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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim S

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

he talks about halyna hutchins, the cinematographer who was killed after a prop gun he was holding went off on the set of his film "rust." >> she was someone who was loved by everyone, who worked with and liked with everyone, and admired -- sorry. admired by everybody who worked with her. >> well, we'll have much more ahead on what he says happened in the moments just before the gun went off. and what he makes of the lawsuits that have been filed. also new detail about the michigan high school shooting that left four students dead, seven others injured. prosecutors say there is, quote, a strong possibility the accused shooter had the gun in his backpack as he and his parents met with school officials, just before the attack. the big question this morning, could his parents face charges as well? let's begin with cnn chief business correspondent christine romans and cnn white house correspondent jeremy diamond. christine, let's begin with you. again, another miss on -- a big miss on the forecast for these numbers. what do they show us, particularly as you see this being lower than expected, but revisions upward. >> it is a bit of a riddle here. you got economists debating this morning what went on here. a reminder, when the government puts these monthly jobs reports together, there are two surveys. the government surveys businesses and says how many jobs have you had in a month. the government surveys households and says are you employed, are you not employed? the household side of that survey shows 1.1 million new jobs. that's why the jobless rate fell to 4.2%. that's a terrific number. 4.2%, the lowest on the right-hand of the screen there the lowest since before the financial -- the covid crisis and a very good number. the jobs added back, the survey of businesses was only 210,000 and that was a disappointment, economists thought there would be a lot more. you look at the trend for the year of the jobs added, you see this is the weakest since december of last year, but you're right, jim, to point out the revisions. october was revised higher. so was september. and we do know that in the summer, when we thought there was a big lull in hiring, in fact, it was more robust than we expected, so the past four or five months have all been revised higher. that jobless rate, 4.2%, a terrific number and a big one-month move here, four percentage points. that's really a big number for the jobless rate, 4.2%. and we do know, jim, almost 600,000 people entered the workforce in the month. that's important. more people participating. >> just briefly, you have said, christine, this is a jobs -- this is not a jobs problem, it is a worker problem. what do you mean by that? >> i mean that companies might be actually hiring more if they could find the workers. and one thing we have seen 400 or 500,000 people the last year have started their own businesses. decided not to go back to their employer but starred their own businesses. so employers are hungry to find people, they have open jobs and workers are finding creative ways like starting their own businesses, not to go back to the way it was before. >> okay, the president is set to speak in over an hour on this report. it is not the number they wanted. what is the president going to say about this? >> reporter: there is one number here they did want and that is the unemployment number going down to 4.2%. you'll hear the president tout that number next hour. but certainly on the jobs growth front here, it is problematic for the white house. but i think one thing we'll hear from them is talking about trend lines overall, talking as we heard the president in the past that this is an economic recovery that has been uneven, that is -- has no historical comparisons because of the pandemic. and frankly he also does have some other good news on the economic front to be able to tout. white house officials have been telling us they believe they made significant progress in addressing supply chain issues over the last several weeks. and earlier this week we saw new unemployment insurance claims hit a new low, lowest new unemployment insurance claims since march 7th of 2020. that was something that we saw the president put a statement out about, and tout and i think you'll hear him talk about that again as well as the overall number, nearly 6 million jobs created, but nonetheless, this 200,000 number does present a problem for the president, particularly as we look at this uncertain future, with the omicron variant that could potentially present another setback to the president in his attempts to jump start the american economy and get it back on track. and, again, there is a disconnect between what the analysts on wall street are saying about the economy going forward, and how americans are actually feeling about it in the polls. that is something that the president will want to address today. >> and oftentimes those feelings can be disconnected from what the statistics show. thanks so much. other story we're following this morning, first formal interview since the fatal on set shooting, the actor alec baldwin telling abc news he never pulled the trigger of the prop gun that fired a live round, killing cinematographer halyna hutchins. while he does feel a range of emotions, he says that guilt is not one of them. have a listen. >> do you feel guilt? >> no. no. i feel that there is -- i feel that someone is responsible for what happened, and i can't say who that is, but it is not me. >> you're not worried about being charged? >> i don't -- i've been told by people who are in the know in terms of even inside the state that it is highly unlikely i would be charged with anything criminally. >> lucy kafanov joins us now for more on this. lucy, did he have anything more to say about how this happened? how a live round got on to a hollywood movie set? >> well, look, jim, this was a raw and emotional interview, but also one where baldwin denied responsibility, saying he would have killed himself if he believed that this was his fault. now, in the interview he described the moments before the gun discharged. they were rehearsing. he said halyna hutchins told him to point the gun below her armpit for what he described as a completely incidental shot, an angle he says may not have even ended up in the movie at all. he says he began to cock the gun, he let go of the hammer but insisted he didn't pull the trigger. take a look. >> so you have this colt 45, you pulled -- >> the hammer as far back as i could caught cocking -- >> you're holding on to the hammer. >> does that work? you see that? do you see that? yeah, that's good. i let go of the hammer. bang, the gun goes off. everyone is horrified. they're shocked. it is loud. they don't have their earplugs in. the gun was supposed to be empty. i was told, i was handed an empty gun. nothing with a charge at all, a flash round, nothing. she goes down. i thought to myself, did she faint? the notion that there was a live round in that gun did not dawn on me until probably 45 minutes to an hour later. >> you heard him there, he says he was told the gun was safe by a crew member in charge of checking weapons, saying that he would never point a gun at anyone and pull a trigger at them. jim? >> and as you know, there are two lawsuits filed by members of the crew. did baldwin respond to those? >> he did. the two lawsuits were filed by serge vetnoy, the chief lighting technician, and mamie mitchell filed the other, you may remember her voice from the chilling 911 call. baldwin said one of those two immediately after the shooting told him he had, quote, no responsibility for what happened here. he declined to say who made that comment, but he said it was unsettling in his view that the suits were filed before hutchins' husband had a chance to sue and get a settlement from a limited pool of insurance funds. take a listen. >> those two people are lunging toward making sure their suits are filed before the husband files his suit? they couldn't wait until matthew on behalf of his son filed his suit first? >> you expect matthew to file a suit? >> how could it be otherwise? his wife was killed as a result of someone's -- i don't want to say negligence, it is not for me to use that word, it is a legal term, but something happened here that resulted in his wife's death, he's entitled to something as far as i'm concerned. i found the filing of the two lawsuits, civil lawsuits, in advance of matthew filing his lawsuit, i found that to be unsettling. >> the attorney spoke to cnn earlier this morning saying his client was focused on bringing awareness to the problem of films taking cost cutting measures at the expense of safety protocols. baldwin said he wasn't even involved in the budget discussions adding his production responsibilities were strictly creative. his focus how that live round ended up on set. jim? >> a big question. lucy kafanov, thank you very much. there are new details this morning on what led up to the school shooting in oxford, michigan, that left four students dead and seven others seriously injured. the prosecutor in the case says she believes it is a strong possibility that the suspected shooter had the gun with him when he and his parents were called to meet with officials at the school that morning, the morning of the shooting. cnn's shimon prokupecz joins us live from oxford, michigan. prosecutors believe that the shooting could have been prevented. does that mean the possibility of charges against the parents and for what exactly? >> reporter: right. and that we will know at noon today. the prosecutors saying that they will have a press conference to update the investigation. but also a decision will be made and announced at that point about whether or not they're going to charge the parents. that's a good question in terms of what charges could they face. investigator here believe at this point the parents likely purchased this weapon for their son, right, we heard the sheriff come out and say that the gun was purchased by the father, four days before the attack. so that is a key significant piece of evidence. there are instagram photos of the alleged shooter saying this is my gun. that investigators believe it is the gun that was used in this shooting, so they have a lot of information they're working on. that's why they believe perhaps that the father bought this weapon for their -- for their son. so that is something investigators are working on. in terms of charges for the parents, it could range from anything their failure to secure this weapon, perhaps even more serious and severe charges. so we will hopefully know around noon what that will be. the other thing here, jim, that is going on is there is a lot of questions about what the school knew and what the school did. the sheriff here raising issues and questions over why the police were never brought in to those meetings. remember, there was concern over his behaviors, there was something that went on that was significant at the school where the school called the parents in. the sheriff this morning saying he would have liked for the school to call them and let them know, let the sheriff know. here is what he said. >> the one thing that comes to our mind is that we would have liked to have been looped into that conversation either in the room or told about it immediately. they may not have certain authorities or they may not have wanted to do certain things, but that's different for us. we have a different role and a different process. >> reporter: and there is a sheriff, a deputy sheriff who is assigned to the school that could have easily have dealt with whatever this issue was and the sheriff here raising the issue that perhaps maybe the school should have brought the police into this situation and they didn't. that could be a key part of this investigation as well. >> missed opportunity, it seems, to prevent this. shimon prokupecz, thank you so much. still to come this hour, as new travel restrictions set to take effect on monday, a new cnn analysis finds the risk of dying from covid-19 is more than 50% higher in states that voted for former president trump in 2020. why is that? it comes down to vaccination. details next. government shutdown averted. big questions remain for president biden's larger economic agenda. build back better. and this morning, i have new reporting about a growing buildup of russian troops on ukraine's border. fears of a potential invasion growing. stay with us. ♪ 'tis the season to break tradition in a cadillac. don't just put on a light show—be the light show. make your nights anything but silent. and ride in a sleigh that really slays. because in a cadillac, tradition is yours to define. so visit a cadillac showroom, and start celebrating today. ♪ ♪ ♪ what the he— henry? thanks! if it's “out decorating the neighbors” season, it's walgreens season. ♪ what a pain in the a— alice? if it's “let's wrap this up” season, it's walgreens season. ♪ ♪ ♪ (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ are the stars out tonight? (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ ♪ alexa, play our favorite song again. ok. ♪ i only have eyes for you ♪ sales are down from last quarter, but we're hoping things will pick up by q3. yeah... uhhh... doug? [children laughing] sorry about that. umm...what...it's uhh... you alright? 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>> it will be interesting to see how this plays out, jim, especially because we know that we have definitely made progress as a nation when it comes to our genome sequencing efforts. you look at public health labs alone, we know that public health laboratories sequence between 15,000 and 20,000 coronavirus samples per week. and that is about four times greater than it was a year ago. and that's just looking at public health laboratories as you see on this screen here. the cdc says across all labs in the u.s., not just public health laboratories, we sequence about 80,000 samples per week. that's where we are now with genome sequencing. as we do more testing, we can expect to see more sequencing. but where there is room for improvement, jim, is in how quickly we test, how quickly we get results, and how quickly we sequence. i looked at data from the broad institute of m.i.t. and harvard and i looked at how quickly other nations go from collecting a sample, getting a nasal swab to testing to then sequencing and then reporting the results of that sequencing. reporting the variant result. you see here, in the united states it takes us on average according to the data up to 28 days to go through that process. in the uk, it takes about ten days. you see the gap here in speed, jim. i think that's where there is room for improvement for the nation. jim? >> jacqueline howard, thanks so much. we'll be watching closely. joining me to discuss dr. megan ranney, emergency physician and dean of public health at brown university in rhode island. good to have you back here. first, as these new steps roll out including this travel restriction, what we have restrictions from some countries and now this travel requirement for people coming in from all countries, do you think the changes make sense, particularly as we continue to monitor the presence and significance of omicron? >> so president biden is certainly following the science in putting these changes in place. they don't unfortunately go quite far enough. they are better than where we were. the closer the testing is done to the time of travel, the better. certainly you could get infected and turn positive that same day. the more people that are on the flight who are vaccinated, the better. even better would also be testing people after they arrive in a new destination because you could travel, be infected, not know it yet and then turn positive a couple of days later. but each step towards that perfect scenario is better than what we have now. >> we are now sequencing omicron, and there is a lot more to learn, of course, with that proviso. but based on what we know now, in your view, is the omicron variant as serious a threat as initial fears were or are we learning that perhaps vaccines likely offer better protection, this causes milder symptoms, what do we know? >> so i'll say what worries me most about the data we're seeing about omicron is watching the hospitals fill up in south africa from cases that are identified omicron variant. it has completely displaced delta and it has created a whole new wave of hospitalizations. i don't yet know whether those of us who are vaccinated are going to be at risk of hospitalization. so far i'm reassured that this will be just a mild illness, if any illness at all for those of us that are fully vaccinated. but there are a lot of people in the u.s. who are unvaccinated and hospitals cannot take that kind of surge again. >> there is new data out in the u.s. and this is something we have seen consistently so far and that is that according to a cnn analysis that since february 1st of this year, the average risk of dieing from covid in this country is more than 50% higher in states that voted for donald trump than voted for biden. it gets down to vaccination rates, does it not? >> that is exactly right. what it reflects is that when vaccines are administered, you decrease your risk of dying by somewhere between 10 and 15 times. so if you have a state where only 30% of adults are vaccinated, you're going to have a much higher death rate than a state where most people have gotten their shots. it is an absolute travesty that vaccines have been politicized. >> what i fear here, right, is that omicron and particularly if it challenges the existing vaccines, perhaps requires another booster at some point or a vaccine more tailored to the particular qualities of the omicron variant, that that feeds this issue, right? the wise outcome would be that people are more likely to get vaccinated with boosters, that's what the science shows, but you wonder if given the politics and so much of this information out there it does the opposite. >> so there is certainly going to be a rise in disinformation and misinformation from political leaders, from hucksters looking to make a quick buck on a steak treatment or fake prevention strategy, but we did see during the delta wave that people that held out got their primary series for the first time. that may be the one small blessing from omicron. if those vaccine mandates go into place from osha that will make a huge difference and will overcome some of this unnecessary political divide. >> a lot of court challenges to those as well. dr. megan ranney, thuank you fo joining us. >> thank you. there are new questions for biden's social spending bill. build back better. with democratic senators, you may have heard of them before, manchin and sinema weighing in yet again. they sound reluctant. what they're saying next. pur-pec responds to snoring- automatically. so no hiding under your pillow, or opting for the couch. your best sleep. all night. every night. save up to $500 on select adjustable mattress sets during the black friday event. how did panera come up with the idea to combine their famous mac and cheese with their iconic grilled cheese? 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killing it? >> reporter: all of the above. they're not going to try to kill it, but they do want more time to consider this carefully. joe manchin is making clear that he wants serious changes made to the bill before it passes in the senate. among the concerns that he has are the paid family leave provisions, also the climate change provisions that include a methane fee. and also he has concerns generally about inflation and the cost of the bill including some of the budgetary gimmicks. there is changes that need to be made, they also will have to get a brand-new cost estimate and then whatever changes they make need to be approved by the house. clearly the likelihood of this passing by christmas is dwindling very quickly on capitol hill. you also have kyrsten sinema, another key holdout and she's also refusing to back this bill in a rare interview with our colleague lauren fox. so democrats have a lot of work to do. but they at least did clear one item off their plate and that was avoiding a government shutdown by passing a short-term funding bill yesterday. so they'll have a little bit more breathing room here, but clearly not a lot of time to get things done before the holidays. >> that qualifies as a gleaming victory on capitol hill, keeping the government doors open. melanie zanona, thank you very much. joining me to discuss, ron brownstein, senior cnn political analyst, from the atlantic. good to have you. build back better delayed again by two familiar characters in all of this, sinema and manchin. big picture, one, is this going to survive eventually? does it really help democrats that much, given that folks don't seem that plugged in on it? >> right, well, look, the assumption has been all the way through that manchin and sinema in the end will agree to pass something along the lines of what we have seen. but, look, they have to handled this in a way to impose maximum damage and to undercut the bill as much as possible give than in the end they're still likely to support it. all the public has seen about this bill for month is the debate about whether it is too expensive, too big, going to contribute it inflation, even though most economists do not believe it will have that effect, given its time frame and the way it is funded. and all of that is not really being driven by republican critics. it is being driven by manchin and sinema. they have exacted a heavy price. joe manchin said he didn't want to do it in 2021. it looks like he's going to hold everybody else to his personal preference. >> the jobs numbers today, yes, unemployment rate down to 4.2%, but, again, another miss on the forecast number of added jobs here. is that a problem for joe biden? >> look, you know, jim, as i'm sure you discussed already this morning, we had substantial revisions in the last few months. this number will likely be revised up. it is a disappointing number, but i don't think job growth is going to be the economic problem that joe biden faces. clearly inflation is much more front of mind for people. as you said, the unemployment rate is skidding down toward 4% or below in incoming months. the real issue is inflation, and when that recedes. there is a lot of underlying momentum in the economy and don't forget, they have bought a lot of job growth going down the road, with both the infrastructure bill and assuming manchin lets them, the build back better plan. they're estimated to create a combined 3 million jobs a year. 8 80% of which will not require a college degree, which will help wages get up -- get up wages for workers without advanced education who have been stagnant for decades. i don't think that is the issue. the issue is if and when inflation begins to recede. >> question here, is this a cyclical economic problem for democrats or do they have a bigger problem? a lot of reporting about a democratic pollster who did some focus groups in virginia following glenn youngkin's win there and found in those focus groups that democrats have a bigger issue here, here one key finding, people think we're more focused speaking about democrats on social issues than the economy and the economy is the number one issue right now. that goes to your point about inflation. are democrats hearing that message? are they adjusting as a result of that message? >> yeah, i think that is a very clear and present danger for democrats. and it is very similar to what happened in 2009 and 2010, obama was was caught in the legislative vietnam, like biden is slogging through the big muddy of passing his build back better plan, voters do not see the -- did not believe the president was focused on their more immediate economic concerns. there are a lot of elements of the build back better plan that will give them ammunition to say that they are eventually dealing with people's concerns about rising costs. it has significant measures to help people with child care costs, prescription drug costs, limiting insulin payments, healthcare costs, child tax credit. but all of that is down the road and right now voters don't see a lot of action out of the white house on inflation concerns and so, yeah, i think democrats need to get past this above all, so that they can kind of shift their focus and manchin is not letting them do that. >> well, we'll see if they hear that message, ron brownstein, thanks so much. >> thank you. we have new reporting this morning on russia's growing presence on ukraine's borders, sparking more fears of a potential invasion. that's next. ♪ i'm a reporter for the new york times. if you just hold it like this. yeah. ♪ i love finding out things that other people don't want me to know. mm-hmm. 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>> jim, they are certainly -- the russian federation and putin personally is certainly playing with fire on this. do i see an invasion? the likelihood of that i think is slight. i would give it a one or two chance in ten. they are certainly preparing to conduct some type of operation. and the variety of things they could do to threaten the eastern european nations are expansive. we could go through them, but it would take a whole lot of time. >> the u.s. has supplied lethal military assistance to ukrainian forces. this includes things like tow missiles, designed to take out russian tanks. but i hear that there is some impatience from democrats and republicans on the hill with the pace of that assistance. in your view, has the u.s. given ukrainians enough to help? they're not going to even the playing field. they're greatly outnumbered by russia, outgunned. but to raise the stakes enough for russia? >> yeah, it will certainly contribute to ukraine's defense. the delivery of the javelin missiles, perhaps some anti-air defense or air defense equipment could certainly help. but remember, jim, the ukrainian army is about 250,000 soldiers, what russia has deployed is about 100,000, but they are much better equipped in terms of modern vehicles and modern equipment. and this would be a conventional war. it would be horribly catastrophic for both nations, no matter what russia did, in terms of going -- pushing more forces into the don boss region or trying to take more territory near the black sea. that's why i don't think an invasion would be their primary course of action because that would be met not only from ukrainian resistance, but also polish, latvian, lithuania, estonia, they know what it is like living -- those countries know what it is like living under russian control. >> there is a school of thought, you'll hear from some, that say, well, listen, let's back off, the west, the u.s. should make assurances to putin and russia. for instance, to say, ukraine will not become a member of nato, perhaps agree to pull back some u.s. and nato military assistance to ukraine. do you believe that putin can be placated, satisfied with concessions like that? >> that's exactly what he wants. and, plus, when you're talking about the u.s. or others to include member states of nato, getting involved in ukraine will or will not do, we got to remember, this is a sovereign nation and they have been fighting the russians for almost seven years. they have grown in terms of their capability. they have eliminated much of the corruption in the government, and they see themselves as a member of the league of nations. so for the u.s. and others to be making deals with russia behind their back would not be a good thing. unfortunately we have done that before with other countries, but it doesn't quite live up to our values of understanding that ukraine is sovereign and can make their own decisions. and what i would say is, too, ukraine has been desirous of being part of nato for almost 20 years. you know, and in 1994, they were the first to join nato's partnership for peace. in '97 nato and ukraine established a partnership that was really key to developing the relationship. all of those things are important to ukraine. there is a reason people don't want to be under the rule of russia. and they are certainly one of those nations. >> yeah. and they gave up their nuclear weapons after the fall of the soviet union too. lieutenant general ma mark hertling, good to have you on. u.s. economy added 210,000 jobs last month. marty walsh will join me next to break down the numbers. they were below forecast. stay with us. with 25 to 50% off everything. don't miss the last big sale of the year. and celebrate every kiss... ...with kay. no, he's not in his room. ♪ ♪ dad, why didn't you answer your phone? ♪ your mother loved this park. ♪ she did. ♪ sales are down from last quarter, but we're hoping things will pick up by q3. yeah... uhhh... doug? [children laughing] sorry about that. umm...what...it's uhh... you alright? [ding] never settle with power e*trade. it has powerful, easy-to-use tools to help you find opportunities, 24/7 support when you need answers, plus some of the lowest options in futures contract prices around. get e*trade and start trading today. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom for me and you ♪ (music) ♪ so i think to myself ♪ ♪ oh what a wonderful world ♪ in the next hour, president biden will speak live addressing the november jobs report. the economy added 210,000 jobs last month. that is less than half the number forecast by economists. the unemployment rate slipped to 4.2%, a new pandemic-era low. the economy, however, still down 3.9 million jobs from its prepandemic levels. joining me, labor secretary marty walsch. thanks for taking the time this morning. >> thanks, jim. >> so, i mean, listen, economic forecasters who probably just is not a record as political pollsters because the forecast is so off, but that's less than half of what was forecast. what happened here? >> well, i've certainly learned to unfortunately not follow the forecasts. i think i've done this report now, this is my ninth time as the secretary of labor. every time has pretty much been the forecasts have been higher than the number and a couple times the other way around. since president biden has taken office, the economy is getting stronger every day. we're seeing nearly 6 million people return to the workforce, a full two points drop off the unemployment number, opportunities that people haven't had in forever, quite honestly, in the ability to go back to work. unfortunately, we still have a virus to contend with. we still have concerns with child care and other things. i'm not going to sugar coat it, but i think we're going to be looking at what the new normal is at some point in the future here probably in the next couple months. >> christine romans makes a point this is not a jobs problem but a workers problem. there's a mismatch, that many of the jobs offerd are not jobs that folks are willing to take. that creates problems for businesses. you see that from restaurants. they can't hire the staff they need to stay open the hours they need. what is the administration doing to bridge that gap? >> well i think that what we're doing with the department of labor, we're working on job training, workforce development programs. i'm talking to employers around the country about creating better pathways into new jobs and what are the skills people need. i was in l.a. earlier this week and i toured the port of l.a. and the port of long beach. one of the big obstacles there is truck drivers and the lack of truck drivers and the lack of availability. we have to be intentional now. when i look at this report and the past bunch of reports, the sectors that we're having problems finding people, we really have to be intentional about setting up job training programs and focusing, going out and finding these workers and helping them. two examples, truck drivers and hospital care workers. we've seen drops in both of those and need to work on those. >> vaccine mandates, the administration has lost some court challenges in the last week. you had this last-minute attempt to tie defunding vaccine mandates to keeping the government open. it was set to begin january 4th. as a practical matter, is the administration's vaccine man date for employers of 100 or more workers, is it frozen out? >> well, we're waiting for the court to resolve it. it's not a mandate. it's a vaccine testing procedure we want to move forward. at the end of the day, we want people to be safe and healthy and allow people to go back to their workplace feeling safe. that's the intention behind it. >> on build back better, i'm sure you heard senators manchin and sinema expressed publicly they may not be ready to go on this before christmas. that had been the desire of democratic leaders. realistically, has that been pushed now to 2022? and do you fear it's at risk in general? >> i think we just have to continue to move forward. i think, you know, the infrastructure bill, we had the same conversation about that about two months ago it might not happen, and it did. i think, you know, i feel good where we're headed with it. we need to continue the conversations. i would love to see the bill pass as soon as possible because there are some major investments in that bill in child care, which i think is impacting the economy, people coming back to work, and also in job training, workforce training and apprenticeships, i'd like to get these programs started now. >> back to your home state of massachusetts, there is news, massachusetts governor charlie baker announce heg will not seek a third term next year. a source tells cnn you are considering a run. are you? >> you know, i talked to the governor the other day. he told me he wasn't running for reelection. i wished him well. we worked closely together in my time as mayor and the beginning of the pandemic. this week i've been focused on making sure in the port of l.a., the port of long beach, working today, i haven't thought much about that. >> have you ruled it out? >> you know, again, i'm focused right now what i'm doing here at the department of labor at the current moment. >> okay. we'll keep asking you. secretary marty walsh, thanks for joining us. >> thank you. just minutes from now, president biden will speak on the latest jobs report. we'll bring you those comments live. because the tempur-bree° transfers heat away from your body... ...so you feel cool, night after night. save up to $500 on select adjustable mattress sets during the tempur-pedic black friday event. ben isn't worried about retirement his personalized plan is backed by the team at fidelity. his ira is professionally managed, and he gets one-on-one coaching when he needs it. so ben is feeling pretty zen. that's the planning effect from fidelity people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... ...with rybelsus®. 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(♪ ♪) you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. - san francisco can have criminal justice reform and public safety. but district attorney chesa boudin is failing on both. - the safety of san francisco is dependent upon chesa being recalled as soon as possible. - i didn't support the newsom recall but this is different. - chesa takes a very radical perspective and approach to criminal justice reform, which is having a negative impact on communities of color. - i never in a million years thought that my son, let alone any six-year-old, would be gunned down in the streets of san francisco and not get any justice. - chesa's failure has resulted in increase in crime against asian americans. - the da's office is in complete turmoil at this point. - for chesa boudin to intervene in so many cases is both bad management and dangerous for the city of san francisco. - we are for criminal justice reform. chesa's not it. recall chesa boudin now. very good friday morning to you. i'm jim sciutto. minutes from now, president biden will address the nation following the release of the november jobs report. the labor department reporting this morning that the u.s. added 210,000 jobs last month. that is below what experts had forecast. that said, the unemployment rate fell to 4.2%, the lowest since the pandemic started. plus, the biden administration announces when its stricter covid-19 testing requirements for travelers internationally p this will begin as efforts ramp up to trace and follow the omicron variant. and actor alec baldwin speaking out following the tragic shooting death of cinematographer halyna hutchins on the film set of "rust." he says he was not to blame and his finger wasn't even on the trigger when the gun went off. >> someone put a live bull net a gun, that bullet that wasn't even supposed to be on the property. this is the thing i hope the sheriff's department doesn't give up on, that they follow this to the ends of the earth. where did that bullet come from? somebody brought live rounds, plural, onto the set of the film. and one of them ended up in that gun. >> let's begin our coverage with those latest job numbers, what they mean. cnn chief business reporter matt

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10 , 15 , Travesty , Shots , Booster , Vaccine , Outcome , Qualities , Boosters , Leaders , Science Shows , Opposite , Politics , Disinformation , Rise , Misinformation , Steak Treatment , Hucksters , Buck , Vaccine Mandates , Time , Series , Delta Wave , Prevention Strategy , Blessing , Court , Challenges , Osha , Divide , Difference , Thuank You Fo , Joe Manchin , Bill , Senators , Sinema , Pur , Pillow , Spending , Automatically , Snoring , Hiding , Mattress , Black Friday , Inventions , Idea , Grilled Cheese , Cheese , Couch , Sleep , Yes , Mac , 00 , 500 , Life , Delivery , I Don T Know , Ingredients , Flavor Fullest , Panera , , Back , Polio , School Bus , Bus , Ankle , Hit , Horse , Ladder , Fork , Rabies , Wolves , Bathtub Mishap , Boating Accident , Ben Isn T , Plan , Retirement , Team , Ira , Scurvy , Disability Income Insurance , Massmutual , Zen , Feeling , Coaching , Planning Effect , Fidelity , Ideas , Experience , Dark , Flexibility , Repair , Toothpaste , World , Dentin 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Sugar Coat It , Ability , Virus , Workers Problem , Many , Normal , Mismatch , Problems , Restaurants , Staff , Job Training , Pathways , Skills , Obstacles , Workforce Development Programs , Port Of Long Beach , L A , Port Of L A , Truck Drivers , Sectors , Lack , Reports , Job Training Programs , Availability , Both , Hospital Care Workers , Examples , Drops , Attempt , Defunding , Tie , January 4th , 100 , Mandate , Vaccine Testing Procedure , Intention , Safe , Senators Manchin , Desire , General , 2022 , Investments , Conversations , Bill Pass , Charlie Baker , Programs , Workforce Training , Home , Apprenticeships , Massachusetts , Run , Source , Heg , He Wasn T Running For Reelection , I Haven T , Beginning , Mayor , Working Today , The Port Of Long Beach , Body , Night After , Tempur , Tempur Pedic , Event , Stop Rybelsus , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , Sulfonylurea , Blood Sugar , Sugar , Diabetes , Pill , A1c , Majority , Food , 3 , Isn T , Type 1 Diabetes , Family , Don 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow And Jim Sciutto 20240709 : Comparemela.com

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

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he talks about halyna hutchins, the cinematographer who was killed after a prop gun he was holding went off on the set of his film "rust." >> she was someone who was loved by everyone, who worked with and liked with everyone, and admired -- sorry. admired by everybody who worked with her. >> well, we'll have much more ahead on what he says happened in the moments just before the gun went off. and what he makes of the lawsuits that have been filed. also new detail about the michigan high school shooting that left four students dead, seven others injured. prosecutors say there is, quote, a strong possibility the accused shooter had the gun in his backpack as he and his parents met with school officials, just before the attack. the big question this morning, could his parents face charges as well? let's begin with cnn chief business correspondent christine romans and cnn white house correspondent jeremy diamond. christine, let's begin with you. again, another miss on -- a big miss on the forecast for these numbers. what do they show us, particularly as you see this being lower than expected, but revisions upward. >> it is a bit of a riddle here. you got economists debating this morning what went on here. a reminder, when the government puts these monthly jobs reports together, there are two surveys. the government surveys businesses and says how many jobs have you had in a month. the government surveys households and says are you employed, are you not employed? the household side of that survey shows 1.1 million new jobs. that's why the jobless rate fell to 4.2%. that's a terrific number. 4.2%, the lowest on the right-hand of the screen there the lowest since before the financial -- the covid crisis and a very good number. the jobs added back, the survey of businesses was only 210,000 and that was a disappointment, economists thought there would be a lot more. you look at the trend for the year of the jobs added, you see this is the weakest since december of last year, but you're right, jim, to point out the revisions. october was revised higher. so was september. and we do know that in the summer, when we thought there was a big lull in hiring, in fact, it was more robust than we expected, so the past four or five months have all been revised higher. that jobless rate, 4.2%, a terrific number and a big one-month move here, four percentage points. that's really a big number for the jobless rate, 4.2%. and we do know, jim, almost 600,000 people entered the workforce in the month. that's important. more people participating. >> just briefly, you have said, christine, this is a jobs -- this is not a jobs problem, it is a worker problem. what do you mean by that? >> i mean that companies might be actually hiring more if they could find the workers. and one thing we have seen 400 or 500,000 people the last year have started their own businesses. decided not to go back to their employer but starred their own businesses. so employers are hungry to find people, they have open jobs and workers are finding creative ways like starting their own businesses, not to go back to the way it was before. >> okay, the president is set to speak in over an hour on this report. it is not the number they wanted. what is the president going to say about this? >> reporter: there is one number here they did want and that is the unemployment number going down to 4.2%. you'll hear the president tout that number next hour. but certainly on the jobs growth front here, it is problematic for the white house. but i think one thing we'll hear from them is talking about trend lines overall, talking as we heard the president in the past that this is an economic recovery that has been uneven, that is -- has no historical comparisons because of the pandemic. and frankly he also does have some other good news on the economic front to be able to tout. white house officials have been telling us they believe they made significant progress in addressing supply chain issues over the last several weeks. and earlier this week we saw new unemployment insurance claims hit a new low, lowest new unemployment insurance claims since march 7th of 2020. that was something that we saw the president put a statement out about, and tout and i think you'll hear him talk about that again as well as the overall number, nearly 6 million jobs created, but nonetheless, this 200,000 number does present a problem for the president, particularly as we look at this uncertain future, with the omicron variant that could potentially present another setback to the president in his attempts to jump start the american economy and get it back on track. and, again, there is a disconnect between what the analysts on wall street are saying about the economy going forward, and how americans are actually feeling about it in the polls. that is something that the president will want to address today. >> and oftentimes those feelings can be disconnected from what the statistics show. thanks so much. other story we're following this morning, first formal interview since the fatal on set shooting, the actor alec baldwin telling abc news he never pulled the trigger of the prop gun that fired a live round, killing cinematographer halyna hutchins. while he does feel a range of emotions, he says that guilt is not one of them. have a listen. >> do you feel guilt? >> no. no. i feel that there is -- i feel that someone is responsible for what happened, and i can't say who that is, but it is not me. >> you're not worried about being charged? >> i don't -- i've been told by people who are in the know in terms of even inside the state that it is highly unlikely i would be charged with anything criminally. >> lucy kafanov joins us now for more on this. lucy, did he have anything more to say about how this happened? how a live round got on to a hollywood movie set? >> well, look, jim, this was a raw and emotional interview, but also one where baldwin denied responsibility, saying he would have killed himself if he believed that this was his fault. now, in the interview he described the moments before the gun discharged. they were rehearsing. he said halyna hutchins told him to point the gun below her armpit for what he described as a completely incidental shot, an angle he says may not have even ended up in the movie at all. he says he began to cock the gun, he let go of the hammer but insisted he didn't pull the trigger. take a look. >> so you have this colt 45, you pulled -- >> the hammer as far back as i could caught cocking -- >> you're holding on to the hammer. >> does that work? you see that? do you see that? yeah, that's good. i let go of the hammer. bang, the gun goes off. everyone is horrified. they're shocked. it is loud. they don't have their earplugs in. the gun was supposed to be empty. i was told, i was handed an empty gun. nothing with a charge at all, a flash round, nothing. she goes down. i thought to myself, did she faint? the notion that there was a live round in that gun did not dawn on me until probably 45 minutes to an hour later. >> you heard him there, he says he was told the gun was safe by a crew member in charge of checking weapons, saying that he would never point a gun at anyone and pull a trigger at them. jim? >> and as you know, there are two lawsuits filed by members of the crew. did baldwin respond to those? >> he did. the two lawsuits were filed by serge vetnoy, the chief lighting technician, and mamie mitchell filed the other, you may remember her voice from the chilling 911 call. baldwin said one of those two immediately after the shooting told him he had, quote, no responsibility for what happened here. he declined to say who made that comment, but he said it was unsettling in his view that the suits were filed before hutchins' husband had a chance to sue and get a settlement from a limited pool of insurance funds. take a listen. >> those two people are lunging toward making sure their suits are filed before the husband files his suit? they couldn't wait until matthew on behalf of his son filed his suit first? >> you expect matthew to file a suit? >> how could it be otherwise? his wife was killed as a result of someone's -- i don't want to say negligence, it is not for me to use that word, it is a legal term, but something happened here that resulted in his wife's death, he's entitled to something as far as i'm concerned. i found the filing of the two lawsuits, civil lawsuits, in advance of matthew filing his lawsuit, i found that to be unsettling. >> the attorney spoke to cnn earlier this morning saying his client was focused on bringing awareness to the problem of films taking cost cutting measures at the expense of safety protocols. baldwin said he wasn't even involved in the budget discussions adding his production responsibilities were strictly creative. his focus how that live round ended up on set. jim? >> a big question. lucy kafanov, thank you very much. there are new details this morning on what led up to the school shooting in oxford, michigan, that left four students dead and seven others seriously injured. the prosecutor in the case says she believes it is a strong possibility that the suspected shooter had the gun with him when he and his parents were called to meet with officials at the school that morning, the morning of the shooting. cnn's shimon prokupecz joins us live from oxford, michigan. prosecutors believe that the shooting could have been prevented. does that mean the possibility of charges against the parents and for what exactly? >> reporter: right. and that we will know at noon today. the prosecutors saying that they will have a press conference to update the investigation. but also a decision will be made and announced at that point about whether or not they're going to charge the parents. that's a good question in terms of what charges could they face. investigator here believe at this point the parents likely purchased this weapon for their son, right, we heard the sheriff come out and say that the gun was purchased by the father, four days before the attack. so that is a key significant piece of evidence. there are instagram photos of the alleged shooter saying this is my gun. that investigators believe it is the gun that was used in this shooting, so they have a lot of information they're working on. that's why they believe perhaps that the father bought this weapon for their -- for their son. so that is something investigators are working on. in terms of charges for the parents, it could range from anything their failure to secure this weapon, perhaps even more serious and severe charges. so we will hopefully know around noon what that will be. the other thing here, jim, that is going on is there is a lot of questions about what the school knew and what the school did. the sheriff here raising issues and questions over why the police were never brought in to those meetings. remember, there was concern over his behaviors, there was something that went on that was significant at the school where the school called the parents in. the sheriff this morning saying he would have liked for the school to call them and let them know, let the sheriff know. here is what he said. >> the one thing that comes to our mind is that we would have liked to have been looped into that conversation either in the room or told about it immediately. they may not have certain authorities or they may not have wanted to do certain things, but that's different for us. we have a different role and a different process. >> reporter: and there is a sheriff, a deputy sheriff who is assigned to the school that could have easily have dealt with whatever this issue was and the sheriff here raising the issue that perhaps maybe the school should have brought the police into this situation and they didn't. that could be a key part of this investigation as well. >> missed opportunity, it seems, to prevent this. shimon prokupecz, thank you so much. still to come this hour, as new travel restrictions set to take effect on monday, a new cnn analysis finds the risk of dying from covid-19 is more than 50% higher in states that voted for former president trump in 2020. why is that? it comes down to vaccination. details next. government shutdown averted. big questions remain for president biden's larger economic agenda. build back better. and this morning, i have new reporting about a growing buildup of russian troops on ukraine's border. fears of a potential invasion growing. stay with us. ♪ 'tis the season to break tradition in a cadillac. don't just put on a light show—be the light show. make your nights anything but silent. and ride in a sleigh that really slays. because in a cadillac, tradition is yours to define. so visit a cadillac showroom, and start celebrating today. ♪ ♪ ♪ what the he— henry? thanks! if it's “out decorating the neighbors” season, it's walgreens season. ♪ what a pain in the a— alice? if it's “let's wrap this up” season, it's walgreens season. ♪ ♪ ♪ (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ are the stars out tonight? (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ ♪ alexa, play our favorite song again. ok. ♪ i only have eyes for you ♪ sales are down from last quarter, but we're hoping things will pick up by q3. yeah... uhhh... doug? [children laughing] sorry about that. umm...what...it's uhh... you alright? 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>> it will be interesting to see how this plays out, jim, especially because we know that we have definitely made progress as a nation when it comes to our genome sequencing efforts. you look at public health labs alone, we know that public health laboratories sequence between 15,000 and 20,000 coronavirus samples per week. and that is about four times greater than it was a year ago. and that's just looking at public health laboratories as you see on this screen here. the cdc says across all labs in the u.s., not just public health laboratories, we sequence about 80,000 samples per week. that's where we are now with genome sequencing. as we do more testing, we can expect to see more sequencing. but where there is room for improvement, jim, is in how quickly we test, how quickly we get results, and how quickly we sequence. i looked at data from the broad institute of m.i.t. and harvard and i looked at how quickly other nations go from collecting a sample, getting a nasal swab to testing to then sequencing and then reporting the results of that sequencing. reporting the variant result. you see here, in the united states it takes us on average according to the data up to 28 days to go through that process. in the uk, it takes about ten days. you see the gap here in speed, jim. i think that's where there is room for improvement for the nation. jim? >> jacqueline howard, thanks so much. we'll be watching closely. joining me to discuss dr. megan ranney, emergency physician and dean of public health at brown university in rhode island. good to have you back here. first, as these new steps roll out including this travel restriction, what we have restrictions from some countries and now this travel requirement for people coming in from all countries, do you think the changes make sense, particularly as we continue to monitor the presence and significance of omicron? >> so president biden is certainly following the science in putting these changes in place. they don't unfortunately go quite far enough. they are better than where we were. the closer the testing is done to the time of travel, the better. certainly you could get infected and turn positive that same day. the more people that are on the flight who are vaccinated, the better. even better would also be testing people after they arrive in a new destination because you could travel, be infected, not know it yet and then turn positive a couple of days later. but each step towards that perfect scenario is better than what we have now. >> we are now sequencing omicron, and there is a lot more to learn, of course, with that proviso. but based on what we know now, in your view, is the omicron variant as serious a threat as initial fears were or are we learning that perhaps vaccines likely offer better protection, this causes milder symptoms, what do we know? >> so i'll say what worries me most about the data we're seeing about omicron is watching the hospitals fill up in south africa from cases that are identified omicron variant. it has completely displaced delta and it has created a whole new wave of hospitalizations. i don't yet know whether those of us who are vaccinated are going to be at risk of hospitalization. so far i'm reassured that this will be just a mild illness, if any illness at all for those of us that are fully vaccinated. but there are a lot of people in the u.s. who are unvaccinated and hospitals cannot take that kind of surge again. >> there is new data out in the u.s. and this is something we have seen consistently so far and that is that according to a cnn analysis that since february 1st of this year, the average risk of dieing from covid in this country is more than 50% higher in states that voted for donald trump than voted for biden. it gets down to vaccination rates, does it not? >> that is exactly right. what it reflects is that when vaccines are administered, you decrease your risk of dying by somewhere between 10 and 15 times. so if you have a state where only 30% of adults are vaccinated, you're going to have a much higher death rate than a state where most people have gotten their shots. it is an absolute travesty that vaccines have been politicized. >> what i fear here, right, is that omicron and particularly if it challenges the existing vaccines, perhaps requires another booster at some point or a vaccine more tailored to the particular qualities of the omicron variant, that that feeds this issue, right? the wise outcome would be that people are more likely to get vaccinated with boosters, that's what the science shows, but you wonder if given the politics and so much of this information out there it does the opposite. >> so there is certainly going to be a rise in disinformation and misinformation from political leaders, from hucksters looking to make a quick buck on a steak treatment or fake prevention strategy, but we did see during the delta wave that people that held out got their primary series for the first time. that may be the one small blessing from omicron. if those vaccine mandates go into place from osha that will make a huge difference and will overcome some of this unnecessary political divide. >> a lot of court challenges to those as well. dr. megan ranney, thuank you fo joining us. >> thank you. there are new questions for biden's social spending bill. build back better. with democratic senators, you may have heard of them before, manchin and sinema weighing in yet again. they sound reluctant. what they're saying next. pur-pec responds to snoring- automatically. so no hiding under your pillow, or opting for the couch. your best sleep. all night. every night. save up to $500 on select adjustable mattress sets during the black friday event. how did panera come up with the idea to combine their famous mac and cheese with their iconic grilled cheese? 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killing it? >> reporter: all of the above. they're not going to try to kill it, but they do want more time to consider this carefully. joe manchin is making clear that he wants serious changes made to the bill before it passes in the senate. among the concerns that he has are the paid family leave provisions, also the climate change provisions that include a methane fee. and also he has concerns generally about inflation and the cost of the bill including some of the budgetary gimmicks. there is changes that need to be made, they also will have to get a brand-new cost estimate and then whatever changes they make need to be approved by the house. clearly the likelihood of this passing by christmas is dwindling very quickly on capitol hill. you also have kyrsten sinema, another key holdout and she's also refusing to back this bill in a rare interview with our colleague lauren fox. so democrats have a lot of work to do. but they at least did clear one item off their plate and that was avoiding a government shutdown by passing a short-term funding bill yesterday. so they'll have a little bit more breathing room here, but clearly not a lot of time to get things done before the holidays. >> that qualifies as a gleaming victory on capitol hill, keeping the government doors open. melanie zanona, thank you very much. joining me to discuss, ron brownstein, senior cnn political analyst, from the atlantic. good to have you. build back better delayed again by two familiar characters in all of this, sinema and manchin. big picture, one, is this going to survive eventually? does it really help democrats that much, given that folks don't seem that plugged in on it? >> right, well, look, the assumption has been all the way through that manchin and sinema in the end will agree to pass something along the lines of what we have seen. but, look, they have to handled this in a way to impose maximum damage and to undercut the bill as much as possible give than in the end they're still likely to support it. all the public has seen about this bill for month is the debate about whether it is too expensive, too big, going to contribute it inflation, even though most economists do not believe it will have that effect, given its time frame and the way it is funded. and all of that is not really being driven by republican critics. it is being driven by manchin and sinema. they have exacted a heavy price. joe manchin said he didn't want to do it in 2021. it looks like he's going to hold everybody else to his personal preference. >> the jobs numbers today, yes, unemployment rate down to 4.2%, but, again, another miss on the forecast number of added jobs here. is that a problem for joe biden? >> look, you know, jim, as i'm sure you discussed already this morning, we had substantial revisions in the last few months. this number will likely be revised up. it is a disappointing number, but i don't think job growth is going to be the economic problem that joe biden faces. clearly inflation is much more front of mind for people. as you said, the unemployment rate is skidding down toward 4% or below in incoming months. the real issue is inflation, and when that recedes. there is a lot of underlying momentum in the economy and don't forget, they have bought a lot of job growth going down the road, with both the infrastructure bill and assuming manchin lets them, the build back better plan. they're estimated to create a combined 3 million jobs a year. 8 80% of which will not require a college degree, which will help wages get up -- get up wages for workers without advanced education who have been stagnant for decades. i don't think that is the issue. the issue is if and when inflation begins to recede. >> question here, is this a cyclical economic problem for democrats or do they have a bigger problem? a lot of reporting about a democratic pollster who did some focus groups in virginia following glenn youngkin's win there and found in those focus groups that democrats have a bigger issue here, here one key finding, people think we're more focused speaking about democrats on social issues than the economy and the economy is the number one issue right now. that goes to your point about inflation. are democrats hearing that message? are they adjusting as a result of that message? >> yeah, i think that is a very clear and present danger for democrats. and it is very similar to what happened in 2009 and 2010, obama was was caught in the legislative vietnam, like biden is slogging through the big muddy of passing his build back better plan, voters do not see the -- did not believe the president was focused on their more immediate economic concerns. there are a lot of elements of the build back better plan that will give them ammunition to say that they are eventually dealing with people's concerns about rising costs. it has significant measures to help people with child care costs, prescription drug costs, limiting insulin payments, healthcare costs, child tax credit. but all of that is down the road and right now voters don't see a lot of action out of the white house on inflation concerns and so, yeah, i think democrats need to get past this above all, so that they can kind of shift their focus and manchin is not letting them do that. >> well, we'll see if they hear that message, ron brownstein, thanks so much. >> thank you. we have new reporting this morning on russia's growing presence on ukraine's borders, sparking more fears of a potential invasion. that's next. ♪ i'm a reporter for the new york times. if you just hold it like this. yeah. ♪ i love finding out things that other people don't want me to know. mm-hmm. 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>> jim, they are certainly -- the russian federation and putin personally is certainly playing with fire on this. do i see an invasion? the likelihood of that i think is slight. i would give it a one or two chance in ten. they are certainly preparing to conduct some type of operation. and the variety of things they could do to threaten the eastern european nations are expansive. we could go through them, but it would take a whole lot of time. >> the u.s. has supplied lethal military assistance to ukrainian forces. this includes things like tow missiles, designed to take out russian tanks. but i hear that there is some impatience from democrats and republicans on the hill with the pace of that assistance. in your view, has the u.s. given ukrainians enough to help? they're not going to even the playing field. they're greatly outnumbered by russia, outgunned. but to raise the stakes enough for russia? >> yeah, it will certainly contribute to ukraine's defense. the delivery of the javelin missiles, perhaps some anti-air defense or air defense equipment could certainly help. but remember, jim, the ukrainian army is about 250,000 soldiers, what russia has deployed is about 100,000, but they are much better equipped in terms of modern vehicles and modern equipment. and this would be a conventional war. it would be horribly catastrophic for both nations, no matter what russia did, in terms of going -- pushing more forces into the don boss region or trying to take more territory near the black sea. that's why i don't think an invasion would be their primary course of action because that would be met not only from ukrainian resistance, but also polish, latvian, lithuania, estonia, they know what it is like living -- those countries know what it is like living under russian control. >> there is a school of thought, you'll hear from some, that say, well, listen, let's back off, the west, the u.s. should make assurances to putin and russia. for instance, to say, ukraine will not become a member of nato, perhaps agree to pull back some u.s. and nato military assistance to ukraine. do you believe that putin can be placated, satisfied with concessions like that? >> that's exactly what he wants. and, plus, when you're talking about the u.s. or others to include member states of nato, getting involved in ukraine will or will not do, we got to remember, this is a sovereign nation and they have been fighting the russians for almost seven years. they have grown in terms of their capability. they have eliminated much of the corruption in the government, and they see themselves as a member of the league of nations. so for the u.s. and others to be making deals with russia behind their back would not be a good thing. unfortunately we have done that before with other countries, but it doesn't quite live up to our values of understanding that ukraine is sovereign and can make their own decisions. and what i would say is, too, ukraine has been desirous of being part of nato for almost 20 years. you know, and in 1994, they were the first to join nato's partnership for peace. in '97 nato and ukraine established a partnership that was really key to developing the relationship. all of those things are important to ukraine. there is a reason people don't want to be under the rule of russia. and they are certainly one of those nations. >> yeah. and they gave up their nuclear weapons after the fall of the soviet union too. lieutenant general ma mark hertling, good to have you on. u.s. economy added 210,000 jobs last month. marty walsh will join me next to break down the numbers. they were below forecast. stay with us. with 25 to 50% off everything. don't miss the last big sale of the year. and celebrate every kiss... ...with kay. no, he's not in his room. ♪ ♪ dad, why didn't you answer your phone? ♪ your mother loved this park. ♪ she did. ♪ sales are down from last quarter, but we're hoping things will pick up by q3. yeah... uhhh... doug? 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>> well, i've certainly learned to unfortunately not follow the forecasts. i think i've done this report now, this is my ninth time as the secretary of labor. every time has pretty much been the forecasts have been higher than the number and a couple times the other way around. since president biden has taken office, the economy is getting stronger every day. we're seeing nearly 6 million people return to the workforce, a full two points drop off the unemployment number, opportunities that people haven't had in forever, quite honestly, in the ability to go back to work. unfortunately, we still have a virus to contend with. we still have concerns with child care and other things. i'm not going to sugar coat it, but i think we're going to be looking at what the new normal is at some point in the future here probably in the next couple months. >> christine romans makes a point this is not a jobs problem but a workers problem. there's a mismatch, that many of the jobs offerd are not jobs that folks are willing to take. that creates problems for businesses. you see that from restaurants. they can't hire the staff they need to stay open the hours they need. what is the administration doing to bridge that gap? >> well i think that what we're doing with the department of labor, we're working on job training, workforce development programs. i'm talking to employers around the country about creating better pathways into new jobs and what are the skills people need. i was in l.a. earlier this week and i toured the port of l.a. and the port of long beach. one of the big obstacles there is truck drivers and the lack of truck drivers and the lack of availability. we have to be intentional now. when i look at this report and the past bunch of reports, the sectors that we're having problems finding people, we really have to be intentional about setting up job training programs and focusing, going out and finding these workers and helping them. two examples, truck drivers and hospital care workers. we've seen drops in both of those and need to work on those. >> vaccine mandates, the administration has lost some court challenges in the last week. you had this last-minute attempt to tie defunding vaccine mandates to keeping the government open. it was set to begin january 4th. as a practical matter, is the administration's vaccine man date for employers of 100 or more workers, is it frozen out? >> well, we're waiting for the court to resolve it. it's not a mandate. it's a vaccine testing procedure we want to move forward. at the end of the day, we want people to be safe and healthy and allow people to go back to their workplace feeling safe. that's the intention behind it. >> on build back better, i'm sure you heard senators manchin and sinema expressed publicly they may not be ready to go on this before christmas. that had been the desire of democratic leaders. realistically, has that been pushed now to 2022? and do you fear it's at risk in general? >> i think we just have to continue to move forward. i think, you know, the infrastructure bill, we had the same conversation about that about two months ago it might not happen, and it did. i think, you know, i feel good where we're headed with it. we need to continue the conversations. i would love to see the bill pass as soon as possible because there are some major investments in that bill in child care, which i think is impacting the economy, people coming back to work, and also in job training, workforce training and apprenticeships, i'd like to get these programs started now. >> back to your home state of massachusetts, there is news, massachusetts governor charlie baker announce heg will not seek a third term next year. a source tells cnn you are considering a run. are you? >> you know, i talked to the governor the other day. he told me he wasn't running for reelection. i wished him well. we worked closely together in my time as mayor and the beginning of the pandemic. this week i've been focused on making sure in the port of l.a., the port of long beach, working today, i haven't thought much about that. >> have you ruled it out? >> you know, again, i'm focused right now what i'm doing here at the department of labor at the current moment. >> okay. we'll keep asking you. secretary marty walsh, thanks for joining us. >> thank you. just minutes from now, president biden will speak on the latest jobs report. we'll bring you those comments live. because the tempur-bree° transfers heat away from your body... ...so you feel cool, night after night. save up to $500 on select adjustable mattress sets during the tempur-pedic black friday event. ben isn't worried about retirement his personalized plan is backed by the team at fidelity. his ira is professionally managed, and he gets one-on-one coaching when he needs it. so ben is feeling pretty zen. that's the planning effect from fidelity people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... ...with rybelsus®. 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(♪ ♪) you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. - san francisco can have criminal justice reform and public safety. but district attorney chesa boudin is failing on both. - the safety of san francisco is dependent upon chesa being recalled as soon as possible. - i didn't support the newsom recall but this is different. - chesa takes a very radical perspective and approach to criminal justice reform, which is having a negative impact on communities of color. - i never in a million years thought that my son, let alone any six-year-old, would be gunned down in the streets of san francisco and not get any justice. - chesa's failure has resulted in increase in crime against asian americans. - the da's office is in complete turmoil at this point. - for chesa boudin to intervene in so many cases is both bad management and dangerous for the city of san francisco. - we are for criminal justice reform. chesa's not it. recall chesa boudin now. very good friday morning to you. i'm jim sciutto. minutes from now, president biden will address the nation following the release of the november jobs report. the labor department reporting this morning that the u.s. added 210,000 jobs last month. that is below what experts had forecast. that said, the unemployment rate fell to 4.2%, the lowest since the pandemic started. plus, the biden administration announces when its stricter covid-19 testing requirements for travelers internationally p this will begin as efforts ramp up to trace and follow the omicron variant. and actor alec baldwin speaking out following the tragic shooting death of cinematographer halyna hutchins on the film set of "rust." he says he was not to blame and his finger wasn't even on the trigger when the gun went off. >> someone put a live bull net a gun, that bullet that wasn't even supposed to be on the property. this is the thing i hope the sheriff's department doesn't give up on, that they follow this to the ends of the earth. where did that bullet come from? somebody brought live rounds, plural, onto the set of the film. and one of them ended up in that gun. >> let's begin our coverage with those latest job numbers, what they mean. cnn chief business reporter matt

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, Role , Issue , Whatever , Process , Part , Opportunity , Situation , Risk , Effect , States , Analysis , Travel Restrictions , President Trump , 50 , 19 , Reporting , Government Shutdown , Agenda , Vaccination , Buildup , Troops , Russian , Ukraine , Season , Tradition , Stay , Fears , Border , Invasion Growing , Tis , Cadillac , Ride , Cadillac Showroom , Sleigh , He Henry , Neighbors , Pain , Let S Wrap This Up , Alice , Walgreens , Stars , Sha Bop , I Only Have Eyes For You , Alexa , Song , Children , Sales , Doug , Uhhh , Umm What It S Uhh , Tools , Some , Opportunities , E Trade , Prices , Futures Contract , Options , Ding , 24 7 , Holiday , Gift , Bath Fitter Doesn T , Bath Fitter , Bath , Tub Installation , Bathfitter Com , Store , Tub , Homes , Schedule , Zales , Two Million , Consultation , Administration , Travelers , Testing Requirements , Departure , Airline Passengers , Rules , Changes , Health , Efforts , Health Officials , Genome Sequencing , Jacqueline Howard , Coronavirus Variants , Three , Nation , Jacqueline , Genome Sequencing Efforts , Plays Out , Times , Sequence , Public Health Laboratories , Labs , Coronavirus Samples , 15000 , 20000 , Testing , Laboratories , Cdc , 80000 , Results , Data , Sequencing , Room For Improvement , Nations , Variant Result , Institute , Sample , Nasal Swab , Mit , Harvard , Gap , Speed , Average , Uk , 28 , Public Health , Improvement , Dr , Dean , Megan Ranney , Rhode Island , Brown University , Emergency Physician , Countries , Travel Restriction , Restrictions , Steps , Travel Requirement , First , Sense , Place , Omicron , Presence , Science , Significance , Better , Travel , Flight , Step , Destination , Scenario , Couple , Vaccines , Course , Proviso , Threat , Cases , Hospitals , Protection , Symptoms , South Africa , Hospitalizations , Hospitalization , New Wave , Illness , Kind , Surge , Country , Dieing , 1 , February 1st , Vaccination Rates , Donald Trump , Somewhere , Death Rate , Adults , 30 , 10 , 15 , Travesty , Shots , Booster , Vaccine , Outcome , Qualities , Boosters , Leaders , Science Shows , Opposite , Politics , Disinformation , Rise , Misinformation , Steak Treatment , Hucksters , Buck , Vaccine Mandates , Time , Series , Delta Wave , Prevention Strategy , Blessing , Court , Challenges , Osha , Divide , Difference , Thuank You Fo , Joe Manchin , Bill , Senators , Sinema , Pur , Pillow , Spending , Automatically , Snoring , Hiding , Mattress , Black Friday , Inventions , Idea , Grilled Cheese , Cheese , Couch , Sleep , Yes , Mac , 00 , 500 , Life , Delivery , I Don T Know , Ingredients , Flavor Fullest , Panera , , Back , Polio , School Bus , Bus , Ankle , Hit , Horse , Ladder , Fork , Rabies , Wolves , Bathtub Mishap , Boating Accident , Ben Isn T , Plan , Retirement , Team , Ira , Scurvy , Disability Income Insurance , Massmutual , Zen , Feeling , Coaching , Planning Effect , Fidelity , Ideas , Experience , Dark , Flexibility , Repair , Toothpaste , World , Dentin , Sensodyne Repair , Quality , Teeth , Patients , Sensodyne , Internet , Recording , Elodia , 10 Million , Recording Artist , Comcast , Millions , Projectup , 1 Billion , Billion , Possibilities , Capitol Hill , Shutdown , Chambers , Congress , Build , Democratic , Colleagues , Stopgap Bill , Mid February , Melanie Zanona , Melanie Zanona Standing , Concerns , All Of The Above , Family Leave Provisions , Senate , Inflation , Provisions , Cost , Methane Fee , Gimmicks , Climate Change , Likelihood , Cost Estimate , Passing , Holdout , House , Lauren Fox , Breathing Room , Funding , Plate , Item , Doors , Holidays , Ron Brownstein , Victory , Senior , Characters , Picture , Atlantic , Folks , Lines , Assumption , The End , Public , End , Give , Damage , Debate , It Inflation , Frame , Price , Critics , Preference , Republican , 2021 , Job Growth , Faces , Momentum , Skidding , Recedes , 4 , Infrastructure Bill , Road , 3 Million , Wages , Education , College Degree , 80 , 8 , Democrats , Focus Groups , Pollster , Win , Glenn Youngkin , Virginia , Message , Speaking , Danger , Obama , 2010 , 2009 , Voters , Slogging , Elements , Vietnam , Big Muddy Of Passing , Costs , Prescription Drug Costs , Child Care Costs , Healthcare Costs , Measures , Child Tax Credit , Insulin Payments , Ammunition , Action , Inflation Concerns , Shift , Borders , Invasion , New York Times , Situations , Bargain , Beep , Help , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Spider Bite , Superpowers , Limu Emu , Pay , Theaters , Gasps , Spider Man , December 17th , Money , Student Loan Debt , Feel , 17 , Rates , Fees , 1000 , 000 , Love , Connection , Center Diamonds , Kay , Military Presence , Forces , Capabilities , Supply Lines , Sources , Hospital Units , Mike Quigley , Intelligence , Front Line , Special Forces , Interdicates Y , Equivalent , Cape Abilities , Blitzkrieg , Reaction , Putin , Words , Type , Operation , Playing With Fire , Variety , Has , Eastern European , Military , Tow Missiles , Impatience , Assistance , Tanks , Pace , Republicans , The Hill , Given , Playing Field , Stakes , Outgunned , Defense , Equipment , Missiles , Air Defense , Ukrainian Army , Soldiers , Vehicles , War , 250000 , 100000 , Matter , Territory , Boss , Region , Black Sea , Living , Resistance , Polish , Estonia , Lithuania , Latvian , Instance , Control , Say , Thought , West , Assurances , Nato , Member , Concessions , Placated , Russians , Member States , Capability , Corruption , Deals , League Of Nations , Values , Understanding , Decisions , Partnership For Peace , Partnership , 20 , 97 , 1994 , Weapons , Rule , Relationship , Reason , Mark Hertling , Soviet Union , Kiss , Everything , Sale , 25 , Didn T , Dad , Mother , Phone , Park , Trees , Me And You , Green Red , What A Wonderful World , November Jobs Report , Marty Walsch , Levels , 3 9 Million , Forecasters , Record , Pollsters , Half , Forecasts , Secretary , Labor , Unemployment Number , Office , People Haven T , Child Care , Sugar Coat It , Ability , Virus , Workers Problem , Many , Normal , Mismatch , Problems , Restaurants , Staff , Job Training , Pathways , Skills , Obstacles , Workforce Development Programs , Port Of Long Beach , L A , Port Of L A , Truck Drivers , Sectors , Lack , Reports , Job Training Programs , Availability , Both , Hospital Care Workers , Examples , Drops , Attempt , Defunding , Tie , January 4th , 100 , Mandate , Vaccine Testing Procedure , Intention , Safe , Senators Manchin , Desire , General , 2022 , Investments , Conversations , Bill Pass , Charlie Baker , Programs , Workforce Training , Home , Apprenticeships , Massachusetts , Run , Source , Heg , He Wasn T Running For Reelection , I Haven T , Beginning , Mayor , Working Today , The Port Of Long Beach , Body , Night After , Tempur , Tempur Pedic , Event , Stop Rybelsus , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , Sulfonylurea , Blood Sugar , Sugar , Diabetes , Pill , A1c , Majority , Food , 3 , Isn T , Type 1 Diabetes , Family , Don T Take Rybelsus , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Lost , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Lump , Stomach Pain , Provider , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Blood Sugar Risk , Vomiting , Dehydration , Nausea , Diarrhea , Prescription , Kidney Problems , Healthcare Provider , 0 , Reform , Justice , Chesa Boudin , Safety , Being , Public Safety , San Francisco , Communities , Perspective , Impact , Color , Didn T Support The Newsom , A Million , Turmoil , Crime , Da S Office , Increase , Streets Of San Francisco , Asian Americans , Six , Management , Recall , Release , Experts , Plus , Wasn T , Film Set , Shooting Death , Bullet , To The Ends Of Earth , Somebody , The Sheriff S Department Doesn T , Property , Job Numbers , Rounds , Chief Business , Reporter Matt , Plural ,

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