Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With John King 20240709

Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With John King 20240709

will tell us about the national move from covid restrictions to biden presidency. we begin with president biden and the global summit. host on hand agree the fate of humanity hinges on willingness of leaders to be bold. >> it's simple. will we act? will we do what is necessary? will we seize the enormous opportunity before us? or will we condemn future generations to suffer? >> yet we already see political reality undermining the global urgency that science demands. china and russia did not show. india is there but hesitant to slow down its coal production as energy demand skyrockets. even as bind promises to lead by example and make record american clean climate investments, the big biden green initiatives remain in limbo back home in washington in congress. let's get to our white house correspondent. biden saying america will lead. how's it going? >> reporter: that's the big question that is really on every leader's mind which is we see president biden is committed to this and made this underpinning of his campaign and now his presidency, but what big question that was raised by his predecessor is how long does that last and president biden is acknowledging it as he did earlier in opening remarks but a few moments ago in a smaller session with the prime minister boris johnson and other leaders in the room, president biden apologized for former president trump exiting the paris climate accords. that was a deal negotiated by pkd apologizeed for him leaving that saying that it put the united states behind when it comes to those steps and he's calling on other nations in joining the united states in taking. he gave this speech earlier, john, that he briefs that the world is essentially at an infliction point when it comes to climate change and that they need to make changes not by the year 2050 which are the goals that we've seen so many nations set and also by 2030 and talking about the importance of taking steps now in this decade to make those changes, and he did not lay out any short-term goals. a lot of the goals that he talked about were the ones he mentioned at that climate summit he held virtually at the white house earlier this year. you've seen him at the summit. he's accompanied by his climate envoy john kerry and his main climate adviser, a position he created inside the west wing. gina mccarthy is there in the meetings with world leaders about what they need to do now. one thing i did notice from his speech earlier, john, is the president did not call out china directly. even though, of course, we know the world's biggest polluter is absent from this climate summit as china's president xi jinping has not traveled in 21 months since the coronavirus pandemic, but the president was talking about how this cannot be an effort by one nation. it has to be a global effort to confront climate change and he was saying in the private session earlier where he did apologize that glasgow and this sum hit here is not the end of the road, but they do feel it's important to lay down markers of where it is that they would like to go shepard kaitlan collins kicking us off from scotland. with me to share their reporting and cnn is cnn's manu raju, jeremy diamond and coral davenport of the "new york times," the u.n. secretary-general saying we're taking our own graves. boris johnson, the prime minister opening the session by using a little hollywood. listen shepard welcome to glasgow and to scotland whose most globally famous fiction alison is almost certainly a man called james bond who generally comes to the climax of his highly lucrative film strapped to a doomsday device. this is not a movie, and the doomsday device is real. if we don't get serious about climate change today, it will be too late for our children to do so tomorrow. shepard the rhetoric constantly escalates, and you have doomsday rhetoric, dig our own graves, the president talking about thin frequention point. do the actions, are they willing to commit? are they ready to commit to actions that match the rhetoric? >> the short answer is no. right now all of the countries that signed on to the paris climate agreement, including the united states, of course, president biden re-entered the paris climate agreement on his first day in office have committed to taking actions that would lower their emissions. that was sort of the deal of the paris climate agreement, but right now even if every major emitter actually was able to follow through with what they are able to do, then the world would be on track to heat over two degrees celsius, between two and three degrees celsius which puts us on track for severe devastation, for billions of people suffering from heat waves, climate refugees, major storms, major flooding, sort of a world that would be completely different from the one that we recognize and one from which we can go back. that's if the country meet all the commitments shepard and the president did not publicly today call out china. he did yesterday talk about how it's frustrating not just to people around the world or not just to the scientists who have been demanding action forever that even the big players are skipping out shepard not only russia but china basically didn't show up in terms of any commitments with climate change and there's a reason why people should be disappointed in that. i found it disappointing myself shepard if it's so disappointing, jeremy, what's the white house strategy, that you don't want to be overly publicly critical and hope to pull them along or because there's so many issues with china that the president doesn't want to pick a fight? >> you're seeing both frankly. the president in recent weeks has been pretty clear that he's disappoint that had china and russia are not attending and though on the go 20 front he saw a better chance to focus on share shared agenda. secretary kerry has had a number of meetings with the chinese counterparts and same with the national security adviser jake sullivan so there's a public and private approach to try to get china to be more committed to this issue and ultimately what we're seeing from the president on this trip is, you know, one of the biggest things that a president can do on a big issue like climate change or any other national security or global issue is be kind of a moral voice for the world and i think that we're seeing a return to that, especially after the four years of president trump ignoring and frankly chipping away at the progress that has happened on climate change. we're seeing president biden use his voice as a global leader to try and galvanize action. whether or not it actually happens at the summit is another question, but that's what administration officials have said. this climate summit is a start they believe for four -- shepard four years of trump denial where the united states walked away from a giant global conversation. the goals of the summit are finding an emissions cutting plan and coal financing, and create a global carbon market and funds to protect developing nation and funds to stop deforestation around the case. can the president make the case that everyone has to do a part. the way he wanted to go about it, joe manchin said no from a coal-producing state so they are still at the drawing board shepard he can be a moral voice but getting concrete action in the united states is a totally different question because he does need congress to agree with what he wants to get done and what we've seen is they had to drop in the efforts -- in the build back better plan a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions over the next decade because of the opposition of joe manchin. they have added $550 billion in clean energy and renewable energy as part that have plan, but will that go enough as far as what they are saying in this conference? >> will he at least know the answer to that by the end of the week shepard he hopes so, but i don't think that's guaranteed because they are still working on it and there's still so much disagreement and i think that's really what happened him go into this summit with not the strong hand that he wanted. he doesn't have any assurances back at home shepard what's the metric. the scientists say we've squandered a decade or more. by what metric would we say in six months are they starting to do actual things? a year from now if we sat at this table again are we making progress? what's the metric or two if they want to say just talk, just do something? >> a set of really specific actions that president biden really desperately wants his administration in congress to take that could actually allow the u.s. to cut its emissions enough to reduce -- to sort of, you know, give the u.s. its own contribution to new global imissions. one is this package that's on the hill right now. as you mentioned, about $500 billion in clean energy tax credits. if that passes, and if, that could take the u.s. to a meeting about half of what president biden has promised to the rest of the world. that's a really big deal. the problem is the u.s. only has about eight years left to meet the rest of its pledge, so how does he cut the rest of those emissions? he wants to do the rest of that mostly through executive action, through new regulations from the epa, through new rules that would basically force u.s. automakers to quickly rapidly turn over and pretty much only build and sell electric vehicles. the question about that is as we've seen so clearly from the trump administration, you know, president obama did rules like that. president trump rolled them all back so president biden is going to the world and saying, look, we can get halfway there with this bill that's just on the cusp of passing and we'll get the rest way there with these rules but it's very clear that those, you know, don't necessarily stand permanently shepard subject to american politics as we watch that play out. we will watch it play out. we will. right now the supreme court hearing arguments on the controversial texas abortion law. we'll be live at the high court. you can see the crowd outside next. that's why cisco is committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2040. and we believe our smart buildings solutions can help. providing power to reduce emissions, intelligence to eliminate waste, and collaboration tools that help the workplace and the planet. between meeting human needs and a sustainable future, there's a bridge. cisco, the bridge to possible. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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[uplifting music playing] ♪ i had a dream that someday ♪ ♪ i would just fly, fly away ♪ . today, right now, the supreme court is hearing arguments on whether the justice department and abortion providers can challenge the restrictive texas abortion law enforcement the law bans abortion when a heartbeat can be detected so essentially at around six weeks. there are no exceptions in the texas law for rape or incest. today's arguments come exactly two months after the high court allowed the newly passed law to go into effect. it was a slim 5-4 ruling back then, and one of the court's conservatives would have to switch sides for that vote now -- from that vote now to stop that texas law. outside the court and listening to the arguments is cnn's jessica schneider. the question is would one of the five conservatives say that texas could implement the law would one of them switch sides and among those the court watchers are watching closer is the trump appointee, justice amy coney barrett. let's listen to her today shepard i'm wondering if in a defensive posture in state court the constitutional defense can be fully aired? >> jess, help translate for people watching that through the significance of justice barrett raising that question shepard this has about a very procedural argument, john, a bit difficult to follow along but the key takeaway from amy coney barrett's sound bite there is the fact that she's questioning along with one other conservative justice by my count the structure of this texas law. that's what the issue is at play here. the way that texas has essentially tried to evade federal judicial review here. so far they have been able to avoid the judicial review, the fact that this law is still in eforget despite the challenges ongoing for more than two months now. it took erect on september 1st. amy coney barrett asking here about the structure of this law, the fact in particular that says even if an abortion provider is sued which at least two doctors have been so far, when they go into court they cannot use as a defense the constitutionality of abortion. they cannot go forward and say to the judge, well, the supreme court has held that abortions are legal. it is constitutional for a woman to get an abortion prior to viability, 22 to 24 weeks. that's part of the law here that's being questioned. at issue here is whether or not the justice department and the abortion providers can even challenge this law because texas has tried to evade all challenges to this law, and that's the crucial issue here that the supreme court justices are now weighing in on and will ultimately decide shepard as we know better than most, sometimes the judges can ask skeptical questions to make think they are going one way and in the end they go another way. another trump appointee thinking he might strike an alliance here with the justice roberts and swing back the other way is justice kavanaugh. have we heard anything interesting from justice kavanaugh today? >> he asked the lawyer for texas say, listen, if texas can pass this law stopping abortions in its state, what's to stop another state from passing a law on a constitutional issue, like gun rights? what's to stop a state from allowing private citizens to sue people who own guns? texas has put all the power of enforcement into private citizens allowing hem to sue to enforce the law as opposed to state officials, and by doing that so far they have been able to evade judicial review. they have been able to let this law continue without being stopped, but the whole point now is have they been doing that in an improper manner, and should courts be able to step in here so other states can't take advantage of this structure and try to craft laws similarly, john? >> a very complicated legal argument and a very fascinating issue. jessica schneider, grateful for the quick reporting outside of the court. we'll stay on top of the arguments and where the court heads with this one. thanks so much. when we come back, an election eve in virginia where a close race for governor is being w567d closely. we'll have more on that race next. 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experience on this last day. let's go through the state. i'll start down in the roanoke air crashing southwest corner of the state. we're looking at the presidential map. it's very deep red with the exception right around roanoke. how important is the republican base, and what in recent years been the trump pace for glenn youngkin, not only percentage-wise but come out of the woodwork shepard exactly right. it's just a question of what the turnout is and what the margins are going to be. look, the democrats have been losing ground in that part of the state for years, and so what you're probably going to see is not only are the margins, you know, outrageously good for republicans, but also that they are going to be better than they were in the past. you know, for all of the focus on the suburbs, you know, there aren't that many votes in those individual counties but they do add up, and, you know, the bottom may continue to kind of fall out for democrats in that part of the state and that's a key part of statewide margin shepard we'll watch those. i want to go back in time a little bit. want to go back in time to make a point shepard we're using a presidential map because people are more familiar with it because george w. bush is the last republican to carry virginia in the presidential election. i'll make a couple of marks up here and a couple down here and then i'm going to come through time to show something. that's where we were in 2004, 53-45, round up 53-46, that's 2004 and then you come back here. here's where we were by 2020. you bring it up here. you see all the blue. all the areas, they were red and now they are blue. that's the suburbs, kyle, around richmond and suburbs around washington and if you want to look at why that happened here's one of the reasons. you look back at the census from 1990 back when reagan and h.w. bush and into george w. bush, the state used to be 77% white and now it's just shy of 60% white. the black population has held relatively steady, shy of 20% and back in 1990 there was 3% in 1990 and now it's 11% and much of the demographic chamber of commerce have happened, right, kyle, with the population growth right up here across the river in the northern washington suburbs shepard yeah, that's right. virginia has become more diverse. it also is a fairly highly ed cased state and four-year college attainment hats become an interesting dividing line in politics, particularly amongst white voters. there's a lot of white profession alds, white college-educated folks in northern virginia and some other suburb eastern areas that used to vote republican and don't anymore and then it's a question of can glenn youngkin claw back some of those voters after donald trump kind of pushed them away from the republican party. the trend pre-date trump and trump accelerated. you had early voting because of covid and virginia kept them into place and republicans tend to turn out more on election day. you're going to get to bed early because there's a late night tomorrow. what metrix are you looking for today in order to tell me where we're headed. when the votes start coming in, it will be different than what we're used to in virginia. in 2020 the election day vote was at allied first so even though the state was easily called for biden, trump was leading throughout the night and once the mail-in and early votes got counted biden won the state comfortably. this time those votes will be downed first so mcauliffe may be doing really well to count the season and then as election day comes in youngkin is likely to catch up and that's when if he's going surpass mcauliffe it might be later in the night and it could ping-pong back and forth as the election day is counted, red rural areas maybe earlier in the night and the election day vote in some of the bluer suburban counties might come in later. there's also the possibility that this thing could be so close that maybe we don't even know the winner on tuesday evening shepard tomorrow is election night. let's hope we don't have another election week. kyle, grateful for the insights. that's why on election tuesdays we brew a bit more coffee. the vote down here tends to come in quick. that's why trump pulled out to a big lead because this came in and the suburbs counted a bit later but it's the northern virginia suburbs that are likely to decide this race if it's close. both candidates will end there and both candidates campaigning there over the weekend talking a lot about schools and parents. >> terry mcauliffe wants to put government between parents and their children. america is the greatest country in the world. we're going to talk about it in schools, but we're also going to teach the teach the champers that are abhorrent. i will ban critical race they'ry in our schools shepard what's the education plan? he wants to ban critical race theory that's never been doubt in virginia. dorothy and i have raised our five children. of course parents are involved in it shepard that has become the parents rights, school choice, critical race they're, become a vehicle for frustrated over masks, over books, over just about everything shepard yeah, and i think it's also, you know, become this proxy conversation about race, racism and a lot of those things that people don't hit head on but they feed into the identity politics in the cultural wars that define politics across our country but we're seeing it play out in the virginia's governor's race. again. they say it's about school boards and masks and critical race they're, but it's about something a little bit deeper and something that has shaped hour politics for a long time shepard especially in the commonwealth of virginia shepard look, this will be a road map for republicans trying to take back the house and senate next year. even if youngkin loses and loses narrowly it will be in the districts that donald trump carried and democrats are holding sheets and in states, moderate leaning states, that's how republicans will push on this. the psychological effect of a youngin' win on the democratic party at this moment would be significant shepard even democrats will concede that youngkin has done a pretty good job of keeping trump at arm's level. he wants the trump supporters down in the southwest corner. he doesn't just want them, needs them to turn out. he needs to win the areas by big numbers. the democratic-leaning suburbs, a big real, radio host in virginia and trump is going to call in and glenn youngkin says nope shepard the former president is doing a telerally on monday, will you attend and do you welcome him to virginia? >> so i haven't been involved in that. the teams are talking. i've been out campaigning shepard i'm not going to be engaged in the tele town hall but we have more people helping us than you can possibly believe. this is about unity. >> he says this is about unity. this is not about trump. he says it's about youngkin and virginia but the former president issued a statement this morning and you covered the trump white house so you understand the dynamics. i'm not a believer in the integrity of the virginia election. most of that if not all of that is true. the way you beat it is to flood the system and get out the vote. that's a different tone from donald trump who has condemned, again, unfourly lies, said things about 2020 that are not true, but to say flood the system, he's telling voters in virginia, a, to get out and trump wants some credit if youngkin pulls it off. they have practiced two brands of politics. trump is all base, turn out the buys but very little focus on the middle. you know, look, i think it's telling that you saw terry income allive start to change his tune about whether or not and it's never good when a capped tate changes his message and what glenn young kin has done here it not be replicates, bynentless it's not a strategy can be replicated else where. they will be able to draw certain lessons around certain states but it's not an across-the-board strategy shepard people take these elections in both perts and jump to conclusions that may not apply elsewhere. very important programming note. join us, tomorrow night election night in america and the stakes are high and who will be victorious in the fight to lead new york city? our special live coverage starts tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. when we come back. two big bills and progressives say they are ready to vote yes or both but there are still a few final wrinkles. few final wrinkles. $ so subaru is growing our commitment to protect the environment. in partnership with the national forest foundation, subaru and our retailers are proud to help replant 1 million trees to help restore our forests. subaru. more than a car company. sharing smiles together is a gift. at aspen dental, it's easy to gift yourself the smile you deserve. new patients, get started with a comprehensive exam and full set 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democrats on the house side to delay. no votes he says until everything is locked in, including commitments from all 50 democratic senators shepard i think there has got to be a framework agreed upon in the senate that all of us know is going to be implemented before the members of the house vote, yes, i do. you're going to have a piece of paper which will say this is going to be in the bill. you don't have to have all of the legislative language, but you have to have a statement which says a, b, c, d and e is going to be in the package and 50 members of the senate are supporting it. shepard let me start with mr. manu raju and one of those 50 who we expect to hear from today joe manchin still not there shepard he's still not there, and i cat up with him this morning and he said i'm going to give a lot more clarity about where things stand right now, and that could be very significant. now he could -- if he suggests that he wants changes to this bill. that could change the whole dynamic of where the agenda is going forward. now i've heard he had concerns about the medicare expansion for one. he's publicly raised concerns about including dental, vision and hearing. this proposal would just include hearing. he still has concerns about that. the price tag is at -- he's okay with that. he told me last week $1.75 trillion he's okay with, but there's a lot of other issues in here. he's not weighed in on the very specific details on the who range of things, whether it's the $250 billion on efforts to deal with climate change or anything else, so we'll see if he offers some suggestion that he might not be for this, or if he does say, yes, i'm for it. that could change the dynamic as well, but my expectation is he'll say this needs more work shepard in a fascinating moment that this would fundamentally change the social safety net and the role of the federal government, it would be, whether it's pre-"k" but it's not out there. three progressive house democrats say their votes are in jeopardy unless you get some immigration included in this. you know, and so as long -- until this is done, until the house votes and the senate follows up people are going to raise their hand. the senate parliamentarian said you can't do any aggressive immigration efforts. are there modest efforts or as long as this is on the vine people are going to argue about it? >> i think it's unlikely that immigration gets into the bill. the house can try but the senate is up likely to pass immigration as part of this bill but what the progressives would like is assurances that come with their vote, but to your point, until 50 senators sign on to this bill, everything is on the table like the yes vote of the 50 members is what i think will lock things down and allow the house to move forward with votes, but until then, everybody is trying to get their things back in the bill shepard there are some people who think if there is a republican win or even a very close win in virginia tomorrow that that could upset democrats and can a things to go one way or the other. one person who does not think that is the president who says we're going to get there shepard i believe we will pass my build back better plan and i believe we will pass the infrastructure bill. you've all believed it wouldn't happen from the very beginning from the moment i announced it, and you always seem amazed when it's alive again. you may turn out to be right. maybe it won't work, but i believe we'll see by the end of next week at home that at home it's passed. >> jeremy, what are they saying in the white house about the political importance here for the president? i want to show you. this is the nbc poll from over the weekend. is the country on the wrong snack is the country on the wrong track, 93% of republicans say that. we live in polarized time. overall 17% of americans say that. 70% of independents say that and nearly half, nearly half of democrats, the president's own president think we're off on the wrong track and you look as we're going to watch virginia results tomorrow, as we head into the mid-term, who is stronger on border security, republicans by 27%, on inflation, republicans by 27 points and on the economy by 18 points and only on the coronavirus and climate change do democrats have an agenda. they must understand at the biden white house they need to get the bills to the finish line shepard that's been the position that the stakes are too high to not be able to pass these bills and, therefore, that's kind of buoyed their kind of relentless optimism and confidence that this will eventually get done and the white house also hasn't had their hair on fire about the poll numbers. my sense is that they believe that it will straighten out once they do pass these bills and there is still a year until the mid-term elections, but they do know how critical it is. that's why we see the president so focused on this, and they do believe they can get it done shepard that was the same argument they made in 2010 to pass affordable care act. what happened that fall, they lost the house? that's the concern. they may get it through shepard the implementation begins absolutely essentially then. that's why we have a fascinating week ahead. another fascinating story. handwritten notes by his chief of staff. a chronological record of every call and meeting. new documents of the documents former donald trump wants to block the january 6th committee from ever seeing. with chase fre. that means i earn on my bug spray and my sunscreen. you ready to go fishing? i got the bait. i also earn 5% on travel purchased through chase on this rental car. that lake is calling my name! don't you get seasick? we'll find out! come on. and i earn 3% on dining including takeout. so much for catching our dinner. some people are hunters. some are gatherers. i'm a diner. pow! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. 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new details reporting from "the washington post." dismissing pleas, from trump did, from his inner circle watching what he saw right there as his supporters attempted a coup and stunning insight into the trump eastern john eastman who wanted mike pence the vice president to refuse to accept the electoral college count. mr. pence, of course, refused and as the trump rob rushed the capital eastman sent this email to the vice president aide. the siege is because you and your boss did not do what was necessary to allow this to be aired in a public way so the american people can see for themselves what happened. more on mr. eastman now. cnn's k-kyle over the weekend dug this up. eastman asked by trump ally steve bannon on january 2nd, four days before if the 6th would be a climatic battle in the fight to keep trump in power shepard i think a lot of that depends on the courage and spine of the individuals involved shepard that would be a nice way to say that a guy named vice president mike pence shepard yes shepard when you add it all up and kudos to "the post" for incredibly depaid reporting about that day. 187 minutes, the president of the united states doing nothing while his inner circle was saying sir, sir, sir, 187 minutes shepard it's remarkable, but also it was remarkable at the moment. we knew a lot of contours of this at the time and in the days afterwards the president's lack of action, but to see the death tails, to see these e-mails actually written out just drives it home so much more and just makes clear the extent to which this was premeditated and the extent to which this was reckless endangerment frankly of everybody on the capitol shepard so you were both at the capitol that day. you were at risk as well. every member of congress, the vice president. united states, the staff, the reporters in the building. this court filing is fascinating because we know former president trump alleges that he has executive privilege. the biden white house says no, you don't but he's trying to block access and if you go through the inventory of documents here, breathtaking, three pages of handwritten notes by his chief of staff mark meadows and the white house diary which records every second of the president's day, where was he and which phone calls did he take and which ones did he initiate? donald trump wants history and this january 6th committee to see none of that because they don't want to know what he was doing while you and the vice president and everyone else were at risk shepard even though he may have not a very good chance of winning in court, he wants to drag this out as long as possible. we'll see how long it takes. hope that eventually republicans take back the house in the mid terms next year and they will almost certainly squash this investigation if they do it and this will never see the light of day. that's been the playbook all along. will it work, that's another question but the reporting all shows that there's so much that has to be learned about what exactly happened and the discussions happening in the white house. even though we saw a lot of this with our own eyes there's still a lot to be unearthed. team trump would not take no for an answer because even in looking at these memos and what they want the pence to do is rewriting the history. congress was meeting and there were challenges to the electoral college votes that were under way when the siege took place but it's clear all trump wanted was he wanted guests in anything that was slowing down or going through the processes. he was not willing to accept shepard one sub plot to all of this is you have democrats now frustrated with the pace of prosecutions by the justice department. this is a progressive of arizona essentially saying to-maker garland get with it shepard look, either merrick needs to step up or step out. there are no norms when there was an almost coup of this country. >> the president himself, a week or so ago, tried to backtrack at the cnn town hall saying he got out over his skis saying he wanted people held accountable realizing that he said in the campaign trump politicizes the justice department, we democrats will not. would the white house view that as helpful? i get the frustration but the justice department is supposed to be independent. it's independent for everybody shepard yeah, look, i don't think the white house has a view on whether or not outside pressure helps or not or if it's okay. one thing that they are making clear is they themselves are not going to engoij in that and that's why the president has said i believe there should be charges, he's made it very clear he won't cookie about the issue at all. that's the reality of what the biden white house want. time is not our friend and the 911 investigation took years and can they get it done? >> if you look through the inventory, i would love to read the files. history would benefit. not a joke. history will benefit. join jake tapper for a new special report, "trumping democracy," which airs friday night here on cnn. when we come back today, the vaccine mandate for employees in new york city is in full effect but one critical department has a big warning. like you, my hands are everything to me. but i was diagnosed with dupuytren's contracture. and it got to the point where things i took for granted got tougher to do. thought surgery was my only option. turns out i was wrong. so when a hand specialist told me about nonsurgical treatments, it was a total game changer. like you, my hands have a lot more to do. learn more at today. in 2016, i was working at the amazon warehouse when my brother passed away. and a couple of years later, my mother passed away. after taking care of them, i knew that i really wanted to become a nurse. amazon helped me with training and tuition. today, i'm a medical assistant and i'm studying to become a registered nurse. in filipino: you'll always be in my heart. why hide your skin if dupixent has your 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department closed because of staffing shortage and 2,500 firefighters have called out sick. many of these calls are because officers are experiencing side effects from vaccinations, but the fire commissioner warned, quote, irresponsible bogus sick leave by some of our members is creating a danger for new yorkers and their fellow firefighters. they need to return to work, the commissioner says, or risk the consequences of their actions. the city's vaccine mandate took effect friday at 5:00 p.m. thanks for your time today on "inside politics." hope to see you back here this time tomorrow on election day. bianna golodryga picks up our coverage right now. hello, everyone. i'm bianna golodryga in new york. ana cabrera is off. president biden right now facing a pressure cooker on two continents. he today he's in scotland trying to prove to america's allies that the u.s. is back in the climate fight and more serious about it than ever. signaling a clear break from his predecessor's stance. shepard i gues

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Nations , Steps , Infliction , Lot , Goals , Importance , Ones , 2050 , 2030 , John Kerry , Position , Climate Summit , Climate Adviser , Gina Mccarthy , West Wing , Course , Meetings , Thing , World Leaders , Xi Jinping , Polluter , Notice , One , Effort , One Nation , Glasgow , Coronavirus Pandemic , 21 , Reporting , Cnn , Manu Raju , Hit , End Of The Road , Scotland , Sum , Go Shepard Kaitlan Collins , Markers , Graves , New York Times , Secretary General , To Glasgow , Little Hollywood , U N , Coral Davenport , Jeremy Diamond , Man , James Bond , Fiction Alison , Climax , Doomsday Device , Children , Movie , Film , Actions , Rhetoric , Doomsday Rhetoric , Frequention Point , Answer , Countries , Emissions , Emitter , Office , Paris , People , Track , Celsius , Billions , Devastation , Heat Waves , Three , Two , Flooding , Storms , Climate Refugees , Out Shepard , Country , Action , Scientists , The Commitments Shepard , Players , Commitments , Reason , Terms , Didn T , Show Up , Fight , Issues , Strategy , Hope , Frankly , Jeremy , Doesn T Want , Chance , Number , Front , Focus On Share Shared Agenda , 20 , Things , Security , China , Counterparts , Trip , Approach , Public , Jake Sullivan , Trump , Real Progress , Voice , Kind , Return , Four , Question , Administration , Denial , Whether , Officials , Funds , Carbon Market , Conversation , Coal Financing , State , Part , It , Everyone , Joe Manchin , Case , Drawing Board Shepard , Nation , Deforestation , Efforts , Greenhouse Gas Emissions , Build , Reduction , 50 , Energy , Opposition , Conference , 550 Billion , 50 Billion , The End , Assurances , Don T Think , Disagreement , Table , More , Metric , Home Shepard , Six , Something , Set , Package , Contribution , Passes , Tax Credits , Global Imissions , The Hill , 00 Billion , 500 Billion , Meeting , Half , Problem , Pledge , Eight , Rules , Executive Action , Automakers , Regulations , Epa , Obama , Vehicles , Bill , Play , Cusp , American Politics , Don 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Shepard This , Fact , Structure , Count , Questioning , Review , Sound Bite , Judicial Review , Eforget , September 1st , 1 , Doctors , Abortion Provider , Particular , Constitutionality , Abortions , Judge , Woman , Viability , 22 , 24 , Challenges , Justices , Questions , Judges , Thinking , Most , Alliance , Swing , Justice Roberts , Anything , Law Stopping Abortions , Lawyer , Kavanaugh , Listen , Texas Say , Citizens , Enforcement , Guns , Gun Rights , Point , State Officials , Hem , States , Courts , Advantage , Grateful , Manner , Laws , Election , Back , Top , Health , Marcia , Dental Implants , Periodontal Disease , Solution , Teeth , Clearchoice , Forde , Schizophrenia , Key , Ability , Signs , Best , Side Effects , Adults , Patients , Risk , Death , Pill , Titration , Dementia , Stroke , Caplyta , Doctor , Cholesterol , Movements , Muscles , Confusion , Judgment , Falls , Dizziness , Muscle , Reaction , Standing , Fever , Sleepiness , Dry Mouth , Weight Gain , Blood Sugar , Placebo , Weight , Therapies , Trials , Place , Matter , Wayfair , Times , Electorlytes , Feel , Sugar , Powder Packs , Pedialyte , Election Day , Map , Attention , Terry Mcauliffe , Points , Democrat , Ten , Suburbs , Glenn Youngkin , Both , Insights , Campaigning , Northern Virginia , End , Managing Editor , Campaign Day , Republican , Kyle , Let S Go , Red , Roanoke Air , Sabato S Crystal Ball , Base , Margins , Pace , Turnout , Exception , Come Out Of The Woodwork Shepard Exactly , Ground , Votes , Focus , Counties , Add Up , Bottom , There Aren T , Bit , Point Shepard , Margin , George W Bush , Couple , Marks , 46 , 2004 , 53 , 45 , Areas , Blue , Reasons , Census , Richmond , Reagan , H W , 1990 , White , Population , 3 , 60 , 77 , That S Right , Much , Population Growth , River , Northern Washington Suburbs Shepard Yeah , Chamber Of Commerce , 11 , Voters , Politics , Dividing Line , College Attainment , Ed Cased , White Profession Alds , We Don T , Suburb , Folks , Donald Trump , Covid , Trend , Late Night Tomorrow , Bed , Order , Election Day Vote , Mail In , Allied , Season , Some , Bluer , Red Rural Areas , Election Night , Evening Shepard , Possibility , Winner , Lead , Candidates , Coffee , Weekend , Parents , Government , Schools , Schools Shepard , Champers , Race Theory , Education , It Shepard , Vehicle , Rights , School Choice , Dorothy , Masks , Books , Proxy Conversation , Racism , People Don T Hit Head On , Everything Shepard Yeah , Identity Politics , School Boards , Wars , House , Senate , Road Map , Commonwealth Of Virginia Shepard Look , Sheets , Districts , Win , Keeping Trump , Youngin , Level , Arm , Job , Supporters , Numbers , Corner , Nope Shepard , Haven T , Radio Host , Big Real , Telerally On Monday , Teams , Unity , Tele Town Hall , Statement , System , Integrity , Dynamics , Believer , Flood , Tone , Unfourly Lies , Credit , Brands , Buys , Middle , Income , Tune , Terry , Message , Tate , Replicates , Elections , Where , Lessons , 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Immigration , Progressive House , Immigration Efforts , Vine , Parliamentarian , Everybody , Senators , Person , Other , Bill Shepard , Wouldn T , Infrastructure Bill , Work , Poll , Nbc , Snack , Independents , 93 , 70 , 17 , 93 , Border Security , Inflation , Mid Term , Virginia Results Tomorrow , Economy , 18 , 27 , Finish Line Shepard , Coronavirus , Sense , Poll Numbers , Fire , Optimism , Confidence , Hasn T , Hair , Concern , Affordable Care Act , 2010 , Chief Of Staff , Notes , Implementation , Story , January 6th Committee , Documents , Rental Car , Bug Spray , Sunscreen , Fishing , Lake , Name , Chase Fre , Bait , January 6th , Takeout , Come On , Big Time With Chase Freedom Unlimited , Dinner , Diner , Pow , Fee , Hunters , Gatherers , Something Else , Gas , Supermarket , Town , Buck , Bang , Plans , Healthcare Benefits , Screen , Agent , Humana Sales , Medicare Advantage Plan , Humana , Prescription Drug Coverage , Hospital , Lots , Healthcare Industry , Specialists , 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Sick Leave , Bianna Golodryga , Continents , Pressure Cooker , Ana Cabrera , Hello , Allies , Break , Stance , Shepard I Gues ,

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Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With John King 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With John King 20240709

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will tell us about the national move from covid restrictions to biden presidency. we begin with president biden and the global summit. host on hand agree the fate of humanity hinges on willingness of leaders to be bold. >> it's simple. will we act? will we do what is necessary? will we seize the enormous opportunity before us? or will we condemn future generations to suffer? >> yet we already see political reality undermining the global urgency that science demands. china and russia did not show. india is there but hesitant to slow down its coal production as energy demand skyrockets. even as bind promises to lead by example and make record american clean climate investments, the big biden green initiatives remain in limbo back home in washington in congress. let's get to our white house correspondent. biden saying america will lead. how's it going? >> reporter: that's the big question that is really on every leader's mind which is we see president biden is committed to this and made this underpinning of his campaign and now his presidency, but what big question that was raised by his predecessor is how long does that last and president biden is acknowledging it as he did earlier in opening remarks but a few moments ago in a smaller session with the prime minister boris johnson and other leaders in the room, president biden apologized for former president trump exiting the paris climate accords. that was a deal negotiated by pkd apologizeed for him leaving that saying that it put the united states behind when it comes to those steps and he's calling on other nations in joining the united states in taking. he gave this speech earlier, john, that he briefs that the world is essentially at an infliction point when it comes to climate change and that they need to make changes not by the year 2050 which are the goals that we've seen so many nations set and also by 2030 and talking about the importance of taking steps now in this decade to make those changes, and he did not lay out any short-term goals. a lot of the goals that he talked about were the ones he mentioned at that climate summit he held virtually at the white house earlier this year. you've seen him at the summit. he's accompanied by his climate envoy john kerry and his main climate adviser, a position he created inside the west wing. gina mccarthy is there in the meetings with world leaders about what they need to do now. one thing i did notice from his speech earlier, john, is the president did not call out china directly. even though, of course, we know the world's biggest polluter is absent from this climate summit as china's president xi jinping has not traveled in 21 months since the coronavirus pandemic, but the president was talking about how this cannot be an effort by one nation. it has to be a global effort to confront climate change and he was saying in the private session earlier where he did apologize that glasgow and this sum hit here is not the end of the road, but they do feel it's important to lay down markers of where it is that they would like to go shepard kaitlan collins kicking us off from scotland. with me to share their reporting and cnn is cnn's manu raju, jeremy diamond and coral davenport of the "new york times," the u.n. secretary-general saying we're taking our own graves. boris johnson, the prime minister opening the session by using a little hollywood. listen shepard welcome to glasgow and to scotland whose most globally famous fiction alison is almost certainly a man called james bond who generally comes to the climax of his highly lucrative film strapped to a doomsday device. this is not a movie, and the doomsday device is real. if we don't get serious about climate change today, it will be too late for our children to do so tomorrow. shepard the rhetoric constantly escalates, and you have doomsday rhetoric, dig our own graves, the president talking about thin frequention point. do the actions, are they willing to commit? are they ready to commit to actions that match the rhetoric? >> the short answer is no. right now all of the countries that signed on to the paris climate agreement, including the united states, of course, president biden re-entered the paris climate agreement on his first day in office have committed to taking actions that would lower their emissions. that was sort of the deal of the paris climate agreement, but right now even if every major emitter actually was able to follow through with what they are able to do, then the world would be on track to heat over two degrees celsius, between two and three degrees celsius which puts us on track for severe devastation, for billions of people suffering from heat waves, climate refugees, major storms, major flooding, sort of a world that would be completely different from the one that we recognize and one from which we can go back. that's if the country meet all the commitments shepard and the president did not publicly today call out china. he did yesterday talk about how it's frustrating not just to people around the world or not just to the scientists who have been demanding action forever that even the big players are skipping out shepard not only russia but china basically didn't show up in terms of any commitments with climate change and there's a reason why people should be disappointed in that. i found it disappointing myself shepard if it's so disappointing, jeremy, what's the white house strategy, that you don't want to be overly publicly critical and hope to pull them along or because there's so many issues with china that the president doesn't want to pick a fight? >> you're seeing both frankly. the president in recent weeks has been pretty clear that he's disappoint that had china and russia are not attending and though on the go 20 front he saw a better chance to focus on share shared agenda. secretary kerry has had a number of meetings with the chinese counterparts and same with the national security adviser jake sullivan so there's a public and private approach to try to get china to be more committed to this issue and ultimately what we're seeing from the president on this trip is, you know, one of the biggest things that a president can do on a big issue like climate change or any other national security or global issue is be kind of a moral voice for the world and i think that we're seeing a return to that, especially after the four years of president trump ignoring and frankly chipping away at the progress that has happened on climate change. we're seeing president biden use his voice as a global leader to try and galvanize action. whether or not it actually happens at the summit is another question, but that's what administration officials have said. this climate summit is a start they believe for four -- shepard four years of trump denial where the united states walked away from a giant global conversation. the goals of the summit are finding an emissions cutting plan and coal financing, and create a global carbon market and funds to protect developing nation and funds to stop deforestation around the case. can the president make the case that everyone has to do a part. the way he wanted to go about it, joe manchin said no from a coal-producing state so they are still at the drawing board shepard he can be a moral voice but getting concrete action in the united states is a totally different question because he does need congress to agree with what he wants to get done and what we've seen is they had to drop in the efforts -- in the build back better plan a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions over the next decade because of the opposition of joe manchin. they have added $550 billion in clean energy and renewable energy as part that have plan, but will that go enough as far as what they are saying in this conference? >> will he at least know the answer to that by the end of the week shepard he hopes so, but i don't think that's guaranteed because they are still working on it and there's still so much disagreement and i think that's really what happened him go into this summit with not the strong hand that he wanted. he doesn't have any assurances back at home shepard what's the metric. the scientists say we've squandered a decade or more. by what metric would we say in six months are they starting to do actual things? a year from now if we sat at this table again are we making progress? what's the metric or two if they want to say just talk, just do something? >> a set of really specific actions that president biden really desperately wants his administration in congress to take that could actually allow the u.s. to cut its emissions enough to reduce -- to sort of, you know, give the u.s. its own contribution to new global imissions. one is this package that's on the hill right now. as you mentioned, about $500 billion in clean energy tax credits. if that passes, and if, that could take the u.s. to a meeting about half of what president biden has promised to the rest of the world. that's a really big deal. the problem is the u.s. only has about eight years left to meet the rest of its pledge, so how does he cut the rest of those emissions? he wants to do the rest of that mostly through executive action, through new regulations from the epa, through new rules that would basically force u.s. automakers to quickly rapidly turn over and pretty much only build and sell electric vehicles. the question about that is as we've seen so clearly from the trump administration, you know, president obama did rules like that. president trump rolled them all back so president biden is going to the world and saying, look, we can get halfway there with this bill that's just on the cusp of passing and we'll get the rest way there with these rules but it's very clear that those, you know, don't necessarily stand permanently shepard subject to american politics as we watch that play out. we will watch it play out. we will. right now the supreme court hearing arguments on the controversial texas abortion law. we'll be live at the high court. you can see the crowd outside next. that's why cisco is committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2040. and we believe our smart buildings solutions can help. providing power to reduce emissions, intelligence to eliminate waste, and collaboration tools that help the workplace and the planet. between meeting human needs and a sustainable future, there's a bridge. cisco, the bridge to possible. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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[uplifting music playing] ♪ i had a dream that someday ♪ ♪ i would just fly, fly away ♪ . today, right now, the supreme court is hearing arguments on whether the justice department and abortion providers can challenge the restrictive texas abortion law enforcement the law bans abortion when a heartbeat can be detected so essentially at around six weeks. there are no exceptions in the texas law for rape or incest. today's arguments come exactly two months after the high court allowed the newly passed law to go into effect. it was a slim 5-4 ruling back then, and one of the court's conservatives would have to switch sides for that vote now -- from that vote now to stop that texas law. outside the court and listening to the arguments is cnn's jessica schneider. the question is would one of the five conservatives say that texas could implement the law would one of them switch sides and among those the court watchers are watching closer is the trump appointee, justice amy coney barrett. let's listen to her today shepard i'm wondering if in a defensive posture in state court the constitutional defense can be fully aired? >> jess, help translate for people watching that through the significance of justice barrett raising that question shepard this has about a very procedural argument, john, a bit difficult to follow along but the key takeaway from amy coney barrett's sound bite there is the fact that she's questioning along with one other conservative justice by my count the structure of this texas law. that's what the issue is at play here. the way that texas has essentially tried to evade federal judicial review here. so far they have been able to avoid the judicial review, the fact that this law is still in eforget despite the challenges ongoing for more than two months now. it took erect on september 1st. amy coney barrett asking here about the structure of this law, the fact in particular that says even if an abortion provider is sued which at least two doctors have been so far, when they go into court they cannot use as a defense the constitutionality of abortion. they cannot go forward and say to the judge, well, the supreme court has held that abortions are legal. it is constitutional for a woman to get an abortion prior to viability, 22 to 24 weeks. that's part of the law here that's being questioned. at issue here is whether or not the justice department and the abortion providers can even challenge this law because texas has tried to evade all challenges to this law, and that's the crucial issue here that the supreme court justices are now weighing in on and will ultimately decide shepard as we know better than most, sometimes the judges can ask skeptical questions to make think they are going one way and in the end they go another way. another trump appointee thinking he might strike an alliance here with the justice roberts and swing back the other way is justice kavanaugh. have we heard anything interesting from justice kavanaugh today? >> he asked the lawyer for texas say, listen, if texas can pass this law stopping abortions in its state, what's to stop another state from passing a law on a constitutional issue, like gun rights? what's to stop a state from allowing private citizens to sue people who own guns? texas has put all the power of enforcement into private citizens allowing hem to sue to enforce the law as opposed to state officials, and by doing that so far they have been able to evade judicial review. they have been able to let this law continue without being stopped, but the whole point now is have they been doing that in an improper manner, and should courts be able to step in here so other states can't take advantage of this structure and try to craft laws similarly, john? >> a very complicated legal argument and a very fascinating issue. jessica schneider, grateful for the quick reporting outside of the court. we'll stay on top of the arguments and where the court heads with this one. thanks so much. when we come back, an election eve in virginia where a close race for governor is being w567d closely. we'll have more on that race next. 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experience on this last day. let's go through the state. i'll start down in the roanoke air crashing southwest corner of the state. we're looking at the presidential map. it's very deep red with the exception right around roanoke. how important is the republican base, and what in recent years been the trump pace for glenn youngkin, not only percentage-wise but come out of the woodwork shepard exactly right. it's just a question of what the turnout is and what the margins are going to be. look, the democrats have been losing ground in that part of the state for years, and so what you're probably going to see is not only are the margins, you know, outrageously good for republicans, but also that they are going to be better than they were in the past. you know, for all of the focus on the suburbs, you know, there aren't that many votes in those individual counties but they do add up, and, you know, the bottom may continue to kind of fall out for democrats in that part of the state and that's a key part of statewide margin shepard we'll watch those. i want to go back in time a little bit. want to go back in time to make a point shepard we're using a presidential map because people are more familiar with it because george w. bush is the last republican to carry virginia in the presidential election. i'll make a couple of marks up here and a couple down here and then i'm going to come through time to show something. that's where we were in 2004, 53-45, round up 53-46, that's 2004 and then you come back here. here's where we were by 2020. you bring it up here. you see all the blue. all the areas, they were red and now they are blue. that's the suburbs, kyle, around richmond and suburbs around washington and if you want to look at why that happened here's one of the reasons. you look back at the census from 1990 back when reagan and h.w. bush and into george w. bush, the state used to be 77% white and now it's just shy of 60% white. the black population has held relatively steady, shy of 20% and back in 1990 there was 3% in 1990 and now it's 11% and much of the demographic chamber of commerce have happened, right, kyle, with the population growth right up here across the river in the northern washington suburbs shepard yeah, that's right. virginia has become more diverse. it also is a fairly highly ed cased state and four-year college attainment hats become an interesting dividing line in politics, particularly amongst white voters. there's a lot of white profession alds, white college-educated folks in northern virginia and some other suburb eastern areas that used to vote republican and don't anymore and then it's a question of can glenn youngkin claw back some of those voters after donald trump kind of pushed them away from the republican party. the trend pre-date trump and trump accelerated. you had early voting because of covid and virginia kept them into place and republicans tend to turn out more on election day. you're going to get to bed early because there's a late night tomorrow. what metrix are you looking for today in order to tell me where we're headed. when the votes start coming in, it will be different than what we're used to in virginia. in 2020 the election day vote was at allied first so even though the state was easily called for biden, trump was leading throughout the night and once the mail-in and early votes got counted biden won the state comfortably. this time those votes will be downed first so mcauliffe may be doing really well to count the season and then as election day comes in youngkin is likely to catch up and that's when if he's going surpass mcauliffe it might be later in the night and it could ping-pong back and forth as the election day is counted, red rural areas maybe earlier in the night and the election day vote in some of the bluer suburban counties might come in later. there's also the possibility that this thing could be so close that maybe we don't even know the winner on tuesday evening shepard tomorrow is election night. let's hope we don't have another election week. kyle, grateful for the insights. that's why on election tuesdays we brew a bit more coffee. the vote down here tends to come in quick. that's why trump pulled out to a big lead because this came in and the suburbs counted a bit later but it's the northern virginia suburbs that are likely to decide this race if it's close. both candidates will end there and both candidates campaigning there over the weekend talking a lot about schools and parents. >> terry mcauliffe wants to put government between parents and their children. america is the greatest country in the world. we're going to talk about it in schools, but we're also going to teach the teach the champers that are abhorrent. i will ban critical race they'ry in our schools shepard what's the education plan? he wants to ban critical race theory that's never been doubt in virginia. dorothy and i have raised our five children. of course parents are involved in it shepard that has become the parents rights, school choice, critical race they're, become a vehicle for frustrated over masks, over books, over just about everything shepard yeah, and i think it's also, you know, become this proxy conversation about race, racism and a lot of those things that people don't hit head on but they feed into the identity politics in the cultural wars that define politics across our country but we're seeing it play out in the virginia's governor's race. again. they say it's about school boards and masks and critical race they're, but it's about something a little bit deeper and something that has shaped hour politics for a long time shepard especially in the commonwealth of virginia shepard look, this will be a road map for republicans trying to take back the house and senate next year. even if youngkin loses and loses narrowly it will be in the districts that donald trump carried and democrats are holding sheets and in states, moderate leaning states, that's how republicans will push on this. the psychological effect of a youngin' win on the democratic party at this moment would be significant shepard even democrats will concede that youngkin has done a pretty good job of keeping trump at arm's level. he wants the trump supporters down in the southwest corner. he doesn't just want them, needs them to turn out. he needs to win the areas by big numbers. the democratic-leaning suburbs, a big real, radio host in virginia and trump is going to call in and glenn youngkin says nope shepard the former president is doing a telerally on monday, will you attend and do you welcome him to virginia? >> so i haven't been involved in that. the teams are talking. i've been out campaigning shepard i'm not going to be engaged in the tele town hall but we have more people helping us than you can possibly believe. this is about unity. >> he says this is about unity. this is not about trump. he says it's about youngkin and virginia but the former president issued a statement this morning and you covered the trump white house so you understand the dynamics. i'm not a believer in the integrity of the virginia election. most of that if not all of that is true. the way you beat it is to flood the system and get out the vote. that's a different tone from donald trump who has condemned, again, unfourly lies, said things about 2020 that are not true, but to say flood the system, he's telling voters in virginia, a, to get out and trump wants some credit if youngkin pulls it off. they have practiced two brands of politics. trump is all base, turn out the buys but very little focus on the middle. you know, look, i think it's telling that you saw terry income allive start to change his tune about whether or not and it's never good when a capped tate changes his message and what glenn young kin has done here it not be replicates, bynentless it's not a strategy can be replicated else where. they will be able to draw certain lessons around certain states but it's not an across-the-board strategy shepard people take these elections in both perts and jump to conclusions that may not apply elsewhere. very important programming note. join us, tomorrow night election night in america and the stakes are high and who will be victorious in the fight to lead new york city? our special live coverage starts tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. when we come back. two big bills and progressives say they are ready to vote yes or both but there are still a few final wrinkles. few final wrinkles. $ so subaru is growing our commitment to protect the environment. in partnership with the national forest foundation, subaru and our retailers are proud to help replant 1 million trees to help restore our forests. subaru. more than a car company. sharing smiles together is a gift. at aspen dental, it's easy to gift yourself the smile you deserve. new patients, get started with a comprehensive exam and full set 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democrats on the house side to delay. no votes he says until everything is locked in, including commitments from all 50 democratic senators shepard i think there has got to be a framework agreed upon in the senate that all of us know is going to be implemented before the members of the house vote, yes, i do. you're going to have a piece of paper which will say this is going to be in the bill. you don't have to have all of the legislative language, but you have to have a statement which says a, b, c, d and e is going to be in the package and 50 members of the senate are supporting it. shepard let me start with mr. manu raju and one of those 50 who we expect to hear from today joe manchin still not there shepard he's still not there, and i cat up with him this morning and he said i'm going to give a lot more clarity about where things stand right now, and that could be very significant. now he could -- if he suggests that he wants changes to this bill. that could change the whole dynamic of where the agenda is going forward. now i've heard he had concerns about the medicare expansion for one. he's publicly raised concerns about including dental, vision and hearing. this proposal would just include hearing. he still has concerns about that. the price tag is at -- he's okay with that. he told me last week $1.75 trillion he's okay with, but there's a lot of other issues in here. he's not weighed in on the very specific details on the who range of things, whether it's the $250 billion on efforts to deal with climate change or anything else, so we'll see if he offers some suggestion that he might not be for this, or if he does say, yes, i'm for it. that could change the dynamic as well, but my expectation is he'll say this needs more work shepard in a fascinating moment that this would fundamentally change the social safety net and the role of the federal government, it would be, whether it's pre-"k" but it's not out there. three progressive house democrats say their votes are in jeopardy unless you get some immigration included in this. you know, and so as long -- until this is done, until the house votes and the senate follows up people are going to raise their hand. the senate parliamentarian said you can't do any aggressive immigration efforts. are there modest efforts or as long as this is on the vine people are going to argue about it? >> i think it's unlikely that immigration gets into the bill. the house can try but the senate is up likely to pass immigration as part of this bill but what the progressives would like is assurances that come with their vote, but to your point, until 50 senators sign on to this bill, everything is on the table like the yes vote of the 50 members is what i think will lock things down and allow the house to move forward with votes, but until then, everybody is trying to get their things back in the bill shepard there are some people who think if there is a republican win or even a very close win in virginia tomorrow that that could upset democrats and can a things to go one way or the other. one person who does not think that is the president who says we're going to get there shepard i believe we will pass my build back better plan and i believe we will pass the infrastructure bill. you've all believed it wouldn't happen from the very beginning from the moment i announced it, and you always seem amazed when it's alive again. you may turn out to be right. maybe it won't work, but i believe we'll see by the end of next week at home that at home it's passed. >> jeremy, what are they saying in the white house about the political importance here for the president? i want to show you. this is the nbc poll from over the weekend. is the country on the wrong snack is the country on the wrong track, 93% of republicans say that. we live in polarized time. overall 17% of americans say that. 70% of independents say that and nearly half, nearly half of democrats, the president's own president think we're off on the wrong track and you look as we're going to watch virginia results tomorrow, as we head into the mid-term, who is stronger on border security, republicans by 27%, on inflation, republicans by 27 points and on the economy by 18 points and only on the coronavirus and climate change do democrats have an agenda. they must understand at the biden white house they need to get the bills to the finish line shepard that's been the position that the stakes are too high to not be able to pass these bills and, therefore, that's kind of buoyed their kind of relentless optimism and confidence that this will eventually get done and the white house also hasn't had their hair on fire about the poll numbers. my sense is that they believe that it will straighten out once they do pass these bills and there is still a year until the mid-term elections, but they do know how critical it is. that's why we see the president so focused on this, and they do believe they can get it done shepard that was the same argument they made in 2010 to pass affordable care act. what happened that fall, they lost the house? that's the concern. they may get it through shepard the implementation begins absolutely essentially then. that's why we have a fascinating week ahead. another fascinating story. handwritten notes by his chief of staff. a chronological record of every call and meeting. new documents of the documents former donald trump wants to block the january 6th committee from ever seeing. with chase fre. that means i earn on my bug spray and my sunscreen. you ready to go fishing? i got the bait. i also earn 5% on travel purchased through chase on this rental car. that lake is calling my name! don't you get seasick? we'll find out! come on. and i earn 3% on dining including takeout. so much for catching our dinner. some people are hunters. some are gatherers. i'm a diner. pow! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. 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new details reporting from "the washington post." dismissing pleas, from trump did, from his inner circle watching what he saw right there as his supporters attempted a coup and stunning insight into the trump eastern john eastman who wanted mike pence the vice president to refuse to accept the electoral college count. mr. pence, of course, refused and as the trump rob rushed the capital eastman sent this email to the vice president aide. the siege is because you and your boss did not do what was necessary to allow this to be aired in a public way so the american people can see for themselves what happened. more on mr. eastman now. cnn's k-kyle over the weekend dug this up. eastman asked by trump ally steve bannon on january 2nd, four days before if the 6th would be a climatic battle in the fight to keep trump in power shepard i think a lot of that depends on the courage and spine of the individuals involved shepard that would be a nice way to say that a guy named vice president mike pence shepard yes shepard when you add it all up and kudos to "the post" for incredibly depaid reporting about that day. 187 minutes, the president of the united states doing nothing while his inner circle was saying sir, sir, sir, 187 minutes shepard it's remarkable, but also it was remarkable at the moment. we knew a lot of contours of this at the time and in the days afterwards the president's lack of action, but to see the death tails, to see these e-mails actually written out just drives it home so much more and just makes clear the extent to which this was premeditated and the extent to which this was reckless endangerment frankly of everybody on the capitol shepard so you were both at the capitol that day. you were at risk as well. every member of congress, the vice president. united states, the staff, the reporters in the building. this court filing is fascinating because we know former president trump alleges that he has executive privilege. the biden white house says no, you don't but he's trying to block access and if you go through the inventory of documents here, breathtaking, three pages of handwritten notes by his chief of staff mark meadows and the white house diary which records every second of the president's day, where was he and which phone calls did he take and which ones did he initiate? donald trump wants history and this january 6th committee to see none of that because they don't want to know what he was doing while you and the vice president and everyone else were at risk shepard even though he may have not a very good chance of winning in court, he wants to drag this out as long as possible. we'll see how long it takes. hope that eventually republicans take back the house in the mid terms next year and they will almost certainly squash this investigation if they do it and this will never see the light of day. that's been the playbook all along. will it work, that's another question but the reporting all shows that there's so much that has to be learned about what exactly happened and the discussions happening in the white house. even though we saw a lot of this with our own eyes there's still a lot to be unearthed. team trump would not take no for an answer because even in looking at these memos and what they want the pence to do is rewriting the history. congress was meeting and there were challenges to the electoral college votes that were under way when the siege took place but it's clear all trump wanted was he wanted guests in anything that was slowing down or going through the processes. he was not willing to accept shepard one sub plot to all of this is you have democrats now frustrated with the pace of prosecutions by the justice department. this is a progressive of arizona essentially saying to-maker garland get with it shepard look, either merrick needs to step up or step out. there are no norms when there was an almost coup of this country. >> the president himself, a week or so ago, tried to backtrack at the cnn town hall saying he got out over his skis saying he wanted people held accountable realizing that he said in the campaign trump politicizes the justice department, we democrats will not. would the white house view that as helpful? i get the frustration but the justice department is supposed to be independent. it's independent for everybody shepard yeah, look, i don't think the white house has a view on whether or not outside pressure helps or not or if it's okay. one thing that they are making clear is they themselves are not going to engoij in that and that's why the president has said i believe there should be charges, he's made it very clear he won't cookie about the issue at all. that's the reality of what the biden white house want. time is not our friend and the 911 investigation took years and can they get it done? >> if you look through the inventory, i would love to read the files. history would benefit. not a joke. history will benefit. join jake tapper for a new special report, "trumping democracy," which airs friday night here on cnn. when we come back today, the vaccine mandate for employees in new york city is in full effect but one critical department has a big warning. like you, my hands are everything to me. but i was diagnosed with dupuytren's contracture. and it got to the point where things i took for granted got tougher to do. thought surgery was my only option. turns out i was wrong. so when a hand specialist told me about nonsurgical treatments, it was a total game changer. like you, my hands have a lot more to do. learn more at today. in 2016, i was working at the amazon warehouse when my brother passed away. and a couple of years later, my mother passed away. after taking care of them, i knew that i really wanted to become a nurse. amazon helped me with training and tuition. today, i'm a medical assistant and i'm studying to become a registered nurse. in filipino: you'll always be in my heart. why hide your skin if dupixent has your 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department closed because of staffing shortage and 2,500 firefighters have called out sick. many of these calls are because officers are experiencing side effects from vaccinations, but the fire commissioner warned, quote, irresponsible bogus sick leave by some of our members is creating a danger for new yorkers and their fellow firefighters. they need to return to work, the commissioner says, or risk the consequences of their actions. the city's vaccine mandate took effect friday at 5:00 p.m. thanks for your time today on "inside politics." hope to see you back here this time tomorrow on election day. bianna golodryga picks up our coverage right now. hello, everyone. i'm bianna golodryga in new york. ana cabrera is off. president biden right now facing a pressure cooker on two continents. he today he's in scotland trying to prove to america's allies that the u.s. is back in the climate fight and more serious about it than ever. signaling a clear break from his predecessor's stance. shepard i gues

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Way , Wall , Rest , Take Care , 2021 , 2020 , Thanks , Trump Eastern John Eastman , Inside Politics , Kate Bolduan , Joe Biden , President , Agenda , Home , Sharing , Starts , Negotiations , Fits , Priority , American , Race , Plan , Issue , Everything , Governor , Supreme Court , Leaning Virginia , Texas Abortion Law , Term , Challenge , Tossup , Summit , Hand , Presidency , Restrictions , Move , Host , Fate , Leaders , Humanity , Opportunity , Willingness , India , Science , Russia , China S , Generations , Reality , Urgency , Record , Climate , Example , Investments , Coal Production , Energy Demand Skyrockets , Bind Promises , White House , Congress , Limbo , Correspondent , Big Biden Green Initiatives , Suburbs Around Washington , Big Question , Mind , Leader , Reporter , Campaign , Underpinning , Session , Boris Johnson , Predecessor , Remarks , The Room , Deal , Pkd Apologizeed , Paris Climate Accords , World , Saying , Climate Change , He Briefs , Taking , Changes , Speech , Nations , Steps , Infliction , Lot , Goals , Importance , Ones , 2050 , 2030 , John Kerry , Position , Climate Summit , Climate Adviser , Gina Mccarthy , West Wing , Course , Meetings , Thing , World Leaders , Xi Jinping , Polluter , Notice , One , Effort , One Nation , Glasgow , Coronavirus Pandemic , 21 , Reporting , Cnn , Manu Raju , Hit , End Of The Road , Scotland , Sum , Go Shepard Kaitlan Collins , Markers , Graves , New York Times , Secretary General , To Glasgow , Little Hollywood , U N , Coral Davenport , Jeremy Diamond , Man , James Bond , Fiction Alison , Climax , Doomsday Device , Children , Movie , Film , Actions , Rhetoric , Doomsday Rhetoric , Frequention Point , Answer , Countries , Emissions , Emitter , Office , Paris , People , Track , Celsius , Billions , Devastation , Heat Waves , Three , Two , Flooding , Storms , Climate Refugees , Out Shepard , Country , Action , Scientists , The Commitments Shepard , Players , Commitments , Reason , Terms , Didn T , Show Up , Fight , Issues , Strategy , Hope , Frankly , Jeremy , Doesn T Want , Chance , Number , Front , Focus On Share Shared Agenda , 20 , Things , Security , China , Counterparts , Trip , Approach , Public , Jake Sullivan , Trump , Real Progress , Voice , Kind , Return , Four , Question , Administration , Denial , Whether , Officials , Funds , Carbon Market , Conversation , Coal Financing , State , Part , It , Everyone , Joe Manchin , Case , Drawing Board Shepard , Nation , Deforestation , Efforts , Greenhouse Gas Emissions , Build , Reduction , 50 , Energy , Opposition , Conference , 550 Billion , 50 Billion , The End , Assurances , Don T Think , Disagreement , Table , More , Metric , Home Shepard , Six , Something , Set , Package , Contribution , Passes , Tax Credits , Global Imissions , The Hill , 00 Billion , 500 Billion , Meeting , Half , Problem , Pledge , Eight , Rules , Executive Action , Automakers , Regulations , Epa , Obama , Vehicles , Bill , Play , Cusp , American Politics , Don T Necessarily Stand Permanently Shepard Subject , High Court , Solutions , Buildings , Crowd , Supreme Court Hearing Arguments , Cisco , 2040 , Zero , Collaboration Tools , Power , Planet , Intelligence , Bridge , Waste , Workplace , Meeting Human Needs , Someone , Brain Performance , Neuroscientist , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Neuriva Plus , The Bridge , Tv , Yes , Neuriva , Time , Beat , Feet , Car , Manager , Experience , Doubt , Carvana , Next , Couch , 100 , She S A Beauty , Salesman , Color , Checking In , Site , Golly , Laughter , Anyone , Vo , Music , Dream , Law , Justice , Abortion , Arguments , Department , Texas , Providers , Heartbeat , Hearing Arguments , Abortion Law Enforcement , Incest , Rape , Exceptions , Court , Effect , House Vote , Sides , Texas Law , Conservatives , Listening , Ruling , 4 , 5 , Amy Coney Barrett , Watchers , Jessica Schneider , Trump Appointee , Five , Defense , State Court , Posture , Argument , Jess , Significance , Takeaway , Question Shepard This , Fact , Structure , Count , Questioning , Review , Sound Bite , Judicial Review , Eforget , September 1st , 1 , Doctors , Abortion Provider , Particular , Constitutionality , Abortions , Judge , Woman , Viability , 22 , 24 , Challenges , Justices , Questions , Judges , Thinking , Most , Alliance , Swing , Justice Roberts , Anything , Law Stopping Abortions , Lawyer , Kavanaugh , Listen , Texas Say , Citizens , Enforcement , Guns , Gun Rights , Point , State Officials , Hem , States , Courts , Advantage , Grateful , Manner , Laws , Election , Back , Top , Health , Marcia , Dental Implants , Periodontal Disease , Solution , Teeth , Clearchoice , Forde , Schizophrenia , Key , Ability , Signs , Best , Side Effects , Adults , Patients , Risk , Death , Pill , Titration , Dementia , Stroke , Caplyta , Doctor , Cholesterol , Movements , Muscles , Confusion , Judgment , Falls , Dizziness , Muscle , Reaction , Standing , Fever , Sleepiness , Dry Mouth , Weight Gain , Blood Sugar , Placebo , Weight , Therapies , Trials , Place , Matter , Wayfair , Times , Electorlytes , Feel , Sugar , Powder Packs , Pedialyte , Election Day , Map , Attention , Terry Mcauliffe , Points , Democrat , Ten , Suburbs , Glenn Youngkin , Both , Insights , Campaigning , Northern Virginia , End , Managing Editor , Campaign Day , Republican , Kyle , Let S Go , Red , Roanoke Air , Sabato S Crystal Ball , Base , Margins , Pace , Turnout , Exception , Come Out Of The Woodwork Shepard Exactly , Ground , Votes , Focus , Counties , Add Up , Bottom , There Aren T , Bit , Point Shepard , Margin , George W Bush , Couple , Marks , 46 , 2004 , 53 , 45 , Areas , Blue , Reasons , Census , Richmond , Reagan , H W , 1990 , White , Population , 3 , 60 , 77 , That S Right , Much , Population Growth , River , Northern Washington Suburbs Shepard Yeah , Chamber Of Commerce , 11 , Voters , Politics , Dividing Line , College Attainment , Ed Cased , White Profession Alds , We Don T , Suburb , Folks , Donald Trump , Covid , Trend , Late Night Tomorrow , Bed , Order , Election Day Vote , Mail In , Allied , Season , Some , Bluer , Red Rural Areas , Election Night , Evening Shepard , Possibility , Winner , Lead , Candidates , Coffee , Weekend , Parents , Government , Schools , Schools Shepard , Champers , Race Theory , Education , It Shepard , Vehicle , Rights , School Choice , Dorothy , Masks , Books , Proxy Conversation , Racism , People Don T Hit Head On , Everything Shepard Yeah , Identity Politics , School Boards , Wars , House , Senate , Road Map , Commonwealth Of Virginia Shepard Look , Sheets , Districts , Win , Keeping Trump , Youngin , Level , Arm , Job , Supporters , Numbers , Corner , Nope Shepard , Haven T , Radio Host , Big Real , Telerally On Monday , Teams , Unity , Tele Town Hall , Statement , System , Integrity , Dynamics , Believer , Flood , Tone , Unfourly Lies , Credit , Brands , Buys , Middle , Income , Tune , Terry , Message , Tate , Replicates , Elections , Where , Lessons , Bynentless , Coverage , Conclusions , Stakes , Elsewhere , Programming Note , New York City , Tomorrow Night Election , 6 , 00 , Bills , Progressives , Wrinkles , Final , Subaru , Commitment , Partnership , Retailers , Environment , National Forest Foundation , 1 Million , Smile , Car Company , Gift , Forests , At Aspen Dental , Insurance , Options , Treatment Plan , Exam , X Rays , Obligation , Payment , Savings , Book , Aspendental Com , 800 , 7 , City , San Francisco , Program , Ground Up , Composting , Recycling , Employee Owners , Residents , Businesses , Recology , Making A Differene , Words , Hurdles , Bernie Sanders , Side , House Rules Committee , Biden Agenda , Space , Members , Know , Framework , Piece , B , Paper , Language , D , Mr , Morning , Cat , Clarity , Medicare And Medicaid , Dynamic , Concerns , Expansion , Vision , Hearing , Dental , Price Tag , Proposal , 75 Trillion , 1 75 Trillion , Details , Expectation , Well , Suggestion , 250 Billion , Role , Safety Net , Immigration , Progressive House , Immigration Efforts , Vine , Parliamentarian , Everybody , Senators , Person , Other , Bill Shepard , Wouldn T , Infrastructure Bill , Work , Poll , Nbc , Snack , Independents , 93 , 70 , 17 , 93 , Border Security , Inflation , Mid Term , Virginia Results Tomorrow , Economy , 18 , 27 , Finish Line Shepard , Coronavirus , Sense , Poll Numbers , Fire , Optimism , Confidence , Hasn T , Hair , Concern , Affordable Care Act , 2010 , Chief Of Staff , Notes , Implementation , Story , January 6th Committee , Documents , Rental Car , Bug Spray , Sunscreen , Fishing , Lake , Name , Chase Fre , Bait , January 6th , Takeout , Come On , Big Time With Chase Freedom Unlimited , Dinner , Diner , Pow , Fee , Hunters , Gatherers , Something Else , Gas , Supermarket , Town , Buck , Bang , Plans , Healthcare Benefits , Screen , Agent , Humana Sales , Medicare Advantage Plan , Humana , Prescription Drug Coverage , Hospital , Lots , Healthcare Industry , Specialists , Benefits , Items , Hearing Coverage , Wellness , Rides , Allowance , Hospital Stay , Food , Beverages , Locations , Meals , Purchasing , Care , Medications , Opportunities , Products , Medicare , Aid , Vitamins , Humana Sales Agent , Dental Care , Glasses , Eye Exams , Prescription Drugs , Hearing Aids , Human Way , Phone , Guide , Healthcare , Breath , Gum Disease , Bold , Listerine , 25 , Liberty , Car Insurance , Unique , Spot , Pay , Liberty Mutual , Family , Safe , Emergency , Emergency Planning , Phone Numbers , Kids , Tips , Homework , Stay , Neighbors , Siblings , Emergency Supply Kit , Go Home , January 6th Insurrection Unfolded , 187 , Coup , Inner Circle , Insight , Washington Post , Dismissing Pleas , Mike Pence , Siege , Trump Rob Rushed The Capital Eastman , Email , Electoral College Count , Vice President Aide , Steve Bannon , Boss , Cnn S K Kyle , 2 , January 2nd , Courage , Vice President , Shepard , Power Shepard , 6th , Individuals , Spine , Battle , Guy Named , Post , Nothing , Kudos , Sir , Contours , Death Tails , E Mails , Lack , Extent , Capitol Shepard , Capitol , Premeditated , Endangerment , Inventory , Reporters , Member , Building , Court Filing , Staff , Executive Privilege , Access , Pages , Phone Calls , President S Day , Second , Breathtaking , Mark Meadows , Risk Shepard , Everyone Else , Winning , None , Investigation , It Work , Playbook , Light , Team Trump , Eyes , Discussions , History , Electoral College , Pence , Memos , Wanted , Plot , Guests , Processes , Progressive , Justice Department , Prosecutions , Garland , It Shepard Look , Merrick , Arizona , Campaign Trump , Skis , Norms , Town Hall , View , Pressure , Frustration , Everybody Shepard Yeah , Engoij , Charges , Has , Cookie , Friend , Files , Joke , 911 , Employees , Vaccine Mandate , Special Report , Trumping Democracy , Warning , Friday Night , Jake Tapper , Hands , Hand Specialist , Option , Treatments , Dupuytren S Contracture , Game Changer , Amazon , Brother , Factsonhand Com , 2016 , Nurse , Registered Nurse , Mother , Training , Tuition , Assistant , Skin , Eczema , Heart , Dupixent , Filipino , Hitting Eczema , It Counts , Under Control , Step , Atopic Dermatitis , Anaphylaxis , Reactions , Relief , Itch , Vision Changes , Asthma Medicines Don T Change , Eye Problems , Eye Pain , Infection , Change , Eczema Specialist , Feels , Suite Special , Vacation Request , Isn T , Room , Vacation Request Approvals , Aloha , Style , Schedule A Demo Today , Software , Hr Data , Single , Paycom , Visit Paycom Com , Um , Psaki , Saw , Overseas , White House Press Secretary , Jen Shaqqy , Biden On Tuesday Outside , No Fly List , Testing , Negative , Testing Positive On Sunday , Flight Attendant , Passengers , Passenger , American Airlines , Faa , 4600 , Many , Firefighters , Companies , Calls , Staffing Shortage , Incidents , Officers , New York Fire Department , 2500 , Commissioner , Consequences , Vaccinations , Fire Commissioner , Danger , Quote , Sick Leave , Bianna Golodryga , Continents , Pressure Cooker , Ana Cabrera , Hello , Allies , Break , Stance , Shepard I Gues ,

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