Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Christi Paul and Boris

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240709

housekeeper. soaring prices at the pump, passengers stranded at airports, why we should expect more of this in the upcoming holiday season, and how you can avoid getting stranded. good morning to you. it is saturday, october 16th. i'm christi paul. >> good morning, i'm boris sanchez. you're live in the cnn newsroom. >> the fda's advisory committee recommended all adults who received the single dose johnson & johnson vaccine should get a second dose at least two months after their first shot. the fda has to decide whether to grant emergency use authorization followed by the cdc giving its recommendation on who is eligible for the doses. >> we should tell you about a new study by the department of veterans affairs on vaccine effectiveness that's giving cause for concern. researchers found that j&j's vaccine protection against covid-19 drastically fell from 88% in march to a mere 3% by august. the study, we should point out has yet to be peer reviewed. >> good note to make there, but about 15 million people have received the johnson & johnson vaccine, according to the cdc here in the u.s. and nearly 91% of them got their shots more than two months ago. cnn's nick watts has more on that and socdc's recommendation >> those fda advisers gave their thumbs up for a second shot of johnson & johnson, at least a couple of months after the first. now, of course the cdc still needs to sign off on that. now, general the numbers in this pandemic are going in the right direction, but still new guidance from the cdc for the upcoming holiday season, file this under news you probably didn't want to hear, but apparently outdoor gatherings are best. if you're indoors, still wear a mask. but top of the list, just get v vaccinated. now, some good news for the u.s. tourist sector from november 8th, all double vaccinated foreigners will be allowed into this country, and while the arguments continue over vaccine mandates here in the u.s., some news from italy, from friday, every worker is going to have what they call a green pass, which is proof of vaccination or proof of recent recovery from covid-19. guys. back to you. >> nick, thank you so much. i want to bring in dr. elizabeth middleton, the associate medical director of the icu at the university of utah hospital. dr. middleton, thank you so much for being with us. thank you for all the work that you're doing. we know that it's particularly hard for all of you and it has been for so long. i wanted to ask you about some of the numbers that are coming out of your hospital. salt lake city tribune reporting that icu beds there in utah are near capacity, up to about 94%, in fact. walk us through a typical day at this point in your hospital for you and your medical team. >> good morning, and thanks for having me. our hospital system and i think this is similar across all hospitals in our valley is that there's a extreme limit, especially on icu beds. we have had limited staffing, so we've not been able to search and open an additional icu like we did last year when we were at the height of our hospitalizations. right now, we're seeing the same number of hospital beds being used for covid patients now as we did at our height, november last year. >> and i'm looking at a graph that shows how high it's been since august, which i know puts a strain on hospital resources and on staff. i mean, you must be exhausted. how are you all holding up? >> thank you for asking. it's been a long haul for our providers, our nursing staff, our respiratory staff. everyone who's been working in our icu in contrast to what we saw in the southeast, we didn't see a rapid rise and then a quick decline. we've seen sort of this slow rise and plateaued at this high level of cases without a real clear end in sight. right now we see a plateau in sight. >> do you have any idea why that is? and we were just talking about the fact that the numbers do seem to be more promising across the country now. what's happening in utah, do you think? >> no i'm unclear, and can just sort of speculate about what's going on. we tend to have a large community that's spread out amongst rural regions. we have improved our vaccination rates but we're still seriously lacking particularly in rural areas and then our catchment area, salt lake city is a area to a number of rural western states where we can accept patients if we have the bed capabilities. i think there's not just the dense population, so we don't see the spike in cases, and we see sort of a slower spread throughout the population. >> the tribune also saying that about 8% of covid patients at your hospital are fully vaccinated, so since you're right there in the hospital, i'm wondering if you can help us understand too the difference in needed care and recovery between people who are vaccinated and end up in the hospital with covid and people who are not. >> great question. the vast majority of our patients as you say, are unvaccinated folks, and they tend to get sicker. our vaccinated population tends to be those with underlying immune compromise, those that have auto immune diseases that need to be on certain medications, or those with different cancers, on chemotherapy, they may not mount an appropriate antibody response and have the protection they need even though they're fully vaccinated. we do see a few individuals who are fully vaccinated, otherwise healthy and their hospitalization courses seem to be far less severe and quicker to resolve. >> do you see at all people who have been unvaccinated and who have gotten severely ill and are able to leave the hospital, does that encourage their family and friends to get vaccinated? i think that people are kind of at a standstill as to how do you reach people who are so vaccine hesitant. >> yeah, i think that's another great question. the general population has no idea what is happening in the icus and how much care is needed to provide for a critically ill patient. i'll just share a quick anecdote. i had a patient just a couple of days ago who was very critically ill and that patient's mother also lost a loved one to covid-19 while there, and was not able to be with her mother. this year she's able to be with her loved one, and has spread the news to her family members by showing video and pictures of what's going on in the icu and was able to convince four of her family members to get vaccinated. >> okay. so it's that experience that seems to be the most influential, it seems. dr. elizabeth middleton, brwe appreciate you taking time to talk to us. cannot imagine what it's like for you and your teams. know you're being thought of and we appreciate your teams. >> thank you so much. >> of course. we have an update on a deadly shooting overnight in houston, texas. authorities say a man with a rifle shot three constables deputies outside a bar as they were investigating a robbery early this morning. >> one deputy was killed. the other two are still in the hospital this morning. police officials say the law enforcement officers were trying to make an arrest when a second suspect ambushed the men they say and shot them from behind. cnn's jean casarez has been following this for us. we're getting more information than we were just about an hour ago. what else are you learning? >> we have, and we do understand that the officer shot in the back has been in surgery. originally, the other officer that was shot, conceivably in the foot, it's actually the leg, and there are multiple broken bones, and he either is on his way to surgery or in it at this point. and then of course one deputy died. the constable for the area, for the houston police department related a personal story that the officer about to go into surgery was on the gurney, and he got a phone call saying that he buddy had just died there at the hospital, so you can see these deputies know each other. they work together. how this happened, they were doing police-related activity. it was off site, though, it was 2:15 this morning. it was in houston, it was the 45 north bar and lounge, and they heard that there was a robbery in progress, according to the constable for the houston precinct 4. and so the two deputies went out to the parking lot. they got the person on the ground, the person they believe that had committed this robbery, and they were trying to detain or arrest, and they say that someone else came out from behind a car, ambushed them and shot one in the back, shot the other one who is deceased, another deputy heard what was going on came out and he was shot. i want you to listen to a little bit of the presser that happened earlier this morning from the constable of the precinct for mark herman. >> i do believe that good always trumps evil, and what happened tonight was evil. and now the good is going to sweep in and i hope for swift justice. i know that the houston police department is going to do a very professional investigation. >> and the attorney general of texas has just released a tweet. we want to show that to you, praying this morning for the families of the fallen harris county deputy constable, and the other two still in the hospital. this was an evil act that took this deputy's life. a man hunt is currently underway. i hope these perpetrators are a apprehended fast. there is a person of interest that is in custody but they are still as you say this man hunt they believe the person they're looking for is in the early 20s and if you have any information do call the houston police department. and christi and boris, i do want to tell you that the constable also said that the families immediately went to the hospital and the fallen officer who deceased, his wife was there, his father was there. the sisters and the wife of the officer in surgery now are there. so this is more than the officers. these are families that have rushed to the hospital when their officer, their relative has hbeen shot. >> our hearts are with those officers and families, for those at the hospital, we pray for a speedy recovery. jean casarez, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> this latest knew out of houston takes on meaning as president biden is set to speak at the national peace officers memorial service, said to pay tribute to fallen police officers. at the white house and across the nation, flags are being flown at half staff to commemorate those who have lost their lives in the line of duty. >> cnn's jasmine wright is live from the white house right now. what do we expect to hear from the president? >> yeah, well, we can expect to hear president biden honor the sacrifices that police officers have made in service of this nation. it will be his first time as president speaking at this event. i think we will see him tap into that empathizer in chief role that we have seen from him quite a few times in just his young presidency, really using his history of loss to comfort others. now, when white house press secretary jen psaki announced that the president would be participating in this event on thursday, she noted the role that police officers have had on the front lines of this pandemic but also on the front lines of really the gun spike that is prevalent that this administration is trying to fight against and noting the amount of funding that this white house has provided to place stations across the country. i wouldn't be surprised if the president spoke about that. and also officials made note to say that it was pertinent that this event was happening at the u.s. capitol, the same place where just nine months ago on january 6th police officers defended the capitol on january 6th insurrection against rioters. i wouldn't be surprised if the president made note of the officers that lost their lives both that day and the days to come after. now, president biden speaks today, but yesterday, when talking to our own kaitlan collins outside of the white house, he was asked for his response to those who are refusing the subpoenas from the january 6th committee as they are investigating the insurrection. and he said that he wanted the committee to hold them accountable and pushed further, he responded, i do, yes, when asked, excuse me, when asked if the justice department should prosecute them. now, after kind of taking some criticism that he was b interfering with the process, white house press secretary jen psaki in a tweet, later, she says that he supports the work of the committee and the independent role of the department of justice to make any decisions about prosecutions, really kind of massaging the president's statement but today at the capitol, the president's remarks will focus on honoring the lives lost of police officers in service to this nation. boris, christi. >> and boy, what a reminder of the necessity of it today with what happened in houston. jasmine wright, we appreciate it. thank you. >> thanks, jasmine. there's another twist in that bizarre legal saga for alex murdoch. remember, he's that south carolina attorney mired in accusations of fraud, and murder. he's been arrested in florida and he's going to face new charges. we'll explain after a quick break. also, the january 6th committee has some questions for those who were involved in the capitol siege and now a capitol police officer has to answer to obstruction charges filed against him. got directv stream. now we can watch live tv and on demand. serena... scary movie... serena... scary movie... serena williams ready to serve. ahh! quiet, please. triple match point serena williams... this is her moment. ahh! quiet, please. ahh! quiet, please! get your tv together with the best of live and on demand. introducing directv stream, with no annual contract. nurse mariyam sabo knows a moment this pure... ...demands a lotion this pure. new gold bond pure moisture lotion. 24-hour hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. so, you have diabetes, here are some easy 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romero joins us live. nadia, this is just the latest scandal for the south carolina attorney. >> boris and christi, this has everything you would want for a made for tv drama movie, right. it has murder and drugs and deaths and suspicion and mystery. only problem here is that this is reality. and real people have lost their lives under a cloud of suspicion and mystery. as you mentioned, boris, the latest thing that's happened to alex murdaugh is he was arrested, and he received money from the settlement that was goes supposed to go to the housekeeper's family. the family says she tripped over the family dog, and went down the stairs. the coroner says that's not natural causes, and her body should have been taken to the coroner's office and they should have done an autopsy. that didn't happen. that raised a lot of red flags. that death investigation is now under investigation, but listen to gloria satterfield, her family's attorney talk about this settlement money. millions of dollars, they say they never saw a dime. >> alec did not act alone in making this happen. he certainly needed help, and the help came from those who also participated in the settlement, so we filed lawsuits virtually against anybody who touched that money, anybody who participated in those settlements, and it's by and through those lauwsuits we inted to make our clients whole again. >> family members of gloria satterfield say they have a lot of unanswered questions, what happened to her, and what happened to all the money that was supposed to come their way. now, alex murdaugh has been arrested in orlando, florida. he admitted to having a opioid problem. he's at a drug rehab facility. he's expected to make his way back to south carolina to face charges connected to the death of his maid on tuesday morning is when he'll have that hearing. we have yet another court case. all of this has come to light because of the death of his wife and his son. they were murdered at their family home and we still don't know how that happened, who killed them, and if alex mur dau or anyone else was involved in his death. so many questions have come out of hamp tton, south carolina. more investigations into other deaths and his law firm alleges that he stole money from them. christi, boris, the more we learn about alex murdaugh, the more questions we seem to have. >> not to mention the attempted hit he put on himself. layers and layers, stranger than fiction. nadia romero, thank you so much for the report. a u.s. capitol police officer is facing charges in a case tied to the january 6th attack. prosecutors say michael a. reilly obstructed justice when he warned a rioter to remove posts on social media showing that they were at the capitol that day. >> yeah, reilly's arrest is one of the over 600 insurrection cases but this makes him the first police officer on duty that day on capitol hill being charged with attempting to help a rioter. cnn's kaitlan po lance joins us live from washington, d.c., what can you tell us about the officer and the kind of legal trouble he's in. >> this is a serious case and we have not seen a case like this before in the more than 600 cases in the capitol riot investigation. michael reilly was a 25 year veteran of the capitol police force. he wasn't inside the capitol on january 6th but he was on duty on capitol hill listening to the police radios of other officers, his colleagues in distress, and he himself was reporting to a bomb threat on capitol hill. now, we have been hearing rioters for months alleging in court that they believed that they were being ushered into the capitol or being helped in some way by police officers. this is the first charge that the justice department has found evidence to show that a police officer on duty that day allegedly was trying to help someone, albeit after january 6th. so in reilly's case, the day after the riot, he allegedly reached out to a contact he had through a facebook group, and wrote to that person. i'm a capitol police officer who agrees with your political stance. he had seen selfies that this friend of his on facebook had posted and he said take down the part about being on the building. they are currently investigating and everyone who was in the building is going to be charged. just looking out. that's what michael reilly wrote on facebook allegedly, but this person that he was warning, that person we have learned was indeed charged, was arrested, and then reilly in his allegations he's charged with also deleting his facebook messages. so far he's been in court once. he is on leave from the capitol police force, and his attorney says that he is going to be fighting the charges. >> we appreciate the update. thank you. former president bill clinton spending another night in a california hospital. we have the latest on his recovery after a quick break. 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>> so far, it hasn't, you know, the united mandate has been in place for quite some time, and they're reporting a very high level of compliance, you know, i mean, the unfortunate truth is that there's frankly some slack of the system there too. aviation is relatively late to the economic recovery we have seen in many other sectors like manufacturing or construction. so as a consequence, if anyone chooses to leave, there's someone available to replace them. i don't think that's going to be a material factor. >> last year, holiday passengers experienced, you know, social distancing on planes, middle seats were left open. a lot of people simply didn't want to fly. a lot of flights were half full if not less. do you anticipate it's going to look different this year? >> yeah, absolutely. as a matter of fact, on u.s. domestic we've come roaring back. stumbled with the delta variant, if you look at things in june, numbers were way up for domestic. obviously with international, you've got border closures and other restrictions, but for domestic flying, people came back as soon as they felt okay. again, with delta, kind of stumbled a bit but we're making a pretty fast recovery now, and of course getting that capacity back in place to serve them, that's a major challenge, considering the depth to which the industry fell as a consequence of the pandemic. >> how long do you anticipate it might take things to get back to the status that we had before the pandemic where we didn't have these weird sort of lopsided issues with staffing and delayed flights and concerns about, you know, infection on the plane and vaccination requirements, et cetera, et cetera. >> you know, i think going to come back by the first quarter in terms of traffic. in terms of capacity, getting the systems evened out and removing any serious, well, risk of disruption, that might take a little bit longer. you know, and of course all of this assumes that the current numbers continue to get better. there's no further variant beyond delta that disrupts everything, and right now, things look really quite good. i think a reasonable expectation is sometime mid next year, second quarter, things are going to seem relatively normal, at least in domestic markets. >> yeah, i appreciate the advice, richard, about keeping calm, and you know, taking a few deep breaths and allowing things to play out as they will. it applies not only to air travel and so many things in life. thank you so much for the time. appreciate you. >> my pleasure. so an outbreak of in san francisco it's prompting the pharmacy giant to shut down five locations in the city. >> this is wild, the san francisco police department reports nearly 22,000 larceny theft cases since the beginning of the year. cnn correspondent dan simon has more. >> reporter: boxes and boxes of over-the-counter drugs. it looks like a warehouse distribution center for medicine. in reality, it's a warehouse full of stolen goods. >> what you're looking at is not petty shoplifting. what you're looking at is an organized criminal ring. >> reporter: law enforcement making this bust last year in san mateo, california, just outside of san francisco. these videos offering a glimpse inside the sophistication of organized shoplifting rings, san francisco in epicenter, so much so that walgreens says it will soon be closing five of its stores here. that in addition to the 17 stores the retailer had previously shuttered in the past few years. this is a real blow to san francisco. it's a blow to the merchants, tg it's a blow to our reputation as a city. >> a thief grabbing items off store shelves. this viral video captured in june at a san francisco walgreens in plain view of a security guard. the store among those being shut down. >> you have street level thieves who are selling to boosters, who are selling to larger syndicates who are building million dollar businesses selling stolen product. it's not something that is limited to san francisco. it's happening all over the country. san francisco is a focal point now. >> jason brewer of the retail industry leaders association says the stolen goods then wind up being sold online. >> we have allowed criminal networks to create a business model selling stolen goods online, and that is what's put this problem on steroids. >> and i'm really sad that the situation in the san francisco is driving businesses away. >> reporter: this walgreens shopper deeply saddened to see her neighborhood store shut down but understands the decision. >> if business is going to lose money, why should they stay open. >> reporter: you don't blame walgreens? >> no, why would i blame walgreens. business is to make money. >> reporter: san francisco police have added foot patrols to deter thefts in known hot zones. >> our police department is working really hard to make sure that people are apprehended and held accountable for these crimes. >> reporter: and mayor london breed says criminals are only hurting people in their own neighborhoods. >> when they do this, it impacts their family members, their grandmothers, they can't get their medicine at their pharmacies, and get resources they need to take care of their health and well being. >> dan simon, thank you so much for filing that report. >> up next, a little canine comfort, how therapy dogs are helping officers on capitol hill deal with the stresses of the job. we'll be right back. paul loves food. but his diabetes made food a mystery. everything felt like a “no.” but then paul went from no to know. with freestyle libre 14 day, now he knows how food affects his glucose. and he knows when to make different choices. take the mystery out of your glucose levels - and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit ♪ age before beauty? 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>> reporter: caroline edwards was guarding the capitol on january 6th and suffered a traumatic brain injury when insurrectionists broke through the barricades. >> and the reason is, like, why we did that was because it gave time for members, for staffers, for everyone to hide, to get out, to, you know, to barricade themselves. and i think that's what it's all about. >> reporter: members of congress also welcomed lila's arrival to capitol hill. >> there's of course the harry truman quote, if you want a friend in washington, get a dog. there's all kinds of research on how dogs lower your blood pressure, they're just so lovely and warm and it seemed like a great addition to the capitol, where tensions are high under the best of circumstances. >> lila will be joined by her fellow k-9 partner, leo, a 4-year-old yellow lab who joined the capitol police force last month. >> no one can see lila without getting this big old grin on their face. she's just a loveable dog. that's kind of what service dogs do, relieve that tension you have been holding in. >> reporter: lauren fox, cnn on capitol hill. >> amazing. >> she's not wrong. >> watching her chase squirrels just brightens the day. we appreciate her service and the service of all capitol police. >> amen. >> thank you so much for watching this morning. there's still much more ahead in the next hour of the cnn newsroom. >> fredricka whit ffield is up next. before you go, we want to remind you of an all new episode of the cnn original series "diana," it airs tomorrow night at 9:00 and takes us behind the scenes of the royal wedding when trouble was already brewing. watch "diana" tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. we'll see you tomorrow. ♪ feel stuck with credit card debt? 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, Mask , List , Tourist Sector , November 8th , 8 , Recovery , Vaccination , Proof , Worker , Arguments , Pass , Friday , Italy , Icu , Dr , Elizabeth Middleton , Work , Guys , Middleton , University Of Utah Hospital , California Hospital , Salt Lake City Tribune , Wall , Reporting , Some , Utah , Capacity , Thanks , Hospital , Point , Team , 94 , Hospital System , Staffing , Hospitals , Valley , Limit , Icu Beds , Number , Patients , Height , Hospitalizations , Hospital Beds , Graph , Staff , August , Strain On Hospital Resources , Nursing Staff , Providers , Haul , Everyone , Level , Cases , Rise , Southeast , Contrast , Plateaued , Decline , Idea , Sight , Plateau , End , Community , What S Going On , Vaccination Rates , Regions , Area , Catchment Area , Areas , Salt Lake City , Population , Tribune , Covid Patients , Bed Capabilities , Spike , Spread , Care , Difference , Question , Folks , Compromise , Majority , Protection , Medications , Auto Immune Diseases , Cancers , Antibody Response , Chemotherapy , Individuals , Hospitalization Courses , Unvaccinated , Family , Kind , Friends , At A Standstill , Icus , Patient , Couple , Mother , Loved One , Anecdote , Family Members , Pictures , Four , Experience , Cannot , Influential , Brwe , Man , Houston , Teams , Update , Rifle Shot , Constables Deputies , Thought , Authorities , Shooting , Texas , Three , Robbery , Deputy , Arrest , Bar , Men , Law Enforcement Officers , Suspect , Police Officials , Information , Officer Shot , Jean Casarez , Behind , Officer , Back , Way , Surgery , Foot , Leg , Bones , Constable , Houston Police Department , Story , He , Gurney , Phone Call , Site , Deputies , Each Other , Activity , Lounge , 15 , 45 , 2 , Person , Progress , Precinct , Parking Lot , Ground , 4 , Car , Deceased , Someone Else , Bit , Presser , Mark Herman , Justice , Evil , Good , Swift , Families , Investigation , Tweet , Deputy Constable , Attorney General , Harris County , Life , Act , Man Hunt , Perpetrators , Christi , Interest , Custody , 20 , Wife , Father , Sisters , Officers , Relative , Hbeen , Biden , Latest , Peace Officers , Hearts , Police Officers , Duty , Nation , Lives , Memorial Service , Tribute , Half Staff , White House , Line , Flags , Jasmine Wright , President , Event , Service , Time , Biden Honor The , Loss , Others , Times , Presidency , Chief Role , History , Empathizer , White House Press Secretary , Jen Psaki , Lines , Role , Gun Spike , Administration , Officials , Stations , Funding , Amount , Capitol On January 6th Insurrection , Rioters , Nine , Both , Biden Speaks Today , Kaitlan Collins Outside , Committee , Insurrection , January 6th Committee , Response , Subpoenas , San Francisco Police Department , Criticism , B , Process , Statement , Prosecutions , Massaging , Decisions , It , Remarks , Boy , Necessity , Reminder , Attorney , Murder , Jasmine , Twist , Saga , Florida , Accusations , Fraud , Alex Murdoch , Charges , Questions , Break , Obstruction , 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Inflammation , Changes , Most , Depression , Attention , Behaviors , Mood , Huntington S Disease , Td , Fast , Problems Thinking , Heartbeat , Sleepiness , Movements , Reserpine , Liver Problems , It S Time , Restlessness , Parkinson S Disease , Throat , Insomnia , Tetrabenazine , Muscles , Fever , Sweating , Jackie , Valbenazine , Answers , Visit Askforaustedo Com , Medicare Supplement , Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan , At Humana , Seven , Call , Obligation , Agent Producer , Screen , Expenses , 80 , Plans , Humana , Rest , Insurance , Medicare Doesn T , Emergency Care , Doctor Visits , Copayments , Hospital Stays , Ones , Referrals , Trust , Deductibles , Anywhere , Healthcare Partner , Healthcare , Premium , Range , Ways , Needs , Guide , Budget , Call Humana , Making Healthcare Simpler , Save You , Won T , Costs , Binders , Company , Broker , Answer , Page , 188 , Planning Options , House , Plan , Consultant , Options , Schwab , Uhhh , Uh Carl , Planning , Retirement Plan , Aaa , Gas Prices , Tank , Price , Energy Crisis , 3 31 , Planes , Industry , Travelers , Crews , Weather , Holiday Travel Season , Shut Down , Videos , Southwest , Airplanes , Rage , Tens , Link , Thousands , 2000 , Airline , Rebook , Richard , Stories , Tier Group , Precision , Aviation Analyst , Slack , Afternoon Meeting , Clock Work , Schedule , 99 9 , Missteps , Supply Chains , Aviation Bids , Haven T , Space , Mandate , Sound Advice , Jet Blue , Place , It Hasn T , Compliance , Truth , Roots , Consequence , Construction , Aviation , System , Sectors , Manufacturing , Material Factor , Holiday Passengers , Distancing , Seats , Matter , Domestic , Restrictions , Flying , Delta , Delta Variant , Border Closures , Depth , Challenge , Status , Infection , Sort , Concerns , Issues , Terms , Systems , Plane , Quarter , Requirements , Traffic , Et Cetera , Risk , Variant , Serious , Disruption , Expectation , Markets , Breaths , Advice , Air Travel , Keeping Calm , City , San Francisco , Locations , Outbreak , Pleasure , Giant , Reporter , Medicine , Dan Simon , Boxes , Larceny Theft Cases , Over The Counter Drugs , Warehouse Distribution Center , Beginning , 22000 , Shoplifting , Ring , Warehouse , Stolen Goods , Law Enforcement Making This Bust Last Year , Addition , Walgreens , Stores , Epicenter , Sophistication , Glimpse , San Mateo , Organized Shoplifting Rings , 17 , Blow , Retailer , Reputation , Merchants , Thief Grabbing Items , Street Level Thieves , Store , Boosters , Store Shelves , Security Guard , Being , Syndicates , Plain View , Something , Businesses , Focal Point , Product , Retail Industry Leaders Association , Jason Brewer , Networks , Business Model , Steroids , Neighborhood , Decision , Walgreens Shopper , Police , London Breed , Police Department , Thefts , Crimes , Accountable , Patrols , Hot Zones , Resources , Pharmacies , Neighborhoods , Criminals , Health , Job , Stresses , Therapy Dogs , Deal , Canine , Up Next , Food , Paul , Glucose Levels , Glucose , Choices , A1c , Visit Freestylelibre Us , Beauty , Crepe Corrector Lotion , Sleep Number , Sleep , Healthy Isn T , Feet , Smart Bed , Movement , Wellness , It Couldn T , 360 , Bed , Sale , Nasa Mission , Asteroids , Eight , Solar System , Flight , Atlas , Journey , Fossils , Liftoff , Lucy , 12 , Mission , Sightings , Asteroid , Trojans , Animations , Artist Renderings , Remnants , Explore Jupiter S , Members , Force , Support , Dogs , Unpredictability , Effort , Lauren Fox , Member , Come On , U S Capitol Police Force , Pupular , Milo , Lab Labrador , Lewis , Wellness Dog , Meet Leeila , Lila Didn T , Play , Emotions , Fit , Temperament , Divisions , Shifts , Anxiety , Series , Ranks , Tragedies , Wake , Dog , Barricades , Wellness Program , Room , Training , Law Enforcement , Mind , Weakness , Kryptonite , Squirrels , Seeing Eye Dog , Groups , Crowds , Issue , Type , Trauma , Praise , Bike Rack , Caroline Edwards , West Front , Insurrectionists , Brain Injury , Staffers , Members Of Congress , Kinds , Blood Pressure , Research , Harry Truman Quote , Lila , Partner , Tensions , Yellow Lab , Circumstances , Leo , K 9 , 9 , Service Dogs , Tension , Grin , Holding , Chase Squirrels , Amazing , Scenes , Episode , Fredricka Whitfield , Whit Ffield , Diana , Wedding , Credit Card Debt , Debt , Influencers , Inspire , Teach Us , Inspiration , Another , At Unilever , You , Drive Change , Makeup , Need , Wipes , Remover , Cleansers , Neutrogena , 30 , Nose , Air , Transit , Relief , Nurse , Brother , Tuition , 2016 , Registered Nurse , Assistant , Filipino , Classical Music Plays , Cadillac Lyriq , Regina , Um Uh , Brass Band , New Orleans , Coast , Cadillac , Palm Springs , Wonder , Hello , Vaccine Advisers , Committe , Booster Shot , 18 ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Christi Paul And Boris Sanchez 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240709

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housekeeper. soaring prices at the pump, passengers stranded at airports, why we should expect more of this in the upcoming holiday season, and how you can avoid getting stranded. good morning to you. it is saturday, october 16th. i'm christi paul. >> good morning, i'm boris sanchez. you're live in the cnn newsroom. >> the fda's advisory committee recommended all adults who received the single dose johnson & johnson vaccine should get a second dose at least two months after their first shot. the fda has to decide whether to grant emergency use authorization followed by the cdc giving its recommendation on who is eligible for the doses. >> we should tell you about a new study by the department of veterans affairs on vaccine effectiveness that's giving cause for concern. researchers found that j&j's vaccine protection against covid-19 drastically fell from 88% in march to a mere 3% by august. the study, we should point out has yet to be peer reviewed. >> good note to make there, but about 15 million people have received the johnson & johnson vaccine, according to the cdc here in the u.s. and nearly 91% of them got their shots more than two months ago. cnn's nick watts has more on that and socdc's recommendation >> those fda advisers gave their thumbs up for a second shot of johnson & johnson, at least a couple of months after the first. now, of course the cdc still needs to sign off on that. now, general the numbers in this pandemic are going in the right direction, but still new guidance from the cdc for the upcoming holiday season, file this under news you probably didn't want to hear, but apparently outdoor gatherings are best. if you're indoors, still wear a mask. but top of the list, just get v vaccinated. now, some good news for the u.s. tourist sector from november 8th, all double vaccinated foreigners will be allowed into this country, and while the arguments continue over vaccine mandates here in the u.s., some news from italy, from friday, every worker is going to have what they call a green pass, which is proof of vaccination or proof of recent recovery from covid-19. guys. back to you. >> nick, thank you so much. i want to bring in dr. elizabeth middleton, the associate medical director of the icu at the university of utah hospital. dr. middleton, thank you so much for being with us. thank you for all the work that you're doing. we know that it's particularly hard for all of you and it has been for so long. i wanted to ask you about some of the numbers that are coming out of your hospital. salt lake city tribune reporting that icu beds there in utah are near capacity, up to about 94%, in fact. walk us through a typical day at this point in your hospital for you and your medical team. >> good morning, and thanks for having me. our hospital system and i think this is similar across all hospitals in our valley is that there's a extreme limit, especially on icu beds. we have had limited staffing, so we've not been able to search and open an additional icu like we did last year when we were at the height of our hospitalizations. right now, we're seeing the same number of hospital beds being used for covid patients now as we did at our height, november last year. >> and i'm looking at a graph that shows how high it's been since august, which i know puts a strain on hospital resources and on staff. i mean, you must be exhausted. how are you all holding up? >> thank you for asking. it's been a long haul for our providers, our nursing staff, our respiratory staff. everyone who's been working in our icu in contrast to what we saw in the southeast, we didn't see a rapid rise and then a quick decline. we've seen sort of this slow rise and plateaued at this high level of cases without a real clear end in sight. right now we see a plateau in sight. >> do you have any idea why that is? and we were just talking about the fact that the numbers do seem to be more promising across the country now. what's happening in utah, do you think? >> no i'm unclear, and can just sort of speculate about what's going on. we tend to have a large community that's spread out amongst rural regions. we have improved our vaccination rates but we're still seriously lacking particularly in rural areas and then our catchment area, salt lake city is a area to a number of rural western states where we can accept patients if we have the bed capabilities. i think there's not just the dense population, so we don't see the spike in cases, and we see sort of a slower spread throughout the population. >> the tribune also saying that about 8% of covid patients at your hospital are fully vaccinated, so since you're right there in the hospital, i'm wondering if you can help us understand too the difference in needed care and recovery between people who are vaccinated and end up in the hospital with covid and people who are not. >> great question. the vast majority of our patients as you say, are unvaccinated folks, and they tend to get sicker. our vaccinated population tends to be those with underlying immune compromise, those that have auto immune diseases that need to be on certain medications, or those with different cancers, on chemotherapy, they may not mount an appropriate antibody response and have the protection they need even though they're fully vaccinated. we do see a few individuals who are fully vaccinated, otherwise healthy and their hospitalization courses seem to be far less severe and quicker to resolve. >> do you see at all people who have been unvaccinated and who have gotten severely ill and are able to leave the hospital, does that encourage their family and friends to get vaccinated? i think that people are kind of at a standstill as to how do you reach people who are so vaccine hesitant. >> yeah, i think that's another great question. the general population has no idea what is happening in the icus and how much care is needed to provide for a critically ill patient. i'll just share a quick anecdote. i had a patient just a couple of days ago who was very critically ill and that patient's mother also lost a loved one to covid-19 while there, and was not able to be with her mother. this year she's able to be with her loved one, and has spread the news to her family members by showing video and pictures of what's going on in the icu and was able to convince four of her family members to get vaccinated. >> okay. so it's that experience that seems to be the most influential, it seems. dr. elizabeth middleton, brwe appreciate you taking time to talk to us. cannot imagine what it's like for you and your teams. know you're being thought of and we appreciate your teams. >> thank you so much. >> of course. we have an update on a deadly shooting overnight in houston, texas. authorities say a man with a rifle shot three constables deputies outside a bar as they were investigating a robbery early this morning. >> one deputy was killed. the other two are still in the hospital this morning. police officials say the law enforcement officers were trying to make an arrest when a second suspect ambushed the men they say and shot them from behind. cnn's jean casarez has been following this for us. we're getting more information than we were just about an hour ago. what else are you learning? >> we have, and we do understand that the officer shot in the back has been in surgery. originally, the other officer that was shot, conceivably in the foot, it's actually the leg, and there are multiple broken bones, and he either is on his way to surgery or in it at this point. and then of course one deputy died. the constable for the area, for the houston police department related a personal story that the officer about to go into surgery was on the gurney, and he got a phone call saying that he buddy had just died there at the hospital, so you can see these deputies know each other. they work together. how this happened, they were doing police-related activity. it was off site, though, it was 2:15 this morning. it was in houston, it was the 45 north bar and lounge, and they heard that there was a robbery in progress, according to the constable for the houston precinct 4. and so the two deputies went out to the parking lot. they got the person on the ground, the person they believe that had committed this robbery, and they were trying to detain or arrest, and they say that someone else came out from behind a car, ambushed them and shot one in the back, shot the other one who is deceased, another deputy heard what was going on came out and he was shot. i want you to listen to a little bit of the presser that happened earlier this morning from the constable of the precinct for mark herman. >> i do believe that good always trumps evil, and what happened tonight was evil. and now the good is going to sweep in and i hope for swift justice. i know that the houston police department is going to do a very professional investigation. >> and the attorney general of texas has just released a tweet. we want to show that to you, praying this morning for the families of the fallen harris county deputy constable, and the other two still in the hospital. this was an evil act that took this deputy's life. a man hunt is currently underway. i hope these perpetrators are a apprehended fast. there is a person of interest that is in custody but they are still as you say this man hunt they believe the person they're looking for is in the early 20s and if you have any information do call the houston police department. and christi and boris, i do want to tell you that the constable also said that the families immediately went to the hospital and the fallen officer who deceased, his wife was there, his father was there. the sisters and the wife of the officer in surgery now are there. so this is more than the officers. these are families that have rushed to the hospital when their officer, their relative has hbeen shot. >> our hearts are with those officers and families, for those at the hospital, we pray for a speedy recovery. jean casarez, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> this latest knew out of houston takes on meaning as president biden is set to speak at the national peace officers memorial service, said to pay tribute to fallen police officers. at the white house and across the nation, flags are being flown at half staff to commemorate those who have lost their lives in the line of duty. >> cnn's jasmine wright is live from the white house right now. what do we expect to hear from the president? >> yeah, well, we can expect to hear president biden honor the sacrifices that police officers have made in service of this nation. it will be his first time as president speaking at this event. i think we will see him tap into that empathizer in chief role that we have seen from him quite a few times in just his young presidency, really using his history of loss to comfort others. now, when white house press secretary jen psaki announced that the president would be participating in this event on thursday, she noted the role that police officers have had on the front lines of this pandemic but also on the front lines of really the gun spike that is prevalent that this administration is trying to fight against and noting the amount of funding that this white house has provided to place stations across the country. i wouldn't be surprised if the president spoke about that. and also officials made note to say that it was pertinent that this event was happening at the u.s. capitol, the same place where just nine months ago on january 6th police officers defended the capitol on january 6th insurrection against rioters. i wouldn't be surprised if the president made note of the officers that lost their lives both that day and the days to come after. now, president biden speaks today, but yesterday, when talking to our own kaitlan collins outside of the white house, he was asked for his response to those who are refusing the subpoenas from the january 6th committee as they are investigating the insurrection. and he said that he wanted the committee to hold them accountable and pushed further, he responded, i do, yes, when asked, excuse me, when asked if the justice department should prosecute them. now, after kind of taking some criticism that he was b interfering with the process, white house press secretary jen psaki in a tweet, later, she says that he supports the work of the committee and the independent role of the department of justice to make any decisions about prosecutions, really kind of massaging the president's statement but today at the capitol, the president's remarks will focus on honoring the lives lost of police officers in service to this nation. boris, christi. >> and boy, what a reminder of the necessity of it today with what happened in houston. jasmine wright, we appreciate it. thank you. >> thanks, jasmine. there's another twist in that bizarre legal saga for alex murdoch. remember, he's that south carolina attorney mired in accusations of fraud, and murder. he's been arrested in florida and he's going to face new charges. we'll explain after a quick break. also, the january 6th committee has some questions for those who were involved in the capitol siege and now a capitol police officer has to answer to obstruction charges filed against him. got directv stream. now we can watch live tv and on demand. serena... scary movie... serena... scary movie... serena williams ready to serve. ahh! quiet, please. triple match point serena williams... this is her moment. ahh! quiet, please. ahh! quiet, please! get your tv together with the best of live and on demand. introducing directv stream, with no annual contract. nurse mariyam sabo knows a moment this pure... ...demands a lotion this pure. new gold bond pure moisture lotion. 24-hour hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. so, you have diabetes, here are some easy 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romero joins us live. nadia, this is just the latest scandal for the south carolina attorney. >> boris and christi, this has everything you would want for a made for tv drama movie, right. it has murder and drugs and deaths and suspicion and mystery. only problem here is that this is reality. and real people have lost their lives under a cloud of suspicion and mystery. as you mentioned, boris, the latest thing that's happened to alex murdaugh is he was arrested, and he received money from the settlement that was goes supposed to go to the housekeeper's family. the family says she tripped over the family dog, and went down the stairs. the coroner says that's not natural causes, and her body should have been taken to the coroner's office and they should have done an autopsy. that didn't happen. that raised a lot of red flags. that death investigation is now under investigation, but listen to gloria satterfield, her family's attorney talk about this settlement money. millions of dollars, they say they never saw a dime. >> alec did not act alone in making this happen. he certainly needed help, and the help came from those who also participated in the settlement, so we filed lawsuits virtually against anybody who touched that money, anybody who participated in those settlements, and it's by and through those lauwsuits we inted to make our clients whole again. >> family members of gloria satterfield say they have a lot of unanswered questions, what happened to her, and what happened to all the money that was supposed to come their way. now, alex murdaugh has been arrested in orlando, florida. he admitted to having a opioid problem. he's at a drug rehab facility. he's expected to make his way back to south carolina to face charges connected to the death of his maid on tuesday morning is when he'll have that hearing. we have yet another court case. all of this has come to light because of the death of his wife and his son. they were murdered at their family home and we still don't know how that happened, who killed them, and if alex mur dau or anyone else was involved in his death. so many questions have come out of hamp tton, south carolina. more investigations into other deaths and his law firm alleges that he stole money from them. christi, boris, the more we learn about alex murdaugh, the more questions we seem to have. >> not to mention the attempted hit he put on himself. layers and layers, stranger than fiction. nadia romero, thank you so much for the report. a u.s. capitol police officer is facing charges in a case tied to the january 6th attack. prosecutors say michael a. reilly obstructed justice when he warned a rioter to remove posts on social media showing that they were at the capitol that day. >> yeah, reilly's arrest is one of the over 600 insurrection cases but this makes him the first police officer on duty that day on capitol hill being charged with attempting to help a rioter. cnn's kaitlan po lance joins us live from washington, d.c., what can you tell us about the officer and the kind of legal trouble he's in. >> this is a serious case and we have not seen a case like this before in the more than 600 cases in the capitol riot investigation. michael reilly was a 25 year veteran of the capitol police force. he wasn't inside the capitol on january 6th but he was on duty on capitol hill listening to the police radios of other officers, his colleagues in distress, and he himself was reporting to a bomb threat on capitol hill. now, we have been hearing rioters for months alleging in court that they believed that they were being ushered into the capitol or being helped in some way by police officers. this is the first charge that the justice department has found evidence to show that a police officer on duty that day allegedly was trying to help someone, albeit after january 6th. so in reilly's case, the day after the riot, he allegedly reached out to a contact he had through a facebook group, and wrote to that person. i'm a capitol police officer who agrees with your political stance. he had seen selfies that this friend of his on facebook had posted and he said take down the part about being on the building. they are currently investigating and everyone who was in the building is going to be charged. just looking out. that's what michael reilly wrote on facebook allegedly, but this person that he was warning, that person we have learned was indeed charged, was arrested, and then reilly in his allegations he's charged with also deleting his facebook messages. so far he's been in court once. he is on leave from the capitol police force, and his attorney says that he is going to be fighting the charges. >> we appreciate the update. thank you. former president bill clinton spending another night in a california hospital. we have the latest on his recovery after a quick break. 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>> so far, it hasn't, you know, the united mandate has been in place for quite some time, and they're reporting a very high level of compliance, you know, i mean, the unfortunate truth is that there's frankly some slack of the system there too. aviation is relatively late to the economic recovery we have seen in many other sectors like manufacturing or construction. so as a consequence, if anyone chooses to leave, there's someone available to replace them. i don't think that's going to be a material factor. >> last year, holiday passengers experienced, you know, social distancing on planes, middle seats were left open. a lot of people simply didn't want to fly. a lot of flights were half full if not less. do you anticipate it's going to look different this year? >> yeah, absolutely. as a matter of fact, on u.s. domestic we've come roaring back. stumbled with the delta variant, if you look at things in june, numbers were way up for domestic. obviously with international, you've got border closures and other restrictions, but for domestic flying, people came back as soon as they felt okay. again, with delta, kind of stumbled a bit but we're making a pretty fast recovery now, and of course getting that capacity back in place to serve them, that's a major challenge, considering the depth to which the industry fell as a consequence of the pandemic. >> how long do you anticipate it might take things to get back to the status that we had before the pandemic where we didn't have these weird sort of lopsided issues with staffing and delayed flights and concerns about, you know, infection on the plane and vaccination requirements, et cetera, et cetera. >> you know, i think going to come back by the first quarter in terms of traffic. in terms of capacity, getting the systems evened out and removing any serious, well, risk of disruption, that might take a little bit longer. you know, and of course all of this assumes that the current numbers continue to get better. there's no further variant beyond delta that disrupts everything, and right now, things look really quite good. i think a reasonable expectation is sometime mid next year, second quarter, things are going to seem relatively normal, at least in domestic markets. >> yeah, i appreciate the advice, richard, about keeping calm, and you know, taking a few deep breaths and allowing things to play out as they will. it applies not only to air travel and so many things in life. thank you so much for the time. appreciate you. >> my pleasure. so an outbreak of in san francisco it's prompting the pharmacy giant to shut down five locations in the city. >> this is wild, the san francisco police department reports nearly 22,000 larceny theft cases since the beginning of the year. cnn correspondent dan simon has more. >> reporter: boxes and boxes of over-the-counter drugs. it looks like a warehouse distribution center for medicine. in reality, it's a warehouse full of stolen goods. >> what you're looking at is not petty shoplifting. what you're looking at is an organized criminal ring. >> reporter: law enforcement making this bust last year in san mateo, california, just outside of san francisco. these videos offering a glimpse inside the sophistication of organized shoplifting rings, san francisco in epicenter, so much so that walgreens says it will soon be closing five of its stores here. that in addition to the 17 stores the retailer had previously shuttered in the past few years. this is a real blow to san francisco. it's a blow to the merchants, tg it's a blow to our reputation as a city. >> a thief grabbing items off store shelves. this viral video captured in june at a san francisco walgreens in plain view of a security guard. the store among those being shut down. >> you have street level thieves who are selling to boosters, who are selling to larger syndicates who are building million dollar businesses selling stolen product. it's not something that is limited to san francisco. it's happening all over the country. san francisco is a focal point now. >> jason brewer of the retail industry leaders association says the stolen goods then wind up being sold online. >> we have allowed criminal networks to create a business model selling stolen goods online, and that is what's put this problem on steroids. >> and i'm really sad that the situation in the san francisco is driving businesses away. >> reporter: this walgreens shopper deeply saddened to see her neighborhood store shut down but understands the decision. >> if business is going to lose money, why should they stay open. >> reporter: you don't blame walgreens? >> no, why would i blame walgreens. business is to make money. >> reporter: san francisco police have added foot patrols to deter thefts in known hot zones. >> our police department is working really hard to make sure that people are apprehended and held accountable for these crimes. >> reporter: and mayor london breed says criminals are only hurting people in their own neighborhoods. >> when they do this, it impacts their family members, their grandmothers, they can't get their medicine at their pharmacies, and get resources they need to take care of their health and well being. >> dan simon, thank you so much for filing that report. >> up next, a little canine comfort, how therapy dogs are helping officers on capitol hill deal with the stresses of the job. we'll be right back. paul loves food. but his diabetes made food a mystery. everything felt like a “no.” but then paul went from no to know. with freestyle libre 14 day, now he knows how food affects his glucose. and he knows when to make different choices. take the mystery out of your glucose levels - and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit ♪ age before beauty? 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>> reporter: caroline edwards was guarding the capitol on january 6th and suffered a traumatic brain injury when insurrectionists broke through the barricades. >> and the reason is, like, why we did that was because it gave time for members, for staffers, for everyone to hide, to get out, to, you know, to barricade themselves. and i think that's what it's all about. >> reporter: members of congress also welcomed lila's arrival to capitol hill. >> there's of course the harry truman quote, if you want a friend in washington, get a dog. there's all kinds of research on how dogs lower your blood pressure, they're just so lovely and warm and it seemed like a great addition to the capitol, where tensions are high under the best of circumstances. >> lila will be joined by her fellow k-9 partner, leo, a 4-year-old yellow lab who joined the capitol police force last month. >> no one can see lila without getting this big old grin on their face. she's just a loveable dog. that's kind of what service dogs do, relieve that tension you have been holding in. >> reporter: lauren fox, cnn on capitol hill. >> amazing. >> she's not wrong. >> watching her chase squirrels just brightens the day. we appreciate her service and the service of all capitol police. >> amen. >> thank you so much for watching this morning. there's still much more ahead in the next hour of the cnn newsroom. >> fredricka whit ffield is up next. before you go, we want to remind you of an all new episode of the cnn original series "diana," it airs tomorrow night at 9:00 and takes us behind the scenes of the royal wedding when trouble was already brewing. watch "diana" tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. we'll see you tomorrow. ♪ feel stuck with credit card debt? 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, Mask , List , Tourist Sector , November 8th , 8 , Recovery , Vaccination , Proof , Worker , Arguments , Pass , Friday , Italy , Icu , Dr , Elizabeth Middleton , Work , Guys , Middleton , University Of Utah Hospital , California Hospital , Salt Lake City Tribune , Wall , Reporting , Some , Utah , Capacity , Thanks , Hospital , Point , Team , 94 , Hospital System , Staffing , Hospitals , Valley , Limit , Icu Beds , Number , Patients , Height , Hospitalizations , Hospital Beds , Graph , Staff , August , Strain On Hospital Resources , Nursing Staff , Providers , Haul , Everyone , Level , Cases , Rise , Southeast , Contrast , Plateaued , Decline , Idea , Sight , Plateau , End , Community , What S Going On , Vaccination Rates , Regions , Area , Catchment Area , Areas , Salt Lake City , Population , Tribune , Covid Patients , Bed Capabilities , Spike , Spread , Care , Difference , Question , Folks , Compromise , Majority , Protection , Medications , Auto Immune Diseases , Cancers , Antibody Response , Chemotherapy , Individuals , Hospitalization Courses , Unvaccinated , Family , Kind , Friends , At A Standstill , Icus , Patient , Couple , Mother , Loved One , Anecdote , Family Members , Pictures , Four , Experience , Cannot , Influential , Brwe , Man , Houston , Teams , Update , Rifle Shot , Constables Deputies , Thought , Authorities , Shooting , Texas , Three , Robbery , Deputy , Arrest , Bar , Men , Law Enforcement Officers , Suspect , Police Officials , Information , Officer Shot , Jean Casarez , Behind , Officer , Back , Way , Surgery , Foot , Leg , Bones , Constable , Houston Police Department , Story , He , Gurney , Phone Call , Site , Deputies , Each Other , Activity , Lounge , 15 , 45 , 2 , Person , Progress , Precinct , Parking Lot , Ground , 4 , Car , Deceased , Someone Else , Bit , Presser , Mark Herman , Justice , Evil , Good , Swift , Families , Investigation , Tweet , Deputy Constable , Attorney General , Harris County , Life , Act , Man Hunt , Perpetrators , Christi , Interest , Custody , 20 , Wife , Father , Sisters , Officers , Relative , Hbeen , Biden , Latest , Peace Officers , Hearts , Police Officers , Duty , Nation , Lives , Memorial Service , Tribute , Half Staff , White House , Line , Flags , Jasmine Wright , President , Event , Service , Time , Biden Honor The , Loss , Others , Times , Presidency , Chief Role , History , Empathizer , White House Press Secretary , Jen Psaki , Lines , Role , Gun Spike , Administration , Officials , Stations , Funding , Amount , Capitol On January 6th Insurrection , Rioters , Nine , Both , Biden Speaks Today , Kaitlan Collins Outside , Committee , Insurrection , January 6th Committee , Response , Subpoenas , San Francisco Police Department , Criticism , B , Process , Statement , Prosecutions , Massaging , Decisions , It , Remarks , Boy , Necessity , Reminder , Attorney , Murder , Jasmine , Twist , Saga , Florida , Accusations , Fraud , Alex Murdoch , Charges , Questions , Break , Obstruction , 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Rehab Facility , Maid , Son , Home , Alex Mur Dau , Investigations , Law Firm , Anyone Else , Hamp Tton , Layers , Hit , Stranger Than Fiction , Michael A Reilly , Report , Rioter , Social Media , Attack , Posts , Prosecutors , Capitol Hill , 600 , Trouble , Washington D C , Kaitlan , Po Lance , Capitol Police Force , He Wasn T Inside The Capitol On January 6th , Veteran , Listening , Capitol Riot Investigation , 25 , Hearing Rioters , Distress , Colleagues , Bomb Threat , Police Radios , Someone , Charge , Evidence , Facebook , Contact , Stance , Selfies , Part , Friend , Building , Messages , Allegations , Warning , Bill Clinton , Leave , Allstate , Radio , Sfx , Band Plays , Things , Hands , Auto Rate , Bit Wrong , Events , Reasons , Music , Ticket , Ears , Amex Platinum , Feel , Move , Loan , Rate , Personal Loan , Sofi , 10 , 0 , Business , Business Internet , Cybersecurity Options , Threats , Network , Setbacks , Safe , Device , Add Securityedge , Employees , Prepaid Card , 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