Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Vi

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240709

launching an invasion of ukraine. >> the president has a video call scheduled tomorrow and announcing a diplomatic boycott of the upcoming olympics in beijing. no u.s. government officials will attend. but u.s. athletes will still be able to compete. phil mattingly joins us now. a lot of high stakes international issues right now. >> reporter: no question about it. jen psaki just publicly announcing that diplomatic boycott, a short while ago and addressing a series of questions about the looming phone call with russian president vladimir putin. and make no mistake about it, u.s. officials have grown concerned over the course of the last several weeks due to a build up of russian troops on the ukrainian boarder that could reach 175,000. a lot of the question right now inside of the administration is what is president putin's intend. that is a driving factor behind the decision to schedule that video call tomorrow. and i think what is going on as well as trying to figure out what the russian president's intentions are preparing for the possibility of anything that would come and that is where you get this sanctions package being drawn up. sources and administration officials making clear it is a substantial sanctions package, driven by the idea of deterrence, trying to lay out what might come to russian officials do not take the step of moving further than just massing troops and decide to back down and move some of the troops away. it is important to note that president putin has laid out some clear red lines in terms of what he would want to see including a commitment no eastward move into nato, and that there would be no weapon systems or remove weapon systems that he would consider a threat to russia. now president biden was asked about potential red lines and he made clear last week that he doesn't accept any red lines and the administration officials have repeated that as well. it is worth noting president biden will have a call with some of his closest allies here in a couple of hours. the idea is to align on the messaging side and make clear they are unified going forward and that is critical to any sanctions they may pursue. if the united states has to move unilaterally and the overall goal it so bet president putin to pull his troops bank and not apply the sanctions at all. >> let's turn to china and the diplomatic boycott. we know that china said there will be counter measures. what are the response from china overall to this. >> it is sportsman for the foreign ministry office saying there would be resolution counter measures calling it sensationalist and political manipulative and what those measures may look like. but they are not backing down and according to the white house press secretary it was the right action in their view. take a listen. >> u.s. diplomatic or official representation would treat those games as business as usual in the face of the pcr egregious human rights abuses and we simply can't do that. as the president has told president xi standing up for human rights is the in the dna for americans. we have a fundamental commitment to promoting human rights and we feel strongly in our position and will take to take actions in humon rights and beyond. >> reporter: this is just diplomats, it is not athletes or not 1980. but the question is will any other u.s. allies join them in this effort. there has been discussions behind the scenes about something like that. so far it is just the u.s., but the u.s. making year they are not backing off this move that they finally announced publicly today, guys. >> phil mattingly, at the white house, thank you very much. let's turn to david sanger. he's a correspondent for "the new york times." good to have you. let's start with the upcoming conversation between president biden and president putin. you have some new reporting on potential off-ramps. what are the options that the white house is considering here? >> reporter: well, when president biden talks to president putin, victor, what he wants to do is on the the one hand as phil suggested, show what the deterrence could be and that could be everything from the penalties on oligarchs to consideration of disconnecting russia from the swift system, which is the financial transaction system that really connects nations to the world economy. that would be a pretty extreme measure. on the other hand he wants to show them a diplomatic out and say okay if you begin to de-escalate on the border, take your troops out, we will go and reopen in some way or another the negotiations that have been on now for many years since russia went into crimea. it is called the minsk accords. and the problem is russia hasn't really abided by any of those agreements in the years since they were first reached after the annexation of crimea in 2014. >> do we know what putin's end game here. what does he want? >> reporter: that is a great question, alisyn. one part is making sure that ukraine does not join nato but he wants to reverse ukraine's move toward the west. and he may well, and on this issue american intelligence officials and administration officials are divided, he may well see this as his moment to begin to reconstitute elements of the soviet union. he said the break up of the soviet yunon was the great tragedy of the 20th century and now he has belarus moving slowly back into his orbit and i think he would be happy if the ukraine would move that back into his orbit and he may think that president biden is distracted by covid and focused on china that german is getting a new government and france is about to go into elections and there may be no better moment for him to move and that is what president biden is to discourage him from. >> and let's turn to china and a diplomatic boycott of the winter olympics. david, the significance of this boycott and any indication that this will be a suitable deterrent for china? >> reporter: well, in this case, you're not really deterring chinese action, you're punishing chinese action and it is mostly about human rights in this case. although not limited to human rights. as i was listening to your description of these two things, russia and now the diplomatic boycott in china, but if anything is going to feed that discussion in washington about whether or not we are in the or falling into the risk of falling into a cold war with our two traditional main adversaries you're seeing it now, aren't you. the way they set this up, the athletes could go but there was no diplomatic presence, and i'm not sure there could be one given covid. but it is a interesting symbolic move. with russia, it is high stakes and if the troops do move in and this is more cyber activity for ukraine, coit could be a differt problem. >> and are the stakes higher on both fronts? >> it may. what we've seen in recent times alisyn, is the beginning of some tentative moves together by russia and china, they've done some military exercises together, they've talked about to -- you've seen their ambassadors to the united states, the russian and the chinese ambassador write a joint op-ed denouncing the coming democracy summit which president biden plans to hold on thursday and friday. so you're beginning to see them try to form a sort of alliance of convenience. historically that never worked before. there is a lot of animosity between those two countries but it is interesting if they see this is a moment where they have a common interest and that could be the greatest complications. >> david sanger, thank you for explaining all of this. >> great to be with you. well michigan's attorney general is criticizing the oxford school district for what led up to the deadly school shooting. all of the things they could have done differently. we'll talk about those. and the shooter's parents are in the same jail as their son and what more on what and what their attorney is trying to claim about why they missed that court date on friday. >> 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one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. agile and liquid. a proven protector. an ever-evolving enabler of bold decisions. an asset more relevant than ever before. gold. your strategic advantage. we are learning some new details about last week's fatal shooting at a school in michigan. now right now the accused shooter and his parents are sitting in the same jail. different cells and all three under suicide watch. >> the parents were arrested early on saturday morning after a intense manhunt and we're learning more about their meeting with school officials and why the officials did not search the accused gunman's backpack. at athena joness is live in michigan. what is the latest? >> reporter: hi, alisyn and victor, ever since the shooting on tuesday, theres was questiod about how they handled and the two concerns raised by two separate teachers about on monday the fact that they saw ethan crumbley searching for ammunition on his cell phone and on tuesday another teacher alerting the school counselor about a disturbing drawing that ethan crumbley had done that de depicted a body with bullet holes in it and bleeding and they have asked for an independent third party review of the school's actions leading up to this. but they point out in the letter is that even crumbley's parents did not at any point tell the school district that ethan crumbley had access to a weapon and that is one of the reasons that oakland count prosecutor karen mcdonald cited so why she's doing an unusual thing which is to charge the parents in a high school shooting case. listen to more what she said about to explain this this morning on "new day." >> in this case, you can't possibly look at their actions and say that they didn't have reason to believe that there was real concern about a violent act. all of this could have been prevented if he hadn't had access or if just one of those parents had said, i'm concerned about what i'm seeing right now and i also want you to know we just bought him a gun for christmas. and that didn't happen. and i just can't let that go without holding somebody -- without holding them accountable. >> reporter: and so those are some of the reasons that you're hearing from the prosecutor for why she's charging both jennifer and james crumbley, each with four counts of involuntary manslaughter and each charges is up to 15 years in prison and because she said they are criminally negligence and the death of these four teenagers and these injuries to the seven others could have been prevented. so she acknowledged that not in every case would you bring such charges but in this case she believes the facts are so egregious they should have known that this could have happened. >> athena joins, thanks you for reporting. the state attorney from palm beach county, florida, dave, thank you for being here. can we just talk about the defense attorney for a second. the defense attorney, on friday, we had the sheriff on who said that the defense attorney had been trying to reach the parents to turn themselves in all morning on friday. and was no longer in touch with them and couldn't reach them. then we later learned they became fugitives and went on the run and then on saturday tried to explain why they were. here is what they said. >> last night and throughout the day we were in contact with our clients, they were scared, they were terrified, they were not at home, they were figuring out what to do getting finances in order. >> dave, if you're trying to turn yourself in, you don't hide in an industrial warehouse 60 miles away from your home. and so i'm just wondering, does that defense attorney covering for them like that, does she bear any liability at all? >> no. allison, she's disgust defending her clients as she is portraying this as this couple just chilling in a warehouse, getting their finances together, clearing their heads and meditating without any malicious intent. well the evidence speaks other wise where they report thely withdraw $4,000 from atms and turns off their phones so they wouldn't ping and tell authorities where their location is. you know, that this was serious when the u.s. marshals got involved because they clearly thought that this couple was trying to flee. and in the end they were found hiding in a warehouse. so no, it doesn't hold water what the defense counsel said, but it is not an overt lie, she's not telling authorities one thing, if she did, it is not a crime to lie to the media. lawyers do it all of the time and especially politicians so she won't be brought up on any charges or a bar complaint, just being a good lawyer for her clients. >> there have been some legal analysts what say this case is tough to prove against the parents. this is something that we've not seen before. do you agree with that? >> well, victor, it is an unprecedented case because we've never seen this before because we've never had facts like this before but i don't think because it is unprecedented means that it is super difficult to try in front of a jury. you remember, this is the community so outraged by the nonstop school shootings around the country, that the prosecutor who represents the sentiments of the community, she decided to think outside of the box and charge the parents and also include a charge against the shooter of terrorism, that is something that we haven't seen before either. i think the key here is that the parents did more than just enable here. they seemed to encourage him. they bought him the gun. they didn't respond to school officials who called hem about his disturbing internet search for ammunition, instead the mother texted the son lol, i'm not mad at you, just make sure you don't get caught. and then when they were brought to the principals office, administrator's off the next day after he was discovered with this disturbing drawing, they knew he had access to a gun but did not tell the school, they didn't ask to search the backpack, in fact they didn't even want to take him home. they left him there to go back to class and that is what the tragedy ensued. >> and dave, how about that. what about the school officials, the fact that they didn't search his backpack or insist that he go home, after disturbing drawings, do they face any liability. >> i think they'll be sued civilly but i do not expect them to be charged criminally. and here is the difference between what they did and what the parents did. it is about the knowledge of the gun. the parents knew that their son had access to this gun. in fact, they're the ones who bought it for him. the school did not. the parents never told the school he had access to a gun and that is a difference here in my mind between criminal charges and civil liability. it doesn't take a lot to sue the school for negligence, it is a violation of the duty of care. you just have to prove it by a preponderance of the evidence which is a more likely than not that negligence occurred. you don't have to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. but i think that the school still has some questions they'll have to answer because they should have never sent the stud und back to clack, they should have checked his backpack and allowed him to stay in school at all by saying get him counseling within 48 hours and did not appreciate the clear and present danger here. >> dave, before we let you go, there is one thing that stands out to me after the sheriff said that the parents were missing is that they just left their son. they left their son, they now have this attorney that their paying for, this private attorney who represented larry nasser so i'm sure she's not cheap. their son has a public defender with the claim they can't afford one. does a judge have any discretion the there in determining, listen, if you could afford a lawyer for sufl, you could certainly afford one for your son. >> it is a good question. they look at family finances and they see does that family qualify for a public defender. so i don't know what kind of documents they're submitting. the parents will have to put up significant money to get bond because they were fleeing they're bond is now at $500,000 each so they have to put that up for a bails bondsman but it is a question how they could get away with a attorney and making taxpayers pay for a public defender for their son. they have already hurt themselves in the court of public opinion. think about this. they are the ones that bought the gun and when their son was sit ago loan in jail, they fled. they left. and when their son was crying out for help, they lol-ed all of the warning signs. >> dave, we have to interrupt you. we have to go to the white house. president biden is giving remarks on prescription drug clause of the build back better plan. >> -- millions of persons protect and preserve their health and live with the dignity of knowing that they could care for themselves and their loved ones. all by making the cost of prescription drugs much more reasonable. at the outset, i want to be clear. we acknowledge the ground-breaking life-saving work that many pharmaceutical companies are doing. look no further than the vaccines and the treatments they're manufacturing and delivering that are helping fight this pandemic. our miraculous therapies have in some cases turned diseases that were once considered death sentences into treatable conditions. we could make a distinction between developing those breakthroughs and jacking up prices on a range of medicines which have been on the the market for years without making a substantial and substantive change in the medication itself, the medicine itself. here in america, it will not surprise you to know that we pay the highest prescription drug prices of any developed nation in the world. let me say that again. we pay the highest, highest prescription drug prices of any developed nation in the world. that may surprise you. it may surprise you is we pay about two to three times what other countries pay for the same drug. and an example. one cancer drug cost $14,000 in the united states, that same exact drug by the same manufacturer cost $6,000 in france. today, one in four americans who take prescription drugs struggle to afford them. nearly 30%, nearly 30% of these patients have skipped doses of essential drugs that they have to take. others have simply not fulfilled the prescription. tried to use over-the-counter drug and put pills in half or because they can't afford the cost of the prescription. even if you think it doesn't effect you, it does. everyone has less money in their pockets because of high drug costs make health insurance more expensive for everyone. there aren't a lot of things that almost every american can agree on. but i think it is safe to say that all of us, all of us whatever our background, our age, where we live, we could agree that prescription drugs are outrageously expensive in this country. it doesn't need to be that way. under my build back better bill, there will be -- which is passed the house of representatives, it won't be the same way. one of the most egregious examples of what is happening with drug prices regarding the treatment of diabetes and the cost of insulin. a drug that people with type 1 diabetes they need to take to control their diabetes and stay alive. so it is almost exactly 100 years ago that a 14-year-old boy in canada dying of diabetes became the first person to receive an injection of insulin. today one bottle of this life-saving wid cost less than $10 to manufacture. but the certain types of insulin prices increased by 15% or more each year for the past decade. depending on the nature of someone's type one diabetes, the average sticker price for a month's supply of insulin is about $375. but some people could be as high as $1,000 a month because they need to take more. i just met with two lovely women, we see in front of me today here. and sarah skipper was diagnosed with type one diabetes at age 5. she has a sister shelby who was diagnosed at age 8. she told me that a a forwarding insulin has been the challenge of her and her family's entire life. sometimes she and her sister ration doses. in 2018, sarah was no longer covered by her parent's policy although she was working two jobs, she had meant her health care plan deductible and insulin was about $1,000 a month supply for her. so she started sharing her sister's insulin from the same vial. at one point because shelby thought sarah had taken her dose, that shelby cut a dose in half because the bottle was sitting there and it would look like it was half empty. is that correct? and at that time, she thought, well, i guess, i guess she hadn't taken it yet. shelby had been hospitalized as a consequence for four days working two jobs, sharing insulin from the same vial in america. shame on us as a nation. if we can't do better than that. sarah is about to start a new job and doesn't net k-- doesn't yet know what the insulin would cost. i wish i could make a decision that didn't include diabetes, she shouldn't have to ask such a question. you know, i think about what just happened with iesha who is diagnosed with diabetes three days before her 21st birthday. having to choose between rent and grocery, and medication. quote, relentlessly without relief every day was your quote to me. having to rational her supply, and feeling herself as she said slowly dying, she ended up in a coma. think about that. the difference between nearly dying and thriving is the cost of one drug. sarah and iesha are far from being alone. it is estimated that 34 million americans, 10% of the population have diabetes including more than 1.5 million who have type 1 diabetes requiring daily doses of insulin in varying quantities. remember all of the stress and hardship and suffering and sacrifice is due to a drug that costs just avenu few bucks to m. americans pay ten times as much for insulin. these price increases are about companying looking to maximize profits and nobody standing up for the patients. nobody with a power to do something about it. it is enough. enough. nobody has held the manufacturers account until now. my build back better bill takes three key steps to lower of the cost for families dealing with diabetes. first, we're going to cap cost sharing of insulin at $35 per month. that means you can't get charged more than $35 at a pharmaceutical counter for your insulin. that is across the board. whether you get health insurance through your private policy, the affordable care act market place or through medicaid. nobody is going to pay more than $35 for each month for insulin. second, for people who don't have health insurance, we're helping you get insurance. that way people with diabetes could get protected with that $35 co-pay cap. people are uninsured today could visit to check out the options. in many cases, people could get a full health care plan including coverage for insulin and other prescription drugs, doctor visits and hospitalizations for less than $10 a month if you sign up for the plan. if you live in a state that has refused to expand medicaid under the affordable care act, my build back better bill is going to fix that as well. these changes will ensure access to affordable coverage for millions more americans and help more people with diabetes get coverage they desperately need. third, we're going to end the days when drug companies to increase prices with no oversight or accountability. going forward, they increase the prices faster than inflation are going to face a steep excite tax. if you're saying to drug companies, if you're finally doing it because -- because to be accountable, when your prices to the american people go up, you're going to be accountable. this is important. i went from a health standpoint, from a standpoint of personal dignity, imagine if your a parent one of the roughly 200,000 young people in this country that suffer from type one diabetes. imagine if you can't afford their insulin. it is not only a risk to your child's life, it deprives of you your dignity. just imagine, as a parent, having a child with type one diabetes and not a damn thing you can do about it making sure they have it. if so, you don't have the money to get it done, well my plan addresses an additional fear patients face, which is that when their children are starting their careers, and are no longer eligible on their parents' health care plan they could get insulin that they need. outrageous cost effecting everyone across the board. spending every kind of condition disease. i remember what it was like when my mom, for my mom when she got older and moved in with us. her prescription drugs were thousands of dollars. on a monthly base. fortunately i had three other sibles and we collectively had the means to chip in so she didn't have to exhaust all of her saving and sell whatever she had left to make sure she could get her drug costs covered. so i'm committed, i'm committed to using every tool i have to lower prescription drug costs for americans consistent with the drug companies getting a fair return on their investment. to really solve this problem, we need the senate to follow the house of representatives lead and pass my build back better bill. in addition to the specific progress that the build back better bill will make for families facing diabetes, it will also take the additional step of lowering drug costs for people on medicare. right now the only thing medicare is not allowed to negotiate and they could negotiate the cost of doctors visits and hospital visited but they can't as a matter of law, they are not allowed to negotiate the price for prescription drugs. for everything else, doctors visits, crutches, they could negotiate. my plan gets rid of this prohibition. what i'm proposing is that we negotiate a fair price, one that reflects the cost of research and development and need for significant progress. excuse me. need for significant profit. but that is still affordable for consumers. right now drug prices will set the price at whatever market will bear. my plan caps the amount of seniors on compare have to spend on prescription drugs each year to no more than $2,000 per year. with medicaid and drug companies picking up the rest of the cost. and, again, our plan said that any drug company could only raise prices based on the rate of inflation, and caps insulin cost sharing at $35 a month. so let me close with this, i've long said health care should be a right not a privilege in this country. and the women i've met with today and millions like them are the reason why: people for whom the cost of one drug is the difference between hope and fear, life and death and dignity and dependent, we're closer than ever to passing my build back better build and provide people from suffering from diabetes and so many other diseases for the dignity they deserve to afford them. this is not a partisan issue. diabetes, alzheimer's, cancer, so many other diseases, they don't care if your a democrat or republican. it is not about whether or not your loved ones could afford a prescription drug you need. so we need congress to finish the job. to come together and make the difference in people's lives. i want to thank both the guests here today for being so straightforward with me. we had a good conversation if the office before coming over here. i admire you both. i admire you both. and as my grand pop would say with the grace of god and good will of the neighbors we're going to get this done. so you don't have to worry every single day about what you could do. god bless you all and god protect our troops. thank you so much. >> [ inaudible question ]. >> okay, i couldn't hear his response. he was asked about will the build back better plan be passed before christmas. i couldn't quite hear his answer. >> he said, just the one answer. >> he said we're going to get it done however long he takes. he was there to talk bts urgent need for lowering the cost of prescription drugs for people who are suffering. i want whatever miracle drug he is using to get over a cold. >> robitussin. >> his voice was unrecognizable. >> froggy. >> it was more than a frog. >> am i being generous. >> and he seems to have recovered. he seems to have been doing better. meanwhile new york city is taking a vaccine mandate one step further. it as complying to the private sector and we'll tell you when workers will need to be vaccinated next. >> and gist into cnn, kentucky derby winner medina spirit has died suddenly after a workout. we have more details ahead. we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates 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announcing all private sector employees must be vaccinated by december 27th. public city employees have been under a vaccine mandate since october. >> we got to up at ante here and that gives you so much more protection. >> reporter: children in new york city ages 5 to 11 will be required to show proof of at least one shot before being allowed inside of restaurants, gyms or entertainment venues. also today, new nationwide restrictions are in place for international airline passengers arriving to the united states. those travelers must test negative for covid within 24 hours of departure. no test means passengers will be banned from their flight. until now international travelers heading to the u.s. had three days before their flight to show a negative test. meanwhile, omicron cases have been reported in at least 16 state and it spreads quickly showing that point it may not be as severe as the delta variant, which continues to drive a surge in hospitalizations. >> we really have to be careful before we make any determinations that it is less severe or really doesn't cause any severe illness comparable to delta. but thus far, the signals are a bitten couraging regarding the severity. >> nationwide, cases are rising, for the first time in two months the u.s. this weekend averaged more than 100,000 new covid 19 cases per day. but an encouraging development on the booster front. a new unpublished study has found using the j&j vaccine for a booster for people immunized with the pfizer vaccine produced a strong immune response with patients as cdc data show the pace of vaccinations is rising with an average of more than 2.2 million doses being administers daily. >> it is encouraging. we still have tens of millions people who have chosen not to vaccinate their children. i came off a week of being on service. we admitted five children to the hospital yesterday. >> reporter: so far no hospitalizations needed for passengers and crew identified with covid aboard a norwegian cruz ship. the louisiana department of health has confirmed 17 cases, most were aso ymptomatic. they needed a negative test before the cruise. >> captain came on and said we're going to test everybody. i couldn't believe how organized they were. >> reporter: and as for the new york city mandate, just like with public employees there will not be a weekly testing option for private sector employees either. and that mandate will apply to businesses where more than one person is employed and in addition to that, a lot of business leaders here in the city said they were sort of taken by surprise by this new man date announcement. they say they got no heads up so a lot of upset people in the business community over there. >> three weeks until the deadline. december 27th. jason carroll, thank you. let's bring in professor of emergency medicine at brown university, dr. megan ranney, thank you. let's start with the mandate in new york city. december 27th, fully vaccinated for private sector workers. by the 27th, should that be the two shots or should there also be that mandate for people who have been vaccinated since, let's say march or april, to get the booster. would that be a better public health approach. >> there are so many questions yet to be answered about the new policy, for it to be -- house is it going to be enforced, how will they manage it logistically and does this mean that everyone who has not yet governmenten a single shot has to rush out today, which is what is needed if you're going to complete the pfizer vaccines series much less moderna by that deadline. it would be lovely to add in boosters for those who did complete their primary series more than six months ago but the cdcs that not yet said that a boost ser a mandatory part of being fully immunized. there is still data out that we're waiting for and the most important thing we could do is be vaccinated in the first place. >> doctor, i want to ask you about omicron. i know we need to reserve all judgment about it, i know we don't have the data yet. but if, as dr. fauci seems to suggest this weekend, it is possible that this variant is much more transmissible but much less severe than what we've seen before, isn't that the best case scenario? i mean that would help towards herd immunity without killing people. >> i think it is far too early to say with any cenrtainty what will happen with omicron. delta variant is not more severe than the original covid but it is more transmissible so it is filling up our hospitals. so even if omicron should be less severe than delta, if it transmits two or three or four times more quickly, it is still going to hurt people. i am waiting, i think that the sa scenario that you put forward would be an ideal one, something that transmits but doesn't hurt people. i'm not yet ready to say that is what we're going to see from omicron. >> let's talk about this study that jason manchin found, 65 people in a small study, j&j boosters for people who received the first shots were pfizer so mrna vaccine and they found that the boosting those with j&j produced a slower but more sustained antibody response but boosting pfizer was quicker and stronger immune response that dropped off faster. is the former what you want, you want it to kind of go slow and be sustained, right? >> slow and steady win the race as i tell my kids all of the time. yes, that is the ideal outcome. this was a very small study, there was another one done by the nih this year that suggested that pfizer or moderna was better than johnson & johnson. at the end of the day, the takeaway is get whatever booster you can't. it doesn't matter that much which one you show up and get in your arm. they all work to increase your antibody response and to reduce the risk of you developing any symptomatic disease much less severe disease, hospitalization or death which are the dreaded outcomes that we're desperately trying to avoid. >> doctor megan ranney, thank you. >> thank you. kentucky derby winner medina spirit has died. collapsing on the track in california this morning after a work out at the santa anita race track. bob baffert said it is with great sadness medina spirit passed away. my entire barn is devastated by the news. she was a great champion and member of our family and loved by all and deeply mourning his loss. >> let's bring in nick watt who is following the story. this is sad. so we remember that medina spirit had experienced some controversy so tell us how we got here. >> well, listen, alisyn, this horse was a young much loved extraordinary race horse. first race was just last year. ten starts in all. more than three and a half million dollars in earnings, one half of the races he ever entered, including the kentucky derby earlier this spring and that is where the controversy that you mentioned kicks in. after the race, medina spirit tested positive for something called beta metha zone. bob baffert, a huge figure in horse racing in this country, nearly 50-year career, super suave and very successful, he said this was just in a skin ointment that they we were putting on the horse and it was not injected and i texted with his lawyer who said last week an independent analyst proves that they were right, they were not breaking the rules. but the kentucky horse racing commission said that their investigation they tell me is still ongoing. so there is still a small cloud hanging over this race horse. but it was a much loved horse. how this horse actually died, well baffert said it was a heart attack. we've heard from the track this morning that say this was a probable cardiac arrest. we won't know until necropsy is carried out and that is standard procedure, you might remember over the past couple of years, there has been a real spotlight on the horse racing because of the numbers of horses who have died on the track, either in training or in races, so we still don't know but the entire horse racing industry is mourning the loss of this extraordinary horse with a great future that it will now not see. guys. >> nick watt, thanks for explaining all of that. on to politics, it will be a republican show down in georgia. former senator david perdue announcing he will challenge governor brian kemp and donald trump is already getting involved. it's the season of smiling. and at aspen dental, we make it easy to gift yourself the smile you deserve. new patients, start today with a full exam and x-rays, with no obligation. if you don't have insurance, it's free. plus everyone saves 20% on their treatment plan with flexible payment solutions for every budget. we're here making smiles shine bright so you can start the new year feelin' alright. call 1-800-aspendental or book today at what can i du with less asthma? with dupixent, i can du more....beginners' yoga. namaste... ...surprise parties. aww, you guys. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks... ...for 3!... i can du more of the things i love. dupixent is not for 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great state of georgia. cnn chief political analyst gloria borger joins us now. first, just for the record, president trump lost the election, brian kemp didn't lose it for him and telling georgia republicans not to trust the runoff, probably cost those two seats in the senate in large part, but as it relates to david perdue getting into this race, why is he doing this? he backed kemp as late as this summer. >> i know. look, he clearly wants to get back in politics, so he's on the trump train. i mean, you were reading my mind when you were talking about donald trump saying he lost us to, you know, the senate seat. donald trump lost republicans, those senate seats by depressing the vote in the state of georgia by saying that his presidential election was rigged, and that, you know, this election was likely to be rigged too. so, you know, donald trump has no one to blame but himself. i can't talk to you about perdue's motivations other than to say, well, he figures he'll be able to win the primary because he's got donald trump with him, everybody n though as point out, it's not a full endorsement yet, but i assume that's coming. >> gloria, i want to ask you about congressman thomas massey, republican of kentucky's weird christmas message for america. he and his family are seen holding guns and these are not hunting rifles, may i add, and he's wishing everyone a merry christmas with this. i'm not sure that congressman massey understands christ's message of nonviolence, but i guess even more timely, i mean, imagine if you're the families of the four students who were killed a few days before he posted that message. i mean, has he no sensitivity to the families of parkland who have to relive the trauma every time something like this happens, the families now in michigan, i mean, what's he doing? >> you know, i can't get in his head either. i mean, today, he doubled down on the gun photo saying i didn't realize it would be such an explosive cocktail when you put it together. but it adds up to freedom. that's what he said. i don't understand that either. it is clearly not a message of peace on earth, and i don't know what other message he wanted to send, but it's inappropriate, and it's disgraceful and i have no idea what he was thinking but he's refusing to take it down off of twitter. so. >> and i just want to add one thing that his colleague in kentucky, a different congressman, congressman yarmouth is saying in response, which is i promise not everyone in kentucky is an insensitive a-hole. >> that speaks for itself. that tweet speaks for itself. >> what's important here, though, is that he has no, i mean, this is a red district. it's an 18 point district, so there's no consequence for him unless someone gets to his right, with that picture it's hard to see how that happens. let's turn you to representative ilhan omar who is on with jake over the weekend saying you've got a promise from the speaker that there will be some consequence related to the lauren boebert statement about islamophobia, but the speaker has said to her caucus, be careful, this could backfire, you know, punishing republicans for their statements. where does this go? and that consideration of the backfiring. >> look, i think the democrats have to make a decision, and that is do you want to get in the middle of all of these republican fights that are going on. you know, we just talked about the fights going on in the state of georgia. we can talk about it in the house of representatives where you have these republicans sending out these christmas greetings or making statements like boebert made, and refusing to publicly apologize to her democratic colleague. and so, you know, when she said, i apologize to anyone who was offended by what i said, so, you know, i don't know -- i don't know where it ends, and i think it's kind of sad when you consider -- and i know we all spend a great portion of our sunday yesterday thinking about bob dole and his leadership in the republican -- in the senate as republican leader, and that was a different day, and we don't have that anymore. >> gloria borger, thank you so much. >> thank you. top of a brand new hour. thanks for staying with us. i'm victor blackwell. >> and i'm alisyn camerota. stricter testing requirements for air travelers in the u.s. are now in effect. regardless of nationality or vaccination status, everyone must show proof of a negativ

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Speaker , Right , Promise , Picture , Point District , Jake , 18 , Statements , Caucus , Lauren Boebert , About Islamophobia , Fights , Backfiring , Middle , Greetings , Boebert Made , Bob Dole , Thinking , Leadership , Portion , Leader , Top , Status , Vaccination , Nationality , Air Travelers , Negativ , Effect , Testing Requirements ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota And Victor Blackwell 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240709

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launching an invasion of ukraine. >> the president has a video call scheduled tomorrow and announcing a diplomatic boycott of the upcoming olympics in beijing. no u.s. government officials will attend. but u.s. athletes will still be able to compete. phil mattingly joins us now. a lot of high stakes international issues right now. >> reporter: no question about it. jen psaki just publicly announcing that diplomatic boycott, a short while ago and addressing a series of questions about the looming phone call with russian president vladimir putin. and make no mistake about it, u.s. officials have grown concerned over the course of the last several weeks due to a build up of russian troops on the ukrainian boarder that could reach 175,000. a lot of the question right now inside of the administration is what is president putin's intend. that is a driving factor behind the decision to schedule that video call tomorrow. and i think what is going on as well as trying to figure out what the russian president's intentions are preparing for the possibility of anything that would come and that is where you get this sanctions package being drawn up. sources and administration officials making clear it is a substantial sanctions package, driven by the idea of deterrence, trying to lay out what might come to russian officials do not take the step of moving further than just massing troops and decide to back down and move some of the troops away. it is important to note that president putin has laid out some clear red lines in terms of what he would want to see including a commitment no eastward move into nato, and that there would be no weapon systems or remove weapon systems that he would consider a threat to russia. now president biden was asked about potential red lines and he made clear last week that he doesn't accept any red lines and the administration officials have repeated that as well. it is worth noting president biden will have a call with some of his closest allies here in a couple of hours. the idea is to align on the messaging side and make clear they are unified going forward and that is critical to any sanctions they may pursue. if the united states has to move unilaterally and the overall goal it so bet president putin to pull his troops bank and not apply the sanctions at all. >> let's turn to china and the diplomatic boycott. we know that china said there will be counter measures. what are the response from china overall to this. >> it is sportsman for the foreign ministry office saying there would be resolution counter measures calling it sensationalist and political manipulative and what those measures may look like. but they are not backing down and according to the white house press secretary it was the right action in their view. take a listen. >> u.s. diplomatic or official representation would treat those games as business as usual in the face of the pcr egregious human rights abuses and we simply can't do that. as the president has told president xi standing up for human rights is the in the dna for americans. we have a fundamental commitment to promoting human rights and we feel strongly in our position and will take to take actions in humon rights and beyond. >> reporter: this is just diplomats, it is not athletes or not 1980. but the question is will any other u.s. allies join them in this effort. there has been discussions behind the scenes about something like that. so far it is just the u.s., but the u.s. making year they are not backing off this move that they finally announced publicly today, guys. >> phil mattingly, at the white house, thank you very much. let's turn to david sanger. he's a correspondent for "the new york times." good to have you. let's start with the upcoming conversation between president biden and president putin. you have some new reporting on potential off-ramps. what are the options that the white house is considering here? >> reporter: well, when president biden talks to president putin, victor, what he wants to do is on the the one hand as phil suggested, show what the deterrence could be and that could be everything from the penalties on oligarchs to consideration of disconnecting russia from the swift system, which is the financial transaction system that really connects nations to the world economy. that would be a pretty extreme measure. on the other hand he wants to show them a diplomatic out and say okay if you begin to de-escalate on the border, take your troops out, we will go and reopen in some way or another the negotiations that have been on now for many years since russia went into crimea. it is called the minsk accords. and the problem is russia hasn't really abided by any of those agreements in the years since they were first reached after the annexation of crimea in 2014. >> do we know what putin's end game here. what does he want? >> reporter: that is a great question, alisyn. one part is making sure that ukraine does not join nato but he wants to reverse ukraine's move toward the west. and he may well, and on this issue american intelligence officials and administration officials are divided, he may well see this as his moment to begin to reconstitute elements of the soviet union. he said the break up of the soviet yunon was the great tragedy of the 20th century and now he has belarus moving slowly back into his orbit and i think he would be happy if the ukraine would move that back into his orbit and he may think that president biden is distracted by covid and focused on china that german is getting a new government and france is about to go into elections and there may be no better moment for him to move and that is what president biden is to discourage him from. >> and let's turn to china and a diplomatic boycott of the winter olympics. david, the significance of this boycott and any indication that this will be a suitable deterrent for china? >> reporter: well, in this case, you're not really deterring chinese action, you're punishing chinese action and it is mostly about human rights in this case. although not limited to human rights. as i was listening to your description of these two things, russia and now the diplomatic boycott in china, but if anything is going to feed that discussion in washington about whether or not we are in the or falling into the risk of falling into a cold war with our two traditional main adversaries you're seeing it now, aren't you. the way they set this up, the athletes could go but there was no diplomatic presence, and i'm not sure there could be one given covid. but it is a interesting symbolic move. with russia, it is high stakes and if the troops do move in and this is more cyber activity for ukraine, coit could be a differt problem. >> and are the stakes higher on both fronts? >> it may. what we've seen in recent times alisyn, is the beginning of some tentative moves together by russia and china, they've done some military exercises together, they've talked about to -- you've seen their ambassadors to the united states, the russian and the chinese ambassador write a joint op-ed denouncing the coming democracy summit which president biden plans to hold on thursday and friday. so you're beginning to see them try to form a sort of alliance of convenience. historically that never worked before. there is a lot of animosity between those two countries but it is interesting if they see this is a moment where they have a common interest and that could be the greatest complications. >> david sanger, thank you for explaining all of this. >> great to be with you. well michigan's attorney general is criticizing the oxford school district for what led up to the deadly school shooting. all of the things they could have done differently. we'll talk about those. and the shooter's parents are in the same jail as their son and what more on what and what their attorney is trying to claim about why they missed that court date on friday. >> 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one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. agile and liquid. a proven protector. an ever-evolving enabler of bold decisions. an asset more relevant than ever before. gold. your strategic advantage. we are learning some new details about last week's fatal shooting at a school in michigan. now right now the accused shooter and his parents are sitting in the same jail. different cells and all three under suicide watch. >> the parents were arrested early on saturday morning after a intense manhunt and we're learning more about their meeting with school officials and why the officials did not search the accused gunman's backpack. at athena joness is live in michigan. what is the latest? >> reporter: hi, alisyn and victor, ever since the shooting on tuesday, theres was questiod about how they handled and the two concerns raised by two separate teachers about on monday the fact that they saw ethan crumbley searching for ammunition on his cell phone and on tuesday another teacher alerting the school counselor about a disturbing drawing that ethan crumbley had done that de depicted a body with bullet holes in it and bleeding and they have asked for an independent third party review of the school's actions leading up to this. but they point out in the letter is that even crumbley's parents did not at any point tell the school district that ethan crumbley had access to a weapon and that is one of the reasons that oakland count prosecutor karen mcdonald cited so why she's doing an unusual thing which is to charge the parents in a high school shooting case. listen to more what she said about to explain this this morning on "new day." >> in this case, you can't possibly look at their actions and say that they didn't have reason to believe that there was real concern about a violent act. all of this could have been prevented if he hadn't had access or if just one of those parents had said, i'm concerned about what i'm seeing right now and i also want you to know we just bought him a gun for christmas. and that didn't happen. and i just can't let that go without holding somebody -- without holding them accountable. >> reporter: and so those are some of the reasons that you're hearing from the prosecutor for why she's charging both jennifer and james crumbley, each with four counts of involuntary manslaughter and each charges is up to 15 years in prison and because she said they are criminally negligence and the death of these four teenagers and these injuries to the seven others could have been prevented. so she acknowledged that not in every case would you bring such charges but in this case she believes the facts are so egregious they should have known that this could have happened. >> athena joins, thanks you for reporting. the state attorney from palm beach county, florida, dave, thank you for being here. can we just talk about the defense attorney for a second. the defense attorney, on friday, we had the sheriff on who said that the defense attorney had been trying to reach the parents to turn themselves in all morning on friday. and was no longer in touch with them and couldn't reach them. then we later learned they became fugitives and went on the run and then on saturday tried to explain why they were. here is what they said. >> last night and throughout the day we were in contact with our clients, they were scared, they were terrified, they were not at home, they were figuring out what to do getting finances in order. >> dave, if you're trying to turn yourself in, you don't hide in an industrial warehouse 60 miles away from your home. and so i'm just wondering, does that defense attorney covering for them like that, does she bear any liability at all? >> no. allison, she's disgust defending her clients as she is portraying this as this couple just chilling in a warehouse, getting their finances together, clearing their heads and meditating without any malicious intent. well the evidence speaks other wise where they report thely withdraw $4,000 from atms and turns off their phones so they wouldn't ping and tell authorities where their location is. you know, that this was serious when the u.s. marshals got involved because they clearly thought that this couple was trying to flee. and in the end they were found hiding in a warehouse. so no, it doesn't hold water what the defense counsel said, but it is not an overt lie, she's not telling authorities one thing, if she did, it is not a crime to lie to the media. lawyers do it all of the time and especially politicians so she won't be brought up on any charges or a bar complaint, just being a good lawyer for her clients. >> there have been some legal analysts what say this case is tough to prove against the parents. this is something that we've not seen before. do you agree with that? >> well, victor, it is an unprecedented case because we've never seen this before because we've never had facts like this before but i don't think because it is unprecedented means that it is super difficult to try in front of a jury. you remember, this is the community so outraged by the nonstop school shootings around the country, that the prosecutor who represents the sentiments of the community, she decided to think outside of the box and charge the parents and also include a charge against the shooter of terrorism, that is something that we haven't seen before either. i think the key here is that the parents did more than just enable here. they seemed to encourage him. they bought him the gun. they didn't respond to school officials who called hem about his disturbing internet search for ammunition, instead the mother texted the son lol, i'm not mad at you, just make sure you don't get caught. and then when they were brought to the principals office, administrator's off the next day after he was discovered with this disturbing drawing, they knew he had access to a gun but did not tell the school, they didn't ask to search the backpack, in fact they didn't even want to take him home. they left him there to go back to class and that is what the tragedy ensued. >> and dave, how about that. what about the school officials, the fact that they didn't search his backpack or insist that he go home, after disturbing drawings, do they face any liability. >> i think they'll be sued civilly but i do not expect them to be charged criminally. and here is the difference between what they did and what the parents did. it is about the knowledge of the gun. the parents knew that their son had access to this gun. in fact, they're the ones who bought it for him. the school did not. the parents never told the school he had access to a gun and that is a difference here in my mind between criminal charges and civil liability. it doesn't take a lot to sue the school for negligence, it is a violation of the duty of care. you just have to prove it by a preponderance of the evidence which is a more likely than not that negligence occurred. you don't have to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. but i think that the school still has some questions they'll have to answer because they should have never sent the stud und back to clack, they should have checked his backpack and allowed him to stay in school at all by saying get him counseling within 48 hours and did not appreciate the clear and present danger here. >> dave, before we let you go, there is one thing that stands out to me after the sheriff said that the parents were missing is that they just left their son. they left their son, they now have this attorney that their paying for, this private attorney who represented larry nasser so i'm sure she's not cheap. their son has a public defender with the claim they can't afford one. does a judge have any discretion the there in determining, listen, if you could afford a lawyer for sufl, you could certainly afford one for your son. >> it is a good question. they look at family finances and they see does that family qualify for a public defender. so i don't know what kind of documents they're submitting. the parents will have to put up significant money to get bond because they were fleeing they're bond is now at $500,000 each so they have to put that up for a bails bondsman but it is a question how they could get away with a attorney and making taxpayers pay for a public defender for their son. they have already hurt themselves in the court of public opinion. think about this. they are the ones that bought the gun and when their son was sit ago loan in jail, they fled. they left. and when their son was crying out for help, they lol-ed all of the warning signs. >> dave, we have to interrupt you. we have to go to the white house. president biden is giving remarks on prescription drug clause of the build back better plan. >> -- millions of persons protect and preserve their health and live with the dignity of knowing that they could care for themselves and their loved ones. all by making the cost of prescription drugs much more reasonable. at the outset, i want to be clear. we acknowledge the ground-breaking life-saving work that many pharmaceutical companies are doing. look no further than the vaccines and the treatments they're manufacturing and delivering that are helping fight this pandemic. our miraculous therapies have in some cases turned diseases that were once considered death sentences into treatable conditions. we could make a distinction between developing those breakthroughs and jacking up prices on a range of medicines which have been on the the market for years without making a substantial and substantive change in the medication itself, the medicine itself. here in america, it will not surprise you to know that we pay the highest prescription drug prices of any developed nation in the world. let me say that again. we pay the highest, highest prescription drug prices of any developed nation in the world. that may surprise you. it may surprise you is we pay about two to three times what other countries pay for the same drug. and an example. one cancer drug cost $14,000 in the united states, that same exact drug by the same manufacturer cost $6,000 in france. today, one in four americans who take prescription drugs struggle to afford them. nearly 30%, nearly 30% of these patients have skipped doses of essential drugs that they have to take. others have simply not fulfilled the prescription. tried to use over-the-counter drug and put pills in half or because they can't afford the cost of the prescription. even if you think it doesn't effect you, it does. everyone has less money in their pockets because of high drug costs make health insurance more expensive for everyone. there aren't a lot of things that almost every american can agree on. but i think it is safe to say that all of us, all of us whatever our background, our age, where we live, we could agree that prescription drugs are outrageously expensive in this country. it doesn't need to be that way. under my build back better bill, there will be -- which is passed the house of representatives, it won't be the same way. one of the most egregious examples of what is happening with drug prices regarding the treatment of diabetes and the cost of insulin. a drug that people with type 1 diabetes they need to take to control their diabetes and stay alive. so it is almost exactly 100 years ago that a 14-year-old boy in canada dying of diabetes became the first person to receive an injection of insulin. today one bottle of this life-saving wid cost less than $10 to manufacture. but the certain types of insulin prices increased by 15% or more each year for the past decade. depending on the nature of someone's type one diabetes, the average sticker price for a month's supply of insulin is about $375. but some people could be as high as $1,000 a month because they need to take more. i just met with two lovely women, we see in front of me today here. and sarah skipper was diagnosed with type one diabetes at age 5. she has a sister shelby who was diagnosed at age 8. she told me that a a forwarding insulin has been the challenge of her and her family's entire life. sometimes she and her sister ration doses. in 2018, sarah was no longer covered by her parent's policy although she was working two jobs, she had meant her health care plan deductible and insulin was about $1,000 a month supply for her. so she started sharing her sister's insulin from the same vial. at one point because shelby thought sarah had taken her dose, that shelby cut a dose in half because the bottle was sitting there and it would look like it was half empty. is that correct? and at that time, she thought, well, i guess, i guess she hadn't taken it yet. shelby had been hospitalized as a consequence for four days working two jobs, sharing insulin from the same vial in america. shame on us as a nation. if we can't do better than that. sarah is about to start a new job and doesn't net k-- doesn't yet know what the insulin would cost. i wish i could make a decision that didn't include diabetes, she shouldn't have to ask such a question. you know, i think about what just happened with iesha who is diagnosed with diabetes three days before her 21st birthday. having to choose between rent and grocery, and medication. quote, relentlessly without relief every day was your quote to me. having to rational her supply, and feeling herself as she said slowly dying, she ended up in a coma. think about that. the difference between nearly dying and thriving is the cost of one drug. sarah and iesha are far from being alone. it is estimated that 34 million americans, 10% of the population have diabetes including more than 1.5 million who have type 1 diabetes requiring daily doses of insulin in varying quantities. remember all of the stress and hardship and suffering and sacrifice is due to a drug that costs just avenu few bucks to m. americans pay ten times as much for insulin. these price increases are about companying looking to maximize profits and nobody standing up for the patients. nobody with a power to do something about it. it is enough. enough. nobody has held the manufacturers account until now. my build back better bill takes three key steps to lower of the cost for families dealing with diabetes. first, we're going to cap cost sharing of insulin at $35 per month. that means you can't get charged more than $35 at a pharmaceutical counter for your insulin. that is across the board. whether you get health insurance through your private policy, the affordable care act market place or through medicaid. nobody is going to pay more than $35 for each month for insulin. second, for people who don't have health insurance, we're helping you get insurance. that way people with diabetes could get protected with that $35 co-pay cap. people are uninsured today could visit to check out the options. in many cases, people could get a full health care plan including coverage for insulin and other prescription drugs, doctor visits and hospitalizations for less than $10 a month if you sign up for the plan. if you live in a state that has refused to expand medicaid under the affordable care act, my build back better bill is going to fix that as well. these changes will ensure access to affordable coverage for millions more americans and help more people with diabetes get coverage they desperately need. third, we're going to end the days when drug companies to increase prices with no oversight or accountability. going forward, they increase the prices faster than inflation are going to face a steep excite tax. if you're saying to drug companies, if you're finally doing it because -- because to be accountable, when your prices to the american people go up, you're going to be accountable. this is important. i went from a health standpoint, from a standpoint of personal dignity, imagine if your a parent one of the roughly 200,000 young people in this country that suffer from type one diabetes. imagine if you can't afford their insulin. it is not only a risk to your child's life, it deprives of you your dignity. just imagine, as a parent, having a child with type one diabetes and not a damn thing you can do about it making sure they have it. if so, you don't have the money to get it done, well my plan addresses an additional fear patients face, which is that when their children are starting their careers, and are no longer eligible on their parents' health care plan they could get insulin that they need. outrageous cost effecting everyone across the board. spending every kind of condition disease. i remember what it was like when my mom, for my mom when she got older and moved in with us. her prescription drugs were thousands of dollars. on a monthly base. fortunately i had three other sibles and we collectively had the means to chip in so she didn't have to exhaust all of her saving and sell whatever she had left to make sure she could get her drug costs covered. so i'm committed, i'm committed to using every tool i have to lower prescription drug costs for americans consistent with the drug companies getting a fair return on their investment. to really solve this problem, we need the senate to follow the house of representatives lead and pass my build back better bill. in addition to the specific progress that the build back better bill will make for families facing diabetes, it will also take the additional step of lowering drug costs for people on medicare. right now the only thing medicare is not allowed to negotiate and they could negotiate the cost of doctors visits and hospital visited but they can't as a matter of law, they are not allowed to negotiate the price for prescription drugs. for everything else, doctors visits, crutches, they could negotiate. my plan gets rid of this prohibition. what i'm proposing is that we negotiate a fair price, one that reflects the cost of research and development and need for significant progress. excuse me. need for significant profit. but that is still affordable for consumers. right now drug prices will set the price at whatever market will bear. my plan caps the amount of seniors on compare have to spend on prescription drugs each year to no more than $2,000 per year. with medicaid and drug companies picking up the rest of the cost. and, again, our plan said that any drug company could only raise prices based on the rate of inflation, and caps insulin cost sharing at $35 a month. so let me close with this, i've long said health care should be a right not a privilege in this country. and the women i've met with today and millions like them are the reason why: people for whom the cost of one drug is the difference between hope and fear, life and death and dignity and dependent, we're closer than ever to passing my build back better build and provide people from suffering from diabetes and so many other diseases for the dignity they deserve to afford them. this is not a partisan issue. diabetes, alzheimer's, cancer, so many other diseases, they don't care if your a democrat or republican. it is not about whether or not your loved ones could afford a prescription drug you need. so we need congress to finish the job. to come together and make the difference in people's lives. i want to thank both the guests here today for being so straightforward with me. we had a good conversation if the office before coming over here. i admire you both. i admire you both. and as my grand pop would say with the grace of god and good will of the neighbors we're going to get this done. so you don't have to worry every single day about what you could do. god bless you all and god protect our troops. thank you so much. >> [ inaudible question ]. >> okay, i couldn't hear his response. he was asked about will the build back better plan be passed before christmas. i couldn't quite hear his answer. >> he said, just the one answer. >> he said we're going to get it done however long he takes. he was there to talk bts urgent need for lowering the cost of prescription drugs for people who are suffering. i want whatever miracle drug he is using to get over a cold. >> robitussin. >> his voice was unrecognizable. >> froggy. >> it was more than a frog. >> am i being generous. >> and he seems to have recovered. he seems to have been doing better. meanwhile new york city is taking a vaccine mandate one step further. it as complying to the private sector and we'll tell you when workers will need to be vaccinated next. >> and gist into cnn, kentucky derby winner medina spirit has died suddenly after a workout. we have more details ahead. we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit coronavirus cases are up across the country. >> demand for vaccinations, they're up too. new york mayor bill de blasio is hoping to push his city's vaccination rate even higher announcing a vaccine mandate for all private sector employers. cnn's jason carroll has more. >> reporter: new york city mayor has made it official. anyone working in the city will be subject to a vaccine mandate. the mayor announcing all private sector employees must be vaccinated by december 27th. public city employees have been under a vaccine mandate since october. >> we got to up at ante here and that gives you so much more protection. >> reporter: children in new york city ages 5 to 11 will be required to show proof of at least one shot before being allowed inside of restaurants, gyms or entertainment venues. also today, new nationwide restrictions are in place for international airline passengers arriving to the united states. those travelers must test negative for covid within 24 hours of departure. no test means passengers will be banned from their flight. until now international travelers heading to the u.s. had three days before their flight to show a negative test. meanwhile, omicron cases have been reported in at least 16 state and it spreads quickly showing that point it may not be as severe as the delta variant, which continues to drive a surge in hospitalizations. >> we really have to be careful before we make any determinations that it is less severe or really doesn't cause any severe illness comparable to delta. but thus far, the signals are a bitten couraging regarding the severity. >> nationwide, cases are rising, for the first time in two months the u.s. this weekend averaged more than 100,000 new covid 19 cases per day. but an encouraging development on the booster front. a new unpublished study has found using the j&j vaccine for a booster for people immunized with the pfizer vaccine produced a strong immune response with patients as cdc data show the pace of vaccinations is rising with an average of more than 2.2 million doses being administers daily. >> it is encouraging. we still have tens of millions people who have chosen not to vaccinate their children. i came off a week of being on service. we admitted five children to the hospital yesterday. >> reporter: so far no hospitalizations needed for passengers and crew identified with covid aboard a norwegian cruz ship. the louisiana department of health has confirmed 17 cases, most were aso ymptomatic. they needed a negative test before the cruise. >> captain came on and said we're going to test everybody. i couldn't believe how organized they were. >> reporter: and as for the new york city mandate, just like with public employees there will not be a weekly testing option for private sector employees either. and that mandate will apply to businesses where more than one person is employed and in addition to that, a lot of business leaders here in the city said they were sort of taken by surprise by this new man date announcement. they say they got no heads up so a lot of upset people in the business community over there. >> three weeks until the deadline. december 27th. jason carroll, thank you. let's bring in professor of emergency medicine at brown university, dr. megan ranney, thank you. let's start with the mandate in new york city. december 27th, fully vaccinated for private sector workers. by the 27th, should that be the two shots or should there also be that mandate for people who have been vaccinated since, let's say march or april, to get the booster. would that be a better public health approach. >> there are so many questions yet to be answered about the new policy, for it to be -- house is it going to be enforced, how will they manage it logistically and does this mean that everyone who has not yet governmenten a single shot has to rush out today, which is what is needed if you're going to complete the pfizer vaccines series much less moderna by that deadline. it would be lovely to add in boosters for those who did complete their primary series more than six months ago but the cdcs that not yet said that a boost ser a mandatory part of being fully immunized. there is still data out that we're waiting for and the most important thing we could do is be vaccinated in the first place. >> doctor, i want to ask you about omicron. i know we need to reserve all judgment about it, i know we don't have the data yet. but if, as dr. fauci seems to suggest this weekend, it is possible that this variant is much more transmissible but much less severe than what we've seen before, isn't that the best case scenario? i mean that would help towards herd immunity without killing people. >> i think it is far too early to say with any cenrtainty what will happen with omicron. delta variant is not more severe than the original covid but it is more transmissible so it is filling up our hospitals. so even if omicron should be less severe than delta, if it transmits two or three or four times more quickly, it is still going to hurt people. i am waiting, i think that the sa scenario that you put forward would be an ideal one, something that transmits but doesn't hurt people. i'm not yet ready to say that is what we're going to see from omicron. >> let's talk about this study that jason manchin found, 65 people in a small study, j&j boosters for people who received the first shots were pfizer so mrna vaccine and they found that the boosting those with j&j produced a slower but more sustained antibody response but boosting pfizer was quicker and stronger immune response that dropped off faster. is the former what you want, you want it to kind of go slow and be sustained, right? >> slow and steady win the race as i tell my kids all of the time. yes, that is the ideal outcome. this was a very small study, there was another one done by the nih this year that suggested that pfizer or moderna was better than johnson & johnson. at the end of the day, the takeaway is get whatever booster you can't. it doesn't matter that much which one you show up and get in your arm. they all work to increase your antibody response and to reduce the risk of you developing any symptomatic disease much less severe disease, hospitalization or death which are the dreaded outcomes that we're desperately trying to avoid. >> doctor megan ranney, thank you. >> thank you. kentucky derby winner medina spirit has died. collapsing on the track in california this morning after a work out at the santa anita race track. bob baffert said it is with great sadness medina spirit passed away. my entire barn is devastated by the news. she was a great champion and member of our family and loved by all and deeply mourning his loss. >> let's bring in nick watt who is following the story. this is sad. so we remember that medina spirit had experienced some controversy so tell us how we got here. >> well, listen, alisyn, this horse was a young much loved extraordinary race horse. first race was just last year. ten starts in all. more than three and a half million dollars in earnings, one half of the races he ever entered, including the kentucky derby earlier this spring and that is where the controversy that you mentioned kicks in. after the race, medina spirit tested positive for something called beta metha zone. bob baffert, a huge figure in horse racing in this country, nearly 50-year career, super suave and very successful, he said this was just in a skin ointment that they we were putting on the horse and it was not injected and i texted with his lawyer who said last week an independent analyst proves that they were right, they were not breaking the rules. but the kentucky horse racing commission said that their investigation they tell me is still ongoing. so there is still a small cloud hanging over this race horse. but it was a much loved horse. how this horse actually died, well baffert said it was a heart attack. we've heard from the track this morning that say this was a probable cardiac arrest. we won't know until necropsy is carried out and that is standard procedure, you might remember over the past couple of years, there has been a real spotlight on the horse racing because of the numbers of horses who have died on the track, either in training or in races, so we still don't know but the entire horse racing industry is mourning the loss of this extraordinary horse with a great future that it will now not see. guys. >> nick watt, thanks for explaining all of that. on to politics, it will be a republican show down in georgia. former senator david perdue announcing he will challenge governor brian kemp and donald trump is already getting involved. it's the season of smiling. and at aspen dental, we make it easy to gift yourself the smile you deserve. new patients, start today with a full exam and x-rays, with no obligation. if you don't have insurance, it's free. plus everyone saves 20% on their treatment plan with flexible payment solutions for every budget. we're here making smiles shine bright so you can start the new year feelin' alright. call 1-800-aspendental or book today at what can i du with less asthma? with dupixent, i can du more....beginners' yoga. namaste... ...surprise parties. aww, you guys. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks... ...for 3!... i can du more of the things i love. dupixent is not for 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great state of georgia. cnn chief political analyst gloria borger joins us now. first, just for the record, president trump lost the election, brian kemp didn't lose it for him and telling georgia republicans not to trust the runoff, probably cost those two seats in the senate in large part, but as it relates to david perdue getting into this race, why is he doing this? he backed kemp as late as this summer. >> i know. look, he clearly wants to get back in politics, so he's on the trump train. i mean, you were reading my mind when you were talking about donald trump saying he lost us to, you know, the senate seat. donald trump lost republicans, those senate seats by depressing the vote in the state of georgia by saying that his presidential election was rigged, and that, you know, this election was likely to be rigged too. so, you know, donald trump has no one to blame but himself. i can't talk to you about perdue's motivations other than to say, well, he figures he'll be able to win the primary because he's got donald trump with him, everybody n though as point out, it's not a full endorsement yet, but i assume that's coming. >> gloria, i want to ask you about congressman thomas massey, republican of kentucky's weird christmas message for america. he and his family are seen holding guns and these are not hunting rifles, may i add, and he's wishing everyone a merry christmas with this. i'm not sure that congressman massey understands christ's message of nonviolence, but i guess even more timely, i mean, imagine if you're the families of the four students who were killed a few days before he posted that message. i mean, has he no sensitivity to the families of parkland who have to relive the trauma every time something like this happens, the families now in michigan, i mean, what's he doing? >> you know, i can't get in his head either. i mean, today, he doubled down on the gun photo saying i didn't realize it would be such an explosive cocktail when you put it together. but it adds up to freedom. that's what he said. i don't understand that either. it is clearly not a message of peace on earth, and i don't know what other message he wanted to send, but it's inappropriate, and it's disgraceful and i have no idea what he was thinking but he's refusing to take it down off of twitter. so. >> and i just want to add one thing that his colleague in kentucky, a different congressman, congressman yarmouth is saying in response, which is i promise not everyone in kentucky is an insensitive a-hole. >> that speaks for itself. that tweet speaks for itself. >> what's important here, though, is that he has no, i mean, this is a red district. it's an 18 point district, so there's no consequence for him unless someone gets to his right, with that picture it's hard to see how that happens. let's turn you to representative ilhan omar who is on with jake over the weekend saying you've got a promise from the speaker that there will be some consequence related to the lauren boebert statement about islamophobia, but the speaker has said to her caucus, be careful, this could backfire, you know, punishing republicans for their statements. where does this go? and that consideration of the backfiring. >> look, i think the democrats have to make a decision, and that is do you want to get in the middle of all of these republican fights that are going on. you know, we just talked about the fights going on in the state of georgia. we can talk about it in the house of representatives where you have these republicans sending out these christmas greetings or making statements like boebert made, and refusing to publicly apologize to her democratic colleague. and so, you know, when she said, i apologize to anyone who was offended by what i said, so, you know, i don't know -- i don't know where it ends, and i think it's kind of sad when you consider -- and i know we all spend a great portion of our sunday yesterday thinking about bob dole and his leadership in the republican -- in the senate as republican leader, and that was a different day, and we don't have that anymore. >> gloria borger, thank you so much. >> thank you. top of a brand new hour. thanks for staying with us. i'm victor blackwell. >> and i'm alisyn camerota. stricter testing requirements for air travelers in the u.s. are now in effect. regardless of nationality or vaccination status, everyone must show proof of a negativ

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