Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim S

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

and progressives in a very public standoff, despite this, speaker pelosi is standing firm, she says, in holding a vote on the infrastructure bill today. >> the plan is to bring the bill to the floor. >> are you worried you may not have the votes? >> one hour at a time. >> one hour at a time. well, progressives remain defiant, willing to sink the bill over their push to strike a deal on that $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill. >> if we do have a vote, then we'll vote it down and we'll continue the negotiations so that we can actually deliver the entirety of the president's agenda as he himself, the president himself said he wanted us to do. >> we need to do it. but the problem is if we pass that bill tomorrow we lose the leverage that we have here. >> so senator sanders doesn't want to lose the leverage. speaker pelosi wants an agreement with the senate on the spending bill before holding a vote on infrastructure. so just, you know, spoiler alert here at 9:00 a.m. eastern time, senator joe manchin pretty clear that's not going to happen. so, where do we go? cnn congressional correspondent lauren fox is on capitol hill, white house correspondent jamie jeremy diamond is also with us. what are the options right now? >> reporter: right now i think the options on the table are pelosi can put this bill on the floor, have a debate, make progressives vote against this piece of legislation or she can keep trying to hammer out the negotiations behind the scenes. and that's really where we believe this could be headed. pelosi was very clear last night, her plan was still to bring this to the floor, but she did make it also clear they were taking things hour by hour and that's because she knows right now the votes are not the there. you have heard from progressive after progressive member that they are prepared and ready to vote against this $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill if it comes up for a vote, and you also heard from republicans that they are not going to be there to fill in the gaps if the bill doesn't have democratic votes. we expected there could be 12 to 25 republican defections here, but, remember, republican leadership has been whipping against a bill and this is important to note, that mcconnell voted for in the senate, that other republicans voted to pass in the senate. so republicans aren't going to be there to make up the difference if there really are 60 progressives willing to bring this down. this is going to be a momentous moment. if either it doesn't come to the floor today, or it comes to the floor and it fails, but sources are telling us both at the white house and here at capitol hill that this isn't the end of biden's agenda. yes, it would be a major setback, but they are going to continue working. meanwhile, you have those progressives continuing to dig in, i talked to manchin yesterday after he put out that blockbuster statement, explaining why he wanted this pause, and i said, do you even want a reconciliation bill at this point, and he made it clear, he does. but he wants it a lot narrower than how it is currently written. that $3.5 trillion social safety net bill is just too big for him. jim and erica? >> jeremy diamond at the whoite house, a popular president has more influence on the hill than an unpopular one. biden is almost at trumpian levels right now in terms of approval. is he headed to the hill today and what is his level of influence right now with lawmakers? >> reporter: at this point, we have no indication the president is going to be headed to capitol hill. we know he's remaining engaged. he's been on the phone day in and day out with lawmakers, meeting with some lawmakers here at the white house, including yesterday with kyrsten sinema. we haven't seen democrats distance themselves from president biden in the way that you might see with a more unpopular president. so that is not yet cause for concern for this white house. they do still see president biden as the best chance to be able to bridge that gap between the moderate and progressive factions. there have been no major breakthroughs including yesterday after that meeting between the president and senator kyrsten sinema and you saw the statement from joe manchin that makes it clear that a wide berth still exists between the warring factions of the democratic party. where does that leave us? president biden is going to need to try to find a way. regardless of what happens today, whether or not there actually is an infrastructure vote on the floor, whether it happens and fails, or whether it is simply pulled before that vote can even happen, the white house does not see today as the end of the road. they believe that there are days, perhaps even weeks ahead of ongoing negotiations to be able to get to this, and i know we said this so many times this week, but ultimately the white house sees these two bills as so important to the president's agenda, to the -- for the democratic party heading into the midterms, that they believe all of this is too big to fail and they must succeed in some way. so these negotiations are going to be ongoing, but so far despite president biden's decades of legislative experience, we haven't seen him be able to bridge that gap. we'll see in the weeks ahead whether or not that is something he can deliver. >> yeah. jeremy diamond, lauren fox, appreciate it. appreciate the reporting. joining us to discuss, lauren lopez, cnn political analyst and picking up where jeremy left off there, the white house noting this would not be the end of the biden agenda, it is too big, right? they need infrastructure, they need this social safety net, all these changes to ultimately push through, but given the fact that the president doesn't seem to be making much headway here, i'm curious what is that alternate plan to keep pushing the agenda forward, laura? >> the plan is to continue providing to work with manchin and sinema, the two key holdouts in the senate on the big social spending package. white house strategy is to try to figure out what exactly those two senators want in this spending plan. what can they live with, what can they not live with, and take a really solid framework to progressives, and say is this enough? can you be okay with this agreement and then we can move forward to vote on the infrastructure package. it is important to remember also, erica, there was a failed vote on the bipartisan infrastructure bill earlier this summer, before it ultimately passed. before biden and his white house and republicans finally came together on an agreement and the white house actually saw that failed infrastructure vote as a key pressure point that got everyone talking at a much faster rate and so the white house is viewing this also potentially if it doesn't come up for a vote, pelosi pulls it or it fails, as another big pressure point to try to get everyone to the table to negotiate. >> it is a good point. first failed vote and then the second vote they had 19 republicans actually vote along with democrats. that said, this public internal circular firing squad is deeply damaging to democrats. your latest reporting politico quotes an unnamed moderate house democrat who warns a further delay on the bill would make democrats, quote, look even more incompetent. i wonder what is the degree of awareness of that within the democratic caucus and why the seeming willingness to kind of ignore that and just continue with this infighting? >> there is definitely a lot of concern among democrats, especially house democrats, about getting these bills passed. there are a lot of vulnerable front liners in swing districts who want both packages. they don't just want one. they think that maybe if they got the infrastructure deal first, that would be okay, they want to be able to go home to their constituents with the key win here. that being said, jim, the white house, this is the strategy that biden has implemented, even before he became president. when it appeared as though certain gaffes or other issues during his presidential campaign would take him down, the white house always sticks to their original strategy, biden usually always sticks to his original strategy. and that was trying to pass these two bills in tandem together knowing that he had to do it that way, because the fact that progressives want a lot of what's in the spending package, his moderate centrist faction wants the infrastructure bill, and so the white house is deciding to pretty much ignore the noise, which is what they did a lot during the infrastructure battle and want to plow ahead with their plan thinking that ultimately voters are only going to care about that end result versus a lot of the infighting that happened in between. >> so they try to focus on the positive and what they have seen has worked before, there are also rumblings and some frustration about the messaging or lack there of early on. we see this memo from the white house, but that just came out, i believe, monday. even the way that the $3.5 trillion was being talked about, there wasn't enough of an emphasis for the public to understand this package on what it actually include and how it was paid for. is there an active effort now to try to fix that or has that ship sailed? >> i don't think the ship has sailed just yet. the white house is definitely very aware of the fact that a lot of voters will say that different segments of the spending package of this package that would rewrite the social safety net, there is a lot of stuff popular in that. polling shows that repeatedly, lowering prescription drug costs or extending the child tax credit, the problem is that voters don't totally understand what is in this package, and so they're running into that, even when one of biden's former campaign pollsters has been telling me all summer, voters think that they like this package, but they don't really understand what's in it. that's going to be really key, especially if it is passed, for democrats to be hammering all the way into 2022. >> also questions the kitchen sink approach, perhaps, throwing it all together, folks ss can barely keep track. good to have you on. thank you. right now, senators are scrambling just to extend a highway funding law as money for critical highway programs could be at risk. this is existing money. if the house has not passed that larger new infrastructure bill tonight. >> cnn correspondent pete muntean following all of this for us. pete, the house debating whether this should be approved, where does that stand right now? and remind us, what is at risk if this funding does lapse? >> reporter: well, erica, this is just one of the projects that could potentially be hurt by this. this is the new frederick douglas memorial bridge in d.c. it just opened. $200 million of its funding comes from the federal government, funding that could dry up later on tonight. a one-year extension of federal highway funding was passed last year. it expires at midnight. a five-year extension is called for in the biden infrastructure bill, but without that, senators say they might just need to pass a one-month stopgap to do this. i've been talking to trade groups about this. they say it is so critical and it must be done. >> it is really critical that congress is able to find a way to get this bill done as soon as possible so we're not leaving transportation agencies and contractors out there without payment for work they have already done. >> reporter: states like pennsylvania, virginia, and michigan are worried about this. sometimes they get reimbursement from the federal government on a day to day basis. so they say they could only keep this project going for a little while longer until they have to start putting shovels down and stop construction. unintended consequence of inaction here that is going to have a really big impact. >> pete muntean, thanks so much. the january 6th committee issues a second round of subpoenas. this time for 11 people who helped organize the so-called stop the steal rally that day. congressman adam schiff will join me live to discuss what exactly they're looking for. also who could be next. plus, the cdc is issuing an urgent recommendation for pregnant women. telling them to get the covid-19 vaccine, the data pushing that new recommendation. and new details on the search for brian laundrie. the family attorney confirming he bought a new cell phone just days after returning home without gabby petito. what happens when we welcome change? 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there is something there is such agreement on. when it comes to vaccines, the white house is saying private companies should expect vaccine requirements to come this year. what more do we know about that and when potentially? >> yeah, so the question of when is really up in the air right now. this comes after president biden weeks ago issued his most stringent regulations on vaccines, ordering the department of labor to ensure companies with over 100 employees make sure their workers are either vaccinated or getting tested regularly. now, yesterday jen psaki, the press secretary of the white house, said they hoped to have more details on the regulations in the coming weeks. she also stressed that this doesn't mean there was a delay, that they never gave a timeline on this, but i will tell you from talking to companies behind the scenes there are still a lot of conversations going on. they want to know how this is going to work and how it is going to be enforced. but, again, looking at the next couple of weeks, that's what we're hearing right now from the white house on this. >> all right, appreciate it, kristen holmes, thank you. president biden ramping up his efforts to appoint more nominees to the judicial branch. this morning he nominated ten more people to the federal bench. that brings the total to 53 federal judicial nominations so far in his term. the white house says nearly three-quarters of them are women, around 70% are minorities. cnn supreme court reporter arianna vogue joins us now. we're eight months in. we know that judicial appointments were big talking points for president bush, president trump, and he constantly talked about his numbers there, right. when you look at them broadly, is the biden administration roughly on the same pace or perhaps ahead of the trump administration at this point? >> so far roughly the same pace and keep in mind the democrats are still reeling from the fact that trump put such an emphasis -- he changed the face of the lower courts and the supreme court and we're seeing the effects on the supreme court now with his three nominees in the areas of abortion, second amendment, like you said, of the 53, nearly three-quarters are women, 15 are african-american, asian-american, hispanic, but he's also looking at professional diversity. he's looking at people who served in civil rights groups and one of the most interesting nominees we saw today is dale hogue who spent his entire career in the area of voting rights. they're trying to make up ground that trump really was able to master when he was president. >> it is a different kind of diversity. not just ivory tower kind of legal folks, folks with little backgrounds, but prosecutors, folks with broader experience, you look at the last supreme court, you had very influential judges who had different backgrounds. so we have -- it is an understatement to say big supreme court term coming up and liberal justice sonia sotomayor gave a gloomy warning as to what folks should expect on a lot of those issues you mentioned. >> the term starts on monday. it is going to have a direct challenge to roe v. wade. the texas law was allowed to go into effect. she was talking to a group of law students and said basically for them the law can be disappointing. here's what she said. she said there is going to be a lot of disappointment in the law, a huge amount as you study cases and look at outcomes you would disagree with, it can get frustrating. look at me. look at my dissents. i can't change texas' law, but you can. everyone else who may or may not like it can go out there and be lobbying forces in changing laws that you don't like. and, jim, she brought up the texas law. and justices usually don't talk about a case that is pending before them. but already she had said so many harsh things about it, she probably won't get into too much trouble there. but it is worth noting sotomayor is different from the other liberals, kagan and biden. they seem to be working at containing damage, she's looking to the future and she's hoping that these dissent she's writes now will become her majority opinions. >> very briefly chances that roe v. wade is overturned. >> it looks like it may be gutted or cutback. >> thank you very much. coming up next, new subpoenas in the riot, the investigation into the riot at the capitol. lawmakers targeting the organizers behind the so-called stop the steal rally. i'll speak one on one with an organizer next. 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>> this group was involved in planning that stop the steal rally that resulted in the insurrection against the capitol as well as other events, but part of our mission in writing a confidence of analysis of what went wrong and how to protect the country going forward is to understand what was the planning for this, what was the financing for this, what were the expectations? was there knowledge that this was going to turn violent? was that part of the plan from the beginning? so these witnesses will have important information relevant to those questions, and the documents we're seeking likewise will shed light on it. we know there was strong participation of the white nation allegalist groups. we want to know what knowledge there was in advance that these groups with the propensity for violence were going to be parti participating. >> big question is the involvement, the knowledge of the white house, right up to the president as well as senior republican leaders. are you going to subpoena the republican minority leader kevin mccarthy, trump, the vice president, the former vice president? >> we are contemporaneously seeking records from the white house, from the relevant agencies, the defense department and others to fill in exactly that side of the equation as well. we want to know what was going on with the private planning and hence the 11 subpoenas that went out yesterday. we want to know what was the president's involvement w, what about the people around him? >> will you ask him directly to address those questions directly? >> we haven't made specific decisions about members of the congress yet. but anyone frankly that has pertinent information that was in communication with the president and we know kevin mccarthy was, you know, i have to say, certainly appeared to be a pretty pertinent witness to me. >> okay, i want it talk about infrastructure. there is a possible vote about infrastructure, will the house vote today on the bipartisan infrastructure plan? >> the short answer is i don't know whether we'll take up a bill, whether we'll votes if we do and if we don't have the votes, whether we'll make the decision to put that aside for another day. but i am confident of this, whether it is done today or a week from now or a month from now, god forbid, hope it is sooner than that, we'll get this done. we'll pass a fiscal in infrastructure bill. i view whatever happens today as merely act one in -- i don't know if it is two part play, or three part play, but i'm confident we'll get it done. >> why should folks watching now share that confidence? this is democrat versus democrat here and the gap is wide between sinema and manchin in the senate and what progressives in the house want. how do you bridge that gap? >> well, we have, i think, the most leadership in nancy pelosi that the congress ever had. if there is a pathway and i believe there is, the speaker will find it. the reality is, you know, 98% of our democratic delegation and house and senate is on the same page here in what they want. but we have 50/50 split in the senate and we have the majority in the house ever, even with 98% party unity, that 2% can cause a real headache and we're trying to get to yes because we're going to need 100%. >> while you, while the president have been focused on infrastructure and the budget plans, republican led state legislatures have been passing a whole host of measures, not just to restrict voting, but to give partisans including state legislatures greater ability to overturn or interfere with the results of elections going forward. i wonder have democrats made a mistake by prioritizing budget and infrastructure over something that could have, you know, immediate and severe impact on elections as soon as 2022 and 2024. is that a mistake? >> i think both are integral to our democracy. in terms of the infrastructure and human infrastructure, the build back better, one of the reasons why our democracy is at risk is that it needs to deliver and a lot of the american people lost faith that the government can deliver. i think you're right. the issue of these voting restrictions, the effort by republicans to give partisan boards and legislatures the power to overturn an election, a legitimate aelection is probably the greatest danger to our democracy. and that must be given at absolute top priority. and i would hope that the administration is working to find the pathway around the filibuster or carve out because this is how democracy -- there may be -- >> even the president doesn't support breaking the filibuster. if it is the most severe threat what are you doing about it and when? >> i think the president is going to need the support around the filibuster. we're not going to get ten republicans around the senate to do this. the only way they can win power is by cheating, by effectively overturning the popular will or disenfranchising people of color. that's where the senate majority is right now. it is a cult around the former president and anti-democratic cult. so that's just going to have to be overcome. and i was going to say, jim, there may be another attack on the capitol. i can't rule that out. but i can tell you this, it will be unsuccessful just like the last one. if our democracy comes to an end, it will be because of these quasi legal means that they're employing around the country to overturn free and fair elections. that, to me, is the biggest dagger at the heart of our democracy. >> final question on afghanistan, new reporting from axios that cduring a classified briefing, general milley blamed the state department for the botched evacuation from afghanistan. who do you hold responsible for the chaos, the delays, the many thousands of afghans left behind who worked for the u.s., who do you hold responsible and do you think someone should resign, offer their resignation as a result? >> looking at it from the intel perspective, i think the intelligence was pretty good. now, that's not to say that the intelligence agency predicted afghan government would fall in a matter of days, but over the last couple of years, the intelligence community had assessments of whether the afghan government would maintain itself and eventually how quickly it would fall. and so i think there are profound questions that the military needs answers and the state department about why the military didn't have plans for this contingency when it was a foreseeable one, even if it wasn't the most probable one, and why the state department didn't move with greater ala alacrity to process the visas, i think people should be held accountable. >> congressman adam schiff, thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you, jim. still to come, the trump factor causing concern in georgia ahead of next year's midterms. how a feud stwwith the state's governor could hurt republicans. with quality that's guaranteed for life, bath fitter doesn't just fit your bath, it fits your high standards. why have over two million people welcomed bath fitter into their homes? 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>> we talk about that in the book with "gop 2.0". we have to take responsibility as republicans for those statements that were misleading, but also we're watching president biden, you know, continue to take just failed leadership steps and even i think there is a poll swath of reluctant bidenvoters. we have to play those parallel strategies as we move forward into 2022 which i worry is going to be a politically chaotic period of time. you'll have candidates that are endorsed because they believed in the failed conspiracy theorys that were out there and as we track to 2024, i think america will keep looking for adults in the room and that's what this book is about. >> i want to get you on two other things, speaking of candidates, former -- herschel walker running for senate, known very well in georgia for bringing a national championship at uga. he has the support of former president trump. would you back him as the republican candidate? >> i played baseball at georgia tech, he played football at georgia, natural rivalry there. here is the thing. herschel walker had an amazing football career and well known. but i don't know anything about his politics. i don't think anybody in georgia knows anything about his politics other than he's good friends with donald trump. my encouragement to him and anybody out there trying to just seek solely and endorsement from donald trump it doesn't work here in georgia and doesn't work around the country if that's your only strategy. >> looking at voting itself, right, there has been as you know well, a lot of pushback on the law that was passed in georgia. the most recent analysis from voting rights are the nonpartisan groups specifically pointing to 17 laws passed in 11 states including in the state of georgia, noting that those laws when taking a look at them would undermine how elections are run. and in the case of georgia, signaling out, right, the shift in that the boards of elections, local officials, could be essentially pushed out and these could turn more partisan. some of the pushback initially you set on that law in the months afterward was a matter of tim timing. many would agree with, but you also said they didn't deserve to be analyzed as any support of voter suppression mandate. if it could potentially turn these local officials, push them out, make this more partisan, how does that not undermine voter confidence? >> it is first and foremost important for every republican to realize that donald trump did not lose the election because of fraud or election laws, he lost because he didn't connect with enough americans and get them to vote for him in the polls. as we continue this process of analyzing the election laws and ways to modernize and update, we have to be careful to not hat tip for political reasonreasons try to manage the election process. my hope is we don't even further politicize elections other than just the campaign parts of it. the realities here in georgia, we ran the most fair, legal election in our state's history and there were a few punitive swipes in the laws we passed here post election, but there were a number of things we did that were bipartisan, and we agreed upon. it is a balancing act. i hope we never see in america, i hope no state has to go through what georgia did in the ten weeks between the election and the runoffs here because it just doesn't -- it demoralizes everybody's spirit around what elections are truly meant to be. >> we're out of time. i'm hearing from you is it worked in georgia, the system worked in georgia, but i'm not hearing you disagreeing with that there could be real concern if there is a partisan push, partisan takeover of local officials. >> certaintaly there is a conce, absolutely. we'll not push away from that at all. >> good to have you with us this morning. thank you. >> thank you. still ahead, major developments in the search for the fugitive fiance brian laundrie. the fbi seized a phone he bought days before he disappeared. this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but whatever work becomes... the servicenow platform will make it just, flow. whether it's finding ways to help you serve your customers, orchestrating a safe return to the office... wait. an office? 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>> hi, i didnjim. there are a lot of questions these facts raise, but the overarching question is where is he now? we are filling in some of the blanks of what was going on during that roughly week and a half-long period between when brian laundrie came back to florida to the home he and gabby shared with his parents and when he went missing on september 14th. the camping trip the family took september 6th through 8th confirmed by the family's lawyer, brian laundrie and his parents going to the camp background about 70 miles from their home. they had a waterfront campsite. we know the fbi has obtained the surveillance video from that period of time while they were there. that should certainly help investigators figure out what exactly was going on when brian laundrie was with his parents at that campsite. mind you, they had not reported gabby petito missing. that did not happen until september 11th. so that is a bit of clues we know the fbi has. and we've learned that we knew already lawn lan left his cell phone and wallet behind on september 14th when he went to this nature reserve. now we know that cell phone was actually only purchased ten days prior, september 4th. so the laundrie family lawyer confirms that the fbi also has that cell phone. of course we don't know what happened to his previous phone. of course he could have bought another phone after leaving that phone behind. there are still a lot of questions we have. we know at the press conference on tuesday, pet gabby petito's family said they had a lot of faith in fbi but they know more than we do, but filling in some details. >> athena jones, thank you. the fate of president biden's agenda is on the line today. will nancy pelosi hold a vote on infrastructure? we're live on capitol hill with the latest developments next. we believe everyone deserves to live better. and just being sustainable isn't enough. our future depends on regeneration. that's why we're working to not only protect our planet, but restore, renew, and replenish it. so we can all live better tomorrow. ♪ as i observe investors balance risk and reward, i see one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. your strategic advantage. 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow And Jim Sciutto 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

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and progressives in a very public standoff, despite this, speaker pelosi is standing firm, she says, in holding a vote on the infrastructure bill today. >> the plan is to bring the bill to the floor. >> are you worried you may not have the votes? >> one hour at a time. >> one hour at a time. well, progressives remain defiant, willing to sink the bill over their push to strike a deal on that $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill. >> if we do have a vote, then we'll vote it down and we'll continue the negotiations so that we can actually deliver the entirety of the president's agenda as he himself, the president himself said he wanted us to do. >> we need to do it. but the problem is if we pass that bill tomorrow we lose the leverage that we have here. >> so senator sanders doesn't want to lose the leverage. speaker pelosi wants an agreement with the senate on the spending bill before holding a vote on infrastructure. so just, you know, spoiler alert here at 9:00 a.m. eastern time, senator joe manchin pretty clear that's not going to happen. so, where do we go? cnn congressional correspondent lauren fox is on capitol hill, white house correspondent jamie jeremy diamond is also with us. what are the options right now? >> reporter: right now i think the options on the table are pelosi can put this bill on the floor, have a debate, make progressives vote against this piece of legislation or she can keep trying to hammer out the negotiations behind the scenes. and that's really where we believe this could be headed. pelosi was very clear last night, her plan was still to bring this to the floor, but she did make it also clear they were taking things hour by hour and that's because she knows right now the votes are not the there. you have heard from progressive after progressive member that they are prepared and ready to vote against this $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill if it comes up for a vote, and you also heard from republicans that they are not going to be there to fill in the gaps if the bill doesn't have democratic votes. we expected there could be 12 to 25 republican defections here, but, remember, republican leadership has been whipping against a bill and this is important to note, that mcconnell voted for in the senate, that other republicans voted to pass in the senate. so republicans aren't going to be there to make up the difference if there really are 60 progressives willing to bring this down. this is going to be a momentous moment. if either it doesn't come to the floor today, or it comes to the floor and it fails, but sources are telling us both at the white house and here at capitol hill that this isn't the end of biden's agenda. yes, it would be a major setback, but they are going to continue working. meanwhile, you have those progressives continuing to dig in, i talked to manchin yesterday after he put out that blockbuster statement, explaining why he wanted this pause, and i said, do you even want a reconciliation bill at this point, and he made it clear, he does. but he wants it a lot narrower than how it is currently written. that $3.5 trillion social safety net bill is just too big for him. jim and erica? >> jeremy diamond at the whoite house, a popular president has more influence on the hill than an unpopular one. biden is almost at trumpian levels right now in terms of approval. is he headed to the hill today and what is his level of influence right now with lawmakers? >> reporter: at this point, we have no indication the president is going to be headed to capitol hill. we know he's remaining engaged. he's been on the phone day in and day out with lawmakers, meeting with some lawmakers here at the white house, including yesterday with kyrsten sinema. we haven't seen democrats distance themselves from president biden in the way that you might see with a more unpopular president. so that is not yet cause for concern for this white house. they do still see president biden as the best chance to be able to bridge that gap between the moderate and progressive factions. there have been no major breakthroughs including yesterday after that meeting between the president and senator kyrsten sinema and you saw the statement from joe manchin that makes it clear that a wide berth still exists between the warring factions of the democratic party. where does that leave us? president biden is going to need to try to find a way. regardless of what happens today, whether or not there actually is an infrastructure vote on the floor, whether it happens and fails, or whether it is simply pulled before that vote can even happen, the white house does not see today as the end of the road. they believe that there are days, perhaps even weeks ahead of ongoing negotiations to be able to get to this, and i know we said this so many times this week, but ultimately the white house sees these two bills as so important to the president's agenda, to the -- for the democratic party heading into the midterms, that they believe all of this is too big to fail and they must succeed in some way. so these negotiations are going to be ongoing, but so far despite president biden's decades of legislative experience, we haven't seen him be able to bridge that gap. we'll see in the weeks ahead whether or not that is something he can deliver. >> yeah. jeremy diamond, lauren fox, appreciate it. appreciate the reporting. joining us to discuss, lauren lopez, cnn political analyst and picking up where jeremy left off there, the white house noting this would not be the end of the biden agenda, it is too big, right? they need infrastructure, they need this social safety net, all these changes to ultimately push through, but given the fact that the president doesn't seem to be making much headway here, i'm curious what is that alternate plan to keep pushing the agenda forward, laura? >> the plan is to continue providing to work with manchin and sinema, the two key holdouts in the senate on the big social spending package. white house strategy is to try to figure out what exactly those two senators want in this spending plan. what can they live with, what can they not live with, and take a really solid framework to progressives, and say is this enough? can you be okay with this agreement and then we can move forward to vote on the infrastructure package. it is important to remember also, erica, there was a failed vote on the bipartisan infrastructure bill earlier this summer, before it ultimately passed. before biden and his white house and republicans finally came together on an agreement and the white house actually saw that failed infrastructure vote as a key pressure point that got everyone talking at a much faster rate and so the white house is viewing this also potentially if it doesn't come up for a vote, pelosi pulls it or it fails, as another big pressure point to try to get everyone to the table to negotiate. >> it is a good point. first failed vote and then the second vote they had 19 republicans actually vote along with democrats. that said, this public internal circular firing squad is deeply damaging to democrats. your latest reporting politico quotes an unnamed moderate house democrat who warns a further delay on the bill would make democrats, quote, look even more incompetent. i wonder what is the degree of awareness of that within the democratic caucus and why the seeming willingness to kind of ignore that and just continue with this infighting? >> there is definitely a lot of concern among democrats, especially house democrats, about getting these bills passed. there are a lot of vulnerable front liners in swing districts who want both packages. they don't just want one. they think that maybe if they got the infrastructure deal first, that would be okay, they want to be able to go home to their constituents with the key win here. that being said, jim, the white house, this is the strategy that biden has implemented, even before he became president. when it appeared as though certain gaffes or other issues during his presidential campaign would take him down, the white house always sticks to their original strategy, biden usually always sticks to his original strategy. and that was trying to pass these two bills in tandem together knowing that he had to do it that way, because the fact that progressives want a lot of what's in the spending package, his moderate centrist faction wants the infrastructure bill, and so the white house is deciding to pretty much ignore the noise, which is what they did a lot during the infrastructure battle and want to plow ahead with their plan thinking that ultimately voters are only going to care about that end result versus a lot of the infighting that happened in between. >> so they try to focus on the positive and what they have seen has worked before, there are also rumblings and some frustration about the messaging or lack there of early on. we see this memo from the white house, but that just came out, i believe, monday. even the way that the $3.5 trillion was being talked about, there wasn't enough of an emphasis for the public to understand this package on what it actually include and how it was paid for. is there an active effort now to try to fix that or has that ship sailed? >> i don't think the ship has sailed just yet. the white house is definitely very aware of the fact that a lot of voters will say that different segments of the spending package of this package that would rewrite the social safety net, there is a lot of stuff popular in that. polling shows that repeatedly, lowering prescription drug costs or extending the child tax credit, the problem is that voters don't totally understand what is in this package, and so they're running into that, even when one of biden's former campaign pollsters has been telling me all summer, voters think that they like this package, but they don't really understand what's in it. that's going to be really key, especially if it is passed, for democrats to be hammering all the way into 2022. >> also questions the kitchen sink approach, perhaps, throwing it all together, folks ss can barely keep track. good to have you on. thank you. right now, senators are scrambling just to extend a highway funding law as money for critical highway programs could be at risk. this is existing money. if the house has not passed that larger new infrastructure bill tonight. >> cnn correspondent pete muntean following all of this for us. pete, the house debating whether this should be approved, where does that stand right now? and remind us, what is at risk if this funding does lapse? >> reporter: well, erica, this is just one of the projects that could potentially be hurt by this. this is the new frederick douglas memorial bridge in d.c. it just opened. $200 million of its funding comes from the federal government, funding that could dry up later on tonight. a one-year extension of federal highway funding was passed last year. it expires at midnight. a five-year extension is called for in the biden infrastructure bill, but without that, senators say they might just need to pass a one-month stopgap to do this. i've been talking to trade groups about this. they say it is so critical and it must be done. >> it is really critical that congress is able to find a way to get this bill done as soon as possible so we're not leaving transportation agencies and contractors out there without payment for work they have already done. >> reporter: states like pennsylvania, virginia, and michigan are worried about this. sometimes they get reimbursement from the federal government on a day to day basis. so they say they could only keep this project going for a little while longer until they have to start putting shovels down and stop construction. unintended consequence of inaction here that is going to have a really big impact. >> pete muntean, thanks so much. the january 6th committee issues a second round of subpoenas. this time for 11 people who helped organize the so-called stop the steal rally that day. congressman adam schiff will join me live to discuss what exactly they're looking for. also who could be next. plus, the cdc is issuing an urgent recommendation for pregnant women. telling them to get the covid-19 vaccine, the data pushing that new recommendation. and new details on the search for brian laundrie. the family attorney confirming he bought a new cell phone just days after returning home without gabby petito. what happens when we welcome change? 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americans do. and whose tax dollars does big pharma use to develop those same drugs? that's right. our tax dollars. it's a big pharma scam. they get rich and we get ripped off. and it's why pharma is spending millions on lies and scare tactics to stop a plan that lets medicare negotiate lower prices. congress, stop the big pharma scam. let medicare negotiate lower prices. from the very first touch, pampers, the #1 pediatrician recommended brand, helps keep baby's skin drier and healthier. so every touch will protect like the first. pampers football, is a game of inches. but it's also a game, of information. because the nfl is connected. and at any moment, the fate of the season can come down to this. billions of secure connections, per second. when the game is on the line and the game is always on the line touchdown! the nfl relies on cisco. the cdc is issuing an urgent recommendation for pregnant women. get vaccinated. the agency says pregnant patients with coronavirus symptoms have double the risk of being admitted to the icu. and they may be more likely to die. kristen holmes joining us from washington with more on this morning. it is so important. we know what happens to a woman's immune system when she's pregnant. >> that's right, erica. this urgency coming after staggering new data shows only 31% of pregnant people have been fully vaccinated. and on top of that, the highest amount of covid-19 deaths in pregnant women occurred in august. so just one month ago. so you're seeing a renewed sense of energy around trying to get pregnant women vaccinated. take a listen to what dr. fauci said yesterday about this. >> what we don't want to do is see women who for some reason or another are hesitant to get vaccinated when they're pregnant, or wanting to get pregnant and then have a negative impact on their pregnancy. you can protect yourself, your pregnancy, and your feettus by getting vaccinated. >> it is not just about protecting the mother but protecting the birth itself and the complications of the birth. they say in addition to the risks of severe illness and death for pregnant and recently pregnant people, there is an increased risk for adverse pregnancy and neonatal outcomes. other adverse pregnancy outcomes such as still births have been reported. and as we know, being pregnant is really scary. there are so many dos and don'ts. but the question about whether or not you should get vaccinated shouldn't be one of these questions. because all health officials agree, the best way to protect you and your baby is to get that vaccine. >> yeah, that's so important. it is not this question of should i have a cup of coffee or should i not? there is something there is such agreement on. when it comes to vaccines, the white house is saying private companies should expect vaccine requirements to come this year. what more do we know about that and when potentially? >> yeah, so the question of when is really up in the air right now. this comes after president biden weeks ago issued his most stringent regulations on vaccines, ordering the department of labor to ensure companies with over 100 employees make sure their workers are either vaccinated or getting tested regularly. now, yesterday jen psaki, the press secretary of the white house, said they hoped to have more details on the regulations in the coming weeks. she also stressed that this doesn't mean there was a delay, that they never gave a timeline on this, but i will tell you from talking to companies behind the scenes there are still a lot of conversations going on. they want to know how this is going to work and how it is going to be enforced. but, again, looking at the next couple of weeks, that's what we're hearing right now from the white house on this. >> all right, appreciate it, kristen holmes, thank you. president biden ramping up his efforts to appoint more nominees to the judicial branch. this morning he nominated ten more people to the federal bench. that brings the total to 53 federal judicial nominations so far in his term. the white house says nearly three-quarters of them are women, around 70% are minorities. cnn supreme court reporter arianna vogue joins us now. we're eight months in. we know that judicial appointments were big talking points for president bush, president trump, and he constantly talked about his numbers there, right. when you look at them broadly, is the biden administration roughly on the same pace or perhaps ahead of the trump administration at this point? >> so far roughly the same pace and keep in mind the democrats are still reeling from the fact that trump put such an emphasis -- he changed the face of the lower courts and the supreme court and we're seeing the effects on the supreme court now with his three nominees in the areas of abortion, second amendment, like you said, of the 53, nearly three-quarters are women, 15 are african-american, asian-american, hispanic, but he's also looking at professional diversity. he's looking at people who served in civil rights groups and one of the most interesting nominees we saw today is dale hogue who spent his entire career in the area of voting rights. they're trying to make up ground that trump really was able to master when he was president. >> it is a different kind of diversity. not just ivory tower kind of legal folks, folks with little backgrounds, but prosecutors, folks with broader experience, you look at the last supreme court, you had very influential judges who had different backgrounds. so we have -- it is an understatement to say big supreme court term coming up and liberal justice sonia sotomayor gave a gloomy warning as to what folks should expect on a lot of those issues you mentioned. >> the term starts on monday. it is going to have a direct challenge to roe v. wade. the texas law was allowed to go into effect. she was talking to a group of law students and said basically for them the law can be disappointing. here's what she said. she said there is going to be a lot of disappointment in the law, a huge amount as you study cases and look at outcomes you would disagree with, it can get frustrating. look at me. look at my dissents. i can't change texas' law, but you can. everyone else who may or may not like it can go out there and be lobbying forces in changing laws that you don't like. and, jim, she brought up the texas law. and justices usually don't talk about a case that is pending before them. but already she had said so many harsh things about it, she probably won't get into too much trouble there. but it is worth noting sotomayor is different from the other liberals, kagan and biden. they seem to be working at containing damage, she's looking to the future and she's hoping that these dissent she's writes now will become her majority opinions. >> very briefly chances that roe v. wade is overturned. >> it looks like it may be gutted or cutback. >> thank you very much. coming up next, new subpoenas in the riot, the investigation into the riot at the capitol. lawmakers targeting the organizers behind the so-called stop the steal rally. i'll speak one on one with an organizer next. 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(man) talk to your doctor about austedo... it's time to treat td. td is not ok. visit as i observe investors balance risk and reward, i see one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. your strategic advantage. working at recology is more than a job for jesus. it's a family tradition. jesus took over his dad's roue when he retired after 47 year. now he's showing a new generation what recology is all about. as an employee-owned company, recology provides good-paying local jobs for san franciscans. we're proud to have built the city's recycling system from the ground up, helping to make san francisco the greenest big city in america. let's keep making a differene together. the select committee investigating the january 6th insurrection has issued a second round of subpoenas now, this time targeting those who planned to organize the so-called stop the steal rally preceding the capitol attack. it includes 11 people affiliated with the organization women for america first. the group that held the permit for the rally including its chairwoman amy cramer. joining me now is democratic congressman adam schiff, chairman of the house intelligence committee, a member of the select committee. congressman, thanks so much for taking the time this morning. >> good to be with you. >> so what led you, if you could explain, to send out this latest d batch. why the focus on this group? >> this group was involved in planning that stop the steal rally that resulted in the insurrection against the capitol as well as other events, but part of our mission in writing a confidence of analysis of what went wrong and how to protect the country going forward is to understand what was the planning for this, what was the financing for this, what were the expectations? was there knowledge that this was going to turn violent? was that part of the plan from the beginning? so these witnesses will have important information relevant to those questions, and the documents we're seeking likewise will shed light on it. we know there was strong participation of the white nation allegalist groups. we want to know what knowledge there was in advance that these groups with the propensity for violence were going to be parti participating. >> big question is the involvement, the knowledge of the white house, right up to the president as well as senior republican leaders. are you going to subpoena the republican minority leader kevin mccarthy, trump, the vice president, the former vice president? >> we are contemporaneously seeking records from the white house, from the relevant agencies, the defense department and others to fill in exactly that side of the equation as well. we want to know what was going on with the private planning and hence the 11 subpoenas that went out yesterday. we want to know what was the president's involvement w, what about the people around him? >> will you ask him directly to address those questions directly? >> we haven't made specific decisions about members of the congress yet. but anyone frankly that has pertinent information that was in communication with the president and we know kevin mccarthy was, you know, i have to say, certainly appeared to be a pretty pertinent witness to me. >> okay, i want it talk about infrastructure. there is a possible vote about infrastructure, will the house vote today on the bipartisan infrastructure plan? >> the short answer is i don't know whether we'll take up a bill, whether we'll votes if we do and if we don't have the votes, whether we'll make the decision to put that aside for another day. but i am confident of this, whether it is done today or a week from now or a month from now, god forbid, hope it is sooner than that, we'll get this done. we'll pass a fiscal in infrastructure bill. i view whatever happens today as merely act one in -- i don't know if it is two part play, or three part play, but i'm confident we'll get it done. >> why should folks watching now share that confidence? this is democrat versus democrat here and the gap is wide between sinema and manchin in the senate and what progressives in the house want. how do you bridge that gap? >> well, we have, i think, the most leadership in nancy pelosi that the congress ever had. if there is a pathway and i believe there is, the speaker will find it. the reality is, you know, 98% of our democratic delegation and house and senate is on the same page here in what they want. but we have 50/50 split in the senate and we have the majority in the house ever, even with 98% party unity, that 2% can cause a real headache and we're trying to get to yes because we're going to need 100%. >> while you, while the president have been focused on infrastructure and the budget plans, republican led state legislatures have been passing a whole host of measures, not just to restrict voting, but to give partisans including state legislatures greater ability to overturn or interfere with the results of elections going forward. i wonder have democrats made a mistake by prioritizing budget and infrastructure over something that could have, you know, immediate and severe impact on elections as soon as 2022 and 2024. is that a mistake? >> i think both are integral to our democracy. in terms of the infrastructure and human infrastructure, the build back better, one of the reasons why our democracy is at risk is that it needs to deliver and a lot of the american people lost faith that the government can deliver. i think you're right. the issue of these voting restrictions, the effort by republicans to give partisan boards and legislatures the power to overturn an election, a legitimate aelection is probably the greatest danger to our democracy. and that must be given at absolute top priority. and i would hope that the administration is working to find the pathway around the filibuster or carve out because this is how democracy -- there may be -- >> even the president doesn't support breaking the filibuster. if it is the most severe threat what are you doing about it and when? >> i think the president is going to need the support around the filibuster. we're not going to get ten republicans around the senate to do this. the only way they can win power is by cheating, by effectively overturning the popular will or disenfranchising people of color. that's where the senate majority is right now. it is a cult around the former president and anti-democratic cult. so that's just going to have to be overcome. and i was going to say, jim, there may be another attack on the capitol. i can't rule that out. but i can tell you this, it will be unsuccessful just like the last one. if our democracy comes to an end, it will be because of these quasi legal means that they're employing around the country to overturn free and fair elections. that, to me, is the biggest dagger at the heart of our democracy. >> final question on afghanistan, new reporting from axios that cduring a classified briefing, general milley blamed the state department for the botched evacuation from afghanistan. who do you hold responsible for the chaos, the delays, the many thousands of afghans left behind who worked for the u.s., who do you hold responsible and do you think someone should resign, offer their resignation as a result? >> looking at it from the intel perspective, i think the intelligence was pretty good. now, that's not to say that the intelligence agency predicted afghan government would fall in a matter of days, but over the last couple of years, the intelligence community had assessments of whether the afghan government would maintain itself and eventually how quickly it would fall. and so i think there are profound questions that the military needs answers and the state department about why the military didn't have plans for this contingency when it was a foreseeable one, even if it wasn't the most probable one, and why the state department didn't move with greater ala alacrity to process the visas, i think people should be held accountable. >> congressman adam schiff, thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you, jim. still to come, the trump factor causing concern in georgia ahead of next year's midterms. how a feud stwwith the state's governor could hurt republicans. with quality that's guaranteed for life, bath fitter doesn't just fit your bath, it fits your high standards. why have over two million people welcomed bath fitter into their homes? 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>> we talk about that in the book with "gop 2.0". we have to take responsibility as republicans for those statements that were misleading, but also we're watching president biden, you know, continue to take just failed leadership steps and even i think there is a poll swath of reluctant bidenvoters. we have to play those parallel strategies as we move forward into 2022 which i worry is going to be a politically chaotic period of time. you'll have candidates that are endorsed because they believed in the failed conspiracy theorys that were out there and as we track to 2024, i think america will keep looking for adults in the room and that's what this book is about. >> i want to get you on two other things, speaking of candidates, former -- herschel walker running for senate, known very well in georgia for bringing a national championship at uga. he has the support of former president trump. would you back him as the republican candidate? >> i played baseball at georgia tech, he played football at georgia, natural rivalry there. here is the thing. herschel walker had an amazing football career and well known. but i don't know anything about his politics. i don't think anybody in georgia knows anything about his politics other than he's good friends with donald trump. my encouragement to him and anybody out there trying to just seek solely and endorsement from donald trump it doesn't work here in georgia and doesn't work around the country if that's your only strategy. >> looking at voting itself, right, there has been as you know well, a lot of pushback on the law that was passed in georgia. the most recent analysis from voting rights are the nonpartisan groups specifically pointing to 17 laws passed in 11 states including in the state of georgia, noting that those laws when taking a look at them would undermine how elections are run. and in the case of georgia, signaling out, right, the shift in that the boards of elections, local officials, could be essentially pushed out and these could turn more partisan. some of the pushback initially you set on that law in the months afterward was a matter of tim timing. many would agree with, but you also said they didn't deserve to be analyzed as any support of voter suppression mandate. if it could potentially turn these local officials, push them out, make this more partisan, how does that not undermine voter confidence? >> it is first and foremost important for every republican to realize that donald trump did not lose the election because of fraud or election laws, he lost because he didn't connect with enough americans and get them to vote for him in the polls. as we continue this process of analyzing the election laws and ways to modernize and update, we have to be careful to not hat tip for political reasonreasons try to manage the election process. my hope is we don't even further politicize elections other than just the campaign parts of it. the realities here in georgia, we ran the most fair, legal election in our state's history and there were a few punitive swipes in the laws we passed here post election, but there were a number of things we did that were bipartisan, and we agreed upon. it is a balancing act. i hope we never see in america, i hope no state has to go through what georgia did in the ten weeks between the election and the runoffs here because it just doesn't -- it demoralizes everybody's spirit around what elections are truly meant to be. >> we're out of time. i'm hearing from you is it worked in georgia, the system worked in georgia, but i'm not hearing you disagreeing with that there could be real concern if there is a partisan push, partisan takeover of local officials. >> certaintaly there is a conce, absolutely. we'll not push away from that at all. >> good to have you with us this morning. thank you. >> thank you. still ahead, major developments in the search for the fugitive fiance brian laundrie. the fbi seized a phone he bought days before he disappeared. this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but whatever work becomes... the servicenow platform will make it just, flow. whether it's finding ways to help you serve your customers, orchestrating a safe return to the office... wait. an office? 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>> hi, i didnjim. there are a lot of questions these facts raise, but the overarching question is where is he now? we are filling in some of the blanks of what was going on during that roughly week and a half-long period between when brian laundrie came back to florida to the home he and gabby shared with his parents and when he went missing on september 14th. the camping trip the family took september 6th through 8th confirmed by the family's lawyer, brian laundrie and his parents going to the camp background about 70 miles from their home. they had a waterfront campsite. we know the fbi has obtained the surveillance video from that period of time while they were there. that should certainly help investigators figure out what exactly was going on when brian laundrie was with his parents at that campsite. mind you, they had not reported gabby petito missing. that did not happen until september 11th. so that is a bit of clues we know the fbi has. and we've learned that we knew already lawn lan left his cell phone and wallet behind on september 14th when he went to this nature reserve. now we know that cell phone was actually only purchased ten days prior, september 4th. so the laundrie family lawyer confirms that the fbi also has that cell phone. of course we don't know what happened to his previous phone. of course he could have bought another phone after leaving that phone behind. there are still a lot of questions we have. we know at the press conference on tuesday, pet gabby petito's family said they had a lot of faith in fbi but they know more than we do, but filling in some details. >> athena jones, thank you. the fate of president biden's agenda is on the line today. will nancy pelosi hold a vote on infrastructure? 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(jackie) i've made progress with my mental health. so when i started having unintentional body movements called tardive dyskinesia... i ignored them. but when the twitching and jerking in my face and hands affected my day to day... i finally had to say, 'it's not ok.' it was time to talk to my doctor about austedo. she said that austedo helps reduce td movements in adults... while i continue with most of my mental health medications. (vo) austedo can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have suicidal thoughts. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. don't take austedo if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, restlessness, movements mimicking parkinson's disease, fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, and sweating. (jackie) talk to your doctor about's time to treat td. td is not ok. visit what happens when we welcome change? we can transform our workforce overnight out of convenience, or necessity. we can explore uncharted waters, and not only make new discoveries, but get there faster, with better outcomes. with app, cloud and anywhere workspace solutions, vmware helps companies navigate change-- meeting them where they are, and getting them where they want to be. faster. vmware. welcome change. every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. working at recology is more than a job for jesus. it's a family tradition. jesus took over his dad's roue when he retired after 47 year. now he's showing a new generation what recology is all about. as an employee-owned company, recology provides good-paying local jobs for san franciscans. we're proud to have built the city's recycling system from the ground up, helping to make san francisco the greenest big city in america. let's keep making a differene together. very good thursday newsy morning to you. i'm jim sciutto. >> that it is. i'm erica hill. speaking of news, this just coming into cnn. speaker of the house nancy pelosi has just summoned house leadership to her office for a

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Cnn , Coverage , Peril , Goldfish , Negotiators , Three , Two , Top , Jim Sciutto , Countdown , Government Shutdown , Erica Hill , 15 , Biden Infrastructure Bill , Plan , Government , House , Capitol Hill , Stopgap Bill , Hands , Debate , Senators , Place , White House , Biden Ramping , Agenda , Fate , Democratic , Moderates , Clock Ticks , Limbo , Vote , Floor , Hold A Vote , Progressives , Speaker Pelosi , Standoff , Firm , Votes , Push , Deal , One , 3 5 Trillion , 5 Trillion , President , Negotiations , Reconciliation Bill , U S , Entirety , Senator Sanders Doesn T , Senate , Problem , Agreement , Leverage , Eastern Time , Joe Manchin , Spending Bill , Jamie Jeremy Diamond , Lauren Fox , Congressional Correspondent , Spoiler Alert , 9 , 00 , Reporter , Table , Options , Scenes , Legislation , Piece , Things , Progressive , , Progressive Member , 1 2 Trillion , 2 Trillion , Republicans , Infrastructure Bill , Bill Doesn T , Defections , Gaps , 25 , 12 , Leadership , Difference , Republicans Aren T , Note , Mcconnell , Isn T , Both , Down , Sources , The End , 60 , Blockbuster Statement , Setback , To Manchin , Dig In , Yes , Amount , Point , Pause , The Last One , Influence , Whoite House , The Hill , Lawmakers , Phone Day , Terms , Level , Approval , Indication , Way , Kyrsten Sinema , Meeting , We Haven T , Concern , Factions , Gap , Chance , Breakthroughs , Statement , Berth , Leave , Infrastructure Vote , Whether , The End Of Road , Bills , Times , Midterms , Too Big To Fail , Something , Reporting , Lauren Lopez , Experience , Changes , End , Biden Agenda , Fact , Forward , Headway , Laura , Strategy , Spending , Package , Spending Plan , Holdouts , Infrastructure Package , Enough , Say , Framework , Summer , Pressure Point , Everyone , Rate , America First , Firing Squad , Public Internal Circular , 19 , Bill , Delay , Politico , Degree , Incompetent , Quote , Latest , Kind , Infighting , Willingness , Awareness , Caucus , Infrastructure Deal , Packages , Liners , Swing Districts , Issues , Constituents , Win , Gaffes , Isn T A Winning , Campaign , Spending Package , Faction , Centrist , Noise , Voters , Result , Plan Thinking , Infrastructure Battle , Positive , Memo , Messaging , Frustration , Rumblings , Ship , Emphasis , Effort , Public , There Wasn T , Stuff , Segments , Child Tax Credit , Polling , Prescription Drug Costs , Campaign Pollsters , Hammering , 2022 , Kitchen Sink Approach , Together , Track , Folks Ss , Risk , Pete Muntean , Money , Highway Funding Law , Wall , Critical Highway Programs , House Debating , Federal Highway Funding , Projects , Stand , Lapse , Frederick Douglas Memorial Bridge , Extension , 00 Million , 200 Million , Groups , Stopgap , Five , Transportation Agencies , Congress , Contractors , Work , States , Reimbursement , Payment , Basis , Virginia , Michigan , Pennsylvania , Impact , Unintended Consequence , Construction , Project , Shovels , Inaction , People , Adam Schiff , Subpoenas , The Steal , Round , January 6th Committee , 6 , January 6th , 11 , Women , Brian Laundrie , Recommendation , Vaccine , Family Attorney , Details , Search , Data , Plus , Covid , Cdc , Cell Phone , Gabby Petito , Home , Power , Feet , Emergency Medicine , 40000 , Vmware , Ways , Companies , Workspace , Change , Solutions , App , Anywhere , Energy , Electron , Cloud , Rethinking , Shingles , Face , Welcome Change , Faster , Pain , 24 7 , Company , Catch Shingles , Stop , Appointment , Virus , Whaaaaat , Yeah , 50 , Skin , Plaque Psoriasis , Psoriatic Arthritis , Burning , Itching , Joints , Stinging , Adults , Symptoms , Tremfya , Medication , Moderate , Emerge Tremfyanttm , Painful , 16 , Doctor , Ability , Reactions , Infections , Infection , World , Tax Dollars , Anyone , Prescription Drugs , Big Pharma , Cost Support Options , Janssen , Pharma , Drugs , Lies , Scare Tactics , Big Pharma Scam , Medicare , Let Medicare , Prices , Baby , Touch , Brand , Pediatrician , Pampers , 1 , Game , Information , Football , First , Nfl , Line , Billions , Line Touchdown , Connections , Season , Cisco , Patients , Agency , Icu , Kristen Holmes , Washington , Woman , Immune System , Urgency , 31 , Listen , Deaths , Sense , Dr , Fauci , Pregnancy , Another , Reason , Birth , Mother , Feettus , Outcomes , Risks , Complications , Births , Death , Illness , Addition , Questions , Question , Health Officials , Shouldn T , Dos , Vaccines , Vaccine Requirements , Coffee , Cup , Regulations , Air , Department Of Labor , Jen Psaki , Employees , Workers , 100 , Timeline , Hearing , Conversations , Nominees , Right , Efforts , Holmes , Branch , Bench , Ten , Term , Nominations , Quarters , Cnn Supreme Court , Minorities , Arianna Vogue , 53 , 70 , Administration , Trump , President Bush , Numbers , Talking Points , Appointments , Eight , Supreme Court , Pace , Democrats , Courts , Effects , Mind , Areas , African American , Asian American , Abortion , Second Amendment , Hispanic , Dale Hogue , Diversity , Rights , Saw Today , Career , Area , Folks , Voting Rights , Ground , Backgrounds , Prosecutors , Judges , Understatement , Justice , Warning , Big Supreme Court Term , Sonia Sotomayor , Challenge , Texas Law , Roe V Wade , Group , Law , Law Students , Effect , Cases , Disappointment , Laws , Everyone Else , Dissents , Forces , I Can T Change Texas , Case , Don T , Justices , Liberals , Trouble , Kagan , Chances , Dissent , Opinions , Damage , Riot , Cutback , Rally , Investigation , One On , Organizers , Organizer , Mental Health , Progress , Body Movements , Man , Austedo , Movements , Td Movements , Tardive Dyskinesia , Thoughts , Medications , Most , Actions , Attention , Depression , Feelings , Behaviors , Mood , Huntington S Disease , Side Effects , Inflammation , Throat , Insomnia , Sleepiness , Reserpine , Problems Thinking , Liver Problems , Heartbeat , Fast , Restlessness , Parkinson S Disease , Tetrabenazine , Sweating , Muscles , Fever , Valbenazine , Td , Visit Askforaustedo Com , Investors , Element Securing Portfolios , Reward , Gold , Advantage , Recology , Jesus , Job , Family Tradition , Big City In America , Recycling System , Dad , Jobs , Generation , San Franciscans , Roue , 47 , Ground Up , San Francisco , Making A Differene , Committee , January 6th Insurrection , Attack , Organization , Permit , Amy Cramer , Congressman , House Intelligence Committee , Planning , Insurrection , Batch , Focus , Events , D , Country , Knowledge , Part , Confidence , Analysis , Expectations , Mission , Financing , Participation , Witnesses , Documents , Big Question , Advance , Violence , Propensity , Nation Allegalist , Vice President , Kevin Mccarthy , Leaders , Involvement , Records , Agencies , Defense Department , Side , Equation , Others , Involvement W , Communication , Members , Decisions , Witness , Answer , Decision , Done , God Forbid , Play , Want , Reality , Pathway , 98 , Speaker , Page , Delegation , 98 , Majority , Headache , Party Unity , 2 , Budget Plans , Led State Legislatures , Voting , Host , Measures , Elections , Mistake , Partisans , State Legislatures , Results , Prioritizing Budget , Democracy , 2024 , Faith , Human Infrastructure , Issue , Reasons , Build , Election , Boards , Legislatures , Voting Restrictions , Danger , Aelection , Filibuster , Priority , Support , Threat , Doesn T Support , Cheating , Popular Will , Cult , Color , Quasi , Milley , Heart , Dagger , Final Question , Briefing , Afghanistan , Cduring , Axios , Thousands , State Department , Someone , Delays , Evacuation , Chaos , Afghans , Intelligence Agency , Intelligence , Perspective , Resignation , Intel , Matter , Community , Assessments , Wasn T , Contingency , Military Didn T Have Plans , State Department Didn T Move With Greater Ala Alacrity , Needs , Accountable , Visas , Georgia , Factor , Governor , Feud Stwwith The State , Bath Fitter Doesn T , Bath , High Standards , Life , Quality , Policy , Life Insurance Policy , Consultation , Homes , Bath Fitter , Bathfitter Com , Two Million , Policy Lapse , Life Insurance , Cash Payment , Income , Retirement , One Hundred Thousand , One Hundred Thousand Dollars , Number , Insurance , Worth , Screen , Finding Out , Coventry , Visit Conventrydirect Com , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , Sulfonylurea , Blood Sugar , Stop Rybelsus , Sunshine , You Are My Sunshine , Diabetes , Don T Take Rybelsus , Pill , 3 , Isn T For Peopl , Sugar , A1c , Food , Lost , 7 , 8 , Family , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Help , Endocrin Neoplasia Syndrome , Blood Sugar Risk , Vision Problems , Lump , Stomach Pain , Reaction , Swelling , Neck , Pancreatitis , Provider , Kidney Problems , Vomiting , Nausea , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Possibl , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 0 , 10 , Probe , Reporters , Attempts , Signs , Obvious Lu Ly The Statute Of Limitations Givers Yous , Office , Gop 2 0 , Jeff Duncan , Charges , Book Out , 2 0 , Four , Big Lie , Couple , Litmus Test , 78 , Party , Poll , Joe Biden , 63 , Favor , Spit , Shift , Intentions , Pride , Display , Supporters , Social Media , Speech , Calling , Posting , Book , Outlines , Loyalty , Behind The Scenes , Statements , Front , Rumbling , Voter Fraud , Chorus , Responsibility , Poll Swath , Reluctant Bidenvoters , Steps , Candidates , Strategies , Conspiracy Theorys , Room , Herschel Walker , Championship , Uga , Former , Anything , Politics , Anybody , Thing , Candidate , Football Career , Baseball , Rivalry , Georgia Tech , Doesn T Work Here In Georgia And , Endorsement , Friends , Encouragement , Pushback , Voting Itself , Look , Run , 17 , Officials , Signaling Out , Partisan , Some , Many , Timing , Voter Suppression Mandate , Tim , Voter Confidence , Fraud , Election Laws , Polls , Process , Update , Realities , Reasonreasons , Hope , Election Process , Hat Tip , State , History , Swipes , Fair , Balancing Act , Everybody , Runoffs , Conce , Partisan Push , Partisan Takeover , The System , Certaintaly , Phone , Fbi , Developments , Fiance , Servicenow Platform , Customers , Last , Safe , Return , Flow , Business , Workplace , Servicenow , Network , Guests , Cybersecurity Solutions , Everything , Services , Cyberthreat , Comcast Business , Devices , Team , 1200 , Big Day , Threats , Business Powering Possibilities , Hunt , Campsite , Surveillance Video , More , Development , Disappearing , Investigat Have , September 14th , Dlu Clue , 14 , Parents , Course , Investigators , Road Trip , Fiancee , Facts , Blanks , Gabby , Florida , Camp , Camping Trip , Background , Lawyer , Waterfront Campsite , September 6th , 8th , Missing , Bit , Clues , Wallet , Lawn Lan , September 11th , Nature Reserve , Family Lawyer , September 4th , 4 , Press Conference On Tuesday , Filling , Athena Jones , Regeneration , Sustainable Isn T Enough , Planet , Restore , Twitching , Jerking , It S Time , Jackie , Discoveries , Workforce , Convenience , Uncharted Waters , Necessity , Small Business , Service , Flexibility , Comcast Business Mobile , Nationwide 5g , 5 , 30 , Contract , Lines , Internet , Match Data Options , Mix , Fees , Possibilities , Speaker Of The House , News ,

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