Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

and this young mother, this dp, was killed on a movie set because of money. and that's really what it boils down to. and that's the sad part about this. >> stu, you raise a lot very important concerns and questions that i think have to be answered if you want to make sure this doesn't happen again in the future. we appreciate you speaking with us, stu brumbaugh, thanks. "new day" continues right now. good morning to our viewers here in the united states and around the world and in the metaverse. it is friday, october 29th. i'm john berman alongside brianna keilar. chris cuomo is standing by in rome, because president biden has just wrapped up a meeting with pope francis. america's second catholic president spent 90 minutes, 90 minutes, a very long time with the pope. >> and in a matter of minutes here the president is set to sit down with the president of italy. so let's get right now to chris cuomo in rome. chris? >> all right. thank you very much. they absolutely had a meeting. it was a long meeting. let's discuss how long, what that means. cnn vatican correspondent delia gallagher here, of course. father dave dwyer, host of sirius xm's program about the -- i got it wrong before. >> that's okay. >> i said broken halo. it is busted halo. huge difference. cnn chief white house correspondent kaitlan collins also here. i want to get perspective about how long this meeting was from delia. they say 90 minutes, a little bit less, 70, 75 minutes. in terms of context of how long the meetings go, what does it say about the depth? >> we'll get the exact timings once we get the statement because we have a couple of -- 90 minutes, even anyway over an hour, but definitely the -- one of the longest meetings if you want to compare it to president obama, he met with him for 50 minutes, which was considered quite long. president trump about 30 minutes. we're talking about the one on one private talk outside of meeting the entourage and everything. that's a very long time. and i think we can infer a number of things from that, but probably a very good and deep conversation, covering all of those things we have been talking about. not just the issues, but probably that personal pastoral how are you doing, how is it going, that is so typical of pope francis. that's what it suggests to me, that length of time. remember, he's going down now -- he has gone now to speak with the secretary of state and the vatican's foreign minister and that's where they hash out the geopolitical stuff and the nitty-gritty. so the pope meeting suggests to me it was personal, pastoral. >> fair to assume it was something like a pastor and a congregant having some part of the time together because you're right, now comes the real nitty-gritty. he'll meet with the secretary of state and the foreign minister. >> it makes sense, certainly it does to you, because of course there had been this talk beforehand, this is the pope and the president and this is going to be very formal. but it didn't -- it never made sense. that's not the kind pope francis is and not the kind of man joe biden is. if there anybody who wants to sit around and talk and get personal, it is joe biden. >> yeah. this is a president who is known for meetings that happen with lawmakers or other leaders at the white house that often stretch well past the time that they are designated for. the white house knew this could potentially be awe meeting tha did go longer than they expected. they allowed extra time in the schedule for that. they are in this expanded meeting. we know what the white house said was on the agenda for this meeting, immigration, climate change and the challenges of the covid-19 pandemic. and so one thing that will be interesting to see if they discuss this and what the conversation, what kind of tone it took, and what direction it went in was talking about sharing covid-19 vaccines because that has been something that the white house has been pressed on by multiple world leaders to share more vaccines with other countries, third world countries that do not have the supply that we have in the united states where there are plenty of vaccines to go around, excess vaccine. so that was something that the pope has made really important and prioritized over the last several months is talking about vaccine sharing from wealthy nations with other nations. so in addition to obviously the personal relationship that the two have, a very warm relationship, it will be interesting to see what happened and what they talked about had it came to concrete measures like that. >> absolutely. and a lot of that is going on now, delia was just saying, you have the expanded thing, secretary of state tony blinken in there talking about what policy rationals there are. i wonder if joe biden will be susceptible after this meeting to talk about what it meant to him as a man and as a catholic to have really the -- the ultimate pastor, if you're a catholic, the pope talking to him about his situation. >> okay, well, look, i imagine that he will make some statements about the meeting, because what happens after these meetings is the vatican sends out, you know, three or four lines, it is all very sparsely word and carefully worded and then maybe down the line, if we're on a plane trip with the pope we can ask about the meeting. otherwise, we don't get the pope's impression of the meeting. really the only information that you have is going to be from president biden if he decides to talk about it, about exactly what went on there. and -- >> there is only one person in the room that entire time. and that person is sworn to secrecy. >> right. you have the translator to talk, that would be good. >> we assume that the pope spoke in italian and it was translated into english? >> or spanish. >> he might have done it in spanish. >> very interesting. so, kaitlan, in terms of what they wanted to do with this meeting, do you have any expectation of what the white house is hoping that this is a springboard for? >> well, they were really describing it as not this formal meeting. obviously it is more formal than had has been in the past when the two of them have met and they are both heads of state, the first time since taking office. i want to talk about the length of this meeting because right now what the white house is saying is that it was about 90 minutes and that is a very long meeting and if you just look at the context of what other meetings biden is having, previous popes, he met with john paul ii back in the '80s, he often talks about how the meeting went on for so long that they had aides coming in and knocking on the door trying to wrap the conversation up several times because they were speaking for so long. that meeting lasted 45 minutes. you can compare the scale with how long this meeting went compared to that one. that was a meeting that biden described at the time as being a very long time to have an audience with the pope. and this is nearly double that, based on what the white house is saying. >> the two men are similar in that regard. quick little thing and i got to give it back. i'll tell this to brianna, kaitlan, thank you very much, delia, father dwyer. brianna, i'm interviewing biden during the campaign and we're in iowa. and first, the staffers are, like, you get the whole thing, they look at you, like, that's time, you got to stop, and your producer is saying it and then jill biden comes in and leads and says we have to go. we have to go to this baseball field right now, joe. we have to go. so, you know, once he gets talking about something, he wants to, i'm sure both these men had to be stopped today. >> that was actually a very funny moment. i recall it very well. chris, thank you so much. we're going to be checking back in with you. we appreciate all the coverage from rome on this very important visit of the president's there. let's talk now with the white house national climate adviser, gina mccarthy. thank you so much for being with us this morning. a key day there. what is the president's goal on this trip when it comes to climate change? >> well, the president's goal is to make sure that we go to glasgow holding our heads up high and recognizing that the u.s. is once again back in the game and we're going to provide the kind of national leadership that other countries expect. look, yesterday the president delivered a framework that was absolutely essential to show that the united states is fully committed to tackling climate change. we're talking about a $555 billion investment, not just in climate, but also in growing jobs in the united states and delivering environmental justice for the communities that have been left behind that are in the cross hairs of the damages and the impacts we're seeing from climate. so we are going to go there and the president has every right to go there and hold his head up high and show the world that we can tackle climate, we have no time to spare. this is the decisive decade, and he has put a marker down that will make sure that the rest of the world understands that the u.s. is not just going to lead this effort, this is part of our movement to grab a 21st century economy and future for our kids that we can be proud of. >> easier to hold his head up high maybe with the bill that had passed, right, with something -- are a broad agreement or a sense that this is over the finish line, we're not there yet. >> we have a lot to be proud of already. we have already turned the tide. we already worked with automakers, and auto companies to actually make strong commitments to move to electric vehicles. we have already investments in the infrastructure plan that was bipartisan. that's going to build the infrastructure to make sure that charging stations are available. we have worked across frankly every sector of the economy, and we know what's winning in the united states already. we're already moving to clean energy. solar beat every other energy supply for delivery of more electricity in 2020. we know the direction that our country has to head. this is all about accelerating it. so people know the president's commitment, they understand that he's made promises, that we will deliver in 2030 by cutting our greenhouse gas emissions in half. and we are going to get there. that's what that framework is about. and that infrastructure plan is going to help build that. our industries are all for it. our companies are growing because of it. we're moving to -- >> i do want to focus on this bill because there is a lot in it. over $555 billion, but you're talking about, look, there is a reason the president wanted a vote and that's because it strengthen his hand going into glasgow. how do you convince countries that they need to make these commitments, they need to move toward cleaner energy when he hasn't convinced his own democrats to pass a bill, vote on a bill that does? >> i think we have unanimity across the democrats and where this country needs to head. how we need to tackle climate change, there is no denial about climate change. we have to do it in a way that grows jobs and in a way that addresses the challenges we're facing in certain communities that have been left behind. they all know that. and the president didn't put it on the table just to go to glasgow. put it on the table because he had been negotiating good -- in good faith for many months, he knew it was time for the framework to move to the hill because he knows he can get the votes for it. so, yes, there is discussion on the hill, there should be. that's what congress does. we don't need this bill to pass today in order to signal to the world where the united states is heading. president biden's made it clear from day one, when he rejoined paris, that this is what we plan to do in glasgow. and we'll make more progress because one of the things this framework does is to show people how to get there, to show that we can work with other countries, to help them deliver a clean energy economy, and it is going to be good for the people in our country because it provides consumer rebates, it provides opportunities for job growth and communities that are in transition. so this is not anything about sacrifice, and it is not just about glasgow. this has been the president's plan since day one. i'm happy that it is now discussed on the hill. but we don't need it fully delivered. we need to -- the signal that the president sent on day one that he's back and the work we're doing across government to deliver it in every sector of the economy. >> i want to ask you about oil executives who were on the hill this week, part of a moment that was really reminiscent of tobacco companies being on the hill after it was revealed the extent to which they actively undermined established climate science and i just want to listen to something that democrat ro khanna said to the executives during his opening remarks. >> spare us the spin today. really. we have no interest in it. spin doesn't work under oath. don't think of yourselves as the ceo, just think of yourselves as human beings. >> what did you think of their testimony? did they spare you the spin? >> i actually spent a lot of time talking to others yesterday, so i didn't hear all the details of the testimony, but what i do know is that for decades the fossil fuel companies have been spinning this tale that climate change isn't real. and what i know is that the american public is not buying that anymore. because they're seeing the wildfires, the droughts, the floods, the hurricanes. they're seeing the heat that they're experiencing at levels that no one ever expected. so that's why glasgow is so important. that's why this framework is so important. this is going to tell the american people that we have a plan to build them a safe, healthy and secure future. we're going to invest in resilience so that they can be safe. you know this is no time to let the fossil fuel companies create a future that we cannot hand to our children, and we cannot actually adapt to. we have to now take the reins in our own hands, recognize a clean energy is the future, that we have to shift away from fossil fuels, and actually do that we need to keep ourselves and our communities safe. and this is all -- this framework package, brianna, is not about sacrifice. we know the sacrifice, we can see it every time a home is demolished or flooded. we can see it with the wildfires. that's the disaster. we're moving to a future that is brighter. and we're going to face climate change, we're never going to deny it again. and we're going to be delivering the kind of investments, $555 billion, that's historic. president biden doesn't want to see this continue. and he knows it will if we don't invest in ourselves, in our people, in our jobs, and clean energy now. >> this is the biggest chunk of the bill now, this climate part of it, which i know is something progressives will certainly enjoy. so we'll see this path still ahead in congress. gina, appreciate you being with us this morning. >> great to be here. thanks, brianna. the white house is celebrating this framework agreement for president biden's social spending plan, still, though, there is a significant lack of trust between progressives and senators manchin and sinema. the chair of the congressional black caucus is going to join us ahead. plus, the armorer on the set of the deadly incident on alec baldwin's movie set speaking out for the first time. and later in the show, anderson cooper coming in to reveal the top ten cnn heroes of the year. 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is it everything you hoped for? >> well, we're very satisfied. this is transformational. if we would have received any one of those thins we would have been applauding. when you look at this package and you mentioned it, $400 billion for child care and pre-k, reducing poverty for children by 40%, when you look at clean energy and all of the things we have been fighting for $555 billion in there, $1.7 trillion package, housing, we know across the board housing is a big problem. we also -- hbcus, some $5 billion. $150 billion for housing. there is pell grants. there's things that touches every part of every community, but for the congressional black caucus, this is a big victory because our fingerprints and footprints are all through this. we had one on one meetings with president biden. we have a seat at the table. in the last 72 hours, we have had more than two meetings directly. i sat down, went to the white house, talked to the president, and yesterday he was in our caucus. this is all about consensus and compromising. and i am very comfortable that we will get there. it is very transformational. the congressional black caucus has six chairs that chairs major committees. they were all in our caucus meeting yesterday, fighting for those things that are important to our communities. >> the president took a big risk going to capitol hill yesterday and basically pushing for this. and more or less asking, nancy pelosi very much wanted the infrastructure vote yesterday and asking this to move forward yesterday. it didn't happen. do you feel democrats let the president down? >> i don't know -- feel we let the president down. because we're going to get there. and timetables, as you know, they move. would it have been great yesterday if we were able to do it, but it will be better. we will have all of the information, we'll have the text, we now have a framework. so, yesterday was about progress. i think we make great progress yesterday. we have thousands of pages of text that we can look through. we know that the bipartisan infrastructure is something we will pass. i can tell you democrats and especially the congressional black caucus, we're going to vote for both of the bills. the build back better reconciliation plan, and the bipartisan infrastructure plan. we'll get there, i'm very comfortable we'll get there. >> i noted as i was introducing you the black caucus includes moderates and progressives. we heard from progressives who say they don't necessarily trust, they wanted joe manchin and kyrsten sinema to promise they would vote for the build back better plan. they didn't get the assurances they wanted. do you trust joe manchin and kyrsten sinema to support this? >> i think we all want to hear more. it is more about trusting the president, trusting our speaker, speaker nancy pelosi. i think it is going to take all of us. you know, i'm equally as disappointed we didn't get republicans on the other side of the aisle. when you think about a $1.7 trillion package, those services, that transformational legislation, that investment in the communities, it is just not for democrats, it is for every one. this is beyond just joe manchin and senator sinema. we need them, of course we need them. but let's also talk about the people who didn't come to the table and who will benefit. >> am i wrong, did i not get a yes when i asked you to trust joe manchin to vote for this? >> i think we're getting there. i think we're moving the needle. i think they're looking at their districts and their beliefs and i think we're getting there. we're making progress. so we will get to the point that we will be able to deliver and i'll be able to say, yes, i trust that we will get there. >> congresswoman joyce beaty, great to have you on. thanks for coming in. >> thank you so much. i have no idea where the live rounds came from. those claims coming from the "rust" armorer now breaking her silence about what happened on set. so if she didn't know where the live rounds came from, how did they get there? 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just ask the employee owners of recology. we built the recycling system from the ground up, helping san francisco become the first city in the country to have a universal recycling and composting program for residents and businesses. but it all starts with you. let's keep making a differene together. all right. history being made here at the g-20. president biden having his big meet with the pope. we have some footage for you of people leaving the meeting, very long. we'll discuss what that means. first, i hear we have jill biden, the first lady saying good-bye as she prepares to exit. where is the president? he's still in there. why? after you meet with the pope, you meet with the extended leadership there and have more policy type discussions. now there goes il papa in the fiat. delia gallagher is with me. talk about different images. the most powerful man in catholicism leaves in that little tiny car and joe biden shows up 80 cars deep in one of the biggest cadillacs they call the beast. >> always a big show of force with the u.s. and their security and pope francis, always travels in a small car, little tiny fiat. he leaves there, he doesn't live there anymore. he has to go back to his house, lunch time now. so probably going back to have some lunch because he has a full day too. the president is still inside with the vatican secretary of state, the vatican foreign minister, talking about some of the more, as you said, policy issues. but the interesting thing is how long the meeting with the pope lasted. we're hearing from 90 minutes to the vatican saying an hour and a quarter, basically. you got to consider you got the face to face closed door, that's what we're talking about. then you got the extended meeting where he meets the first lady, the entourage, an exchange of gifts. that face to face lasted a long time. >> what was the gifts? >> gifts. so the pope gave the president a ceramic tile with a pilgrim on it pointing to st. peter's -- >> what are we watching now? here's some video. >> there's some images. remember, we didn't see this live broadcast, the vatican has just given us these images of the two greeting and sitting down. you hear the cameras clicking in the background. this is the first few minutes before they start their formal talks. and you got a translator there. and there we go, some of the formal pictures with the first lady and president biden. he also gets to meet other members of the entourage. there we go. and that's always a big moment for the members of the entourage to have a moment to meet the pope. >> we saw the secretary of state there, the security adviser, tony blinken, jake sullivan. >> so they given us a good bit of -- normally there would be journalists in there. we have vatican journalists, white house journalists that could go in there. vatican hasn't allowed that since covid. >> in your understanding of francis, they say his face -- his face tells you how he feels. >> look, we parse the face so much, but, you know what, when he's meeting heads of states and does official pictures, he usually has a dour expression. i don't want to read too much into that. he's very happy. but he's meeting people. i'm talking about when he does the official pictures, we always looked at that and said he's not looking happy. he's meeting people. you expect him to smile. that's -- >> also interesting, even though during covid, shaking hands with everybody. >> shaking hands, yeah. well, he's vaccinated. he wasn't, you know, there was an issue a while back, he didn't want to wear a mask. he was doing audiences without a mask. but now he's vaccinated, the word is he got his booster shot. there is the gift. there is the bidens gave that to the pope. >> what was that? >> that's a vestment, a hand woven vestment from the 1930s that came from a church in washington, d.c. where it was founded in the 1700s, very involved in abolition of slavery, abraham lincoln visited that church, john kennedy worshipped at that church. that has a lot of significance. this is the ceramic tile i was telling you about, if you see that with the etching and that was the pope's gift to president biden, along with the traditional any head of state a number of his writings, right? his last document on human paternity. >> the significance of what the first lady is wearing on her head? >> that's a veil which is traditional. you don't have to wear it, but when you meet the pope, generally the protocol is black, so black suits for men or a dark suit, let's say. and women will generally wear a skirt and a veil, but, you know, not necessary. only catholic queens can wear white to meet the pope. >> when they're speaking with him, there is a translator right there, the pope understands english, but it is not a language of the facility. >> you see the translator right there. he understands english. he can express himself in small talk in english. they have met before. there is already a bit of a rapport there. and there is the official picture. so these are the gifts from the pope for the entourage. usually gives him a medal, a small medal or rosary indeed. and there we go, again, with the gifts from -- that's a big vestment, that's a really nice gift, i think, for pope francis, that embroidered vestment used by the society of jesus in the u.s. you can listen into the small talk. >> what did he say, joe biden, the president said -- >> warrior and leaders and you are the most significant warrior for peace i've ever met. and with your permission i'd like to be able to give you a coin. it has the u.s. seal on the fr front. what is different with this coin usually i know my son would want me to give it to you. on the back of it, i have the state of delaware. 261st unit my son served with. the tradition is i'm only kidding about this next time i see you, you don't have it, you have to buy the drinks. >> oh, boy. >> that was really interesting. let's see if they say anything else and then i'll explain that. >> thank you. thank you for that. >> famous african-american baseball player in america and he didn't get to play in the major league baseball until he was 45 years old because he was black. and he was a pitcher, he threw the ball. and usually pitchers lose their arm when they're 35. he pitched to win on his 47th birthday. the press walked into the locker room and said his name was satchel paige. they said, satch, no one ever pa pi pitched a win at age 47. how do you feel about pitching a win on your birthday? and he looked at them and said, boys, that's not how i look at age. boys, that's not how i look at age. i look at it this way. how old would you be if you didn't know how old you were? you're 65, i'm 60. god love you. thank you, thank you, thank you. >> boy, oh, boy. >> there you go. >> i'll tell you what, my guess is you just saw two moments between a president and a pope that you have never seen before and you will never see again. first one, big military tradition, but presidents also, they have coins that are called command coins and with the military it is a sign of regard, and commanders have it. the commander in chief has one. i've never heard of him giving it, you know, whoa gives it to, who he doesn't. he just gave it to the pep and he even said that it is significant to him, first, heart break breaking, his son served in the 261 and that's on the back of the coin with the state of delaware and that matters to the president and the pontiff consoled him had his son beau passed. so he gives it to him and then, delia, he tells him, i can't believe he said this to the pope, he says, the deal is the next time i see you, if you don't have this coin, the drinks are on you. and the pope responded through his translator, yeah, i'm okay with that. and biden said, remember, i'm an irishman. so the drinks matter to me. the casualness of all that is obviously i'm sure notable to you. then he tells him a story about this famous pitcher from what was then called the negro leagues, satchel paige, phenomenal athlete, wasn't allowed to play because he was black, didn't get into the league until his late 40s and then pitched a win. someone said, 47, you pitched your win, you must feel amazing. he said i don't see age that way, the way i see it you are as old as you would think you were if you didn't know how old you are. he told that story to the pope. he said you're 65, i'm 60. and for him to share those kinds of moments -- >> that was great. look, that, to me, kind of encapsulates the rapport between these two because joe biden feels comfortable enough to speak to the pope in that way, and tell those jokes. why? because the pope does the same thing. the pope is very personable like that. he loves the stories. goes on and on and on. that's why i understand why the meeting took so long. they were probably sharing jokes back and forth and sharing stories, but that were meaningful. it is not a flippant thing. >> for a pope to tolerate that, the next time i see you drinks are on you and think that's funny, you ever heard of that before? >> listen, i have seen it time and time again and this is the man from the streets of -- he loves the people. he loves the personal stories like that. that's the kind of thing that works with him, very, very well. and you can see that the president picked up on that and that's probably the president's personality as well. you can see that easy rapport there. >> it will seem trivial on one level. they have important things to talk about. let's not forget how human beings work. the practical, the political, always follows the personal. if you trust -- if there is a sense friendship, things can be achieved. it gives you insight into the connection between the men and you can only imagine how purposeful the rest of the conversation was. we'll learn as they want us to learn, the white house will tell us more than the pontiff. deal klia gallagher, a pleasure. a pleasure. all right, we're going to take a commercial break. when we come back, you saw some history. we're living it together. stay with cnn. for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. just in to cnn, we're hearing for first time from the armorer who was working during the deadly incident on alec baldwin's film set "rust." attorneys for hannah gutierrez write in a statement, safety is hannah's number one priority on set. ultimately the set would never have been compromised if live ammo were not introduced. hannah has no idea where the live rounds came from, the whole production set became unsafe due to various factors including lack of safety meetings, not the fault of hannah. so this comes after investigators announced they're focusing their probe on gutierrez and the assistant director dave halls. the santa fe county sheriff joining us to talk about this. first, as we hear from hannah gutierrez, have you interviewed her? >> miss gutierrez reed did do an initial interview and i think the investigators have been in contact with her. so there has been an interview that has been completed, but we want some clarification and some follow-up information in regards to the investigation. >> is she cooperating with you, seeking that clarification? >> as of right now, according to my investigators that she is cooperating. >> okay, so she's responding to questions they have. what about david halls? >> david halls is -- as we know has retained counsel and will be working with his counsel to do a follow-up interview and also some clarification questions in reference to the incident. >> and alec baldwin popped up in vermont. were you aware he was in vermont? >> i was aware he was not in the state of new mexico. i wasn't aware of his exact location. >> okay, so in this statement that we see from hannah gutierrez's lawyers, they paint this picture of many corners being cut. they say that she was fighting for training, days to maintain weapons, proper time to prepare for gunfire, but that ultimately she was overruled by production and her department and they talk about a lack of safety including lack of safety meetings. is that what you found? >> in all fairness, this is the first that we have heard of this statement. just been newly released. we like time to see that statement. and obviously we will take that statement and i'm sure our investigators will have follow-up questions and any issues she's brought to the forefront will follow up on those, so we need time to look at the statement, and, again, we encourage miss gutierrez reed to come to our office and do some follow-up interviews to add some clarification. >> the shooting happened after lunch. in the statement she says that the guns were locked up every night and at lunch. and that there is no way a single one of them was unaccounted for or being shot by crew members. are you any closer to figuring out why the live round ended up in this gun? >> no, we aren't. and so, again, we encourage miss gutierrez reed to come in, so we can try to determine how those live rounds ended up on set, who brought them there and why they were there. there is a lot of follow-up questions. i appreciate her statement. but, again, i encourage her to work with our investigators to come in and clarify some of the questions that we do have. >> just to follow up, you're encouraging her to come in and answer clarification questions. is she not doing that? >> well, i know she's been in contact with our investigators. i know that she had recently had counsel. so, again, we're working with her. as far as my investigators are concerned, she is cooperating. but the sooner the better that she comes in, we can clarify some questions. >> is it possible this is intentional, that someone intentionally introduced a live round? >> there is all kinds of possibilities and, again, we want to get to the truth and the facts of the matter. so that's the focus of the investigation as i see it. why these rounds were there, who brought them there, and how they got there. >> all right, sheriff, thank you. obviously so many questions that we still have here, sheriff mendoza, appreciate it. >> thank you. so cnn heroes is back. for 15 years the campaign shined a spotlight on everyday people changing the world. we have shared these inspiring stories with you all year long. now, here to announce the top ten cnn heroes of the year, our own anderson cooper, the co-host of the 15th annual cnn heroes and all-star tribute which will live across cnn platforms on sunday, december 12th, at 8:00 p.m. eastern time. big, big announcement, anderson. >> big announcement indeed. let's take a look. >> from philadelphia, pediatric surgeon ilya stanford saw covid-19 ravaging communities of color, she brought trust and brought testing and vaccinations to more than 75,000 people. from san francisco, david flink is building understanding and confidence using his journey with adhd and dyslexia to help kids with learning differences across america thrive. in new york city, hector guadalupe uses fitness training to help formally incarcerated men and women like himself get family sustaining jobs and build careers. from colombia, jennifer brings ecofriendly energy, safe water and sanitation to struggling colombians living in remote areas. linda dowdy of maine monitors 2,500 miles of coastline providing life saving support and medical care to thousands of marine animals. from bali, indonesia, exchanging plastic waste for rice. restaurant owner made has sent tons of plastic for recycling and provided food to thousands of families during the pandemic. and in simi valley, california, michelle hernandez turned her profound grief into sustaining support for the widowed. oncologist patricia gordon walked away from her beverly hills private practice to save women around the world from dying of preventable and treatable cervical cancer. on l.a.'s skid row, shirley rarape reigns brings dignity to people rain or shine. and in nigeria, providing support to more than 2,000 boys and girls a year. >> it is so much fun to see them all together. all in one place like that. >> yeah. >> remind us, how do you pick somebody to be a cnn hero? and what happens if you win? >> so all the cnn heroes, all year long, as you know, doing this as long as i have, it is people who nominate all the cnn heroes and we profile a different one every week, and then it boils down to the final ten which are picked by a panel, but now it is going to be up to everybody at home and watching to vote for the cnn hero of the year. that person is going to get $100,000 to continue their life changing work. and the other nine cnn heroes will get $10,000 to continue their work and a lot of exposure which will help them for their cause. you can vote for who you want to be cnn hero of the year. vote up to ten times a day, go to, very simple. find all the information there how to actually vote, go to ten times, for multiple people and we'll see who wins on the cnn hero of the year december 12th. >> that's interesting. ten times, so enthusiasm matters. >> there are people who get all their friends, who, like, really do it as much as they can, ten times a day. >> there are countries in the past that have done it. >> yeah. that's true. >> your co-host this year? >> kelly ripa, thrilled she's coming back. >> and so this is -- that is very exciting. this is the 15th anniversary of cnn heroes. >> i can't believe it has been 15 years. >> the most program -- it is the -- >> we know you're lying, you never had -- >> min my mind i had brown hair >> it is the most interesting program you anchor sober. >> you think i'm sober for this? >> i'm okay -- well, you know, i was hoping. okay. when you look back on 15 years, i just think of all -- all the people who have made such a difference, what do you reflect on? >> it is incredible when -- because we have ongoing relationships with a lot of -- with all these people, trying to keep in touch with them, and we all run across them in stories that we do when we're out in the field, if you're in afghanistan, there is people who are in afghanistan, right now who have been cnn heroes, if you're wherever you go in the world, you can find them, still doing their work, and it is fun to see how their work has evolved over the 15 years. >> such a wonderful event each year. it is wonderful you've been involved from the very beginning. thank you very much. ten amazing individuals, all of whom prove that one person can make a difference and you can help decide which one of them will be cnn hero of the year. just go to and vote, every day, for the hero that inspires you the most. >> vote early, vote often. >> start voting today. up next, our special coverage with president biden in rome. a pope. we saw a coin. talking about drinks. and what will this mean for u.s. allies going forward? good friday morning. i'm erica hill in new york. >> and i'm jim sciutto live in rome, just yards from the border of vatican city. and, in front of the beautiful, the majestic st. peter

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Industry , Point , Hannah , Situation , Tunnel Vision , One , 24 , It , Doesn T , Job , Experience , Things , Fights , Department , Types , Shouldn T Be Ha , Arguments , People , Money , Departments , Veterans , Lot , Part , Questions , Movie , Set , Stu Brumbaugh , Dp , Mother , Concerns , U S , Viewers , Joe Biden , Meeting , Brianna Keilar , Pope Francis , Rome , Metaverse , America S Second Catholic , Around The World , Chris Cuomo Is Standing , October 29th , John Berman , 29 , Friday October 29th , Pope , President , Chris Cuomo , Matter , In Rome , Italy , 90 , Vatican , Cnn , Father Dwyer , Program , Delia Gallagher , Course , Sirius Xm , White House , Halo , Chief , Difference , Perspective , Kaitlan Collins , Meetings , Context , Terms , Timings , Depth , 70 , 75 , Statement , Obama , 50 , Talk , Entourage , Number , Everything , One On , 30 , Wall , Conversation , Issues , Secretary Of State , Foreign Minister , Length , Stuff , Nitty Gritty , Something , Sense , Pastor , Fair , Congregant , Pastoral , Kind , Didn T , Leaders , Lawmakers , Anybody , Climate Change , Awe Meeting , Schedule , Agenda , Immigration , Thing , Vaccines , Direction , Sharing Covid , Pandemic , Challenges , Tone , Covid , 19 , Countries , Vaccine , World Leaders , Supply , Third World , Relationship , Measures , Nations , Addition , Have , Two , Policy Rationals , Tony Blinken , Catholic , Word , Line , Plane , Statements , Lines , Three , Four , Information , Impression , Translator , English , Person , Secrecy , Room , Expectation , Springboard , Spanish , Office , Heads Of State , Popes , Saying , John Paul Ii , 80 , Times , Door , Aides , Scale , 45 , Men , Regard , Audience , Staffers , Campaign , Iowa , Jill Biden , Joe Manchin , Producer , Baseball Field , Coverage , Visit , There , Goal , Gina Mccarthy , White House National Climate Adviser , Game , Glasgow Holding Our Heads Up High , Framework , Leadership , Climate , Communities , Jobs , Investment , Justice , 555 Billion , 55 Billion , World , Head , Hairs , Damages , Impacts , Rest , Marker , Movement , Effort , 21 , Bill , Economy , Kids , Agreement , Commitments , Companies , Finish Line , Auto , Automakers , Tide , Infrastructure Plan , Infrastructure , Investments , Sector , Charging Stations , Vehicles , Country , Energy , Delivery , Electricity , Solar , Energy Supply , 2020 , Commitment , Half , Greenhouse Gas Emissions , Promises , 2030 , Build , Industries , Vote , Hand , Glasgow , Reason , Progressive Democrats , Unanimity , Hasn T , Way , Denial , Table , The Hill , Votes , Negotiating , Faith , Discussion , Day One , Congress , Order , Progress , Paris , Anything , Transition , Job Growth , Opportunities , Consumer Rebates , Plan , Sacrifice , Signal , Work , Oil Executives , Government , Extent , Tobacco Companies , Climate Science , Ro Khanna , Interest , Don T , Executives , Remarks , Ceo , The Spin , Spin Doesn T Work Under Oath , Testimony , Human Beings , Spin , Others , Fossil Fuel Companies , Tale , Know , Details , Public , Climate Change Isn T Real , Wildfires , Floods , Levels , Droughts , Hurricanes , Heat , Safe , Resilience , Children , Hands , Fossil Fuels , Reins , Package , Home , Future , Disaster , Biden Doesn T , Chunk , Progressives , Thanks , Framework Agreement , Path , Lack , Alec Baldwin , Congressional Black Caucus , Incident , Spending , Plus , Chair , Trust , Sinema , Senators Manchin , Show , Time , Cnn Heroes , Anderson Cooper , Ten , Plans , Medicare , Emergency Coverage , Telehealth , Notice , Music , Aetna , 0 , , Vision , Hearing , Dental , Over The Counter Allowance , Aetna Medicare Advantage Plans Annual Enrollment Ends December 7th , December 7th , 7 , Pbiden , Fact , Video , Fiat , Text , Readout , Negotiations , Sound , Members , Slimmer Bill , Achievement , Congresswoman Joyce Beady , Infrastructure Bill , Membership , Left , Didn T Work Out , Pre K , Care , Child , Extension , Child Tax Credits , 500 Billion , 00 Billion , Cost , Prescription Drugs , Family Leave , Community College , It Everything , Child Care , Transformational , 400 Billion , Poverty , 1 7 Trillion , 40 , 7 Trillion , Hbcus , Housing , Board Housing , Problem , Grants , 150 Billion , 50 Billion , 5 Billion , Billion , Community , Victory , Footprints , Fingerprints , Seat , 72 , Caucus , Compromising , Consensus , Chairs , Six , Fighting , Committees , Risk , Capitol Hill , Nancy Pelosi , It Didn T , Infrastructure Vote , Down , Timetables , Pages , Progress Yesterday , Reconciliation Plan , Bills , Both , Moderates , Assurances , Trusting Our Speaker , Side , Republicans , Services , Aisle , Legislation , Senator , Needle , Beliefs , Districts , Congresswoman Joyce Beaty , Rounds , Armorer , Idea , Rust , Silence , Liberty Mutual , Limu , Bogeys , Car Insurance , Woooooooooooooo , Liberty , Helicopter , Pay , Exciting Medicare Advantage , Doctor Office Visits , Premiums , Hospital , Deductible , Each , 20 , Deductibles , Medicare Supplement Plan , Co Insurance , Prescription Drug Coverage , Take A Look At Humana S Medicare Advantage , Hospital Stays , Prescription Drug , Prescription Costs , Average , 400 , 8400 , Fitness Program , Silversneakers , Doctor , Facts , Areas , Humana , Network , Telehealth Coverage , Low , Copay , Prescriptions , Decision Guide , Obligation , Screen , Human Way , Healthcare , City , San Francisco , Recycling , System , Ground Up , Composting , Starts , Employee Owners , Residents , Businesses , Recology , Making A Differene , First , Meet , Footage , History Being , G 20 , Policy Type Discussions , Papa , Il , Images , Car , Man , Catholicism , Security , Cars , Cadillacs , Force , The Beast , Lunch , House , Little Tiny Fiat , Some , More , Policy Issues , Gifts , First Lady , Exchange , Face To , President A Ceramic Tile , Pilgrim , Peter S , Background , Greeting , Broadcast , Cameras , Pictures , Talks , Security Adviser , Jake Sullivan , Bit , Journalists , Francis , Face , Understanding , Expression , He S Meeting Heads Of States , He Wasn T , Mask , Everybody , Back , Issue , Audiences , Shaking Hands , Gift , Vestment , Bidens , Booster Shot , 1930 , Significance , Church , Abolition , Slavery , Abraham Lincoln , A Church In Washington D C , John Kennedy , 1700 , Head Of State , Ceramic Tile , Etching , Veil , Writings , Document , Human Paternity , Women , Black , Skirt , Protocol , Suits , Suit , White , Queens , Language , Facility , Rapport , Medal , Picture , Rosary , Big Vestment , Society Of Jesus , Peace , Coin , Permission , Seal , Son , State Of Delaware , Fr Front , 261 , Drinks , Tradition , Boy , Let , African American Baseball Player In America , Major League Baseball , Pitchers , Pitcher , Arm , Ball , 47th Birthday , 35 , 47 , Press , No One , Locker Room , Name , Satchel Paige , Satch , Pa , Win , Boys , Birthday , Pi , 65 , 60 , Guess , God , Presidents , Military Tradition , First One , Coins , Command Coins , Sign , Commander , Commanders , He Doesn T , Pep , Heart Break Breaking , Matters , Son Beau , Pontiff Consoled Him , Deal , Story , Casualness , Negro Leagues , Irishman , Someone , Wasn T , League , Athlete , Late 40s , Kinds , Jokes , Stories , Sharing , Goes On And , Funny , Streets , Personality , Level , Friendship , Political , Personal , Connection , Pleasure , Pontiff , Deal Klia Gallagher , Right , Break , History , Stay , Biktarvy , H I V , Treatment , Lab Test , Amount , Pill , Adults , Cure , Virus , Research , Side Effects , Liver Problems , Kidney Problems , Buildup , Sex , Can , Kidney Failure , Lactic Acid , Medicines , Headache , Breastfeeding , Kidney , Hepatitis , Rifampin , Nausea , Diarrhea , Hepatitis B , Dofetilide , Safety , Priority , Write , Attorneys , Ammo , Investigators , Safety Meetings , Hannah Gutierrez , Production Set , Factors , Probe , Fault , Gutierrez , Assistant Director , County Sheriff , Dave Halls , Santa Fe , Interview , Gutierrez Reed , Clarification , Contact , Regards , Investigation , David Halls , Counsel , Clarification Questions , Reference , State , Location , Vermont , New Mexico , Production , Training , Corners , Lawyers , Gunfire , Weapons , Fairness , Miss , Forefront , Shooting , Interviews , Being , Guns , Round , Crew Members , Gun , We Aren T , Possibilities , Truth , Focus , Sheriff , Sheriff Mendoza , Heroes , Spotlight , 15 , All Star Tribute , Eastern Time , 15th Annual Cnn Heroes , Co Host , December 12th , Cnn Platforms On Sunday , 8 , Sunday December 12th At 8 00 Pm , 12 , 00 , Announcement , Saw Covid , Big Announcement , Big , Philadelphia , Pediatric Surgeon Ilya , David Flink , Confidence , Vaccinations , Learning Differences , Journey , Testing , Color , Dyslexia , Adhd , 75000 , Hector Guadalupe , Build Careers , Family , Fitness Training , New York City , Colombia , Jennifer , America Thrive , Ecofriendly Energy , Life Saving Support , Sanitation , Coastline , Linda Dowdy , Colombians Living , Maine , 2500 , Thousands , Plastic , Animals , Plastic Waste , Rice , Food , Tons , Restaurant Owner , Indonesia , Bali , Support , Patricia Gordon , Michelle Hernandez , Families , Widowed , California , Simi Valley , Grief , Practice , Cervical Cancer , Beverly Hills , On L A , Shirley Rarape , Skid Row , Dignity , Rain Or Shine , Boys And Girls , Nigeria , 2000 , Hero , Fun , Somebody , Place , Panel , Life , Exposure , 100000 , Nine , 10000 , 00000 , 0000 , Cause , Who , Cnn Hero Of The Year December 12th , Friends , Enthusiasm , Kelly Ripa , 15th Anniversary , Mind , Relationships , Run , Touch , Afghanistan , The Field , Event , Individuals , Most , Up Next , Allies , Biden In Rome , Front , Border , Beautiful , Erica Hill , Live In Rome , Majestic St , Peter , Jim Sciutto ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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and this young mother, this dp, was killed on a movie set because of money. and that's really what it boils down to. and that's the sad part about this. >> stu, you raise a lot very important concerns and questions that i think have to be answered if you want to make sure this doesn't happen again in the future. we appreciate you speaking with us, stu brumbaugh, thanks. "new day" continues right now. good morning to our viewers here in the united states and around the world and in the metaverse. it is friday, october 29th. i'm john berman alongside brianna keilar. chris cuomo is standing by in rome, because president biden has just wrapped up a meeting with pope francis. america's second catholic president spent 90 minutes, 90 minutes, a very long time with the pope. >> and in a matter of minutes here the president is set to sit down with the president of italy. so let's get right now to chris cuomo in rome. chris? >> all right. thank you very much. they absolutely had a meeting. it was a long meeting. let's discuss how long, what that means. cnn vatican correspondent delia gallagher here, of course. father dave dwyer, host of sirius xm's program about the -- i got it wrong before. >> that's okay. >> i said broken halo. it is busted halo. huge difference. cnn chief white house correspondent kaitlan collins also here. i want to get perspective about how long this meeting was from delia. they say 90 minutes, a little bit less, 70, 75 minutes. in terms of context of how long the meetings go, what does it say about the depth? >> we'll get the exact timings once we get the statement because we have a couple of -- 90 minutes, even anyway over an hour, but definitely the -- one of the longest meetings if you want to compare it to president obama, he met with him for 50 minutes, which was considered quite long. president trump about 30 minutes. we're talking about the one on one private talk outside of meeting the entourage and everything. that's a very long time. and i think we can infer a number of things from that, but probably a very good and deep conversation, covering all of those things we have been talking about. not just the issues, but probably that personal pastoral how are you doing, how is it going, that is so typical of pope francis. that's what it suggests to me, that length of time. remember, he's going down now -- he has gone now to speak with the secretary of state and the vatican's foreign minister and that's where they hash out the geopolitical stuff and the nitty-gritty. so the pope meeting suggests to me it was personal, pastoral. >> fair to assume it was something like a pastor and a congregant having some part of the time together because you're right, now comes the real nitty-gritty. he'll meet with the secretary of state and the foreign minister. >> it makes sense, certainly it does to you, because of course there had been this talk beforehand, this is the pope and the president and this is going to be very formal. but it didn't -- it never made sense. that's not the kind pope francis is and not the kind of man joe biden is. if there anybody who wants to sit around and talk and get personal, it is joe biden. >> yeah. this is a president who is known for meetings that happen with lawmakers or other leaders at the white house that often stretch well past the time that they are designated for. the white house knew this could potentially be awe meeting tha did go longer than they expected. they allowed extra time in the schedule for that. they are in this expanded meeting. we know what the white house said was on the agenda for this meeting, immigration, climate change and the challenges of the covid-19 pandemic. and so one thing that will be interesting to see if they discuss this and what the conversation, what kind of tone it took, and what direction it went in was talking about sharing covid-19 vaccines because that has been something that the white house has been pressed on by multiple world leaders to share more vaccines with other countries, third world countries that do not have the supply that we have in the united states where there are plenty of vaccines to go around, excess vaccine. so that was something that the pope has made really important and prioritized over the last several months is talking about vaccine sharing from wealthy nations with other nations. so in addition to obviously the personal relationship that the two have, a very warm relationship, it will be interesting to see what happened and what they talked about had it came to concrete measures like that. >> absolutely. and a lot of that is going on now, delia was just saying, you have the expanded thing, secretary of state tony blinken in there talking about what policy rationals there are. i wonder if joe biden will be susceptible after this meeting to talk about what it meant to him as a man and as a catholic to have really the -- the ultimate pastor, if you're a catholic, the pope talking to him about his situation. >> okay, well, look, i imagine that he will make some statements about the meeting, because what happens after these meetings is the vatican sends out, you know, three or four lines, it is all very sparsely word and carefully worded and then maybe down the line, if we're on a plane trip with the pope we can ask about the meeting. otherwise, we don't get the pope's impression of the meeting. really the only information that you have is going to be from president biden if he decides to talk about it, about exactly what went on there. and -- >> there is only one person in the room that entire time. and that person is sworn to secrecy. >> right. you have the translator to talk, that would be good. >> we assume that the pope spoke in italian and it was translated into english? >> or spanish. >> he might have done it in spanish. >> very interesting. so, kaitlan, in terms of what they wanted to do with this meeting, do you have any expectation of what the white house is hoping that this is a springboard for? >> well, they were really describing it as not this formal meeting. obviously it is more formal than had has been in the past when the two of them have met and they are both heads of state, the first time since taking office. i want to talk about the length of this meeting because right now what the white house is saying is that it was about 90 minutes and that is a very long meeting and if you just look at the context of what other meetings biden is having, previous popes, he met with john paul ii back in the '80s, he often talks about how the meeting went on for so long that they had aides coming in and knocking on the door trying to wrap the conversation up several times because they were speaking for so long. that meeting lasted 45 minutes. you can compare the scale with how long this meeting went compared to that one. that was a meeting that biden described at the time as being a very long time to have an audience with the pope. and this is nearly double that, based on what the white house is saying. >> the two men are similar in that regard. quick little thing and i got to give it back. i'll tell this to brianna, kaitlan, thank you very much, delia, father dwyer. brianna, i'm interviewing biden during the campaign and we're in iowa. and first, the staffers are, like, you get the whole thing, they look at you, like, that's time, you got to stop, and your producer is saying it and then jill biden comes in and leads and says we have to go. we have to go to this baseball field right now, joe. we have to go. so, you know, once he gets talking about something, he wants to, i'm sure both these men had to be stopped today. >> that was actually a very funny moment. i recall it very well. chris, thank you so much. we're going to be checking back in with you. we appreciate all the coverage from rome on this very important visit of the president's there. let's talk now with the white house national climate adviser, gina mccarthy. thank you so much for being with us this morning. a key day there. what is the president's goal on this trip when it comes to climate change? >> well, the president's goal is to make sure that we go to glasgow holding our heads up high and recognizing that the u.s. is once again back in the game and we're going to provide the kind of national leadership that other countries expect. look, yesterday the president delivered a framework that was absolutely essential to show that the united states is fully committed to tackling climate change. we're talking about a $555 billion investment, not just in climate, but also in growing jobs in the united states and delivering environmental justice for the communities that have been left behind that are in the cross hairs of the damages and the impacts we're seeing from climate. so we are going to go there and the president has every right to go there and hold his head up high and show the world that we can tackle climate, we have no time to spare. this is the decisive decade, and he has put a marker down that will make sure that the rest of the world understands that the u.s. is not just going to lead this effort, this is part of our movement to grab a 21st century economy and future for our kids that we can be proud of. >> easier to hold his head up high maybe with the bill that had passed, right, with something -- are a broad agreement or a sense that this is over the finish line, we're not there yet. >> we have a lot to be proud of already. we have already turned the tide. we already worked with automakers, and auto companies to actually make strong commitments to move to electric vehicles. we have already investments in the infrastructure plan that was bipartisan. that's going to build the infrastructure to make sure that charging stations are available. we have worked across frankly every sector of the economy, and we know what's winning in the united states already. we're already moving to clean energy. solar beat every other energy supply for delivery of more electricity in 2020. we know the direction that our country has to head. this is all about accelerating it. so people know the president's commitment, they understand that he's made promises, that we will deliver in 2030 by cutting our greenhouse gas emissions in half. and we are going to get there. that's what that framework is about. and that infrastructure plan is going to help build that. our industries are all for it. our companies are growing because of it. we're moving to -- >> i do want to focus on this bill because there is a lot in it. over $555 billion, but you're talking about, look, there is a reason the president wanted a vote and that's because it strengthen his hand going into glasgow. how do you convince countries that they need to make these commitments, they need to move toward cleaner energy when he hasn't convinced his own democrats to pass a bill, vote on a bill that does? >> i think we have unanimity across the democrats and where this country needs to head. how we need to tackle climate change, there is no denial about climate change. we have to do it in a way that grows jobs and in a way that addresses the challenges we're facing in certain communities that have been left behind. they all know that. and the president didn't put it on the table just to go to glasgow. put it on the table because he had been negotiating good -- in good faith for many months, he knew it was time for the framework to move to the hill because he knows he can get the votes for it. so, yes, there is discussion on the hill, there should be. that's what congress does. we don't need this bill to pass today in order to signal to the world where the united states is heading. president biden's made it clear from day one, when he rejoined paris, that this is what we plan to do in glasgow. and we'll make more progress because one of the things this framework does is to show people how to get there, to show that we can work with other countries, to help them deliver a clean energy economy, and it is going to be good for the people in our country because it provides consumer rebates, it provides opportunities for job growth and communities that are in transition. so this is not anything about sacrifice, and it is not just about glasgow. this has been the president's plan since day one. i'm happy that it is now discussed on the hill. but we don't need it fully delivered. we need to -- the signal that the president sent on day one that he's back and the work we're doing across government to deliver it in every sector of the economy. >> i want to ask you about oil executives who were on the hill this week, part of a moment that was really reminiscent of tobacco companies being on the hill after it was revealed the extent to which they actively undermined established climate science and i just want to listen to something that democrat ro khanna said to the executives during his opening remarks. >> spare us the spin today. really. we have no interest in it. spin doesn't work under oath. don't think of yourselves as the ceo, just think of yourselves as human beings. >> what did you think of their testimony? did they spare you the spin? >> i actually spent a lot of time talking to others yesterday, so i didn't hear all the details of the testimony, but what i do know is that for decades the fossil fuel companies have been spinning this tale that climate change isn't real. and what i know is that the american public is not buying that anymore. because they're seeing the wildfires, the droughts, the floods, the hurricanes. they're seeing the heat that they're experiencing at levels that no one ever expected. so that's why glasgow is so important. that's why this framework is so important. this is going to tell the american people that we have a plan to build them a safe, healthy and secure future. we're going to invest in resilience so that they can be safe. you know this is no time to let the fossil fuel companies create a future that we cannot hand to our children, and we cannot actually adapt to. we have to now take the reins in our own hands, recognize a clean energy is the future, that we have to shift away from fossil fuels, and actually do that we need to keep ourselves and our communities safe. and this is all -- this framework package, brianna, is not about sacrifice. we know the sacrifice, we can see it every time a home is demolished or flooded. we can see it with the wildfires. that's the disaster. we're moving to a future that is brighter. and we're going to face climate change, we're never going to deny it again. and we're going to be delivering the kind of investments, $555 billion, that's historic. president biden doesn't want to see this continue. and he knows it will if we don't invest in ourselves, in our people, in our jobs, and clean energy now. >> this is the biggest chunk of the bill now, this climate part of it, which i know is something progressives will certainly enjoy. so we'll see this path still ahead in congress. gina, appreciate you being with us this morning. >> great to be here. thanks, brianna. the white house is celebrating this framework agreement for president biden's social spending plan, still, though, there is a significant lack of trust between progressives and senators manchin and sinema. the chair of the congressional black caucus is going to join us ahead. plus, the armorer on the set of the deadly incident on alec baldwin's movie set speaking out for the first time. and later in the show, anderson cooper coming in to reveal the top ten cnn heroes of the year. 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is it everything you hoped for? >> well, we're very satisfied. this is transformational. if we would have received any one of those thins we would have been applauding. when you look at this package and you mentioned it, $400 billion for child care and pre-k, reducing poverty for children by 40%, when you look at clean energy and all of the things we have been fighting for $555 billion in there, $1.7 trillion package, housing, we know across the board housing is a big problem. we also -- hbcus, some $5 billion. $150 billion for housing. there is pell grants. there's things that touches every part of every community, but for the congressional black caucus, this is a big victory because our fingerprints and footprints are all through this. we had one on one meetings with president biden. we have a seat at the table. in the last 72 hours, we have had more than two meetings directly. i sat down, went to the white house, talked to the president, and yesterday he was in our caucus. this is all about consensus and compromising. and i am very comfortable that we will get there. it is very transformational. the congressional black caucus has six chairs that chairs major committees. they were all in our caucus meeting yesterday, fighting for those things that are important to our communities. >> the president took a big risk going to capitol hill yesterday and basically pushing for this. and more or less asking, nancy pelosi very much wanted the infrastructure vote yesterday and asking this to move forward yesterday. it didn't happen. do you feel democrats let the president down? >> i don't know -- feel we let the president down. because we're going to get there. and timetables, as you know, they move. would it have been great yesterday if we were able to do it, but it will be better. we will have all of the information, we'll have the text, we now have a framework. so, yesterday was about progress. i think we make great progress yesterday. we have thousands of pages of text that we can look through. we know that the bipartisan infrastructure is something we will pass. i can tell you democrats and especially the congressional black caucus, we're going to vote for both of the bills. the build back better reconciliation plan, and the bipartisan infrastructure plan. we'll get there, i'm very comfortable we'll get there. >> i noted as i was introducing you the black caucus includes moderates and progressives. we heard from progressives who say they don't necessarily trust, they wanted joe manchin and kyrsten sinema to promise they would vote for the build back better plan. they didn't get the assurances they wanted. do you trust joe manchin and kyrsten sinema to support this? >> i think we all want to hear more. it is more about trusting the president, trusting our speaker, speaker nancy pelosi. i think it is going to take all of us. you know, i'm equally as disappointed we didn't get republicans on the other side of the aisle. when you think about a $1.7 trillion package, those services, that transformational legislation, that investment in the communities, it is just not for democrats, it is for every one. this is beyond just joe manchin and senator sinema. we need them, of course we need them. but let's also talk about the people who didn't come to the table and who will benefit. >> am i wrong, did i not get a yes when i asked you to trust joe manchin to vote for this? >> i think we're getting there. i think we're moving the needle. i think they're looking at their districts and their beliefs and i think we're getting there. we're making progress. so we will get to the point that we will be able to deliver and i'll be able to say, yes, i trust that we will get there. >> congresswoman joyce beaty, great to have you on. thanks for coming in. >> thank you so much. i have no idea where the live rounds came from. those claims coming from the "rust" armorer now breaking her silence about what happened on set. so if she didn't know where the live rounds came from, how did they get there? 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just ask the employee owners of recology. we built the recycling system from the ground up, helping san francisco become the first city in the country to have a universal recycling and composting program for residents and businesses. but it all starts with you. let's keep making a differene together. all right. history being made here at the g-20. president biden having his big meet with the pope. we have some footage for you of people leaving the meeting, very long. we'll discuss what that means. first, i hear we have jill biden, the first lady saying good-bye as she prepares to exit. where is the president? he's still in there. why? after you meet with the pope, you meet with the extended leadership there and have more policy type discussions. now there goes il papa in the fiat. delia gallagher is with me. talk about different images. the most powerful man in catholicism leaves in that little tiny car and joe biden shows up 80 cars deep in one of the biggest cadillacs they call the beast. >> always a big show of force with the u.s. and their security and pope francis, always travels in a small car, little tiny fiat. he leaves there, he doesn't live there anymore. he has to go back to his house, lunch time now. so probably going back to have some lunch because he has a full day too. the president is still inside with the vatican secretary of state, the vatican foreign minister, talking about some of the more, as you said, policy issues. but the interesting thing is how long the meeting with the pope lasted. we're hearing from 90 minutes to the vatican saying an hour and a quarter, basically. you got to consider you got the face to face closed door, that's what we're talking about. then you got the extended meeting where he meets the first lady, the entourage, an exchange of gifts. that face to face lasted a long time. >> what was the gifts? >> gifts. so the pope gave the president a ceramic tile with a pilgrim on it pointing to st. peter's -- >> what are we watching now? here's some video. >> there's some images. remember, we didn't see this live broadcast, the vatican has just given us these images of the two greeting and sitting down. you hear the cameras clicking in the background. this is the first few minutes before they start their formal talks. and you got a translator there. and there we go, some of the formal pictures with the first lady and president biden. he also gets to meet other members of the entourage. there we go. and that's always a big moment for the members of the entourage to have a moment to meet the pope. >> we saw the secretary of state there, the security adviser, tony blinken, jake sullivan. >> so they given us a good bit of -- normally there would be journalists in there. we have vatican journalists, white house journalists that could go in there. vatican hasn't allowed that since covid. >> in your understanding of francis, they say his face -- his face tells you how he feels. >> look, we parse the face so much, but, you know what, when he's meeting heads of states and does official pictures, he usually has a dour expression. i don't want to read too much into that. he's very happy. but he's meeting people. i'm talking about when he does the official pictures, we always looked at that and said he's not looking happy. he's meeting people. you expect him to smile. that's -- >> also interesting, even though during covid, shaking hands with everybody. >> shaking hands, yeah. well, he's vaccinated. he wasn't, you know, there was an issue a while back, he didn't want to wear a mask. he was doing audiences without a mask. but now he's vaccinated, the word is he got his booster shot. there is the gift. there is the bidens gave that to the pope. >> what was that? >> that's a vestment, a hand woven vestment from the 1930s that came from a church in washington, d.c. where it was founded in the 1700s, very involved in abolition of slavery, abraham lincoln visited that church, john kennedy worshipped at that church. that has a lot of significance. this is the ceramic tile i was telling you about, if you see that with the etching and that was the pope's gift to president biden, along with the traditional any head of state a number of his writings, right? his last document on human paternity. >> the significance of what the first lady is wearing on her head? >> that's a veil which is traditional. you don't have to wear it, but when you meet the pope, generally the protocol is black, so black suits for men or a dark suit, let's say. and women will generally wear a skirt and a veil, but, you know, not necessary. only catholic queens can wear white to meet the pope. >> when they're speaking with him, there is a translator right there, the pope understands english, but it is not a language of the facility. >> you see the translator right there. he understands english. he can express himself in small talk in english. they have met before. there is already a bit of a rapport there. and there is the official picture. so these are the gifts from the pope for the entourage. usually gives him a medal, a small medal or rosary indeed. and there we go, again, with the gifts from -- that's a big vestment, that's a really nice gift, i think, for pope francis, that embroidered vestment used by the society of jesus in the u.s. you can listen into the small talk. >> what did he say, joe biden, the president said -- >> warrior and leaders and you are the most significant warrior for peace i've ever met. and with your permission i'd like to be able to give you a coin. it has the u.s. seal on the fr front. what is different with this coin usually i know my son would want me to give it to you. on the back of it, i have the state of delaware. 261st unit my son served with. the tradition is i'm only kidding about this next time i see you, you don't have it, you have to buy the drinks. >> oh, boy. >> that was really interesting. let's see if they say anything else and then i'll explain that. >> thank you. thank you for that. >> famous african-american baseball player in america and he didn't get to play in the major league baseball until he was 45 years old because he was black. and he was a pitcher, he threw the ball. and usually pitchers lose their arm when they're 35. he pitched to win on his 47th birthday. the press walked into the locker room and said his name was satchel paige. they said, satch, no one ever pa pi pitched a win at age 47. how do you feel about pitching a win on your birthday? and he looked at them and said, boys, that's not how i look at age. boys, that's not how i look at age. i look at it this way. how old would you be if you didn't know how old you were? you're 65, i'm 60. god love you. thank you, thank you, thank you. >> boy, oh, boy. >> there you go. >> i'll tell you what, my guess is you just saw two moments between a president and a pope that you have never seen before and you will never see again. first one, big military tradition, but presidents also, they have coins that are called command coins and with the military it is a sign of regard, and commanders have it. the commander in chief has one. i've never heard of him giving it, you know, whoa gives it to, who he doesn't. he just gave it to the pep and he even said that it is significant to him, first, heart break breaking, his son served in the 261 and that's on the back of the coin with the state of delaware and that matters to the president and the pontiff consoled him had his son beau passed. so he gives it to him and then, delia, he tells him, i can't believe he said this to the pope, he says, the deal is the next time i see you, if you don't have this coin, the drinks are on you. and the pope responded through his translator, yeah, i'm okay with that. and biden said, remember, i'm an irishman. so the drinks matter to me. the casualness of all that is obviously i'm sure notable to you. then he tells him a story about this famous pitcher from what was then called the negro leagues, satchel paige, phenomenal athlete, wasn't allowed to play because he was black, didn't get into the league until his late 40s and then pitched a win. someone said, 47, you pitched your win, you must feel amazing. he said i don't see age that way, the way i see it you are as old as you would think you were if you didn't know how old you are. he told that story to the pope. he said you're 65, i'm 60. and for him to share those kinds of moments -- >> that was great. look, that, to me, kind of encapsulates the rapport between these two because joe biden feels comfortable enough to speak to the pope in that way, and tell those jokes. why? because the pope does the same thing. the pope is very personable like that. he loves the stories. goes on and on and on. that's why i understand why the meeting took so long. they were probably sharing jokes back and forth and sharing stories, but that were meaningful. it is not a flippant thing. >> for a pope to tolerate that, the next time i see you drinks are on you and think that's funny, you ever heard of that before? >> listen, i have seen it time and time again and this is the man from the streets of -- he loves the people. he loves the personal stories like that. that's the kind of thing that works with him, very, very well. and you can see that the president picked up on that and that's probably the president's personality as well. you can see that easy rapport there. >> it will seem trivial on one level. they have important things to talk about. let's not forget how human beings work. the practical, the political, always follows the personal. if you trust -- if there is a sense friendship, things can be achieved. it gives you insight into the connection between the men and you can only imagine how purposeful the rest of the conversation was. we'll learn as they want us to learn, the white house will tell us more than the pontiff. deal klia gallagher, a pleasure. a pleasure. all right, we're going to take a commercial break. when we come back, you saw some history. we're living it together. stay with cnn. for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. just in to cnn, we're hearing for first time from the armorer who was working during the deadly incident on alec baldwin's film set "rust." attorneys for hannah gutierrez write in a statement, safety is hannah's number one priority on set. ultimately the set would never have been compromised if live ammo were not introduced. hannah has no idea where the live rounds came from, the whole production set became unsafe due to various factors including lack of safety meetings, not the fault of hannah. so this comes after investigators announced they're focusing their probe on gutierrez and the assistant director dave halls. the santa fe county sheriff joining us to talk about this. first, as we hear from hannah gutierrez, have you interviewed her? >> miss gutierrez reed did do an initial interview and i think the investigators have been in contact with her. so there has been an interview that has been completed, but we want some clarification and some follow-up information in regards to the investigation. >> is she cooperating with you, seeking that clarification? >> as of right now, according to my investigators that she is cooperating. >> okay, so she's responding to questions they have. what about david halls? >> david halls is -- as we know has retained counsel and will be working with his counsel to do a follow-up interview and also some clarification questions in reference to the incident. >> and alec baldwin popped up in vermont. were you aware he was in vermont? >> i was aware he was not in the state of new mexico. i wasn't aware of his exact location. >> okay, so in this statement that we see from hannah gutierrez's lawyers, they paint this picture of many corners being cut. they say that she was fighting for training, days to maintain weapons, proper time to prepare for gunfire, but that ultimately she was overruled by production and her department and they talk about a lack of safety including lack of safety meetings. is that what you found? >> in all fairness, this is the first that we have heard of this statement. just been newly released. we like time to see that statement. and obviously we will take that statement and i'm sure our investigators will have follow-up questions and any issues she's brought to the forefront will follow up on those, so we need time to look at the statement, and, again, we encourage miss gutierrez reed to come to our office and do some follow-up interviews to add some clarification. >> the shooting happened after lunch. in the statement she says that the guns were locked up every night and at lunch. and that there is no way a single one of them was unaccounted for or being shot by crew members. are you any closer to figuring out why the live round ended up in this gun? >> no, we aren't. and so, again, we encourage miss gutierrez reed to come in, so we can try to determine how those live rounds ended up on set, who brought them there and why they were there. there is a lot of follow-up questions. i appreciate her statement. but, again, i encourage her to work with our investigators to come in and clarify some of the questions that we do have. >> just to follow up, you're encouraging her to come in and answer clarification questions. is she not doing that? >> well, i know she's been in contact with our investigators. i know that she had recently had counsel. so, again, we're working with her. as far as my investigators are concerned, she is cooperating. but the sooner the better that she comes in, we can clarify some questions. >> is it possible this is intentional, that someone intentionally introduced a live round? >> there is all kinds of possibilities and, again, we want to get to the truth and the facts of the matter. so that's the focus of the investigation as i see it. why these rounds were there, who brought them there, and how they got there. >> all right, sheriff, thank you. obviously so many questions that we still have here, sheriff mendoza, appreciate it. >> thank you. so cnn heroes is back. for 15 years the campaign shined a spotlight on everyday people changing the world. we have shared these inspiring stories with you all year long. now, here to announce the top ten cnn heroes of the year, our own anderson cooper, the co-host of the 15th annual cnn heroes and all-star tribute which will live across cnn platforms on sunday, december 12th, at 8:00 p.m. eastern time. big, big announcement, anderson. >> big announcement indeed. let's take a look. >> from philadelphia, pediatric surgeon ilya stanford saw covid-19 ravaging communities of color, she brought trust and brought testing and vaccinations to more than 75,000 people. from san francisco, david flink is building understanding and confidence using his journey with adhd and dyslexia to help kids with learning differences across america thrive. in new york city, hector guadalupe uses fitness training to help formally incarcerated men and women like himself get family sustaining jobs and build careers. from colombia, jennifer brings ecofriendly energy, safe water and sanitation to struggling colombians living in remote areas. linda dowdy of maine monitors 2,500 miles of coastline providing life saving support and medical care to thousands of marine animals. from bali, indonesia, exchanging plastic waste for rice. restaurant owner made has sent tons of plastic for recycling and provided food to thousands of families during the pandemic. and in simi valley, california, michelle hernandez turned her profound grief into sustaining support for the widowed. oncologist patricia gordon walked away from her beverly hills private practice to save women around the world from dying of preventable and treatable cervical cancer. on l.a.'s skid row, shirley rarape reigns brings dignity to people rain or shine. and in nigeria, providing support to more than 2,000 boys and girls a year. >> it is so much fun to see them all together. all in one place like that. >> yeah. >> remind us, how do you pick somebody to be a cnn hero? and what happens if you win? >> so all the cnn heroes, all year long, as you know, doing this as long as i have, it is people who nominate all the cnn heroes and we profile a different one every week, and then it boils down to the final ten which are picked by a panel, but now it is going to be up to everybody at home and watching to vote for the cnn hero of the year. that person is going to get $100,000 to continue their life changing work. and the other nine cnn heroes will get $10,000 to continue their work and a lot of exposure which will help them for their cause. you can vote for who you want to be cnn hero of the year. vote up to ten times a day, go to, very simple. find all the information there how to actually vote, go to ten times, for multiple people and we'll see who wins on the cnn hero of the year december 12th. >> that's interesting. ten times, so enthusiasm matters. >> there are people who get all their friends, who, like, really do it as much as they can, ten times a day. >> there are countries in the past that have done it. >> yeah. that's true. >> your co-host this year? >> kelly ripa, thrilled she's coming back. >> and so this is -- that is very exciting. this is the 15th anniversary of cnn heroes. >> i can't believe it has been 15 years. >> the most program -- it is the -- >> we know you're lying, you never had -- >> min my mind i had brown hair >> it is the most interesting program you anchor sober. >> you think i'm sober for this? >> i'm okay -- well, you know, i was hoping. okay. when you look back on 15 years, i just think of all -- all the people who have made such a difference, what do you reflect on? >> it is incredible when -- because we have ongoing relationships with a lot of -- with all these people, trying to keep in touch with them, and we all run across them in stories that we do when we're out in the field, if you're in afghanistan, there is people who are in afghanistan, right now who have been cnn heroes, if you're wherever you go in the world, you can find them, still doing their work, and it is fun to see how their work has evolved over the 15 years. >> such a wonderful event each year. it is wonderful you've been involved from the very beginning. thank you very much. ten amazing individuals, all of whom prove that one person can make a difference and you can help decide which one of them will be cnn hero of the year. just go to and vote, every day, for the hero that inspires you the most. >> vote early, vote often. >> start voting today. up next, our special coverage with president biden in rome. a pope. we saw a coin. talking about drinks. and what will this mean for u.s. allies going forward? good friday morning. i'm erica hill in new york. >> and i'm jim sciutto live in rome, just yards from the border of vatican city. and, in front of the beautiful, the majestic st. peter

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Billion , 55 Billion , World , Head , Hairs , Damages , Impacts , Rest , Marker , Movement , Effort , 21 , Bill , Economy , Kids , Agreement , Commitments , Companies , Finish Line , Auto , Automakers , Tide , Infrastructure Plan , Infrastructure , Investments , Sector , Charging Stations , Vehicles , Country , Energy , Delivery , Electricity , Solar , Energy Supply , 2020 , Commitment , Half , Greenhouse Gas Emissions , Promises , 2030 , Build , Industries , Vote , Hand , Glasgow , Reason , Progressive Democrats , Unanimity , Hasn T , Way , Denial , Table , The Hill , Votes , Negotiating , Faith , Discussion , Day One , Congress , Order , Progress , Paris , Anything , Transition , Job Growth , Opportunities , Consumer Rebates , Plan , Sacrifice , Signal , Work , Oil Executives , Government , Extent , Tobacco Companies , Climate Science , Ro Khanna , Interest , Don T , Executives , Remarks , Ceo , The Spin , Spin Doesn T Work Under Oath , Testimony , Human Beings , Spin , Others , 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Face , Understanding , Expression , He S Meeting Heads Of States , He Wasn T , Mask , Everybody , Back , Issue , Audiences , Shaking Hands , Gift , Vestment , Bidens , Booster Shot , 1930 , Significance , Church , Abolition , Slavery , Abraham Lincoln , A Church In Washington D C , John Kennedy , 1700 , Head Of State , Ceramic Tile , Etching , Veil , Writings , Document , Human Paternity , Women , Black , Skirt , Protocol , Suits , Suit , White , Queens , Language , Facility , Rapport , Medal , Picture , Rosary , Big Vestment , Society Of Jesus , Peace , Coin , Permission , Seal , Son , State Of Delaware , Fr Front , 261 , Drinks , Tradition , Boy , Let , African American Baseball Player In America , Major League Baseball , Pitchers , Pitcher , Arm , Ball , 47th Birthday , 35 , 47 , Press , No One , Locker Room , Name , Satchel Paige , Satch , Pa , Win , Boys , Birthday , Pi , 65 , 60 , Guess , God , Presidents , Military Tradition , First One , Coins , Command Coins , Sign , Commander 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Contact , Regards , Investigation , David Halls , Counsel , Clarification Questions , Reference , State , Location , Vermont , New Mexico , Production , Training , Corners , Lawyers , Gunfire , Weapons , Fairness , Miss , Forefront , Shooting , Interviews , Being , Guns , Round , Crew Members , Gun , We Aren T , Possibilities , Truth , Focus , Sheriff , Sheriff Mendoza , Heroes , Spotlight , 15 , All Star Tribute , Eastern Time , 15th Annual Cnn Heroes , Co Host , December 12th , Cnn Platforms On Sunday , 8 , Sunday December 12th At 8 00 Pm , 12 , 00 , Announcement , Saw Covid , Big Announcement , Big , Philadelphia , Pediatric Surgeon Ilya , David Flink , Confidence , Vaccinations , Learning Differences , Journey , Testing , Color , Dyslexia , Adhd , 75000 , Hector Guadalupe , Build Careers , Family , Fitness Training , New York City , Colombia , Jennifer , America Thrive , Ecofriendly Energy , Life Saving Support , Sanitation , Coastline , Linda Dowdy , Colombians Living , Maine , 2500 , Thousands , Plastic , Animals , Plastic Waste , Rice , Food , Tons , Restaurant Owner , Indonesia , Bali , Support , Patricia Gordon , Michelle Hernandez , Families , Widowed , California , Simi Valley , Grief , Practice , Cervical Cancer , Beverly Hills , On L A , Shirley Rarape , Skid Row , Dignity , Rain Or Shine , Boys And Girls , Nigeria , 2000 , Hero , Fun , Somebody , Place , Panel , Life , Exposure , 100000 , Nine , 10000 , 00000 , 0000 , Cause , Who , Cnn Hero Of The Year December 12th , Friends , Enthusiasm , Kelly Ripa , 15th Anniversary , Mind , Relationships , Run , Touch , Afghanistan , The Field , Event , Individuals , Most , Up Next , Allies , Biden In Rome , Front , Border , Beautiful , Erica Hill , Live In Rome , Majestic St , Peter , Jim Sciutto ,

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