Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Vi

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240709

voters dealt his party several major blows. in new jersey, what was expected to be a smooth win for democrats, the governor's race there is still too close to call. in virginia, voters rejected terry mcauliffe. they elected glenn youngkin. let's start, though, in new jersey. cnn's m.j. lee is in asberry park there. counts still happening there, much closer than many democrats and probably some republicans expected. >> reporter: that's right, victor, the counting is still going on, and governor murphy's team is basically waiting. they saw their campaign take the lead earlier today oever their opponent, and they do still believe that it is simply a matter of time before the race is called for them, but there's no sugar coating this, victor, they had a tough day yesterday, and a tough night last night. the race was closer than they hoped it would be. they had hoped that last night at the victory party that they were holding in the building just behind me that the governor would come here and be able to deliver a victory speech, but now they know that the people that they wanted to show up and vote for them simply didn't show up. the folks who were supporting their opponent on the other side, they showed up in higher numbers than they expected and what we saw last night from the governor was coming into the ballroom and essentially saying, i'm sorry that the results aren't in yet, that we can't celebrate quite yet, and he also had this to say, making a contrast between the campaign that he has run and the campaign that his opponent has run. take a listen. >> we're leading with compassion and empathy, not anger and despair. we're following science and facts, not the political whims. we may not always agree, but when we disagree, we sit down and we treat each other with respect and understanding, always seeking common ground. >> reporter: you know, that anger and despair line is pretty interesting because democrats are grappling with right now the question of if people who are angry about vaccines or masks, for example, if they are showing up for the other guy, then what is the message that we can have to make sure that there's enthusiasm for our base that trumps the anger on the other side. that is certainly going to be a question that democrats grapple with for a while after the results of last night. victor. >> we'll talk about that with two progressive democrats in just a moment, but first, let's go to virginia. m.j., thank you so much. cnn's dan merica is in washington watching that race in virginia. republican projected winner, glenn youngkin, what's he doing today? >> i have just been told that he has already begun transition meetings, building out what will eventually be the youngkin administration. he's also i'm told spending time with his wife and governor ralph northam, who campaigned against youngkin, will meet to kind of go over the transition process. you can see already getting to work and that's something that young ynkin talked about on the campaign trail. he said over and over again, he would do a number of things on day one. day one will be busy, and part of the promises is on education. pledging he would make it central to his administration. he's obviously promised to ban critical race theory, something that's got a lot of attention, even though it's not taught in virginia schools. he's talked a lot about police and crime, and he's talked about cutting taxes, especially the grocery tax, something that he actually used against mcauliffe, and adds in a number of other venues. take a listen to what he said, especially on education last night at mhis victory party. >> we're going to embrace our parents, not ignore them. we're going to press forward with a curriculum that includes listening to parents' input, a curriculum that allows our children to run as fast as they can, teaching them how to think, enabling their dreams to soar. >> victor, while youngkin is preparing to get his administration stood up, republicans in d.c. are jubilant. not only are they excited about what a youngkin administration means, they're excited about what this means in 2022 and beyond and whether they can replicate what youngkin did across the country. >> let's talk about that right now with both parties trying to analyze the virginia race to determine if there is a template, if there's a playbook going forward. cnn politics reporter, chris cillizza is here to walk us through how youngkin pulled it off. hey, chris. >> the whole thing is maybe not just about virginia, can youngkin's blueprint work for republicans. let's walk through what youngkin's blueprint was. first let's start here: in 2020 joe biden won by 10 points. this is not a swing state. this is a state that swings blue. how did he do it. you heard it in some of the clip from his victory speech. he took this comment, i don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach. terry mcauliffe makes in in a late september debate. youngkin turns this into the central piece of the campaign. he makes the entire race about this, that terry mcauliffe doesn't think you should be involved in your kids education, it's a lot more complex than that, politics is politics. it worked. you can't talk about the republican party without talking about donald trump. we say here, trump enough, glenn youngkin was honored to receive trump's endorsement. they're both outsiders, both businessmen, but, well, he's not too trumpy. he's trumpy enough for the republican base but not so much that he alienates women and particularly people in the suburbs. donald trump lost the suburbs in virginia by one point to joe biden. glenn youngkin won it by 14 points in 2021. how did he do it? he didn't have donald trump in the state. when he was asked why donald trump wasn't coming to the state, he said, well, because this race is about virginia. he did not attend either of the tele rallies. donald trump called into a few rallies. praised youngkin, youngkin was not there. that was on purpose. it was keeping donald trump at enough distance, he didn't have to own him every second but not so far away that republicans ran away from youngkin, and last thing, this is a donald trump thing to do strategically, you heard dan talk about. culture warrior, you haeeard a t of talk about critical race theory, even though it's not taught in schools, talking about race more generally, talking about transgender issues. there's an issue in loudoun county, one of the suburban counties in northern virginia, there was an issue about transgender students in bathrooms that became a big hot button. he talked about, you know, covid-19 and mask requirements and kids going back to school and what they should and shouldn't do. he took this whole sort of bucket and made it about culture. this is really about our parents and parents getting the say. you heard it in his victory speech. this is about parents having their say in his education. it looks somewhat easy in re retrospect, it's not. glenn youngkin is the first to walk this line, between keeping trump happy, and not alienating sub suburbanites and can other candidates follow, it's harder to follow maybe than it looks. >> chris cillizza, thank you so much. jess mcintosh, former director of the communications outreach for hillary clinton's last campaign. and dr. abdul el-sayed, good to see both of you again. dr. el-sayed, let me start with you, is there any good news, anything that is encouraging for the progressive movement that you saw last night? >> well, i'll tell you this, i think that if we are able to take on the incredible well supported project inside of the build back better agenda, whether that's paid family leave or universal pre-k or child care that those are messages that we have failed to talk about and failed to achieve, and so if we are able to pass this bill, to talk about all of the incredible things that would benefit everybody in our country, whether you are low income in a rural community or you are low income in an urban community or you are middle class f we're able to talk about them and achieve them, it not only benefits progressives, it benefits the democratic party writ large and the country. there is a focus on what we're doing, and getting it done, getting it across the line that i think has to be the focus right now. >> doctor, what is the evidence that if people just understood because the president has been pushing this legislation. your party has been pushing this legislation. 71% of people believe the country is going in the wrong direction. the president is under water on job approval. you see the loss in virginia, the close race in new jersey, the socialist democrat lost after winning the nomination in buffalo. of course we want to talk about minneapolis in a moment. so what indicator do you see here. it's just people don't hear what we're trying to do, instead of, what some are saying, they reject it. >> the problem is we haven't done it yet. it's not about what we're trying to do. as yoda says, do or don't do, there is tno try. people don't know what's in the build back agenda, when they are told what's in the agenda, they like those things, whether it's the paid family leave or climate mitigation, people understand these kinds of programs would fundamentally change their quality of life. the issue is they done know what we're trying to do, if we're able to stand up to the brick walls that kyrsten sinema and say joe manchin and say this is how it's changing your life, it could change the trajectory of the presidency, and the trajectory of the country. >> cnn polling shows there's a significant amount of democrats that don't believe what is passed in the bill will improve their lives, those who know about it. jess, let me come to you. in the race in virginia, do democrats overplay the trump card? >> no, i agree with everything that abdul just said but i want to add a piece that speaks directly to this, and that is in addition to making our campaigns about the strong policy proposals that we are accomplishing, we also have to have a serious response to disinformation campaigns. we've heard it twice in this segment already. critical race theory is not being taught in virginia public schools. it's not being taught in any public schools in america because it's a legal scholarship that is taught as an electtive n law school. when you ask people what they're actually objecting to, since, again, it's not being taught in schools, what they point to is american history. saying that white people enslaved black people for 200 years and then there was jim crow, that's not critical race theory, saying american people committed genocide, it's not critical race theory, it's just american history but they can't run on barring teachers from teaching american history, and ban books by toni morrison, that would turn off any virginia voter that wasn't a straight white supremacist voter. there are more of those in the country, but there's a reason why they're lying about what should be scaring parents in schools. democrats need to be able to say that strongly over and over again, before this takes root. >> what we know from this, what we know from the polling, education was a top issue, not just for those who voted for le, one in the basement, teaching them for a year and are disappointed with how education has been run in their homes, in their districts, so how much of that top issue of education is not only what you discussed the critical race theory element, but also the failure of local school districts to do the basic elements of education and the fear that their children are behind? >> yeah, there is no question that parents have been through absolute hell in the last year and a half, trying to make sure their kids were well schooled. it's the democratic party that has been the party of public education from the jump, and that is the way it continues. calling the critical race theory fight as education issue is calling the mask mandate a health care issue. it's broader than that, and we are being subject to disinformation about it. any democrat running would be happy to run on their plans for improving public schools. i mean, heck, we are very very close to getting universal pre-k done. do you know what that would do for parents who have been juggling multiple kids remote learning throughout the pandemic. that would be a massive improvement in their lives. so i think as soon as we can get past the negotiation part and into the implementation part democrats have a much easier road ahead of them. >> i would say there are democratic governors in virginia and new jersey who have been -- who have been in many ways, their approach to it rejected, what happens in new jersey, but that race is much closer than many expected. jess mcintosh, dr. abdul el-sayed, thank you very much. in a few minutes, president biden is expected to speak on vaccinations for kids ages 5 to 11 as parents line up across the country to get their kids that first dose. how did panera come up with the idea i felt very nervous but now it's over, and now we're vaccinated. yes to new inventions! yes to clean and fresh ingredients! and yes to living life to the flavor-fullest. panera. live your yes. now $1 delivery. don't settle. start your day with secret. secret stops odor-causing sweat 3x more. and the provitamin b5 formula is gentle on skin. with secret, outlast anything! no sweat. secret. ♪ all strength. no sweat. ♪ to make progress, we must keep taking steps forward. we believe the future of energy is lower carbon. and to get there, the world needs to reduce global emissions. at chevron, we're taking action. tying our executives' pay to lowering the carbon emissions intensity of our operations. it's tempting to see how far we've come. but it's only human... to know how far we have to go. at fidelity, your dedicated advisor will work with you on a comprehensive wealth plan across your full financial picture. a plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. this is the planning effect. football, is a game of inches. but it's also a game, of information. because the nfl is connected. and at any moment, the fate of the season can come down to this. billions of secure connections, per second. when the game is on the line and the game is always on the line touchdown! the nfl relies on cisco. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? you got it. ♪ liberty, liberty - liberty, liberty ♪ uh, i'll settle for something i can dance to. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ just in to cnn, minneapolis mayor, jacob frey will be reelected based on unofficial results of ranked choice tabulation, the that sparked the defund the police movement in some quarters after the death of george floyd. it's signaling that it's a much more nuanced issue here. minneapolis voters rejected a ballot measure that would have removed the police department, replaced it with the department of public safety. let's bring in sanya samuels, the president and ceo of the north side achievement zone in minneapolis. good to have you with us. if this were to pass in any city, one would expect that it would have passed in the city where we just watched the murder of george floyd, so why didn't it, in your opinion. >> yeah, you know, i tell you, hi, victor, so great to be on your show. >> thank you. >> the main reason it didn't pass is because the ballot initiative to eliminate the police department, eliminate the police chief, eliminate minimum number of police and funding would have been happening at a time where we are at the highest level, historic levels of crime and violence in our city, and i think that -- i know that the majority of many are strong and they're the strong and sigh type, and they just went to the polls, and they voted, and they said, now is not the time. now is the time for us to both eliminate the brutality of police, which happens. we know it does, and at the same time, protect the disproportionate number of men and women, particularly women and men who live in my neighborhood who were being harmed by having too few police right now. >> is it, in your opinion, that just the idea of removing the floor for funding of policing was just an extreme idea, that getting rid of the requirement for a police chief was an extreme idea, people by 12 points here just rejected. >> yeah, and it was extreme, and victor, i got to tell you, i understand it. right? it was the wrong move. you know, again, at the height of violence, you don't remove your police department and police chief, and then experiment. this would have been an experiment in something that we've never done before. while 30 children in our city have been shot this year, three murdered, one, you know, struggling for his life, just not the time. radical idea, we need different. none of us are going to go back to the status quo, victor, and that was what the fear was, that by voting no, you were voting for the status quo. instead by voting no, we're voting for all black lives, whether they're killed by police officers or the pwho are killed or maimed, the 44% who didn't, we understand them, and right now my highest hope is that 100% of us will come together and rebuild our city. >> okay. so i want to put these numbers into context. you talked about the historic levels of violent crime. homicides are up, aggravated assaults are up. robberies are up year to date. those are the 2020 numbers, so when you say that -- and i understand from reading about you that you're not against the public health perspective or that approach to public safety, what, then, should be the reforms, the changes if not getting rid of the police department, what do you think should happen? >> yeah, so i keep saying we can't throw the baby out with the bath water. it's not a both/and, the baby that was going to get thrown out was the black baby. 8 out of 10 people hurt in this city or killed are black. what i'm hoping is we continue with the public health approach, so we continue investing in mental health support, addiction counsel ors, social workers to be along with the police. we've always done it. we need to do it more and be more intentional. and that we actually get to sys systemic issues that keep the problem of poor policing in place, like arbitration rules that were negotiated with the union that caused 50% of the time when a police chief fires or reprimands a police officer, his or her has to rehire them and undo the reprimand. we need to make sure judges are actually keeping incarcerated violent offenders. it started with covid, and right now, we have people on the streets who are just -- the gang warfare is unimaginable, and we can really continue to stop warrior style policing. we can continue to stop choke holds. we've put all of these things in place. make sure you have your camera on. but mainly, mainly, there is no universe in which we don't need police, and we are hoping that we can, with the police, victor, work with communities a all of the supports, hold them accountable, and make minneapolis, give the world something to see. we gave them something to see with george floyd. we want to give them something to see with the real reforms and the transformation that i believe is possible. >> sandra samuels, thank you so much for the insight there. again, this ballot measure to replace or pull the police department from the city charter and add this public safety department lost by 12 points there. thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you. a major milestone in the fight to end the pandemic. kids 5 and up now are able to get their covid vaccines, what exactly parents need to know. we have that for you ahead. wealth is shutting down the office for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. principal. for all it's worth. i'll shoot you an estimate as soon as i get back to the office. hey, i can help you do that right now. high thryv! thryv? 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>> victor, there's no way around it. this is an exciting day for a lot of these children and their parents, especially those who have children who have under lying conditions. that's what we saw at children's hospital los angeles today. there's some kids, not so thrilled, maybe some tears about getting the vaccine, and other kids came up and put their arm out, happy to do it. i want to introduce you to 7-year-old ari, who according to his mom and dad, one day the kids said we want to get vaccinated. it was about three weeks ago, they talked to their doctor, answered their questions, and decided to go ahead and do it. listen to ari explain why he wanted to get vaccinated today. >> i just want to be safe from covid, and i already got a covid test, which is just like a nose swab, but i think i could do more, so i got the vaccine, and it was really my choice. >> reporter: he said it's really a me choice. and his younger sister, 57-year-old alayna said she pretty much does what her big brother does. the family was here. he had an underlying condition of diabetes, and that's why they wanted to do it to protect them as a family. encouraging to see young kids knowing what they want to do for their health and the health of their families as well. >> so many of them excited to get the shot. stephanie elam in los angeles, thank you. we understand there are a lot of questions that parents have about this vaccine for young children. here to answer some of them is dr. mark gally, the secretary of california's health and human services agency. doctor, good to have you. you know, we have obviously seen that there are some parents who are excited. 37,000 appointments at that texas children's hospital, and then we know that there's the other end of the spectrum, those who are resistant or reluctant. i want you to speak to that middle section that's significant. those who are not opposed to it, but they're in no rush. they'll wait and see. what do you tell them about the urgency of getting their kids vaccin vaccinated. >> thanks for the question, and thanks for having me as the secretary of health and human services and a pediatrician. been in office with a number of families and parents about vaccines, and other treatments, and i think the first thing is to really do what ari's family did, the young boy in l.a., and they asked the questions, they went in and raised a number of the different concerns that they might have, maybe the newness of the vaccine, the adverse reactions and really share the information and the day that these are safe vaccines, that the trials have been really robust, that we continue to monitor for concerns, but that this is one of the most important ways that we not just protect our communities but really support our young people to do the things that those kids in texas and los angeles are talking about, getting back to being safe, not having the concern and really avoiding some of the tragedies of getting infected and the consequences. >> for their lives, but for really the larger family, we are now in christmas season, holiday season, i'm starting to see the holiday commercials so i know it's real. we know that it's not just about vaccinating and protecting the 7-year-old, but also explain the protection it offers the 77-year-old grandmother that potentially you'll see in a few weeks by getting the kids vaccinated, how that protects the rest of the family. >> yeah, i think that's a really important part of it, victor, that getting young people vaccinated means they're less likely to be infected, less likely to be able to transmit it to other people, might be because of their age or another condition, more vulnerable to getting really sick. i do want to emphasize, this is first and foremost about the kids and making sure they don't have to face the consequences of covid, you know, the cdc and the fda have identified it as the 8th leading cause of death for young people in our nation, and so every preventable young person's death is something as a nation we should strive for, so this is a really important step, not jutsst for our communities d our families, but for the young people themselves. >> let me ask you the practice what you praeach question i understand you have for kids. i don't know the age range and are they vaccinated, and i know it's day one, how soon? >> one is she's 13, but three are 11 and under and they're -- we did what so many families did, this morning, looked for an appointment, we're getting these three kids vaccinated within the next 24 hours. we're hoping to do it today, but we're among that eager crew of parents because we've looked at the information, and think it's the right choice for them and for our family. so we're moving forward. >> dr. mark ghaly. thank you very much. >> thank you, victor, take care, thank you. stunning missions from the rush arborer suggesting sabotage may have led to the fatal on-set shooting. the last day of vacation is still vacation. with guaranteed 4pm checkout at fine hotels + resorts properties. one of the many reasons you're with amex platinum. ♪ ♪ don't be fooled by the bike. or judge him by his jacket. while ted's eyes are on the road, his heart stays home. he's got gloria, and 10 grand-babies, to prove it. but his back made weekend rides tough, so ted called on the card that's even tougher. and the medicare coverage trusted by more doctors. medicare from blue cross blue shield. by your side, no matter what. that's the benefit of blue. find your local blue cross and blue shield plan at like you, my hands are everything to me. but i was diagnosed with dupuytren's contracture. and it got to the point where things i took for granted got tougher to do. thought surgery was my only option. turns out i was wrong. so when a hand specialist told me about nonsurgical treatments, it was a total game changer. like you, my hands have a lot more to do. learn more at today. sharing smiles together is a gift. at aspen dental, it's easy to gift yourself the smile you deserve. new patients, get started with a comprehensive exam and full set of x-rays with no obligation. and if you don't have insurance, it's free. plus, get 20% off your treatment plan. enjoy flexible payment options and savings when it matters most. we're here to make your smile shine bright so you can start the new year feelin' alright. call 1-800-aspendental 7 days a week or book today at let's get you to the latest now on the trial of kyle rittenhouse, we heard from a witness today who live streamed the teenager during protests over police shooting last summer. now, the video shows rittenhouse and protesters at a car dealership. we also see the subsequent shots that he fired. rittenhouse is charge with shooting and killing two men, wounding another. cnn's shimon prokupecz has been watching the try closely. we understand there was some dispute over video evidence but the trial has now resumed. what's happening? >> reporter: yeah, there was and it was whether or not the prosecutors can play some of the narration that is on this social media video. it's been a day of video, really, for prosecutors here who have spent the day showing all the social media video that we have seen in the days and really minutes after this shooting. we have all seen this video. some of it really graphic and hard to watch. that video, some of it's still being played, showing some of the people being shot, a lot of it showing kyle rittenhouse himself walking around with that large weapon. some of the jurors now perhaps for the first time seeing some of the victims as they were shot being carried off, some of the jurors getting -- some reacting to seeing some of this video, moving around in their seats. kyle rittenhouse at one point moving around as this video was being shown. what's most important is for prosecutors to show kind of -- get the jurors back to that night, and show them what the situation was like on the streets here in kenosha. one of those witnesses who testified, corey washington, he filmed it live. here's what he said about what he saw kyle rittenhouse doing that night. >> so i just took a mental note of that. i didn't see anything malicious, a young person in a situation, honestly, i would say it was mainly the gloves. i didn't know why he had the gloves on. it kind of stood out, i was like, all right, and then he just kind of remembered that, i suppose. >> and that was it, victor. you know, for this guy who was taking this video, he said seeing how young kyle rittenhouse was at the time, seeing him walk around chain smoking, he seemed very nervous, he also said one of the victims, one of the people who were shot here, joseph rosenbaum, he told the defense that he was acting erratic, so of course the defense attorneys seized on that but for today so far, it has been a day for prosecutors to just take jurors back to that night. they have been showing videos for most of the day. the defense attorneys cross examining some of the witnesses today. but right now a detective who was investigating this case, and who was working the case since the night of the shootings is still on the stand as she's showing the videos to these jurors. >> shimon prokupecz in kenosha, wisconsin, thank you. >> let's turn you to the fatal shooting on the set of that movie rust, and new defenses from two key players who handled a gun that alec baldwin shot cinemat cinemat cinematographer hutchins. attorney for armorer ambig hannah said the box was labeled dummy box. >> there was a box of rounds, the box was labeled dummy. hannah did take from that box, which she by all accounts should have been able to rely on. that contains only dummy rounds. she loaded rounds from that box into the handgun only later to find out, she had no idea, she inspected the rounds, that there was a live round. >> now, the attorney also suggested that something malicious was at play. watch. >> we're assuming somebody put the live round in that box, which, if you think about that, the person who put the live round in the box of dummy rounds had to have the purpose of sabotaging this set. i believe that somebody who would do that would want to sabotage the set, wanted to prove a point, wanted to say they're disgruntled, they're unhappy. >> we're also learning about accusations of massive safety issues on that set from two members of the film crew. they both resigned just one day before that fatal shooting. one of them told cnn during the filming of gunfights on this job, things are often played very fast and loose. in my ten years as a camera assistant, i have never worked on a show that cares so little for the safety of its crew. but on instagram, baldwin disputed the characterization and reposted comments from a fellow crew members called out the narrative that the crew was overworked and surrounded by unsafe chaotic conditions. fed chair jerome powell is finally hitting the brakes, slowing the pace of monthly bond purchases, as inflation is on the rise and is taking over the holiday season. we'll explain what all that means. 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they're still pumping in money every month, just not as much, but interest rates are still at zero. the wild card is energy prices because that's causing people a lot of concern. the cost of gasoline, $3.40 a gallon nationally up from $3.19 a month ago. $2.12 a year ago. the good news for drivers is that oil prices are actually dropping sharply today. worse day since july. the bad news is bank of america is saying oil prices are going to go up another 45% to $1$120 barrel. that would raise the cost of living even further. >> it's bad on a day-to-day basis but as we go into the holiday season, that's terrible news for people who love to travel and flight tickets going up. matt egan, thanks so much. after decades of frustration, atlanta has something to celebrate. braves win! braves win! we'll be back in a minute. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? you got it. ♪ liberty, liberty - liberty, liberty ♪ uh, i'll settle for something i can dance to. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ if you have diabetes, you should wear a dexcom. i'm on this one because it's the best. and because it works. it's easy to wear. you put it on, and the numbers are there. no fingersticks. i can't say that enough. the dexcom is a game changer. everyone remembers the moment they heard... “you have cancer.” how their world stopped and when they found a way to face it. for some, this is where their keytruda story begins. keytruda - a breakthrough immunotherapy that may treat certain cancers. one of those cancers is advanced nonsquamous, non-small cell lung cancer where keytruda is approved to be used with certain chemotherapies as your first treatment if you do not have an abnormal “egfr” or “alk” gene. keytruda helps your immune system fight cancer but can also cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body. this can happen during or after treatment and may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain or tenderness, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion or memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. these are not all the possible side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, or if you've had an organ transplant, had or plan to have a stem cell transplant, or have had radiation to your chest area or a nervous system condition. today, keytruda is fda-approved to treat 16 types of advanced cancer. and is being studied in hundreds of clinical trials exploring ways to treat even more types of cancer. it's tru. keytruda from merck. see the different types of cancer keytruda is approved to treat at, and ask your doctor if keytruda can be part of your story. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit so, listen, i just moved to new york from georgia so i've got to take a moment to celebrate with all these weary atlanta sports fans who are pinching themselves today. they have been through years, decades, of false hopes and missed opportunities, but now the braves, they clinched a decisive 7-0 victory over the houston astros marking the end of a more than two-decade world series drought. emotional home run made soared 446 feet to an apartment complex across from the stadium in cobb county where i used to live mean was named the mvp. the second cuban to ever win that trophy. congratulations to all the s sports fans there in atlanta. it's been 26 years. you got it now. "the lead" with jake tapper starts right now. a jolt to the democratic party. "the lead" starts right now. an upset in virginia and an unexpectedly close race for new jersey governor that's now neck and neck. what it all means for the parties and the midterms. and any moment we'll hear from president biden speaking about the moment so many have been waiting for. kids as young as 5 now getting their covid shots. plus, was it sabotage? the stunning aloeigations today about that deadly shooting on a movie set.

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota And Victor Blackwell 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240709

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voters dealt his party several major blows. in new jersey, what was expected to be a smooth win for democrats, the governor's race there is still too close to call. in virginia, voters rejected terry mcauliffe. they elected glenn youngkin. let's start, though, in new jersey. cnn's m.j. lee is in asberry park there. counts still happening there, much closer than many democrats and probably some republicans expected. >> reporter: that's right, victor, the counting is still going on, and governor murphy's team is basically waiting. they saw their campaign take the lead earlier today oever their opponent, and they do still believe that it is simply a matter of time before the race is called for them, but there's no sugar coating this, victor, they had a tough day yesterday, and a tough night last night. the race was closer than they hoped it would be. they had hoped that last night at the victory party that they were holding in the building just behind me that the governor would come here and be able to deliver a victory speech, but now they know that the people that they wanted to show up and vote for them simply didn't show up. the folks who were supporting their opponent on the other side, they showed up in higher numbers than they expected and what we saw last night from the governor was coming into the ballroom and essentially saying, i'm sorry that the results aren't in yet, that we can't celebrate quite yet, and he also had this to say, making a contrast between the campaign that he has run and the campaign that his opponent has run. take a listen. >> we're leading with compassion and empathy, not anger and despair. we're following science and facts, not the political whims. we may not always agree, but when we disagree, we sit down and we treat each other with respect and understanding, always seeking common ground. >> reporter: you know, that anger and despair line is pretty interesting because democrats are grappling with right now the question of if people who are angry about vaccines or masks, for example, if they are showing up for the other guy, then what is the message that we can have to make sure that there's enthusiasm for our base that trumps the anger on the other side. that is certainly going to be a question that democrats grapple with for a while after the results of last night. victor. >> we'll talk about that with two progressive democrats in just a moment, but first, let's go to virginia. m.j., thank you so much. cnn's dan merica is in washington watching that race in virginia. republican projected winner, glenn youngkin, what's he doing today? >> i have just been told that he has already begun transition meetings, building out what will eventually be the youngkin administration. he's also i'm told spending time with his wife and governor ralph northam, who campaigned against youngkin, will meet to kind of go over the transition process. you can see already getting to work and that's something that young ynkin talked about on the campaign trail. he said over and over again, he would do a number of things on day one. day one will be busy, and part of the promises is on education. pledging he would make it central to his administration. he's obviously promised to ban critical race theory, something that's got a lot of attention, even though it's not taught in virginia schools. he's talked a lot about police and crime, and he's talked about cutting taxes, especially the grocery tax, something that he actually used against mcauliffe, and adds in a number of other venues. take a listen to what he said, especially on education last night at mhis victory party. >> we're going to embrace our parents, not ignore them. we're going to press forward with a curriculum that includes listening to parents' input, a curriculum that allows our children to run as fast as they can, teaching them how to think, enabling their dreams to soar. >> victor, while youngkin is preparing to get his administration stood up, republicans in d.c. are jubilant. not only are they excited about what a youngkin administration means, they're excited about what this means in 2022 and beyond and whether they can replicate what youngkin did across the country. >> let's talk about that right now with both parties trying to analyze the virginia race to determine if there is a template, if there's a playbook going forward. cnn politics reporter, chris cillizza is here to walk us through how youngkin pulled it off. hey, chris. >> the whole thing is maybe not just about virginia, can youngkin's blueprint work for republicans. let's walk through what youngkin's blueprint was. first let's start here: in 2020 joe biden won by 10 points. this is not a swing state. this is a state that swings blue. how did he do it. you heard it in some of the clip from his victory speech. he took this comment, i don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach. terry mcauliffe makes in in a late september debate. youngkin turns this into the central piece of the campaign. he makes the entire race about this, that terry mcauliffe doesn't think you should be involved in your kids education, it's a lot more complex than that, politics is politics. it worked. you can't talk about the republican party without talking about donald trump. we say here, trump enough, glenn youngkin was honored to receive trump's endorsement. they're both outsiders, both businessmen, but, well, he's not too trumpy. he's trumpy enough for the republican base but not so much that he alienates women and particularly people in the suburbs. donald trump lost the suburbs in virginia by one point to joe biden. glenn youngkin won it by 14 points in 2021. how did he do it? he didn't have donald trump in the state. when he was asked why donald trump wasn't coming to the state, he said, well, because this race is about virginia. he did not attend either of the tele rallies. donald trump called into a few rallies. praised youngkin, youngkin was not there. that was on purpose. it was keeping donald trump at enough distance, he didn't have to own him every second but not so far away that republicans ran away from youngkin, and last thing, this is a donald trump thing to do strategically, you heard dan talk about. culture warrior, you haeeard a t of talk about critical race theory, even though it's not taught in schools, talking about race more generally, talking about transgender issues. there's an issue in loudoun county, one of the suburban counties in northern virginia, there was an issue about transgender students in bathrooms that became a big hot button. he talked about, you know, covid-19 and mask requirements and kids going back to school and what they should and shouldn't do. he took this whole sort of bucket and made it about culture. this is really about our parents and parents getting the say. you heard it in his victory speech. this is about parents having their say in his education. it looks somewhat easy in re retrospect, it's not. glenn youngkin is the first to walk this line, between keeping trump happy, and not alienating sub suburbanites and can other candidates follow, it's harder to follow maybe than it looks. >> chris cillizza, thank you so much. jess mcintosh, former director of the communications outreach for hillary clinton's last campaign. and dr. abdul el-sayed, good to see both of you again. dr. el-sayed, let me start with you, is there any good news, anything that is encouraging for the progressive movement that you saw last night? >> well, i'll tell you this, i think that if we are able to take on the incredible well supported project inside of the build back better agenda, whether that's paid family leave or universal pre-k or child care that those are messages that we have failed to talk about and failed to achieve, and so if we are able to pass this bill, to talk about all of the incredible things that would benefit everybody in our country, whether you are low income in a rural community or you are low income in an urban community or you are middle class f we're able to talk about them and achieve them, it not only benefits progressives, it benefits the democratic party writ large and the country. there is a focus on what we're doing, and getting it done, getting it across the line that i think has to be the focus right now. >> doctor, what is the evidence that if people just understood because the president has been pushing this legislation. your party has been pushing this legislation. 71% of people believe the country is going in the wrong direction. the president is under water on job approval. you see the loss in virginia, the close race in new jersey, the socialist democrat lost after winning the nomination in buffalo. of course we want to talk about minneapolis in a moment. so what indicator do you see here. it's just people don't hear what we're trying to do, instead of, what some are saying, they reject it. >> the problem is we haven't done it yet. it's not about what we're trying to do. as yoda says, do or don't do, there is tno try. people don't know what's in the build back agenda, when they are told what's in the agenda, they like those things, whether it's the paid family leave or climate mitigation, people understand these kinds of programs would fundamentally change their quality of life. the issue is they done know what we're trying to do, if we're able to stand up to the brick walls that kyrsten sinema and say joe manchin and say this is how it's changing your life, it could change the trajectory of the presidency, and the trajectory of the country. >> cnn polling shows there's a significant amount of democrats that don't believe what is passed in the bill will improve their lives, those who know about it. jess, let me come to you. in the race in virginia, do democrats overplay the trump card? >> no, i agree with everything that abdul just said but i want to add a piece that speaks directly to this, and that is in addition to making our campaigns about the strong policy proposals that we are accomplishing, we also have to have a serious response to disinformation campaigns. we've heard it twice in this segment already. critical race theory is not being taught in virginia public schools. it's not being taught in any public schools in america because it's a legal scholarship that is taught as an electtive n law school. when you ask people what they're actually objecting to, since, again, it's not being taught in schools, what they point to is american history. saying that white people enslaved black people for 200 years and then there was jim crow, that's not critical race theory, saying american people committed genocide, it's not critical race theory, it's just american history but they can't run on barring teachers from teaching american history, and ban books by toni morrison, that would turn off any virginia voter that wasn't a straight white supremacist voter. there are more of those in the country, but there's a reason why they're lying about what should be scaring parents in schools. democrats need to be able to say that strongly over and over again, before this takes root. >> what we know from this, what we know from the polling, education was a top issue, not just for those who voted for le, one in the basement, teaching them for a year and are disappointed with how education has been run in their homes, in their districts, so how much of that top issue of education is not only what you discussed the critical race theory element, but also the failure of local school districts to do the basic elements of education and the fear that their children are behind? >> yeah, there is no question that parents have been through absolute hell in the last year and a half, trying to make sure their kids were well schooled. it's the democratic party that has been the party of public education from the jump, and that is the way it continues. calling the critical race theory fight as education issue is calling the mask mandate a health care issue. it's broader than that, and we are being subject to disinformation about it. any democrat running would be happy to run on their plans for improving public schools. i mean, heck, we are very very close to getting universal pre-k done. do you know what that would do for parents who have been juggling multiple kids remote learning throughout the pandemic. that would be a massive improvement in their lives. so i think as soon as we can get past the negotiation part and into the implementation part democrats have a much easier road ahead of them. >> i would say there are democratic governors in virginia and new jersey who have been -- who have been in many ways, their approach to it rejected, what happens in new jersey, but that race is much closer than many expected. jess mcintosh, dr. abdul el-sayed, thank you very much. in a few minutes, president biden is expected to speak on vaccinations for kids ages 5 to 11 as parents line up across the country to get their kids that first dose. how did panera come up with the idea i felt very nervous but now it's over, and now we're vaccinated. yes to new inventions! yes to clean and fresh ingredients! and yes to living life to the flavor-fullest. panera. live your yes. now $1 delivery. don't settle. start your day with secret. secret stops odor-causing sweat 3x more. and the provitamin b5 formula is gentle on skin. with secret, outlast anything! no sweat. secret. ♪ all strength. no sweat. ♪ to make progress, we must keep taking steps forward. we believe the future of energy is lower carbon. and to get there, the world needs to reduce global emissions. at chevron, we're taking action. tying our executives' pay to lowering the carbon emissions intensity of our operations. it's tempting to see how far we've come. but it's only human... to know how far we have to go. at fidelity, your dedicated advisor will work with you on a comprehensive wealth plan across your full financial picture. a plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. this is the planning effect. football, is a game of inches. but it's also a game, of information. because the nfl is connected. and at any moment, the fate of the season can come down to this. billions of secure connections, per second. when the game is on the line and the game is always on the line touchdown! the nfl relies on cisco. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? you got it. ♪ liberty, liberty - liberty, liberty ♪ uh, i'll settle for something i can dance to. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ just in to cnn, minneapolis mayor, jacob frey will be reelected based on unofficial results of ranked choice tabulation, the that sparked the defund the police movement in some quarters after the death of george floyd. it's signaling that it's a much more nuanced issue here. minneapolis voters rejected a ballot measure that would have removed the police department, replaced it with the department of public safety. let's bring in sanya samuels, the president and ceo of the north side achievement zone in minneapolis. good to have you with us. if this were to pass in any city, one would expect that it would have passed in the city where we just watched the murder of george floyd, so why didn't it, in your opinion. >> yeah, you know, i tell you, hi, victor, so great to be on your show. >> thank you. >> the main reason it didn't pass is because the ballot initiative to eliminate the police department, eliminate the police chief, eliminate minimum number of police and funding would have been happening at a time where we are at the highest level, historic levels of crime and violence in our city, and i think that -- i know that the majority of many are strong and they're the strong and sigh type, and they just went to the polls, and they voted, and they said, now is not the time. now is the time for us to both eliminate the brutality of police, which happens. we know it does, and at the same time, protect the disproportionate number of men and women, particularly women and men who live in my neighborhood who were being harmed by having too few police right now. >> is it, in your opinion, that just the idea of removing the floor for funding of policing was just an extreme idea, that getting rid of the requirement for a police chief was an extreme idea, people by 12 points here just rejected. >> yeah, and it was extreme, and victor, i got to tell you, i understand it. right? it was the wrong move. you know, again, at the height of violence, you don't remove your police department and police chief, and then experiment. this would have been an experiment in something that we've never done before. while 30 children in our city have been shot this year, three murdered, one, you know, struggling for his life, just not the time. radical idea, we need different. none of us are going to go back to the status quo, victor, and that was what the fear was, that by voting no, you were voting for the status quo. instead by voting no, we're voting for all black lives, whether they're killed by police officers or the pwho are killed or maimed, the 44% who didn't, we understand them, and right now my highest hope is that 100% of us will come together and rebuild our city. >> okay. so i want to put these numbers into context. you talked about the historic levels of violent crime. homicides are up, aggravated assaults are up. robberies are up year to date. those are the 2020 numbers, so when you say that -- and i understand from reading about you that you're not against the public health perspective or that approach to public safety, what, then, should be the reforms, the changes if not getting rid of the police department, what do you think should happen? >> yeah, so i keep saying we can't throw the baby out with the bath water. it's not a both/and, the baby that was going to get thrown out was the black baby. 8 out of 10 people hurt in this city or killed are black. what i'm hoping is we continue with the public health approach, so we continue investing in mental health support, addiction counsel ors, social workers to be along with the police. we've always done it. we need to do it more and be more intentional. and that we actually get to sys systemic issues that keep the problem of poor policing in place, like arbitration rules that were negotiated with the union that caused 50% of the time when a police chief fires or reprimands a police officer, his or her has to rehire them and undo the reprimand. we need to make sure judges are actually keeping incarcerated violent offenders. it started with covid, and right now, we have people on the streets who are just -- the gang warfare is unimaginable, and we can really continue to stop warrior style policing. we can continue to stop choke holds. we've put all of these things in place. make sure you have your camera on. but mainly, mainly, there is no universe in which we don't need police, and we are hoping that we can, with the police, victor, work with communities a all of the supports, hold them accountable, and make minneapolis, give the world something to see. we gave them something to see with george floyd. we want to give them something to see with the real reforms and the transformation that i believe is possible. >> sandra samuels, thank you so much for the insight there. again, this ballot measure to replace or pull the police department from the city charter and add this public safety department lost by 12 points there. thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you. a major milestone in the fight to end the pandemic. kids 5 and up now are able to get their covid vaccines, what exactly parents need to know. we have that for you ahead. wealth is shutting down the office for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. principal. for all it's worth. i'll shoot you an estimate as soon as i get back to the office. hey, i can help you do that right now. high thryv! thryv? 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>> victor, there's no way around it. this is an exciting day for a lot of these children and their parents, especially those who have children who have under lying conditions. that's what we saw at children's hospital los angeles today. there's some kids, not so thrilled, maybe some tears about getting the vaccine, and other kids came up and put their arm out, happy to do it. i want to introduce you to 7-year-old ari, who according to his mom and dad, one day the kids said we want to get vaccinated. it was about three weeks ago, they talked to their doctor, answered their questions, and decided to go ahead and do it. listen to ari explain why he wanted to get vaccinated today. >> i just want to be safe from covid, and i already got a covid test, which is just like a nose swab, but i think i could do more, so i got the vaccine, and it was really my choice. >> reporter: he said it's really a me choice. and his younger sister, 57-year-old alayna said she pretty much does what her big brother does. the family was here. he had an underlying condition of diabetes, and that's why they wanted to do it to protect them as a family. encouraging to see young kids knowing what they want to do for their health and the health of their families as well. >> so many of them excited to get the shot. stephanie elam in los angeles, thank you. we understand there are a lot of questions that parents have about this vaccine for young children. here to answer some of them is dr. mark gally, the secretary of california's health and human services agency. doctor, good to have you. you know, we have obviously seen that there are some parents who are excited. 37,000 appointments at that texas children's hospital, and then we know that there's the other end of the spectrum, those who are resistant or reluctant. i want you to speak to that middle section that's significant. those who are not opposed to it, but they're in no rush. they'll wait and see. what do you tell them about the urgency of getting their kids vaccin vaccinated. >> thanks for the question, and thanks for having me as the secretary of health and human services and a pediatrician. been in office with a number of families and parents about vaccines, and other treatments, and i think the first thing is to really do what ari's family did, the young boy in l.a., and they asked the questions, they went in and raised a number of the different concerns that they might have, maybe the newness of the vaccine, the adverse reactions and really share the information and the day that these are safe vaccines, that the trials have been really robust, that we continue to monitor for concerns, but that this is one of the most important ways that we not just protect our communities but really support our young people to do the things that those kids in texas and los angeles are talking about, getting back to being safe, not having the concern and really avoiding some of the tragedies of getting infected and the consequences. >> for their lives, but for really the larger family, we are now in christmas season, holiday season, i'm starting to see the holiday commercials so i know it's real. we know that it's not just about vaccinating and protecting the 7-year-old, but also explain the protection it offers the 77-year-old grandmother that potentially you'll see in a few weeks by getting the kids vaccinated, how that protects the rest of the family. >> yeah, i think that's a really important part of it, victor, that getting young people vaccinated means they're less likely to be infected, less likely to be able to transmit it to other people, might be because of their age or another condition, more vulnerable to getting really sick. i do want to emphasize, this is first and foremost about the kids and making sure they don't have to face the consequences of covid, you know, the cdc and the fda have identified it as the 8th leading cause of death for young people in our nation, and so every preventable young person's death is something as a nation we should strive for, so this is a really important step, not jutsst for our communities d our families, but for the young people themselves. >> let me ask you the practice what you praeach question i understand you have for kids. i don't know the age range and are they vaccinated, and i know it's day one, how soon? >> one is she's 13, but three are 11 and under and they're -- we did what so many families did, this morning, looked for an appointment, we're getting these three kids vaccinated within the next 24 hours. we're hoping to do it today, but we're among that eager crew of parents because we've looked at the information, and think it's the right choice for them and for our family. so we're moving forward. >> dr. mark ghaly. thank you very much. >> thank you, victor, take care, thank you. stunning missions from the rush arborer suggesting sabotage may have led to the fatal on-set shooting. the last day of vacation is still vacation. with guaranteed 4pm checkout at fine hotels + resorts properties. one of the many reasons you're with amex platinum. ♪ ♪ don't be fooled by the bike. or judge him by his jacket. while ted's eyes are on the road, his heart stays home. he's got gloria, and 10 grand-babies, to prove it. but his back made weekend rides tough, so ted called on the card that's even tougher. and the medicare coverage trusted by more doctors. medicare from blue cross blue shield. by your side, no matter what. that's the benefit of blue. find your local blue cross and blue shield plan at like you, my hands are everything to me. but i was diagnosed with dupuytren's contracture. and it got to the point where things i took for granted got tougher to do. thought surgery was my only option. turns out i was wrong. so when a hand specialist told me about nonsurgical treatments, it was a total game changer. like you, my hands have a lot more to do. learn more at today. sharing smiles together is a gift. at aspen dental, it's easy to gift yourself the smile you deserve. new patients, get started with a comprehensive exam and full set of x-rays with no obligation. and if you don't have insurance, it's free. plus, get 20% off your treatment plan. enjoy flexible payment options and savings when it matters most. we're here to make your smile shine bright so you can start the new year feelin' alright. call 1-800-aspendental 7 days a week or book today at let's get you to the latest now on the trial of kyle rittenhouse, we heard from a witness today who live streamed the teenager during protests over police shooting last summer. now, the video shows rittenhouse and protesters at a car dealership. we also see the subsequent shots that he fired. rittenhouse is charge with shooting and killing two men, wounding another. cnn's shimon prokupecz has been watching the try closely. we understand there was some dispute over video evidence but the trial has now resumed. what's happening? >> reporter: yeah, there was and it was whether or not the prosecutors can play some of the narration that is on this social media video. it's been a day of video, really, for prosecutors here who have spent the day showing all the social media video that we have seen in the days and really minutes after this shooting. we have all seen this video. some of it really graphic and hard to watch. that video, some of it's still being played, showing some of the people being shot, a lot of it showing kyle rittenhouse himself walking around with that large weapon. some of the jurors now perhaps for the first time seeing some of the victims as they were shot being carried off, some of the jurors getting -- some reacting to seeing some of this video, moving around in their seats. kyle rittenhouse at one point moving around as this video was being shown. what's most important is for prosecutors to show kind of -- get the jurors back to that night, and show them what the situation was like on the streets here in kenosha. one of those witnesses who testified, corey washington, he filmed it live. here's what he said about what he saw kyle rittenhouse doing that night. >> so i just took a mental note of that. i didn't see anything malicious, a young person in a situation, honestly, i would say it was mainly the gloves. i didn't know why he had the gloves on. it kind of stood out, i was like, all right, and then he just kind of remembered that, i suppose. >> and that was it, victor. you know, for this guy who was taking this video, he said seeing how young kyle rittenhouse was at the time, seeing him walk around chain smoking, he seemed very nervous, he also said one of the victims, one of the people who were shot here, joseph rosenbaum, he told the defense that he was acting erratic, so of course the defense attorneys seized on that but for today so far, it has been a day for prosecutors to just take jurors back to that night. they have been showing videos for most of the day. the defense attorneys cross examining some of the witnesses today. but right now a detective who was investigating this case, and who was working the case since the night of the shootings is still on the stand as she's showing the videos to these jurors. >> shimon prokupecz in kenosha, wisconsin, thank you. >> let's turn you to the fatal shooting on the set of that movie rust, and new defenses from two key players who handled a gun that alec baldwin shot cinemat cinemat cinematographer hutchins. attorney for armorer ambig hannah said the box was labeled dummy box. >> there was a box of rounds, the box was labeled dummy. hannah did take from that box, which she by all accounts should have been able to rely on. that contains only dummy rounds. she loaded rounds from that box into the handgun only later to find out, she had no idea, she inspected the rounds, that there was a live round. >> now, the attorney also suggested that something malicious was at play. watch. >> we're assuming somebody put the live round in that box, which, if you think about that, the person who put the live round in the box of dummy rounds had to have the purpose of sabotaging this set. i believe that somebody who would do that would want to sabotage the set, wanted to prove a point, wanted to say they're disgruntled, they're unhappy. >> we're also learning about accusations of massive safety issues on that set from two members of the film crew. they both resigned just one day before that fatal shooting. one of them told cnn during the filming of gunfights on this job, things are often played very fast and loose. in my ten years as a camera assistant, i have never worked on a show that cares so little for the safety of its crew. but on instagram, baldwin disputed the characterization and reposted comments from a fellow crew members called out the narrative that the crew was overworked and surrounded by unsafe chaotic conditions. fed chair jerome powell is finally hitting the brakes, slowing the pace of monthly bond purchases, as inflation is on the rise and is taking over the holiday season. we'll explain what all that means. 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they're still pumping in money every month, just not as much, but interest rates are still at zero. the wild card is energy prices because that's causing people a lot of concern. the cost of gasoline, $3.40 a gallon nationally up from $3.19 a month ago. $2.12 a year ago. the good news for drivers is that oil prices are actually dropping sharply today. worse day since july. the bad news is bank of america is saying oil prices are going to go up another 45% to $1$120 barrel. that would raise the cost of living even further. >> it's bad on a day-to-day basis but as we go into the holiday season, that's terrible news for people who love to travel and flight tickets going up. matt egan, thanks so much. after decades of frustration, atlanta has something to celebrate. braves win! braves win! we'll be back in a minute. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? you got it. ♪ liberty, liberty - liberty, liberty ♪ uh, i'll settle for something i can dance to. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ if you have diabetes, you should wear a dexcom. i'm on this one because it's the best. and because it works. it's easy to wear. you put it on, and the numbers are there. no fingersticks. i can't say that enough. the dexcom is a game changer. everyone remembers the moment they heard... “you have cancer.” how their world stopped and when they found a way to face it. for some, this is where their keytruda story begins. keytruda - a breakthrough immunotherapy that may treat certain cancers. one of those cancers is advanced nonsquamous, non-small cell lung cancer where keytruda is approved to be used with certain chemotherapies as your first treatment if you do not have an abnormal “egfr” or “alk” gene. keytruda helps your immune system fight cancer but can also cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body. this can happen during or after treatment and may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain or tenderness, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion or memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. these are not all the possible side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, or if you've had an organ transplant, had or plan to have a stem cell transplant, or have had radiation to your chest area or a nervous system condition. today, keytruda is fda-approved to treat 16 types of advanced cancer. and is being studied in hundreds of clinical trials exploring ways to treat even more types of cancer. it's tru. keytruda from merck. see the different types of cancer keytruda is approved to treat at, and ask your doctor if keytruda can be part of your story. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit so, listen, i just moved to new york from georgia so i've got to take a moment to celebrate with all these weary atlanta sports fans who are pinching themselves today. they have been through years, decades, of false hopes and missed opportunities, but now the braves, they clinched a decisive 7-0 victory over the houston astros marking the end of a more than two-decade world series drought. emotional home run made soared 446 feet to an apartment complex across from the stadium in cobb county where i used to live mean was named the mvp. the second cuban to ever win that trophy. congratulations to all the s sports fans there in atlanta. it's been 26 years. you got it now. "the lead" with jake tapper starts right now. a jolt to the democratic party. "the lead" starts right now. an upset in virginia and an unexpectedly close race for new jersey governor that's now neck and neck. what it all means for the parties and the midterms. and any moment we'll hear from president biden speaking about the moment so many have been waiting for. kids as young as 5 now getting their covid shots. plus, was it sabotage? the stunning aloeigations today about that deadly shooting on a movie set.

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, Vaccines , Message , Masks , Example , Enthusiasm , Let S Go To Virginia , Dan Merica , Democrats Grapple , Two , Administration , Winner , Transition Meetings , Building Out , Washington , Something , Ralph Northam , Wife , Transition Process , Things , Number , Part , Campaign Trail , Day One , Ynkin , One , Police , Education , Race Theory , Schools , Lot , Crime , Promises , Attention , Cutting Taxes , Mhis Victory Party , Grocery Tax , Venues , Parents , Curriculum , Children , Listening , Input , Fast , Teaching , Up , Soar , Dreams , Country , Talk , Jubilant , 2022 , Politics , Parties , Template , Playbook , Thing , Blueprint , Some , State , Points , Swing State , Comment , Clip , 2020 , 10 , Piece , Debate , Kids , Donald Trump , Doesn T , Complex , Trump , Businessmen , Endorsement , Trumpy , Outsiders , It , Point , Women , Suburbs , 14 , 2021 , Praised Youngkin , Tele Rallies , Rallies , Wasn T , Purpose , Distance , Talk About , Culture Warrior , Issues , Loudoun County , All In One , Hasn T , Mask , Sort , Counties , Bathrooms , Requirements , Students , Shouldn , Covid 19 , Big Hot Button , 19 , Say , Culture , Bucket , First , Suburbanites , Retrospect , Candidates , Jess Mcintosh , Communications Outreach , Hillary Clinton , Dr , Anything , Both , News , Progressive Movement , Abdul El Sayed , Agenda , Family Leave , Build , Project , Wall , Bill , Community , Child Care , Income , Everybody , Messages , Progressives , Benefits , Doing , Doctor , Focus , Evidence , Writ , Legislation , Party , Direction , Job Approval , Water , Loss , Nomination , 71 , Course , Minneapolis In A Moment , Saying , Buffalo , People Don T Know What , Problem , Build Back Agenda , Haven T , Tno Try , Yoda , Programs , Kinds , Climate , Mitigation , Life , Brick Walls , Quality , Kyrsten Sinema , Joe Manchin , Lives , Polling , Trajectory , Presidency , Amount , Everything , Campaigns , Trump Card , Addition , Democrats Overplay , Disinformation Campaigns , Policy Proposals , Response , Virginia Public Schools , Segment , Scholarship , America , Electtive N Law School , Jim Crow , 200 , American History , Teachers , Books , Ban , Genocide , Run On , Toni Morrison , Didn T Pass , Voter , Supremacist , Wasn T A , Le , Basement , Districts , Homes , Fear , Elements , School Districts , Race Theory Element , Failure , Hell , Half , Way , Health Care Issue , Education Issue , Public , Race Theory Fight , Jump , Mandate , Plans , Running , Disinformation , Done , Pre K , Subject , Pandemic , Learning , Road , Improvement , Implementation , Negotiation , Ways , Approach , Governors , Vaccinations , Dose , 11 , 5 , Idea , Inventions , Over , Ingredients , Flavor Fullest , Delivery , Yes , Panera , 1 , , Secret , More , Strength , Skin , No Sweat , Provitamin B5 Formula , Don T Settle , 3 , World , Carbon , Action , Energy , Emissions , Make Progress , Chevron , Carbon Emissions Intensity , Human , Executives , Pay , Operations , Wealth , Plan , Planning Effect , Advisor , Picture , Investing Strategies , Game , Information , Season , Football , Fate , Nfl , Billions , Connections , Line Touchdown , Cisco , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Throwback , Liberty Uh , Dj , Customization , Make Minneapolis , Mayor , Jacob Frey , Death , Choice , Signaling , Police Movement , Quarters , Defund , Tabulation , George Floyd , Police Department , Ballot Measure , Sanya Samuels , Us , Achievement Zone , Ceo , Department Of Public Safety , North Side , Didn T , City , Opinion , In The City , Murder , Show , Police Chief , Funding , Ballot Initiative , Hi , Levels , Level , Majority , Brutality , Sigh Type , Strong , Polls , Men , Neighborhood , Policing , Requirement , Floor , Move , Height , 12 , Experiment , 30 , Voting , Voting No , None , Status Quo , Murdered , Three , Police Officers , 44 , Maimed , Pwho , 44 , Hope , Context , Homicides , 100 , Safety , Health , Perspective , Reading , Assaults , Robberies , Baby , Reforms , Changes , Bath Water , Black Baby , 8 , Social Workers , Mental Health Support , Addiction Counsel Ors , Union , Police Officer , Arbitration Rules , Police Chief Fires , Reprimand , Judges , 50 , Streets , Offenders , Gang Warfare , Style , Choke , Camera On , Accountable , Communities , Work , Supports , Universe , Transformation , Sandra Samuels , Public Safety Department , City Charter , Milestone , Office , Fight , Kids 5 , Worth , Employee , Lifetime , Business , Mike S Retirement Party , Employees , Management Software , Estimate , High Thryv , Thryv , Yep , Demo , Small Business , Ow , Indeed Instant Match , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Job Description , Indeed Com Hire Nyquil , Cold , Sunday Night , Flu , Symptoms , Relief , Nighttime , Medicine , Head , Coughing , Sleep , Aching , Stuffy , Sneezing , Sniffling , Handful , Moving , Services , Kidding , Address , Xfinity , Money , Movers , Offers , Internet , Save , Xfinity Com Moving , Cdc , Appointments , Dose Vaccine , Officials , Emergency Use , Texas Children S Hospital , 37000 , Basketball , Sports , Shop , Millions , School , Offices , Doses , Shipments , Distribution Centers , Facilities , Pfizer , Los Angeles , Stephanie Elam , Vaccine , Conditions , Arm Out , Tears , Children S Hospital Los Angeles , Questions , Ari , Mom And Dad , 7 , Safe , Covid Test , Nose Swab , Alayna , Family , Condition , Diabetes , Big Brother , 57 , Shot , Families , Mark Gally , Agency , Health And Human Services , California S , Section , End , Spectrum , Rush , Thanks , Secretary , Urgency , Pediatrician , Treatments , Concerns , Boy , Trials , Reactions , Newness , Holiday Season , Concern , Consequences , Tragedies , Protection , Holiday Commercials , Grandmother , Rest , 77 , Age , Person , Nation , Fda , Have , Cause , Step , Practice , Range , 13 , Crew , Appointment , 24 , Take Care , Mark Ghaly , Sabotage , Led , Missions , Fatal On Set Shooting , Rush Arborer , Vacation , Reasons , Hotels , Resorts Properties , 4pm Checkout , Amex Platinum , 4 , Ted , On The Road , Weekend , Heart , Back , Bike , Jacket , Home , Grand Babies , Eyes , Gloria , Doctors , Blue , Card , Benefit , Coverage , Medicare , Blue Cross Shield , No Matter What , Hands , Dupuytren S Contracture , Game Changer , Option , Hand Specialist , Factsonhand Com , Set , Smile , Patients , Treatment Plan , Gift , Insurance , Exam , Sharing , X Rays , Obligation , At Aspen Dental , 20 , Aspendental Com Let , Book , Options , Savings , Payment , 800 , Trial , Kyle Rittenhouse , Latest , Video , Shots , Rittenhouse , Witness , Protests , Protesters , Teenager , Car Dealership , Shimon Prokupecz , Try , Video Evidence , Dispute , Wounding Another , Prosecutors , Shooting , Narration , Social Media Video , Jurors , Victims , Time , Weapon , Seats , Witnesses , Situation , Kenosha , Kind , Corey Washington , Note , It Kind , Gloves , Gloves On , Chain Smoking , Defense Attorneys , Defense , Joseph Rosenbaum , Detective , Videos , Night , Shootings , Most , Players , Defenses , Movie , Stand , Wisconsin , Rust , Armorer Ambig Hannah , Attorney , Gun , Cinemat , Alec Baldwin , Cinematographer Hutchins , Rounds , Box , Dummy Box , Dummy , The Box , Handgun , Accounts , Somebody , Round , Play , Watch , Which , Members , Accusations , Film Crew , Job , Filming , Gunfights , Camera Assistant , Fast And Loose , Ten , Comments , Narrative , Characterization , Crew Members , Instagram , Unsafe Chaotic , Inflation , Rise , Brakes , Bond Purchases , Pace , Fed Chair Jerome Powell , Kids Playing , Wallet , Bank , Phone , Pizza , Checking Account , Spending , Overdraft Fee , Cody , Left , Difference , Cash , Blocks , Pnc Bank , Gotta , Six , Ideas , Experience , Dark , Flexibility , Reserve , Launch , Stimulus Program , Stocks , Economists , Take A Look , Big Board , Closing Bell , Fed , Third Day , Matt Egan , Record , Economy , Steps , Concrete Step , Anxiety , Stimulus , Demand , Price Spikes , Foot , Groceries , Accelerator , March Of 2020 , 120 Billion , 20 Billion , Wild Card , Energy Prices , Purchases , Bit , Interest Rates , Zero , Oil Prices , Cost , Gasoline , Drivers , 3 40 , 19 , 12 , 3 19 , 40 , 2 12 , Bank Of America , Bad News , Barrel , 120 , 45 , Tickets , Flight , Frustration , Atlanta , Braves , Liberty , Dexcom , Best , Enough , No Fingersticks , Cancer , Cancer Keytruda , Story , Everyone , Cancers , Treatment , Non Small Cell Lung Cancer , Breakthrough Immunotherapy , Nonsquamous , Chemotherapies , Immune System , Parts , Breath , Chest Pain , Gene , Cough , Alk , Egfr , Body , Shortness , Diarrhea , Eye Problems , Memory Problems , Irregular Heartbeat , Muscle Pain , Stomach Pain , Constipation , Headache , Nausea , Light Sensitivity , Vomiting , Appetite , Tenderness , Itching , Dizziness , Confusion , Fainting , Urine , Fever , Rash , Weakness , Thirst , Extreme Tiredness , Side Effects , Immune System Problems , Organ Transplant , Stem Cell Transplant , Chest Area , Radiation , Nervous System , Flushing , Types , Hundreds , Tru , Merck , 16 , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Weary Atlanta Sports Fans , Georgia , New York , Victory , Opportunities , Hopes , The End , Houston Astros , 0 , Feet , World Series , Apartment , Home Run , 446 , Mvp , Cobb County , S Sports Fans , Stadium , Trophy , Congratulations , Cuban , Jolt , Jake Tapper , 26 , Neck , Means , Upset , Midterms , Plus , Movie Set , Aloeigations ,

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