Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Pamela Brown 20240709

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Pamela Brown 20240709

meanwhile, tributes pouring in for bob dole, a tighttan of u.s politics passed away. in honolulu, viscitizens wa answer after water made them sick. representative omar, warning that republicans are tracking, quote, bigotry. in just a few hours, brand new covid testing requirements will go into effect for anyone coming into the united states, that includes u.s. citizens. it's part of an effort to curb the spread of the new and possibly more transmissible omicron variant. these new rules that start at midnight mean that all inbound international travelers to the u.s. must have a negative covid-19 test within one day of travel. nonu.s. citizens must also show proof of vaccination. cnn, nadia, why isn't the u.s. requiring domestic travelers to test if it's this big of a concern item? >> yeah, that is something many biden administration officials were asked today, trying to figure out limiting the spread of covid-19 and preventing this winter surge. we've known that the omicron variant is already in the u.s. 17 states and kocounting are already saying they have cases of this new variant, so it's already here. why not test or have screening or a requirements for domestic travelers? right now, we only have this new travel policy that will begin tomorrow for international travelers. so if you're trying to get into the u.s. from a different country, you have to show a negative covid-19 test that you took the day before you travelled. you also have to be fully vaccinated, something that started just last month, but again, no restrictions for domestic travelers, so today, u.s. surgeon general murphy was asked about the travel policy and here's how he broke down the differences between international and domestic travel. >> international and domestic travel are different and as you mentioned there are a number of measures we have taken like vaccine requirements, requiring testing before people get on the flights. from a domestic standpoint, we've seen if people do wear well-fitted, good quality masks, they can significantly reduce their risks on domestic flights and keep in mind this -- we've taken a number of measures domestically to ensure we increase vaccination rates which is ultimately our key to ending the pandemic. >> anthony fauci said today on cnn that those travel policies could change, they're being reevaluated day to day and that include what is many are calling a travel ban that includesing eight countries in africa including south africa where scientists first detected omicron variant. so people from those countries are banned from coming into the u.s. all-together regardless of all or not they can pass a covid-19 test and have a negative result, regardless if they're vaccinated or not, they're not allowed in this country and that sparked a lot of criticism from the international community. one u.n. official calling it travel apartheid and something that could be evaluated in the coming days, phil. >> i think the top priority is the vaccine, and the fight against the variant. what sense do we have at this point? >> it's a great question because every time we talk about a variant we have to say there could be more variants, right, the longer we're in the pandemic, the more the virus can mutate and get stronger. so dr. anthony fauci said today he thinks getting the vaccine and booster shot is your best bet against this variant and others. we also heard from the execs at pfizer and byiotech saying they could modify it to fight the variant but it could take time. so the mitigation efforts, the best, for a long time, phil, are the ones the health experts say we should do. getting the vaccine, getting the booster shot. wearing masks. >> thanks so much. tonight, president biden honoring his friend and long time u.s. senator bob dole, the president, ordering flags across the country to fly at half staff as a tribute to the former senator, former veteran and presidential nominee who died at 98. the statement from biden earlier, a war hero, among the greatest of the greatest generation, adding, quote, i will miss my friend. cnn's joe johns live at the white house for us. joe, the president clearly moved today from the passing of a man who i think he battled with across the aisle for some decades in the united states senate. what's your sense at the white house today? >> reporter: that's so true and you know what, one of the things that really came through today is these two men were really close friends for a long time. decades and decades in fact, despite the fact they both could be and had to be at times, partisan. a great example of that was, of course, bob dole. he did support donald trump, of course, in the election. but when the election was over, dole, who is pretty good at calling boston strikes in politics, simply said donald trump had lost and his friend joe biden had won the election, unlike many other republicans who bought into the big lie and claimed trump had won the election. so we got a statement from the white house today reflecting the personal nature of the relationship between these two men who have been in the city for so long. meanwhile, on the other hand i might say, in the completely opposite direction, there was the kennedy center honors, this was another sign washington is getting back to normal despite the fact it's sort of a day-to-day thing, and tonight, we had five stars from the fields of entertainment, including barry gordy of mo town and the opera singer jus justina diaz as well as lauren michaels, the creator and producer of saturday night live, the president could not help himself saying he knows how hard it's been trying to get somebody to play joe biden on the show and then steve martin the comedian, in the audience, chimed in. >> he's trying out seven guys to play me. if you can't laugh at yourself, you're in real trouble. and you make me laugh at myself a lot. >> you want me to play you? >> steve, i'm afraid you understand me too well. >> reporter: once again, it was not all laughs here in washington d.c. as many of us remembered bob dole, including the house speaker nancy pelosi who commented on him. listen. >> it's a enormous loss to lose dole, he's an incredible figure. he and his wife elizabeth dole just crossed every divide in our country to bring people together. it is a big loss. he fought for our people on the battlefield in world war ii, fought for what he believed in in the cabin and house and senate, as nominee for president and even in retirement. he was a blessing to our country. a sad loss. >> reporter: bob dole was the last of the world war ii generation to be selected as the nominee of his party to run for president. back to you. >> john at the white house and speaker pelosi mentioning senator dole, led a ton of humanitarian work. thoughts for the dole family. joe johns. thanks so much as always. new action tonight from congresswoman omar, responding to islamisphobic attacks, after mccarthy defended congresswoman bobur. >> mccarthy is a liar and a coward. he doesn't have the ability to condemn the kind of bigoted islamophobia and rhetoric trafficked by a member of his conference. >> why doesn't he have the ability to do that? >> because this is who they are. >> i want to get straight to capitol hill on more, and mel, i've had a difficult time keeping up with this story and all sorts of stories that seem to be like this on a nearly we we weekly basis. what else is congresswoman omar saying today? >> reporter: it was revealed that house leadership is planning to take action potentially as soon as this week. take a look at what else she told jake tapper today. >> i've had a conversation with this speaker and i'm very confident that she will take a decisive action next week. as you know, when i first got to congress, i was worried that, you know, i wasn't going to be allowed to be sworn in because there was a ban on the hijab. she promised me she'd take care of it, she fulfilled that promise. she's made another promise to me, that she will take care of this. >> reporter: now, it's unclear what action would actually look like, but they do have a few options at their finger tips. they could either center lauren bobert, strip her of committee seats or put a resolution on the floor that essentially condemns her and islamophobia but you were right saying it's difficult to keep track of the story, because there was not a lot of action by democrats and as i was told on the scene there was a lot of reluctance of democrats having to constantly police the behavior of republicans, they tend to, when going this route, make them into martyrs. defunded off the fact, for instance losing committee cities. they also feel it should be on the house majority leader kevin mccarthy to punish his own members but it's clear he is not going to do that so there is growing momentum in the democratic ranks to take matters into her own hands and we could see action this way. >> seems that way, it's interesting to see democrats evolve on this. >> reporter: absolutely. >> and mccarthy, not evolved on this. from capitol hill, thanks my friend. coming up. you are looking at the anger spilling into the streets of europe over new covid restrictions meant to bring down a surge on infections. also ahead, sullivan live on reporting from facebook profiting from hate and misinformation. military families in honolulu want answers tonight after drinking water tainted with petroleum made them sick. you're in the cnn newsroom. . only at t-mobile. ordinary tissues burn when theo blows. so puffs plus lotion rescued his nose. with up to 50% more lotion, puffs bring soothing relief. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue. this season, give from the heart, with 25 to 50% off everything. don't miss the last big sale of the year. and celebrate every kiss... ...with kay. ♪ my songs know what you did in the dark ♪ ♪ so light 'em up, up, up light 'em up, up, up ♪ ♪ light 'em up, up, up ♪ ♪ i'm on fire ♪ ♪ so light 'em up, up, up light 'em... ♪ we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. you booked a sunny vrbo ski chalet. with endless views of snow-covered peaks. ♪ ♪ a stove that inspires magnificent hot cocoa. and a perfect ski-in ski-out. but the thing they'll remember forever? 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>> you know, it's a tough moment for us, phil, in public health. we don't want to raise unnecessary alarm. omicron may not turn out to be something serious but at the same time you want to be right, we don't want to be caught out like the delta surge, not prepared. so here's the thing, dr. fauci is right that so far the anecdotal reports out of south africa are that omicron doesn't seem particularly more severe but delta variant itself is not more severe, it's just more transmissible. so even if omicron only ends up being more transmissible that's more people sick, more hospital beds filled and more people dead. so what we need to do today is get more people prepped on putting masks are for surges, and more rapid testing across the united states. >> i've been struck, dr. ranney, we've seen an uptick in vaccines and boosters we haven't seen in months. averaging over two million shots over the course of two or five days. what do you think is driving that? >> i think it's simple fear. we saw the same thing in the south and southeast this summer. at the height of the delta waves, when you see people near you getting sick or hospitalized or when you have this fear of a new variant, it's enough to overcome some of that resistance or some people who i talked to in the e.r., it's not even resistance, just the vaccine is the lowest thing on their list so when the fear gets higher the incentive to get your shot goes up. it may be the small, one hidden blessing from this variant that it protects the rest of us from delta that's already out there. >> one more thing before you go, the national institute of health, head francis collin says given the immune protection, omicron certainly won't be the last variant of concern. what does that mean? everyone's trying to figure out when does this end? how do we go back to normal? what does it mean when we know there are more variants coming and looking across the globe, not just in the u.s., across the globe, particularly in lower income, less wealthy countries, the vaccine rate is so low, what does this mean going forward for the future? >> so unfortunately, i don't have a crystal ball so i can't provide a definite prediction but i can say with pretty good certainty that covid is going to be around forever. our kids, our grandkids are going to get old knowing covid. my hope is, as covid continues to mutate it will eventually create variants that are less deadly, that become part of the background noise the same way flu is. yes, flu is bad, but not as bad as covid. we have vaccines we take every year to protect us from the worse effects of flu, but essential to getting there is vaccines in the hand of everyone. as you say, only 8% of subsah subsaharan are vaccinated. we need to fix that to protect our self from more dangerous variants in the mean time. >> more work to do on that front, dr. ranney as always, thanks so much. tonight harsh words from the republican governor's team, not from a rival but another republican who apparently want to see take his job. more on that, next. and celebrate every kiss... ...with kay. nyquil severe gives you powerful relief for your worst cold and flu symptoms, on sunday night and every night. nyquil severe. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine. ♪ i'm a reporter for the new york times. if you just hold it like this. yeah. ♪ i love finding out things that other people don't want me to know. mm-hmm. 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>> no. because of the number you just said, 100,000 new cases daily, still continuing to surge. and the most important thing we do as we do the mass media campaign on covid is remind people, this is a health issue, not a political issue. covid is nonpartisan, masks are apolitical, vaccines are nonpartisan and travel mandates are nondiscriminatory and the most important thing we can do moving forward is follow the science, especially with the new variant and take the politics out of it. yes there are areas we need to pull back on the mask mandates, on school closures and business closures, but we need to make sure we follow the science of this and take the politics out because that's where we're getting into trouble and that's where these numbers continue to grow. >> right, and i think developments that have been intrigued -- intrigued might be a euphemism to do degree, is republicans attacking president biden being unable to control the pandemic on the number of deaths in 2021 as they oppose, some of them oppose vaccines, they oppose a lot of the measures that i think scientists or medical health experts believe would actually help control the pandemic. does that put democrats in a tough spot here? is the republican message swamping democrats to some degree? >> i don't think so. i think one of the reasons their gambit to shut down the government over the covid politics is because people in their own party were very concerned over the new variant and republicans trying to play politics in the face of this on slot of this new variant, people getting very concerned about this, and the messages, you know, it's hard when you're trying to message over something that is so new. and yes, that is something republicans will always trying to take advantage of, been trying to take advantage of it from the very beginning but cnn did this great analysis of information that came out from johns hopkins university and essentially said in red states, the death rate after the vaccines were readily available is 50% higher in states that voted for trump than in other states, and i think americans are feeling that. there will always be people who are antimandate, antivaccine, antimask, but the majority of americans understand the danger of this new variant, the danger that still exists on covid. that's why you're seeing so many boosters happening. you mentioned this earlier in one of your segments, over 2 million people got vaccinated in the past couple days. if the republican message was working, you wouldn't see that kind of movement. >> at the same time, maria, you have to remember president biden campaigned on putting an end to covid. republicans so quick to say don't put it on the president, he said he would get a handle on this and he has and when you're promising the american people this is what you're going to do as president, almost a year in at this point, i think the criticism is warranted . >> i don't think that will stick either, because there is great criticism on rates of vaccination and president biden has not backed down from moving forward and really trying to not just stop covid but stop the variants and being very clear, the only way to do that is more people getting vaccinated. >> i think that's why you saw the president take such a forceful position this last week, trying to recapture the success they had in the initial roll-out. i want to switch, because you're our resident georgian on the panel, i won't mention georgia football. major development for republicans in georgia where today, new reports that senator purdue plans to run for governor. that is not an open seat, that is a seat with bryan kimp who i think everybody knows has been at war with the former president because he followed the law. walk me through this dynamic right now, what it means for a very serious governor's race in the general. >> in the general election, it's going to be very tough. in the primary, that's where things are really going to get contentious when you have, what i see as a popular governor. kemp has been popular across the state, done well with regard to covid and his only downfall if republicans want to say that is he stood up to donald trump and i will say th the fact he stod by the election results in georgia and it was fair and accurate, i commend him for that and the fact he's taken the lead on cannot is important, but david purdue, i was on the ground in got efforts one year ago to help him get out the votes. their main downfall was being too close to trump, dismissive of the election results and campaign was teatering, if that's what he want to see do, this is an exercise of futility in georgia. >> at large, looking at the map, approval rating, midterm election for a new president, you're seeing republicans poten potentially cannibalize their own, you're happy i presume? >> we welcome that. i think it does give democrats an opportunity to talk about the dangerous strain happening in the republican party all over, all states and you're seeing it up on the hill everyday. people that embrace the big lie. candidates who want to do nothing but kneel at the altar of trump. him supporting those candidates, and that i think ruesults in an opportunity for the democrats to say, look how dangerous so many in the republican party are and they are still looking at donald trump who tried to steal the 2020 election, as they're leader. and you have so many condition did thes who are wanting to form themselves in the image of trump and in georgia, of course, stacy abrams will be a huge boost for democrats really focused on making sure all of our base comes out. we did it twice last year in the two senate races. i think this also gives a lot of ammunition for democrats to be excited about this race. >> very different dynamics this time around. >> and the case study for any governor running in a state is like the virginia model, embracing paolicies of the republican party but separating yourself from trump and his tenor, for success. >> alice stewart, maria cordona, thank you. posts relating the vaccines to holocaust in journey. next. and quick programming, cnn's el reed will have a quick documentary this evening, white power on trial. this cnn special report begins at 9:00 p.m. ! good eye! good eye! eyes are good for lots of things. like reading! be the best, caleb! statistically impossible, caleb. umpire: strike three, you're out! you'll get 'em next time! or you won't, probably won't. and it won't impact your future whatsoever! talk to us about college planning today. feel comfortable about tomorrow. massmutual. why hide your skin if dupixent has your moderate-to-severe eczema, or atopic dermatitis under control? 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>> reporter: it's probably disgusting stuff what facebook and instagram are allowing on their platforms take a look at this ad we came across. one is a graphic of a needle, the vaccine and says it compares it to a holocaust. another ad we saw says make hanging traitors great again so not only seeing antivaccine misinformation here, or antivaccine posts, but also posts condoning political violence. and these aren't just, you know, facebook will often make the argument to say we have billions of users, they are posting billions of things everyday. these are ads. these are ads that they are accepting money for and targeting their users on their platform. >> i think, and that's the key distinction, right? that's what sets this apart. the facebook whistle blower we spoke to congress talked about how quickly facebook could improve this problem. take a listen. >> facebook's business model is conditioned on fixing problems after they find them. faceb facebook's 2018, zuckerberg said engagement based ranking, that is ads based on their likelihood to provoke reaction to you, which is that the most polarizing content is dangerous and people are drawn to polarizing content. the problem is the a.i. misses lots and lots of problems. in case of hate speech, only 3 to 5% of hate speech is caught. >> an astounding percentage. you brought the ad to see facebook's attention. what then -- >> if we can bring the ads again side by side, the first comparing to nazi germany, and the holocaust, facebook took those down saying they were against their rules but the other ad make hanging traitors great again, facebook seems to have no problem with it despite this being less than a year we saw gallows outside u.s. capitol but it is news organizations, researchers, academics that have to bring these issues to facebook to ask them why aren't they enforcing their own policies? and of course, it's not just covid misinformation, it's not just political violence. we have heard so much and we will hear more this week about the company's particularly instagram's harm on children and young teenagers. the instagram ceo will be testifying before the senate on wednesday. phil. >> and i believe that's why you get to make a statement down to washington d.c. see you soon, buddy. a crisis affecting honolulu, what's believed to be petroleum chem chemicals affecting the water supply near pearl harbor. after we take a break. this is your home. this is your family room slash gym. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ it's time for our cyber week special on the sleep number 360 smart bed. what if i sleep hot? ...or cold? no problem, the sleep number 360 smart bed is temperature balancing, so you both sleep just right. and it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. so, you can really promise better sleep? 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( ♪ ) you found the one. now find the ring at zales, the diamond store. earn about covid-19, the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. in indonesia, the images are both visually spectacular and completely terrifying. yesterday's eruption of a volcano in an east province unleashed rivers of lava and explosions of ash. at least 14 people died and dozens injured, another 1300 people displaced, people within a six mile radius told to evacuate as hot ash and smoldering debris are a threat. now a crisis depriving families and many active military of their drinking water. right now, the city of honolulu had to shut down its largest water source, when petroleum chemicals found near a navy base, found in the water of honolulu's largest water source. plagued by fuel leaks, the most recent contamination right before thanksgiving. natasha chang following this from l.a. and it's not clear where the chemicals came from but tell us about the history of leaks you uncovered. >> yes, said it stopped the release of 14,000 gallons of a fuel water mixture and that is just 11 days before the navy confirmed that there was contamination of petroleum in the red hill well. that's a major water supply for them. they had to shut that well down. there is still -- it's still in the clear, not confirmed whether the november 22nd leak is related to the contamination, however, going back to may 6th. there was a release of 1600 gallons of jet fuel that the navy says was operator error. just two months ago in october, the hawaii state health department fined the navy and issued a violations that came from a routine inspection that the health department did in the fall of 2020. and this evening goes back to 2014 when in january 2014 during the refueling of a tank the navy identified an estimated 27,000 gallons of jet fuel released according to the hawaii department of health. so this is going back quite sometime. there have been some issues and now they're dealing with a large number of people, hundreds of people who have complained of smelling fuel and gasoline and reporting nausea, vomiting, diarrhea within the last week of so. since the navy shut down the well and determined there was contamination, the board well supply shut down the largest water source on the base this extends to a large number of people who have been told not to use the tap water for drinking. they had to open up temporary housing and pool facilities available for showers. here is a statement by the navy what is going on with the red hill well. it says the results of the well hill sample showed petroleum four to ten times below the hawaii department of health environmental action level but they said they will take care of it. the navy is developing a plan to restore the system to epa standers and fix this. the board of water supply, though, was also releasing a statement about why they had to out of caution shut down that largest water source in oahu. when the red well hill stops pumping, data shows the water moves to the direction of their shaft so that's why they had to shut down the shaft, the largest water source. this is now causing a lot of headache for a lot of people and as we speak, they are going to hold another town hall in just a few minutes perhaps to answer some of those neighbor's questions, phil. >> yeah, it will be interesting to hear those questions and i think there is a lot more here. great reporting. i know you stay on this one. thanks so much. >> thanks. up next, ohio, it runs on kindness. a dunkin donuts employee with a home for the holidays, thanks to a customer. >> thank you so much. 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[crying] >> i'm so happy. >> now, with a new fully furnished home, ebony says she and her kids are ready for a very merry christmas. that is the type of stuff that i love watching. love seeing and wish we had a whole lot more of. more of that. all right, your next hour of "cnn newsroom" starts right now. >> remembering bob dole. paying tribute to 20th sencentu politics. >> some might find this surprising congress has been my life but that is not so. with all due respect to congress, america has been my life. >> the michigan school district where four students were shot and killed now requesting its own independent investigation. >> we have a process if there is concerning behavior or threat that did not happen. >> the u.s. weighing what is next as the country grapples with a new variant, rising cases, hospitalizations and deaths. >> the next six months depend on how we mobilize together to do the things that we know work. ilhan omar is certain lauren boebert will face punishment for an m

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Pamela Brown 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Pamela Brown 20240709

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meanwhile, tributes pouring in for bob dole, a tighttan of u.s politics passed away. in honolulu, viscitizens wa answer after water made them sick. representative omar, warning that republicans are tracking, quote, bigotry. in just a few hours, brand new covid testing requirements will go into effect for anyone coming into the united states, that includes u.s. citizens. it's part of an effort to curb the spread of the new and possibly more transmissible omicron variant. these new rules that start at midnight mean that all inbound international travelers to the u.s. must have a negative covid-19 test within one day of travel. nonu.s. citizens must also show proof of vaccination. cnn, nadia, why isn't the u.s. requiring domestic travelers to test if it's this big of a concern item? >> yeah, that is something many biden administration officials were asked today, trying to figure out limiting the spread of covid-19 and preventing this winter surge. we've known that the omicron variant is already in the u.s. 17 states and kocounting are already saying they have cases of this new variant, so it's already here. why not test or have screening or a requirements for domestic travelers? right now, we only have this new travel policy that will begin tomorrow for international travelers. so if you're trying to get into the u.s. from a different country, you have to show a negative covid-19 test that you took the day before you travelled. you also have to be fully vaccinated, something that started just last month, but again, no restrictions for domestic travelers, so today, u.s. surgeon general murphy was asked about the travel policy and here's how he broke down the differences between international and domestic travel. >> international and domestic travel are different and as you mentioned there are a number of measures we have taken like vaccine requirements, requiring testing before people get on the flights. from a domestic standpoint, we've seen if people do wear well-fitted, good quality masks, they can significantly reduce their risks on domestic flights and keep in mind this -- we've taken a number of measures domestically to ensure we increase vaccination rates which is ultimately our key to ending the pandemic. >> anthony fauci said today on cnn that those travel policies could change, they're being reevaluated day to day and that include what is many are calling a travel ban that includesing eight countries in africa including south africa where scientists first detected omicron variant. so people from those countries are banned from coming into the u.s. all-together regardless of all or not they can pass a covid-19 test and have a negative result, regardless if they're vaccinated or not, they're not allowed in this country and that sparked a lot of criticism from the international community. one u.n. official calling it travel apartheid and something that could be evaluated in the coming days, phil. >> i think the top priority is the vaccine, and the fight against the variant. what sense do we have at this point? >> it's a great question because every time we talk about a variant we have to say there could be more variants, right, the longer we're in the pandemic, the more the virus can mutate and get stronger. so dr. anthony fauci said today he thinks getting the vaccine and booster shot is your best bet against this variant and others. we also heard from the execs at pfizer and byiotech saying they could modify it to fight the variant but it could take time. so the mitigation efforts, the best, for a long time, phil, are the ones the health experts say we should do. getting the vaccine, getting the booster shot. wearing masks. >> thanks so much. tonight, president biden honoring his friend and long time u.s. senator bob dole, the president, ordering flags across the country to fly at half staff as a tribute to the former senator, former veteran and presidential nominee who died at 98. the statement from biden earlier, a war hero, among the greatest of the greatest generation, adding, quote, i will miss my friend. cnn's joe johns live at the white house for us. joe, the president clearly moved today from the passing of a man who i think he battled with across the aisle for some decades in the united states senate. what's your sense at the white house today? >> reporter: that's so true and you know what, one of the things that really came through today is these two men were really close friends for a long time. decades and decades in fact, despite the fact they both could be and had to be at times, partisan. a great example of that was, of course, bob dole. he did support donald trump, of course, in the election. but when the election was over, dole, who is pretty good at calling boston strikes in politics, simply said donald trump had lost and his friend joe biden had won the election, unlike many other republicans who bought into the big lie and claimed trump had won the election. so we got a statement from the white house today reflecting the personal nature of the relationship between these two men who have been in the city for so long. meanwhile, on the other hand i might say, in the completely opposite direction, there was the kennedy center honors, this was another sign washington is getting back to normal despite the fact it's sort of a day-to-day thing, and tonight, we had five stars from the fields of entertainment, including barry gordy of mo town and the opera singer jus justina diaz as well as lauren michaels, the creator and producer of saturday night live, the president could not help himself saying he knows how hard it's been trying to get somebody to play joe biden on the show and then steve martin the comedian, in the audience, chimed in. >> he's trying out seven guys to play me. if you can't laugh at yourself, you're in real trouble. and you make me laugh at myself a lot. >> you want me to play you? >> steve, i'm afraid you understand me too well. >> reporter: once again, it was not all laughs here in washington d.c. as many of us remembered bob dole, including the house speaker nancy pelosi who commented on him. listen. >> it's a enormous loss to lose dole, he's an incredible figure. he and his wife elizabeth dole just crossed every divide in our country to bring people together. it is a big loss. he fought for our people on the battlefield in world war ii, fought for what he believed in in the cabin and house and senate, as nominee for president and even in retirement. he was a blessing to our country. a sad loss. >> reporter: bob dole was the last of the world war ii generation to be selected as the nominee of his party to run for president. back to you. >> john at the white house and speaker pelosi mentioning senator dole, led a ton of humanitarian work. thoughts for the dole family. joe johns. thanks so much as always. new action tonight from congresswoman omar, responding to islamisphobic attacks, after mccarthy defended congresswoman bobur. >> mccarthy is a liar and a coward. he doesn't have the ability to condemn the kind of bigoted islamophobia and rhetoric trafficked by a member of his conference. >> why doesn't he have the ability to do that? >> because this is who they are. >> i want to get straight to capitol hill on more, and mel, i've had a difficult time keeping up with this story and all sorts of stories that seem to be like this on a nearly we we weekly basis. what else is congresswoman omar saying today? >> reporter: it was revealed that house leadership is planning to take action potentially as soon as this week. take a look at what else she told jake tapper today. >> i've had a conversation with this speaker and i'm very confident that she will take a decisive action next week. as you know, when i first got to congress, i was worried that, you know, i wasn't going to be allowed to be sworn in because there was a ban on the hijab. she promised me she'd take care of it, she fulfilled that promise. she's made another promise to me, that she will take care of this. >> reporter: now, it's unclear what action would actually look like, but they do have a few options at their finger tips. they could either center lauren bobert, strip her of committee seats or put a resolution on the floor that essentially condemns her and islamophobia but you were right saying it's difficult to keep track of the story, because there was not a lot of action by democrats and as i was told on the scene there was a lot of reluctance of democrats having to constantly police the behavior of republicans, they tend to, when going this route, make them into martyrs. defunded off the fact, for instance losing committee cities. they also feel it should be on the house majority leader kevin mccarthy to punish his own members but it's clear he is not going to do that so there is growing momentum in the democratic ranks to take matters into her own hands and we could see action this way. >> seems that way, it's interesting to see democrats evolve on this. >> reporter: absolutely. >> and mccarthy, not evolved on this. from capitol hill, thanks my friend. coming up. you are looking at the anger spilling into the streets of europe over new covid restrictions meant to bring down a surge on infections. also ahead, sullivan live on reporting from facebook profiting from hate and misinformation. military families in honolulu want answers tonight after drinking water tainted with petroleum made them sick. you're in the cnn newsroom. . only at t-mobile. ordinary tissues burn when theo blows. so puffs plus lotion rescued his nose. with up to 50% more lotion, puffs bring soothing relief. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue. this season, give from the heart, with 25 to 50% off everything. don't miss the last big sale of the year. and celebrate every kiss... ...with kay. ♪ my songs know what you did in the dark ♪ ♪ so light 'em up, up, up light 'em up, up, up ♪ ♪ light 'em up, up, up ♪ ♪ i'm on fire ♪ ♪ so light 'em up, up, up light 'em... ♪ we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. you booked a sunny vrbo ski chalet. with endless views of snow-covered peaks. ♪ ♪ a stove that inspires magnificent hot cocoa. and a perfect ski-in ski-out. but the thing they'll remember forever? 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>> you know, it's a tough moment for us, phil, in public health. we don't want to raise unnecessary alarm. omicron may not turn out to be something serious but at the same time you want to be right, we don't want to be caught out like the delta surge, not prepared. so here's the thing, dr. fauci is right that so far the anecdotal reports out of south africa are that omicron doesn't seem particularly more severe but delta variant itself is not more severe, it's just more transmissible. so even if omicron only ends up being more transmissible that's more people sick, more hospital beds filled and more people dead. so what we need to do today is get more people prepped on putting masks are for surges, and more rapid testing across the united states. >> i've been struck, dr. ranney, we've seen an uptick in vaccines and boosters we haven't seen in months. averaging over two million shots over the course of two or five days. what do you think is driving that? >> i think it's simple fear. we saw the same thing in the south and southeast this summer. at the height of the delta waves, when you see people near you getting sick or hospitalized or when you have this fear of a new variant, it's enough to overcome some of that resistance or some people who i talked to in the e.r., it's not even resistance, just the vaccine is the lowest thing on their list so when the fear gets higher the incentive to get your shot goes up. it may be the small, one hidden blessing from this variant that it protects the rest of us from delta that's already out there. >> one more thing before you go, the national institute of health, head francis collin says given the immune protection, omicron certainly won't be the last variant of concern. what does that mean? everyone's trying to figure out when does this end? how do we go back to normal? what does it mean when we know there are more variants coming and looking across the globe, not just in the u.s., across the globe, particularly in lower income, less wealthy countries, the vaccine rate is so low, what does this mean going forward for the future? >> so unfortunately, i don't have a crystal ball so i can't provide a definite prediction but i can say with pretty good certainty that covid is going to be around forever. our kids, our grandkids are going to get old knowing covid. my hope is, as covid continues to mutate it will eventually create variants that are less deadly, that become part of the background noise the same way flu is. yes, flu is bad, but not as bad as covid. we have vaccines we take every year to protect us from the worse effects of flu, but essential to getting there is vaccines in the hand of everyone. as you say, only 8% of subsah subsaharan are vaccinated. we need to fix that to protect our self from more dangerous variants in the mean time. >> more work to do on that front, dr. ranney as always, thanks so much. tonight harsh words from the republican governor's team, not from a rival but another republican who apparently want to see take his job. more on that, next. and celebrate every kiss... ...with kay. nyquil severe gives you powerful relief for your worst cold and flu symptoms, on sunday night and every night. nyquil severe. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine. ♪ i'm a reporter for the new york times. if you just hold it like this. yeah. ♪ i love finding out things that other people don't want me to know. mm-hmm. [beep] i just wanted to say... ♪ find yourself in these situations and see who you are. and that's just part of the bargain. ♪ this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. president biden is introduced new measures to fight off a winter surge of coronavirus. now, his plan does not include any lock downs or domestic travel restrictions. many republicans seem to believe any effort to fight the virus seems to be potentially going too far. real america is done with covid-19 wrote congressmen jordan, the only people who don't understand that are fauci and biden. last week, group of senators threatened to shut down the government after the vaccine mandate. sharp warning on what's to come. >> it's difficult to understand why anyone would use the overpowering force in the federal government to tell someone, if they don't cooperate with the ordained presidential medical orthodoxy, they will be fired. it will come up again, it will come up in any future voterama, anytime we get the opportunity. >> talking about his amendment there. joining us now, medical strategist cordona, and allison, here's what i'm trying to figure out right now. i understand from ideological perspective where republicans are coming from on vaccine mandates on businesses, but the idea of covid doesn't exist, we need to move on, given the fact we're 108,000 cases a day at this point, is it a political strategy you think would be effective for those republicans that say that? >> no. because of the number you just said, 100,000 new cases daily, still continuing to surge. and the most important thing we do as we do the mass media campaign on covid is remind people, this is a health issue, not a political issue. covid is nonpartisan, masks are apolitical, vaccines are nonpartisan and travel mandates are nondiscriminatory and the most important thing we can do moving forward is follow the science, especially with the new variant and take the politics out of it. yes there are areas we need to pull back on the mask mandates, on school closures and business closures, but we need to make sure we follow the science of this and take the politics out because that's where we're getting into trouble and that's where these numbers continue to grow. >> right, and i think developments that have been intrigued -- intrigued might be a euphemism to do degree, is republicans attacking president biden being unable to control the pandemic on the number of deaths in 2021 as they oppose, some of them oppose vaccines, they oppose a lot of the measures that i think scientists or medical health experts believe would actually help control the pandemic. does that put democrats in a tough spot here? is the republican message swamping democrats to some degree? >> i don't think so. i think one of the reasons their gambit to shut down the government over the covid politics is because people in their own party were very concerned over the new variant and republicans trying to play politics in the face of this on slot of this new variant, people getting very concerned about this, and the messages, you know, it's hard when you're trying to message over something that is so new. and yes, that is something republicans will always trying to take advantage of, been trying to take advantage of it from the very beginning but cnn did this great analysis of information that came out from johns hopkins university and essentially said in red states, the death rate after the vaccines were readily available is 50% higher in states that voted for trump than in other states, and i think americans are feeling that. there will always be people who are antimandate, antivaccine, antimask, but the majority of americans understand the danger of this new variant, the danger that still exists on covid. that's why you're seeing so many boosters happening. you mentioned this earlier in one of your segments, over 2 million people got vaccinated in the past couple days. if the republican message was working, you wouldn't see that kind of movement. >> at the same time, maria, you have to remember president biden campaigned on putting an end to covid. republicans so quick to say don't put it on the president, he said he would get a handle on this and he has and when you're promising the american people this is what you're going to do as president, almost a year in at this point, i think the criticism is warranted . >> i don't think that will stick either, because there is great criticism on rates of vaccination and president biden has not backed down from moving forward and really trying to not just stop covid but stop the variants and being very clear, the only way to do that is more people getting vaccinated. >> i think that's why you saw the president take such a forceful position this last week, trying to recapture the success they had in the initial roll-out. i want to switch, because you're our resident georgian on the panel, i won't mention georgia football. major development for republicans in georgia where today, new reports that senator purdue plans to run for governor. that is not an open seat, that is a seat with bryan kimp who i think everybody knows has been at war with the former president because he followed the law. walk me through this dynamic right now, what it means for a very serious governor's race in the general. >> in the general election, it's going to be very tough. in the primary, that's where things are really going to get contentious when you have, what i see as a popular governor. kemp has been popular across the state, done well with regard to covid and his only downfall if republicans want to say that is he stood up to donald trump and i will say th the fact he stod by the election results in georgia and it was fair and accurate, i commend him for that and the fact he's taken the lead on cannot is important, but david purdue, i was on the ground in got efforts one year ago to help him get out the votes. their main downfall was being too close to trump, dismissive of the election results and campaign was teatering, if that's what he want to see do, this is an exercise of futility in georgia. >> at large, looking at the map, approval rating, midterm election for a new president, you're seeing republicans poten potentially cannibalize their own, you're happy i presume? >> we welcome that. i think it does give democrats an opportunity to talk about the dangerous strain happening in the republican party all over, all states and you're seeing it up on the hill everyday. people that embrace the big lie. candidates who want to do nothing but kneel at the altar of trump. him supporting those candidates, and that i think ruesults in an opportunity for the democrats to say, look how dangerous so many in the republican party are and they are still looking at donald trump who tried to steal the 2020 election, as they're leader. and you have so many condition did thes who are wanting to form themselves in the image of trump and in georgia, of course, stacy abrams will be a huge boost for democrats really focused on making sure all of our base comes out. we did it twice last year in the two senate races. i think this also gives a lot of ammunition for democrats to be excited about this race. >> very different dynamics this time around. >> and the case study for any governor running in a state is like the virginia model, embracing paolicies of the republican party but separating yourself from trump and his tenor, for success. >> alice stewart, maria cordona, thank you. posts relating the vaccines to holocaust in journey. next. and quick programming, cnn's el reed will have a quick documentary this evening, white power on trial. this cnn special report begins at 9:00 p.m. ! good eye! good eye! eyes are good for lots of things. like reading! be the best, caleb! statistically impossible, caleb. umpire: strike three, you're out! you'll get 'em next time! or you won't, probably won't. and it won't impact your future whatsoever! talk to us about college planning today. feel comfortable about tomorrow. massmutual. why hide your skin if dupixent has your moderate-to-severe eczema, or atopic dermatitis under control? 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>> reporter: it's probably disgusting stuff what facebook and instagram are allowing on their platforms take a look at this ad we came across. one is a graphic of a needle, the vaccine and says it compares it to a holocaust. another ad we saw says make hanging traitors great again so not only seeing antivaccine misinformation here, or antivaccine posts, but also posts condoning political violence. and these aren't just, you know, facebook will often make the argument to say we have billions of users, they are posting billions of things everyday. these are ads. these are ads that they are accepting money for and targeting their users on their platform. >> i think, and that's the key distinction, right? that's what sets this apart. the facebook whistle blower we spoke to congress talked about how quickly facebook could improve this problem. take a listen. >> facebook's business model is conditioned on fixing problems after they find them. faceb facebook's 2018, zuckerberg said engagement based ranking, that is ads based on their likelihood to provoke reaction to you, which is that the most polarizing content is dangerous and people are drawn to polarizing content. the problem is the a.i. misses lots and lots of problems. in case of hate speech, only 3 to 5% of hate speech is caught. >> an astounding percentage. you brought the ad to see facebook's attention. what then -- >> if we can bring the ads again side by side, the first comparing to nazi germany, and the holocaust, facebook took those down saying they were against their rules but the other ad make hanging traitors great again, facebook seems to have no problem with it despite this being less than a year we saw gallows outside u.s. capitol but it is news organizations, researchers, academics that have to bring these issues to facebook to ask them why aren't they enforcing their own policies? and of course, it's not just covid misinformation, it's not just political violence. we have heard so much and we will hear more this week about the company's particularly instagram's harm on children and young teenagers. the instagram ceo will be testifying before the senate on wednesday. phil. >> and i believe that's why you get to make a statement down to washington d.c. see you soon, buddy. a crisis affecting honolulu, what's believed to be petroleum chem chemicals affecting the water supply near pearl harbor. after we take a break. this is your home. this is your family room slash gym. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ it's time for our cyber week special on the sleep number 360 smart bed. what if i sleep hot? ...or cold? no problem, the sleep number 360 smart bed is temperature balancing, so you both sleep just right. and it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. so, you can really promise better sleep? 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( ♪ ) you found the one. now find the ring at zales, the diamond store. earn about covid-19, the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. in indonesia, the images are both visually spectacular and completely terrifying. yesterday's eruption of a volcano in an east province unleashed rivers of lava and explosions of ash. at least 14 people died and dozens injured, another 1300 people displaced, people within a six mile radius told to evacuate as hot ash and smoldering debris are a threat. now a crisis depriving families and many active military of their drinking water. right now, the city of honolulu had to shut down its largest water source, when petroleum chemicals found near a navy base, found in the water of honolulu's largest water source. plagued by fuel leaks, the most recent contamination right before thanksgiving. natasha chang following this from l.a. and it's not clear where the chemicals came from but tell us about the history of leaks you uncovered. >> yes, said it stopped the release of 14,000 gallons of a fuel water mixture and that is just 11 days before the navy confirmed that there was contamination of petroleum in the red hill well. that's a major water supply for them. they had to shut that well down. there is still -- it's still in the clear, not confirmed whether the november 22nd leak is related to the contamination, however, going back to may 6th. there was a release of 1600 gallons of jet fuel that the navy says was operator error. just two months ago in october, the hawaii state health department fined the navy and issued a violations that came from a routine inspection that the health department did in the fall of 2020. and this evening goes back to 2014 when in january 2014 during the refueling of a tank the navy identified an estimated 27,000 gallons of jet fuel released according to the hawaii department of health. so this is going back quite sometime. there have been some issues and now they're dealing with a large number of people, hundreds of people who have complained of smelling fuel and gasoline and reporting nausea, vomiting, diarrhea within the last week of so. since the navy shut down the well and determined there was contamination, the board well supply shut down the largest water source on the base this extends to a large number of people who have been told not to use the tap water for drinking. they had to open up temporary housing and pool facilities available for showers. here is a statement by the navy what is going on with the red hill well. it says the results of the well hill sample showed petroleum four to ten times below the hawaii department of health environmental action level but they said they will take care of it. the navy is developing a plan to restore the system to epa standers and fix this. the board of water supply, though, was also releasing a statement about why they had to out of caution shut down that largest water source in oahu. when the red well hill stops pumping, data shows the water moves to the direction of their shaft so that's why they had to shut down the shaft, the largest water source. this is now causing a lot of headache for a lot of people and as we speak, they are going to hold another town hall in just a few minutes perhaps to answer some of those neighbor's questions, phil. >> yeah, it will be interesting to hear those questions and i think there is a lot more here. great reporting. i know you stay on this one. thanks so much. >> thanks. up next, ohio, it runs on kindness. a dunkin donuts employee with a home for the holidays, thanks to a customer. >> thank you so much. 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[crying] >> i'm so happy. >> now, with a new fully furnished home, ebony says she and her kids are ready for a very merry christmas. that is the type of stuff that i love watching. love seeing and wish we had a whole lot more of. more of that. all right, your next hour of "cnn newsroom" starts right now. >> remembering bob dole. paying tribute to 20th sencentu politics. >> some might find this surprising congress has been my life but that is not so. with all due respect to congress, america has been my life. >> the michigan school district where four students were shot and killed now requesting its own independent investigation. >> we have a process if there is concerning behavior or threat that did not happen. >> the u.s. weighing what is next as the country grapples with a new variant, rising cases, hospitalizations and deaths. >> the next six months depend on how we mobilize together to do the things that we know work. ilhan omar is certain lauren boebert will face punishment for an m

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Pamela Brown , Joe Biden , Omicron Variant , Stories , Effect , Cnn Newsroom , Travel Restrictions , Health Advisers , Massive Media Blits , Bob Dole , Politics , Tributes , A Tighttan Of U S , Water , Congresswoman Omar , In Honolulu , Warning , Viscitizens Wa Answer , Republicans , Covid Testing Requirements , Anyone , Citizens , United States , Tracking , Bigotry , Quote , Brand New , Travelers , Effort , Part , Transmissible Omicron Variant , Rules , Spread , Test , Vaccination , Cnn , Why Isn T , Nonu S Citizens , Nadia , Proof , One , 19 , Something , Winter Surge , Concern , Officials , Covid 19 , Item , Big , Administration , Transmissible Variant Of Omicron , Cases , States , Kocounting , Requirements , Screening , 17 , Country , Travel Policy , Restrictions , Murphy , Differences , Domestic Travel , People , Number , Measures , Testing , Flights , Travel , Vaccine Requirements , Standpoint , Masks , Vaccination Rates , Risks , Mind , Many , Pandemic , Anthony Fauci , Travel Ban , Those Travel Policies , Wall , Countries , Scientists , Result , South Africa , Eight , Lot , Criticism , Apartheid , One U N , Community , Vaccine , Point , Sense , Phil , Question , Priority , Fight , Variants , Booster Shot , Dr , More , Virus , Execs , Mitigation Efforts , Bet , Others , Pfizer , Thanks , Best , Health Experts , Ones , Friend , Half Staff , Tribute , Flags , Veteran , Joe Johns , Statement , White House , Generation , Greatest , War Hero , 98 , Reporter , Things , Aisle , Passing , Man , United States Senate , Course , Fact , Times , Men , Friends , Example , Partisan , Two , Election , Donald Trump , Boston , Trump , Nature , Relationship , Big Lie , Kennedy Center Honors , Hand , Sign Washington , Direction , City , Thing , Stars , Mo Town , Barry Gordy , Opera Singer , Jus Justina Diaz , The Fields Of Entertainment , Five , Lauren Michaels , Producer , Saturday Night Live , Steve Martin , Somebody , Guys , Show , Audience , Chimed In , Seven , Trouble , Washington D C , Nancy Pelosi , Loss , House , Elizabeth Dole , Dole , Figure , Divide , Retirement , Blessing , Nominee , Battlefield , Cabin , World War Ii , Senator , Party , Last , Mentioning , Led , Ton , John , Action , Work , Family , Thoughts , Attacks , Islamisphobic , Kevin Mccarthy , Ability , Liar , Coward , Congresswoman Bobur , Member , Kind , Doesn T , Conference , Rhetoric , Bigoted Islamophobia , Story , Basis , Sorts , Capitol Hill , Mel , Planning , House Leadership , Speaker , Conversation , Take A Look , Jake Tapper , It , Care , Congress , Ban , Hijab , Lauren Bobert , Promise , Finger Tips , Options , Resolution , Committee Seats , Islamophobia , Track , Floor , Behavior , Democrats , Instance , Scene , Committee Cities , Martyrs , Route , Reluctance , Defunded , Hands , Momentum , Ranks , Members , Way , Surge , Infections , Sullivan Live On Reporting , Streets , Coming Up , Anger Spilling , Europe , Faceb Facebook , Drinking Water , In The Red Hill Well , Misinformation , Families , Newsroom , Hate , T Mobile , Lotion , Nose , Theo Blows , Tissues , 50 , Puffs , Relief , Need , Lotion Tissue , 1 , Season , Everything , Heart , 25 , Kiss , Why Don T , Miss , Sale , Kay , In The Dark , Songs , Em Up , Car , Company , Car Vending Machines , Up Light , Up , I M On Fire So Light , Carvana , 100 , Questions , License Plate , Techno Wizardry , Offer , Value , Spot , Views , Peaks , Sunny Vrbo , Ski Chalet , Stove , Grandpa , Cocoa , Ski Lessons , Ski Out , Vrbo , Tempur Pedic , Mission , Breeze , Night Sweats , Mattress , Air Conditioner Mode , Cooling , Baking , Polar Ice , Cover , Core , 00 , 500 , Problem , Sleep Number , Smart Bed , Temperature Balancing , Bed , Cold , Black Friday , It S Time , Special , Tempurpedic Com , 360 , Sleep , Science , Movements , Night After , Bases , Base , Interest , Plus , Ends Monday , 1000 , 36 , 0 , 000 , Police , Brusseles , Thousands , Protesters , Tear Gas , Covid Measures , Belgium , Children , Chances , Mask Mandate , Age , Update , Six , New York Times , Case Numbers , Public Health , University , Associate Dean , 108000 , Delta Variant , 99 9 , 99 9 , Deaths , Surges , Rest , Matter , North , Northeast , A Thousand , Headlights , Precautions , Get Go Of Covid , Omicron Front , Signals , In Public Health , Omicron , Alarm , Omicron Doesn T , Reports , Delta Surge , Transmissible , Delta , Hospital Beds , Ranney , Vaccines , Fear , Boosters , Shots , We Haven T , Uptick , Summer , South , Two Million , Some , Resistance , Height , E R , Delta Waves , Shot , Small , List , Incentive , Variant , Francis Collin , Won T , Protection , National Institute Of Health , Everyone , Globe , Vaccine Rate , Income , Kids , Grandkids , Certainty , Crystal Ball , Prediction , Hope , Background Noise , Flu , Yes , Effects , Essential , Self , Subsah Subsaharan , 8 , Governor , Words , Front , Team , Job , Rival , Nighttime , Medicine , Head , Coughing , Symptoms , Sunday Night , Stuffy , Sneezing , Sniffling , Aching , Beep , Situations , Bargain , Recording , Elodia , Students , Recording Artist , Comcast , Internet , Millions , Projectup , 10 Million , 10 , Possibilities , Tools , 1 Billion , Billion , Plan , Lock Downs , Government , Senators , Vaccine Mandate , Group , Jordan , Someone , Force , Sharp , Opportunity , Amendment , Orthodoxy , Future Voterama , Strategist Cordona , Allison , Businesses , Perspective , Idea , Covid Doesn T Exist , Strategy , Mass Media , 100000 , Health Issue , Mandates , Issue , Apolitical , Mask Mandates , Business Closures , Areas , On School Closures , Degree , Developments , Numbers , Euphemism , 2021 , Message , Gambit , Swamping , Face , Messages , Slot , Advantage , Analysis , Beginning , Red States , Information , Johns Hopkins University , Death Rate , Danger , Antivaccine , Majority , Antimask , Antimandate , Wouldn T , Movement , Segments , Maria Cordona , 2 Million , Handle , End , Rates , Position , Success , Georgia , Where , Development , Switch , Panel , Georgia Football , Seat , President , Bryan Kimp , War , Everybody , Law , Primary , Race , Dynamic , The General , Kemp , State , Downfall , Regard , Th , Election Results , Lead , David Purdue , Cannot , Campaign , Votes , Ground , Do , Dismissive , Teatering , Exercise , Futility , Approval Rating , Map , Midterm , Strain , Candidates , Over , Altar , Nothing , The Hill , Stacy Abrams , Leader , Condition , Ruesults , 2020 , Boost , Image , Case Study , Races , Dynamics , Model , Ammunition , Virginia , Embracing Paolicies , Posts , Tenor , Alice Stewart , Evening , Holocaust , Up Next , Cnn Special Report , Documentary , Programming , Journey , El Reed , White Power On Trial , Eyes , Eye , Lots , Caleb , Reading , Strike , Umpire , Three , 9 , Skin , Future , College Planning Today , Dupixent , Massmutual , Eczema , Under Control , Atopic Dermatitis , Step , Root Cause , 6 , Change , Feels , Itch , Anaphylaxis , Doctor , Eye Problems , Vision Changes , Reactions , Infection , Eye Pain , Asthma Medicines , Don T Change , Eczema Specialist , Child , Helpers , Bye Mom , Sleigh , Toys , Mountain , Wishes , Roads , Bridges , Fun , Homes , Holiday Deliveries , United States Postal Service , Outside , Stuff , Vision Loss , Diabetes , Sugar , Blood Vessels , Blindness , Diabetic Retinopathy , Inside , Actions , Control , Treatments , Path , Eye Care , Diabetes Management , Sight , Tree Mendous Views , Visit Noweyesee Com , Cough , Punchlines , Naturals , Moss , Dad , Ingredients , Robitussin , Me Hanging , Home , Punches , Didn T , Daybed , Family Room Slash Gym , Yoga Shanti Slash , Bedroom Slash Music Studio , The Living Room , Slash Classroom , Panic Room , Vacation , Family Needs , Basement Slash , App , Another Day , Absence , Host , The Fox News , Air Ways , Laura Logan , Joseph Mandelev , Angel Of Death , Comparison , Concentration Camps , Insult , Chris , Nazi Regime , Comment , Discipline , Fox Network , Investigator , Kinds , Comparisons , Profiting , Vendors , Trash , Money , Ways , Top Line , Ad , Instagram , Platforms , Needle , Look , Graphic , We Saw , Hanging Traitors , Condoning Political Violence , Seeing Antivaccine Misinformation , Aren T Just , Ads , Users , Posting , Platform , Argument , Facebook , Business Model , Listen , Distinction , Whistle Blower , Ranking , Engagement , Fixing Problems , Zuckerberg , 2018 , Content , Likelihood , Reaction , Hate Speech , Case , Problems , Attention , Percentage , A I , 3 , 5 , Make , Hanging Traitors Great Again , Nazi Germany , Side By , Issues , Researchers , Policies , News Organizations , Academics , We Saw Gallows , U S Capitol , Violence , Ceo , Harm , Teenagers , Honolulu , Chemicals , Water Supply , Crisis , Buddy , Pearl Harbor , Break , Couch , Automatically , Snoring , Hiding , Pillow , Ergo Smart , Enamel , Event , Repair Toothpaste , Pronamel , Love , Toothpaste , Pronamel Repair , Zales , Ring , You Re Not Alone , Support , Calhope , 4673 , 317 , 833 , 833 317 4673 , Calhope Org , Images , Indonesia , Ash , Dozens , Lava , Eruption , Province , Rivers , Explosions , Volcano , 1300 , 14 , City Of Honolulu , Threat , Radius , Crisis Depriving , Military , Debris , Water Source , Petroleum Chemicals , Navy Base , Fuel Leaks , Contamination , Natasha Chang , History , L A , Release , Leaks , Fuel Water Mixture , 11 , 14000 , Navy , Clear , The Hawaii State Health Department , Jet Fuel , Operator Error , November 22nd Leak , May 6th , 22 , 1600 , November 22nd , Health Department , Violations , Inspection , 2014 , January 2014 , Hawaii Department Of Health , Tank , Refueling , 27000 , Smelling Fuel , Gasoline , Nausea , Vomiting , Hundreds , Board , Housing , Facilities , Tap Water , Drinking , Showers , Pool , Results , Action Level , Red Hill Well , Well Hill Sample , Ten , Four , Caution , Standers , System , Oahu , Red Well Hill , Shaft , Headache , Data , Water Moves , Great Reporting , Town Hall , Neighbor , Customer , Employee , Kindness , Home For The Holidays , Dunkin Donuts , Ohio , Let S Go , Dianne , Oooh , Customers , Airpods , Apple Tv , Uh , 13 , Both , Iphone 13 Pro , Scent , Dynasty , Cologne , Old Spice , Driver S Seat , Music , Dream , Gift , Comcast Business , Network , Business , Deal , Gig Speeds , Savings Sale , Prepaid Card , Bundles , Voice , 64 99 , 4 99 , Savings , Price Guarantee , 2 , Doe Nut Shop Employee , Ebony , Miracle , Lifetime , Christine , Surprise , Drive Through , Life , Hard Times , Hardship , Family A Home , Help , Ex , Furniture , Service , Johnson , Burke , Type , Merry Christmas , Right , Remembering , 20th Sencentu , 20 , Michigan School District , Respect , Investigation , Hospitalizations , Process , Lauren Boebert , Punishment ,

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