Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim S

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

the water there. >> numerous beaches in orange county closed today. divers are still searching that 17-mile pipeline for the source of the leak and there are understandably major concerns about the area's wetlands and wildlife, dead fish and birds have already started to wash ashore. cnn national correspondent natasha chen and meteorologist chad myers joining us now. natasha, in terms of where this leak started, do we know the exact location so it could ideally be fixed or is it still unclear? >> reporter: we don't know that information. yesterday there were divers sent to look at the 17-mile pipeline to see the potential source location of the leak and we haven't haeshd the results of that yet. the parent company responsible, amplify energy their ceo spoke during a press conference yesterday and he said that thches first discovered by crews doing a line inspection saturday morning. he explained the pipeline is rout routinely inspected every other year and "meticulously maintained." we don't know how long it's been leaking. some people in the area say they started smelling oil as early as friday evening and as you mentioned, there are potentially 126,000 gallons spilled at this point, the entire capacity of the pipeline so at this point, there is no more to spill according to the ceo that we haven't seen more spillage since the initial report but it has come up to the shoreline and that's why we're seeing people beachgoers yesterday having trouble getting tar balls stuck to the bottom of their feet. here are a couple of the folks we met. >> it's sad. it's a sad thing. >> it's sad. >> accidents do happen but it's a little surprised that it still does. >> it still does, after all this, the way technology is. they can't figure out how not to spill or leak? you know? it's like, come on. it's not just us and our taux dollars. it's damaged all of the wildlife that goes on within the sea. we're already having enough problems. >> reporter: ntsb sent a couple of investigators here to help figure out why this happened. you saw some more people out yesterday because a lot of them did not realize that the third day of the air show scheduled was canceled, the air show was bringing 1 million people to the beach over the weekend so some didn't hear of the news before they arrived. the key thing now is that all the beaches you mentioned that are closed officials really want people to stay out of the water, away from the shoreline, because contact with that oil can be very harmful. erica and jim? >> the idea that the leak stopped because all the oil has already leaked just remarkable. so chad, reference point, deepwater horizon spill back in 2010, many people remember that, the scale. that eventually was 4 million barrels of oil. so far here 3,000. can you give us a sense of the scale, but also the damage to this environment here? >> yes. 1,500 times more oil spill than deepwater horizon but that was a crude, thick oil, much of it didn't even get to the surface and is still laying on the bottom. this is a refined product, a lighter grade, which did rise to the surface and then was washed onto the beaches and more importantly, into the marshland. it's about the size right now of santa monica or just a little bit bigger. you can see the tar balls have already washed onshore. 1,300, compared to 3,150 gallons they've picked up so far, really only just skrcratching the surfe trying to get the muck off the beach and way from wildlife. some wildlife has been affected. some birds and fish in the water lifeless of course but they're still going to try to do everything they can. the real problem is here in the marshland, that for decades, for decades they have worked on this trying to make this the most populated little area for wildlife, fish, birds, plankton, every kind of marine life, but now we know that oil did get into this area and you start from the bottom and you go up. when you get the plankton or the little microorganisms when they get covered, they get eaten by something else and so on and so on and so on. jim and erica, this wetland could be an environmental disaster because we know oil is already in there. >> it's awful. chad, natasha, thank you. also now the scathing accusations from a former facebook executive about how the company handles hate content and misinformation. frances haugen is a former product manager at facebook and set to testify before congress tomorrow how she says the company put profits over public safety. haugen telling cbs' "60 minutes" facebook knows its platform is being used to spread hate and encourage violence but when given the choice between the public good and the company's bottom line, facebook looked after its own interests. >> one of the consequences how facebook is picking out that content today, it is optimizing for content that gets engagement, a reaction. but its own research is showing that content that is hateful, divisive, that is polarizing it's easier to inspire people to anger than it is to other emotions. facebook realized that if they change the algorithm to be safer, people will spend less time on the site and click on less ads, make less money. >> it's the bottom line. haugen also accused facebook of contributing to the climate that led to the january 6th attack on the capitol. she says after the 2020 election the company reversed some of its own safeguards against election disinformation. >> they told us we're dissolving civic integrity. they said oh good, we made it through the election. there wasn't riots. we can get rid of civic integrity. a couple months we got the insurrection and when they got rid of civic integrity, it was the moment where i was like i don't trust that they're willing to actually invest what needs to be invested to keep facebook from being dangerous. as soon as the election was over they turned them back over or turned the science back to before to prioritize growth over safety and that feels like a betrayal of democracy to me. >> growth over safety. cnn chief media correspondent brian stelter has been following the story. this is a latest in the facebook series, they know about the damage, the disinformation shared online and don't do anything about it or in this case it seems hid that information. >> there are so many comparisons to big tobacco, to decades okay when big tobacco companies were revealed to have known their products were addictive and deadly. facebook rejects those comparisons but keep coming up. the whistle-blower is testifying before a senate subcommittee tomorrow. she will be speaking out on capitol hill and already lined up a chance to testify in the united kingdom as well. what we have in this situation is an insider saying what so many of facebook's outside critics have been saying for years. now you have someone on the inside who is working as a product manager working on misinformation trying to combat facebook's problems. she came to conclude facebook was not going to do so, that the situation was getting worse and as you see on screen there, her lawyers have filed eight complaints, at least eight complaints with the sec. of course the government agency that regulates the financial markets so what she is charging is that what facebook says in public is a lie compared to what she knows in private. she's also the person who leaked the documents to the "wall street journal" and provided all this evidence facebook knows about the flaws of its platforms. i interviewed nick clegg one of the top spokespeople for facebook and he advances the argument no social media platform is perfect but we are trying our best. here is a part of what clegg told me. >> this is a good example of the company doing what i hope people would expect we should do, not pretending that everything is perfect on social media. it isn't. researching where minority of instances, where it's not working out right for people and trying to fix it as much as we can on our own apps. >> most people have a good experience on facebook and instagram and for the people who don't, we're trying to improve that, fix that. the broader question though when there's a product so addictive that's warping our brains and minds that is used by billions of people, is it bigger than anyone can control, has the monster become too big for facebook to control? >> it's an important question. brian stelter, appreciate it as always. lisa banks is an employment whistle-blower attorney represented former capitol police chief and dr. rick bright. it's good to have you with us this morning. based on your experience, what happens next here? >> well, i think the whistle-blower will continue to expose what she briefs to be wrongdoing and through congress and the sec and all likelihood continue doing it through the media as well. >> did facebook, big picture here, which having this information internally and not sharing it, including with filings with the sec, did facebook break any laws here? >> it's possible. that would be the basis of her sec filing, what facebook said to congress, regulators and the public was false and misleading to investors and that can be a violation of sec laws and regulations so that is the basis of her sec filing. >> there were a number of filings before the sec, she's set to testify before congress tomorrow. in terms of providing the documents to the media, is that generally what would you also advise a client to do to make sure that this information gets out? how important and how wise is that part of what we're seeing? >> well, it's risky to do it for sure. when you reveal information to government agencies, the sec, congress, that's generally protected. when you go to the press, when you give "the wall street journal" thousands of documents, that's a little riskier, but sometimes it's necessary. because a whistle employeer is trying to expose serious wrongdoing in the hopes that change can be affected. and if you go to the sec or sometimes even to congress, you're not assured that information will get out. sometimes the media is the best way to to this and often is a necessary step for whistle-blowers. >> we saw that in the trump administration, concerns that, following the internal process could be quashed by outside partisans. are whistle-blower laws written to sufficiently protect whistle-blowers like this from criminal prosecution? >> depending where they bring the information. she's protected going to the sec for example. she may not be protected going to "the wall street journal" and it's entirely conceivable that facebook will bring some sort of civil action against her, breach of nondisclosure agreement or misappropriation of trade secrets or something like that. but just because they can doesn't mean they should. >> right, they may make their own judgment about public profile, public relations on that issue beyond the law. lisa banks, so good to have you on. >> thank you very much. up next, president biden set to speak this morning on the urgent need for congress to raise the debt limit. this as progressives draw a hard line what they want in exchange for that vote on infrastructure. i'm going to be speaking to congresswoman debbie dingell about how they plan to break the stalemate as the president is set to visit her state tomorrow to make the case. there she is right there. and later, covid cases finally headed in the right direction in the u.s. this is good news. why does the cdc's new holiday guidance sound like it's from 2020? we'll see. we welcome change? we can make emergency medicine possible at 40,000 feet. instead of burning our past for power, we can harness the energy of the tiny electron. we can create new ways to connect. rethinking how we communicate to be more inclusive than ever. with app, cloud and anywhere workspace solutions, vmware helps companies navigate change. faster. vmware. welcome change. you have always loved vicks vapors. and now you'll really love new vicks' vapostick. it goes on clear 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had a vaccine or plan to. tremfya®. emerge tremfyant™. janssen can help you explore cost support options. just about two hours president bide listen speak from the white house, expected to push congress to raise the nation's debt ceiling. it comes as senate republicans are holding firm that democrats should increase the country's borrowing limit on their own with zero gop votes. of course we should note there was no hesitation from republicans during the tax cut negotiations to raise the debt ceiling. >> details, details. all while president biden is expected to travel to michigan tomorrow to rally support for t his bipartisan infrastructure bill. jeremy diamond is at the white house, lauryn fox is on capitol hill. jeremy, what do we expect to hear from the president later today? >> we've heard president biden repeatedly make clear not lifting the debt ceiling isn't an option, default something not an option for the united states and obviously so far a lot is focused on trying to pressure republicans to join along with democrats or allow democrats to do this by a simple majority vote, something they have tried and failed because republicans have prevented them from doing so over the last week. expect president biden to continue to raise the pressure on republicans to fulfill this responsibility of raising the debt ceiling. i don't know that's going to have a huge impact on those republicans. so ultimately here there are two weeks left to go and president biden and democrats may need to find another path ahead. one thing that i think is very clear here at the white house is that not lifting the debt ceiling is not an option and i think republicans are very, very cognizant of that. now at the same time, president biden is also going to be continuing to focus on trying to bridge the divides within the democratic caucus on the bipartisan infrastructure bill as well as the $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation package, that's why we'll see him tomorrow heading out to michigan to try and rally support for this agenda. we've seen the president focus on a lot of these behind the scenes negotiations over the last week, now i think we're going to see more public pressure from him using the power of the bully pulpit to try to get democrats on board and get to a place where they can pass these two bills. >> all right, lauryn fox on the hill, republicans seem pretty comfortable letting the democrats burn themselves on the debt limit. you have some democrats saying well, mitch mcconnell will blink on this. he codoesn't want to put us ove the edge. if you're betting for mitch mcconnell to blink, you'll probably lose that bet. where does it stand? do democrats have to go it alone? >> jim, i think your read is correct. if you're betting on mitch mcconnell to blink you're probably on the losing side of this argument. republicans continue to say they're not going to, and are going to reject t including mitt romney, somebody who sometimes does vote with democrats on big eye ems, whether that was impeachment or the bipartisan in infrastructure bill. democrats cannot count on some republican colleagues to cross the aisle which leaves limited options. one of the options they could use according to guidance they got last week from the senate parliamentarian, is move ahead with a separate budget process that allows them to increase the debt ceiling with a simple majority, only takes 51 votes but requires democrats to put in the legislation how much more money they'll be spending. that's a difficult vote for moderates which is why democrats don't want to use that option. you heard that from schumer and house speaker nancy pelosi but potentially that may be the only tool at their disposal and they only have a couple of weeks left before this deadline coming up in mid-october which means they have to get moving on that option if they're going to pursue it. it takes probably about two weeks and we're right at that two-week deadline now so the question of what they're going to do next is really up in the air. a lot of democrats saying they cannot default but when you have limited tools in your toolbox, there aren't a lot of options left. jim and erica? >> goodness, lauren fox on the hill, jeremy diamond at the house, thanks. i'm joined by michigan congresswoman debbie dingell, a rare one among the problem-solvers and progressive caucus in the house. congresswoman, thank you for taking the time this morning. >> good morning, jim, good to see you. >> so you bridge the gap, the gap that went so public yesterday within the democratic party between progressives and moderates on the way forward. tell us, what is the middle ground here? what is the way forward? who gives and who gives what? >> well, i don't look at it as who is going to give. i look at it finally we're legislating. the president came to the hill last friday and made it clear where he was, i think until that point, different people had different perspectives of what he might want or not want. on top of that, really i've heard members talking to each other last week. the president was very clear on friday that he doesn't want to talk numbers. he wants to talk programs. what is it that the people of your district want and need? >> right. >> i think that's what we're going to focus. >> what are the programs? set aside the $3.5 trillion or $1 57 trillion, joe manchin's figure. if you break it up into constituent parts, which are the programs? expansion of medicare? universal pre-k? which are the ones that will survive this, that must survive this? >> we'll get in a room and have to have some discussions. part of the discussion is how does it get funded? is it for five years versus ten? child care, 3 million people have left the workforce because of the lack and cost of child care. lead in pipes, we need that. i've never been one to bad mouth the bipartisan infrom structure bill we need what's in there but not enough money to take the lead out of all the pipes in this country. long-term care for seniors. just as joe mamplgin fights for the people of west virginia i'll fight for my autoworkers in mish mir michigan and what we need to be successful. >> let's talk timing. a couple of deadlines last week voting for the infrastructure bill. nancy pelosi now says vote on bipartisan infrastructure by october 31st. white house adviser cedric richmond was asked if there was a time line he said "we're not using an artificial time line." is there any actual time line here? >> so first of all, the surface transportation bill was extended through october 30th or 31st. we have to make some decisions by then. a lot of members are anxious to get both bills done and we need to be delivering for the american people. i think the white house saw what happens when you put artificial deadlines and granted it was a good weekend for everybody to go home and take deep breaths. now we have to come back to the table. i think nancy has to negotiate in the house. no one ever knows what the senate's going to do and it's probably why cedric richmond said what he did because the senate is an unpredictable body. >> strikes me this was not just me but this was a wound to nancy pelosi's leadership. she promised a vote on a certain time line, couldn't get the two sides together. you yourself as you mentioned earlier criticized that it wasn't clear what the president wanted until friday, in terms of picking and choosing among these various priorities here. are you disappointed in how the democratic leadership didn't bring this through? >> you know what? everybody wants to point fingers, et cetera. what i do know is that our caucus is unified, that failure is not an option. we did a far better job of communicating last week than we have been doing. i look at that as a win and you know the old will rogers statement, people with weak stomachs shouldn't watch sausage being made. i think everybody knows where we're going now. we know what the broad outlines are and failure isn't an option. we have to deliver for the american people. >> another issue that cropped up, public disagreement among democrats is on the hyde amendment which for folks at home prevents federal programs from covering abortion expenses. pramilla jayapal would not support a sweeping economic bill if it includes it. joe manchin on the senate side will not support anything that doesn't include it. what is the compromise there? >> what i want to say to both of my colleagues they should stop making sweeping statements publicly and we all need to talk to each other in a room, not go through sound bites. >> fair advice. do you think the democratic party did damage to itself last week with the mid terms a little more than a year away? >> i think when we deliver for the american people on a bill that will give them so many things we need, fixing our roads and bridges to addressing the child care issues and expanding health care, making health care more affordable, prescription drugs, people will know we delivered and that's what they'll focus on. >> we'll be watching. congresswoman dingell, thank you for joining the program. >> thank you, jim. >> erica? just ahead, sounds like 2020, cdc issuing new guidance for family gatherings trying to get ahead of the holidays as covid cases are declining ac ross the country, why is this guidance still so conservative? plus we're moments away from the opening bell on wall street. futures lower this morning, after rallying on friday. investors will be watching what's happening in washington this week, specifically the debt ceiling and accidental short default could spark a financial crisis, cost the government billions more in borrowing costs and potentially spike interest rates. this is how you become the best! 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>> well, there's still a lot of delta out in the community and there is still a lot of people in the community who haven't been vaccinated. so there are about 70 million people in this country who are eligible for vaccination, who remain unvaccinated, and with a lot of virus, there is the potential for a great deal of infection, and plus we have breakthrough infections so i think what dr. fauci is basically articulating is this notion that things are getting better, but this virus is not yet done with us. so we'll have to see over the next several weeks how low are the cases dropping. they dropped about 26% in the last two weeks. let's see how quickly that continues. >> do you think that guidance was helpful from the cdc? yes, they want to get out in front of this and be ready for the holidays. when you're telling people the same guidance you've been given, we know how frustrated people are. you want to get people more incentive, hopefully to get vaccinated if they haven't done so already. do you think this is the right messaging on the part of the cdc, on october 4th at this point? >> there's certainly a risk of sort of message fatigue. i thought for a while that the most important thing to federal government could have done towards the end of the summer is tell people that you won't be able to travel this holiday season, unless you're vaccinated. i think we're seeing that vaccine mandates and incentives are, do impact people's behavior and if people want to travel via bus or airplane or train this holiday, perhaps the federal government should mandate vaccines. i think that would have the most i think impact going forward. >> when we look at because we're learning more as we go, it suggests unvaccinated people who get sick with covid will likely be reinfected and likely to become increasingly common. a number of people said i have the virus, therefore i don't need a vaccine. this sounds like further proof that vaccines are not only effective but far more effective than getting imeffected and counting on the antibodies that may or may not be there down the road. >> right. saying that another way, what we're learning is natural immunity from infection may be short-lived and that in order for us to have a more longlasting immunity, we need to be vaccinated, whether you've been infected or not. >> when we look at where we're at, as we were talking about the numbers are going down, specifically i really focus in on the hospitalization and deaths numbers. when we start to see those drop, that's a really good sign but i'm wondering, what are you look for at this point that causes you to have a little sigh of relief. >> hospitalizations are i think most sensitive indicator, hospitalization data comes from hospitals not subject to day-to-day trends, certain days of the week, more reporting from others for cases, and our hospitalization numbers continue to move in the right direction dropping below 80,000 people hospitalized, dropped 20,000 people since the beginning of september and dropping a few thousand people per day. that's encouraging because obviously what follows hospitalization are deaths, and deaths i think have just peaked and are starting now to decline, dropped below 2,000 our latest 14-day average is about 1,800 deaths per day still horrifying but debts are starting to drop. so if we could increase vaccination and that should help us continue to see a decline in hospitalization but follow the hospitalization numbers because as those numbers drop, so will death a few weeks lagging from the hospitalization declines. >> dr. jonathan reiner, always appreciate it, thank you. >> my pleasure. >> jim? ahead, in just a matter of minutes the supreme court will convene for the start start of the new term, some of the new divisive issues are on the docket. we're live with what to expect coming up. that's coming up. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. it helps keep you effortlessly comfortable by sensing your movements and automatically responding to both of you. and, it's temperature balancing to help you stay comfortable all night. it even tracks your circadian rhythm, so you know when you're at your best. in other words, it's the most energy-building, wellness-boosting, parent-powering, proven quality night's sleep we've ever made. don't miss our weekend special. save 50% on the new sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 36 months. ends monday. ♪ ♪ your new pharmacy is here. and here. and here, too. it's here to help you save time and money and trips to the pharmacy. it's here to get you the medication you need when you need it. who knew it could be this easy? 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"there's going to be a lot of disappointment in the law. lock at me and my dissents" sonia sotomayor said at an event adding while she couldn't change the texas law, the public could by lobbying lawmakers. justice stephen breyer, pushed by progressives to retire last summer mince nod words on the texas decision in an interview with cnn last week. >> i thought they were wrong. >> reporter: the conservative justices have been pushing back. the newest justice amy coney barrett appeared at an event with mitch mcconnell and declared "my goal today is to convince you that this court is not comprised of a bunch of partisan hacks." justice samuel alito was more forceful in a speech at the university of notre dame, at times blasting the media portraying the conservative leaning court as a dangerous kabal, deciding important issues in a novel, secretive and improper way in the middle of the night. alito calling the criticism the court was acting in a way that was sneaky or dangerous very misleading. all of these competing comments come at a time when the issues are set to get more divisive. the texas abortion law was decided strictly on procedural grounds but the court will hear a case on the merits involving abortion december 1st, a mississippi law that restricts abortion after 15 weeks. of course, today the term is set to begin in just minutes. there are two relatively under-the-radar cases, one involving a water rights dispute between states and another involving a criminal case, but of course, jim and erica, this is the first time that the justices will be back inside the courtroom hearing arguments in person in just about 18 months the one justice missing will be justice brett kavanaugh, he tested positive for covid last week, participating remotely. it is set to start off a term that could be explosive, guys. >> that is for sure. we'll be watching, jessica, appreciate it. still ahead, a critical meeting today on oil production around the globe. what we could learn about the impact of that on the price you pay for gas. those details are next. ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ from the very first touch, pampers, the #1 pediatrician recommended brand, so every touch will protect like the first. pampers football, is a game of inches. but it's also a game, of information. because the nfl is connected. and at any moment, the fate of the season can come down to this. billions of secure connections, per second. when the game is on the line and the game is always on the line touchdown! the nfl relies on cisco. are you one of the millions of americans who experience occasional bloating, gas or abdominal discomfort? taking align every day can help. align contains a quality probiotic developed by gastroenterologists. it adds more good bacteria to your gut to naturally help soothe your occasional bloating, gas and abdominal discomfort. support your digestive health with align, the #1 doctor recommended probiotic. try align today. and try new align fast acting biotic gummies. helps soothe occasional digestive upsets in as little as 7 days. today the world's largest oil producers will soon hold a critical meeting. it could have a significant impact on the price you pay for gas. >> amid spiking oil prices, opec and its allies are soon expected to decide whether to add more oil to the market. business correspondent christine romans joining us now. we've seen riding gas prices due to supply disruptions, also recovering demand from the pandemic. so what are we expecting out of this meeting today? >> according to "reuters" this meeting has just wrapped up. opec and its allies have decided to stay the course with the new oil they've been pumping, 400,000 barrels per day, will continue into november. the next meeting will be in november. essentially the path of least resistance for oil prices continues to be higher. remember they took a lot of pumping out of the system when the covid -- coronavirus recession slammed the world. now they've been adding that capacity back in, but supply has not been increased as quickly as demand has increased. you can see that in crude oil prices. right now they're up some 3% again. brent crude above $80. you can see all of the oil complex is your paying $10, $15 a gallon for a tank more than you did a year ago. oil prices at a three-year high mean gas prices rising. gas prices are more than $1 higher than they were a year ago. this is one of those stories, factors really that's feeding that inflation story. it's a factor that i think is an important kitchen table piece of economics because you feel this every week or every two weeks when you fill up the gas tank. i think the bottom line from the opec meeting is don't expect the big players like saudi arabia and russia and the big opec players to be rushing out there to pump a whole bunch more oil to ease this crisis. iranian oil and u.s. shale makers are not there yet to even fill the gap quite yet in this covid world. >> it's a cartel. they raise and lower the prices based on their interests. and if they keep it where it is, they make more money per barrel. it's as simple as that. >> yeah. higher oil prices, $8 0-a-barrel oil is something producers like to see. you also want to -- if you pump more then you can make even more money. that's also an incentive to try to pump more, as well. >> all right, appreciate it. thank you. >> you're welcome. a shooting at a philadelphia hospital early this morning. a man is accused of shooting and killing his co-worker, then getting into a shoot-out with police. police say the suspect fatally shot a 43-year-old certified nursing assistant. this happened at thomas jefferson university hospital in the early hours. then that person sped away this a u-haul truck. an hour later a witness flagged down police on the street saying there was a man in scrubs firing a weapon. police say that man began shooting at them. they fired back, ultimately two officers were shot, one is now in critical condition. the 55-year-old suspect was also hit. he, too, in critical condition. just ahead, california officials are warning about a potential environmental catastrophe as they race to contain a big oil spill off the coast there. we're going to be joined live by the county's supervisor who's responding to the damage. priceline works with top hotels, to save you up to 60%. these are all great. and when you get a big deal... you feel like a big deal. ♪ priceline. every trip is a big deal. baaam. internet that doesn't miss a beat. that's cute, but my internet streams to my ride. adorable, but does yours block malware? 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Show , Didn T , Third Day , 1 Million , Erica , Contact , Idea , Scale , Reference Point , Barrels , Deepwater Horizon Spill , 4 Million , 2010 , Damage , Much , Crude , Environment , Sense , Deepwater Horizon , Yes , 1500 , Product , Surface , Marshland , Lighter Grade , Rise , Size , Just A Little Bit , Santa Monica , 3150 , 1300 , Course , Everything , Muck , Surfe , Plankton , Problem , Kind , Marine Life , Something Else , Microorganisms , Wetland , Company , Divisive , Frances Haugen , Product Manager , Misinformation , Facebook , Accusations , Profits , Executive , Bottom Line , Safety , Good , Platform , Hate , Violence , Choice , Cbs , 60 , One , Interests , Consequences , Reaction , Engagement , Research , Money , Emotions , Ads , Algorithm , Site , Climate , Election , Capitol , Attack , Led , January 6th , 2020 , 6 , Safeguards , Civic Integrity , There Wasn T Riots , Election Disinformation , Insurrection , Don T Trust , Growth , Brian Stelter , Democracy , Betrayal , Science , Anything , Case , Opec Meeting Is Don T , Story , Latest , Disinformation , Series , Companies , Comparisons , Tobacco , Products , Big Tobacco , Senate , Situation , Capitol Hill , Whistle Blower , Chance , Many , Saying , Insider , Subcommittee , United Kingdom , Someone , Critics , Inside , Public , Sec , Complaints , Government Agency , Charging , Markets , Lie , Screen , Lawyers , Eight , Person , Documents , Nick Clegg , Platforms , Spokespeople , Wall Street Journal , Flaws , Part , You Re The Best , Argument , Example , Social Media Platform , What Clegg , Instances , Social Media , It Isn T , Minority , Apps , Question , Experience , Brains , Billions , Minds , Instagram , Anyone , Employment , Lisa Banks , Whistle Blower Attorney , Monster , Analyst , Capitol Police Chief , Rick Bright , Congress , Wrongdoing , Likelihood , Briefs , Media , It , Filings , Laws , Investors , Basis , Filing , Number , Violation , Regulations , Wise , Client , Press , Little , 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Majority , Moderates , Legislation , 51 , Nancy Pelosi , Mid October , Tool , Disposal , Schumer , Air , Toolbox , Tools , House , There Aren T , Solvers , Lauren Fox On The Hill , Progressive Caucus , Goodness , Gap , In The House , Last , Ground , The Hill , Legislating , Numbers , Programs , Members , Perspectives , Top , District , Ones , Medicare , Expansion , Pre K , Constituent Parts , Joe Manchin , 1 , 57 Trillion , , Child Care , Room , Workforce , Discussion , Discussions , Five , 3 Million , Ten , Lead , Pipes , Infrom Structure Bill , Cost , Lack , Mouth , Care , Fights , Seniors , Autoworkers , West Virginia , Joe Mamplgin , Talk Timing , Voting , Mish Mir , Let , Time Line , Cedric Richmond , Surface Transportation Bill , October 31st , 31 , Decisions , October 30th Or 31st , 30 , October 30th , Everybody , Home , Saw , Deadlines , Table , Deep Breaths , No One , Body , Strikes , Wound , Leadership , Couldn T , Sides , Wasn T , Picking , Priorities , Job , Failure , Leadership Didn T , Fingers , Know , Et Cetera , Statement , Shouldn T , Doing , Stomachs , Win , Sausage , Will Rogers , Disagreement , Failure Isn T An Option , Outlines , Bill , Hyde Amendment , Abortion Expenses , Pramilla Jayapal , Compromise , Doesn T , Both , Statements , Other , Sound Bites , Things , Advice , Roads , Mid , Bridges , Issues , Health Care , Program , Prescription Drugs , Holidays , Family Gatherings , Sounds , Futures , Ac Ross The Country , Washington , Crisis , Government , Borrowing Costs , Default , Interest Rates , Man , Gotta , Music , Joe Esposito , Wrestling Bell Rings , Nothing , Going , Charge , Finances , Ding , Don T Get Mad , E Trade , Deal , Priceline , Hotels , Trip , Love , Roller Coaster , Love Collection , The Diamond , Vera Wang , Zales , Business Internet , Store , Setbacks , Add Securityedge , Safe , Cybersecurity Options , Customers , Employees , Offer , Device , Comcast , Business Securityedge , Yours , 10 , Prepaid Card , Call Today , 00 , 500 , Fight , Fauci , Surge , Corner , 19 , Deaths , Milestone , Morning Trending , 700000 , George Washington University , Jonathan Reiner , Hasn T , Ship , Six , Virus , Vaccination , Delta , Community , Unvaccinated , 70 Million , Notion , Dr , Breakthrough Infections , Potential , 26 , Incentive , Front , Given , Yes , Messaging , End , Summer , Message Fatigue , On October 4th , October 4th , 4 , Behavior , Incentives , Holiday Season , Vaccine Mandates , Vaccines , Most , Holiday , Bus , Airplane , Sick , Counting , Antibodies , Immunity , Road , Longlasting Immunity , Order , Learning , Hospitalization , Drop , Hospitalizations , Sign , Relief , Indicator , Sigh , Hospitalization Numbers , Hospitals , Reporting , Hospitalization Data , Others , Beginning , 80000 , 20000 , Debts , Average , 2000 , 1800 , 14 , Decline In Hospitalization , Supreme Court , Hospitalization Declines , Pleasure , Matter , Term , Some , Docket , Sleep Number , Bed , Sale , 360 , Words , Miss , Sleep , Best , Parent , Temperature Balancing , Circadian Rhythm , Energy Building , Weekend Special , 50 , Pharmacy , Interest , Plus , Ends Monday , 36 , 0 , Medication , Trips , Amazon , World , Work , Challenge , Office , Servicenow Platform , Return , Workplace , Flow , Servicenow , Justice , Abortion , Guns , Affirmative Action , Liberty , Correspondent Jessica Schneider , Landmark Rulings , Conservative Leaning Court , Hearing Arguments , Interest Groups , Makeup , Phone , Courtroom , Spotlight , Oh Yea , Brett Kavanaugh , Oy Yea , Poll , Approval , Lowest , Effect , Texas Abortion Law , Gallup , Approval Rating , 20 , Justices , Decision , Division , Nine , Disagreements , Clarence Thomas , 3 , Disfavored , Culture Wars , Roe V Wade The Landmark Case Plainly Wrong , Will Wade , Second Amendment , Arguments , Abortions , Gun Law , Mississippi Law Banning , New York , 2021 , Conservatives , Dissents , Leaning Justs , Fractures , December 1st , Texas Law Banning , Disappointment , Movement , Lock , Shadow Docket , Me And My Dissents , Sonia Sotomayor , Event , Stephen Breyer , Interview , Lawmakers , Nod , Texas Law , Texas , Amy Coney Barrett , Goal , Novel , Bunch , Hacks , Speech , Samuel Alito , University Of Notre Dame , Dangerous Kabal , Acting , Criticism , Comments , Middle , Grounds , Merits , Mississippi , Abortion December 1st , 15 , Time , Courtroom Hearing Arguments , Another , States , Set , Water Rights , Explosive , 18 , Meeting , Gas , Price , Oil Production , Globe , Guys , Ideas , Dark , Flexibility , Game , Touch , Football , First , Pediatrician , Brand , Pampers , Fate , Season , Connections , Nfl , Line Touchdown , Millions , Cisco , Probiotic , Discomfort , Bloating , Bacteria , Gut , Gastroenterologists , Biotic Gummies , Health , Upsets , Try Align , Oil Producers , 7 , Oil Prices , Opec , Allies , Riding Gas Prices , Business Correspondent , Market , Christine Romans , Demand , Supply Disruptions , Pandemic , Reuters , Pumping , System 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow And Jim Sciutto 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

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the water there. >> numerous beaches in orange county closed today. divers are still searching that 17-mile pipeline for the source of the leak and there are understandably major concerns about the area's wetlands and wildlife, dead fish and birds have already started to wash ashore. cnn national correspondent natasha chen and meteorologist chad myers joining us now. natasha, in terms of where this leak started, do we know the exact location so it could ideally be fixed or is it still unclear? >> reporter: we don't know that information. yesterday there were divers sent to look at the 17-mile pipeline to see the potential source location of the leak and we haven't haeshd the results of that yet. the parent company responsible, amplify energy their ceo spoke during a press conference yesterday and he said that thches first discovered by crews doing a line inspection saturday morning. he explained the pipeline is rout routinely inspected every other year and "meticulously maintained." we don't know how long it's been leaking. some people in the area say they started smelling oil as early as friday evening and as you mentioned, there are potentially 126,000 gallons spilled at this point, the entire capacity of the pipeline so at this point, there is no more to spill according to the ceo that we haven't seen more spillage since the initial report but it has come up to the shoreline and that's why we're seeing people beachgoers yesterday having trouble getting tar balls stuck to the bottom of their feet. here are a couple of the folks we met. >> it's sad. it's a sad thing. >> it's sad. >> accidents do happen but it's a little surprised that it still does. >> it still does, after all this, the way technology is. they can't figure out how not to spill or leak? you know? it's like, come on. it's not just us and our taux dollars. it's damaged all of the wildlife that goes on within the sea. we're already having enough problems. >> reporter: ntsb sent a couple of investigators here to help figure out why this happened. you saw some more people out yesterday because a lot of them did not realize that the third day of the air show scheduled was canceled, the air show was bringing 1 million people to the beach over the weekend so some didn't hear of the news before they arrived. the key thing now is that all the beaches you mentioned that are closed officials really want people to stay out of the water, away from the shoreline, because contact with that oil can be very harmful. erica and jim? >> the idea that the leak stopped because all the oil has already leaked just remarkable. so chad, reference point, deepwater horizon spill back in 2010, many people remember that, the scale. that eventually was 4 million barrels of oil. so far here 3,000. can you give us a sense of the scale, but also the damage to this environment here? >> yes. 1,500 times more oil spill than deepwater horizon but that was a crude, thick oil, much of it didn't even get to the surface and is still laying on the bottom. this is a refined product, a lighter grade, which did rise to the surface and then was washed onto the beaches and more importantly, into the marshland. it's about the size right now of santa monica or just a little bit bigger. you can see the tar balls have already washed onshore. 1,300, compared to 3,150 gallons they've picked up so far, really only just skrcratching the surfe trying to get the muck off the beach and way from wildlife. some wildlife has been affected. some birds and fish in the water lifeless of course but they're still going to try to do everything they can. the real problem is here in the marshland, that for decades, for decades they have worked on this trying to make this the most populated little area for wildlife, fish, birds, plankton, every kind of marine life, but now we know that oil did get into this area and you start from the bottom and you go up. when you get the plankton or the little microorganisms when they get covered, they get eaten by something else and so on and so on and so on. jim and erica, this wetland could be an environmental disaster because we know oil is already in there. >> it's awful. chad, natasha, thank you. also now the scathing accusations from a former facebook executive about how the company handles hate content and misinformation. frances haugen is a former product manager at facebook and set to testify before congress tomorrow how she says the company put profits over public safety. haugen telling cbs' "60 minutes" facebook knows its platform is being used to spread hate and encourage violence but when given the choice between the public good and the company's bottom line, facebook looked after its own interests. >> one of the consequences how facebook is picking out that content today, it is optimizing for content that gets engagement, a reaction. but its own research is showing that content that is hateful, divisive, that is polarizing it's easier to inspire people to anger than it is to other emotions. facebook realized that if they change the algorithm to be safer, people will spend less time on the site and click on less ads, make less money. >> it's the bottom line. haugen also accused facebook of contributing to the climate that led to the january 6th attack on the capitol. she says after the 2020 election the company reversed some of its own safeguards against election disinformation. >> they told us we're dissolving civic integrity. they said oh good, we made it through the election. there wasn't riots. we can get rid of civic integrity. a couple months we got the insurrection and when they got rid of civic integrity, it was the moment where i was like i don't trust that they're willing to actually invest what needs to be invested to keep facebook from being dangerous. as soon as the election was over they turned them back over or turned the science back to before to prioritize growth over safety and that feels like a betrayal of democracy to me. >> growth over safety. cnn chief media correspondent brian stelter has been following the story. this is a latest in the facebook series, they know about the damage, the disinformation shared online and don't do anything about it or in this case it seems hid that information. >> there are so many comparisons to big tobacco, to decades okay when big tobacco companies were revealed to have known their products were addictive and deadly. facebook rejects those comparisons but keep coming up. the whistle-blower is testifying before a senate subcommittee tomorrow. she will be speaking out on capitol hill and already lined up a chance to testify in the united kingdom as well. what we have in this situation is an insider saying what so many of facebook's outside critics have been saying for years. now you have someone on the inside who is working as a product manager working on misinformation trying to combat facebook's problems. she came to conclude facebook was not going to do so, that the situation was getting worse and as you see on screen there, her lawyers have filed eight complaints, at least eight complaints with the sec. of course the government agency that regulates the financial markets so what she is charging is that what facebook says in public is a lie compared to what she knows in private. she's also the person who leaked the documents to the "wall street journal" and provided all this evidence facebook knows about the flaws of its platforms. i interviewed nick clegg one of the top spokespeople for facebook and he advances the argument no social media platform is perfect but we are trying our best. here is a part of what clegg told me. >> this is a good example of the company doing what i hope people would expect we should do, not pretending that everything is perfect on social media. it isn't. researching where minority of instances, where it's not working out right for people and trying to fix it as much as we can on our own apps. >> most people have a good experience on facebook and instagram and for the people who don't, we're trying to improve that, fix that. the broader question though when there's a product so addictive that's warping our brains and minds that is used by billions of people, is it bigger than anyone can control, has the monster become too big for facebook to control? >> it's an important question. brian stelter, appreciate it as always. lisa banks is an employment whistle-blower attorney represented former capitol police chief and dr. rick bright. it's good to have you with us this morning. based on your experience, what happens next here? >> well, i think the whistle-blower will continue to expose what she briefs to be wrongdoing and through congress and the sec and all likelihood continue doing it through the media as well. >> did facebook, big picture here, which having this information internally and not sharing it, including with filings with the sec, did facebook break any laws here? >> it's possible. that would be the basis of her sec filing, what facebook said to congress, regulators and the public was false and misleading to investors and that can be a violation of sec laws and regulations so that is the basis of her sec filing. >> there were a number of filings before the sec, she's set to testify before congress tomorrow. in terms of providing the documents to the media, is that generally what would you also advise a client to do to make sure that this information gets out? how important and how wise is that part of what we're seeing? >> well, it's risky to do it for sure. when you reveal information to government agencies, the sec, congress, that's generally protected. when you go to the press, when you give "the wall street journal" thousands of documents, that's a little riskier, but sometimes it's necessary. because a whistle employeer is trying to expose serious wrongdoing in the hopes that change can be affected. and if you go to the sec or sometimes even to congress, you're not assured that information will get out. sometimes the media is the best way to to this and often is a necessary step for whistle-blowers. >> we saw that in the trump administration, concerns that, following the internal process could be quashed by outside partisans. are whistle-blower laws written to sufficiently protect whistle-blowers like this from criminal prosecution? >> depending where they bring the information. she's protected going to the sec for example. she may not be protected going to "the wall street journal" and it's entirely conceivable that facebook will bring some sort of civil action against her, breach of nondisclosure agreement or misappropriation of trade secrets or something like that. but just because they can doesn't mean they should. >> right, they may make their own judgment about public profile, public relations on that issue beyond the law. lisa banks, so good to have you on. >> thank you very much. up next, president biden set to speak this morning on the urgent need for congress to raise the debt limit. this as progressives draw a hard line what they want in exchange for that vote on infrastructure. i'm going to be speaking to congresswoman debbie dingell about how they plan to break the stalemate as the president is set to visit her state tomorrow to make the case. there she is right there. and later, covid cases finally headed in the right direction in the u.s. this is good news. why does the cdc's new holiday guidance sound like it's from 2020? we'll see. we welcome change? we can make emergency medicine possible at 40,000 feet. instead of burning our past for power, we can harness the energy of the tiny electron. we can create new ways to connect. rethinking how we communicate to be more inclusive than ever. with app, cloud and anywhere workspace solutions, vmware helps companies navigate change. faster. vmware. welcome change. you have always loved vicks vapors. and now you'll really love new vicks' vapostick. it goes on clear 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had a vaccine or plan to. tremfya®. emerge tremfyant™. janssen can help you explore cost support options. just about two hours president bide listen speak from the white house, expected to push congress to raise the nation's debt ceiling. it comes as senate republicans are holding firm that democrats should increase the country's borrowing limit on their own with zero gop votes. of course we should note there was no hesitation from republicans during the tax cut negotiations to raise the debt ceiling. >> details, details. all while president biden is expected to travel to michigan tomorrow to rally support for t his bipartisan infrastructure bill. jeremy diamond is at the white house, lauryn fox is on capitol hill. jeremy, what do we expect to hear from the president later today? >> we've heard president biden repeatedly make clear not lifting the debt ceiling isn't an option, default something not an option for the united states and obviously so far a lot is focused on trying to pressure republicans to join along with democrats or allow democrats to do this by a simple majority vote, something they have tried and failed because republicans have prevented them from doing so over the last week. expect president biden to continue to raise the pressure on republicans to fulfill this responsibility of raising the debt ceiling. i don't know that's going to have a huge impact on those republicans. so ultimately here there are two weeks left to go and president biden and democrats may need to find another path ahead. one thing that i think is very clear here at the white house is that not lifting the debt ceiling is not an option and i think republicans are very, very cognizant of that. now at the same time, president biden is also going to be continuing to focus on trying to bridge the divides within the democratic caucus on the bipartisan infrastructure bill as well as the $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation package, that's why we'll see him tomorrow heading out to michigan to try and rally support for this agenda. we've seen the president focus on a lot of these behind the scenes negotiations over the last week, now i think we're going to see more public pressure from him using the power of the bully pulpit to try to get democrats on board and get to a place where they can pass these two bills. >> all right, lauryn fox on the hill, republicans seem pretty comfortable letting the democrats burn themselves on the debt limit. you have some democrats saying well, mitch mcconnell will blink on this. he codoesn't want to put us ove the edge. if you're betting for mitch mcconnell to blink, you'll probably lose that bet. where does it stand? do democrats have to go it alone? >> jim, i think your read is correct. if you're betting on mitch mcconnell to blink you're probably on the losing side of this argument. republicans continue to say they're not going to, and are going to reject t including mitt romney, somebody who sometimes does vote with democrats on big eye ems, whether that was impeachment or the bipartisan in infrastructure bill. democrats cannot count on some republican colleagues to cross the aisle which leaves limited options. one of the options they could use according to guidance they got last week from the senate parliamentarian, is move ahead with a separate budget process that allows them to increase the debt ceiling with a simple majority, only takes 51 votes but requires democrats to put in the legislation how much more money they'll be spending. that's a difficult vote for moderates which is why democrats don't want to use that option. you heard that from schumer and house speaker nancy pelosi but potentially that may be the only tool at their disposal and they only have a couple of weeks left before this deadline coming up in mid-october which means they have to get moving on that option if they're going to pursue it. it takes probably about two weeks and we're right at that two-week deadline now so the question of what they're going to do next is really up in the air. a lot of democrats saying they cannot default but when you have limited tools in your toolbox, there aren't a lot of options left. jim and erica? >> goodness, lauren fox on the hill, jeremy diamond at the house, thanks. i'm joined by michigan congresswoman debbie dingell, a rare one among the problem-solvers and progressive caucus in the house. congresswoman, thank you for taking the time this morning. >> good morning, jim, good to see you. >> so you bridge the gap, the gap that went so public yesterday within the democratic party between progressives and moderates on the way forward. tell us, what is the middle ground here? what is the way forward? who gives and who gives what? >> well, i don't look at it as who is going to give. i look at it finally we're legislating. the president came to the hill last friday and made it clear where he was, i think until that point, different people had different perspectives of what he might want or not want. on top of that, really i've heard members talking to each other last week. the president was very clear on friday that he doesn't want to talk numbers. he wants to talk programs. what is it that the people of your district want and need? >> right. >> i think that's what we're going to focus. >> what are the programs? set aside the $3.5 trillion or $1 57 trillion, joe manchin's figure. if you break it up into constituent parts, which are the programs? expansion of medicare? universal pre-k? which are the ones that will survive this, that must survive this? >> we'll get in a room and have to have some discussions. part of the discussion is how does it get funded? is it for five years versus ten? child care, 3 million people have left the workforce because of the lack and cost of child care. lead in pipes, we need that. i've never been one to bad mouth the bipartisan infrom structure bill we need what's in there but not enough money to take the lead out of all the pipes in this country. long-term care for seniors. just as joe mamplgin fights for the people of west virginia i'll fight for my autoworkers in mish mir michigan and what we need to be successful. >> let's talk timing. a couple of deadlines last week voting for the infrastructure bill. nancy pelosi now says vote on bipartisan infrastructure by october 31st. white house adviser cedric richmond was asked if there was a time line he said "we're not using an artificial time line." is there any actual time line here? >> so first of all, the surface transportation bill was extended through october 30th or 31st. we have to make some decisions by then. a lot of members are anxious to get both bills done and we need to be delivering for the american people. i think the white house saw what happens when you put artificial deadlines and granted it was a good weekend for everybody to go home and take deep breaths. now we have to come back to the table. i think nancy has to negotiate in the house. no one ever knows what the senate's going to do and it's probably why cedric richmond said what he did because the senate is an unpredictable body. >> strikes me this was not just me but this was a wound to nancy pelosi's leadership. she promised a vote on a certain time line, couldn't get the two sides together. you yourself as you mentioned earlier criticized that it wasn't clear what the president wanted until friday, in terms of picking and choosing among these various priorities here. are you disappointed in how the democratic leadership didn't bring this through? >> you know what? everybody wants to point fingers, et cetera. what i do know is that our caucus is unified, that failure is not an option. we did a far better job of communicating last week than we have been doing. i look at that as a win and you know the old will rogers statement, people with weak stomachs shouldn't watch sausage being made. i think everybody knows where we're going now. we know what the broad outlines are and failure isn't an option. we have to deliver for the american people. >> another issue that cropped up, public disagreement among democrats is on the hyde amendment which for folks at home prevents federal programs from covering abortion expenses. pramilla jayapal would not support a sweeping economic bill if it includes it. joe manchin on the senate side will not support anything that doesn't include it. what is the compromise there? >> what i want to say to both of my colleagues they should stop making sweeping statements publicly and we all need to talk to each other in a room, not go through sound bites. >> fair advice. do you think the democratic party did damage to itself last week with the mid terms a little more than a year away? >> i think when we deliver for the american people on a bill that will give them so many things we need, fixing our roads and bridges to addressing the child care issues and expanding health care, making health care more affordable, prescription drugs, people will know we delivered and that's what they'll focus on. >> we'll be watching. congresswoman dingell, thank you for joining the program. >> thank you, jim. >> erica? just ahead, sounds like 2020, cdc issuing new guidance for family gatherings trying to get ahead of the holidays as covid cases are declining ac ross the country, why is this guidance still so conservative? plus we're moments away from the opening bell on wall street. futures lower this morning, after rallying on friday. investors will be watching what's happening in washington this week, specifically the debt ceiling and accidental short default could spark a financial crisis, cost the government billions more in borrowing costs and potentially spike interest rates. this is how you become the best! 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>> well, there's still a lot of delta out in the community and there is still a lot of people in the community who haven't been vaccinated. so there are about 70 million people in this country who are eligible for vaccination, who remain unvaccinated, and with a lot of virus, there is the potential for a great deal of infection, and plus we have breakthrough infections so i think what dr. fauci is basically articulating is this notion that things are getting better, but this virus is not yet done with us. so we'll have to see over the next several weeks how low are the cases dropping. they dropped about 26% in the last two weeks. let's see how quickly that continues. >> do you think that guidance was helpful from the cdc? yes, they want to get out in front of this and be ready for the holidays. when you're telling people the same guidance you've been given, we know how frustrated people are. you want to get people more incentive, hopefully to get vaccinated if they haven't done so already. do you think this is the right messaging on the part of the cdc, on october 4th at this point? >> there's certainly a risk of sort of message fatigue. i thought for a while that the most important thing to federal government could have done towards the end of the summer is tell people that you won't be able to travel this holiday season, unless you're vaccinated. i think we're seeing that vaccine mandates and incentives are, do impact people's behavior and if people want to travel via bus or airplane or train this holiday, perhaps the federal government should mandate vaccines. i think that would have the most i think impact going forward. >> when we look at because we're learning more as we go, it suggests unvaccinated people who get sick with covid will likely be reinfected and likely to become increasingly common. a number of people said i have the virus, therefore i don't need a vaccine. this sounds like further proof that vaccines are not only effective but far more effective than getting imeffected and counting on the antibodies that may or may not be there down the road. >> right. saying that another way, what we're learning is natural immunity from infection may be short-lived and that in order for us to have a more longlasting immunity, we need to be vaccinated, whether you've been infected or not. >> when we look at where we're at, as we were talking about the numbers are going down, specifically i really focus in on the hospitalization and deaths numbers. when we start to see those drop, that's a really good sign but i'm wondering, what are you look for at this point that causes you to have a little sigh of relief. >> hospitalizations are i think most sensitive indicator, hospitalization data comes from hospitals not subject to day-to-day trends, certain days of the week, more reporting from others for cases, and our hospitalization numbers continue to move in the right direction dropping below 80,000 people hospitalized, dropped 20,000 people since the beginning of september and dropping a few thousand people per day. that's encouraging because obviously what follows hospitalization are deaths, and deaths i think have just peaked and are starting now to decline, dropped below 2,000 our latest 14-day average is about 1,800 deaths per day still horrifying but debts are starting to drop. so if we could increase vaccination and that should help us continue to see a decline in hospitalization but follow the hospitalization numbers because as those numbers drop, so will death a few weeks lagging from the hospitalization declines. >> dr. jonathan reiner, always appreciate it, thank you. >> my pleasure. >> jim? ahead, in just a matter of minutes the supreme court will convene for the start start of the new term, some of the new divisive issues are on the docket. we're live with what to expect coming up. that's coming up. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. it helps keep you effortlessly comfortable by sensing your movements and automatically responding to both of you. and, it's temperature balancing to help you stay comfortable all night. it even tracks your circadian rhythm, so you know when you're at your best. in other words, it's the most energy-building, wellness-boosting, parent-powering, proven quality night's sleep we've ever made. don't miss our weekend special. save 50% on the new sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 36 months. ends monday. ♪ ♪ your new pharmacy is here. and here. and here, too. it's here to help you save time and money and trips to the pharmacy. it's here to get you the medication you need when you need it. who knew it could be this easy? 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"there's going to be a lot of disappointment in the law. lock at me and my dissents" sonia sotomayor said at an event adding while she couldn't change the texas law, the public could by lobbying lawmakers. justice stephen breyer, pushed by progressives to retire last summer mince nod words on the texas decision in an interview with cnn last week. >> i thought they were wrong. >> reporter: the conservative justices have been pushing back. the newest justice amy coney barrett appeared at an event with mitch mcconnell and declared "my goal today is to convince you that this court is not comprised of a bunch of partisan hacks." justice samuel alito was more forceful in a speech at the university of notre dame, at times blasting the media portraying the conservative leaning court as a dangerous kabal, deciding important issues in a novel, secretive and improper way in the middle of the night. alito calling the criticism the court was acting in a way that was sneaky or dangerous very misleading. all of these competing comments come at a time when the issues are set to get more divisive. the texas abortion law was decided strictly on procedural grounds but the court will hear a case on the merits involving abortion december 1st, a mississippi law that restricts abortion after 15 weeks. of course, today the term is set to begin in just minutes. there are two relatively under-the-radar cases, one involving a water rights dispute between states and another involving a criminal case, but of course, jim and erica, this is the first time that the justices will be back inside the courtroom hearing arguments in person in just about 18 months the one justice missing will be justice brett kavanaugh, he tested positive for covid last week, participating remotely. it is set to start off a term that could be explosive, guys. >> that is for sure. we'll be watching, jessica, appreciate it. still ahead, a critical meeting today on oil production around the globe. what we could learn about the impact of that on the price you pay for gas. those details are next. ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ from the very first touch, pampers, the #1 pediatrician recommended brand, so every touch will protect like the first. pampers football, is a game of inches. but it's also a game, of information. because the nfl is connected. and at any moment, the fate of the season can come down to this. billions of secure connections, per second. when the game is on the line and the game is always on the line touchdown! the nfl relies on cisco. are you one of the millions of americans who experience occasional bloating, gas or abdominal discomfort? 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Symptoms , Psoriatic Arthritis , Help , Joints , Adults , Patients , Tremfya , Infection , Doctor , Vaccine , Risk , Cost Support Options , Infections , Reactions , Janssen , Ability , Emerge Tremfyanttm , Debt Ceiling , Nation , Bide , White House , Republicans , Two , Democrats , Country , Details , Votes , Borrowing Limit , Tax Cut Negotiations , Hesitation , Gop , Zero , Biden , Infrastructure Bill , Support , Michigan , Jeremy Diamond , Option , Debt Ceiling Isn T , Lauryn Fox Is On , Majority Vote , Impact , Pressure , Responsibility , Path , Caucus , Agenda , Budget Reconciliation Package , Divides , Rally , 5 Trillion , 3 5 Trillion , Negotiations , Bills , Focus , Place , Public Pressure , Bully Pulpit , Scenes , Lauryn Fox On The Hill , Mitch Mcconnell , He Codoesn T , Bet , Read , The Edge , Side , Count , Impeachment , Reject T , Mitt Romney , Eye Ems , Democrats Cannot , Guidance , Options , Budget Process , Aisle , Colleagues , Move , Senate Parliamentarian , Spending , Majority , Moderates , Legislation , 51 , Nancy Pelosi , Mid October , Tool , Disposal , Schumer , Air , Toolbox , Tools , House , There Aren T , Solvers , Lauren Fox On The Hill , Progressive Caucus , Goodness , Gap , In The House , Last , Ground , The Hill , Legislating , Numbers , Programs , Members , Perspectives , Top , District , Ones , Medicare , Expansion , Pre K , Constituent Parts , Joe Manchin , 1 , 57 Trillion , , Child Care , Room , Workforce , Discussion , Discussions , Five , 3 Million , Ten , Lead , Pipes , Infrom Structure Bill , Cost , Lack , Mouth , Care , Fights , Seniors , Autoworkers , West Virginia , Joe Mamplgin , Talk Timing , Voting , Mish Mir , Let , Time Line , Cedric Richmond , Surface Transportation Bill , October 31st , 31 , Decisions , October 30th Or 31st , 30 , October 30th , Everybody , Home , Saw , Deadlines , Table , Deep Breaths , No One , Body , Strikes , Wound , Leadership , Couldn T , Sides , Wasn T , Picking , Priorities , Job , Failure , Leadership Didn T , Fingers , Know , Et Cetera , Statement , Shouldn T , Doing , Stomachs , Win , Sausage , Will Rogers , Disagreement , Failure Isn T An Option , Outlines , Bill , Hyde Amendment , Abortion Expenses , Pramilla Jayapal , Compromise , Doesn T , Both , Statements , Other , Sound Bites , Things , Advice , Roads , Mid , Bridges , Issues , Health Care , Program , Prescription Drugs , Holidays , Family Gatherings , Sounds , Futures , Ac Ross The Country , Washington , Crisis , Government , Borrowing Costs , Default , Interest Rates , Man , Gotta , Music , Joe Esposito , Wrestling Bell Rings , Nothing , Going , Charge , Finances , Ding , Don T Get Mad , E Trade , Deal , Priceline , Hotels , Trip , Love , Roller Coaster , Love Collection , The Diamond , Vera Wang , Zales , Business Internet , Store , Setbacks , Add Securityedge , Safe , Cybersecurity Options , Customers , Employees , Offer , Device , Comcast , Business Securityedge , Yours , 10 , Prepaid Card , Call Today , 00 , 500 , Fight , Fauci , Surge , Corner , 19 , Deaths , Milestone , Morning Trending , 700000 , George Washington University , Jonathan Reiner , Hasn T , Ship , Six , Virus , Vaccination , Delta , Community , Unvaccinated , 70 Million , Notion , Dr , Breakthrough Infections , Potential , 26 , Incentive , Front , Given , Yes , Messaging , End , Summer , Message Fatigue , On October 4th , October 4th , 4 , Behavior , Incentives , Holiday Season , Vaccine Mandates , Vaccines , Most , Holiday , Bus , Airplane , Sick , Counting , Antibodies , Immunity , Road , Longlasting Immunity , Order , Learning , Hospitalization , Drop , Hospitalizations , Sign , Relief , Indicator , Sigh , Hospitalization Numbers , Hospitals , Reporting , Hospitalization Data , Others , Beginning , 80000 , 20000 , Debts , Average , 2000 , 1800 , 14 , Decline In Hospitalization , Supreme Court , Hospitalization Declines , Pleasure , Matter , Term , Some , Docket , Sleep Number , Bed , Sale , 360 , Words , Miss , Sleep , Best , Parent , Temperature Balancing , Circadian Rhythm , Energy Building , Weekend Special , 50 , Pharmacy , Interest , Plus , Ends Monday , 36 , 0 , Medication , Trips , Amazon , World , Work , Challenge , Office , Servicenow Platform , Return , Workplace , Flow , Servicenow , Justice , Abortion , Guns , Affirmative Action , Liberty , Correspondent Jessica Schneider , Landmark Rulings , Conservative Leaning Court , Hearing Arguments , Interest Groups , Makeup , Phone , Courtroom , Spotlight , Oh Yea , Brett Kavanaugh , Oy Yea , Poll , Approval , Lowest , Effect , Texas Abortion Law , Gallup , Approval Rating , 20 , Justices , Decision , Division , Nine , Disagreements , Clarence Thomas , 3 , Disfavored , Culture Wars , Roe V Wade The Landmark Case Plainly Wrong , Will Wade , Second Amendment , Arguments , Abortions , Gun Law , Mississippi Law Banning , New York , 2021 , Conservatives , Dissents , Leaning Justs , Fractures , December 1st , Texas Law Banning , Disappointment , Movement , Lock , Shadow Docket , Me And My Dissents , Sonia Sotomayor , Event , Stephen Breyer , Interview , Lawmakers , Nod , Texas Law , Texas , Amy Coney Barrett , Goal , Novel , Bunch , Hacks , Speech , Samuel Alito , University Of Notre Dame , Dangerous Kabal , Acting , Criticism , Comments , Middle , Grounds , Merits , Mississippi , Abortion December 1st , 15 , Time , Courtroom Hearing Arguments , Another , States , Set , Water Rights , Explosive , 18 , Meeting , Gas , Price , Oil Production , Globe , Guys , Ideas , Dark , Flexibility , Game , Touch , Football , First , Pediatrician , Brand , Pampers , Fate , Season , Connections , Nfl , Line Touchdown , Millions , Cisco , Probiotic , Discomfort , Bloating , Bacteria , Gut , Gastroenterologists , Biotic Gummies , Health , Upsets , Try Align , Oil Producers , 7 , Oil Prices , Opec , Allies , Riding Gas Prices , Business Correspondent , Market , Christine Romans , Demand , Supply Disruptions , Pandemic , Reuters , Pumping , System , Resistance , Recession , 400000 , Crude Oil Prices , Supply , Back , Brent Crude , 80 , Gas Prices , Stories , Gallon , Tank , Factors , 5 , Three , Inflation Story , Piece , Factor , Kitchen Table , Gas Tank , Economics , Saudi Arabia , Shale Makers , Players , Big Opec Players , Russia , Iranian , Prices , Barrel , Producers , Cartel , Covid World , 8 , Shooting , Hospital , Co Worker , Philadelphia , Suspect , Police , Shoot Out , Thomas Jefferson University Hospital , Certified Nursing Assistant , Truck , Witness , 43 , Street , Condition , Weapon , Scrubs , Shot , Officers , 55 , Supervisor , Coast , Catastrophe , The County , Warning , Critical Condition , Internet , Beat , Ride , Malware , Miss A , Baaam , Adorable , Streaming Box , Pshh , Xfinity Xfi , 4k , Recology , Jesus , Family Tradition , Dad , Roue , Generation , 47 , Big City In America , Ground Up , Recycling System , Jobs , San Franciscans , San Francisco , Making A Differene , Debt , Budget , Package , Spending Package ,

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