Belize ambassador tells how a young vendor became a diplomat 05/08/2021 02:20 PM Belize Ambassador to Taiwan Candice Pitts. CNA photo May 6, 2021 Taipei, May 8 (CNA) Candice Pitts, once a little girl who helped her mother sell johnny cakes on the street, and now Belize's ambassador to Taiwan, recently told CNA that working hard and being prepared to seize opportunities transformed her life. Growing up in the underdeveloped community of Port Loyola, Pitts dreamed of becoming a lawyer, like many Belizean do, but ended up an educator, a city councilor, and now, a diplomat. "Fortunately, I am one of those people who have been exposed to opportunities and so I have been able to transcend the life (I had) in Port Loyola," she told CNA during a recent interview at her office.