Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Pamela Brown 20240709

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Pamela Brown 20240709

brian's stretching, doing some morning yoga. >> this is how gabby petito's family remembers her -- happy, healthy, full of love, full of life. so how did their cherished daughter and sister end up dead at only 22 years old? why were her remains found thousands of miles away from her home in the middle of the wilderness? and why would the person closest to her, the man she thought she was going to marry, return from their cross-country trip alone and then disappear? >> team two is going to be -- >> the manhunt is on for brian laundrie with tips pouring in from all over the country. he may be the only one who knows what happened to gabby petito. over the next, how we'll explore their relationship's ups and downs, possible warning signs they were headed for a dark turn, and the search for gabby's killer. the couple seemed very much in love in the video and pictures they posted on line. they went to the same high school in the town of bayport, new york, but they didn't start dating until years later when they reconnected in 2019. their relationship became so serious, gabby even moved to northport, florida, to live with brian laundrie and his family. they took a big step just over a year later, in july of 2020. this is from gabby's instagram page. she posted a picture from their first date. her caption reads "brian asked me to marry him, and i said yes. you make life feel unreal, and every day is such a dream with you." brian wrote, "my biggest fear is that one day i'll wake up and it will have all been a dream because that is what every second has felt like since the moment we found each other. 'til death do us part or until i wake up." the couple had similar interests. art, travel, yoga, and a love of nature. so they made this white ford van into a mobile home where they would live for the next couple of months. on july 2nd of this year, the one-year anniversary of their engagement, they set off from new york where they were visiting gabby's family to begin a cross-country roadtrip. >> hello, hello, and good morning. it is really nice and sunny today. only 10:00 in the morning. >> anyone following their journey on line would find these beautiful photos of their trip. to echo both their words, it seemed like a dream. at that time, there was no outward indication of trouble, no sign that something may have been very wrong. how did their trip go from this to this? >> he didn't hit me in the face -- >> did he slap your face or what? >> well, like, he grabbed me with his nail -- i was cut right here. i could feel it. >> yeah. >> it burns. >> that's police body cam footage from moab, utah, on august 12th. six weeks after gabby and brian started off on their trip. we'll come back to that later. we know gabby and brian checked out of this hotel in salt lake city on august 24th. that same day she facetimed with her mom and told her they were headed to grand teton national park in wyoming. it was the last time her mom would talk to gabby. a day later, gabby posted this picture on her instagram page. it's dated august 25th. it was taken at an arts and entertainment venue called the monarch, and her caption simply reads "happy halloween." we found the monarch in the same mural posted in gabby's instagram photo here in ogden, utah, about 40 miles north of salt lake city and about 260 miles south of the grand teton. the owner of the monarch tells us that the photo gabby posted was taken here at the monarch. he also says he shared security camera video with the fbi. from there, gabby and brian drove to the tee t otetons. and it is believed she there was august 25th. this may have been how gabby petito and her fiance brian laundrie drove their van to enter the spread creek disbursed area. we are in teton national forest, about 28 miles outside of jackson, wyoming. we just turned off highway 191, and we're driving now on forest road 30290. and if you take a look, you can see the road is a gravel road, and it stretches for miles into the campsite. according to authorities, one of the last text that's gabby petito's mom received from gabby's phone read, "can you help stan in i keep getting his voice mails and missed calls." it was sent on august 27th. the petito family lawyer said gabby's family thought the text was strange because it referenced gabby's grandfather. but her family says she never called him by his first name. three days later on august 30th, a final text from gabby's phone. it simply read "no service in yosemite." this was also strange because according to her uncle's facebook page, gabby had told a friend over snapchat a few days before that text that she was heading to yellowstone which is right by the tetons, not yosemite, 800 miles away in california. we don't know if that text was actually sent from yosemite, but we now know ogabby petito wasn' there on august 30th. whoever had her phone may have wanted to make her family think she was. >> i don't think we can thank everybody enough. >> reporter: gabby's mom has said that she doesn't believe her daughter wrote that last text. former fbi assistant director chris swecer says the fbi is undoubtedly zeroing in on the location of gabby's cell phone on the 30th to determine if the text was actually sent from yosemite. >> seems to me to point to a cover-up. cell phones can be tracked if they -- that is something that i think the fbi has probably already discovered is whether that cell phone was actually physically in california when that text was sent. i think that that text -- actually the text on the 27th were both very suspicious given the facts and the circumstances. >> after that, brian laundrie showed up alone in northport on september 1st, and he kept quiet about it. >> a family faced with every parent's worst nightmare. >> reporter: gabby petito's parents said this to dr. phil -- >> he didn't tell us -- >> he didn't tell you guys? >> i don't know if he told anyone, but he didn't tell us. >> the four of you here, he didn't tell anybody here. >> as far as we knew, our daughter was camping, and -- in the grand teton. >> but there's more -- police say they were never given a chance to talk to brian laundrie about his missing fiancee when they showed up at his house on september 11th, the day gabby's family reported her missing. >> where is gab? where is gabby? >> so where was gabby petito, and why wasn't brian laundrie explaining why he returned home alone? that's next. there's a different way to treat hiv. it's once-monthly injectable cabenuva. cabenuva is the only once-a-month, complete hiv treatment for adults who are undetectable. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider once a month. hiv pills aren't on my mind. i love being able to pick up and go. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems,...and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. with once-a-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. ask your doctor about once-monthly cabenuva. i'm not getting through the pandemic just to end up with the flu. i asked for fluzone high-dose quadrivalent. it's the #1-used flu vaccine for people 65 and older. fluzone high-dose quadrivalent is the only vaccine approved by the fda for superior flu protection in adults 65+. i'm not letting my guard down. fluzone high-dose quadrivalent isn't for people who've had a severe allergic reaction to any flu vaccine or vaccine component, including eggs or egg products. tell your health care professional if you've ever experienced severe muscle weakness after receiving a flu shot. people with weakened immune systems, including those receiving therapies that suppress the immune system, may experience lower immune responses. vaccination may not protect everyone. side effects include pain, redness, and/or swelling where you got the shot, muscle ache, headache, and general discomfort. other side effects may occur. all flu shots are not the same. i raised my game with fluzone high-dose quadrivalent. ask your doctor or pharmacist for fluzone high-dose quadrivalent. green bonds give investors an opportunity not just to get a good return, but also to do good with their money as well. ♪ ♪ green bonds are like any other traditional bond, but they come with a commitment from the company to invest in specific projects that achieve an environmental or social outcome. when the green bond market first started back in 2007, 2008, they were small retail-targeted transactions. now, it's over 200 billion dollars a year in issuance. we've seen a full spectrum of projects being supported by green and sustainability bond transactions. everything from more energy- efficient ice cream cabinets, to better forestry and farming, through to developing affordable and social housing. the bond market is a natural home for sustainability. buying green bonds is not just doing good, it's good business. i am navindu katugampola and we are morgan stanley. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ so we are right outside capital reef in a camp spot. we've been lucky so far at all the places we've stayed. but i'd say this is one of the best so far. since we left new york, i've only set up my hammock once, and now we're all the way in utah, and lucky enough i was able to set up my hammock in one of these trees. >> and we're kind of like in the desert. >> the trees -- >> whatever you can do to make sure my daughter comes home, i'm asking for that help. there's nothing else that matter to me now. >> a plea for help from one set of parents to another. >> i'm asking for help from the parents of brian, and i'm asking for help of the family members and friends of the laundrie family, as well. >> we don't know what if anything brian laundrie told his parents about why he returned home alone on september 1st. we do know that gabby's mom, nicole schmidt, told the "daily mail" that she texted brian and his mom, roberta laundrie, on september 10th saying she was trying to get in touch with gabby. she says neither of them responded to her. the next day on september 11th, gabby's mom filed a missing persons report in new york. she told the "dr. phil" show that at first she was worried about both of them until police told her that brian was back home in florida with the van. >> i felt it the night i found out the van was in florida on the 11th. i felt in my heart that she was gone. >> just you knew then? >> when did the northport police first make contact with the laundrie family, and were they cooperative? >> the first time that we had interaction with that family was on september 11th. very late at night. blending over into the 12th after midnight. and i would say that they were not cooperative as far as sharing any details. you know, any time you come and you're potentially trying to figure out if -- is someone missing, are they just not wanting to talk to their family, what's going on, and you have somebody else who's like, well, here's our attorney's info. and that's odd. we've said that from the beginning, that that whole interaction was odd. >> gabby petito lived with them. and now she's missing. >> right. >> and they didn't want to be asked about that or take part -- >> we can read into that. i think most people would have a take on that. certainly i think we sum it up the best that we could that it was odd. >> we don't know a lot about the laundrie family and what their relationship was with the petitos. joe petito said he was not to discuss his previous relationship with brian, end quote, during the course of the investigation which raises questions what they thought about brian and gabby's relationship even before their daughter went missing. brian laundrie's sister cassie told abc news that the couple would sometimes fight, but she never saw any signs of domestic violence. >> me and my family want gabby to be found safe. she's like a sister and my children love her. and all i want is for her to come home safe. >> i can't imagine that he would come back to the house that they were living in together under the same roof, the parents seeing them every day, and them not asking him where's gabby, and what happened to gabby? for him to come home and just be silent with his parents and them not ask him any questions to me is unfathomable. >> on september 6th, the laundries went on a camping trip about an hour north of their home. according to his sister, the subject of why brian came home alone from his trip out west with gabby didn't even come up. >> who was there? >> my mom, my dad, my brother. >> did brian say anything about gabby? >> we had kids there. nothing came up. >> he didn't say anything about gabby? >> no. >> in the weeks after brian's return home, he was seen riding his bike, mowing the lawn, even going to the at&t store to buy a new cell phone. the cell phone he used on the trip along with gabby's cell phone, according to police, are both missing. authorities seized the white van used on the trip, and though they didn't find any cell phones, they are examining other material including an external drive they took from the van, according to a police affidavit. meanwhile, in a sudden twist, two days after the petitos filed a missing persons report about gabby, brian is gone. brian laundrie's parents contacted northport police on friday, september 17th. they say they haven't seen brian since he told them he was going for a hike at the carlton reserve in evvenice, florida. three days earlier, on september 14th. they say he left behind that cell phone he recently purchased which is now in the hands of the fbi and his wallet. almost three weeks later on october 6th, the laundrie family attorney announced his parents had revised the timeline and now believe the last time they saw brian was monday, september 13th. why do you think brian laundrie's parents would have waited four days to tell police that their son was missing? >> yeah. i can only speculate. i can only -- you know, the potential that maybe they thought that he was surviving in the woods. you know, i don't want to speak for them certainly. but i don't know. you know, that's -- that's something they'll have to answer to. >> is there anything to suggest that you're aware of that brian laundrie's parents chose to give their son a head start from police? >> i have no information on that one way or the other. i think we all want that answer, that's one of the answers that we want. >> on september 14th, the day after brian laundrie's parents say they last saw him, northport police found the family's mustang parked at an entrance to the carlton reserve. they tagged it as an abandoned vehicle. the family's attorney says brian's father went to the reserve the night of september 13th to look for his son. and his parents returned on the 14th and saw the car. the next day, the lawyer says, his parents drove the car home. the laundrie family's lawyer issued a statement saying, "the speculation by the public and some in the press that the parents assisted brian in leaving the family home or in avoiding arrest on a warrant that was issued after brian had already been missing for several days is just wrong." brian laundrie took off before gabby's remains were even found, and he hadn't been named as a suspect in her death. so why is he missing? by now the fbi's involved, searching for brian at the carlton reserve, a 25,000-acre swampland with more than 80 miles of hiking trails. search teams used swamp buggies, atvs, dive teams, and drones, but are they searching the right place? because the northport police say the only tip they have about brian laundrie possibly hiding out in the carlton reserve came from his parents. the laundrie family still says this is the only place, this carlton reserve, is the only place they believe brian laundrie to be. what do you make of that? >> i think that's what investigators have to go on right now. there's been no credible sources anywhere else. >> i think it's a logical place, and they would be negligent if they didn't go search that place thoroughly because there's information whether it's credible or not that that's where he was going. but, you know, again, i'm very skeptical of the parents because of their behavior from day one. >> there's no word from authorities that brian laundrie's parents, chris and roberta laundrie, are under investigation, although they have been questioned by investigators. they have not taken a polygraph test, and their lawyer had no comment when asked if they would take one in the future. chris laundrie has gone to the carlton reserve to help investigators with their search. for days there are two searches under way -- for gabby and for brian. then on september 19th, human remains are found in a camping area in teton county, wyoming. it's devastating news for the at the petito family. the fbi says the remains belong to gabby. her death is ruled a homicide. >> there are times where it's difficult to tell the difference between an accident and a homicide. the coroner here came forward with a -- a manner of death very quickly. so i suspect it's quite apparent that it was clear to him it was not an accident. >> in fact, the teton county coroner said someone strangled gabby. her cause of death was determined to be manual strangulation and throttling. the coroner also said that gabby died three to four weeks before her body was found on september 19th. remember, she facetimed with her mom on august 24th, and she was seen with brian at a restaurant in jackson, wyoming, on the 27th. but what about that text that was sent from gabby's phone to her mom that said no service in yosemite? that was sent on august 30th, and based on the corn's timeline -- coroner's timeline, it's very unlikely she was alive on that day. >> i think in this particular case the timeline is everything. i'm assuming there's going to be litigation in the newscfuture a need to know the timeline from the time they left new york to the time the body was found september 19th. we have to know the whereabouts of brian laundrie. and knowing the time of death is crucial here. we have to know where he was when she died. >> i love the -- >> gabby petito is confirmed dead. brian laundrie is now missing. coming up next, internet sleuths work to solve the case. ♪ is someone trying to steal your butterfinger? call the bfi. ♪ no one lays a finger on your butterfinger. ok, let's talk about those changes to your financial plan. bill, mary? hey... it's our former broker carl. carl, say hi to nina, our schwab financial consultant. hm... i know how difficult these calls can be. not with schwab. nina made it easier to set up our financial plan. we can check in on it anytime. it changes when our goals change. planning can't be that easy. actually, it can be, carl. look forward to planning with schwab. schwab! ♪ so, you have diabetes, here are some easy rules. no sugar. no pizza. no foods you love. stressed? 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>> brian laundrie's home in northport, florida. it's not just the last place he was allegedly seen and a key part of the investigation, but it's now a circus, and part of the mystery that has captivated the nation. >> i found something interesting -- >> i can't sleep until he's found. >> the disappearances of both gabby petito and brian laundrie turned this case into an internet sensation. tips from amateur sleuths poured in to the find gabby facebook page. and on tiktok, posts with the gabby petito hash tag have been viewed more than 1.3 billion times. the mystery has online detectives hooked. remember one of the last text messages gabby's mother received from her daughter's phone? according to authorities, that text read "can you help stan? i just keep getting his voicemails and missed calls." the warrant says stan is gabby's grandfather's name, but her mother says she never called him stan. it didn't take long for some on social media to claim gabby may have been trying to tell her mother she was in danger, suggesting the word stan is an acronym for send the authorities now. adding to the intrigue, brian laundrie's instagram post in which he shares he's been reasonable doubting the book "lullaby" about a serial killer on a roadtrip. cyber sleuths can't stop dissecting the sightings. the hiker who said he saw brian laundrie on the appalachian trail on the bored of tennessee and north carolina. and the woman who glimpsed brian laundrie in the background of her selfie taken at in's ft. desoto -- florida's ft. desoto park. >> this can create a lot of noise for law enforcement to go through. >> rumors that laundrie was hiding out in puerto rico lit up the internet after the account for what may be one of gabby's hiking apps appeared to show that her phone was on the island. we don't know if this is actually gabby's account. experts say something like this could easily be faked. as far as we know, none of these leads have panned out. some social media sleuths have been in touch with the fbi and may have helped them pinpoint the wyoming national forest where gabby's remains were discovered on september 19th. >> hi, my name is miranda baker, and on august 29th, my boyfriend and i picked up brian at grand teton national park at 5:30 at night at colder bay. >> tiktoker miranda baker told authorities she believed she and her boyfriend picked up brian laundrie when he was hitch hiking in wyoming. that would have been five days after gabby last facetimed her family. baker says they picked him up at colter bay, about 17 miles from the spread creek area in the bridger teton national forest. >> he had told us that him and gabby were not camping on a regulated campsite through the national park, that they were camping basically out in the middle of nowhere, along snake river. this is key information. he said that he had hiked for days along snake river, but when like looking at his backpack it wasn't full, and he said all he had was a tarp to sleep on. he did say he had a fiancee and she was working on their social media page back at their van. >> this is jackson lake dam where miranda baker said she dropped brian laundrie off. it's less than ten miles from where she picked him up, so he wasn't in the car very long. he told her he was going to walk to the parking lot and look for another ride to keep on hitchhiking. norma jean jalavek saw the tiktok video and realized she may have picked up brian laundrie soon after he got out of baker's car. she says she was on her wait a minute home from church when she stopped for a man matching his description who asked her to take him to the spread creek camping area. and he had the same story -- his fiancee was working on their travel blog in their van, and he'd been camping for days along the snake river. she says she called the fbi and the jackson, wyoming, police to report all of it. >> you want people out there who may not -- who may are just had a fleeting contact with him that helps sort of fit the timeline of, help piece together the timeline, a piece of the puzzle. >> on august 27th, two days before the reports of laundrie hitchhiking, video bloggers caught a glimpse of a white van parked in the spread creek camping area in bridger teton national forest which borders grand teton national park. jen bethune and her husband kyle believe the van they saw was gabby's. what did you think when you saw that van in your footage? >> i was just speechless. i mean, the whole world just fell out from under me. i couldn't believe what i was seeing. >> they say they spotted the van around 6:30 p.m. that day, and they didn't see anyone near it. >> the video bloggers sent us the coordinates where they say they saw the van. we're trying to find that location right now. they said it was about 2.5 miles in or so, and the van was right on the road. this disbursed camping area is an undeveloped camp penground t offers few surfaces on the eastern boundary of the grand teton national park, and the views are breathtaking. while we don't know for sure, this clearing could be where that van was parked, certainly based on the distance that we were given. it is right on the road, so anybody walking by or driving by certainly could have seen a van parked here. video blogger jen bethune posted the video and also called the fbi, then uploaded it to the fbi's tip site. she says she sent it to the find gabby facebook page, too, prompting gabby's mother to reach out. >> we had a good cry as two moms, one to the other. and she just told me that she loved me, and she couldn't thank me enough for finding that footage for her. >> on september 19th, the very same day the bethunes posted video of that van's location, investigators located gabby's remains in the spread creek disbursed camping area. about a ten-minute walk from where the van was parked in the video according to her stepfather. perhaps these amateur sleuths helped investigators zero in on where to search in this vast forest. >> social media has been amazing. so i'd just like to thank everyone for that. i do -- it is greatly appreciated. that was very helpful in bringing our daughter home. >> can you tell us anything -- >> while some tips from the internet may be helpful, investigators are making progress on their own. authorities issued an arrest warrant for brian laundrie, not for anything having to do with gabby's death since he has not been named as a suspect. authorities say that he allegedly used a debit card that belonged to gabby while he was making his drive back to northport. experts say it's the fbi equivalent of a red alert. >> there are a lot of good strategic reasons to have a federal warrant outstanding. it puts him in the system, if you will. it's called the national crime investigation center, ncic. that database shares information with law enforcement across the country. it also gets his identifiers into the international system interpol. if you were to try to cross borders, it puts him in the customs -- u.s. customs systems. >> coming up, warning signs gabby petito may have been in danger, and possible mistakes made in the investigation. >> there was a missing person and a fiance who came home without this missing person. >> right. >> that's not enough to keep tabs on someone 24/7? 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>> good. >> my name's eric. i'm with moab police. what's your name? >> gabby. >> gabby, how old are you? >> 22. >> this was one of the last public glimpses of gabby petito alive, august 12th in moab, utah. remember, we showed you a clip of this earlier. it all happened just six weeks into gabby and brian's roadtrip, and 5.5 weeks before gabby's remains would be found. before police stopped the couple in her van, a disturbing 911 call. >> we drove by and a gentleman was slapping the girl. then we stopped, they ran up and down the sidewalk. he proceeded to hit her, hopped in the car, and they drove off. >> was brian laundrie slapping his fiancee? if so, was this a warning sign that their real-life relationship was not at all what was portrayed on their social media? was something terribly wrong? >> so there's two people that came to us and told us they saw him hit you. there's two people saying they saw him punch you. just independent witnesses. >> i hit him first -- >> you slapped him first? on his face? >> he told me to shut up. >> how many times did you slap him? >> a couple. >> then what -- his reaction was to do what? >> grabbed my arm -- >> he grabbed you? >> yeah. >> did he -- did he hit you, though? i mean, is it okay if you're saying you hit him. i understand if he hit you. we want to know the truth if he actually hit you. because you know -- >> i guess. but i threw first -- >> where did he hit you? don't worry. be honest. >> across my face i guess. >> uh-huh. >> he didn't hit me in the face, he didn't punch me in the face or anything. >> did he slap your face or what? >> well, like he grabbed me like with his -- i was cut right here. i could feel it. it burns. >> classic domestic violence scenario. the victim is stockholm'd as we call it, in other words they become the captive. they're very subservient to the male or to the abuser, and they take the blame -- they'll take the blame themselves and try to defuse the situation. and i saw that during the video, reviewing the video of the traffic stop. he's -- he's portraying himself as calm and collected, but you see her and she's very upset. >> at least one of the officers seems to key in to what appears to be an unhealthy dynamic. >> what's his name? is it brian? is he usually pretty patient with you? >> yeah. but i -- it makes me upset. i know that he definitely gets frustrated with me a lot because i have a lot of anxiety. and he -- >> i have anxiety, too, and my girlfriend -- my girlfriend's really, really calm. she has a way of taking my anxiety and bringing it down. but my ex-wife, that's why she's my ex-wife, sharing that, personal, to help you understand. we would feed off each other's anxiety, and it would spiral. i it doesn't matter how much i loved her. may be bad for your soul. i don't know what to do with your life but you have anxiety, look at the situations you can get in. you know what i mean? >> unlike gabby, brian laundrie is calm, relaxed, even joking at times with police. >> want to come stand in the shade? it's going to get hot. i know -- i know the struggle. so you guys -- you don't drink or anything? >> no. >> okay. so you were talking to officers -- i don't mean to butt in. i felt bad for you. maybe if you stand here you'll have more shade. >> playing the role of armchair quarterback and as i said someone who's prosecuted domestic violence situations, i would say buddy-buddying up the way they did was a mistake. i think they should have gotten an interview, very thorough interview of the people that made the 911 calls. >> you have admitted to striking her. she has not admitted to you striking her. the witness did not see you strike her. at this point you're the victim of a domestic assault. >> but wait -- one witness, a 911 caller, did say he saw a man slapping a woman, and gabby did tell an officer that brian laundrie hit her. >> did he hit you, though? i mean, it's okay if you're saying you hit him. i wanted if he hit you. we want to know the truth if me hit -- >> my fiancee, i love her. a little squabble. sorry it had to get public. >> at least one officer seemed to start explain wiling away br laundrie's actions. >> he does have marks on him that witnesses say were caused by you slapping him. and that even you say you slapped him and were agressing him first. i don't have anyone saying you he punched you aggressively. it sounds like it was shoving in a manner that was more consistent with trying to prevent you from entering the van or to get space from you, not to assail you if that makes sense. >> there are people who believe this is a chance for intervention, a missed opportunity for an intervention. maybe the result wourld have ben different. >> the officers ordered them to stay apart for one night. gabby stayed at the van and brian was taken to a hotel. the city of moab said it's unaware that any police department policy was breached, but it is investigating how the police stop was handled. about two weeks after that incident, another possible warning sign at this restaurant in jackson, wyoming. a couple from louisiana said they saw an incident involving gabby petito and brian laundrie in the mary piglets text mex restaurant on august 27th. nina angelo said she and her boyfriend were dining next to the couple before gabby left the restaurant in tears, and brian laundrie got visibly angry at the staff. she said she did not see any violence or physical altercation between the couple. a restaurant manager also said she saw an incident involving the couple that day and called the fbi after gabby's remains were found. keep in mind information about these two incidents in jackson and moab didn't come out until after brian laundrie was already missing. if authorities had known earlier, could it have made a difference in how northport police dealt with brian early on? was it a mistake for the police not to keep tabs on brian laundrie ever since they knew he returned home and certainly after gabby petito was reported missing? >> we didn't even know brian laundrie was probably a porn this planet until probably around the 10th. what i'll i have, though, is that everyone was working extremely hard to not only try to find some answers here but follow the law. you know, there's some things in hindsight, our memories get kind of blended between what we know now and what we knew then. you know, at that time, we didn't have a crime. we didn't have a crime in northport. >> you say there wasn't a crime reported, but there was a missing person and a fiance who came home without this missing person. that's not enough to keep tabs on someone 24/7? >> well, first of all, i'm not saying we didn't do that. but more importantly, there's no probable cause at that time. it just wasn't that simple. you know, sometimes i'll say generally speaking in an investigation sometimes you hold back, you lay back because you want to see what that person does. you want to see maybe they lead you to evidence. you don't just plop yourself right in the front yard where people clam up and then they don't potentially reveal other issues. >> northport police say they were surveilling brian laundrie but only as much as they could do so legally since there was no crime and no homicide at the time. gabby was still a missing persons case, and her remains had not been found. if he was being watched, how did he get away on the 13th -- >> i think if you talk to a lot of people who have experience in law enforcement -- i mean, the guy goes for a walk in the carlton reserve. he's not wanted for a crime. i mean, what are we supposed to do? we're going to go tree to tree, tree to tree, following him back through the woods? i mean, you know, it just wasn't there with the information we had in this case. >> so from your standpoint do you feel there was anything that koovn done differently? >> there's nothing that's 100% perfect. it wasn't for lack of hussle or knowledge. i am 100% comfortable in that. >> while missing person cases are a little bit tricky, but to me the difference here was she was missing under suspicious circumstances and knowing that, i'm a little bit harder in judging the police department on both ends of this. i think they should have taken a closer look at him. >> coming up, will we ever really know what happened to gabby? >> do you think brian killed gabby? i'm alphonso, and there's more to me than hiv. there's my career,... my cause,... my choir. i'm a work in progress. so much goes into who i am. hiv medicine is one part of it. dovato is for some adults who are starting hiv-1 treatment or replacing their current hiv-1 regimen. with just 2 medicines in 1 pill,... dovato is as effective as a 3-drug regimen to help you... reach and stay undetectable. research shows people who take hiv treatment as prescribed... and get to and stay undetectable... can no longer transmit hiv through sex. don't take dovato if you're allergic to its ingredients... or if you take dofetilide. taking dovato with... dofetilide can cause serious or life-threatening side effects. hepatitis b can become harder to treat while on dovato. don't stop dovato without talking to your doctor,... as your hepatitis b may worsen or become life-threatening. serious or life-threatening side effects can occur,... including allergic reactions, lactic acid buildup, and liver problems. if you have a rash and other symptoms of an allergic reaction,... stop dovato and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems,... or if you are, may be, or plan to be pregnant. dovato may harm your unborn baby. use effective birth control while on dovato. do not breastfeed while taking dovato. most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. so much goes into who i am and hope to be. ask your doctor if treating hiv with dovato is right for you. ♪ ♪ you don't become a runner, who breaks eight world records... after age 65, without a serious support system. kathy martin has one in medicare from blue cross blue shield. she won't go a day without the right card. because she can't go a day without running. the medicare coverage trusted by more doctors. this is the benefit of blue. find your local blue cross and blue shield plan at what does it feel like to sell your car to carvana? 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, Monarch , Photo , Mural , Halloween , Arts And Entertainment Venue , Ogden , Fbi , Owner , Grand Teton , Security Camera , 260 , 40 , Tee T Otetons , Van , Fiance , Jackson , Area , Teton National Forest , Highway 191 , Spread Creek Disbursed , 28 , 191 , Gravel Road , Authorities , Campsite , Take A Look , Forest Road , 30290 , Text , Calls , Phone Read , Voice Mails , Petito Family Lawyer , 27 , August 27th , Phone , Grandfather , Name , August 30th , 30 , Three , Service , Friend , Yosemite , Uncle , Gabby Facebook , Yellowstone , Tetons , Petito Wasn , California , Not Yosemite , Ogabby , 800 , Everybody , Reporter , There On August 30th , Cell Phone , Location , Chris Swecer , Cell Phones , Cover Up , Circumstances , Facts , Parents , U S , Parent , He Didn T , Nightmare , Dr , Northport On September 1st , Phil , 1 , September 1st , Moab Police , Anybody , Camping , More , Four , He Didn T Tell You Guys , Chance , Fiancee , House , September 11th , Gab , 11 , Way , Injectable Cabenuva , Hiv , Adults , Hiv Treatment , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Injections , Healthcare Provider , Me Undetectable , Side Effects , Help , Reaction , I Don T , Reactions , Liver Problems , Medicines , Ingredients , Symptoms , Depression , Doctor , Treatment Appointments , Some , Injection Site Reactions , Tiredness , Pregnancy , Breastfeeding , Mental Health Concerns , Fever , Fluzone , Flu Vaccine , Flu , Pandemic , People , Vaccine , Guard , Isn T , Fluzone High , Superior Flu Protection , Fda , 65 , Receiving Therapies , Immune Systems , Immune System , Flu Shot , Component , Products , Egg , Eggs , Muscle Weakness , Health Care Professional , Everyone , Pain , Same , Headache , Vaccination , Flu Shots , Responses , Discomfort , Swelling , Redness , Muscle Ache , Shot , Quadrivalent , Game , Pharmacist , Bonds , Opportunity , Investors , Return , Money , Projects , Bond , Company , Commitment , Outcome , Bond Market , Sustainability , Transactions , Issuance , Spectrum , 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Return Home , At T , The Lawn , White Van , Material , Police Affidavit , Twist , Haven T , Carlton Reserve In Evvenice , Hike , Hands , September 17th , On September 14th , 14 , Friday September 17th , 17 , September 14th , Timeline , Family Attorney , Wallet , September 13th , October 6th , Monday September 13th , Son , Potential , 13 , , In The Woods , Don T Know , Information , Answers , Answer , Head Start , Northport Police , Entrance , Mustang , Vehicle , Car , Lawyer , Father , Warrant , Public , Arrest , Saying , Laundrie Family , Statement , Speculation , Press , He Hadn T , Death , Suspect , Remains , Searching For Brian , Hiking Trails , Drones , Dive Teams , Swamp Buggies , Atvs , 80 , 25000 , Place , Tip , Investigators , Anywhere , Sources , Word , Day One , Behavior , Comment , Polygraph Test , Search , Camping Area , September 19th , Chris Laundrie , Reserve , Human Remains , Searches , 19 , Homicide , Petito Family , News , Teton County , Times , Coroner , Difference , Manner , Accident , A , Cause , Fact , Restaurant , Body , Throttling , Strangulation , Corn , Case , Need , Litigation , Whereabouts , Newscfuture , Coming Up , Internet Sleuths Work , Butterfinger , Bfi , No One , Finger , Changes , Nina Angelo , Mary Piglets , Carl , Talk , Bill , Broker , Our Schwab Financial Consultant , Hm , It , Planning , Goals , Schwab , Diabetes , Stress , Sugar , Pizza , Foods , Exercise , Rules , Mystery , Sir , Easy , Yes , World , Experience , Ideas , Dark , Flexibility , Teams , Control , Market Games , Players , Matchups , Nhl Center Ice , Center Ice , Season Ticket , Season , Stars , Action , Voice , Nhl , Scores , Upgrade , X1 Track Stats , Xfinity , Gabby , Wind , Nation , Circus , Disappearances , Tips , Amateur Sleuths , Internet Sensation , Posts , Hash Tag , Tiktok , 1 3 Billion , Mother , Detectives , Text Messages , Social Media , Stan , Danger , It Didn T , Voicemails , Him Stan , Acronym , Book , Sightings , Hiker , Serial Killer , Lullaby , Cyber Sleuths , Appalachian Trail , Stop Dissecting , North Carolina , Tennessee , Woman , Law Enforcement , Background , Selfie , Noise , Rumors , Desoto Park , Desoto , Florida S Ft , Puerto Rico , Internet , Account , Island , Hiking Apps , Experts , Tiktoker Miranda Baker , Social Media Sleuths , My Name , Leads , None , Wyoming National Forest , Hi , Boyfriend , Bay , August 29th , 29 , 5 , Hitch Hiking , Facetimed , Spread Creek Area , Colter Bay , Five , Nowhere , Snake River , Tarp To Sleep On , Backpack It Wasn T Full , Jackson Lake Dam , Social Media Page , Laundrie Off , Ten , Norma Jean , Parking Lot , Hitchhiking , Ride , Saw , Jalavek , Travel Blog , Story , Spread Creek Camping Area , Description , Fit , Help Piece , May , Timeline Of , Puzzle , Video Bloggers , Reports , Piece , Glimpse , Laundrie Hitchhiking , Footage , Jen Bethune , Husband , On The Road , Camp , Penground T , 2 5 , Clearing , Boundary , Distance , Views , Driving , Tip Site , Cry , Moms , Reach Out , Too , Walk , On September 19th , Bethunes , Creek Disbursed , Forest , Stepfather , Zero , Debit Card , Arrest Warrant , Progress , Reasons , System , Drive , Equivalent , The National Crime Investigation Center , Red Alert , Interpol , Customs Systems , Database , Customs , Borders , Identifiers , Ncic , Mistakes , Warning Signs , Tabs , Feeling , Apr Financing , Product , Mastery , Dealer , Es 350 , 2021 , 350 , 24 7 , 1 9 , Move , Lift , Freshness , Skip , Swipe , Spin , Degree , Still Fresh Move , Spray , Aaaaand , Pan , Slam , University Of Phoenix , Scholarships , Phoenix Edu , 400 , One Million , One Million Dollars , Hope , Burke , Farmers Home Policy Perk , Movie , Figure , Hero , Materials , Cost , Farmers , Bum Darling , Limits , Ending , Bum , Farmers Policy Perks , Y You , Pa Dum , I Don T Know , Babe , Babe Girl , Double Crunch Shrimp , Steak EntrÉe , Neighborhood , Good , Applebee S , Eatin , Things , Screening , Colon Cancer , Cancer , Workouts , Coaching , American Cancer Society , Yep , 50 , 45 , Risk , Colon Cancers , Results , Cologuard , Provider , Stages , 92 , Chocolate , River , Container , Isn T My Car , Plastic , The Sun , She Isn T , My Name S Eric , How Old Are You , Glimpses , Clip , Girl , Gentleman , 911 , Warning Sign , Laundrie Slapping , Sidewalk , Witnesses , Truth , Arm , First , Don T Worry , Uh Huh , Victim , Classic Domestic Violence Scenario , Situation , Blame , Captive , Abuser , Officers , Traffic Stop , Dynamic , Anxiety , Patient , Girlfriend , Ex Wife , Personal , Situations , Soul , Shade , Stand , Struggle , Armchair Quarterback , Role , Interview , Mistake , Officer , Caller , Witness , Point , Assault , Brian Laundrie Hit , Squabble , Away Br Laundrie , Marks , Actions , Agressing Him First , Shoving , Space , Intervention , Result , Sense , Wourld , Stop , Police Department Policy , City , Incident , Text Mex Restaurant On August 27th , Louisiana , Violence , Tears , Staff , Altercation , Restaurant Manager , Incidents , Moab Didn T , Mind , Planet , Porn , Crime , Memories , Law , Hindsight , There Wasn T A Crime , Wasn T , Yard , Back , Evidence , Issues , Missing Persons Case , Guy , Tree , Standpoint , Wasn , Woods , It Wasn T For Lack , Hussle , 100 , Knowledge , Cases , Bit , Police Department , Look , Ends , Dovato , Hiv Medicine , Treatment , Career , Regimen , Choir , Work In Progress , Reach , Research , Pill , 3 , Hepatitis B , On Dovato , Stop Dovato , Sex , Dofetilide , Rash , Lactic Acid Buildup , Birth Control , Baby , Kidney , Nausea , Diarrhea , Trouble Sleeping , Kathy Martin , Runner , Without A Serious Support System , World Records , Medicare , Blue Cross Shield , Eight , Doctors , Benefit , Card , Blue , Running , Coverage , Carvana , Offer , Spot , Cheering , Big , Twhoopd , Obvious , Question , Debit Card Fraud , Negativity , Beautiful Soul , Justice , Attention , Beauty , Closure , Tragedy , Missing , Faces , Records , 91000 , Families , Loved Ones , Family Plans , Data , Alberto , Save , Group , Visible , Mo , Skin , Dove , Best Friend , Dove Cleans , Cream , Beauty Bar , Ray , Glucose Levels , Vacations , Freestylelibre Us Shingles , A1c , And , Shingles , Camera Man , Lifetime ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Pamela Brown 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Pamela Brown 20240709

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brian's stretching, doing some morning yoga. >> this is how gabby petito's family remembers her -- happy, healthy, full of love, full of life. so how did their cherished daughter and sister end up dead at only 22 years old? why were her remains found thousands of miles away from her home in the middle of the wilderness? and why would the person closest to her, the man she thought she was going to marry, return from their cross-country trip alone and then disappear? >> team two is going to be -- >> the manhunt is on for brian laundrie with tips pouring in from all over the country. he may be the only one who knows what happened to gabby petito. over the next, how we'll explore their relationship's ups and downs, possible warning signs they were headed for a dark turn, and the search for gabby's killer. the couple seemed very much in love in the video and pictures they posted on line. they went to the same high school in the town of bayport, new york, but they didn't start dating until years later when they reconnected in 2019. their relationship became so serious, gabby even moved to northport, florida, to live with brian laundrie and his family. they took a big step just over a year later, in july of 2020. this is from gabby's instagram page. she posted a picture from their first date. her caption reads "brian asked me to marry him, and i said yes. you make life feel unreal, and every day is such a dream with you." brian wrote, "my biggest fear is that one day i'll wake up and it will have all been a dream because that is what every second has felt like since the moment we found each other. 'til death do us part or until i wake up." the couple had similar interests. art, travel, yoga, and a love of nature. so they made this white ford van into a mobile home where they would live for the next couple of months. on july 2nd of this year, the one-year anniversary of their engagement, they set off from new york where they were visiting gabby's family to begin a cross-country roadtrip. >> hello, hello, and good morning. it is really nice and sunny today. only 10:00 in the morning. >> anyone following their journey on line would find these beautiful photos of their trip. to echo both their words, it seemed like a dream. at that time, there was no outward indication of trouble, no sign that something may have been very wrong. how did their trip go from this to this? >> he didn't hit me in the face -- >> did he slap your face or what? >> well, like, he grabbed me with his nail -- i was cut right here. i could feel it. >> yeah. >> it burns. >> that's police body cam footage from moab, utah, on august 12th. six weeks after gabby and brian started off on their trip. we'll come back to that later. we know gabby and brian checked out of this hotel in salt lake city on august 24th. that same day she facetimed with her mom and told her they were headed to grand teton national park in wyoming. it was the last time her mom would talk to gabby. a day later, gabby posted this picture on her instagram page. it's dated august 25th. it was taken at an arts and entertainment venue called the monarch, and her caption simply reads "happy halloween." we found the monarch in the same mural posted in gabby's instagram photo here in ogden, utah, about 40 miles north of salt lake city and about 260 miles south of the grand teton. the owner of the monarch tells us that the photo gabby posted was taken here at the monarch. he also says he shared security camera video with the fbi. from there, gabby and brian drove to the tee t otetons. and it is believed she there was august 25th. this may have been how gabby petito and her fiance brian laundrie drove their van to enter the spread creek disbursed area. we are in teton national forest, about 28 miles outside of jackson, wyoming. we just turned off highway 191, and we're driving now on forest road 30290. and if you take a look, you can see the road is a gravel road, and it stretches for miles into the campsite. according to authorities, one of the last text that's gabby petito's mom received from gabby's phone read, "can you help stan in i keep getting his voice mails and missed calls." it was sent on august 27th. the petito family lawyer said gabby's family thought the text was strange because it referenced gabby's grandfather. but her family says she never called him by his first name. three days later on august 30th, a final text from gabby's phone. it simply read "no service in yosemite." this was also strange because according to her uncle's facebook page, gabby had told a friend over snapchat a few days before that text that she was heading to yellowstone which is right by the tetons, not yosemite, 800 miles away in california. we don't know if that text was actually sent from yosemite, but we now know ogabby petito wasn' there on august 30th. whoever had her phone may have wanted to make her family think she was. >> i don't think we can thank everybody enough. >> reporter: gabby's mom has said that she doesn't believe her daughter wrote that last text. former fbi assistant director chris swecer says the fbi is undoubtedly zeroing in on the location of gabby's cell phone on the 30th to determine if the text was actually sent from yosemite. >> seems to me to point to a cover-up. cell phones can be tracked if they -- that is something that i think the fbi has probably already discovered is whether that cell phone was actually physically in california when that text was sent. i think that that text -- actually the text on the 27th were both very suspicious given the facts and the circumstances. >> after that, brian laundrie showed up alone in northport on september 1st, and he kept quiet about it. >> a family faced with every parent's worst nightmare. >> reporter: gabby petito's parents said this to dr. phil -- >> he didn't tell us -- >> he didn't tell you guys? >> i don't know if he told anyone, but he didn't tell us. >> the four of you here, he didn't tell anybody here. >> as far as we knew, our daughter was camping, and -- in the grand teton. >> but there's more -- police say they were never given a chance to talk to brian laundrie about his missing fiancee when they showed up at his house on september 11th, the day gabby's family reported her missing. >> where is gab? where is gabby? >> so where was gabby petito, and why wasn't brian laundrie explaining why he returned home alone? that's next. there's a different way to treat hiv. it's once-monthly injectable cabenuva. cabenuva is the only once-a-month, complete hiv treatment for adults who are undetectable. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider once a month. hiv pills aren't on my mind. i love being able to pick up and go. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems,...and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. with once-a-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. ask your doctor about once-monthly cabenuva. i'm not getting through the pandemic just to end up with the flu. i asked for fluzone high-dose quadrivalent. it's the #1-used flu vaccine for people 65 and older. fluzone high-dose quadrivalent is the only vaccine approved by the fda for superior flu protection in adults 65+. i'm not letting my guard down. fluzone high-dose quadrivalent isn't for people who've had a severe allergic reaction to any flu vaccine or vaccine component, including eggs or egg products. tell your health care professional if you've ever experienced severe muscle weakness after receiving a flu shot. people with weakened immune systems, including those receiving therapies that suppress the immune system, may experience lower immune responses. vaccination may not protect everyone. side effects include pain, redness, and/or swelling where you got the shot, muscle ache, headache, and general discomfort. other side effects may occur. all flu shots are not the same. i raised my game with fluzone high-dose quadrivalent. ask your doctor or pharmacist for fluzone high-dose quadrivalent. green bonds give investors an opportunity not just to get a good return, but also to do good with their money as well. ♪ ♪ green bonds are like any other traditional bond, but they come with a commitment from the company to invest in specific projects that achieve an environmental or social outcome. when the green bond market first started back in 2007, 2008, they were small retail-targeted transactions. now, it's over 200 billion dollars a year in issuance. we've seen a full spectrum of projects being supported by green and sustainability bond transactions. everything from more energy- efficient ice cream cabinets, to better forestry and farming, through to developing affordable and social housing. the bond market is a natural home for sustainability. buying green bonds is not just doing good, it's good business. i am navindu katugampola and we are morgan stanley. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ so we are right outside capital reef in a camp spot. we've been lucky so far at all the places we've stayed. but i'd say this is one of the best so far. since we left new york, i've only set up my hammock once, and now we're all the way in utah, and lucky enough i was able to set up my hammock in one of these trees. >> and we're kind of like in the desert. >> the trees -- >> whatever you can do to make sure my daughter comes home, i'm asking for that help. there's nothing else that matter to me now. >> a plea for help from one set of parents to another. >> i'm asking for help from the parents of brian, and i'm asking for help of the family members and friends of the laundrie family, as well. >> we don't know what if anything brian laundrie told his parents about why he returned home alone on september 1st. we do know that gabby's mom, nicole schmidt, told the "daily mail" that she texted brian and his mom, roberta laundrie, on september 10th saying she was trying to get in touch with gabby. she says neither of them responded to her. the next day on september 11th, gabby's mom filed a missing persons report in new york. she told the "dr. phil" show that at first she was worried about both of them until police told her that brian was back home in florida with the van. >> i felt it the night i found out the van was in florida on the 11th. i felt in my heart that she was gone. >> just you knew then? >> when did the northport police first make contact with the laundrie family, and were they cooperative? >> the first time that we had interaction with that family was on september 11th. very late at night. blending over into the 12th after midnight. and i would say that they were not cooperative as far as sharing any details. you know, any time you come and you're potentially trying to figure out if -- is someone missing, are they just not wanting to talk to their family, what's going on, and you have somebody else who's like, well, here's our attorney's info. and that's odd. we've said that from the beginning, that that whole interaction was odd. >> gabby petito lived with them. and now she's missing. >> right. >> and they didn't want to be asked about that or take part -- >> we can read into that. i think most people would have a take on that. certainly i think we sum it up the best that we could that it was odd. >> we don't know a lot about the laundrie family and what their relationship was with the petitos. joe petito said he was not to discuss his previous relationship with brian, end quote, during the course of the investigation which raises questions what they thought about brian and gabby's relationship even before their daughter went missing. brian laundrie's sister cassie told abc news that the couple would sometimes fight, but she never saw any signs of domestic violence. >> me and my family want gabby to be found safe. she's like a sister and my children love her. and all i want is for her to come home safe. >> i can't imagine that he would come back to the house that they were living in together under the same roof, the parents seeing them every day, and them not asking him where's gabby, and what happened to gabby? for him to come home and just be silent with his parents and them not ask him any questions to me is unfathomable. >> on september 6th, the laundries went on a camping trip about an hour north of their home. according to his sister, the subject of why brian came home alone from his trip out west with gabby didn't even come up. >> who was there? >> my mom, my dad, my brother. >> did brian say anything about gabby? >> we had kids there. nothing came up. >> he didn't say anything about gabby? >> no. >> in the weeks after brian's return home, he was seen riding his bike, mowing the lawn, even going to the at&t store to buy a new cell phone. the cell phone he used on the trip along with gabby's cell phone, according to police, are both missing. authorities seized the white van used on the trip, and though they didn't find any cell phones, they are examining other material including an external drive they took from the van, according to a police affidavit. meanwhile, in a sudden twist, two days after the petitos filed a missing persons report about gabby, brian is gone. brian laundrie's parents contacted northport police on friday, september 17th. they say they haven't seen brian since he told them he was going for a hike at the carlton reserve in evvenice, florida. three days earlier, on september 14th. they say he left behind that cell phone he recently purchased which is now in the hands of the fbi and his wallet. almost three weeks later on october 6th, the laundrie family attorney announced his parents had revised the timeline and now believe the last time they saw brian was monday, september 13th. why do you think brian laundrie's parents would have waited four days to tell police that their son was missing? >> yeah. i can only speculate. i can only -- you know, the potential that maybe they thought that he was surviving in the woods. you know, i don't want to speak for them certainly. but i don't know. you know, that's -- that's something they'll have to answer to. >> is there anything to suggest that you're aware of that brian laundrie's parents chose to give their son a head start from police? >> i have no information on that one way or the other. i think we all want that answer, that's one of the answers that we want. >> on september 14th, the day after brian laundrie's parents say they last saw him, northport police found the family's mustang parked at an entrance to the carlton reserve. they tagged it as an abandoned vehicle. the family's attorney says brian's father went to the reserve the night of september 13th to look for his son. and his parents returned on the 14th and saw the car. the next day, the lawyer says, his parents drove the car home. the laundrie family's lawyer issued a statement saying, "the speculation by the public and some in the press that the parents assisted brian in leaving the family home or in avoiding arrest on a warrant that was issued after brian had already been missing for several days is just wrong." brian laundrie took off before gabby's remains were even found, and he hadn't been named as a suspect in her death. so why is he missing? by now the fbi's involved, searching for brian at the carlton reserve, a 25,000-acre swampland with more than 80 miles of hiking trails. search teams used swamp buggies, atvs, dive teams, and drones, but are they searching the right place? because the northport police say the only tip they have about brian laundrie possibly hiding out in the carlton reserve came from his parents. the laundrie family still says this is the only place, this carlton reserve, is the only place they believe brian laundrie to be. what do you make of that? >> i think that's what investigators have to go on right now. there's been no credible sources anywhere else. >> i think it's a logical place, and they would be negligent if they didn't go search that place thoroughly because there's information whether it's credible or not that that's where he was going. but, you know, again, i'm very skeptical of the parents because of their behavior from day one. >> there's no word from authorities that brian laundrie's parents, chris and roberta laundrie, are under investigation, although they have been questioned by investigators. they have not taken a polygraph test, and their lawyer had no comment when asked if they would take one in the future. chris laundrie has gone to the carlton reserve to help investigators with their search. for days there are two searches under way -- for gabby and for brian. then on september 19th, human remains are found in a camping area in teton county, wyoming. it's devastating news for the at the petito family. the fbi says the remains belong to gabby. her death is ruled a homicide. >> there are times where it's difficult to tell the difference between an accident and a homicide. the coroner here came forward with a -- a manner of death very quickly. so i suspect it's quite apparent that it was clear to him it was not an accident. >> in fact, the teton county coroner said someone strangled gabby. her cause of death was determined to be manual strangulation and throttling. the coroner also said that gabby died three to four weeks before her body was found on september 19th. remember, she facetimed with her mom on august 24th, and she was seen with brian at a restaurant in jackson, wyoming, on the 27th. but what about that text that was sent from gabby's phone to her mom that said no service in yosemite? that was sent on august 30th, and based on the corn's timeline -- coroner's timeline, it's very unlikely she was alive on that day. >> i think in this particular case the timeline is everything. i'm assuming there's going to be litigation in the newscfuture a need to know the timeline from the time they left new york to the time the body was found september 19th. we have to know the whereabouts of brian laundrie. and knowing the time of death is crucial here. we have to know where he was when she died. >> i love the -- >> gabby petito is confirmed dead. brian laundrie is now missing. coming up next, internet sleuths work to solve the case. ♪ is someone trying to steal your butterfinger? call the bfi. ♪ no one lays a finger on your butterfinger. ok, let's talk about those changes to your financial plan. bill, mary? hey... it's our former broker carl. carl, say hi to nina, our schwab financial consultant. hm... i know how difficult these calls can be. not with schwab. nina made it easier to set up our financial plan. we can check in on it anytime. it changes when our goals change. planning can't be that easy. actually, it can be, carl. look forward to planning with schwab. schwab! ♪ so, you have diabetes, here are some easy rules. no sugar. no pizza. no foods you love. stressed? 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>> brian laundrie's home in northport, florida. it's not just the last place he was allegedly seen and a key part of the investigation, but it's now a circus, and part of the mystery that has captivated the nation. >> i found something interesting -- >> i can't sleep until he's found. >> the disappearances of both gabby petito and brian laundrie turned this case into an internet sensation. tips from amateur sleuths poured in to the find gabby facebook page. and on tiktok, posts with the gabby petito hash tag have been viewed more than 1.3 billion times. the mystery has online detectives hooked. remember one of the last text messages gabby's mother received from her daughter's phone? according to authorities, that text read "can you help stan? i just keep getting his voicemails and missed calls." the warrant says stan is gabby's grandfather's name, but her mother says she never called him stan. it didn't take long for some on social media to claim gabby may have been trying to tell her mother she was in danger, suggesting the word stan is an acronym for send the authorities now. adding to the intrigue, brian laundrie's instagram post in which he shares he's been reasonable doubting the book "lullaby" about a serial killer on a roadtrip. cyber sleuths can't stop dissecting the sightings. the hiker who said he saw brian laundrie on the appalachian trail on the bored of tennessee and north carolina. and the woman who glimpsed brian laundrie in the background of her selfie taken at in's ft. desoto -- florida's ft. desoto park. >> this can create a lot of noise for law enforcement to go through. >> rumors that laundrie was hiding out in puerto rico lit up the internet after the account for what may be one of gabby's hiking apps appeared to show that her phone was on the island. we don't know if this is actually gabby's account. experts say something like this could easily be faked. as far as we know, none of these leads have panned out. some social media sleuths have been in touch with the fbi and may have helped them pinpoint the wyoming national forest where gabby's remains were discovered on september 19th. >> hi, my name is miranda baker, and on august 29th, my boyfriend and i picked up brian at grand teton national park at 5:30 at night at colder bay. >> tiktoker miranda baker told authorities she believed she and her boyfriend picked up brian laundrie when he was hitch hiking in wyoming. that would have been five days after gabby last facetimed her family. baker says they picked him up at colter bay, about 17 miles from the spread creek area in the bridger teton national forest. >> he had told us that him and gabby were not camping on a regulated campsite through the national park, that they were camping basically out in the middle of nowhere, along snake river. this is key information. he said that he had hiked for days along snake river, but when like looking at his backpack it wasn't full, and he said all he had was a tarp to sleep on. he did say he had a fiancee and she was working on their social media page back at their van. >> this is jackson lake dam where miranda baker said she dropped brian laundrie off. it's less than ten miles from where she picked him up, so he wasn't in the car very long. he told her he was going to walk to the parking lot and look for another ride to keep on hitchhiking. norma jean jalavek saw the tiktok video and realized she may have picked up brian laundrie soon after he got out of baker's car. she says she was on her wait a minute home from church when she stopped for a man matching his description who asked her to take him to the spread creek camping area. and he had the same story -- his fiancee was working on their travel blog in their van, and he'd been camping for days along the snake river. she says she called the fbi and the jackson, wyoming, police to report all of it. >> you want people out there who may not -- who may are just had a fleeting contact with him that helps sort of fit the timeline of, help piece together the timeline, a piece of the puzzle. >> on august 27th, two days before the reports of laundrie hitchhiking, video bloggers caught a glimpse of a white van parked in the spread creek camping area in bridger teton national forest which borders grand teton national park. jen bethune and her husband kyle believe the van they saw was gabby's. what did you think when you saw that van in your footage? >> i was just speechless. i mean, the whole world just fell out from under me. i couldn't believe what i was seeing. >> they say they spotted the van around 6:30 p.m. that day, and they didn't see anyone near it. >> the video bloggers sent us the coordinates where they say they saw the van. we're trying to find that location right now. they said it was about 2.5 miles in or so, and the van was right on the road. this disbursed camping area is an undeveloped camp penground t offers few surfaces on the eastern boundary of the grand teton national park, and the views are breathtaking. while we don't know for sure, this clearing could be where that van was parked, certainly based on the distance that we were given. it is right on the road, so anybody walking by or driving by certainly could have seen a van parked here. video blogger jen bethune posted the video and also called the fbi, then uploaded it to the fbi's tip site. she says she sent it to the find gabby facebook page, too, prompting gabby's mother to reach out. >> we had a good cry as two moms, one to the other. and she just told me that she loved me, and she couldn't thank me enough for finding that footage for her. >> on september 19th, the very same day the bethunes posted video of that van's location, investigators located gabby's remains in the spread creek disbursed camping area. about a ten-minute walk from where the van was parked in the video according to her stepfather. perhaps these amateur sleuths helped investigators zero in on where to search in this vast forest. >> social media has been amazing. so i'd just like to thank everyone for that. i do -- it is greatly appreciated. that was very helpful in bringing our daughter home. >> can you tell us anything -- >> while some tips from the internet may be helpful, investigators are making progress on their own. authorities issued an arrest warrant for brian laundrie, not for anything having to do with gabby's death since he has not been named as a suspect. authorities say that he allegedly used a debit card that belonged to gabby while he was making his drive back to northport. experts say it's the fbi equivalent of a red alert. >> there are a lot of good strategic reasons to have a federal warrant outstanding. it puts him in the system, if you will. it's called the national crime investigation center, ncic. that database shares information with law enforcement across the country. it also gets his identifiers into the international system interpol. if you were to try to cross borders, it puts him in the customs -- u.s. customs systems. >> coming up, warning signs gabby petito may have been in danger, and possible mistakes made in the investigation. >> there was a missing person and a fiance who came home without this missing person. >> right. >> that's not enough to keep tabs on someone 24/7? 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>> good. >> my name's eric. i'm with moab police. what's your name? >> gabby. >> gabby, how old are you? >> 22. >> this was one of the last public glimpses of gabby petito alive, august 12th in moab, utah. remember, we showed you a clip of this earlier. it all happened just six weeks into gabby and brian's roadtrip, and 5.5 weeks before gabby's remains would be found. before police stopped the couple in her van, a disturbing 911 call. >> we drove by and a gentleman was slapping the girl. then we stopped, they ran up and down the sidewalk. he proceeded to hit her, hopped in the car, and they drove off. >> was brian laundrie slapping his fiancee? if so, was this a warning sign that their real-life relationship was not at all what was portrayed on their social media? was something terribly wrong? >> so there's two people that came to us and told us they saw him hit you. there's two people saying they saw him punch you. just independent witnesses. >> i hit him first -- >> you slapped him first? on his face? >> he told me to shut up. >> how many times did you slap him? >> a couple. >> then what -- his reaction was to do what? >> grabbed my arm -- >> he grabbed you? >> yeah. >> did he -- did he hit you, though? i mean, is it okay if you're saying you hit him. i understand if he hit you. we want to know the truth if he actually hit you. because you know -- >> i guess. but i threw first -- >> where did he hit you? don't worry. be honest. >> across my face i guess. >> uh-huh. >> he didn't hit me in the face, he didn't punch me in the face or anything. >> did he slap your face or what? >> well, like he grabbed me like with his -- i was cut right here. i could feel it. it burns. >> classic domestic violence scenario. the victim is stockholm'd as we call it, in other words they become the captive. they're very subservient to the male or to the abuser, and they take the blame -- they'll take the blame themselves and try to defuse the situation. and i saw that during the video, reviewing the video of the traffic stop. he's -- he's portraying himself as calm and collected, but you see her and she's very upset. >> at least one of the officers seems to key in to what appears to be an unhealthy dynamic. >> what's his name? is it brian? is he usually pretty patient with you? >> yeah. but i -- it makes me upset. i know that he definitely gets frustrated with me a lot because i have a lot of anxiety. and he -- >> i have anxiety, too, and my girlfriend -- my girlfriend's really, really calm. she has a way of taking my anxiety and bringing it down. but my ex-wife, that's why she's my ex-wife, sharing that, personal, to help you understand. we would feed off each other's anxiety, and it would spiral. i it doesn't matter how much i loved her. may be bad for your soul. i don't know what to do with your life but you have anxiety, look at the situations you can get in. you know what i mean? >> unlike gabby, brian laundrie is calm, relaxed, even joking at times with police. >> want to come stand in the shade? it's going to get hot. i know -- i know the struggle. so you guys -- you don't drink or anything? >> no. >> okay. so you were talking to officers -- i don't mean to butt in. i felt bad for you. maybe if you stand here you'll have more shade. >> playing the role of armchair quarterback and as i said someone who's prosecuted domestic violence situations, i would say buddy-buddying up the way they did was a mistake. i think they should have gotten an interview, very thorough interview of the people that made the 911 calls. >> you have admitted to striking her. she has not admitted to you striking her. the witness did not see you strike her. at this point you're the victim of a domestic assault. >> but wait -- one witness, a 911 caller, did say he saw a man slapping a woman, and gabby did tell an officer that brian laundrie hit her. >> did he hit you, though? i mean, it's okay if you're saying you hit him. i wanted if he hit you. we want to know the truth if me hit -- >> my fiancee, i love her. a little squabble. sorry it had to get public. >> at least one officer seemed to start explain wiling away br laundrie's actions. >> he does have marks on him that witnesses say were caused by you slapping him. and that even you say you slapped him and were agressing him first. i don't have anyone saying you he punched you aggressively. it sounds like it was shoving in a manner that was more consistent with trying to prevent you from entering the van or to get space from you, not to assail you if that makes sense. >> there are people who believe this is a chance for intervention, a missed opportunity for an intervention. maybe the result wourld have ben different. >> the officers ordered them to stay apart for one night. gabby stayed at the van and brian was taken to a hotel. the city of moab said it's unaware that any police department policy was breached, but it is investigating how the police stop was handled. about two weeks after that incident, another possible warning sign at this restaurant in jackson, wyoming. a couple from louisiana said they saw an incident involving gabby petito and brian laundrie in the mary piglets text mex restaurant on august 27th. nina angelo said she and her boyfriend were dining next to the couple before gabby left the restaurant in tears, and brian laundrie got visibly angry at the staff. she said she did not see any violence or physical altercation between the couple. a restaurant manager also said she saw an incident involving the couple that day and called the fbi after gabby's remains were found. keep in mind information about these two incidents in jackson and moab didn't come out until after brian laundrie was already missing. if authorities had known earlier, could it have made a difference in how northport police dealt with brian early on? was it a mistake for the police not to keep tabs on brian laundrie ever since they knew he returned home and certainly after gabby petito was reported missing? >> we didn't even know brian laundrie was probably a porn this planet until probably around the 10th. what i'll i have, though, is that everyone was working extremely hard to not only try to find some answers here but follow the law. you know, there's some things in hindsight, our memories get kind of blended between what we know now and what we knew then. you know, at that time, we didn't have a crime. we didn't have a crime in northport. >> you say there wasn't a crime reported, but there was a missing person and a fiance who came home without this missing person. that's not enough to keep tabs on someone 24/7? >> well, first of all, i'm not saying we didn't do that. but more importantly, there's no probable cause at that time. it just wasn't that simple. you know, sometimes i'll say generally speaking in an investigation sometimes you hold back, you lay back because you want to see what that person does. you want to see maybe they lead you to evidence. you don't just plop yourself right in the front yard where people clam up and then they don't potentially reveal other issues. >> northport police say they were surveilling brian laundrie but only as much as they could do so legally since there was no crime and no homicide at the time. gabby was still a missing persons case, and her remains had not been found. if he was being watched, how did he get away on the 13th -- >> i think if you talk to a lot of people who have experience in law enforcement -- i mean, the guy goes for a walk in the carlton reserve. he's not wanted for a crime. i mean, what are we supposed to do? we're going to go tree to tree, tree to tree, following him back through the woods? i mean, you know, it just wasn't there with the information we had in this case. >> so from your standpoint do you feel there was anything that koovn done differently? >> there's nothing that's 100% perfect. it wasn't for lack of hussle or knowledge. i am 100% comfortable in that. >> while missing person cases are a little bit tricky, but to me the difference here was she was missing under suspicious circumstances and knowing that, i'm a little bit harder in judging the police department on both ends of this. i think they should have taken a closer look at him. >> coming up, will we ever really know what happened to gabby? >> do you think brian killed gabby? i'm alphonso, and there's more to me than hiv. there's my career,... my cause,... my choir. i'm a work in progress. so much goes into who i am. hiv medicine is one part of it. dovato is for some adults who are starting hiv-1 treatment or replacing their current hiv-1 regimen. with just 2 medicines in 1 pill,... dovato is as effective as a 3-drug regimen to help you... reach and stay undetectable. research shows people who take hiv treatment as prescribed... and get to and stay undetectable... can no longer transmit hiv through sex. don't take dovato if you're allergic to its ingredients... or if you take dofetilide. taking dovato with... dofetilide can cause serious or life-threatening side effects. hepatitis b can become harder to treat while on dovato. don't stop dovato without talking to your doctor,... as your hepatitis b may worsen or become life-threatening. serious or life-threatening side effects can occur,... including allergic reactions, lactic acid buildup, and liver problems. if you have a rash and other symptoms of an allergic reaction,... stop dovato and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems,... or if you are, may be, or plan to be pregnant. dovato may harm your unborn baby. use effective birth control while on dovato. do not breastfeed while taking dovato. most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. so much goes into who i am and hope to be. ask your doctor if treating hiv with dovato is right for you. ♪ ♪ you don't become a runner, who breaks eight world records... after age 65, without a serious support system. kathy martin has one in medicare from blue cross blue shield. she won't go a day without the right card. because she can't go a day without running. the medicare coverage trusted by more doctors. this is the benefit of blue. find your local blue cross and blue shield plan at what does it feel like to sell your car to carvana? 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Related Keywords

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, Monarch , Photo , Mural , Halloween , Arts And Entertainment Venue , Ogden , Fbi , Owner , Grand Teton , Security Camera , 260 , 40 , Tee T Otetons , Van , Fiance , Jackson , Area , Teton National Forest , Highway 191 , Spread Creek Disbursed , 28 , 191 , Gravel Road , Authorities , Campsite , Take A Look , Forest Road , 30290 , Text , Calls , Phone Read , Voice Mails , Petito Family Lawyer , 27 , August 27th , Phone , Grandfather , Name , August 30th , 30 , Three , Service , Friend , Yosemite , Uncle , Gabby Facebook , Yellowstone , Tetons , Petito Wasn , California , Not Yosemite , Ogabby , 800 , Everybody , Reporter , There On August 30th , Cell Phone , Location , Chris Swecer , Cell Phones , Cover Up , Circumstances , Facts , Parents , U S , Parent , He Didn T , Nightmare , Dr , Northport On September 1st , Phil , 1 , September 1st , Moab Police , Anybody , Camping , More , Four , He Didn T Tell You Guys , Chance , Fiancee , House , September 11th , Gab , 11 , Way , Injectable 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, Manner , Accident , A , Cause , Fact , Restaurant , Body , Throttling , Strangulation , Corn , Case , Need , Litigation , Whereabouts , Newscfuture , Coming Up , Internet Sleuths Work , Butterfinger , Bfi , No One , Finger , Changes , Nina Angelo , Mary Piglets , Carl , Talk , Bill , Broker , Our Schwab Financial Consultant , Hm , It , Planning , Goals , Schwab , Diabetes , Stress , Sugar , Pizza , Foods , Exercise , Rules , Mystery , Sir , Easy , Yes , World , Experience , Ideas , Dark , Flexibility , Teams , Control , Market Games , Players , Matchups , Nhl Center Ice , Center Ice , Season Ticket , Season , Stars , Action , Voice , Nhl , Scores , Upgrade , X1 Track Stats , Xfinity , Gabby , Wind , Nation , Circus , Disappearances , Tips , Amateur Sleuths , Internet Sensation , Posts , Hash Tag , Tiktok , 1 3 Billion , Mother , Detectives , Text Messages , Social Media , Stan , Danger , It Didn T , Voicemails , Him Stan , Acronym , Book , Sightings , Hiker , Serial Killer , Lullaby , Cyber Sleuths , Appalachian Trail , Stop Dissecting , North Carolina , Tennessee , Woman , Law Enforcement , Background , Selfie , Noise , Rumors , Desoto Park , Desoto , Florida S Ft , Puerto Rico , Internet , Account , Island , Hiking Apps , Experts , Tiktoker Miranda Baker , Social Media Sleuths , My Name , Leads , None , Wyoming National Forest , Hi , Boyfriend , Bay , August 29th , 29 , 5 , Hitch Hiking , Facetimed , Spread Creek Area , Colter Bay , Five , Nowhere , Snake River , Tarp To Sleep On , Backpack It Wasn T Full , Jackson Lake Dam , Social Media Page , Laundrie Off , Ten , Norma Jean , Parking Lot , Hitchhiking , Ride , Saw , Jalavek , Travel Blog , Story , Spread Creek Camping Area , Description , Fit , Help Piece , May , Timeline Of , Puzzle , Video Bloggers , Reports , Piece , Glimpse , Laundrie Hitchhiking , Footage , Jen Bethune , Husband , On The Road , Camp , Penground T , 2 5 , Clearing , Boundary , Distance , Views , Driving , Tip Site , Cry , Moms , Reach Out , Too , Walk , On September 19th , Bethunes , Creek Disbursed , Forest , Stepfather , Zero , Debit Card , Arrest Warrant , Progress , Reasons , System , Drive , Equivalent , The National Crime Investigation Center , Red Alert , Interpol , Customs Systems , Database , Customs , Borders , Identifiers , Ncic , Mistakes , Warning Signs , Tabs , Feeling , Apr Financing , Product , Mastery , Dealer , Es 350 , 2021 , 350 , 24 7 , 1 9 , Move , Lift , Freshness , Skip , Swipe , Spin , Degree , Still Fresh Move , Spray , Aaaaand , Pan , Slam , University Of Phoenix , Scholarships , Phoenix Edu , 400 , One Million , One Million Dollars , Hope , Burke , Farmers Home Policy Perk , Movie , Figure , Hero , Materials , Cost , Farmers , Bum Darling , Limits , Ending , Bum , Farmers Policy Perks , Y You , Pa Dum , I Don T Know , Babe , Babe Girl , Double Crunch Shrimp , Steak EntrÉe , Neighborhood , Good , Applebee S , Eatin , Things , Screening , Colon Cancer , Cancer , Workouts , Coaching , American Cancer Society , Yep , 50 , 45 , Risk , Colon Cancers , Results , Cologuard , Provider , Stages , 92 , Chocolate , River , Container , Isn T My Car , Plastic , The Sun , She Isn T , My Name S Eric , How Old Are You , Glimpses , Clip , Girl , Gentleman , 911 , Warning Sign , Laundrie Slapping , Sidewalk , Witnesses , Truth , Arm , First , Don T Worry , Uh Huh , Victim , Classic Domestic Violence Scenario , Situation , Blame , Captive , Abuser , Officers , Traffic Stop , Dynamic , Anxiety , Patient , Girlfriend , Ex Wife , Personal , Situations , Soul , Shade , Stand , Struggle , Armchair Quarterback , Role , Interview , Mistake , Officer , Caller , Witness , Point , Assault , Brian Laundrie Hit , Squabble , Away Br Laundrie , Marks , Actions , Agressing Him First , Shoving , Space , Intervention , Result , Sense , Wourld , Stop , Police Department Policy , City , Incident , Text Mex Restaurant On August 27th , Louisiana , Violence , Tears , Staff , Altercation , Restaurant Manager , Incidents , Moab Didn T , Mind , Planet , Porn , Crime , Memories , Law , Hindsight , There Wasn T A Crime , Wasn T , Yard , Back , Evidence , Issues , Missing Persons Case , Guy , Tree , Standpoint , Wasn , Woods , It Wasn T For Lack , Hussle , 100 , Knowledge , Cases , Bit , Police Department , Look , Ends , Dovato , Hiv Medicine , Treatment , Career , Regimen , Choir , Work In Progress , Reach , Research , Pill , 3 , Hepatitis B , On Dovato , Stop Dovato , Sex , Dofetilide , Rash , Lactic Acid Buildup , Birth Control , Baby , Kidney , Nausea , Diarrhea , Trouble Sleeping , Kathy Martin , Runner , Without A Serious Support System , World Records , Medicare , Blue Cross Shield , Eight , Doctors , Benefit , Card , Blue , Running , Coverage , Carvana , Offer , Spot , Cheering , Big , Twhoopd , Obvious , Question , Debit Card Fraud , Negativity , Beautiful Soul , Justice , Attention , Beauty , Closure , Tragedy , Missing , Faces , Records , 91000 , Families , Loved Ones , Family Plans , Data , Alberto , Save , Group , Visible , Mo , Skin , Dove , Best Friend , Dove Cleans , Cream , Beauty Bar , Ray , Glucose Levels , Vacations , Freestylelibre Us Shingles , A1c , And , Shingles , Camera Man , Lifetime ,

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