Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240709

Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240709

scott's concert over the weekend. cnn has obtained documents showing detailed operations plans did not contain a contingency plan for surging crowds despite a history of crowd issues at this very same people. three people were trampled and hospitalized at the astroworld hospital just two years ago. the number of new lawsuits filed against the rapper and live nation is increase big the day. now 18 lawsuits claiming negligence related to the show exist. houston's fire chief telling nbc this morning travis scott should have, quote, absolutely called an end to the concert when he noticed something was wrong. >> the artist has command of that crowd. in my opinion, this is my opinion, because everything is going to be fleshed out throughout this investigation, but certainly a -- the artist, if he notices something is going on, he can certainly pause that performance, turn on the lights and say, hey, we're not going to continue until this thing is resolved. >> now "the wall street journal" is also reporting that police are investigating whether counterfeit pills laced with fentanyl may have played a role in this tragedy. so the eight victims, they have now all been identified, and travel scott says he will pay all of their funeral expenses. it is also important to note there are still other concertgoers that are in the hospital suffering from injuries related to this, in the hospital as we speak. let's get to houston. cnn's rosa flores is standing by for the latest. rosa, kwar you learning about the investigation today? >> reporter: kate, we haven't received an update from the houston police department since saturday, and we've been pushing for answers, we're asking questions, but they have a policy where all they do is tweet, so we are waiting for them to tweet new information and asking if there will be briefings anytime soon. again, the latest update was on saturday when they said this was an ongoing criminal investigation that involved both the homicide and the narcotics division, of course, because of that account from that security officer who said he felt a prick in his neck, that he was revived with narcan. so at this point, all we know is this is a criminal investigation that's in its early stages, kate. >> rosa, we're also hearing, as i mentioned, from some of the victims' families today and their pain, their loss, their grief so, so evident. >> reporter: it is just so incredibly daunting, the pain that these families are feeling and the reality that they're facing. one of those families, the family of danish baig talking to cnn earlier this morning about their pain, about what their loved one went through, and saying that he didn't have to die. take a listen. >> i just want everyone to know that people who lost their lives shouldn't have lost their lives in this festival. all the parties that were -- that set up this event should be held accountable. it's just justice for them, justice for danish, justice for the victims, and justice for the families. that's what we want. and in terms of that, if that means rules and regulations need to be changed, how they do things, how they act and make these events, they need to do something about it. they have blood on their hands. >> to wake up and not be able to hear his voice, to touch him, to kiss him, to tell him how much we love him, it's not going to happen anymore. and the way he left this world is not just. it's not right. it's inhumane what happened to him. >> reporter: the pain is palpable here in houston as more people are also fighting for their lives. the houston fire chief telling me this morning that there are three individuals still in the hospital, two of them in critical condition. one of those individuals is a 9-year-old, a 9-year-old boy who was supposed to have a fun time with his dad at this concert according to his grandfather, who tells cnn that he was here with his father and that this little boy was on his father's shoulders as they were watching this concert and that the crowd was swaying and swaying, and at some point the dad was having difficulty breathing. take a listen. >> with him holding ezra up, he went down, so he got really squeezed and he couldn't breathe. he just told me, dald, id, i cot breathe. >> reporter: kate, what happened, according to this grandfather, is that the dad passed out. the little boy fell on the crowd and then was later transported to the hospital and that he is fighting for his life right now, has damaged multiple organs, including his liver, his heart, his lungs. so we're of course praying for that little boy to recover. kate? >> absolutely. rosa, thank you so much for bringing us the latest. another important story we're watching, gas prices and more americans hitting the road. aaa this morning is predicting more than 53 million americans will be traveling for thanksgiving, even as fuel prices are on the rise, heading towards levels not seen in almost a decade. cnn's pete muntean joins us now with more on this. so, pete, i see the gas price behind you over your shoulder. what are you seeing there? >> reporter: well, aaa anticipates it's really not going to have that big of an impact on people traveling during this thanksgiving travel period. in fact, it forecasts that this jump in numbers this year will be the biggest it has seen since 2005. of course the vast majority of people will drive according to aaa, 48 million people. those numbers not that far off from back in 2019. but for the pandemic, only about a 3% difference, so this will not feel like holiday travel during 2020. in fact, the traffic is back, so is the expense of driving. the average price of a gallon of gas about $1.30 higher than it was just a year ago. a seven-year high and aaa says this will not hold people back from traveling. >> there's a lot more confidence. people are feeling better about traveling. and no matter what the gas prices are, and they are quite a bit higher than last year, people are still going to take that trip. >> reporter: the national average for a gallon of gas now $3.42. it was $2.11 a year ago. it's $3.27 at this exxon in alexandria, virginia. aaa says it's not demand. it's supply and that oil-producing nations might be constricting the supply a little bit, trying to reap some of their pandemic losses from last year when things were pretty cheap. >> pete, thanks so much. as pete is taulk about gas prices, they're a big part of everybody's economic reality. let's see how things are. "americans are by many measures in a better financial position than they have been in many years. they also believe the economy is in terrible shape." that's the take in a new piece of "new york times" senior economic correspondent neil irwin. he joins me now. your piece really stuck with me because it got to kind of the psychology of people's economic reality, which i think is something not considered enough. but to your point, if things are better for most folks than they have been in many years, people still think it's terrible, why is that? >> so, when we think about our economic lives, there's two sides of it -- income and spending. there's the income you bring in from your wages, from your government benefits, things like that, and the money you spend. on the income side, things are looking really good. we've seen the strongest wage earnings the longest time plus the stimulus payments earlier in the year, child tax credit. so people are flush with cash. on the other side, supply constraints are real. meat, milk, everything is more expensive. your refrigerator breaks down, you have to wait months to get a new refrigerator. these supply chain issues are affecting the economic lives of american citizens. >> the lived experience is part of it. why is it inflation -- why is it that it's inflation that seems to be coloring, i guess, maybe is the best way to say it, the way that people see the entire economy so much? >> we get reminded of it all the time. talking about gas prices, every time you're driving down the street, you see the sign of how much a gallon of gas costs and you remember what it was a few months ago. a wrinkle to that, gas prices are still lower than they were throughout the 2011 to 2014 period. it's not as if these are unprecedented highs in gas prices. it's just higher than we're used to. i think that creates a pain and discomfort that people really just don't like. >> i wanted to drill down on that, because you wrote about this. because gas prices are another part and a big part of how people view their economic reality from day to day. one bit of perspective that you offered in your writing as you wrote in october, it took about six minutes of work at the average private sector wage to earn enough to buy one gallon of regular unleaded gasoline. in october 2013, it took almost nine minutes of work. not a way i've thought about it before, but it had me thinking, and again i ask, why don't peel feel that way? >> to economists, inflation is cost and benefits. the things you buy are more expensive. so is your income. for most people living your life, those are disconnected. if you got a raise this year, you feel like you earned that, that's great. if things cost more at the store, that's an unpleasant harm to you that annoys you. there's a mismatch in psychology on what happens on the income side, the wage side, and the consumer goods side, and i think that divide is really central to why these supply constraints, this inflation, these shortages are really a burden. >> and that also gets to what can any politician or especially any president do to offer relief? this gets to economic policy in the near and long term. but when it comes to gas prices especially, since this is a big topic, there really is lit that will any politician or president like president biden can do to offer relief when it comes to gas prices quickly. right? >> yeah, that's just the reality. it involves overseas production, involves investment by drillers and oil companies in the u.s. it involves consumer demand. a lot of factors involved. the government doesn't have too many levers to control. as plenty of presidents have experienced, high gas prices hurt popularity but not something you can turn a dial and adjust. >> great to see you, neil. thank you very much. >> thanks, kate. coming up for us, new subpoenas for a new group of some of donald trump's most loyal supporters. why all eyes are on the attorney general next. your history.h do you remember who this is? 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>> reporter: there are tight deadlines for the six trump allies but since they're close to the former president, will they follow steve bannon's lead and deny it since the justice department hasn't acted on the criminal contempt for bannon? the first deadline for the six to comply is november 23rd for the production of documents, and then the committee has scheduled depositions for all six the last week of november and the first week of december. as we've seen from other trump allies or administration officials that the committee has subpoenaed, these deadlines could easily slide, especially if any of these six start engaging with the committee, working to supply them with information or they could just flatout refuse as we've seen from steve bannon. so the committee says what they all in common, these six, is they were involved in promoting the big lie that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. the only person we've heard from so far is bernie karic, the former new york city police commissioner, now aligned with donald trump. he paid for rooms and suites at the willard hotel in washington, and he worked with rudy giuliani, kate, to embrace and perpetuate baseless allegations of voter fraud. bernie karic is acting defiant, saying he won't be threatened, interim dated, or forced or silenced. so, kate, already seeing defiance from at least one trump ally that's been subpoenaed. we'll see what happens with the other five. kate? >> thanks for your reporting. president biden has made clear he credits vaccine mandates for helping to get the pandemic under control. now the justice department is fighting back against attempts to curb those mandates. in court just last night to try to get a judge to step in and allow these mandates to continue while they continue to fight it out in the courtroom. at least 27 states are suing to block the vaccine requirements that are applying to private companies with 100 or more employees, certain health care workers, as well as federal contractors. let's get over the white house. cnn's john harwood joins me. what is happening with this? >> reporter: first of all, let's underscore the stakes of this for the biden administration. a resurgence of the pandemic this summer soured americans' mood, hurt the economy, and that all helped to drive down president biden's approval ratings, contributed to their poor election showing. highly important to the biden administration to put the pandemic in the rear-view mirror for health reasons and for economic reasons. so they have gone increasingly hard leaning into mandates. they've got in employer mandate that's due to take effect on january 4th. resistant states and businesses, conservatives, went to the most conservative appeals court, the 5th circuit, and got them to issue a stay of the mandate. what the biden administration is doing is going back to the court and saying let's go through the process that is set out in federal law that would involve both having a ten-day process of reviewing the mandate but also letting the case go to a randomly selected court of appeals. that will give them a chance of getting it out of the 5th circuit, which is so conservative, and give them a chance to enforce this mandate and have it go forward. they say they have confidence that ultimately it will be upheld, but they're trying to make sure there are no roadblocks to advance the mandates which they think are the key to changing the mood of americans and getting us out of the pandemic. >> great to see you, john. thank you for that. coming up for us, one year away from the midterm elections and more than a few republicans are feeling pretty optimistic. why some see joe biden as the key to gop victory. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ♪ [laughing and giggling] (woman) hey dad. miss us? 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>> sure. in 2010, you know, republicans were initially declared dead on arrival, sort of how they were after, you know, the most recent elections, and slowly built their way back. we had governors' elections in virginia and new jersey that went better than expected, scott brown. but throughout the process, we were focused on one thing, and that was barack obama's polling numbers. his magic number for us was 46. we felt if he was at or below that, we'd take back the house, and ultimately right before the elections he was at 45 and we had a big election night. it's easy to focus on all the other things. think of how many conversations we've had on critical race theory in the past month or so. it all comes down to what the president's approval rating is, whether he's going to lift votes or sink votes, and democrats are either going to sink or swim based on what joe biden's approval ratings are. >> staying in virginia and focusing on the lesson there, one thing glen youngkin, the republican, now governor-elect, also did is keep donald trump at an arm's distance. maggie haberman is reporting that trump delivered a clear message at a republican congressional campaign dinner last night saying that youngkin would have lost without his support, saying that maga support is the only way to win. with that in mind, i want to play for you what a youngkin campaign adviser said on cnn just today. >> i think what trump is relative to people's lives and, you know, when you have to weigh in on something that he has said, i mean, he's a major figure, then you do it. but i don't think that you take the bait and always talk about a former president when you're talk about your own candidacy. glen youngkin wasn't a trump republican or romney republican, he was a youngkin republican. people appreciated that and gave a hall pass to independents and suburban people who maybe voted for biden to come over and vote for glen. >> here's the thing, though, doug. you have been very clear that you think trump needs to be excised from this party. that's not this. that's not what he's saying. does this work for other republicans other than youngkin? >> i don't think we know yet. i think we'll have to see as republicans continue to campaign. i'd say running for governor is very different than running for senate or for congress. but clearly, what youngkin was trying to do and was successful was a camel walking through the eye of a needle. it's a very difficult thing to do, especially when you have donald trump lobbing grenades all the time that everyone feels the need to respond to, that they were able to show restraint. what a great job not just youngkin did but his team as a rock star and rising star. what they were to do was difficult because anytime donald trump says or does anything, everyone wants to respond or get a response. >> republicans have real internal problems. the latest example is fred upton receive lg threatening voice mails after his vote on the infrastructure bill, after he points to marjorie taylor green publishing his number, calling her a traitor for that vote. let me play his voice mail he gave to cnn. >> i hope you [ bleep ] die, hope your [ bleep ] family dies, hope every [ bleep ] dies, you piece of [ bleep ]. traitor. >> and a photo shopped video of him killing democratic congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez and attacking president biden. i combine these two things because this is -- this kind of reaction is a problem for republicans. it's a problem for leader kevin mccarthy. but do you have any belief that he'll do anything to address any of this? >> you know, i hope so. i don't know at this point. i would say, kevin, you need to do something here, steve, you need to do something here. this hasn't happened in a vacuum. you covered when gabby giffords was shot, when baseball practice for republicans was interrupted by gunfire, steve scalise was shot, obviously january 6th. i worry if we don't condemn this, both leaderships, if we don't condemn this and censure paul gosar, we sacrifice whoever that next member of congress who sumps violence may be. it may be a democrat. it may be a republican. we don't know. but somebody's going to get hurt again. we see this not just here but internationally as well where there are assassinations and attacks. >> the question then becomes -- and i mean this -- is that violence worth getting the majority back? because that's what you weigh, it seems, sadly. >> no, it's not. that's where republican leadership needs to step up here. we need to be able to condemn our members who say and do these kinds of terrible things that don't just put one or two members in congress but really every member of congress in jeopardy. >> good to see you, doug. thank you. >> thank you. coming up for us, missing in america. the families of missing black americans say they are not getting the help that they deserve. cnn follows two families and their desperate search for answers. that's next. >> are you ready to start a great career? 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(kids playing) pnc bank believes that if your phone can help you track your pizza come on, cody. where are you, buddy? then your bank should help you track your spending. virtual wallet® is so much more than a checking account. its low cash mode feature gives you at least 24 hours of extra time to help you avoid an overdraft fee. okay, he's gotta be close. he's six blocks in the other direction. make a left, make a left, make a left! he made a right again. virtual wallet® with low cash mode from pnc bank. one way we're making a difference. we're monitoring live testimony right now in the trial of kyle rittenhouse, who shot three people, killing two of them during protests from kenosha, wisconsin, last year. forensic pathologist doug kelly is on the stand right now. he is the milwaukee county medical examiner, and he is offering graphic forensic detail and testimony about the fatal gunshot wounds. the prosecution could rest its case today, and it is still possible that kyle rittenhouse himself could take the stand during this trial. we are also monitoring the georgia trial of three men charged in the death of 25-year-old ahmaud arbery. an officer who responded to the shooting, he is on the stand, testifying moments ago during his interview with one of the defendants, greg mcmichael, sasay ing he was interrupted more than once, even by bystanders. >> at any point in time was greg mcmichael isolated from speaking with any of the other parties there? >> no. >> was he told to sit on the curb and don't move? >> no. >> was he put in the back of a patrol car? >> no. >> you have unknown people coming up and interrupting and you're trying to get a statement from this person. >> yes, ma'am. >> the officer's body camera video also being entered into evidence during today's proceedings. we'll continue to follow those. now to a report you'll see only on cnn. black and brown families across america are crying out for help as their loved ones remain missing. so many families are saying they have to fight and beg for police to give their full attention to their loved ones' cases, even taking matters into their own hands. >> reporter: at the break of dawn in the middling of the arizona desert, a crowd of strangers meet for one purpose. >> you guys coming out here to help me out, i really appreciate that from the bottom of my heart. >> reporter: to help another stranger, a father desperately searching for his 24-year-old son, daniel robinson. >> since he was a child, he liked to challenge everything. >> reporter: he was born with a challenge. >> i wanted to introduce him to prosthetics because he was born with one hand. we quickly learned he let nothing stop him. he decided to be a geologist once he got to freshman year in college. he graduated with honors. >> reporter: daniel's first job is checking the viability of water wells in the arizona desert. >> he loved this area. if you're a geologist, this is the place to be. >> reporter: but the terrain became hell for his dad when daniel went hissing from his job site. what number search is this? >> 14. >> reporter: navigating the dangers in the desert, the army veteran knows first hand time is of the essence. >> when i called the police department, they told me i had to wait three hours because they had 12-hour, i guess, report time to say a person is missing. i called them back and put in a missing person report. then that's when i got very worried. i asked the buckeye police department to search the area. they also told me that they were going to send a vehicle out there, a helicopter out to search for him. i was relieved. and then he called back an hour later saying, no, it was a no-go. i'm his dad. and he's my son. i've lost all sense of reality. i say they're not going to look for my son, i'm going to do it myself. >> reporter: before he arrived, police did decide to search on foot and with helicopters. this was the last place your son was seen. >> the last place. >> reporter: what do you think happened, david? >> i think a lot happened here. very suspicious. >> reporter: but he doesn't know what. a month in, there's a break in the case, and police called robinson. >> i got afraid, actually, it was going to be some bad news. he said no, we just found his vehicle. some ranchers found it and at that point we conducted our investigation and additional searches. >> reporter: what was the condition of the car? if it rolled over, it sounds like it was pretty bad. >> the car was on its side. the sunroof was kicked out so he may have exited there. >> reporter: he says car in ara screen, both air bags deployed, his cell phone, clothes he was wearing that day, and a kis of water found at the crash site, but not daniel. people don't just disappear into thin air. >> true. >> reporter: did that sort of feel like that's what happened here? >> yes. yeah. it's very, very challenging, this case. >> reporter: no matter how much the family asked for this to be a criminal investigation, can you make that happen? >> we can't make up evidence. absolutely suspicious circumstances related to the case. >> reporter: frustrated and heart heartbroken, robinson hired a private investigator. where are we going? >> down here is where the vehicle was recovered from. >> reporter: is that the glass from the car? >> yes. >> reporter: when you looked at this accident, what are the discrepancies that you note noetsed right away? >> i believe it was more than one collision. >> reporter: what is the data from the black box of the carteling you? >> that there was 11 additional miles on the vehicle since the air bags came out. >> reporter: what does that tell you? >> that tells me it was crashed somewhere else. >> reporter: does that sound suspicious? what explains that? >> well, we have the national expert that provided findings and spoke to an expert at jeep. the expert says sometimes that happens and it's not unusual. >> reporter: the data also shows someone tried to start the car 46 times after the crash. >> that's something we can't explain. >> reporter: it begs the question, again, the family is saying it's criminal, it's got to be he's in danger, do something. >> i agree. but we need information. we need evidence. >> reporter: he's got a lot of theories. his words, i think, were, i don't think they cared. what do you say about that? >> that couldn't be further from the truth. >> reporter: losing hope, robinson began pleading for media coverage. >> it literally took three months. >> reporter: while robinson searched for his son, the country became rif ted in another missing person's case, the case of gabby petito. >> love our children less or something or they're less important. >> reporter: in 2020, more than 543,000 missing persons records were filed. more than 480,000 were cleared. and 40% of the missing are people of color. >> there are a lot of gabby petitos and natalee holloways in the black and brown community. >> reporter: that's why former police officer der ka wilson co-founded black and missing, inc., and say too often their cases go untold. citizens began helping to search. did you know daniel? >> no. i just wanted to help. >> reporter: you're just helping out a stranger on a saturday. >> yeah. yeah. >> reporter: why? >> you know what, i can't imagine what that man is going through. >> reporter: as the search for daniel goes into its fifth month, another family is in the midst of a terrible mystery for a fifth year, the family of nikki and ariana fence. >> ariana is very energetic, very happy. >> reporter: 2-year-old ariana went missing under the most us is pishsuspicious of circumstan in the san francisco area in 2016. her mother, nikki, was found in a shallow grave in mclaren park, but ariana was gone. >> it breaks my heart that ariana is not with her mom and ariana is not with her family, but it also breaks my heart even more is that i know that nikki wants nothing more than ariana to be with us, to be home. >> reporter: she says she is convinced her niece ariana was taken by people close to ariana's mother. san francisco police searched for weeks. they had some leads but no arrests. a digitally altered photo was made of what she may look like now. >> she's 8 now. i don't want to see this in a picture. i want to see her face in person. >> reporter: should ariana fitz be a household name like jonbenet ramsey? >> absolutely. why is her case any different from kaylee anthony? i can tell you. the color of her skin is the only difference. >> reporter: for five desperate years, the family has continued searching, using flyers, social media, and black and missing, inc. >> do you think it has anything to do with color? >> i try not to put myself in the mind-set of the race issue with the media coverage. all i want is for there to be the media coverage for her. i think she deserves that. >> reporter: the fitz and the robinsons want only one thing, hugging their missing children once again. do you think that ariana is still alive? >> i do believe that ariana is still alive. it would mean everything to me to know where she is and to find her. i wait for that day every single day. i believe that day will come. >> reporter: how long will you search? >> till i find my son. i have to. he's my responsibility. >> reporter: cnn, buckeye, arizona. >> great reporting. thank you so much, sarah. coming up for us, a foreign minister giving a speech knee deep in water. what his message is to the world today. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit (announcer) carvana's had a lot of firsts. 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>> we cannot wait for speeches when the sea is rising around us all the time. climate mobility most come to the forefront. we must take bold alternative action today to secure tomorrow. >> joining me now cnn chief climate correspondent bill weir just back from the cop26 climate crisis. you spent six days at the summit in glasgow and have been covering climate for years, and i have to say you wrote the mostying constituently and biting reporter's notebook of your takeaways this time and it will be posted on very soon. i want to read for everyone the closing graph. it's impossible to come to glasgow and not mount pin pinatuboball between hope and clinical despair. you see the light in the eye of an earnest soul as they describe all the things worth saving. tell me more what you learned now that you're back. >> reporter: well, you know, it's so messy, kate, you know. it's sort of a crystallization of human nature in so many ways. yeah. there are so many activists outside frustrated that they can't get into the hearings. frustrated that it's just a parade of more promises that we have we really been hearing from leaders of the last five american presidents. you know, back in rio george h.w. bush first signed on to the idea that this is an issue and, you know, countries together have to figure it out. that's when michael keaton was still batman, you know, and -- and the only thing that's happened to global climate cooking pollution is it's gone up, so the fear is that cop26 is not going to be any different than cops is through 25 even though it's still in our faces. we have a congo line of billion dollar disasters that are just obviously unnatural disasters, but every country has a different political system. every corporation has a different board of directors and shareholders are thinking about, and nobody is saying we're going to stop the production of this oil platform or this coal mine or this pipeline in this vital ten-year decade. everything is all these net zero promises which really is creative accounting based on technology that doesn't even really exist yet. so, yeah. >> that was -- that was so striking though, because it sounds like the math that congress does sometimes which is -- >> yeah. >> we're going to get there, but we're just kind of assuming we'd get there in ten years because the accounting will work in our favor, because when it comes to -- you talk about the plems and the promises, but was there a single real commitment coming from this for urgent and immediate change? >> well, the ones on methane, reducing methane which is, you know, very potent in the near term. that's hugely important. the countries that signed on to that, although the big ones that didn't, russia and china, the deforestation pledge is huge. if they mean it and really this is all just sort of a promise. it's an honor system. there's no international climate court, so it's kind of the same thing as when you go to your doctor and they say how many drinks do you have a week? yeah, one, you know, it's -- it's a complete -- it's a complete fabrication that anybody could fudge if they want to. you have to trust that the people are earnest and they are there, and i look at the people line up. i thought, man, if people can pull together in the same direction, we're capable of a incredible things together, but then you realize that the biggest contingent of lobbyists at cop26 represent oil and gas companies, and maybe some of them have changed their minds about their business models, but these are the same folks in a lot of ways that have been sort of fudging the facts, high the science and pumping this information, you know, out into the national discourse for decades, so it's -- all of these things are competing around each other, but president obama, you know, got a standing ovation standing up there yesterday to talk about how sometimes he gets very dystopian but the cynicism is for cowards, and you have to keep trying. >> i -- when it goes up, everyone should read, it read your reporter's notebook it. kind of crystallizes everything. it's great. thanks, bill. >> you bet. >> "inside politics" with john king begins after a break. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit what's strong with me? what's strong with me? what's strong with me? what's strong with me? with me! with me! what's strong with me? with me! with me. as someone who resembles someone else, i appreciate that liberty mutual knows everyone's unique. that's why they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. oh, yeah. that's the spot. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ say it's all right ♪ ♪ say it's all right, it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ now listen to the beat ♪ ♪ kinda pat your feet ♪ ♪ it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ oh, it's all right ♪ ♪ ♪ there are 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republicans who voted for president biden's infrastructure plan face disgusting threats and

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Trip , Virginia , Average , Alexandria , 11 , 27 , 3 27 , 2 11 , 3 42 , 42 , Supply , Nations , Bit , Losses , Part , Everybody , Measures , Position , Taulk , Piece , Economy , Neil Irwin , Shape , New York Times , Take , Psychology , Folks , It , Income , Spending , Benefits , Sides , Government , Wages , Cash , Income Side , Payments , Child Tax Credit , Money , Wage Earnings , Supply Constraints , Refrigerator , Side , Issues , Meat , Milk , Supply Chain , Citizens , Experience , Inflation , It Inflation , Coloring , American , Sign , Gas Costs , Down The Street , Wrinkle , Discomfort , Highs , 2011 , 2014 , Perspective , Writing , Work , Wage , Sector , Gasoline , 2013 , Nine , Six , October 2013 , Economists , Cost , Why Don T Peel Feel , Store , Mismatch , Raise , Harm , Politician , Divide , Burden , Shortages , Wage Side , Consumer Goods Side , Joe Biden Hasn T , Relief , Term , Prices , Topic , Companies , Production , Investment , Oil , Factors , Consumer Demand , Drillers , 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, Color , Missing , Community , Records , Missing Persons , Natalee Holloways In The Black , Gabby Petitos , 40 , 480000 , 543000 , Der , Ka Wilson Co Founded Black , Saturday , Ariana Fitz , Mystery , Nikki , Midst , Ariana Fence , Circumstan , San Francisco , Pishsuspicious , Shallow Grave In Mclaren Park , 2016 , Home , Mom , Mother , Arrests , Face , Picture , Household Name , Jonbenet Ramsey , 8 , Searching , Skin , Flyers , Social Media , Kaylee Anthony , Inc , Issue , Race , Mind Set , Robinsons , Buckeye , Foreign Minister , Knee , Cooking , Great Reporting , Speech , The World Today , Sarah , Idaho Potatoes , Ray , Vacations , Diabetes , Seal , No , Grown In Idaho , Glucose Levels , A1c , Libre 2 , Visit Freestylelibre Us , Car Buying , Car Vending Machines , Financing , Carvana , Announcer , Cars , Pay , Aren T , Payment , Down Payment , Browse , Credit Score , Budget , Penny , Ride , Me And You , Trees , Green Red , What A Wonderful World , Warning , South Pacific , Tuvalu , 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Each Other , Science , Cynicism , Cowards , Standing Ovation , Bill , Inside Politics , John King , Visit Indeed Com Hire What , You Bet , Unique , Spot , Threats , Business Internet , Safe , Setbacks , Network , Cybersecurity Options , Add Securityedge , 10 , Prepaid Card , Customers , Offer , Device , Business Securityedge , Comcast , Yours , 00 , 500 , Call Today , January 6th Committee , Politics , Focus , Infrastructure Plan , Plus , Associates , Anger , Sight , Extremism , Merrick Garland ,

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Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240709

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scott's concert over the weekend. cnn has obtained documents showing detailed operations plans did not contain a contingency plan for surging crowds despite a history of crowd issues at this very same people. three people were trampled and hospitalized at the astroworld hospital just two years ago. the number of new lawsuits filed against the rapper and live nation is increase big the day. now 18 lawsuits claiming negligence related to the show exist. houston's fire chief telling nbc this morning travis scott should have, quote, absolutely called an end to the concert when he noticed something was wrong. >> the artist has command of that crowd. in my opinion, this is my opinion, because everything is going to be fleshed out throughout this investigation, but certainly a -- the artist, if he notices something is going on, he can certainly pause that performance, turn on the lights and say, hey, we're not going to continue until this thing is resolved. >> now "the wall street journal" is also reporting that police are investigating whether counterfeit pills laced with fentanyl may have played a role in this tragedy. so the eight victims, they have now all been identified, and travel scott says he will pay all of their funeral expenses. it is also important to note there are still other concertgoers that are in the hospital suffering from injuries related to this, in the hospital as we speak. let's get to houston. cnn's rosa flores is standing by for the latest. rosa, kwar you learning about the investigation today? >> reporter: kate, we haven't received an update from the houston police department since saturday, and we've been pushing for answers, we're asking questions, but they have a policy where all they do is tweet, so we are waiting for them to tweet new information and asking if there will be briefings anytime soon. again, the latest update was on saturday when they said this was an ongoing criminal investigation that involved both the homicide and the narcotics division, of course, because of that account from that security officer who said he felt a prick in his neck, that he was revived with narcan. so at this point, all we know is this is a criminal investigation that's in its early stages, kate. >> rosa, we're also hearing, as i mentioned, from some of the victims' families today and their pain, their loss, their grief so, so evident. >> reporter: it is just so incredibly daunting, the pain that these families are feeling and the reality that they're facing. one of those families, the family of danish baig talking to cnn earlier this morning about their pain, about what their loved one went through, and saying that he didn't have to die. take a listen. >> i just want everyone to know that people who lost their lives shouldn't have lost their lives in this festival. all the parties that were -- that set up this event should be held accountable. it's just justice for them, justice for danish, justice for the victims, and justice for the families. that's what we want. and in terms of that, if that means rules and regulations need to be changed, how they do things, how they act and make these events, they need to do something about it. they have blood on their hands. >> to wake up and not be able to hear his voice, to touch him, to kiss him, to tell him how much we love him, it's not going to happen anymore. and the way he left this world is not just. it's not right. it's inhumane what happened to him. >> reporter: the pain is palpable here in houston as more people are also fighting for their lives. the houston fire chief telling me this morning that there are three individuals still in the hospital, two of them in critical condition. one of those individuals is a 9-year-old, a 9-year-old boy who was supposed to have a fun time with his dad at this concert according to his grandfather, who tells cnn that he was here with his father and that this little boy was on his father's shoulders as they were watching this concert and that the crowd was swaying and swaying, and at some point the dad was having difficulty breathing. take a listen. >> with him holding ezra up, he went down, so he got really squeezed and he couldn't breathe. he just told me, dald, id, i cot breathe. >> reporter: kate, what happened, according to this grandfather, is that the dad passed out. the little boy fell on the crowd and then was later transported to the hospital and that he is fighting for his life right now, has damaged multiple organs, including his liver, his heart, his lungs. so we're of course praying for that little boy to recover. kate? >> absolutely. rosa, thank you so much for bringing us the latest. another important story we're watching, gas prices and more americans hitting the road. aaa this morning is predicting more than 53 million americans will be traveling for thanksgiving, even as fuel prices are on the rise, heading towards levels not seen in almost a decade. cnn's pete muntean joins us now with more on this. so, pete, i see the gas price behind you over your shoulder. what are you seeing there? >> reporter: well, aaa anticipates it's really not going to have that big of an impact on people traveling during this thanksgiving travel period. in fact, it forecasts that this jump in numbers this year will be the biggest it has seen since 2005. of course the vast majority of people will drive according to aaa, 48 million people. those numbers not that far off from back in 2019. but for the pandemic, only about a 3% difference, so this will not feel like holiday travel during 2020. in fact, the traffic is back, so is the expense of driving. the average price of a gallon of gas about $1.30 higher than it was just a year ago. a seven-year high and aaa says this will not hold people back from traveling. >> there's a lot more confidence. people are feeling better about traveling. and no matter what the gas prices are, and they are quite a bit higher than last year, people are still going to take that trip. >> reporter: the national average for a gallon of gas now $3.42. it was $2.11 a year ago. it's $3.27 at this exxon in alexandria, virginia. aaa says it's not demand. it's supply and that oil-producing nations might be constricting the supply a little bit, trying to reap some of their pandemic losses from last year when things were pretty cheap. >> pete, thanks so much. as pete is taulk about gas prices, they're a big part of everybody's economic reality. let's see how things are. "americans are by many measures in a better financial position than they have been in many years. they also believe the economy is in terrible shape." that's the take in a new piece of "new york times" senior economic correspondent neil irwin. he joins me now. your piece really stuck with me because it got to kind of the psychology of people's economic reality, which i think is something not considered enough. but to your point, if things are better for most folks than they have been in many years, people still think it's terrible, why is that? >> so, when we think about our economic lives, there's two sides of it -- income and spending. there's the income you bring in from your wages, from your government benefits, things like that, and the money you spend. on the income side, things are looking really good. we've seen the strongest wage earnings the longest time plus the stimulus payments earlier in the year, child tax credit. so people are flush with cash. on the other side, supply constraints are real. meat, milk, everything is more expensive. your refrigerator breaks down, you have to wait months to get a new refrigerator. these supply chain issues are affecting the economic lives of american citizens. >> the lived experience is part of it. why is it inflation -- why is it that it's inflation that seems to be coloring, i guess, maybe is the best way to say it, the way that people see the entire economy so much? >> we get reminded of it all the time. talking about gas prices, every time you're driving down the street, you see the sign of how much a gallon of gas costs and you remember what it was a few months ago. a wrinkle to that, gas prices are still lower than they were throughout the 2011 to 2014 period. it's not as if these are unprecedented highs in gas prices. it's just higher than we're used to. i think that creates a pain and discomfort that people really just don't like. >> i wanted to drill down on that, because you wrote about this. because gas prices are another part and a big part of how people view their economic reality from day to day. one bit of perspective that you offered in your writing as you wrote in october, it took about six minutes of work at the average private sector wage to earn enough to buy one gallon of regular unleaded gasoline. in october 2013, it took almost nine minutes of work. not a way i've thought about it before, but it had me thinking, and again i ask, why don't peel feel that way? >> to economists, inflation is cost and benefits. the things you buy are more expensive. so is your income. for most people living your life, those are disconnected. if you got a raise this year, you feel like you earned that, that's great. if things cost more at the store, that's an unpleasant harm to you that annoys you. there's a mismatch in psychology on what happens on the income side, the wage side, and the consumer goods side, and i think that divide is really central to why these supply constraints, this inflation, these shortages are really a burden. >> and that also gets to what can any politician or especially any president do to offer relief? this gets to economic policy in the near and long term. but when it comes to gas prices especially, since this is a big topic, there really is lit that will any politician or president like president biden can do to offer relief when it comes to gas prices quickly. right? >> yeah, that's just the reality. it involves overseas production, involves investment by drillers and oil companies in the u.s. it involves consumer demand. a lot of factors involved. the government doesn't have too many levers to control. as plenty of presidents have experienced, high gas prices hurt popularity but not something you can turn a dial and adjust. >> great to see you, neil. thank you very much. >> thanks, kate. coming up for us, new subpoenas for a new group of some of donald trump's most loyal supporters. why all eyes are on the attorney general next. your history.h do you remember who this is? 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>> reporter: there are tight deadlines for the six trump allies but since they're close to the former president, will they follow steve bannon's lead and deny it since the justice department hasn't acted on the criminal contempt for bannon? the first deadline for the six to comply is november 23rd for the production of documents, and then the committee has scheduled depositions for all six the last week of november and the first week of december. as we've seen from other trump allies or administration officials that the committee has subpoenaed, these deadlines could easily slide, especially if any of these six start engaging with the committee, working to supply them with information or they could just flatout refuse as we've seen from steve bannon. so the committee says what they all in common, these six, is they were involved in promoting the big lie that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. the only person we've heard from so far is bernie karic, the former new york city police commissioner, now aligned with donald trump. he paid for rooms and suites at the willard hotel in washington, and he worked with rudy giuliani, kate, to embrace and perpetuate baseless allegations of voter fraud. bernie karic is acting defiant, saying he won't be threatened, interim dated, or forced or silenced. so, kate, already seeing defiance from at least one trump ally that's been subpoenaed. we'll see what happens with the other five. kate? >> thanks for your reporting. president biden has made clear he credits vaccine mandates for helping to get the pandemic under control. now the justice department is fighting back against attempts to curb those mandates. in court just last night to try to get a judge to step in and allow these mandates to continue while they continue to fight it out in the courtroom. at least 27 states are suing to block the vaccine requirements that are applying to private companies with 100 or more employees, certain health care workers, as well as federal contractors. let's get over the white house. cnn's john harwood joins me. what is happening with this? >> reporter: first of all, let's underscore the stakes of this for the biden administration. a resurgence of the pandemic this summer soured americans' mood, hurt the economy, and that all helped to drive down president biden's approval ratings, contributed to their poor election showing. highly important to the biden administration to put the pandemic in the rear-view mirror for health reasons and for economic reasons. so they have gone increasingly hard leaning into mandates. they've got in employer mandate that's due to take effect on january 4th. resistant states and businesses, conservatives, went to the most conservative appeals court, the 5th circuit, and got them to issue a stay of the mandate. what the biden administration is doing is going back to the court and saying let's go through the process that is set out in federal law that would involve both having a ten-day process of reviewing the mandate but also letting the case go to a randomly selected court of appeals. that will give them a chance of getting it out of the 5th circuit, which is so conservative, and give them a chance to enforce this mandate and have it go forward. they say they have confidence that ultimately it will be upheld, but they're trying to make sure there are no roadblocks to advance the mandates which they think are the key to changing the mood of americans and getting us out of the pandemic. >> great to see you, john. thank you for that. coming up for us, one year away from the midterm elections and more than a few republicans are feeling pretty optimistic. why some see joe biden as the key to gop victory. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ♪ [laughing and giggling] (woman) hey dad. miss us? 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>> sure. in 2010, you know, republicans were initially declared dead on arrival, sort of how they were after, you know, the most recent elections, and slowly built their way back. we had governors' elections in virginia and new jersey that went better than expected, scott brown. but throughout the process, we were focused on one thing, and that was barack obama's polling numbers. his magic number for us was 46. we felt if he was at or below that, we'd take back the house, and ultimately right before the elections he was at 45 and we had a big election night. it's easy to focus on all the other things. think of how many conversations we've had on critical race theory in the past month or so. it all comes down to what the president's approval rating is, whether he's going to lift votes or sink votes, and democrats are either going to sink or swim based on what joe biden's approval ratings are. >> staying in virginia and focusing on the lesson there, one thing glen youngkin, the republican, now governor-elect, also did is keep donald trump at an arm's distance. maggie haberman is reporting that trump delivered a clear message at a republican congressional campaign dinner last night saying that youngkin would have lost without his support, saying that maga support is the only way to win. with that in mind, i want to play for you what a youngkin campaign adviser said on cnn just today. >> i think what trump is relative to people's lives and, you know, when you have to weigh in on something that he has said, i mean, he's a major figure, then you do it. but i don't think that you take the bait and always talk about a former president when you're talk about your own candidacy. glen youngkin wasn't a trump republican or romney republican, he was a youngkin republican. people appreciated that and gave a hall pass to independents and suburban people who maybe voted for biden to come over and vote for glen. >> here's the thing, though, doug. you have been very clear that you think trump needs to be excised from this party. that's not this. that's not what he's saying. does this work for other republicans other than youngkin? >> i don't think we know yet. i think we'll have to see as republicans continue to campaign. i'd say running for governor is very different than running for senate or for congress. but clearly, what youngkin was trying to do and was successful was a camel walking through the eye of a needle. it's a very difficult thing to do, especially when you have donald trump lobbing grenades all the time that everyone feels the need to respond to, that they were able to show restraint. what a great job not just youngkin did but his team as a rock star and rising star. what they were to do was difficult because anytime donald trump says or does anything, everyone wants to respond or get a response. >> republicans have real internal problems. the latest example is fred upton receive lg threatening voice mails after his vote on the infrastructure bill, after he points to marjorie taylor green publishing his number, calling her a traitor for that vote. let me play his voice mail he gave to cnn. >> i hope you [ bleep ] die, hope your [ bleep ] family dies, hope every [ bleep ] dies, you piece of [ bleep ]. traitor. >> and a photo shopped video of him killing democratic congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez and attacking president biden. i combine these two things because this is -- this kind of reaction is a problem for republicans. it's a problem for leader kevin mccarthy. but do you have any belief that he'll do anything to address any of this? >> you know, i hope so. i don't know at this point. i would say, kevin, you need to do something here, steve, you need to do something here. this hasn't happened in a vacuum. you covered when gabby giffords was shot, when baseball practice for republicans was interrupted by gunfire, steve scalise was shot, obviously january 6th. i worry if we don't condemn this, both leaderships, if we don't condemn this and censure paul gosar, we sacrifice whoever that next member of congress who sumps violence may be. it may be a democrat. it may be a republican. we don't know. but somebody's going to get hurt again. we see this not just here but internationally as well where there are assassinations and attacks. >> the question then becomes -- and i mean this -- is that violence worth getting the majority back? because that's what you weigh, it seems, sadly. >> no, it's not. that's where republican leadership needs to step up here. we need to be able to condemn our members who say and do these kinds of terrible things that don't just put one or two members in congress but really every member of congress in jeopardy. >> good to see you, doug. thank you. >> thank you. coming up for us, missing in america. the families of missing black americans say they are not getting the help that they deserve. cnn follows two families and their desperate search for answers. that's next. >> are you ready to start a great career? 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(kids playing) pnc bank believes that if your phone can help you track your pizza come on, cody. where are you, buddy? then your bank should help you track your spending. virtual wallet® is so much more than a checking account. its low cash mode feature gives you at least 24 hours of extra time to help you avoid an overdraft fee. okay, he's gotta be close. he's six blocks in the other direction. make a left, make a left, make a left! he made a right again. virtual wallet® with low cash mode from pnc bank. one way we're making a difference. we're monitoring live testimony right now in the trial of kyle rittenhouse, who shot three people, killing two of them during protests from kenosha, wisconsin, last year. forensic pathologist doug kelly is on the stand right now. he is the milwaukee county medical examiner, and he is offering graphic forensic detail and testimony about the fatal gunshot wounds. the prosecution could rest its case today, and it is still possible that kyle rittenhouse himself could take the stand during this trial. we are also monitoring the georgia trial of three men charged in the death of 25-year-old ahmaud arbery. an officer who responded to the shooting, he is on the stand, testifying moments ago during his interview with one of the defendants, greg mcmichael, sasay ing he was interrupted more than once, even by bystanders. >> at any point in time was greg mcmichael isolated from speaking with any of the other parties there? >> no. >> was he told to sit on the curb and don't move? >> no. >> was he put in the back of a patrol car? >> no. >> you have unknown people coming up and interrupting and you're trying to get a statement from this person. >> yes, ma'am. >> the officer's body camera video also being entered into evidence during today's proceedings. we'll continue to follow those. now to a report you'll see only on cnn. black and brown families across america are crying out for help as their loved ones remain missing. so many families are saying they have to fight and beg for police to give their full attention to their loved ones' cases, even taking matters into their own hands. >> reporter: at the break of dawn in the middling of the arizona desert, a crowd of strangers meet for one purpose. >> you guys coming out here to help me out, i really appreciate that from the bottom of my heart. >> reporter: to help another stranger, a father desperately searching for his 24-year-old son, daniel robinson. >> since he was a child, he liked to challenge everything. >> reporter: he was born with a challenge. >> i wanted to introduce him to prosthetics because he was born with one hand. we quickly learned he let nothing stop him. he decided to be a geologist once he got to freshman year in college. he graduated with honors. >> reporter: daniel's first job is checking the viability of water wells in the arizona desert. >> he loved this area. if you're a geologist, this is the place to be. >> reporter: but the terrain became hell for his dad when daniel went hissing from his job site. what number search is this? >> 14. >> reporter: navigating the dangers in the desert, the army veteran knows first hand time is of the essence. >> when i called the police department, they told me i had to wait three hours because they had 12-hour, i guess, report time to say a person is missing. i called them back and put in a missing person report. then that's when i got very worried. i asked the buckeye police department to search the area. they also told me that they were going to send a vehicle out there, a helicopter out to search for him. i was relieved. and then he called back an hour later saying, no, it was a no-go. i'm his dad. and he's my son. i've lost all sense of reality. i say they're not going to look for my son, i'm going to do it myself. >> reporter: before he arrived, police did decide to search on foot and with helicopters. this was the last place your son was seen. >> the last place. >> reporter: what do you think happened, david? >> i think a lot happened here. very suspicious. >> reporter: but he doesn't know what. a month in, there's a break in the case, and police called robinson. >> i got afraid, actually, it was going to be some bad news. he said no, we just found his vehicle. some ranchers found it and at that point we conducted our investigation and additional searches. >> reporter: what was the condition of the car? if it rolled over, it sounds like it was pretty bad. >> the car was on its side. the sunroof was kicked out so he may have exited there. >> reporter: he says car in ara screen, both air bags deployed, his cell phone, clothes he was wearing that day, and a kis of water found at the crash site, but not daniel. people don't just disappear into thin air. >> true. >> reporter: did that sort of feel like that's what happened here? >> yes. yeah. it's very, very challenging, this case. >> reporter: no matter how much the family asked for this to be a criminal investigation, can you make that happen? >> we can't make up evidence. absolutely suspicious circumstances related to the case. >> reporter: frustrated and heart heartbroken, robinson hired a private investigator. where are we going? >> down here is where the vehicle was recovered from. >> reporter: is that the glass from the car? >> yes. >> reporter: when you looked at this accident, what are the discrepancies that you note noetsed right away? >> i believe it was more than one collision. >> reporter: what is the data from the black box of the carteling you? >> that there was 11 additional miles on the vehicle since the air bags came out. >> reporter: what does that tell you? >> that tells me it was crashed somewhere else. >> reporter: does that sound suspicious? what explains that? >> well, we have the national expert that provided findings and spoke to an expert at jeep. the expert says sometimes that happens and it's not unusual. >> reporter: the data also shows someone tried to start the car 46 times after the crash. >> that's something we can't explain. >> reporter: it begs the question, again, the family is saying it's criminal, it's got to be he's in danger, do something. >> i agree. but we need information. we need evidence. >> reporter: he's got a lot of theories. his words, i think, were, i don't think they cared. what do you say about that? >> that couldn't be further from the truth. >> reporter: losing hope, robinson began pleading for media coverage. >> it literally took three months. >> reporter: while robinson searched for his son, the country became rif ted in another missing person's case, the case of gabby petito. >> love our children less or something or they're less important. >> reporter: in 2020, more than 543,000 missing persons records were filed. more than 480,000 were cleared. and 40% of the missing are people of color. >> there are a lot of gabby petitos and natalee holloways in the black and brown community. >> reporter: that's why former police officer der ka wilson co-founded black and missing, inc., and say too often their cases go untold. citizens began helping to search. did you know daniel? >> no. i just wanted to help. >> reporter: you're just helping out a stranger on a saturday. >> yeah. yeah. >> reporter: why? >> you know what, i can't imagine what that man is going through. >> reporter: as the search for daniel goes into its fifth month, another family is in the midst of a terrible mystery for a fifth year, the family of nikki and ariana fence. >> ariana is very energetic, very happy. >> reporter: 2-year-old ariana went missing under the most us is pishsuspicious of circumstan in the san francisco area in 2016. her mother, nikki, was found in a shallow grave in mclaren park, but ariana was gone. >> it breaks my heart that ariana is not with her mom and ariana is not with her family, but it also breaks my heart even more is that i know that nikki wants nothing more than ariana to be with us, to be home. >> reporter: she says she is convinced her niece ariana was taken by people close to ariana's mother. san francisco police searched for weeks. they had some leads but no arrests. a digitally altered photo was made of what she may look like now. >> she's 8 now. i don't want to see this in a picture. i want to see her face in person. >> reporter: should ariana fitz be a household name like jonbenet ramsey? >> absolutely. why is her case any different from kaylee anthony? i can tell you. the color of her skin is the only difference. >> reporter: for five desperate years, the family has continued searching, using flyers, social media, and black and missing, inc. >> do you think it has anything to do with color? >> i try not to put myself in the mind-set of the race issue with the media coverage. all i want is for there to be the media coverage for her. i think she deserves that. >> reporter: the fitz and the robinsons want only one thing, hugging their missing children once again. do you think that ariana is still alive? >> i do believe that ariana is still alive. it would mean everything to me to know where she is and to find her. i wait for that day every single day. i believe that day will come. >> reporter: how long will you search? >> till i find my son. i have to. he's my responsibility. >> reporter: cnn, buckeye, arizona. >> great reporting. thank you so much, sarah. coming up for us, a foreign minister giving a speech knee deep in water. what his message is to the world today. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit (announcer) carvana's had a lot of firsts. 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>> we cannot wait for speeches when the sea is rising around us all the time. climate mobility most come to the forefront. we must take bold alternative action today to secure tomorrow. >> joining me now cnn chief climate correspondent bill weir just back from the cop26 climate crisis. you spent six days at the summit in glasgow and have been covering climate for years, and i have to say you wrote the mostying constituently and biting reporter's notebook of your takeaways this time and it will be posted on very soon. i want to read for everyone the closing graph. it's impossible to come to glasgow and not mount pin pinatuboball between hope and clinical despair. you see the light in the eye of an earnest soul as they describe all the things worth saving. tell me more what you learned now that you're back. >> reporter: well, you know, it's so messy, kate, you know. it's sort of a crystallization of human nature in so many ways. yeah. there are so many activists outside frustrated that they can't get into the hearings. frustrated that it's just a parade of more promises that we have we really been hearing from leaders of the last five american presidents. you know, back in rio george h.w. bush first signed on to the idea that this is an issue and, you know, countries together have to figure it out. that's when michael keaton was still batman, you know, and -- and the only thing that's happened to global climate cooking pollution is it's gone up, so the fear is that cop26 is not going to be any different than cops is through 25 even though it's still in our faces. we have a congo line of billion dollar disasters that are just obviously unnatural disasters, but every country has a different political system. every corporation has a different board of directors and shareholders are thinking about, and nobody is saying we're going to stop the production of this oil platform or this coal mine or this pipeline in this vital ten-year decade. everything is all these net zero promises which really is creative accounting based on technology that doesn't even really exist yet. so, yeah. >> that was -- that was so striking though, because it sounds like the math that congress does sometimes which is -- >> yeah. >> we're going to get there, but we're just kind of assuming we'd get there in ten years because the accounting will work in our favor, because when it comes to -- you talk about the plems and the promises, but was there a single real commitment coming from this for urgent and immediate change? >> well, the ones on methane, reducing methane which is, you know, very potent in the near term. that's hugely important. the countries that signed on to that, although the big ones that didn't, russia and china, the deforestation pledge is huge. if they mean it and really this is all just sort of a promise. it's an honor system. there's no international climate court, so it's kind of the same thing as when you go to your doctor and they say how many drinks do you have a week? yeah, one, you know, it's -- it's a complete -- it's a complete fabrication that anybody could fudge if they want to. you have to trust that the people are earnest and they are there, and i look at the people line up. i thought, man, if people can pull together in the same direction, we're capable of a incredible things together, but then you realize that the biggest contingent of lobbyists at cop26 represent oil and gas companies, and maybe some of them have changed their minds about their business models, but these are the same folks in a lot of ways that have been sort of fudging the facts, high the science and pumping this information, you know, out into the national discourse for decades, so it's -- all of these things are competing around each other, but president obama, you know, got a standing ovation standing up there yesterday to talk about how sometimes he gets very dystopian but the cynicism is for cowards, and you have to keep trying. >> i -- when it goes up, everyone should read, it read your reporter's notebook it. kind of crystallizes everything. it's great. thanks, bill. >> you bet. >> "inside politics" with john king begins after a break. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit what's strong with me? what's strong with me? what's strong with me? what's strong with me? with me! with me! what's strong with me? with me! with me. as someone who resembles someone else, i appreciate that liberty mutual knows everyone's unique. that's why they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. oh, yeah. that's the spot. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ say it's all right ♪ ♪ say it's all right, it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ now listen to the beat ♪ ♪ kinda pat your feet ♪ ♪ it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ oh, it's all right ♪ ♪ ♪ there are 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republicans who voted for president biden's infrastructure plan face disgusting threats and

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Tweet , Houston Police Department , Course , Briefings , Homicide , Narcotics Division , Point , Security Officer , Hearing , Prick , Account , Stages , Neck , Narcan , Families , Stiffness , Some , Feeling , Reality , Danish Baig , Lives , Listen , Parties , Shouldn T , Their , Festival , Justice , Terms , Event , Accountable , Danish , Things , Voice , Hands , Blood , Rules , Regulations , Events , Way , World , Him , Individuals , Morning , Condition , Boy , Dad , Grandfather , Father , 9 , Him Holding Ezra Up , Swaying , Difficulty Breathing , Shoulders , Dald , Couldn T Breathe , Cot Breathe , Id , Life , Heart , Fighting , Liver , Organs , Gas Prices , Story , Road , Lungs , Fuel Prices , Levels , Rise , Gas Price , Pete Muntean , 53 Million , Numbers , Aaa , Fact , Shoulder , Pandemic , Difference , Back , Majority , Holiday Travel , 2019 , 2005 , 48 Million , 3 , Gallon , Expense , Price , Traffic , Driving , Seven , 1 30 , 2020 , 30 , Lot , Confidence , Matter , Traveling , Trip , Virginia , Average , Alexandria , 11 , 27 , 3 27 , 2 11 , 3 42 , 42 , Supply , Nations , Bit , Losses , Part , Everybody , Measures , Position , Taulk , Piece , Economy , Neil Irwin , Shape , New York Times , Take , Psychology , Folks , It , Income , Spending , Benefits , Sides , Government , Wages , Cash , Income Side , Payments , Child Tax Credit , Money , Wage Earnings , Supply Constraints , Refrigerator , Side , Issues , Meat , Milk , Supply Chain , Citizens , Experience , Inflation , It Inflation , Coloring , American , Sign , Gas Costs , Down The Street , Wrinkle , Discomfort , Highs , 2011 , 2014 , Perspective , Writing , Work , Wage , Sector , Gasoline , 2013 , Nine , Six , October 2013 , Economists , Cost , Why Don T Peel Feel , Store , Mismatch , Raise , Harm , Politician , Divide , Burden , Shortages , Wage Side , Consumer Goods Side , Joe Biden Hasn T , Relief , Term , Prices , Topic , Companies , Production , Investment , Oil , Factors , Consumer Demand , Drillers , Presidents , Doesn T , Levers , Popularity , Neil , Dial , Gift , Coming Up , Donald Trump , Subpoenas , Supporters , Group , Attorney General , Bonds , Eyes , Woman , Holiday , Nose , Papa , Ancestry , Veteran , Sleep Number , Pressure Points , Sleep , Bed , Movements , Smart Bed , Sale , Temperature Balancing , Special Edition , 360 , 1000 , 000 , Base , Delivery , Ends Monday , Time , Beat , Feet , Arthritis , Inflammation , Strength , Swords Clashing , Don T , Season , Deals , Kick Pain , Score , Gods , Head , Black Friday , Walmart , Aspercreme , Congress , Members , Plan , Election Campaign , Demand , Advisers , Else , Ways , Election Results , House Select Committee Digging Into January 6th , 6 , January 6th , Allies , Deadlines , Investigation , J Jessica Schneider , Republican National Committee , Department Hasn T , Deadline , Lead , Steve Bannon , Criminal Contempt , 23 , November 23rd , Administration , Trump , Officials , Any , Week , Depositions , Slide , Election , Common , Refuse , Big Lie , Person , Bernie Karic , Rooms , New York City Police Commissioner , Willard Hotel In Washington , Suites , Rudy Giuliani , Interim , Voter Fraud , Allegations , Threatened , Bernie Karic Is Acting Defiant , Reporting , Control , Ally , Vaccine Mandates , Five , Mandates , Department , Courtroom , Judge , Attempts , 27 , Health Care Workers , Vaccine Requirements , Contractors , John Harwood , 100 , Mood , Let , Resurgence , Stakes , Underscore , Approval Ratings , Showing , Reasons , Health Reasons , Rear View Mirror , Mandate , 5th Circuit , Conservatives , States , Businesses , Employer , Effect , January 4th , 4 , 5 , Process , Court Of Appeals , Stay , Doing , Let S Go , Case , Law , Chance , Ten , Elections , Roadblocks , Key , Victory , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Job Description , Candidates , Indeed Instant Match , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Miss , Giggling , Vo , Greetings , Audi , Someone , Books , Intuit Quickbooks , Business , Expert Bookkeepers , Expert Bookkeeper , Customization , Dj , Live Bookkeeping , Liberty Mutual , Liberty , Car Insurance , Throwback , Liberty Uh , Office , Estimate , Demo , Small Business , All In One , Management Software , High Thryv , Thryv , Yep , Ow , Ideas , Dark , Flexibility , Problem , Democrats , Poll , Alarm , 58 , Job , Problems , Attention , Nation , Disapprove , Share , Adults , 48 , 52 , Hasn T , 34 , 15 , Line , Communications Director , Many , Individual , Tree , Leaf , Blindingly Obvious Forest , Rnc , 2010 , New Jersey , Governors , Arrival , Scott Brown , Barack Obama , House , Magic Number , Polling Numbers , Election Night , 45 , 46 , Votes , Approval Rating , Race Theory , Conversations , Governor , Glen Youngkin , Maggie Haberman , Staying , Elect , Is , Distance , Lesson , Arm , Support , Mind , Message , Campaign Adviser , Campaign Dinner , Bait , Figure , Independents , Candidacy , Wasn T A Trump , Hall Pass , Romney , Vote , Party , Glen , Doug , Campaign , Running , Camel Walking , Senate , Eye , Lobbing , Grenades , Needle , Team , Restraint , Anything , Fred Upton , Response , Example , Rock Star And Rising , Traitor , Bleep , Infrastructure Bill , Voice Mails , Marjorie Taylor Green Publishing , Voice Mail , Photo , Hope Every , Video , Kind , Kevin Mccarthy , Ocasio Cortez , Reaction , Belief , Steve Scalise , Vacuum , Leaderships , Shot , Baseball Practice , Censure , Gabby Giffords , Gunfire , Member , Somebody , Assassinations , Who Sumps Violence , Paul Gosar , Question , Leadership , Attacks , Violence , Doug Kelly , Kinds , Jeopardy , Missing In America , Search , Help , Room , Career , Safelite , Lots , Opportunities , Singers , Safelite Repair , Pill , Medicine Fast , Song , Laser , Packs , Gels , Pain Relief , Pain Hits Fast , Tylenol Rapid , Drilled Holes , Water , Man , Screen Saver , Looks , Yodeling High , 1 , 2 , Yo De Le He , More , Adventure , Look , Lower , Both , Let S Go Lower , Uh , Sounds Good , Hm , Subaru Outback Wilderness , Love , Rinvoq , Mission , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Symptoms , Joints , Ra , Immune System , Attack , Rinvoq Relief , Fatigue , Infections , Changes , Intestines , Lab Results , Tuberculosis , Ability , Blood Clots , Stomach , Tears , Cancers , Lymphoma , Doctor , Bloodwork , Rheumatologist , Technology , Starts , Fullest , Miracle Earmini , Trial , Miracle Ear , Obligation , 1 800 Miracle , Thirty , 800 , Wallet , Bank , Phone , Checking Account , Pizza , Kids Playing , Cody , Left , Direction , Overdraft Fee , Blocks , Gotta , 24 , Pnc Bank , Stand , Testimony , Protests , Kyle Rittenhouse , Who , Wisconsin , Kenosha , Medical Examiner , Graphic Forensic , Detail , Milwaukee County , Prosecution , Rittenhouse , Gunshot Wounds , Men , Death , Georgia , Officer , Greg Mcmichael , Interview , Shooting , Defendants , The Stand , Sasay Ing He , Ahmaud Arbery , 25 , Move , Bystanders , Curb , Evidence , Patrol Car , Statement , Body Camera Video , Proceedings , Yes , Ma Am , Report , Cases , Loved Ones , Arizona Desert , Strangers , Middling , Purpose , Guys , Break Of Dawn , Daniel Robinson , Stranger , Child , Bottom , Challenge , Nothing , Geologist , Freshman Year , Hand , College , Honors , Area , Place , Hell , Water Wells , Terrain , Viability , Police Department , Desert , Job Site , Dangers , Hissing , Essence , Army , 14 , Buckeye Police Department , 12 , Vehicle , No Go , My Son , Helicopter , Son , Helicopters , Sense , Foot , Break , Called Robinson , News , David , He Doesn T Know What , Car , Ranchers , Searches , Air Bags , Cell Phone , Sunroof , Kis , Crash Site , Ara Screen , Air , Feel , , True , Investigator , Circumstances , Frustrated And Heart Heartbroken , Data , Glass , Collision , Discrepancies , Accident , Noetsed , Black Box , Somewhere , Sound , 11 , Expert , Times , Crash , Findings , Jeep , Theories , Words , Danger , Media Coverage , Couldn T , Truth , Pleading , Losing Hope , Country , Children , Gabby Petito , Rif Ted , Color , Missing , Community , Records , Missing Persons , Natalee Holloways In The Black , Gabby Petitos , 40 , 480000 , 543000 , Der , Ka Wilson Co Founded Black , Saturday , Ariana Fitz , Mystery , Nikki , Midst , Ariana Fence , Circumstan , San Francisco , Pishsuspicious , Shallow Grave In Mclaren Park , 2016 , Home , Mom , Mother , Arrests , Face , Picture , Household Name , Jonbenet Ramsey , 8 , Searching , Skin , Flyers , Social Media , Kaylee Anthony , Inc , Issue , Race , Mind Set , Robinsons , Buckeye , Foreign Minister , Knee , Cooking , Great Reporting , Speech , The World Today , Sarah , Idaho Potatoes , Ray , Vacations , Diabetes , Seal , No , Grown In Idaho , Glucose Levels , A1c , Libre 2 , Visit Freestylelibre Us , Car Buying , Car Vending Machines , Financing , Carvana , Announcer , Cars , Pay , Aren T , Payment , Down Payment , Browse , Credit Score , Budget , Penny , Ride , Me And You , Trees , Green Red , What A Wonderful World , Warning , South Pacific , Tuvalu , Sea Water , Crisis , Speeches , Island , Order , Land , Hawaii , Australia , Forefront , Action , Sea , Alternative , Climate Mobility , Climate , Summit , Cop26 Climate Crisis , Chief Climate Correspondent , Glasgow , Bill Weir , Cop26 , Notebook , Closing Graph , Takeaways , Mostying Constituently , Pin Pinatuboball , Hope , Light , Saving , Despair , Soul , Activists , Crystallization , Human Nature , Promises , Hearings , Leaders , Parade , Rio , George H W , Bush First , Countries , Pollution , Idea , Michael Keaton , Batman , Cops , Fear , Faces , Dollar Disasters , Nobody , System , Corporation , Disasters , Shareholders , Oil Platform , Board Of Directors , Accounting , Pipeline , Zero , Math , Though , Favor , Methane , Ones , Plems , Commitment , Change , Single , Promise , Didn T , Honor System , Deforestation Pledge , China , Russia , Climate Court , Drinks , Anybody , Fabrication , Contingent , Minds , Business Models , Lobbyists , Oil And Gas , Facts , It S , Discourse , Each Other , Science , Cynicism , Cowards , Standing Ovation , Bill , Inside Politics , John King , Visit Indeed Com Hire What , You Bet , Unique , Spot , Threats , Business Internet , Safe , Setbacks , Network , Cybersecurity Options , Add Securityedge , 10 , Prepaid Card , Customers , Offer , Device , Business Securityedge , Comcast , Yours , 00 , 500 , Call Today , January 6th Committee , Politics , Focus , Infrastructure Plan , Plus , Associates , Anger , Sight , Extremism , Merrick Garland ,

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