Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709

looking for tuesday as a new possible date to put both of the bills to a vote and real test here. we have heard this story before, we've seen it before, but there seems to be at least some momentum that is building toward that day. you're talking about the $1.2 trillion infrastructure, bipartisan infrastructure plan, as well as the $1.75 larger spending package that would go through with democrats only in support of it. so, fred, what is this about? part of it is optics, momentum, some of it is driven by need and politics as well, and this could play out in the next 48-72 hours, with tomorrow potentially, tomorrow with new details for people to look at. they took a recess to take a break and there might be new text that people could sign off on the details, if you will, of the larger bill, and that would be followed by monday the rules committee making sure that this is the kind of bill that would be able to go through what is called the reconciliation process, and that really is the budget rules determined by the senate to make sure that it follows those budget rules so that just requires a simple majority. and then if you have that on monday, tuesday is the day that they could bring -- house speaker nancy pelosi bring both of those bills to the house floor. we know at least for infrastructure it had been passed by the senate earlier, and so that would be very significant if the house could pass that and send along to the senate, the president would be able to sign it rather quickly. as for the larger spending piece, they could vote for that as well, that package, but that would have to go back to the senate and could go through a number of changes by the time it actually becomes law. but, fred, what is important and what is significance here is the timing of all of this. sometimes it seems a little bit arbitrary. we looked at the halloween deadline that was based on highway transportation funding. that had been kicked down the can with an extension. why tuesday? well, look at the calendar here. the president will be coming back late tuesday, early morning from this overseas trip. it could be a big victory, really a big gift to the president if he could sign that infrastructure bill the following day as he hits american soil, showing that he really does have a push for his domestic agenda, fred. >> and if not, that jetlag is going to be really painful. i know they're optimistic about tuesday, but there you go. >> we shall see. >> that's right. suzanne malveaux, thank you so much. and now to our breaking coverage out of rome where president biden is and where he's about to attend a gala dinner with other world leaders, wrapping up the day one of the g20 summit and you see german chancellor angela merkel there. we're going to get a little more backstory on that moment and what's happening. but you see leaders from the uk, france, among others, and the u.s., of course, say they are convinced that it is possible to quickly restore the iran nuclear deal, despite talks stalling out over the summer. the u.s. withdrew from the agreement in 2018, but there's still so much more on president biden's plate as the summit continues tomorrow. let's go to rome right now. cnn's chris cuomo continues coverage from there. hello again, chris. >> reporter: how are you? it is an evolving scene here. let's bring in cnn senior white house correspondent phil massingly, diplomatic editor nick mattison and david miller. let's first not ignore what's happening back in the united states. this idea that, well, hope this happens, phil, that is not the kind of situation it is. if they have a vote of any kind after all the missteps that doesn't happen, i mean, that's almost going to be disastrous for biden for at least five days of coverage. they have to get this right if they're going to do it on tuesday. do you think it happens then? >> i learned not to make predictions around november 2016. le look, when you talk to white house officials and talking to democrats on capitol hill the last 24 hours, they want to keep the pressure on to move. white house officials don't want to touch deadlines but they have made clear they think the house needs to move next week. they want to ensure this does not run up against the debt ceiling fight, the government funding fight, all tagged to the first week of december. in order to do that, because of how the senate operates, the house would have to move as soon as next week. the other thing, too, and speaker nancy pelosi and chuck schumer made this clear privately to their members, if you want changes or something specific in the changes that the president laid out and started to do populate on thursday, you need to tell us now, we need to address it this weekend. they were making very clear, next week is the week they want to move. can they get the vote by tuesday? if we've learned anything over the course of the last 35 days, they won't put anything on the floor if they don't have the votes. maybe they vote on tuesday, maybe they don't. i think the most important thing when you talk to officials and democrats on capitol hill is to keep the pressure on as they try to get to the finish line. and this goes back on thursday night when they punted once again, they did make progress. while they didn't get the vote and missed the deadline and the president didn't land in rome with something in his pocket. the reality is she backed the $1.7 trillion framework, a lot of the key elements of the framework, they seemed to except that a lot of pieces that democrats wanted in the proposal weren't going to be in there. now they need to flesh out the details and finish up a couple fights. speaker pelosi making clear she wants to try and push. >> so that's at home. here president biden, nick, has been introduced to the idea of, hey, the iran deal actually matters to us, and you guys walked away from it. i know it wasn't you, but now what are we going to do? we believe it's possible to quickly reassert ourselves. what does that mean? >> i think in the context of the way we're hearing it today is that the europeans, the british, french, germans, who are part of the negotiating team, the jcpoa, really want the united states back on board. iran has been sort of using the europeans as a way to communicate with the united states indirectly, or at least send messaging. the europeans, and i think we can understand this because it was the german chancellor, angela merkel who called for this meeting today. they're concerned about what happens if this doesn't work out. if you look at the joint communique, there are some carrots in there for the iranians that sanctions with be dropped and countries just across the gulf from you, saudi arabia, the united arab emirates can start to get some of the money moving that's been stalled and stopped in terms of economic trade. so there's carrots there. the line in the agreement that i see, the statement today that says, you know, there's a determination to go beyond the jcpoa to essentially limit iran's ballistic missiles and limit their maligned interference in the region, those in the past have been red lines for iran. so i do wonder about how far this can go. hence i think the accuracy of your question undoubtedly, why the are the europeans saying this, and it is quite simply they don't want this to go off the rails. they do want to encourage the united states and they know potentially there's a raft of sanctions that can come into play and there are other actors in this which could destabilize the situation further. so i think this is the broader context at this time. >> david miller, you have tutored me on this issue many times. are you warned against president trump walking away from this deal. how much damage was done by the united states walking away? >> well, certainly to our credibility, as a general proposition. but specifically, chris, the maximum pressure campaign, and it was maximum pressure over the course of the last four years, has only accelerated iran's nuclear program. it's brought them closer to developing enough material to produce one weapon. that's not a say a deliverable nuclear weapon, but enough material to make a weapon should they choose to weaponize. so division among our allies, and i think in many respects, it's now created a set of hoops and hurdles that are much more difficult and problematic. i worry about the word quickly. i think nick is right. this is optics that are generated by the europeans, but they're optics untethered from reality. the iranians haven't even set a date to come back to vienna, and mid east negotiations usually have two speeds, slow and slower. so i wouldn't put a whole lot of money in the bank on a quick return, plus an agreement. >> what does it mean that angela merkel called for the meeting when she's on the way out? >> well, i think merkel led on this issue, i think she was in many respects tough on the iranians, but she the importance of keeping the allies unified and the importance of negotiating an accord. but i think the premium is on your last several words, on the way out. this is now going to be left to her successor and macron, who in a leaderless year in many respects, is now going to play an increasingly prominent role should he win election. >> phil, the united states, the reason they want to expand is because biden's team is just as worried about what iran is doing on the ground in different conflicts as what they're doing in terms of their enrichment. how important is it for them in terms of a negotiating point? >> i think there's a recognition both because of the realities of what's happening on the ground, because of their ballistic missile program, and it's advancements because of the malign influence that it is a necessity to address and have a broader deal. but i think they also understand the domestic political realities as well, which is to go back into the jcpo while those urgent problems are lingering is a nonstarter. sorry about that. >> that's a good song. >> it is actually a comedian putting that out there. that's okay. >> that's all right. >> what were you saying? i'm sorry. >> just that both from the geopolitical perspective and national security perspective they absolutely have to pursue a broader deal and from a domestic political perspective it is a nonstarter to go back to the original jcpoa. that's a recognition that even though the jcpoa was the best of nothing but bad options, it isn't viewed as sustainable, not just by republicans but a number of democrats. >> so the europeans get that, they know what the presentation is from the biden administration, if it were going to be quick it would mean that they would just re-sign back with where they were, and if that's not -- if that's not an option for the united states, then what is the best case scenario in terms of how to leave the g20? >> the best case for the united states to leave the g20 on this issue is to nod and move on and deal with this later, whenever the iranians choose to come back to the table. i think exposing the difficulties within it, because that shows the iranians the pressure points they have over the united states and the gaps they can open up in the negotiations. that's not very good for the united states right now. it's like just take it, move on, and come back to it when you need to come back to it. and it is going to be a least worst case scenario and i cannot see a world where president biden, if this happens, doesn't take political heat back home. but the reality will be the world could be a far worse place in the short-term if there isn't some kind of deal, because then what are the options on the table? and that's the hard political part for president biden back home, as it was for president obama. we saw him in 2015 trying to say, and on-john kerry saying t is the best we can get right now. and the reality is it was. iran is so out of compliance it wouldn't let the international atomic agency into some of the places they're building centrifuges, which is completely against the rules. the dangers are very real and the europeans recognize it too. move on and try to have the conversations quietly. maybe part of it was messaging for the iranians, this can be done quickly, there's some things for you. they're not that stupid, there are two speeds, slow and middle eastern. >> gentlemen, thank you very much. let me bring it back to fred. >> okay, thanks so much, gentlemen. appreciate that. coming up next, a governor's race that could tell us a lot about the mood of voters. guess what? it's just days away and it may come down to the influence of two people not in the race, president biden or former president trump. we'll break down the state of that race in virginia next. plus, an update in the investigation into the deadly tragedy on the set of alec baldwin's movie "rust." ♪ [beep] ♪ [shouting and clashing] ♪ [horse neighs] ♪ ♪ ♪ (man) i've made progress with my mental health. so when i started having unintentional body movements called tardive dyskinesia... ... i ignored them. but when the movements in my hands and feet started throwing me off at work... i finally had to say, 'it's not ok.' it was time to talk to my doctor about austedo. she said that austedo helps reduce td movements in adults... ...while i continue with most of my mental health medications. 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>> there is increasing pressure from both sides of the aisle. republicans are trying to turn their voters out by taking advantage of the fact that there's a democrat in the white house, there are democrats in charge in congress and usually when one party is in charge the other party in virginia ends up winning the governorship. so they're trying to turn out voters and rely on some momentum they have from history and the fact that their voters tend to be more motivated when they're not in power. democrats are trying to motivate their base as well, they're trying to use the power of donald trump as an antagonist by saying if you vote for glenn youngkin, you're going to have more years of donald trump-style politics. so democrats have a formula. but so far it seems like they are having a little bit of trouble getting the enthusiasm from a lot of their base voters, minorities, younger voters, people who turn out during presidential elections. so far when it comes to early voting, have lagged behind so they're feeling a pressure to get voters out over the next couple of days before the election on tuesday. >> all that you just said is underscoring just how curious and mysterious this race really is and how tight it is. republican candidate glenn youngkin telling cnn's dana bash that he will not be attending trump's tele town hall on monday. >> the president is doing a tele rally on monday. will you attend and will you welcome him to virginia? >> i haven't been involved in that. >> would you like to do that? >> i'll answer you in a second. i've been out campaigning and i'm not going to be engaged. we have more people helping us than you can possibly believe. this is about unity. >> he really does seem to want to distinguish himself as this kind of go it alone, and is that -- is there any way of telling whether that is impacting or helping him in what is now a very tight race? >> we will see when the numbers start coming in whether or not he can keep hold on the trump base, because a lot of times trump base voters tend to stay home when it comes to voting for republicans that don't embrace donald trump wholeheartedly. so it doesn't appear at this point that he's scared away the trump voters. trump hasn't attacked him any way on social media so say stay home or don't vote. so if he's able to keep the trump base voters and win back some of the voters who are traditionally republicans but decided they had enough of trump, they didn't like his brand of politics and they see in glenn youngkin someone who is a little more moderate, he could thread the needle and turn virginia back into a purple state. it's been trending blue for quite a while and that's why you hear terry mccatry to turn him a trump supporter. they're saying we may have been republicans before trump but we can't go back to that brand of politics, but we have to keep our politics have being so toxic as during the trump years. >> this is what terry mccall lif told cnn on the whole trump factor. this was him on the campaign trail. >> no, i mean, trump is not liked in the commonwealth of virginia. people remember charlottesville when he failed us that day, when he said there were fine people on both sides. that was a tragic day. we lost state troopers, including a pilot and a member of my security detail and donald trump said there were good people on both sides. but people want to be lifted up. trump is hate and division. he wants to run again in 2024. i think he wants to use this. it's a launch pad for that. that's why it's clear. that's why he's endorsed youngkin seven or eight times. >> so this is part of his strategy, saying let's be uplifting and try and keep it positive, and is that what potentially could move the needle for him among voters? >> it worked in 2020. the prospect of having donald trump back in the white house was motivating enough to get a lot of voters out, record numbers of voters ended up voting against donald trump and for joe biden. we're waiting to see whether that can be an effective strategy in the year when donald trump is not actually on the ballot and, you know, a lot of democrats in congress and in other states that have elections coming up in the midterms next year are watching closely to see if that strategy will be successful. because even though former president trump is no longer in the white house, he's still out there publicly talking about 2020 and making toxic and inflammatory statements, and democrats like that and they think that will help them continue to get motivation from voters who may not love their agenda, but like the fact that they are not donald trump and that's why you hear teryou hearm tie him to the former president to try to link them and make sure the success democrats have had will continue in the post-trump years as well. >> always great to see you. thanks so much. >> thank you. and of course we'll have more of the youngkin interview tomorrow on "state of the union" with dana bash. and since january 6th, private malitias have been in the headlines, but what do you really know about them? 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back with me, nic robertson and phil mattingly and cnn contributor kate anderson brower. so nic robertson, progress on big issues, what would you list as the two or three items worth noting? >> i think making up with m emmanuel macron was important and that's something that will play back over time. i think the iran talks were useful for all sides to see where they were. nothing was expected to come out of it in terms of product, but i think this was good housekeeping for all four nations, the germans, french and president biden to see where each other stand and i think the global corporate tax, having an agreement there, is beneficial globally. these are the most powerful wealthy nations. this is will help stop a race to the bottom, so it helps stop that competition, but also makes sure the small guy benefits properly from taxation paid by big corporations that have otherwise been escaping it. and this is what part of the summit is about, is a better equitable distribution and use of the wealth. >> this was designed in 1999 to make up for the shortcomings of the productivity of the g7 and it's supposed to be about finances and economics primarily. how do you think the white house is feeling about it so far? >> i think they're positive and recognize it's a work in progress and they also recognize the global minimum tax was absolutely the biggest thing that they knew they were going to get out of it. they had it locked in before they showed up here. a lot of what they wanted to take out of this three or four-day period was what they got bilaterally and multi laterally. and nic makes an important point and the discussions on iran and we were talking about the statement and it seemed optimistic. i think you go underneath the statement and the leaders getting on a granular level, they've happened, one, haven't been necessarily iran and the u.s. sitting down in a room at all. but they have been by point people for each country, and having the leaders really lay out, okay, here's what we need, here's where things stand, where we think things can go forward. that's important. and i think tomorrow what the u.s. recognizes is, one, a pretty important bilateral meeting with president erdogan of turkey, issues five or six days ago. they seem to at least be in a good enough place to meet. that matters for a number of different reasons. obviously a nato ally as well, but also supply chain issues. if you want to talk about economics, the economy, what the g20 was originally created for, the supply chain and whether you could get something out of that meeting, commitments from the 15 or 16 leaders expected to show up, that would be tangible. >> the idea of meeting the erdogan, turkey the largest standing army in the region. what does that mean in terms of the united states' agenda going into the meeting? what do they want to be able to say on the way out? >> i talk a lot about first ladies and to your point about relationship building, this is all about bringing the u.s. back to the table and really reinforcing these relationships. and i think what dr. biden did yesterday, having a class of chardonnay with the french president's wife, these are softer relationships and i heard you, chris, talking earlier about the dinner tonight and how breaking bread and having these kind of one-on-one meetings, how important and essential that is. and so we're going to see dr. biden in monday on naples, joining forces initiative, going to a u.s. military base there. we're going to see the u.s. really back as a major player. >> what did you think, kate, of the role of dr. biden in the papal meeting? it was really interesting, she went in, they had her kind of shown around first. we showed her exit first, also, the traditional -- usually they want you in all black when you meet the pope so women will wear a black veil over their heads. what did that mean for the biden family? >> we know they're very religious, she's the first first lady who is italian-american so it's very meaningful for her and we know after the death of their son she has been talking to a prayer sort of adviser, which i thought was very interesting, how she really connects with people about going through personal loss. and so we know it was very meaningful and important for her and i think that they're really trying to -- at least the first lady lady's office is making the point she has ties to italy and it was an incredibly meaningful moment for her to meet with the pope, absolutely. >> appreciate that perspective. thank you so much. do you know what they call it when an irish guy marries an italian? >> a marriage made in heaven. >> fred, we're going to come back to you. then we're going to go to break. i would rather to go to you, fred. >> i'm enjoying the conversation. >> we'll go back to you then go to break. i'm just saying, if i have an option, i would rather talk to you than toss to a break. that's just me. >> okay, and i appreciate it. next time i'll be sitting right alongside. how about that? then we can really have a nice big conversation. >> you would up the collective iq by 35 points if you were to do that. it would be great to have you. >> a little more than that, actually. >> especially if you were in my chair. then it's up 85 points. >> hey, i'm just glad we're altogether in whatever capacity, here we are. that's cool. good to see you guys. thank you so much. we're going to take a short break. we'll be right back. is struggling to manage your type 2 diabetes knocking you out of your zone? lowering your a1c with once-weekly ozempic® can help you get back in it. oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! my zone... lowering my a1c, cv risk, and losing some weight... now, back to the game! ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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>> you know, i worked a couple of seasons on a tv show with dave, he was professional. i didn't see anything with him that seemed dangerous or asking us to do anything dangerous. they push the schedules, but that's what the assistant director's job is on a movie set. so i don't have a lot to say about dave. i know that he was, like you say, a professional. we had some issues on "the old way" with hannah. just some safety concerns that i had, some unannounced discharges of firearms, the handling of firearms. but i also learned -- >> on the previous set? >> yeah, i wasn't involved on "rust" at all. i can't speculate. but on "the old way" we had issues that were addressed and i address issues in my department, that's your job as the key for your department. my job on set is to be in charge of safety on set. when i see things, i'm going to say something. and i also learned that was hannah's first film. >> so help us understand, you say there were previous discharges. is it normal for there to be at least one discharge when you're talking about firearms? is that something that people are accustomed to or does that raise a flag right away that there should be never a moment of discharges? >> yeah, you know, there's protocols on movie sets. we do this for the safety of everybody. you're working very fast, you've got hundreds of people doing different jobs. we have protocols in place for people's safety. were those protocols broken? absolutely. it's not normal for a gun to be on set, to be fired, even in a test firing situation. people stop working, we announce it, we make sure that everybody is clear of any firearms and make sure the horses are not going to spook and run off and run people over or people are going to fall off ladders. it's chaos. it's a controlled chaos on a set. and we have these protocols in place. but once again, i'm not trying to vilify hannah at all. things happen on movie sets all the time. we're hearing about this. there's injuries on movie sets all the time because it's a fast-paced -- we work long hours, 16, 18, 20 hour days and it's fast paced and these things do happen. are they common for an armorer to do these mistakes? no, not for a seasoned veteran. they are one of the most professional departments in the film industry, just like the stunt teams. stunts are professionals. i mean, i'm not saying that every other department is willy-nilly, but those people take their job so seriously because if they mess up, people die. >> of course. and when you say things happen, you're really talking about mishaps, but now we're talking about a fatal shooting and that doesn't happen on a regular basis. before i let you go, when we hear the terminology, the place where props are stored such as guns in this prop truck and we understand that investigators say they did seize some 500 rounds of ammunition, generally speaking, what has access to the prop truck and what are among the things that are in it? >> i don't claim to be an armorer, i don't claim to know their department. but it's always my understanding that the armorer and/or the prop master are the only two people -- within their department, they have access to those safes and, look, guns and ammunition, there's a cardinal rule, whether you're working with -- if you're handling real firearms at the gun range or handling firearms on a movie set, there's cardinal rules about guns. you check every single gun and treat every one as if it were loaded. that's rule number one in anybody that's been around firearms. i've been around guns my entire life and you learn that immediately. anybody that's teaching you about firearm safety, that's rule one. >> still so very sad. stu brumbaugh, thank you so much for being with us and lending us your expertise. appreciate it, be safe. we're back in a moment. ♪ hands to the sky, all mine ♪ ♪ woah woah no ceiling woah woah good feeling woah ♪ football, is a game of inches. but it's also a game, of information. because the nfl is connected. and at any moment, the fate of the season can come down to this. billions of secure connections, per second. when the game is on the line and the game is always on the line touchdown! the nfl relies on cisco. ♪ well the sun is shining and the grass is green ♪ ♪ i'm way ahead of schedule with my trusty team ♪ ♪ there's heather on the hedges ♪ ♪ and kenny on the koi ♪ ♪ and your truck's been demolished by the peterson boy ♪ ♪ yes -- ♪ wait, what was that? 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[ sighs heavily ] when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you've built with affordable coverage. all right. facebook has changed its company name to meta as it shifts focus to the virtual reality metaverse. the change comes as they get skroout knee over hundreds of internal documents by a whistle-blower. here's paula newton. >> reporter: in a corporate event that seemed to have the vibe of a budget sci-fi flick. >> all right, perfect. >> reporter: mark zuckerberg, founder and head of all things facebook introduced the metaverse. >> together, we can finally put people at the center of technology and deliver an experience where we are present with each other. >> reporter: what is it? an immersive way to connect online for business and pleasure using virtual reality. zuckerberg is all in. rebranding facebook's corporate name to meta. from the greek word beyond, he says. >> your devices won't be the focal point of your attention any more. >> reporter: if meta is the future in the present, the site and app won't change. what he is trying to pull off is more profound of that. >> he is trying to take control of what he thinks is the big next wave of technology and the question is going to be whether the world accepts that, in spite of all the controversy, in spite of all of the crises that hit facebook in the last month are going to want to put their trust in facebook. >> reporter: despite accusations of a toxic business model and dangerous fallout to match, zuckerberg's strategy of plowing ahead with ambitious market domination has worked. >> our mission remains the same. >> reporter: in rebranding, zuckerberg has nothing substantive to say how facebook can become a safer social media space, especially for teenagers and young people. >> i know that some people will say this isn't a time to focus on the future. i want to acknowledge that there are important issues to work on in the present. there always will be. >> during my time as facebook. >> reporter: in recent months, former facebook employees provided evidence that they were aware of the role disseminating misinformation that breeds on their social media platforms. the documents were cherry picked to present a misleading narrative he says about the company. she said she fears the same problems will occur in the new metaverse. >> i was shocked to hear recently that facebook wants to double down on the metaverse and that they're going to hire 10,000 engineers in europe to work on the metaverse. i think there's a view in the company that safety is a cost, cost center, not a growth center. i think it is short term in thinking. >> reporter: what is not short term, the insidious effects of their platforms worldwide. regulators failed to create and enforce laws that prevent the worst abuses online. those powered by algorithms and ai that can efficiently disperse misinformation and hate. to that, zuckerberg added a new challenge, the potentially even more invasive metaverse. paula newton, cnn. an illness ended one pilot's career, didn't stop her from helping others. here's today's "the human factor." >> my name is nicole. i spent 21 years in the united states air force as an officer and fighter pilot. i was selected to be the first woman to pilot in 2005. i got bit by a tick, overnight i went from a healthy firefighter to someone completely broken. i was bedridden 22 to 23 hours a day. for nine months struggled to walk, talk, read, write. they diagnosed me with late stage neurological tick born illness. i was medically retired from the military and i remember thinking to myself what am i going to do. i had an opportunity as an outgoing colonel to make things better for airmen dealing with chronic illness. >> guess who took the stage, this gal. >> reporter: i could read people as a professional speaker and give voice as a patient add video account. i serve on the research panel for tick research. we don't understand what the scientific mechanism is why we stay sick. 20% that get lyme disease never fully recover. i am one of those people. i need to represent them with honor, dignity, respect they deserve. >> incredible. thanks for joining me. i am fredricka whitfield. cnn "newsroom" continues with jim acosta in just a moment. (jackie) i've made progress with my mental health. so when i started having unintentional body movements called tardive dyskinesia... i ignored them. but when the twitching and jerking in my face and hands affected my day to day... i finally had to say, 'it's not ok.' it was time to talk to my doctor about austedo. she said that austedo helps reduce td movements in adults... while i continue with most of my mental health medications. (vo) austedo can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have suicidal thoughts. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. don't take austedo if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, restlessness, movements mimicking parkinson's disease, fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, and sweating. (jackie) talk to your doctor about's time to treat td. td is not ok. visit (man) so when in doubt, just say, "let me talk to my manager." next, carvana's 100% online shopping experience. oh, man. carvana lets people buy a car-- get this-- from their couch. oh, how disruptive. no salesman there to help me pick out the car i need. how does anyone find a car on this site without someone like us checking in? she's a beauty, huh? oh, golly! (laughter) i can help you find the color you want. that sounds nice. let me talk to my manager. (vo) buy your next car 100% online. with carvana. it's an important time to save. with priceline, you can get up to 60% off amazing hotels. and when you get a big deal... you feel like a big deal. ♪ priceline. every trip is a big deal. [ joe ] my teeth were a mess. met awe. as far as my physical health, my body was telling me you got to do something. and so i came to clearchoice. your mouth is the gateway to your body. joe's treatment plan was replacing the teeth with dental implants from clearchoice. [ joe ] clearchoice has changed my life for the better. it's given me my health back. there's an amazing life out there if you do something for your health now. ♪ (peaceful music) ♪ ♪ ♪ (battle sounds from phone) ♪ ♪ (battle sounds stop) ♪ ♪ (dragon roar from phone) ♪ ♪ you are live in the cnn "newsroom." president biden arrived for dinner with world leaders at the g 20 summit. there he is with the first lady. we're going to stay on top of developments out of the summit in the next several hours. stay with us for all those developments. we'll bring them to you live as they happen. in the meantime, we start with two big developments on the big lie that donald trump will not like. a new court filing

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Everyone , Hello Again , President , Democrats , Votes , Cnn , Capitol Hill , Plan , Infrastructure Brand , Spending , Breaking News , Sources , Fredricka Whitfield , Suzanne Malveaux On Capitol Hill , In Atlanta , Reporter , Goalpost , Sausage Making , Don T Vote , Momentum , Both , Bills , Test , Story , Optics , Infrastructure , Part , Some , Spending Package , Fred , Need , Support , Infrastructure Plan , 2 Trillion , 1 2 Trillion , 75 , 1 75 , People , Details , Politics , Well , 72 , 48 , Kind , Bill , Break , Text , Recess , Monday The Rules Committee , Senate , Budget , Budget Rules , Reconciliation Process , Majority , House , Nancy Pelosi , House Floor , Number , Changes , Package , Spending Piece , Law , Wall , Timing , Significance , Extension , Can , Highway Transportation Funding , Infrastructure Bill , Trip , Following , Calendar , Gift , Victory , Push , Agenda , Jetlag , Soil , Coverage , Joe Biden , Gala Dinner , World Leaders , Suzanne Malveaux , Day One , Rome , One , Angela Merkel , G 20 Summit , Course , Leaders , U S , There , Backstory , Others , German , Uk , France , Summit , Agreement , Plate , Summer , Talks , Iran Nuclear Deal , 2018 , White House , Phil Massingly , Chris Cuomo , Scene , Let S Go To Rome , Idea , Nick Mattison , David Miller , Doesn T , Situation , Missteps , Predictions , November 2016 , Five , Officials , Pressure , Deadlines , Le Look , 2016 , 24 , Thing , Order , Debt Ceiling Fight , Government Funding Fight , Something , Members , Chuck Schumer , Anything , Floor , 35 , Make Progress , Finish Line , Reality , Lot , Weren T , Framework , Pieces , Deadline , Pocket , Elements , Didn T Land In Rome , 1 7 Trillion , 7 Trillion , Home , Fights , Iran , Guys , Wasn T You , Wouldn T Let The International Atomic Agency , The Old Way , Europeans , Context , Negotiating Team , Germans , The Jcpoa , Meeting , Messaging , Least , Chancellor , Iranians , Sanctions , Carrots , Countries , Communique , Gulf , Saudi Arabia , Doesn T Work Out , United Arab Emirates , Line , Statement , Terms , Trade , Money , Region , Accuracy , Lines , Interference , Missiles , Wonder , Determination , Question , Rails , Raft , Issue , Play , Actors , Deal , Times , Damage , Proposition , Credibility , Iran S Nuclear Program , Weapon , Material , Nuclear Weapon , Campaign , Four , Division , Respects , Allies , Set , Hoops , Weaponize , Word , Hurdles , Problematic , Optics Untethered , Iranians Haven T , Negotiations , Speeds , Return , Vienna , Mid East , Money In The Bank , Two , Importance , Words , Premium , Accord , Election , Role , Successor , Emmanuel Macron , Team , Ground , Reason , Enrichment , Conflicts , Recognition , Realities , Influence , Negotiating Point , Program , Missile , Necessity , Advancements , Problems , Jcpo , Perspective , Nonstarter , Comedian Putting , Song , Security , Nothing , Options , Best , Original Jcpoa , Presentation , Republicans , Isn T , Administration , Case Scenario , Option , G20 , Case , Table , Move , Difficulties , Pressure Points , World , Move On , Gaps , Place , Doesn T Take , Saying , Obama , John Kerry , 2015 , Building Centrifuges , Things , Rules , Conversations , Dangers , Race , Governor , Coming Up , Gentlemen , Voters , Trump , State , Mood , Virginia Next , Movie , Rust , Investigation , Tragedy , Update , Plus , Alec Baldwin , Shouting , Beep , Horse Neighs , Hands , Mental Health , Man , Movements , Progress , Body Movements , Work , Tardive Dyskinesia , Feet , Austedo , Doctor , Thoughts , Td Movements , Medications , Most , Actions , Depression , Side Effects , Reserpine , Liver Problems , Attention , Feelings , I Don T , Inflammation , Patients , Behaviors , Throat , Sleepiness , Insomnia , Tetrabenazine , Huntington S Disease , Valbenazine , Td , Problems Thinking , Heartbeat , Parkinson S Disease , Fast , Muscles , Fever , Sweating , Restlessness , Visit Askforaustedo Com , Candidates , Shipping Manager , Indeed Instant Match , Job 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, 85 , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , Don T Take Ozempic , A1c , Weight , Oh , Zone , Cv Risk , Game , Adults , 12 , 7 , Heart Disease , Type 1 Diabetes , Risk , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Events , Stroke , Heart Attack , 1 , Needles , Lump , Stop Ozempic , Share , Pens , Reuse , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Stomach Pain , Swelling , Neck , Help , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Reaction , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Insulin , Diarrhea , Nausea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Provider , Health Care Provider , 3 , 5 , 25 , Ideas , Prescription , Experience , Dark , Flexibility , Pharmacy , Prime Members , Medication , Prices , Meds , Save , Low , Amazon , , Slack , Status , Marketing , A Break , Email , Lisa , Orrrr , Sheriff , Works , Questions , Count , Santa Fe , Armorer , Armorer Hannah Gutierrez , Allegations , Project , Weapons , Attorneys , Stu Brumbaugh , Assistant Director , Ones , Projects , Industry , Dave Halls , Couple , Production , Seasons , Tv Show , Dave , Job , Movie Set , Schedules , Firearms , Discharges , Safety Concerns , Handling , Professional , Department , Safety , Key , Flag , Film , Protocols , Everybody , Hundreds , Movie Sets , Jobs , Gun , Test Firing Situation , Chaos , Horses , Ladders , Injuries , Fast Paced , Departments , Mistakes , Film Industry , Veteran , 18 , 20 , Stunt Teams , Stunts , Professionals , Willy Nilly , Guns , Terminology , Prop Truck , Props , Investigators , Shooting , Mishaps , Basis , Ammunition , Access , Rounds , 500 , Safes , Cardinal Rule , Understanding , Prop Master , Number One , Anybody , Rule , Cardinal , Gun Range , Life , Rule One , Firearm Safety , Teaching , Lending , It , Expertise , Feeling Woah Football , Fate , Nfl , Information , Billions , Connections , Line Touchdown , The Sun Is Shining , Truck , Grass , Schedule , Kenny , Koi , There S Heather On The Hedges , Progressive , Boy , Timber , Yes , Hit Facebook , Change , Virtual Reality Metaverse , Company Name , Knee , Meta , It Shifts , Mark Zuckerberg , Event , Perfect , Documents , Paula Newton , Whistle Blower , Vibe Of A Budget Sci Fi Flick , Metaverse , Technology , Each Other , Center , Head , Focal Point , Name , Virtual Reality , Beyond , Business And Pleasure , Greek , Won T Change , Site , More , Control , Profound , Wave , Spite , Controversy , Accusations , Trust , Crises , Mission , In Rebranding , Business Model , Match , Same , Fallout , Plowing , Market Domination , Social Media Space , Teenagers , Misinformation , Evidence , Social Media Platforms , Cherry , Company , Narrative , Cost , Cost Center , Engineers , View , 10000 , Effects , Laws , Algorithms , Thinking , Regulators , Growth Center , Platforms , Abuses , Ai , Illness , Challenge , Didn T , Nicole , Career , My Name , The Human Factor , United States Air Force , 21 , Firefighter , Officer , Fighter Pilot , Tick , Woman , 2005 , Stage , Talk , Write , Neurological , Military , 23 , Nine , 22 , Guess Who , Chronic Illness , Colonel , Opportunity , Airmen , Speaker , Tick Research , Patient Add Video Account , Research Panel , Gal , Mechanism , Dignity , Honor , Lyme Disease , Newsroom , Incredible , Jim Acosta , Face , Twitching , Jerking , Manager , It S Time , Doubt , Carvana , Jackie , 100 , Car , Salesman , Couch , Anyone , She S A Beauty , Color , Checking In , Golly , Laughter , Priceline , 60 , Mess , Hotels , Awe , Met , Teeth , Health , Body , Gateway , Mouth , Dental Implants , Joe S Treatment Plan , Clearchoice , Better , Music , Battle Sounds Stop , Battle Sounds From Phone , Dragon Roar , Phone , Developments , Big Lie , Court Filing ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709

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looking for tuesday as a new possible date to put both of the bills to a vote and real test here. we have heard this story before, we've seen it before, but there seems to be at least some momentum that is building toward that day. you're talking about the $1.2 trillion infrastructure, bipartisan infrastructure plan, as well as the $1.75 larger spending package that would go through with democrats only in support of it. so, fred, what is this about? part of it is optics, momentum, some of it is driven by need and politics as well, and this could play out in the next 48-72 hours, with tomorrow potentially, tomorrow with new details for people to look at. they took a recess to take a break and there might be new text that people could sign off on the details, if you will, of the larger bill, and that would be followed by monday the rules committee making sure that this is the kind of bill that would be able to go through what is called the reconciliation process, and that really is the budget rules determined by the senate to make sure that it follows those budget rules so that just requires a simple majority. and then if you have that on monday, tuesday is the day that they could bring -- house speaker nancy pelosi bring both of those bills to the house floor. we know at least for infrastructure it had been passed by the senate earlier, and so that would be very significant if the house could pass that and send along to the senate, the president would be able to sign it rather quickly. as for the larger spending piece, they could vote for that as well, that package, but that would have to go back to the senate and could go through a number of changes by the time it actually becomes law. but, fred, what is important and what is significance here is the timing of all of this. sometimes it seems a little bit arbitrary. we looked at the halloween deadline that was based on highway transportation funding. that had been kicked down the can with an extension. why tuesday? well, look at the calendar here. the president will be coming back late tuesday, early morning from this overseas trip. it could be a big victory, really a big gift to the president if he could sign that infrastructure bill the following day as he hits american soil, showing that he really does have a push for his domestic agenda, fred. >> and if not, that jetlag is going to be really painful. i know they're optimistic about tuesday, but there you go. >> we shall see. >> that's right. suzanne malveaux, thank you so much. and now to our breaking coverage out of rome where president biden is and where he's about to attend a gala dinner with other world leaders, wrapping up the day one of the g20 summit and you see german chancellor angela merkel there. we're going to get a little more backstory on that moment and what's happening. but you see leaders from the uk, france, among others, and the u.s., of course, say they are convinced that it is possible to quickly restore the iran nuclear deal, despite talks stalling out over the summer. the u.s. withdrew from the agreement in 2018, but there's still so much more on president biden's plate as the summit continues tomorrow. let's go to rome right now. cnn's chris cuomo continues coverage from there. hello again, chris. >> reporter: how are you? it is an evolving scene here. let's bring in cnn senior white house correspondent phil massingly, diplomatic editor nick mattison and david miller. let's first not ignore what's happening back in the united states. this idea that, well, hope this happens, phil, that is not the kind of situation it is. if they have a vote of any kind after all the missteps that doesn't happen, i mean, that's almost going to be disastrous for biden for at least five days of coverage. they have to get this right if they're going to do it on tuesday. do you think it happens then? >> i learned not to make predictions around november 2016. le look, when you talk to white house officials and talking to democrats on capitol hill the last 24 hours, they want to keep the pressure on to move. white house officials don't want to touch deadlines but they have made clear they think the house needs to move next week. they want to ensure this does not run up against the debt ceiling fight, the government funding fight, all tagged to the first week of december. in order to do that, because of how the senate operates, the house would have to move as soon as next week. the other thing, too, and speaker nancy pelosi and chuck schumer made this clear privately to their members, if you want changes or something specific in the changes that the president laid out and started to do populate on thursday, you need to tell us now, we need to address it this weekend. they were making very clear, next week is the week they want to move. can they get the vote by tuesday? if we've learned anything over the course of the last 35 days, they won't put anything on the floor if they don't have the votes. maybe they vote on tuesday, maybe they don't. i think the most important thing when you talk to officials and democrats on capitol hill is to keep the pressure on as they try to get to the finish line. and this goes back on thursday night when they punted once again, they did make progress. while they didn't get the vote and missed the deadline and the president didn't land in rome with something in his pocket. the reality is she backed the $1.7 trillion framework, a lot of the key elements of the framework, they seemed to except that a lot of pieces that democrats wanted in the proposal weren't going to be in there. now they need to flesh out the details and finish up a couple fights. speaker pelosi making clear she wants to try and push. >> so that's at home. here president biden, nick, has been introduced to the idea of, hey, the iran deal actually matters to us, and you guys walked away from it. i know it wasn't you, but now what are we going to do? we believe it's possible to quickly reassert ourselves. what does that mean? >> i think in the context of the way we're hearing it today is that the europeans, the british, french, germans, who are part of the negotiating team, the jcpoa, really want the united states back on board. iran has been sort of using the europeans as a way to communicate with the united states indirectly, or at least send messaging. the europeans, and i think we can understand this because it was the german chancellor, angela merkel who called for this meeting today. they're concerned about what happens if this doesn't work out. if you look at the joint communique, there are some carrots in there for the iranians that sanctions with be dropped and countries just across the gulf from you, saudi arabia, the united arab emirates can start to get some of the money moving that's been stalled and stopped in terms of economic trade. so there's carrots there. the line in the agreement that i see, the statement today that says, you know, there's a determination to go beyond the jcpoa to essentially limit iran's ballistic missiles and limit their maligned interference in the region, those in the past have been red lines for iran. so i do wonder about how far this can go. hence i think the accuracy of your question undoubtedly, why the are the europeans saying this, and it is quite simply they don't want this to go off the rails. they do want to encourage the united states and they know potentially there's a raft of sanctions that can come into play and there are other actors in this which could destabilize the situation further. so i think this is the broader context at this time. >> david miller, you have tutored me on this issue many times. are you warned against president trump walking away from this deal. how much damage was done by the united states walking away? >> well, certainly to our credibility, as a general proposition. but specifically, chris, the maximum pressure campaign, and it was maximum pressure over the course of the last four years, has only accelerated iran's nuclear program. it's brought them closer to developing enough material to produce one weapon. that's not a say a deliverable nuclear weapon, but enough material to make a weapon should they choose to weaponize. so division among our allies, and i think in many respects, it's now created a set of hoops and hurdles that are much more difficult and problematic. i worry about the word quickly. i think nick is right. this is optics that are generated by the europeans, but they're optics untethered from reality. the iranians haven't even set a date to come back to vienna, and mid east negotiations usually have two speeds, slow and slower. so i wouldn't put a whole lot of money in the bank on a quick return, plus an agreement. >> what does it mean that angela merkel called for the meeting when she's on the way out? >> well, i think merkel led on this issue, i think she was in many respects tough on the iranians, but she the importance of keeping the allies unified and the importance of negotiating an accord. but i think the premium is on your last several words, on the way out. this is now going to be left to her successor and macron, who in a leaderless year in many respects, is now going to play an increasingly prominent role should he win election. >> phil, the united states, the reason they want to expand is because biden's team is just as worried about what iran is doing on the ground in different conflicts as what they're doing in terms of their enrichment. how important is it for them in terms of a negotiating point? >> i think there's a recognition both because of the realities of what's happening on the ground, because of their ballistic missile program, and it's advancements because of the malign influence that it is a necessity to address and have a broader deal. but i think they also understand the domestic political realities as well, which is to go back into the jcpo while those urgent problems are lingering is a nonstarter. sorry about that. >> that's a good song. >> it is actually a comedian putting that out there. that's okay. >> that's all right. >> what were you saying? i'm sorry. >> just that both from the geopolitical perspective and national security perspective they absolutely have to pursue a broader deal and from a domestic political perspective it is a nonstarter to go back to the original jcpoa. that's a recognition that even though the jcpoa was the best of nothing but bad options, it isn't viewed as sustainable, not just by republicans but a number of democrats. >> so the europeans get that, they know what the presentation is from the biden administration, if it were going to be quick it would mean that they would just re-sign back with where they were, and if that's not -- if that's not an option for the united states, then what is the best case scenario in terms of how to leave the g20? >> the best case for the united states to leave the g20 on this issue is to nod and move on and deal with this later, whenever the iranians choose to come back to the table. i think exposing the difficulties within it, because that shows the iranians the pressure points they have over the united states and the gaps they can open up in the negotiations. that's not very good for the united states right now. it's like just take it, move on, and come back to it when you need to come back to it. and it is going to be a least worst case scenario and i cannot see a world where president biden, if this happens, doesn't take political heat back home. but the reality will be the world could be a far worse place in the short-term if there isn't some kind of deal, because then what are the options on the table? and that's the hard political part for president biden back home, as it was for president obama. we saw him in 2015 trying to say, and on-john kerry saying t is the best we can get right now. and the reality is it was. iran is so out of compliance it wouldn't let the international atomic agency into some of the places they're building centrifuges, which is completely against the rules. the dangers are very real and the europeans recognize it too. move on and try to have the conversations quietly. maybe part of it was messaging for the iranians, this can be done quickly, there's some things for you. they're not that stupid, there are two speeds, slow and middle eastern. >> gentlemen, thank you very much. let me bring it back to fred. >> okay, thanks so much, gentlemen. appreciate that. coming up next, a governor's race that could tell us a lot about the mood of voters. guess what? it's just days away and it may come down to the influence of two people not in the race, president biden or former president trump. we'll break down the state of that race in virginia next. plus, an update in the investigation into the deadly tragedy on the set of alec baldwin's movie "rust." ♪ [beep] ♪ [shouting and clashing] ♪ [horse neighs] ♪ ♪ ♪ (man) i've made progress with my mental health. so when i started having unintentional body movements called tardive dyskinesia... ... i ignored them. but when the movements in my hands and feet started throwing me off at work... i finally had to say, 'it's not ok.' it was time to talk to my doctor about austedo. she said that austedo helps reduce td movements in adults... ...while i continue with most of my mental health medications. (vo) austedo can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have suicidal thoughts. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. don't take austedo if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, restlessness, movements mimicking parkinson's disease, fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, and sweating. (man) talk to your doctor about austedo... it's time to treat td. td is not ok. visit your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit si acelero no me paran. el viento pega en mi cara. ♪ si acelero no me paran el viento pega en mi cara ♪ ♪ ♪ sustainability is essential to creating a better tomorrow. that's why cisco is committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2040. and we believe our smart buildings solutions can help. providing power to reduce emissions, intelligence to eliminate waste, and collaboration tools that help the workplace and the planet. between meeting human needs and a sustainable future, there's a bridge. cisco, the bridge to possible. early voting in virginia. today is the last day. both candidates for governor are taking different approaches in their last pitches. democratic candidate terry mcauliffe, closing a campaign that relied heavily on celebrities and big names, like vice president harris and former president obama stumping for him. meanwhile, republican candidate glenn youngkin went it alone, even shying away from former president donald trump. with me to discuss is a cnn political analyst. this race is close, i mean really close, right razor thin margin. do you think voters are feeling the pressure, especially those who did not take part in early voting? >> there is increasing pressure from both sides of the aisle. republicans are trying to turn their voters out by taking advantage of the fact that there's a democrat in the white house, there are democrats in charge in congress and usually when one party is in charge the other party in virginia ends up winning the governorship. so they're trying to turn out voters and rely on some momentum they have from history and the fact that their voters tend to be more motivated when they're not in power. democrats are trying to motivate their base as well, they're trying to use the power of donald trump as an antagonist by saying if you vote for glenn youngkin, you're going to have more years of donald trump-style politics. so democrats have a formula. but so far it seems like they are having a little bit of trouble getting the enthusiasm from a lot of their base voters, minorities, younger voters, people who turn out during presidential elections. so far when it comes to early voting, have lagged behind so they're feeling a pressure to get voters out over the next couple of days before the election on tuesday. >> all that you just said is underscoring just how curious and mysterious this race really is and how tight it is. republican candidate glenn youngkin telling cnn's dana bash that he will not be attending trump's tele town hall on monday. >> the president is doing a tele rally on monday. will you attend and will you welcome him to virginia? >> i haven't been involved in that. >> would you like to do that? >> i'll answer you in a second. i've been out campaigning and i'm not going to be engaged. we have more people helping us than you can possibly believe. this is about unity. >> he really does seem to want to distinguish himself as this kind of go it alone, and is that -- is there any way of telling whether that is impacting or helping him in what is now a very tight race? >> we will see when the numbers start coming in whether or not he can keep hold on the trump base, because a lot of times trump base voters tend to stay home when it comes to voting for republicans that don't embrace donald trump wholeheartedly. so it doesn't appear at this point that he's scared away the trump voters. trump hasn't attacked him any way on social media so say stay home or don't vote. so if he's able to keep the trump base voters and win back some of the voters who are traditionally republicans but decided they had enough of trump, they didn't like his brand of politics and they see in glenn youngkin someone who is a little more moderate, he could thread the needle and turn virginia back into a purple state. it's been trending blue for quite a while and that's why you hear terry mccatry to turn him a trump supporter. they're saying we may have been republicans before trump but we can't go back to that brand of politics, but we have to keep our politics have being so toxic as during the trump years. >> this is what terry mccall lif told cnn on the whole trump factor. this was him on the campaign trail. >> no, i mean, trump is not liked in the commonwealth of virginia. people remember charlottesville when he failed us that day, when he said there were fine people on both sides. that was a tragic day. we lost state troopers, including a pilot and a member of my security detail and donald trump said there were good people on both sides. but people want to be lifted up. trump is hate and division. he wants to run again in 2024. i think he wants to use this. it's a launch pad for that. that's why it's clear. that's why he's endorsed youngkin seven or eight times. >> so this is part of his strategy, saying let's be uplifting and try and keep it positive, and is that what potentially could move the needle for him among voters? >> it worked in 2020. the prospect of having donald trump back in the white house was motivating enough to get a lot of voters out, record numbers of voters ended up voting against donald trump and for joe biden. we're waiting to see whether that can be an effective strategy in the year when donald trump is not actually on the ballot and, you know, a lot of democrats in congress and in other states that have elections coming up in the midterms next year are watching closely to see if that strategy will be successful. because even though former president trump is no longer in the white house, he's still out there publicly talking about 2020 and making toxic and inflammatory statements, and democrats like that and they think that will help them continue to get motivation from voters who may not love their agenda, but like the fact that they are not donald trump and that's why you hear teryou hearm tie him to the former president to try to link them and make sure the success democrats have had will continue in the post-trump years as well. >> always great to see you. thanks so much. >> thank you. and of course we'll have more of the youngkin interview tomorrow on "state of the union" with dana bash. and since january 6th, private malitias have been in the headlines, but what do you really know about them? 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back with me, nic robertson and phil mattingly and cnn contributor kate anderson brower. so nic robertson, progress on big issues, what would you list as the two or three items worth noting? >> i think making up with m emmanuel macron was important and that's something that will play back over time. i think the iran talks were useful for all sides to see where they were. nothing was expected to come out of it in terms of product, but i think this was good housekeeping for all four nations, the germans, french and president biden to see where each other stand and i think the global corporate tax, having an agreement there, is beneficial globally. these are the most powerful wealthy nations. this is will help stop a race to the bottom, so it helps stop that competition, but also makes sure the small guy benefits properly from taxation paid by big corporations that have otherwise been escaping it. and this is what part of the summit is about, is a better equitable distribution and use of the wealth. >> this was designed in 1999 to make up for the shortcomings of the productivity of the g7 and it's supposed to be about finances and economics primarily. how do you think the white house is feeling about it so far? >> i think they're positive and recognize it's a work in progress and they also recognize the global minimum tax was absolutely the biggest thing that they knew they were going to get out of it. they had it locked in before they showed up here. a lot of what they wanted to take out of this three or four-day period was what they got bilaterally and multi laterally. and nic makes an important point and the discussions on iran and we were talking about the statement and it seemed optimistic. i think you go underneath the statement and the leaders getting on a granular level, they've happened, one, haven't been necessarily iran and the u.s. sitting down in a room at all. but they have been by point people for each country, and having the leaders really lay out, okay, here's what we need, here's where things stand, where we think things can go forward. that's important. and i think tomorrow what the u.s. recognizes is, one, a pretty important bilateral meeting with president erdogan of turkey, issues five or six days ago. they seem to at least be in a good enough place to meet. that matters for a number of different reasons. obviously a nato ally as well, but also supply chain issues. if you want to talk about economics, the economy, what the g20 was originally created for, the supply chain and whether you could get something out of that meeting, commitments from the 15 or 16 leaders expected to show up, that would be tangible. >> the idea of meeting the erdogan, turkey the largest standing army in the region. what does that mean in terms of the united states' agenda going into the meeting? what do they want to be able to say on the way out? >> i talk a lot about first ladies and to your point about relationship building, this is all about bringing the u.s. back to the table and really reinforcing these relationships. and i think what dr. biden did yesterday, having a class of chardonnay with the french president's wife, these are softer relationships and i heard you, chris, talking earlier about the dinner tonight and how breaking bread and having these kind of one-on-one meetings, how important and essential that is. and so we're going to see dr. biden in monday on naples, joining forces initiative, going to a u.s. military base there. we're going to see the u.s. really back as a major player. >> what did you think, kate, of the role of dr. biden in the papal meeting? it was really interesting, she went in, they had her kind of shown around first. we showed her exit first, also, the traditional -- usually they want you in all black when you meet the pope so women will wear a black veil over their heads. what did that mean for the biden family? >> we know they're very religious, she's the first first lady who is italian-american so it's very meaningful for her and we know after the death of their son she has been talking to a prayer sort of adviser, which i thought was very interesting, how she really connects with people about going through personal loss. and so we know it was very meaningful and important for her and i think that they're really trying to -- at least the first lady lady's office is making the point she has ties to italy and it was an incredibly meaningful moment for her to meet with the pope, absolutely. >> appreciate that perspective. thank you so much. do you know what they call it when an irish guy marries an italian? >> a marriage made in heaven. >> fred, we're going to come back to you. then we're going to go to break. i would rather to go to you, fred. >> i'm enjoying the conversation. >> we'll go back to you then go to break. i'm just saying, if i have an option, i would rather talk to you than toss to a break. that's just me. >> okay, and i appreciate it. next time i'll be sitting right alongside. how about that? then we can really have a nice big conversation. >> you would up the collective iq by 35 points if you were to do that. it would be great to have you. >> a little more than that, actually. >> especially if you were in my chair. then it's up 85 points. >> hey, i'm just glad we're altogether in whatever capacity, here we are. that's cool. good to see you guys. thank you so much. we're going to take a short break. we'll be right back. is struggling to manage your type 2 diabetes knocking you out of your zone? lowering your a1c with once-weekly ozempic® can help you get back in it. oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! my zone... lowering my a1c, cv risk, and losing some weight... now, back to the game! ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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>> you know, i worked a couple of seasons on a tv show with dave, he was professional. i didn't see anything with him that seemed dangerous or asking us to do anything dangerous. they push the schedules, but that's what the assistant director's job is on a movie set. so i don't have a lot to say about dave. i know that he was, like you say, a professional. we had some issues on "the old way" with hannah. just some safety concerns that i had, some unannounced discharges of firearms, the handling of firearms. but i also learned -- >> on the previous set? >> yeah, i wasn't involved on "rust" at all. i can't speculate. but on "the old way" we had issues that were addressed and i address issues in my department, that's your job as the key for your department. my job on set is to be in charge of safety on set. when i see things, i'm going to say something. and i also learned that was hannah's first film. >> so help us understand, you say there were previous discharges. is it normal for there to be at least one discharge when you're talking about firearms? is that something that people are accustomed to or does that raise a flag right away that there should be never a moment of discharges? >> yeah, you know, there's protocols on movie sets. we do this for the safety of everybody. you're working very fast, you've got hundreds of people doing different jobs. we have protocols in place for people's safety. were those protocols broken? absolutely. it's not normal for a gun to be on set, to be fired, even in a test firing situation. people stop working, we announce it, we make sure that everybody is clear of any firearms and make sure the horses are not going to spook and run off and run people over or people are going to fall off ladders. it's chaos. it's a controlled chaos on a set. and we have these protocols in place. but once again, i'm not trying to vilify hannah at all. things happen on movie sets all the time. we're hearing about this. there's injuries on movie sets all the time because it's a fast-paced -- we work long hours, 16, 18, 20 hour days and it's fast paced and these things do happen. are they common for an armorer to do these mistakes? no, not for a seasoned veteran. they are one of the most professional departments in the film industry, just like the stunt teams. stunts are professionals. i mean, i'm not saying that every other department is willy-nilly, but those people take their job so seriously because if they mess up, people die. >> of course. and when you say things happen, you're really talking about mishaps, but now we're talking about a fatal shooting and that doesn't happen on a regular basis. before i let you go, when we hear the terminology, the place where props are stored such as guns in this prop truck and we understand that investigators say they did seize some 500 rounds of ammunition, generally speaking, what has access to the prop truck and what are among the things that are in it? >> i don't claim to be an armorer, i don't claim to know their department. but it's always my understanding that the armorer and/or the prop master are the only two people -- within their department, they have access to those safes and, look, guns and ammunition, there's a cardinal rule, whether you're working with -- if you're handling real firearms at the gun range or handling firearms on a movie set, there's cardinal rules about guns. you check every single gun and treat every one as if it were loaded. that's rule number one in anybody that's been around firearms. i've been around guns my entire life and you learn that immediately. anybody that's teaching you about firearm safety, that's rule one. >> still so very sad. stu brumbaugh, thank you so much for being with us and lending us your expertise. appreciate it, be safe. we're back in a moment. ♪ hands to the sky, all mine ♪ ♪ woah woah no ceiling woah woah good feeling woah ♪ football, is a game of inches. but it's also a game, of information. because the nfl is connected. and at any moment, the fate of the season can come down to this. billions of secure connections, per second. when the game is on the line and the game is always on the line touchdown! the nfl relies on cisco. ♪ well the sun is shining and the grass is green ♪ ♪ i'm way ahead of schedule with my trusty team ♪ ♪ there's heather on the hedges ♪ ♪ and kenny on the koi ♪ ♪ and your truck's been demolished by the peterson boy ♪ ♪ yes -- ♪ wait, what was that? timber... [ sighs heavily ] when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you've built with affordable coverage. all right. facebook has changed its company name to meta as it shifts focus to the virtual reality metaverse. the change comes as they get skroout knee over hundreds of internal documents by a whistle-blower. here's paula newton. >> reporter: in a corporate event that seemed to have the vibe of a budget sci-fi flick. >> all right, perfect. >> reporter: mark zuckerberg, founder and head of all things facebook introduced the metaverse. >> together, we can finally put people at the center of technology and deliver an experience where we are present with each other. >> reporter: what is it? an immersive way to connect online for business and pleasure using virtual reality. zuckerberg is all in. rebranding facebook's corporate name to meta. from the greek word beyond, he says. >> your devices won't be the focal point of your attention any more. >> reporter: if meta is the future in the present, the site and app won't change. what he is trying to pull off is more profound of that. >> he is trying to take control of what he thinks is the big next wave of technology and the question is going to be whether the world accepts that, in spite of all the controversy, in spite of all of the crises that hit facebook in the last month are going to want to put their trust in facebook. >> reporter: despite accusations of a toxic business model and dangerous fallout to match, zuckerberg's strategy of plowing ahead with ambitious market domination has worked. >> our mission remains the same. >> reporter: in rebranding, zuckerberg has nothing substantive to say how facebook can become a safer social media space, especially for teenagers and young people. >> i know that some people will say this isn't a time to focus on the future. i want to acknowledge that there are important issues to work on in the present. there always will be. >> during my time as facebook. >> reporter: in recent months, former facebook employees provided evidence that they were aware of the role disseminating misinformation that breeds on their social media platforms. the documents were cherry picked to present a misleading narrative he says about the company. she said she fears the same problems will occur in the new metaverse. >> i was shocked to hear recently that facebook wants to double down on the metaverse and that they're going to hire 10,000 engineers in europe to work on the metaverse. i think there's a view in the company that safety is a cost, cost center, not a growth center. i think it is short term in thinking. >> reporter: what is not short term, the insidious effects of their platforms worldwide. regulators failed to create and enforce laws that prevent the worst abuses online. those powered by algorithms and ai that can efficiently disperse misinformation and hate. to that, zuckerberg added a new challenge, the potentially even more invasive metaverse. paula newton, cnn. an illness ended one pilot's career, didn't stop her from helping others. here's today's "the human factor." >> my name is nicole. i spent 21 years in the united states air force as an officer and fighter pilot. i was selected to be the first woman to pilot in 2005. i got bit by a tick, overnight i went from a healthy firefighter to someone completely broken. i was bedridden 22 to 23 hours a day. for nine months struggled to walk, talk, read, write. they diagnosed me with late stage neurological tick born illness. i was medically retired from the military and i remember thinking to myself what am i going to do. i had an opportunity as an outgoing colonel to make things better for airmen dealing with chronic illness. >> guess who took the stage, this gal. >> reporter: i could read people as a professional speaker and give voice as a patient add video account. i serve on the research panel for tick research. we don't understand what the scientific mechanism is why we stay sick. 20% that get lyme disease never fully recover. i am one of those people. i need to represent them with honor, dignity, respect they deserve. >> incredible. thanks for joining me. i am fredricka whitfield. cnn "newsroom" continues with jim acosta in just a moment. 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Description , Find Themself , Visit Indeed Com Hire , El Viento , Si Acelero , Pega En , Mi Cara Sustainability , Me Paran , Mi Cara , Emissions , Solutions , Buildings , Cisco , Zero , 2040 , Power , Collaboration Tools , Intelligence , Planet , Bridge , Waste , Workplace , Meeting Human Needs , Voting , Virginia , The Bridge , Terry Mcauliffe , Approaches , Pitches , Glenn Youngkin , Harris , Names , Celebrities , Donald Trump , Political Analyst , Fact , Democrat , Sides , Margin , Advantage , Aisle , Party , Charge , Governorship , Congress , History , Base , Antagonist , Base Voters , Bit , Trouble , Enthusiasm , Minorities , Formula , Elections , On Monday , Candidate , Tele Rally , Trump S Tele Town Hall , Dana Bash , Haven T , Second , Campaigning , Unity , Numbers , Trump Base , Impacting , Whether , Hold , Point , Stay , Social Media , Trump Hasn T , Someone , Brand , Needle , Moderate , Thread , Trending Blue , Terry Mccatry , Trump Supporter , Terry Mccall , Factor , Campaign Trail , Hate , Pilot , Security Detail , Member , State Troopers , 2024 , Strategy , Launch Pad , Youngkin Seven , Eight , Seven , Record Numbers , Prospect , Positive , 2020 , States , Ballot , Midterms , Statements , Motivation , Teryou Hearm , Thanks , Success , Him , Interview , State Of The Union , Headlines , Malitias , January 6th , 6 , Bu A Constitutionally Granted Life , This Is Life , Led , Lease Sa Ling , Modern Malitias , Worth , Employee , Wealth , Lifetime , Business , Mike S Retirement Party , 10 , 00 , Employees , Wrongs , Let , Hook Audrey , Rhymes O , Sky , Me Oh My Land And Sea , Mine Woah , Woah No Ceiling , Office , Estimate , High Thryv , Thryv , All In One , Demo , Small Business , Management Software , Yep , Ow , League Pass Lineup , Fans , Back , Basketball , Season , Devices , Way , Games , Action , Sport , Nba League Pass , Nba , Xfinity , Forty , Voice , X1 Track Stats , Scores , Upgrade , Look , Stretch , Dinner Arrivals , Issues , Meetings , Kate Anderson Brower , Attendance , Dinners , Spouses , Nic Robertson , Phil Mattingly , Progress On Big Issues , Items , Three , Housekeeping , Product , Nations , Tax , Stand , Bottom , Guy , Corporations , Competition , Taxation , Benefits , Economics , Productivity , Distribution , Shortcomings , Finances , G7 , 1999 , Minimum , Work In Progress , Discussions , Nic , Multi Laterally , Level , Room , Country , Erdogan , Matters , Turkey , Six , Supply Chain Issues , Supply Chain , Reasons , Ally , Nato , 15 , 16 , Standing Army , Relationships , Relationship Building , Dr , Ladies , Chris , Dinner , Bread , Chardonnay , Wife , Class , Biden In Monday On Naples , Military Base , Essential , Player , Forces Initiative , Kate , Exit , First Lady , Pope , Family , Women , Veil , Heads , Black , She S The First , Traditional , Death , Adviser , Son , Prayer , Lady , Loss , Ties , Italy , Irish , Made In Heaven , Italian , Conversation , Points , Iq , Big Conversation , Capacity , Chair , Cool , 85 , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , Don T Take Ozempic , A1c , Weight , Oh , Zone , Cv Risk , Game , Adults , 12 , 7 , Heart Disease , Type 1 Diabetes , Risk , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Events , Stroke , Heart Attack , 1 , Needles , Lump , Stop Ozempic , Share , Pens , Reuse , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Stomach Pain , Swelling , Neck , Help , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Reaction , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Insulin , Diarrhea , Nausea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Provider , Health Care Provider , 3 , 5 , 25 , Ideas , Prescription , Experience , Dark , Flexibility , Pharmacy , Prime Members , Medication , Prices , Meds , Save , Low , Amazon , , Slack , Status , Marketing , A Break , Email , Lisa , Orrrr , Sheriff , Works , Questions , Count , Santa Fe , Armorer , Armorer Hannah Gutierrez , Allegations , Project , Weapons , Attorneys , Stu Brumbaugh , Assistant Director , Ones , Projects , Industry , Dave Halls , Couple , Production , Seasons , Tv Show , Dave , Job , Movie Set , Schedules , Firearms , Discharges , Safety Concerns , Handling , Professional , Department , Safety , Key , Flag , Film , Protocols , Everybody , Hundreds , Movie Sets , Jobs , Gun , Test Firing Situation , Chaos , Horses , Ladders , Injuries , Fast Paced , Departments , Mistakes , Film Industry , Veteran , 18 , 20 , Stunt Teams , Stunts , Professionals , Willy Nilly , Guns , Terminology , Prop Truck , Props , Investigators , Shooting , Mishaps , Basis , Ammunition , Access , Rounds , 500 , Safes , Cardinal Rule , Understanding , Prop Master , Number One , Anybody , Rule , Cardinal , Gun Range , Life , Rule One , Firearm Safety , Teaching , Lending , It , Expertise , Feeling Woah Football , Fate , Nfl , Information , Billions , Connections , Line Touchdown , The Sun Is Shining , Truck , Grass , Schedule , Kenny , Koi , There S Heather On The Hedges , Progressive , Boy , Timber , Yes , Hit Facebook , Change , Virtual Reality Metaverse , Company Name , Knee , Meta , It Shifts , Mark Zuckerberg , Event , Perfect , Documents , Paula Newton , Whistle Blower , Vibe Of A Budget Sci Fi Flick , Metaverse , Technology , Each Other , Center , Head , Focal Point , Name , Virtual Reality , Beyond , Business And Pleasure , Greek , Won T Change , Site , More , Control , Profound , Wave , Spite , Controversy , Accusations , Trust , Crises , Mission , In Rebranding , Business Model , Match , Same , Fallout , Plowing , Market Domination , Social Media Space , Teenagers , Misinformation , Evidence , Social Media Platforms , Cherry , Company , Narrative , Cost , Cost Center , Engineers , View , 10000 , Effects , Laws , Algorithms , Thinking , Regulators , Growth Center , Platforms , Abuses , Ai , Illness , Challenge , Didn T , Nicole , Career , My Name , The Human Factor , United States Air Force , 21 , Firefighter , Officer , Fighter Pilot , Tick , Woman , 2005 , Stage , Talk , Write , Neurological , Military , 23 , Nine , 22 , Guess Who , Chronic Illness , Colonel , Opportunity , Airmen , Speaker , Tick Research , Patient Add Video Account , Research Panel , Gal , Mechanism , Dignity , Honor , Lyme Disease , Newsroom , Incredible , Jim Acosta , Face , Twitching , Jerking , Manager , It S Time , Doubt , Carvana , Jackie , 100 , Car , Salesman , Couch , Anyone , She S A Beauty , Color , Checking In , Golly , Laughter , Priceline , 60 , Mess , Hotels , Awe , Met , Teeth , Health , Body , Gateway , Mouth , Dental Implants , Joe S Treatment Plan , Clearchoice , Better , Music , Battle Sounds Stop , Battle Sounds From Phone , Dragon Roar , Phone , Developments , Big Lie , Court Filing ,

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