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Castellani exhibit focuses on 'Daredevils of Niagara Falls'
Castellani exhibit focuses on 'Daredevils of Niagara Falls'
Castellani exhibit focuses on 'Daredevils of Niagara Falls'
The Castellani Art Museum's newest exhibit "Daredevils of Niagara Falls: The Spectacle of Triumph and Tragedy" opens on Wednesday.
Related Keywords
Niagara Falls ,
New York ,
United States ,
Castellani Art Museum ,
Niagara River ,
Lockport ,
Martha Wagenfuhrer ,
Polly King ,
Annie Edson ,
Maria Spelterini ,
William Leonard Hunt ,
Annie Edison ,
Jacob Sherman ,
Niagara Falls Museum ,
Niagara Fall ,
Great Blondin ,
Great Farini ,
Niagara River Rapids ,
Daredevil Hall ,
Fame Collection ,