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adviser to covid act now. sabrina, let's just dive in on this. number one, let's talk about the substance of this legislation. you know, this is very progressive. it's not just this patchwork of, you know, people are struggling in america and let's get them money, but it is specifically, you know, let's get parents money because of their children. this is something that has been done in other countries, never really in america until now. can you speak to that and just what this offers up americans? >> well, i think that's what you heard the president speak to in his remarks just now talking about the substance of the bill. now, some of this is, of course, the immediate relief that the administration felt was necessary in response to the coronavirus pandemic like another round of stimulus checks, $1,400 direct payments that will start going out as soon as this weekend and continue to roll out in the coming weeks, but there is also an expansion of the child tax credit for another year with regular payments going out to families as well as an extension of unemployment benefits which were set to expire this month, part of why the deadline to pass something was so credit call, and then there is, of course, funding to help reopen schools as well as to go towards vaccination efforts and to state and local officials as they continue to weather the aftermath of the pandemic, but it was worth pointing out that president biden said that this is really just beginning and he spoke to how the key next phase will be the implementation of this bill, how the administration distributes that money and then they will move toward looking at perhaps another stimulus and get revitalizing the u.s. economy. >> but, you know, doctor, just to you. obviously from an m.d. perspective, from a human perspective, from someone who obviously relies on science and the data and organization and responding to all of this, you know, this to me just highlights a man who knows how to run government, who isn't just, if i may, winging it, you know. he's like this is how we're going to get it done. then we'll send in the national guard, then you have the mass vaccination sites, then we'll even, you know, get an i.t. on the line for people at home who are having issues with signing on online. it -- i'm just curious your impression of the level of organization and long-term planning of this from the perspective of this white house in just the first, you know, 100 days. >> it's clear to me that president biden is focused on healing the nation. we also learned a lot with the isolation and the social distancing and the staggering number of deaths so this hopeful plan is what we need. the pathway to recovery and getting us all back to normalcy, isn't a straight road. definitely not an easy ones. there are a lot of things to consider so i am a little bit concerned of all the challenges, including putting in place all the operations that is needed not only to vaccinate everyone but also to allow in-person businesses to fully reopen in a safety measure. >> charlie, what did you think? >> well, i thought in many respects the legislation certainly addresses the covid crisis well. no issue with that. my concern are some. other provisions in here, for example, extending the earned income tax credit to the unemployed. you know, that's -- that's a big policy change and tnot directly related to covid. there's $700 billion that the cbo says can't be spend until 2022 and beyond so i think they are using this emergency to advance a more expansive role of government in the lives of people and that should be fully debated. >> could you think people -- let me jump in. i mean, people are hurting. millions of americans are hurting. they want their kids back in school. they want to keep a roof over their head. they want money in their pocket. do they care about what you're pointing out? >> well, people who have been displaced and lost. their livelihoods. that's not issue at all. we should be supporting those people, and they have been supporting those people, but some of these provisions though that are disconnecting, you know, income from work i think are big policy debates that ought to happen maybe outside of the emergency at some point. if the goal is to simply expand size of the welfare state on an indefinite basis, i think that's not the proper way to use this crisis. you know, the country has gone big here. i think we're up to $6 trillion and i supported the first five bills that came through, but this one i think is a little too large. even though there are many good aspects. >> i hear you. >> but politically, and, again, not a single republican there at the rose garden event, not a single republican voted for this, politically is this a win? >> you know, look, i think it's sure a win for biden, absolutely. it -- it's a win, but, you know, they really never tried to do this on a bipartisan basis. they said we're going to do this in reconciliation. they heard ten republican plans with a plan for 600 billion and said we're going to go our own way. okay, that was a choice that they made. >> did they have -- hold on, pause on that thought, just over to you, sabrina, did they have a choice? >> well, i think that the administration moved fairly quickly towards reconciliation because as they did entertain those bipartisan conversations with republicans it became clear that in order to secure republican support they would have had to significantly reduce the overall price tag and president biden was adamant that they wanted it to be as close to $1.9 trillion as possible. in the end that is in fact what he was able to secure with democratic support, but that republican counteroffer as charlie pointed out was just a fraction of what the administration was propose. there was another bipartisan compromise that was only roughly $800 billion so, again, really just a fraction of what the administration was seeking here. know do think that what the white house is doing around you'll hear them sell this message when they travel country beginning next week is pointing out there was broad warp support for this bill across the country, in polling some which showed three-quarters of a americans backing this bill at least right now. so that's the message you'll hear in the coming weeks from the white house as well as democrats that it may not have been bipartisan on capitol hill, but the bill does have bipartisan support with the american public. >> right. it's not like this money is just going to blue states. it's going to all of the states and it's going -- and it was popular with folks on both sides of the aisle and, charlie, to add to sabrina's point. already republicans, look at some of the republican mayors out there already touting this covid relief for their own constituents. they are thrilled. >> well, sure. look, i was in state government, too. i loved it when federal money came our way. it made my life a lot easier, and, again, to be fair. last summer states -- the states in particular really struggling financially, but then something happened in the fall. they had a huge revenue gusher coming in. and many of the states fiscal problems were considerably less than anticipated. i don't begrudge any state or local government some support. i question the amount of support that is going out the door in light of the fact that the revenue pictures were much better than originally forecasted back then, so, like i said, there's a lot of good stuff in here. >> yeah. >> but i think it's too big and they are going too far in some respects and i think they want to make a lot of this stuff permanent and use the crisis as a pretext for these changes. >> doctor, back over to you. off the top you were just saying essentially hang on, everyone, you know. we're not out of the woods just yes. i want you to come back to that point because even when you look at the death toll, right, it's much, much better than it has been, but u.s. is still lose more than 1,000 people a day. what is your advice to all of us, some of whom are vaccinated, some of us who are not. how we should be living our lives? >> i think we should be more aggressive into fighting this information around hard-to-reach communities. one mistake we did in the beginning of our vaccination efforts is not learn the lessons of developing countries that have actually put in place strong massive scale vaccination campaigns and plans, and we should start considering releasing the red tape around these vaccines sooner than we did in the past, so i think -- i think it's important to have this deadline of returning to normal by july 4th, but it's more aspirational to me than a hard set promise. i think it's important to understand that there's a long road ahead to recovery which includes the 10% of covid-19 patients that are now struggling with lung covid. in order for us to understand how big of a challenge that will be, it's putting into perspective that 3 million people right now are still struggling with their covid-19 infection from last year. that's going to be a challenge, not only for public health expenditures but also in-person return to the office. should that occur within this year? >> that's a great question. i've got an employment attorney later on is everybody is wondering do i have to be vaccinated to go back to the office, what our rights are as things return to normals whatever fwhormal will be later on this year. great conversation. thank you all very, very much. we have much more to come here. more breaking news this afternoon, including the growing chorus of powerful democrats calling on new york governor andrew cuomo to step down. the governor remains defiant saying he will not resign an claims that he never harassed anyone. you're watching cnn. i'm brooke baldwin. we'll be right back. some say this is my greatest challenge. governments in record debt; inflation rising, currencies falling. but i've seen centuries of this. with one companion that hedges the risks you choose and those that choose you. the physical seam of a digital world, traded with a touch. my strongest and closest asset. the gold standard, so to speak ;) people call my future uncertain. but there's one thing i am sure of... cell phone repair. did you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? just get a quote at really? i'll check that out. oh yeah. i think i might get a quote. not again! aah, come on rice. do your thing. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ we're back. you're watching cnn. i'm brooke baldwin. pressure is mounting on new york governor andrew cuomo today as multiple new york congressional lawmakers are calling for his resignation. among them congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez and house judiciary chairman jerry nadler. the governor though not backing down. >> people know the difference between playing politics, bowing to cancel culture and the truth. let the review proceed. i'm not going to resign. i was not elected by the politicians. i was elected by the people. i never harassed anyone. i never assaulted anyone. i never abused anyone. to the extent you get these people who say well, he took a picture with me and i was uncomfortable. i've apologized for that. i've not had a sexual relationship that was inappropriate, period. >> this comes less than 24 hours after it was revealed the state is launching an impeachment investigation into the democrat tied to multiple allegations of sexual misconduct against him. cnn's shimon prokupecz is following this story for us. shimon, when you see these names coming out, prominent members of the governor's own party in his own state telling him it's time to resign. >> right. those congressional members, 14 of them, have been putting out statements saying he should resign. you mentioned ocasio cortez and also jerry nadler, a senior member of congress, the head of the judiciary committee in the house, certainly to see his name was very significant, someone who has been part of new york politics for many, many years, calling on the governor to resign, and this all comes as many of the lawmakers here in albany also calling for the governor to resign. you have now, you know, this impeachment investigation that the assembly is going to undertake, and then also a majority of the senate here, the state senate also calling on the governor to resign. today was the first time we heard from the governor since a lot of the lawmakers called for him to resign. he's vowing as you play that sound that he's going to keep fighting, that he'll stay in office. he was speaking directly to, noers today saying that they know him. they know what he's about, and that what he wants is for this investigation, these reviews now, the two reviews, the attorney general and now by the assembly. for that to move forward and for people not to make any judgments and then he also said, brooke, this is about politics, attacking some of the members of his own party. >> shimon, thank you so much. shimon prokupecz there. i want to continue the conversation with one of the new york state senators calling on the governor to resign. senator, thank you so much for joining me. >> of course, brooke. thank you for having me. >> there is no indication that governor cuomo is going anywhere. do you think the governor is in denial? >> the governor is in complete denial and is attempting to gaslight not just the credible women who have come forward bravely with their stories but all of new york and all of america that's watching at this point. >> i want to push back on you just a bit. i want to play another part of the governor's conference call. listen to this. >> the people of new york should not have confidence in a politician who takes a position without knowing any facts or substance. that, my friends, is politics at its worst. >> senator, why not let the investigation conclude before casting your judgment on the governor? >> i want to push back on the claim that people are making decisions without facts or evidence. we have the facts of nearly a decade of cuomo's power in new york which involved underfunding and undercutting social services. when we go to the nursing homes, this is before even the issue that happened last year. this is an entire decade of underfunning them to a point where they had skeletal staff and lacked ppe. on top of that the governor rewrote the rules to direct them to accept covid-19 positive patients. when additional people died because of his decisions, he lied about how many people were dying to protect himself and that's coming out now. now he's bullying legislators to keep quiet, and this is one after the other woman coming forward with credible stories. at this point we have to wonder how many women is it necessary to come forward in order to move forward with impeachment proceedings? >> listen, i hear you. again, i have to remind everyone watching. these are allegations and, again, we need to wait for this investigation or at least we know that an investigation is taking place, an independent investigation, but you bring up a lot of issues, you know, that concern new yorkers, senator, and i know a lot of democrats are suggesting that governor cuomo is unable to lead at this moment. what does this mean for new yorkers who are still very much in a pandemic? >> it means we have a very capable lieutenant governor that can step in after seeing this through. we have a very capable attorney general who is conducting her own investigation, and i would also just add that an impeachment involves investigation and trial as well. impeachment is not a conviction or a jump to conclusions. it is a holing trial of the governor so -- to be looked the by the senate. >> right. it's two steps. impeachment and as we've learned on the national level and then the trial and whether or not he would be convicted and removed. is there anything that governor cuomo could do right now, could say that, would change minds, acknowledge, apologize, nick? if it's not about changing minds. we have to -- we have to mick night that the governor is morally unfit to represent the state. when you have someone who has a decade-long record of hurting working class new yorkers through austerity measures and is now willing to sweep things under the rug, this is showing he's morally unfit and it's my duty as a state senator to say that he is not capable of investigate ethics and morality to serve of in his position as governor. it's my duty to hold him accountable. >> thank you, sir, very much. >> thank you. breaking news into cnn. the family of george floyd and their attorney are reacting with the settlement made with the city of minneapolis. a live reaction next and as the democrats are taking their victory lap for passing that massive piece of covid legislation, the next one may not be as easy to get through. we'll explain. with oscar mayeh it's not just a sandwich, far from it. it's a reason to come together. it's a taste of something good. a taste we all could use right now. so let's make the most of it. and make every sandwich count. with oscar mayer deli fresh when i had acne, i made up a lot of excuses. i actually am... writing a novel. y'know, i'm trying to be less popular these days. now? 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thankful for what this case ended up being on the civil side of things knowing, that of course, no sum of money could bring back george floyd, but this in many ways shows that there is some form of accountable, at least what we've seen on the civil side of this. this is separate from the center field side of it. the attorney ben crump for the floyd family said that this was the largest of its kind, especially in a pre-trial fashion, and for it to be for the life of a black manp shows black lives do matter, and here's more of what he's having to say right now. >> it says to america that we can do more than just point fingers, accuse one another and engage in more division. we can actually come together and make things weather. we can reach an agreement about form justice might take, not wait for it to be determined by an historical discriminatory criminal justice system. >> reporter: now, what we do know is that this is largest settlement in minneapolis city history but also the second in less than five years involving a police officer to at least hit $20 million. it's a wake-up call. at least some sort of reform needs to happen this. game at the same time that the main police city downs was pushing forward to a publish the police department here in favor of a mar encompassing public safety dwpt and a lot of movement there. as i mentioned this is separate from the criminal procedures and a seventh juror as well was just selected in the driley of officer derek chauvin. >> omar in minneapolis, owe marks thank you. senate democrats plan to move forward with a floor vote on a new gun safety bill. it would need 60 votes to pass and that is an uphill climb for any legislation and maybe more so on an issue like gun rights. jessica, what do you know about the chances of this bill passing? >> reporter: it's an uphill climb for them. the bill's co-sponsors are obvious mystic that that could happen is fence they last made a cue of this in the aftermath of the sandyhook youth being, he toys the land skoip chas changed. a there's a push for republican senators to join them on the bill and even senate majority leader chuck schumer says they may not have the votes but a key part is getting some of the republicans on the record as voting against this bill. now this, would exand background checks to capture commercial sales and so could expect to see this on the floor is will have pass? one of the bill's co-sponsors saying a number of republicans in recent years have come to him and pressed their willingness to vote for something hike show when is where the rubber meets the road and we'll see if they are ecomomically willing to put for this. this was senator schumer and senator toomey and he he goes the isn't that there is -- he wasn't clear that the president would look like. he wasn't any -- >> while donald trump was president he was largely protected from the kind of investigation currently take shape in new york. state prosecutors are diving deep into the former president's finances, and as it turns out his time in washington may end up widening their case. let's bring in cnn reporter kara skinnel. tell me how the former president's tenure in the white house may actually increase his exposure here. >> reporter: so, brooke, this has to do with the statute of limitations which is the time a prosecutor has to investigate or bring a case from when it go. in new york most fell in addition, the statute of limitations is five years so sources tell me that prosecutors in the manhattan district attorney's office have been discussing using a provision in the new york criminal procedure law. that provision says that if a defendant has been out of state continuously that prosecutors don't have to count those days when they calculate the statute of limb sexual relations, so for the former president donald trump he's a lifelong new yorker, but since january of 2017 he's been in washington or spending time in new jersey or down in florida where he's now permanently relocated, so that could give prosecutors a lot of extra time on the clock if they are able to add those days in. they have been successful when they prosecuted the former movie mogul with sexual assault charges and they were able to charge him with events beyond the statute of limitations pause they showed travel records that showed weinstein was out of new york for a substantial period of time during that period, another tool in the prosecutor's toolbox and something they are discussing. >> cy vance, the maptan d.a., we know he's not seeking re-election later this year, how might that change and affect this widening investigation? >> so, sources familiar with the investigation tell me that, you know, cy vance has known for a while he's not going to run for re-election and he is likely to make a charging decision in this case either way, whether it's to indict or to possibly close the investigation, hoping to do this by the end of his thermo. they have been doing this investigation since 2018 and it's picked up in speed in the last several months and at the end of last month they obtain the president's former tax returns, millions of documents to go through and brought in a fo former expert. career prosecutors are working on this case and will continue to be there after skinnel's work is done. >> -- after the southwark done. >> kara skinnel, thank you. >> see how lincoln used the power of his words to uplift a nation in sorrow. we're calling it "lincoln, divide we stand." it continues this sunday night at sock eastern and pacific right here on cnn. when we come back, it is the light at the end of the coronavirus tunnel. boy oh, boy, does that feel good to read as president biden calls for all adults to get vaccine access by may 1st, but, first, folks, i'm talking to myself, we're not out of woods yet. there are fears of a fourth surge. more on that ahead. university of phoenix is awarding up to one million dollars in new scholarships through this month, because hope fuels opportunity. see what scholarship you qualify for at woman: i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are getting clearer ♪ ♪ yeah i feel free ♪ ♪ to bare my skin, ♪ ♪ yeah, that's all me ♪ ♪ nothing and me ♪ ♪ go hand in hand ♪ ♪ nothing on my skin, that's my new plan ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ woman: keep your skin clearer with skyrizi. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. of those, nearly 9 out of 10 sustained it through 1 year. and skyrizi is 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. ♪ i see nothing in a different way ♪ ♪ and it's my moment so i just gotta say ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches, or coughs or if you plan to, or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ woman: now is the time to ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. the white house says it plans to do all it can to help americans find available vaccines. today it announced plans to establish a call center and a website where people can get critical information they need, but those variants remain a big concern, especially as more people begin to travel. vaccine experts fear a possible fourth case surge as more states do away with all these mask mandates. cnn anchor and national correspondent erica hill has more on this vaccination push. >> reporter: her first hug in a year. it was blissful. it was wonderful, and it was something i'm going to remember for the rest my life. >> across the country families reunited. >> i missed you. >> reporter: offering hope for what lies ahead. to get there the white house promising more shots in arms and easier access to covid-19 vaccines. >> up until 700 new community health centers coming online, a doubling of pharmacy locations and a surge in vaccinators. we're ensuring that equity remains at the center of our response >> reporter: as experts stress it's not just about the vaccine. >> we've always needed vaccines in the context of tried and true basic public health tackling and helping. >> reporter: more of the public health measures are being phased oubd. as of 5:00 p.m. maryland businesses can operate at full compassity, masks still required but quarantines for out-of-state travelers are not. new york state will eliminate them for domestic travel starting april 1st. >> i don't know if that's the state's idea of an april fool's joke but it's absolutely the wrong thing to do. >> reporter: nearly 1.3 million people passing through tsa checkpoints on thursday, the third busiest day since the start of the pandemic. >> every single time we have escalations in travel, right after that we have a surge. >> reporter: travel itself is not the problem. it's for about what happens when people get to their destination. >> the seven-day average of enough cases is at its lowest level since mid-october, down 47% in just of the last month. average reported deaths down 48% in the last month, gains no one wants to lose. >> i think may and june are going to be really good months and july will be terrific, but we do have to get through the next six weeks. >> reporter: a well-known model now predict u.s. covid deaths could approach 600,000 by july 1st. that's an increase of more than 22,000 since its last estimate less this a week ago due to increased mobility and a drop in masking. >> we need every individual to do their part. we can provide the guidance, but if -- if people are not doing their part to keep the infection rates down and to get themselves vaccinated, we are -- you know, this is in our control. >> brooke, the cdc releasing updated guidance today for child care providers and more and more people are preparing to go back to work. this will, of course, be increasingly important. bottom line, masks for everyone 2 and older and they stress after staff and child care provide remembers vaccinated they should like the rest of us continue with those public health measures, continue masking, continue to have some sales to stress ventilation in child care centers and when possible keeping kids in pods, brooke. >> erica, thank you. still to come can, the president has set the deadline to return to normal, and for a lot of that that means a return to the office, but could a company actually force you to get the vaccine to come back to work? let's talk about that. i've got lots of questions for this labor attorney next. pars the physical seam of a digital world, traded with a touch. my strongest and closest asset. the gold standard, so to speak ;) people call my future uncertain. but there's one thing i am sure of... ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. thank you! hey, hey, no, no limu, no limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ that's why at america's beverage companies, our bottles are made to be re-made. not all plastic is the same. we're carefully designing our bottles to be one hundred percent recyclable, including the caps. they're collected and separated from other plastics, so they can be turned back into material that we use to make new bottles. that completes the circle, and reduces plastic waste. please help us get every bottle back. if you smell gas, you're too close. leave the structure, call 911, keep people away, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. if you see wires down, treat them all as if they're hot and energized. stay away from any downed wire, call 911, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, a return to pre-pandemic life as more and more americans get vaccinated, but there will likely be some new normals, particularly around the use of vaccines. so as people return to their offices, one huge question remains. can companies actually require employees to get a vaccine before returning? brett coburn is a labor and employment attorney and a partner at alston and byrd. brett, nice to have you on. i've got a bunch of questions for you, is so let me just start hitting you with this. a lot of questions are obviously discussing the back-to-work plans. can an employer make an employee physically return to the office, and what rights do people have to tell their bosses if they are not ready? so generally speaking, yes. employers can determine that being physically present in the office is a requirement of the job and say, yeah, you need to come back to work. the now, when they do that, they need to still be following cdc, osha, state and local health authority requirements and guidance to make shore up that the -- sure that they are following guidelines for that workplace. one exception is for employees who might have medical conditions impacted by covid. >> of course. >> those people might be entitled to an accommodation under the ada and that accommodation might be continuing to work remotely when everybody else is coming back in. >> how about when it comes to the vaccine? will employees have to disclose to employers that they got the vaccine? >> well, the eeoc has issued some guidance on that, and they have said that it is permissible for employers to ask an employee have you been vaccinated, so employers have been given the green light, at least at the federal level, to ask that question. i think it remains to be seen in different types of workplaces whether, in fact, employer will ask those questions. >> a huge portion of the country has been working from home for about a year. some people have, you know, taken that opportunity to leave town, maybe go somewhere more rural, maybe more affordable location. brett, what happens when offices reopen and then what rights do those people have to hold on to their same jobs and maybe even keep the same salary? >> going back to what i said originally, the employer generally has the ability and right to say you need to be here in the workplace. there srnl could be a number of people who moved out of town and would like to stay there who will have tough decisions to make. >> crystal ball, one year from now, what do you think the workplace looks like? >> well, you know, i talked with some companies that didn't renew their lease during the pandemic. this remote thing is working for us so we're going to keep doing it indefinitely. most companies, though, are going to go back. i think a year from now, probably most things look the same. i do think overall we're going to see more people with permanent or maybe, you know, a couple day a week remote working just because so many people have demonstrated that they can work from home productively, maybe even more productively. >> yep. >> we'll see still reliance on zoom and other online meeting platforms and maybe some decrease in work-related travel because we've all learned we can have meetings virtually and still get business done. i think a year from now, you know, we probably see the american workplace looking not dramatically different than it did prepandemic, but with some changes here and there. >> brett, thank you. >> thank you, brooke. appreciate it. >> you got it. today, new york official s unveiled a statue to honor one of its strongest daughters, late supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg will stand in brooklyn, the burrough of her birth. those details ahead. see what scholarship you qualify for at ♪ ♪ we know it's going to take many forms of energy to meet the world's needs while creating a cleaner future for all. at chevron, we're lowering the carbon emissions intensity of our operations, investing in lower-carbon technologies, and exploring renewable fuels of the future. we work hard to care 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(vo 2) to join us with a donation, go to with covid-19 forcing so many people into isolation for safety reasons, that feeling is an everyday reality for some of the 61 million americans living with disabilities. this week's cnn hero became paralyzed from the waist down and struggled for years to live a healthy, normal life. now, motivated by his own successful journey, he provides an adaptive training program to help people with disabilities to push beyond their limitations toward fuller lives. here is wesley hamilton. >> come on, easy. >> my main goal is to teach people how to take control of their life. take full accountability and embrace your reality. >> slowly. stop right here. when we go through our program it's only the againing. i want to be there through your whole journey, because i want to see you successful. >> there we go. one more. >> i've gained so much from my injury. and i want other people to have that same mind-set. you're learning that you're about to do more. i believe that once we help someone, now they have the ability to help someone else. this is something that has to have a ripple effect. we come together, empower each other, be an inspiration for one another. >> so good. so impressive to see wesley's full story and his work, go to please nominate someone you think should be the next cnn hero. >> new york officials unveiled a statue of the late supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg. it will be on public display in her native brock lynn. the borough will make march 15th, this coming monday, as ruth bader ginsburg day. part of called sta fighting to give others an equal platform. as we head into the weekend tune in to the latest episode of stanley tucci explores italy. from the art, the food, the culture, there is nowhere else quite like it. please tune in sunday night, 9:00 eastern and pacific. that's it for me. i'm brooke baldwin. thanks for being with me. let's go to washington. "the lead" with jake tapper starts right now. >> well tomorrow could "the lead." i'm jake tapper. last hour president joe biden celebrated the $1.9 trillion covid relief bill called the american rescue plan. that is now law, ensuring millions of suffering americans help has arrived, he said sxl think of the millions of people going to sleep at night staring at the ceiling thinking, my god, what am i going to do tomorrow? i lost my health care. i don't have a job. unemployment runs out. i'm behind in my mortgage. what are we going to

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Government , Organization , Data , Who , Home , Issues , Line , Signing , National Guard , Mass Vaccination Sites , Level , First , Nation , Planning , Impression , 100 , Lot , Number , Isolation , Deaths , Distancing , Things , Operations , Recovery , Plan , Place , Normalcy , Challenges , Pathway , Ones , Putting , Isn T A Straight Road , Everyone , Respects , Businesses , Safety Measure , Covid Crisis Well , Issue , Provisions , Concern , That S Right , Income Tax Credit , Unemployed , Example , Tnot , Big Policy Change , Lives , Cbo , Emergency , Role , 00 Billion , 2022 , 700 Billion , Kids , Millions , School , Head , Pocket , Roof , Livelihoods , Disconnecting , Point , Way , Work , Goal , Basis , Welfare State , Policy , Income , Size , Bills , Crisis , Little , Aspects , Five , Trillion , 6 Trillion , Win , Event , Single , Rose Garden , Plans , Choice , Reconciliation , Hold On , 600 Billion , Ten , Republicans , Order , Conversations , Thought , Fact , Support , In The End , Counteroffer , Price Tag , 1 9 Trillion , 9 Trillion , Compromise , Fraction , 800 Billion , Message , Warp Support , Polling , Quarters , Three , Democrats , Public , Does , Capitol Hill , States , Folks , Sides , Add , Aisle , Mayors , Life , State Government , Constituents , Problems , Revenue Gusher , Many , Stuff , Flight , Amount , Revenue Pictures , Door , Changes , Top , Pretext , Out Of The Woods , Advice , Death Toll , 1000 , Information , Vaccination , Mistake , Communities , Beginning , Scale , Campaigns , Lessons , Red Tape , Vaccines , July 4th , 4 , Road , Patients , Set , Promise , 19 , 10 , Challenge , Public Health , Infection , 3 Million , Office , Everybody , Question , Expenditures , Employment Attorney , Rights , Normals , Conversation , Breaking News , Fwhormal , Andrew Cuomo , New York , Anyone , Chorus , Brooke Baldwin , Governments , Record Debt , World , Companion , Asset , Touch , Seam , Gold Standard , Currencies , Inflation Rising , Thing , Car Insurance , Liberty Mutual , Cell Phone Repair , Quote , Oh Yeah , Liberty , Pay , Aah , Price , Lawmakers , Ocasio Cortez , Pressure , Resignation , Difference , Politics , Jerry Nadler , Culture , Truth , Alexandria , House Judiciary Chairman , Politicians , Review , Picture , Extent , Impeachment Investigation , Democrat , Relationship , 24 , Members , Allegations , Story , Party , Coming Out , Shimon Prokupecz , Sexual Misconduct , Statements , Them , 14 , Name , Judiciary Committee In The House , Congress , Assembly , Albany , Governor , Senate , Time , Majority , Sound , Investigation , Attorney General , Reviews , Fighting , Judgments , Noers , Two , Senator , Senators , Denial , Indication , Anywhere , Women , Stories , Bit , Facts , Position , Politician , Conference Call , Confidence , Friends , Judgment , Making Decisions , Claim , Worst , Power , Nursing Homes , Underfunding , Evidence , Services , Staff , Underfunning , Ppe , Rules , Woman , Decisions , Bullying Legislators , Quiet , Impeachment Proceedings , Lieutenant Governor , Impeachment , Trial , Conviction , Conclusions , Jump , Holing Trial , Steps , Minds , Nick , Anything , Apologize , Record , Duty , State Senator , Austerity Measures , Investigate Ethics , Morality , Drug , Working Class , Attorney , Family , Settlement , Thank You , Sir , George Floyd , Oscar Mayeh , Reaction , Victory Lap , Sandwich , Reason , Piece , City Of Minneapolis , Covid Legislation , Taste , Sandwich Count , Novel , Excuses , Acne , Most , Oscar Mayer , Skin , Y Know , 90 , Gas , Riders , Bike Clea , Wolves , Tank , The Great Highway , Friend , Chuckles , Black , Open Road , Jeremy , Pair , Matter , Backhand , Protection , Goggles , Progressive , Pnc Bank , 79 , 9 , Bank Account , Banking , Wallet , Budget , Lines , Rate , T Mobile , Bucks , 70 , 0 Bucks , 55 , 2 , Plus , Smartphone , Minneapolis City Council , Wrongful Death Suit , Black Man , Family Members , Hands Of Police Last May , Kind , City , Omar Jimenez , Omar In Minneapolis , 7 Million , 27 Million , Case , Death , Side , Officers , Lawsuit , Sum , Four , Form , Accountable , Ways , Center Field Side , Largest , Ben Crump , Fashion , Life Of A Black Manp , Another , Justice , Division , Fingers , Agreement , Criminal Justice , Know , System , Police Officer , Second , Reform , Sort , Wake Up Call , Minneapolis City History , 20 Million , 00 Million , Game , Favor , Movement , Police Department , Police City Downs , Mar Encompassing Public Safety Dwpt , Derek Chauvin , Procedures , Driley , Juror , Votes , Gun Safety Bill , Marks , Climb , Floor Vote , Gun Rights , 60 , Chances , Bill Passing , Uphill Climb , Jessica , Co Sponsors , Mystic , He Toys The Land Skoip Chas , Fence , Youth Being , Sandyhook , Push , Senator Schumer , Background , Voting , Exand , Sales , Floor , Rubber , Willingness , Isn T , Toomey , Wasn T , State Prosecutors , Donald Trump , Shape , Finances , Diving , Washington , Limitations , Statute , Kara Skinnel , Tenure , Exposure , Provision , Prosecutor , Prosecutors , Addition , Manhattan District Attorney , Sources , Criminal Procedure Law , Defendant , New Yorker , Relations , The , January Of 2017 , Clock , New Jersey , Florida , 2017 , Sexual Assault Charges , Events , Movie , Cy Vance , Records , Toolbox , Tool , Weinstein , Maptan D A , Re Election , Widening Investigation , Change , Charging Decision , Thermo , Speed , The End , 2018 , Tax Returns , Documents , Fo , Expert , Career Prosecutors , Skinnel , Sunday Night , Pacific , Sorrow , Words , Lincoln , Sock Eastern , Southwark , May 1st , Boy , Adults , Coronavirus Tunnel , 1 , Surge , Scholarships , Fears , Hope Fuels Opportunity , Woods , University Of Phoenix , One Million Dollars , One Million , Scholarship , Skyrizi , Plaque Psoriasis , Nothing , Hand In , 3 , Infections , Everything , It , Starter Doses , Risk , Ability , Chills , Tuberculosis , Treatment , Coughs , Sweats , Symptoms , Muscle Aches , Fevers , Dermatologist , Website , Call Center , Variants , Erica Hill , Vaccine Experts , Anchor , Vaccination Push , Mask Mandates , Rest , Hug , Offering Hope , Community Health Centers , Access , Pharmacy Locations , Arms , Shots , Doubling , 700 , Vaccinators , Response Reporter , Context , Equity , More , Health , Measures , Compassity , Travelers , Helping , Quarantines , Tackling , Oubd , Maryland , 00 , 5 , Checkpoints , Idea , Joke , Domestic Travel Starting April 1st , Tsa , 1 3 Million , April 1st , Average , Escalations In Travel , Problem , Start , Destination , Seven , Cases , Mid October , 48 , 47 , Model , Increase , Estimate , July 1st , Six , 22000 , 600000 , Guidance , Masking , Mobility , Individual , Infection Rates , Control , Child Care Providers , Cdc , Child Care , Will , Bottom Line , Return , Child Care Centers , Ventilation , Keeping , Pods , Questions , Company , Labor Attorney , Lots , Pars , Limu , Limu Emu , Bottles , Same , Beverage Companies , Plastic , One Hundred , Bottle , Plastics , Caps , Material , Waste , The Circle , Call 911 , 911 , Safe , Pg E , Wires , Wire , The Light At End Of Tunnel , Companies , Employees , Offices , Employment , Partner , Question Remains , Labor , Brett Coburn , Use , Byrd , Alston , Employer , Employee , Bosses , Bunch , Nice , Employers , Job , Requirement , Snow , Yes , Workplace , Exception , Guidelines , Health Authority Requirements , Shore , Osha , Accommodation , Ada , Conditions , Eeoc , Workplaces , Whether , Types , Portion , Town , Location , Somewhere , Jobs , Salary , Brett , Srnl , Didn T , Crystal Ball , Release , Productively , Home Productively , Yep , Business , Meeting , Platforms , Meetings , Decrease , Zoom , Prepandemic , Statue , Ruth Bader Ginsburg , Brooklyn , Birth , Daughters , Details , Late Supreme Court Justice , Burrough , Eforms , Energy , Investing , Cleaner Future , Fuels , Carbon Emissions Intensity , Technologies , Chevron , Homes , Human , Priceline , Hotels , Deal , Trip , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Aaah , Ingredients , Neuriva , Vibrate , Gummies , Concentration , Learning , Memory , Brain Performance , Accuracy , Focus , 30 , Retailers , Vo , Subaru , Hunger , Feeding America , 50 Million , Meals , Car Company , Donation , Need , Love , Subaru Com , 100 Million , Disabilities , Reality , Feeling , Safety Reasons , 61 Million , Hero , Normal Life , Journey , Waist , Training Program , Accountability , Hamilton , Program , Againing , Mind Set , Injury , Each Other , Someone Else , Inspiration , Ripple Effect , Supreme Court Justice , Cnnheroes Com , Display , Borough , Brock Lynn , March 15th , 15 , Others , Sta Fighting , Art , Platform , Tune , Food , Nowhere , Episode , Stanley Tucci , Italy , Lead , Thanks , Jake Tapper , Let S Go To Washington , Law , Trillion Covid , Rescue Plan , Ceiling Thinking , Health Care , Unemployment , Mortgage ,

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