Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Vi

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240709

we intend to pass both bills through the house in the next couple of days, and we are really looking forward to allowing the american people to see how we fought for them and delivered so their lives could be better. >> you're going to vote for these two bills no matter what? >> as i said, we're finalizing the pieces on immigration, on prescription drug pricing and on the details of child care implementation but as soon as those get finalized, yes i believe, we'll have the votes to pass both the infrastructure bill and the build back better act through the house. >> congresswoman pramila jayapal, thank you. >> thank you. this is cnn breaking news. >> brand new hour, good to be with you. i'm victor blackwell. >> and i'm alisyn camerota, democratic senator joe manchin delivered a blow to the president's social safety net bill. in fact, manchin feels so strongly about this, he held a press conference to say he can not support the legislation until he knows how it would impact inflation and the debt. >> the senator urges his democratic colleagues in the house to pass that bipartisan infrastructure bill before tackling the larger spending bill. >> holding this bill hostage is not going to work in getting my support for the reconciliation bill. throughout the last three months i have been straightforward about my concerns that i will not support a reconciliation package that expands social programs and irresponsibly adds to $29 trillion in national debt that no one seems to care about. >> cnn's manu raju was at that press conference. you also listened to that discussion i just had with congresswoman jayapal in which she says they're going to vote for both pieces of legislation. >> that was a big deal. she is the ahead of the congressional progressive caucus. they have been holding up final package of the infrastructure bill because they have been demanding joe manchin, kyrsten sinema, they get behind the separate larger bill that has been under negotiation for months. what jayapal said is she and her progressive caucus are no longer going to sit and wait and demand that joe manchin and sinema say they will be a yes. instead they're going to let joe biden make that determination himself, and do what the president promised him, that he will get the two senators to vote for the bill. she said, i trust the president. that's a sign, no longer will they be pushing for that. they plan to vote yes, that means final passage on the $1.2 trillion infrastructure plan, awaiting action in the house since august. if they vote yes, that will go to joe biden's desk, and she is indicating they will. once they finalize the negotiations over that larger bill, and by all counts, they are moving forward on those negotiations. the larger bill, $1.75 trillion was released late last week. behind the scenes there have been a lot of discussions about making changes including dealing with prescription drug pricing, trying to lower the cost of prescription drugs. those last-minute changes are expected to be added into the bill, potentially sometime this week, suggesting now that both bills can get out of the house. the question is the senate, and what will happen on the larger bill. joe manchin making crystal clear here he is not ready to support that plan. he has concerns about the impact on inflation, and the complete opposite view that most of his parties, and earlier criticized them for budget gimmicks which actually don't show the true cost of this bill. >> there's more of the real details outlined, and framework are released, shell games, budget gimmicks that make the real cost of the so called $1.75 trillion bill estimated to be almost twice that amount, if the full time is run out. >> reporter: what this suggests is it's going to take time to get joe manchin's support for the larger bill. they're going to have to make changes, continue to negotiate, and how long will it take to understand its true impact on the economy. that's what manchin wants to know, what impact will this have on inflation, debt and the like, and not ready to going and vote yes. the way this could play out is they finalize negotiations on the big bill. vote on the house on both bills and the infrastructure bill goes to the president's desk, he signs that into law, and they have to deal with joe cmanchin, and the question will be can they get that across the finish line. we don't have an answer just yet. >> thank you for explaining that. let's bring in cnn political director, david chalian. the past hour for political watchers has been fascinating. whoa, time-out, i'm not there yet, and victor interviews congresswoman jayapal, we're pressing on with a plan and might vote this week. >> what you have is washington's version of hot potato, that's what we saw over the last hour. joe manchin sort of said this is where i am. i am not going to rush this process along simply because there's a frame work that we're talking about and the progressives in the house want to vote on both together. that's not going to impact my time line. over to you congresswoman jayapal, over to you, joe biden, i think victor's interview with jayapal was really interesting. if you thought she was going to let joe manchin get under her skin and escalate this, she said to you, this is a time to lower the temperature. this is a time for cooler heads, this is somebody who's leading that progressive caucus, not just to be a loud voice outside the process, but actually to be delivering on these bills and getting them across the finish line, which is just a different tactic than we have seen. this is somebody who is taking her position as the head of the progressive caucus, and aligning it with action, not just words. >> so david, we know that senator manchin could vote no on that larger spending bill. if the house passes both the infrastructure bill, which then would go to the president, and then the spending bill goes to the senate, and he's still not comfortable with it, what we know from progressives is they have said all democrats, actually, have said we need both but there is now a chance that they won't get both because manchin may say i can't get there. >> there is a chance, and why congresswoman jayapal cited to you, we backed off the demand that the senate actually have a vote on reconciliation, the build back better agenda, before we move the infrastructure bill. that was a key moment. progressives said we're going to leave that up to joe biden to solve how it gets through the senate, and trust that he can do that. instead, what we're going to demand is that the house pass both concurrently, and even nancy pelosi is on the record saying she didn't want to pass the build back better bill in the house, guys, without knowledge that it will pass the senate. you just heard the congresswoman say, and you have heard speaker pelosi say this. s faith is from joe biden, and the pressure now gets added to joe biden. this is where he gets that hot potato because now if the house does pass both bills as congresswoman jayapal said they would, that is now going to be on joe biden to deliver his agenda through an evenly divided senate, meaning manchin and cinema get on board every day. >> absolutely, and i hear in the sub text of the statement that the white house just put out from jen psaki, them saying, basically, senator manchin, we've talked about this. you should know some of this because here's one thing that jen psaki says moments ago. experts agree, 17 noble prize winning economists said it will reduce inflationment a. as a result, we remain confident that the plan will gain senator man chin's support. >> it's interesting when you hear that manchin concern. manu was noting this saying it's so different from the rest of the party. it's actually sort of the republican arguments against the biden administration and the biden agenda, that inflation is high, that it's too much spending, and that there's not enough fiscal responsibility there. that sort of goes to the debt issue that manchin is talking about. you see the white house wanted to immediately jump on that, democratic moderate senator taking on some of republican critique and put that at bay, and remind him, it's fully paid for. if this is your criteria, we're pretty convinced that we can check those boxes for you. >> how much work, david, is still happening to potentially build on to this framework. we know that budget chairman, senator sanders, he's talked about prescription drugs, that program as well. we know there's been a conversation between senator sinema, and speaker pelosi about adding to this. how much is still in play. >> yeah, and you heard congresswoman jayapal say negotiations are still going on at the last minute to frame what that bill is. i think those two pieces of day that you just suggested sanders saying he wanted to work on prescription drugs still, and learning of the pelosi sinema meeting on that issue is probably what prompted manchin to come out because there was this sense when the framework was unveiled by the white house that fwonegotiations had come tn end. this is where the meeting place would be. when you saw progressives like sanders and others from the house side say, we still want to do this, you saw man chin come out saying this can't keep happening in a cycle, and you're not going to pressure me to go along with this as you're trying to put things in here. that's probably what prompted it. you're right to note. this is not apparently a closed negotiation with final text yet. that is still to come, so we'll see who gets in there. >> all right. david chalian, cnn political director. thank you. >> sure. >> turning now to the investigation into the insurrection. we are learning what the former president has been trying to keep secret. the national archives, which inherited former president's papers, outlined in a court filing for more than 700 pages of handwritten notes and call logs with vice president pence, white house, visitor logs, all related to january 6th. >> the court filings are in response to a lawsuit filed by donald trump two weeks ago. the former president is attempt to go block congressional investigators from accessing these records, and now a source tells cnn that same committee is also working on legislation to protect the voting process of certifying an election in order to prevent another january 6th from happening. >> let's bring in cnn senior legal analyst, elie honig, what do we know about the documents, how important they could be? >> these are going to be absolutely crucial documents. they go right to the heart of the january 6th committee's investigation. let's look at the people involved. these documents were created by and about the core people around donald trump, donald trump himself, the vice president, mike pence, the chief of staff, former chief of staff, mark meadows, kayleigh mcenany, and these are key inner circle players. what do we know about the documents themselves? we're talking about over 770 documents. they include handwritten notes, internal memos, calendars, daily logs, draft speeches and this thing called the daily diary, which shows the president's movements and communications almost minute by minute. the january 6th committee subpoenaed the records from the national archives, droonald tru filed to block it. the white house, congress, the archives itself, that leads to this dispute. >> explain to us donald trump's legal argument for not wanting them out there, and is it a strong one. >> it's a good news bad news scenario for donald trump. the good news for donald trump is that the supreme court has acknowledged that a prior president could have some right to invoke executive privilege. that was back in a decision back in 1977. the bad news is the supreme court said generally speaking it should be up to the current president. that is what the precedent we have seen has been, that generally the current president gets to decide. if donald trump does have the legal ability to invoke executive privilege, doesn't mean he wins. >> so what's next. >> so there will be an argument on thursday, in front of the district court judge down in washington, d.c. interesting to note, though, this judge has handled some of the january 6th criminal cases and has made very critical statements about january 6th. it is clear that she sees what happened on january 6th as a very serious threat. she said it was a violent mob seeking to overthrow the lawfully elected government and a very real danger to our democracy. that judge will decide, i think, fairly quickly. at that point, whoever loses is going to try to take this case to the next level, the court of appeals, and whoever loses there is going to try to take this to the supreme court. will they take it, we don't know. they take few of the cases before them. this is a core constitutional show down between the branches, the kind of case that screams for the supreme court to take a look. >> fascinating. thank you for laying that out. >> thank you. a "washington post" investigation reveals the glaring red flags law enforcement failed to act on weeks before the capitol was attacked. here's part of their reporting, quote, one of the most striking flairs came when a tipster called the fbi, trump supporters we are discussing online how to sneak guns into washington to overrun police and arrest members of congress in january. the tipster offered specifics, those planning violence believed they had orders from the president. joining us now is one of the reporters who broke this story, aaron davis of the "washington post." also with us, cnn national security analyst, juliette, just when we think we have heard everything about january 6th, we have not. and thanks to you guys, and other investigative reporters, we're learning more. so tell us what you have unearthed, what was leading up to it, and how did the fbi miss these red flags? >> you know, still an amazing question there was so much out there. we have to find what they knew, why it took so long for what seemed like a coordinated response on that day, and as we started to look backward from that question, we found, in fact, that there had been many warnings that had come into law enforcement. these came from former national security officials, researchers, academics, that can go down the list. there were tips that came straight in with very specific details. that one that you mentioned not only had coded language they were using online, and specifically named senator mitt romney so they would try to shield what they were writing online, prefacing everything with peaceful, so senator mitt romney would peacefully get it first was one of the things, the posts that you cited, and what was really interesting, was that particular warning was assessed by the fbi, and closed within 48 hours. and it was closed on monday morning. they afforded that to the capitol police with the top of the warning saying no need for further investigation. sorry, go ahead. >> i want to get juliette into this conversation because it's really not that the -- in all cases, the red flags were missed. the sensors were installed. some of them after 9/11 to pick up on this. it was just a decision not to flick the switch for the siren. >> that's exactly right. i think this incredible reporting from aaron and his colleagues really shows the extent to which january 6th was preventable. but if only you didn't have donald trump as president. and in other words, trump is organizing this. everyone knows he's organizing it. and the information interestingly enough is really coming, a lot of it is coming from the local level. it's all of these sort of intelligence agencies within the state that are picking up information in their own state, people are organizing, traveling, the social media platform parlor, which is a stew of hate, is so nervous about what they're seeing, they actually notified the feds, and the fbi, it's easy to say are they in collusion with trump, they just cannot get their head around the fact that the president of the united states is planning an insurrection, and i should say, it is not just that it was preventable. the rest of the reporting shows the extent to which donald trump is not a bumbling fool. he's not an idiot. he is so diabolical throughout the day of january 6th. and then he has his minions in the senate and congress who really do cover up everything that he did, and ultimately later that day vote for not certifying the vote, which is, you know, it doesn't get worse than that, as i often say. it really was diabolical. >> and on that note, we now know what the president did and didn't do. 187 minutes donald trump did nothing. he stood down. he could have called for help. he could have prevented those 140 police officers from being injured. he could have prevented people from being killed that day. he does nothing for 187 minutes. what did your team learn? >> we did try to look at january 6th. the cameras were focused on the capitol building. we tried to flip it around, what was going on in the hours at the white house. we were able to chronicle through a lot of interviews, over three hours had passed in between when he was first alerted to the situation and when he came out and made that first statement via twitter, that, you know, and even then, it was a very muted kind of reaction. we still love you, everybody has questions about this election. it was that kind of a tone, and first statement. republican lawmakers came to him. chief of staff was fielding calls from everyone, and repeatedly being asked to say something and actually had to rerecord his statement that he ultimately put out as we have been told that it wasn't strong enough, you know, to his aide's satisfaction, would really like to see what the first couple of versions of the video said because they ended up going with whatever the third or fourth account that he put out. >> even the before, during and after context in which you tell the story, and then take this to juliette. what we learned is there were these exercises in futility from members of congress, and some of what we knew. beyond posterity, what we have for the future, what this tells us as we look ahead to trump 2024 campaign, and many members still in office. >> what gives me calm, at least, that's what i look for these days is obviously it will be a president biden during the election of 2024, he will not use the resources of the fbi, the white house, the secret service or the military to support an insurrection. one can assume definitely. so, you know, donald trump was president. he had the tools of the executive branch and he had everyone in fear because he was president of the united states including clearly the fbi and the national guard. that's a benefit. but the reason why we need this accounting is just how, you know, easy it was for donald trump to do this. how close all of this was. he's sitting in the white house. his people are hearing nothing from him, right, so they're just doing their rampage, and they think they're going to be pardoned. they have guns. it's clear. and all of congress is in, or a lot of congress has not been evacuated yet, and i can't get inside the head of a republican who's, you know, claiming, you know, sort of allegiance to donald trump but history will not treat them well. i think that is clear. >> we shall see. aaron davis, thank you for sharing your excellent reporting and your teams with us, really appreciate it. thank you. >> thank you. >> join jake tapper for a cnn special report "trumping democracy, an american coup," it begins saturday at 9 eastern on cnn. as his own ambitions on climate change hang in the balance, president biden issues a dire plea to world leaders, take meaningful action now. the white house national climate adviser joins us. ♪ there are beautiful ideas 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we heard from senator manchin who is a crucial vote in passing the legislation with $555 billion to fight climate change, he's not there yet. your reaction to what we heard from him that he still needs a lot of convincing? >> sure. senator manchin has been part of the discussion for a long time. the president has been negotiating with both him and others, and it's time to move this forward. i think senator manchin is going to do what he needs to do, and i'm pretty sure that the president knows we're going to have the votes we need to get this passed. the senate was clear. he's just looking at a process question. he hasn't really said the substance so we'll wait and see. i feel pretty confident as does the president that this $555 billion build back better framework will move forward and the infrastructure bill will as well. >> i want to ask you about basically what other world leaders are promising. let me put up a graphic here. you can see that the u.s. and china are the world's biggest greenhouse gas culprits, basically. the u.s. is 5.7% of the global emissions. china is 27% of global emissions. do you think that china is committed to this? can the u.s. do this without china? >> well, i think everybody's noticing that china isn't at the table right now, and we certainly gave it our best shot to convince them this is something they should be attending for the very reason you're talking about. we do need to work together with some of the world's largest emitters. now, thankfully president biden has put an aggressive agenda on the table where we're going to be able to effectively achieve half of the reductions in our current emissions, just in 2030, by 2030. so we're excited about that. but you're right, we have to work with china, and we need to make sure this happens. secretary kerry who is the president's climate envoy has been meeting with officials in china. he's hopeful that continued diplomacy will get us there, but clearly president biden believes this is not just an opportunity to address the climate crisis that we're facing. but he made it very clear that he intends to use this investment to actually create more jobs in america. more clean energy jobs in america and frankly the world. we need this transition to happen for far more reasons than climate change because this is the future. this is how we're going to win the 21st century. we're hopeful that china will see that this is not a sacrifice, this is actually investment opportunity, and so we'll be able to get this done, and really move forward with the jobs of the future based on the economy of clean energy which we know has tremendous benefits. >> do you believe that the infigiin infighting that we see here domestically over this legislation, and of course the $555 billion investment undermines or weakens the president as he tries to take the u.s. stage again on the world change after what we saw in the trump administration that this potentially weakens that stand? >> well, i don't think that we're seeing significant infighting. i think we're seeing an opportunity for debate as there always is. this framework just went over last week, and folks have given it great marks, both in cities and states out there. we're seeing real opportunity here. we're seeing continued investment in equity, and environmental justice moving forward. you can't complain about cleaner water, and cleaner air. you can't complain about trains and buses that are cleaner and get us where we need to go faster. there's a lot of investments between the two bills that are really going to drive a clean energy future, and people should debate it. that's what congress does. but in the end the president is confident that we're going to have the votes and that the american people will see that this is not just about protecting our future. it's about delivering benefits to them today. >> gina mccarthy, we appreciate you taking time out of your glasgow schedule to talk to us. thank you. >> thank you. well, the extremely restrictive and controversial texas abortion law is now in front of the supreme court. next, the president of planned parenthood will tell us about the ripple effects what is decided here could have across the country. everything you've seen me do was made possible by what you don't see. cause when you're not looking, i go to work. ♪ strength isn't a given. it's grown. it's earned and tested. ♪ we all have the strength to see what's possible. it's up to us to unlock it. tonal. be your strongest. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ to make progress, we must keep taking steps forward. we believe the future of energy is lower carbon. and to get there, the world needs to reduce global emissions. at chevron, we're taking action. tying our executives' pay to lowering the carbon emissions intensity of our operations. it's tempting to see how far we've come. but it's only human... to know how far we have to go. supporters and opponents of the controversial texas abortion ban gathered outside the supreme court this morning as the justices heard challenges to this law. the texas law basically bans abortions after six weeks with no exceptions, not even for incest or rape. the justices are considering the structure of this law rather than whether it violates roe v. wade but today two key conservative justices brett kavanaugh and amy coney barrett seemed open to arguments from abortion providers that they should be able to challenge this ban in federal court. joining me now to discuss all of the elements of this is the president and ceo of planned parenthood, federation of america, alexis mcgill johnson. thank you so much for being here. did you hear anything in the arguments or in the questions from the justices that gave you hope that this texas abortion ban would be suspended? >> yeah, look, i mean, i think we were encouraged that the court seemed genuinely troubled by texas's blatant attempt to enact an unconstitutional law and evade judicial review while doing so. i believe that, you know, hearing the arguments this morning in both cases, you know, some of the questions around, you know, impact, right, which we should remember, we are now 60 days into this law. a thousand percent increase from patients to our health centers from texas, you know, you could see the very alarming impact, and we certainly heard that concern come out, and we also heard that no right is essentially safe under this device, and some of that explicit questioning, so i think we were a bit encouraged by how many of the justices were engaged in those conversations on both points. >> i do want to get to impact of this in a second. but first, the tea leaf readers who are listening to all of the justices questions zeroed in on this moment of justice kavanaugh, which i'll play for you and we can talk about. >> could be free speech rights, free exercise of religion rights, it could be second amendment rights. if this position is accepted here, the theory of the amicus brief is that it could be easily replicated in other states that disfavor other constitutional rights. >> so alexis, that's sort of the slippery slope argument that it could be expanded to issues like gun rights that, you know, that conservatives would bristle at. is that the moment that you felt hopeful? >> yeah, and i think there are many people who have been making this argument all along in op-eds, and ags across the country, they have lifted up that literally no right was off limits, and to hear the texas's solicitor general make it also clear that no right would be off limits really demonstrates that no right is safe. so i think what was very powerful today was to hear the court essentially hear a challenge against a law that has no ability to be, or you have no ability to defend your constitutional rights in the state, and i think that taking that up i think is incredibly important because if no rights are off limits, the destruction, and i think our solicitor general, you know, said it best that the constitution can't be so fragile, ands supremacy clause can't be subject to so much manipulation, and i think that was a very very powerful close as well. >> let's get to the impact. what have you seen happening in texas in the past two months for women? have they resorted to the desperate measures that so many people feared when this ban went into effect? >> look, absolutely. we've seen people having to travel thousands of miles outside of texas as i was saying earlier. we are 60 days into sb8 and, every day there is a story of a patient, you know, who no longer has access to abortion after six weeks. we have seen patients in our health centers in oklahoma who are seeing more texans than oklahomans. we are seeing that in new mexico as well. we're seeing patients as far from texas, as far as oregon and vermont, so they are facing incredible burdens to travel out of state. these are people who, you know, were working jobs that they had to take off time. they had to find child care, and remember, they are still traveling through a pandemic. so the reality is that the impact, and i think this is where justice kagan was fairly strong as well as justice sotomayor, in making the point that normally you don't have the opportunity to see the impact of a law so clearly, and in effect, what we've seen over the last two months is the extremity of this bizarre law and the way it's been taken up and the chilling effect it has had on texans, as well as on providers in many states as well. >> well, we're obviously watching it very closely. alexis mcgill johnson, thank you for your time. >> thank you for having me, alisyn. cnn correspondent turns her own tragic loss into a story of faith and hope, up next, our colleague rene marsh joins us to talk about her new book dedicated to her late son blake. in 2016, i was working at the amazon warehouse when my brother passed away. and a couple of years later, my mother passed away. after taking care of them, i knew that i really wanted to become a nurse. amazon helped me with training and tuition. today, i'm a medical assistant and i'm studying to become a registered nurse. in filipino: you'll always be in my heart. as someone who resembles someone else, i appreciate that liberty mutual knows everyone's unique. that's why they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. oh, yeah. that's the spot. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ i've spent centuries evolving with the world. that's the nature of being the economy. observing investors choose assets to balance risk and reward. with one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. agile and liquid. a proven protector. an ever-evolving enabler of bold decisions. an asset more relevant than ever before. gold. your strategic advantage. earlier this year, cnn correspondent rene marsh and her husband lost their 2-year-old son blake to brain cancer. to honor his memory, she wrote a children's book about a boy who needs a miracle to fight off a monster of a problem. >> the miracle workers, boy versus beast, is out now, and all profits will go toward pediatric brain cancer research. rene is with us now. good to see you back with us. i know you wrote this while blake was undergoing some intensive cancer treatments. tell us why at that time you decided that you wanted to write a book? >> first off, thank you both for having me on here to talk about this issue that has now become such a important issue for me. pediatric cancer. victor, when we were in the hospital with blake, you know, every day when i think about just all that we went through with our strong warrior blake, i literally felt on days that i was harvesting hope. i was getting hope from a variety of places, even the sunrise gave me hope. but it was not easy, and i began to think that, you know, if we normalize teaching our children from a very young age just as we teach them reading, writing and arrh the golden rule, if we teach about this concept of having hope even when you're facing the most difficult circumstances, could it be that it might be a little bit easier when they're older like me and facing just a terrible life circumstance. blake loved to read, and i loved to read to him, and so i wanted to create something that had that message of that fighting spirit even when the odds are stacked so incredibly high against you, and from there was the birth of the miracle workers. >> rene you have handled this unspeakable grief with such grace. >> thank you. >> and we're looking at these pictures of your beautiful son, he's physically beautiful, and you can see his little spirit shining through, just tell us what you want us to know about him. >> he remains to this day to be my inspiration for everything that i do. this little kid is the one who pushes me to keep going, even though he's not physically here, and i want to continue to fight for him, and what that looks like right now is fighting for other children who are in hospitals right now across the country with a diagnosis for which there is no research. it's a terrible place to be in when that is your circumstance for a child who hasn't yet been able to live their life or even show you what great things they can do in the world. if i can in my time left here on this planet do something to raise awareness, raise the funds so that we can start figuring out these diseases so that when they do get the diagnosis it's not an automatic death sentence, that is what i'm going to devote my time to because this is my mothering now for blake. this is how i mother to him, and my love for him is so deep, so that is why i continue to fight for children to this day that continue with this disease. >> yeah, it's remarkable. you wrote in your mother's day message this year that mothers have a history, a long legacy of advocacy when it comes to drunk driving, and being against drug use and many it's so important now that you've moved forward with pediatric brain cancer research. when you say there is no research, what i learned from you, there is almost nothing there. so the work you're doing is inspiring all of us. already have my copies on the way. rene marsh, thanks so much for spend something time with us. >> thanks for having us. and thank you so much to cnn for helping me to launch this project. i am forever grateful for all of this love and support from colleagues who really right now, whether you want to or not, now you're part of my family. a heartfelt thank you to everyone here at cnn. i appreciate it. >> this is the least we can do, rene. you're helping so many other people. and everyone watching can purchase the book at find out more about how the proceeds will be used to help other children. and we'll be right back. bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ 80% get genetically meaningful health info from their 23andme dna reports. 80%. that's 8 out of 10 people who can get something enlightening. something empowering. something that could change everything. info that could give you greater control of your own health, and it's right there in your dna. so, this season give the most meaningful gift of a dna kit. 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in a statement the airline said southwest does not condone employees sharing their personal political opinions while on the job. st southwest is conducting an internal investigation and will address the situation directly with any employee involved. to american airlines. they've canceled another 250 flights. their days-long domino effect of cancellations that started last week. they shuttered 1 in every 5 of its originally scheduled flights on sunday. >> the chief operating officer says the airline is proactively canceling flights to provide scheduling certainty for our crews. starting monday the airline says 1800 flight attendants are returning from pandemic-related time off so that should help. >> this weekend in cleveland, legendary artists were honored at the rock 'n' roll hall of fame ceremony. inductees jay-z, foo fighters, carole king, the go-gos, tina turner and more. >> taylor swift, angela bassett ushered in this new wave of ind inductees. also surprise performances. here's the go-gos. i know you're a huge fan. these are '80s icons. according to the rock 'n' roll hall of fame, the go-gos are considered the most successful all-woman rock band of all time. i'm sure the bangles will have something to say about that. i'm a huge go-gos devotee. >> we've been talking about the go-goes today. this is an education for me. because i don't really know the go-go's music. >> i'm going to come to your office and play the entire album for you. >> but i've got to come to your office and play jay-z. >> and "the lead" with jake tapper starts after this short break. that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. i'll shoot you an estimate as soon as i get back to the office. hey, i can help you do that right now. high thryv! thryv? yep. i'm the all-in-one management software built for small business. high thryv! help me with scheduling? sure thing. up top. high thryv! payments? high thryv! promotions? high thryv! email marketing? almost there, 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"the lead" starts right now. president biden is in europe pushing russia and china to do more to combat climate change. back here in d.c. it's members of his own party standing in the way of an agreement. an alarming new poll showing one-third of republicans in the u.s. believe that they might need to resort to violence

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota And Victor Blackwell 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240709

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we intend to pass both bills through the house in the next couple of days, and we are really looking forward to allowing the american people to see how we fought for them and delivered so their lives could be better. >> you're going to vote for these two bills no matter what? >> as i said, we're finalizing the pieces on immigration, on prescription drug pricing and on the details of child care implementation but as soon as those get finalized, yes i believe, we'll have the votes to pass both the infrastructure bill and the build back better act through the house. >> congresswoman pramila jayapal, thank you. >> thank you. this is cnn breaking news. >> brand new hour, good to be with you. i'm victor blackwell. >> and i'm alisyn camerota, democratic senator joe manchin delivered a blow to the president's social safety net bill. in fact, manchin feels so strongly about this, he held a press conference to say he can not support the legislation until he knows how it would impact inflation and the debt. >> the senator urges his democratic colleagues in the house to pass that bipartisan infrastructure bill before tackling the larger spending bill. >> holding this bill hostage is not going to work in getting my support for the reconciliation bill. throughout the last three months i have been straightforward about my concerns that i will not support a reconciliation package that expands social programs and irresponsibly adds to $29 trillion in national debt that no one seems to care about. >> cnn's manu raju was at that press conference. you also listened to that discussion i just had with congresswoman jayapal in which she says they're going to vote for both pieces of legislation. >> that was a big deal. she is the ahead of the congressional progressive caucus. they have been holding up final package of the infrastructure bill because they have been demanding joe manchin, kyrsten sinema, they get behind the separate larger bill that has been under negotiation for months. what jayapal said is she and her progressive caucus are no longer going to sit and wait and demand that joe manchin and sinema say they will be a yes. instead they're going to let joe biden make that determination himself, and do what the president promised him, that he will get the two senators to vote for the bill. she said, i trust the president. that's a sign, no longer will they be pushing for that. they plan to vote yes, that means final passage on the $1.2 trillion infrastructure plan, awaiting action in the house since august. if they vote yes, that will go to joe biden's desk, and she is indicating they will. once they finalize the negotiations over that larger bill, and by all counts, they are moving forward on those negotiations. the larger bill, $1.75 trillion was released late last week. behind the scenes there have been a lot of discussions about making changes including dealing with prescription drug pricing, trying to lower the cost of prescription drugs. those last-minute changes are expected to be added into the bill, potentially sometime this week, suggesting now that both bills can get out of the house. the question is the senate, and what will happen on the larger bill. joe manchin making crystal clear here he is not ready to support that plan. he has concerns about the impact on inflation, and the complete opposite view that most of his parties, and earlier criticized them for budget gimmicks which actually don't show the true cost of this bill. >> there's more of the real details outlined, and framework are released, shell games, budget gimmicks that make the real cost of the so called $1.75 trillion bill estimated to be almost twice that amount, if the full time is run out. >> reporter: what this suggests is it's going to take time to get joe manchin's support for the larger bill. they're going to have to make changes, continue to negotiate, and how long will it take to understand its true impact on the economy. that's what manchin wants to know, what impact will this have on inflation, debt and the like, and not ready to going and vote yes. the way this could play out is they finalize negotiations on the big bill. vote on the house on both bills and the infrastructure bill goes to the president's desk, he signs that into law, and they have to deal with joe cmanchin, and the question will be can they get that across the finish line. we don't have an answer just yet. >> thank you for explaining that. let's bring in cnn political director, david chalian. the past hour for political watchers has been fascinating. whoa, time-out, i'm not there yet, and victor interviews congresswoman jayapal, we're pressing on with a plan and might vote this week. >> what you have is washington's version of hot potato, that's what we saw over the last hour. joe manchin sort of said this is where i am. i am not going to rush this process along simply because there's a frame work that we're talking about and the progressives in the house want to vote on both together. that's not going to impact my time line. over to you congresswoman jayapal, over to you, joe biden, i think victor's interview with jayapal was really interesting. if you thought she was going to let joe manchin get under her skin and escalate this, she said to you, this is a time to lower the temperature. this is a time for cooler heads, this is somebody who's leading that progressive caucus, not just to be a loud voice outside the process, but actually to be delivering on these bills and getting them across the finish line, which is just a different tactic than we have seen. this is somebody who is taking her position as the head of the progressive caucus, and aligning it with action, not just words. >> so david, we know that senator manchin could vote no on that larger spending bill. if the house passes both the infrastructure bill, which then would go to the president, and then the spending bill goes to the senate, and he's still not comfortable with it, what we know from progressives is they have said all democrats, actually, have said we need both but there is now a chance that they won't get both because manchin may say i can't get there. >> there is a chance, and why congresswoman jayapal cited to you, we backed off the demand that the senate actually have a vote on reconciliation, the build back better agenda, before we move the infrastructure bill. that was a key moment. progressives said we're going to leave that up to joe biden to solve how it gets through the senate, and trust that he can do that. instead, what we're going to demand is that the house pass both concurrently, and even nancy pelosi is on the record saying she didn't want to pass the build back better bill in the house, guys, without knowledge that it will pass the senate. you just heard the congresswoman say, and you have heard speaker pelosi say this. s faith is from joe biden, and the pressure now gets added to joe biden. this is where he gets that hot potato because now if the house does pass both bills as congresswoman jayapal said they would, that is now going to be on joe biden to deliver his agenda through an evenly divided senate, meaning manchin and cinema get on board every day. >> absolutely, and i hear in the sub text of the statement that the white house just put out from jen psaki, them saying, basically, senator manchin, we've talked about this. you should know some of this because here's one thing that jen psaki says moments ago. experts agree, 17 noble prize winning economists said it will reduce inflationment a. as a result, we remain confident that the plan will gain senator man chin's support. >> it's interesting when you hear that manchin concern. manu was noting this saying it's so different from the rest of the party. it's actually sort of the republican arguments against the biden administration and the biden agenda, that inflation is high, that it's too much spending, and that there's not enough fiscal responsibility there. that sort of goes to the debt issue that manchin is talking about. you see the white house wanted to immediately jump on that, democratic moderate senator taking on some of republican critique and put that at bay, and remind him, it's fully paid for. if this is your criteria, we're pretty convinced that we can check those boxes for you. >> how much work, david, is still happening to potentially build on to this framework. we know that budget chairman, senator sanders, he's talked about prescription drugs, that program as well. we know there's been a conversation between senator sinema, and speaker pelosi about adding to this. how much is still in play. >> yeah, and you heard congresswoman jayapal say negotiations are still going on at the last minute to frame what that bill is. i think those two pieces of day that you just suggested sanders saying he wanted to work on prescription drugs still, and learning of the pelosi sinema meeting on that issue is probably what prompted manchin to come out because there was this sense when the framework was unveiled by the white house that fwonegotiations had come tn end. this is where the meeting place would be. when you saw progressives like sanders and others from the house side say, we still want to do this, you saw man chin come out saying this can't keep happening in a cycle, and you're not going to pressure me to go along with this as you're trying to put things in here. that's probably what prompted it. you're right to note. this is not apparently a closed negotiation with final text yet. that is still to come, so we'll see who gets in there. >> all right. david chalian, cnn political director. thank you. >> sure. >> turning now to the investigation into the insurrection. we are learning what the former president has been trying to keep secret. the national archives, which inherited former president's papers, outlined in a court filing for more than 700 pages of handwritten notes and call logs with vice president pence, white house, visitor logs, all related to january 6th. >> the court filings are in response to a lawsuit filed by donald trump two weeks ago. the former president is attempt to go block congressional investigators from accessing these records, and now a source tells cnn that same committee is also working on legislation to protect the voting process of certifying an election in order to prevent another january 6th from happening. >> let's bring in cnn senior legal analyst, elie honig, what do we know about the documents, how important they could be? >> these are going to be absolutely crucial documents. they go right to the heart of the january 6th committee's investigation. let's look at the people involved. these documents were created by and about the core people around donald trump, donald trump himself, the vice president, mike pence, the chief of staff, former chief of staff, mark meadows, kayleigh mcenany, and these are key inner circle players. what do we know about the documents themselves? we're talking about over 770 documents. they include handwritten notes, internal memos, calendars, daily logs, draft speeches and this thing called the daily diary, which shows the president's movements and communications almost minute by minute. the january 6th committee subpoenaed the records from the national archives, droonald tru filed to block it. the white house, congress, the archives itself, that leads to this dispute. >> explain to us donald trump's legal argument for not wanting them out there, and is it a strong one. >> it's a good news bad news scenario for donald trump. the good news for donald trump is that the supreme court has acknowledged that a prior president could have some right to invoke executive privilege. that was back in a decision back in 1977. the bad news is the supreme court said generally speaking it should be up to the current president. that is what the precedent we have seen has been, that generally the current president gets to decide. if donald trump does have the legal ability to invoke executive privilege, doesn't mean he wins. >> so what's next. >> so there will be an argument on thursday, in front of the district court judge down in washington, d.c. interesting to note, though, this judge has handled some of the january 6th criminal cases and has made very critical statements about january 6th. it is clear that she sees what happened on january 6th as a very serious threat. she said it was a violent mob seeking to overthrow the lawfully elected government and a very real danger to our democracy. that judge will decide, i think, fairly quickly. at that point, whoever loses is going to try to take this case to the next level, the court of appeals, and whoever loses there is going to try to take this to the supreme court. will they take it, we don't know. they take few of the cases before them. this is a core constitutional show down between the branches, the kind of case that screams for the supreme court to take a look. >> fascinating. thank you for laying that out. >> thank you. a "washington post" investigation reveals the glaring red flags law enforcement failed to act on weeks before the capitol was attacked. here's part of their reporting, quote, one of the most striking flairs came when a tipster called the fbi, trump supporters we are discussing online how to sneak guns into washington to overrun police and arrest members of congress in january. the tipster offered specifics, those planning violence believed they had orders from the president. joining us now is one of the reporters who broke this story, aaron davis of the "washington post." also with us, cnn national security analyst, juliette, just when we think we have heard everything about january 6th, we have not. and thanks to you guys, and other investigative reporters, we're learning more. so tell us what you have unearthed, what was leading up to it, and how did the fbi miss these red flags? >> you know, still an amazing question there was so much out there. we have to find what they knew, why it took so long for what seemed like a coordinated response on that day, and as we started to look backward from that question, we found, in fact, that there had been many warnings that had come into law enforcement. these came from former national security officials, researchers, academics, that can go down the list. there were tips that came straight in with very specific details. that one that you mentioned not only had coded language they were using online, and specifically named senator mitt romney so they would try to shield what they were writing online, prefacing everything with peaceful, so senator mitt romney would peacefully get it first was one of the things, the posts that you cited, and what was really interesting, was that particular warning was assessed by the fbi, and closed within 48 hours. and it was closed on monday morning. they afforded that to the capitol police with the top of the warning saying no need for further investigation. sorry, go ahead. >> i want to get juliette into this conversation because it's really not that the -- in all cases, the red flags were missed. the sensors were installed. some of them after 9/11 to pick up on this. it was just a decision not to flick the switch for the siren. >> that's exactly right. i think this incredible reporting from aaron and his colleagues really shows the extent to which january 6th was preventable. but if only you didn't have donald trump as president. and in other words, trump is organizing this. everyone knows he's organizing it. and the information interestingly enough is really coming, a lot of it is coming from the local level. it's all of these sort of intelligence agencies within the state that are picking up information in their own state, people are organizing, traveling, the social media platform parlor, which is a stew of hate, is so nervous about what they're seeing, they actually notified the feds, and the fbi, it's easy to say are they in collusion with trump, they just cannot get their head around the fact that the president of the united states is planning an insurrection, and i should say, it is not just that it was preventable. the rest of the reporting shows the extent to which donald trump is not a bumbling fool. he's not an idiot. he is so diabolical throughout the day of january 6th. and then he has his minions in the senate and congress who really do cover up everything that he did, and ultimately later that day vote for not certifying the vote, which is, you know, it doesn't get worse than that, as i often say. it really was diabolical. >> and on that note, we now know what the president did and didn't do. 187 minutes donald trump did nothing. he stood down. he could have called for help. he could have prevented those 140 police officers from being injured. he could have prevented people from being killed that day. he does nothing for 187 minutes. what did your team learn? >> we did try to look at january 6th. the cameras were focused on the capitol building. we tried to flip it around, what was going on in the hours at the white house. we were able to chronicle through a lot of interviews, over three hours had passed in between when he was first alerted to the situation and when he came out and made that first statement via twitter, that, you know, and even then, it was a very muted kind of reaction. we still love you, everybody has questions about this election. it was that kind of a tone, and first statement. republican lawmakers came to him. chief of staff was fielding calls from everyone, and repeatedly being asked to say something and actually had to rerecord his statement that he ultimately put out as we have been told that it wasn't strong enough, you know, to his aide's satisfaction, would really like to see what the first couple of versions of the video said because they ended up going with whatever the third or fourth account that he put out. >> even the before, during and after context in which you tell the story, and then take this to juliette. what we learned is there were these exercises in futility from members of congress, and some of what we knew. beyond posterity, what we have for the future, what this tells us as we look ahead to trump 2024 campaign, and many members still in office. >> what gives me calm, at least, that's what i look for these days is obviously it will be a president biden during the election of 2024, he will not use the resources of the fbi, the white house, the secret service or the military to support an insurrection. one can assume definitely. so, you know, donald trump was president. he had the tools of the executive branch and he had everyone in fear because he was president of the united states including clearly the fbi and the national guard. that's a benefit. but the reason why we need this accounting is just how, you know, easy it was for donald trump to do this. how close all of this was. he's sitting in the white house. his people are hearing nothing from him, right, so they're just doing their rampage, and they think they're going to be pardoned. they have guns. it's clear. and all of congress is in, or a lot of congress has not been evacuated yet, and i can't get inside the head of a republican who's, you know, claiming, you know, sort of allegiance to donald trump but history will not treat them well. i think that is clear. >> we shall see. aaron davis, thank you for sharing your excellent reporting and your teams with us, really appreciate it. thank you. >> thank you. >> join jake tapper for a cnn special report "trumping democracy, an american coup," it begins saturday at 9 eastern on cnn. as his own ambitions on climate change hang in the balance, president biden issues a dire plea to world leaders, take meaningful action now. the white house national climate adviser joins us. ♪ there are beautiful ideas 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voya doesn't just help me get to retirement... ...they're with me all the way through it. come on, grandpa! later. got grandpa things to do. aw, grandpas are the best! well planned. well invested. well protected. voya. be confident to and through retirement. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. today at the global climate summit in scotland, president biden told more than a hundred world leaders that now is the time to address the climate crisis, the quote existential threat to human existence. >> he called for this to be the start of a decade of transformative action. gina mccarthy is white house national climate adviser, and with president biden in glasgow. thank you so much for sparing a few moments for us. let me start here with your reaction to what we heard from senator manchin who is a crucial vote in passing the legislation with $555 billion to fight climate change, he's not there yet. your reaction to what we heard from him that he still needs a lot of convincing? >> sure. senator manchin has been part of the discussion for a long time. the president has been negotiating with both him and others, and it's time to move this forward. i think senator manchin is going to do what he needs to do, and i'm pretty sure that the president knows we're going to have the votes we need to get this passed. the senate was clear. he's just looking at a process question. he hasn't really said the substance so we'll wait and see. i feel pretty confident as does the president that this $555 billion build back better framework will move forward and the infrastructure bill will as well. >> i want to ask you about basically what other world leaders are promising. let me put up a graphic here. you can see that the u.s. and china are the world's biggest greenhouse gas culprits, basically. the u.s. is 5.7% of the global emissions. china is 27% of global emissions. do you think that china is committed to this? can the u.s. do this without china? >> well, i think everybody's noticing that china isn't at the table right now, and we certainly gave it our best shot to convince them this is something they should be attending for the very reason you're talking about. we do need to work together with some of the world's largest emitters. now, thankfully president biden has put an aggressive agenda on the table where we're going to be able to effectively achieve half of the reductions in our current emissions, just in 2030, by 2030. so we're excited about that. but you're right, we have to work with china, and we need to make sure this happens. secretary kerry who is the president's climate envoy has been meeting with officials in china. he's hopeful that continued diplomacy will get us there, but clearly president biden believes this is not just an opportunity to address the climate crisis that we're facing. but he made it very clear that he intends to use this investment to actually create more jobs in america. more clean energy jobs in america and frankly the world. we need this transition to happen for far more reasons than climate change because this is the future. this is how we're going to win the 21st century. we're hopeful that china will see that this is not a sacrifice, this is actually investment opportunity, and so we'll be able to get this done, and really move forward with the jobs of the future based on the economy of clean energy which we know has tremendous benefits. >> do you believe that the infigiin infighting that we see here domestically over this legislation, and of course the $555 billion investment undermines or weakens the president as he tries to take the u.s. stage again on the world change after what we saw in the trump administration that this potentially weakens that stand? >> well, i don't think that we're seeing significant infighting. i think we're seeing an opportunity for debate as there always is. this framework just went over last week, and folks have given it great marks, both in cities and states out there. we're seeing real opportunity here. we're seeing continued investment in equity, and environmental justice moving forward. you can't complain about cleaner water, and cleaner air. you can't complain about trains and buses that are cleaner and get us where we need to go faster. there's a lot of investments between the two bills that are really going to drive a clean energy future, and people should debate it. that's what congress does. but in the end the president is confident that we're going to have the votes and that the american people will see that this is not just about protecting our future. it's about delivering benefits to them today. >> gina mccarthy, we appreciate you taking time out of your glasgow schedule to talk to us. thank you. >> thank you. well, the extremely restrictive and controversial texas abortion law is now in front of the supreme court. next, the president of planned parenthood will tell us about the ripple effects what is decided here could have across the country. everything you've seen me do was made possible by what you don't see. cause when you're not looking, i go to work. ♪ strength isn't a given. it's grown. it's earned and tested. ♪ we all have the strength to see what's possible. it's up to us to unlock it. tonal. be your strongest. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ to make progress, we must keep taking steps forward. we believe the future of energy is lower carbon. and to get there, the world needs to reduce global emissions. at chevron, we're taking action. tying our executives' pay to lowering the carbon emissions intensity of our operations. it's tempting to see how far we've come. but it's only human... to know how far we have to go. supporters and opponents of the controversial texas abortion ban gathered outside the supreme court this morning as the justices heard challenges to this law. the texas law basically bans abortions after six weeks with no exceptions, not even for incest or rape. the justices are considering the structure of this law rather than whether it violates roe v. wade but today two key conservative justices brett kavanaugh and amy coney barrett seemed open to arguments from abortion providers that they should be able to challenge this ban in federal court. joining me now to discuss all of the elements of this is the president and ceo of planned parenthood, federation of america, alexis mcgill johnson. thank you so much for being here. did you hear anything in the arguments or in the questions from the justices that gave you hope that this texas abortion ban would be suspended? >> yeah, look, i mean, i think we were encouraged that the court seemed genuinely troubled by texas's blatant attempt to enact an unconstitutional law and evade judicial review while doing so. i believe that, you know, hearing the arguments this morning in both cases, you know, some of the questions around, you know, impact, right, which we should remember, we are now 60 days into this law. a thousand percent increase from patients to our health centers from texas, you know, you could see the very alarming impact, and we certainly heard that concern come out, and we also heard that no right is essentially safe under this device, and some of that explicit questioning, so i think we were a bit encouraged by how many of the justices were engaged in those conversations on both points. >> i do want to get to impact of this in a second. but first, the tea leaf readers who are listening to all of the justices questions zeroed in on this moment of justice kavanaugh, which i'll play for you and we can talk about. >> could be free speech rights, free exercise of religion rights, it could be second amendment rights. if this position is accepted here, the theory of the amicus brief is that it could be easily replicated in other states that disfavor other constitutional rights. >> so alexis, that's sort of the slippery slope argument that it could be expanded to issues like gun rights that, you know, that conservatives would bristle at. is that the moment that you felt hopeful? >> yeah, and i think there are many people who have been making this argument all along in op-eds, and ags across the country, they have lifted up that literally no right was off limits, and to hear the texas's solicitor general make it also clear that no right would be off limits really demonstrates that no right is safe. so i think what was very powerful today was to hear the court essentially hear a challenge against a law that has no ability to be, or you have no ability to defend your constitutional rights in the state, and i think that taking that up i think is incredibly important because if no rights are off limits, the destruction, and i think our solicitor general, you know, said it best that the constitution can't be so fragile, ands supremacy clause can't be subject to so much manipulation, and i think that was a very very powerful close as well. >> let's get to the impact. what have you seen happening in texas in the past two months for women? have they resorted to the desperate measures that so many people feared when this ban went into effect? >> look, absolutely. we've seen people having to travel thousands of miles outside of texas as i was saying earlier. we are 60 days into sb8 and, every day there is a story of a patient, you know, who no longer has access to abortion after six weeks. we have seen patients in our health centers in oklahoma who are seeing more texans than oklahomans. we are seeing that in new mexico as well. we're seeing patients as far from texas, as far as oregon and vermont, so they are facing incredible burdens to travel out of state. these are people who, you know, were working jobs that they had to take off time. they had to find child care, and remember, they are still traveling through a pandemic. so the reality is that the impact, and i think this is where justice kagan was fairly strong as well as justice sotomayor, in making the point that normally you don't have the opportunity to see the impact of a law so clearly, and in effect, what we've seen over the last two months is the extremity of this bizarre law and the way it's been taken up and the chilling effect it has had on texans, as well as on providers in many states as well. >> well, we're obviously watching it very closely. alexis mcgill johnson, thank you for your time. >> thank you for having me, alisyn. cnn correspondent turns her own tragic loss into a story of faith and hope, up next, our colleague rene marsh joins us to talk about her new book dedicated to her late son blake. in 2016, i was working at the amazon warehouse when my brother passed away. and a couple of years later, my mother passed away. after taking care of them, i knew that i really wanted to become a nurse. amazon helped me with training and tuition. today, i'm a medical assistant and i'm studying to become a registered nurse. in filipino: you'll always be in my heart. as someone who resembles someone else, i appreciate that liberty mutual knows everyone's unique. that's why they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. oh, yeah. that's the spot. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ i've spent centuries evolving with the world. that's the nature of being the economy. observing investors choose assets to balance risk and reward. with one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. agile and liquid. a proven protector. an ever-evolving enabler of bold decisions. an asset more relevant than ever before. gold. your strategic advantage. earlier this year, cnn correspondent rene marsh and her husband lost their 2-year-old son blake to brain cancer. to honor his memory, she wrote a children's book about a boy who needs a miracle to fight off a monster of a problem. >> the miracle workers, boy versus beast, is out now, and all profits will go toward pediatric brain cancer research. rene is with us now. good to see you back with us. i know you wrote this while blake was undergoing some intensive cancer treatments. tell us why at that time you decided that you wanted to write a book? >> first off, thank you both for having me on here to talk about this issue that has now become such a important issue for me. pediatric cancer. victor, when we were in the hospital with blake, you know, every day when i think about just all that we went through with our strong warrior blake, i literally felt on days that i was harvesting hope. i was getting hope from a variety of places, even the sunrise gave me hope. but it was not easy, and i began to think that, you know, if we normalize teaching our children from a very young age just as we teach them reading, writing and arrh the golden rule, if we teach about this concept of having hope even when you're facing the most difficult circumstances, could it be that it might be a little bit easier when they're older like me and facing just a terrible life circumstance. blake loved to read, and i loved to read to him, and so i wanted to create something that had that message of that fighting spirit even when the odds are stacked so incredibly high against you, and from there was the birth of the miracle workers. >> rene you have handled this unspeakable grief with such grace. >> thank you. >> and we're looking at these pictures of your beautiful son, he's physically beautiful, and you can see his little spirit shining through, just tell us what you want us to know about him. >> he remains to this day to be my inspiration for everything that i do. this little kid is the one who pushes me to keep going, even though he's not physically here, and i want to continue to fight for him, and what that looks like right now is fighting for other children who are in hospitals right now across the country with a diagnosis for which there is no research. it's a terrible place to be in when that is your circumstance for a child who hasn't yet been able to live their life or even show you what great things they can do in the world. if i can in my time left here on this planet do something to raise awareness, raise the funds so that we can start figuring out these diseases so that when they do get the diagnosis it's not an automatic death sentence, that is what i'm going to devote my time to because this is my mothering now for blake. this is how i mother to him, and my love for him is so deep, so that is why i continue to fight for children to this day that continue with this disease. >> yeah, it's remarkable. you wrote in your mother's day message this year that mothers have a history, a long legacy of advocacy when it comes to drunk driving, and being against drug use and many it's so important now that you've moved forward with pediatric brain cancer research. when you say there is no research, what i learned from you, there is almost nothing there. so the work you're doing is inspiring all of us. already have my copies on the way. rene marsh, thanks so much for spend something time with us. >> thanks for having us. and thank you so much to cnn for helping me to launch this project. i am forever grateful for all of this love and support from colleagues who really right now, whether you want to or not, now you're part of my family. a heartfelt thank you to everyone here at cnn. i appreciate it. >> this is the least we can do, rene. you're helping so many other people. and everyone watching can purchase the book at find out more about how the proceeds will be used to help other children. and we'll be right back. bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ 80% get genetically meaningful health info from their 23andme dna reports. 80%. that's 8 out of 10 people who can get something enlightening. something empowering. something that could change everything. info that could give you greater control of your own health, and it's right there in your dna. so, this season give the most meaningful gift of a dna kit. 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in a statement the airline said southwest does not condone employees sharing their personal political opinions while on the job. st southwest is conducting an internal investigation and will address the situation directly with any employee involved. to american airlines. they've canceled another 250 flights. their days-long domino effect of cancellations that started last week. they shuttered 1 in every 5 of its originally scheduled flights on sunday. >> the chief operating officer says the airline is proactively canceling flights to provide scheduling certainty for our crews. starting monday the airline says 1800 flight attendants are returning from pandemic-related time off so that should help. >> this weekend in cleveland, legendary artists were honored at the rock 'n' roll hall of fame ceremony. inductees jay-z, foo fighters, carole king, the go-gos, tina turner and more. >> taylor swift, angela bassett ushered in this new wave of ind inductees. also surprise performances. here's the go-gos. i know you're a huge fan. these are '80s icons. according to the rock 'n' roll hall of fame, the go-gos are considered the most successful all-woman rock band of all time. i'm sure the bangles will have something to say about that. i'm a huge go-gos devotee. >> we've been talking about the go-goes today. this is an education for me. because i don't really know the go-go's music. >> i'm going to come to your office and play the entire album for you. >> but i've got to come to your office and play jay-z. >> and "the lead" with jake tapper starts after this short break. that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. i'll shoot you an estimate as soon as i get back to the office. hey, i can help you do that right now. high thryv! thryv? yep. i'm the all-in-one management software built for small business. high thryv! help me with scheduling? sure thing. up top. high thryv! payments? high thryv! promotions? high thryv! email marketing? almost there, 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"the lead" starts right now. president biden is in europe pushing russia and china to do more to combat climate change. back here in d.c. it's members of his own party standing in the way of an agreement. an alarming new poll showing one-third of republicans in the u.s. believe that they might need to resort to violence

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Law , Planned Parenthood , Country , Strength Isn T A Given , Strongest , Strength , Tonal , Investor , Future , Owner , Bogeys , Limu , Vanguard , Advice , Access , Helicopter , Woooooooooooooo , Make Progress , Opponents , Texas Abortion Ban , Justices , Abortions , Challenges , Morning , Incest , Exceptions , Rape , Structure , Texas Law , Ban , Abortion Providers , Federal Court , Brett Kavanaugh , Roe V Wade , Amy Coney Barrett , Alexis Mcgill Johnson , Anything , Elements , Ceo , Federation Of America , Texas , Judicial Review , Patients , Health Centers , Increase , A Thousand , 60 , Questioning , Device , Readers , Many , Points , Listening , Second , Tea Leaf , Second Amendment Rights , Theory , Exercise , Free Speech Rights , Religion , Rights , Slippery Slope Argument , Issues , Disfavor , Brief , Conservatives , Gun Rights , Limits , Solicitor General , Safe , Ags , Op Eds , Challenge , Constitution , Destruction , Manipulation , Subject , Close , Women , Ands Supremacy Clause , Effect , Measures , Thousands , Abortion , Patient , Texans , Oklahomans , Oklahoma , New Mexico , Oregon , Vermont , Pandemic , Burdens , Reality , Justice Kagan , Justice Sotomayor , Chilling Effect , Extremity , Correspondent , Providers , Son , Hope , Colleague Rene Marsh , Up Next , Book , Amazon , Brother , 2016 , Mother , Nurse , Training , Registered Nurse , Tuition , Assistant , Filipino , Unique , Investors , Assets , Spot , Nature , Gold , Decisions , Element , Asset , Reward , Risk , Portfolios , Protector , Enabler , Advantage , Children , About A Boy , Correspondent Rene Marsh , Memory , Monster , Miracle , Husband , Problem , Brain Cancer , 2 , Miracle Workers , Profits , Pediatric Brain Cancer Research , Boy Versus Beast , Cancer Treatments , First Off , Hospital , Warrior , Pediatric Cancer , Places , Variety , Harvesting Hope , Sunrise , Golden Rule , Concept , Reading , Age , Teaching , Life Circumstance , Circumstances , Message , Odds , Birth , Fighting 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