City of Williams Lake launching public inquiry on prolific offenders SHARE ON: The City of Williams Lake will be launching a public inquiry into the sentencing of prolific offenders. The City of Williams Lake has been calling for stronger sentencing for prolific offenders released into the community, but the City says the judiciary has failed to take into consideration community safety on releasing public defenders. Inspector Jeff Pelley of the Williams Lake RCMP has provided the City of Williams Lake with profiles of 3 of 14 prolific offenders in Williams Lake to demonstrate the types and frequency of criminal offenses. As of 2019, Offender A has been charged with 22 offenses as an adult, and has been convicted of 10 of the listed offenses, and received a stay of proceedings in the remaining 12. Offender A accumulated 87 files as a youth, and 189 files to 2019 as an adult (115 of which were events where the offender was designated a negative role code). Of the 115 events, 14% were property-related, 22% were breach-related, 26% were persons offences or related to weapons/public safety, and 30% were other. On average, as a youth the offender came into contact with law enforcement every 27 days between 2007 and 2018, and as an adult every 11 days from 2013 to 2019.