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Cinema Film round-up: November 26, 2021 :
Cinema Film round-up: November 26, 2021 :
Cinema Film round-up: November 26, 2021
The Star's critics Van Conner and Maria Duarte review The First Wave, Encanto, Lapwing, Rebel Dykes and Dying to Divorce
Related Keywords
London ,
City Of ,
United Kingdom ,
New York ,
United States ,
Lincolnshire ,
Egypt ,
Colombia ,
Wuhan ,
Hubei ,
China ,
Turkey ,
Colombian ,
Egyptians ,
Turkish ,
British ,
Lin Manuel Miranda ,
Laura Turner ,
Pixar Coco Encanto ,
Tayyip Erdogan ,
Jennifer Kent ,
Ipek Bozkurt ,
Byron Howard ,
Charise Castro Smith ,
Evan Connor ,
Maria Duarte ,
Hannah Douglas ,
Chloe Fairweather ,
Ahmed Ellis ,
Matthew Heineman ,
Emmett Scanlan ,
Maribel Stephanie Beatriz ,
Nathalie Douge ,
Jared Bush ,
Philip Stevens ,
Disney ,
First Wave ,
Brussels Jabon ,
Stick ,
Coco Encanto ,
Stephanie Beatriz ,
Egyptians Act ,
Harri Shanahan ,
Rebel Dykes ,
Rebel Dyke ,
Will Stop Femicide ,
Recep Tayyip ,
The First Wave ,
Encanto ,
Hapwing ,
Dying To Divorce ,
Film ,