Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper

kids back into the classroom. the cdc is advising 3 feet of distancing instead of 6 feet for most students as long as masks and other measures are in place and depending on the community rates. joining me, andy slavitt who heads the covid response team. many states regardless are relaxing restrictions as cnn's alex alexandra field reports. >> k to 12 schools that operate safety can open. >> reporter: if even is masked, just 3 feet of students down from 6. >> the bottom line is there never was very good evidence for doing it alt 6 feet, not if kids are masked up. >> reporter: it's not clear how soon schools will implement changes as one said they'll, quote, reserve judgment. the push across the country accelerating as the new covid-19 cases hold steady. fewer than 55,000 new cases daily. still, alabama is one of the latest states moving ahead with plans to eliminate a mask mandate. >> the actual legal krgs of making it a mandate or not, you know, is not up to me, but we, you know, evidence supports their use. >> reporter: masks are no longer mandated in texas. police there say a restaurant manager was stabbed several times after telling the man to put one on. in the northeast, new york is easing indoor dining capacity limits today. new jersey is expanding capacity for restaurants and a slew of other businesses too. >> connecticut now lifting all capacity restrictions on restaurants and many businesses. >> reporter: as restrictions lift, the pace of vaccinations is rising. >> today, day 58, we hit our goal of 100 million vaccinations. >> reporter: president joe biden beating by weeks his goal of 100 million shots in 100 days, but there's a new set of challenges. >> i believe that we're going to be shifting from a supply issue to a demand issue pretty soon. >> reporter: a new survey from the kaiser family foundation and the "washington post" shows nearly four in ten unvaccinated health care workers say they won't get a shot or that they're undecided. more states are on track to expand eligibility to all adults in the next few weeks including nevada, illinois, missouri, and rhode island. and, jake, as we continue to talk about the expansion of access to the vaccines and more and more people getting out as we ease restrictions, we're not likely to get to herd immunity until children are vaccinated. as we discussed before, we won't see older children vaccinated until this fall. younger children, after that. >> thanks so much. joining us is andy slavitt for the white house covid response team. thanks for joining us. what's the news about schools? now the cdc is recommending only 3 feet is recommended, not 6 feet. president biden asked to have all p teteachers vaccinated. is there a reason for schools to not have in-person instruction? >> it's good to be with you, jake. i think you're right. barriers are coming down pretty rapidly for in-person instruction. it started a few weeks ago with the cdc releasing a roadmap to help schools put in place the things they need to put in place. but they also aggressively studied the obstacles. one of those was it's hard to have everybody back in school with space 6 feet apart. they did the science and said it's no longer necessary. as more get vaccinated, there really is a way for schools to begin to get kids back in classrooms. kids still have to wear masks. it's not all systems go. there are still guidelines around cafeterias and so forth, but so far it's a positive move. >> the head of the nation's largest teachers union said, quote, we are concerned that the cdc has changed one of the basic rules for how to ensure school safety without demonstrating certainty that the change is justified by the science. this is not the time to let down our guard, unquote. does the science justify this change to 3 feet, and if so, why does the largest teachers union not know that? >> well, people have -- you know, people, i think, when there are changes, they sometimes feel abrupt to people. the cdc says they've been st studying this for a while. i don't think people accuse them of being hasty in their decision. i hope one thing they know is cdc is acting completely independently by the science. sometimes what comes out of them is very inconvenient and people are annoyed by it and sometimes it's quite positive. whatever it is, it has to be the work done by the scientists. they released several papers that they reviewed and talked about it. they feel quite good about this or they wouldn't put it out there. >> president biden promised to have the majority of k through 8 schools open for in-person learning five day as week by the end of april. does it look like the science is there for that goal to be fulfilled? >> i think the science is there. obviously, these are local decisions, and we're doing everything we can to make sure all the conditions are ripe to open schools safely. when we first started on this right after inauguration, things didn't looked a good, but i think people have been working very, very hard on this. i think we're very strongly in that direction. i think the cdc has said no matter what the circumstances are, there are a way for schools to be open, and i think today's change areally in effect says it's the same size, so it makes it a lot easier. >> we know there's going to be enough of a supply for all adults by the end of may. it's quite different than saying the shots will be in the arms. when will the time be that adults will be able to get access to that supply or get that shot? >> step one is enough vaccines, vax neigh sites, and enough vaccinators. we've done a good job with that. the two challenges, one you pointed out, how quickly they can get the vaccines into people's arms. and when we got here, less than half of the vaccines were making their way into people's arms. today it's like 80%. people are doing a much better job. states are staying open later, vaccination sites. and the third thing which you also mentioned. vaccines are great and they have to be in someone's arm and someone has to want to have it in their arm. at some point we're going to get to a set of people who are kind of on the fence about whether or not they want the vaccine or not. more and more people will get off the fence and take the vaccine as they see the evidence, but that's going to be a lot of local conversations, and i suspect that will be the last factor. we'll have the vaccines and the places to go, but we're going to have to have these local dialogues with people to help them understand and answer the questions about the vaccines. >> so you think it needs to be local? my understanding based on polling is that the biggest resist ters of the vaccine are trump supporters. would it not be beneficial to have donald trump do a psa or have sean hannity, tucker carlson, any of the people very popular in the make ga ga commu come out and talk about how positive the vaccines are? >> i think all that stuff helps marginally. the truth is what people say, particularly conservatives, they don't want an authority to try to convince them to take a vaccine. what they want is not that different than what other folks want. they've got a series of questions and they don't want to feel like they're being manipulated. they want to feel like they're getting straight answers to those questions. when asked where does that come from for you, oftentimes it's their local doctor, local pharmacist, sometimes it's their clergy or someone in their life that they trust. the vaccines tell a great story, so getting that information out to people is important. and then i'd also say you have to fight disinformation. people pick up rumors on social media that aren't true. for people who are needle-phobic, there are 10-inch needles that they're going to get, and that can be damaging. >> right now the number of vaccines administered daily is 2.5 million. what do you want that number to be? >> i don't want to sound flip, but there's not a number high enough to get people vaccinated fast enough. we set a goal of 100 million in 100 days. that was the floor for us. we've seen a high of 3.2 million in a day for the flu during peak season. we can do about 3 million a day. we're challenging ourselves to beat that. i'm not predicting that we will, but i'm saying we can make it go up from here. even if we hold it steady from here, 2.5 million, we're in pretty good shape, but i don't think we're going to try to rest on that. we're going to try to beat it. >> andy slavitt, thanks so much. come on the show much more. we love talking about this issue. >> of course. any time. tomorrow night join cnn's miguel marquez on the story of loss and survival experience during that pandemic. the cnn special report "the human cost of covid" airs tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. coming up, it was to be a trip to support the covid vaccination, but because of the spa murders, that changed. right now we're going to talk about the bodies of women who are being used in 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six asian women. he wants to pass an act. the president and vice president also visiting cdc headquarters in atlanta. >> your support for cdc is so important. >> reporter: receiving a briefing from officials on a day where the administration hailed the milestone of hitting 100 million coronavirus shots with a promise to reach 200 million doses in arms by his 100th day in office by the end of april. >> we owe you a gigantic debt of gratitude, and we will for a long, long, long time because i hope this is the beginning of the end of not paying attention. >> reporter: earlier in the day as he left washington on a windy morning, biden struggled to find his footsing as h i i ing as he stairs, promoting a spokeswoman to say he's fine. for biden and harris, there's no state like georgia that went blue. the state also delivered two new democratic senators ending republican control of the senate. it paved the way for their agenda and passage of the american rescue plan. the white house picked georgia on the stop but it was canceled after the deadly asian-american shootings. >> they auld to investigate it as a hate crime and investigate the people living in georgia. >> reporter: state representative bee nguyen was speaking there. a white house official tells me they're going to force fwli condemn the violence against asian-americans, jake. the question is will they describe this as a hate crime. >> thanks so much. in our international lead we're learning more about the victims. today they released the names of all eight victims. the husband of one of the victims said the most valuable thing in his life was taken from him. the question is what led to these heinous acts. christopher wray does not think he played a role. >> reporter: as a community comes together to grieve, cnn is learning more about the lives that were violently taken on tuesday. all four killed at the two spas in atlanta were asian women. 74-year-old soon sy pack. 51-year-old hyun jchlt grant, 69-year-old suncha kim and 63-year-old yongyue. at the asian massage the victim have been identifieded a 49, tan. she was loving and unselfish. fang, 44, paul andre michelle is 54, and 33-year-old delina ashley yong. >> this is so heartbreaking. he took a mother, a wife, a daughter, and a sister for no reason. this family is broken because of this man. it is so hard on everybody today. this man taking this innocent angel from us. he took an angel from earth who would do anything for anybody. >> reporter: the 30-year-old was shot in the head according to his wife who started a gofundme page, but he survived. he called her on the phone and said, i have been shot. please come. i need you. as president biden and vice president harris meet with the community, local authorities say they're looking at everything to determine whether or not the three spa shootings were racially motivated. christopher wray told npr thursday he doesn't believe race played a role. >> while the motive remains still under investigation at the moment, it does not appear that the motive was racially motivated. >> reporter: the fbi is currently playing a limited role in the investigation into the killing spree where six out of the eight women were asian women. director wray's comments was upsetting to the community. >> it's infuriating. everybody looking at it, they smell and see it's a hate crime. >> i'm going to point out two things. one is in the state of georgia, 4% is asian-american. however, all of the victims of this crime, of the eight victims, 75% of them were afgs american. >> now, you heard from georgia state senator dr. michelle au. i also spoke with a state representative who tells me that they together will be pushing for the white house to call for the shootings to be investigated as hate crimes but they'll also be pushing for initiative for asians to report crimes against them. they're severely limited in reporting because of the language barrier and status and they genuinely feel asian crimes are not taken seriously. it doesn't capture the full picture, jake. >> amara walker with that important report. thank you so much. coming up, a cnn investigation in a country where rape is being used as a weapon of war. we're going to hear from one of the survivors. stay with us. i'm a verizon engineer. we built our 5g nationwide so millions of people could do what they love in verizon 5g quality. and in parts of many cities, we have ultra wideband, the fastest 5g in the world. this is 5g built right. only from verizon. want to brain better? unlike ordinary memory supplements— neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try our new gummies for 30 days and see the difference. i've always focused on my career. but when we found out our son had autism, his future became my focus. lavender baths always calmed him. so we turned bath time into a business. and building it with my son has 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[ chuckles ] what about 'em? just trying to make conversation. switch to progressive and you can save hundreds. you know, like the sign says. our world lead, brand-new cnn investigation revealing the heartbreaking and extremely disturbing reality of women in ethiopia where an escalating conflict has caused thousands of deaths and others to leave their homes. they announced that the administration was sending more than $50 million in aid to the region and sending chris coons, democrat of delaware there to meet with the country's prime minister and address what secretary of state blinken has labeled an ethnic cleansing. >> the challenge in ethiopia is very significant and it's one that we're very focused on, particularly the situation in tee ray where we're seeing human rights atrocities that are ongoing. >> soldiers are using rape as a weapon of war, and we want to warn you some of what you're about to see and hear is graphic. we hear the descriptions of a humanitarian crisis and ethnic crisis. who's responsible for these alleged crimes? >> well, what we're hearing from the women we've been speaking to, jake, really is they feel like no man in uniform is safe for them. a combination of militia groups, soldiers from a neighboring area, even here. just a few months ago this was a safe haven for tigrayans. nows that i describing a toxic mix of all of those forces, them blocking them just from across the river where we're standing here from coming to safety. they feel that shadow, jake. they feel that fear. >> and you were able to speak with a doctor who's treating some of the women who have been attacked and even one of the victims. >> reporter: we went to a clinic where this extraordinary surgeon when he was at home, here he's taken over the running of the clinic. he was examining a young woman who we asked if we could speak with, and we discovered she had been raped. she gave us permission to broadcast this, jake. take a look. >> translator: he pushed me and he said you tigrayans have no history, no culture, i can do what i want to you and no one cares. >> what brought you to the clinic here today? >> translator: i haven't told anyone, but i've been thinking that i'm pregnant from the rape, so i came to check, and i discovered i am. >> and the doctor says of the cases that are actually reported to him like that young lady, it may be less than ten, but the cases that he suspects based on the injuries they present with, he thinks that just here they could be potentially in the thousands, and he believes that this isn't just about ill discipline, as horrible as that is, that this is part of a campaign that's being intentionally waged against the women of tigray. this is what he've told us, jake. >> the women that they've been raped, the things they were saying to them as they were raping them, they need to change their identity. they've come there to cleanse them. >> cleanse the blood line? >> cleanse the blood line and get them that they are different. practically this has been a genocide of different phases. >> and it is that cleansing of the blood line that these women say that they're being told is being done to them. that's what gives this the hallmarks of a jen sight, jake. that's what gives this the hallmarks of a genocide cleansing. i have to warn you and our viewers that what we're about to share with you is incredibly, incredibly upsetting, but it is a key piece of evidence in the wielding of rape as a weapon of war. a doctor from inside tigray was able to record a video of a procedure being carried out to remove foreign objects that had been inserted into an alleged vi victim's vagina. we can't shoal you the video. it's too horrifying. i watched it. it's nauseating and appalling. we can show you these stills. these stills are what the doctors removed from inside this woman that told them she had been held captive by soldiers and raped multiple times over a period of times. you see in the bucket foreign objects nails measuring around 3 inches, rocks, used condoms. this is rape as a weapon of humiliation. it's a weapon of collective punishment, and the fear it has instilled in the women even here in this save haven, jake, is so awful to witness. >> these stories and images that you're bringing to our viewers, it's so important obviously, also so heartbreaking. we know that president biden has dispatched his good friend senator coons, but beyond that, what else is the u.s. doing to help end this crisis? >> reporter: well, the u.s. has as secretary blink en has set ot this humanitarian trip. they want to make sure this safe haven remains open and it's not happening. this is the only safe place for many tigrayans. government forces are blocking that. that's a war crime. blocking safe passage to fleeing communities would meet the metrics, the guidelines for a war crime, jake. that's a simple fix. give more humanitarian spending here to agencies and people like dr. tedros who hasn't been paid for months. he's doing this for free. but pressure the ethiopians to relieve some of that fear and some of that pain that's just across the border. let them come here. the sudanese government has agreed to give them safe haven. allow them to take up that opportunity while that situation is being resolved, jake. >> all right. thank you so much. she's at the border between sudan and ethiopia. we're just moments away from president biden's remarks in atlanta after meeting with leaders of the asian-american community. we're going to bring that live. stay with us. if you smell gas, you're too close. leave the structure, call 911, keep people away, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. if you see wires down, treat them all as if they're hot and energized. stay away from any downed wire, call 911, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. i'm searching for info on options trading, and look, it feels like i'm just wasting time. that's why td ameritrade designed a first-of-its-kind, personalized education center. oh. their award-winning content is tailored to fit your investing goals and interests. and it learns with you, so as you become smarter, so do its recommendations. so it's like my streaming service. well except now you're binge learning. see how you can become a smarter investor with a personalized education from td ameritrade. visit ♪ advanced non-small cell lung cancer can change everything. but your first treatment could be a chemo-free combination of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread and that tests positive for pd-l1 and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is the first and only fda-approved combination of two immunotherapies opdivo plus yervoy equals... a chance for more starry nights. more sparkly days. more big notes. more small treasures. more family dinners. more private desserts. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain, nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur at the same time and some more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. here's to a chance for more horizons. a chance to live longer. ask your doctor about chemo-free opdivo plus yervoy. thank you to all involved in our clinical trials. keeping your oysters business growing ask your doctor about chemo-free opdivo plus yervoy. has you swamped. you need to hire. i need indeed indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventy-five-dollar credit when you post your first job at plot to smear governor cuomo's first alleged accuser. they tried to smear boylan by leaking her personnel files that include glaegs of past bullying. let me see if i get this rate. a young woman accuses a former boss of harassment and there's a tax-financed smear campaign. did they do this? >> reporter: they said they have a right to do this. lindsey boylan is the first accuser of sexual harassment against governor cuomo and she first came out with her accusations back in december, and it didn't get much attention according to this "new yorker" article. the administration was dealing with the fallout of the nursing home deaths when the tweets started happening, so they formed a brain trust made up of high-level officials in the administration who came up with this idea to basically send out her personnel records to members of the press. cnn received them as well. in them there was allegations of bullying of co-workers when she worked at the administration, some of them women of color. and boylan in this article said this was clearly just retaliation for me coming out with these sexual harassment allegations against the governor. let me read you in full how the administration responded since then. with certain limited expectations as a general matter, it is within a government entity's discretion to share redacted employment records including in instances when members of the media ask for such public information and it is to for such public information and when it is for the purpose of correcting inaccurate or misleading statements. given the ongoing review by the state torn general, we cannot comment further at this time. we'll see how that goes, jake. we heard from a different accuser, what her interview was like with the attorney general's investigators. >> right. so this the third known accuser who's met over zoom on the list. she's one of the accusers, a former aitd, who alleges inappropriate conduct by the governor. she said they met for two hours and they asked very pointed questions. i want you to hear from her in her own words. >> they asked pointed questions, specific instances of what happened, when it happened, where it happened. >> and, jake, she also said she got the sense the attorney general's investigation was picking up speed, they were reaching out to a lot of possible women who might want to give their story, that they're waiting to hear back. again, this is another inside look at how the attorney general's investigation is progressing. >> thank you so much. let's discuss with my panel. dan, this "new yorker" article is detailed. i want to read just one of the ane anecdotes, a new one about when lindsey boylan met governor cuomo's dog. "the new yorker" said when the dog jumped up and down near her she reached out to calm him and backed away and cuomo joked said if he were a dog, he would trite try to, quote, mount her as well. a spokesperson declined to comment on that specific story but reiterated cuomo's overall denial of that type of behavior. what was your reaction to that story? >> if that's true, if that's something that a sitting governor or any boss or anybody in the workplace said to a woman or frankly said to anybody else, it is obviously completely inappropriate, and she reports that and other things that she alleges made her feel incredibly uncomfortable. but like you and brynn were talking about, the biggest question right now in "the new yorker" article is whether or not the alleged coverup is going to be as bad and as significant as the alleged crime or at least the alleged inappropriate behavior because doing what they -- they're not denying that they did, releasing personnel records to try to diminish and to tarnish somebody who says that she was targeted herself by the governor, i'm interested to know if that is part of the attorney general's investigation in albany. >> sabrina, accusations of sexual harassment, informal brain trust, to smear lindsey boylan, the workplace, his scandal surrounding the nursing home covid death data, the coverup of that, where's the breaking point where cuomo just cannot govern, cannot come back in any way from all these scandals? >> well, that's certainly an important question moving forward, and he has ignored calls from now a majority of leaders in new york for him to resign, and i think what we're hearing now is beyond just the allegations of sexual harassment, more details about the kind of workplace environment that was fostered by the governor and his staff. i think what was really striking about what annalise said she told investigator this week, the workplace was toxic, it was verbally abusive, and it was retaliatory, especially against young women like herself. and as you point out, this investigation at the state level is separate from an ongoing federal inquiry into whether or not the groft's office deliberately misled on nursing home deaths. we have seen governor cuomo's approval ratings decline amid these parallel controversies, but, again, he said he's not going anywhere. there's also a question where a possible impeachment inquiry might go. but it seems he's fighting for his political life and we're getting a much more clearer picture of the kind of environment that was enabled not just by the governor, but also by his senior staff. >> and, dana, at any moment we're expecting president biden to speak after leaving atlanta following the shootings of eight women, six asian americans. as a good consoler, this is obviously a big issue, the pain in the asian american community not just this incident but in the last year for racism that hasn't been discussed much on national media at all. >> mm-hmm. that's exactly right. and just by the -- you know, just by the fact that the president of the united states is going down and is shining a light on something that we've been talking a lot about certainly this week, but as you said, jake, has been going on to a lesser degree over the past year is something, and the fact that the other side of this, that culturally asian-americans feel more emboldened to speak out about the horrible hate they've been dealing with, particularly since people like president trump has been using racial slurs to describe the covid virus and making people believe that people of asian-american -- of asian descent, an americans are somehow responsible for this is ridiculous. the question we all have is whether or not the president along with his compassion and his empathy is going to also, jake, lean into the fact that these crimes should be prosecuted as hate crimes, which, of course, comes with a whole different line and set of potential punishments along with them. >> and, sabrina, your reaction? >> i think we have certainly seen as dana pointed out, a shift in tone of the biden administration of how it is trying to confront this rise in diskrimm neigh and violence against the asian american community. it was notable today president biden called on congress to swiftly pass a hate crimes legislation. there is currently a bill the process regarding hate crimes and making information about hate crimes more accessible to the asian american community. at the same time, i've heard from some leaders there is still an overall lack of representation, and the most senior levels of the biden administration, and that dates back to the transition where on the one hand biden has a historically diverse cabinet, there have been called for him to have more aip representation and be more proactive in being more productive. think that will continue after his remarks today. >> thank you so much. i appreciate it. the face-to-face meeting with china, that happens next. stay with us. four, five, turn, kick. we got chased by these wild coyotes! they were following her because she had beef jerky in her pocket. 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Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper :

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper

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kids back into the classroom. the cdc is advising 3 feet of distancing instead of 6 feet for most students as long as masks and other measures are in place and depending on the community rates. joining me, andy slavitt who heads the covid response team. many states regardless are relaxing restrictions as cnn's alex alexandra field reports. >> k to 12 schools that operate safety can open. >> reporter: if even is masked, just 3 feet of students down from 6. >> the bottom line is there never was very good evidence for doing it alt 6 feet, not if kids are masked up. >> reporter: it's not clear how soon schools will implement changes as one said they'll, quote, reserve judgment. the push across the country accelerating as the new covid-19 cases hold steady. fewer than 55,000 new cases daily. still, alabama is one of the latest states moving ahead with plans to eliminate a mask mandate. >> the actual legal krgs of making it a mandate or not, you know, is not up to me, but we, you know, evidence supports their use. >> reporter: masks are no longer mandated in texas. police there say a restaurant manager was stabbed several times after telling the man to put one on. in the northeast, new york is easing indoor dining capacity limits today. new jersey is expanding capacity for restaurants and a slew of other businesses too. >> connecticut now lifting all capacity restrictions on restaurants and many businesses. >> reporter: as restrictions lift, the pace of vaccinations is rising. >> today, day 58, we hit our goal of 100 million vaccinations. >> reporter: president joe biden beating by weeks his goal of 100 million shots in 100 days, but there's a new set of challenges. >> i believe that we're going to be shifting from a supply issue to a demand issue pretty soon. >> reporter: a new survey from the kaiser family foundation and the "washington post" shows nearly four in ten unvaccinated health care workers say they won't get a shot or that they're undecided. more states are on track to expand eligibility to all adults in the next few weeks including nevada, illinois, missouri, and rhode island. and, jake, as we continue to talk about the expansion of access to the vaccines and more and more people getting out as we ease restrictions, we're not likely to get to herd immunity until children are vaccinated. as we discussed before, we won't see older children vaccinated until this fall. younger children, after that. >> thanks so much. joining us is andy slavitt for the white house covid response team. thanks for joining us. what's the news about schools? now the cdc is recommending only 3 feet is recommended, not 6 feet. president biden asked to have all p teteachers vaccinated. is there a reason for schools to not have in-person instruction? >> it's good to be with you, jake. i think you're right. barriers are coming down pretty rapidly for in-person instruction. it started a few weeks ago with the cdc releasing a roadmap to help schools put in place the things they need to put in place. but they also aggressively studied the obstacles. one of those was it's hard to have everybody back in school with space 6 feet apart. they did the science and said it's no longer necessary. as more get vaccinated, there really is a way for schools to begin to get kids back in classrooms. kids still have to wear masks. it's not all systems go. there are still guidelines around cafeterias and so forth, but so far it's a positive move. >> the head of the nation's largest teachers union said, quote, we are concerned that the cdc has changed one of the basic rules for how to ensure school safety without demonstrating certainty that the change is justified by the science. this is not the time to let down our guard, unquote. does the science justify this change to 3 feet, and if so, why does the largest teachers union not know that? >> well, people have -- you know, people, i think, when there are changes, they sometimes feel abrupt to people. the cdc says they've been st studying this for a while. i don't think people accuse them of being hasty in their decision. i hope one thing they know is cdc is acting completely independently by the science. sometimes what comes out of them is very inconvenient and people are annoyed by it and sometimes it's quite positive. whatever it is, it has to be the work done by the scientists. they released several papers that they reviewed and talked about it. they feel quite good about this or they wouldn't put it out there. >> president biden promised to have the majority of k through 8 schools open for in-person learning five day as week by the end of april. does it look like the science is there for that goal to be fulfilled? >> i think the science is there. obviously, these are local decisions, and we're doing everything we can to make sure all the conditions are ripe to open schools safely. when we first started on this right after inauguration, things didn't looked a good, but i think people have been working very, very hard on this. i think we're very strongly in that direction. i think the cdc has said no matter what the circumstances are, there are a way for schools to be open, and i think today's change areally in effect says it's the same size, so it makes it a lot easier. >> we know there's going to be enough of a supply for all adults by the end of may. it's quite different than saying the shots will be in the arms. when will the time be that adults will be able to get access to that supply or get that shot? >> step one is enough vaccines, vax neigh sites, and enough vaccinators. we've done a good job with that. the two challenges, one you pointed out, how quickly they can get the vaccines into people's arms. and when we got here, less than half of the vaccines were making their way into people's arms. today it's like 80%. people are doing a much better job. states are staying open later, vaccination sites. and the third thing which you also mentioned. vaccines are great and they have to be in someone's arm and someone has to want to have it in their arm. at some point we're going to get to a set of people who are kind of on the fence about whether or not they want the vaccine or not. more and more people will get off the fence and take the vaccine as they see the evidence, but that's going to be a lot of local conversations, and i suspect that will be the last factor. we'll have the vaccines and the places to go, but we're going to have to have these local dialogues with people to help them understand and answer the questions about the vaccines. >> so you think it needs to be local? my understanding based on polling is that the biggest resist ters of the vaccine are trump supporters. would it not be beneficial to have donald trump do a psa or have sean hannity, tucker carlson, any of the people very popular in the make ga ga commu come out and talk about how positive the vaccines are? >> i think all that stuff helps marginally. the truth is what people say, particularly conservatives, they don't want an authority to try to convince them to take a vaccine. what they want is not that different than what other folks want. they've got a series of questions and they don't want to feel like they're being manipulated. they want to feel like they're getting straight answers to those questions. when asked where does that come from for you, oftentimes it's their local doctor, local pharmacist, sometimes it's their clergy or someone in their life that they trust. the vaccines tell a great story, so getting that information out to people is important. and then i'd also say you have to fight disinformation. people pick up rumors on social media that aren't true. for people who are needle-phobic, there are 10-inch needles that they're going to get, and that can be damaging. >> right now the number of vaccines administered daily is 2.5 million. what do you want that number to be? >> i don't want to sound flip, but there's not a number high enough to get people vaccinated fast enough. we set a goal of 100 million in 100 days. that was the floor for us. we've seen a high of 3.2 million in a day for the flu during peak season. we can do about 3 million a day. we're challenging ourselves to beat that. i'm not predicting that we will, but i'm saying we can make it go up from here. even if we hold it steady from here, 2.5 million, we're in pretty good shape, but i don't think we're going to try to rest on that. we're going to try to beat it. >> andy slavitt, thanks so much. come on the show much more. we love talking about this issue. >> of course. any time. tomorrow night join cnn's miguel marquez on the story of loss and survival experience during that pandemic. the cnn special report "the human cost of covid" airs tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. coming up, it was to be a trip to support the covid vaccination, but because of the spa murders, that changed. right now we're going to talk about the bodies of women who are being used in 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six asian women. he wants to pass an act. the president and vice president also visiting cdc headquarters in atlanta. >> your support for cdc is so important. >> reporter: receiving a briefing from officials on a day where the administration hailed the milestone of hitting 100 million coronavirus shots with a promise to reach 200 million doses in arms by his 100th day in office by the end of april. >> we owe you a gigantic debt of gratitude, and we will for a long, long, long time because i hope this is the beginning of the end of not paying attention. >> reporter: earlier in the day as he left washington on a windy morning, biden struggled to find his footsing as h i i ing as he stairs, promoting a spokeswoman to say he's fine. for biden and harris, there's no state like georgia that went blue. the state also delivered two new democratic senators ending republican control of the senate. it paved the way for their agenda and passage of the american rescue plan. the white house picked georgia on the stop but it was canceled after the deadly asian-american shootings. >> they auld to investigate it as a hate crime and investigate the people living in georgia. >> reporter: state representative bee nguyen was speaking there. a white house official tells me they're going to force fwli condemn the violence against asian-americans, jake. the question is will they describe this as a hate crime. >> thanks so much. in our international lead we're learning more about the victims. today they released the names of all eight victims. the husband of one of the victims said the most valuable thing in his life was taken from him. the question is what led to these heinous acts. christopher wray does not think he played a role. >> reporter: as a community comes together to grieve, cnn is learning more about the lives that were violently taken on tuesday. all four killed at the two spas in atlanta were asian women. 74-year-old soon sy pack. 51-year-old hyun jchlt grant, 69-year-old suncha kim and 63-year-old yongyue. at the asian massage the victim have been identifieded a 49, tan. she was loving and unselfish. fang, 44, paul andre michelle is 54, and 33-year-old delina ashley yong. >> this is so heartbreaking. he took a mother, a wife, a daughter, and a sister for no reason. this family is broken because of this man. it is so hard on everybody today. this man taking this innocent angel from us. he took an angel from earth who would do anything for anybody. >> reporter: the 30-year-old was shot in the head according to his wife who started a gofundme page, but he survived. he called her on the phone and said, i have been shot. please come. i need you. as president biden and vice president harris meet with the community, local authorities say they're looking at everything to determine whether or not the three spa shootings were racially motivated. christopher wray told npr thursday he doesn't believe race played a role. >> while the motive remains still under investigation at the moment, it does not appear that the motive was racially motivated. >> reporter: the fbi is currently playing a limited role in the investigation into the killing spree where six out of the eight women were asian women. director wray's comments was upsetting to the community. >> it's infuriating. everybody looking at it, they smell and see it's a hate crime. >> i'm going to point out two things. one is in the state of georgia, 4% is asian-american. however, all of the victims of this crime, of the eight victims, 75% of them were afgs american. >> now, you heard from georgia state senator dr. michelle au. i also spoke with a state representative who tells me that they together will be pushing for the white house to call for the shootings to be investigated as hate crimes but they'll also be pushing for initiative for asians to report crimes against them. they're severely limited in reporting because of the language barrier and status and they genuinely feel asian crimes are not taken seriously. it doesn't capture the full picture, jake. >> amara walker with that important report. thank you so much. coming up, a cnn investigation in a country where rape is being used as a weapon of war. we're going to hear from one of the survivors. stay with us. i'm a verizon engineer. we built our 5g nationwide so millions of people could do what they love in verizon 5g quality. and in parts of many cities, we have ultra wideband, the fastest 5g in the world. this is 5g built right. only from verizon. want to brain better? unlike ordinary memory supplements— neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try our new gummies for 30 days and see the difference. i've always focused on my career. but when we found out our son had autism, his future became my focus. lavender baths always calmed him. so we turned bath time into a business. and building it with my son has 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[ chuckles ] what about 'em? just trying to make conversation. switch to progressive and you can save hundreds. you know, like the sign says. our world lead, brand-new cnn investigation revealing the heartbreaking and extremely disturbing reality of women in ethiopia where an escalating conflict has caused thousands of deaths and others to leave their homes. they announced that the administration was sending more than $50 million in aid to the region and sending chris coons, democrat of delaware there to meet with the country's prime minister and address what secretary of state blinken has labeled an ethnic cleansing. >> the challenge in ethiopia is very significant and it's one that we're very focused on, particularly the situation in tee ray where we're seeing human rights atrocities that are ongoing. >> soldiers are using rape as a weapon of war, and we want to warn you some of what you're about to see and hear is graphic. we hear the descriptions of a humanitarian crisis and ethnic crisis. who's responsible for these alleged crimes? >> well, what we're hearing from the women we've been speaking to, jake, really is they feel like no man in uniform is safe for them. a combination of militia groups, soldiers from a neighboring area, even here. just a few months ago this was a safe haven for tigrayans. nows that i describing a toxic mix of all of those forces, them blocking them just from across the river where we're standing here from coming to safety. they feel that shadow, jake. they feel that fear. >> and you were able to speak with a doctor who's treating some of the women who have been attacked and even one of the victims. >> reporter: we went to a clinic where this extraordinary surgeon when he was at home, here he's taken over the running of the clinic. he was examining a young woman who we asked if we could speak with, and we discovered she had been raped. she gave us permission to broadcast this, jake. take a look. >> translator: he pushed me and he said you tigrayans have no history, no culture, i can do what i want to you and no one cares. >> what brought you to the clinic here today? >> translator: i haven't told anyone, but i've been thinking that i'm pregnant from the rape, so i came to check, and i discovered i am. >> and the doctor says of the cases that are actually reported to him like that young lady, it may be less than ten, but the cases that he suspects based on the injuries they present with, he thinks that just here they could be potentially in the thousands, and he believes that this isn't just about ill discipline, as horrible as that is, that this is part of a campaign that's being intentionally waged against the women of tigray. this is what he've told us, jake. >> the women that they've been raped, the things they were saying to them as they were raping them, they need to change their identity. they've come there to cleanse them. >> cleanse the blood line? >> cleanse the blood line and get them that they are different. practically this has been a genocide of different phases. >> and it is that cleansing of the blood line that these women say that they're being told is being done to them. that's what gives this the hallmarks of a jen sight, jake. that's what gives this the hallmarks of a genocide cleansing. i have to warn you and our viewers that what we're about to share with you is incredibly, incredibly upsetting, but it is a key piece of evidence in the wielding of rape as a weapon of war. a doctor from inside tigray was able to record a video of a procedure being carried out to remove foreign objects that had been inserted into an alleged vi victim's vagina. we can't shoal you the video. it's too horrifying. i watched it. it's nauseating and appalling. we can show you these stills. these stills are what the doctors removed from inside this woman that told them she had been held captive by soldiers and raped multiple times over a period of times. you see in the bucket foreign objects nails measuring around 3 inches, rocks, used condoms. this is rape as a weapon of humiliation. it's a weapon of collective punishment, and the fear it has instilled in the women even here in this save haven, jake, is so awful to witness. >> these stories and images that you're bringing to our viewers, it's so important obviously, also so heartbreaking. we know that president biden has dispatched his good friend senator coons, but beyond that, what else is the u.s. doing to help end this crisis? >> reporter: well, the u.s. has as secretary blink en has set ot this humanitarian trip. they want to make sure this safe haven remains open and it's not happening. this is the only safe place for many tigrayans. government forces are blocking that. that's a war crime. blocking safe passage to fleeing communities would meet the metrics, the guidelines for a war crime, jake. that's a simple fix. give more humanitarian spending here to agencies and people like dr. tedros who hasn't been paid for months. he's doing this for free. but pressure the ethiopians to relieve some of that fear and some of that pain that's just across the border. let them come here. the sudanese government has agreed to give them safe haven. allow them to take up that opportunity while that situation is being resolved, jake. >> all right. thank you so much. she's at the border between sudan and ethiopia. we're just moments away from president biden's remarks in atlanta after meeting with leaders of the asian-american community. we're going to bring that live. stay with us. if you smell gas, you're too close. leave the structure, call 911, keep people away, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. if you see wires down, treat them all as if they're hot and energized. stay away from any downed wire, call 911, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. i'm searching for info on options trading, and look, it feels like i'm just wasting time. that's why td ameritrade designed a first-of-its-kind, personalized education center. oh. their award-winning content is tailored to fit your investing goals and interests. and it learns with you, so as you become smarter, so do its recommendations. so it's like my streaming service. well except now you're binge learning. see how you can become a smarter investor with a personalized education from td ameritrade. visit ♪ advanced non-small cell lung cancer can change everything. but your first treatment could be a chemo-free combination of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread and that tests positive for pd-l1 and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is the first and only fda-approved combination of two immunotherapies opdivo plus yervoy equals... a chance for more starry nights. more sparkly days. more big notes. more small treasures. more family dinners. more private desserts. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain, nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur at the same time and some more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. here's to a chance for more horizons. a chance to live longer. ask your doctor about chemo-free opdivo plus yervoy. thank you to all involved in our clinical trials. keeping your oysters business growing ask your doctor about chemo-free opdivo plus yervoy. has you swamped. you need to hire. i need indeed indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventy-five-dollar credit when you post your first job at plot to smear governor cuomo's first alleged accuser. they tried to smear boylan by leaking her personnel files that include glaegs of past bullying. let me see if i get this rate. a young woman accuses a former boss of harassment and there's a tax-financed smear campaign. did they do this? >> reporter: they said they have a right to do this. lindsey boylan is the first accuser of sexual harassment against governor cuomo and she first came out with her accusations back in december, and it didn't get much attention according to this "new yorker" article. the administration was dealing with the fallout of the nursing home deaths when the tweets started happening, so they formed a brain trust made up of high-level officials in the administration who came up with this idea to basically send out her personnel records to members of the press. cnn received them as well. in them there was allegations of bullying of co-workers when she worked at the administration, some of them women of color. and boylan in this article said this was clearly just retaliation for me coming out with these sexual harassment allegations against the governor. let me read you in full how the administration responded since then. with certain limited expectations as a general matter, it is within a government entity's discretion to share redacted employment records including in instances when members of the media ask for such public information and it is to for such public information and when it is for the purpose of correcting inaccurate or misleading statements. given the ongoing review by the state torn general, we cannot comment further at this time. we'll see how that goes, jake. we heard from a different accuser, what her interview was like with the attorney general's investigators. >> right. so this the third known accuser who's met over zoom on the list. she's one of the accusers, a former aitd, who alleges inappropriate conduct by the governor. she said they met for two hours and they asked very pointed questions. i want you to hear from her in her own words. >> they asked pointed questions, specific instances of what happened, when it happened, where it happened. >> and, jake, she also said she got the sense the attorney general's investigation was picking up speed, they were reaching out to a lot of possible women who might want to give their story, that they're waiting to hear back. again, this is another inside look at how the attorney general's investigation is progressing. >> thank you so much. let's discuss with my panel. dan, this "new yorker" article is detailed. i want to read just one of the ane anecdotes, a new one about when lindsey boylan met governor cuomo's dog. "the new yorker" said when the dog jumped up and down near her she reached out to calm him and backed away and cuomo joked said if he were a dog, he would trite try to, quote, mount her as well. a spokesperson declined to comment on that specific story but reiterated cuomo's overall denial of that type of behavior. what was your reaction to that story? >> if that's true, if that's something that a sitting governor or any boss or anybody in the workplace said to a woman or frankly said to anybody else, it is obviously completely inappropriate, and she reports that and other things that she alleges made her feel incredibly uncomfortable. but like you and brynn were talking about, the biggest question right now in "the new yorker" article is whether or not the alleged coverup is going to be as bad and as significant as the alleged crime or at least the alleged inappropriate behavior because doing what they -- they're not denying that they did, releasing personnel records to try to diminish and to tarnish somebody who says that she was targeted herself by the governor, i'm interested to know if that is part of the attorney general's investigation in albany. >> sabrina, accusations of sexual harassment, informal brain trust, to smear lindsey boylan, the workplace, his scandal surrounding the nursing home covid death data, the coverup of that, where's the breaking point where cuomo just cannot govern, cannot come back in any way from all these scandals? >> well, that's certainly an important question moving forward, and he has ignored calls from now a majority of leaders in new york for him to resign, and i think what we're hearing now is beyond just the allegations of sexual harassment, more details about the kind of workplace environment that was fostered by the governor and his staff. i think what was really striking about what annalise said she told investigator this week, the workplace was toxic, it was verbally abusive, and it was retaliatory, especially against young women like herself. and as you point out, this investigation at the state level is separate from an ongoing federal inquiry into whether or not the groft's office deliberately misled on nursing home deaths. we have seen governor cuomo's approval ratings decline amid these parallel controversies, but, again, he said he's not going anywhere. there's also a question where a possible impeachment inquiry might go. but it seems he's fighting for his political life and we're getting a much more clearer picture of the kind of environment that was enabled not just by the governor, but also by his senior staff. >> and, dana, at any moment we're expecting president biden to speak after leaving atlanta following the shootings of eight women, six asian americans. as a good consoler, this is obviously a big issue, the pain in the asian american community not just this incident but in the last year for racism that hasn't been discussed much on national media at all. >> mm-hmm. that's exactly right. and just by the -- you know, just by the fact that the president of the united states is going down and is shining a light on something that we've been talking a lot about certainly this week, but as you said, jake, has been going on to a lesser degree over the past year is something, and the fact that the other side of this, that culturally asian-americans feel more emboldened to speak out about the horrible hate they've been dealing with, particularly since people like president trump has been using racial slurs to describe the covid virus and making people believe that people of asian-american -- of asian descent, an americans are somehow responsible for this is ridiculous. the question we all have is whether or not the president along with his compassion and his empathy is going to also, jake, lean into the fact that these crimes should be prosecuted as hate crimes, which, of course, comes with a whole different line and set of potential punishments along with them. >> and, sabrina, your reaction? >> i think we have certainly seen as dana pointed out, a shift in tone of the biden administration of how it is trying to confront this rise in diskrimm neigh and violence against the asian american community. it was notable today president biden called on congress to swiftly pass a hate crimes legislation. there is currently a bill the process regarding hate crimes and making information about hate crimes more accessible to the asian american community. at the same time, i've heard from some leaders there is still an overall lack of representation, and the most senior levels of the biden administration, and that dates back to the transition where on the one hand biden has a historically diverse cabinet, there have been called for him to have more aip representation and be more proactive in being more productive. think that will continue after his remarks today. >> thank you so much. i appreciate it. the face-to-face meeting with china, that happens next. stay with us. four, five, turn, kick. we got chased by these wild coyotes! they were following her because she had beef jerky in her pocket. 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, Crimes , Asians , Reporting , Status , Language Barrier , Initiative , Picture , Report , Amara Walker , Rape , Weapon , Survivors , World , 5g , Ultra Wideband , Parts , 5g Quality , Engineer , Millions , Cities , Verizon , 5 , Difference , Focus , Accuracy , Gummies , Memory Supplements , Memory , Brain Performance , Ingredients , Indicators , Concentration , Neuriva , Son , Career , Lavender Baths , Autism , Planning , Version , Advisor , Dream Job , Business , Northwestern Mutual , Mondays , Traffic Passing By , Nm Com , Birds Chirping , Conversation , Sign , Chuckles , Em , Hundreds , Women In Ethiopia , Thousands , World Lead , Conflict , Heartbreaking , Reality , Deaths , Homes , Senator Coons , Aid , Others , Region , Delaware , Democrat , 00 Million , 50 Million , Challenge , Blink En , Secretary Of State , Ethnic Cleansing , Prime Minister , Address , Ethiopia , Soldiers , Situation , Atrocities , Human Rights , Tee Ray , Crisis , Descriptions , Safe , Uniform , Combination , Tigrayans , Area , Safe Haven , Militia Groups , Forces , Nows , Mix , River , Shadow , Some , Fear , Woman , Clinic , Home , Running , Surgeon , Translator , Take A Look , Permission , Culture , Thinking , No One Cares , Anyone , Lady , Injuries , Discipline , Part , Campaign , Isn T , Of Tigray , Identity , Blood Line , Cleansing , Cleanse , Genocide , The Blood Line , Hallmarks , Sight , Viewers , Genocide Cleansing , Piece , Objects , Video , Wielding , Procedure Being , Inside Tigray , Stills , Vagina , Vi Victim , Doctors , Captive , Bucket , Condoms , Humiliation , Punishment , Stories , Save Haven , Images , Doing , War Crime , Government , Safe Passage , Communities , Hasn T , Tedros , Agencies , Metrics , Fix , Spending , Border , Ethiopians , Opportunity , Sudanese , Remarks , Leaders , Gas , Call 911 , Pg E , 911 , Wires , Wire , Td Ameritrade , Content , Personalized Education Center , Info On Options Trading , Goals , Interests , Investor , Recommendations , Binge Learning , Streaming Service , Education , Visit Tdameritrade Com Learn Advanced Non Small Cell Lung Cancer , Chance , Treatment , Immunotherapies , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Cell Lung Cancer , Gene , Talk , Egfr , Positive , Pd L1 , Fda , Treasures , Notes , Family Dinners , Opdivo Plus , Yervoy Equals , Problems , Opdivo , Stomach Pain , Chest Pain , Yervoy , Death , Immune System , Irregular Heartbeat , Constipation , Breath , Shortness , Desserts , Dizziness , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Cough , Itching , Confusion , Tiredness , Memory Problems , Muscle Pain , Joint Pain , Weakness , Fainting , Rash , Appetite , Thirst , Fever , Flushing , Urine , Stem Cell Transplant , Chest Radiation , Horizons , Organ , Shortlist , Oysters Business , Trials , Candidates , Data Base , Seventy Five , Cuomo , Plot , Lindsey Boylan , Accuser , Bullying , Personnel Files , Glaegs , Boss , Harassment , Smear Campaign , Governor Cuomo , Sexual Harassment , Accusations , Right , New Yorker , December , Article , Nursing Home Deaths , Happening , Brain Trust , Tweets , Fallout , Idea , Allegations , Members , Press , Records , Color , Co Workers , Expectations , Retaliation , Media , Instances , Discretion , Employment , Entity , Statements , General , Purpose , Review , Attorney General , Investigators , Accusers , Interview , Zoom , List , Conduct , Aitd , Words , Speed , Sense , Panel , Dan , Ane Anecdotes , Met , Dog , Try To , Reaction , Behavior , Type , Denial , Spokesperson , Something , Workplace , Brynn , Coverup , Tarnish Somebody , Governor , Releasing Personnel Records , Sabrina , Albany , Breaking Point , Death Data , Scandals , Scandal , Cannot , Details , Calls , Forward , Staff , Investigator , Workplace Environment , Annalise , Level , Inquiry , Whether , Controversies , Office , Approval Ratings , Groft , Environment , Impeachment Inquiry , Anywhere , Fighting , Dana Bash , Atlanta , Incident , Racism , Light , Degree , Hate , Trump , Virus , Slurs , Americans , Empathy , Descent , Compassion , Punishments , Which , Rise , Tone , Shift , Diskrimm Neigh , Bill , Hate Crimes Legislation , Congress , Representation , Black , Levels , Hand Biden , Transition , Aip Representation , The One , Proactive , Cabinet , China , Cup , Coyotes , Beef Jerky , Pocket , Trumpet Playing , Come On , Internet , Faster , Xfinity , Echo In The Forest , Investing , Arrow , Table , Korean , Blue Sky , My Pillow , Life Goes On , Oh Well , Grandparents , Twins , Money , Audrey , Mom , At Fidelity , Lemme Guess , Charli Michelle Create A Virtual Performance Hall , Student Senior Dance Recital , Iphone , Friends , Contract , Data , 1200 , 200 , 25 , Sides , Atlantic , Tony Blinken , Chinese , Secretary Blinken , Front , Tension , Beeswax , Cameras , Another , Understanding , Journalists , Odds , Issues , Iran , North Korea , Few , Climate Change , Topic , Afghanistan , Con , National Security , Jake Sullivan , Announcement , Ooh , Hmm , Allies , Cars , Announcer , Browse , Mind , Car Buying , Car Vending Machines , Financing , Terms , Carvana , Visionworks , Numbers , Aren T , Down Payment , Payment , Budget , Penny , Credit Score , Sofi , Save , Car , Bride , Hepatitis C , Bank , Reminders , My Hep C , Hep C , Liver Problems , Types , Cause , Mavyret , Medicines , Hiv 1 , Atazanavir , Rifampin , Don T Take Mavyret , Abdominal Pain , Liver Disease , Bruising , Bleeding , Swelling , Yellowing , Fearless , Dime , Treat , Outing , Help , Skin Condition , Don T Wait , Veterinarian , Itchingforhelp Com , State Of The Union , Guests , Noon On Sunday , Tune In On Sunday , Coverage , Weekend , Instagram , Facebook , Twitter , Aketapper , Viewerse , Harris In Atlanta , Wolf Blitzer , Pamela Brown , Spa , Public , Arrest , Old Man , 21 ,

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