus the former vice president's team. what kind of information or documents would short likely be able to provide? >> absolutely. so, mark short knows what was going on in the days leading up to january 6th, like what happened in the oval office. he knows what happened at the capitol on january 6th. it's likely that mark short -- who was chief of staff to mike pence -- was not calling or texting. maybe someone like mark meadows who was chief of staff to donald trump when the riot was going on. asking him what's happening? why is -- you know, why is no one stopping this? so, short is likely to be able to provide key information about conversations, phone calls, texts. things that happened in real-time on january 6th. also, perhaps he can answer two of the most important questions the committee has. what was donald trump doing when was riot was going on? and why didn't he move more quickly to take action to stop it? >> and what are your sources telling you about the motivation behind people in pence's inner circle who are maybe cooperating? i mean, and -- and also, obviously, how the former president is either reacting or likely to react? >> right. so, the pence team motivation is interesting because we've seen pence separate himself from trump. sort of come back to trump. then, say i did the right thing on -- on january 6th. he has indicated he wants to run for president. maybe, he sees this as a way to muddy up trump, to get a different lane in the republican base. as for donald trump, let's face it. he is not going to be happy with this, to say the least. and he has a history with mark short. in fact, on january 7th, trump banned mark short from the white house because he was so angry that pence didn't do his bidding, anderson. >> jamie, stay with us. i want to bring in "washington post" associate editor bob woodward, who has written along with robert costa in their new book "peril." also, cnn political director david chalian joins us. bob, you heard jamie's report. obviously, a big part of your book was devoted to january 6th and the events that led up to it. how big a deal is it in your view mark short who is cooperating with the committee? >> you couldn't get a better source when you do these investigations, you are always looking for somebody who would be labeled the reliable witness. and mark short joined at the trump -- at the -- at the hip with pence in a very significant way. the chief of staff in this political environment is the alter ego, to a certain extent, the conscience of the principal. and i think an important element here is that pence and short share deep religious conviction. and on january 7th -- after the insurrection, the day after -- when pence certified joe biden as president and the house and the senate went through that significant really pivotal moment of saying joe biden is the president, short sent -- and -- and this is important -- pence a quote from the book of timothy from the bible. saying i have fought the good fight. i have finished my course. i have kept the faith. so, somebody like short is there at key moments, is always getting reports from pence in -- in our book if you just look under mark short and pence, you see they are together at critical moments. so this opens a big door. >> and, david, i mean, you know, as bob was saying, pence -- short has been incredibly loyal member of the pence team for years going back to the congress -- congressman pence's days in the house. is it -- i mean, it's not just, david, potentially you know his opinions that -- that he has access to. it's documents. >> yeah, there is no doubt about that. and -- and -- and at critical junctures in this timeline that the committee is putting together. i mean, who more is going to have firsthand knowledge about the pressure campaign from trump onto pence than mark short who witnessed it firsthand? i will just note your -- i'm glad you raised their history, anderson, because this gets at jamie's earlier point. it's not only hard to imagine, i -- i think it's nearly inconceivable that mark short would do this without the tacet approval of mike pence. you mentioned he was the chief of staff in the house republican conference for pence back in the very early years of the obama administration. he served with -- he served with him during the 2016 campaign when trump put pence on the ticket. and then of course, went into the white house and served as his chief of staff. this is a longtime loyal aide. he is doing this, of course, with pence's approval. it's -- it's just inconceivable to think otherwise. >> and, jamie, i mean, you have reported in the past that there are some members of the pence team who are more willing to testify than others. if mark short does indeed testify in front of the committee, are there others who would possibly follow suit? >> so, we know from reporting a couple of weeks ago that there are at least five members of pence world that the committee is interested in talking to. and one of those was greg jacob, who was pence's counsel. who was also in the oval office when trump was pressuring, um, pence. i think that there are a number of people and my reporting is that the committee is feeling more and more confident that more people from the pence inner circle will cooperate. >> bob, the fact that mark short was physically alongside then-vice president pence on january 6th as, you know, people are chanting hang mike pence, which the former president recently described as -- as, you know, a common-sense reaction because they were so upset and angry. are you surprised the committee needed a subpoena to get short to cooperate? or do you think that's part of getting him to cooperate was, look, i want to do this but you need to subpoena me? >> well, you -- you don't know the answer to that very important question. though, what -- what you do know is -- and what we tried to show in our reporting -- is that pence, though the loyal, dutiful, vice president to trump, there was always an independent streak here. and the group that jamie's referring to around pence -- a lot of lawyers, political advisers, people always saying to pence you need to strike out on your own. preserve the position you have. 61 years old now, i think. and certainly, wants to run for president, would like to be president. and -- and so, this is a -- a foot in the door. and something i -- i know if you go back to other investigations, the chief of staff is always the key person. there's no one like it. in fact, it's almost better than the spouse. it really brings you face to face with the daily forces, the -- the pressure campaign on pence was intense. and no one would know the details more than mark short. >> anderson, i would just say that pence, this year, i think about the preserve bob's talking about has been all over the map on this. it's not clear that he is positioning himself so independently of trump. i mean at one point, just in recent months, he described january 6th as just one day in history that the media's obsessed about. at other times, he's said the obvious, that he and trump are never going to see eye to eye on that day. i would imagine so. one person was inciting an incor insurrection. the other guy was hearing hang mike pence while he was presiding over ceremony ies at e capitol. but it is not yet clear exactly how pence is going to try to navigate a path forward if he does run for 2024 that is one independent of trump. we all saw his four years as that loyal vice president. it is going to be so difficult for him to have an identity apart from trump's in a republican nominating race in 2024 if that's what comes to be. >> david, you're exactly right. but -- and -- and pence was one way and the other way. he was with trump. he was defying trump. but in -- in the end, and, you no, this is the end of this ball game -- pence did the right thing. >> no doubt about it. >> he stood up to trump. and in the meetings we report with trump, it -- it was interesting. pence was always saying to trump, i'm praying for you. i continue to pray for you. and that's a signal of the religious component and it's a signal you know who you do pray for the most? the sinner. >> be interesting to know what the former president, you know, how much comfort he took in the knowledge that mike pence was praying for him. perhaps, he will write about that one day. bob woodward, jamie gangel, david chalian, thank you so much. appreciate it. coming up next, with funerals plans this weekend for those killed at oxford high, there are new developments in the case against the shooter's parents, including a search warrant executed tonight. also, this evening as russian troops build along ukraine's border, the stakes for tomorrow's biden-putin video call could not be higher. what president biden may do to try to head off a feared invasion, his options if tanks start to roll. we will talk to fareed zakaria about all that. only from discover. want your clothes to smell freshly washed all day without heavy perfumes? now they can! with downy light in-wash freshness boosters. just pour a capful of beads into your washing machine before each load. to give your laundry a light scent that lasts longer than detergent alone, with no heavy perfumes or dyes. finally, a light scent that lasts all day! new downy light, available in four naturally-inspired scents. 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>> reporter: anderson, we know that search warrant was executed for any and all electronic devices found in the home. that 65-year-old voluntarily showed up at the oakland county sheriff's department with his attorney. his attorney releasing a statement just moments ago saying his client -- the 65-year-old -- had no idea there was a warrant out for the arrests of the parents. he also said he did not help those parents evade police, and he didn't know they were arrested at his art studio. >> not guilty. >> not guilty. >> reporter: today, jennifer and james crumbley now sit in the same jail as their son. all, under close observation. the parents were arrested early-saturday morning. found in a warehouse in nearby detroit hours after they were charged with four counts, each, of involuntary manslaughter. >> if there are fugitive of justice charges that could be additionally added if they are convicted, there are actually additional points that are scored for the obstruction of justice. and so, they are likely to get higher sentences. >> reporter: prosecutors saying the crumbleys were making preparations to flee during the time they evaded capture. >> they withdrew $4,000 from an atm in rochester hills. they fled, and they -- they sought multiple attempts to hide their location and were eventually tracked down and these two individuals were found locked somewhere in a room hiding. >> reporter: a third person, the man who allowed the couple to get into the warehouse, was interviewed by the oakland sheriff's department. a search warrant was issued for electronic evidence at his home but still no word on whether he will face potential charges. >> clearly, somebody helped them into that location and made it available to them. and it was after it was publicly announced that there were warrants for them. >> reporter: both, jennifer and james crumbley have pleaded not guilty to the charges and their attorney took issue with the timeline of events laid out during their arraignment. >> the facts that -- that have been presented by miss mcdonald and her office have been cherry picked to further her narrative of making an example of mr. and mrs. crumbley. >> none of this should have happened. a 15 1/2-year-old should not be sitting in jail facing life in prison. and it could have been prevented. >> reporter: the prosecutor is still investigating the school's role in the events leading up to the shooting. >> i just think it's time we start -- stop talking about how terrible it is that we have school shootings, and look to see what we can do to actually prevent them from happening again. >> reporter: the michigan attorney general has also criticized the oxford school district's hiring of a third party to investigate the shootings and offered to help conduct a review of the events that day. meanwhile, a community is still grieving the death of four teenagers and rallying around those injured in the shootings. the detroit lions dedicating its first win of the season to all the victims. >> this game ball goes to the whole oxford community. all those who were affected. i want us to not forget these names. madisyn baldwin, hana st. juliana, justin shilling, tate myre. those names will never be forgotten. >> so, a adrienne, what more do know about the manhunt required to bring them into custody? >> anderson, it is possible they could face additional charges, for example, obstruction of justice. that is according to the state attorney general but she did underscore she is not handling this case. if those additional charges come, it will be up to the prosecutor. keep in mind, this couple is already facing a higher bond rate because of their actions. meanwhile, less than ten miles from the high school, a visitation took place earlier today for the 16-year-old who died in the patrol car on the way to the hospital. we learned a little more about tate. today, we learned he loved the holiday, especially christmas. decorating the tree, the house, and making cookies with his mom. he enjoyed grilling with his dad and shopping with his brothers. anderson. >> adrienne broaddus, appreciate it. thank you. up next, there is new details about what president biden plans to say to russia's president putin when they speak one on one tomorrow and how putin may respond. starts with a healthy immune system. with vitamins c and d, and zinc. getting out there has never tasted so good. try centrum multigummies. introducing the all-new gillettelabs with exfoliating bar. it combines shaving and gentle exfoliation into one efficient stroke, for a shave as quick and easy as washing your face. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the new sensodyne repair and protect with deep repair has the science to show that the toothpaste goes deep inside the exposed dentin to help repair sensitive teeth. my patients are able to have that quality of life back. i recommend sensodyne repair and protect with deep repair. -'s new collaboration tools made it easy for romeo and i to find the right home together. - 'cause we can see each other's favorites all in one place. - and go back and forth with comments. oh romeo, romeo, i love our new home. -, to each their home. small businesses like yours make gift-giving possible. now, comcast business has an exclusive gift for you. introducing the gift of savings sale. for a limited time, ask how to get a great deal for your business. and get up to a $500 prepaid card with select bundles when you switch to the network that can deliver gig speeds to the most businesses. or get started with internet and voice for $64.99 per month with a 2-year price guarantee. give your business the gift of savings today. comcast business. powering possibilities. senior biden administration official tells cnn president biden will warn russia's president vladimir putin tomorrow during their scheduled video call that the u.s. is prepared to impose what he called, quote, substantive economic countermeasures meant to inflict quote significant and severe economic harm on the russian economy end quote. if russia takes military action against ukraine. meanwhile, vladimir putin is expected to tell president biden that nato must not admit ukraine as a member of nato. demand he is not likely to agree to. also tonight, the white house confirmed a full diplomatic boycott of the upcoming olympics in beijing, which means u.s. athletes can compete but no one from the administration will attend the winter games which start the first week of february. joining us now to talk about it all, fareed zakaria, host of fareed fareed zakaria gps. >> so, fareed, tomorrow in that video call between president biden and vladimir putin, how much do you think will be at stake? >> this is the highest-stakes diplomacy that joe biden has conducted since he's become president. there have been big events that ever that have taken place. obviously, the collapse of kabul. the iran negotiations. but this one, biden is doing personally. and what is at stake here is that putin is testing how far he can go in intimidating ukraine and intimidating the west. biden has to try to push back in a way that is both firm but not so provocative that it precipitates the crisis that he is trying to avoid. it's a tough balance, and it's certainly as i say the high-stakes diplomacy that he has conducted personally as president. >> do you think he is really planning to invade ukraine? >> i think winston churchill had a great line about the russians in the '50s. he said they don't want war. what they want is -- are the fruits of war. what -- what putin wants is for ukraine to become much weaker, far more dependent on russia, and to never become a member of nato. so, i think this is all a series of intimidations directed at both ukraine to cripple it and at the west to say do not cross that line. do not make ukraine a member of nato. if you do, you know, i have got 175,000 troops on their border. how many do you have? >> so, it's interesting. i mean, as much as it is about ukraine, it is also about nato's power in -- in eastern europe. is that just because nato is a real sore spot for putin? i mean, the -- the idea of this alliance? >> absolutely. i remember one time when i met with him. um, he -- he had a litany of complaints about western policy. but they all centrally revolved around this idea that nato existed to defeat the soviet union during the cold war. we surrendered. the cold war is over. and yet, nato has kept expanding its borders eastward closer and closer to russia. why are you doing this? this is an existential threat to us. so, that is putin's world view. he is a -- a russian nationalist and he looks at ukraine becoming part of nato as kind of the final straw because this would bring nato right to russia's border. >> how -- i mean, what would be the process for ukraine becoming part of nato? i mean, is that really even on the table? >> well, you know, most people don't realize this but -- but nato has given ukraine a kind of a roadmap. they haven't said that ukraine will become a member but they have outlined a series of steps ukraine has to take in order to qualify. so, it -- in a sense, it's -- you know, ukraine is on a road to -- to present itself to nato for membership. no ultimate decision has been made. but that is what is worrying vladimir putin. >> so, is -- i mean, i guess u.s. levying new sanctions would be on the table and then, russia would perhaps retaliate against that? i mean, what -- what are the next steps on this? >> probably, the biggest weapon biden has is to threaten that he would cut russia off from the international financial system through a mechanism basically -- it's -- it's called swift. and, you know, if -- if the united states decides such as the power of the dollar that it will not allow you to bank in dollars, it becomes very hard for you to move money around. it becomes very hard for you to sell your oil and gas. >> i wanted to ask you about chinament you did a documentary that aired last friday. um, what did you make of the white house' announcement today that there is going to be a diplomatic boycott by the u.s. of the upcoming-winter olympics in beijing? and does that really send any kind of a message at all? >> yeah, i think it does. i think that the administration is trying to balance the reality of china as a huge power, second largest economy in the world. the united states does enormous amount of trade with -- with china. the world does an enormous amount of trade. this is a very different power than russia. this is a huge player in the international economic space and, you know, great ancient civilization. with the very important objections the biden administration has, rightly, about chinese policy and xinjiang towards the uighurs. so, it's not a full boycott. you know, that -- that has tended to also not work very well. you punish your own athletes. so they have tried to do something where no government official will go to -- to kind of grace the occasion. to -- to witness the -- the olympics. but the athletes will be allowed to compromise -- to -- to compete. i think it's a reasonable line. it -- it demonstrates that this is not just words about xinjiang. that the united states is willing to back it with actions. but it's also not, you know, it recognizes that china is a major power in the world and we are going to have to live with it. >> fareed zakaria, appreciate it. thanks, fareed. >> pleasure as always, anderson. coming up in a minute. the former president pitting republican against republican in georgia to primary the governor who wouldn't help him overturn the race that he, himself, lost there. ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? 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[school bus passing by] [kids laughing] [bikes passing] [fire truck siren] [first responder] onstar, we see them. [onstar advisor] okay. mother and child in vehicle. mother is unable to exit the vehicle. injuries are unknown. [first responder] thank you, onstar. [driver] my son, is he okay? [first responder] your son's fine. [driver] thank you. there was something in the road... [first responder] it's okay. you're safe now. our lead story tonight underscored just how much pressure the former president put on mike pence to secure his help in overturning the election, this next item details how far he is going on two other fronts. one is to put friendly state officials into office who share his election conspiracy fantasy or simply be indebted to him if he runs again. the other appears to be just plain revenge against republicans who refuse to commit a crime on his behalf, like georgia governor brian kemp who is now facing a primary challenge from former senator david perdue, egged on by the former president. just before air time, the former president endorsed perdue, and perdue in words that kind of defy irony, even as they string credulity said this. >> to fight back, we simply have to be united. unfortunately, today, we are divided and brian kemp and brad raffensperger are to blame. >> so, it's worth noting brian kemp and brad raffensperger. they did their jobs overseeing the election and certifying the outcome. both are conservative republicans who campaigned and voted for the former president. what they would not do, however, is conspire with him, which is why the former president has been encouraging perdue to launch a primary challenge and has been trashing kemp any chance he gets, including in a statement earlier today. quoting now. i can't imagine that brian kemp who's hurt election integrity in georgia so badly can do well at the ballot box, unless the election is rigged, of course. joining us now from macon, georgia, erick erickson. also, van jones, cnn political kmen d commentator and former special adviser to president obama. so, eric, is revenge a winning issue for trump loyalists in georgia? i mean, essentially, david perdue should be governor because brian kemp wouldn't interfere with the process? >> that's largely the argument they are going with. in fact, david perdue ironically today -- i actually laughed at the statement -- said that brian kemp was responsible for the loss of two senate seats in georgia. now, of course, david perdue was one of the senators who lost. probably more blame with him. i will tell you i was talking to a state legislator right before air time who told me that he and other members of the state legislature are getting phone calls from trump supporters saying if they don't come out endorse perdue, they can expect primary challenges in these newly redistribucting lines. a lot of them think maybe it's time to stand up and not do this. >> hmm. van, i guess some democrats might be relishing the idea of kind of a divisive republican gubernatorial primary in georgia but it seems to me they shouldn't because we need two functioning parties that are law-abiding and fact-based in this country. we need a healthy republican party. >> i -- i agree and -- and what saved constitutional democracy, the rule of law were two groups that don't agree on anything. one, you had a bunch of black women mostly who led the charge who -- who did unbelievable voter turnout. um, on the one hand. and then, you had conservative white men who were election officials -- mostly in the republican party -- who upheld the vote. those two forces. those liberal black women and those conservative white men are why we have continued functioning democracy in -- in this country. and yet, you see now a move to say let's repress the black vote and replace those honest conservatives with kind of pro-trump at all cost conservatives. this is a threat that we are facing now to the rule of law in this country. if you are a governor, and you are going to be replaced because you upheld the rule of law and the u.s. constitution, that is no longer a partisan issue, that's an american issue. i never thought i would be trying to defend somebody like kemp who i disagree with on everything. but a governor shouldn't be replaced and primaried for upholding rult of law. >> well, eric, it's also -- i mean, i remember the days when then-president trump liked brian kemp. i mean, he used to say great things about him. about his -- you know, he liked the way he was handling covid. he -- you know, he couldn't say enough good stuff about him. >> yeah. and you know, that's one of the ironies here. one of the few times donald trump ever attacked brine kemp pr brian kemp prior to this was he thought he opened the state too soon last year, end of april i think it was when kemp opened the state. otherwise, he endorsed kemp last go-around and has now been working people for him largely because donald trump is very transactional. he wanted brian kemp to do something. ironically, though, and just to clarify this whole conversation which makes it more ridiculous is the georgia constitution actually predicts the governor of the state of georgia from doing anything at all in an election. so they are going after kemp for not doing something in the election and the georgia constitution strictly prohibits him from doing anything whatsoever. >> but, eric, do you worry about the sustained effort by the former president? because it seems like now, there is going to be in a lot of states, folks who believe the big lie running for school boards -- not school board -- run running for election boards to -- to, you know, be ones who are in a position of certifying the next elections. >> look. i -- i get hate mail on my radio show nearly every day when i tell people the election wasn't stolen. certainly, there were irregularities. i was an elections lawyer. there always are. but it wasn't stolen. and yeah, it does trouble me that the adamantsy of the people who believe this but also i don't think they are the majority and i think to some degree, when you see president trump's polling within the republican party after january 6th, it was 90%, then 80, then 70. now, it's at 60%. time heals all these wounds and pretty soon republicans will be flirting with someone else. >> van, do you think that's true? >> well, you know, hope springs eternal. i -- we haven't seen -- we haven't seen evidence of that, yet. in other words, still the dominant force in the republican party remains donald trump. so far, there's nobody that's been able to emerge as a real contender and this is going to, in some ways, be the war to settle the score. this primary. do you have republican voters in georgia who believe in the rule of law more than they love donald trump? or not? because there's no reason to replace the sitting governor. he's as right wing as you can be. hard to find a more right-wing governor in the country than kemp. so, you can't be mad at him for anything if you are a republican voter than anything except that he didn't break the law help donald trump. >> and, van, how important is this race for stacey abrams? she's got a national profile now. she is going to be running for the governor there. there are no other primary challengers. >> well, listen. i mean, this is her moment. um, she -- look, she has gotten where she is through the dent of hard work. when the idea that you would have an african-american woman knocking on the door of being a governor in that state would have been preposterous ten years ago. even five year ago. she made it within a hair's breadth of winning last time and it's her turn and you are going to see a tremendous amount of support behind her and it's deserved. and then, what you are going to see is, though, on the republican side, is -- is she going up against kemp again? is it a rematch? or is she going up against a republican party that is more committed to donald trump than the rule of law? >> well, van jones, eric -- oh, go ahead, eric. >> real quick, that she is -- her announcement last week prompted david perdue to do this. so she is lining the chess pieces up on the board the way she wants and david perdue took her bait. >> hmm, interesting. eric, thank you so much. van jones, as well. appreciate it. a humanitarian crisis plaguing the already unstable nation of south sudan as historic floods threaten hundreds of thousands of people. cnn's clarissa ward is on the scene next. im mobile- -so i can finish analyzing the risk on this position. you two are all set. choose the app that fits your investing style. ♪ ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. ♪ ♪ cases of anxiety in young adults are rising as experts warn of the effects on well-being caused by the pandemic. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. hey, angie! you forgot your phone! hey lou! angie forget her phone again? 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have your homes been destroyed? they survived years of vicious civil war here. but these floods may pose the greatest threat, yet. they tell us their crops have been completely destroyed. so, what are you living on right now? what are you surviving on? the lilies? >> yeah. >> the lilies. the water lilies. are people getting sick from the dirty water? many people have waterborne diseases, they explain. the wells were all covered so we have to drink this water. while south sudan is no stranger to seasonal flooding, unity state hasn't been hit like this since the early 1960s. scientists say the floods have become much more intense and unpredictable in recent years, in part because of global warming. james? >> yes. >> hi, james. >> reporter: james loin is one of hundreds of thousands who have been displaced. he agrees to show us what's left of his family home. oh, my god. >> yeah. >> reporter: that's your motorcycle. >> yes. >> reporter: nothing is left except for his children's drawings on the walls. since the conflict erupted, we've never had a rest, he tells us. we've been constantly running, displaced, our children have had no relief from the dangers. now, he is forced to flee, once again. the journey to the promise of dry land is long and arduous. the lucky ones travel by boat. most swim or wade, moving slowly but purposefully through the muddy waters. some push makeshift floats piled high with family members and possessions. we come across a group of women whose raft is stuck in the mud. the men of the family norika tells us they left their home four days ago. >> have you been pushing the raft for four days? yes, they tell us. along the way, they say, their food ran out. how old is your baby? five to six months? are you worried about your children? yes, i'm worried, she says. and that's why we keep moving. they still have several miles to push before they reach this narrow strip of dry land. according to unicef, some 6,000 people have now settled here and quickly dependent on aid to survive. >> they don't have a latrine, enough food for them to eat. >> they don't have bathrooms, food? and there are more people arriving every day? >> they're going to continue to be displaced and they keep coming. >> you're obviously doing everything you can but is it enough? >> that's the reason why we're calling for donor community. to show that children get schools, health care. we prevent them to die. >> as stagnant waters continue to rise, so do diseases like diarrhea and hepatitis e. malnutrition in children is now at its highest level since 2013. those who make it all the way to the state capitol find little sanctuary. some of the main roads have been turned into waterways. car res placed by canoes. just a mile further, the ghostly remains of what was once a commercial hub. this used to be the central shopping area in town. as you can see, completely destroyed. >> according to authorities, 90% of unity state has been impacted by these floods. here the effects of climate changeerant a hypothetical problem in the future but rath arreal disaster in the present. >> we're fighting not to reach here? >> we're unable to scope with the scale of the crisis? >> we don't have a sufficient for survival. >> how much longker you cope with the situation as it stands? >> realistically, i can tell you the family, we're just worried because we're told the water will not go now. or dry up. it's going to take a while. >> they don't have long. the next rains are expected in may. and if the current waters don't reseed, the fear is that this area will be wiped off the map. dikes are being built to try and hold back the encroaching waters. but the handful of diggers are no match for the vast flooding. breaches are common, leaving many with no choice but to take matters into their own hands. hastily imprus having protection for their homes. as the waters quietly continue to rise. >> now, is this expected to be the new norm in this region? >> reporter: well, this is what has everybody so worried, anderson. because if this is the new normal, i can tell you from what we have seen, south sudan will not be able to cope. they do not have the pumps, the equipment, the infrastructure needed to deal with this kind of a crisis. what you have is compound effect, where every time another flood hits, the situation gets worse and worse. what we do know from the u.n. is africa is disproporti disproportionately effected by climate change. and sight sudan, the youngest country in the world. there are roughly 125 miles of paved road in this country, anderson. south sudan has not contributed even a fraction of global emissions and yet they are paying a very heavy toll for continued global warming. anderson. >> i'm so glad you're there. appreciate it. devyn nun ez has a new carer path. with fidelity. and with a scenario that makes it a possibility, she'll enjoy her dream right now. that's the planning effect, from fidelity. your mission: stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and take. it. on... ...with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. that's rinvoq relief. with ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints. rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious infections and blood clots, sometimes fatal, have occurred... have certain cancers, including lymphoma, and tears in the stomach or intestines, and changes in lab results. your doctor should monitor your bloodwork. tell your doctor about any infections... and if you are or may become pregnant while taking rinvoq. take on ra. talk to your rheumatologist about rinvoq relief. rinvoq. make it your mission. learn how abbvie could help you save on rinvoq. welcome. congressman nunez is leaving and they'll be aiming to launch their own social conservative media platform they're calling truth social. nunes was foreseen as one of the president's most loyal offenders during the impeachment proceedings and awarded the presidential medal of freedom two days before the capitol insurrection. following the statement confirming nunes new role, the president called him a fighter and a leader. the company he will lead faces now an investigation from the securities and exchange commissions over a financing deal. that's it for us. the news continues. let's hand it over to michael smerconish. >> this is cnn toonltd. and a note about the time slot. as you've heard chris cuomo is no longer with cnn. but our job is to continue to bring the news and that's what we'll do. and america lost one of the greats of the generation, former senate majority leader, war hero, one-time republican presidential nominee, bob dole, will lie in state thursday at the u.s. capitol. but his passing was not the passing of just one. it's a metaphor for the demize of america's productive and civilized governing class. think about it. is there a bob dole among us today in eithe

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Conversations , Texts , Questions , Two , Joe Biden , People , Didn T , Motivation , Action , Pence , Way , Republican , Lane , Base , Fact , History , White House , Least , On January 7th , January 7th , 7 , David Chalian , Bob Woodward , Book , Bidding , Pence Didn T , Stay , Peril , Robert Costa , Washington Post , Deal , Report , Couldn T , View , Big A , Somebody , Hip , Conscience , Alter Ego , Extent , Principal , Environment , Element , Insurrection , Conviction , Share , House , Certified , Senate , Pence A Quote From The Book Of Timothy , The Bible , Course , Fight , Faith , Door , It , Member , Congressman Pence , Saying , Congress , Doubt , Timeline , Opinions , Junctures , Knowledge , Point , Pressure Campaign , Approval , President Obama , House Republican Conference , Administration , Aide , Campaign , Ticket , 2016 , Members , Pence Team , Others , Front , World , Couple , Suit , Five , Office , Greg Jacob , Pressuring , Counsel , Number , Pence On January 6th , Reaction , What , Know , Question , Answer , Loyal , To Trump , Group , Lot , Lawyers , Streak , Position , 61 , Something , Foot , Person , Spouse , Face To , Details , No One , Preserve Bob S , Map , Times , Media , Obvious , Ceremony Ies , E Capitol , Guy , Eye To , Path , Run , Saw , Identity , Four , 2024 , Race , Republican Nominating , End , Ball Game , Meetings , The End , No Doubt , Signal , Most , Component , Pray , Sinner , Shooter , Parents , Case , Evening , Funerals , Developments , Search Warrant Executed Tonight , Oxford High , Ukraine , Video Call , Border , Russian , Stakes , Troops , Perfumes , Fareed Zakaria , Options , Discover , Clothes , Invasion , Tanks , Light Scent , Boosters , Washing Machine , Load , Beads , Dyes , Detergent , Laundry , Downy Light , Capful , Wash Freshness , Man , Manager , Up Next , Scents , Experience , Carvana , 100 , Car , Salesman , Checking In , Couch , Site , Anyone , She S A Beauty , Sore Throat Pain , Color , Golly , Laughter , Vo , Clerk , Vicks Vapocool , Honey Lemon , Teeth , Sore Throat Relief , Chantell , Honey Lemon Chill , Wooo Vaporize , Everything , Clearchoice , Role , Health , Implants , Suffering , Dental Implants , Awada , Nervivenerve Relief , Nerve Aches , Hands , Party , Feet , Advisor , Plan , Nerve Care Company , Nervive , Discomfort , Weakness , Wealth , Alpha Lipoic Acid , 1 , Planning Effect , Investing Strategies , Picture , Police , Home , Classmates , Teenager , Reporter , Search Warrant , Crime , Adrienne Broaddus , Michigan High School , Michigan , Oxford , 65 , Statement , Attorney , Devices , Client , Oakland County Sheriff S Department , Idea , Warrant , Arrests , Art Studio , James Crumbley , Son , Warehouse , Jennifer , Jail , Observation , Counts , Each , Justice , Manslaughter , Fugitive , Detroit , Prosecutors , Points , Sentences , Obstruction Of Justice , Preparations , Capture , Crumbleys , Location , Attempts , Atm , Individuals , Rochester Hills , 000 , 4000 , Charges , Word , Evidence , Somewhere , Sheriff , Department , Room Hiding , Third Person , Oakland , Warrants , James Crumbley Have , Example , Facts , Miss , Arraignment , Cherry , Narrative , Mcdonald , Mr , Prosecutor , Shooting , Mrs , The School , None , Jail Facing Life In Prison , 15 1 2 Year Old , 15 1 2 , Shootings , School Shootings , Hiring , Third Party , Michigan Attorney General , Oxford School District , Season , Detroit Lions , Community , Death , Teenagers , Victims , Win , Conduct A Review , Names , Game Ball , Oxford Community , Madisyn Baldwin , Hana St , Justin Shilling , Juliana , Tate Myre , Custody , Manhunt , Actions , State Attorney General , Underscore , Mind , Bond Rate , More , High School , Patrol Car , Place , Visitation , Hospital , Tate , Ten , 16 , Mom , Shopping , Holiday , Tree , Cookies , Dad , Brothers , Grilling , Immune System , President Putin , One On , Plans , D , Vitamins C , Zinc , Face , Shave , Stroke , Centrum Multigummies , Gillettelabs , Gentle Exfoliation , Exfoliating Bar , Shaving , Google , Life , Repair , Toothpaste , Dentin , Science , Quality , Sensodyne Repair , Patients , Comments , Each Other , Oh Romeo , Romeo , Favorites , Collaboration Tools , Cause , Sensodyne , Realtor Com , Gift , Businesses , Business , Savings Sale , Comcast Business , Network , Internet , Savings , Prepaid Card , Bundles , Gig Speeds , Price Guarantee , Voice , 64 99 , 00 , 500 , 4 99 , 2 , Possibilities , Vladimir Putin , Senior Biden , Nato , Economy , Countermeasures , Harm , Athletes , Boycott , Olympics , Winter Games , Which , Beijing , Diplomacy , Stake , Host , Fareed Zakaria Gps , Putin , Testing , Collapse , Negotiations , Kabul , Iran , Crisis , West , Balance , Winston Churchill , War , Don T Want War , Fruits , 50 , Series , Intimidations , Power , Eastern Europe , 175000 , Complaints , Sore Spot , He , Alliance , Litany , Western Policy , Cold War , Borders , Soviet Union , Threat , Is Putin , Straw , Nationalist , World View , Table , Process , Haven T , Road , Sense , Roadmap , Order , Membership , Sanctions , Levying , Weapon Biden , System , Mechanism , Steps , Dollar , Swift , Announcement , Chinament , Documentary , Money , Oil , Gas , Message , Winter Olympics , Amount , Trade , Reality , China , Player , Space , Objections , Great Ancient Civilization , Government Official , Policy , Uighurs , Xinjiang , Words , Compromise , Grace , Occasion , Pleasure , Governor , Help , Georgia , Liberty Mutual , Wouldn T , Car Insurance , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Pay , Gasps , Personal Assistant , Theaters , Owner , Manufacturing , Firm , Projects , Spider Man , December 17th Hi , Steve , Austin , Texas , 10 , December 17th , 17 , Well Being , Memory , Ability , Better , Friend , Difference , Challenge , Heartburn , Zero Heartburn , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Prilosec Otc , Zero , 24 , Prilosecotc Dot Com , Kids , Bikes Passing , Fire Truck Siren , School Bus Passing By , Onstar , Mother , Vehicle , Driver , First Responder , Child , Fine , Injuries , Election , Story , Pressure , Lead , State Officials , Other , Conspiracy , Fantasy , Fronts , Behalf , Brian Kemp , David Perdue , Endorsed Perdue , Egged , Irony , Defy , Worth , United , Credulity , Brad Raffensperger , Both , Jobs , Outcome , Chance , Election Integrity , Ballot Box , Macon , Eric , Van Jones , Commentator , Special Adviser , Loyalists , Erick Erickson , Political Kmen D , Argument , Seats , Loss , Ironically , Senators , State Legislator , Air Time , Supporters , State Legislature , Blame , Challenges , Lines , Van , Democrats , Redistribucting , Country , Primary , Functioning Parties , Law Abiding , Women , Anything , Rule Of Law , Groups , Democracy , Charge , Don T , Voter Turnout , Bunch , Men , Vote , Hand , Forces , Conservatives , Cost Conservatives , Move , Pro Trump , Let S Repress The Black , U S Constitution , Law , Shouldn T , Primaried , Upholding Rult , Handling Covid , Unity State , Ironies , He Couldn T , Stuff , Brine , Pr , Conversation , Kemp Last Go Around , Georgia Constitution , Ridiculous , States , Folks , Big Lie Running For , School Boards , Effort , Running , Elections , Hate Mail , Certifying , Ones , Elections Lawyer , Radio Show , Irregularities , Wasn T Stolen , Polling , Degree , Adamantsy , Majority , 80 , 90 , Wounds , Someone Else , Flirting , Hope Springs Eternal , 70 , 60 , Contender , Ways , We Haven T , Force , War To Settle The Score , Nobody , Voters , Reason , Wing , Stacey Abrams , Law Help , He Didn T , Voter , Profile , African American , Challengers , Dent , She , Work , Hair , Breadth , Turn , Support , Rematch , Side , Bait , Chess Pieces , Floods , Thousands , Clarissa Ward , South Sudan , Hundreds , App , Scene , Nation , Risk , Investing Style , Set , Im Mobile , Discover Card , Purchases , It Wasn T Me By Shaggy , Effects , Cases , Experts , Pandemic , Anxiety , Adults , Wish List Event , Sanctuary , Lincoln , Angie , Bill , Lou , Phone , Cost , 5g , Xfinity , Yep , Mobile , 5 , 400 , Store , Switch Squad , Go , Moon Christmas Special , Smart Kid , Gotta , Holiday Season , Flooding , Some , Huns , Runded Livelihoods , Children , Region , Food Shortages , Unity , Northern State , Malnutrition , United Nations , 700000 , Town , Diseases , Spread , 11000 , Waters , Scale , Protection , Treetops , Signs , Belongings , Ding , Homes , Sight , Crops , Civil War , Water , Lilies , Water Lilies , Waterborne Diseases , Sick , Unity State Hasn T , Stranger , Hit , Wells , Scientists , 1960 , Yes , James Loin , Hi , Global Warming , Family , Nothing , Motorcycle , God , Relief , Conflict , Walls , Drawings , Rest , Dangers , Land , Muddy Waters , Journey , Promise , Boat , Swim , Lucky Ones , Wade , Raft , Family Members , Floats , Possessions , Mud , Norika , Baby , Food Ran Out , Six , Strip , Unicef , 6000 , Food , Aid , Latrine , Bathrooms , Donor Community , Hepatitis E Malnutrition , Schools , Health Care , Diarrhea , Level , 2013 , Waterways , Capitol , Roads , Little Sanctuary , Canoes , Car Res , Remains , Shopping Area , Hub , Climate , Authorities , Problem , Rath Arreal Disaster , Scope , Situation , Survival , Longker , Rains , Fear , Waters Don T Reseed , May , Area , Handful , Dikes , Diggers , Match , Breaches , Many , Choice , Everybody , Cope , Infrastructure , Equipment , Pumps , Effect , Flood Hits , Is Africa , Emissions , Fraction , Sight Sudan , 125 , Devyn Nun Ez , Carer Path , Toll , Mission , Scenario , Fidelity , Possibility , Rinvoq , Pain , Pill , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Symptoms , Stiffness , Swelling , Infections , Joints , Ra , Fatigue , Attack , Tuberculosis , Rinvoq Relief , Doctor , Changes , Intestines , Blood Clots , Lab Results , Bloodwork , Tears , Stomach , Cancers , Lymphoma , Rheumatologist , Congressman Nunez , Nunes , Media Platform , Truth , Impeachment Proceedings , Offenders , Capitol Insurrection , Medal Of Freedom , News , Investigation , Commissions , Company , Financing Deal , Fighter , Leader , Securities , Exchange , Faces , Note , Slot , Cnn Toonltd , Chris Cuomo , Michael Smerconish , Bob Dole , Lie In State , Majority Leader , Job , Nominee , Generation , Greats , War Hero , Passing , Metaphor , U S Capitol , Demize Of America S Productive And Civilized Governing Class , Eithe ,

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