Out deals, including today market ral llies the s p climbs 7. 8 and nasdaq soared 1. 39 thats why i keep telling you that you got to stick with stocks that dont need stimulus. All day they show them on air is fantastic. The white house is negotiated with Speaker Pelosi though it will have to pass the senate and Mitch Mcconnell says maybe they have interested in some sort of stimulus you throw in the election next month and you got a chaotic occasion there is too much name calling i love to be proven wrong. Main street absolutely needs the money. The stock market does knot know what main street is doing and Speaker Pelosi and secretary mnuchin, they both know that today the president seems to know it, too until they symptoms catop calli, always skeptical while the tease keeping the bull up in the air today. I dont think if we dont get something come on monday, i do expect a selloff. It comes up too far and too fast we are due to a pullback historically if something does not develop here authentic sthen i can see i going down i like xilinx, they got great chips and oil today needs more exposure they want to take things up to the next level i didnt think xilinx is for sale the price is already too high for amd. Dr. Lisa hsu knows what shes doing. If xilinx wants to play hardball, i think she will walk away we give a much more, whats larger total adjustable market. It makes sense if they can get xilinx for the right price and it may be out of reach i got total faith. After discussing with her where the stock was at 5. I came to you and said buy it. She knows what shes doing and shes an engineer. She knows what to do with the greatest chips if she decides to acquire xilinx and amd sells off. I am going to come here and pound the table that you need to buy the stock of amd how about tuesday . Tuesday could be the house of pain we got jurp morgan and citi. I do fear the worse. The banks rates are so low. They cant make any money deposits they face scrutiny from the government and on the dividends and buy backs and fortunately for johnsonjohnson. I wish the stock had jump up 150. That means the bars had been raised wednesday well get more facts thank you america for putting up such great numbers it is more of buffetts favorite the same cant be said of wells fargo though the Charlie Sharpe should think twice of staying silent because there are a lot of questions that needs to be answered. Questions of turnaround hes trying to orchestrate. Hes an articulate man, he should come on and talk. Well also hear from goldman sachs. They have good number. There is a lot of mma activities those are whats needed for a good quarter it may not be a good time for banks. Although it has not met much in the group. The business is good, stocks is cheap. Every time i recommended for you, lets say it works. We got united airlines, the polar opposite if we dont get a stimulus package then you will hear bad things with united talks it will be a bad call. United health is a different story. Regardless of what happens in washington i expect a surprise here you want an exciting Analyst Meeting . Watch out for a zoom video on wednesday. It is the zoom economy it is everything anything that shows in an extension of the reach beyond what we are getting now from the pandemic princess that justifies a higher price, going back to 500. I think there is more to it than that though. I think you will find out when the ceo shows the world what hes cooking up on wednesday, thursday, walgreens report. Walgreens is really great conundrum, they got nice stores and big pharmacy amazon keeps knocking this stuff out of them. Look no further than the stock of Morgan Stanley which is aggregating assets, thanks to the 7 billion Morgan Stanley is half of the risk business entirely they move into a sticky, much better in this environment i cant figure out why this stock changed . Morgan stanleys problem is stuck with all these changes and etfs if we didnt owe goldman sachs, trust can follow along i want a piece of Morgan Stanley here this company is becoming less of a proekbroker senior james corman, i dont know if you got him yesterday. Hes done a phenomenal job friday the price keeps slumping. It could bounce but what a mess. Oil Service Companies make consistent amount of money maybe chevron and exxon are going to merge i dont put the light that it is great. I am looking at vp court what do i like i like american eagle, lululemon and gap and levis, theyre all good to go and none support are interested in the Higher Quality stocks that dont need any stimulus like the one that features all day today. Those are where you want to go if next week turns out to be the house of pain that would certainly be what you will get you will hear from them. Lets go to pennsylvania. How are you . Hey, jim, how are you i am good, how about you. It is the Home Improvement cannabis, i like this stock and i like this company that i invested it. Six months ago and it seems to me the democrats gone out, i feel like this company can grow. Whats your opinion on it . You are absolutely right. I watched the debate and it is clear that a biden election is going to get rid of the cla class right now it is a felony to have pot. Federal felony even though states are for it. Now there are other people says including hindinburgh of problems of management i encourage you to go back and read the interview and article and the piece i did about it then you will understand that i agree with you, nir. Lets go to mike in california jim, thank you for taking my call of course i need a financial, i have been looking at paypal, i am nervous about it it had an incredible run this year and i am worried it is too expensive right now. It is too expensive if we get the pull back, a lot of smart people looking at, you may be down 30 or 40 on papal. It is great longterm story. I think it can go higher there is a lot of stuff thats going on now that should not be going up this is a very good company. This and square are two of what i have been behind for a long time lets go to hans in maryland a big booyah to you mr. Camer. Tell the truth, whats up well, with the second wave likely possibly happening and recent distance of this company, i have a positioning of clorox, i love to hear your thoughts on whether i should double down we had such a used game and we took it a little higher from here i dont mind it but i dont think this is the level that i really want you to buy it at there are others that i think are better right now dont forget everyone is talking about a vaccine and no one is talking about this stuff anymore. The clean surfaces are still very important too many moving parts for me it starts with this. Stop betting on stimulus not with all of this me, me, name calling it does matter i want you to stick with stocks. Mad money toinight, octane is the key to this market why dont we sit down with the ceo and find out a new test that promises to deliver a diagnose in 23 minutes. Highly accurate and in the palm of your hand i am going to talk to the ceo. Stay with cramer. Dont mississip a second at money, follow jimcramer. Have a question, tweet cramer and send jim an email or give us a call at 1800743cnbc missomethi miss something head to madmoneycnbc. Com before we talk about taxsmart investing, whats new . Audreys expecting. Twins wed be closer to the twins. Change in plans. At fidelity, a change in plans is always part of the plan. As business moves forward, were all changing the way things get done. Like how we redefine collaboration. How we come up with new ways to serve our customers. And deliver our products. But no matter how things change, one thing never will. You can rely on the people and the network of at t. To help keep your business connected. The hottest group, still, this Cyber Security place, they wont quit i want you to look at octa makiing it essential when millions are working from home they dont know who you are, you dont know who you are it keeps on Getting Better and better to give you a glimpse into the future and give a stock another leg higher lets go straight to Todd Mckinnon to get a clear picture of where this is headed. Welcome to mad money. Todd, when i read about, i went through the presentations, you are no longer identification this seems like you taken a step further into the real ecosystem. Can you talk about that . It is an interesting thing with okta, we started off with work force identity, logging employees in to their app at work so with that, thats how it allows our customers customers build a log into their website Major League Baseball, all the fans log into the Major League Baseball through okta, that means the developer dont have to worry about building a functionali functionality, something that we are really good at they can instead focus on this great app. When did you get involved about this it has been about six years now. The same under Line Technology and platform but it is customized and tailorized. It is up and down our technology and all kinds of new capabilities, helping our customers control access to the infrastructure that their application is running on. All the way to help them automate the work flow that inevitably happens when a customer register with the site or interacts with the site and help our customers personalize that thats what they need now. Everyone is trying to do their Business Online and we are helping them to do that. I love the mob. Com. I knew him since college i am such a big fan. It gets better and better every year it is an unbelievable good center okay, how about this one when i used to be the sport leagues have all gone under the same pressure every organization is. They have to get online. Theyre not just competing with other sport leagues, theyre competing with online terms, e sp sports or twitch, they have to get online thats why this technology is so important i used to go to vegas all the time and mgm mgm prided themselves on knowing who i was and being able to get me customer identification at mgm is working better. Theyre trying to not only their experience of resorts and games are topnotch but they want the best of the online world with the offline world they want to make sure as you said you can interact with mgm 365 days a year and when you go to their resorts, that knowledge about you, is a whole experience, they can provide you more value and the technology to do that is centric around identity they need to know who you are and and has to be accurate and secure and personalized and we can help them do that. Quite frankly, i will be honest, i will be insulted at places that i have been to too many times they dont know who i am this is the last time, how much money do i have to spend until they know who i am all your Online Transactions are raising the bar. Amazon knows who you are and your Fantasy League site knows who you are. We are all consumers on online services, we expect our interaction to be like that. This customer identity is 24 of our revenue right now. It is sizable and growing over 70 a year thats behind it every organization has to get personalized experiences and that starts with identity. You can tell when someone who does not have it it is not someone you want to do business with. We have benioff, i think work. Com is the way to make it so that we are not frighten. Honestly, there is a lot of fright and work. Comlesse lessene fright work. Com is amazing the application they built helps Companies Getting back to work we are all working online. When we get through this pandemic, it is about getting b interactions and combining it an line as well thats what work. Com is about. We help get that application to every employee in the company. So work. Com has to be worked by every employee it has to be every employee and we can connect to the h. R. System to make sure it is rolled out seamlessly and the right people have access and it is all secure and really easy to use. We are excited of the partnership and every organization can use it because everyone is dealing with the pandemic and more importantly how to get back to work after it is over. I wish every registration would use your Voter Register tra registration thats so important. People dont know. The employers should be helping. Are you going to license this out for your own people . I am glad brought it up because it is important to our country and our company. Did you know that 92 million eligible voters did not vote in 2016, it is crazy. T if you gotten all that votes for yourself, you could have been president. We are pushing out this site, vote. Gov so everyone can vote and volunteer. It is the best thing we can do for our country. It is a lot of trying times. I got my big ballot and i am scared to death, i dont know what to do you are doing fantastic work, todd everyone got to catch up i do a lot of fantasy football and you are absolutely right everybody got to catch up because boy it is an annoying one when it is not working i will go to the next guy because it is a bit of a commodity except when it comes to my relationship with, well, this is Todd Mckinnon, ceo of kk okta what a great job you have done, great to see you thanks for having me, jim good to be here. Fabulous, stay with cramer. With two new haunted houses, the screams are just getting started. Wear your favorite costumes and the fun never ends. Come get your halloween on, happening now at universal orlando resort. Keeping your oysters growing while keeping your business growing has you swamped. you need to hire i need indeed indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base so you can start hiring right away. Claim your seventyfivedollar credit when you post your first job at indeed. Com promo 20 associate cart pusher. Urly the different positions ive had taught me how to be there for others. I started out as a cashier. I mean, the skys the limit with walmart. Its all up to you. Hmms and ahhs heard incall. I have spent a lot of time shooting down red hot stocks like speculative stocks. They are too expensive and too risky. Part of my swrjob is warning you about stocks that can hurt you especially you dont want to hear about it right now when the market keeps ongoing up. I am a big believer. I am going to take a constructive attitude like i did thats time. I am going to give you a couple. I am talking about the rise of high region as an alternative energy source. For years, hopeful investors bet on Hydrogen Fuel cells the technology was never quite there. You get a wave of the fuel cell stocks and when smnothing happe, they go back down. For the money you have been burning, feels a lot like waiting for good, spoiler alert, p i am telling you it is time to take hydrogen seriously now. I expect for it to take major share in transportation and even replacement for natural gas all over america we are not there yet i think the technology is headed in the right direction i want you to be smart about betting on it. Nico is supposed to be Hydrogen Fuel play. It had a ton of red flag although i am glad this stock is able to bounce back. I dont want our viewers losing money. I dont want you to chase the next nik ext nik kola. We got to go back to chemistry class here in the simplest form, you take hydrogen and combine it with oxygen and you get a Chemical Reaction that produces energy and water. It does not get cleaner than that we can use hydrogen to power vehicles and store energy for solar. Storage is a big problem they only work with specific times or when the sun is up. Why dont we use Hydrogen Fuel cells for everything we are not there yet first off the only way to produce hydrogen requires fossil fuels. For every gram, you generate 9 kilogram of hydrogen there are other ways to get there. The holy grail is called Green Hydrogen remember that term Green Hydrogen is where you break water down into hydrogen and oxygen using electricity generated by renewal fuel. If you want to make it less bulky, what do you need to do . Cool it down to 123 degrees. You need a coat for that however, the surprise of solar panel plummets, we are getting closer to greenhouse hydrogen. You will hear more from this story the next five or ten years. The government is willing to spend a lot of money to make it happen how do you play it i am giving you two options. If you want to bet on hydrogen without sticking your neck out, the stock to buy is lined. They distributed and stored it and have fuel and theyre working on Green Hydrogen. In germany theyre doing buses remember we spoke to their ceo in mid august. He claims hydrogen could be linde next greatest thing. That would create a 20 billion annual market for hydrogen now nearly all of what linde produces right now is dirty hydrogen from fossil fuels if they use natural gas, you will get it cleaner, diesel. This is consistent business. Hydrogen would have to get very big before it could move the needle as linde is 126 million company. I am pretty confidence thats going to happen eventually what if you want a pure play though this one moved a lot it is one what i am going to give you my blessing if you have not bought it already, plug power. This is taking a flooi flyer. It is going up and down and after many false guards, they are on the right track plug power makes fuel Cell Technology and they can be charged faster than other models unfortunately plug power are red hot stock right now. A year ago it was 2. 66 and now it is 18. 04 cents plug power is the future these days plug power had 30,000 fuel employees i think theyll have 500 in a few years. More importantly theyll have more than 10 . The business feels a lot more. I am betting old grove plug power adopted by walmart, home depot and amazon. They can use anybody roughly five grand per year for fort lift. It recharges ten times faster. 2024 is not that far from now. I actually believe them. They got real business how about the future plug power is signed on for a pilot program. Theyre testing the fuel cell engine and the big one there are a d