Maybe you want to launch a global business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, this customizable program will help you learn the basics of starting your own business and connect you with a network of successful owners and mentors.” These are the enticing words on the signup page of Asheboro’s soon-to-be-launched black business accelerator. The effort will be a collaboration between VentureAsheboro, Rotary International, and Small Business Center. “The idea stemmed from a conversation in our Midstate Rotary Group. I belong to a rotary group that, during the midst of the Black Lives Matter movement, we wanted to do something meaningful and people had a variety of ideas,” VentureAsheboro Founder and Rotary International member Jonathan Thill explains, “What we ended up landing on was trying to address the generational wealth gap through business ownership.”