By Dayo Sobowale It is common nowadays to say that technology has made the world a global village. But it is becoming apparent that this ongoing killing pandemic has made our world more of a global village. This is because we know on a daily basis how many people die in nations which have been the destinations of our rich and mighty for health care as well as pleasure because the facilities for our well being generally are tragically lacking at home. The welfare state was the highest stage of human care and development after the Second World War when ideologies of the left moved a bit to the center and those of the right moved closer to the left. That was pragmatic politics that started in Western Europe and was transported somewhat, and some how by Colonialism to the colonies of the Colonial powers and nations like our Nigeria are beneficiaries of such fusion of socialist and capitalist values. How well we have managed them for the welfare of our people is another matter for another time. Today we look at the welfare state in this era of a pandemic that has killed more people in the prosperous, well known welfare states of the world We compare their battles to survive the pandemic which threatens their prosperity, and which has been projected to kill more people in the less developed world like ours. Instead the pandemic, mercifully, and unbelievably has spared our lives more than that of our former colonial masters.