Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709

we have breaking news tonight. it's happened again. a deadly shooting at a high school in michigan. three students shot to death, a 15-year-old in custody tonight. also, a mayor dev-- major development in the january 6th commission, providing records and agreeing to sit for a deposition and a bitter public feud. the qanon congresswoman marjorie taylor greene calling fellow republican trash after mace condemned anti muslim bigotry from boebert to ilhan omar. a deadly shooting at a michigan high school. three students killed. i want to turn to aadrian. thanks for joining us. many injured and a 15-year-old sophomore in custody. a lot of information. give us the latest, please. >> don, a lot of new information including the names of the three deceased i'd like to share with the viewers tonight. 16-year-old male died today. his name was tate myer. he died in the patrol car while deputies were transporting him to the hospital. the other two victims were females. a 14-year-old hanna st. julian as well as a 17-year-old female madison baldwin. in addition to the three deceased, eight others were injured including a teacher. and their injuries range from critical to we know the teacher was released this afternoon. she sustained a gunshot wound but the sheriff told us a 14-year-old is in critical condition tonight fighting for her life and she is on a ventilator. she sustained multiple gunshot wounds. this all unfolded earlier in the day in oakland county at oxford high school. the suspect don, is a 15-year-old male. the motive behind this still unclear. the sheriff told usago surveillance video shows the suspect exiting a bathroom and upon arrival, deputies were able to take him into custody within two minutes. when they confronted him, he was holding a .9 pistol and it was loaded. it contained switch additional rounds of ammunition and the sheriff says when those deputies confronted him, he believes they interrupted seven more shootings that could have been seven additional shots. we learned tonight the gun that the suspect used was purchased four days ago according to the sheriff and it was purchased according to the sheriff by the boy's father. tonight, that 15-year-old suspect is in the juvenile detention center and we've learned he's on what members of law enforcement call a suicide watch. they say he is in a special cell and someone is checking in on him about every 15 minutes. a lot of heartache in this community tonight. three people died but eight others were injured and those injuries, don, are serious. i spoke with a grandmother earlier in the day. she said she got the alert that the school was on lockdown minutes after leaving a funeral. she lives about an hour north of here in saginaw, michigan. she said the first call she made was to her pastor to request prayer because she didn't know what was going on. she later found out her two grandchildren who were at this school were okay. her oldest grandson who is a senior and also a friend of tate myer was able to escape. he ran to a nearby grocery store. folks here know that grocery store as myer. his younger brother was still inside of the school barricaded in a classroom with his teacher and a few other students. he was hiding under a desk when he called his father to let his father know what happened. tonight, that grandmother told me those prayers she requested from her pastor now turn to this community. at least 1800 students attend this school and in the interest of full transparency, that grandmother i've known since i was a child and her pastor is my father and they told me we see this on the news all the time, adrian, but we never knew it would show up in our community. >> yeah. >> don? >> a tragedy it touched so many people. i think the sheriff, adrian, said one of the 911 callers sadly was a relative of someone who died there. i'm sorry for your loss and that you're being touched by this personally. adrian brought us there at the press conference for us this evening. adrian, thank you so much. be well. i'm going to show you new video tonight inside one of the close rooms at oxford high school as students and their teacher heard a voice from the hallway and waited not sure who the person on the other side of the door w was. >> we're not willing to take that risk right now. >> i can't hear you. >> we're not taking that risk now. >> come to the door and look at my badge, bro. >> he said bro. >> he said bro. red flag. >> situation inside the school as it was happening. i want to turn to former fbi director senior law enforcement analyst. andrew, thanks for joining. sorry under these circumstances. as you're watching this and your through three students dead and eight injured. the gun was bought by the suspect's father just four days ago. i know this is very personal for you. you're the father of a high school senior. the details we learned from the sheriff tonight about the alleged shooter, how much ammo he had and his accuracy is really chilling. >> don, it's terrifying. it is terrifying. i mean, to anyone who sends a student off to school at any level, any grade, anywhere in this country has to be thinking tonight that tomorrow it could be my school. it could be my kid. it could. that's the reality of the situation we live in. we are in the middle of an epidemic of gun violence in this country and it very often washes up on the youngest and most innocent victims we have are on children. >> yeah, you know, the big question is why? the suspect is in custody but he is a minor not talking to officials, hasn't been charged as an adult so they haven't released his name. they know who he is. how will police determine a motive sm. >> you heard the sheriff's office told us today they executed a search warrant at this young man's home so undoubtedly in that warrant they're looking for any information that could shed light on that question why did he do this? who else may have known that he was thinking about this? what might he have said to other people that might have shed light on his plans or thought process? to find out they will look at his electronic devices. they uncovered one phone and will exploit the contents of that phone and will look at computers or laptops he had access to and social media accounts and poses, anything he might have written or said. they will try to understand what his network of friends and, you know, classmates were. they'll interview all those people and their parents to try to get an understanding of not just what was in this young man's head and what might have motivated him but whether or not he had an influence on anyone else in his circle of friends and if, you know, hopefully, there is nobody else that's thinking about the same thing. >> i keep looking at my notes here while you're speaking because there was so much that came out of this press conference, but let me get you to look at this video. take a look at this video. it's of a teacher using a desk or table to block the classroom door as students are sheltered in place here. the sheriff says that the suspect was in custody within two minutes but three students were still killed. the amount of security and training that they had there and, you know, even with all the training that these schools have, this is still horrific that this could happen. >> yeah, don, i mean, if there -- look, there is no good news from this story but i guess one of the few positive indicators that we can look at are that the training has worked, right? you have a very progressive forward leaning jurisdiction like this where the sheriff talked about the training they've done with partners and with the education system and the schools and then you see it on that video, right? the kids and teachers are doing exactly what they're told to do. they're taking shelter in the clos cl classrooms and barricading the doors and turning off the lights. that's something you learn in the training. you see the police officers responded to the scene and immediately engaged with this subject in an effort to stop the bloodshed and that worked, right? they were on him and disarmed him within two minutes. so those things are working but the sad bottom line is it's never enough. you're always behind the shooter. you're always reacting after the disaster struck and therefore you always run the chance of losing some lives. >> very important question i think quick answer, though, if you will because the breaking news we lost a lot of time to interview you guys. the father bought a gun four days ago. what does this end, somehow the son is using it? do we know where this goes from here? >> we don't. we're in the same place that we are often in these tragedies. look, very quickly, the gun laws in this country are broken. you're hearing that from a lifetime gun owner and i carried one for 21 years as a law enforcement officer. until we hold people responsible for the guns we're buying and firearms you're keeping in the homes, we'll have more and more tragedies. >> it's sad all the way around. thank you very much. appreciate it. >> thanks, don. tonight a major development in the january 6th investigation. mark meadows the chief of staff to the former president cooperating with the january 6th committee providing records and agreeing to appear for questioning. the committee saying he's already turned over about 6,000 emails. meadows is under subpoena and cooperating with the head of criminal contempt charges. at least for now. so a lot to discuss. cnn senior legal analyst ellie is here. good evening to you. new developments in this case that we've been talking about as it comes to mark meadows. we're learning from the committee chairman bennie thompson mark meadows provided about 6,000 emails through his lawyer. that seems significant. what do you think? that's a lot of emails. >> it is a lot, don and a good start. i'm more interested until the quality than quantity. there could be a lot of junk in the 6,000 emails. the real question look, this is a deal and is often the case, both sides get something and had something to lose here. mark meadows avoids going down the steve bannon path and getting indicted and the committee gets at least some information out of mark meadows. mark meadows is a central question but what happens when the committee asks tough questions. those 6 thousa,000 emails, that sure bet. what happens when they say what did trump do when the crowd stormed the capitol? what was his reaction? did he call the crowd off? what took so long? if meadows isn't willing and able to answer the questions, it's not much of a deal. >> the committee has shown a lot of interest whether meadows used a personal cell phone at the time of the insurrection and any text messages he might have. will that fall outside the scope of executive privilege or could he end uptaking the fifth? >> well, it doesn't matter what device you use. it the communications but i do think the fact that if he was using a personal cell phone, i think that raises the natural question of why and if he deleted emails for the purpose of keeping them out of the hands of the investigators whether congress or law enforcement, then that is potentially if he did it and if that was his intention was to avoid investigation, that could get into the realm of obstruction of justice or obstruction of congress. >> then there is trump's effort to keep white house documents from his presidency based on executive privilege. judges showed little sympathy hearing arguments from the thump team. >> you're going to have to come up with something more powerful that will outweigh the inckcumbt president's decision to waive. >> you listened to arguments today. how did it go? >> very poorly for the trump lawyers. trump will lose this case i'll just say it. it was agonizing listening to the lawyers because the judges kept asking that question over and over. they kept saying look, we acknowledge that a former president in some circumstances could have some interest in trying to exert executive privilege however, if the current president disagrees, why and when could the former president possibly win out? the lawyer just could not answer that question. so i don't see anyway these judges rule in favor of trump having listened to that argument today and could end up in the supreme court next. >> learning other things tonight and learning that the january 6th committee is planning to refer the former doj official jeffrey clark for criminal contempt tomorrow. they say that he refused to answer questions at a recent deposition or produce documents. does that help explain why they are taking clark on next? >> yeah, look, jeffrey clark should be referred for contempt and contempt should be the least of jeffrey clark's worries. let's remember who he is. he's a high ranking official and committed a fraud inside the justice department. he wrote a letter say to the state of georgia saying we the doj have identified potential wide spread election fraud and you state of georgia, you need to call a special session and appoint new electors. that's outrageous and false and a fraud. so he should be held in contempt if he continues to defy the committee and he may have bigger problems, as well. >> thank you so much, sirme. appreciate it. >> thanks, don. with all of this going on, the gop is having an absolute meltdown. the qanon congresswoman publicly and repeatedly slamming a colleague in her own party for opposing hate and bigotry and from the leaders of the gop, crickets. nyquil severe gives you powerful relief for your worst cold and flu symptoms, on sunday night and every night. nyquil severe. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine. >> man: what's my safelite story? 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(gentle music) the worse of the gop on full display tonight. marjorie taylor greene calling fellow republican nancy mace trash. that after mace condemned anti muslim bigotry from gop congresswoman lauren boebert. greene promising to back a primary challenge to mace with the support of the former president. mace firing back and i'm quoting her here, all i can say about marjorie taylor greene is bless her f-ing heart. so that's where we are. that is the state of the gop tonight. let's discuss. dean obeidallah is here. liam donovan is a republican strategists. good to see both of you. this is nuts, but i want to hear how you feel. liam, you, you know, have representative green calling nancy mace trash and gop leadership is essentially missing in action with mccarthy refusing to say anything publicly. what is happening with your party? >> look, i think the details of this spat will be forgotten by the time we are pouring eggnog but it's indicative of the tension we're seeing come to head throughout the year and in someways it's been true for the past decade within the republican party. leadership is no longer the last word. there is an 800-pound gorilla in south florida watching this play out on cable tv. a little different and a little new informs what leadership posture here is which is staying, trying to keep the peace behind the scenes and really just saying guys, get out of the way. we're close to a majority we can taste it after virginia, new jersey. the goal is to not screw it up. that informs the posture of leadership. >> listen, greene says she talked with -- you mentioned i think you said 800-pound gore rail -- gorilla, your words. she talked with the former president today and they would support primarying mace. this is what mace said on that tonight, watch. >> just like going, you know, going and running and tattle telling to the principal because you have no ideas of your own and can't stand on your own two feet. she has no ideas or policy or legislation that will ever move forward because she can't do it. she's got to run to somebody else that's bigger than her and better than her for backup and i refuse to operate that way. if she's going to, that's on her and not me. racism is weakness. bigotry is weakness. religious bigotry as she's shown is a weakness. >> all right. she said racism, bigotry, weakness. so listen, i heard what you said about the strategy people in leadership saying get out of the way but they're not saying anything. why aren't we hearing more of that? is every republican that stands up to bigotry or stands up to trump going to get pushed out? >> i think this is indicative of politics as a team sport. the idea that you speak out against your side is being weaponized against greene and appealing to donald trump -- >> let me just -- don't you think that's indicative of the republican party right now? look, democrats couldn't even -- could barely come together to put an infrastructure package together because there are so many people who disagree with each other. this is -- so that's not sticking with a strategy. don't you think that's indicative of your party right now? this isn't really indicative of democrats. you don't have democrats calling each other f-ers and trash and that kind of thing. >> i think calling somebody a rhino is the oldest trick in the book. it's something that republicans have gotten mileage out of, you know, all along, so the party feuding is very familiar in terms of making an example out of someone who clearly crosses lines, that's a little bit different. you know, i think the recent example of steve king was somebody that the leadership had to deal with over a number of years. i think the difference was somebody like king wore out his welcome with his constituency. you don't fix problems by top down leadership driven sort of punishment. i think in many ways, it needs to be dealt with by voters and unfortunately, with marjorie taylor greene, i think the thing she's serving up actually does fairly well with her intended audience. the trick is here for mace to try to figure out whether there is some real estate in between this sort of, you know, the crazies out there saying these things and the more bombastic sort of anti trump voices like adam kinzinger we'll find out does that earn you a primary by taking a principled stand on things like not calling people the jihad squad. >> dean, i want to bring you in here -- [ laughter ] i don't know what's happening with the republicans. i understand what he says about strategy, but this seems that is something that is really just sort of right now endeis madnes. the leadership won't stand up. what do you make of what is going on? >> don, over the years how many times do we talk about anti muslim bigotry and republicans? this began in 2012 with newt gingrich saying muslims want to impose sharia law. to say donald trump is an aberration is ridiculous. he's a manifestation of the gop is about. is a party demonizing muslims. today congresswoman omar played at a conference a death threat she got. she got death threats this year when congresswoman boebart said she's a terrorist sympathizer. she got death threats two years ago when trump and supporters chanted sent her back. we saw a spike of hate crimes against muslims in 2016 because trump said islam hates us and i want to ban muslims from coming to this country. two-thirds supported a total ban on muslims and seen a huge strike on muslims. don't tell me this is because of donald trump. it's because it's a white nationalist movement. marjorie taylor greene represents this party far more than kevin mccarthy and i hope the democrats make this an issue in 2022, make it a referendum on do you want a white nationalist organization, not a political party, it's a factious movement a white nationalist at its base running the house of representatives or don't you? i hope the representatives make that the 2022 referendum. >> i'll ask liam if he thinks the republican party is a white nationalist organization. we'll take a break and i'll hold you over and get your response on the other side. we'll be right back. tide pods ultra oxi one ups the cleaning power of liquid. can it one up whatever they're doing? for sure. seriously? one up the power of liquid, one up the toughest stains. any further questions? uh uh! one up the power of liquid with tide pods ultra oxi. (ted koppel) the only thing worse than being a target for covid-19... (ray) if it's under 20 degrees out, i can't go outside my house because i feels like i'm inhaling broken glass. (ted koppel) not knowing you are one. (renee) every half a block, i'm stopping to try to catch my breath. (taini) you know the fish being out of the water, gasping for air? well, i feel worse than a fish. (ted koppel) 30 million americans have copd, half of them don't yet know it. (terry) [coughing] excuse me. (ted koppel) chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (joyce) i thought i was good at breathing until i wasn't. (ted koppel) people with copd are especially vulnerable to covid. (rhonda) people are dying every day from this- and it's not going to go away. (ted koppel) to protect people from covid, we have to protect everyone with copd. we can't help them if we can't find them. learn more at (vo) subaru and our retailers believe in giving back. that's why, in difficult times, we provided one hundred and fifty million meals to feeding america. and now through the subaru share the love event, we're helping even more. by the end of this year, subaru will have donated over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. this is what it means to be more than a car company. this is what it means to be subaru. - san francisco can have criminal justice reform and public safety. but district attorney chesa boudin is failing on both. - the safety of san francisco is dependent upon chesa being recalled as soon as possible. - i didn't support the newsom recall but this is different. - chesa takes a very radical perspective and approach to criminal justice reform, which is having a negative impact on communities of color. - i never in a million years thought that my son, let alone any six-year-old, would be gunned down in the streets of san francisco and not get any justice. - chesa's failure has resulted in increase in crime against asian americans. - the da's office is in complete turmoil at this point. - for chesa boudin to intervene in so many cases is both bad management and dangerous for the city of san francisco. - we are for criminal justice reform. chesa's not it. recall chesa boudin now. so we're back with liam and dea dean. >> fascist. >> yes. >> liam? >> look, i think every republican communique tore in america hopes they embrace dean's messaging for november and look, i think we're several weeks away from democrats running a strategy. donald trump i don't think marjorie taylor greene or factious or nationalists is going to work any better. people can see and differentiate between a glenn youngkin and donald trump or glenn youngkin and marjorie taylor greene. i think as a campaign strategy, that's just, you know, not going to pass the eye test. you know, i certainly wouldn't associate with a party i thought to be that kind of group but look, there are people who are obviously out there saying things that i wouldn't disassociate myself with. that's what the fight nancy mace is trying to get to and i think that's what leadership is trying to figure out right now, how do you deal with that under these circumstances? >> i'll let you remind but then i have another question. >> sure, you said two weeks ago paul gosar is murdering aoc a woman of color and how many republicans in the house voted to condemn him? two. two. let's be blunt. the gop that's muslims, if we don't speak up about the extremists in our group, then we are defined by them. i say the same to the gop. where is your rallies against the extremists to your party? nowhere because you agree with them. they ran against speaker pelosi for years the republicans. we'll run against marjorie taylor greene, paul gosar because they are the face of this gop. it's not kevin mccarthy. it's them. that's where the energy and passion is. let's be blunt. good luck. there might be some exceptions, republicans, don't get me wrong. i'm not saying all republicans are racists but all racists are republicans. >> you caught me off guard with that. liam had to laugh. i don't have time for the next question but can we just play this video? i want to show our viewers what it is and we'll go to break. we found another video of representative boebert suggesting representative omar was a terrorist. well go to break. >> one of my staffers on his first day with me got into an elevator in the capitol and in that elevator we were joined by ilhan omar. >> oh my god. [ laughter ] >> well, it was just us three in there and i looked over and i said well, look at there, it's the jihad squad. i do have to say she doesn't have a backpack. she wasn't dropping it. >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ vo: when times get dark, we can't see the help that's all around us. let 2-1-1 be your guiding light. for help with food, health care, and other resources. operator: 2-1-1, how can i help you? vo: call 211 or visit 2-1-1 get connected. get help. the biden administration trying to stay ahead of the omicron variant. there are indications people that received the coronavirus booster are protected against the new variant. joining me is the medical director out national foundation for infectious diseases and p professor of infectious diseases at vanderbelt medical center. long title and well-deserved. thank you for joining us. well-deserved. i hope the israel he folks are right, only has a hand full of confirmed cases but promising in this state it seems promising from this statement from the country's health minister. >> well, it certainly is a little ray of sunshine in an otherwise over cast sky, right, don? it is what we anticipated that if you do get immunized and boosted, you will have a lot of antibody and that much antibody tends to give you some cross protection to variants and i hope the israeli minister is correct and further research reinforces this because we certainly need to boost people's notions that getting a booster is very important as well as getting that first dose into a lot of our friends and neighbors who somehow haven't rolled up their sleeve yet. >> right. the fda advisors voting tonight to recommend emergency use authorization for merck's anti viral drug to treat covid-19. how big a deal is it? >> well, it is a kind of big deal because it was a split vote. they're a little cautious because the effectiveness was okay but not great about 30% protection against evolving into more serious disease and they still had some cautions about potential side effects and their notion was that women who were pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant probably shouldn't take advantage of this. we don't have enough information yet. so not quite as big a deal as we thought maybe a week ago. >> well, you have to take the pill within five days of being infected. that makes testing key. are you concerned about that because the u.s. has had a lot of trouble getting testing up to speed. >> yeah, you bet, don. we haven't done nearly enough testing, the europeans have testing widely and freely available. we need much more of that. i think this administration is going to promote much more wide spread testing and it would be certainly useful as an additional intervention for us to get ahead of covid. >> you know, as well there should be a lot of americansvar. if you've been vaccinated and boosted, is there anything else you should be doing now? i guess masking up, as well. >> well, the folks who haven't been vaccinated should be vaccinated and that includes children age 5 and older. everybody else who is eligible for boosting should do that when we go into public places, we should wear our masks and if you have family gatherings and other gatherings that you can control, why not get a test before you have that christmas dinner or something like that? particularly if there are older people present with underlying illnesses or immune know compromised person, that will increase your sense of comfort and decrease your risk of getting infected. >> if it has been more than six months since your second shot and you haven't gotten a booster, should you still be considered fully vaccinated? >> well, at that -- with each additional month your protection begins to wayne somewhat so if it's been longer than that, get your booster tomorrow. that's clear. one other thing, remember, we're all concerned about omicron. it's in the news. what is in every community today is delta. and our vaccines protect against delta between now and christmas, delta is going to cause much more disease than omicron will. >> doctor, thank you so much. i got boosted. i'm still here. some people are probably not happy about that but -- [ laughter ] >> i'm happy about it. >> it's all good. no side effects. had a little sore arm but all good. thank you, doctor. be well. thank you. >> bye, bye. former president barack obama encouraging young americans to get the covid vaccine tweeting out photos today of himself and dr. fauci visiting an elementary school in the nation's capitol as many children were getting the vaccine with parents on hand. he told the kids that are afraid of needles he doesn't like to get shots either but does it to stay healthy and says the best way to protect children from covid-19 of course, is vaccination. the supreme court hears all oral arguments tomorrow in a case that could result in the repeal of roe v wade. is 50 years of precedent at stake? and that's just basic wavy guy maintenance, right? next up, carvana. oh, boy. carvana just doesn't seem to understand how the test drive works. they give their customers seven days. and if they don't like it, they give 'em their money back. wait, they take the car back? that's crazy! what if it was driven by like a zookeeper? or a mud wrestler? or a guy who's on the outs with the missus and he just needs a place to sleep for seven days? yeah. 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(ted koppel) 30 million americans have copd, half don't yet know it. every one of them is especially vulnerable to covid-19. if we can't find them, we can't help them. visit the supreme court will hear arguments tomorrow on a mississippi law that bans abortions after 15 weeks. so will this court go against nearly 50 years of press dent to strike down roe v. wade? joining me now is a former federal prosecutor and the author of "how to read the constitution and why." also with us, former u.s. attorney harry litman. kim, i'm going to start with you. mississippi law would ban almost all abortions after 15 weeks and penalizes doctors who violate it. it has been struck down by two federal courts. so what about this court that makes it such a threat -- or this case that makes it such a threat to roe v. wade? >> because the court didn't have to take this case at all, don. it could have just said listen, roe versus wade sets the red line at 24 weeks, around there, which is viability. and this is clearly in violation of wade -- roe versus wade. there's nothing for the court to do here other than enforce the law. the fact that the court took the case, took months to consider whether to take it on these circumstances is troubles. it's notable that mississippi, when it first filed its petition asking the court to take the case, made clear or stated it was not interested in seeking to overrule roe versus wade. but that position changed once amy coney barrett was put on the united states supreme court. now it is asking for a complete reversal of roe and the secondary case of planned parenthood versus casey, which means obliterating a constitutional right. normally, we have these rights and the court will balance how to manage that. what they're asking is to take the right away completely. that is troubling for reasons beyond just abortion frankly. >> harry, the supreme court kim mentioned, resisted discussing this case 12 times. you say that suggests there are four votes in favor of the mississippi law. can you explain that, and which justices do you see as on the fence here? >> sure. i actually think kim, who put her finger exactly on it, the number one fact that they took it in the first place means there are four votes. that's how many it takes to grant in favor of reinstating the mississippi law. as she says it had been struck down. now we have this intriguing fact. they did it again and again and again, way more than i've ever been that are with. and i clerked there a couple of years. that suggests strongly to me there are other possible implications. but it really suggests that the four, who were ready to strike it down and presumably still are, we're not certain about where a fifth might stand. so the question is, are there four votes to reinstate the statute, which would be tantamount to getting rid of roe and casey, and one is on the fence. we'll have a better idea of that tomorrow. it would have to be either kavanaugh or barrett and i think barrett. one more quick point, i think though it would, in essence, eviscerate roe versus wade and casey because that are inextricably opposed, the court may be very interested in pretending otherwise. that is in upholding the statute and giving lip service to some continuing abortion rights, even as they allow mississippi's to go into effect. that, of course, would invite bedlam, because you would have state after state pushing the envelope, a and this court having to call balls and strikes with no line, like viability, to use for any kind of coherent judgment. >> okay, listen, just for clarity, and for the late folks, because i want people to understand what could happen. could the supreme court, harry, find abortion unconstitutional on a national level based on this case, or is it limited to the issue of whether a state can ban abortion? >> it absolutely could. as kim said, they would have a frontal assault, get rid of it, get rid of it. so they could do that. they also could uphold the statute, which would be like striking down roe, but make it found as if they're just weakening it, rather than completely eliminating it. >> kim, roe has been the law of the land since 1973. can you take a step back and talk about what this would mean for the lives of women in many states that would move quickly to put in, you know, place similar bans, and could a state pass a law banning a woman traveling to another state where abortion would remain legal? >> that slippery slope is my compelling question here. >> look at what's happening in texas, right? >> right. texas is literally -- there is no abortion rights. roe was de facto overruled in texas. that's what makes this so dangerous. there's approximately 26 states poised to ban abortion if roe gets overturned. and just to be clear, don, this is from the 14th amendment, to the united states constitution. that's a post civil war, antislavery amendment. it's about obliterating the brutalities of enslaving people, where half of enslaved people that moved through interstate were separated from spouses and parents. of course, they were brutalized physically. the idea that somehow only enumerated things in the constitution are protected is really scary. >> got it. >> it says nothing about marriage or contraception or nothing about educating your children. this is a slippery slope the court should not wade into at this moment. >> kim, thank you. harry, thank you. i'll see you guys soon. we'll be watching tomorrow. thank you for watching, everyone. our coverage continues. o man, that's a whole lot of wrinkly at least my shoes look good! looking good start with bounce wrinkleguard, the megasheet designed to prevent wrinkles in the dryer. do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? 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Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709

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we have breaking news tonight. it's happened again. a deadly shooting at a high school in michigan. three students shot to death, a 15-year-old in custody tonight. also, a mayor dev-- major development in the january 6th commission, providing records and agreeing to sit for a deposition and a bitter public feud. the qanon congresswoman marjorie taylor greene calling fellow republican trash after mace condemned anti muslim bigotry from boebert to ilhan omar. a deadly shooting at a michigan high school. three students killed. i want to turn to aadrian. thanks for joining us. many injured and a 15-year-old sophomore in custody. a lot of information. give us the latest, please. >> don, a lot of new information including the names of the three deceased i'd like to share with the viewers tonight. 16-year-old male died today. his name was tate myer. he died in the patrol car while deputies were transporting him to the hospital. the other two victims were females. a 14-year-old hanna st. julian as well as a 17-year-old female madison baldwin. in addition to the three deceased, eight others were injured including a teacher. and their injuries range from critical to we know the teacher was released this afternoon. she sustained a gunshot wound but the sheriff told us a 14-year-old is in critical condition tonight fighting for her life and she is on a ventilator. she sustained multiple gunshot wounds. this all unfolded earlier in the day in oakland county at oxford high school. the suspect don, is a 15-year-old male. the motive behind this still unclear. the sheriff told usago surveillance video shows the suspect exiting a bathroom and upon arrival, deputies were able to take him into custody within two minutes. when they confronted him, he was holding a .9 pistol and it was loaded. it contained switch additional rounds of ammunition and the sheriff says when those deputies confronted him, he believes they interrupted seven more shootings that could have been seven additional shots. we learned tonight the gun that the suspect used was purchased four days ago according to the sheriff and it was purchased according to the sheriff by the boy's father. tonight, that 15-year-old suspect is in the juvenile detention center and we've learned he's on what members of law enforcement call a suicide watch. they say he is in a special cell and someone is checking in on him about every 15 minutes. a lot of heartache in this community tonight. three people died but eight others were injured and those injuries, don, are serious. i spoke with a grandmother earlier in the day. she said she got the alert that the school was on lockdown minutes after leaving a funeral. she lives about an hour north of here in saginaw, michigan. she said the first call she made was to her pastor to request prayer because she didn't know what was going on. she later found out her two grandchildren who were at this school were okay. her oldest grandson who is a senior and also a friend of tate myer was able to escape. he ran to a nearby grocery store. folks here know that grocery store as myer. his younger brother was still inside of the school barricaded in a classroom with his teacher and a few other students. he was hiding under a desk when he called his father to let his father know what happened. tonight, that grandmother told me those prayers she requested from her pastor now turn to this community. at least 1800 students attend this school and in the interest of full transparency, that grandmother i've known since i was a child and her pastor is my father and they told me we see this on the news all the time, adrian, but we never knew it would show up in our community. >> yeah. >> don? >> a tragedy it touched so many people. i think the sheriff, adrian, said one of the 911 callers sadly was a relative of someone who died there. i'm sorry for your loss and that you're being touched by this personally. adrian brought us there at the press conference for us this evening. adrian, thank you so much. be well. i'm going to show you new video tonight inside one of the close rooms at oxford high school as students and their teacher heard a voice from the hallway and waited not sure who the person on the other side of the door w was. >> we're not willing to take that risk right now. >> i can't hear you. >> we're not taking that risk now. >> come to the door and look at my badge, bro. >> he said bro. >> he said bro. red flag. >> situation inside the school as it was happening. i want to turn to former fbi director senior law enforcement analyst. andrew, thanks for joining. sorry under these circumstances. as you're watching this and your through three students dead and eight injured. the gun was bought by the suspect's father just four days ago. i know this is very personal for you. you're the father of a high school senior. the details we learned from the sheriff tonight about the alleged shooter, how much ammo he had and his accuracy is really chilling. >> don, it's terrifying. it is terrifying. i mean, to anyone who sends a student off to school at any level, any grade, anywhere in this country has to be thinking tonight that tomorrow it could be my school. it could be my kid. it could. that's the reality of the situation we live in. we are in the middle of an epidemic of gun violence in this country and it very often washes up on the youngest and most innocent victims we have are on children. >> yeah, you know, the big question is why? the suspect is in custody but he is a minor not talking to officials, hasn't been charged as an adult so they haven't released his name. they know who he is. how will police determine a motive sm. >> you heard the sheriff's office told us today they executed a search warrant at this young man's home so undoubtedly in that warrant they're looking for any information that could shed light on that question why did he do this? who else may have known that he was thinking about this? what might he have said to other people that might have shed light on his plans or thought process? to find out they will look at his electronic devices. they uncovered one phone and will exploit the contents of that phone and will look at computers or laptops he had access to and social media accounts and poses, anything he might have written or said. they will try to understand what his network of friends and, you know, classmates were. they'll interview all those people and their parents to try to get an understanding of not just what was in this young man's head and what might have motivated him but whether or not he had an influence on anyone else in his circle of friends and if, you know, hopefully, there is nobody else that's thinking about the same thing. >> i keep looking at my notes here while you're speaking because there was so much that came out of this press conference, but let me get you to look at this video. take a look at this video. it's of a teacher using a desk or table to block the classroom door as students are sheltered in place here. the sheriff says that the suspect was in custody within two minutes but three students were still killed. the amount of security and training that they had there and, you know, even with all the training that these schools have, this is still horrific that this could happen. >> yeah, don, i mean, if there -- look, there is no good news from this story but i guess one of the few positive indicators that we can look at are that the training has worked, right? you have a very progressive forward leaning jurisdiction like this where the sheriff talked about the training they've done with partners and with the education system and the schools and then you see it on that video, right? the kids and teachers are doing exactly what they're told to do. they're taking shelter in the clos cl classrooms and barricading the doors and turning off the lights. that's something you learn in the training. you see the police officers responded to the scene and immediately engaged with this subject in an effort to stop the bloodshed and that worked, right? they were on him and disarmed him within two minutes. so those things are working but the sad bottom line is it's never enough. you're always behind the shooter. you're always reacting after the disaster struck and therefore you always run the chance of losing some lives. >> very important question i think quick answer, though, if you will because the breaking news we lost a lot of time to interview you guys. the father bought a gun four days ago. what does this end, somehow the son is using it? do we know where this goes from here? >> we don't. we're in the same place that we are often in these tragedies. look, very quickly, the gun laws in this country are broken. you're hearing that from a lifetime gun owner and i carried one for 21 years as a law enforcement officer. until we hold people responsible for the guns we're buying and firearms you're keeping in the homes, we'll have more and more tragedies. >> it's sad all the way around. thank you very much. appreciate it. >> thanks, don. tonight a major development in the january 6th investigation. mark meadows the chief of staff to the former president cooperating with the january 6th committee providing records and agreeing to appear for questioning. the committee saying he's already turned over about 6,000 emails. meadows is under subpoena and cooperating with the head of criminal contempt charges. at least for now. so a lot to discuss. cnn senior legal analyst ellie is here. good evening to you. new developments in this case that we've been talking about as it comes to mark meadows. we're learning from the committee chairman bennie thompson mark meadows provided about 6,000 emails through his lawyer. that seems significant. what do you think? that's a lot of emails. >> it is a lot, don and a good start. i'm more interested until the quality than quantity. there could be a lot of junk in the 6,000 emails. the real question look, this is a deal and is often the case, both sides get something and had something to lose here. mark meadows avoids going down the steve bannon path and getting indicted and the committee gets at least some information out of mark meadows. mark meadows is a central question but what happens when the committee asks tough questions. those 6 thousa,000 emails, that sure bet. what happens when they say what did trump do when the crowd stormed the capitol? what was his reaction? did he call the crowd off? what took so long? if meadows isn't willing and able to answer the questions, it's not much of a deal. >> the committee has shown a lot of interest whether meadows used a personal cell phone at the time of the insurrection and any text messages he might have. will that fall outside the scope of executive privilege or could he end uptaking the fifth? >> well, it doesn't matter what device you use. it the communications but i do think the fact that if he was using a personal cell phone, i think that raises the natural question of why and if he deleted emails for the purpose of keeping them out of the hands of the investigators whether congress or law enforcement, then that is potentially if he did it and if that was his intention was to avoid investigation, that could get into the realm of obstruction of justice or obstruction of congress. >> then there is trump's effort to keep white house documents from his presidency based on executive privilege. judges showed little sympathy hearing arguments from the thump team. >> you're going to have to come up with something more powerful that will outweigh the inckcumbt president's decision to waive. >> you listened to arguments today. how did it go? >> very poorly for the trump lawyers. trump will lose this case i'll just say it. it was agonizing listening to the lawyers because the judges kept asking that question over and over. they kept saying look, we acknowledge that a former president in some circumstances could have some interest in trying to exert executive privilege however, if the current president disagrees, why and when could the former president possibly win out? the lawyer just could not answer that question. so i don't see anyway these judges rule in favor of trump having listened to that argument today and could end up in the supreme court next. >> learning other things tonight and learning that the january 6th committee is planning to refer the former doj official jeffrey clark for criminal contempt tomorrow. they say that he refused to answer questions at a recent deposition or produce documents. does that help explain why they are taking clark on next? >> yeah, look, jeffrey clark should be referred for contempt and contempt should be the least of jeffrey clark's worries. let's remember who he is. he's a high ranking official and committed a fraud inside the justice department. he wrote a letter say to the state of georgia saying we the doj have identified potential wide spread election fraud and you state of georgia, you need to call a special session and appoint new electors. that's outrageous and false and a fraud. so he should be held in contempt if he continues to defy the committee and he may have bigger problems, as well. >> thank you so much, sirme. appreciate it. >> thanks, don. with all of this going on, the gop is having an absolute meltdown. the qanon congresswoman publicly and repeatedly slamming a colleague in her own party for opposing hate and bigotry and from the leaders of the gop, crickets. nyquil severe gives you powerful relief for your worst cold and flu symptoms, on sunday night and every night. nyquil severe. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine. >> man: what's my safelite story? 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(gentle music) the worse of the gop on full display tonight. marjorie taylor greene calling fellow republican nancy mace trash. that after mace condemned anti muslim bigotry from gop congresswoman lauren boebert. greene promising to back a primary challenge to mace with the support of the former president. mace firing back and i'm quoting her here, all i can say about marjorie taylor greene is bless her f-ing heart. so that's where we are. that is the state of the gop tonight. let's discuss. dean obeidallah is here. liam donovan is a republican strategists. good to see both of you. this is nuts, but i want to hear how you feel. liam, you, you know, have representative green calling nancy mace trash and gop leadership is essentially missing in action with mccarthy refusing to say anything publicly. what is happening with your party? >> look, i think the details of this spat will be forgotten by the time we are pouring eggnog but it's indicative of the tension we're seeing come to head throughout the year and in someways it's been true for the past decade within the republican party. leadership is no longer the last word. there is an 800-pound gorilla in south florida watching this play out on cable tv. a little different and a little new informs what leadership posture here is which is staying, trying to keep the peace behind the scenes and really just saying guys, get out of the way. we're close to a majority we can taste it after virginia, new jersey. the goal is to not screw it up. that informs the posture of leadership. >> listen, greene says she talked with -- you mentioned i think you said 800-pound gore rail -- gorilla, your words. she talked with the former president today and they would support primarying mace. this is what mace said on that tonight, watch. >> just like going, you know, going and running and tattle telling to the principal because you have no ideas of your own and can't stand on your own two feet. she has no ideas or policy or legislation that will ever move forward because she can't do it. she's got to run to somebody else that's bigger than her and better than her for backup and i refuse to operate that way. if she's going to, that's on her and not me. racism is weakness. bigotry is weakness. religious bigotry as she's shown is a weakness. >> all right. she said racism, bigotry, weakness. so listen, i heard what you said about the strategy people in leadership saying get out of the way but they're not saying anything. why aren't we hearing more of that? is every republican that stands up to bigotry or stands up to trump going to get pushed out? >> i think this is indicative of politics as a team sport. the idea that you speak out against your side is being weaponized against greene and appealing to donald trump -- >> let me just -- don't you think that's indicative of the republican party right now? look, democrats couldn't even -- could barely come together to put an infrastructure package together because there are so many people who disagree with each other. this is -- so that's not sticking with a strategy. don't you think that's indicative of your party right now? this isn't really indicative of democrats. you don't have democrats calling each other f-ers and trash and that kind of thing. >> i think calling somebody a rhino is the oldest trick in the book. it's something that republicans have gotten mileage out of, you know, all along, so the party feuding is very familiar in terms of making an example out of someone who clearly crosses lines, that's a little bit different. you know, i think the recent example of steve king was somebody that the leadership had to deal with over a number of years. i think the difference was somebody like king wore out his welcome with his constituency. you don't fix problems by top down leadership driven sort of punishment. i think in many ways, it needs to be dealt with by voters and unfortunately, with marjorie taylor greene, i think the thing she's serving up actually does fairly well with her intended audience. the trick is here for mace to try to figure out whether there is some real estate in between this sort of, you know, the crazies out there saying these things and the more bombastic sort of anti trump voices like adam kinzinger we'll find out does that earn you a primary by taking a principled stand on things like not calling people the jihad squad. >> dean, i want to bring you in here -- [ laughter ] i don't know what's happening with the republicans. i understand what he says about strategy, but this seems that is something that is really just sort of right now endeis madnes. the leadership won't stand up. what do you make of what is going on? >> don, over the years how many times do we talk about anti muslim bigotry and republicans? this began in 2012 with newt gingrich saying muslims want to impose sharia law. to say donald trump is an aberration is ridiculous. he's a manifestation of the gop is about. is a party demonizing muslims. today congresswoman omar played at a conference a death threat she got. she got death threats this year when congresswoman boebart said she's a terrorist sympathizer. she got death threats two years ago when trump and supporters chanted sent her back. we saw a spike of hate crimes against muslims in 2016 because trump said islam hates us and i want to ban muslims from coming to this country. two-thirds supported a total ban on muslims and seen a huge strike on muslims. don't tell me this is because of donald trump. it's because it's a white nationalist movement. marjorie taylor greene represents this party far more than kevin mccarthy and i hope the democrats make this an issue in 2022, make it a referendum on do you want a white nationalist organization, not a political party, it's a factious movement a white nationalist at its base running the house of representatives or don't you? i hope the representatives make that the 2022 referendum. >> i'll ask liam if he thinks the republican party is a white nationalist organization. we'll take a break and i'll hold you over and get your response on the other side. we'll be right back. tide pods ultra oxi one ups the cleaning power of liquid. can it one up whatever they're doing? for sure. seriously? one up the power of liquid, one up the toughest stains. any further questions? uh uh! one up the power of liquid with tide pods ultra oxi. (ted koppel) the only thing worse than being a target for covid-19... (ray) if it's under 20 degrees out, i can't go outside my house because i feels like i'm inhaling broken glass. (ted koppel) not knowing you are one. (renee) every half a block, i'm stopping to try to catch my breath. (taini) you know the fish being out of the water, gasping for air? well, i feel worse than a fish. (ted koppel) 30 million americans have copd, half of them don't yet know it. (terry) [coughing] excuse me. (ted koppel) chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (joyce) i thought i was good at breathing until i wasn't. (ted koppel) people with copd are especially vulnerable to covid. (rhonda) people are dying every day from this- and it's not going to go away. (ted koppel) to protect people from covid, we have to protect everyone with copd. we can't help them if we can't find them. learn more at (vo) subaru and our retailers believe in giving back. that's why, in difficult times, we provided one hundred and fifty million meals to feeding america. and now through the subaru share the love event, we're helping even more. by the end of this year, subaru will have donated over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. this is what it means to be more than a car company. this is what it means to be subaru. - san francisco can have criminal justice reform and public safety. but district attorney chesa boudin is failing on both. - the safety of san francisco is dependent upon chesa being recalled as soon as possible. - i didn't support the newsom recall but this is different. - chesa takes a very radical perspective and approach to criminal justice reform, which is having a negative impact on communities of color. - i never in a million years thought that my son, let alone any six-year-old, would be gunned down in the streets of san francisco and not get any justice. - chesa's failure has resulted in increase in crime against asian americans. - the da's office is in complete turmoil at this point. - for chesa boudin to intervene in so many cases is both bad management and dangerous for the city of san francisco. - we are for criminal justice reform. chesa's not it. recall chesa boudin now. so we're back with liam and dea dean. >> fascist. >> yes. >> liam? >> look, i think every republican communique tore in america hopes they embrace dean's messaging for november and look, i think we're several weeks away from democrats running a strategy. donald trump i don't think marjorie taylor greene or factious or nationalists is going to work any better. people can see and differentiate between a glenn youngkin and donald trump or glenn youngkin and marjorie taylor greene. i think as a campaign strategy, that's just, you know, not going to pass the eye test. you know, i certainly wouldn't associate with a party i thought to be that kind of group but look, there are people who are obviously out there saying things that i wouldn't disassociate myself with. that's what the fight nancy mace is trying to get to and i think that's what leadership is trying to figure out right now, how do you deal with that under these circumstances? >> i'll let you remind but then i have another question. >> sure, you said two weeks ago paul gosar is murdering aoc a woman of color and how many republicans in the house voted to condemn him? two. two. let's be blunt. the gop that's muslims, if we don't speak up about the extremists in our group, then we are defined by them. i say the same to the gop. where is your rallies against the extremists to your party? nowhere because you agree with them. they ran against speaker pelosi for years the republicans. we'll run against marjorie taylor greene, paul gosar because they are the face of this gop. it's not kevin mccarthy. it's them. that's where the energy and passion is. let's be blunt. good luck. there might be some exceptions, republicans, don't get me wrong. i'm not saying all republicans are racists but all racists are republicans. >> you caught me off guard with that. liam had to laugh. i don't have time for the next question but can we just play this video? i want to show our viewers what it is and we'll go to break. we found another video of representative boebert suggesting representative omar was a terrorist. well go to break. >> one of my staffers on his first day with me got into an elevator in the capitol and in that elevator we were joined by ilhan omar. >> oh my god. [ laughter ] >> well, it was just us three in there and i looked over and i said well, look at there, it's the jihad squad. i do have to say she doesn't have a backpack. she wasn't dropping it. >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ vo: when times get dark, we can't see the help that's all around us. let 2-1-1 be your guiding light. for help with food, health care, and other resources. operator: 2-1-1, how can i help you? vo: call 211 or visit 2-1-1 get connected. get help. the biden administration trying to stay ahead of the omicron variant. there are indications people that received the coronavirus booster are protected against the new variant. joining me is the medical director out national foundation for infectious diseases and p professor of infectious diseases at vanderbelt medical center. long title and well-deserved. thank you for joining us. well-deserved. i hope the israel he folks are right, only has a hand full of confirmed cases but promising in this state it seems promising from this statement from the country's health minister. >> well, it certainly is a little ray of sunshine in an otherwise over cast sky, right, don? it is what we anticipated that if you do get immunized and boosted, you will have a lot of antibody and that much antibody tends to give you some cross protection to variants and i hope the israeli minister is correct and further research reinforces this because we certainly need to boost people's notions that getting a booster is very important as well as getting that first dose into a lot of our friends and neighbors who somehow haven't rolled up their sleeve yet. >> right. the fda advisors voting tonight to recommend emergency use authorization for merck's anti viral drug to treat covid-19. how big a deal is it? >> well, it is a kind of big deal because it was a split vote. they're a little cautious because the effectiveness was okay but not great about 30% protection against evolving into more serious disease and they still had some cautions about potential side effects and their notion was that women who were pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant probably shouldn't take advantage of this. we don't have enough information yet. so not quite as big a deal as we thought maybe a week ago. >> well, you have to take the pill within five days of being infected. that makes testing key. are you concerned about that because the u.s. has had a lot of trouble getting testing up to speed. >> yeah, you bet, don. we haven't done nearly enough testing, the europeans have testing widely and freely available. we need much more of that. i think this administration is going to promote much more wide spread testing and it would be certainly useful as an additional intervention for us to get ahead of covid. >> you know, as well there should be a lot of americansvar. if you've been vaccinated and boosted, is there anything else you should be doing now? i guess masking up, as well. >> well, the folks who haven't been vaccinated should be vaccinated and that includes children age 5 and older. everybody else who is eligible for boosting should do that when we go into public places, we should wear our masks and if you have family gatherings and other gatherings that you can control, why not get a test before you have that christmas dinner or something like that? particularly if there are older people present with underlying illnesses or immune know compromised person, that will increase your sense of comfort and decrease your risk of getting infected. >> if it has been more than six months since your second shot and you haven't gotten a booster, should you still be considered fully vaccinated? >> well, at that -- with each additional month your protection begins to wayne somewhat so if it's been longer than that, get your booster tomorrow. that's clear. one other thing, remember, we're all concerned about omicron. it's in the news. what is in every community today is delta. and our vaccines protect against delta between now and christmas, delta is going to cause much more disease than omicron will. >> doctor, thank you so much. i got boosted. i'm still here. some people are probably not happy about that but -- [ laughter ] >> i'm happy about it. >> it's all good. no side effects. had a little sore arm but all good. thank you, doctor. be well. thank you. >> bye, bye. former president barack obama encouraging young americans to get the covid vaccine tweeting out photos today of himself and dr. fauci visiting an elementary school in the nation's capitol as many children were getting the vaccine with parents on hand. he told the kids that are afraid of needles he doesn't like to get shots either but does it to stay healthy and says the best way to protect children from covid-19 of course, is vaccination. the supreme court hears all oral arguments tomorrow in a case that could result in the repeal of roe v wade. is 50 years of precedent at stake? 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(ted koppel) 30 million americans have copd, half don't yet know it. every one of them is especially vulnerable to covid-19. if we can't find them, we can't help them. visit the supreme court will hear arguments tomorrow on a mississippi law that bans abortions after 15 weeks. so will this court go against nearly 50 years of press dent to strike down roe v. wade? joining me now is a former federal prosecutor and the author of "how to read the constitution and why." also with us, former u.s. attorney harry litman. kim, i'm going to start with you. mississippi law would ban almost all abortions after 15 weeks and penalizes doctors who violate it. it has been struck down by two federal courts. so what about this court that makes it such a threat -- or this case that makes it such a threat to roe v. wade? >> because the court didn't have to take this case at all, don. it could have just said listen, roe versus wade sets the red line at 24 weeks, around there, which is viability. and this is clearly in violation of wade -- roe versus wade. there's nothing for the court to do here other than enforce the law. the fact that the court took the case, took months to consider whether to take it on these circumstances is troubles. it's notable that mississippi, when it first filed its petition asking the court to take the case, made clear or stated it was not interested in seeking to overrule roe versus wade. but that position changed once amy coney barrett was put on the united states supreme court. now it is asking for a complete reversal of roe and the secondary case of planned parenthood versus casey, which means obliterating a constitutional right. normally, we have these rights and the court will balance how to manage that. what they're asking is to take the right away completely. that is troubling for reasons beyond just abortion frankly. >> harry, the supreme court kim mentioned, resisted discussing this case 12 times. you say that suggests there are four votes in favor of the mississippi law. can you explain that, and which justices do you see as on the fence here? >> sure. i actually think kim, who put her finger exactly on it, the number one fact that they took it in the first place means there are four votes. that's how many it takes to grant in favor of reinstating the mississippi law. as she says it had been struck down. now we have this intriguing fact. they did it again and again and again, way more than i've ever been that are with. and i clerked there a couple of years. that suggests strongly to me there are other possible implications. but it really suggests that the four, who were ready to strike it down and presumably still are, we're not certain about where a fifth might stand. so the question is, are there four votes to reinstate the statute, which would be tantamount to getting rid of roe and casey, and one is on the fence. we'll have a better idea of that tomorrow. it would have to be either kavanaugh or barrett and i think barrett. one more quick point, i think though it would, in essence, eviscerate roe versus wade and casey because that are inextricably opposed, the court may be very interested in pretending otherwise. that is in upholding the statute and giving lip service to some continuing abortion rights, even as they allow mississippi's to go into effect. that, of course, would invite bedlam, because you would have state after state pushing the envelope, a and this court having to call balls and strikes with no line, like viability, to use for any kind of coherent judgment. >> okay, listen, just for clarity, and for the late folks, because i want people to understand what could happen. could the supreme court, harry, find abortion unconstitutional on a national level based on this case, or is it limited to the issue of whether a state can ban abortion? >> it absolutely could. as kim said, they would have a frontal assault, get rid of it, get rid of it. so they could do that. they also could uphold the statute, which would be like striking down roe, but make it found as if they're just weakening it, rather than completely eliminating it. >> kim, roe has been the law of the land since 1973. can you take a step back and talk about what this would mean for the lives of women in many states that would move quickly to put in, you know, place similar bans, and could a state pass a law banning a woman traveling to another state where abortion would remain legal? >> that slippery slope is my compelling question here. >> look at what's happening in texas, right? >> right. texas is literally -- there is no abortion rights. roe was de facto overruled in texas. that's what makes this so dangerous. there's approximately 26 states poised to ban abortion if roe gets overturned. and just to be clear, don, this is from the 14th amendment, to the united states constitution. that's a post civil war, antislavery amendment. it's about obliterating the brutalities of enslaving people, where half of enslaved people that moved through interstate were separated from spouses and parents. of course, they were brutalized physically. the idea that somehow only enumerated things in the constitution are protected is really scary. >> got it. >> it says nothing about marriage or contraception or nothing about educating your children. this is a slippery slope the court should not wade into at this moment. >> kim, thank you. harry, thank you. i'll see you guys soon. we'll be watching tomorrow. thank you for watching, everyone. our coverage continues. o man, that's a whole lot of wrinkly at least my shoes look good! looking good start with bounce wrinkleguard, the megasheet designed to prevent wrinkles in the dryer. do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? 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Isn T , Kind , Democrats , F Ers , Trick , Example , Party Feuding , Rhino , Book , Mileage , Terms , Somebody , Lines , Number , Difference , Steve King , King , Sort , Voters , Constituency , Fix Problems , Welcome , Punishment , Ways , Real Estate , Audience , Crazies , Jihad Squad , Stand , Bombastic Sort Of Anti Trump , Adam Kinzinger , Laughter , Don T Know What S Happening , Endeis Madnes , Times , Leadership Won T , Anti Muslim , Stand Up , Newt Gingrich , 2012 , Congresswoman , Sharia Law , Aberration , Manifestation , Boebart , Back , Death Threat , Terrorist Sympathizer , Hate Crimes , Supporters , Spike , Death Threats , Muslims , Strike , Islam , 2016 , Referendum , Issue , White Nationalist Movement , Kevin Mccarthy , 2022 , Organization , Nationalist , Representatives , Base , Factious Movement A White Nationalist , House Of Representatives , Break , Response , Liquid , Power , Cleaning Power , Oxi , Tide Pods Ultra , Sure , I Can T Go Outside , House , Ted Koppel , Covid 19 , Stains , Target , Glass , Little Ray Of Sunshine , Tide Pods , Ultra Oxi , 19 , 20 , Fish , Half , Breath , Gasping , Water , Taini , Copd , Asian Americans , Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease , Breathing , Terry , Wasn T , 30 Million , Everyone , Rhonda , Vo , Subaru , Retailers , Meals , Copdsos Org , Feeding America , That S Why , One Hundred And Fifty Million , Love Event , Charity , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Car Company , Justice , Reform , Chesa Boudin , Safety , Public Safety , San Francisco , Being , Perspective , Didn T Support The Newsom , Color , Communities , Impact , Failure , Streets Of San Francisco , Six , A Million , Point , Cases , Crime , Turmoil , Management , Da S Office , Increase , Recall , Liam , Communique , Messaging , Dea , Fascist , Yes , Nationalists , Factious , Better , Eye Test , Campaign Strategy , Wouldn T Associate , Glenn Youngkin , Group , Fight , Woman , Paul Gosar , Extremists , Let S Be Blunt , Murdering Aoc , Rallies , Speaker Pelosi , Energy , Passion , Luck , Exceptions , Face , Don T Get Me Wrong , Racists , Guard , Terrorist , Staffers , Elevator , Oh My God , It , Backpack , She Wasn T Dropping , Guiding Light , Operator , Health Care , Food , Resources , 2 , 1 , 211 , Administration , Booster , Variant , Omicron Variant , Diseases , Foundation , P Professor , Title , Vanderbelt Medical Center , Hand , Statement , Health Minister , He , Israel , Antibody , Sky , Minister , Variants , Notions , Research , Neighbors , Sleeve , Emergency Use Authorization , Dose , Voting , Advisors , Fda , Anti Viral Drug , Merck , Split Vote , Effectiveness , Big A , 30 , Side Effects , Disease , Women , Protection , Notion , Cautions , Pill , Advantage , Testing Key , Five , Testing , Trouble , Has , Speed , Europeans , Spread Testing , Intervention , Americansvar , Masking Up , Family Gatherings , Masks , Places , Everybody Else , 5 , Test , Gatherings , Illnesses , Dinner , Haven T , Comfort , Sense , Delta , Vaccines , Omicron , Doctor , Good , I M Still Here , Fauci , Barack Obama , Elementary School , Sore , Arm , Dr , Vaccine Tweeting , Young Americans , Vaccine , Nation , Needles , Course , Supreme Court , Vaccination , Repeal , Stake , Precedent , Roe V Wade , 50 , Boy , Wavy , Guy Maintenance , Test Drive Works , Customers , Guy , Missus , Outs , Money , Zookeeper , Mud Wrestler , Em , Wait , Love It , Visit Copdsos Org , Law , Abortions , Mississippi , Court Go , Press Dent , Kim , Harry Litman , Prosecutor , Author , Former , Constitution And Why , Threat , Courts , Doctors , Didn T , Nothing , Viability , Violation , Red Line , 24 , Petition , Troubles , Position , Amy Coney Barrett , Roe , Rights , Planned Parenthood Versus Casey , Reversal , Obliterating A Constitutional Right , Abortion , Reasons , Votes , Fence , Justices , 12 , Finger , Couple , Fifth , Implications , Statute , Casey , Kavanaugh , Essence , Abortion Rights , Effect , Lip Service , Bedlam , Clarity , Line , Strikes , Balls , Envelope , Coherent Judgment , Striking Down Roe , Frontal Assault , Step , Law Of The Land , 1973 , States , State Pass , Bans , Slippery Slope , Texas , De Facto , United States Constitution , 14th Amendment , Civil War , 26 , Enslaving People , Interstate , Spouses , Brutalities , Antislavery Amendment , Enslaved , Contraception , Constitution , Marriage , Coverage , O Man , Wrinkly , Shoes , Wrinkles , Dryer , Bounce Wrinkleguard , Megasheet , Nerve Aches , Nervivenerve Relief , Nerve Care Company , Nervive , World , Alpha Lipoic Acid , Discomfort , Love , Fourteen , Donor , Now Subaru , Aspca , Meals On Wheels , National Park Foundation , Share , Shock , Cosentyx , Two Hundred And Fifty Dollars , Two Hundred And Fifty , Infections , Infection , Psoriasis , Tuberculosis , Ability , Crohn S Disease , Reactions , Squad , Xfinity , Carriers , Switch , Carrier , Xfinity Mobile , Store , Experience , Info , Sales Event , Bill , Save , Black Friday , Phones , 1000 , Crime Scene , Authorities , Quote , Gun Violence Archive , Mass Shooting , Area , Gunfire , Detroit , 651 ,

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