Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709

said that. much like in the george floyd case, this is the center really of this case, of getting that on videotape. >> i mean if it hadn't been on videotape -- look, even what they had on videotape was twisted, to try to make this story something that it wasn't early on. >> remember, there wouldn't be an arrest. remember, you and i were trying to get this videotape on the air. you remember the beginnings of this. this was before george floyd and having mrs. cooper -- wanda cooper-jones on and, you know, family members and the attorneys bringing light to this case. then we were going with ahmaud arbery. i remember you had the man on who was the neighbor, right? remember that? >> roddie, the man who made the video, with his lawyer, who basically said, you know, my client is the village idiot, and he's not sophisticated enough to answer any questions about this. i don't even know why he put the guy on tv. he couldn't have made him look any worse. but the situation has always been painfully obvious. there was no move on it because it was a home job on the investigative side early on. and that has become part of an extension of the justice process here. but you have to see it through because even the idea of what they want to use as a defense here -- so they're going to use basically a law that's not on the books anymore about citizen's arrest. and that's why the prosecutors early on are putting witnesses on to battle what they assume will be an affirmative case by the defense. the defendse doesn't have to pu on a case, but if it does, it will be self-defense. they'll say there were a lot of crimes in the area. this guy was coming and we were told he committed a crime. it might have been a mistake of fact, but we were acting in good faith. then when that falls down, they're going to say, yeah, but he tried to kill us. >> we're dealing with two cases now of people basically taking the law into their own hands, right? the case in kenosha, wisconsin, someone who came across state lines with a gun, too young to really carry a gun legally. now he's on trial. then you have these two gentlemen who take the law into their own hands. you can call them vigilantes. in both cases, lives are lost, and we're dealing with it right now. we'll see the limits of our justice system and to see if justice is really served in these cases. but the narratives -- when you see the narratives played out in the media, when you just read them and look at them, it's very different oftentimes as to what plays out in a court of law and what a jury sees and actually what they get to see and the evidence they can even bring in. it's an amazing insight into our justice system. >> well, look, our culture is about crowdsourcing consequences right now on social media, which is about fervor and feel. you only know what you show in a court of law, and there's a burden of proof that is literally a universe away from what we deal with culturally. the signature standard very simply explained is that no explanation makes more sense than what the prosecution just told you. >> yeah. >> that it is beyond any reasonable doubt. so that even if you have a little bit of a doubt, well, you know, the way the guy moved, maybe i would have felt that way. >> but is that reasonable? >> that's enough. so it's very high because that's the way our justice is supposed to be. don't forget, don, we've got a third case where people took lives into their own hand and somebody died. that's january 6th. >> that's what i'm going to get to. >> the ultimate manifestation. >> i wanted to get to -- you know what i wanted to talk about because we were wondering the last time you and i spoke, right? if aaron rodgers, if it was true, if he was vaccinated, immunized -- >> i kept telling you he wasn't vaccinated. >> he lied. >> there's my boy. >> chris, thank you. hey, chris, are you vaccinated? i'm immunized. what? >> yeah. >> he lied. listen -- >> i'm good. i got secret sauce. >> it's laughable. it's not even funny because of the amount of people that he put in jeopardy, and then he lied. look, if he didn't want to do it, all he had to say was, i didn't want to do it. >> i touched all the bases. i talked to joe rogan. i'm good. i talked to joe rogan. i'm going to go. >> look, with all due respect to everybody and joe rogan, the next time aaron rodgers, god forbid, he gets hurt on the field, let's see who they're going to call in. are they going to call in joe rogan? are they going to call in some person who believes in homeopathic treatments for covid, or are they going to call in a real doctor who can help him, a medical expert? that's where the rubber meets the road. next time he says, if i'm hurt on the field, let's call joe rogan. >> aaron rodgers is doing off the field something he never does on the field. he's making bad choices. >> bad. >> he's doubling down on them, and he's running further and further behind his own line of scrimmage towards his end zone. >> this is cancel culture and the woke mob. he lied. i got to go. i got to go. >> i love you, d. lemon. >> not as much as i love you. by the way, listen to the handoff. we talk about all of this. >> are you telling me to listen to it? >> no. i'm telling the audience to listen to it. it's a good one because we don't get that heated usually. well, maybe we do. >> you always get heated. >> all right. see you later. >> you get heated talking to yourself. >> see you. this is don lemon tonight. as we mentioned six new subpoenas for key players in the former president's inner circle. campaign manager bill stepien who was in charge as the campaign morphed into the stop the steal effort to jason miller, who even before the election claimed democrats would steal it, to john easteastman, man behind the scheme for mike pence to overturn the election. michael flynn, who talked about seizing voting machines and declaring martial law. >> if he wanted to, he could take military capabilities, and he could place them in those states and basically rerun an election. >> no, he couldn't. nope. not without destroying our democracy. and there's more. angela mccallum reportedly part of the efforts to pressure state legislators and bernie kerik reportedly in the willett hotel, so-called the war room there with rudy giuliani, with steve bannon and with john eastman the day before the insurrection. what was going on? six key players added to the growing list of the former president's insiders target by the january 6th committee. they know a whole lot, but the question is will they cooperate, or will they stonewall like steve bannon? that is happening as president joe biden's approval rating is upside down in our brand-new cnn poll. take a look at your screen now. 58% say that he's not focused on the right issues. and the issue the american people care about the most, that's the economy, by far. remember, it's the economy, stupid. still is. you see it in the polls. you saw it in last week's election. people care about soaring gas and energy prices. right now that's what they care about. and it's going too take time t feel the effects of that $1.2 trillion for infrastructure. meanwhile, republicans in the wake of their election high last week are facing a moment of truth right now. will a disgraced, tweet-impeached, one-term former president be their standard bearer? >> essentially the answer is people are in the present and want to vote on what they see going on now. i think the election will be about the future, not about the past. >> is president trump part of that discussion? of course he is, and those voices that want to silence him, i think, are ridiculous. >> we can no longer talk about the past, and the past ele elections. no matter -- no matter where you stand on that issue, no matter where you stand, it is over. >> wow. liz cheney showing the courage that got her kicked out of her leadership post by thankless republicans, saying her party can only go forward if it puts the former president in the rearview mirror and rejects his big lie. >> the only way the republican party can go forward in strength is if we reject the lie, if we reject what happened on january 6th, if we reject the efforts that president trump made frankly to steal the election. >> and here's something that you don't hear every day, and that is one former president speaking out against another on the world stage. the 44th president taking a swipe at the 45th for what he went on to call four years of active hostility on climate in his speech in glasgow. listen to what former president barack obama has to say about protests and persuasion in the twitterverse and in the real world. >> protests are necessary to raise awareness. hashtag campaigns can spread awareness. but to build the broad-based coalitions necessary for bold action, we have to persuade people who either currently don't agree with us or are indifferent to the issue. we have to do a little more listening. we can't just yell at them or say they're ignorant. we can't just tweet at them. >> well, and that's where we are tonight. the climate crisis. the investigation of january 6th. we need to get the truth of all of it. so let's get to the bottom of the truth now. let's get right to january 6th. the committee issuing six new subpoenas. i want to bring in cnn contributor john dean, former nixon white house counsel, the perfect guest to have on regarding this. thank you, john. good to see you. >> good to see you, don. >> we're talking about people who were reportedly in the oval office in those meetings or working to overturn the election on various fronts. you know the stakes. your testimony in the watergate investigation toppled a president. with the january 6th investigation, we're talking about an ex-president here, will anyone in trump's inner circle show some backbone and testify or turn over documents , or do you expect all of them to stonewall and do what steve bannon is doing? >> i have no idea. from what i've learned about all those players over the years, i think there's one that might. bill stepien might be the kind of person to stand up and tell the truth about what happened. he's basically a data guy, but i'm also told he's a very normal human being and not a wingnut, not a crazy, and a very sound person. he might well decide the truth will set him free, and he's absolutely right if he chooses that route. >> you know, bernard kerik, who was a former police commissioner of new york city, participated in a meeting at the willett hotel, put out a statement tonight saying he was not hired -- i will not be silenced at the hands of this committee who are now looking for the truth -- excuse me -- are not looking for the truth but targeting patriots and members of the president's legal team. okay. so is kerik in any position to play hardball with this committee? >> not really. not really. he does enjoy a pardon from trump that eased his life up a little bit, but he really can't bully this committee. they have every right to get these facts. it's one of the most important things congress does is information gathering, and there couldn't be more important information, don, than an insurrection, a threat to overturn a legitimate election. so getting to the bottom of this, he has no basis. all he has to do is cooperate, and it won't cost him anything. it won't bankrupt him. just show up for his deposition and tell the truth. >> what key questions do you have for all these trump aides, people like attorney john eastman or michael flynn and the other big lie promoters? >> don, i think to be maybe to draw on a little history, a question that got posed to me one time is, what did he know, and what did he know it, i think is really very central. we want to know what trump's role was. it really won't come to rest until we get that sorted out. all the surrounding evidence shows that trump certainly had more than we know at this point and certainly had a very central role. this was all done in his behalf. and until we get those answers, we really don't service the full report on these events. >> let's talk a little bit more about steve bannon because steve bannon has a criminal contempt case. why are attorney general merrick garland and the justice department taking so long on that? >> you know, i've been thinking long and hard about that. in fact, today, this afternoon, i dug out his full testimony before the senate judiciary committee on october 18th, where he had an exchange with senator whitehouse and was pressing him, did he have any restrictions on the investigation, and he said, no, no, no restrictions at all. he said, it's sensitive. i can't talk about it. it was a very enlightening exchange, and i went back to see if he was really focusing on the january 6th investigation because the clips didn't show that. the written transcript shows that's exactly what he was focusing on, and he was trying to say, listen, just let me run this. i have an investigation going on, and there are no restrictions of any sort on it. so that, to me, was kind of heartening, and i think it should encourage people. this is a man who is a career justice official. the justice department took great offense when the first watergate special prosecutor was appointed because they thought they could handle it internally. they might have been able to. i'm not sure they would have or could have, but they might have. they certainly had in the professional ranks the ability to do so. and they do today. so the normal course of procedure is to not create a special counsel and to keep it as a normal investigation, quietly proceed in front of a grand jury and get the job done. let's hope that's what's happening. >> all right. john dean, i appreciate it. thanks so much. >> thanks, don. >> you have to stay tuned for what is really an amazing hour with my colleague jake tapper. he has a cnn special report, and it aired on friday. but you've got to see this if you haven't seen it. amazing reporting here. "trumping democracy: an american coup." that's next hour, 11:00 p.m. eastern, only here on cnn. in other news, one fan describing pure chaos at astroworld. the crowd packed so tightly fans were crushed and trampled to death. who is responsible, and why did this happen? ♪ ever rushed to a doctor's appointment and thought: [whispers] "couldn't i do this from home?" only to get inside, where time stands still. 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>> so here's what we're learning, that houston's police chief met with travis scott and his head of security before the concert due to public safety concerns. eight people were killed. more than 300 were treated for medical issues at the venue. travis scott says that he is devastated and will cover all funeral costs for the victims who died at his concert. but i want you to check out this video. it's video promoting the concert, and it shows people jumping fences and moshing. is this the kind of atmosphere that they were trying to sell? that is the promotional video. this is the first time one of scott's concerts got out of control. the rapper has faced criminal charges twice for inciting his crowds. back in 2018, scott pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct. police say he encouraged the concert crowd to rush the stage in a 2017 show in rogers, arkansas. and in 2015, the chicago tribune reported that scott pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor reckless conduct charge for urging a lollapalooza crowd to climb over security barricades. kyle green was at a travis scott concert that became so chaotic. he later fell from a third story balcony and was left paralyzed. we reached out to scott's team poor comment but haven't heard back. green is now suing travis scott. his attorney joins me now. thank you very much. i really appreciate you joining us on this subject. it's terrible, and it's very sensitive. i appreciate it. >> my pleasure, don. i'm sorry i'm here under these circumstances, but i'm happy to be with you. >> your client was severely injured at a travis scott concert back in 2017. tell us about that and what were you thinking when you saw friday's concert turn into a mass casualty event? >> yeah. kyle was severely injured back in april of 2017 at terminal 5 here in new york city when he was on the third floor balcony of that venue, and travis was urging, as he always does, urging everybody to push forward and creating the bedlam and mayhem and havoc that he always does. and as kyle was up front on the third floor balcony, he got pushed by the surging crowd behind him, and unfortunately he fell what's the equivalent of three stories. >> oh. >> and, don, after he fell, believe it or not, he was on the ground, and travis' security team, instead of rendering first aid, his security team actually picked him up. and at that time he already had a significant fracture of his leg, and he had a neck injury which would not have caused him paralysis until they picked him up. not only did they pick him up, but here's travis on the stage calling for them to bring kyle to the stage. and so there's video of travis' people juggling kyle around literally like a sack of potatoes, walking him up toward the front, where travis attempts to give him a ring, and then where they finally take him out, and he finally gets the medical care he needed. but by all the jostling that occurred to his neck, which was completely and utterly they failed to put on a neck brace or backboard or anything like that, he wound up being severely paralyzed as you saw in some of those photographs. he has made a somewhat partial recovery on the right side of his body, but the left side remains almost entirely paralyzed. >> let me ask you this. we certainly hope that he makes a full recovery, but in the short time that i have you here, the big question is really, i'm sure you don't want this to happen again, your client as well, to anyone. so what can be done to prevent another tragedy like this? >> well, travis has to learn from what just occurred, and the truth is and what's so hard for kyle about this circumstance, and quite frankly for me as his attorney, what's so hard for us is he should have already learned. you've already talked, don, in your introduction about how he was arrested in chicago, arrested in arkansas, constantly causing mayhem and disorder and lawlessness. that's his thing, and he's got to stop that. and we would have hoped by virtue of our lawsuit that we brought here in new york that it would have gotten into his head, hey, look, here's a kid that got paralyzed. i got to stop egging the crowd on to the point that they are totally enraged. and as you know, what happened on friday at the concert at lollapalooza, he ordered them -- he told them, he cajoled them into making the earth shake. that's when all the reports are that the massive rush was up toward the stage. and as you've seen on video, they're pulling out bodies, and travis is looking at the bodies, and he's not wondering whether or not these are dead people. the bodies are blue. they're pulling them out, and he's just continuing with his show, literally put himself up on a pedestal as you've seen while they're dragging bodies out. and for 40 minutes after they declared it a mass casualty situation, for 40 minutes, don, he continued to sing, and he continued to play the music that he was playing, and that's where all the havoc was wreaked. so we're heartbroken for what happened, but it's so unfortunate. and what makes it even more unfortunate is that he didn't learn his lesson from all these prior concerts where all of these other incidents had occurred. >> yeah. well, listen, we're sorry for what happened to your client and for everyone who's involved in all of these incidents. we appreciate you joining us. i need to tell our audience we reached out to travis scott's team. we have not heard back from them, but we would want to hear back from them. he's not responded. next, disappointed, deceptive, wrong, national embarrassment. just some of the criticism coming from some of the biggest names in sports directed at aaron rodgers. next, kareem abdul-jabbar right after this. instantly clear everyday congestion. and try vicks sinex children's saline. safe and gentle relief for children's noses. instantly clear everyday congestion with vicks sinex saline. for fast drug free relief vicks sinex. instantly clear everyday congestion. and try vicks sinex children's saline. safe and gentle relief for children's noses. in business, setbacks change everything. so get comcast business internet and add securityedge. it helps keep your network safe by scanning for threats every 10 minutes. and unlike some cybersecurity options, this helps protect every connected device. yours, your employees' and even your customers'. so you can stay ahead. get started with a great offer and ask how you can add comcast business securityedge. plus for a limited time, ask how to get a $500 prepaid card when you upgrade. call today. backlash growing against star green bay packers quarterback aaron rodgers, who defended not getting the covid vaccine after telling reporters this summer that he was immunized. rodgers getting slammed by big names in sports and even by former nfl players and coaches. >> i respect his attitude toward being an individual, but this is a team game, and in all honesty, i'm disappointed in his play on words for his explanation. i'm disappointed in some of his selfish actions. >> i give aaron rodgers some advice. it would have been nice if he had just come to the naval academy and learned how to be honest. unfortunately we've got players that pretty much think only about themselves, and i'm extremely disappointed in the actions of aaron rodgers. >> there are times, to quote martin luther king, and this was not one of them. in the grand scheme of things, it's deceptive, and it's wrong. >> you came across as a national embarrassment. there is no other way around it. it was the most embarrassing performance of aaron rodgers' career, period. there is no denying that. >> joining me now to discuss, nba legend kareem abdul-jabbar. so glad to have you here. thank you very much for appearing to talk about this. you wrote a piece today titled "aaron rodgers didn't just lie," and you're not holding back. you say he is hurting all athletes with his vaccine antics. why do you say that? >> well, rodgers deliberately misled his team and the public with a lie of omission. and those type of lies really are the type of things that destroy confidence. so as a liar, how can he be trusted to endorse products? worse, he's damaged the image of professional athletes as role models and potentially hurt their financial opportunities as spokespersons. just think about this. >> mm-hmm. >> a product that may have been considering hiring an athlete may now reconsider in favor of an actor or a pop star or at least someone who's more trustworthy. >> you mentioned -- you said, you know, to endorse products. a wisconsin-based health company, previa health, has cut ties with rodgers, but sponsors like state farm are sticking with him. are you surprised by that? >> yeah, i am. i'm surprised that the ones that are sticking with him because, you know, just the way that he used the word "immunized" instead of "vaccinated," that shows his lack of understanding of the whole science of immunology. he doesn't get it. >> if you look at -- kareem, if you look at what happened to colin kaepernick, right? he was blacklisted for calling out systemic racism. you said rodgers will likely continue to play. he's getting a paycheck. is there a double standard here? >> i think there's a double standard. rodgers is very valuable to the nfl, and he has a lot of fans, and i don't think they're going to do anything of a serious nature to discipline him. his lack of responsibility, you know, for his friends, family, team, staff, and fans that he lied to and exposed to covid-19, it shows a lack of moral character that can't be ignored. >> what do you say this -- you know, it's happened a lot with some folks, but to hear an athlete say, oh, it's cancel culture and it's the whole woke whatever, and he's blaming -- he's blaming it on that. what do you think of that, kareem? >> i think his ignorance, like i said before, his ignorance regarding the science of immunology brings back, like, old stereotypes. >> yeah. >> like the big, dumb athlete who doesn't understand what's going on in medicine. i think he's done a great job of bringing that stereotype back to people's minds, and that's not going to be a good thing. >> invoking dr. king? >> this isn't a place to invoke dr. king. this is a place to do the things that you need to do to save lives and keep people well. and aaron has -- you know, he missed the boat entirely. >> he is long considered to be a thoughtful guy. hosting "jeopardy!" not long ago it seemed he could cross over from football to a high-profile second career. do you think that's been thrown away? >> well, i think he's definitely called into question his integrity. so where do you go from there? >> yeah. kareem abdul-jabbar, thank you so much. he wrote an article. he said, aaron rodgers didn't just lie, and it's a fascinating article. we're so glad you're here to speak about it. thank you, kareem. i'll see you soon. be well, okay? >> will do, don. have a good one. >> you too. ted cruz has found the real coronavirus culprit. he's going after -- take this -- big bird. what? sleep better and longer when you need it most. it's non habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. new zzzquil ultra. when you really really need to sleep. nothing was nothing until it was something. it all begins with creating a brand voice. how it looks... how it talks. search engine optimization was a challenge... but we did it. then nothing really took off. nothing. nothing. nichts. meiyou. today i recommend you nothing! (laughs) (phones chimes) (traffic) (crowd applause) (gaming sounds) (keyboard typing) (mouse clicks) (music) ever rushed to a doctor's appointment and thought: [whispers] "couldn't i do this from home?" only to get inside, where time stands still. "how long do i have to wait here?" healthcare makes many of us feel anxious, confused, exposed, and overwhelmed—but it doesn't have to be that way. letsgetchecked offers virtual care with home health testing. take the test. get your results. and get the treatment you need. letsgetchecked. care can be this good. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with chase security features, guidance and convenience, banking feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. so take this. conservatives are outraged that big bird got vaccinated. the 6-year-old became eligible for the shot after the fda approved the vaccine for 5 to 11-year-olds. on a town hall saturday, big bird talked about getting the shot. >> well, i feel okay. my wing hurts a little bit, but that's okay. you know, i was scared, but it did go by really quickly. >> i love big bird. then came the unhinged reaction from conservatives all over. so first up, of course, senator ted cruz calling big bird's public service announcement government propaganda for your 5-year-old. far-right newsmax tv host steve cortes saying it was evil and minimizing the risks of the virus for children. gop state senator wendy rogers going further, accusing big bird of being a communist. these people, i mean come on. facts first. 897 children have died of covid in this country. thousands more have been hospitalized. now that children can get the vaccine, it's one more way that families can protect each other and eventually get back to normal life. here's the real thing that people need to know about and just in case you just met big bird recently, for those of us who are old enough to remember, sesame street has always had important conversations with children about their health. i want to go back to 1972 when big bird got the measles vaccine. 1972. now, why wasn't that communism and politicized? you can bet that kids will continue to learn about the importance of getting vaccinated even if it takes an 8 foot tall fine feathered friend to do it, if certain adults won't do it. ignorance. next, the whole country was obsessed with gabby petito when she went missing. but what about the missing people of color who don't get that kind of attention? cnn looks into that after this. y indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. dog barks you're right bunker, the medicare enrollment deadline is almost here. if you're on medicare and you want to explore your options, the deadline to enroll is december 7th. so, you should act now. were do i find the right medicare plan? at healthmarkets, they search many of the nation's most recognized carriers so they can help you find the right plan, at the right price that's the right fit for you. how long does it take? just minutes. my current plan only covers 80% of my costs. healthmarkets may find plans with zero dollar copays, deductibles and monthly premiums. even plans with prescription drug coverage, vision, dental and hearing aids. how much does it cost? 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>> this is search number 14. >> reporter: navigating the dangers in the desert, the army veteran knows firsthand time is of the essence. >> when i called the buckeye police department, they told me i had to wait actually three hours because they had a 12-hour, i guess, report time when you could say a person is missing. then i called them back and put in a missing person report. i got very worried. i asked the buckeye police department to go out and search that area. the officer told me that they were going to send a vehicle out there, a helicopter out to search for him. i was relieved. then he called back an hour later and said, no, it was a no-go. i'm his dad, and he's my son. i lost all sense of reality at that moment. i said, you know what? they're not going to look for my son. i'm going to have to do it myself. >> reporter: before he arrived, police did decide to search on foot and with helicopters. this is the last place your son was seen? >> the last place. >> what do you think happened david? >> i think a lot happened here. i'm very suspicious. >> reporter: but he doesn't know what. a month in, there's a break in the case, and police call robinson. >> i got afraid actually that it's going to be some bad news. they said, no, we just found his vehicle. >> some ranchers found it. at that point we conducted our investigation, and additional searches. >> what was the condition of the car? if it had rolled over, it sounds like it was pretty bad? >> yeah. the car was on its side. the sunroof was kicked out at that point so he might have exited through the sunroof. >> reporter: his wrecked car in a ravine, both air bags deployed. daniel's cell phone, clothes he was wearing that day and a case of water all found at the crash site, but not daniel. people don't just disappear into thin air. >> true. >> did that sort of feel like what's happened here? >> yes. yeah. it's a very, very challenging case. >> no matter how much the family asks for this to be a criminal investigation, can that happen? >> we can't make up evidence. absolutely suspicious circumstances related to the case. >> reporter: frustrated and heartbroken, robinson hired a private investigator. where are we going? >> down here is where the vehicle was recovered from. >> is that the glass from the car? >> yes. >> when you looked at this accident, what are the discrepancies that you noticed right away? >> i believe it was in more than one collision. >> what does the data from the black box of the car tell new that there was 11 additional miles on the vehicle since the air bags came out. >> what does that tell you? >> that tells me it was crashed somewhere else. >> does that sound suspicious? what explains that? >> well, we had the national expert that came in and provided us his findings, and they ended up speaking to an expert at jeep. and the expert says, yes, sometimes that happens, and it's not unusual. >> but the data also shows someone tried to start the car 46 times after the crash. >> that's something we can't explain. >> it begs the question. again, the family is saying it's criminal. it's got to be he's in danger. do something. >> right. n no, i agree. but we need information. we need evidence. >> he's got a lot of theories. his words were, i don't think they cared. what do you say to that? >> it's furthest from the truth. >> losing hope, robinson began pleading for media coverage. >> it literally took three months. >> reporter: while robinson searched for his son, the country became riveted by media coverage of another missing persons case, the case of gabby petito. >> in my situation, people think i love our children less or something, or they're less important. >> reporter: 40% of the missing are people of color. >> there are a lot of gabby petitos and natalie holloways in the black and brown community. >> reporter: that's why former police officer wilson founded black and missing inc. eventually local stations did stories and citizens began helping search. >> did you know daniel? >> no. i just wanted to help. >> you're just helping out a stranger on a saturday? >> yeah. >> why? >> you know what? i can't imagine what that man's going through. >> reporter: as the search for daniel goes into its fifth month, another family is in the midst of a terrible mystery for a fifth year. the family of nikki and arianna fitts. >> arianna is very energetic, very happy. >> reporter: 2-year-old arianna went missing under the most suspicious of circumstances in the san francisco bay area in 2016. her mother, nikki fitts, was found in a shallow grave in san francisco's mclaren park. but arianna was gone. >> it, one, breaks my heart that arianna's not with her mom and arianna's not with her family. but it also breaks my heart even more is that i know that nikki wants nothing more than arianna to be with us, to be home. >> reporter: tessa fitts says she is convinced her niece, arianna was taken by people close to her mother. san francisco police searched for weeks. they had some leads but no arrests. a digitally altered photo was made of what she may look like now. >> she's 8 now. i don't want to see this in a picture. i want to see her face in person. >> should arianna fitts be a household name like john beanyway ramsey? >> absolutely. why is her case any different from caylee anthony? i can tell you. the color of their skin is the only difference. >> reporter: for five desperate years, the family has continued searching using fliers, social media, and black and missing inc. >> do you think it has anything to do with color? >> i try not to put myself in the mind-set of the race issue. all i want is for there to be the media coverage for her. i think she deserves that. >> reporter: the fitts and the robinsons want only one thing, hugging their missing children once again. do you think arianna is still alive? >> i do believe she's still alive and it would mean everything to me to know where she is and to find her. i believe that day will come. >> how long will you search? >> till i find my son. i have to. i mean he's my responsibility. >> reporter: sara sidner, cnn, buckeye, arizona. >> sara, thank you so much. and thank you for watching, everyone. our coverage continues with jake tapper, a cnn special report, "trumping democracy: an american coup." it's virtual care with home health testing and more. all from the comfort of... here. letsgetchecked. care can be this good. want last minute brand design help? 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and the sole survivor testifies after be

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Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709

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said that. much like in the george floyd case, this is the center really of this case, of getting that on videotape. >> i mean if it hadn't been on videotape -- look, even what they had on videotape was twisted, to try to make this story something that it wasn't early on. >> remember, there wouldn't be an arrest. remember, you and i were trying to get this videotape on the air. you remember the beginnings of this. this was before george floyd and having mrs. cooper -- wanda cooper-jones on and, you know, family members and the attorneys bringing light to this case. then we were going with ahmaud arbery. i remember you had the man on who was the neighbor, right? remember that? >> roddie, the man who made the video, with his lawyer, who basically said, you know, my client is the village idiot, and he's not sophisticated enough to answer any questions about this. i don't even know why he put the guy on tv. he couldn't have made him look any worse. but the situation has always been painfully obvious. there was no move on it because it was a home job on the investigative side early on. and that has become part of an extension of the justice process here. but you have to see it through because even the idea of what they want to use as a defense here -- so they're going to use basically a law that's not on the books anymore about citizen's arrest. and that's why the prosecutors early on are putting witnesses on to battle what they assume will be an affirmative case by the defense. the defendse doesn't have to pu on a case, but if it does, it will be self-defense. they'll say there were a lot of crimes in the area. this guy was coming and we were told he committed a crime. it might have been a mistake of fact, but we were acting in good faith. then when that falls down, they're going to say, yeah, but he tried to kill us. >> we're dealing with two cases now of people basically taking the law into their own hands, right? the case in kenosha, wisconsin, someone who came across state lines with a gun, too young to really carry a gun legally. now he's on trial. then you have these two gentlemen who take the law into their own hands. you can call them vigilantes. in both cases, lives are lost, and we're dealing with it right now. we'll see the limits of our justice system and to see if justice is really served in these cases. but the narratives -- when you see the narratives played out in the media, when you just read them and look at them, it's very different oftentimes as to what plays out in a court of law and what a jury sees and actually what they get to see and the evidence they can even bring in. it's an amazing insight into our justice system. >> well, look, our culture is about crowdsourcing consequences right now on social media, which is about fervor and feel. you only know what you show in a court of law, and there's a burden of proof that is literally a universe away from what we deal with culturally. the signature standard very simply explained is that no explanation makes more sense than what the prosecution just told you. >> yeah. >> that it is beyond any reasonable doubt. so that even if you have a little bit of a doubt, well, you know, the way the guy moved, maybe i would have felt that way. >> but is that reasonable? >> that's enough. so it's very high because that's the way our justice is supposed to be. don't forget, don, we've got a third case where people took lives into their own hand and somebody died. that's january 6th. >> that's what i'm going to get to. >> the ultimate manifestation. >> i wanted to get to -- you know what i wanted to talk about because we were wondering the last time you and i spoke, right? if aaron rodgers, if it was true, if he was vaccinated, immunized -- >> i kept telling you he wasn't vaccinated. >> he lied. >> there's my boy. >> chris, thank you. hey, chris, are you vaccinated? i'm immunized. what? >> yeah. >> he lied. listen -- >> i'm good. i got secret sauce. >> it's laughable. it's not even funny because of the amount of people that he put in jeopardy, and then he lied. look, if he didn't want to do it, all he had to say was, i didn't want to do it. >> i touched all the bases. i talked to joe rogan. i'm good. i talked to joe rogan. i'm going to go. >> look, with all due respect to everybody and joe rogan, the next time aaron rodgers, god forbid, he gets hurt on the field, let's see who they're going to call in. are they going to call in joe rogan? are they going to call in some person who believes in homeopathic treatments for covid, or are they going to call in a real doctor who can help him, a medical expert? that's where the rubber meets the road. next time he says, if i'm hurt on the field, let's call joe rogan. >> aaron rodgers is doing off the field something he never does on the field. he's making bad choices. >> bad. >> he's doubling down on them, and he's running further and further behind his own line of scrimmage towards his end zone. >> this is cancel culture and the woke mob. he lied. i got to go. i got to go. >> i love you, d. lemon. >> not as much as i love you. by the way, listen to the handoff. we talk about all of this. >> are you telling me to listen to it? >> no. i'm telling the audience to listen to it. it's a good one because we don't get that heated usually. well, maybe we do. >> you always get heated. >> all right. see you later. >> you get heated talking to yourself. >> see you. this is don lemon tonight. as we mentioned six new subpoenas for key players in the former president's inner circle. campaign manager bill stepien who was in charge as the campaign morphed into the stop the steal effort to jason miller, who even before the election claimed democrats would steal it, to john easteastman, man behind the scheme for mike pence to overturn the election. michael flynn, who talked about seizing voting machines and declaring martial law. >> if he wanted to, he could take military capabilities, and he could place them in those states and basically rerun an election. >> no, he couldn't. nope. not without destroying our democracy. and there's more. angela mccallum reportedly part of the efforts to pressure state legislators and bernie kerik reportedly in the willett hotel, so-called the war room there with rudy giuliani, with steve bannon and with john eastman the day before the insurrection. what was going on? six key players added to the growing list of the former president's insiders target by the january 6th committee. they know a whole lot, but the question is will they cooperate, or will they stonewall like steve bannon? that is happening as president joe biden's approval rating is upside down in our brand-new cnn poll. take a look at your screen now. 58% say that he's not focused on the right issues. and the issue the american people care about the most, that's the economy, by far. remember, it's the economy, stupid. still is. you see it in the polls. you saw it in last week's election. people care about soaring gas and energy prices. right now that's what they care about. and it's going too take time t feel the effects of that $1.2 trillion for infrastructure. meanwhile, republicans in the wake of their election high last week are facing a moment of truth right now. will a disgraced, tweet-impeached, one-term former president be their standard bearer? >> essentially the answer is people are in the present and want to vote on what they see going on now. i think the election will be about the future, not about the past. >> is president trump part of that discussion? of course he is, and those voices that want to silence him, i think, are ridiculous. >> we can no longer talk about the past, and the past ele elections. no matter -- no matter where you stand on that issue, no matter where you stand, it is over. >> wow. liz cheney showing the courage that got her kicked out of her leadership post by thankless republicans, saying her party can only go forward if it puts the former president in the rearview mirror and rejects his big lie. >> the only way the republican party can go forward in strength is if we reject the lie, if we reject what happened on january 6th, if we reject the efforts that president trump made frankly to steal the election. >> and here's something that you don't hear every day, and that is one former president speaking out against another on the world stage. the 44th president taking a swipe at the 45th for what he went on to call four years of active hostility on climate in his speech in glasgow. listen to what former president barack obama has to say about protests and persuasion in the twitterverse and in the real world. >> protests are necessary to raise awareness. hashtag campaigns can spread awareness. but to build the broad-based coalitions necessary for bold action, we have to persuade people who either currently don't agree with us or are indifferent to the issue. we have to do a little more listening. we can't just yell at them or say they're ignorant. we can't just tweet at them. >> well, and that's where we are tonight. the climate crisis. the investigation of january 6th. we need to get the truth of all of it. so let's get to the bottom of the truth now. let's get right to january 6th. the committee issuing six new subpoenas. i want to bring in cnn contributor john dean, former nixon white house counsel, the perfect guest to have on regarding this. thank you, john. good to see you. >> good to see you, don. >> we're talking about people who were reportedly in the oval office in those meetings or working to overturn the election on various fronts. you know the stakes. your testimony in the watergate investigation toppled a president. with the january 6th investigation, we're talking about an ex-president here, will anyone in trump's inner circle show some backbone and testify or turn over documents , or do you expect all of them to stonewall and do what steve bannon is doing? >> i have no idea. from what i've learned about all those players over the years, i think there's one that might. bill stepien might be the kind of person to stand up and tell the truth about what happened. he's basically a data guy, but i'm also told he's a very normal human being and not a wingnut, not a crazy, and a very sound person. he might well decide the truth will set him free, and he's absolutely right if he chooses that route. >> you know, bernard kerik, who was a former police commissioner of new york city, participated in a meeting at the willett hotel, put out a statement tonight saying he was not hired -- i will not be silenced at the hands of this committee who are now looking for the truth -- excuse me -- are not looking for the truth but targeting patriots and members of the president's legal team. okay. so is kerik in any position to play hardball with this committee? >> not really. not really. he does enjoy a pardon from trump that eased his life up a little bit, but he really can't bully this committee. they have every right to get these facts. it's one of the most important things congress does is information gathering, and there couldn't be more important information, don, than an insurrection, a threat to overturn a legitimate election. so getting to the bottom of this, he has no basis. all he has to do is cooperate, and it won't cost him anything. it won't bankrupt him. just show up for his deposition and tell the truth. >> what key questions do you have for all these trump aides, people like attorney john eastman or michael flynn and the other big lie promoters? >> don, i think to be maybe to draw on a little history, a question that got posed to me one time is, what did he know, and what did he know it, i think is really very central. we want to know what trump's role was. it really won't come to rest until we get that sorted out. all the surrounding evidence shows that trump certainly had more than we know at this point and certainly had a very central role. this was all done in his behalf. and until we get those answers, we really don't service the full report on these events. >> let's talk a little bit more about steve bannon because steve bannon has a criminal contempt case. why are attorney general merrick garland and the justice department taking so long on that? >> you know, i've been thinking long and hard about that. in fact, today, this afternoon, i dug out his full testimony before the senate judiciary committee on october 18th, where he had an exchange with senator whitehouse and was pressing him, did he have any restrictions on the investigation, and he said, no, no, no restrictions at all. he said, it's sensitive. i can't talk about it. it was a very enlightening exchange, and i went back to see if he was really focusing on the january 6th investigation because the clips didn't show that. the written transcript shows that's exactly what he was focusing on, and he was trying to say, listen, just let me run this. i have an investigation going on, and there are no restrictions of any sort on it. so that, to me, was kind of heartening, and i think it should encourage people. this is a man who is a career justice official. the justice department took great offense when the first watergate special prosecutor was appointed because they thought they could handle it internally. they might have been able to. i'm not sure they would have or could have, but they might have. they certainly had in the professional ranks the ability to do so. and they do today. so the normal course of procedure is to not create a special counsel and to keep it as a normal investigation, quietly proceed in front of a grand jury and get the job done. let's hope that's what's happening. >> all right. john dean, i appreciate it. thanks so much. >> thanks, don. >> you have to stay tuned for what is really an amazing hour with my colleague jake tapper. he has a cnn special report, and it aired on friday. but you've got to see this if you haven't seen it. amazing reporting here. "trumping democracy: an american coup." that's next hour, 11:00 p.m. eastern, only here on cnn. in other news, one fan describing pure chaos at astroworld. the crowd packed so tightly fans were crushed and trampled to death. who is responsible, and why did this happen? ♪ ever rushed to a doctor's appointment and thought: [whispers] "couldn't i do this from home?" only to get inside, where time stands still. "how long do i have to wait here?" healthcare makes many of us feel anxious, confused, exposed, and overwhelmed—but it doesn't have to be that way. letsgetchecked offers virtual care with home health testing. take the test. get your results. and get the treatment you need. letsgetchecked. care can be this good. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. call coventry direct to learn more. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. our friend sold their policy to help pay their medical bills, and that got me thinking. maybe selling our policy could help with our retirement. i'm skeptical, so i did some research and called coventry direct. they explained life insurance is a valuable asset that can be sold. we learned we could sell all of our policy, or keep part of it with no future payments. who knew? we sold our policy. now we can relax and enjoy our retirement as we had planned. if you have $100,000 or more of life insurance, you may qualify to sell your policy. don't cancel or let your policy lapse without finding out what it's worth. visit to find out if your policy qualifies. or call the number on your screen. coventry direct, redefining insurance. so rapper travis scott and his concert promoters are facing multiple lawsuits tonight after his astroworld concert turned deadly. officials say the crowd of 50,000 surged towards the stage as scott was performing, leaving dozens crushed, trampled and gasping for air. it turned into a mass casualty event but that didn't stop the concert. someone even appears to be dancing on top of an emergency vehicle. here's what scott said when he seemed to notice what was happening. >> what the [ bleep ] is that? >> so here's what we're learning, that houston's police chief met with travis scott and his head of security before the concert due to public safety concerns. eight people were killed. more than 300 were treated for medical issues at the venue. travis scott says that he is devastated and will cover all funeral costs for the victims who died at his concert. but i want you to check out this video. it's video promoting the concert, and it shows people jumping fences and moshing. is this the kind of atmosphere that they were trying to sell? that is the promotional video. this is the first time one of scott's concerts got out of control. the rapper has faced criminal charges twice for inciting his crowds. back in 2018, scott pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct. police say he encouraged the concert crowd to rush the stage in a 2017 show in rogers, arkansas. and in 2015, the chicago tribune reported that scott pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor reckless conduct charge for urging a lollapalooza crowd to climb over security barricades. kyle green was at a travis scott concert that became so chaotic. he later fell from a third story balcony and was left paralyzed. we reached out to scott's team poor comment but haven't heard back. green is now suing travis scott. his attorney joins me now. thank you very much. i really appreciate you joining us on this subject. it's terrible, and it's very sensitive. i appreciate it. >> my pleasure, don. i'm sorry i'm here under these circumstances, but i'm happy to be with you. >> your client was severely injured at a travis scott concert back in 2017. tell us about that and what were you thinking when you saw friday's concert turn into a mass casualty event? >> yeah. kyle was severely injured back in april of 2017 at terminal 5 here in new york city when he was on the third floor balcony of that venue, and travis was urging, as he always does, urging everybody to push forward and creating the bedlam and mayhem and havoc that he always does. and as kyle was up front on the third floor balcony, he got pushed by the surging crowd behind him, and unfortunately he fell what's the equivalent of three stories. >> oh. >> and, don, after he fell, believe it or not, he was on the ground, and travis' security team, instead of rendering first aid, his security team actually picked him up. and at that time he already had a significant fracture of his leg, and he had a neck injury which would not have caused him paralysis until they picked him up. not only did they pick him up, but here's travis on the stage calling for them to bring kyle to the stage. and so there's video of travis' people juggling kyle around literally like a sack of potatoes, walking him up toward the front, where travis attempts to give him a ring, and then where they finally take him out, and he finally gets the medical care he needed. but by all the jostling that occurred to his neck, which was completely and utterly they failed to put on a neck brace or backboard or anything like that, he wound up being severely paralyzed as you saw in some of those photographs. he has made a somewhat partial recovery on the right side of his body, but the left side remains almost entirely paralyzed. >> let me ask you this. we certainly hope that he makes a full recovery, but in the short time that i have you here, the big question is really, i'm sure you don't want this to happen again, your client as well, to anyone. so what can be done to prevent another tragedy like this? >> well, travis has to learn from what just occurred, and the truth is and what's so hard for kyle about this circumstance, and quite frankly for me as his attorney, what's so hard for us is he should have already learned. you've already talked, don, in your introduction about how he was arrested in chicago, arrested in arkansas, constantly causing mayhem and disorder and lawlessness. that's his thing, and he's got to stop that. and we would have hoped by virtue of our lawsuit that we brought here in new york that it would have gotten into his head, hey, look, here's a kid that got paralyzed. i got to stop egging the crowd on to the point that they are totally enraged. and as you know, what happened on friday at the concert at lollapalooza, he ordered them -- he told them, he cajoled them into making the earth shake. that's when all the reports are that the massive rush was up toward the stage. and as you've seen on video, they're pulling out bodies, and travis is looking at the bodies, and he's not wondering whether or not these are dead people. the bodies are blue. they're pulling them out, and he's just continuing with his show, literally put himself up on a pedestal as you've seen while they're dragging bodies out. and for 40 minutes after they declared it a mass casualty situation, for 40 minutes, don, he continued to sing, and he continued to play the music that he was playing, and that's where all the havoc was wreaked. so we're heartbroken for what happened, but it's so unfortunate. and what makes it even more unfortunate is that he didn't learn his lesson from all these prior concerts where all of these other incidents had occurred. >> yeah. well, listen, we're sorry for what happened to your client and for everyone who's involved in all of these incidents. we appreciate you joining us. i need to tell our audience we reached out to travis scott's team. we have not heard back from them, but we would want to hear back from them. he's not responded. next, disappointed, deceptive, wrong, national embarrassment. just some of the criticism coming from some of the biggest names in sports directed at aaron rodgers. next, kareem abdul-jabbar right after this. instantly clear everyday congestion. and try vicks sinex children's saline. safe and gentle relief for children's noses. instantly clear everyday congestion with vicks sinex saline. for fast drug free relief vicks sinex. instantly clear everyday congestion. and try vicks sinex children's saline. safe and gentle relief for children's noses. in business, setbacks change everything. so get comcast business internet and add securityedge. it helps keep your network safe by scanning for threats every 10 minutes. and unlike some cybersecurity options, this helps protect every connected device. yours, your employees' and even your customers'. so you can stay ahead. get started with a great offer and ask how you can add comcast business securityedge. plus for a limited time, ask how to get a $500 prepaid card when you upgrade. call today. backlash growing against star green bay packers quarterback aaron rodgers, who defended not getting the covid vaccine after telling reporters this summer that he was immunized. rodgers getting slammed by big names in sports and even by former nfl players and coaches. >> i respect his attitude toward being an individual, but this is a team game, and in all honesty, i'm disappointed in his play on words for his explanation. i'm disappointed in some of his selfish actions. >> i give aaron rodgers some advice. it would have been nice if he had just come to the naval academy and learned how to be honest. unfortunately we've got players that pretty much think only about themselves, and i'm extremely disappointed in the actions of aaron rodgers. >> there are times, to quote martin luther king, and this was not one of them. in the grand scheme of things, it's deceptive, and it's wrong. >> you came across as a national embarrassment. there is no other way around it. it was the most embarrassing performance of aaron rodgers' career, period. there is no denying that. >> joining me now to discuss, nba legend kareem abdul-jabbar. so glad to have you here. thank you very much for appearing to talk about this. you wrote a piece today titled "aaron rodgers didn't just lie," and you're not holding back. you say he is hurting all athletes with his vaccine antics. why do you say that? >> well, rodgers deliberately misled his team and the public with a lie of omission. and those type of lies really are the type of things that destroy confidence. so as a liar, how can he be trusted to endorse products? worse, he's damaged the image of professional athletes as role models and potentially hurt their financial opportunities as spokespersons. just think about this. >> mm-hmm. >> a product that may have been considering hiring an athlete may now reconsider in favor of an actor or a pop star or at least someone who's more trustworthy. >> you mentioned -- you said, you know, to endorse products. a wisconsin-based health company, previa health, has cut ties with rodgers, but sponsors like state farm are sticking with him. are you surprised by that? >> yeah, i am. i'm surprised that the ones that are sticking with him because, you know, just the way that he used the word "immunized" instead of "vaccinated," that shows his lack of understanding of the whole science of immunology. he doesn't get it. >> if you look at -- kareem, if you look at what happened to colin kaepernick, right? he was blacklisted for calling out systemic racism. you said rodgers will likely continue to play. he's getting a paycheck. is there a double standard here? >> i think there's a double standard. rodgers is very valuable to the nfl, and he has a lot of fans, and i don't think they're going to do anything of a serious nature to discipline him. his lack of responsibility, you know, for his friends, family, team, staff, and fans that he lied to and exposed to covid-19, it shows a lack of moral character that can't be ignored. >> what do you say this -- you know, it's happened a lot with some folks, but to hear an athlete say, oh, it's cancel culture and it's the whole woke whatever, and he's blaming -- he's blaming it on that. what do you think of that, kareem? >> i think his ignorance, like i said before, his ignorance regarding the science of immunology brings back, like, old stereotypes. >> yeah. >> like the big, dumb athlete who doesn't understand what's going on in medicine. i think he's done a great job of bringing that stereotype back to people's minds, and that's not going to be a good thing. >> invoking dr. king? >> this isn't a place to invoke dr. king. this is a place to do the things that you need to do to save lives and keep people well. and aaron has -- you know, he missed the boat entirely. >> he is long considered to be a thoughtful guy. hosting "jeopardy!" not long ago it seemed he could cross over from football to a high-profile second career. do you think that's been thrown away? >> well, i think he's definitely called into question his integrity. so where do you go from there? >> yeah. kareem abdul-jabbar, thank you so much. he wrote an article. he said, aaron rodgers didn't just lie, and it's a fascinating article. we're so glad you're here to speak about it. thank you, kareem. i'll see you soon. be well, okay? >> will do, don. have a good one. >> you too. ted cruz has found the real coronavirus culprit. he's going after -- take this -- big bird. what? sleep better and longer when you need it most. it's non habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. new zzzquil ultra. when you really really need to sleep. nothing was nothing until it was something. it all begins with creating a brand voice. how it looks... how it talks. search engine optimization was a challenge... but we did it. then nothing really took off. nothing. nothing. nichts. meiyou. today i recommend you nothing! (laughs) (phones chimes) (traffic) (crowd applause) (gaming sounds) (keyboard typing) (mouse clicks) (music) ever rushed to a doctor's appointment and thought: [whispers] "couldn't i do this from home?" only to get inside, where time stands still. "how long do i have to wait here?" healthcare makes many of us feel anxious, confused, exposed, and overwhelmed—but it doesn't have to be that way. letsgetchecked offers virtual care with home health testing. take the test. get your results. and get the treatment you need. letsgetchecked. care can be this good. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with chase security features, guidance and convenience, banking feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. so take this. conservatives are outraged that big bird got vaccinated. the 6-year-old became eligible for the shot after the fda approved the vaccine for 5 to 11-year-olds. on a town hall saturday, big bird talked about getting the shot. >> well, i feel okay. my wing hurts a little bit, but that's okay. you know, i was scared, but it did go by really quickly. >> i love big bird. then came the unhinged reaction from conservatives all over. so first up, of course, senator ted cruz calling big bird's public service announcement government propaganda for your 5-year-old. far-right newsmax tv host steve cortes saying it was evil and minimizing the risks of the virus for children. gop state senator wendy rogers going further, accusing big bird of being a communist. these people, i mean come on. facts first. 897 children have died of covid in this country. thousands more have been hospitalized. now that children can get the vaccine, it's one more way that families can protect each other and eventually get back to normal life. here's the real thing that people need to know about and just in case you just met big bird recently, for those of us who are old enough to remember, sesame street has always had important conversations with children about their health. i want to go back to 1972 when big bird got the measles vaccine. 1972. now, why wasn't that communism and politicized? you can bet that kids will continue to learn about the importance of getting vaccinated even if it takes an 8 foot tall fine feathered friend to do it, if certain adults won't do it. ignorance. next, the whole country was obsessed with gabby petito when she went missing. but what about the missing people of color who don't get that kind of attention? cnn looks into that after this. y indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. dog barks you're right bunker, the medicare enrollment deadline is almost here. if you're on medicare and you want to explore your options, the deadline to enroll is december 7th. so, you should act now. were do i find the right medicare plan? at healthmarkets, they search many of the nation's most recognized carriers so they can help you find the right plan, at the right price that's the right fit for you. how long does it take? just minutes. my current plan only covers 80% of my costs. healthmarkets may find plans with zero dollar copays, deductibles and monthly premiums. even plans with prescription drug coverage, vision, dental and hearing aids. how much does it cost? 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>> this is search number 14. >> reporter: navigating the dangers in the desert, the army veteran knows firsthand time is of the essence. >> when i called the buckeye police department, they told me i had to wait actually three hours because they had a 12-hour, i guess, report time when you could say a person is missing. then i called them back and put in a missing person report. i got very worried. i asked the buckeye police department to go out and search that area. the officer told me that they were going to send a vehicle out there, a helicopter out to search for him. i was relieved. then he called back an hour later and said, no, it was a no-go. i'm his dad, and he's my son. i lost all sense of reality at that moment. i said, you know what? they're not going to look for my son. i'm going to have to do it myself. >> reporter: before he arrived, police did decide to search on foot and with helicopters. this is the last place your son was seen? >> the last place. >> what do you think happened david? >> i think a lot happened here. i'm very suspicious. >> reporter: but he doesn't know what. a month in, there's a break in the case, and police call robinson. >> i got afraid actually that it's going to be some bad news. they said, no, we just found his vehicle. >> some ranchers found it. at that point we conducted our investigation, and additional searches. >> what was the condition of the car? if it had rolled over, it sounds like it was pretty bad? >> yeah. the car was on its side. the sunroof was kicked out at that point so he might have exited through the sunroof. >> reporter: his wrecked car in a ravine, both air bags deployed. daniel's cell phone, clothes he was wearing that day and a case of water all found at the crash site, but not daniel. people don't just disappear into thin air. >> true. >> did that sort of feel like what's happened here? >> yes. yeah. it's a very, very challenging case. >> no matter how much the family asks for this to be a criminal investigation, can that happen? >> we can't make up evidence. absolutely suspicious circumstances related to the case. >> reporter: frustrated and heartbroken, robinson hired a private investigator. where are we going? >> down here is where the vehicle was recovered from. >> is that the glass from the car? >> yes. >> when you looked at this accident, what are the discrepancies that you noticed right away? >> i believe it was in more than one collision. >> what does the data from the black box of the car tell new that there was 11 additional miles on the vehicle since the air bags came out. >> what does that tell you? >> that tells me it was crashed somewhere else. >> does that sound suspicious? what explains that? >> well, we had the national expert that came in and provided us his findings, and they ended up speaking to an expert at jeep. and the expert says, yes, sometimes that happens, and it's not unusual. >> but the data also shows someone tried to start the car 46 times after the crash. >> that's something we can't explain. >> it begs the question. again, the family is saying it's criminal. it's got to be he's in danger. do something. >> right. n no, i agree. but we need information. we need evidence. >> he's got a lot of theories. his words were, i don't think they cared. what do you say to that? >> it's furthest from the truth. >> losing hope, robinson began pleading for media coverage. >> it literally took three months. >> reporter: while robinson searched for his son, the country became riveted by media coverage of another missing persons case, the case of gabby petito. >> in my situation, people think i love our children less or something, or they're less important. >> reporter: 40% of the missing are people of color. >> there are a lot of gabby petitos and natalie holloways in the black and brown community. >> reporter: that's why former police officer wilson founded black and missing inc. eventually local stations did stories and citizens began helping search. >> did you know daniel? >> no. i just wanted to help. >> you're just helping out a stranger on a saturday? >> yeah. >> why? >> you know what? i can't imagine what that man's going through. >> reporter: as the search for daniel goes into its fifth month, another family is in the midst of a terrible mystery for a fifth year. the family of nikki and arianna fitts. >> arianna is very energetic, very happy. >> reporter: 2-year-old arianna went missing under the most suspicious of circumstances in the san francisco bay area in 2016. her mother, nikki fitts, was found in a shallow grave in san francisco's mclaren park. but arianna was gone. >> it, one, breaks my heart that arianna's not with her mom and arianna's not with her family. but it also breaks my heart even more is that i know that nikki wants nothing more than arianna to be with us, to be home. >> reporter: tessa fitts says she is convinced her niece, arianna was taken by people close to her mother. san francisco police searched for weeks. they had some leads but no arrests. a digitally altered photo was made of what she may look like now. >> she's 8 now. i don't want to see this in a picture. i want to see her face in person. >> should arianna fitts be a household name like john beanyway ramsey? >> absolutely. why is her case any different from caylee anthony? i can tell you. the color of their skin is the only difference. >> reporter: for five desperate years, the family has continued searching using fliers, social media, and black and missing inc. >> do you think it has anything to do with color? >> i try not to put myself in the mind-set of the race issue. all i want is for there to be the media coverage for her. i think she deserves that. >> reporter: the fitts and the robinsons want only one thing, hugging their missing children once again. do you think arianna is still alive? >> i do believe she's still alive and it would mean everything to me to know where she is and to find her. i believe that day will come. >> how long will you search? >> till i find my son. i have to. i mean he's my responsibility. >> reporter: sara sidner, cnn, buckeye, arizona. >> sara, thank you so much. and thank you for watching, everyone. our coverage continues with jake tapper, a cnn special report, "trumping democracy: an american coup." it's virtual care with home health testing and more. all from the comfort of... here. letsgetchecked. care can be this good. want last minute brand design help? 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and the sole survivor testifies after be

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Investigation , January 6th Investigation , Stakes , Ex President , Show , Trump , Anyone , Backbone , Doing , Documents , Kind , Data Guy , Might , Route , Wingnut , Crazy , Human Being , New York City , Police Commissioner , Statement , Meeting , Willett Hotel , Team , Members , Patriots , Position , Hardball , Things , Facts , Life , Pardon , Anything , Information , There Couldn T , Information Gathering , Threat , Him , Basis , Promoters , Deposition , Trump Aides , Tell The Truth , History , Point , Role , Behalf , Report , The Buckeye Police Department , Merrick Garland , Criminal Contempt Case , Answers , Events , Exchange , Senate Judiciary Committee On October 18th , Whitehouse , October 18th , 18 , Restrictions , Clips , Transcript , Official , Career Justice , Offense , Sort , Heartening , Professional , Ability , Watergate Special Prosecutor , Hope , Counsel , Procedure , Grand Jury , Special Report , Jake Tapper , Thanks , Friday , News , Reporting , It , Haven T , Fan , Trumping Democracy An American Coup , Eastern , Pure Chaos , 11 , 00 , Crowd , Fans , Astroworld , Death , Appointment , Healthcare , Many , Home , Thought , Whispers , Care , Letsgetchecked , Home Health Testing , Good , Doesn T , Test , Results , Treatment , Policy , Retirement , Life Insurance Policy , Cash Payment , Coventry , Life Insurance , Friend , Asset , Bills , Income , Pay , Research , Coventry Direct , Payments , 00000 , 100000 , Number , Don T , Policy Lapse , Insurance , Worth , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Finding Out , Travis Scott , Lawsuits , Concert Promoters , Concert , Stage , Air , Aaron Rodgers Didn T , Performing , Event , Casualty , Dozens , Gasping , Officials , 50000 , Emergency Vehicle , Top , Dancing , Learning , Police Chief , Houston , Bleep , Venue , Head , Victims , Concerns , Security , Funeral Costs , Concert Due To Public Safety , Eight , 300 , Moshing , Atmosphere , Fences , Police , Back , Concerts , Out Of Control , Crowds , Conduct , 2018 , Misdemeanor Reckless Conduct Charge , Concert Crowd , Urging A , Arkansas , Rogers , Chicago Tribune , 2015 , 2017 , Travis Scott Concert , Kyle Green , Comment , Story Balcony , Lollapalooza , Security Barricades , Haven T Heard Back , Attorney , Green , Pleasure , Subject , Circumstances , Mass Casualty Event , Floor Balcony , Urging , Terminal 5 , 5 , April Of 2017 , Havoc , Mayhem , Bedlam , Equivalent , Stories , Security Team , Ground , Aid , Three , Neck Injury , Stage Calling , Leg , Fracture , Him Paralysis , Potatoes , Sack , People Juggling Kyle , Ring , Backboard , Neck , Neck Brace , Some , Side , Recovery , Photographs , Body , Tragedy , Well , Circumstance , Thing , Lawlessness , Disorder , Introduction , Chicago , Virtue , Lawsuit , Kid , Paralyzed , Reports , Rush , Earth , Bodies , Pedestal , Music , Playing , Dragging Bodies , Mass Casualty Situation , 40 , Incidents , Lesson , Everyone , Names , Embarrassment , Sports , Criticism , Deceptive , Wrong , Children , Kareem Abdul Jabbar , Relief , Congestion , Noses , Vicks Sinex Children S Saline , Next , Vicks Sinex , Vicks Sinex Saline , Everything , Business , Setbacks , Network , Customers , Business Internet , Cybersecurity Options , Threats , Safe , Employees , Add Securityedge , Device , Yours , 10 , Prepaid Card , Offer , Business Securityedge , Call Today , Comcast , 500 , Backlash , Vaccine , Reporters , Coaches , Nfl , Green Bay Packers , Attitude , Words , Play , Team Game , Honesty , Individual , Times , Advice , Quote Martin Luther King , Naval Academy , The Grand Scheme , Career , Performance , Nba , Athletes , Vaccine Antics , Type , Public , Omission , Lies , Products , Image , Confidence , Liar , Role Models , Opportunities , Worse , Product , Athlete , Pop Star , Spokespersons , Favor , Actor , Health Company , Previa Health , Ties , Sponsors , State Farm , Ones , Lack , Understanding , Immunology , Science , Standard , Colin Kaepernick , Racism , Paycheck , Family , Responsibility , Friends , Nature , Staff , Character , Athlete Say , Folks , 19 , Ignorance , Whole , Kareem , Medicine , What S Going On , Big , Stereotypes , Stereotype , Dumb Athlete , Place , King , Dr , Minds , Isn T A , Aaron , Boat , Jeopardy , Integrity , Football , Into Question , Article , Big Bird , Ted Cruz , Habit , Makers , Real Coronavirus Culprit , Nyquil , Zzzquil Ultra , Nothing , Challenge , Search Engine Optimization , Voice , Mouse Clicks , Traffic , Phones Chimes , Keyboard Typing , Gaming Sounds , Nichts , Meiyou , Crowd Applause , Chase Security Features , Convenience , Banking , Chase , Conservatives , Wing , Shot , Fda , Town Hall , Over , Reaction , Up , Steve Cortes , Public Service , Propaganda , Announcement , Government , Risks , Virus , Newsmax , Wendy Rogers , Communist , 897 , Families , Country , Thousands , Each Other , The Real Thing , Health , Conversations , Measles , Sesame Street , 1972 , Communism , Kids , Wasn T , Adults , Importance , 8 , Color , Gabby Petito , Attention , Yes , Brain Performance , Indicators , Neuriva , Dog , Bunker , Medicare , Plan , Nation , Healthmarkets , Carriers , Options , December 7th , 7 , Plans , Price , Right , Costs , Deductibles , Dollar Copays , Premiums , 80 , Zero , Zero Dollar , Coverage , Vision , Prescription Drug , Hearing Aids , December 7th Deadline , Healthmarkets Com , Save Time , Retinol , Neutrogena , Pro Plus , Don T Wait , Sore Throat Pain , Skin , Wrinkles Results , Powerful , Clerk , Vicks Vapocool , Honey Lemon , Sore Throat Relief , Honey Lemon Chill , Wooo Vaporize , High Blood Pressure , Pain , Joint Pain , Trust Tylenol , Blood Pressure , Doctors , Tylenol , Aleve , Motrin , Headlines , Lead , Thousands Of Americans , Fbi , Reporter , Loved Ones , Strangers , Sara Sidner , Purpose , Middle , Guys , Arizona Desert , Break Of Dawn , Daniel Robinson , Stranger , Father , Child , 24 , Freshman Year , College , Geologist , Honors , Daniel Didn T Want , Dad , Water Wells , Hellscape , Job Site , Terrain , Viability , Veteran , Desert , Dangers , Essence , Army , 14 , Officer , 12 , Vehicle , No Go , My Son , Helicopter , Son , Foot , Reality , Helicopters , Break , David , He Doesn T Know What , Car , Call Robinson , Searches , Ranchers , Condition , Air Bags , Sunroof , Water , Cell Phone , Ravine , Crash Site , True , Investigator , Data , Glass , Collision , Accident , Discrepancies , Black Box , Somewhere , Sound , Findings , Crash , Jeep , 46 , Danger , Theories , Media Coverage , Pleading , Losing Hope , Community , Missing , Natalie Holloways In The Black , Gabby Petitos , Wilson , Stations , Citizens , Missing Inc , Helping Search , Search , Saturday , Arianna Fitts , Nikki , Mystery , Midst , 2 , Nikki Fitts , San Francisco Bay Area , Shallow Grave , Mclaren Park , 2016 , Tessa Fitts , Mother , Niece , Arrests , Photo , Household Name , Face , Picture , John Beanyway Ramsey , Difference , Fliers , Caylee Anthony , Five , Race , Mind Set , Robinsons , Buckeye , Comfort Of , Brand Design , Creatives , Fiverr , Fingertips , Tier , Symptoms , Fast , Support , Flu , Boss , Grab Mucinex , Cold , 24 7 , Sleep Number , Pressure Points , Sleep , Power , Bed , Movements , Rhythm , Sale , Temperature Balancing , 360 , Interest , Smart Bed , Special Edition , Ends Monday , 48 , 1000 , 000 , 0 , Small Business , Flexibility , Service , Lines , Line , Match Data Options , Internet , Mix , Comcast Business Mobile , Nationwide 5g , 30 , Contract , Term , Fees , Possibilities , Comcast Business , Hello , Chaos , Viewers , Cancellation , Cnn Newsroom , All Around The World , Rosemary Church , Houston Music Festival , Comments , Survivor , Plus Drake , January 6 ,

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