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BDF killings of Namibians: Court unable to rule on missing g
BDF killings of Namibians: Court unable to rule on missing g
BDF killings of Namibians: Court unable to rule on missing gun
The Kasane Regional Magistrate Court refused this week to rule on whether three Namibians and their Zambian cousin shot dead by members of the Botswana Defence Force (BDF) were in possession of a rifle or not prior to their deaths.
Related Keywords
Chobe River ,
Namibia General ,
Namibia ,
Botswana ,
Kasane ,
North West ,
Zambia ,
Namibians ,
Zambian ,
Moreri Kenneth Mphela ,
Ernest Nchindo ,
Kaone Panzirah Mabaka ,
Emmanuel Moganetsi Majuta ,
Oromilwe Motlhabi ,
Taboka Mopipi ,
Bithoma Thotho Amis ,
Sivula Munyeme ,
Tommy Nchindo ,
Sergeant Ndingisano Nfazo ,
Barulaganyi Rannosang ,
Martin Munilweye Nchindo ,
Sergeant Puisano Pistor Kgokong ,
Tommy Sinvula Nchindo ,
Mbikiso Tafila ,
Martin Nchindo ,
Kasane Regional Magistrate Court ,
Botswana Defence ,
Botswana Defence Force ,
Regional Magistrate Taboka Mopipi ,
Southern Channel ,
Kasikili Island ,
Forensic Pathologist ,
Lieutenant Moreri Kenneth Mphela ,
Private Mbikiso Tafila ,
Private Emmanuel Moganetsi Majuta ,
Private Barulaganyi Rannosang ,
Private Oromilwe Motlhabi ,
Standard Operation Procedures ,