Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 202

Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20240709

will discuss the situation. and as the omicron variant spreads to more state it is cdc director warns it may, repeat may, become the dominant strain in the united states where covid cases, hospitalizations and deaths are on the rise. we want to welcome the viewers here in the united states and the around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." we begin with truly stunning developments in the deadly michigan school shooting. federal and local authorities launching a search right now for the suspect's parents as a manhunt. the whereabouts unknown hours after being charged with involuntarily manslaughter. alexandra, what are you hearing about the missing parents at least right now? >> reporter: authorities do not know where they are. the fbi, marshals and the oakland county sheriff's department trying to track down jennifer and james crumbly. we haven't seen them since wednesday since appearing for the son's arrangement. it is not clear where they are tonight. the sheriff's office said they were in touch with an attorney to arrange for an arrest once charges were handed down. but they can't find the couple now. bizarrely attorneys representing the couple have put out a statement saying jennifer and james haven't fled and left town for safety avefter the shooting and the arrangement scheduled for 4:00 this afternoon. the courthouse is now closed. the couple is not in custody. all of this coming after a prosecutor laid out the sering details of the shooting this week in the school behind me and an impassioned plea for why she believes the parents must be prosecuted. >> while the shooter entered the high school and pulled the trigger there are other individuals that con triblted to this. >> reporter: in a rare move a prosecutor holding the parents of a school shooter responsible in the deaths of four teenagers hunted down prosecutors say by their son. >> anyone with the opportunity to stop this from happening to have done it. >> reporter: james and jennifer each charged with four counts over involuntarily man slaughter following tuesday's attack. >> we have confirmed injuries. >> reporter: the oakland county prosecutor saying the father bought the handgun used in the shooting four days earlier with the 15-year-old son ethan by his side. ethan later posting a picture on social media with the caption just got the new beauty today and the mother in her own now deleted post writing mom and son day testing the christmas present according to prosecutors. just days later -- >> a teacher at the oxford high school observed ethan searching ammunition on the cell phone in class and reported the same to officials. >> reporter: the parents don't respond to messages from the school but investigators say the mother sends text messaging to the son. lol. i'm not mad at you. you have to learn to not get caught. another teacher makes a shocking discovery. >> a drawing of a gun pointing at the thoughts won't stop. help me. another drawing of a bullet with the words above it, blood everywhere. between the drawing of the gun and the bull slet a person that appears to be shot twice and bleeding. below is a drawing of a laughing emoji. fourth e down are the words my life is useless. and to the right of that the words quote the world is dead. >> reporter: officials say the suspect and the parents met with administrators. law enforcement isn't notified. but the family told to get counseling for their son within 48 hours resist taking him home for the day and never ask where the gun is. >> mass casualty. >> reporter: as news of a shooting at the high school on tuesday a text from the mother, ethan, don't do it. prosecutors say the father calls 911 to report a missing gun that had been stored investigators say in an unlocked drawer. >> i am by no means saying that an active shooter situation results in a criminal prosecution against parents. but the facts of this case are so egregious. it doesn't just impact me as a prosecutor and a lawyer. it impacts me as a mother. >> reporter: as the hunt for the parents continues the sheriff acknowledges the possibility that they could be armed. people with information on the whereabouts are just being asked to contact officials. wolf? >> alexandra, thank you very much. let's discuss what's going on. the oakland county prosecutor is joining us now. thank you. really appreciate the important and hard work. as you know better than anyone police are searching for the shooting suspect's parents following the announcement of charges against the couple. can you give us an update on the status? when did you learn they were missing? what do you know now? >> at this point i'm told they're still -- they have not turned themselves in despite the attorney statement that that was the intention. so i can't give you any update. i really hope that they will be apprehended soon or choose to turn themselves in. since the day after the shooting and my first press conference i indicated that i was seriously considering and reviewing potential charges against the mom and dad. it was the world's worst kept secret. we've been in constant communication with the sheriff's department. they actually were being surveilled and i think at this point it's been over six hours since they were officially charged and the warrant sworn, too. i hope they do the right thing and turn themselves in as soon as possible. i want to stress that the important -- i want to -- the last thing that needs to happen is more emphasis on the crumbleys. we have victims in that community. we have parents who have lost their children. kids who have lost their friends and injured kids. the community is really struggling and i don't -- i don't want to miss the opportunity to really focus on the victims of these terrible crimes. >> we are going to discuss that with you, prosecutor, because when i see the pictures of four kiss murdered it's so wrenching. but a few specific questions. as far as you know does anyone know where the couple is? >> there is a very sophisticated and skilled law enforcement both from the sheriff's department, federal marshals and i'm confident that they will be apprehended and i'm not kept up to speed minute by minute what they're doing and that's a good thing because that's not my area of expertise so i'll be notified as soon as they're apprehended. i have been updated concerning certain cell phone pings in the last couple days. they really did have a good handle on where they were. that was reported to us. i hope they turn themselves in quickly. >> me too. i think all the viewers are watching right now and can't believe what's going on here in the united states with a mass shooting once again takes place at a school. a lot of people asking this question. why weren't they taken into custody, prosecutor, you publicly announced the formal charges against them? >> they were being surveilled and the attorney contacted the sheriff's office and myself and said that they were going to turn themselves in. i did not respond. this is a common tactic and used as defense attorneys to find out information which is their job and don't give information what we'll do and when in serious cases like this. so the arrest and apprehension was fully in the hands of the law enforcement and i am certain that they will occur. >> yeah. we're all waiting for that. we listen so closely today, prosecutor, as you laid out in great detail, very stunning detail, heartbreaking detail the stunning evidence that led you to charge the parents with four counts each of involuntarily manslaughter. is there an additional past history of troubling behavior of the suspect? >> i only know what's presented to us. my strong feeling is that we will likely find out more and more information about his past but what we do know is that this gun was purchased, for him. he had access to it. and he was as recent as the day of the shooting and the day before exhibiting behaviors and st statements that are concerning and any reasonable person would look at that particularly if he had access to a weapon and say something is wrong and i need to do something, particularly if it were his parents, the people that purchased the weapon for him. so you can't really look at what occurred the day before the shooting and the day of and say we had no warnings. it was a definite warning sign and it was unfortunately ignored and except for the promise to get counseling mom and dad said nothing. they never disclosed that the had a weapon. they never asked him where the weapon was. we think it was in his actual backpack while they were meeting with him and went back to school and just a few hours later he started firing. >> from the reporters on the ground where you are we learn there's a lot of anger within the community directed toward the school. did the school know that the suspect had access to a deadly weapon? did they ask the suspect or his parents for that matter if he had access to a gun? >> there's no evidence that i have seen or reviewed at this point that the school had knowledge that he had a weapon or he had access to a weapon. i know that he texted his mother the day before regarding the ammunition search. that she actually texted him, did you -- did you tell them about the gun? and almost as if he should be bragging about that. and he stated i think to a teacher that he -- his mother purchased a gun but there was no indication that he was carrying a gun. if mom and dad bought that -- him a weapon, it would be reasonable to assume that showing them the information regarding the threats of violence that they would disclose he had a weapon and they didn't and what's really telling as your reporter pointed out that the behavior of mom and dad just hours later after they learned an active shooter, dad doesn't go to the school. dad doesn't text the kid and say, are you okay? he goes to his house and looks for that gun. because he's clearly worried. he doesn't see it and calls 911 saying there's a gun missing and i think my son is the shooter. mom texts minutes after the shooting started and to her son, don't do it. and ethan don't do it is what the text says. that was information that we learned slowly every day and learn more information. as soon as i heard about this the first thing i asked and everybody did is where did he get this weapon? because we know he can't legally own that weapon and as the information came in it was just so horrifying to see that these parents were completely responsible for allowing that -- those murders. i just -- i can't -- i understand this is the first time that this has been done. i didn't know at the time and actually i didn't -- i don't care at all what i really care about is trying to further a policy of deterrence, come to a place as a country we do not tolerate this and training kids to hide under desks i know is necessary but not enough. there are still murders occurring. everything happened like it should in this case. all of the kids were trained and hid under the desks. they ran into classrooms. they barricaded doors. law enforcement did what they were supposed to do and still four children were murdered and seven more injured. that's not even counting the hundreds and hundreds of studen students that were in that high school that day texts the parents that they loved them not seeing they would see them again and those are real victims, too. you can't unwind that for those children. >> seeing the pictures of the four students who were shot and killed, 14, 15, 16, 17-year-olds, it is so heartbreaking to see what has actually happened and seven other students seriously injured. should school add ministrators, prosecutor, reported the warning signs out there? there were clear warning signs, drawing, statements to law enforcement or even the school resource officer? i know we're all smarter with hindsight but should they have done that? >> well, of course. it doesn't take a long legal career or a law degree to concludes that of course they should. i don't have enough knowledge or review of the reports regarding that part of this investigation to comment on it. but of course they should. of course they should. >> when i heard you earlier today, prosecutor, you were asked specifically how long this plot was premedicated and you replied long enough why what did you mean by that? >> i mean i can't really talk about the specifics so you'll just have to trust me when i say long enough. and definitely that's not something that was planned the day before. or the day of. it was planned before then. >> was it just -- >> i'm not going to -- >> a few days? a few weeks? months? can you give us a sense? >> i don't really want to disclose evidence that's not public already. it's not ethical for me to do so but i'm very comfortable that it was a planned premeditated act. he talked about how he was going to -- wrote about how he was going to do that and the manner in which to do that and regarding the length of time i just -- i'm not in a position to comment about it. >> i want to quickly turn to the charges against this 15-year-old suspect. what led you to include a terrorism charge? that's not something we typically see in a school shooting case. >> michigan has a law of terrorism and causing death, and it -- it is a charge that reflects an act that resulted in death on a community of people, not like the federal charge requiring a government entity, but just a community of people and when you charge the shooter with first-degree murder and i salt to murder those are appropriate charges but there wasn't a charge that reflected the whole other group of vicks that were there that day. and can't even sleep or eat or be by themselves and are still not -- are in shock. they're traumatized. their terrorized. and i don't think it would be moral not to include that charge. i mean, those injured students and murdered students, they are victims but there's also a whole other population there that suffered and i think including that is important on behalf of the victims but i also think it's important for the country. because there aren't just the injured or killed children. it is the entire community. and throughout the last several days since the shooting i have heard from people all over the country of school shootings and mostly moms and dads and talk about their -- the shooting that occurred in the community and years and years later they're still traumatized by it. it's really much bigger than what it seems. >> yeah. you said earlier today this impacted you as it did so many other people and you specifically not only as a prosecutor but as a mother. a mother in this community. do you want to talk a little bit about that? >> yes. i raised teenagers, and you know, you worry a lot. but the one place i didn't worry is when i knew they were in school. because that's supposed to be a safe place. and the thought as a parent of saying good-bye to your child when they're on the way out the door with their backpack, maybe dri driving themselves to high school, good-bye, i love you, not thinking for one second that you wouldn't see them again because they went to school. as parents, as mothers, we worry when they're driving for the first time, when they're in activities socially with the friends. will they make good decisions? but school? school is not where we're supposed to worry. and also i want to say that all of these educators, they've dedicated their lives to teach children and kids. and they -- they are being put in situation where is they have to protect them from firearms. i was watching something on one of the kids who was there and she said, my math teacher saved our lives. and that's just -- it is just wrong. i can't believe this is where we are. and yeah. so it's a unique charge, terrorism. and it's probably a unique thing to do to charge parents but if we are going to solve this and try to make sure this doesn't happen again we have do do things different because everything so far, my community is suffering. so we clearly aren't doing enough. >> we are all suffering seeing what happened in your community and will kids have to go through metal detectors to go to school. yesterday you said charges against the parents to come up within 24 hours but the sheriff said your office didn't give them heads up that the charges were coming today. is that true? >> the charges were -- my office was in constant communication with the detectives working the case. we needed certain evidence to make that charge. and we couldn't get it without it. the swear to was by a sheriff's detective who is extraordinary. before i made the announcement. we were receiving, we requested surveillance. we were receiving up dates and where the cell phones were pinging as of yesterday morning. so i don't know where the lack of communication was and honestly i don't -- i don't care. i just want to focus on the prosecution. i want to focus on the victims and it's unfortunate that these two individuals are not apprehended yet. but their attorney did communicate to law enforcement that they were turning themselves in. so you know, i think that we shouldn't ignore that. >> if they don't turn themselves in will they face additional charges? >> likely. >> well, the oakland county prosecutor karen mcdonald, this is awful, horrible, a heart wrenching moment for you and all of us watching and grateful and please behalf of the viewers in the u.s. and around the world express the condolences to the families suffering, those children, may they rest in peace and may their memories be a blessing. thank you so much for joining us. >> i will. thank you. and there's more breaking news to follow. we'll get back to michigan but cnn also learned that conservative lawyer john eastman said he'll defy a subpoena from the house select committee investigating the january 6. congressman schiff there is standing by live to discuss. we'll be right back. yeah. ♪ i love finding out things that other people don't want me to know. mm-hmm. 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>> i guess what he is saying and i think he made this public in an interview with steve bannon is to assert the fifth and we will try to ascertain when he does as we will when we depose mr. clarke to assert the fifth whether it is in good faith believing they may be implicated in criminal activity or whether merely trying to cover up for the former president. it is a difficult determination to make. if he believes that his testimony would implicate him in crime then he does have a right to assert the fifth and we will determine if that's proper and questions to answer without fear of incrimination. >> eastman says the partisan makeup of the committee he says makes it invalid and doesn't need to cooperate. what do you say to that? >> well, that was a frivolous argument. if he uses that as a basis to refuse to answer questions he will be in the contempt of the committee and simple and straightforward. so we'll be seeing with each witness, with meadows, with clarke, eastman and others whether they're properly invoking a privilege or to stall and delay for the former president and will make the judgment as to what the repercussions should be once we see and hear the testimony. >> cnn has a copy of mark meadows' book and doubles down on the baseless claim that the 2020 presidential election was stolen and white washes the attack on january 6. he writes this and let me read this quote. he said trump did not call for violence and did not expect anyone would enter the capitol building. could that undermine the executive privilege claims? >> absolutely. up until now he is saying that i can't answer relevant questions before did committee because the former president is exerting executive privilege but he felt more than comfortable writing about the things which presumably you have to expect that meadows would have cleared that with the former president and if the former president waved the privilege to write about it you cannot assert privilege so there's a powerful case if indeed as cnn is reporting he writes about conversations had with the president that any privilege is waved. even if it wasn't waved the holder of the privilege is president biden and said the public has a need to know. >> the committee just announced, congressman, that the deposition with former trump justice department official jeffrey clarke scheduled for tomorrow is postponed until december 16. what more can you tell us about the postponement? do you expect him to plead did fifth when he does appear? >> i can only say that the committee is confident that this is -- this request based on a medical condition is a valid one. so it doesn't appear to be a ruse. so we, you know, certainly hope that the health improve ju. i'm confident he will appear. it may be that he assert it is fifth because he believes that his testimony may implicate him in crime. that's an extraordinary someone at the senior most levels of the justice department they feel the need to plead the fifth and might have been involved in criminal activity but he's made a series of other spurious claims appearing before as a basis for refusing to answer and mind you when he did appear before he made no suggestion that the answers might incriminate him and we'll try to determine if he's operating in good, bad failt faith or a mixture of the above. >> can you share the health issue he is citing? >> the short answer is i don't know. and if i did i probably wouldn't be in a position to share that either out of respect for his health condition. but i am told by the committee staff that he provided ample documentation of that so we knew it was not a ruse. >> congressman adam schiff, thank you so much for joining us. good luck. >> thank you. more breaking news to follow this time with the latest on the search of the missing parents of the school shooting suspect. we are taking an extraordinary look at this case when we come back. my tr usty team ♪ ♪ there's heather on the hedges ♪ ♪ and kenny on the koi ♪ ♪ and your truck's been demolished by the peterson boy ♪ ♪ yes -- ♪ wait, what was that? timber... 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>> this is extraordinary. this never happens. i think of one case, another michigan case but it is extraordinary. even though the events sadly happen too commonly. >> reporter: daniel webster studying this issue for 30 years is referring a case in flint, michigan, in 2000 where a pleaded no contest to involuntarily manslaughter and sentenced to two years in prison after a 6-year-old boy killed a school class mate. with this case in michigan the prosecutor mcdonald laid out the potential evidence saying that james crumbley purchased a handgun for his son and said that the son's social media posts show. >> it is illegal to purchase a handgun for a 15-year-old. >> reporter: experts say the parent's inaction on the morning of the shooting where the prosecutor said the parents were summoned to the school after a disturbing note found on his desk, a note withdrawings of a gun, bullets and reference to deadly violence and didn't ask him where the gun was and didn't check the backpack and refused to take him home. >> the argument is extreme negligence. they had enough knowledge that it was criminally negligent for them to have not taken the steps to protect in this instance the other students in the school. >> reporter: webster says many owners of guns are vigilant about gun safety when they're young. >> once they become 10, 11, 12 years old there are many gun owners with the view you sort of tell them the rules and don't touch this if i'm not around and the rules will always be obeyed and that of course is ridiculous. >> now when asked if looking at anyone else for charges like school officials the prosecutor mcdonald would only say the investigation is ongoing. >> thank you very much. let's get more on the unusual case. joining us is ellie honig. also with us is cnn senior law enforcement analyst charles ramsey. elie, you heard the interview. i spoke with the prosecutor in this case, karen mcdonald, laid out that stunning evidence against the suspect's parents and said likely more charges will be filed if they don't turn themselves in. how do you see this playing out? >> first and most immediately this is an important charge for the victims, the families, the community. they need justice and true justice and accountability is beyond the shooter to the parents. based on what we heard these are very well supported involuntarily manslaughter charges. with the fact to failure to surpder you asked could there be more charges and the prosecutor said yes. there could be consequences based on the failure to surrender. >> the prosecutor, chief ramsey, she told me that police were surveilling the parents. how's it that they're still missing after failing to turn themselves in a couple of hours or so ago? >> that's a great question. the purpose of the surveillance is to know the whereabouts of the individuals to take them into custody. i don't know when they actually left the home. you watch that one video during the arrangement. it appears they're in a vehicle. she also mentioned that they were tracking the cell phones. i don't know if the cell phones were just left in the home to make you believe that they were there and somewhere else. that just doesn't really make sense to me. i don't know how can be on a surveillance and lose the people that you're supposedly observing. >> based on the evidence laid out today how strong are the involuntarily manslaughter charges against the parents? >> overwhelming. the case for the public today is like none i have seen before. talk about parents who knew and should have known the danger that their child posed and contributed to it by getting him the firearm. these are sort of landmark charges. it is extraordinarily rare as we saw for anyone to be charged with this scenario so this is a notice to prosecutors, to parents, to all of us. >> you were the d.c. police chief, the commissioner in philadelphia. have you seen a case like this where parents are charged because their son allegedly did this? >> no. i haven't. i have seen situations where parents have been charged if a youngster finds a gun and the gun discharges and shoots and kills someone else and the parents charged in that regard but nothing like a school shooting or something like this. this is unusual but when you hear the prosecutor talk about the evidence and what took place, its's very clear that the parents were incredibly negligent at the very least and are responsible for what took place. >> the prosecutor makes a really impressive case. thank you very much. the cdc director talks to cnn about the omicron variant as it continues to spread right iphone 13 pro and airpods, and t-mobile is paying for them both! and this is for new and existing customers. upgrade to the iphone 13 pro and airpods both on us. only at t-mobile. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with chase security features, guidance and convenience, banking feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. ♪ ♪ ♪ (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ are the stars out tonight? 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"erin burnett out front" starts right now. outfront next. on the run. a manhunt for the parents of the alleged michigan school shooter, after they were charged with insl involuntary manslaughter. the prosecutor in the case laying out their disturbing behavior before their son was accused of killing four classmates. plus, a warning tonight on just how contagious the new omicron variant may be as more states are reporting cases of the covid strain this evening. and trump's former chief of staff, mark meadows, with new details about what he claims was going on behind the scenes on the day of the deadly insurrection. let's go out

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Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20240709

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will discuss the situation. and as the omicron variant spreads to more state it is cdc director warns it may, repeat may, become the dominant strain in the united states where covid cases, hospitalizations and deaths are on the rise. we want to welcome the viewers here in the united states and the around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." we begin with truly stunning developments in the deadly michigan school shooting. federal and local authorities launching a search right now for the suspect's parents as a manhunt. the whereabouts unknown hours after being charged with involuntarily manslaughter. alexandra, what are you hearing about the missing parents at least right now? >> reporter: authorities do not know where they are. the fbi, marshals and the oakland county sheriff's department trying to track down jennifer and james crumbly. we haven't seen them since wednesday since appearing for the son's arrangement. it is not clear where they are tonight. the sheriff's office said they were in touch with an attorney to arrange for an arrest once charges were handed down. but they can't find the couple now. bizarrely attorneys representing the couple have put out a statement saying jennifer and james haven't fled and left town for safety avefter the shooting and the arrangement scheduled for 4:00 this afternoon. the courthouse is now closed. the couple is not in custody. all of this coming after a prosecutor laid out the sering details of the shooting this week in the school behind me and an impassioned plea for why she believes the parents must be prosecuted. >> while the shooter entered the high school and pulled the trigger there are other individuals that con triblted to this. >> reporter: in a rare move a prosecutor holding the parents of a school shooter responsible in the deaths of four teenagers hunted down prosecutors say by their son. >> anyone with the opportunity to stop this from happening to have done it. >> reporter: james and jennifer each charged with four counts over involuntarily man slaughter following tuesday's attack. >> we have confirmed injuries. >> reporter: the oakland county prosecutor saying the father bought the handgun used in the shooting four days earlier with the 15-year-old son ethan by his side. ethan later posting a picture on social media with the caption just got the new beauty today and the mother in her own now deleted post writing mom and son day testing the christmas present according to prosecutors. just days later -- >> a teacher at the oxford high school observed ethan searching ammunition on the cell phone in class and reported the same to officials. >> reporter: the parents don't respond to messages from the school but investigators say the mother sends text messaging to the son. lol. i'm not mad at you. you have to learn to not get caught. another teacher makes a shocking discovery. >> a drawing of a gun pointing at the thoughts won't stop. help me. another drawing of a bullet with the words above it, blood everywhere. between the drawing of the gun and the bull slet a person that appears to be shot twice and bleeding. below is a drawing of a laughing emoji. fourth e down are the words my life is useless. and to the right of that the words quote the world is dead. >> reporter: officials say the suspect and the parents met with administrators. law enforcement isn't notified. but the family told to get counseling for their son within 48 hours resist taking him home for the day and never ask where the gun is. >> mass casualty. >> reporter: as news of a shooting at the high school on tuesday a text from the mother, ethan, don't do it. prosecutors say the father calls 911 to report a missing gun that had been stored investigators say in an unlocked drawer. >> i am by no means saying that an active shooter situation results in a criminal prosecution against parents. but the facts of this case are so egregious. it doesn't just impact me as a prosecutor and a lawyer. it impacts me as a mother. >> reporter: as the hunt for the parents continues the sheriff acknowledges the possibility that they could be armed. people with information on the whereabouts are just being asked to contact officials. wolf? >> alexandra, thank you very much. let's discuss what's going on. the oakland county prosecutor is joining us now. thank you. really appreciate the important and hard work. as you know better than anyone police are searching for the shooting suspect's parents following the announcement of charges against the couple. can you give us an update on the status? when did you learn they were missing? what do you know now? >> at this point i'm told they're still -- they have not turned themselves in despite the attorney statement that that was the intention. so i can't give you any update. i really hope that they will be apprehended soon or choose to turn themselves in. since the day after the shooting and my first press conference i indicated that i was seriously considering and reviewing potential charges against the mom and dad. it was the world's worst kept secret. we've been in constant communication with the sheriff's department. they actually were being surveilled and i think at this point it's been over six hours since they were officially charged and the warrant sworn, too. i hope they do the right thing and turn themselves in as soon as possible. i want to stress that the important -- i want to -- the last thing that needs to happen is more emphasis on the crumbleys. we have victims in that community. we have parents who have lost their children. kids who have lost their friends and injured kids. the community is really struggling and i don't -- i don't want to miss the opportunity to really focus on the victims of these terrible crimes. >> we are going to discuss that with you, prosecutor, because when i see the pictures of four kiss murdered it's so wrenching. but a few specific questions. as far as you know does anyone know where the couple is? >> there is a very sophisticated and skilled law enforcement both from the sheriff's department, federal marshals and i'm confident that they will be apprehended and i'm not kept up to speed minute by minute what they're doing and that's a good thing because that's not my area of expertise so i'll be notified as soon as they're apprehended. i have been updated concerning certain cell phone pings in the last couple days. they really did have a good handle on where they were. that was reported to us. i hope they turn themselves in quickly. >> me too. i think all the viewers are watching right now and can't believe what's going on here in the united states with a mass shooting once again takes place at a school. a lot of people asking this question. why weren't they taken into custody, prosecutor, you publicly announced the formal charges against them? >> they were being surveilled and the attorney contacted the sheriff's office and myself and said that they were going to turn themselves in. i did not respond. this is a common tactic and used as defense attorneys to find out information which is their job and don't give information what we'll do and when in serious cases like this. so the arrest and apprehension was fully in the hands of the law enforcement and i am certain that they will occur. >> yeah. we're all waiting for that. we listen so closely today, prosecutor, as you laid out in great detail, very stunning detail, heartbreaking detail the stunning evidence that led you to charge the parents with four counts each of involuntarily manslaughter. is there an additional past history of troubling behavior of the suspect? >> i only know what's presented to us. my strong feeling is that we will likely find out more and more information about his past but what we do know is that this gun was purchased, for him. he had access to it. and he was as recent as the day of the shooting and the day before exhibiting behaviors and st statements that are concerning and any reasonable person would look at that particularly if he had access to a weapon and say something is wrong and i need to do something, particularly if it were his parents, the people that purchased the weapon for him. so you can't really look at what occurred the day before the shooting and the day of and say we had no warnings. it was a definite warning sign and it was unfortunately ignored and except for the promise to get counseling mom and dad said nothing. they never disclosed that the had a weapon. they never asked him where the weapon was. we think it was in his actual backpack while they were meeting with him and went back to school and just a few hours later he started firing. >> from the reporters on the ground where you are we learn there's a lot of anger within the community directed toward the school. did the school know that the suspect had access to a deadly weapon? did they ask the suspect or his parents for that matter if he had access to a gun? >> there's no evidence that i have seen or reviewed at this point that the school had knowledge that he had a weapon or he had access to a weapon. i know that he texted his mother the day before regarding the ammunition search. that she actually texted him, did you -- did you tell them about the gun? and almost as if he should be bragging about that. and he stated i think to a teacher that he -- his mother purchased a gun but there was no indication that he was carrying a gun. if mom and dad bought that -- him a weapon, it would be reasonable to assume that showing them the information regarding the threats of violence that they would disclose he had a weapon and they didn't and what's really telling as your reporter pointed out that the behavior of mom and dad just hours later after they learned an active shooter, dad doesn't go to the school. dad doesn't text the kid and say, are you okay? he goes to his house and looks for that gun. because he's clearly worried. he doesn't see it and calls 911 saying there's a gun missing and i think my son is the shooter. mom texts minutes after the shooting started and to her son, don't do it. and ethan don't do it is what the text says. that was information that we learned slowly every day and learn more information. as soon as i heard about this the first thing i asked and everybody did is where did he get this weapon? because we know he can't legally own that weapon and as the information came in it was just so horrifying to see that these parents were completely responsible for allowing that -- those murders. i just -- i can't -- i understand this is the first time that this has been done. i didn't know at the time and actually i didn't -- i don't care at all what i really care about is trying to further a policy of deterrence, come to a place as a country we do not tolerate this and training kids to hide under desks i know is necessary but not enough. there are still murders occurring. everything happened like it should in this case. all of the kids were trained and hid under the desks. they ran into classrooms. they barricaded doors. law enforcement did what they were supposed to do and still four children were murdered and seven more injured. that's not even counting the hundreds and hundreds of studen students that were in that high school that day texts the parents that they loved them not seeing they would see them again and those are real victims, too. you can't unwind that for those children. >> seeing the pictures of the four students who were shot and killed, 14, 15, 16, 17-year-olds, it is so heartbreaking to see what has actually happened and seven other students seriously injured. should school add ministrators, prosecutor, reported the warning signs out there? there were clear warning signs, drawing, statements to law enforcement or even the school resource officer? i know we're all smarter with hindsight but should they have done that? >> well, of course. it doesn't take a long legal career or a law degree to concludes that of course they should. i don't have enough knowledge or review of the reports regarding that part of this investigation to comment on it. but of course they should. of course they should. >> when i heard you earlier today, prosecutor, you were asked specifically how long this plot was premedicated and you replied long enough why what did you mean by that? >> i mean i can't really talk about the specifics so you'll just have to trust me when i say long enough. and definitely that's not something that was planned the day before. or the day of. it was planned before then. >> was it just -- >> i'm not going to -- >> a few days? a few weeks? months? can you give us a sense? >> i don't really want to disclose evidence that's not public already. it's not ethical for me to do so but i'm very comfortable that it was a planned premeditated act. he talked about how he was going to -- wrote about how he was going to do that and the manner in which to do that and regarding the length of time i just -- i'm not in a position to comment about it. >> i want to quickly turn to the charges against this 15-year-old suspect. what led you to include a terrorism charge? that's not something we typically see in a school shooting case. >> michigan has a law of terrorism and causing death, and it -- it is a charge that reflects an act that resulted in death on a community of people, not like the federal charge requiring a government entity, but just a community of people and when you charge the shooter with first-degree murder and i salt to murder those are appropriate charges but there wasn't a charge that reflected the whole other group of vicks that were there that day. and can't even sleep or eat or be by themselves and are still not -- are in shock. they're traumatized. their terrorized. and i don't think it would be moral not to include that charge. i mean, those injured students and murdered students, they are victims but there's also a whole other population there that suffered and i think including that is important on behalf of the victims but i also think it's important for the country. because there aren't just the injured or killed children. it is the entire community. and throughout the last several days since the shooting i have heard from people all over the country of school shootings and mostly moms and dads and talk about their -- the shooting that occurred in the community and years and years later they're still traumatized by it. it's really much bigger than what it seems. >> yeah. you said earlier today this impacted you as it did so many other people and you specifically not only as a prosecutor but as a mother. a mother in this community. do you want to talk a little bit about that? >> yes. i raised teenagers, and you know, you worry a lot. but the one place i didn't worry is when i knew they were in school. because that's supposed to be a safe place. and the thought as a parent of saying good-bye to your child when they're on the way out the door with their backpack, maybe dri driving themselves to high school, good-bye, i love you, not thinking for one second that you wouldn't see them again because they went to school. as parents, as mothers, we worry when they're driving for the first time, when they're in activities socially with the friends. will they make good decisions? but school? school is not where we're supposed to worry. and also i want to say that all of these educators, they've dedicated their lives to teach children and kids. and they -- they are being put in situation where is they have to protect them from firearms. i was watching something on one of the kids who was there and she said, my math teacher saved our lives. and that's just -- it is just wrong. i can't believe this is where we are. and yeah. so it's a unique charge, terrorism. and it's probably a unique thing to do to charge parents but if we are going to solve this and try to make sure this doesn't happen again we have do do things different because everything so far, my community is suffering. so we clearly aren't doing enough. >> we are all suffering seeing what happened in your community and will kids have to go through metal detectors to go to school. yesterday you said charges against the parents to come up within 24 hours but the sheriff said your office didn't give them heads up that the charges were coming today. is that true? >> the charges were -- my office was in constant communication with the detectives working the case. we needed certain evidence to make that charge. and we couldn't get it without it. the swear to was by a sheriff's detective who is extraordinary. before i made the announcement. we were receiving, we requested surveillance. we were receiving up dates and where the cell phones were pinging as of yesterday morning. so i don't know where the lack of communication was and honestly i don't -- i don't care. i just want to focus on the prosecution. i want to focus on the victims and it's unfortunate that these two individuals are not apprehended yet. but their attorney did communicate to law enforcement that they were turning themselves in. so you know, i think that we shouldn't ignore that. >> if they don't turn themselves in will they face additional charges? >> likely. >> well, the oakland county prosecutor karen mcdonald, this is awful, horrible, a heart wrenching moment for you and all of us watching and grateful and please behalf of the viewers in the u.s. and around the world express the condolences to the families suffering, those children, may they rest in peace and may their memories be a blessing. thank you so much for joining us. >> i will. thank you. and there's more breaking news to follow. we'll get back to michigan but cnn also learned that conservative lawyer john eastman said he'll defy a subpoena from the house select committee investigating the january 6. congressman schiff there is standing by live to discuss. we'll be right back. yeah. ♪ i love finding out things that other people don't want me to know. mm-hmm. 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>> i guess what he is saying and i think he made this public in an interview with steve bannon is to assert the fifth and we will try to ascertain when he does as we will when we depose mr. clarke to assert the fifth whether it is in good faith believing they may be implicated in criminal activity or whether merely trying to cover up for the former president. it is a difficult determination to make. if he believes that his testimony would implicate him in crime then he does have a right to assert the fifth and we will determine if that's proper and questions to answer without fear of incrimination. >> eastman says the partisan makeup of the committee he says makes it invalid and doesn't need to cooperate. what do you say to that? >> well, that was a frivolous argument. if he uses that as a basis to refuse to answer questions he will be in the contempt of the committee and simple and straightforward. so we'll be seeing with each witness, with meadows, with clarke, eastman and others whether they're properly invoking a privilege or to stall and delay for the former president and will make the judgment as to what the repercussions should be once we see and hear the testimony. >> cnn has a copy of mark meadows' book and doubles down on the baseless claim that the 2020 presidential election was stolen and white washes the attack on january 6. he writes this and let me read this quote. he said trump did not call for violence and did not expect anyone would enter the capitol building. could that undermine the executive privilege claims? >> absolutely. up until now he is saying that i can't answer relevant questions before did committee because the former president is exerting executive privilege but he felt more than comfortable writing about the things which presumably you have to expect that meadows would have cleared that with the former president and if the former president waved the privilege to write about it you cannot assert privilege so there's a powerful case if indeed as cnn is reporting he writes about conversations had with the president that any privilege is waved. even if it wasn't waved the holder of the privilege is president biden and said the public has a need to know. >> the committee just announced, congressman, that the deposition with former trump justice department official jeffrey clarke scheduled for tomorrow is postponed until december 16. what more can you tell us about the postponement? do you expect him to plead did fifth when he does appear? >> i can only say that the committee is confident that this is -- this request based on a medical condition is a valid one. so it doesn't appear to be a ruse. so we, you know, certainly hope that the health improve ju. i'm confident he will appear. it may be that he assert it is fifth because he believes that his testimony may implicate him in crime. that's an extraordinary someone at the senior most levels of the justice department they feel the need to plead the fifth and might have been involved in criminal activity but he's made a series of other spurious claims appearing before as a basis for refusing to answer and mind you when he did appear before he made no suggestion that the answers might incriminate him and we'll try to determine if he's operating in good, bad failt faith or a mixture of the above. >> can you share the health issue he is citing? >> the short answer is i don't know. and if i did i probably wouldn't be in a position to share that either out of respect for his health condition. but i am told by the committee staff that he provided ample documentation of that so we knew it was not a ruse. >> congressman adam schiff, thank you so much for joining us. good luck. >> thank you. more breaking news to follow this time with the latest on the search of the missing parents of the school shooting suspect. we are taking an extraordinary look at this case when we come back. my tr usty team ♪ ♪ there's heather on the hedges ♪ ♪ and kenny on the koi ♪ ♪ and your truck's been demolished by the peterson boy ♪ ♪ yes -- ♪ wait, what was that? timber... 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>> this is extraordinary. this never happens. i think of one case, another michigan case but it is extraordinary. even though the events sadly happen too commonly. >> reporter: daniel webster studying this issue for 30 years is referring a case in flint, michigan, in 2000 where a pleaded no contest to involuntarily manslaughter and sentenced to two years in prison after a 6-year-old boy killed a school class mate. with this case in michigan the prosecutor mcdonald laid out the potential evidence saying that james crumbley purchased a handgun for his son and said that the son's social media posts show. >> it is illegal to purchase a handgun for a 15-year-old. >> reporter: experts say the parent's inaction on the morning of the shooting where the prosecutor said the parents were summoned to the school after a disturbing note found on his desk, a note withdrawings of a gun, bullets and reference to deadly violence and didn't ask him where the gun was and didn't check the backpack and refused to take him home. >> the argument is extreme negligence. they had enough knowledge that it was criminally negligent for them to have not taken the steps to protect in this instance the other students in the school. >> reporter: webster says many owners of guns are vigilant about gun safety when they're young. >> once they become 10, 11, 12 years old there are many gun owners with the view you sort of tell them the rules and don't touch this if i'm not around and the rules will always be obeyed and that of course is ridiculous. >> now when asked if looking at anyone else for charges like school officials the prosecutor mcdonald would only say the investigation is ongoing. >> thank you very much. let's get more on the unusual case. joining us is ellie honig. also with us is cnn senior law enforcement analyst charles ramsey. elie, you heard the interview. i spoke with the prosecutor in this case, karen mcdonald, laid out that stunning evidence against the suspect's parents and said likely more charges will be filed if they don't turn themselves in. how do you see this playing out? >> first and most immediately this is an important charge for the victims, the families, the community. they need justice and true justice and accountability is beyond the shooter to the parents. based on what we heard these are very well supported involuntarily manslaughter charges. with the fact to failure to surpder you asked could there be more charges and the prosecutor said yes. there could be consequences based on the failure to surrender. >> the prosecutor, chief ramsey, she told me that police were surveilling the parents. how's it that they're still missing after failing to turn themselves in a couple of hours or so ago? >> that's a great question. the purpose of the surveillance is to know the whereabouts of the individuals to take them into custody. i don't know when they actually left the home. you watch that one video during the arrangement. it appears they're in a vehicle. she also mentioned that they were tracking the cell phones. i don't know if the cell phones were just left in the home to make you believe that they were there and somewhere else. that just doesn't really make sense to me. i don't know how can be on a surveillance and lose the people that you're supposedly observing. >> based on the evidence laid out today how strong are the involuntarily manslaughter charges against the parents? >> overwhelming. the case for the public today is like none i have seen before. talk about parents who knew and should have known the danger that their child posed and contributed to it by getting him the firearm. these are sort of landmark charges. it is extraordinarily rare as we saw for anyone to be charged with this scenario so this is a notice to prosecutors, to parents, to all of us. >> you were the d.c. police chief, the commissioner in philadelphia. have you seen a case like this where parents are charged because their son allegedly did this? >> no. i haven't. i have seen situations where parents have been charged if a youngster finds a gun and the gun discharges and shoots and kills someone else and the parents charged in that regard but nothing like a school shooting or something like this. this is unusual but when you hear the prosecutor talk about the evidence and what took place, its's very clear that the parents were incredibly negligent at the very least and are responsible for what took place. >> the prosecutor makes a really impressive case. thank you very much. the cdc director talks to cnn about the omicron variant as it continues to spread right iphone 13 pro and airpods, and t-mobile is paying for them both! and this is for new and existing customers. upgrade to the iphone 13 pro and airpods both on us. only at t-mobile. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with chase security features, guidance and convenience, banking feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. ♪ ♪ ♪ (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ are the stars out tonight? (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ ♪ alexa, play our favorite song again. ok. ♪ i only have eyes for you ♪ >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ tonight, the cdc director, dr. rochelle walensky is warning that the omicron variant might -- might become the dominant strain of coronavirus here in the united states. cnn's nick watt has the latest. >> reporter: omicron is in the united states. that mild case in minnesota. he was fully vaccinated and boosted. >> so far, i am reassured that this will be just a mild illness, if any illness at all, for those of us that are fully vaccinated. but there are a lot of people in the u.s. who are unvaccinated and our hospitals cannot take that kind of surge, again. >> reporter: and it appears, this variant, first detected in southern africa, does spread faster. >> early data and even, um, mutation data are telling us that this may well be a more transmissible variant than delta. >> we do think that despite infection quite transmissible, a very rapid increase in the number of cases, in fact doubling every day. >> reporter: still unclear, if it partially evades vaccines but -- >> the other thing that's becoming clearer is that people who were infected with other versions of the sars-cov-2 virus can be reinfected with this one. >> reporter: new travel restrictions kick in 12:01 a.m. monday. everyone coming in into the u.s. will have to test negative within 24 hours of departure. some experts also advocating domestic travel restrictions. >> when you go through security, you show your vaccine. uh, card. if you don't -- if you haven't been vaccinated, you can't get onboard an aircraft. >> reporter: the biden administration has said it will not do that. >> the measures that i announced yesterday are -- we believe -- are sufficient. but we do require for travel, we are going to continue to require people to have mask on. >> reporter: the dmijz is now trying to speed up the identification of variant cases. latest analysis, sample collection to i.d. takes 28 days here. much quicker in botswana, belgium, and the uk. >> it may very well be that we start to see more omicron than we have delta. and um, we will be following that very carefully. >> the delta variant is still very dominant in the u.s. and, big picture, we are now averaging over 100,000 new infections every day. hasn't been that high in nearly two months. hospitalizations and deaths, also, climbing. now, today, the biden administration shipped 11 million vaccine doses overseas. 9 million of them, to africa. in south africa, only 25% of people are fully vaccinated. but that's not a supply issue. south africa, like the united states, wolf, has a vaccine hesitancy issue. wolf. >> 60 million eligible americans, still, refusing to get vaccinated. nick watt reporting for us. thank you very much. coming up, russia positions more forces and supply lines raising fears of a potential ukraine invasion. it's a cnn exclusive. we'll be right back. i got the awesome new iphone 13 pro and airpods, and t-mobile is paying for them both! and this is for new and existing customers. upgrade to the iphone 13 pro and airpods both on us. only at t-mobile. what happens if you ever need to miss work for a long period of time? why would i miss work? i don't know. you could sprain your ankle, throw out your back... get hit by a school bus. or a regular bus. get kicked by a horse. fall off a ladder. bathtub mishap. polio. boating accident. stuck by a fork. rabies. wolves. scurvy. talk to us about disability income insurance today. feel comfortable about tomorrow. massmutual. >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ (man 1 vo) i'm living with cll and thanks to imbruvica (man 2 vo) i'm living longer. 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"erin burnett out front" starts right now. outfront next. on the run. a manhunt for the parents of the alleged michigan school shooter, after they were charged with insl involuntary manslaughter. the prosecutor in the case laying out their disturbing behavior before their son was accused of killing four classmates. plus, a warning tonight on just how contagious the new omicron variant may be as more states are reporting cases of the covid strain this evening. and trump's former chief of staff, mark meadows, with new details about what he claims was going on behind the scenes on the day of the deadly insurrection. let's go out

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Holder , Postponement , Deposition , December 16 , Condition , Request , Ruse , Health , Ju , Someone , Justice , Levels , Activity , Claims , Series , Suggestion , Bad Failt , Health Issue , Operating , Answers , Mixture , Above , Good , Committee Staff , Answer , Health Condition , Respect , Luck , Congressman , Documentation , Latest , School Shooting Suspect , Look , Tr Usty Team There S Heather On The Hedges , Boy , Koi , Truck , Kenny , Timber , Small Business , Progressive , Businesses , Gift , Comcast Business , Savings Sale , Network , Internet , Business , Deal , Gig Speeds , Prepaid Card , Bundles , Voice , 4 99 , 500 , 64 99 , Savings , Possibilities , Price Guarantee , 2 , High School Shooting Suspect , Jennifer Crumbley , Story , Connection , Brian Todd , Message , Lawsuits , Each , Distinction , Everyone , Adults , Stop , Tragedy , Humanity , Events , Issue , Contest , Prison , Daniel Webster , Flint , 2000 , 30 , School Class Mate , James Crumbley , Experts , Posts , 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Fevers , Weakness , Symptoms , Cancers , Heart Rhythm Problems , High Blood Pressure , Blood Counts , Irregular Heartbeat , Heart Failure , Kidney Failure , Decrease , Heart Disease , Risk , Seizure , Tumor Lysis , Diarrhea , Doctor , Signs , Heart Problems , Fluids , New York Times , Money , Student Loan Debt , Feel , Rates , Fees , 000 , 1000 , 19 , Support , You Re Not Alone , Calhope , Calhope Org , 833 , 317 , 833 317 4673 , 4673 , Chief National Security Correspondent , Jim Sciutto , Military Buildup , Ukraine Border , Intelligence , Putin , Well , Assessments , Fuel Lines , Operatives , Layers , Top , Agents , Military Capabilities , Piece , Forces , Ten , Ukraine , Troops , Close , Kremlin , Plans , Russians , Mike Quigley , Secretary Of State , Assault , Blinken , Let S See , On The Run , Erin Burnett Out Front , Outfront Next , Classmates , Plus , States , Chief Of Staff , Insurrection , Evening , Scenes , Let S Go Out ,

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