Canada must aim at stamping out COVID-19 spread: An open letter from doctors and scientists Adopting a strategy of maximum infection suppression early in this epidemic—such as was seen in Australia, Taiwan and the Atlantic bubble—might have saved 21,000 Canadian lives April 30, 2021 A 60-year-old COVID-19 patient fights for his life, desperately gasping for air as health-care staff provide life saving medical care in an emergency situation in the intensive care unit at the Humber River Hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic in Toronto on Tuesday, April 13, 2021. The patient was intubated and put on a ventilator successfully. (Nathan Denette/CP) The authors of this commentary/opinion article are physicians and scientists with backgrounds in infectious diseases, critical care medicine and other health disciplines (details at bottom). Among them are internationally recognized university professors, clinician-researchers, former and current medical school department/sectional chairs, ex-senior government officials and public health experts including modellers.