> i'm christine romans. we have reports this morning from florida, germany and haiti. we begin in washington with the"> > i'm christine romans. we have reports this morning from florida, germany and haiti. we begin in washington with the" property="og:description"> > i'm christine romans. we have reports this morning from florida, germany and haiti. we begin in washington with the">

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and La

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240709

start." i'm laura jarrett. >> i'm christine romans. we have reports this morning from florida, germany and haiti. we begin in washington with the latest on the legislation. a possible government shutdown, default on a national debt, a vote on a generational expansion on a social safety net. all as nancy pelosi sets her own deadline on a bipartisan trillion dollar bill. >> this new debate gives them more time to forge consensus and it tees up a vote on the last day congress can stop the government shutdown. we have cnn's jasmine wright live in washington. good morning. so much at stake this week for the president. take us behind the scenes. what's going on at the white house? >> yeah, laura. i think to say it is a big week for the president is an understatement. it's massive when you consider all that he is facing. frankly, any mistake by him or other democrats on all the issues from human infrastructure, hard infrastructure, from government spending to the debt ceiling could be catastrophic for his administration. and we know that this is an administration that is desperately looking for a policy win after weeks of harsh headlines and also dipping approval points for the president. so we saw -- so the official told us -- white house official told us that the president as well as other administration officials have been making calls, trying to bridge the gap between progressives and moderates trying to get things done. yesterday when talking to reporters returning from the presidential retreat he projected optimism about the vote. take a listen. >> i'm optimistic about this week. it's going to take the better part of the week. >> so president biden was right. kind of foreshadowing what house speaker pelosi says. she announced just hours later that they were moving the vote to thursday to give them more time to come to a consensus. but there is still a question about the size and scope of this bill. yesterday nancy pelosi said it was self-evident that it would be less than $3.5 trillion of the proposed spending for the human infrastructure part, including free pre-k, community college. things focus on families. both democrats -- both progressives and democrats are working this week to get something done under big pressure looming on thursday but really what is evident here, it's not just all encompassing. >> that's right. pelosi said she's not going to take anything to the floor that isn't ready, doesn't have the votes. we will see where this goes. we know you will be on top of it. you're going to be hearing a lot about politics, time lines and leverage. there's deep uncertainty how all of this will play out. raising the debt ceiling. not raising that is playing with fire. the treasury department wouldn't have enough money to pay the bills, would have to pick and choose which to pay. federal payments to millions of people would be halted. social security checks could stop for nearly 50 million seniors. troops of course can't be paid. critical monthly child tax payments could stop. it could spark a financial crisis where borrowing costs for credit cards and cars could spike. moody's analytics says a shutdown could wipe out 6 million jobs. >> even an accidental short default would damage america's credit, cost the government billions more in borrowing costs and interest rates could rise for the rest of us. a significant move in the manhunt for brian laundrie. the laundrie family attorney said the fbi visited the family's home on sunday looking for samples of brian's dna. they're trying to match samples that could confirm or eliminate laundrie as a suspect. nadia ramiro has the latest. >> reporter: christine and laura, perhaps the most activity we've seen here in florida was on sunday morning when two fbi agents came to the home of the laundrie parents and picked up something on the doorstep. we're told by the attorney of those parents that it was in order to collect items to try to test and match dna. that's happening here at the laundry family home. not far from here. as parents say, the last time they saw or heard from him, he was headed to the reserve last week, last tuesday but they haven't seen or heard from him since. that's where the search efforts were focused. that's happening here in florida. over in new york on sunday there was a big memorial for gabby petito. for her family and friends and for people who didn't even know her who lined up long before the memorial started to pay their last respects. >> i want you to be inspired. that's what we're looking for. if there's a trip you guys want to take, take it, now. do it now while you can. if there's a relationship that you're in that might not be the best thing for you, leave it, now. when you leave here today, be inspired by what she wrote because the entire planet knows this. she's inspired a lot of women and a lot of men to do what's best for them first. put yourself first and do it now while you have the time. i couldn't be more proud as a father. >> we flerd gabby petito's mother via facebook posting for the first time in two weeks and this is what she said. she said that she was just so grateful to so many people. as i scroll through all of the posts my heart is so full of love. i wish i could reach out and say thank you. that search for brian laundrie continues. they believe he has the answers to all of their questions. christine, laura? thank you so much for that. to europe now. angela merkel's party heads for defeat. what it means for your role on the world stage. cnn live from berlin. ♪ energy is everywhere... even in a little seedling. which, when turned into fuel, can help power a plane. at chevron's el segundo refinery, we're looking to turn plant-based oil into renewable gasoline, jet and diesel fuels. our planet offers countless sources of energy. but it's only human to find the ones that could power a better future. at usaa, we've been called too exclusive. because we only serve those who 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[sighs wearily] here, i'll take that! woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and now with two new flavors! breaking overnight. what looks like a big political shift underway in germany. preliminary election results show angela merkel's party suffering a narrow defeat to a left leaning party. the reaction from supporters when chancellor merkel's party is subdued there. >> it will be some time before they know the makeup of the new government. the country that could be the next chancellor is celebrating his party's big gain. fred pleitgen is live. you're at the headquarters for the party that came out on top. what are you hearing this morning? >> reporter: certainly they are the big winners of last night making really big gains and big gains no one thought would have been possible a couple of months ago. they were really down and out. it looked like olaf scholz had any chance to become the next chancellor. now he said he had a mandate. i want to listen to some of what he had to say there. >> translator: the electorate has spoken very clearly. it has said who should build the next government. this is a clear mandate the citizens have expressed. these three should lead the government and we have to say cdu, csu have not only lost big, they have also gotten the message from citizens to no longer govern and to go into opposition. >> reporter: olaf scholz who conducted a brilliant campaign. the coalition he's talking about is going to be most probably the green party and the liberal democrats. on the other hand, you have angela merkel's party, the christian democratic union and christian social union as well, they suffered massive losses. no other way to put it. it was a disastrous campaign. armin laschet said he wants to form a coalition as well. even if you don't have the strongest party, you can form a governing coalition. it looks like the air is getting thin for him. a final word obviously, guys, for angela merkel, i saw her on stage yesterday. it was a sad way to end the 16 years at the helm. >> fred, as you listen, she's been chancellor for 16 years which is amazing. >> yeah. >> what does her loss mean for germany's influence for refugees, china, there's so much we've seen it. de facto also. the leader on the administrative age where many considered her to be the last true patron. is the next german leader going to be able to step into that. all parties i spoke to, i spoke to olaf scholz about this, he says germany is going to remain strong within the european union and wants to remain strong in nato and a big partner for the united states as well. of course, this is a new chancellor coming in. this is going to be a big pivot for germany. they want to remain a force on the international stage at least economically and politically. in the european union all parties are committed to that. china is the big question. what's going to happen there especially with the biden administration trying to put pressure on china, that's going to be the big thing. the big question mark. of course, it's only going to be answered once we have a new government. that could take several months. angela merkel will be in power until that time. don't expect huge changes coming from germany but they could be quite significant how germany behaves on the international stage. >> thank you, fred. today is the deadline for health care workers to be vaccinated in new york state but tens of thousands still have not received their shot. we'll tell you how the state is planning for critical staff shortages. what matters most. whether it's ensuring food arrives as fresh as when it departs. being first on the scene, when every second counts. or teaching biology without a lab. we are the leader in 5g. #1 in customer satisfaction. and a partner who includes 5g in every plan, so you get it all. without trade-offs. unconventional thinking. it's better for business. let's go walter! after you. walter, twelve o' clock. get em boy! 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(man) ah! (burke) smart dog. with farmers crashassist, our signal app can tell when you've been in a crash and can send help, if you want it. get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ welcome back, the recent bogus election audit in arizona. chris stirewalt spoke out about the bogus claim. what's happening now is a direct assault on the legitimacy of our elections. >> the very action of taking the spurious, the specious undertaking trying to undermine -- there's no purpose in these endeavors whether it's the one in arizona or the ones underway in wisconsin, pennsylvania, texas, they're trying for in georgia and other places. the point is to undermine confidence. i take no satisfaction or pleasure from seeing this outcome that roughly corresponds with the real results. they're doing their damage anyway. >> stirewalt feels bad for those who were duped. the whole point is not to get to truth, it's to keep the big lia live. "early start" begins right now. good monday morning, this is "early start." i'm christine romans. >> i'm laura jarrett. about 28 minutes past the hour here in new york. time for our top stories to keep an eye on today. high stakes legislation with deadlines colliding on capitol hill. democratic leaders are trying to pass the roughly $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill and the $3.5 trillion spending bill. on top of all of that, congress also needs to fund the federal government to avoid a partial shutdown and possible default. >> what could be a seismic political shift in germany. preliminary election results show the left leaning election party narrowly surpassing chancellor angela merkel's christian democrats. >> the fbi in florida sunday returning to the family home of gabby petito's laundry. the family's attorney says agents asked laundrie's parents for personal items to help with dna matching. meantime, the public memorial service for petito was held at her home in long island. >> there was a push on at government to do anything else in there. >> a department of homeland security whistle-blower said the trump administration covered up evidence of russian election med meddling. four teens in pennsylvania have been charged with plotting attacks on a high school. police found molotov cocktails, drawings of pipe bombs and a list of guns in the home of one student. >> federal investigators on the scene of a dead liam track development in montana. it left the tracks saturday near joplin, montana. deliberations resume in the federal trial of r. kelly. he's facing federal racket tearing charges. a critical week in washington. so much on the line. huge implications for basically everyone. house speaker nancy pelosi set a billion on an infrastructure bill on thursday. she now has a few extra days to have some wiggle room. >> that package paid for by higher taxes on businesses. >> what happens next in this critical week ahead? we are on capitol hill. >> reporter: good morning, christine and laura. we are gearing up for an intense and crucial week here on capitol hill. first up, a vote in the senate on a house-passed bill to temporarily fund the government as well as to suspend the nation's borrowing limit. now that bill passed on a party line vote in the house. it is not expected to pass in the senate today. it is expected to fail because of republican opposition. keep in mind, without republican reaction, the government will shut down and reach its borrowing action sometime in november. these are my conversations with sou sources. i expect they would decouple those two issues. what they would do is put a clean government funding bill on the floor in order to keep the government funded. take a listen to what republican senator pat toomey had to say about this yesterday afternoon on jake tapper. >> i think republicans will offer a clean, continuing resolution that funds the government. you know, i've discovered in this place what is described as a clean bill seldom is actually a clean bill but the gist of your argument, whether republicans would support clean funding, the answer is there would be a lot of republican votes for that. >> reporter: it's clear republican leaders do not want a government shutdown. they will work on that because that will hamstring their priorities. all of this is just a reminder that congress still has to do basic functions of government let alone tackle some of these other sweeping domestic priorities. >> appreciate her laying it all out. it's a lot to digest. >> i know. >> it's time for three questions in three minutes. let's bring in someone who can help us digest it. cnn correspondent john harwood. walk us through this first. what's a safe play? what are you looking for? >> well, it appears democrats made a significant progress because of the budget they're using. that allows pelosi to put off the infrastructure vote on thursday. it looks as if democrats are on track to passing both parts of president biden's economic bill. you're talking about more than $5 billion in roads, bridges, broadband and then some combination of the domestic programs he calls -- president biden calls build back better. child tax credits, child care subsidies, community college subs subsidies, action on climate change. health care subsidies. don't know what's going to stay the same because the $3.5 trillion could be cut down some but it does appear that they are on track to passing both and that's a significant turn around for president biden. >> this week in particular, every single family, what happens this week will affect every single family from the roads you drive on, the maintenance of your car, whether you have pre-k and it's a sweeping agenda. republicans have tied to that. how dangerous is this messing with the debt ceiling? >> it's very dangerous. republicans are trying to exact a political price from democrats for paying the nation's bills. >> if they manage to withhold their support and democrats end up for timing reasons or logistic call reasons not able to do it, that's going to generate a financial crisis, trigger markets, downgrade the debt which is what happened in 2011. they're going to vote down the senate and debt spending. there's not going to be a government shutdown. the real question is how do they get out of the debt limit box? some democrats want to continue pressing republicans and force them to take responsibility to this to the point where republicans say uncle. okay, we do not want to crash the world's economy. others say, no, let's drop back and be safe. not sure which of those two is going to take place. it is pretty likely and i think markets are expecting it that the debt limit will be raised. >> definitely how we will get there remains to be seen. as christine tells us, the brinksmanship. >> even a short accidental default. >> massive implications. >> not good. >> we want to ask you, john, about congresswoman liz cheney. she says she was wrong to vote against gay marriage in 2016. her sister, of course, is gay. listen to this. >> it's wrong. i love my sister very much. i love her family very much and i was wrong. it's a very personal issue. very personal for my family. i believe that my dad was right and my sister and i have had that conversation. this is an issue that we have to recognize as human beings, that we need to work against discrimination of all kinds in our country, in our state. we were at an event the other night where a young woman said she doesn't feel safe sometimes because she's transgender and nobody should feel unsafe. freedom means freedom for everybody. >> she obviously feels it pretty deeply. you can see the emotion on her face. why do you think she's speaking out about this now? >> there are a couple of things at play, laura. one is the very direct close personal family dynamics that she mentioned. a second is any politician grows, changes through the country and overtaken previous attitudes. the final thing is now that she has taken on donald trump and he's trying to unleash his political forces against her, she's looking around and who are my allies? do i need to play it safe with a conservative congressional district in wyoming or am i able to come out and do this? i think she's a little bit liberated by the fight she's in with president trump as well as the heart strings tug with family members herself? >> all right, john harwood. appreciate you coming in. let's get a check on cnn business. look at the markets around the world. europe has opened slightly higher. frankfurt up after the election results just less than 1%. there are stock index futures in the u.s., they are trading mixed as well. four trading days left to go in what has been a volatile month. in china the potential implosion of that big real estate firm evergrande. they bounced back in the week. on the mood here, the federal reserve will begin pulling back the emergency covid stimulus. as you know, this week a full docket in d.c. no more for full foods. the change comes as americans are looking for more. the $10 fee goes into effect october 25th. >> i'm sorry about my brother. >> it was a broadway smash. 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(announcer) visible. unlimited data as low as $25 a month. or bring a friend and you both get a month for $5. wireless that gets better with friends. every single day, we're all getting a little bit better. we're better cooks... better neighbors... hi. i've got this until you get back. better parents... and better friends. no! no! that's why comcast works around the clock constantly improving america's largest gig-speed broadband network. and just doubled the capacity here. how do things look on your end? -perfect! because we're building a better network every single day. fwnew york's governor says e is ready to call in the national guard not for a hurricane with you because of a staff shortage. tens of thousands of health care workers still aren't and a vaccine mandate for new york city teachers also set to take effect today. it's now on temporary hold. cnn's alison kosik has more for us. >> reporter: good morning, christine and laura. new york governor kathy hochul says she's ready to declare a state of emergency if needed to prevent staff shortages caused by health care workers who don't get their covid-19 vaccine before their state vaccine mandate which begins today. among what the state of emergency will allow, health care workers from other states and countries and recent graduates to practice in new york. also in new york, a federal appeals court has issued an injunction against the covid-19 vaccine mandate for new york city educators set to go into effect monday at midnight. that blocks enforcement of the mandate while the case goes to a three judge circuit court panel for review. the mandate requires all new york city department of education employees to provide proof of one dose of the vaccine by today's deadline. >> alliison kosik, thank you fo that. signs of improvement on the state of the pandemic in the united states. still about 2,000 deaths per day. that's staggering but there are indications that that may have peaked. hospitalizations at their lowest in six weeks. the former head of the fda said we are starting to put the delta variant behind us. >> i think the big question mark is whether the northeast is going to see its own surge of infection. there's a presumption it has high vaccination rates and higher exposure that it is impervious to a big wave. we still think you're going to see a wave of infection as kids go back to school. >> the ceo of pfizer say three ask for authorization to give the vaccination to kids 5 through 7. another problem could get in the way. in connecticut hundreds of bus drivers may not show up for work when vaccine mandates begin today. firefighters in mckeesport, pennsylvania, are volunteering to drive kids to school due to the bus driver shortage there. in minnesota the superintendent of st. francis schools got her own bus license to help out. >> i thought this is something really small that i could do. i could give you hundreds of examples of people in education stepping up to the plate. i can't have kids that don't have a right home or ride to school. there is nothing worse than saying we can't come get your children today. >> did you go to costco this weekend? you might have seen a lot of people stocking up to the max. costco is having purchases of key items like toilet paper, bottled water and cleaning supplies. demand is high right now and supply is low. >> sometimes that's a self-fulfilling thing. people hear about the limits. >> laura, that's because the global supply chain is badly tangled and delays are getting worse. cargo piling up at the ports of los angeles and long beach. the two largest ports in the nation. delays, up to 3 weeks long. last week port officials at long beach said they try to work 24/7 monday through thursday to ease delays. at the same time, there aren't enough truckers and warehouses to move the goods. supply chains mean longer delays. adidas and hasbro has warned about disruptions, nike doesn't have enough supply. aaron rodgers leads the packers to a stunning last-second win over the 49ers on sunday night football. andy scholes has this morning's bleacher report. hi, andy. >> down 1 at your own 25 yard line. 30 seconds left, no time-outs. chances are you're not going to win that game unless you're aaron rodgers because he did it again. going to find davonte adams. packers run up the field and spike it. 20 seconds left. after an incompletion, rodgers did find adams again. this time for 17 yards. run up, spike it with 3 seconds left. a 51 yarder. rodgers and the packers stun the 49ers 30-28. we also had high drama in detroit. baltimore down. instead of a hail mary they bring out justin tucker to go for an nfl record 66 yard field goal. it bounces off the crossbar and goes in. tucker's teammates mob him. lions just stunned. tucker the hero. he was pumped the record-setting kick won his team the game. >> as soon as it left my foot i knew it was going to have a chance. i was short from the 65 pregame. i count get the ball to just go. thankfully we found an extra yard and a half that i didn't have three hours before and i'm grateful for that. we also saw the longest touchdown in nfl history yesterday. cardinals trying to kick a 68 yard field goal for halftime. it was well short and fielded by the jaguars jamal agnew. he took it back 109 yards for the touchdown. the cardinals would go on 39-19. tom brady playing at his first game against the rams. it would be matt stafford starring in this one. he threw for four touchdowns. l.a. remains undefeated. first loss for the bucs since last november. brady prepares to return to new england on sunday facing the patriots. dolphins hoping to get lucky. jacoby bresette scoring. the game goes to overtime. derek carr leads the raiders on two scoring drives. raiders win. in golf, the u.s. celebrating a dominant wire to wire win in the ryder cup. they won 19-9. biggest blowout the tournament has seen since it went to its current format in 1979. everyone feeling so good about the win. sharing a nice hug. how about that? to baseball, red sox up a win in the eighth against the yankees. aaron judge coming through with an rbi double to the left. two runs come in tow score to give new york the lead. next, look at that. first yankee ever to drive in 10 games. the blue jays won and i'll tell you what, it is going to be one exciting final week of the baseball season. yankees playing the bluejays in a series starting tomorrow. it will be fun to watch. >> a lot of screaming in my house yesterday. what was the most impressive, the record field goal or the home run by tim? >> stanton has a lot of impressive home runs. got to go with the field goal, guys. 66 yards and he had just enough? the fact that it bounded off. sometimes they try these field goals like we see at halftime. to do it and to twin -- >> he said he was clearly so happy. he couldn't made 65 but he hit a 66. >> thanks, andy. the fbi looking for brian laundrie's dna. what that means for the gabby petito magazine. the president's agenda is on the line. >> one way or another is the key phrase there. i'm laura jarrett. see you next if you're 55 and up, t- mobile has plans built just for you. whether you need a single line or lines for family members, you'll get great value on america's most reliable 5g network. like 2 lines of unlimited for just $27.50 a line. only at t-mobile. 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Washington , Pocketbook , Family , Home , Brian Laundrie , Dna , Default , Government Shutdown , Fbi , Bills , Friends , American , Two , Liz Cheney , Gabby Petito , New York , Admission , Thanks , September 27th 5 , 5 , Monday September 27th , 27 , Laura Jarrett , Germany , Latest , Legislation , Florida , Haiti , Christine Romans , On The Last Day , Nancy Pelosi , Debt , Safety , Expansion , Net , It , Consensus , Cnn , Congress , Dollar Bill , Debate , Jasmine Wright , President , Understatement , What S Going On , Mistake , Stake , White House , Behind The Scenes , Liberal Democrats , Administration , Debt Ceiling , Issues , Human Infrastructure , Infrastructure , Policy Win , Government Spending , Official , Approval Points , Headlines , Saw , Things , Reporters , Officials , Progressives , Making Calls , Gap , Moderates , Part , Biden , House Speaker Pelosi , Listen , Kind , Retreat , Optimism , Foreshadowing , Question , Size , Scope , Bill , Human Infrastructure Part , Spending , Pre K , Community College , 5 Trillion , 3 5 Trillion , Something , Families , Pressure , Lot , Wall , Anything , Votes , Time Lines , Politics , Doesn T , Leverage , Uncertainty , Floor , Isn T Ready , People , Treasury Department Wouldn T , Payments , Social Security Checks , Millions , Money , Playing With Fire , 50 Million , Course , Borrowing Costs , Crisis , Child , Credit Cards , Troops , Tax , Seniors , Spike , Cars , Moody S Analytics , Government , Shutdown , Credit , Interest Rates , Jobs , Rest , 6 Million , Samples , Family Attorney , Move , Manhunt , Brian , Christine , Activity , Suspect , Nadia Ramiro , Items , Parents , Agents , Order , Attorney , Doorstep , Sunday Morning , Laundry Family , Match , Last Tuesday , Haven T , Search Efforts , Big Memorial For Gabby Petito , Didn T , Memorial , Trip You Guys , Respects , Thing , Relationship , Leave It , Men , Women , Planet , Time , Posting , Father , Mother , Facebook , Say , Heart , Posts , Love , Chancellor Merkel , Questions , Defeat , Answers , Europe , Role , Party Heads , The World Stage , Berlin , Energy , Power , Which , Plane , Fuel , Everywhere , Seedling , Chevron , El Segundo Refinery , Ones , Sources , Human , Fuels , Jet , Gasoline , Diesel , Oil , Ranks , Usaa , Branches , Meet Jeff , Life , Bottom , Mountains , Tops , Er , Guy , Jeff S , The Ocean , Care , Memory Care , Services , Adults , Stay Safe , Protein , Sugar , Flavors , Sighs Wearily , Woo Hoo , One , Thirty , Election Results , Big Political Shift , Party , Reaction , Supporters , Makeup , Country , Chancellor , Gain , Fred Pleitgen , Headquarters , Olaf Scholz , Chance , Reporter , Couple , Gains , Thought , Winners , Last Night , Down And Out , Mandate , Electorate , Translator , Citizens , Big , Message , Cdu , Csu , Three , Opposition , Christian Democratic Union , Coalition , Campaign , Green Party , Hand , Well , Christian Social Union , Way , Armin Laschet , Losses , Air , Governing Coalition , Word , Helm , Guys , 16 , Loss , Influence , China , Refugees , Parties , Leader , Age , Patron , De Facto , Partner , European Union , Nato , Stage , Force , Big Pivot , The Big Question Mark , Big Question , Big Thing , Don T , Changes , State , Health Care Workers , Staff , Tens Of Thousands , Shortages , Planning , Shot , New York State , Food , Scene , Counts , Teaching , Customer Satisfaction , Lab , Biology , 1 , Plan , 5g , Thinking , Business , Trade Offs , Walter , Let S Go , Workspace , Tailgate , Em Boy , Step , Twelve O Clock , Cows Mooing , Twelve , Cat , Adventures , Find New Roads , Chevrolet , Chevy Silverado , Journey , Weight Loss , Trial , Wellness , App , Ww , 78 , A Million , 14 , Ecolab , Expertise , Operating Rooms , Commitment , Seal , Science Certified , Migrants , 12000 , Others , Court , Cases , Custody , Del Rio Texas , Alejandro Mayorkas , Flights , Port Au Prince , Ground , Six , Road , Deportees , Poverty , Haitians , Assassination , Capitol , Instability , Insecurity , Human Rights Activists , Man , Kidnappings , Sunday Church Service , Wife , Ten , Idps , Out Of Control , Uptick , Number , Clashes , Gangs , Camp Site , Level , Earthquake , Village , Residing , 2010 , Team , Dominican Republic , Game , Second , Nfl , Dog , Burke , Farmers Crashassist , Pa Dum , Help , Farmers , Bum , Crash , Signal App , Farmers Policy Perks , Election , Arizona , Chris Stirewalt , Action , Undertaking , Elections , Assault , Legitimacy , Endeavors , Purpose , Spurious , Bogus Claim , Point , Results , Outcome , Places , Satisfaction , Pennsylvania , Confidence , Texas , Pleasure , Wisconsin , Georgia , Damage , Truth , Big Lia Live , Monday Morning , Early Start , Infrastructure Bill , Capitol Hill , Leaders , Deadlines , Stories , Eye , High Stakes , Trillion , 28 , 1 Trillion , Spending Bill , Top , Shift , Laundry , Leaning , Dna Matching , The Public Memorial Service , Long Island , Whistle Blower , Department Of Homeland Security , Meddling , Med , Teens , Evidence , Russian , Four , Police , High School , List , Attacks , Student , Guns , Drawings , Molotov Cocktails , Pipe Bombs , Liam Track Development , Investigators , Tracks , Montana , Deliberations , R Kelly , Joplin , Everyone , Line , Implications , Charges , Racket , House Speaker , A Billion , Wiggle Room , Businesses , Taxes , Package , House , Senate , Nation , Party Line Vote , Borrowing Limit , Run Up , Republican , Borrowing , Mind , Government Funding Bill , Conversations , Sou , Place , Resolution , Pat Toomey , Clean , Jake Tapper , Answer , Gist , Funding , Argument , Priorities , Some , Functions , Reminder , Someone , John Harwood , Play , Progress , First , Infrastructure Vote , Budget , Track , Roads , Parts , Broadband , Bridges , Billion , 5 Billion , Calls , Subs Subsidies , Programs , Child Care Subsidies , Combination , Both , Same , Health Care Subsidies , Turn , Action On Climate Change , Don T Know What , Car , Maintenance , Agenda , Price , Reasons , Support , Call , Timing , Trigger Markets , 2011 , Debt Spending , Debt Limit Box , Safe , World , Responsibility , Uncle , Economy , Debt Limit , Markets , Brinksmanship , Sister , Gay Marriage , 2016 , Issue , Conversation , Dad , Kinds , Human Beings , Discrimination , Woman , Freedom , Night , Event , Nobody , Everybody , Family Dynamics , Emotion , Face , Politician , Donald Trump , Forces , Attitudes , Allies , Bit , Trump , District , Fight , Wyoming , Family Members , Heart Strings , Stock Index Futures , Check , Cnn Business , Frankfurt , Trading , Implosion , Firm Evergrande , Real Estate , Mood , Docket , D C , Emergency Covid Stimulus , Federal Reserve , More , Change , Foods , Fee , October 25th , 25 , 0 , 10 , Box Office , Brother , Smash , Dear Evan Hansen , Broadway , Critics , Movie Industry , Kids , Choice , In The Heights , Movies , Wishlist , Wheels , Explanation , 11 Million , Intersect , Sports Sedans , Mercedes Benz , Dealer , Pilots , Bobble , Stop , Mac , 2021 , 300 , 449 , 49 , Mystery , Paul , Quote Today , Auto Insurance , Diabetes , Usaa Safepilot , 30 , Everything , Glucose Levels , Glucose , Choices , A1c , Visit Freestylelibre Us , Colon Cancer , Habits , Walks , Sizes , Stages , Risk , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Stool , Yep , 92 , 45 , Data , Provider , Surprise Fees , Doesn T Play Games , Friend , Players , Livestream , Squad , Verizon , Two 5 A Months , , Announcer , Low , Boom , 12 , Cooks , Clock , Neighbors , Broadband Network , Network , End , Capacity , Governor , Fwnew York , Vaccine Mandate , Staff Shortage , Effect , Aren T , Teachers , Guard , Hurricane , Kathy Hochul , State Of Emergency , Hold , Alison Kosik , State Vaccine Mandate , States , Covid , 19 , Enforcement , Injunction , Countries , Educators Set , Graduates , Federal Appeals Court , Vaccine , Circuit Court Panel For Review , Case , Employees , Dose , Proof , New York City Department Of Education , Signs , Alliison Kosik , Improvement , Pandemic , Deaths , 2000 , Hospitalizations , Northeast , Head , Indications , Delta Variant , Fda , Infection , Vaccination Rates , Presumption It , Wave , Big Wave , Surge , Exposure , Back To School , Authorization , Ask , Ceo , Pfizer , Problem , Bus Drivers , Vaccination , Hundreds , Firefighters , Connecticut , Mckeesport , 7 , Superintendent , Of St , Schools , Bus Driver Shortage , Bus License , Volunteering , Francis , Minnesota , Children , Education , Nothing , Costco , Plate , Examples , Don T Have A , Supply , Cleaning Supplies , Demand , Toilet Paper , Bottled Water , Purchases , Delays , Ports , Limits , Supply Chain , Cargo Piling , Los Angeles , Long Beach , Port Officials , 3 , 24 7 Monday , 24 7 , There Aren T , Goods , Truckers , Warehouses , Disruptions , Supply Chains , Adidas , Hasbro , Nike , Win , Aaron Rodgers , Packers , Morning , 49ers , Bleacher Report , Andy Scholes , Sunday Night Football , Hi , Chances , Davonte Adams , Time Outs , Yard Line , Field , Incompletion , 20 , 17 , Justin Tucker , Yarder , Drama , Hail Mary , Detroit , Baltimore , 51 , Field Goal , Record , Record Setting Kick , Crossbar , Teammates Mob , Lions , Hero , 66 , Ball , Pregame , Foot , 65 , Touchdown , Yard , Half , History Yesterday , Halftime , Cardinals , Jaguars Jamal Agnew , 109 , 68 , Tom Brady , Matt Stafford , Touchdowns , Rams , 39 , Patriots , Bucs , Dolphins , New England , Raiders , Scoring , Derek Carr , Jacoby Bresette , Tournament , Blowout , Golf , Format , Dominant Wire To , Ryder Cup , 1979 , 9 , 1979 Everyone , Yankees , Baseball , Aaron Judge , Hug , Eighth , Red Sox , Runs , Left , Tow Score , Lead , Double , Rbi , Games , Yankee , Blue Jays , Impressive , Baseball Season , Series , Fun , Screaming , Home Run , Tim , Bluejays , Home Runs , Fact , Guys , Stanton , Twin , Field Goals , He Couldn T , Phrase , One Way Or Another , Gabby Petito Magazine , Plans , T Mobile , 55 , Lines , Value , 5g Network , 27 50 , 7 50 , 2 , Manager , Doubt , Experience , Carvana , Next , 100 , Salesman , Checking In , Site , Couch , Anyone , She S A Beauty , Band Plays , Allstate , Color , Golly , Laughter , Vo , Radio , Sfx , Back , Bit Wrong , Protection , Auto Rate , Hands , Brianna Keilar , Visit , John Berman , Om ,

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Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans And Laura Jarrett 20240709 : Comparemela.com

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240709

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start." i'm laura jarrett. >> i'm christine romans. we have reports this morning from florida, germany and haiti. we begin in washington with the latest on the legislation. a possible government shutdown, default on a national debt, a vote on a generational expansion on a social safety net. all as nancy pelosi sets her own deadline on a bipartisan trillion dollar bill. >> this new debate gives them more time to forge consensus and it tees up a vote on the last day congress can stop the government shutdown. we have cnn's jasmine wright live in washington. good morning. so much at stake this week for the president. take us behind the scenes. what's going on at the white house? >> yeah, laura. i think to say it is a big week for the president is an understatement. it's massive when you consider all that he is facing. frankly, any mistake by him or other democrats on all the issues from human infrastructure, hard infrastructure, from government spending to the debt ceiling could be catastrophic for his administration. and we know that this is an administration that is desperately looking for a policy win after weeks of harsh headlines and also dipping approval points for the president. so we saw -- so the official told us -- white house official told us that the president as well as other administration officials have been making calls, trying to bridge the gap between progressives and moderates trying to get things done. yesterday when talking to reporters returning from the presidential retreat he projected optimism about the vote. take a listen. >> i'm optimistic about this week. it's going to take the better part of the week. >> so president biden was right. kind of foreshadowing what house speaker pelosi says. she announced just hours later that they were moving the vote to thursday to give them more time to come to a consensus. but there is still a question about the size and scope of this bill. yesterday nancy pelosi said it was self-evident that it would be less than $3.5 trillion of the proposed spending for the human infrastructure part, including free pre-k, community college. things focus on families. both democrats -- both progressives and democrats are working this week to get something done under big pressure looming on thursday but really what is evident here, it's not just all encompassing. >> that's right. pelosi said she's not going to take anything to the floor that isn't ready, doesn't have the votes. we will see where this goes. we know you will be on top of it. you're going to be hearing a lot about politics, time lines and leverage. there's deep uncertainty how all of this will play out. raising the debt ceiling. not raising that is playing with fire. the treasury department wouldn't have enough money to pay the bills, would have to pick and choose which to pay. federal payments to millions of people would be halted. social security checks could stop for nearly 50 million seniors. troops of course can't be paid. critical monthly child tax payments could stop. it could spark a financial crisis where borrowing costs for credit cards and cars could spike. moody's analytics says a shutdown could wipe out 6 million jobs. >> even an accidental short default would damage america's credit, cost the government billions more in borrowing costs and interest rates could rise for the rest of us. a significant move in the manhunt for brian laundrie. the laundrie family attorney said the fbi visited the family's home on sunday looking for samples of brian's dna. they're trying to match samples that could confirm or eliminate laundrie as a suspect. nadia ramiro has the latest. >> reporter: christine and laura, perhaps the most activity we've seen here in florida was on sunday morning when two fbi agents came to the home of the laundrie parents and picked up something on the doorstep. we're told by the attorney of those parents that it was in order to collect items to try to test and match dna. that's happening here at the laundry family home. not far from here. as parents say, the last time they saw or heard from him, he was headed to the reserve last week, last tuesday but they haven't seen or heard from him since. that's where the search efforts were focused. that's happening here in florida. over in new york on sunday there was a big memorial for gabby petito. for her family and friends and for people who didn't even know her who lined up long before the memorial started to pay their last respects. >> i want you to be inspired. that's what we're looking for. if there's a trip you guys want to take, take it, now. do it now while you can. if there's a relationship that you're in that might not be the best thing for you, leave it, now. when you leave here today, be inspired by what she wrote because the entire planet knows this. she's inspired a lot of women and a lot of men to do what's best for them first. put yourself first and do it now while you have the time. i couldn't be more proud as a father. >> we flerd gabby petito's mother via facebook posting for the first time in two weeks and this is what she said. she said that she was just so grateful to so many people. as i scroll through all of the posts my heart is so full of love. i wish i could reach out and say thank you. that search for brian laundrie continues. they believe he has the answers to all of their questions. christine, laura? thank you so much for that. to europe now. angela merkel's party heads for defeat. what it means for your role on the world stage. cnn live from berlin. ♪ energy is everywhere... even in a little seedling. which, when turned into fuel, can help power a plane. at chevron's el segundo refinery, we're looking to turn plant-based oil into renewable gasoline, jet and diesel fuels. our planet offers countless sources of energy. but it's only human to find the ones that could power a better future. at usaa, we've been called too exclusive. because we only serve those who 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[sighs wearily] here, i'll take that! woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and now with two new flavors! breaking overnight. what looks like a big political shift underway in germany. preliminary election results show angela merkel's party suffering a narrow defeat to a left leaning party. the reaction from supporters when chancellor merkel's party is subdued there. >> it will be some time before they know the makeup of the new government. the country that could be the next chancellor is celebrating his party's big gain. fred pleitgen is live. you're at the headquarters for the party that came out on top. what are you hearing this morning? >> reporter: certainly they are the big winners of last night making really big gains and big gains no one thought would have been possible a couple of months ago. they were really down and out. it looked like olaf scholz had any chance to become the next chancellor. now he said he had a mandate. i want to listen to some of what he had to say there. >> translator: the electorate has spoken very clearly. it has said who should build the next government. this is a clear mandate the citizens have expressed. these three should lead the government and we have to say cdu, csu have not only lost big, they have also gotten the message from citizens to no longer govern and to go into opposition. >> reporter: olaf scholz who conducted a brilliant campaign. the coalition he's talking about is going to be most probably the green party and the liberal democrats. on the other hand, you have angela merkel's party, the christian democratic union and christian social union as well, they suffered massive losses. no other way to put it. it was a disastrous campaign. armin laschet said he wants to form a coalition as well. even if you don't have the strongest party, you can form a governing coalition. it looks like the air is getting thin for him. a final word obviously, guys, for angela merkel, i saw her on stage yesterday. it was a sad way to end the 16 years at the helm. >> fred, as you listen, she's been chancellor for 16 years which is amazing. >> yeah. >> what does her loss mean for germany's influence for refugees, china, there's so much we've seen it. de facto also. the leader on the administrative age where many considered her to be the last true patron. is the next german leader going to be able to step into that. all parties i spoke to, i spoke to olaf scholz about this, he says germany is going to remain strong within the european union and wants to remain strong in nato and a big partner for the united states as well. of course, this is a new chancellor coming in. this is going to be a big pivot for germany. they want to remain a force on the international stage at least economically and politically. in the european union all parties are committed to that. china is the big question. what's going to happen there especially with the biden administration trying to put pressure on china, that's going to be the big thing. the big question mark. of course, it's only going to be answered once we have a new government. that could take several months. angela merkel will be in power until that time. don't expect huge changes coming from germany but they could be quite significant how germany behaves on the international stage. >> thank you, fred. today is the deadline for health care workers to be vaccinated in new york state but tens of thousands still have not received their shot. we'll tell you how the state is planning for critical staff shortages. what matters most. whether it's ensuring food arrives as fresh as when it departs. being first on the scene, when every second counts. or teaching biology without a lab. we are the leader in 5g. #1 in customer satisfaction. and a partner who includes 5g in every plan, so you get it all. without trade-offs. unconventional thinking. it's better for business. let's go walter! after you. walter, twelve o' clock. get em boy! 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(man) ah! (burke) smart dog. with farmers crashassist, our signal app can tell when you've been in a crash and can send help, if you want it. get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ welcome back, the recent bogus election audit in arizona. chris stirewalt spoke out about the bogus claim. what's happening now is a direct assault on the legitimacy of our elections. >> the very action of taking the spurious, the specious undertaking trying to undermine -- there's no purpose in these endeavors whether it's the one in arizona or the ones underway in wisconsin, pennsylvania, texas, they're trying for in georgia and other places. the point is to undermine confidence. i take no satisfaction or pleasure from seeing this outcome that roughly corresponds with the real results. they're doing their damage anyway. >> stirewalt feels bad for those who were duped. the whole point is not to get to truth, it's to keep the big lia live. "early start" begins right now. good monday morning, this is "early start." i'm christine romans. >> i'm laura jarrett. about 28 minutes past the hour here in new york. time for our top stories to keep an eye on today. high stakes legislation with deadlines colliding on capitol hill. democratic leaders are trying to pass the roughly $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill and the $3.5 trillion spending bill. on top of all of that, congress also needs to fund the federal government to avoid a partial shutdown and possible default. >> what could be a seismic political shift in germany. preliminary election results show the left leaning election party narrowly surpassing chancellor angela merkel's christian democrats. >> the fbi in florida sunday returning to the family home of gabby petito's laundry. the family's attorney says agents asked laundrie's parents for personal items to help with dna matching. meantime, the public memorial service for petito was held at her home in long island. >> there was a push on at government to do anything else in there. >> a department of homeland security whistle-blower said the trump administration covered up evidence of russian election med meddling. four teens in pennsylvania have been charged with plotting attacks on a high school. police found molotov cocktails, drawings of pipe bombs and a list of guns in the home of one student. >> federal investigators on the scene of a dead liam track development in montana. it left the tracks saturday near joplin, montana. deliberations resume in the federal trial of r. kelly. he's facing federal racket tearing charges. a critical week in washington. so much on the line. huge implications for basically everyone. house speaker nancy pelosi set a billion on an infrastructure bill on thursday. she now has a few extra days to have some wiggle room. >> that package paid for by higher taxes on businesses. >> what happens next in this critical week ahead? we are on capitol hill. >> reporter: good morning, christine and laura. we are gearing up for an intense and crucial week here on capitol hill. first up, a vote in the senate on a house-passed bill to temporarily fund the government as well as to suspend the nation's borrowing limit. now that bill passed on a party line vote in the house. it is not expected to pass in the senate today. it is expected to fail because of republican opposition. keep in mind, without republican reaction, the government will shut down and reach its borrowing action sometime in november. these are my conversations with sou sources. i expect they would decouple those two issues. what they would do is put a clean government funding bill on the floor in order to keep the government funded. take a listen to what republican senator pat toomey had to say about this yesterday afternoon on jake tapper. >> i think republicans will offer a clean, continuing resolution that funds the government. you know, i've discovered in this place what is described as a clean bill seldom is actually a clean bill but the gist of your argument, whether republicans would support clean funding, the answer is there would be a lot of republican votes for that. >> reporter: it's clear republican leaders do not want a government shutdown. they will work on that because that will hamstring their priorities. all of this is just a reminder that congress still has to do basic functions of government let alone tackle some of these other sweeping domestic priorities. >> appreciate her laying it all out. it's a lot to digest. >> i know. >> it's time for three questions in three minutes. let's bring in someone who can help us digest it. cnn correspondent john harwood. walk us through this first. what's a safe play? what are you looking for? >> well, it appears democrats made a significant progress because of the budget they're using. that allows pelosi to put off the infrastructure vote on thursday. it looks as if democrats are on track to passing both parts of president biden's economic bill. you're talking about more than $5 billion in roads, bridges, broadband and then some combination of the domestic programs he calls -- president biden calls build back better. child tax credits, child care subsidies, community college subs subsidies, action on climate change. health care subsidies. don't know what's going to stay the same because the $3.5 trillion could be cut down some but it does appear that they are on track to passing both and that's a significant turn around for president biden. >> this week in particular, every single family, what happens this week will affect every single family from the roads you drive on, the maintenance of your car, whether you have pre-k and it's a sweeping agenda. republicans have tied to that. how dangerous is this messing with the debt ceiling? >> it's very dangerous. republicans are trying to exact a political price from democrats for paying the nation's bills. >> if they manage to withhold their support and democrats end up for timing reasons or logistic call reasons not able to do it, that's going to generate a financial crisis, trigger markets, downgrade the debt which is what happened in 2011. they're going to vote down the senate and debt spending. there's not going to be a government shutdown. the real question is how do they get out of the debt limit box? some democrats want to continue pressing republicans and force them to take responsibility to this to the point where republicans say uncle. okay, we do not want to crash the world's economy. others say, no, let's drop back and be safe. not sure which of those two is going to take place. it is pretty likely and i think markets are expecting it that the debt limit will be raised. >> definitely how we will get there remains to be seen. as christine tells us, the brinksmanship. >> even a short accidental default. >> massive implications. >> not good. >> we want to ask you, john, about congresswoman liz cheney. she says she was wrong to vote against gay marriage in 2016. her sister, of course, is gay. listen to this. >> it's wrong. i love my sister very much. i love her family very much and i was wrong. it's a very personal issue. very personal for my family. i believe that my dad was right and my sister and i have had that conversation. this is an issue that we have to recognize as human beings, that we need to work against discrimination of all kinds in our country, in our state. we were at an event the other night where a young woman said she doesn't feel safe sometimes because she's transgender and nobody should feel unsafe. freedom means freedom for everybody. >> she obviously feels it pretty deeply. you can see the emotion on her face. why do you think she's speaking out about this now? >> there are a couple of things at play, laura. one is the very direct close personal family dynamics that she mentioned. a second is any politician grows, changes through the country and overtaken previous attitudes. the final thing is now that she has taken on donald trump and he's trying to unleash his political forces against her, she's looking around and who are my allies? do i need to play it safe with a conservative congressional district in wyoming or am i able to come out and do this? i think she's a little bit liberated by the fight she's in with president trump as well as the heart strings tug with family members herself? >> all right, john harwood. appreciate you coming in. let's get a check on cnn business. look at the markets around the world. europe has opened slightly higher. frankfurt up after the election results just less than 1%. there are stock index futures in the u.s., they are trading mixed as well. four trading days left to go in what has been a volatile month. in china the potential implosion of that big real estate firm evergrande. they bounced back in the week. on the mood here, the federal reserve will begin pulling back the emergency covid stimulus. as you know, this week a full docket in d.c. no more for full foods. the change comes as americans are looking for more. the $10 fee goes into effect october 25th. >> i'm sorry about my brother. >> it was a broadway smash. "dear evan hansen" failed to catch people at the box office. the movie industry was widely panned by critics. this summer's "in the heights" only saw 11 million. >> it's been so long since i went to the movies. >> you have -- your kids are too little. >> yeah. be right back. it's a wishlist on wheels. a choice that requires no explanation. it's where safe and daring seamlessly intersect. it's understated, yet over-delivers. it is truly the mercedes-benz of sports sedans. lease the 2021 c 300 sedan for just $449 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. usaa is made for the safe pilots. like mac. who can come to a stop with barely a bobble. with usaa safepilot, when you drive safe... ...you can save up to 30% on your auto insurance. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. get a quote today. paul loves food. but his diabetes made food a mystery. everything felt like a “no.” but then paul went from no to know. with freestyle libre 14 day, now he knows how food affects his glucose. and he knows when to make different choices. take the mystery out of your glucose levels - and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit freestylelibre.us ♪ healthy habits come in all sizes. like little walks. and, getting screened for colon cancer. that's big because when caught in early stages, it's more treatable. hey, cologuard! hi. i'm noninvasive and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers, even in early stages. early stages! yep, it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. count me in! me too! visible is wireless that doesn't play games. no surprise fees, legit unlimited data, for as little as $25 a month. and the best part? it's powered by verizon. but it gets crazier. bring a friend every month, and get every month for $5. which is why i brought them. two $5-a-months right here. (both) hey. plus the players in my squad. hey. what's up? then finally, my whole livestream. boom! 12 months of $5 wireless. (announcer) visible. unlimited data as low as $25 a month. or bring a friend and you both get a month for $5. wireless that gets better with friends. every single day, we're all getting a little bit better. we're better cooks... better neighbors... hi. i've got this until you get back. better parents... and better friends. no! no! that's why comcast works around the clock constantly improving america's largest gig-speed broadband network. and just doubled the capacity here. how do things look on your end? -perfect! because we're building a better network every single day. fwnew york's governor says e is ready to call in the national guard not for a hurricane with you because of a staff shortage. tens of thousands of health care workers still aren't and a vaccine mandate for new york city teachers also set to take effect today. it's now on temporary hold. cnn's alison kosik has more for us. >> reporter: good morning, christine and laura. new york governor kathy hochul says she's ready to declare a state of emergency if needed to prevent staff shortages caused by health care workers who don't get their covid-19 vaccine before their state vaccine mandate which begins today. among what the state of emergency will allow, health care workers from other states and countries and recent graduates to practice in new york. also in new york, a federal appeals court has issued an injunction against the covid-19 vaccine mandate for new york city educators set to go into effect monday at midnight. that blocks enforcement of the mandate while the case goes to a three judge circuit court panel for review. the mandate requires all new york city department of education employees to provide proof of one dose of the vaccine by today's deadline. >> alliison kosik, thank you fo that. signs of improvement on the state of the pandemic in the united states. still about 2,000 deaths per day. that's staggering but there are indications that that may have peaked. hospitalizations at their lowest in six weeks. the former head of the fda said we are starting to put the delta variant behind us. >> i think the big question mark is whether the northeast is going to see its own surge of infection. there's a presumption it has high vaccination rates and higher exposure that it is impervious to a big wave. we still think you're going to see a wave of infection as kids go back to school. >> the ceo of pfizer say three ask for authorization to give the vaccination to kids 5 through 7. another problem could get in the way. in connecticut hundreds of bus drivers may not show up for work when vaccine mandates begin today. firefighters in mckeesport, pennsylvania, are volunteering to drive kids to school due to the bus driver shortage there. in minnesota the superintendent of st. francis schools got her own bus license to help out. >> i thought this is something really small that i could do. i could give you hundreds of examples of people in education stepping up to the plate. i can't have kids that don't have a right home or ride to school. there is nothing worse than saying we can't come get your children today. >> did you go to costco this weekend? you might have seen a lot of people stocking up to the max. costco is having purchases of key items like toilet paper, bottled water and cleaning supplies. demand is high right now and supply is low. >> sometimes that's a self-fulfilling thing. people hear about the limits. >> laura, that's because the global supply chain is badly tangled and delays are getting worse. cargo piling up at the ports of los angeles and long beach. the two largest ports in the nation. delays, up to 3 weeks long. last week port officials at long beach said they try to work 24/7 monday through thursday to ease delays. at the same time, there aren't enough truckers and warehouses to move the goods. supply chains mean longer delays. adidas and hasbro has warned about disruptions, nike doesn't have enough supply. aaron rodgers leads the packers to a stunning last-second win over the 49ers on sunday night football. andy scholes has this morning's bleacher report. hi, andy. >> down 1 at your own 25 yard line. 30 seconds left, no time-outs. chances are you're not going to win that game unless you're aaron rodgers because he did it again. going to find davonte adams. packers run up the field and spike it. 20 seconds left. after an incompletion, rodgers did find adams again. this time for 17 yards. run up, spike it with 3 seconds left. a 51 yarder. rodgers and the packers stun the 49ers 30-28. we also had high drama in detroit. baltimore down. instead of a hail mary they bring out justin tucker to go for an nfl record 66 yard field goal. it bounces off the crossbar and goes in. tucker's teammates mob him. lions just stunned. tucker the hero. he was pumped the record-setting kick won his team the game. >> as soon as it left my foot i knew it was going to have a chance. i was short from the 65 pregame. i count get the ball to just go. thankfully we found an extra yard and a half that i didn't have three hours before and i'm grateful for that. we also saw the longest touchdown in nfl history yesterday. cardinals trying to kick a 68 yard field goal for halftime. it was well short and fielded by the jaguars jamal agnew. he took it back 109 yards for the touchdown. the cardinals would go on 39-19. tom brady playing at his first game against the rams. it would be matt stafford starring in this one. he threw for four touchdowns. l.a. remains undefeated. first loss for the bucs since last november. brady prepares to return to new england on sunday facing the patriots. dolphins hoping to get lucky. jacoby bresette scoring. the game goes to overtime. derek carr leads the raiders on two scoring drives. raiders win. in golf, the u.s. celebrating a dominant wire to wire win in the ryder cup. they won 19-9. biggest blowout the tournament has seen since it went to its current format in 1979. everyone feeling so good about the win. sharing a nice hug. how about that? to baseball, red sox up a win in the eighth against the yankees. aaron judge coming through with an rbi double to the left. two runs come in tow score to give new york the lead. next, look at that. first yankee ever to drive in 10 games. the blue jays won and i'll tell you what, it is going to be one exciting final week of the baseball season. yankees playing the bluejays in a series starting tomorrow. it will be fun to watch. >> a lot of screaming in my house yesterday. what was the most impressive, the record field goal or the home run by tim? >> stanton has a lot of impressive home runs. got to go with the field goal, guys. 66 yards and he had just enough? the fact that it bounded off. sometimes they try these field goals like we see at halftime. to do it and to twin -- >> he said he was clearly so happy. he couldn't made 65 but he hit a 66. >> thanks, andy. the fbi looking for brian laundrie's dna. what that means for the gabby petito magazine. the president's agenda is on the line. >> one way or another is the key phrase there. i'm laura jarrett. see you next if you're 55 and up, t- mobile has plans built just for you. whether you need a single line or lines for family members, you'll get great value on america's most reliable 5g network. like 2 lines of unlimited for just $27.50 a line. only at t-mobile. 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16 , Loss , Influence , China , Refugees , Parties , Leader , Age , Patron , De Facto , Partner , European Union , Nato , Stage , Force , Big Pivot , The Big Question Mark , Big Question , Big Thing , Don T , Changes , State , Health Care Workers , Staff , Tens Of Thousands , Shortages , Planning , Shot , New York State , Food , Scene , Counts , Teaching , Customer Satisfaction , Lab , Biology , 1 , Plan , 5g , Thinking , Business , Trade Offs , Walter , Let S Go , Workspace , Tailgate , Em Boy , Step , Twelve O Clock , Cows Mooing , Twelve , Cat , Adventures , Find New Roads , Chevrolet , Chevy Silverado , Journey , Weight Loss , Trial , Wellness , App , Ww , 78 , A Million , 14 , Ecolab , Expertise , Operating Rooms , Commitment , Seal , Science Certified , Migrants , 12000 , Others , Court , Cases , Custody , Del Rio Texas , Alejandro Mayorkas , Flights , Port Au Prince , Ground , Six , Road , Deportees , Poverty , Haitians , Assassination , Capitol , Instability , Insecurity , Human Rights Activists , Man , Kidnappings , Sunday Church Service , Wife , Ten , Idps , Out Of Control , Uptick , Number , Clashes , Gangs , Camp Site , Level , Earthquake , Village , Residing , 2010 , Team , Dominican Republic , Game , Second , Nfl , Dog , Burke , Farmers Crashassist , Pa Dum , Help , Farmers , Bum , Crash , Signal App , Farmers Policy Perks , Election , Arizona , Chris Stirewalt , Action , Undertaking , Elections , Assault , Legitimacy , Endeavors , Purpose , Spurious , Bogus Claim , Point , Results , Outcome , Places , Satisfaction , Pennsylvania , Confidence , Texas , Pleasure , Wisconsin , Georgia , Damage , Truth , Big Lia Live , Monday Morning , Early Start , Infrastructure Bill , Capitol Hill , Leaders , Deadlines , Stories , Eye , High Stakes , Trillion , 28 , 1 Trillion , Spending Bill , Top , Shift , Laundry , Leaning , Dna Matching , The Public Memorial Service , Long Island , Whistle Blower , Department Of Homeland Security , Meddling , Med , Teens , Evidence , Russian , Four , Police , High School , List , Attacks , Student , Guns , Drawings , Molotov Cocktails , Pipe Bombs , Liam Track Development , Investigators , Tracks , Montana , Deliberations , R Kelly , Joplin , Everyone , Line , Implications , Charges , Racket , House Speaker , A Billion , Wiggle Room , Businesses , Taxes , Package , House , Senate , Nation , Party Line Vote , Borrowing Limit , Run Up , Republican , Borrowing , Mind , Government Funding Bill , Conversations , Sou , Place , Resolution , Pat Toomey , Clean , Jake Tapper , Answer , Gist , Funding , Argument , Priorities , Some , Functions , Reminder , Someone , John Harwood , Play , Progress , First , Infrastructure Vote , Budget , Track , Roads , Parts , Broadband , Bridges , Billion , 5 Billion , Calls , Subs Subsidies , Programs , Child Care Subsidies , Combination , Both , Same , Health Care Subsidies , Turn , Action On Climate Change , Don T Know What , Car , Maintenance , Agenda , Price , Reasons , Support , Call , Timing , Trigger Markets , 2011 , Debt Spending , Debt Limit Box , Safe , World , Responsibility , Uncle , Economy , Debt Limit , Markets , Brinksmanship , Sister , Gay Marriage , 2016 , Issue , Conversation , Dad , Kinds , Human Beings , Discrimination , Woman , Freedom , Night , Event , Nobody , Everybody , Family Dynamics , Emotion , Face , Politician , Donald Trump , Forces , Attitudes , Allies , Bit , Trump , District , Fight , Wyoming , Family Members , Heart Strings , Stock Index Futures , Check , Cnn Business , Frankfurt , Trading , Implosion , Firm Evergrande , Real Estate , Mood , Docket , D C , Emergency Covid Stimulus , Federal Reserve , More , Change , Foods , Fee , October 25th , 25 , 0 , 10 , Box Office , Brother , Smash , Dear Evan Hansen , Broadway , Critics , Movie Industry , Kids , Choice , In The Heights , Movies , Wishlist , Wheels , Explanation , 11 Million , Intersect , Sports Sedans , Mercedes Benz , Dealer , Pilots , Bobble , Stop , Mac , 2021 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2000 , Hospitalizations , Northeast , Head , Indications , Delta Variant , Fda , Infection , Vaccination Rates , Presumption It , Wave , Big Wave , Surge , Exposure , Back To School , Authorization , Ask , Ceo , Pfizer , Problem , Bus Drivers , Vaccination , Hundreds , Firefighters , Connecticut , Mckeesport , 7 , Superintendent , Of St , Schools , Bus Driver Shortage , Bus License , Volunteering , Francis , Minnesota , Children , Education , Nothing , Costco , Plate , Examples , Don T Have A , Supply , Cleaning Supplies , Demand , Toilet Paper , Bottled Water , Purchases , Delays , Ports , Limits , Supply Chain , Cargo Piling , Los Angeles , Long Beach , Port Officials , 3 , 24 7 Monday , 24 7 , There Aren T , Goods , Truckers , Warehouses , Disruptions , Supply Chains , Adidas , Hasbro , Nike , Win , Aaron Rodgers , Packers , Morning , 49ers , Bleacher Report , Andy Scholes , Sunday Night Football , Hi , Chances , Davonte Adams , Time Outs , Yard Line , Field , Incompletion , 20 , 17 , Justin Tucker , Yarder , Drama , Hail Mary , Detroit , Baltimore , 51 , Field Goal , Record , Record Setting Kick , Crossbar , Teammates Mob , Lions , Hero , 66 , Ball , Pregame , Foot , 65 , Touchdown , Yard , Half , History Yesterday , Halftime , Cardinals , Jaguars Jamal Agnew , 109 , 68 , Tom Brady , Matt Stafford , Touchdowns , Rams , 39 , Patriots , Bucs , Dolphins , New England , Raiders , Scoring , Derek Carr , Jacoby Bresette , Tournament , Blowout , Golf , Format , Dominant Wire To , Ryder Cup , 1979 , 9 , 1979 Everyone , Yankees , Baseball , Aaron Judge , Hug , Eighth , Red Sox , Runs , Left , Tow Score , Lead , Double , Rbi , Games , Yankee , Blue Jays , Impressive , Baseball Season , Series , Fun , Screaming , Home Run , Tim , Bluejays , Home Runs , Fact , Guys , Stanton , Twin , Field Goals , He Couldn T , Phrase , One Way Or Another , Gabby Petito Magazine , Plans , T Mobile , 55 , Lines , Value , 5g Network , 27 50 , 7 50 , 2 , Manager , Doubt , Experience , Carvana , Next , 100 , Salesman , Checking In , Site , Couch , Anyone , She S A Beauty , Band Plays , Allstate , Color , Golly , Laughter , Vo , Radio , Sfx , Back , Bit Wrong , Protection , Auto Rate , Hands , Brianna Keilar , Visit , John Berman , Om ,

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