Berkeley finally embracing housing in a bid to rebuild a historically Black neighborhood FacebookTwitterEmail Althea Rankins, 71, leaves after shopping at a Walgreens store that could undergo redevelopment as part of the city's rezoning plan on Adeline Street in Berkeley, Calif., on Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2020.Sarahbeth Maney / Special to The Chronicle The Berkeley City Council was about to vote on rezoning the Adeline Street corridor this month when the members did something unheard of in the city’s famously anti-development politics: They moved to add an extra floor of height to what builders could construct. Instead of six floors on the southern end of Shattuck Avenue, developers willing to make 50% of units affordable could build seven stories. And instead of five stories along Adeline Street, they could put up six-story residential buildings if they met the same affordable threshold.