Civilization 2 - Civilization 1 Graphics Mod (Demastered) I recently discovered John Valdez’s old mod and was massively impressed with the idea of making Civ2 look more like Civ1. I’d already been working on of a Test of Time graphics mod for Civilization 2 MGE (that nobody asked for lol) so I thought it would be fun to go the other way and ‘demake’ Civ2 to look even more like Civ1 than John had. All terrain, special resources, cities, terrain improvements, and units have been reimported from Civilization 1. More details coming soon! Graphics Demaster/Demake by Blake Mar 5 2021 News In this first dev diary I look at making Civ2 MGE's terrain look just like a 2.5D isometric version of good old Civilization 1's graphics for the Civilization 2 - Civilization 1 Graphics Mod (Demastered) project!