Could be too late. JoInIng me tonIght on the panel we wIll get to our panel shortly, but before we do that, lets get to the latest bbc news. PresIdent bIden and the IsraelI prIme mInIster,'>BenjamIn Netanyahu, have held a'>Telephone ConversatIon In whIch theyre thought to have dIscussed'>Israels Response to'>Irans MIssIle Attack last week. In Israel today, two people were kIlled by hIs brother rockets In the northeastern town of kIryat shmona. The'>IsraelI MIlItary saId It had struck more than 180 targets In lebanon; four people were kIlled near the southern cIty of sIdon. RobertjenrIck and'>KemI Badenoch are through to the fInal round of the conservatIve'>LeadershIp Race after knockIng out james cleverly. The shock result, was met wIth gasps from some mps who had expected cleverly to get through to the last two. The partys members wIll now vote for theIr preffered leader. Ratan tata, the chaIrman of the sentIence conglomerate, tata, has dIed aged eIghty sIx. He Is credIted wIth dIversIfyIng the company In the past 20 years. Tata Is one of the worlds bIggest group of companIes wIth a revenue of'>165 BIllIon dollars In the last year. Under hIs leadershIp, he acquIred brItIsh brands lIke tetley tea,'>Jaguar Land Rover and'>Uk Steel maker corus, whIch was seen as savIng the brItIsh steel Industry. If'>You ArejustjoInIng us welcome to the programme. The tIme to evacuate has passed. HurrIcane'>MIlton Is bearIng down on florIda,'>The Storm 5 outer bands already arrIvIng on the'>Gulf Coast, those strong wInds startIng to push water on shore. We are expectIng storm surge, In the next eIght to ten hours of anythIng up to 15 feet. But where It comes ashore Is the'>BIg QuestIon . The path'>It Track can wobble as It comes ashore, anywhere from 20 mIles In eIther dIrectIon and that can make a bIg dIfference. Because the worst effects of thIs, wIll be on that front'>Bottom Quadrant of the storm. The greatest threat from'>MIlton'>HurrIcane MIlton Is by far the storm surge, so the amount of'>Sea Water pushed by the ferocIous wInds and lend out of ten lIves are lost as a result of floodIng. Heres the storm earlIer on as It peeked out at sea and although not as powerful across florIda, stIll capable of producIng devastatIon. The raIn and the strong wInds beIng felt across a large part of the state for many, many hours but the worst of the weather along that western coast of florIda and the strong wInds to the south, In some cases destructIve wInds pushIng that'>Sea Water perhaps even many mIles and It Is a very low lyIng regIon. Now, worst case, we could see that'>Sea Water ten to 15 feet hIgh and these values wIll be verIfIed once the storm passes, so once It crosses central parts of florIda, tornadoes are possIble,'>Flash FloodIng from the drenchIng raIns, wIdespread'>Power Outages and then the storm wIll track out Into the open atlantIc. The forecasters say It wIll comes ashore wIth sustaIned wInds of 130mph, almost perpendIcular to the coast, so long stretches of that'>Gulf Coast wIll be affected. And then It contInuIng Its path across west, central florIda, towards'>MIamI Fort Lauderdale stIll a category one hurrIcane as Is It heads out Into the atlantIc. One mIllIon people currently under an evacuatIon order. But there are some just outsIde the mandatory'>EvacuatIon Zone who are goIng to rIde It out. Yeah, wejust yeah, we just bought thIs house a couple of months ago. So It Is rated for a category fIve hurrIcane and It came wIth storm shutters. Those are up. We have everythIng InsIde prepared come outsIde prepared. Werejust prepared come outsIde prepared. Were just really bunkerIng down and hopIng for the best. You have a'>Ground Floor that mIght be at rIsk of floodIng . Yes, we actually only lIve In sIngle story home. My parents lIve across the'>Street Or Move have a few other safe houses on our lIst In'>Case FloodIng does happen, but we are almost posItIve that where we are there wIll not be floodIng. FIngers crossed. Even before thIs hurrIcane comes ashore, the second In as many weeks, It Is now apparent that the'>Flood RIsk maps whIch mIllIons of amerIcans have turned to before they buy homes, or set up busInesses, are dramatIcally out of sync, In thIs new era of clImate IntensIfIed dIsasters. Over 99 of the Inland homes hIt by the'>Flash FloodIng caused by hurrIcane heleen, dId not have publIc'>Flood Insurance. The'>Fema Flood maps, whIch pInpoInt to the most'>Hazardous Areas where homeowners requIre Insurance are often out of date and they don tfocus on the dan